
Snovais this the proper place to report a (somewhat) broken link on ubuntu.com? the forum link at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server points to an archive; the proper destination is http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33901:19
MTecknologynewz2000: ^^02:51
newz2000Snova: thanks, I'll take care of it02:53
MTecknologynewz2000: Any chance you'll forget? I could fire a note off to the list02:54
newz2000MTecknology: no, don't sweat it. I'll take care of it in a few min02:54
newz2000thanks though02:54
MTecknologyyup - i just know how easy it is to forget little things when you're busy02:55
newz2000that link is not an archive for me03:17
MTecknologynewz2000: you an admin in it?03:18
MTecknologythat's what it showed up as for me03:18
Snovahttp://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=7 -- large green banner at the top. "You are browsing a READ only archive of the main support categories pre 4/21/2008. You will not be able to post or reply any threads in this section."03:18
* newz2000 did not see the big green banner03:18
Snovathat seems to be a recurring issue somehow03:19
MTecknologyI think they need to make it read03:19
MTecknologyor yellow03:19
MTecknologygreen is just too easy to ignore03:19
newz2000it's banner blindness. It won't matter what colour it is03:19
newz2000it needs to have more than a colour I think03:20
newz2000ok, that link is updated, thanks for the tip03:20
newz2000An alert icon maybe, I don't know03:20
MTecknologyor perhaps - less freaking ads on the internet so we're not accustomed to ignoring03:21
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