
Cookiekillerchemnitz is a city in east germany :P00:00
Cookiekillerevery there are the chemnitzer linux days00:00
Cookiekillerevery year*00:01
rmrfslashOK... so again, I installed the plasma-widget-network-manager and I cannot see it in the Add Widgets list.00:02
rmrfslashAm I doing something wrong here?00:02
rmrfslashI figured I should be able to see the widget (and it's featured on the homepage for 9.04)00:02
oxymoronHi guys, how to fix this: "E: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for findutils, probably a dependency cycle.", I have tried dpkg --configure -a, sudo apt-get install -f and sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get autoremove00:04
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geniiI wish they'd fix their connection00:06
Typos_Kingoxymoron:   when do you get that?00:07
geniiParaselene_: Fix your connection please00:08
rmrfslashTypos_King: I installed the gnome network manager... how do I launch it?00:08
sudokodelol, might wanna +b them00:08
Typos_Kingrmrfslash:   nm-applet00:11
Typos_Kingrmrfslash:   you may also want to kill knetworkmanager before00:12
oxymoronTypos_King: I get that after I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid Beta and rebooted and saw that it havent installed udev anc could not restart kernel. Then I had to use chroot from my other parallell Ubuntu Karmic on my sandbox partition xD ANd the previous packages arent setuped and is locked inside apt or dpkg. Is it possible to cleanup and make a fresh apt-get install -f without continue last session?00:17
vbgunzanybody got window resizing down to a smooth operation using nvidia binary drivers? How?00:19
Typos_Kingoxymoron:  not even sure if you can do much reverting when doing such 'upgrade'00:21
oxymoronTypos_King: It must be possible to revert or breakup that dpkg session. I dont want to continue last session with sudo apt-get install -f which it does.00:22
oxymoronTypos_King: Its something about findutils depends on libc6 and libc6 depends on findutils ... moment22 :D00:24
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
downclimbtoday my audio on Kubuntu suddenly stopped working for all non-KDE4 applications...does anybody have any experience with this?00:34
downclimbI've tried booting to an older kernel, doing /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset and restart, but still no luck00:35
=== ubuntu is now known as gigigiggi
[Relic]NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied).    direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)    Any ideas on how to fix this?00:46
rainy-dayI set 'minimize window' shortcut to ctrl-m in global keyb. shortcuts, and hit 'apply', but it doesn't work. I'm also running compiz.. ctrl-m is not mapped to anything in compiz though.00:49
Itesnn all \o00:54
downclimbhad to install some pulseaudio stuff to unmute an output...I swear audio in KDE gives the Windows registry a run for its money on complexity01:06
nomad111every time i open kopete my browsers stop outputting audio any idea how to solve this?01:08
oxymoronHow to solve this guys then: "Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc6"?01:09
=== islington_ is now known as islington
oxymoronsudokode: :)01:57
* oxymoron sighs that he has to manually install libc binaries ... because some idiot programmer locked apt and dpkg out from each other because cycle dependecies xD01:58
sudokodeuse install02:00
oxymoronsudokode: It doesnt work because libc6 isnt installed and apt depends on it xD02:03
sudokodenot apt02:04
sudokodethe "install" program02:04
sudokodeman install02:04
FloodBotK1sudokode: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:04
sudokodeblow me, failbot02:04
oxymoronsudokode: What does it do, dont understand manual02:06
sudokodecopies files and sets attributes02:06
sudokodewhat are you doing? copying the bin/ lib/ include/ stuff from the package?02:07
oxymoronsudokode: Yes, thats what manual says, but what does it mean?02:07
oxymoronsudokode: Yes02:07
sudokodelol, you know how you copy binaries and chmod +x them?02:08
sudokodeit basically just combines those two tasks02:08
oxymoronsudokode: I need to manually download source files and install by forcing dpkg to overwrite old libc6 that ist really installed pshysicly but it says it is xD02:08
sudokodeoh =\02:08
sudokodegod, sctp is cool02:09
oxymoronsudokode: I managed to do it for libc6, but I have to do it for its dependecies as well ... sucks ass. Google couldnt answer me either, I had to try and one time I actually removed libc6 and dpkg wasnt able to load at all so I had to manually copy the files to make dpkg work again :D02:10
sudokodesounds boring :(02:10
oxymoronsudokode: Are you kidding me, it have been taking me like hours just to figure out how to do it manually ...02:12
sudokodeyou should use gentoo :P02:12
oxymoronsudokode: And after that I HOPUFULLY can use apt-get again and install Lucid and THEN MAYBE I can reboot again xD02:12
sudokodeone of these chromium extensions is destroying the acid3 test... now I've gotta narrow it down..02:16
oxymoronsudokode: Oh crap, I accidently removed libc6 on this system as well and cant fucking extract the deb-files ... :'(02:17
oxymoronsudokode: When I finally managed to fix libc6 I got this: E: Kunde inte genomföra omedelbar konfiguration på "base-files".Se man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure för information. (2)02:20
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oxymoronsudokode: Oh yes, whos the man. FINALLY GOT IT fixed :D02:24
oxymoronsudokode: Hahahaha lol, right after I said that I got logged out from this account on some strange reason :D02:25
=== fmagno is now known as bombel
oxymoronsudokode: Do you know what this means btw? gdbm fatal: lseek error02:32
sudokodenope o.o02:32
oxymoronsudokode: apt-get outputs that once in awhile after triggers02:33
sudokodeno clue, never used apt-get02:34
oxymoronsudokode: Its like the annoying python trigger before that said something strange, really annoying because I always look on the process while apt-get is working :P02:34
oxymoronWHat do you use then for installing packages? :)02:35
=== patrick is now known as Guest65879
Guest65879Sound not working in kubuntu on Macbook Pro 4,1, any ideas?03:14
Guest65879ive tried the method here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro4-1/Karmic#Sound03:14
Guest65879any help for the kubuntu noob?03:17
Guest65879no mactel kubuntu anything?03:20
Guest65879is there a better channel for mactel help?03:23
jovis#osx or #mac?03:24
joviswhat kinda help are you looking for03:24
jovisor did you mean mattel03:25
jovislike the easy-bake oven channel?03:25
Guest65879jovis: yes03:25
Guest65879jovis: the easy bake over channel03:25
Guest65879sound not working on ubuntu / kde session. macbook pro 4,103:26
jovisdid you install ubuntu on a mac or what? why are you asking in here?03:26
Guest65879ubuntu install on mac but ive been using kde mostly03:27
Guest65879so i just figured id start here03:27
Guest65879bad idea?03:27
jovisi wouldnt say its a bad idea03:28
jovisis the hw drivers installed and working? are all the "mute" buttons and shit set to  "nonmute" ?03:29
Guest65879jovis: i got it. #ubuntu helped me. headphones was it. (?)03:31
jovisi dunno was it?03:32
Guest65879jovis: yes it was headphones, i was wondering why "headphones" would control the speakers03:33
Guest65879that was the "?"03:33
jovisyou had headphones plugged in and the speakers didnt work? hehe03:35
Guest65879nothing is plugged in03:35
Guest65879i unmuted headphones and then the speakers worked03:35
jovishm strange03:36
jovisglad its fixed for you now tho03:36
jovishave fun wiuth your mac03:36
Guest65879thanks jovis- preciate it03:37
apersonI wish I could have my webcam up03:37
apersonwell, I could03:37
apersonbut it's not my ip03:37
Guest65879on another hand, cube effect in KDE, can I set it up as in GNOME? so I can use "CTRL-left mouse"? its more fluid that way, rather than having to press "enter" after i get to the side I need03:39
apersonoh man, wrong room03:39
Guest65879 I think the cube effect in KDE is goofy, I need to hot corner to get to it and press enter to leave it, i cant just click and drag as in GNOME.03:41
elementalbrandhi all03:51
=== elementalbrand is now known as lorbrito
Guest65879any tips on making the cube more fluid? or how to map it the same as GNOME?03:57
Guest65879so if I have kde installed on top of ubuntu, does compiz do anything under KDE?04:00
macoGuest65879: you could run compiz and kde together, but kde's default window manager, kwin, has many of the same effects built in04:01
macoGuest65879: and yes you can map different shortcuts. look in systemsettings. i think its in the "desktop" category04:02
Guest65879maco: Im doing that currently, I just want the cube to be more fluid as in GNOME, I cant get it to map the cube to CTRL+button 1 because it just ignores input from button 1 during the mapping04:02
Guest65879maco: so i just figured i would try to do it thru compiz, but compiz doesnt seem to be doing anything04:03
Guest65879maco: under KDE that is04:03
macodid you do "compiz --replace" so itd replace kwin?04:05
Guest65879maco: no, never knew to (im new here). is that just in terminal? can I switch it back?04:05
macoyep in the terminal04:05
Guest65879maco: will that be the new default until I switch it back?04:06
macoif you have it set to start new logins with whatever was running in the old session, yes04:06
macootherwise, no04:06
Guest65879maco: can you explain that to me? the different logins?04:07
macowhen you log out and log back in04:08
macoor reboot and login again04:08
macoif your systemsettings -> advanced -> sessions setting is to restore session, then when you login itll start running whatever was going when you logged out last time04:09
macoit could also be set to start a fresh new session04:09
macoif its set to starting fresh, then you have to manually set which one you want to be your default04:09
macoif its set to restore, itll do whatever was going last time you used it04:10
Guest65879maco: I see. thats crazy. I never knew about that04:10
Guest65879maco: thanks!04:10
macognome had that feature04:10
macobroke it in jaunty, i believe04:10
Guest65879maco: that sounds awful. I depend on reboots to get me back to everything working lol04:11
macohaha well some people like not having to restart everything, so for them the "picks up where you left off" thing is nice04:12
macogood news for everyone is that it's configurable ;-)04:12
macowell bad news for gnome users that like it to pick up where it left off: if you try to set that, you get a popup that says "not implemented!"04:13
Guest65879maco: why do you use KDE? what sells you on it? I am trying to get used to it because I think it is gorgeous04:13
macoi switched a bit over a year ago when i got annoyed because kubuntu was getting a graphical way to configure ctrl+alt+backspace and mark decided that ubuntu could not have teh same. i wanted graphical ways to configure things (because command line and gconf arent nice to users) so i switched04:15
macotoo much of gnome is only configurable through gconf :-/04:16
Guest65879maco: good to know04:18
Guest65879maco: thanks for all your help.04:18
macoGuest65879: no problem04:18
oxfordanyone know how to get yahoo chat to work with 'pidgin' on Ubuntu?04:30
=== elementalbrand is now known as lorbrito
James147oxford: This is the kubuntu support channel, you might have better luck with ubuntu problems in #ubuntu04:41
zusalright.... now im slightly peeved, KMAIL is acting up once again. can some one please tell me how can i keep the 2nd gmail account logged into kmail?04:49
zusit keeps asking for the user name and password even after i hit remember password04:50
zusand why does my facebook widget cant get the facebook package required for it? it worked once before...04:51
aarthii m in the right place if i have to ask abt how to setup a cloud in ubuntu server 9.1005:03
Kasm279aarthi: #ubuntu would be better05:04
gotttoor #ubuntu-server05:05
zusdo i have to make an identity for every account of email in kmail?05:07
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* smatt454 is back (gone 07:30:54)05:44
=== noobie22692 is now known as liltechdude
zushow do i install the ppa and get google chrome06:18
zusin kubuntu 9.1006:18
joviszus: download and build it is my first guess06:21
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\removing KDE 4.4 what exactly will it remove ?06:40
Ahmed\any program that came with it such as Kopete or ? just the KDE ?06:40
BigMack83Ahmed\: in a terminal run "sudo apt-get remove kde" and it will tell you what it has to remove before it actually does it06:41
Ahmed\Good idea06:41
Ahmed\linux-headers-2.6.31-14 mplayer-skins libboost-thread1.38.0 liblzo2-206:42
Ahmed\libopenal1 libsvga1 mplayer-nogui libboost-date-time1.38.006:43
Ahmed\Only these ? what are those apart from mp skins06:43
=== raptor is now known as wepiha
zushow can i find out if a ppa is trusted?07:02
Ahmed\Hey ZUS07:02
Ahmed\WHATS PPA ?07:02
zusAhmed\,  hello07:02
zus basically i mean how do i know this is trusted? (apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B5)07:03
bazhangzus, got a link to the ppa07:04
zusbazhang,  yes one sec07:05
Ahmed\zus: hello :)07:05
bazhangzus, this is karmic?07:05
zusAhmed\,  http://linux.about.com/cs/linux101/g/ppa.htm07:06
bazhang!ppa > Ahmed\07:06
ubottuAhmed\, please see my private message07:06
zusbazhang, add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily07:06
bazhangzus, right, link to the actual page, though?07:06
zusoh sorry07:07
Ahmed\I saw HUH what is that bot ?07:07
zusbazhang, http://www.piotrkrzyzek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-kubuntu-karmic-9-10-i386-and-x64/07:07
zusAhmed\,  yes07:07
zusbazhang,  i want to install goolge chrome..07:07
Ahmed\Well i mean !! I can talk to that bot awwww07:08
bazhangzus, no need to import the keys, it will do it for you07:08
zus!cookie Ahmed\07:09
Marieneed some help07:09
Mariehow to install xbuntu desktop in gnome9.1007:09
zusbazhang,  well,... i did already....then i thought about it and began to wonder if it was trusted07:10
bazhangMarie, the package xubuntu-desktop07:10
Mariecan u please give the command to run un terminal07:10
bazhangMarie, in future, you may wish to join #xubuntu for help with that07:10
bazhangMarie, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:11
Mariethanks alot07:11
zusMarie,  sudo apt-get install xbuntu-desktop07:11
bazhangyou're welcome07:11
zusheh im slow07:11
zuswhat is going on?07:11
Mariethe above command doesn't work zeus07:11
Mariesry *zus07:12
zusMarie,  that is how you pronounce my name though07:12
Ahmed\Zus, can i upgrade to Lucid without formatting or reinstalling ?07:12
Ahmed\From KK 9.1007:12
bazhangAhmed\, sure, help in #ubuntu+107:13
zusMarie, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  should have ...check the spelling07:13
Ahmed\Zus those peoples in Lucid room are so helpful:$07:15
zusbazhang,  how do i find if its trusted? i did what the page said then thought better i have chrome installed, but now wonder on the key '07:15
zusAhmed\,  the entire community are, i like this place.. im glad i was able to help and be a part of it07:16
bazhangsudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily  zus that is it07:16
zusbazhang,  i ment this one sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B507:17
zusbazhang,  and thank you for helpping me by the way07:17
bazhangStarting to Karmic/9.10, adding the PPA and its key is as simple as: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily07:18
bazhangzus, that is pre-karmic07:18
zushrm, i already did it, heh should have tried to see if it was trusted or even safe.07:19
Mariegot it frnd07:19
bazhangsudo apt-get update then07:19
Ahmed\Oh Zus nice of you :)07:20
Ahmed\Zus i can't switch between windows like i used to in Gnome how to i enable07:21
zusAhmed\, ctrl f-1107:22
zusAhmed\,  for the desktops?07:22
Ahmed\NO same , i mean those cube comes to switch not for the desktops i have turned for only 2 desktops and it works okay just they way to switch the running apps07:23
zusAhmed\,  hmm right click desktop and zoom out? maybe or is that activities07:24
catrachobuenas noches tras actualizar mi sistema.. se actualizo el ultimo kernel disponible q finaliza  en .21 pero siempre me inicia en .20 y el grub solo ese me reconoce que debo hacer para arreglar esto??07:33
zusno se, yo soy neuvo para linux.07:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:38
zusthanks i couldnt think of the espanol channel07:40
zushrm google chrome just winked at me...new to it and i unclosed a windwo with out an extension....lets see if i can fall in luv07:43
zusGoogle pays people who find bugs! whats this about? i am reading on chrome extensions!?07:46
zusok please anyone know how to fix kmail? the bloody window keeps asking for user name and pasword i already have07:47
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cano[09:45:38] --> cano (~quassel@p4FF69170.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) hat #kubuntu betreten08:46
cano[09:45:38] * Thema für #kubuntu ist "Official Kubuntu support | Download Kubuntu 9.10: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu | KDE 4.3.5 in backports | KDE SC 4.4 in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines | Lucid/10.04 Support in #ubuntu+1"08:46
cano[09:45:38] * Thema gesetzt von Pici am Di. Mrz 23 20:33:12 201008:46
cano[09:45:39] [ChanServ] Welcome to #kubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there. This channel is publicly logged. The official Ubuntu logs are at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/08:46
cano[09:45:41] *** Modus #kubuntu +CLcntjf 4:10 #kubuntu-unregged durch jordan.freenode.net08:46
cano[09:45:41] * Chat #kubuntu wurde am So. Nov 26 07:42:42 2006 erzeugt08:46
FloodBotK1cano: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:46
=== brett_ is now known as Guest86317
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
S1r-Dr4g0nwhat chat is this ?08:57
rork#kubuntu, the official kubuntu support channel08:57
Ahmed\HOw can i check the internet usage like in windows you can see hwo many MB is been receiving and how many sending :)08:57
rorkAhmed\: System monitor > System load08:58
rorkAhmed\: well, that's current trafic, not total08:58
S1r-Dr4g0ni search for a global chat08:58
Ahmed\no not current i mean tota08:58
Ahmed\like for hours08:59
rorkS1r-Dr4g0n: you may want to try #kubuntu-offtopic I don't use any other global chat09:04
Ahmed\Well i gotta question i am having 148 processes running and CPU gets about to 100% for a while , what do i do, ? disabling start up items may help ?09:08
zusi found and read a walk through on adding multiple accounts and identities with kmail. then why does it keep asking for  my user name and password?!?!?! all day i've been asking for help on this09:14
Ahmed\ZUS you are still stucked on it OMG too bad :) that no one helps and you helps when ever you can :)09:14
zusAhmed\,  well, the help plenty but it's this particular problem i havent been abled to solve either on my won or with help09:15
zuswon=own lol bit frustrated is all09:16
Ahmed\Oh its okay :)09:16
Ahmed\Well i gotta question i am having 148 processes running and CPU gets about to 100% for a while , what do i do, ? disabling start up items may help ?09:16
Ahmed\and if so which are the things should i turn off :)09:17
zusgood question ahmed sometimes my pc is loud and at 100% other is nice and low09:18
Ahmed\Oh really ? well i have just noticed so09:18
Ahmed\I mean its on 17% and next second reaches to 100% thats insane09:19
Ahmed\even tho i have extra 2200MB of RAM but it becomes useless when the CPU is up!09:19
Ahmed\And 492 MB is been used 2200 Still FREE huh i shoulda get a core 2 :$09:20
Ahmed\Zus now i got it, WHy KDE was slow i mean it wasnt cause of the RAM or SHared Graphics HUH09:22
zusAhmed\, could be a reason,09:23
zusAhmed\,  im dont rightly know how the kernel does it all yet.09:24
Ahmed\YES THATS WHY I AM ON KDE, can you tell me that command which shows what will it remove by removing KDE ?09:24
Ahmed\Yeah thats true09:24
zusone sec09:24
zusAhmed\,  sudo apt-get remove kde09:26
Ahmed\thanks i forget it09:26
Ahmed\Will it also remove this new KDE couser ? i mean that mouse arrow ? too i like it :$09:27
zusi think so09:27
Ahmed\Yeah :) right09:29
rorkzus: did you enable store password and stored the password in kwallet or local?09:29
zusyes, im looking in kwallet now...if i remove something in k wallet and find i need it again, will it remake it self?09:30
zusrork, ^09:31
rorkzus: can't test that fast ;) yes it does09:32
rorkzus: you may have to restart kmail after removing it from kwallet though09:32
zusrork,  lol i forgot to hilight your name to the reply sorry hehe :)09:33
Ahmed\What is this ? it says its gonna be remove when i will uninstall the KDE ? isnt that thing comes at they bootup09:33
rorkAhmed\: what's what?09:34
Ahmed\I mean when you type (sudo apt-get remove kde) it tells you wht is going to be removed, so there are only three things first is  MPlayer time and date etc second and third is linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic and skins :) of MP but i know what those two things are but what (linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic) is this ?09:35
biertieanyone here that manned the kubuntu booth during chemnitzer linux tage?09:36
iconmefistoAhmed\: that is a kernel09:36
Ahmed\I Like installing KDE and then using Gnome like gets AWESOME :)09:36
Ahmed\Oh, So it will remove those two kernel when i select from Dual boot ? i see like 3 :)09:36
iconmefistoAhmed\: also, sudo apt-get remove kde will not really remove kde. kde is many packages09:37
rorkAhmed\: the command you're looking for is "apt-get -s remove <package>" -s means it will simulate, not actually remove them09:37
BiggFREEI am just reading. Thanks09:37
Ahmed\iconmefisto: Can you tell me what are the startup items that they are not needed to be marked ? as important , cause my computer's CPU gets from 15% to hundred like in a second with no reason :) that would be really helpful09:38
Ahmed\Umm i see09:38
iconmefistoAhmed\: which processes are running at high CPU? ctrl-esc will show you a window with a list of processes09:39
zusrork, "authorization dialog you need to supply a user name and password to access this site"  - site: new mail feed at  username (text field) password text field)09:40
Ahmed\Yes KDE has many packages true, how about  "kdelibs-bin kdelibs-Data or Kdelibs4c2" wont it removes everything ?09:40
Ahmed\I am there well its Dell Optiplex GX280 3.6Ghz09:40
zusrork,  thats what constanly keeps poping up... all my usernames and password are met in kmail.. i even deleted the folder with my misspelled gmail adress....09:41
iconmefistoAhmed\: if you really want to remove kde, I can give you a link that has all the default kde packages that are installed with kubuntu09:41
iconmefistoAhmed\: is it 9.10 karmic ?09:42
vincehi everyone09:42
Ahmed\No i don't wanna remove it actually just was thinking what will it remove EXACTLY so its a few things as shown09:42
Ahmed\Yes On Karmic Koala09:42
Ahmed\WHY IS THIS THING running 152 processes for when i am not doing a thing at all :)09:43
vinceI'm looking for a app that can verify sfv files09:43
vincesuch as "parano" on gnome09:43
iconmefistoAhmed\: look at the packages in the command here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome09:43
Ahmed\okay lemme see thanks09:43
Ahmed\Thats so useful and so easy :)09:44
rorkzus: I bet you did check  the "remember" password box, and if you provide your username and password it downloads the mail?09:44
zusrork, i think kmail is working im waiting on an email to confirm...that box is up still, but i got my email to the one account....can i wipe my walllet and have it ask for  permissions again  from scratch...im begining to not trust this...09:45
rorkvince: gnome packages should generally work on kde, don't ask me how to install parano though09:46
zusrork,  email recived and confirmed its gotto be something else.09:47
vinceyes but i will have to download lots of gnome dependencies won't i?09:47
Draglorzus you can just remove the one entry in kwallet, no need to wipe the entire wallet09:47
rorkvince: true09:47
Ahmed\Okay well can anyone tell me what are the items i can disable on Gnome that are not needed09:47
zusDraglor,  i dont know what entry it is causing this pop up box...this is a relatively fresh install09:47
rorkvince: apt-cache search sfv will show you some packages you might be interested in09:48
vincei'll look into it09:49
Ahmed\what is in KDE that i should have to switch it to KDE from Gnome ?09:50
zusAhmed\,  the entire desktop kde dolphin file manager and certain apps09:51
vinceDolphin is great09:51
zusim loving it09:51
Ahmed\Oh well :) thats good answers09:51
rorkAhmed\: kate09:52
Ahmed\KATE ?09:52
vincenautilus does what a file manager is supposed to do but it's very limited though09:52
Ahmed\So Terimal and Konsol is the very same thing ?09:52
zusK advance text editor is like gedit09:52
rorkKDE Advanced Text Editor, it's my favourite, worth even switching from windows to linux ^^09:52
vinceyes it is09:52
Ahmed\ohhh :)09:52
Ahmed\So ZUS, does all Linux commands are the same for Fedora, Ubuntu, Or Redhat ?09:53
rorkbut also design, configurability, other software: yakuake (terminal from the top of the screen, akregator (rss feed reader) and kmail09:54
zusAhmed\, not all comands are the same09:54
zusisnt there two terminals in kubuntu?09:54
Ahmed\There's one knowna s Terminal and other is Konsol ? i mean whats the difference i only saw two in KDE Huh09:55
zuswhat akondai something or other09:56
Ahmed\SOrry i mean, Known :)09:56
vinceI have no idea what it is actually09:56
iconmefistoAhmed\: xterm and konsole are installed by default. maybe others. my favourite is yakuake09:56
vincenever use it09:56
Ahmed\Okay :)09:56
vinceTwo things a bit boring on kde09:56
Ahmed\VInce what are those !09:57
vincesfv file checksum and archives with passwords are console only09:57
zusanyways....so wipeing my kwallet doesnt break nothing, ill just be asked again for passwords?09:57
Ahmed\hahaha well :) i dont like that sfv either and the second thing i dont even know :$09:57
vincewhich is not really important ;)09:58
rorkzus: yes09:58
Ahmed\how can i check how many GB is left in my Root drive ?09:58
rorkzus: also in the authorisation window there should be account <accountname> just above the username/password part09:58
zusrork,  thanks that says new mail feed09:59
rorkAhmed\: df or in dolphin rightclick any folder > properties09:59
zusrork,  what to wipe? the folder content or just everything09:59
iconmefistoAhmed\: df -h (diskfree, which shows all partitions and free space. -h means "human-readable" showing space in MB, KB, etc)10:00
rorkzus: in kmail settings > accounts > receiving is there any account called "new mail feed"?10:00
zusrork,  new mail notification but thats got it for beeping on email incomming10:01
BiggFREEBye all10:02
rorkzus: let me ask it the other way which accounts are listed in Configure kmail > accounts > receiving?10:03
zusrork,  thing is  for 2 days i've been puttin my user name and password and checking remeber pasword.10:03
zusmy 2 gmail accounts10:04
zusthe account type pop310:05
zusrork,  i got you, just m two gmail10:06
zusthe pop up box opens with my info written in already10:06
Ahmed\Thanks Iconmefisto :)10:08
Ahmed\You are right about that -h i thought you was joking :$ THANKS MAN10:08
rorkzus: do you get one or two dialogs asking for your password?10:11
Ahmed\See you guys later :) take care10:12
zusrork, one pop up box and asking for both username and password wich are already filled in10:12
zusrork,  pops up that way with remeber password unchecked10:12
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rorkzus: that leaves me puzzled, why should it ask for a password if it allready has one, sounds like some kind of confirmation but I can't find anything like that for receiving mail and for sending mail it doesn't pop up anything at my place.10:19
rorkzus: I thought it had something to do with not being able to store the password or a badly configured account but it doesn't look like it. Did you try other places (e.g. ubuntuforums) for help?10:20
zusrork,  thank you very much for helpping me.10:30
ubsafderhow do i update to lucid beta ? update-manager does not show any upgrades ?10:31
ubsafderi am on10:32
FloodBotK1ubsafder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
Tm_Tubsafder: you should ask in #ubuntu+1 as they should know it better (:10:32
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zuswhat programme do i use in kubuntu for  my ipod shuffle?11:08
zusis there a list of programs like  ubuntu software center? but for Kubuntu? im looking for a app like itunes for my ipod11:10
bonecrasheris it possible to install yahoo messenger in linux 9.10?11:11
vincenope i don't think there is11:11
vincebonecrasher: You don't need yahoo mess do you?11:12
vincePidgin does the job11:12
zusbonecrasher,  ya can install pidgin wich lets you do yahoo11:12
bonecrasherjust trying only11:12
zusfacebook and myspace as well11:12
vinceit might work with wine11:12
bonecrasherbut pidgin is useless11:12
zusmy facebook widget is broke,11:13
bonecrasheri bougth this loptap in making my new o.s. as linux11:14
zus"couldnot open the facebook package required for the widet...it worked in kde default on live disc though for 9.1011:14
vincei think it's not working anymore because of kde 4.411:19
vinceNot working for me either11:19
st4aluckI have problem with the power on my laptop11:21
st4aluckI have problem with the power on my laptop. When I start it on battery it freezes. Can somebody help me!!!11:22
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st4aluckI have problem with the power on my laptop. When I start it on battery it freezes. Can somebody help me!!!11:26
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oxymoronIs it possible to do fsck in chroot?12:32
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r00t_im rying to setup KGpg on my kubuntu box and it says its alreaady intaled yet no gui pops up when i run kgpk fromthe cvomand line what am i doding wrong?12:37
Eruaranr00t_: I think it integrates with Konqueror12:44
Eruaranr00t_: Through integration with the Konqueror  browser, users can easily encrypt files by right-clicking and choosing Actions > Encrypt File. Left-clicking on an encrypted file in Konqueror will prompt the user for a password to decrypt the file.12:45
Eruaranr00t_: http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeutils/kgpg/index.html12:46
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guidbonjour !13:41
guidJe cherche un plasmoid meteo parametrable pour pouvoir utiliser fr.weather.com. Le plasmoid meteo de base ne connaît étonnemment pas les villes françaises.13:44
Marieheii  all13:44
Mariei tried installing matrix widget13:45
Mariein my system13:45
guidouch, sorry for my french /o\13:45
Mariebut it shows error13:45
Mariejavascript error13:45
Tm_T!fr > guid no problems13:46
ubottuguid, please see my private message13:46
Marieit shows an error "java script object cannot be created"13:46
AlexZionhi everyone, I just update my experimental desk , from kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 beta 1 and everything went fine , except for the panel ....13:47
bazhangAlexZion, #ubuntu+1 for lucid please13:48
AlexZionso when I restart my system , it was without panel ...., I already fix it , but it was just to laet you know. ..13:48
AlexZionahh ok , sorry .....13:48
vinceThat's too bad lucid lynx won't feature gnome 313:52
vinceGnome 2 is like 8 years old or something13:53
apparlevince: how is gnome 313:53
vincehow is it...it's like...in dev13:53
apparlevince: then its obvious lucid is an LTS... they will not release LTS with a dev version13:54
apparleof gnome13:54
vincei meant too bad gnome 3 is still in dev13:54
vinceat the time that lucid comes out13:55
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:55
apparleTm_T: sorry13:55
vinceSorry ;)13:56
_zap_hi. i am using the netbook edition on my eeepc. the openoffice gui dialogs cannot be seen properly. anybody else have this problem? i forced 96 dpi.14:00
James147_zap_: What do you mean by "cannot be seen porperly"?14:05
_zap_James147: some gui elements are not shown fully so i cannot read the text14:05
_zap_James147: e.g. check boxes are not displayed fully but overlapped by other checkboxes14:06
James147_zap_: Hmm, seems to work fine on lucid :S fonts are smaller on lucid though, all mine are set to size 814:08
_zap_James147: mine are set to 714:09
James147_zap_: hmm14:09
_zap_James147: still i don't see why this should not work14:09
James147_zap_: Nor do i14:09
_zap_James147: the problem is also there when i don't force dpi 9614:10
_zap_James147: but it's not that bad14:11
James147_zap_: is it happening in other apps appart from openoffice?14:13
_zap_James147: i have seen it only there14:14
James147_zap_: Cant see anything that mihgt be causeing that14:18
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_zap_James147: thanks for your feedback14:19
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tsesalve gente15:17
tseavrei un problema15:17
tsequalcuno sa dirmi come posso assegnare alla mia scheda di rete un indirizzo lan che voglio io? se modifico /etc/network/interface mi impazzisce tutto15:18
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:22
tsethanks a lot Eruaran15:23
wizkoderhy everybody15:30
wizkoderI was just looking for a hexeditor. but when you search for "hex" you get only the ghex. with "apt-cache search" I found octeta which is really cool. Consider this a bug!15:31
wizkoderI mean searching in kpackagekit15:31
James147wizkoder: okular is kdes hex editor15:32
James147wizkoder: okteta i mean15:32
wizkoderJames147: so you should find it when you search in kpackagekit15:32
James147wizkoder: yup15:32
wizkoderIt does not show it when you search for either "hexeditor" nor with "hex editor".15:33
James147wizkoder: change "find by name" to "find be discription"15:34
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wizkoderJames147: I already found it. Its a BUG of this program!15:34
achpileIs there in Kubuntu the programm to easy downloading and installing applications like in Ubuntu.15:38
James147achpile: Kpackagekit15:38
zuslooking for the program for ipod on kubuntu15:38
achpileYeah... but it shows no apps15:39
James147achpile: type in the search to look for apps or change the dropdown menu from "all packages" to the group you want15:39
achpileIt shows only installed packages15:42
James147achpile: switch to the "software updates" tab and click refresh then try15:43
zusachpile,  i asked the same questions last night i didnt get answer yet either...15:43
zusim looking for something like i tunes  for my ipod15:43
James147zus: some ipods work with amarok, if yours dosent you could try gtkpod15:44
achpileJames147: thanx a lot =)15:45
wizkoderJames147: Filed a bugreport on bugs.kde.org. Still do not understand why kpackagekit was chosen, but okay, so we have to get it working :-)15:45
James147wizkoder: it works for me fine :S15:46
wizkoderJames147: It has to be es easy as possible! When I enter a search term that is VERY descriptive I should find the program instantly!15:46
achpileone more question... I've downloaded .bin file to install an application, but how I can install it?15:47
bazhangachpile, which application15:47
James147wizkoder: I tend to use it for finding spific packages so i usually search their name :S15:47
achpileQt 4.6.215:47
greggwhat's everyone's experience with backports? i've googled and read the forums, and it seems everyone's divided on the subject... I'm no n00b, but I like a system that works...15:48
achpilewith QtCreator15:48
wizkoderachpile: first make it executable by "chmod a+x programname"15:48
zusJames147, thanks its an ipod shuffle i just got it from my lil brother hehehe15:48
James147gregg: I have never had any problems with it... I dont think... but then again I also use beta as well sometimes :S15:48
wizkoderachpile: then ./programname15:48
running_rabbit07gregg, I have used backports on two machines to make wireless work better15:48
achpilewizkoder: thanks =)15:49
greggi've read about lots of problems with kde 4.4 and backports...15:49
James147zus: never got the ipod shuffle i found to work with linux... although thats probally for a lack of trying15:49
zusJames147,  i found i was able to open the ipod icon and get into folders would it be a matter of draggin files then?15:49
James147zus: in amarok?15:50
wizkoderI don't like all this digital restrictions management of apple. I bought me a smartphone what I can plug in and copy any file on it that I want ;-)15:51
zusJames147,  when i plug it in the icon apears i clicked it that way15:51
James147zus: wizkoder so did i, but hell I founf an ipod lieing around so i though i give it a try, never used it though :S15:51
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James147zus: in amarok you should be able to right click the songs you want and selects "copy to... "15:52
James147zus: but when I tryed the songs copyed fine, but amarok failed to rebuild the ipods database... caused the ipod to not work untill i used itunes again :S15:53
zusJames147,  thanks gonna try it...15:53
wizkoderJames147: Wondering what itunes is any good for? I am not willing to buy all the music I already own in cd form (1600 for me ;-)))) ) again.15:54
James147zus: Don't know why ipods can't just "find" songs to play :( or why they need everything named as gibberish15:54
zusJames147,  i noticed that lol iots all giberish haha15:54
James147wizkoder: As far as I can tell its very very good at doubling the size of your music collection :D15:54
James147wizkoder: without adding any new songs to it ;)15:55
zushow do i get my 5 in 1 card reader working? lol its always something15:55
wizkoderJames147: Guess its the same with the amazon ebook store ;-)15:55
zusthough i never used it till now, even when i had windows15:55
James147zus: heh, its been a struggle for you to get things working right... what computer are you useing?15:56
zusJames147,  an hp although i found it in the trash, everything worked windos xp was on it, then i wiped it and put linux been using this machine a year  but with linux  only since 9.10 release15:57
zusJames147, the 5 in one reader worked  too but i never used it  passed trying it15:58
wizkoderzus: 9.10 is great apart from the sound. Which keeps crashing every few minutes. And always gives me the knack sound when different applications produce sound. Can't wait to get 10.04. Already tried the beta and this problem has already been solved!15:58
elisionistagood afternoon everyone15:59
elisionistaI'm a new linux user and would like to ask you a kestion16:00
elisionistadon't know if I'm in the right place16:00
wizkoderproblem with the beta is there are too many other bugs still. So I can't use it on my laptop. Some people have to work with there machines ;-)16:00
zuswizkoder,  i hear the 10.4 is stabel enough... then i hear its not. im dyiing to see lucid.16:01
greggis there anything in the backports other than kde and amarok?16:01
James147!ask | elisionista16:01
ubottuelisionista: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:01
greggI want to try installing backports but i'm nervous lol16:01
zusi admit i had way less trouble in gnome.... but i really  like what i got with kubuntu16:01
James147gregg: You can always installed it, ONLY upgrade the packages you want then disable it again16:02
wizkoderI find gnome really ugly16:02
James147gregg: but you cannot down grade again so be careful, you could try it in a virtual mecinene if you really really want to test it16:02
drdranDid someone like the standard KDE theme of Kubuntu? Does someone think that will be cool to make a custom theme like our parents of Ubuntu?16:02
greggJames147: hmmm true - is KPackageKit going to show me what's backports and what's normal upgrades?16:02
wizkoderI regretted it the last time I installed backports. kdevelop stopped working then :-(16:02
James147gregg: Dont think so, but rather then doing a blanket upgrade, you can upgrade indddividual packages...16:03
drdranI think Kubuntu is great and usable from the 9.10, but lacks on graphical improvements...16:03
wizkoderwhat improvements?16:04
greggJames147: yeah that's what i'll do - is kde 4.4. doing better from the backports than it did back when it first came  out?16:04
elisionistakubuntu don't let me define wich tray of the printer should I use. I have a EPSON RX700 and have 3 trays, a front one, a rear one for photos and a Cd printer tray.16:04
James147gregg: on the other had yet it will... if you have no upgrades before you add it (after checking for it) then install it, all the updates you get will be from the backports16:04
elisionistaIs ther any way to define wich tray to use?16:04
drdranLike a personalized and more cool boot logo, kdm graphics and soo on...16:05
greggOH! While I'm here... anyone know a quick way to make the task manager show ONLY only?16:05
elisionistaI can't print CD labels this way :(16:05
greggwhoops - icons only16:05
James147gregg: I haven't had any problems with it, but tha dosent mean you wont16:05
tim_I'm trying lucid, upgrading a machine that was working properly as a server.  I got hosed, and I've gotten things back up except for two aspects... xdmcp and ndiswrapper.16:05
greggJames147: what can i do if the whole thing boinks on me after upgrade?16:06
wizkodertim_: Very good idea to use a beta system on a server ;-)16:06
James147gregg: depends how it boinks on you :)16:06
James147gregg: worst case is you ahve to reinstall your system16:07
drdranI'm try kubuntu Lucid, and I'm impressed for the 20 sec. of boot time, very nice, but I'm not very impressed on the graphics, that was the default, and poor... :S16:07
tim_It is a server I use to train myself, it is not production.16:07
tim_I wouldn't be using a wireless internet adapter if it was my production server16:07
gregghuh? backports gives me 26 updates and amarok isn't one of them?16:08
wizkoderdrdran: Seriously. There are far more important issues then that!16:08
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James147gregg: hmm, try refreshing again16:08
elisionistano one knows any Epson RX700 drivers that alow me to use my CD printer tray?16:09
greggJames147: refreshing...16:09
wizkoderelisionista: Do not even have a printer anymore. Useless nowadays in my opinion ;-)16:09
tim_I don't understand people who complain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I don't undrstand why people complain about graphics so much.  Hang art on your wall, and use the computer to do work.16:09
tim_                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:09
drdranwizkoder: of course, but if u see the work on the Ubuntu distro, the graphics and the user interface is one of the point of force of the distro16:10
greggoh DOH nevermind - my mistake adding the repo16:10
wizkoderdrdran: huh? Gnome is just ugly? Really no clue whan you mean. But when you like it more use ubuntu.16:10
tim_I was happy to see grub has support back for remote logins, but I can't get the server to accept a remote login.  They changed the grub config files again, I think...16:11
wizkoderI would love it to see a gui for grub. Right now I have to change the boot picture in the scripts16:12
drdranwizkode: nope, this is not the point. Focus your mind in this aspect: kubuntu is stable and KDE is a very nice desktop, accelleration anch eplasma widget is very nice... but what dinstinct Kubuntu from the other distro?16:13
tim_I agree.  I'm sure they will add it back, but right now it is trial and error.16:13
James147elisionista: Sorry, don't have a cd printer so I can't really help. All I can suggest is you look on the forums to see if you can find the answer there or ask again here later to see if anyone else know that answer16:13
drdranwizkode: OpenSuse work on the theming and the integration of gtk application in Kde... the chakra project work on the graphics personalization16:13
elisionistajames147: Thanks anyway, will follow your advice ;)16:14
drdranwizkode: mi question is: Is possible to help the Kubuntu dev in this side? And How?16:15
wizkoderdrdran: Guess its the fault of ubuntu! they leave kde apart :-( You can tell them forever that kde is better in all aspects and they still use gnome as standard. There is no doubt that c++ is far better for graphical interfaces. and qt is the best lib in the market. But this is leading nowhere :-(16:15
tim_Some people want their apps to open quickly on older machines.  They don't want to wait for kde to open it prettily.16:16
XarverHello. I am converting a friend to Kubuntu from Windows, but I have this strange problem when installing. When in the install section Keyboard Layout, I can't press forward and can't go on to the next step. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9035746#post903574616:16
James147drdran: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved?action=show&redirect=HelpingKubuntu16:17
drdranwizkode: for example I'm developing the Kate color scheme that was dark but eyerelaxing ;)16:17
elisionistathanks for the help anyway guys, will try again here latter.16:17
wizkodertim_: true. for them there is lxde. But most machines nowadays have far too much power. Even my laptop is too fast for kde 4.16:18
tim_Too fast was never a problem for me.  I'16:19
tim_I can't keep up with the computer anyway.16:19
drdranwizkode: How can I contribute with the development and improvement of Kubuntu :) (scripting pythonic and c++ code?)16:19
James147drdran: see -> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved?action=show&redirect=HelpingKubuntu16:21
wizkoderdrdran: I am not involved in kde yet. Did some test with cmake (which I fell in love with instantly!). But I still use qt but to develop for my N900 :-)16:21
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drdranJames147: thanx :)16:22
drdranwizkoder: nice! The N900 is cool!16:22
zushow do i install these? gnupg, gnupg2, gnupg-agent16:23
wizkoderdrdran: absolutely. Nokia made a present to the nerds! Its like a dream come true. And it uses all the standards like mini-usb and I plug in a normal earphone. Got rid of all my sonyericsson hardware instantly -)16:24
James147zus: cant you do it though packagemanagment software?16:24
drdranwizkoder: WOW! Did u use QT Creator?16:25
wizkoderdrdran: program right now with it on desktop nr. 2 ;-)))16:25
zusJames147,  hmm one sec16:26
drdranwizkoder: Yeah Cool! I'm programming python with kate right now eh eh eh I'm and Django addicted... :D16:26
wizkoderdrdran: no clue about python yet. Cursing c++ every single day ;-)16:27
wizkoderdrdran: kate I use to develop my game -> www.lostlabyrinth.com16:27
drdranwizkoder: did you can sync your N900 with Kde PIM? Is possible? I have a E90, I sync it with funambol and citadel server :P :) WOWOW Nice game!16:29
drdranwizkoder: I like rpg games!16:30
wizkoderdrdran: I sync it with google calender and then sync this with the kde pim. But it works only more or less. Hopefully the owncloud project advances fast. I want to have my own server with all my data.16:30
drdranwizkoder: Yeah, now i'm leaving I have to go! I hope to meet u there next time :)16:32
James147!Hello | domi16:36
ubottudomi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:36
domihi all16:36
zusJames147,  thanks once again  i had them all but one, how come there isnt a list like  ubuntu software center? that makes it easier16:37
James147zus: It used a filtered results rather then searching through a list makes it easier to see all your choises when out keep needing to click next16:39
zusJames147,  im thinking it would have been easier to have began here than migrating  from gnome  hehe geesh lol16:40
James147zus: Same thing can be said about windows :) I think its best to try out all the different things and use the one you like best16:42
chiofalobuona sera a tutti16:42
zusJames147,  i find after  playing on linux for 4 months windows wich hasnt done me wrong... is toooo slow.  hooray linux!16:43
James147zus: Same here, and I miss all the stuff I got use to here when I have to use windows... Alt+F2, kate, a (decent) terminal16:45
zusJames147,  used windows for reason 4.0 and ableton live 8.0  email youtube. least with linux i can get involved and stuff..16:46
gregginstalling the backports repo is as easy as choosing "unsupported updates" in KPackageKit right?16:51
zusdid amoroks gui change with kde4.4? i no longer have a pause stop back forward buttons only  play16:51
James147zus: yes, the pause is the same as the play button, the next and previous are still there but are now arrows with the next/previous songs name next to it16:53
James147gregg: you need to add "ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta" in kpackagekit16:54
James147gregg: sorry, backports not beta16:54
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James147zus:  you can make it look similar to what it was before by rightclicking the bar and selecing "slim mode"16:55
greggJames147: ok NOW I understand - the instructions were a little weird, i misunderstood the wording16:56
zusJames147,  no its cool, i didnt realize where it went  kinda like it better in a way16:57
James147zus: Could do with some fine tuning, but it is more useful this way :)17:00
James147zus: At least I think :)17:00
zusJames147,  agree, less clutter and not all bunched up with big icon17:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:12
kimoi Have a problem whit vlc in full screen17:14
kimowhen i switch to full screen in vlc the vlc close automaticly17:15
wizkoderI know its not kubuntu related. But how do I release a file on sourceforge? They changed it and I can't find any information how this works now....17:15
kimothe Full Screen in Openoffice it's always black17:16
kimoplaizz help me17:20
alessandro_can I help you?17:21
James147!patience | kimo17:22
ubottukimo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.17:22
kimoyeah i have some prob whit vlc17:22
=== caleb_ is now known as bozonessinc
kimoit's closing after i switch to full screen17:23
James147!Hello | bozonessinc17:24
ubottubozonessinc: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:24
bozonessincWhat Client can I download for IM17:24
James147bozonessinc: can you be more spicific? kopete lets you connec to multiple im proticals17:25
James147bozonessinc: what protocal are you trying to connect to? MSN, jabber, yahoo...17:26
felmananyone know any good program to always show battery charge? if I use the add to panel option on the "startmenu" there is no battery addon in my kubuntu running gnome17:31
James147felman: for gnome releated questions see #ubuntu  (kubuntu running gnome is ubuntu)17:32
=== caleb_ is now known as Bozonessinc
BozonessincSorry Guys17:33
BozonessincScrewed Up17:33
BozonessincI wanna use Yahoo/MSN/Gtalk17:33
BozonessincKopete won't work17:33
James147Bozonessinc: why wont kopete work?17:33
BozonessincJust won't connect to anything17:33
BozonessincNo clue why17:33
BozonessincLike right now17:35
BozonessincJust tried to connect to Yahoo17:35
BozonessincNo go17:35
James147Bozonessinc: what happens when you try to connect?17:35
James147Bozonessinc: For all the accounts or just one?17:36
BozonessincI only tried Yahoo17:36
Bozonessinc*trying MSN*17:37
BozonessincProgram Crashed17:37
BozonessincSegmentation Fault17:37
James147Bozonessinc: huh.... what version of kde/kubuntu are you useing?17:37
BozonessincI got MSN Working now17:38
BozonessincNot working for yahoo still17:39
Bozonessincmaybe its the server info17:39
BozonessincCurrently its: scsa.msg.yahoo.com17:39
James147Bozonessinc: I would check the settings for the yahoo account, try recreating the acount (settings) if all else fails17:39
BozonessincAt Port17:40
BozonessincI did17:40
Bozonessinc3 times17:40
BozonessincMaybe I need new server info?17:40
James147Bozonessinc: Possibally, don't know much about yahoo in kopete, try the fourms17:40
BozonessincMaybe if I try b.bozoness17:40
BozonessincInstead of using the @yahoo.com17:40
Bozonessincafter it17:40
BozonessincThere we go17:41
BozonessincThat actually worked17:41
user_is there a way to make Kopete to show mail too? I use trillian with wine but it crashes so I might switch o.O17:42
James147user_: Kopete tells you when you have new mail, and how much when you login17:44
James147user_: that is when using msn at least17:44
* Bozonessinc just turned this on. And the internet actually worked! On Kubuntu!17:45
user_ahhh cool... trillian has a list that it shows so confused me... only like my 3rd day on linux o.O17:45
James147user_: cant see a way to prompt you to tell you how many though17:45
=== daniel is now known as danielveazey
BozonessincAny photoshop for Linux?17:51
BozonessincAny ideas??17:53
djusticeBozonessinc: gimp :) krita...17:54
James147Bozonessinc: gimp17:54
=== jcorrea is now known as sebastian
BozonessincOpens PSDS?17:54
djusticegimp is photoshops grandpa. and he knows better.17:54
sebastianfor what?17:54
djusticeBozonessinc: psd2xcf17:54
sebastianHello everybody17:54
BozonessincI would have to convert17:55
BozonessincEvery time17:55
BozonessincHow do I run as root again17:56
Tm_Tdepends what you like to run17:56
Tm_T!sudo | Bozonessinc but in general17:56
ubottuBozonessinc but in general: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:56
BozonessincGot it now17:58
Bozonessincran it17:58
zuswhen i open sudo ate i get Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-zus" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:59
zusError: "/tmp/kde-zus" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:59
zus  and the kate displays this error " the process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" what went wrong?17:59
BozonessincSame people disconnect and connect17:59
Tm_Tzus: you should not use sudo command for graphical apps18:00
Tm_T!kdesudo | zus18:00
ubottuzus: In KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why18:00
BozonessincSo how to open PSD in Gimp?18:01
zusTm_T,  thanks you18:01
zusTm_T,  still program closed unexpectedly poped up ... least this time no error in output in terminal18:04
BozonessincI just open18:05
James147Bozonessinc: :D18:05
* Bozonessinc is now confused.. Wheres the text tool18:05
zusTm_T,  nvm i have to run, thanks again18:05
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apparle_how to expand a partition(ext4)19:36
ubuntuHello :)19:53
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\Hello :) its me19:53
Ahmed\I gotta question about The Totem Movie Player :)19:54
Ahmed\Hello /19:57
Ahmed\hello ??????20:00
Ahmed\Anyone here20:04
FloodBotK1Ahmed\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
James147!ask | Ahmed\20:04
ubottuAhmed\: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:04
Ahmed\I gotta question about The Totem Movie Player :)20:04
James147Ahmed\: Then just ask it...20:05
James147Ahmed\: we can't help you if we don't knopw the problem20:05
Ahmed\How can i get ALL the codecs for Totem Movie Player, OH THANK GOODNESS James you are here man ! :)20:05
Ahmed\Cause i want this to work like K lite on Windows :)20:06
James147!codecs | Ahmed\20:06
ubottuAhmed\: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:06
Ahmed\sudo chmod a+x RealPlayer* is this command is to download the realplayer ?20:08
James147Ahmed\: no, that will give everyone excuable premision on the file "RealPlayer"20:09
Ahmed\James, what does that means ?20:10
James147Ahmed\: It means that everyone will be able to execute what ever is in the file "RealPlayer" (if its a script or program it will run) but will not download anything20:11
\ottizenWhich version of KDE has Kubuntu 10.04?20:11
phoenix_hello veryone20:12
phoenix_James147: hello james20:12
James147\ottizen: 4.4.1 currently20:13
James147phoenix_: Hey20:13
\ottizenJames147: That's the latest version of KDE, right?20:14
James147\ottizen: yes20:14
phoenix_James147: when i try to see the properties of a large movie file. its takes a while for the properties dialog to appers. why it happens so.20:14
\ottizenJames147: Thank you! :)20:15
James147phoenix_: pfft, I don't know the answer to everything :) but my guess would be (and its jsut an random guess) is that its taking time to calculate the size...20:16
phoenix_James147: i will check that out20:17
srdjanHi. Any reason why kubuntu 9.10 starts going like crazy after about 7 hours uptime? xorg process hits > 90% cpu and everything goes very slow20:19
James147srdjan: :S 1 day here no problems... might be a program you are useing (alot of programs give xorg some of their work to do)20:20
srdjan1 day?20:21
James147srdjan: uptime20:21
srdjani'm not sure. i did stop playing a dvd and the cpu usage went down. started DVD again and cpu is lower.. 20% for xorg20:21
srdjani'm sure all other distros have xorg taking < 10%20:22
* srdjan never had this problem with Slackware or Gentoo :(20:22
srdjan 1207 root      20   0  597m 251m  14m R   79  8.3  69:54.31 Xorg20:23
srdjanstarted again20:23
James147srdjan: anything else taking up alot of cpu?20:23
srdjanJames147: http://pastebin.ca/185412520:25
James147srdjan: what happens when you close your wenb broswers?20:25
srdjanno idea. dont want to close them yet20:26
srdjanmaybe i should use chromium...20:26
James147srdjan: see what happens after you do, when your ready that is :)20:26
srdjani'm getting fed up with the crappy linux performance20:26
srdjanand fed up with firefox20:27
srdjanJames147: will do20:27
James147srdjan: using chrome here and its not useing more then 1%, although i don't have many tabs open or flash :p20:28
srdjanit might not be a web browser issue. though with flash it's a right pain...20:28
James147srdjan: aye, but trying to narrow it down from xorg if a good step :)20:29
=== Maniac is now known as Guest92767
srdjanJames147: true. I did a search a few days ago on launchpad and there seems to be some bad performance regressions. I believe someone did report xorg process taking a lot of CPU in one of the bug reports20:30
James147srdjan: xorg jumps up to about 20% when I try to use flash (grrr why dose everyone like it so damed much)20:30
srdjanJames147: i know the feeling! i dont like flash :/ but sometimes it's the only way to watch some content on some sites... (eg. ICHCB)20:31
medwynhi people from Italy!20:31
James147srdjan: I wish sites would allow you to dl the video as well :(20:31
srdjansome of my LUG friends say that my problems are related to kubuntu.... because they think KDE is shit...20:31
Ahmed\Back :)20:32
Ahmed\James can i download Realplayer for ubuntu i mean if so then will it be the latest version or US Afghan forget war :P mystery20:33
Ahmed\I mean an old version :)20:33
medwyni'm using ubuntu 9.10...is so different?20:33
James147Ahmed\: anyreason you "need" realplayer...20:33
Ahmed\No well i mean Formats such as 3GP doesnt even works ! and so is the Wide Screen WMV :)20:34
srdjanAhmed\: the one true answer for all video needs is: MPlayer :D20:34
Ahmed\And MPG loses audio while forwording the video20:34
BluesKajsrdjan, firefox has a few problems lately , dunno if it's kde related , seems there are some probs with FF in gnome as well.20:35
Ahmed\Can i have the command to download your ohh our true video player :)20:35
Tscheesy_Ahmed\: realplayer is in medibuntu20:35
srdjanBluesKaj: well i can kill firefox as it will save my session.20:35
James147srdjan: hmm, after useing "flash" xorg started useing random amounts of cpu even after i stop useing it upuntill i closed chrome... then it went back to normal20:37
srdjanBluesKaj: James147: I'm pretty sure I closed all of my open applications one evening when I had this - and Xorg continued to take CPU (can hear my CPU fan going like crazy) until I logged out (which causes xorg to die and respawn)20:37
Ahmed\I was on KDE and installing Xubuntu (just for a check up) :P, Wont i lost the KDE ?login screen or will it be Xubuntu's ? Own !20:37
BluesKajsrdjan, I was a loyal FF user but chrome runs better on kubuntu it seems20:38
srdjanBluesKaj: I have it installed but not sure I want to let google know all my porn viewing habbits ;)20:38
BluesKajsrdjan, which graphics card ?20:39
James147Ahmed\: if you install xubuntu-desktop form a kbuntu installation you will get a choise of desktopmanagers to use, and from either you should be able to select between desktopenviroments at the loginscreen (look for "session" on the loginscreen)20:39
Ahmed\Google knows more then the mommy knows about his baby :P20:39
srdjanBluesKaj: nvidia :P yup... a typical cause of problems, i'd say. Specifically, it's the Geforce 8500GT.20:39
James147srdjan: Chrome has private broswing mode :) stops the broser logging history20:39
srdjanJames147: neat :)20:40
greg-gis there an automated system test utility for Kubuntu? Like how in Ubuntu it has "System Testing" that runs Checkbox20:40
Ahmed\But James, Once selected Xubuntu's AS default i can select which to login like Kubuntu and KDE, Right ? and how will i set it back to KDE if i need KDE's login screen :) not Xubuntu's Default which i will set when i will install it :)20:40
Ahmed\James so doesnt that data goes to the Google ? when you are on private browsing HUH cause it works like RAM read and Vanish !20:41
BluesKajsrdjan, rewrite your xorg.conf file might work ,  sudo nvidia-xconfig20:41
James147Ahmed\: you can change the default desktop manager fairly easly from terminal20:41
Ahmed\PLease tell me that command20:41
Ahmed\I want Gnome to be the default :P20:42
Ahmed\Had enough of KDE :$20:42
James147Ahmed\: I think it is "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" (or gmd or and other desktop manager)20:42
Ahmed\I will check myself thanks mate20:43
Ahmed\Its correct20:43
srdjanBluesKaj: I'm not sure what rewriting xorg.conf will achieve. It already does hardware 3d accelerations and compiz. Ok it's a little slow sometimes (plasma resize and other Qt/KDE issues).20:43
srdjanBluesKaj: also, with firefox closed, the xorg cpu usage is still very high20:44
Ahmed\James arent you a geek :P20:45
James147srdjan: could the flash still be running?20:45
geniiI've found sometimes "npviewer.bin" flash thing gets stuck and chews up CPU even after nothing using it is open (like Firefox)20:45
srdjanJames147: yes flash is still running in konqueror. i'll have to kill that later20:45
BluesKajsrdjan,  well there was a launchpad bug report about high cpu usage a week or 2 ago ...have you updated since?20:45
James147srdjan: then check again after you close konq... and that npviewer.bin isent still running20:46
Ahmed\James now i know why Linux has the freedom HHHHHHHHHHH Thanks20:46
srdjanBluesKaj: I've not had a package update popup today... but i did run apt-get update earlier. James147: will do... just need to... uh... do some stuff in that browser still.20:47
srdjanI'm also not sure if that annoying kernel disk IO bug is affecting me somehow20:47
James147srdjan: O_o20:48
Ahmed\Affecting YOU ! HUH20:48
srdjanAhmed\: yes....20:49
Ahmed\Oh didn't meant that :$ James please help him :)20:50
srdjanJames147: i can link you to the bugzilla.kernel.org page if you want...20:50
srdjanbut i have a feeling it might be fixed now20:50
James147srdjan: nah its ok, should really be doing my coursework :p20:50
srdjanJames147: oh? what's the coursework in? :)20:50
James147srdjan: "advanced programming"20:51
srdjanJames147: :o20:51
srdjanJames147: what language?20:51
James147srdjan: java... and every time i use it I hate it more and more20:51
srdjanjava's ok20:52
srdjanthough I found that the api docs were not that particularly clear20:52
James147srdjan: there are alot of little things that anoy me about it, much prefure c++ with kde/qt20:52
srdjanat least in terms of which class one should use for things. I guess that means that Sun didn't choose very good class names20:53
Ahmed\James what's the OS made by Java is called ? i heard its for servers, any clue ?20:53
srdjanJames147: qWarning(QString("Me too").toAscii());20:53
James147srdjan: getting a bit #kubuntu-offtopic <- meet you there?20:54
James147Ahmed\: Lol at an os writted in java20:54
Ahmed\Oh yeah ! HUH lemme see where is it @_#20:54
srdjanJames147: uh... project looking glass is written in java. or was that the other java thing they did? dunno20:54
Ahmed\I have no idea about it so i asked :)20:55
lninjoi can only imagine how much code is in the source, is it availble?20:55
=== finux_ is now known as finux
Ahmed\On MPlayer, When i click to start the video from next minute or something it loses its audio on MPG format WHY ?20:56
srdjanAhmed\: i dont click to play videos20:57
srdjanwell i click in konqueror/dolphon20:57
srdjanbut pause unpasue with space20:57
Ahmed\No i mean when you seek it to the next minute or something20:57
srdjandoes it ever regain the audio?20:57
srdjanhmm with only one flash video, the xorg cpu usage is severly lowered20:59
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\\
Ahmed\\Sorry disconnected21:02
Ahmed\\and nick is already use HUH21:02
srdjankonsole uses 30% cpu? wtf?21:04
Ahmed\\HAHAHA GOD !21:04
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Ahmed\\Gnome, KDE, Xubuntu, Which is the BEST :) to use on a normal PC not a hardcore HUH21:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:08
Ahmed\\Can i know How to change the room i am stuck in here since ever i joined and all i know is this and OT21:09
geniiAhmed\\: Usually something like: /join #room-name21:10
James147Ahmed\\: /join CHANNELNAME21:10
Ahmed\\and hw wil i know that how many kinda rooms are on there ?21:10
geniiAhmed\\: There are literally thousands and thousands of channels21:11
Ahmed\\ohhhhhhhhhhh, Well ! isnt any easy way to try beside typing and remembering everu channels name :)21:12
geniiAhmed\\: I would suggest perhaps to use some site like http://searchirc.com/search.php?SCHANS=1&SSORT=SIZE&N=freenode      and put some search term in there to narrow down what channels you might be interested in21:12
Ahmed\\THATS HELPFUL thanks :)21:13
Ahmed\\gonna bookmark it :$21:13
geniiAhmed\\: :)21:13
Ahmed\\What's this Launchpad Login Service21:14
Ahmed\\I just put my email and they said to create an account21:14
Ahmed\\What for ?21:14
mrnewbieI'm having a hard time configuring a pptp connection, are there any known issues at the moment?21:17
=== ubuntu is now known as Frussif
Ahmed\\See you all take care Ciao21:20
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srdjanoh weird... now i cant use the mouse in nexuiz after a logout/login :/21:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\I just installed Xubuntu on KDE and how do i get to the other partations of the HDD !21:39
Typos_Kingxubuntu on kde? heheh21:43
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mahmoudim trying to ask about web page maker21:50
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mahmoudlike dreamweaver21:50
Typos_Kingsoo, what's the question mahmouod21:51
mahmoudgive me name21:52
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srdjanmahmoud: Adam. Adrian. Mike?21:52
mahmoudwhat ?21:53
Typos_Kingmahmoud:    I use Quanta plus21:53
srdjanthese are all instances of the Name class21:53
Typos_Kingis it like dreamweaver.... not sure21:53
rorksrdjan: you forgot Kate ;)21:53
mahmoudu mean this is names of apps for makeing web pages21:53
srdjanrork: :D21:54
Typos_Kingmahmoud:    quanta plus, has live-preview edit mode, or markup mode, and you can preview right in there,without saving, it has bunches of tools and you can also add your own commands and stuff to the toolbar which you can customize21:55
mahmoudwhat about the data bse orders21:55
mahmoudconnecting and add etc21:55
Typos_Kingmahmoud:    http://www.psychogenic.com/resources/images/quanta-plus.jpg21:56
Typos_Kingdatabase orders?21:56
Typos_Kingit doesn't do those,anymore than dreamweaver does either21:57
mahmoudi will try it21:57
Typos_Kingsince those processes are usually webserver processes, no client ones21:57
mahmoudwait for me21:57
srdjanok why do i have this strange urge to listen to Grabbag?21:57
Typos_King!ask | Crash210822:05
ubottuCrash2108: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:05
Typos_Kingcrap; wrong channel lol22:06
=== zegenie__ is now known as zegenie
g_Hi guys,some 1 knows where firefox places here bookmark on Kubuntu?Please some1 can help me please,thaks!!!22:19
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geniig_: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html22:22
gotttog_: look in .mozilla in you're home folder22:22
g_tanks guys... i've jut looke in .mozzilla...now i try like genii told..22:23
geniimozilla has one z22:24
g_jap...but my kebord woesn't work very well...22:24
KDeskHi, did someone try kubuntu 10.04, is it fast, stable, any thing?22:25
genii!lucid | KDesk22:25
ubottuKDesk: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:25
KDeskgenii: ok, thnks22:26
g_guys but in .default i don't have bookmarks file...22:27
g_.directory profiles and a folder...22:28
=== bbigras_ is now known as bbigras
geniig_: /home/yourusername/.mozilla               then it has a name specific to only your box in front of the ".default" part. Like on mine is: nqazklhn.default         Yours will differ.22:30
g_ye genii i've found...22:31
g_inside im googling...22:31
g_becoue i've to replace my old bookmars...and o i've to place the old one in this place,thank22:32
g_i tink it's enought...22:32
* genii makes more coffee22:32
g_thanks guys...22:36
=== robin is now known as Guest31551
genii!hi | tp_23:12
ubottutp_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:12
muxolanybody still getting tons of plasma-desktop crashes with kde 4.4.1 (e.g. when changing plasma themes)?23:20
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mahmoudhay gays23:30
djusticemuxol: nope. not here.23:31
djusticemahmoud: haiii :D23:31
mahmoudhi djustice23:31
mahmoudhow to update my java ?23:32
djusticemahmoud: why isnt it already update? 6.0.17? no? 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras' should do it...23:33
mahmoudit gnome23:33
mahmoudnot kde23:33
mahmoudits ok23:34
mahmoudstart working directly23:34
mahmoudbut the same error message in my browser23:41
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository23:47
vertago1Can anyone explain to me what the use of Nepomuk is?23:47
geniivertago1: It is explained somewhat at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEPOMUK_%28framework%2923:48
vertago1genii: I already read up on it, that it stores meta data and has something to do with concept maps, but I haven't found a good explaination on why I would want to use it.23:49
geniivertago1: Basically to have live content on your desktop23:51
iconmefistovertago1: it's used for doing searches of filenames and file contents, emails, contacts, all kinds of data. it doesn't always work as smoothly as it should23:51
vertago1ok so it is another desktop search23:51
James147vertago1: it can also be sued to tag and rate files23:52
vertago1james147: that sounds somewhat useful23:52
iconmefistovertago1: I tried it in lucid and it seems to work quite well there23:53
vertago1iconmefisto: yeah that is what I am using23:53
iconmefistovertago1: there is a search toolbar you can use in dolphin too.23:54
iconmefistovertago1: and krunner (alt+F2) plugin23:55
James147iconmefisto: Although when i had the krunner plugin enable the runner kept frezing as i typed :(23:56
iconmefistoJames147: just curious, is this a new lucid install or upgrade from karmic?23:58
James147iconmefisto: my lucid netbook did it23:58
vertago1I am on an upgrade23:58
vertago1my krunner didn't lock up23:59
vertago1then again my indexer hasn't finished23:59
James147iconmefisto: not sure I have nepomuk enable on my desktop23:59
vertago1I had to install virtuoso-minimal before it would work23:59

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