
cjwatsonsnow_ru: problems with 64-bit environments are not unheard of, but are rare in Ubuntu in general these days, and rarer still in main00:17
snow_rucjwatson, yes, as soon as programmers are aware of the 32 and 6400:20
xorlsnow_ru: they are for the most part, people just get lazy.00:20
xorlsnow_ru: The "new" still scares them even though it's not new tech by any means.00:20
xorlI've been running 64bit since before most supported it.00:21
cjwatsonsnow_ru: all one has to do is abide by standards - you generally don't need to special-case them, and usually these days compiler warnings pick up the most common bugs00:21
xorlsnow_ru: yeah, people fear change.00:21
xorlsnow_ru: mostly large corporations.00:21
snow_ruxorl, many guys still assume they will run on 3200:22
cjwatsonanyway, amd64 (or x86-64, whatever you want to call it) has been a first-class supported architecture on Ubuntu since the project began, so "new" is not particularly relevant.00:22
xorlsnow_ru: exactly.00:22
snow_ruand do crazy tricks00:22
xorlI program myself and have to modify all kinds of code.00:22
xorlworking with apps that only support 32bit memory stacks is hell.00:22
snow_ruxorl, with the assumption of 32, they do very "clever" tricks and it's very hard to figure out00:23
xorlsnow_ru: Oh I find em most of the time.00:23
cjwatsonit doesn't seem like this conversation is directly about Ubuntu - please take general discussion of how programmers suck elsewhere. :-)00:23
xorlNot very hard to tell crappy math.00:23
xorlcjwatson: haha, sure deal :)00:24
snow_ruany statistics on the languages used in the main ?00:25
cjwatsonnot that I know of00:25
cjwatsonvast majority will almost certainly be one of C, C++, Perl, Python, with a smattering of various others00:28
* snow_ru wants to apply for ubuntu dev position 01:01
davidvastaanyone here01:30
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psusiwow... I found an old copy of dd I had modified to use aio and it does 242 MB/s reading my ssd compared to 230 from stock dd with same settings01:49
psusiiirc, the manufacturer specs only say it does 23001:50
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psusiohh dear.. make that 247 when I turn ncq back on01:52
superm1nixternal, the fact that you have to ask implies a bug that they aren't voiced correctly to you as the user in jockey02:41
nixternalwell it says sta is preferred02:42
nixternalthe non-free one02:42
nixternalit doesn't support scanning which sucks02:42
superm1sure it supports scanning02:48
superm1iwlist scan?02:48
ccheneywhat is the syntax to do in place sed replacement?04:04
ccheneydoh i just need to read better04:04
ccheney-i does it04:04
slangasekRiddell, stgraber: any progress on the branding question?06:24
pittiGood morning06:36
pittikees: python> mind to comment on bug 542372 then?06:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542372 in python3.1 "MIR for basic python3 stack" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54237206:37
dholbachgood morning07:18
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maxbIf I had a bug assigned to me + "In Progress" whilst working on it, am I supposed to unassign myself and put it to another status when I request sponsorship?07:20
slangasekmaxb: the sponsorship queue isn't based on bug status, so I don't think you need to07:40
Jeeves_Hi all07:45
Jeeves_If I have a general complaint about Canonical software/packages, where should I drop the complaint?07:46
RAOFJeeves_: Bug reports go on Launchpad of course; other comments may find a more appropriate venue, depending on what the actual package is.07:55
Jeeves_RAOF: Well, it's more a observation about Canonical packages. So I guess it would be more efficient to drop the complaint than to file bugs against all packages. Don't you agree?07:57
RAOFWhat packages are you talking actually about?07:57
Jeeves_pyhton-software-properties, for example07:59
Jeeves_Packages in the main archive, without manpages.07:59
ograJeeves_, thats definately a bug, file it08:00
Jeeves_ogra: I have08:00
mvoJeeves_: add-apt-repository lacks a man-page. that is correct and a bug. help is much appreciated in fixing it08:00
Jeeves_mvo: I would expect the developer (you?) to be able to write a manpage in about five seconds. Instead of releasing it without a manpage and sat 'go ahead, fix it. You've got the source'.08:02
Jeeves_I would expect Canonical to have a quality standard, which says 'We dont release software about which Lintian complains'08:02
mvoJeeves_: its a valid complain, but its not always that easy, there are a lot of things to do and a lot of bugs to fix.08:04
Jeeves_mvo: By creating new bugs, you don't make your work much easier, do you?08:05
mvoJeeves_: sorry, I have no interesst in continue a conversation like this. please note that I understand that its a valid complain and I don't like it either, but its not that simple. I don't think its unfair to call in this cases for help from the community (and I'm certain someone will step up and help wit hthat task)08:06
Jeeves_Ok, so back to my original question. Where can I drop complaints about this, other than at the developers which are to busy?08:08
* pitti suggests /dev/null08:10
pitticomplaints are just about the worst possible way to motivate people08:10
Jeeves_pitti: Ok, let me rephrase. Whom should I talk to, to motivate Canonical to uphold a quality standard that gives them credit and prevents complaints, and useless bugreports?08:11
pittiJeeves_: there are certainly much more pressing bugs which need attention first08:12
pittiso by putting more resources into things like writing manpages, we had to drop resources from fixing really nasty things08:12
* pitti points to bug 44585208:12
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/445852)08:13
pittiJeeves_: but in general, ubuntu-devel-discuss@ is not a bad place to start discussions about the project's direction and workflow08:13
ChipzzJeeves_: wow. that's some astouding arrogance there08:14
Chipzzmay I suggest you take it elsewhere?08:14
Jeeves_Chipzz: I don't recall being arrogant. Explain?08:14
Jeeves_pitti: That's a nasty bug indeed.08:15
pittiFor starters, you claim that workign on missing manpages should be the #1 priority, without apparently knowing what the project is working on08:15
pittiand overgeneralize this as if we wouldn't care about quality08:15
Chipzz"09:02 < Jeeves_> mvo: I would expect the developer (you?) to be able to write a manpage in about five seconds."08:15
pittithat, too08:16
ChipzzJeeves_: and no offence, but maybe it's more important to have something FUNCTIONAL than to have something perfect to the tiniest detail08:16
Chipzzand yes, I call supplying a manpage a MINOR detail08:17
Jeeves_Obviously, functionality is more important than documentation. What would you document if it doesn't work?08:18
ChipzzJeeves_: you obviously did not consider the fact that canonical has a limited amount of manpower, and a certain amount of goals to reach.08:18
Jeeves_pitti: I never stated manpages are a #1 priority. I did say that I expect a manpage for professionally written sofware.08:18
Jeeves_Chipzz: Ofcourse I did.08:19
Chipzzyou obviously did not08:19
Jeeves_Chipzz: Are there other things I did or did not do without knowing about it myself?08:19
ChipzzI suspect there are :P08:21
Chipzzobvious troll is obvious08:21
Jeeves_pitti: I also did not say that canonical doesn't care about quality. The existance of LTS releases proof the opposite, so why would I say that?08:21
Chipzzone for the /ignore list08:21
ChipzzJeeves_: lol. I think you did08:22
Jeeves_Chipzz: Where, how?08:22
Chipzzat least the tone of what you said and how you said it implied hat08:22
pittiJeeves_: "motivate Canonical to uphold a quality standard that gives them credit and prevents complaints, and useless bugreports"08:22
pittiwe do what we can, and we know Ubuntu isn't perfect. we wouldn't have 50.000 open bugs otherwise08:23
Jeeves_pitti: That's because you did not approve complaints because complaints are unmotivating.08:23
pittiso we have to prioritize :)08:23
Jeeves_pitti: I know it's not perfect, but it is one of the better Linux distributions. And I'm happy with it.08:23
pittithat's great to hear08:24
Jeeves_I'm just trying to make a point, that if you write a manpage in a few minutes, it save you a bugreport, it saves you replying to that bugreport etc etc etc08:24
Jeeves_And, it makes your users even happier08:24
pittiI agree08:25
ChipzzJeeves_: writing a manpage doesn't take 2 minutes08:25
Chipzzit takes a lot longer than that08:25
pittibut still, writing a good manpage is not a "5 s" job, it's more like 30 minutes..08:25
Tm_TJeeves_: I'm happy to receive manpage contributions from you ;)08:25
Jeeves_Chipzz: That kinda depends on the piece of software you're documenting, don't you think?08:25
pittiand more people are able to write manpages, that's why FOSS projects use bug trackers, so that everyone can contribute08:26
Chipzzpitti: I would estimate that writing the manpage content would take that much. but obviously a manpage also needs layout elements (groff or whatever is used markup)08:26
ChipzzJeeves_: I would consider your complaint more valid if canonical were to write closed source software. but most of it is open source, so you can read the source...08:28
Jeeves_Chipzz: But it's allready released, so too late. And obviously everyone can write a manpage. But by then it allready costs more time and bugs than necessary.08:30
cjwatsonChipzz: honestly, I don't think your aggressive defensiveness is helping the tone of this conversation.08:31
cjwatsontone it down, please.08:32
cjwatsonUbuntu developers can look after themselves and don't need others to defend them from criticism08:34
Chipzzcjwatson: ok, noted. although I think that Jeeves_' attitude is inappropriate and was reacting to that08:36
Chipzzcjwatson: I appreciate the work the canonical employees do, which is why I'm "defending them from criticism"08:37
cjwatsonI think Jeeves_ should just file bugs where appropriate; Canonical doesn't have separate quality standards from Ubuntu for Ubuntu development, so it doesn't make sense to make this about Canonical; there is plenty of Ubuntu software maintained by Canonical employees that does have man pages, though doubtless it has different problems instead, nobody's perfect08:39
Jeeves_Chipzz: Who's says I don't appreciate them? If I would care about it, I wouldn't be critical.08:39
cjwatsonChipzz: I can't speak for everyone, but I know I would prefer it if you were a little less vigorous. :-)08:39
ChipzzJeeves_: you can be critical in a constructive way. but you attitude is hardly constructive...08:41
Tm_Tlike I hear often, "complaints are welcome, especially wrapped with patch"08:43
Jeeves_Tm_T: :)08:45
hyperairmvo: i'm curious. what are these more complex issues that prevent add-apt-repository from sprouting a manpage? i'm more than willing to spend 5 minutes to write one, but i don't fully understand what add-apt-repository, nor the options it provides.08:47
mvohyperair: I'm happy to help you with that, there are no more complex issues really, just someone needs to sit down and do it.08:47
mvohyperair: and I'm currenly busy with other fixes that are higher on my priority list08:48
Chipzz09:30 < Jeeves_> Chipzz: But it's allready released, so too late. And obviously everyone can write a manpage. But by then it allready costs more time and bugs than necessary. -> bugs don08:48
hyperairmvo: okay, for starters, what options does add-apt-repository provide?08:48
Chipzzbugs don't cost anything, and time... in case a bug is files it doesn't necessarily take up time of a canonical employee, like pitti pointed out, anyone can contribute a manpage08:49
hyperairyou got truncated at "bugs don"08:49
Chipzzhyperair: accidently hit enter. hence the subsequent "ugh" ;)08:49
mvohyperair: it takes a single line for the form "deb http://foo.bar.com/ubuntu main universe"08:50
hyperairChipzz: ah =p08:50
Jeeves_Or it can do stuff with ppa:08:50
mvohyperair: it also supports a shorthand synatax for PPAs (and possible others in the future)08:50
pittihm, and also something like ppa:pitti/postgresql, no?08:50
Chipzzand now I'll stfu :)08:50
hyperairpitti: yes, that.08:50
mvohyperair: like the line that pitti pasted08:50
hyperairmvo: options? are there any?08:51
hyperair-h doesn't document any besides -h08:51
mvohyperair: no other options08:51
hyperairokay then08:51
mvohyperair: it needs to run as root (obviously)08:51
hyperairmvo: right. =p08:52
cjwatsonJeeves_: the main root problem, if you must make it about Canonical, is that our staff are often overloaded with feature development, and something often has to give.  Personally I usually write man pages first, but then on the flip side I tend not to do enough regression testing, which creates more bugs than forgetting to write a man page08:52
mvohyperair: PPAs end up in sources.list.d dir08:52
cjwatsonour internal standards are biased towards regression testing08:52
hyperairmvo: and other things?08:52
gesercould someone please give-back apr-util? Thanks.08:53
mvohyperair: it will get/add keys for PPAs automatically too08:53
mvohyperair: I think thats it :)08:53
hyperairmvo: okay cool08:53
mvohyperair: wonderful, thanks a lot! just mail it or attach it to the bugreport08:54
hyperairmvo: okay, will do08:54
Jeeves_cjwatson: It's not really about making it about Canonical. More about the 'main' archive, which iirc, is Canonical responsibility because Canonical officially supports it.08:54
hyperairmvo: er for non-ppa external repositories, where is it put? sources.list or sources.list.d?08:55
mvohyperair: to the main sources.list08:56
hyperairmvo: okay cool08:56
mvohyperair: I guess that is something where a "--file=" option would come handy in the future08:56
hyperairmvo: that would be cool08:56
* mvo adds a FIXME in the source08:57
Jeeves_hyperair: Thanks09:03
cjwatsonJeeves_: main does have elevated standards (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements), but currently manual pages are not among them09:03
cjwatsonand, even as the man-db maintainer, I'm not sure that that would make sense in all cases09:04
Jeeves_cjwatson: I'm ofter curious for a description of a running daemon.09:05
Jeeves_There's no direct need for extensive texts about options and so on09:05
cjwatsonI'm not saying they shouldn't have man pages - merely saying that I don't think it makes sense to make it a requirement for main09:05
cjwatsonI've probably put more effort into man pages than most people here :)09:06
Jeeves_cjwatson: I'm not sure if I should be happy with that. :P09:06
cjwatsonbut it's not the most important thing09:07
Jeeves_No, and I never said that09:07
cjwatsonso, in particular, I don't think it would be appropriate to adopt a standard saying that we don't release software about which lintian complains09:07
cjwatsonlintian is a tool to help developers, but many of its messages are inappropriate in certain situations, and the importance of the messages that are appropriate varies09:08
Jeeves_That's true.09:08
cjwatsonubiquity produces a stunning number of lintian messages because it's so weird - but very few of those messages relate to the actual bug problems that it has in practice09:08
Jeeves_Anyways, thanks for your time. Have to go in a meeting.09:09
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
bdrungpitti: let's defer the units policy fixes to lucid+1 (including nautilus).10:29
pittibdrung: okay10:29
bdrungpitti: great. changing half is worse than changing nothing.10:30
pittibdrung: well, wrt. nautilus it's already "half" right now10:30
pittibut yes, we certainly have more pressing bugs right now10:30
bdrungpitti: yes, but the German translation uses "MiB" for example.10:31
geserCould someone please give-back apr-util? Thanks.10:32
bdrungpitti: my current plan is to write a library that can be configured to the users preferences. then we can port all apps to this library.10:32
pittigeser: done10:32
pittibdrung: hm, I'm not sure whether this should really be user configurable, but if the GNOME guys agree with it, fine for me10:32
bdrungpitti: reading all user comment there should be an option for base-210:33
pittibdrung: ok, so like a gconf key for "geek" mode?10:33
bdrungpitti: yes, gconf or something similar. the library should work with GNOME, KDE, XFCE, LXDE apps.10:34
seb128you don't want to add a new library only for that do you?10:35
seb128using glib seems right there10:35
bdrungseb128: i think a new library is better, because not every app uses glib.10:36
pittia separate lib seems quite overkill to me, too, TBH10:37
bdrungseb128: there are some glib dev that didn't liked the g_format_size_for_display function. i don't know if they like to have 10+ new functions.10:37
seb128bdrung, GNOME will not use yet another lib for that details10:38
pittiunits don't need translations, etc. so apps could just do the formatting themselves10:38
bdrungpitti: but how do you want to have one configuration key to change all apps (including the Qt+ apps you are using in GNOME)10:38
pittiwell, I don't want a configuration key :)10:39
seb128neither do I10:39
pittiat most this could be locale specific10:39
bdrungbut many user want10:39
seb128if you need one get a common configuration and let glib and qt respect this one10:39
pittiso that "2 kg" becomes "4.1 lb" for our American friends, or so :)10:39
bdrungseb128: common configuration? does something like this exists?10:42
seb128bdrung, write a file on disk, both glib and qt should be able to read a file on disk no?10:44
bdrungpitti: locale specificity does not work. preferring base-2 or base-10 does not depend on the location.10:45
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
vorlockhi guys, I'm trying to aply quiet patch for grub but in ubuntu wiki there is advice to change 'quietboot' option to 'quiet' in a patch but I can't find option like this just function called 'quietboot_func', any hints?11:02
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hyperairmanpage for add-apt-repository: http://people.ubuntu.com/~hyperair/add-apt-repository.111:42
hyperairmvo: what do you think?11:42
pittijdstrand: do you have some time to catch up with https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+subscribedbugs during your archive day today? there's quite some backlog with approved FFE syncs, and the like11:42
cjwatsonhyperair: newline after the end of each sentence (nearly everyone gets this wrong)11:44
cjwatsonthe NAME section is formatted wrongly11:44
hyperaircjwatson: really?11:44
hyperairer how should i format it?11:45
cjwatson.SH NAME11:45
cjwatsonadd-apt-repository \- Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d11:45
cjwatsondrop the .B and the two bits on separate lines11:45
cjwatson"really" to which?11:45
hyperairit was to newline after ...11:45
cjwatsonsee lexgrog(1) for documentation of this11:45
cjwatsonah, that's in 'info groff' somewhere11:46
cjwatsoninfo groff --index-search Sentences11:46
hyperairother than those two issues?11:46
cjwatsonthose were the two I noticed, I didn't see other serious typesetting issues; not qualified to review the substance though11:47
hyperairimo we should have a wiki page documenting how to write a proper man page11:47
hyperairi picked my things up from numerous places11:48
hyperaircjwatson: okay, updated.11:48
cjwatsonhyperair: personally I recommend groff_mdoc(7) anyway :-)11:51
cjwatsonalthough that's a different macro set11:51
cjwatsonit's logical markup rather than physical markup11:51
hyperairhmm i see11:51
cjwatsoninvented by the BSD people, so you'll find it in use for e.g. ssh(1)11:52
cjwatsonits only downside at the moment is that it doesn't interact very well with making the man page translatable, or at least I haven't been able to get po4a to cooperate with it11:52
cjwatsonI think that's probably more of a po4a bug though11:52
hyperairoh hell, they shut down my campus's ubuntu mirror11:55
matumbahello everyone, i'm having a problem with nouveau not recognizing my CRT (bad EDID) - against which package would i file a bug or which channel should i join?11:58
IntuitiveNippleWhat package do I assign bugs to for the PowerPC Alternate installer, suffering SEG faults ?12:11
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: default for the alternate installer is debian-installer12:13
cjwatson(seg is not an acronym, BTW, it's short for "segmentation")12:13
IntuitiveNippleyeah, I know, I was being economical with keystrokes12:14
IntuitiveNippleWould you happen to know of a resource that might help me catch and debug the segfault? As it's running from the alternate CD its a bit basic!12:14
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: usually it's bloody hard :-)12:16
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: the dmesg should at least say which process is segfaulting12:17
cjwatsonsometimes situational analysis is enough, or if it's late enough in the installer then you can 'anna-install strace-udeb' and try to get a strace12:17
IntuitiveNippleon tty4 I can see the syslog output that just says "segmentation fault". I've just found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20debug%20the%20installer? which suggests using strace12:18
IntuitiveNippleIt's during the base-install phase - and I've already verified the CD is free of errors12:18
mvohyperair: thanks! I have a look now12:18
IntuitiveNippleit seems to repeatedly happen as packages are unpacked12:19
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: dmesg doesn't report the faulting process. I'll have to figure out this strace method12:20
jdstrandpitti: yeah, I was planning that today12:22
mvohyperair: looks good, many thanks. added to bzr12:26
pittijdstrand: thank you12:35
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: It's writing stack-traces of seg-faults to tty1; into the ncurses-style windows so its all over the screen. Is there any way to separate that so it can be captured?12:38
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: the kernel is just writing that to the foreground console, I think.  your best hope is probably to boot with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text and hope it reproduces with that frontend12:40
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: Thanks, I'll try that later. What is weird is, the installer does seem to be making progress beyond the base-install, it's now asked for user details and is fetching stuff from the mirrors *fingers crossed*12:41
IntuitiveNippleI'll capture the syslog into USB key so it can be added to a bug report12:41
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: Interesting: just seen an "Illegal instruction" report in syslog whilst setting up language-selector-common. Can you recommend someone I can talk to who knows about the PPC port?12:43
ttxjdstrand: planning to do some syncs today ? i'd need bug 543443 to be covered soon12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543443 in maven-repo-helper "Sync maven-repo-helper 1.0.4 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54344312:46
jdstrandttx: yes I am12:46
ttxjdstrand: cool :)12:46
jdstrandttx: can you or kirkland respond to my email regarding libvirt 0.7.7 (sent to kirkland, cc'd you and ubuntu-server so it might have gotten filtered somewhere)12:47
ttxjdstrand: yes, it's on my TODO list12:48
jdstrandcool, thanks12:48
ttxjdstrand: still catching up, been at a conference those last days12:48
jdstrandttx: no worries, I just wanted to make sure people saw it :)12:48
ttxjdstrand: nothing can escape my GTD system, resistance is futile12:49
cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: it used to be me, but it's been years; it sounds like something is miscompiled, but I don't know who you'd talk to12:49
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: OK, thanks, I'll poke about a bit. It's a G3 iMac I thought would be useful for testing! Runs OSX 10.4 nicely though12:50
evJust to confirm, Xubuntu 10.04 is *not* an LTS release, correct?13:01
charlie-tcaxubuntu 10.04 is an lts13:02
evcharlie-tca: okay, thanks a bunch!13:02
charlie-tcano problem13:02
charlie-tca8.04 was also an LTS for xubuntu13:03
ttxjdstrand: about libvirtn read and commented13:14
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jdstrandttx: thanks! :)13:22
peciskhi people know, does libsoup respects GNOME proxy settings?13:26
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peciskjeesh that came out wrong13:26
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primes2hcrimsun: Hello, if you need help and info about bug 400682 just ask me.13:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400682 in linux "[Karmic stac9227 regression] No sound after upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40068213:43
primes2hcrimsun: I mean on the Lucid side13:43
Jeeves_mvo: Thanks for the fix13:51
mvoJeeves_: cheers, credits go to hyperair for writing it13:52
Jeeves_dumb bot :)13:52
hyperairit's only in #ubuntu-mirrors i think13:52
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ScottKbdrung: I think upstream is really the right place to be dealing with the units issues and so now is the time to work on it for 10.10.14:26
bdrungScottK: and what to do with not-glib applications?14:31
ScottKI think KDE already complies (at least KDE4 apps).14:32
ScottKIt's a matter of evangelizing upstreams about the issue and choosing which are most important.14:32
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=== sorensbot is now known as zul
keesmicahg: any luck finding the thing that causes middle-button-pastes to disappear from my config every time I start firefox?  :)14:43
bdrungScottK: with a separate library we can go to XFCE, LXDE, and so on and ask them to use this library.14:44
ScottKPresumably.  I'm not sure what the best approach is, but I think Ubuntu carrying a permanent difference from upstream on this topic is bad on many levels.14:45
micahgkees: sorry, not yet...probably will not get to this cycle unless you think it's really pressing14:45
keesmicahg: that'll be a regression -- asac fixed it in earlier versions before.14:47
micahgkees: ok, do you have the bug handy, we should target for lucid then14:47
bdrungScottK: i want upstream to use the library. carrying a permanent diff is not a solution14:53
keesmicahg: bug 54886614:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548866 in firefox "forgets middlemouse.contentLoadURL on upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54886614:59
micahgkees: I found bug 53546514:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535465 in firefox "middlemouse.contentLoadURL config option gets reset on every upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53546514:59
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keesmicahg: ah-ha yes15:00
micahgI'm trying to find where it was fixed in teh past though...15:00
jjardonHello, Could combody take a look to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-doc/+bug/52679415:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 526794 in gtk-doc "Please sync gtk-doc-tools from debian stable/unstable main" [Undecided,New]15:01
jjardongtk-doc version in lucid is 1.11, but seems that 1.13 is available15:01
jjardonin launchpad15:02
keesmicahg: I assume it's related to the changes from 1.5.dfsg+ "Change various preferences: middlebutton paste disabled"15:02
keesmicahg: but I can't find where asac fixed it.15:03
asacin xulrunner iirc15:03
micahgasac: kees: found it15:04
keesmicahg: cool!15:05
keesmicahg: I duped the older bug to 548866 since mine has a "reproducer"15:05
micahgkees: great, I'll test the patch and commit as soon as we know that 3.6.2 is clear15:06
asacmicahg: i think to test you need to touch .autoreg and maybe change the version in application.ini15:07
asacmicahg: e.g. to simulate upgrade15:07
ccheneydoko: ping bug 41700915:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417009 in openoffice.org "all openoffice apps die in 'com::sun::star::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException' on armel in karmic" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41700915:07
ccheneyNCommander: is one of the buildds buggy? i heard 4ubuntu1 failed but didn't see how before it was retried and worked, now 4ubuntu2 fails as well, not sure if it is the same way15:08
* kees hugs micahg15:08
ccheneyNCommander: and/or the same machine15:09
dokoccheney: ?15:10
ccheneydoko: i can't find reference to the jaunty stuff in the copyright file, but maybe i am misreading it?15:11
ccheneydoko: also 4ubuntu2 which didn't change anything relevant is failing to build with segfault, should that just be retried?15:11
ccheneydoko: i think probably 4ubuntu1 did as well but it was retried before i saw what caused the failure15:11
dokolooks it is removed in 1:3.2.0-4ubuntu215:12
dokoit's the usual buildd failure on armel. these are not reproducible locally unfortunately15:13
ccheneywell i didn't remove it in 4ubuntu2 as you can see in the debdiff, not sure why it showed up for you under 4ubuntu1 :)15:14
ccheneydoko: ok15:14
emgentcjwatson, urgent ping15:34
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* iulian has tried to install Lucid Beta 1 on his laptop and failed. :-(15:51
iulianAll I got on my screen was this http://people.ubuntu.com/~iulian/DSC05679.JPG.15:51
nigelbpitti: got a few minutes to help out with that cheese hook?15:53
nigelbIt opens up, but the debug does not get saved15:53
nigelbcorrection, the debug gets saved, but not attached15:54
cjwatsonpitti: bug 432631 is on the foundations list for the release meeting, but AFAICS all the rest is either desktop or assigned to you.  slangasek asked whether the remaining tasks still needed to be fixed for lucid.  Could you comment?16:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432631 in apt "clean up system/per-user proxy handling" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43263116:00
GrueMastercrimsun: ping - I tested your fix to pulseaudio for dove HP select switch, and it doesn't work as expected.  It only adds the switch to the mute button in the sound-applet.16:07
pitticjwatson: right, that's on our list now16:07
crimsunGrueMaster: hmm, make it a port16:12
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GrueMasterBefore we release a new version of pulse for this issue, lets make sure we have a completely working solution.16:13
crimsunGrueMaster: switch = select, then enumerate the options16:14
emgentcjwatson, up ?16:18
emgentseems that deboostrap have some turbles16:18
cjwatsonemgent: I'm here, but it would help if you gave me all the detail up-front rather than saying "urgent ping" and then quitting16:19
cjwatsonmakes it rather hard to actually respond to you16:19
emgentdeboostrap seems faild always (lenny && ubuntu 9.10) after the packages download, with error: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /home/chroots/1 mount -t proc proc /proc16:20
emgentif you try to mount chroot by hands, skipping the mount apt-get is not avail, and also if you try to install it via dpkg and /var/cache/apt/archives/, show some lib perl errors16:21
emgentdebootstrap --arch amd64 lenny /home/chroots/1 http://debian.fastweb.it/debian16:22
emgentcjwatson, take a look.16:22
cjwatsonno, I'm not going to debug it with that level of detail, sorry16:23
cjwatson"some lib perl errors"16:23
cjwatsonI can't run that command myself, I'm on i386 here, and I'm certainly not going to run debootstrap off a random mirror I don't know16:24
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emgentcjwatson, what you prefer.. but anyway debootstrap is broken.16:25
emgentand you are the maintainer, np for me.16:25
sorendebootstrap is run thousands of times each day on thousands of different systems in dozens of different contexts and varieties.16:26
sorenI'm not saying you're lying, but you're clearly using it in a special way that makes it fail, so providing more detail on what exactly you're doing would probably be a good start.16:27
sorenemgent: ^16:27
sistpoty|workactually debootstrap is broken on lenny for unstable, iirc due to Build-Essential flags, which results that apt is not available. maybe that's connected to the problem your seeing?16:28
sorenemgent: If debootstrap was just plain proken, noone (in their right mind) would be able to install Ubuntu.16:28
emgentsistpoty|work, yes i think so16:28
emgentsistpoty|work, i found the same problem in lanny and ubuntu 9.10, 8.0416:29
emgentsistpoty|work can you provide the bug id in debian tracker ?16:31
sistpoty|workemgent: sorry, can't find it right now16:32
emgentok np16:32
cjwatsonemgent: feel free to file a bug with full logs.  but if you just turn up, yell at me on IRC, and don't provide enough detail, I can't help you.  sorry16:32
emgentwill do.16:34
dmartemgent: Your chroot failure could be caused by not running as root, or typing to bootstrap an arch which can't run natively on the machine running debootstrap (in which case you would need --foreign).  I take it these aren't the problem/16:40
Keybukcjwatson, slangasek: there will be a slight delay to plymouth testing16:52
KeybukI got an assertion error16:52
emgentdmart, stop to dream.16:52
Keybukand hurled the netbook out of the window in fury16:52
Keybukand some wild marmosets ate it16:53
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Keybukhere's one of those things I wish I knew17:18
Keybukwhen you compile source with debugging, gdb prints the source as you trace17:19
Keybuk... how does it know where the source code is?17:19
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jjardonHello, Could combody take a look to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-doc/+bug/52679417:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 526794 in gtk-doc "Please sync gtk-doc-tools from debian stable/unstable main" [Undecided,New]17:27
jjardongtk-doc version in lucid is 1.11, but seems that 1.13 is available too17:27
zygadoes anyone know if alice paul uses IRC or is around here somewhere/17:27
sistpoty|workKeybuk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DWARF for a start? ;)17:27
Keybukyes, I know that bit17:28
Keybukbut when you move the source, I've never figured out how to tell gdb it's moved17:28
Keybuknot properly anyway17:28
Keybuknot without gdb getting confused that there's 8 different files called plugin.c17:28
cjwatson   In addition to the source path, GDB provides a set of commands that17:28
cjwatsonmanage a list of source path substitution rules.17:28
cjwatsonis that what you're looking for?  I've not used it myself ...17:28
zygaKeybuk: does the debug data contain relative source pathnames?17:28
Keybukcjwatson: no, that never seems to work17:28
cjwatson'set substitute-path', apparently17:28
Keybukcjwatson: ooooh17:29
Keybukand, of course, the info file I was reading was from gdb 4.1717:30
Keybukso no wonder it didn't mention it17:30
cjwatsonwhat mausoleum were you looking in? :-)17:30
cjwatson       gdb | 6.4.90.dfsg-1 |     oldstable | source, alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390, sparc17:30
Keybukjust google17:30
Keybuk"info gdb" on Ubuntu gives you the dbm info page17:31
cjwatsonreally?  works for me17:31
Keybukwhich is Not What I Was Looking FOr17:31
cjwatsonoh, you might need gdb-doc17:31
* Keybuk is having a fail day, clearly17:31
zygamvo: hello, did you manage to run the script I sent you on the mirror?17:31
Damascenehello, I wonder about the "Generate dowload script" of Synaptic18:07
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Damasceneit's really a good feautre but it miss one thing.18:07
Damasceneit should be able to generate update script18:08
Damasceneso user can genreate update script then chose what programs and updates he want to install then he generate download script18:08
Keybukcjwatson: ahja18:10
slangasekKeybuk: would another set of eyeballs be of any help to you this evening?18:11
Keybukset substitute-path /tmp/buildd/plymouth-0.8.1 plymouth18:11
slangasek(for looking, not for feeding to marmosets)18:11
Keybukslangasek: a set of eyeballs that can look at the bugs I haven't18:11
Keybuke.g. that plymouth/sendsigs bug18:11
Keybukthat should be a nice one to debug for somebody18:11
Keybukit's easy to replicate18:11
slangasekis it? I haven't replicated it yet18:11
Keybukand just needs decent triage to go "aha!"18:11
Keybukslangasek: happens to me most reboots18:11
slangasekwhich is why I haven't tackled it18:12
slangasekyah, I haven't seen it *at all*18:12
excoany news on poulsbo @lucid?18:13
Keybukslangasek: try changing renderer plugin?18:13
KeybukI think I see it more with text18:13
excothere are quite some devices out ther with that us15w chipset right now ... and some particularly nice one in the near future ;-)18:13
Keybukslangasek: mountall-wise18:14
KeybukI know of "one" bug with mountall18:14
Keybukwhen it does the whole boredom thing (and fsck failure, etc.)18:14
Keybukrather than writing the message, then going back to the main loop18:14
Keybukit basically blocks for input18:14
Keybukthis means you get18:14
KeybukWaiting for /porn [SM]18:14
Keybukwhen in reality, /porn just took a second or two more to actually appear18:14
Keybuk(or was waiting for you to type your passphrase)18:14
Keybukso that message should just vanish18:15
Keybukwhat I don't know is, how many of the "MOUNTALL TOOK A CHAINSAW TO MY LVM! I'M USING GENTOO NOW!" bugs are just dups of that18:15
Keybukie. in reality, mountall worked "fine" it just got bored too quickly18:15
Keybukand once it was bored, didn't give them the option to try again18:15
slangasekhmm, mountall may be too large of a context switch for me today; but I'll see what I can do on that after I clear my own critical stuffs18:15
Keybukor you could help smoser debug his fog problem18:17
slangasekKeybuk: yep, will try to pick from that list as time allows18:19
cjwatsonKeybuk: FWIW I asked barry to look into the mountall/LVM bug; it may take him a little while to get started as it's not particularly his area18:19
slangasekKeybuk: though more immediately, I was really asking whether you thought a fresh perspective would be of any help with your plymouth woes - guess not :)18:20
Keybukslangasek: oh, no, not really18:20
Keybukit's just fixing-one-bug-reveals-another18:20
Keybukand the cost of all the reboots and gdb traces and stuff to find them18:20
Keybukand the interruptions on IRC, of course18:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 251378 in synaptic "Synaptic's Generate download script does not update package lists" [Low,Invalid]18:23
* cjwatson wishes once again that /var/log/partman were timestamped18:23
DamasceneI'v reported this old time ago18:23
GrueMastercrimsun: I'm not getting very far with pulse audio.  In the Sound-applet->preferences window under the Output tab, it has a connector window for selecting "Analog Headphones" or "Analog Output".  So far, anything I create in /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/analog-output-headphones.conf works when I select Analog Headphones.  Adding a switch=select and options for it creates additional entries in the connector window (i.e. "Analog18:26
GrueMasterWhat I really want is to enable the switch in Analog Headphones (done), and disable the switch in Analog Output (how?).18:27
Keybukslangasek: and I'm hesitant to upload anything18:27
Keybukbecause then I'll just get a zillion bug reports about the new bug18:27
Keybukand a thousand people uninstalling plymouth again18:28
Keybukand it'll take me so long to get through them18:28
Keybukthat I'll have lost the time I could have been fixing them18:28
ScottKSounds like robbiew needs to hire a bug wrangling minion for you.18:29
robbiewoh man...don't get him started18:29
slangasekKeybuk: what is the new bug?18:29
Keybukslangasek: "could not write bytes: broken pipe" on screen, no visible shutdown screen18:30
Keybukmay cause machine not to shut down at all18:30
Keybukcuriously, in this state, it replicates that sendsigs bug every time too <g>18:31
slangasekah, then I should evidently update from bzr :)18:31
Keybukbzr is buildable and installable18:31
Keybuk-r 1277 will give you a pre-release 0.8.1-118:31
Keybukjust has bugs18:31
Keybuk(which I think I has fixed :D)18:32
Keybuk1277 may have been the bug fix I needed18:32
crimsunGrueMaster: currently in conference, will have free time in an hour18:32
slangasekKeybuk: btw, I'm trying to resolve several of the "passphrase display is goofy" bugs; I think the right way to fix this is to keep the passphrase prompt down in the same spot as the keys: message, and put the entry box below that, but then we don't fit on anything shorter than 1024x768 - if I scoot the text boxes up across the board on shorter displays, will I be lynched by the design team?18:34
slangasek(should I clear the change with them first before committing?)18:34
Keybukno ;)18:34
Keybukjust move them around18:34
Keybukif you build from bzr18:35
Keybukand you install plymouth, libplymouth2, plymouth-x11 and plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text *only*18:35
Keybukyou should replicate the sendsigs issue :p18:35
slangasekack, will test :)18:35
Keybuknot all of the time, but some of the time, mind you18:36
Keybukinterestingly I always see the "could not write bytes" and "terminated by KILL" together18:37
KeybukI think this version is "good"18:40
Keybukit's at least no worse than what we had before18:40
Keybukexcept mostly no console messages, and vga16fb, etc.18:40
Keybukthough I'm pretty sure the ubuntu log is wandering off to the right of the screen :p18:41
jdstrandbryceh: hi, what is going on with wacom-tools? it is in source NEW for lucid. seemed it was dropped from the archive for lucid18:48
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tjaaltonjdstrand: should be removed from the queue18:51
Keybukslangasek: could you handle NEW for me18:52
Keybukslangasek: the intent is that only plymouth-theme-ubuntu-* are in main18:52
Damascenecould I find syanptic developer here?18:52
jdstrandtjaalton: thanks18:53
slangasekKeybuk: sure, looking18:54
Keybukslangasek: it'll need to build first I guess, they're new binaries18:54
slangasekoh, well then18:54
slangasekyes, in theory I can handle that when they arrive :)18:54
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hyperairjdstrand: banshee-extension-* source packages are meant to be deleted and superseded by b-c-e. i meant to request their deletions after b-c-e was accepted. was my ordering wrong?19:36
jdstrandhyperair: it isn't that it is out of order, I just think that the whole plan should be in the bug and ACKd so we can do it all in one go19:38
anderskDoes anyone know why 534843 got marked Incomplete?19:42
anderskbug 53484319:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534843 in dkms "Sync dkms (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53484319:42
jdstrandandersk: I do. it was your comments #4 and #5 that made it unclear for how ubuntu-archive should proceed19:45
anderskI think ubuntu-archive should just do the sync; it is only bugfixes.19:46
jdstrandandersk: if someone from ubuntu-release can comment and mark the bug back to Confirmed with all the necessary ACKs, then we can do that19:47
anderskIs ubuntu-release going to look at a bug that’s marked incomplete?19:48
jdstrandandersk: ubuntu-release is subscribed. you can ask them in the bug for a on whether a FFe is required/granted19:49
jdstrands/for a/19:49
anderskOkay, I’ll try that.  Thanks.19:49
hyperairjdstrand: ah okay.19:58
hyperairjdstrand: so i should document everything and reupload?19:59
jdstrandhyperair: no, it is still in NEW19:59
hyperairjdstrand: it says rejected.19:59
hyperairjdstrand: well i got an email saying rejected anyway19:59
jdstrandhyperair: well, yes, document everything, but don't reupload19:59
jdstrandhyperair: I rejected ubuntu119:59
jdstrandhyperair: ubuntu2 is still there20:00
hyperairjdstrand: ah okay, thanks20:01
hyperairjdstrand: okay, i've posted it as a comment.20:02
jdstrandhyperair: thanks. someone from ubuntu-release can now ACK it and mark it as confirmed, and then we can process it20:05
* lamont looks around for an ltsp-literate person... stgraber?20:28
barryi've been trying to reproduce bug 527666 (mountall hang) but have been unable to.  i am not sure my environment is the same as the reported problem.  i've commented on the bug but if anybody has ideas for other things to try, i'm all ears20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527666 in mountall "multiple LVM volumes not mounted in Lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52766620:30
fabrice_spbarry, I was having this same issue with root on real partition and home on lvm20:33
snow_apps in main are supposed to be under GNU v3 license ?20:34
barryfabrice_sp: any other partitions, real or lvm?20:35
fabrice_splvm: data and var/chroot20:35
fabrice_spno other real partition20:36
barryfabrice_sp: swap on lvm?20:36
fabrice_sp(IIRC: I had to reformat everything since then)20:37
barryfabrice_sp: okay, so... real: root; lvm: swap, home, data, var/chroot20:37
barryfabrice_sp: ok, thanks.  was this on a vm?20:38
fabrice_spno: on a real desktop20:38
barryfabrice_sp: okay, thanks.  i have only vms available atm, but i'll give that a shot and try to dig up a machine to try this on20:39
barryfabrice_sp: just curious, was this 32bit or 64bit, single proc or multi?20:40
qensePlymouth maintainers/developers: thank you for the great release that just landed in Lucid!20:41
ScottKsnow_: No.20:47
snow_ScottK, !!20:47
snow_wonder why launchpad, not googlecode !!!20:48
ScottKApps in Main are all under free licenses, but that's a lot more than GPL V3.20:48
ScottKIf you look at Launchpad you'll find it does a lot of things that googlecode doesn't.20:48
snow_code reviews20:50
Damascenehello, could you provide a package that will install the files /var/lib/apt/lists/20:50
geserthat won't work as that are the files which tell apt which packages are available (and those lists are updated hourly for the development release)20:59
randomactionThanks to whoever has given back failed builds of apr-util.21:03
geserI asked and pitti pressed the buttons :)21:04
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slangasekKeybuk: incomplete update-alternatives conversion?: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth: 39: /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: not found21:24
slangasekKeybuk: ah right, because that hook's not used by default :-)  I'll clean it up21:27
sistpotyKeybuk: when an upstart job should wait for network to be available, is the patch provided at bug #522509 the correct procedure, or is there a more general approach than waiting for eth0?21:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522509 in tftp-hpa "[FFE] tftpd-hpa doesn't start on boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52250921:29
ScottKNot all systems have an eth021:30
slangaseksistpoty: nope, that patch is wrong21:30
slangaseksistpoty: in fact, *both* start conditions are wrong21:30
slangasekit needs to be 'start on filesystem and net-device-up IFACE!=lo'21:30
sistpotyScottK: that's why I ask, I used to have an br0 then an eth2...21:30
sistpotyslangasek: thanks for double-checking, do you comment on the bug?21:31
slangaseksistpoty: yes, was already on my todo list21:31
sistpotythanks! (going through the list atm, trying to do my share)21:31
slangasekKeybuk: so, um.  plymouth doesn't seem to be using the x11 renderer now in my tests.21:37
sistpotyogra: looking at bug #542662, I'm completely incompetent: what is a TI OMAP board and how does such a board boot in the first place?21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542662 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] x-loader for omap needs to be packaged to build beagleboard images" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54266221:40
ScottKsistpoty: It's a new armel subarch.21:41
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slangasekdidn't the mobile team's report say those new packages would be deferred to M?21:42
slangasekKeybuk: ah - apparently this is a pitfall of trying to use the x11 renderer with only the text theme installed ;)21:42
sistpotyslangasek: sorry, still trying to put things together when reading the relevant FFe's. Hope I'm not causing more harm then benefit :(21:46
slangaseksistpoty: it's not your fault if they didn't update the bug status appropriately if they mean to defer21:50
sistpotyyeah, but I could have added one to one, but didn't *g*21:51
slangasek<asac> so omap being a bit behind made a late MIR for x-loader and uboot go away21:52
slangasek<asac> we will rely on the flash being properly setup for omap this cycle21:52
slangasekso ... MIR, not FFe21:52
slangasekdunno what their intent is there, then21:52
Caesarslangasek: do you happen to know Scott's reasoning behind making service foo status always exit 0?21:56
slangaseknope, sorry21:57
CaesarThis is going to make managing services with Puppet a little bit of fun21:57
slangasekdidrocks: after recent updates, under metacity my notify-osd windows can no longer be hidden on mouseover - was there anything in the latest metacity upload that would account for this?21:58
slangasekCaesar: in code I've written that needs to know the status, I've been parsing the output, which is fairly straightforward; in some cases I want to know a PID anyway, and there are cases where plymouth declares the job is 'started' but there's no PID and that's /wrong/...21:59
slangasek(though always a bug in the upstart job, AFAICS)21:59
Caesarslangasek: yeah, it just seems a bit dirty to have to scrape the output of service22:00
slangasekoh, wait22:00
CaesarI think I'll cross-post a thread between upstart-devel and puppet-dev22:00
slangasekthat's a bug, then22:00
CaesarPuppet currently has no native Upstart support22:00
CaesarBut assuming it gets it at some point, I imagine it's going to be wanting to shell out to service, not the legacy init script?22:01
slangasek'service' is meant to be an abstraction around upstart jobs and sysvrc scripts, and I expect *its* status command to return a sensible exit code22:01
CaesarI agree22:01
slangasekif it has native upstart support, the native upstart command is "status <job>"22:01
Caesarfwiw, status foo also exits 0 regardless of state22:02
slangasekyeah; that's just not a design decision that should necessarily pass through to 'service'22:02
CaesarSo you think it's okay for status foo to exit 0 always?22:03
CaesarWhich interface should Puppet use? service or start,stop,status?22:04
slangasekI don't like it, but I think that's a conversation we'd need to have with Keybuk22:04
CaesarI'll do up an email a bit later22:04
slangasekI have no opinion on which interface you use; obviously if service handles parsing of 'status' output to generate a meaningful exit code, and puppet elects to use 'status' directly, there'll be code duplication22:05
slangasekdidrocks: it seems this is bug #546348; but I'm not sure what component actually changed to cause the behavior change22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546348 in notify-osd "notify-osd does not disappear on mouseover" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54634822:08
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chrisccoulsonslangasek - gtk changed22:09
chrisccoulsonthere's a similar bug about not being able to click through with compositing22:09
slangasekchrisccoulson: ah, thanks - is there a bug on gtk tracking this?22:10
slangasek546650 maybe?22:10
chrisccoulsonslangasek, yeah, that's the one22:11
chrisccoulsonsorry, i was waiting for LP to catch up there ;)22:11
chrisccoulsoni might do a bisect tonight if i have time22:12
slangasekchrisccoulson: Macslow posted a git commit ID to the bug already22:13
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i haven't looked at it since this morning22:13
kobrienso, best ide for deving ubuntu c code?22:15
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showardHi, I'd like to point some attention to bug #539049 and bug #45768822:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539049 in boost1.40 "boost::python & python>=2.6.3 broken (karmic, lucid)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53904922:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457688 in boost1.38 "[SRU, 9.10] libboost-python1.38 issues with __doc__ property in Python >= 2.6.3" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45768822:56
showardboth are actually the same bug, but one is a SRU and one is a bug fix upload for lucid22:56
showardwe're cherry picking an svn commit from upstream and applying it to the packages22:57
showardit causes several depending packages to segfault frequently, and has been fixed for a few months. I've recently turned the patches into debdiffs, and would appreciate someone sponsoring the uploads (and a release team member to check out the SRU)22:58
showard(it has been fixed upstream and in a ppa for testing for a few months). Thank you! There has been a bunch of duplicates and pings on it lately.23:00
slangasekKeybuk: so, um... plymouth doesn't seem to be working from the initramfs any more; it seems to fall over if /proc isn't mounted23:07
slangasek(but I can't spot a relevant change in the diff)23:07
CaesarIs there a known issue with the alternate installer not finding disks?23:11
CaesarIf I search for 2.6.32-17 in the kernel bugs nothing is jumping out at me23:11
slangasekCaesar: bug #54692923:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546929 in linux "most PATA/SATA modules missing in Lucid netboot" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54692923:13
Caesarslangasek: thanks23:13
cjwatsonspeaking of which, could somebody in an American timezone upload debian-installer once linux has built and published on all architectures?23:16
CaesarPlease :-)23:16
slangasekif I notice it's available and I'm not stuck in initramfs hell at the time, yes23:16
cjwatsonthere's a bugfix in bzr, so build from there23:16
cjwatsonshould just be dch -r23:16
CaesarFun times?23:16
slangaseknow I understand Keybuk's frustrations with plymouth - things are broken that haven't been touched :)23:17
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mrooneyjames_w: whoa, the GSoC project "Automated optimistic merging and testing of new upstream releases" sounds awesome! I'm sad I'm not a student anymore!23:58
KeybukCaesar: err, that's a bug ;)23:59

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