
ndefontenayplymouth working better guys?00:28
ndefontenayI just installed the new updates on 10.04.00:28
ndefontenayI get some extra terminal line before I get the GUI00:28
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=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
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itlinuxPlease tell me how to install Ubuntu on Branded Product like mine Wearnes premiere-6845l. I just got stuck even when trying Live CD08:13
itlinuxBut no problem with XP08:13
itlinuxthank you08:13
=== hobgoblin is now known as hobgoblin|afk
=== yvan is now known as yvan300
=== hobgoblin|afk is now known as hobgoblin
=== steelsteve is now known as Steel_Baccano
=== celthunder is now known as Guest95389

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