
gnomefreakyay found all the unsent emails :)00:03
gnomefreaksending them now00:03
gnomefreaknow i hope he knows what that means00:04
gnomefreakbug 51842200:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518422 in firefox "[MASTER] Firefox does not start with certain addons installed" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51842200:07
* gnomefreak seeing alot of bugs that has a good chance of failing into that bug00:12
micahggnomefreak: yes00:12
gnomefreakprism at least the ones ive seen have prism in extensions so ive been "remove/disable prism and try again, likely a dupe of bug #*00:13
micahggnomefreak: nah, prism just happens to be a common symptom, not the problem00:14
gnomefreakmicahg: disabling it fixes for alot of them (cant say all)00:15
micahggnomefreak: yes, because it's probably the only symlinked extension00:15
gnomefreakprism hasnt been enabled herre since it didnt support the 3.6 version00:15
gnomefreakmicahg: what are the chances that "global indexing" being disabled is causing mozilla554051?00:30
gnomefreakmozilla 554051?00:30
ubottuMozilla bug 554051 in Preferences "Thunderbird-3.0 does not ask or send emails when written in offline mode go back to online" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55405100:30
micahggnomefreak: pretty low I would think00:31
gnomefreakyeah i thought so but cant remember if it started when i disabled it. still dont know what he is getting at00:32
micahgso, it's working?00:42
asacchrisccoulson: can you file a bug or so about the evolution warning? with a screenshot and explain why you see that?00:44
asacchrisccoulson: i think i want to run this through nss folks00:44
asacthanks. i will do that tomorrow, so we hopefully get an answer by tomorrow evening00:44
chrisccoulsonasac, ok, i'll do that in a bit00:45
gnomefreakmicahg: if you mean is mine working it sort of is. it should still give me an option to send when i go back online << very least.00:49
gnomefreak oops00:49
LLStarksmicahg, umd interferes with gnome-shell deps.01:24
LLStarksxulrunner versioning and crap.01:25
LLStarksumd's 1.9.1 is too new.01:26
micahgLLStarks: so, don't use UMD?01:26
LLStarksis this umd's fault or gnome-shell's packagers?01:27
micahgLLStarks: idk01:27
LLStarkshas the 3.6.2 lp been merged yet?01:28
micahgLLStarks: i don't see a dep on xul01:28
LLStarksi'll double check01:28
LLStarks Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed01:34
LLStarks  Depends: xulrunner-1.9.1 (<= but is to be installed01:35
micahgugh,I better finish porting that to xul192...01:36
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LLStarksyou maintain libgjs?01:52
micahgLLStarks: no, I'm doing some of the porting to xul192 this cycle though01:52
ddecatorwhat does "42: pushd: not found" mean?03:46
ddecatornvm, found it...03:47
AnAntasac: Hello, I have a question about dh_xulrunner, I am building a package that links against libmozjs (the one that is shipped by xulrunner), so when I run dh_xulrunner, I don't get xulrunner in dependencies, why's that?06:04
AnAntanother thing, in order to get the software to operate, I added an rpath: -rpath=/usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.2, is that alright ?06:04
AnAntasac: ok, I checked the dh_xulrunner code, so it searches for certain strings that are not in programs that just used libmozjs06:34
ddecatorwoot! i guess there isn't a gtk bug, i got songbird to start =D06:46
[reed]I have to build a .deb from scratch10:51
asac[reed]: whatfor?11:03
asacyou want to handcraft just a .deb or a sourcetree that builds a deb?11:04
[reed]apache module for work11:04
[reed]what's the difference between the two options?11:05
micahg_Tsk_: around?14:37
_Tsk_yes ;-)14:38
micahg_Tsk_: mozilla 53260114:38
ubottuMozilla bug 532601 in OS Integration "Thunderbird not starting with NFS mounted home and libnss_ldap user authentication" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53260114:38
micahgis seems that it's a problem with the upstream build isn't it?14:38
_Tsk_Might be , my comment might have been made in a hurry14:39
micahg_Tsk_: ok, so, it looks like a patch was made, but not applied because it was buggy or something per the other bug, should I mark it as a dupe then and comment that it appears to be needed per the newer bug14:40
micahgalthough weirdly enough, people say it worked in TB2, but the patch was never applied14:40
micahg_Tsk_: oh wait, the issue here seems to not be LDAP, but the NFS mounted home14:42
micahgasac: do you remember a bug similar to bug 53546515:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535465 in firefox "middlemouse.contentLoadURL config option gets reset on every upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53546515:02
asacmicahg: yes, i think we had a patch for that in xul 1.9.115:02
asacmaybe it got lost15:03
micahgasac: ok, I'll look, thanks15:03
micahgasac: any luck with NSS/NSPR?15:06
asacmicahg: oh sorry. i ment to CC you. i sent out a request to NSS folks to check the patch15:07
asaci cant really add it without their blessing and cant upload if evolution is15:07
asacso either they say: yes ... or they hopefully tell us how to fix evolution15:08
asacand other apps15:08
asacminus setting an env15:08
micahgasac: well, latest is NSS 3.12.6, but it's not released15:08
micahgbut it's in Firefox15:08
asacchrisccoulson: how are the symptoms in evolution exactly with a broken nss?15:09
asacmicahg: its tagged15:09
asacthats released15:09
micahgasac: BTW, should I link the upstream bug for the pref reset to LP15:09
micahgasac: ah, ok15:09
asacthey just are forgetting to put tarballs out simetimes15:09
asacmicahg: if there is a bug and and upstream bug. sure15:09
micahgasac: ok, I didn't know if we generate from tag like FF/TB15:09
asaci also sent out request to mozilla for three issues: 1. patch for cairo (lcd) ... 2. patch for "not starting because of symlinked components" and 3. font color of awesome dropdown urls in default theme15:10
chrisccoulsonasac - hmmm, i've not seen the invalid certificate warning yet today since i removed the patch from nss again :-/15:13
micahgasac: so are we trying for NSS 3.12.6 or 3.12.5?  I saw a merge for 3.12.5?15:14
micahgasac: I also seem to be having trouble with LD_LIBRARY_PATH for edbrowse15:18
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i got it again (i just had to remove my camel-cert.db after removing the nss patch)15:19
chrisccoulsonasac - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/Screenshot-Evolution%20Warning-1.png15:20
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, it seems that my issue is not related to that debian bug, and the patch doesn't help15:31
chrisccoulsonit only appeared to work because i need to delete camel-cert.db from my evolution profile to trigger it15:32
chrisccoulsonso, i have another issue then :-/15:32
chrisccoulsonasac - debian bug 56325315:33
ubottuDebian bug 563253 in evolution "libnss3-1d: Fails to verify the certificate of my company email server" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/56325315:33
chrisccoulsonsure enough, when i run the latest version of nss, the list of CA's in evolution is virtually empty15:39
micahgasac or chrisccoulson do you know of an app that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH properly so I can use it as an example for getting a mozjs app to work?15:42
chrisccoulsonmicahg - /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/run-mozilla.sh sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't it?15:46
chrisccoulsonbasically, it should be a colon separated list of paths15:46
micahgchrisccoulson: is that the only way to do it, in a wrapper script?15:47
chrisccoulsonthats the usual place to do it15:48
* micahg can't figure out why the linker can't find mozjs15:48
micahgchrisccoulson: if that's the only way, I'll add a wrapper script to edbrowse...15:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the linker can't find libmozjs because it's not in /usr/lib15:49
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, I guess this is normal...ok, wrapper script it is15:51
asacchrisccoulson: cairo patch was bad?16:06
ftaall, please test chromium from the beta ppa, i need to upload it to lucid16:10
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i applied the patch and the fonts are worse than ever now16:10
chrisccoulsonso i'm just investigating that16:10
chrisccoulsonthe fonts don't change at all when i adjust my font preferences, so i'm not sure if that points you towards anything....16:11
chrisccoulsoneven the DPI settings have no effect16:11
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asacchrisccoulson: well thats a different ubg ;)16:27
asacchrisccoulson: we have two font bugs16:27
asacone about preferences not honoured16:27
chrisccoulsonasac - oh, you're aware of this already16:27
asacthe other about lcd stuff16:27
asacchrisccoulson: i considered that bug more critical even16:27
asacbut seems community wants lcd16:27
asacchrisccoulson: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox16:28
asacthe 2nd and 3rd bug on that list16:28
asacMASTER - FF 3.5 font hinting does not honour gnome-settings -> thats what you refer to16:28
asac  fonts are incorrectly rendered due to not using system cairo -> thats the lcd patch16:28
chrisccoulsonasac - so, we'd need need to fix both bugs then16:28
chrisccoulsonthe fonts with the lcd patch are significantly worse than without :-/16:28
asacchrisccoulson: well. in theory yes. but in practice we can only fix the lcd one16:29
asacwe can escalate the other too16:29
asacbut that wont get a fix because thats due to gtk loading system cairo to parse settings16:29
asacadn then firefox loads own cairo16:29
asacand the settings get wiped by that16:29
asac(e.g. a static struct)16:29
asacthats my eval16:29
asacanyway... release team eeting now ;)16:29
ftaasac, ^^16:36
asacfta: ?16:38
ftaasac, /wrt "all, please test chromium from the beta ppa, i need to upload it to lucid"17:09
ftai also need to have a look at our bugs, see if there's something ubuntu specific17:10
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BUGabundo_remotefta: I'll spam it17:28
BUGabundo_remote 7221      0      0      39565K   1.3G 628.8M     0K     0K   8% chromium-brows17:49
BUGabundo_remotefta: ^^^^^17:49
ftadoing what?17:53
ftahow many tabs?17:53
asacfta: in the beta ppa?17:59
asacfta: i see ftbfs on https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta17:59
asactop two most18:00
ftaasac, yep, known, but lucid is fine. the 2 red are not really failures. but a kind of build-log post processing18:11
jcastrofta: btw if anyone has sad tab problems I found that that ambiance theme scrollbar extension is the problem18:13
ftajcastro, hm ok. there's also http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3869218:14
ftajcastro, ie, nvidia and fglrx using malloc corrupting tcmalloc stack18:15
ftajcastro, not sure if the bug i just linked is in the beta or just in trunk18:26
ejat!ping ccheney18:27
ftajcastro, do you have sad tabs with the beta alone? i mean, without the scrollbar extension18:41
jcastroeverything works for me after I removed the extension18:43
jcastrofta: It's only been an hour or two though, I'll keep an eye on it and report back18:43
ftaok, thanks18:44
ftai need to push the codecs too, long due :P18:44
ftaasac, is s/nonfree/restricted/ ok?18:45
asacfta: i dont know. how are those codecs called in the ffmpeg package in archive?18:49
asacnonfree obviously is wrong18:50
asacrestricted/ugly/bad ;)18:50
ftai have no clue about what to do here18:50
asacfta: check with siretart18:51
asache is the ffmpeg guy and give guidance18:51
ftahe said upstream dislike nonfree18:51
asacif he says that he didnt do any special name, we can use -restricted18:51
asacfta: check with him about -restricted then. imo that better reflects the problem18:51
ftaasac, iirc, he proposed -extra, sistpoty later said "the name of the binary packages are left to your discretion"18:56
asacfta: choose what you want. -nonfree is wrong, becuse the code itself is not really non-free afaik19:29
ftai initially meant it as nonpatentfree19:30
ftajcastro, do you still have chrome install? if so, could you please paste the desktop file?19:31
jcastrofta: you mean official google chrome?19:32
gnomefreakno way to "shorten" it or each lang has to have its own line?19:36
gnomefreakare we able to use non-official icons for Firefox and still leave the firefox as the name?19:41
micahggnomefreak: not AFAIK19:42
* gnomefreak playing with some of my FF and TB icons19:42
gnomefreakmy wife came out to smoke with me. She is a very smart women but she said i want pizze but you have to order it and pick it up. she asked me what do i want on it. if im ordering it in 2 hours i have time to think about it19:59
chrisccoulsongnomefreak - i uploaded gnome-terminal today without the extra profile ;)20:01
chrisccoulsonyou might have to delete the profile from your config after the upgrade though20:01
chrisccoulsonand you can delete it now ;)20:02
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: thanks :) i just got good news about smart and now g-term im on a roll20:02
gnomefreakwhat dir? there are a few gnome dirs20:02
chrisccoulsonwas that a question for me?20:03
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: yep20:03
gnomefreakthere are 3 IIRC20:04
chrisccoulsononce you've upgraded, you will be able to delete the old profile from your config just using the Profiles dialog in gnome-terminal20:04
chrisccoulsonit will let you delete it after the upgrade20:04
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ah ok thanks20:04
chrisccoulsonthere's not any sane way for me to clean that on upgrade really20:05
chrisccoulsonso it has to be done manually20:05
chrisccoulsonbut there's a note in the changelog that explains that20:05
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: when you say old you mean both profiles? mine and ambience20:07
chrisccoulsonyou don't want to delete the default profile (and i don't think it will let you anyway)20:07
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ok thanks20:08
gnomefreakok so smart bug has been open for ~2years so not holding my breath20:10
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: thanks it is normal now :)20:15
ftaasac, help! http://paste.ubuntu.com/402015/ does it look good?20:28
ftaasac, or http://paste.ubuntu.com/402017/20:34
chrisccoulsonasac - did you see my comments earlier about nss?20:36
chrisccoulsonafter looking at the debian bug, it seems that evolution is doing the wrong thing20:36
gnomefreakthats why we use Thunderbird :)20:40
fta(i use evolution)20:58
gnomefreaki tried it a few times and i never got used to it21:20
chrisccoulsoni use evolution too ;)21:27
BUGabundofta: that was ONE single window (4 more running)21:54
BUGabundoif that was the one with more tabs (and I don't even have Flash on that machine) it had about 8 or 10 tabs open21:54
BUGabundobeen running that session of Chromium for a few days now21:54
chrisccoulsonasac - i dropped that extra patch from nss now, we don't need it23:06
micahgasac: still around?23:29
BUGabundoanyone reporting missed clicks on flash23:31
micahgBUGabundo: bug 41045723:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410457 in openobject-client-kde "autorefrsh does not work for "my" form" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41045723:31
micahgbug 41040723:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 410407 in flashplugin-nonfree "Clicking on items in Flash player does nothing [READ DESCRIPTION]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41040723:32
micahgBUGabundo: np23:32
BUGabundomicahg: no longer idleing in +1»23:33
micahgBUGabundo: you?23:34
* micahg was in tehre?23:34
BUGabundoI saw you a very few/rare times23:34
BUGabundothis cycle23:34
BUGabundofor the 1st time23:34
micahgyes, I had a couple qeustions that no one had answers for23:34
BUGabundowith all your knowlage, we miss someone like you in there23:35
AbortDim having laggy video with flash in amd64 only some video is laggy like this i fixed it before but cant remember how i did it23:36
micahgAbortD: video driver?23:36
AbortDshouldnt be opengl works fine23:37
asacchrisccoulson: we dont need it?23:41
micahgBUGabundo: time23:41
chrisccoulsonasac - no, my issue is unrelated to it23:41
micahgasac: conkeror merge approved..I'm just updating for the upload that chriscoulson made for me23:41
BUGabundoI'm not a bot, you know23:41
micahgBUGabundo: I don't idle in +1 due to a lack fo time23:42
asacmicahg: merge. isnt it a sync now?23:43
micahgasac: no, I'm making one change to make xul192 the first of the depends23:43
micahgunless you think that should be dropped23:43
micahgasac: http://pastebin.com/depgfLc423:44
micahgasac: I have to go soon23:48
asacmicahg: we need to drop everything but 1.9.2 actually23:49
micahgasac: really?  ok...I'll make the change quick then23:51
* micahg jsut uploaded new diffs, but will upload another set with that change23:51
asacif you link against glue of version X ... it will only work on >= X23:51
micahgasac: that's good to know, so why do they have xul1.9 in there?23:51
asacnot sure ;)23:52
asacif conkeror has native components it cant use stuff from before23:52
asace.g. is there an .so?23:53
asaci would think so23:53
micahgasac: done...bug 53790023:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537900 in conkeror "[FFe] merge conkeror 0.9.1+git100220-1 from debian testing to get xulrunner-1.9.2 support" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53790023:58
micahgasac: I have to go...if there's still a problem, please unsubscribe sponsors and send me an e-mail23:58

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