
David-Afaron: see Tools>Addons>Plugin or go to about:plugins, check if there are many plugins for the same filetype, then i think it will use the first one00:36
neil_dI have setup sshd in the ltsp chroot, including roots .ssh/authorized_keys file... now when I try to login into the terminal from the server as root I get 'Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator' :(   now how can the root account expire?  what do I do to fix this?03:10
neil_djoin #edubuntu04:07
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Balsaqgood morning to all of you who choose to dwell in the peaceful coders sanctuary known as....Xubuntu!04:49
Balsaqgood morning cody-somerville05:20
gregghi all - just installed xubuntu, i'm normally a kde user, and I miss the function in the apps menu that lets me type the name of an app to get to it... is there an xfce menu alternative that will let me do something like that?08:50
psycho_oreossort of like run command?08:51
greggkinda... but with autocomplete - like if i want to run a terminal and can't remember if it's in "accessories" or whatever, i just start typing terminal then it appears in the menu08:53
greggi think the menu in ubuntu does something like that too, but i don'08:53
greggdon't know what the menu's called... have googled my life away but can't figure it out08:54
psycho_oreosthere's verve command line you can add into the panel but that doesn't handle autocomplete08:54
gregghttp://kde-apps.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/31025-3.png <-- like that08:55
greggit's the only "eye-candy" i miss08:55
psycho_oreoswell all I can say is that not every de/wm are made with the same purpose/intention in mind :)08:56
gregggood answer ;)08:56
greggis there any reason the gnome-menu wouldn't work in xfce?08:57
greggthe libraries are there, aren't they?08:57
psycho_oreoswhat do you mean wouldn't work? you mean like there's no applet or the sort?08:58
greggno no - i mean, i know there's something like i'm looking for implemented in gnome... was wondering if it would work in xubuntu08:59
psycho_oreosseems like you can't let go of that find capability, something that kde and gnome would have and xfce wouldn't have09:01
greggok... guess i'll have to live with it as-is then ;)09:01
greggit's my first day with xfce, going great so far, but that was the only thing i was "lacking"09:02
greggwell that, and adobe acrobat, but that's a linux problem, not xfce ;)09:03
psycho_oreosits a far cry but there's an old saying similar to this scenario,"you can't have a cake and eat it."09:03
psycho_oreospersonally I was the same way initially but then I got over mumbling over the losses of specific things I really want.. and now if a certain thing doesn't have it, I'd look for a similar tool rather than the exact tool, failing that I'd most likely get over it09:05
psycho_oreosunless you're a programmer, you just have to make yourself more flexible when interchanging between various environments09:06
greggoh there's no problem with flexibility - the ONLY thing i need from windows is adobe acrobat because of the text-recognition and embedding, but i just run that in a vm on my kubuntu installation09:07
greggxubuntu is my usb installation to run from my work computer where i'm forced to run windows09:08
greggthe menu would just be nice, but i can survive with it the way it is :)09:08
psycho_oreosthere might be an alternative instead of using vm, you might be able to get away with either wine or something like crossover09:08
greggwine doesn't support acrobat, crossover either09:10
greggbut i can live with the vm - running it seamless keeps me happy09:10
gregghmm - and i've just discovered xfapplet - might let me run the gnome menu in xfce09:12
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
unleyhey there, can someone help me lease, I've tried numerous times to log in as a regular user to my Xubuntu 9.10 system to no avail, I'm in here now as root, can someone helpl me find out why this happened. Is there a log I can check?09:36
_Techie_umm, id check the gdm logs, if theres such a thing09:39
unleyno idea where they'd be...09:39
_Techie_want me to boot into *buntu and poke around09:40
unleyif it's no trouble09:40
_Techie_okay, ill be back in a bit09:40
unleyany ideas? I'm looking09:40
unleynhang on09:41
unleyfound a gdm file in /etc09:41
__Techie__okay, gimme a minute while i wait for my mouse to start working09:43
__Techie__ive got a few kinks to work out of my system09:44
__Techie__grr, i wish i could work out this bug.... its soo annoying09:49
unleyI've found /var/log/gdm09:51
__Techie__looks good, not sure which log file in there it would be exactly09:52
__Techie__im sorry, but im gonna boot into windows again09:56
__Techie__its an absolute prick of a job using *buntu without being able to use my mouse09:56
unleythere seems to be09:57
unleya lot of entries saying09:57
unleyWarning:          Duplicate shape name ""09:57
unley>                   Using last definition in a log :0.log09:57
__Techie__just a question before i reboot09:58
__Techie__have you tried recreating the regular user while logged in under root?09:58
unleysounds scary09:58
unleywhat do I do?09:58
__Techie__got a GUI?09:58
__Techie__then look in the admin menu's09:59
__Techie__i cant give you an exact location09:59
unleyusers and groups?09:59
__Techie__as im using ubuntu not xubuntu09:59
__Techie__thats the one09:59
__Techie__and also i cant open any of my manu's without the use of my non working mouse09:59
__Techie__anyway, be back in a few mins10:00
_Techie_okay, im back10:03
unleybe back in a minute, trying something10:06
unleyno joy10:11
unley1 more try10:12
unleycan someone help me work out why regular user login always fails10:16
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
m00seI'm running xubuntu kharmic and win7, and I'd like to change the boot order in the boot menu to reflect win7 as the default OS...can anyone give me a pointer on how to accomplish this?14:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:21
Psilocybin_ElfDoes anyone know if Xubuntu 10.4 will include iPod support too?14:31
Psilocybin_ElfiPhone sorry*14:31
bazhangshould do14:31
bazhangifuse you mean I am guessing14:31
bazhang!find ifuse lucid14:32
ubottuFound: ifuse, ifuse-dbg14:32
Psilocybin_ElfWell, I installed Xubuntu 9.10 on my friends' laptop14:32
bazhang!info ifuse lucid14:32
ubottuifuse (source: ifuse): FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1 (lucid), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB14:32
Psilocybin_Elfand iFuse came up with: USB device not specified14:32
bazhangfrom the PPA?14:32
Psilocybin_Elfwasn't sure how??!14:32
Psilocybin_ElfIt was in the package manager14:32
bazhang!info ifuse14:33
ubottuifuse (source: ifuse): FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 80 kB14:33
bazhangyep 0.9.7 is a fix iirc14:33
Psilocybin_ElfBut iFuse won't let you write to ur iPhone will it? as in copy tunes??!14:33
bazhangoh , not sure; no idea why not though14:35
Psilocybin_ElfI was reading an article about iFuse, googled it14:35
Psilocybin_ElfBut 10.4 is supposed to have out-of-the-box iPhone support with Rhythmbox14:35
Psilocybin_ElfSo i'll prob just wait14:35
bazhangthat is what I heard as well14:35
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.14:36
Psilocybin_ElfGood news14:36
bazhangwell actually the iPod 3G, but same issues14:36
Psilocybin_ElfI mean, I don't use an iPhone myself, but it'll win over my brother & his friend14:36
Psilocybin_ElfWho are now converts14:36
bazhanggood point14:36
Psilocybin_ElfYeah, that's the main question I get asked about Linux: can I use iTunes or my iPhone?14:37
ndrz hey, sudo update-grub didn't helped to boot windows, any other suggestions how to solve this problem ?16:21
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TimewallHey, is there anyone who can help me with an overscan problem?20:59
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule21:11
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages21:14
lucas_hey guys22:29
lucas_i need some help22:29
Sysiwhat's up22:29
lucas_well the thing is i want to o to youtube but i havent got flash installed22:30
Sysiinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras with synaptic or apt22:31
lucas_thx mate!22:31
lucas_what is the command line for apt22:33
lucas_then xubuntu-restricter-extras?22:33
lucas_sorry im new on linux ^^22:33
Sysisudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricter-extras22:34
psycho_oreosxubuntu-restricted-extras is a repository not a package afaik22:34
Sysiisn't it meta package?22:34
lucas_i dont think so22:34
lucas_wait a sec22:34
psycho_oreoscorrection, I just checked it and I was wrong it is a package22:35
Sysilike virtual, itself nothing but all important as dependency22:35
lucas_guys brb22:35
psycho_oreosit isn't marked as virtual package on my 9.0422:35
psycho_oreos!info xubuntu-restricted-extras22:35
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB22:35
psycho_oreoslol considering the size I'd say it'll be most likely virtual, weird how its marked as package instead of virtual on mine oh well22:37
lucas_then aptitude it is?22:38
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide22:38
psycho_oreosaptitude is what I use personally, its smarter than apt-get22:38
lucas_i really suck at linux ...22:39
psycho_oreoswe all had to start from somewhere22:39
Sysimore mistakes, more learning :P22:39
lucas_the first time i had to download something i was like WHAT???22:40
lucas_but how do i do to install flash?22:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash22:41
psycho_oreosno worries22:41
lucas_yay it worked thx guys!22:44
lucas_xubuntu is great22:45
lucas_like so much faster than other os22:45
lucas_well goodbye guys22:46

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