
mithrois there a command like gitk for bzr?01:30
PengUm...what does gitk do? qbzr or bzr-gtk or bzr-explorer probably have something.01:39
mithrogitk lets you browse the revision history in an easy manner01:46
maxbmithro: 'bzr qlog' is excellent (install qbzr)02:47
pobran_May I ask a newbie question here?07:27
pobran_I have a bunch of versions of a project which are not under source control and I am curious what the right way would be in bzr to make these into branches and merge them07:29
pobran_Representing that they are all versions of the same project rather than completely different things, and being able to use merge commands across them07:29
magciusarrgh.. is the best solution for repo web browsing really loggerhead? it stinks13:03
jelmerit could use some improvements, yes :-)13:03
PengIt stinks? That's a bit harsh.13:37
johnjosephbachirwhen trying to do a rebase on a branch and a checkout in the same local repo, i'm told that a revision is missing from the repo14:34
moldyi have a respository containing symlinks that i need to branch on windows. what is the best solution here?17:18
johnjosephbachirhere's a bug report describing the problem i mentioned this morning https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/54967617:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 549676 in bzr "revision missing from repo, causes merge, rebase, etc. to fail" [Undecided,New]17:36
GnxI seem to be experiencing large problems with using bzr client on an openssh server17:53
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
lfaraoneHey, I'm getting an error when using bzr on Fedora 11: "bzr does not support python -O0"20:02
lfaraoneDoes that sound familiar to anybody?20:09
hazmatlfaraone, not familiar but it would suggest that the python optimization level was raised.. was this bzr installed from rpm or manually?20:26
lfaraonehazmat: from rpm20:26
AdysI got a repo on my server without a working tree; how do i get the working tree back?20:28
Adysoh just need to checkout20:29
hazmatlfaraone, sounds like a packaging error, from the source, it sounds like the package was done with optimized python compiled and with stripped the documentation strings (python -OO), which bzr needs, so it complains on startup, i'd file an issue with the package maintainer, they can just use python -O which does the optimized files without the doc strip20:32
hazmatlfaraone, if you'd like to just use bzr, your probably better of in the short term it seems by removing the rpm, and doing a manual installation with easy_install20:46
mwhudsonjelmer: some interesting bzr-git commits :)21:26

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