
=== rmcbride__ is now known as rmcbride
=== MTecknology is now known as MTeck-ricer
xnoxshould not this build be killed? https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/158389906:05
xnoxlooks stuck to me06:05
wgrantxnox: Probably. But the i386 build queue is short now, so it can probably wait until Monday.06:09
xnoxwgrant, hmmmmm looks like the build recovered.... nevermind =)06:09
xnoxwgrant, it's just like there 9 out 10 chances that openening builders page you see chromium or firefox building ;-)06:10
wgrantxnox: At this time of day, yeah.06:10
wgrantWe're about to start working on a solution to that -- to keep the daily builds on a separate set of builders.06:10
wgrantSo they can't cause 30 hour build queues for everyone else.06:11
xnoxwgrant, what is this time? is 6AM UTC special?06:11
xnoxwgrant, aha =) that would be nice06:11
wgrantxnox: Whatever time the manual daily build scripts run.06:11
xnoxwgrant, hmmmm =/  they should randomise or at least pick the time which is less busy06:12
wgrantAlso, daily builds should soon be done entirely within LP itself (currently there's an external script that uploads them at the same time every day), so it will be able to schedule them more sanely.06:12
xnoxwell now it's not that busy06:12
wgrantThis is the time which is less busy.06:12
xnoxyeah =) well I hope I'll be awake to build my packages cause they depend on each other so I can't just upload now and come back tomorrow06:13
wgrantxnox: Have you considered using versioned build dependencies?06:13
wgrantLP will automatically retry builds once their dependencies become available.06:13
xnoxhmmm interesting =) should have done that06:13
xnoxthanks for the tip06:14
xnoxI'll go and create source packages again then06:14
xnoxwgrant, also it might be interesting to prioritise development release builds vs current & supported06:21
wgrantxnox: Which would be preferred?06:22
xnoxdevelopment release of course06:23
chiraghi all06:23
chiragI created my PGP key and published it to keyserver.ubuntu.com06:24
xnoxbecause it means people are testing their software to work with development release ubuntu and hence newer gcc and etc. So by doing this you help upstream to develop & ubuntu to be better06:24
chiragbut still it says that Launchpad could not import your key06:24
xnoxunless PPA is considered a user for users place06:24
chiragany help?06:25
xnoxchirag, you need to copy & paste your public key into launchpad box06:25
wgrantchirag: What is your key's fingerprint?06:25
xnoxas far as I remember06:25
wgrantxnox: No; it just needs the fingerprint.06:25
xnoxwgrant, ok =)06:25
chiragxnox: yes I copy pasted the fingerprint in the box06:25
* xnox will shut up now and let the expert talk06:25
chiragwgrant: D521 C39A 8166 DA96 6C5A  DE2D 8D6D 8AC2 0651 18B006:26
chiragwgrant: I published the key in keyserver.ubuntu.com 30 minutes ago06:28
chiragstill it is not taking the fingerprint06:28
wgrantwgrant@magrathea:~/dev/hello-2.4$ gpg --recv-key 0x065118B006:28
wgrantgpg: requesting key 065118B0 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com06:28
wgrantgpg: key 065118B0 was created 5218 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)06:28
wgrantYour clock is wrong, so your key is bad.06:28
wgrantIt might work if you try again in two hours, however.06:29
chiragwgrant: so I need to create it again?06:29
wgrantchirag: How did you create it?06:29
chiragApplications>Accessories>Password and Encryption keys06:30
wgrantIt appears to be both created in the future and be 768-bit D/g, which is probably not valid.06:30
chiragyes my system clock is wrong06:30
wgrantchirag: Did you change any of the settings in the key generation process? Which version of Ubuntu are you using?06:31
chiragwgrant: I am using 9.1006:31
chiragNo I didn't change any settings06:31
chiragwgrant: done! :)06:37
chiragwgrant: thanks for the help :-)06:37
wgrantchirag: What's done?06:38
chiragwgrant: I successfully imported the key06:38
wgrantchirag: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=Chirag%20Jain&op=vindex shows that you have four active keys. You should probably revoke the three that you're not using and push them to the server.06:39
wgrantParticularly the oone that was created in the future, since that's actually newer than the latest one you've just created.06:39
chiragwgrant: how to do that?06:40
wgrantchirag: See http://www.hackdiary.com/2004/01/18/revoking-a-gpg-key/06:42
bilalakhtarHello everyone looks like loggerhead is not working07:15
ari-tczewI have added ssh-key on my LP page and I can't work with bzr11:14
ari-tczewPermission denied (publickey). bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.11:14
wgrantari-tczew: You've run 'bzr launchpad-login' and specified the correct username?11:20
ari-tczewwgrant: my username is correct with LP11:21
wgrantari-tczew: SSH is using the correct public key file?11:22
wgrantEr, private key file.11:22
ari-tczewwgrant: should be OK11:22
ari-tczewprivate key?11:23
ari-tczewpublic is correct11:23
wgrantari-tczew: You have the matching private key on that machine, right?11:23
ari-tczewwgrant: I think yes, private key is in file ~/.ssh/ssh-launchpad11:25
wgrantari-tczew: You've configured SSH to use that file?11:25
wgrantIt should only use id_rsa and id_dsa by default.11:26
ari-tczewwgrant: I don't know o_O11:26
ari-tczewwgrant: I don't have files id_rsa or id_dsa11:26
wgrantari-tczew: Try renaming ssh-launchpad to id_rsa.11:27
ari-tczewwgrant: does ssh-launchpad.pub file need renaming as well?11:27
wgrantari-tczew: It's not important to SSH, but it's good to keep consistency.11:28
ari-tczewwgrant: it works! thanks!11:30
wgrantari-tczew: Excellent.11:30
ari-tczewwgrant: second question: actually I have 2 ssh-keys on my LP page - old and fresh, can I delete old key?11:31
wgrantari-tczew: If you no longer use it, you can delete it.11:32
lfaraone|reallyIt looks like in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42144045/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-ia64.debian-edu-artwork_0.0.30-4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz the package built but the buildd failed on dpkg-genchanges, with a " cannot read files list file: No such file or directory" error.12:26
=== lfaraone|really is now known as lfaraone
tumbleweedanyone here use tarmac? I could use some advice13:48
elbHi ... I'm having trouble uploading a PPA, but all the possible problem reports I see suggest an unknown GPG key (the key is listed in my lp profile) or missing signature (the .changes file verifies with that key using gpg --verify); the symptom is that an uploaded package neither generates a launchpad email nor shows up on the PPA.  Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?14:41
theadminQuick question, how do i stop Launchpad from notifiying me when I change something in a subscribed thing? I mean... seriously now, i changed it, i know that I did, no need for notifications14:52
geserif I'm not mistaken, you can't currently but IIRC there is also a wishlist bug about it15:12
elbOK, I think my problem is sort-of-solved; it appears that the selection of launchpad notification email address matters (?)15:13
geserelb: does your LP page list that gpg key belong to you?15:15
elbgeser: yes, the key is listed as belonging to me, as I said in the original question, and the address on the key is also listed on my LP page15:15
elbit was not, however, my selected contact address15:15
elbwhen I selected it and re-uploaded, I immediately got an email15:16
elbthat's not ideal, but I can work with it15:16
elbnow ... I created this PPA on hardy, so I set its distro to hardy15:16
elbbut it should build on everything >= hardy15:16
elbwill the PPA system do so for me, or do I need to upload different versions for each distro, or what?15:17
elbit's likely that any distro >= hardy can install the hardy packages directly, actually, in this case15:18
geserelb: the later, you need to bump the version slightle (e.g. by appending karmic or similar to the version) and reupload (the .orig.tar.gz can be reused and doesn't need re-uploading)15:18
geserdepending on the type of application you have, it might be also enough to copy source+binaries to the other releases15:18
elbit's binutils15:19
elband the only dependencies are libc and libz15:19
geserbut the resulting dependencies will most likely be different15:20
geserthe only way to know is to test if the package works as-is in >= hardy and if yes then copy else reupload15:21
elbyeah, I'll test it15:21
elbbinutils doesn't use anything super fancy15:21
elbsince it does the whole compile-my-own-support-crap-as-.a thing15:21
elbnext time I have an upload, I'll also try changing my email back to my preferred contact email, and see if the upload succeeds15:22
elbI'd rather not have to dance my contact info to use different PPAs etc.15:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ZubZer0I've got a problem. When i trie to change settings e.g. try to accept the BSD license, or choose prefered language, it just say "Launchpad doesn't understand the form data submitted in this request. "16:14
M7SHi. Something seems to have gone wrong with my launchpad account. Whatever I try to do, even when I try to log out I get this error message: "Unexpected form data".16:36
M7SI'm Matias Särs, msevens.16:37
M7SNobody here who can help me with my problem?16:46
crimsunit's the weekend, so many people are offline16:51
M7SAh, I guess I could try again later then.16:52
manishany launchpad API hacker knows how to form URI for this? https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html#languages18:53
manishwgrant: ^ if you are free18:54
mellhenthere is a serious bug i rekonq 0.4 lucid, which was fixed upstream, i would like to know if itl be fixid in lucid final release? This bug makes rekonq unusable for productive.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rekonq/+bug/53463019:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 534630 in rekonq "on browsing google, unable to switch between google search/maps/videos : failed to load" [Unknown,Confirmed]19:11
mellhenits not just google but nearly every website could be affected. (even ubuntu wiki showed "failed to load" and this adblock stuff in terminal.19:13
aapoHi, I dumped too much useless packages to my PPA and reached 100% quota. Then I deleted them. How long it takes until I can use space again or should I just make new PPA?19:20
gesermanish: I'm not really an LP API hacker, but perhaps I can still help you. You want to directly load an LP object for a specific language without going through the collection object?19:30
manishgeser: I am trying to connect to https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/languages?ws.op=getAllLanguages19:31
manishsince this is a GET operation mentioned19:31
manishplus I am passing all the oauth related information in the Authorization header of the HTTP request19:31
manishgeser: the way I am connecting to URI's it works for other collections19:32
manishgeser: I get a 404 for https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/languages?ws.op=getAllLanguages19:32
gesermanish: try with '+' before languages: https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/+languages?ws.op=getAllLanguages19:37
manishgeser: trying19:37
manishgeser: wohohoho19:38
manishgeser: \o/19:38
manishgeser: works. Thanks a lot *hugs*19:38
gesermanish: hint: when doing "import httplib2; httplib2.debuglevel=1" before importing the launchpadlib module, you can see the HTTP requests launchpadlib uses19:39
manishgeser: actually am not using launchpadlib19:42
manishgeser: instead reading the hacking document and writing a .NET wrapper over it19:42
manishi.e. a .NET client proxy for Launchpad API ( a library initially)19:42
gesermanish: it was meant as a hint to see what launchpadlib sends, so you know you have to send in your .NET client proxy19:44
manishgeser: thanks a lot. will do so..19:44
lfaraoneCan I enable people who are not members of my LP team to subscribe to my team mailing list?20:18
elbso, suppose I have a bogus .orig.tar.gz file, and I want to replace it ... am I entirely out of luck?20:19
elbdo I need to create a new PPA?20:19
lfaraoneelb: delete the old orig.targz20:23
elband how do I do that20:23
elbI deleted the packages, but the librarian still knows about it, and uploads fail20:24
wgrantlfaraone, elb: You cannot upload a different orig.tar.gz with the same name.20:53
wgrantThat would be a very confusing lie, so LP forbids it.20:53
elbright, that makes sense20:53
elbexcept the first one is wrong20:53
elband I want to destroy it forever20:53
wgrantWhy has your orig.tar.gz changed?20:54
wgrantThat should be impossible, unless it wasn't really an original upstream tarball.20:54
elbit contained the original upstream source, but is re-tarred20:54
elbso the checksums don't match20:54
elbbecause the dpkg tools wouldn't package a .bz220:54
elbhowever, upstream provides a .gz20:55
elbso it makes more sense to use that .gz, which can be verified against upstream's signatures/checksums20:55
wgrantRetarred, or just recompressed?20:55
elbbasically, the deal is, I screwed this up20:57
elbbecause this is the first time I've made a deb in about fifteen years20:57
elband this one requires a little bit of dancing to not conflict with distro-supplied files and package names20:57
elbI then *fixed* the screwup, by correcting my packaging mistakes, but launchpad has these ghost files hanging around preventing me from updating the PPA20:58
elbwhich literally nobody has (or should have) downloaded yet20:59
elbbecause of that, I'm not married to this one, so I can just throw it away and create another entire PPA archive if I need to, but that seems wasteful20:59
wgrantWhy not just append +repack1 to the version of the new orig tarball?20:59
wgrantor +real, or something.21:00
elbif that's the best we can do, I can do that21:00
elbI was really hoping for a way to tell lp that the first upload was an abortion, though21:00
wgrantThere is one bug that lets you clobber the orig.tar.gz, but it will result in some slightly strange behaviour and we're about to fix it, so I'd highly recommend just about any other solution in the world.21:01
elbthat's kind of unfortunate21:02
elbnot a huge deal, I guess21:02
wgrantIs it really that much of a problem to add an extra string to the orig tarball until upstream does another release?21:02
wgrantThat's what we do in Ubuntu when this happens.21:02
elbit's not a problem, no21:02
elbit's just dirty21:02
wgrantWell, what has happened is dirty.21:02
elbyes, it is21:03
elbbut it can be cleaned up21:03
elbor rather, logically it can21:03
elbits sounds like technically it cannot21:03
elband that's fine, I understand that things like that happen21:03
elbI'll figure out how to put a fake version tag on the upstream, and we'll move on21:04
elbthe next release could very well be years, though, we're talking about binutils ;-)21:04
wgrantOh. Ew.21:04
wgrantThey seem to release roughly yearly.21:05
elbwell, sort of21:05
elbfor embedded platforms, once you get one working, you tend to not change things if you don't have to21:05
elbfor example, it looks like I'm going with GCC < 4.4.3, since 4.4.3 doesn't currently build successfully to target this platform ;-)21:07
elb(ARM Cortex-M3)21:08
elbbut, I see that right now there's actually a binutils-2.20.1 that came out since I fetched 2.2021:08
elbthat seems unlikely to blow anything up, let me give it a stab21:08
wgrantSo, the moral of the story: never recompress tarballs. if you do have to, make sure that you give gzip '-n'.21:09
wgrantIf you ever change an orig tarball in a non-trivial way (ie. just about anything other than gzip -n), note that in the version string.21:10
elbI was pretty disgusted about the whole thing21:10
elbI idn't realize that debsource was quite as smart as it is21:10
elbdid some jiggering around that I didn't really have to do21:10
wgrantAlso: Karmic and Lucid support the new 3.0 (quilt) and 3.0 (native) formats, which support bz2.21:10
elbI've used debian-based distros off and on for *years*, but I've hardly packaged at all21:10
elbwhat with almost everything always being packaged for me21:11
elband it's ... kind of a complicated process ;-)21:11
elband, yeah, I see that the newer distros have better support for various things, but I'm packaging from hardy for now21:13
wgrantelb: Why are you basing on Hardy?21:17
elbbecause some of my machines are LTS21:17
elbthey'll become lucid at some point21:17
wgrantLucid will be out in a month, and already has an ARM port, and it's even thumb2.21:18
elbright, the machines aren't ARM21:18
elbthey're x8621:18
wgrant08:08:05 < elb> (ARM Cortex-M3)21:18
elbin a month, that will be relevant to me ;-)21:18
elbthis is a cross-compiler for uCs21:18
elbthe CM3 is a 6 to 64kB of RAM sort of affair ;-)21:19
wgrantUbuntu will run fine in that :P21:19
elband yes, I LOVE it that the Cortex A9 is also thumb221:19
elbbecause it means the tools get a good wring out21:19
elbjust a couple of years ago, getting the gnu tools going on thumb2 was a bit of a kill-a-chicken-and-stand-on-one-foot proposition21:20
elbnow, most releases work without any trouble at all21:20
elbor at least compile and produce some sort of binary ... whether they're 100% correct or not I can't say ;-)21:20
wgrantelb: Have you reused the packaging of other binutils or gcc cross-compilers?21:20
wgrantThere are several of each already in Ubuntu, IIRC.21:21
elbI looked at them, and they're all done differently21:21
elbmostly with more-or-less hideous kludges, as best I could tell21:21
elbso rather than use someone else's hideous kludge, I built my own21:21
elbin true NIH fashion ;-)21:21
elbthe avr port is probably the "most correct" of the ones I looked at21:22
wgrantI've not looked at the h8300-hms toolchain's packaging, but the user experience isn't bad.21:22
elbit uses the system binutils-source package21:22
wgrant(it's the only one I've used)21:22
elbh8300-hms re-tars the upstream sources21:22
elbI think without change, but I'm not sure21:22
elbfrankly, I wouldn't even make packages, except I'm giving this toolchain to some people who aren't so unix-savvy21:23
elband any administration I can do for them will reduce my own burden significantly21:23
elband let me tell you what21:31
elbnot *one* of the existing official binutils packages is even close to correct in the copyright department21:31
elband I'm not convinced about licensing, either21:31
elb(in hardy, that is)21:32
getxsickgeser: i fixed that issue with architectures.23:35
getxsickgeser: the solution was simple, upgrade dpkg-dev to newer version :) it's broken in 9.0423:36
wgrantgetxsick: It's not broken in 9.04.23:42
getxsickwgrant: it is23:42
getxsickwgrant: do you know the issue i'm talking about?23:42
wgrantgetxsick: I don't.23:43
getxsickwgrant :)23:43
wgrantBut unless you are doing something incredibly obscure, it's probably not dpkg-dev's fault.23:43
getxsickwgrant: in debian/control i use only i386 and all architectures, however in .dsc file there is "any"23:44
getxsickin 9.10 there is no problem with it23:44
wgrantnot really "broken". just a slightly different and well-known behaviour.23:45
getxsickwgrant: ok. i didn't know about it, and geser suggested that maybe it's a bug. whatever :)23:46
wgrantWhy did you want to restrict it to i386?23:46
getxsickwgrant: cause we currently only support i38623:47
wgrantAh, *there's* the real bug!23:47
getxsickwgrant ?23:47
wgrantWhy only i386?23:47
getxsickwgrant: cause it's not easy to support other architectures and seems there are more important priorities23:48
wgrantIt is easy to support other architectures unless you're doing something very special.23:48
getxsickwgrant: i'm doing something very special23:49
getxsickwgrant: http://pypy.org23:50
wgrantOh, right.23:50
wgrantYou could just not build the JIT on other archs.23:50
getxsickuff, innocent? :)23:50
wgrantBut yay, PyPy packages will be awesome.23:50
getxsickwgrant: that's what i'm gonna add tomorrow23:50
getxsickjust try to avoid of rebuild everything (which takes ~2hours)23:51
wgrantYeah, I've built it quite a few times myself.23:51
wgrantIt likes its RAM and CPU time.23:52
getxsickyeah, 1.5GB of RAM is like a minimum23:52
getxsickbtw. we would like to introduce nigthly (or weekly) builds as well, however i have currenly problem with name versioning...23:53
getxsickwhat i mean is rejection due to *orig.tar.gz eleready exists23:53
wgrantgetxsick: You should name the orig.tar.gz something like pypy_1.2+svn20100328.orig.tar.gz23:54
getxsickwgrant: what about debian/changelog? should i add extra line every build?23:55
wgrantgetxsick: You don't necessarily need to preserve all the old entries, but you will need to add a new one for every build.23:56
wgrantLP will soon be able to do nightly builds itself. But that relies on having a bzr import of the project, and bzr-svn can't deal with svn:externals yet.23:57
wgrantAnd PyPy seems to love svn:externals.23:57
getxsickso i can simple replace the entry from the last build by the newer version number and a new date, right?23:58

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