
lucian_but to uninstall it, i lose the ubuntu-desktop and the volume applet >:(00:00
penguin42lucian_: It's pretty heavily integrated these days; you can temporarly disable it so you can run something that does'nt like it by using pasuspend00:00
lucian_i've tried to kill it but it wants to start back up00:00
lucian_i cant play my favorite games with it running00:00
doogluslucian_: disable it in your 'startup and session' or whatever it's called?00:01
penguin42yeh there's an option in the config files that you can change to stop that; but if you use pasuspender when you run your game that'll sort it00:01
lucian_second life sound skips constantly with it running00:01
lucian_how do i use pasepender?00:02
AbortDi just installed chromium and it doesnt show in my internet tab in gnome can anyone help me i have been trying to google this00:02
dooglusAbortD: did you reboot?  that sometimes helps00:03
joaopintoanyone else having issues with gnome-screensaver failing to authenticate ?00:04
BUGabundojoaopinto: not recently00:04
penguin42lucian_: Open a terminal and run    pasuspender /bin/cat     now keep that open while you play your game, when you're done just ctrl-d that terminal00:05
joaopintoI didn't reboot yet after the latest updates, not sure if there was a gnome-screensaver upgrade00:05
penguin42lucian_: Or if you run your game from a command somewhere you can do     pasuspender /where/ever/my/gameis00:05
mozmckdoesn't look like networkManager is running00:07
lucian_greate i'm running secondlife with it and i get no sound!00:07
mozmckcan empathy do irc chats?  the only option I get in lucid is jabber00:07
penguin42mozmck: if you do    initctl status netowkr-manager   what does it say?00:08
lucian_cant i just shut off pulseaudio instead like i used to be able to?00:08
penguin42you can if you remove the optino for it to auto-restart00:09
lucian_auto-restart disabled doesn't stop pa from loading anymore00:09
mozmckpenguin42: it says it's running00:10
mozmckI don't see anything that says network anything in system monitor though.00:10
penguin42mozmck: If you do    ps -eaf|grep Network   what do you see ?00:10
mozmck3penguin42: what was that command again?  I'm on the lucid machine now with pidgin00:14
penguin42mozmck3: ps -eaf|grep Network00:14
lucian_i lost the ubuntu-dektop because i decided to remove pulseaudio00:15
mozmck3root       624     1  0 19:00 ?        00:00:00 NetworkManager00:15
mozmck3and another hit with dhclient00:15
lucian_what happened to freedom of choice?00:15
DimmuxxI get an error when running update-initramfs with the latest updates: one not found followed by three no such file or directory00:15
mozmck3lucian_: I think ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that does nothing but depend on other packages00:16
yofellucian_: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package that makes sure you have everything belonging to the default ubuntu  install installed00:16
yofellucian_: you don't exactly need it00:16
mozmck3penguin42: Could not display "network:///".00:16
lucian_i'll i wanted was the simple choice to shut off pulseaudio, thats all00:16
mozmck3penguin42: Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply.00:17
penguin42mozmckOK, well NetworkManager IS running - so that's not the cause of your error - did you ever tell us what the error was?00:17
yofellucian_: yes, and that will remove ubuntu-desktop as pulse is part of ubuntu by default00:17
arandDo we have a bug for the most recent plymouth fail? (Not starting at all)00:17
yofellucian_: you won't loose anything by removing ubuntu-desktop00:17
penguin42mozmck3: Hmm odd, never seen that before00:17
lucian_now can i get the volume applet back?00:17
lucian_is there a way to install the older applet?00:17
mozmck3I installed samba thinking it might need that, but no luck00:17
penguin42lucian_: Try running gnome-volume-control-appley00:18
lucian_the one that didn't depend on pa?00:18
Dimmuxxarand: my errors are plymouth related00:18
mozmck3I can see this computer from my karmic box fwiw.00:18
penguin42mozmck3: I'd try   stop NetworkManager   followed a few seconds later by a start00:18
lucian_** (gnome-volume-control-applet:2763): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...00:18
lucian_its waiting for pulseaudio00:18
yofellucian_: you might have to set it to not use pa00:19
yofellucian_: but I don't think there's a gui to do that anymore00:19
lucian_is there a config somewhere?00:19
penguin42could try one of the xfce or the like volume apps00:19
lucian_that i can change it00:20
arandlucian_: I ended up using another volume-controller-thing, removing pa breaks thing, inevitably.00:20
lucian_this is so uppsetting00:20
mozmck3penguin42: didn't work.  it did turn off my ethernet and back on though.00:21
yofellucian_: nothing you can do anything about, gnome decided to support pa only00:21
penguin42mozmck3: Odd - remind me when exactly you get the error?00:21
arandlucian_: Hmm, it's as simple as pa being somewhat obligatory with ubuntu.00:21
yofelavar: s/ubuntu/gnome/00:21
yofelarand: ^00:22
mozmck3if I click on Places->Network, it waits for ~30 sec and then pops up a dialog with that error.00:22
lucian_my system doesn't like pulseaudio, why should pa be forced onto people who enjoy ubuntu?00:22
yofelsry avar, was meant for arand00:22
penguin42mozmck3: Oh! *that* network00:22
mozmck3penguin42: this is a fresh install of lucid beta100:22
penguin42lucian_: It solves a lot of other problems when it works00:22
arandyofel: hrm, that as well?...00:22
lucian_i enjoyed the older builds because i had the freedom to shut down pa at WILL00:22
yofellucian_: you're free to use xfce or KDE with ubuntu00:23
lucian_and i'm kinda pissed that this WILL was taken away00:23
BUGabundolucian_: if it doesn't work, file bugs00:23
lucian_maybe i DONT wanna use kde or xfce, i happend to like gnome, but a gnome where i can manually shutdown pa is what i want00:24
penguin42lucian_: I used to be pissed off with that, but it's worked well for me for a while so it's no longer an issue for me at least00:24
lucian_now i had to uninstall pa and i dont get volume app nor can i turn on pa when i need it?00:24
lucian_thats not right00:24
* yofel uses pulse with KDE and it works fine so far00:24
ubottuIn Lucid you may notice that the window controls min/max/close is now on the left side. | For more information please see http://alturl.com/yvgv | To change it back to right side using a terminal please see http://alturl.com/x5d6.00:25
yofelZykoticK9: ?00:25
ZykoticK9yofel, sorry wanted to see the link00:25
DG19075there was a menu edit  that could be done to make ALSA default..but can't remember it right now00:26
yofelZykoticK9: you can ask the bot in private with '/msg ubottu ...' if you just need the link yourself ;)00:26
yofelDG19075: that doesn't exist anymore since karmic00:26
ZykoticK9yofel, how can i see +1 specific ones, i tried earlier and failed00:26
lucian_i cant even go to system, preference, sound without pulseaudio00:27
DG19075oh my00:27
yofeloh, yeah, that's a +1 spec. one -.-00:27
yofeljussi01: ^00:27
mozmck3another problem. I put refresh rates in an xorg.conf to try and get better resolution on my CRT, the login screen came up with a nice high resolution, but when I log in I just get a black screen with a mouse pointer that I can move around.00:27
yofellucian_: yes, as the gnome sound properties were rewritten for better pa integration00:28
mozmck3is there some other way to tell xorg the refresh rates of the monitor?00:28
yofellucian_: what's your issue with pa anyway?00:28
lucian_yofel: it doesn't work00:28
lucian_thats my issue00:28
yofellucian_: file a bug00:28
penguin42mozmck3: I do it using an xorg.conf you can also do it via xrandr00:29
yofellucian_: and ping crimsun, he's the audio expert00:29
Dimmuxxarand: what plymouth issue are you talking about?00:29
arandDimmuxx: Fails to run at all00:29
lucian_i'm boot up issues to with ludic after these updates, i cant see the password prompt to decrypt the system lvm, i just get a blank screen00:30
Dimmuxxokey I get an error when running update-initramfs00:30
Dimmuxxupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-17-generic00:31
Dimmuxx/usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/plymouth: 39: /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: not found00:31
lucian_ok i just want pulseaudio to shutoff and stay off when i tell it to00:31
lucian_when i run games, pa needs to be off00:32
mozmck3the compact layout setting in nautilus seems to have no effect...00:32
penguin42Dimmuxx: I'd reinstall the plymouth package00:33
Dimmuxxpenguin42: already tried that00:33
penguin42does that file exist?00:34
Dimmuxxit complains about three other files too00:34
Dimmuxxcp: cannot stat `/lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth': No such file or directory00:34
Dimmuxxcp: cannot stat `/lib/plymouth/themes/text': No such file or directory00:34
Dimmuxxgrep: /lib/plymouth/themes//.plymouth: No such file or directory00:34
penguin42Dimmuxx: Which version of the plymouth package do you have?00:35
penguin42interesting, you're slightly ahead of my 0.8.0~-1700:35
DimmuxxI just did an dist-upgrade00:36
Dimmuxxwhich caused this problem00:36
Dimmuxxlots of changes00:37
Dimmuxxso maybe they borked something00:37
penguin42erm that's weird - current lucid package is 0.8.1-1 for i386 and 0.8.0~-17 for amd6400:37
Dimmuxxyeah it's on my netbook which is running 3200:37
penguin42Dimmuxx: Is #549247 yours ?00:38
DimmuxxI didn't report it but I just found it00:38
Dimmuxxso guess I'm not alone at least00:38
penguin42Dimmuxx: I think you should confirm it and point out those files are missing from that version00:39
Dimmuxxit's already in the description00:39
penguin42ok, still best to confirm it then00:40
Dimmuxxaren't +1 comments frown upon?00:41
penguin42I mean just set it as confirmed00:41
penguin42if it's 'new' then it's right to mark it as confirmed and certainly seems right to say why you confirmed it00:41
penguin42Dimmuxx: I'd also add a comment that it looks like i's the 0.8.1-1 that broke it00:42
jjessegood evening, yesterday's daily-live of kubuntu netbook and also kubuntu desktop when installing doesn't prompt me to put in a username or a password, so when i reboot i have a system i can't login to00:43
Dimmuxxwell can normal users set status to confirmed? I haven't registered on launchpad00:43
penguin42Dimmuxx: Ah I think you need to be registered; if you *really* have a problem with that then I'll do it for you00:44
DimmuxxI'm probably gonna register eventually but it's really late here now so I rather do it tomorrow when I'm awake and not half asleep. So it would be nice if you could confirm it00:46
penguin42hmm ok00:47
tatsubihaving issue with installing 10.04b onto a sata drive (not in raid), was wondering if there is some documentation on this already00:47
tatsubienjoy Dimmuxx :)00:47
Dimmuxxheh that was fast :)00:48
penguin42Dimmuxx: Ah, in the mean time it looks like one of the devs has marked it fix committed00:48
foxmulder881tatsubi: What's so hard about a default install. So special requirements.00:52
tatsubiit doesn't see any of my drives00:52
penguin42tatsubi: Do you know what your drive controller is or motherboard?00:52
tatsubimobo is A8R32-MVP Deluxe00:53
=== voidmage-away is now known as voidmage
foxmulder881Anything currently installed on the aforementtioned drives?00:53
tatsubiyeah, win7 and ubuntu 9.10 (currently using)00:53
penguin42tatsubi: But it sees the CDROM drive?00:53
tatsubiwell enough to boot off of it00:53
penguin42tatsubi: Can you put an lspci somewhere?00:53
tatsubiI mean00:53
penguin42ooh weirdo ATI chipset - I bet that's the problem00:54
tatsubiyeah mobo isn't great :(00:54
foxmulder881tatsubi: What about trying the alternate install disc?00:55
MTecknologyAnybody around here know anything about suhosin?00:55
penguin42tatsubi: File a bug against 'linux' put in the title 'regression' and point out it works in 9.1000:56
penguin42tatsubi: I think you should be able to run 'ubuntu-bug' from the live cd if it's found networking that is00:56
tatsubi_sorry intenet connection crash00:56
penguin42tatsubi: File a bug against 'linux' put in the title 'regression' and point out it works in 9.1000:56
mozmck2is irc.ubuntu.com the same as irc.freenode.net00:56
penguin42tatsubi: I think you should be able to run 'ubuntu-bug' from the live cd if it's found networking that is00:56
tatsubi_pastebin of lspci: http://pastebin.com/1FXpr56N00:57
histomozmck2: yes00:57
histomozmck2: kind of00:58
mozmck2got my resolution up now with refresh stuff in xorg.conf00:58
mozmck2There really should be a way to enter that information in System->Preferences->Monitors for people who still use CRTs00:59
penguin42mozmck2: Agreed, I have the same problem because my monitor won't for no-apparent reason autodetect01:00
mozmck2I've had several CRT's that wouldn't autodetect, and it sometimes depends on the graphics card.  They will autodetect on one card and not another.01:00
tatsubi_nick tatsubi01:00
LordGiottoHi guys :) I've got a little problem with empathy and i want to know if it's "normal": i can send file, but i can't receive files via any protocol (upgrade with PPA version doesn't solve this problem)... Any of you are affected by this bug?01:00
=== tatsubi_ is now known as tatsubi
mozmck2I couldn't do anything with empathy so I still use pidgin!01:01
penguin42mozmck2: I could swear there is a bug for it but I can't find it01:01
tatsubiok brb going to boot off the 10.04b disk againand report regression bug :)01:02
histotatsubi: there are updates since that release01:02
mozmck2I can't make heads or tails of the bug system.  I probably just need to take some time to look at it more.01:02
histomozmck2: you can search it bugs.launchpad.net01:04
mozmck2heh, now that I fixed my resolution I can browse the network!01:05
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
mozmck2nope, it sees the computers on the network now but hangs trying to get to one.01:10
tatsubiwent to lodge a file report and somehow magically the install saw my drives when I went "try ubuntu 10.04"blah blah instead of "install ubunt"blahblah01:13
marienzmost of the icons on the gdm login screen are white on a light gray background (hard to read). Is that only me?01:15
tatsubimarienz, let you know when I get there01:15
marienzok, ty :)01:16
marienzthis system has been upgrading since some alpha, so it's possible I broke something along the way01:16
tatsubiare you using the new pulseaudio marienz?01:18
tatsubijust curious01:18
marienzI don't know! which is which?01:18
tatsubiahh ok01:18
vengeranyone had issues with r8169 based interface where it lost link light and you can't get it back until a hard power off?  just happened to me after booting into beta101:18
penguin42venger: I've got the r8168b and it seems OK, but that might be a totally different chip01:19
marienzvenger: do you dualboot with windows? I haven't checked this recently, but some version of the windows realtek driver could put the network card in a power saving state on shutdown that the linux driver could not get it back out of01:19
vengeri read about that marienz i will look into it01:19
marienz(not sure if that affected that card)01:19
vengeronly thing was it stuck even when i booted back in win -- scared me01:20
marienzif it's that the symptoms should be that it works fine as long as you don't boot into windows since the last time you powered the system down completely (pull the plug or switch off the psu)01:20
tatsubiwhat about if you were to disable the device in windows?01:20
marienzI don't know01:21
* tatsubi nods01:21
marienzI think I could get it to work by telling windows not to power down the device on shutdown01:21
marienzbut if your card won't work if you turn of the system, pull the power cord, plug the power cord back in, and boot into ubuntu, then it's something else01:21
vengeri do know the previous intrepid server install i just overwrote didn't exhibit the issue01:21
tatsubibrb restarting01:22
IdleOnemumble is broken after latest update Bug #54927001:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549270 in mumble "Mumble using incorrect API according to error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54927001:22
IdleOnecan someone please test and confirm that bug01:26
Clark3934Every time I restart in lucid, "visual effects" reverts to "None" rendering my windows unusable.  I have an intel mobile 4 series gm45.  Does anyone know why this might be happening?  I'm using kernel 2.6.33-020633 with xorg edgers, but reverting to lucid-daily defaults doesn't fix the problem.01:29
vengermarienz, can't see what the windows driver settings is causing it because wake on lan is enabled however doing a cool boot i get network so i think it may be happening during a restart.  it looks like enabling bios rom might be another option if this persists.  thanks for the response.01:32
lucian_for a problem with package xubuntu-plymouth-theme01:37
lucian_keep getting an exit status 127 on it01:38
lucian_can remove it01:38
lucian_dpkg keeps returning: /var/lib/dpkg/info/xubuntu-plymouth-theme.postrm: 10: /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: not found01:38
lucian_anyway i can clean that out?01:39
vengerlucian_, u using dpkg -r or apt-get remove? also --- touch /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme ? :)01:40
lucian_apt-get remove01:41
vengerlucian_, maybe reinstall it first then remove?01:41
fabio333there should be plymouth before you install the theme...01:41
fabio333which plymouth...01:42
lucian_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:42
lucian_cant reinstall it01:42
lucian_for xubuntu01:42
yofellucian_: bug 549247 ?01:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549247 in plymouth "Notices/Warnings during upgrade of plymouth (initramfs-hooks)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54924701:42
foxmulder881God I wish the devs would fix that problem that seems to make it into every new release. This one: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:43
lucian_ok but how do i get rid of this lingering package in the meantime?01:43
yofelfoxmulder881: do you get the same error as lucian_?01:45
foxmulder881Not in this particular case. But I see it on my Ubuntu systems time and time again with each release. It never seems to go away. I've learnt to ignore it over the years.01:46
fabio333once i had to remove a package from /var/lib/dpkg/status before unistalling it01:46
yofelfabio333: if that worked ok fine, but please don't suggest that here, that's dangerous if you don't know what you're doing01:47
lucian_now im getting a status 126 permission denied01:47
yofelwell ok, you still have status-old if you mess up01:47
lucian_/var/lib/dpkg/info/xubuntu-plymouth-theme.postrm: 10: /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: Permission denied01:47
foxmulder881lucian: Are you su?01:48
lucian_i used sudo01:48
yofellucian_: and what does 'ls -l /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme' say?01:48
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest44783
lucian_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2010-03-26 18:48 /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme01:49
vengerlucian_, if you did what i had suggested -> 'touch', it was apparently a script/binary and like yofel had implied for another suggestion probably dangerous so remove it, otherwise ignore this01:49
lucian_i did touch it01:50
vengerso it created a empty file and permission denied could imply it wants to execute it01:50
Random832chmod +x it01:50
yofelfoxmulder881: and about the error being in every release, dpkg only tells us that something went wrong here, shouldn't happen, but that's usually a bug in the package, not a general issue01:50
Random832executing an empty file will just treat it as a shell script that returns true01:51
Random832(some systems have an empty shell script for /bin/true)01:51
lucian_ok its fixed01:51
vengerdid if finish the remove then?01:52
lucian_i think so01:52
vengerlucian_, pastebin if you want01:52
yofelif there wasn't another error then it should have removed the package fine now01:52
lucian_it all started when i did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop01:52
lucian_everything installed except xubuntu-plymouth-theme01:53
yofellucian_: nothing to do with it, the plymouth upload from a few hours ago is broken, you were just unlucky01:53
vengerwhich according to the bug its missing some file(s)01:53
lucian_it seems that i cant get to the cryptsetup password prompt to unlock the system lvm during boot up01:54
lucian_just goes blank01:54
lucian_same thing with single user01:55
arandyofel: is this the bug you mentioned earlier?01:56
yofelarand: the plymouth one?01:57
robin0800lucian_: think you have to run update-initramfs -u after each change01:58
arandyofel: Yea, so late pm is completely broken?01:58
lucian_yes i do that01:58
lucian_but there's someting buggin01:58
arandyofel: and if so, is it supposed to be fixed by updates or does one ned to get hands dirty to fixit?01:59
yofelarand: seems like 0.8.1-1 is missing a few files02:00
robin0800lucian_: I know theres a ubuntu page about this but I can't find it02:00
lucian_actually now that you mentioned update-initramfs, i just got a stat error on it02:00
lucian_cp: cannot stat `/lib/plymouth/themes/text': No such file or directory02:00
lucian_grep: /lib/plymouth/themes//.plymouth: No such file or directory02:00
yofelarand: the bug says fix committed, so it will be fixed shortly (bug fixed but not uploaded yet)02:00
lucian_thats the error i got after doing the update02:00
yofelyes, and that will be fixed once the bugfix is uploaded, you'll have to wait02:01
arandyofel: right, I'll have a peek how my lynx is doing atm, i sneer awfully at PM last time I booted...02:02
arands/i/it\ did/02:02
arandyofel: Surprise surprise Version: 0.8.1-1 ...Well, good to know what's up.02:08
ddecatorarand: that update broke plymouth for me =p02:08
arandddecator: You are amongst equals it seems.02:09
yofelddecator: bug 54924702:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549247 in plymouth "Notices/Warnings during upgrade of plymouth (initramfs-hooks)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54924702:09
lucian_plymouth rock landed on me too02:09
ddecatorarand: interesting...it didn't work right for me before either though02:10
vengeri can't get the window border buttons to go to the right, i set layout to "minimize,maximize,close:" which did change the order but the colon was already on the right...02:19
ddecatormove it to the left02:20
vengerpfft thats what i get for insisting the guide must be accurate02:21
symptomHello, does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade still do the same thing in ubuntu?  I was looking at the Lucid upgrade instructions and it says to use the update-manager-core.02:22
symptomAlso, is it ok for me to have ubuntu-mozilla-daily sources in my sources.list when i do the upgrade.02:23
ddecatorif you make sure it looks for lucid, and dist-upgrade just upgrades the software, it won't upgrade from karmic to lucid02:24
symptomddecator, mean what exactly? the kernel?02:24
ddecatorsymptom: dist-upgrade upgrades all of the current software on the system to the latest release for the version of ubuntu you are using. to upgrade from karmic (or another older version) to lucid, you hit Alt+F2 and enter "update-manager -d" (can't remember if you need sudo or not...)02:26
wolterlol, the 'plymouth' for nvidia blob is looking so funny02:31
wolterlike 80's shooters02:31
symptomddecator, Im tracking on that.  I guess my question is what is the difference between updating your sources.list to lucid then running apt-get dist-upgrade AND using update-manager-core?02:33
Blue11100 megs of updates today -- must be why they call it a "beta release!"02:33
arandsymptom: either waht ddecator suggests or "sudo do-release-upgrade" for non-gui version02:33
ddecatorsymptom: using update manager is just seen as an easier way of doing the upgrade, but it's possible to change your sources to lucid and upgrade, but there is a higher chance of things breaking02:34
lucian_lucid is not using hal right?02:35
ddecatora few things still do02:36
lucian_yeah i'm testing lucid but still using jaunty on the other lvm02:36
lucian_havnt tried karma yet02:36
symptomIf that is indeed the case, I wonder why that is, and how the apt distribution upgrade proccedure has changed.  Or rather how ubuntu has changed it, or what they are using now and why it is better.  I always figured the upgrade-manager-core was just a front end for dist-upgrade02:36
symptomI suppose there is some config for certain packages that ubuntu woould just take care of.02:37
ddecatorsymptom: using update manager basically disables third party ppas, updates your sources.list to lucid, then runs the upgrades like a dist-upgrade. it's just automatic and does it all at once for users02:37
symptomahhhh.  See now that answers my other question.  I have the ppa for mozilla in my sources.list.02:38
ddecatorright, it can be reenabled after the upgrade if you want the daily builds, but it gets disabled during the upgrade to prevent conflicts02:39
symptomand i was wondering if that would jack it up.  Back when I was using debian I remember having to double and tripple check the sources.list file02:39
arandBlue11: Mind the plymouth update...02:39
symptomsweet.  Well Im running it now and I just copied over my sources.list to my home directory as a back up.  Ill just cut and paste after the UG.02:39
Blue11arand: I drive a buick...02:40
enavi got a question about the new release02:41
ddecatorwhich is?02:41
symptomddecator, thanks for the info and the good discussion.02:41
enavwhy the control buttom position was changed  to the left???02:41
ddecatorsymptom: np =)02:41
Blue11enav: that's the topic of many flame wars02:42
Blue11enav: but you can change it02:42
ddecatorenav: there is no concrete answer, but it has been suggested that they plan on adding something to the right side later02:42
enavwho decide that kind of things??  who have the power to do that02:42
Blue11enav: dunno - here's how to change it:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=20702:42
ddecatorthe developers, but this will get things off topic if we discuss the controversy here02:43
enavthanks any way.. i just want to know the main reason about that annoying change02:43
symptomI heard it was because the whole mac OS layout (left = control) has been shown to be more desirable/ergonomic/functional/etc02:43
Blue11we should start a new channel called #button_flames or something =-O02:43
symptom...not to start the flame war or anything02:44
ddecatornobody knows for sure other than the developers02:44
Blue11ddecator: that's the truth02:44
enavi guess those guys are the responsible to do that02:44
ddecatoralthough i heard that using themes other than radiance or ambiance now automatically moves the buttons to the right again (haven't tested)02:45
Blue11let me see what I am using brb02:45
enavi just think that change is critical for some users that are really noobish02:45
Blue11i am using the clearlooks theme - i use gconf to move the buttons02:46
ddecatorhm, maybe it isn't added yet...i believe the plan is to make it theme-specific though02:46
enavto change that config i need to use console???02:46
ddecatoror gconf02:46
Blue11enav: yeah simple change gconftools02:46
enavi mean by console02:47
Blue11enav: i don't know any other way to to do it sorry02:47
enavis not good.. not at all02:47
ddecatoragain, that's a controversial topic =\02:47
enavi guess the developers have a good reason to do that...  let wait for something new  maybe is a good thing02:48
ddecatorprobably won't show up until 10.1002:48
Blue11enav: as long as I can "make it right" I'm happy02:48
ddecatordang it02:50
enavi nice idea is to setup the controlbox position with some theme option02:54
thiebaudei still cant shutdown 10.0402:57
Andre_Gondimat last update, my usplash disapear02:57
yofelAndre_Gondim: you mean plymouth, we don't use usplash anymore, and yes plymouth is broken atm02:59
mozmckanyone here know how to compile the kernel from lucid git?03:00
Andre_Gondimyeah, yofel plymouth disapear03:00
yofelAndre_Gondim: check if you have bug 54924703:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549247 in plymouth "Notices/Warnings during upgrade of plymouth (initramfs-hooks)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54924703:00
ddecatori guess a plymouth update has been released03:00
ddecatornot the one that breaks it, but a new one (haven't tested it yet)03:03
enavi like from ubuntu is the friendly pople03:06
leagrisplymouth... is there a Camaro for ubuntu ?03:15
syddrafI am running Lucid and am having a problem with Flash. Flash apps load, but I cannot click any objects inside of the flash window. Anyone have suggestions or is this a known issue?03:26
wolterleagris, i wish.. plymouth doesn't work with nvidia03:26
Loungethat happened a few times with youtube where i couldn't click the volume or the play/pause03:27
Loungein firefox 2.603:27
Blue112.6 - whw that ancient03:28
Loungehad to shutdown firefox-bin03:28
woltersure you don't mean 3.6?03:28
syddrafI'm also using Firefox 3.6, I should have said, but it also doesn't work in chrome.03:28
yofelsyddraf: not being able to click inside flash in firefox is known, but it should work in chromium03:30
syddrafOk... really stupid question. What's the terminal command to run chromium, because "chromium" isn't working X_X03:32
thiebaudeanyone know of a terminal command so i can shut down my computer using 10.04?03:34
woltersudo shutdown -P +103:35
wolterwill shutdown in +x03:35
thiebaudethanks alot03:35
thiebaudecant wait til they fix that03:35
Volkodavhalt should do it too03:35
wolterfix what?03:35
thiebaudewhen i click shut down the computer restarts03:35
wolterwow... thats weird03:36
wolterAnd if you click restart it restarts as well03:36
thiebaudei haven't tried that yet03:36
thiebaudebut i will03:36
syddrafOk, well. Chromium isn't working either, apparently.03:37
syddrafI take that back, it works when i spam click03:38
symptomhas anyone else seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144000803:45
symptomIm having the same issue.03:46
daniskamisyddraf: chromium-browser03:57
daniskamisyddraf: (you can find that out using `apt-file list' or guess it by typing chromium<TAB> and see what autocompletion suggests)03:58
randalI need some help i just installed 10.04 and in Firefox my flash player doesent work properly. For example when i whatch a youtube video i cant click anything but it will play but i cant puase or do anything any ideas (I have tried reinstalling both firefox and flash)03:59
randalis anyone here04:05
Some_PersonHey, when I last shut down, plymouth showed the old ubuntu logo04:07
* leagris is away: regenerating04:27
arandA there goes the plymouth updates.04:27
arand!away > leagris04:28
ubottuleagris, please see my private message04:28
coz_hey guys...oh man ..just updated and the plymouth image was changed to way bad :)04:28
coz_sorry I meant way ugly :)04:29
tofupupjust started the updates04:30
arandcoz_: version 0.8.1-1 or 0.8.1-1ubuntu1?04:30
coz_arand,  mm let me check04:30
coz_arand,   0.8.1-104:32
arandcoz_: Bug #54924704:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549247 in plymouth "Notices/Warnings during upgrade of plymouth (initramfs-hooks)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54924704:34
arandcoz_: 0.8.1-1ubuntu1 has dropped into main, and should fix issues.04:34
coz_arand, ah so an update will fix the 0.8.1-1 then04:35
arand↑ Bug has a very bad title btw.04:35
coz_although I am on 64 bit04:36
arandcoz_: Ah, no idea how the issue fares there, and presumably the amd64 builds always takes a bit longer..04:37
coz_arand,  ok  no biggie  just ugly  :)04:37
Volkodavwhy is it a bunch of packages are kept back from upgrades ?04:37
ddecatoranyone here happen to be using ubuntu lucid beta 1 server on a wireless network with wpa2 encryption?04:38
VolkodavI have 3 desktops/laptops running fine with wpa204:39
arandcoz_: amd64 build Finished 23 minutes ago (vs 2h i386), so maybe they're not mirrored yet then...04:39
ddecatormy laptop works fine, but it's my server that i can't get to join my wpa2 wireless network...04:40
coz_arand,  oh ok... I wansnt too worried :)  just thought I would bring it up :)04:40
crimsuncoz_: / arand: publisher just ran 7 minutes ago04:40
coz_ok cool04:40
crimsunbe patient, and if you can't, just download from LP ;-)04:40
arandWell, gotta hype something ;)04:42
tofupupcrimsun: what does LP stand for?04:43
arand!lp | tofupup04:43
ubottutofupup: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/04:43
tofupuparand: thanks04:44
=== Some_Person_ is now known as Some_Person
vossusing 10.04 nbr quite interesting04:57
arandvoss: any interesting interface changes?05:00
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un214funny error message: "apt-get is not installed on this system. You can install it by typing apt-get install apt"05:10
MTughanBetter one. "apt-get is not installed on this system. You're screwed." :P05:12
un214well dpkg can install it05:12
MTughanStill not an ideal situation though.05:13
un214I have on one of my systems a package chain that when unpacked results in a system that has no packages installed but apt-get install apt suddenly works05:13
vossarand, color changes, but they did get the wireless correct this time05:17
ddecatoroh crap05:18
ddecatori just got the bad update for plymouth on my server, haha. good thing i don't have to restart it05:18
Dr_WillisI just found it easier to remove plymouth, then to bother with it constantly breaking. :)05:22
Dr_Willisanyone else seem to think theres to much focus on plymounth for somthing that does so.. well.. little?05:22
un214well I did apt-get remove plymouth05:24
Andre_Gondimsometime when I am in Gmail my accents disapers,05:26
nick125What's the default plymouth theme?05:26
Dr_Willisi just stoped it from starting via the /etc/init scripts05:26
un214I thought it might have been responsible for my system booting to bad graphics like usplash was once so goodbye05:27
un214anyway the cause was a bad xorg failsafe driver05:27
bsmith093is anyone else having the system think it has an audio disc mounted when the drive is empty05:28
un214I had removed the nouveau driver due to instability on a prior beta (can't blaim them -- hardware has what I think is a DMA conflict)05:28
un214the nouveau driver still clobbers the systray icons but no other weird effects05:29
nick125I had to get rid of nouveau as it was causing my GPU to run extremely hot..somewhere around 95C05:31
un214btw, is there a way to control /boot/grub/menu.list generation?05:31
un214it gets a littile tiresome repeatedly merging my changes05:32
nick125What changes?05:32
EPAstorHaving an odd issue in Lucid beta - mouse & keyboard are unable to change window in focus, including to the GNOME menus. Problem is new - started after updating packages today. Any thoughts? More details (and a second person with the same problem) posted to the forums, but thought people might be interested.05:32
un214I keep a third version with ro init=/bin/sh05:32
Dr_Willisun214:  yep. it gets annoying i agree05:32
EPAstorun214: Have you added a script to /etc/grub.d?05:33
EPAstorun214: It's the standard way to control menu.list generation05:33
SmittyJensenAnyone know anything about the acpi boot delay?05:34
Dr_Willisoftn its not adding scripts thta people want.. they want to alter the default ones.05:34
SmittyJensenor can they tell me how to apply this patch: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp100110-karmic/05:34
un214I'm rater inclined to file a bug with the initrd05:34
EPAstorun214: What sort of changes are you trying to get to stick?05:34
un214it doesn't attach the init program's standard error to the console05:34
Dr_WillisI did add a custome  entry to boot an iso file from a spare partition :) to ease rescue mode.05:34
un214I keep a second emergency mode that does init=/bin/sh05:35
Dr_Willisun214:  ive heard of others that have that 'not work' for them also.05:35
Dr_WillisIm not tried it myself05:35
bsmith093is anyone else having the system think it has an audio disc mounted when the drive is empty05:35
un214it works for me so long as the first command I issue is exec 2>&105:35
un214you won't see a thing you type until you issue that05:35
SmittyJensenok then, anyone know how to fix the 18 second boot delay in any ubuntu version?05:36
Dr_WillisI dont have a 18 sec boot delay that ive seen05:36
un214you won't see the prompt either until you do set -i as the second command05:36
Dr_WillisIf theres a 18 sec delay.. that means my pc is actually booting in like 20 sec. :)05:36
SmittyJensenDr_Willis, it doesn't happen if i turn acpi off05:36
Dr_Willismany MB makers often do weird things int heir bios/acpi implemention from what ive seen in the past.05:37
SmittyJensenDr_Willis, it's a major pain in the butt. boot times are supposed to be quick but no matter how quick they are i'll still get the 18 second boot delay.05:37
un214I've broken my system so badly that rescue mode doesn't work in the past.05:37
Dr_Willisi had one pc where the clock ran 4x as fast (the actual time of day clock) :) unless i had acpi off..05:38
SmittyJensenDr_Willis, well.. here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/100110, it has a workaround or two. but both don't work.05:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 100110 in linux "18 seconds ACPI delay while booting due to DSDT" [Medium,In progress]05:38
Dr_Willisi wonder what dsdt is05:38
un214what's the matter, surprised that init=/bin/sh actually worked but appeared not to?05:39
SmittyJenseni just want it fixed so i can enjoy nice boot times. =/ doesn't happen in windows, even though windows boots slow. l0l05:39
Dr_Willisits aparently a known bug.. and its being worked on.05:39
SmittyJensenmeh, that doesn't help any.05:40
EPAstorSmittyJensen: The workaround in comment 10 doesn't fix your problem?05:40
SmittyJensenapparently they took out the custom dsdt feature.05:40
EPAstorAnd it may not help any, but you are running a beta... It's the pain you pay.05:40
SmittyJensenEPAstor, so I haven't tried it. but it's not supposed to work05:40
SmittyJensenEPAstor, that's what i'm saying. it happens on any linux. i just happen to be running ubuntu+105:40
un214I switched to lucid in pre-alpha05:40
un214I didn't have lots of problems until after beta05:40
SmittyJensenwhich is great, might i add.05:41
EPAstorSmittyJensen: Huh. Odd.05:41
SmittyJensenyeah. apparently andy whitcroft or some guy uploaded a kernel with a fix. it doesn't appear to be there anymore (only a patch)05:41
EPAstorOkay - so it's fundamentally a feature they stripped from the kernel. That sucks, and hopefully they'll get to building a proper replacement for it SOON.05:41
SmittyJensenthey took it out and are expecting to keep it out since it can cause hardware damage (apparently).05:41
EPAstorRight, but I assume they're looking into alternative approaches.05:42
SmittyJensenoh, yeah.05:42
SmittyJensenthats what it says. :P05:42
SmittyJensenanyway. i'm not real keen on patches and stuff. any chance you could help me figure out the patch?05:42
EPAstorI'll point out that Windows is deliberately breaking specifications to boot without that delay... this is actually a motherboard manufacturer bug, if I'm reading the descriptions right.05:42
EPAstorI could - but it's a kernel patch? Recompiling with a patched kernel is a bit touchy.05:43
SmittyJenseni'm assuming its a kernel patch.05:43
EPAstorThat's the one thing I don't really do. Someone else might do that more often...05:43
SmittyJensenEPAstor, the kernels are supposed to be there. now all thats left is a patch. -_-05:43
SmittyJensenis there any way i could just patch the file without recompiling the entire thing?05:45
EPAstorNot with the kernel. That's why it's touchy.05:45
SmittyJensenmaybe ill just compile a new kernel then and use it as my default. whaddya think?05:46
EPAstorBest of luck. Last time I tried that it didn't work out too well, but if you find a good guide to it, more power to you.05:46
SmittyJenseni've done it before, i just don't know a whole lot about it therefore don't like doing it.05:47
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EPAstorBy the way, anyone have any ideas on this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1440048 ? Odd bugger, but it's completely clobbered my desktop.05:47
SmittyJensenEPAstor, thanks for the help anyway. i guess ill spend the rest of the night doing it >: D05:47
EPAstorSmittyJensen: Then that's probably your fastest way to a fix, unfortunately.05:48
un214Is it safe to modify /etc/grub.d/10_linux?05:48
un214I don't feel like parsing its output in another script.05:48
Dr_Willisun214:  make backups.. and any updates to the grub packages may restore the system version05:49
un214would a patch that adds a hook get applied?05:49
Dr_WillisNot sure what you mean.05:50
un214so I submit a patch to /etc/grub.d/10_linux that does source /etc/grub.d/customentry for each kernel found would they apply it to the upstream version?05:52
Dr_Willisi doubt it.05:53
Dr_Willisat this time theres so many freezes going on.  You could mention it on the brainstorm site and discuss it I gues.s it may make it into the next release.  theres also several wiki/guides/threads on customizing grub2 scripts05:54
un214and here's a nasty grub bug:05:55
un214doing do-release-upgrade in a 32 bit jail on a 64 bit system installs the 32 bit grub to the bootsector05:55
un214doesn't boot for the obvious reason05:55
EPAstorun214: Oof. That IS nasty. Already filed?05:56
un214I fixed it on my system by apt-get remove grub in the chroot jail05:57
un214unfortunately I couldn't think up any possible other fix besides fixing debootstrap to not install any bootloader in jail mode05:58
un214do-release-upgrade can't be stopped from installing a new kernel to /boot05:58
Dr_WillisMy Network router can share a 'usb drive' but it named the share to be -> Purple (abbr=PURPLE )06:03
Dr_Willisthats the full name.. How weird.06:03
nishanththe game lights off doesnot work does anyone know why?06:07
BigMack83im trying out kubuntu 10.4, and the desktop widgets dont seem to want to stay in place. when i move them to where i want them, as soon as i click somethign else they all go back to their old spot. and sometimes they all revert to the same one spot overlapping eachother.06:26
BigMack83anyone else experience this?06:26
git__is suspend/resume in 10.04 working for ya?06:27
BigMack83git__: yes06:29
git__BigMack83, did you do a regression test?06:30
BigMack83well havent tried hibernate but suspend is working06:30
git__BigMack83, how many times have u try suspend/resume/suspend/resume ...06:30
BigMack83since i booted, only once06:30
nishanthdoes anyone know why lights off wont work ?06:30
git__if u're able to do it 10 in a row without hard reset or reboot, u're golden06:30
git__i like the "instant on" capability06:31
BigMack83ok, what does that have to do with the widgets?06:31
git__hey rebooting my maching and starting applications06:31
BigMack83instant on? you mean suspend/hibernate?06:31
LinuxGuy2009Can anyone verify if the window buttons are still on the left with current updates? I just updated my netbook with like 160 updates and I don't think I changed the button layout myself but i could be wrong.06:34
BigMack83LinuxGuy2009: when i first booted into gnome, my window buttons were on the left yes. its because of the new theme layout06:36
BigMack83hrmm, annoying. why use widgets if they dont move to where you want them06:36
LinuxGuy2009No I mean they shanged back to the right. And the menu icon has changed too.06:36
BigMack83then not sure06:36
BigMack83mine stayed on the left06:37
LinuxGuy2009BigMack83: have you updated tonight?06:37
BigMack83i just a few hours ago installed the whole thing. and updated yea06:37
LinuxGuy2009Hmm Im about to install in a vbox and verify this change.06:41
Spoomhowdy folks, using lucid beta 1, i'm attempting to start compiz and bypass the hardware blacklist, but the method suggested by the compiz people at http://wiki.compiz.org/Hardware/Blacklist isn't working, it just continues to say "blacklisted PCI ID 8086:2562 detected"; any ideas?06:44
Spoomi have created the file ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager as suggested, to no effect06:45
BigMack83in kubuntu, why is there no shutdown or reboot option when i select leave from the main menu?06:58
BigMack83only logout, lock, switch, suspend, and hibernate are available06:58
LinuxGuy2009BigMack83: Maybe look in the logout window if one pops up? Just guessing.07:00
Dr_WillisHe left befor i could answer.. oh well07:08
Dr_Willisif you start kde from gdm or visa versa gnome from kdm. Not all options will be shown07:09
Dr_WillisYou have to logout, or use some other buttons/way to go straight to shutdown/reboot07:09
=== cozziemoto is now known as coz_
Dr_WillisI have logout/reboot/shutdown here on Kubuntu (using kdm and kde)07:10
LinuxGuy2009Dr_Willis: Hmm I didnt know that.07:10
Dr_Willissort of been that way for ages and agers.07:10
Dr_WillisNot exactly sure why it matters.07:10
coz_well I see the "fix" for plymouth was update but that image used is really bad  :)07:11
LinuxGuy2009Not sure. I never really noticed it myself until now when you mentioned it. Inly tried KDE a few times myself.07:11
coz_whoa now compiz ismessed up   let me reboot07:11
LinuxGuy2009coz_: Bad as in cool? What is plymouth anyways?07:12
Ahmed\can i upgrade to Lucid without formatting or reinstalling ?07:13
Dr_Willis_faq  - and the answer is yes Ahmed\07:14
Dr_Willis_one  of the main benifits of using a package manager system :)07:15
Ahmed\Thanks Dr !07:15
Dr_Willis_Upgrades can be prone to problems.. I always tend to do clean installs07:15
LinuxGuy2009Me too07:15
Ahmed\How many mb will that be on ?07:16
Ahmed\or in DVD07:16
Dr_Willis_since its downloading all NEW stuff.. it will proberly be several 100mb...07:16
Dr_Willis_proberly 600+07:16
Ahmed\around 700 then... same as 9.1007:16
Dr_Willis_thats download size.. drive space size used will be bigger of course07:17
LinuxGuy2009Ahmed\: Plus if you upgrade your existing install, all your other apps will be updated too. So that will tack on some extra MB probably.07:17
Ahmed\I have slow network @ 512 :$07:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 488856 in gnome-control-center "gnome-mouse-properties should allow touchpad edge scrolling AND two-finger scrolling" [Undecided,New]07:21
KruyKazehow do i use nouveau in lucid?07:23
LinuxGuy2009DanaG: I think my netbook has virtical scrolling working out of the box but yeah i dont see horizontal scrolling option. Ithink two finger scrolling is probably hardware dependent.07:24
DanaGAnyway, I looked in the gnome-settings-daemon source, and it would literally take just about 3 lines of change to implement a "both" option:07:24
DanaGbefore: if (scrollmethod == 1) ....   if (scrollmethod == 2) ....07:24
DanaGafter:  if (scrollmethod & 1) ....    if (scrollmethod & 2)....07:24
DanaG(though, using bit masks may be "bad manners")07:25
DanaG0=none 1=edge 2=two-finger 3=both07:25
Dr_Willis_my fingers are too fat.. and touchpad too small.. :) i cant get 2 fingers to do anyting usefull07:28
DanaGheh, I have 3 buttons on my touchpad... yet xorg still insists on doing 3-finger emulation (left+right == middle)07:29
Ahmed\How many space should i have on my HDD to run Ubuntu a new install that will work at least a year before formattin ?07:36
DanaGhmm, 25 or 30 gigs is a good amount for the root... how much you give to /home depends on how much of your random stuff (i.e. music and downloads and such) you store in it.07:40
Ahmed\Oh i have 65 GB and i have another partation to save what i have downloaded i moves it there :)07:50
DanaGhmm, I'm not in Ubuntu at the moment to check my own usage, so I can't give any more than that right now.07:50
DanaGAnyway, it all depends on how much stuff you plan to install.07:50
DanaGFor example, games such as Nexuiz are huge.07:51
Dr_Willis_Hmm. i got 8+GB in just wallpapers :)07:51
Dr_Willis_i also have - 5 external USB hard drives for storage of at least 1TB each :)07:55
DanaGanyway, it's bedtime for me now.07:56
DanaGjust about 1 AM.07:56
redwonder why gmail works on my main pc08:01
redbut not on my laptop x)08:01
Dr_Willis_Hmm. I really find it annyong that depending on the browser. My printouts of various web sites can be very diffrent08:04
Dr_Willis_ages ago i had a program by 'HP' that would let me preview/tweak the web site printouts. but ive never found anything like it on linux. or even on windows any more.08:05
Dr_Willis_ie: enlarge fonts/headers so forth. am i overlooking some tool that exists?08:05
om26erAfter grub my screen goes blank, tried installation three time but same result using beta1 usb08:10
kklimondaom26er: have you tried booting with nomodeset ?08:11
om26erkklimonda: boots from usb but not after installation08:11
kklimondaom26er: still have you tried with nomodeset, disabled splash and removed quiet from command line? :)08:12
om26erkklimonda: just tried and the same result08:14
om26erinstallation from the same usb worked a few days ago08:14
om26erkklimonda: should I try the latest build?08:15
kklimondaom26er: sure08:16
Torrentow_what's up?08:23
Dr_Willis_reading all the latest news/rss feeds08:24
Dr_Willis_I saw somthing about AMD video open spouirce driver support.. getting dropped.. but cant find the artical now08:24
kklimondadebugging transmission crash without proper stacktrace.. ;)08:24
MarcoPauhello, I would like to disable frame buffer in the console but vga=normal in the kernel grub line won't have any effect. what am I supposed to do?08:40
bullgardMarcoPau: You could dtermine your Linux loadable frame buffer module and then blacklist it.08:42
MarcoPaubullgard, i.e. fbdev?08:43
MarcoPaukernel: [    2.032039] fb0: radeondrmfb frame buffer device08:44
bullgardMarcoPau: No. Wikipedia 2008-01: "The _Linux framebuffer_ (fbdev) is a graphic hardware-independent _abstraction layer_ to show _graphics_ on a console without relying on system-specific libraries such as SVGALib or the heavy overhead of the X Window System."08:44
MarcoPauthis is from messages...08:44
MarcoPauwould you please check these lines from my log? http://pastebin.com/yUcrfs17 I can't use my lucid any more cause console is black screen after the first few lines and Xorg has frozen mouse and keyboard...08:49
MarcoPauwhat I wanted to try is to disable framebuffer so that I can supposedly run it in single mode and better hack around...08:50
bullgardMarcoPau: You have got a segfault error. This is a severe error. First check your hardware using a live CD.08:53
MarcoPaubullgard, what should I check?08:55
MarcoPaueverything works properly here both with live linux and with windows08:56
JoshuaLis it normal that i have to start cups manually before i can actually print something via a network printer?09:00
bullgardMarcoPau: If everything works properly at your side, why do you ask here?09:02
MarcoPaubullgard, because lucid is not working09:04
bullgardMarcoPau: "is not working" is no exact description where someone could help you.  http://pastebin.com/yUcrfs17 is more meaningful but not enough.09:05
=== Dr_Willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis
MarcoPaubullgard: this is what I wrote before: I can't use my lucid any more cause console is black screen after the first few lines and Xorg has frozen mouse and keyboard...09:06
MarcoPauthus I picked up a live ubuntu and checked my logs09:07
MarcoPauwell let me try blacklisting the fb module and run in single mode09:11
yofelJoshuaL: printing on my network printer works fine here (HP)09:15
JoshuaLyofel, it works fine too, after i have to start cups manually..09:16
JoshuaLafter i start cups manually*09:16
yofelJoshuaL: do you have S50cups in /etc/rc2.d/ ?09:17
JoshuaL yofel yes09:17
yofelit should work then, either the start fails or upstart doesn't try to start it09:18
Dr_Willisupstart also looks in /etc/init09:41
Dr_Willisi had a issue with cups after aoms updated last week. I had to reinstall some packages and reconfigure my printers09:41
yofelDr_Willis: yes, but cups still has a sys-v-init script which should be run by /etc/init/rc.conf09:43
kklimondaoh for god's sake - rhythmbox is duplicating all my songs09:54
kklimondawell, entries09:54
kklimondaheh, nothing that a quick sed can't fix..09:57
kklimondalol, nvidia is not going to support nv driver anymore..09:58
kklimondatheir "open source" driver10:00
JoshuaLnothing to worry about then for me10:00
Dr_Willisyea i saw that in the news..10:01
Dr_Willisnot sure what they did to support it in the past really.....10:01
kklimondawhat sucks more is that they are not willing to help nouveau developers in any way10:02
kklimondaDr_Willis: not much - they did update it to run the newer hardware and that's it I think10:02
Dr_Willisi would like to see intel get into the 3d video card  area more and slap ati and nvidia in the head a bit10:03
bbalajiraoMy update manager dies without a trace of error when upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04. Any ideas?10:12
Dr_Willisrunningit from terminal?  seeif any messages show up10:13
bbalajiraoDr_Willis: I got the following few lines of message.-10:19
bbalajirao~$ sudo update-manager -d10:19
bbalajirao[sudo] password for sssi:10:19
bbalajiraoextracting 'lucid.tar.gz'10:19
bbalajiraoauthenticate 'lucid.tar.gz' against 'lucid.tar.gz.gpg'10:19
bbalajiraoTraceback (most recent call last):10:19
bbalajirao  File "/tmp/tmpqIKtxH/lucid", line 3, in <module>10:19
bbalajirao    from DistUpgradeMain import main10:19
bbalajirao  File "/tmp/tmpqIKtxH/DistUpgradeMain.py", line 25, in <module>10:19
bbalajirao    from DistUpgradeController import DistUpgradeController10:19
bbalajirao  File "/tmp/tmpqIKtxH/DistUpgradeController.py", line 50, in <module>10:19
bbalajirao    from sourceslist import SourcesList, SourceEntry, is_mirror10:19
bbalajirao  File "/tmp/tmpqIKtxH/sourceslist.py", line 36, in <module>10:19
bbalajirao    from apt.deprecation import function_deprecated_by10:19
bbalajiraoImportError: No module named deprecation10:19
yofel!paste | bbalajirao10:20
ubottubbalajirao: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:20
yofelbbalajirao: bug 54940210:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549402 in update-manager "Error during upgrade to Lucid Lynx 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54940210:20
bbalajiraoyofel: see the link- http://paste.ubuntu.com/402321/10:22
monkey_dusthi, i am unable to do sudo passwd, hints & tips anyone? http://paste.ubuntu.com/402320/10:23
axion_I have a problem with running tvtime on lucid lynx system with"00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)10:24
axion_problem started in 9.10 was fixed when setting nomodeset under 9.10, but under lucid lynx if nomodeset is used the system freezes up10:25
yofelbbalajirao: see the bug report I posted for you, and set the bug as affecting you please (if you have a launchpad account)10:25
axion_nomodeset is a kernel setting10:26
axion_was that understandable or am I being very cryptic ?10:26
guntbertmonkey_dust: sudo passwd is not needed - what are you trying to accomplish?10:27
monkey_dustguntbert, i follow a network course and want to test some things we learned there, using tty1 (ctrl-alt-F1)10:28
guntbertmonkey_dust: still - that command has nothing to do with networking - what is the goal? (of your command)10:29
kklimondamonkey_dust: if what you are trying to accomplish is enabling root acount there is no need - just log in using your username and password and type sudo -i10:30
monkey_dustguntbert, never mind the goal, i was just asking for some hints & tips10:30
guntbertmonkey_dust: if you are doing adverse things to your system we are not going to support them10:31
monkey_dustadverse things? meaning?10:31
yofelmonkey_dust: like setting a root password, ubuntu considers that as a security vulnerability10:32
monkey_dustthat's what we learned yes, it's a course System Management10:33
guntbertmonkey_dust: enabling a root password for instance - is neither needed (like kklimonda already said) nor supported - so if you want help tell us a bit more about what you really want to accomplish10:33
ubsafder how do i update to lucid beta ? update-manager does not show any upgrades ?10:33
monkey_dustguntbert, i want to repeat some exercises, i have no intention to ruin my or others systems :)10:34
ubsafderi am on DISTRIB_RELEASE=9.1010:34
yofelubsafder: run 'update-manager -d'10:34
guntbertmonkey_dust: ok - if you don't want to give us details - fine with me - Good luck :-)10:34
yofelubsafder: oh, and please tell us if it errors out on you (start it from a terminal). We had such reports today10:34
ubsafderthere are no error on terminal and nothing shows up10:35
monkey_dustguntbert, details of the exercise? simple things like fdisk -l, without the sudo :)10:36
yofelubsafder: nothing shows up if  you run update-manager -d?10:36
ubsafderi get the windows but no new software10:36
ubsafderand nothing on the terminal eiter10:37
yofelubsafder: if you run it with -d it should offer you to upgrade to 10.0410:37
guntbertmonkey_dust: no - why do you want to execute sudo passwd - that "guide" was probably written  for some other distro10:37
Tm_Tyofel: shouldn't it offer only after the release?10:37
axion_upgrades to 10.04 ar only available for 9.10 users10:37
kklimondamonkey_dust: you can just type sudo -i to get a termporary root shell10:38
yofelTm_T: yes, but '-d' means 'show devel releases'10:38
Tm_Tah, roight, never used that tool10:38
yofelaxion_: not exactly, they're available to 8.04 and 9.10 users10:38
monkey_dustguntbert, i want to use root, so i dont have to write sudo each time -- i repeat: it is just an exercise, sudo -i does the job :)10:39
axion_yofel, update-manager doesn't give the option to upgrade to 10.04 on 8.04 or 9.0410:39
ubsafdercan i upgrade editing source.list ?10:39
yofelaxion_: it does on 8.04, but not on 9.0410:40
guntbertmonkey_dust: ok - nice - why couldn't you say so from the start? (I asked for your goal repeatedly)10:40
kklimondaubsafder: it's not supported10:40
yofelaxion_: hardy (8.04) is an LTS, and lts->lts upgrades are supported10:40
ubsafderwell but the supported looks broken on my "old"9.1010:41
kklimondaubsafder: can you run do-release-upgrade -d from terminal and paste output?10:41
kklimondaubsafder: not here, on pastebin.com10:41
ubsafderhere it is http://pastebin.com/SX7TdFHa10:43
kklimondaubsafder: is your system up to date?10:44
guntbertbtw as of yesterday Bug #546153  prevents installation from the live CD ( 64bit at least)10:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546153 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in __init__()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54615310:44
ubsafderapt-get update; apt-get upgrade; shows no package to be installed.....10:45
kklimondaubsafder: can you run it as "DEBUG_UPDATE_MANAGER=1 do-release-upgrade -d" ?10:48
axion_too bad it's not avai10:51
axion_lable to 8.1010:51
kklimondawhat does grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades return?10:51
kklimondaubsafder: ^10:51
bbalajiraoubsafder: here is mine10:51
ubsafderit says i don't have the right on that file10:53
bbalajiraomy paste?10:53
ubsafderno on /etc/.........10:54
kklimondaubsafder: the file should have 0644 permissions and be owned by root:root..10:54
kklimondaheh, it may break update-manager10:54
ubsafder-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 312 2010-03-07 20:16  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades10:54
ubsafderi will change it10:54
kklimondaubsafder: -rw-r--r-- is fine but if you have no access to /etc/ you can access files in subdirectories10:55
ubsafderare you sure of 644 and not 605 ?10:55
axion_yofel, have you seen my original question regarding tvtime ?10:56
kklimondaubsafder: yes - 0644 translates into -rw-r--r-- and 605 makes absoluetely no sense (it's -rw----r-x)10:57
ubsafderif i need to execute i need x10:57
axion_sudo yofel, have you seen my original question regarding tvtime ?10:58
kklimondaubsafder: you don't want to execut this file10:59
yofelaxion_: I did10:59
yofelaxion_: but i have no idea how to help you, the intel driver in lucid should still support turning off kms10:59
kklimondaubsafder: it's a configuration for update-manager and do-release-upgrade and not a script itself10:59
ubsafderok i set to 644 still noyhing with do-release-upgrade -d10:59
aigariusare you guys aware of bug #549292 - it might spawn a bunch of duplicates during this Jam time when a lot of people try to upgrade10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549292 in update-manager "Can't update to 10.04 beta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54929210:59
yofelaigarius: yes we are10:59
yofelaigarius: someone should confirm that bug...11:00
yofelaigarius: I mean, set status to 'Confirmed'11:00
aigariusI just got it too, so I'll do that11:01
kklimondaubsafder: can your user read content of /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades? what is the value of Prompt?11:01
ubsafderyes user can see11:03
yofelaxion_: maybe try a different syntax like i915.modeset=0 (or whatever driver lsmod says you use - I'm using i915)11:03
kklimondaubsafder: your system is not lts, change it to Prompt=normal11:03
kklimondaubsafder: or prompt=normal11:03
=== ubsafder is now known as ubsaf
axion_yofel, I am also using i91511:04
kklimondaubsaf: you can also change it from software sources11:04
ubsafi don't get it ok i see the lucid now11:06
Dimmuxxis #549247 really fixed? update-initramfs works now but it still complained about two missing files11:06
kklimondabug 54924711:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549247 in plymouth "Notices/Warnings during upgrade of plymouth (initramfs-hooks)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54924711:06
kklimondaDimmuxx: make sure you system is up to date11:07
axion_I will try it yofel11:07
ubsafhmm xsane is not supported is there a scanner soft in lucid ?11:08
kklimondaubsaf: there is Simple Scan11:08
Dimmuxxkklimonda: I did just run an update and upgrade11:09
Dimmuxxupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-17-generic11:09
Dimmuxxgrep: /lib/plymouth/themes/text.plymouth: No such file or directory11:09
Dimmuxxgrep: /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth: No such file or directory11:09
kklimondaDimmuxx: is your version of plymouth 0.8.1-1ubuntu1 ?11:09
ubsafwill that also remove the 10 or so  kernel in my grub ?11:10
monkey_dustDimmuxx, gebruik lieve deze site om meerlijnige foutboodschappen te tonen => http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:10
Dimmuxxkklimonda: yepp11:10
kklimondaDimmuxx: your system isn't up to date - both files exist on my computer.11:10
Dimmuxxare you running 64bit?11:11
monkey_dustoops, wrong window, wrong language11:11
kklimondaDimmuxx: yes11:11
Dimmuxxkklimonda: only 32bit is/was broken11:11
kklimondaDimmuxx: but still you should have both plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text and plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo packages installed already11:12
kalibHi there.11:14
kalibWhen 10.04 will be available for download? I mean... the final release.. not only beta.11:14
kklimonda29th april11:14
Dimmuxxkklimonda: Installing them fixed the problem so thanks, but now the question is why the weren't installed automaticially11:14
kklimondaDimmuxx: do you have ubuntu-standard installed?11:14
kklimondaDimmuxx: what version?11:15
kklimondaDimmuxx: also have you disabled installing recommended packages?11:15
kalibkklimonda, thanks11:15
Dimmuxxkklimonda: nope it's enabled11:16
kklimondathen I have no idea - ubuntu-standard should pull both packages on upgrade - it did for me11:18
axion_yofel, i915.modeset=0 gives me the same problem as nomodeset.. blank screen with no keyboard or mouse control.. alt-sysreq doesn't even work11:18
yofelaxion_: and what do you get wit kms on again?11:18
axion_normal boot11:19
yofelaxion_: then why do you want to turn it off again?11:19
axion_yofel, it's the only way tvtime will work.11:20
deanussetting new account up on U1 and when I click subscibe and add computer I get page error (http://localhost:45837)11:22
kklimondau1 in lucid is a pita11:22
kklimondareally, I have no idea how long has dropbox been developed before official release but U1 has made almost no visual progress in the last year.11:24
Dimmuxxkklimonda: just checked my other computer with lucid and it doesn't install those packages automaticially either11:24
axion_any other analog tv software that's "stavble" ?11:25
axion_"stable" ?11:25
kklimondaDimmuxx: anything held back?11:25
dougalbis anybody running 10.04 beta amd64?11:26
kklimondadougalb: yes11:26
yofeldougalb: most of us11:26
yofel(ok, not sure about amd64), I do at least11:26
dougalbi am having issues getting Citrix client working inside test system (following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo )11:26
Dimmuxxkklimonda: yes but ntfs-related and doing dist-upgrade doesn't install them either11:26
dougalbhas anyone setup Citrix yet?11:26
kklimondaDimmuxx: I wonder if that's because you have upgraded ubuntu-standard when some packages were on hold..11:27
DimmuxxI haven't updated it yet, it will be updated though11:28
Dimmuxxor wait nevermind11:29
DimmuxxI only checked the upgrade list, they were in new list. doh!11:31
Dimmuxxbut still weird that they weren't installed on my netbook automaticially11:31
Dimmuxxkklimonda: the problem is that doing apt-get upgrade doesn't hold back ubuntu-standard11:39
Dimmuxxapt-get dist-upgrade when ubuntu-standard is going to be upgraded installs the packages properly11:40
dougalbsolved it :-) missing ia32-libs11:40
kklimondaDimmuxx: right - that's probably because ubuntu-standard just recommends those packages and don't depend on them11:41
Dimmuxxyeah makes sense11:43
Dimmuxxbut they should probably be marked as depend on since they are needed11:44
dougalbmaybe ia32-libs should be part of default packages?11:44
|eagles0513875|hey guys is there a problem with the upgrade from karmic to lucid on ubuntu server11:44
|eagles0513875|i get the following error message during the upgrade process E: couldnt configure pre-depend libplymouth2 for mountall, probably a dependency cycle11:45
yofel|eagles0513875|: make sure there's a but filed, and then try to install the lib with 'sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libplymouth2*.deb' if it's already downloaded11:46
|eagles0513875|its aborting the upgrade yofel11:47
aigariusyofel: looks like #549292 has been fixed on the server. can someone confirm?11:48
yofelbug 54929211:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549292 in update-manager "Can't update to 10.04 beta" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54929211:48
yofelaigarius: ah, just wanted to post the new package info on the bug ^^11:48
aigariusyofel, I'll leave it to you to close the bug, but I can confirm that it worked for me just now11:49
|eagles0513875|yofel: do you know if libplymouth2 has been blacklisted?11:50
yofel|eagles0513875|: no, it's required by mountall, seems to be a dependency error like dpkg says11:50
|eagles0513875|yofel: an work arounds or anythign to get it installed11:51
yofel|eagles0513875|: like I said, try to fetch the .deb files from the server and install them with dpkg --force-depends (thus ignoring the dependency system)11:54
yofelif you do something wrong apt will fix it11:54
yofel|eagles0513875|: did it abort the upgrade before or after downloading the packages?11:55
|eagles0513875|ya aborted before it started the upgrade11:55
|eagles0513875|do i use dpkg or somethign to fetch the deb file11:55
deanuswell about 20mins after click "sync on ubuntu one" its starting to sync the folder... very stuttery stoppy starty tho12:03
kklimondadeanus: well, the u1 experience is still far from perfect12:03
deanuswell about 20mins after click "sync on ubuntu one" its starting to sync the folder... very stuttery stoppy starty tho/12:07
deanusSo, after Ive set these folders (outside of the ubuntuone folder) to sync if I reinstall and click sync the (empty) folders, will it download the files into them or just empty whats on U1?12:08
kklimondano idea12:08
kklimondayou should ask on #ubuntuone12:08
vishanyone using vuze ?12:16
vishi notice a lot of azureus logging in the ~/.xsession-errors > http://paste.ubuntu.com/402359/12:16
vishis there any way to prevent this logging? i start vuze from cairo-dock using "/home/vish/.vuze/vuze" as the command12:17
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
phillwhiyas good people, is there a bug raised for the usb 3G modems not working ?12:29
kklimondamaybe, maybe not12:32
phillwkklimonda: I've seen two reports in the last couple of hours, so dug mine out that was working in alpha1, and sure enough it no longer works :-(12:34
monkey_dustphillw, try installing usb-modeswitch12:36
phillwmonkey_dust: thanks, installing now :-)12:37
phillwmonkey_dust: well, it can see that it has windows stuff on it but does not seem to have done anything12:41
deanuscool...my writer works now12:50
HewI just did a dist-upgrade from 9.10 netbook remix to 10.04 netbook edition. I noticed the ubuntu-netbook-remix package was removed, rather than upgraded to the transitional package. Is this something I should file a bug about, or is it one of these "transitional" problems that is to be expected before release?12:59
yofelHew: I wouldn't worry about it as long as the 'ubuntu-netbook' package was installed replacing -remix13:03
Hewyofel, it was not, I had to install it manually13:03
Hewyofel, installing the ubuntu-netbook-remix package would cause ubuntu-netbook to install via depends13:03
Hewit was removed, and I was notified of its removal during the upgrade, but it's still something that shouldn't be happening13:04
yofelHew: file a bug then, the meta packages are there to ensure that the upgrade works as expected13:04
HewI've just heard of "transitional" problems with upgrades and dist-upgrades before, so wanted to make sure it wasn't just an issue with archive at the time I chose to upgrade13:05
kklimondaHew: did you use dist-upgrade or update-manager?13:05
Hewkklimonda, update-manager -d13:05
fabio333hi there! i know now why fonts suck with ff 3.613:08
fabio333about:buildconfig ->--disable-system-cairo13:09
kklimondafabio333: yes, it's a know issue13:09
thiebaudei dont have any font issues with ff3.613:09
fabio333but why?13:09
kklimondafabio333: because to distribute branded Firefox we can't divert from upstream13:10
kklimondafabio333: I know developers were discussing with Mozilla if we can use system cairo instead or what would be the right solution13:10
fabio333with cairo on ff uses the system fonts (which is ok)13:11
kklimondafabio333: it's a legal problem, not a technical one - we have to get ok from Mozilla Foundation to change this setting13:12
fabio333<kklimonda>: still there?13:17
fabio333you know something about kms not working on old ati cards?13:18
fabio333when enabled my monitor starts to flash or blink... so i have to start with radeon.modeset=013:19
thiebaudewhen i click shutdown the computer restarts13:19
kklimondafabio333: not really - I know that there are some problems with KMS on some hardware but no details13:19
kklimondathiebaude: does it also happen when you shut it down from terminal (sudo shutdown -h now)?13:20
fabio333ok thanl u13:20
thiebaudelet me try that CLI command kklimonda13:20
thiebaudeTry `shutdown --help' for more information13:21
thiebaudewhne i did sudo shutdown13:22
tatsubisomeone need help with shutdown?13:22
thiebaudeyes please13:22
tatsubiwhat do you need help with?13:22
kklimondathiebaude: full "sudo shutdown -h now"13:22
thiebaudewhen i click shutdown from the panel the computer restarts13:22
tatsubianyone know where I could place a regression bug report?13:24
yofeltatsubi: what kind of regression?13:25
penguin42tatsubi: Just in the normal place just put regression in the title and describe what it used to work on13:25
tatsubipenguin42, do you have a url for it?13:25
penguin42(Is there a regression tag?)13:25
thiebaudekklimonda, still the same, it just restarts13:25
penguin42tatsubi: What's the bug you've got?13:25
tatsubiwhen I installed 10.04 every time I got to start it, it freezes at the loading screen, when I switch to display 0 it shows13:26
thiebaudeeverything else in 10.04 is great13:26
avarIn the past I turned off the Ubuntu splash screen (kernel issues). Now I'd like to turn it on again but I can't find where in the grub2 maze13:26
tatsubiext3-fs error (device sda6) ext_find_entry_reading_dir #44032 offset 0 >_>13:26
penguin42tatsubi: What do you mean by 'switch to display 0'?13:26
yofelpenguin42: there are several tags (regression-potential would be the right one right now)13:27
tatsubictrl + shift + f113:27
yofeltatsubi: ^13:27
penguin42avar: Possibly the GRUB_TERMINAL=console line in /etc/default/grub ?13:27
tatsubiyofel: I figure it is something to do with the sata drivers13:27
biberaoive upgraded to lucid and now i doesnt say Grub loading and i need to choose esct and some things any idea?13:27
penguin42biberao: Hit left-shift just as it's about to loa, left-shift is the new escape13:28
* eagles0513875 is getting frustrated with the upgrade13:28
* tatsubi sympathizes with eagles0513875 13:28
avarpenguin42: That's commented out on my box13:28
eagles0513875tatsubi: trying to upgrade my server from karmic to lucid beta and its bitching and moaning about libplymouth213:29
biberaopenguin42 it doesnt say grub loading13:29
penguin42avar: Hmm me to13:29
biberaocan i choose shift load on saying ubuntu thingy?13:29
yofeltatsubi: can you login in some way?13:29
tatsubiyofel, nopes13:29
kklimondathiebaude: report a bug against kernel (ubuntu-bug linux)13:29
tatsubiyofel, it shows a login user name on the different displays but after entering it just comes up with that error again13:30
thiebaudeok i will, thanks kklimonda13:30
tatsubiand freezes13:30
biberaodoesnt seem to the trick penguin42 :|13:30
penguin42biberao: Hold shift down just as you see the last BIOS thing you see and keep it held down13:30
tatsubialso when I try changing back to the default display (f7) it says "could no write bytes - pipe broken"13:31
yofelthiebaude: what does 'sudo shutdown -P now' do? (that should be forced poweroff)13:31
tatsubibiberao, the other left?13:31
thiebaudei'll try that yo13:31
biberaoi cant even see bios13:31
penguin42biberao: Hey?!13:31
biberaotatsubi funny :P13:32
biberaopenguin42 i cant see any bios info13:32
biberaoits too fast13:32
* tatsubi chuckles13:32
tatsubias soon as you hear the computer powering up then, tap it like you want rsi?13:32
biberaoit worked13:32
biberaoanother thing13:32
biberaoi have another pc with ubuntu karmic and it doesnt boot it stays black13:33
biberaoi choose recovering mode and doesnt gives me any good options it stays all mixed up is there a way to interrupt X?13:33
tatsubictrl + alt + shift + f1?13:34
thiebaudeyofel, yea it restarts the computer13:34
yofelthiebaude: ok, then really file a bug against linux13:34
thiebaudeif i click shutdown from the panel it says something about plymouth13:34
thiebaudeyofel, ok13:35
Jaymacis the artwork reversion just temporary?13:35
yofelwell yeah, but the actual poweroff/reboot instruction is the kernels job13:35
Jaymaci'm seeing the old ubuntu logo on boot and shutdown at the moment13:35
Jaymacoh, never mind - i see there are plymouth updates waiting for me13:35
Kalidarnis a 64bit version planned for UNR?13:35
thiebaudeyofel, but otherwise everything is ok13:35
biberaook thx13:36
yofelthiebaude: then good, but it still shouldn't reboot on poweroff ^^13:36
biberaoanyone knows the command for grub to list all the devices?13:36
thiebaudei'll get into launchpad13:36
penguin42biberao: I tend just to use tab complete after a (13:37
yofelthiebaude: like we said, run 'ubuntu-bug linux' to file the bug, that will open LP13:37
thiebaudeok from the terminal13:37
Kalidarnthe MSI U130 series have the new N450 processor13:37
thiebaudei sound like a newbe, lol13:37
thiebaudebeen using ubuntu since 6.0613:38
Kalidarn lol13:38
tatsubijust as long as I have Kalidarn13:38
Kalidarnvisit #ubuntu for 5 seconds13:38
penguin42thiebaude: The grub2 changes make things a bit strange don't they!13:38
yofelKalidarn: I asked the same question in #ubuntu-devel once - was ignored :/13:38
biberaodoesnt seem to work13:38
Kalidarnand you'll feel like hitting your head on the wall13:38
thiebaudeyes i agree13:38
Kalidarnone guy was asking how to download 'youtube' videos13:38
Kalidarnturns out he wanted a redtube video downloaded13:38
Kalidarnand err when i said well safari can do it, and i can rapidshare it13:39
Kalidarnhe linked a furry sex video LOL13:39
Kalidarnit was lol13:39
Kalidarnand he got all embarassed13:39
tatsubiwhy not just tell him to download an addon for it?13:39
Kalidarni was liek "anon understands"13:39
thiebaudecommand not found13:39
Kalidarnthe addon didn't work with redtube13:39
Kalidarnsafari lets you capture the stream13:39
tatsubiyou should be able to capture it with gstreamer anyway13:40
yofelthiebaude: ubuntu-bug linux not ubuntu-bug-linux13:40
thiebaudeok thanks13:40
Kalidarntatsubi: probably i hadn't done that before though13:40
tatsubiKalidarn, same13:40
Kalidarnso does anyone know if the 10.04 UNR will come in a amd64?13:40
thiebaudeyofel, got it13:40
Kalidarnbecause coming only in i386 is rather lame13:41
tatsubiwhat is unr?13:41
Kalidarnubuntu netbook remix13:41
tatsubinot sure13:41
thiebaudeam i using an upstream kernel?13:41
Kalidarnis there a place we can make a request for it?13:41
tatsubigive me a second to check something13:41
yofelKalidarn: I'll ask in -devel again, maybe I'll get an answer this time13:41
Kalidarnokay thanks13:42
kklimondaisn't UNR just another set of packages?13:42
Kalidarnyeah it installs a different desktop too13:42
kklimondaeven if there is no install image you can always get alternative, install the base system and ubuntu-netbook metapackage13:43
yofelpossible workaround would be to install 64 desktop and add ubuntu-netbook to it13:43
Kalidarnyeah could do that13:44
* yofel votes for kklimondas instructions13:44
Kalidarnunless it uses alternate repos13:44
yofelthe repos is the same13:44
Kalidarnthat dont have amd64 support13:44
tatsubihttp://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ :(13:44
drokeHello, is fglrx broken currently in lucid? I tried installing the fglrx-ubuntu5 package but it fails to build into my kernel. It is complaining in the log about kernel versioning. Thanks.13:45
tatsubiI thought they were doing away with fglrx drivers in 10.0413:46
mnemochi, in xubuntu 10.04 (since beta1, but now fully updated), anyone experiencing problems with thunar's file browser? when just opened one can select files and open the context menu on them just fine, but if you select another directory the files list becomes untouchable13:46
yofeltatsubi: nope, it just took ati ages to release a driver that works in lucid13:46
droketatsubi, with .32 the driver builds but fails to run. with .33 and .34rc it fails to build.13:47
penguin42yofel: Having said that, the open source drivers are now pretty respectable for a lot of stuff - google earth for example is fine with them13:47
* tatsubi nods13:47
kklimondadroke: onl .32 is supported13:47
kklimondadroke: if it fails to run than it's a bug and you should report it13:47
yellabshi there13:48
yellabsdoes ubuntu 10.04 not work in virtualbox?13:48
kklimondayellabs: non on karmic versioun13:49
drokekklimonda, with .32 is will install the package but trying to execute aticonfig or catalyst center for example fails. Complains about "driver not properly installed".13:49
kklimondadroke: report it13:49
AlexZionhi everyone, I just update my experimental desk , from kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 beta 1 and everything went fine , except for the panel ....so when I restart my system , it was without panel ...., I already fix it , but it was just to laet you know. ..13:49
* penguin42 hasn't been able to get the 10.04 netbook version to work in Lucid KVM - something is very broken with the graphics13:49
tatsubiR300 drivers shoud be better13:49
yellabsUbuntu 9.04 - de Jaunty Jackalope  does not install 10.4 in virtualbox13:50
yofelAlexZion: make sure there's a bug filed so that the developers know of it ;)13:50
AlexZionahh , and another important thing , I already had kde 4.4.113:50
kklimondayellabs: same thing - you have to boot lucid with acpi=off13:50
AlexZionyofe, where should I do it ?13:51
yellabsthanks for the infp13:51
yofelAlexZion: if you're unsure ask in #ubuntu-bugs for instructions, I'm not sure which package you should file this against13:51
yofelAlexZion: anything happened with kde?13:52
AlexZionok yofel I'll try in that channel ....13:52
yellabsokey, sofar so good, is there no oem install on ubuntu 10.04?13:53
kklimondait's pointless - upgrading systems that have various PPAs installed is like playing russian roulette13:53
yellabsdo i need alternate cd for that?13:53
kklimondayellabs: wasn't it always on the alternative cd?13:55
NathanBDotHey all. I've been at this for 2 LONG days (straight). The issue is with nVidia. I started on 9.10 and changed to 10.04 in hopes it'd be better, but it isn't....13:57
NathanBDotHere's the problem:13:57
yellabsah found it13:57
yellabsits in the F4 menu13:57
yellabsof the first splash13:57
NathanBDotI have a dual-screen setup. My primary is a VGA 1024x800 screen and the other is connected via HDMI (1680x1050).13:59
yellabstesting oem install righ tnow13:59
NathanBDot  The VGA is fine and it detects the 2nd screen, but it won't detect that it's HDMI and it can't find any default settings.13:59
tatsubibrb restarting xorg14:00
NathanBDotIncluding native resolutions14:00
dviertl1Hy there, did I miss something or window control buttons are back to the right?14:00
penguin42NathanBDot: I don't know NVidia foo, but if all else fails you can try adding the mode using xrandr14:00
bazhang!controls | dviertl114:01
ubottudviertl1: In Lucid you may notice that the window controls min/max/close is now on the left side. | For more information please see http://alturl.com/yvgv | To change it back to right side using a terminal please see http://alturl.com/x5d6.14:01
dviertl1thank you14:01
yellabsi wonder if an oem install removes the use of root acces?14:01
NathanBDotpenguin42: Can you help me out with that? I /am/ a bit new at this.14:02
kklimondawhat root access?14:02
yellabsi had to give a password as root, so i guess the new user has no root password14:02
kklimondadviertl1: they are not back to the right14:02
yellabsor just the one that i , as oem installer would give,14:02
penguin42NathanBDot: Porbably the right answer is to try uninstalling and reinstalling the nvidia drivers, but as I say I'm not an nvidia guy14:02
yellabsah , questions questions14:03
penguin42NathanBDot: If you run 'xrandr' at a command line what do you get?14:03
kklimondadviertl1: unless you are using a different theme - controls on the left has always been intended only for light-themes14:03
yellabsif he has got nvidia drivers then he has the nvidia tools14:03
kklimondayellabs: it doesn't sound right - oem shouldn't really set any passwords at the installation stage.14:04
yellabsnow he has to make an xorg config, for nvidia tools to write to, and he can set arguments there , so the next time he sets it up its saved..14:04
kklimondayellabs: unless the oem account is password protected14:04
NathanBDotpenguin42: Ya, I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling; also tried several different versions of the drivers to no avail.  Here's what I get when I run xrandr: http://pastebin.com/x3jfeFG714:04
yellabsi am testing an oem install , see how it works, and i agree14:05
dviertl1kklimonda: I think I mess up a little my distribution14:05
yellabsits not right for setting an root password by default14:05
penguin42NathanBDot: Can you remind me what your setup is in terms of monitors?14:05
yellabsjust have to wait for the install to finish and see if its really the case14:05
yellabsi might think the new user should set his / her password when booting the new system14:06
NathanBDotI have a dual-screen setup. My primary is a VGA 1024x800 screen (right) and the other is connected via HDMI (1680x1050 - left). HDMI screen = LG Flatron L206WU14:06
NathanBDotyellabs: When you were talking about nvidia, were you referencing my problem or someone elses?14:07
kklimondadviertl1: ?14:07
penguin42NathanBDot: Hmm that isn't showing that at all - I suspect that the Nviddia stuff is hiding it - you need to find an nvidia user14:07
NathanBDotyellabs: Can you explain what you meant.  I'm a bit new to Linux/Ubuntu so you might have to use some smaller words (but I pick things up fast) :)14:08
tatsubihave you tried going to hardware drivers NathanBDot ?14:08
NathanBDotpenguin42: Ya, it basically just allows the absolute lowest settings possible since it can't detect the defaults14:08
NathanBDottatsubi: yep. I've tried installing every version of the driver possible.  on 9.10 and 10.0414:09
tatsubiif you install one of the drivers there it should install something like nvidia-xserver-settings14:09
NathanBDottatsubi: yep it's installed already14:09
dviertl1kklimonda: try different settings   play with my Lucid Lynx and forget what I did definitely nothing  to worry about  :)14:09
tatsubiahh got ya14:09
yellabsNathanBDot what version of ubuntu?14:09
=== ubuntu is now known as om26er
tatsubiso it is only showing two screens in the settings14:09
NathanBDotyellabs: i'm on 10.04 right now.14:10
yellabsoh , nice14:10
NathanBDotone sec and I'll send you screenshots of my nvidia settings14:10
sara_hi every time i try and play linkin park in rhythembox my pc (lucid lynx) freezes - the entire system though docky works fine14:11
yellabsNathanBDot, if you change settings with nvidia settings, does it save , or does it give an error that it cant find xorg.conf?14:11
yellabstry bach? :)14:11
tatsubisara: it's saving your ears... joking14:11
sara_tatsubi: personal choice14:12
tatsubisara: what file format is it in?14:12
yellabssara , would you like to try an other player?14:12
sara_god no14:12
tatsubidid you install the restricted extras?14:12
fabio333like audacious14:12
sara_tatsubi: yes14:12
tatsubirhythmbox is the best :)14:12
sara_it does play other files14:12
kklimondasara_: and it only happen with this single band?14:12
penguin42sara_: Wacky problem!  the only thing I can guess is maybe those files are broken in some way on disc or their is a bad sector?14:12
* kklimonda thinks it a sign from God..14:12
* tatsubi chuckles14:13
sara_this track it plays 30 seconds in and then panics14:13
yellabssara_ you could play them with totem too14:13
tatsubiso it is just one file?14:13
sara_i have the process running now - switched to text mode and use irssi14:13
yellabsand see how that goes,14:13
penguin42sara_: Does it actually give an 'oops' with a traceback?14:13
sara_no nothing just it freezes14:14
NathanBDotyellabs: Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!14:14
yellabsah spelled wrong14:14
tatsubisara_ did you change any of the pulseaudio settings?14:14
sara_its like it's playing a very annoying game of silent statues - ok enough already kids party is over i tell you14:14
NathanBDotyellabs: (that's a direct copy-paste)14:14
* tatsubi smells the beating of a dead donkey14:14
yellabsNathanBDot, i see14:15
sara_tatsubi no i upgraded the pulseaudio the other day when that was released14:15
NathanBDotyellabs: ...then it asked me for sudo access and it saved a new file (i think)14:15
tatsubisara_ only thing I can think of is doing the installer part here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio :(14:16
NathanBDotyellabs: Hmm... looks like it saved.  But I'm still only given (at best) 640x480 option.14:16
penguin42sara_: See if you can take a copy of the audio files involved somewhere else14:16
* sara_ looks at git and sneers (the programme that is) lmao - anyone used it? i dont like some of the repo's not used the programme nore cvs14:17
sara_kk penguin4214:17
tatsubisomething handy for pulse/asla:$ pulseaudio -k; sudo alsa reload; pulseaudio --start;14:17
yellabshmm, i have to go in a minute14:18
sara_i may14:18
tatsubisara_ youtube?14:18
yellabsbut basicly you have to create an xorg.conf14:19
sara_i am a tube yeah14:19
sara_umm brb after i tried that pulse audio thing tatsubi  said14:19
* tatsubi nods14:19
yellabsNathanBDot, i give you some site to read14:20
yellabsand then if you cant get it, or have questions please come back here14:20
NathanBDotyellabs: tatsubi: http://hellologic.com/img/nvidia.png14:20
yellabsplease bookmark the above link and take a rad for a minute...14:21
NathanBDotyellabs: checking it out...14:21
tatsubithanks NathanBDot14:21
NathanBDotyellabs: (thanks :) )14:21
yellabshave to go , be back in half an hour14:21
yellabsgood luck14:21
NathanBDotyellabs: cool.  thanks again :)14:21
tatsubitake care yellabs14:21
tatsubidamn I wish I could just boot up my old machine to check which setting is for the displays14:21
NathanBDot...What nvidia version number is "version current"??14:23
NathanBDotI have the option of "version 173" and "version current"14:23
yofelNathanBDot: current is 19514:24
sara_k that hasnt unfrozen the process14:24
NathanBDotyofel: thanks :)14:24
sara_howd i reload x ?14:24
tatsubiwb sara_14:24
tatsubisara_, logging out and logging back in14:24
tatsubiis the easiest way of reloading x14:25
sara_but thatb will loose all the info you need to debug this issue14:25
NathanBDotsara_: i believe if you enable the ctrl+alt+backspace hotkey, that'd do it14:25
tatsubisave the info somewhere?14:25
* sara_ has a personal aim to get her local government to use Ubuntu when they upgrade from xp14:26
NathanBDot...not exactly sure what ctrl+alt+backspace does though (I just read it somewhere)14:26
arandNathanBDot: 195.36.15-0ubuntu1 more precisely, package nvidia-glx-18514:26
tatsubiNathanBDot, it will make her logout14:26
arand"version current" is pretty poor wording in my opinion, althoug logical ("version $number")14:26
NathanBDottatsubi: ...hm. ok.14:26
sara_NathanBDot: i am NOT a window$ user :(14:26
* sara_ is insulted 14:27
NathanBDotsara_: ...never said you were...14:27
tatsubisara_, I administrate window desktops from my ubuntu machine *grins*14:27
sara_ctrl+alt+delete is a windo$ move14:27
tatsubictrl + alt + backspace isn't?14:27
the_dark_warrioWhere is the Maximuze plugin for compiz? I can't find it any more in Lucid (In compizconfig-settings-manager)14:27
arandsara_: alt+sysreq+k if things are froozen...14:28
NathanBDotarand: ya - all the other nvidia drivers have the number.  i can understand why they'd say current, but it should say something like "version $num (current)"14:28
BUGabundotatsubi: CAD was there long before windows was even though14:28
yofelc+a+b was kill X a while ago, c+a+d still reboots the machine (at least from tty)14:28
sara_arand: is that the one between ctrl and alt?14:28
vishsara_: to restart X : SysRq+Alt+K14:28
tatsubiBUGabundo, aye :D14:28
BUGabundoyofel: to be more precise, CAD on a tty sends a sig 9 to init114:29
NathanBDotsara_: ya, I said ctrl+alt+backspace (not delete)14:29
vishoops , arand was faster :p14:29
yofelBUGabundo: ah, didn't know that, thx14:29
sara_ahhh NathanBDot sowwy i was jokin anyway14:29
BUGabundoNathanBDot: please keep up with times, CAB has been disabled upstream LONG agon14:29
arandsara_: sysreq is somewhere around printscreen and those odd butoons14:29
* vish has it with prnt scrn14:30
NathanBDotBUGabundo: I know :) That's why I said "if you enable..."14:30
arandvish: and you're in the wrong order :þ14:30
visharand: righto..14:30
arandSeems like it worked...14:31
tatsubiyeap sysreq is printscreen on my keyboard14:31
BUGabundoNathanBDot: should have been: "if your distro carries the patch that allows you to enable it"14:31
tatsubijust had to test :)14:31
BUGabundotatsubi: LOOOL14:32
NathanBDotBUGabundo: ...install the package?14:32
tatsubistill have no idea how to report a bug about a different version14:32
yofeltatsubi: lol, if you just wanted to test it you could have gone to a tty and pressed alt+sysrq+h ^^14:33
vishBUGabundo: wonder how many times lool gets pined for lol ;p14:33
tatsubiyofel, I could have but I wanted to just try it :)14:33
BUGabundovish: ?14:33
the_dark_warrioOn Karmic, I used to install compizconfig-settings-manager an enable the "Maximuze" plug-in, but I can't find it in Lucid. Any hints?14:33
BUGabundothe_dark_warrio: no hints! it was dropped14:34
vishBUGabundo: sometimes people add extra oo in lol , and we have "lool" in several channels Loic14:34
aranddontzap package has also been depracated for a while right, enabling is done in advanced keyboard layout preferences14:34
tatsubisorry I can't even get karmic to start14:34
BUGabundoalong with several other nice and useful plugins14:34
BUGabundoplease feel free to apply to maintain them, the_dark_warrio14:34
the_dark_warrioBUGabundo: ohh :(14:34
BUGabundovish: ah14:34
tatsubiI mean lucid not karmic opps14:35
BUGabundoI bet much less then me getting highlitted for all the forms of "bug" I track14:35
vishha ;)14:35
vishtatsubi: pls stop14:35
NathanBDotalright, gotta log out/in be back soon...14:35
BUGabundoanyone knows how to check for a battery status?14:35
tatsubiopps sorry14:35
tatsubihit the wrong key14:36
BUGabundogot a 3 months old toshiba laptop14:36
BUGabundowon't boot if not pluged in14:36
arand!info compizconfig-settings-manager14:36
yofelBUGabundo: acpi -V ?14:36
ubottucompizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB14:36
tatsubiyofel = win14:36
yofeltatsubi: hm?14:36
tatsubiI couldn't remember acpi :(14:36
arand↑↑ Seems like ccsm is still there as usual...14:37
kklimondaBUGabundo: how many bug mails every day? ;)14:37
BUGabundokklimonda: not many14:37
BUGabundolet me check last night14:37
* BUGabundo opens kmail14:38
BUGabundo13 unread... pulling new ones14:38
kklimondaBUGabundo: heh - yesterday I got over 30 bug mails in 2 hours..14:38
BUGabundo19 so far14:38
yellabssara_ its crtl + alt + F714:38
* BUGabundo kills OSD14:39
yellabstty 714:39
vishyellabs: irc lag?  the user sara_ isnt here14:40
yellabsto see the commandline crtl + alt + F4 would bring up tty 414:40
yellabsoh i see14:40
yellabshe he14:40
BUGabundo"Design capacity 4000mAh, last full capacity 5445 mAh = 100%" ORLY??14:41
yellabssara_> exit gues i missed that part14:41
BUGabundoso it seems its *overcharged*14:41
yellabsokey i am off, good luck you folks!14:41
yofelBUGabundo: cool ^^14:41
yellabshave a nice day!14:42
BUGabundoplug it off, it goes down14:42
BUGabundook, damaged bat14:42
=== daniskami_ is now known as daniskami
tatsubihow do you make files immutable again?14:51
tatsubinvm found it14:52
penguin42chattr +i isn't it - or something like that?14:58
avarSome_Person: After a recent upgrade your light-themes package isn't installed, ubuntu's is14:59
avarSome_Person: http://gist.github.com/34612915:00
hassanakevazirAnyone unable to mount nfs anymore?15:00
yofelhassanakevazir: NFSv4 still works here (haven't updated for a few hours though)15:01
tatsubipenguin42, yeah chattr +i;15:01
hassanakevazirAnyone unable to mount nfs at bootup through fstab anymore.15:02
hassanakevazirI can mount with command line, but fstab at boot no longer works15:03
yofelhassanakevazir: what exactly fails? I mount mine with bg,_netdev (latter get's ignored though it seems). it errors out once (non-fatal) and mounts them once the network is up15:04
hassanakevaziryofel, I don't know, thought my mount options are: nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 , it used to work before the upgrade. where can I find an error log for something like this? dmesg isn't showing anything15:08
hassanakevazirwhat does bg do? background or something?15:09
yofelhassanakevazir: yes, background, I think you have the same issue as I do (mountall tries to mount nfs before network is up and fails)15:10
yofelwith background it should periodically retry the mount if it fails15:10
yofel_netdev should prevent that but doesn't work it seems (there was a but about that I think)15:11
olga_guys how do i boot xp by default the sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst doesnt help, because its empty15:13
deanusjust installed fglrx, had to do aticonfig --initial for compiz to enable, but the bootsplash is in low res, it was max res with "radeon".  is there something I can do to make it use max res?15:13
arandBrr, keeping CJ in default... I do not understand...15:13
yofel!grub2 | olga_15:14
ubottuolga_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:14
yofelhassanakevazir: bug 504224 maybe?15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504224 in mountall "NFS mounts at boot time prevent boot or print spurious errors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50422415:15
ZykoticK9As of two days ago, using "sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --list" would list available plymouth themes; now it's giving "command not found", anyone know what's up with plymouth right now?15:19
hassanakevaziryofel, those options didn't work here, tried both bg and bg,_netdev15:22
tatsubigetting fusterated with ubuntu-bug15:22
lusepusterHi channel; I've installed Karmic via Wubi under Win XP. I've upgraded to Lucid, and after a few hiccups it seemed to go through fine. But during the upgrade, it prompted me where to install GRUB and in case of doubt recommended me to install it in all locations listed. I did install it on SDA, SDA1 and SDA2. Result: when I choose Ubuntu in GRUB, it sends me back to the exact same GRUB screen again - I cannot boot into Ubuntu. W15:23
hassanakevazirthanks for the help thought15:23
switchgirlhi scanning is not working correctly :( filing a bug report now15:23
tatsubiI can't determine what package isn't working if I can't even log into a terminal >_<15:24
lusepuster*Bump* - nobody has a clue about my Wubi/GRUB issue?15:31
hassanakevazirI donnu, you can always boot in the live CD and attempt to reinstall grub15:32
lusepusterhassanakevazir, possible in a WUBI install too?15:34
hassanakevazirlusepuster, ah, missed that. not sure if its possible.15:35
NathanBdotHey everyone. I'm back and I still have the problem with nVidia15:41
dougalbhi, i am having issues getting HP Compaq 6710b to install 10.04 beta 64bit... have tried vga=771 and still getting blank screen after first menu15:42
dougalbany thoughts?15:42
NathanBdotI tried the page that I was suggested but it didn't work.  I think the reason is because I didn't upgrade from ubuntu 9.10. I just installed 10.04 fresh15:42
BoondoKLifedougalb: Try the alternate cd. I had that issue with an hp laptop and the alt cd worked.15:45
NathanBdoti don't remember the names of the people who were helping me before... :/15:45
BoondoKLifeNathanBdot: What is the issue your having?15:45
dougalbBoondoKLife: I am using alternate cd daily.. i use LVM and need to preserve some logical volumes15:46
dougalbthere is a very dim dark red bar showing when using vga=77115:47
BoondoKLifedougalb: hmm well sorry got no idea what is going on in your case then. I know in mine it was some sort of a plymouth issue with the live cd. Alt cd worked fine in my case. sorry15:47
NathanBdotBoondoKLife: dual screens; nvidia is installed; main screen (VGA) works perfectly fine but on my HDMI port, it only allows me to use up to 640x(forgot; whatever the default is)15:48
dougalbBoondoKLife: ok, i will keep trying options... had similar issue with 9.10 but fixed once all installed15:48
phillwhi, can any throw any light on the issue with 3G usb modems, is there a bug reported / what information would be of help ?15:49
LeifFor some reason, I can't get sound to work.  I have a sony vaio vpceb11fm, the sound card is an intel HDA15:49
LeifAny suggestions?15:50
BoondoKLifeNathanBdot: Ah I was wondering how HDMI support worked out. I just have vga out on mine. I'm sure someone will be around with some ideas or maybe the forums.15:50
NathanBdotBoondoKLife: Are you one of the devs?15:51
Some_Personavar: My package is no longer needed. Just move the buttons with the gconf string, and you'll be fine15:51
BoondoKLifeLeif: open a terminal and type alsamixer and make sure the volume levels are ok and not muted.15:52
BoondoKLifeNathanBdot: No I am not, just someone that tries to help when she can15:52
NathanBdotBoondoKLife: I've spent 2 days straight on this (including trying it on 9.10) and so far as I can tell (at least w/ my chipset), HDMI simply doesn't work.15:52
bjsniderNathanBdot, check dmesg to see what happens when you plug in the hdmi cable. probably broken EDID chip15:52
NathanBdotBoondoKLife: cool :) thanks15:52
NathanBdotbjsnider: i'm a newbie-ish. can you give me a step-by-step?15:53
NathanBdotbjsnider: remove cable;  $ dmesg; insert cable; $ dmesg; compare output?15:54
bjsnideryou're not so noobyish as you thought15:54
LeifBoondoKLife: Nope, they're fine.15:55
LeifAny other sugestions?15:55
NathanBdotwell i've got 1.5 weeks under my belt... pretty new to me ;)15:55
BoondoKLifeLeif: Did you atleast see different controls in there?15:56
NathanBdotbjsnider: wow....there's a TON of info in that... how am I supposed to compare them??15:57
LeifBoondoKLife: Yes, there was Master, Headphone Speaker PCM Front Mic S/pdif Beep (the front-mic and beep were muted, but everything else was at it's max)15:57
LeifThe card is suppposedly an Intel HDA15:57
LeifUbuntu claims it is the Intel G45 DEVIBX15:57
LeifAlthough windows claims it's made by Realtek15:58
penguin42Leif: There are at least 2 parts to an audio thing these days; the controller (probably the G45) and the codec which is probably a realtek in your case15:59
NathanBdotbjsnider: I ran it though pastebin and it seems like it's all the same...16:00
Leifpenguin42: I though codecs usually reffered to the format an audio file was played it, not an actual component of the sound card.16:01
penguin42Leif: The same word seems to be used for both16:01
penguin42Leif: In the sound card case they are taking the binary audio data from the controller and decoding it to whatever audio outputs you have16:02
Leifpenguin42: Ah, okay.  I'll have to look that up later, thanks for bringing that to my attention.16:02
BUGabundoANYONE ever heard of a laptop not charging while on Ubuntu but charges fine on BIOS or Wind Vista?16:02
BUGabundoI do remember a bug in MSFT Vista about not charging batteries16:02
BUGabundobut nothing on LINUX16:02
penguin42Leif: /proc/asound/card0/codec#0 will tell you what you've got (and for more cards/codecs)16:02
penguin42BUGabundo: No, but I've seen machines that discharge overnight on Linux but not Windows)16:03
Leifpenguin42: Okay, give me a moment to read it...16:03
BUGabundopenguin42: yeah I remember that one too16:04
Leifpenguin42: Yes, the codec is Realtek ALC26916:04
darkfilei have a question regarding the 10.4 alternate install CD16:04
bcurtiswx_laptophow well would everyone say evolution handles gmail?16:05
darkfile>> Configuration of "LVM with encryption"  in the Ubuntu Server installer and the alternate installer fails when  setting up swap. Investigation of this issue is ongoing. (539324)16:05
bcurtiswx_laptopfor 10.0416:05
Leifpenguin42: Although, it still doesn't solve the problem, still no audio, although I guess I have another thing to google. :)16:05
darkfiledoes this mean i cant setup 10.4 as encrypted LVM in the moment?16:05
penguin42Leif: Search to see if anyone else has problems with that codec or laptop model, there are also some flags you can pass to I think hda_intel module on load to tell it some stuff; the problem is that there are multiple ways of the laptop vendor wiring them and sometimes it guesses wrong is one of the problems16:06
darkfileno one has experience with 10.4 installer + LVM?16:06
guntbertdarkfile: possibly :-( - but you see - its still beta ...16:07
Leifpenguin42: Okay, thanks.16:07
darkfileok, so no beta for me in the moment :(16:07
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penguin42darkfile: There was someone here a couple of days ago having problems with it stopping with an error about encrypted swap16:08
NathanBdotk. guess i'll work on this later when someone can help me.... I'm off to bed now :) G'night for now!16:08
darkfilewas he able to workaround?16:09
guntbertdarkfile: I can try it in about half an hour - but if there is a bug already ....16:09
penguin42darkfile: I don't think so16:09
darkfile>>  Configuration of "LVM with encryption"  in the Ubuntu Server installer and the alternate installer fails when  setting up swap. Investigation of this issue is ongoing. (539324)16:09
yofelbug 53932416:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539324 in debian-installer "Setting up swap fails when setting lvm+encryption" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53932416:09
darkfilethere are some workarounds in the comments16:12
un214so grub-pc recommends desktop-base which recommends gnome16:26
un214how silly16:27
luke7985does anyone know how to get nautilus to ignore capital letters when sorting by name?16:27
BUGabundoluke7985: gconf16:28
luke7985BUGabundo, i don't see that option in gconf-editor16:32
his`Two questions: Is the release date in April known for lucid?16:40
his`The second is: has anyone in here run it on an Acer?16:40
his`Acer laptop*16:40
jpdshis`: 29th.16:41
penguin42his: I'm sure someone has, there are a lot of people trying it16:41
his`from what I hear about it, it's quite compatible with a lot of devices16:42
his`so I'm excited about that16:42
penguin42his': Why not try the beta on the live cd - you don't have to install it16:42
dougalbhi, has anybody any ideas for fixing a VGA issue... have tried vga=771 vga=773 vga=353 vga=775 vga=796 and nothing works. using alternate amd64 daily cd16:43
his`oh yeah16:43
un214dougalb: it's probably fbcon which is always enabled now16:45
un214vga= will be ignored unless you can boot hd and break fbcon16:46
un214doing so seems to also break X these days16:46
dougalbun214: how can i disable that16:46
un214my way was to modify the initrd to no longer contain fbcon.ko16:46
flexxxvWhat is the best option to solve permamently the problem with windows executables that are on non writeable Media? cautious-launcher now takes care of that I can only execute with the executable bit :-/16:46
dougalbworth a try16:47
dougalbi also tried fb=false16:47
dougalbbut no joy16:47
dougalbi see16:47
dougalbi will open up the iso and take a look at changing initrd16:48
un214dougalb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/51342316:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 513423 in linux "cannot disable fbcon even when not requried by hw drivers" [Undecided,New]16:48
Draglordougalb:  isn't there an option gfx= (or something like that) instead of vga= in newer versions?16:49
dougalbDraglor: i will google16:51
yofelthere's something like gfxpayload16:51
DraglorI just did for you dougalb ;)16:51
Draglorit's now an grub option not anything passed to the kernel16:52
dougalbDraglor: got it thanks16:52
LaPingvinoHello, I am trying the Ubuntu 10.04 beta now, and apt-get gives a message that eo.utf8 is a wrong language code16:53
dougalbDraglor: how is this then setup during install using the alternerate cd16:53
frxstremdoes anyone know when Ubuntu 10.04 is planned to be released?16:53
arandfrxstrem: 29th april16:53
Draglormaybe this can not be done during setup but afterwards16:53
frxstremarand: oh, thanks :)16:53
arandfrxstrem: release schedule link in ↑topic16:54
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LaPingvinosomeone here with knowledge of l10n and locales?16:55
dougalbDraglor: reading over the article, not sure how this applies to the install menu16:57
Dragloryou would have to add something to /etc/grub/XX_somefile .. not sure if this can be done during install, but you could do if afterwards (start failsafe mode if you can'T see anything)16:58
dougalbsure but i cannot install , so need to fix that first16:59
BUGabundokklimonda: yofel: can you help LaPingvino ?16:59
un214dougalb: well you could consider installing another linux to a small partition and debootstraping your ubuntu17:00
un214been awhile since I've tried that stunt but basically you need 3 partitions /boot (small /) (main /)17:01
Draglorwell then I'd consider using another distro generally un214 ;)17:01
un214I found knoppix works well for twiddling things17:02
dougalbun214: yes but not that urgent to get 10.04 installed... i am running 9.10 just now and ran some basics tests on virtualbox install and required apps are working, so was ready to take the plunge... (i always fresh install and then remount my LVM vol_home aftwards)17:02
MarkusTI'm trying to establish a PPTP-VPN with Ubuntu Lucid (as a client). It seems that the routes are quite strange and I'm unable to reach any server in the network. The routes (when the connection is established): http://piratepad.net/5NQFQyTOsV  Any ideas on how to solve the problem?17:07
danage1is it a known bug that nautilus won't display smb and sftp locations? "The specified location is not supported"17:07
switchgirlhas anyone tried typing mixed arabic and western text? it is (in my limited and unrealistic experiance of the world) impossible17:08
danage1arabic is written from right to left, wheras latin is written from left to right switchgirl?17:09
* penguin42 thinks there are apps who know how to do that mixing17:11
kklimondaBUGabundosorry, looks like I'm too late :/17:13
BUGabundokklimonda: I have him on IM if you have any input17:15
BUGabundofor esperanco17:15
* h00k reports bug on telepathy mission control17:16
h00kprovided nobody else has17:16
h00kturns out I'm not the first17:17
kklimondaBUGabundo: he probably has to regenerate locales17:18
kklimondaBUGabundo: ask him if (1) adding eo.UTF-8 UTF-8 to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local and (2) doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales helps17:21
kklimondaBUGabundo: or actually sudo locale-gen eo.UTF-8 should be sufficient (/me has just read manual page ;) )17:22
BUGabundopassed along17:23
Bittarmananyone had problems with php5 missing headers?17:23
almoxarifedanage1: I have noticed that smb is spotty on nautilus, I am not sure if it's the samba config or a nautilus issue17:23
Bittarmanseems like I can't get pdo_mysql installed because of how php was compiled :|17:23
danage1i get the same with sftp bookmarks, so it should be nautilus/gvfs issue17:24
darthanubisanyone update their headless server only to find it timeouts on the console?17:24
darthanubisSetting up console-setup (1.34ubuntu13) Write failed: Broken pipe<<Then you find you can no longer ssh in? With the final insult of not even getting a console from the server itself?17:25
penguin42darthanubis: A write failed like that is normally a full disk17:27
darthanubisimprobable, but I'll check17:28
darthanubisthere really is close to nothing on the disk17:29
darthanubismy 10.04 desktop is running fantastically17:29
darthanubisI believe I have rebooted since the console-setup update17:29
darthanubisjust the server, a lesser machine, did not survive the update17:30
penguin42hmm odd17:32
dougalbDraglor un214 : going for fresh 9.10 with direct upgrade to 10.0417:33
un214good idea17:33
un214keep the 9.10 kernel on standby with init=/bin/sh in case you get a nasty breaker17:34
m1rhello , trying to install 10.04 beta but partitioner dont passing 50% on install17:34
dougalbwill do17:34
m1rany workaround posible ?17:34
dougalbseemed easier than doing a debbootstrap from extra OS17:34
darkfilem1r did you use encrypted LVM?17:34
m1rdarkfile: didnt manage to pass "starting up partitioner" , it hangs on 50%17:35
darkfiletry to disconnect hard disks which are unused17:35
darkfileUSB hdds etc.17:35
darkfilemaybe it works then?17:36
m1rits hpmini , tryed install from cdrom , hangs on 50%, installed to usb stick and trying install from it, same error 50% block17:36
m1rhpmini - netbook17:36
deebook just tried to install ubuntu 10.04 server (twice)17:36
deeboit seems the installer is broken, cant login with accounts created in the installer17:36
almoxarifeI read about a kamikaze way of upgrading, take the sources list and do a file wide change of 'karmic' to 'lucid', tried it in a virtualbox, it worked, except for some ppa's that didn't have a 'lucid' dir yet.17:37
deeboanyone know how to rectify the situation? (create a working account on an already installed system)17:38
guntbertalmoxarife: it usually works but is neither recommended nor supported17:40
almoxarifeguntbert: agreed17:40
guntbertalmoxarife: :)17:41
deanusalmoxarife, thats what do-release-upgrade -d is for...17:42
un214haha I found almoxarife's way works better than do-release-upgrade17:46
guntbertun214: still - it *can* be problematic for your system17:47
deebois there a forum for 10.04?17:47
un214after do-release-upgrade suicided one of my systems I'm not so sure17:48
deebocant find anything about my problem (account created during installation not usable)17:48
aranddeebo: there's a development version section on ubuntuforums.org yes17:48
un214apt-get dist-upgrade would have bailed and told me unreconcilable changes which would have been better17:48
m1r"starting up partitioner" hangs on 50% , telling me "please wait..." every time i try install, any workaround for this ?17:49
deanusit worked for me, in a vm admittedly.. I`d never upgrade a production system anyway.. but thats just me17:49
un214do-release-upgrade tries to be smart by updating pinned packages, removing packages that cause conflicts, etc.17:50
yofeldeebo: lucid forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=37717:50
arandm1r: report a bug, wait for fix ;) Does gparted work? Could use alternative installer is needing to get install done, try diff versions (beta, daily...)17:54
m1rarand: using alternate install, just downloaded17:54
arandm1r: so problem happens on alternate?17:55
m1rarand: tryed from usb cd rom, halts on 50% , then copied to USB and treid there , same hang on 50%17:55
m1rarand: yes , its alternate17:56
penguin42makes you wonder what magic happens at 50%17:56
penguin42m1r: If you switch to another vc can you see any dmesg output or install logs to tell you what just happened?17:57
m1rpenguin42: i check again and write down17:58
oxymoronWhats the status of plymouth?17:58
penguin42oxymoron: Seems to work for most people17:59
oxymoronpenguin42: Alright, I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid and on bootup unregarding which kernel it freezes after fstab mounted disks and return status 4 of ureadhahead18:00
oxymoronpenguin42: I have tried almost everything18:00
deanusI didnt realise chromium was in lucids main repos..mmmm18:00
penguin42oxymoron: Yeh ureadahead gives that error for lots of people - but I don't think that's a big problem; I don't think that's the reason for the freeze18:01
deanusdoes it get updated inline with the ppa?18:01
oxymoronpenguin42: How to work around that freeze?18:01
penguin42oxymoron: good question, is it a simple disc setup?18:01
oxymoronpenguin42: If you install clean copy of Lucid it seems to work but upgrade from Karmic to Lucid seem to be a problem18:01
un214beats the heck outta me I did apt-get remove plymouth as soon as it showed up18:01
m1rpenguin42: theres plenty of errors it seems , libnewt0.52 package dosent exist... ext2-modules and efi-modules same error18:02
penguin42oxymoron: This <- machine seems to have upgraded OK18:02
oxymoronpenguin42: I have another partition and can chroot into that partition and can remove and install packages back and forth but I dont know what to do.18:02
oxymoronpenguin42: I dont really know what the problem is.18:03
oxymoronWell I have to go for now, I will be back :)18:03
penguin42oxymoron: Do you run any encrypted stuff?18:03
phillwoxymoron: status 4 from ureadahead is quite normal, plymouth stopping you booting is not that uncommon either.18:04
phillwoxymoron: posts #514 & 515 here may help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1416872&page=5218:05
navetzhey guys my upgrade process didn't go well18:06
eagles0513875whats annoying me phillw on another not of plymouth is the cursed upgrade to lucid is failing for me18:06
eagles0513875due to libplymouth2 and mountall18:06
navetzi currently have no x system, no networking, and most of my packages have not been configured18:06
eagles0513875navetz: i think oxymoron had a similar issue hehe18:06
navetzcan someone help me get my network up again so i can try to re-upgrade18:07
penguin42navetz: Do you know what caused it to break18:08
phillweagles0513875: why are you atempting to upgrade to a 10.04 beta system ?18:09
eagles0513875would like to test it out18:10
phillwI may be mad, but I put it on its own partition18:10
navetzpenguin42: no I'm not sure, i think it just broke while upgrading18:10
phillwa clean install is a better way of testing it.18:10
navetzpenguin42: something went wrong with the upgrade, i had to restart, and then nothing worked :(18:11
yofeloxymoron: I had such a stuck boot while I still had plymouth installed on my desktop using the proprietary nvidia driver, what card do you have?18:11
penguin42navetz: Don't suppose you know what went wrong?18:12
penguin42did it just stop of what?18:12
navetzpenguin42: not really sure, it said it upgraded fine, but when i restarted none of the packages were configured.18:13
penguin42navetz: Odd, do you have anything unusual about your system?18:13
navetzall i have to work with is a terminal so when i restarted I tried to re-upgrade18:13
navetzpenguin42: sort of, i've been upgrading it for about 2 years now, its got lots of miscelanous stuff on it ... mail server, lamp server, etc..18:14
penguin42ok, nothing too odd18:14
penguin42navetz: OK, do an apt-get -f install    that should sort out any outstanding package configurations/upgrades18:14
penguin42navetz: Is it purely a server install or do you run gnome as well?18:15
navetzpenguin42: running kde with compiz and lots of effects :)  I tried apt-get -f install and it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, 597 not upgraded18:16
deanustry aptitude safe-upgrade and full-upgrade18:17
navetzpenguin42: okay trying - this doesn't depend on having a network does it?18:18
navetzthere is a lot to upgrade but i don't have internet working on it18:18
m1rnavetz: you have all 597 packages DL already ?18:19
navetzm1r: I think they are DLed but I am not sure18:20
penguin42navetz: hmm why isn't your network working?  try doing initctl status network-manager18:20
navetzpenguin42: that returns the pid of my network manager18:21
penguin42navetz: OK, so it is running - good18:21
navetzpenguin42: im guessing the upgrade broke my configs18:22
m1rnavetz: ifconfig18:22
navetzm1r: i see eth1 - my wireless18:23
m1rip adress assigned ?18:23
plauclairI can't get weather to show up, does anyone have this problem too ?18:24
navetzm1r: no I don't think so, I don't see it18:24
patdk-wkdamn :)18:26
patdk-wkusb drive was only going 3mbps, after closing firefox (using 3gigs ram), it's going 18mbps18:26
navetzany ideas on how i can get internet working?18:29
penguin42navetz: If you were on wired I'd just ifconfig an IP address and add a route to get you going, I don't know the command line foo for wireless though18:30
m1rnavetz: check for manual network setup :/ thats all i can help with, maybe someone here knows more18:30
navetzpenguin42: okay ill try to get a wired connectioon and come back18:34
navetzpenguin42: thanks18:34
penguin42no problem - I prefer wired, you can SEE where your packets are going :-)18:34
dupondjeevening :)18:45
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wolterHi, is anybody getting wireless networking due to a 'serious kernel problem'?19:01
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symptomUpgrading to Lucid on Borders Wi-Fi at about 1kbps!19:09
nick125symptom: Maybe you should look into IPoAC (IP over Avian Carrier)19:10
pvandewyngaerdei always automatically get logged in to gnome, i want to be able to choose,  editing the login manager options do not seem to work19:10
dutchie:( my terminal's not transparent any more19:11
dutchiealso, defcon doesn't fullscreen properly19:11
Redhammer_the_Olhi, anybody else but have "instant shutdown and reboot feature" all of a sudden?19:13
pvandewyngaerdei  had it during my last boot19:13
Redhammer_the_Olwhat I mean is: no matter how terminal, gnome, gdm login screen as soon as I hit shutdown machine cold starts with boot screen and reboots this is on a vaio laptop19:13
switchgirlsudo shutdown -h +25        going down for earth hour19:20
penguin42Redhammer_the_Ol: Someone else was saying they got reboot instead of shutdown - report it against the 'linux' package19:22
xcvgreets! lobbed this question into the ubuntustudio room a couple of hours ago, no reply yet. ubuntustudio lucid 64bit beta1 (upgrade from karmic) my question -- package policykit-desktop-privileges is or is not included with the ubuntustudio lucid by default? trying to figure out if I need to report a bug.19:22
symptomnick125, I have heard of IPoCP (IP over Carrier Pigeon) but not Avian Carrier, so the past few minutes have been spent traveling down the rabbit hole of April Fools RFCs... not to get off topic or anything... but in 1990 they updated the RFC with " IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service"19:24
penguin42symptom: Yeh well if you're pigeon gets eaten it's not going to be very good for your VoIP signal is it?19:25
yofelxcv: according to apt-cache the only packages that recommend polkit-d-priv are ubuntu-desktop and -netbook, so I don't think it's included19:26
nick125symptom: Bahahah19:26
symptompenguin42, nick125, even if it is pigeon hunting season IPoAC w/QoS would still be better than my att Uverse19:27
xcvyofel: thanks. not a bug, then :)19:28
symptomonly 7 more days until my Lucid package downloads are complete.19:31
nonameNNif im using beta, after ubuntu lucid is released i dont need to download the iso again right, i just apply the upgrades and thats it, is it correct?19:32
yofelnonameNN: yes19:32
nonameNNok thanks19:32
oxymoronyofel: I have a nVidia GeForce 7950 GT, you?19:41
yofeloxymoron: 7300 GT19:41
oxymoronpenguin42: Oh and one strange thing is that I tried to remove plymouth and use usplash instead, same freeze ...19:42
oxymoronyofel: You upgraded from KArmic to Lucid as well?19:42
yofelnope, had to repartition and installed lucid somewhere around alpha219:43
oxymoronyofel: Alright and you use it on proprietary nvidia drivers, which version?19:43
yofelnvidia current (195.36.15)19:43
yofelI used an older version though last time I tried plymouth19:44
oxymoronyofel: And I have been using alpha in VM environment, there it works but now on my "stable" it doesnt19:44
flansuseIs the Lucid Netbook Remix going to use the same kernel as the standard Lucid desktop installation?19:44
oxymoronyofel: 8.1-1 of plymouth should be the stable one I heard, but not for me though.19:44
flansuseOr will it used a modified kernel, optimized for netbooks / Atom processors?19:44
flansuseI believe with the Jaunty Netbook Remix, it still used the -default kernel.19:45
oxymoronyofel: And I use same nvidia-current. Do you combine it with nvidia-glx-185 as well? :)19:45
oxymoronphillw: I have tried to remove plymouth but same error, I dont think its plymouth for me that doesnt work, something else.19:46
yofeloxymoron: haha, you can safely remove 185, that's a transitional package19:46
oxymoronyofel: Alright :)19:46
yofeloxymoron: haven't tried plymouth since quite a while to be honest, maybe I'll try it at some point again19:47
yofel(beta2 probably)19:47
oxymoronBtw, what about this problem: "/usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: not found"19:47
penguin42yofel: Seems to work here19:47
duanedesignHello all! anyone had any issues with firefox? Or know of an issue that has arisen because of recent updates?19:48
oxymoronpenguin42: Did you came up with some kind of solution for the freeze thing I told you about before?19:48
penguin42oxymoron: Doesn't freeze for me19:49
penguin42duanedesign: I'm getting firefox crashes on some flash pages19:49
flansuseIt will be the same kernel used in both Lucid and Lucid NBR?19:49
yofeloxymoron: that not found error should have been fixed I think...19:49
yofelor did they fix something else...19:49
LeifIn an attempt to get my sound card working, I came upon this webpage: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic/download19:50
oxymoronpenguin42: Its weird, I reach grub2 first, choose 2.6.32-17 kernel then it goes black for some seconds then it shows me some rules for my logitech keyboard and rzer mouse, after that I got status code 4 from udev like 4 times and then the blinker "_" just freeze and nothing happens19:50
yofelflansuse: I think yes (generic)19:50
Redhammer_the_Ollief what soundcard have you got19:50
Leiflinked to from this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/52514919:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 525149 in alsa-driver "[Realtek ID 275] No audio Sony VAIO VPCs111FM Lucid A2" [Low,Confirmed]19:50
penguin42oxymoron: Hmm not good, my guess is a graphics driver problem - what graphics card?19:51
Redhammer_the_Olleif I have a vaio E series (similar but not the same), have you tried using HDA-analyser ?19:51
LeifAnyway, it won't let me run sudo apt-get install linux-backport-modules-lucid-generic, because:19:51
flansuseyofel: It's a shame that array.org did not make a netbook kernel for Karmic, let alone Lucid (more than likely will be the case.)19:51
yofeloxymoron: did you go searching for X on some other tty?19:51
LeifRedhammer_the_Ol: No, where is that?19:51
Redhammer_the_Olhang on will look for link19:51
oxymoronpenguin42: Nvidia 7950 GT19:52
LeifAnyway, because it says: The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:52
Leif  linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic: Depends: linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-17-generic but it is not installable19:52
LeifE: Broken packages19:52
penguin42oxymoron: I'd say if you can find a way to disable the existing Nvidia driver19:52
oxymoronyofel: Its not even possible to change tty ...19:52
LeifRedhammer_the_Ol: Thanks...19:52
Redhammer_the_OlI ran a sample sound file and then played with the settings19:52
oxymoronpenguin42: YEs I have chrooted that partition so I can remove and install packages on it ;)19:52
Redhammer_the_Olits a temporary fix but you could post you results against your bug19:52
penguin42oxymoron: I'd take out any nvidia drivers and once you can get it booted add them back19:53
=== Redhammer_the_Ol is now known as Cuppa-Chino
LeifRedhammer_the_Ol: BTW, the headphone jack doesn't work.19:53
oxymoronpenguin42: Alright good idea I try that :)19:53
Cuppa-ChinoLeif, that is also something you could check with the analyser19:53
LeifCuppa-Chino: Okay, downloading now...19:53
LeifCuppa-Chino: Wow, okay, that's a lot of data, any suggestions where I should start looking?19:54
Cuppa-Chinoone sec19:54
LeifThere are two codecs btw19:54
duanedesignpenguin42: FF wont launch after the update this morning. firefox -P, creating a new profile, it will launch..once.19:55
penguin42duanedesign: Launches OK here19:55
duanedesignhmm. ok. thanks penguin4219:56
yofelduanedesign: oh, you too? I use firefox -safe-mode; firefox to start it here19:56
Cuppa-ChinoLeif did you see the window I tried to open19:56
LeifNo, I didn't see you try to open a window.  But the app did19:57
Cuppa-ChinoI will ask for some code pasting ?19:58
Cuppa-ChinoI mean an IRC window19:58
Cuppa-Chinotry starting a conversation directly in IRC so we do not clog up this channel19:59
oxymoronpenguin42: Sorry to say, but same error ...19:59
LeifOh...I'm on irc in empathhy...maybe I did, give me a moment...19:59
Cuppa-Chinotry double clicking my name19:59
oxymoronpenguin42: ONe difference though, it changed resolution on the screen so the font became more clear :P19:59
penguin42oxymoron: Yah progress; ish19:59
oxymoronpenguin42: Yeah one difference anyway :P Its exciting to make this work, I will continue until it work20:00
duanedesignyofel: aha thank you20:00
yofelduanedesign: I didn't have time yet, but you could ask for help at debugging in #ubuntu-mozillateam20:01
Sarvattoxymoron: try booting with blacklist=nouveau20:06
Sarvattoxymoron: do you have /usr mounted on a seperate partition?20:06
duanedesignyofel: if i find anything i will let you know20:13
vengerhow can i disable something in /etc/init/ say for example gdm -- i thought in the past i could do update-rc.d gdm disable but perhaps this is some evolution of upstart?20:15
h4fvenger:  I guess you can do something like stop mysql20:16
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
vengerh4f, how about making it stick across reboot?20:17
vengerthis somewhat reminds me of /etc/event.d which doesn't exist but i don't remember the command to change the start on/stop on settings even for that20:19
h4fvenger: sudo sysv-rc-conf20:19
yofelsysv-rc conf is for sysv scripts20:19
yofelvenger: if you want to make it stick across reboot edit the start on statement in the /etc/init/ script20:20
dutchiehmm, this set of updates appears to be most buggy for me20:21
vengeryofel, h4f thanks20:22
guntbert!ot | Volkodav20:24
ubottuVolkodav: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.20:24
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dutchiewow, how odd20:25
* dutchie files a bug20:25
Cuppa-Chinoshort question has anybody got radeon mobilty hd5series working with FGLRX ?20:25
Cuppa-Chinoon amd64 system20:25
DanaGvenger: try commenting out the "start on" and "stop on" lines?20:25
vengerDanaG, i did, a reboot in process :)20:26
dutchiewhat package should I file against for the mail indicator applet thingummy?20:26
penguin42dutchie: Possibly indicator-messages ?20:26
dutchieseems about right20:27
aboSamooris there any way to make evolution notify me of any coming emails as a background process ? I mean the window is closed as what empathy do ?20:30
Blue11wow did your hear abount the newest ubuntu flame war?  over how file size is determined?20:32
penguin42Is anyone seeing odd stuff in the notification area on laptops?  The battery icon keeps on coming and going, I've got a bit of a gap next to it and a strange grating at the end - anyone else?20:32
yofelBlue11: that's not a flame war but an important step into the right direction20:33
* penguin42 is indifferent about it - but I'm sure having rules about when to use each type is going to break horribly20:33
Blue11yofel: they are making too many bad deciisions -- first it was button placement, no this.  If SuSE weren't on the skids I'd go back to that.20:34
* yofel doesn't care either, unless IEC and SI get mixed up20:34
penguin42yofel: I think the problem is where you have one thing in IEC it's not obvious whether it will fit on the space you have on your SI thing20:35
yofelpenguin42: exactly20:35
jammcqI'm at a bugjam in detroit.  trying to get a 3g wireless device working on Lucid.  In the past, i had to edit a hal file to make it work.  Now, I don't know what to edit, because hal is gone.  Is there a udev file somewhere?20:35
yofelthat's why they reverted it, as we won't be able to fix everything at the same time20:35
yofelespecially not in time for lucid20:35
duanedesignyofel: do you use the Prism add-on?20:36
BUGabundo_dinnerI trully wish IRC was connection friendly, so I could suspend my laptop and then resume IRC without so much pain, lets all help save the World20:36
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
yofelduanedesign: for some reason i don't remember it's installed here, yes20:37
DanaGjammcq: check /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/20:37
duanedesignyofel: i found the bug affecting me bug 546766  deleting the compatability.ini in the profile folder allows FF to start. Disabling Prism is the workaround20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546766 in firefox "firefox won't load after new kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54676620:37
BittarmanBUGabundo, if you have access to a dedicated server / VPS, you could always set up ZNC / psyBNC20:37
DanaGbut if you edit a file, copy it to /etc/udev/rules.d/ first.20:37
Bittarmanit would be pretty seamless then20:37
jammcqDanaG: sadly,  my /usr/lib/udev directory is empty20:38
yofelduanedesign: I'll test it20:38
DanaGah, /lib/udev/20:39
DanaGnot /usr/lib/20:39
drbobbsupport for my old laptop's video is still fully broken in lucid, it's been nroken since intrepid and I guess it won't be fixed20:39
drbobbnroken -> broken20:40
BUGabundoBittarman: would still meant to have a machine running !20:40
BittarmanBUGabundo, sure... A machine..20:40
BittarmanI did not "if you have access to a...."20:40
Blue11drbobb: have you tried backporting?20:41
yofelduanedesign: seems to work for now, thanks!20:41
duanedesignyofel: great! if you get a chance might want to click the 'affecting me' link/button on the bug20:42
drbobbBlue11: I was sort of hopeful because the X11 driver from the ppa more or less works for me, when used in combo with the kernel framebuffer20:42
drbobbworks in karmic that is20:42
drbobbbut I just tried the beta installer and it is utterly no-worky20:42
Blue11drbobb: I had issues in 9.10 with my netbook's wlan card, and had to backport to solve the issues20:42
drbobbBlue11: I'm sure I'll solve it for myself some way or another, but the installer will give a rude surprise to any unexpecting beginner20:44
Blue11drbobb: true dat20:44
drbobbboth text mode and X11 are totally corrupted20:44
drbobband it used to work pretty well in hardy, *sigh*20:45
LeifMy laptop crashed, and when I restarted it, the indicator applet in the gnome-bar (the one with the envalope), doesn't have a menu anymore, although the applications work when I start them from the applications menu.  Has anyone had this trouble before?20:45
drbobbwhat's frustrating is that this bugginess has been reported many times before20:45
drbobbjust look at the long list of bugs under xorg-video-sis20:46
penguin42ah, sis20:46
Ian_Corneanyone with an ati card here?20:47
drbobbwell guess it's time to scrap this piece of junk20:47
penguin42Ian_Corne: Yep20:47
Ian_CorneMy jockey menu still doesn't show the fglrx driver20:47
Ian_Cornesame for you?20:47
penguin42Ian_Corne: Let me look20:48
henkewhy does the plymouth boot splash only show for some second before gdm starts? I am using the nouveau driver. Do I need another framebuffer driver before nouveau kicks in?20:48
Ian_Cornehenke: because it boots to fast?20:49
penguin42Ian_Corne: Yeh, if I go to Hardware Drivers it says 'No proprietary drivers are in use on this system and doesn't offer any20:49
lontrahi two questions, is the bbc iplayer plugin thingy for totem not working in lucid? also i have an intel card and my screen occasionally flickers and i have no plymouth theme during boot only shutdown20:50
lontrai guess that's three ;)20:50
henkeIan_Corne, no, most of the bootup process passes before, with no framebuffer20:50
lontraalso i think lucid is a huge step in the right direction for ubuntu ... it looks slick and works well already20:50
Ian_CorneAm I wrong to think that there should be one listed penguin42 ?20:51
Ian_CorneI thought canonical got the pre-release ?20:51
drbobbehm, as I  pointed out above, lucid does not work for me at all and will not work w/o some major hacking20:51
penguin42Ian_Corne: I'd have expected one - even though I use the free driver OK - maybe it's not available yet?20:52
Ian_CorneI don't know20:52
drbobbnot that I'm asking anyone to fix it for me, just let's not get too optimistic20:52
Cuppa-Chinojockey does not show the fglrx for me either20:52
hassanakevazirlontra, I remember reading somewhere that bbc has cut off open source software access to their streams20:52
Cuppa-Chinobut more worrying it segfaults after manual install20:52
Cuppa-Chinothis is on mobility hd5650. has anyonle got that or another mobility hd5xxx card working with the 10,4 pre-catalyst20:53
lontrahassanakevazir: really? totally lame :P20:53
lontrayeah cause it tells me can not connect to server20:54
lontrai really liked that :(20:54
hassanakevazirlontra, oh, no not that, it should be only for video players20:56
hassanakevazirlontra, vide streams*20:56
hassanakevazirActually I just tried right now, I can't connect  at all either, even for radio20:57
DanaGhmm, new fglrx can't be activated.20:57
DanaGSystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.20:57
Cuppa-Chinodanag do not do it via jockey20:58
Cuppa-Chinojockey somehow does not work20:58
Cuppa-Chinohave you tried manually via synaptic20:58
DanaGand if I just plain install it, xorg can't find the fglrx module.20:58
DanaGI have the packages already installed... but it's not using them.20:58
Ian_CorneVersion: 2:8.721-0ubuntu5 (fglrx-amdcccle)20:58
Ian_Corneis that the version I want?20:58
Ian_CorneVersion: 2:8.721-0ubuntu5 (fglrx)20:59
DanaGaticonfig command is not in path, also.20:59
NandouHello, I have a MacBookPro 5,3 and I'm currently trying to install the Lucid Lynx beta 1 using the liveCD. I was unable to install it so far as I have encountered problems with the nouveau driver which was resolved by using the "nomodeset" option but I can't go past the "b43-phy0 Error: found unsupported PHY". I have tried different options without any luck so far, does anyone have an idea on how I could install 10.21:00
lontrahassanakevazir: oh ok21:01
* Cuppa-Chino taking 5 to be frustrated by gbrainy21:01
NandouI'am actually trying to find a way to blacklist the b43 driver from the liveCD so I can install ubuntu...21:03
=== Guest17176 is now known as bbigras
DanaGah, had to add /usr/lib/fglrx/xorg/modules into xorg.conf modulepath.21:06
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DanaGnow, however, it's failing somewhere different.21:06
LeifDoes anyone know if there is an options menu for the indicator applet?21:07
LeifIn the gnome-terminal21:07
DanaGnow libatiuki.so.1 is missing.21:07
=== Guest76805 is now known as bbigras_
LeifI ask because it appears to have broken.21:08
hassanakevazirnah, it seems to be one of those wacky designs thingies that gives less options to users?21:10
penguin42DanaG: Someone had that the other day, remove your /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 which gets left behind by frglx21:10
Cuppa-Chinook (despite my better judgement) I will just blankly try and install fglrx again21:10
DanaGI'm trying to use fglrx, actually.21:10
DanaGIt's not installing properly, though.21:10
hassanakevazirNandou, you can try installing from the alternative cd and repairing it later from command line21:11
DanaG /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/ -- what a weird path.21:11
DanaGah, fixed it.21:12
DanaGhad to purge fglrx-amdcccle and fglrx, and then reinstall them.21:12
Hellowvish: Nice theme name.21:13
vishHellow: "wasnt me" though ;)21:14
HellowThe designer of the "amateur" theme, which I don't know who is21:14
navetzcan someone help me fix my computer21:18
vega!ask | navetz21:18
ubottunavetz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:18
Hellownavetz: That's a very vague question. What's wrong with it?21:18
navetzsorry i didn't mean to press enter21:19
navetzduring the upgrade process everything broke21:19
navetzand now i don't have internet on my laptop either to fix the packages21:19
navetzsays no dhclient21:19
yofelnavetz: can you use a wired connection or configure the network by hand?21:20
Hellownavetz: Execute in a terminal: "ls /usr/bin | grep dhclient"21:20
HellowWithout the quotes.21:20
HellowTell me if there's output or not.21:20
navetzyofel: i am using a wired connection and i have tried to configure by hand21:20
navetzHellow: okay give me 1 sec i was just rebooting to test21:21
yofelHellow: dhclient should be /sbin/dhclient btw21:21
HellowActually, that's correct.21:22
Hellownavetz: Correction, execute "ls /sbin/ | grep dhclient"21:22
NandouHello, I have a MacBookPro 5,3 and I'm currently trying to install the Lucid Lynx beta 1 using the liveCD. I was unable to install it so far as I have encountered problems with the nouveau driver which was resolved by using the "nomodeset" option but I can't go past the "b43-phy0 Error: found unsupported PHY". I have tried different options without any luck so far, does anyone have an idea on how I could install 10.21:22
NandouI think I could boot my computer by blacklisting the b43 module21:23
Nandoubut I have no idea if that's possible on a liveCD21:24
navetz hello yes it shows dhclient and dhclient-script21:25
yofelNandou: I think Sarvatt mentioned something like adding 'blacklist=<module>' to the kernel boot line before21:25
Hellownavetz: Then execute "sudo /sbin/dhclient"21:25
Nandouyofel: Okay I will try that21:26
xguruooppss....well any help with that?21:26
navetzHellow: looks like dhclient is a sym link to dhclient3, and i don't have dhclient21:27
navetzi mean i don't have dhclient3 ***21:27
guntbert!here | xguru21:27
ubottuxguru: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:27
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
yofelnavetz: do you have 'dhcp3-client' installed?21:28
xgurutrying to make my cd/dvd drive write +RW as dvd-rom21:28
navetzyofel: I use to, but during my upgrade to lucid things broke21:28
yofelnavetz: do you have 'network-manager' installed?21:29
Nandouwhat's the name of the b43 module in lucid? bcm43xx b43legacy or just b43... ?21:29
olga_guys, i cant launch startupmanager , heres what i get, anyone any suggestions? sudo apt-get install zlib1 zlibc21:29
SarvattNandou: that b43 error wouldn't stop the boot, it probably just happens its the last thing shown before whats actually stopping it kicks in. try booting with blacklist=nouveau to see if it works right and install nvidia-current which will blacklist nouveau when its installed. there's no point booting nouveau with nomodeset since there is no non-KMS nouveau support in the X driver anyway. removing splash from the command line might fix it as well21:29
olga_ah no, this : http://pastebin.com/0AeMbdvK21:30
NandouSarvatt: I will try right now21:30
navetzyofel: im not sure, I think so.21:30
navetzyofel: is there a way to reconfigure it?21:30
yofelnavetz: then something's not right, n-m should depend on dchp3-client21:31
oxymoronSarvatt: Hi, sorry about the delay I recently watched a movie :P I have tried booting after removing the package nouveau but doesnt work.21:31
navetzyofel: things broke when i was upgrading. right now i can't get into X and nothing is upgraded properly21:31
yofelnavetz: did you at least start with 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ?21:31
oxymoronSarvatt: And what did you mean with /usr mounted on another partition?21:32
SarvattNandou: you need to install bcmwl-kernel-source for your wireless device to work though, it should be available in hardware drivers after you make it to the desktop21:32
navetzyofel: yes but that does nothing21:32
yofelnavetz: ok, do you have *some* network connection on that system?21:32
navetzyofel:  when i do aptitude safe-upgrade lots of things show up but i have no network connection to fix it21:32
Sarvattoxymoron: removing the nouveau package doesn't really do anything to fix your problem, you have a kernel module automatically loading thats not in a seperate package you can remove21:32
navetzyofel: no, no network connection is workign at all on the system21:32
yofelnavetz: ok, do you have access to a wired connection?21:33
oxymoronSarvatt: Alright, how do I blacklist nouveau then in the kernel on bootup?21:33
navetzyofel: yes it is plugged in currently21:33
yofelnavetz: ok, then let's do it the manual way21:33
navetzyofel: sure21:33
Sarvattboot with blacklist=nouveau, you can hold shift while booting, select the kernel in grub and press e, scroll down to where you see quiet splash and add blacklist=nouveau after it21:33
oxymoronSarvatt: Sorry to ask but never done anything like that, what does the shift holding does?21:34
Cuppa-Chinohere goes fglrx and another segfault ? fingers crossed21:35
oxymoronSarvatt: Btw, idsnt it possible to just use dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and there in the boot command line add blacklist=nouveau?21:35
Sarvattit lets you pick options in grub instead of silently booting ubuntu, ya wont need to do that if you  have another OS installed and see the grub menu now though21:35
yofelnavetz: do you roughly know how your network is configured? (IP address of your router and the IP address that you usually get)21:35
oxymoronSarvatt: Ah cool, always good to now :)21:36
navetzyofel: yes, i usually get
yofelnavetz: ok, then please run 'sudo nano -w /etc/network/interfaces' and adjust eth0 to your wired interface, address is your IP and gateway is the routers IP http://paste.ubuntu.com/40258921:37
oxymoronSarvatt: Or maybe that not good, because it could break something. Ill try the blacklist=nouveau then :) Btw, do you know if nouveau stands for something, or why just that name/word?21:37
DanaGactually, if you just want to get it up temporarily, you can sudo ifconfig eth0
Sarvattyou can add options to have grub use by default by editing /etc/default/grub, the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" just add it to the end like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash whatever" and sudo update-grub afterwards. I dont know why nouveau isnt getting blacklisted for you though if you have the nvidia proprietary drivers installed, the only situation where thats happening that I have seen are if /usr is mounted on a sepa21:38
Sarvattrate partition21:38
penguin42yofel: Will that work if it's ever been NM'd ?21:38
yofelnavetz: the paste has my servers setup here21:38
DanaGsudo route add default gw  (or .0.254, if that's the router).21:38
yofelpenguin42: /etc/network/interfaces has a higher priority than NM21:38
DanaGand then edit /etc/resolv.conf to add nameserver
penguin42yofel: Ah OK, I've had bad experiences mixing them21:38
DanaGIf dhclient doesn't exist... you can now install it. =þ21:38
oxymoronSarvatt: If it works, what should I do? And if not, what then? :P21:39
yofelnavetz: can you try what DanaG said, that might be actually faster right now21:39
navetzyofel: okay, im going to check to see what my netmask and gateway are21:39
navetzyofel:  ohh okay ill do what DanaG said21:40
DanaGwhat's your router? .0.1, or .0.254?21:40
navetzDanaG: .0.121:40
DanaGdpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 (used by debian/xserver-xephyr/usr/bin/Xephyr).21:42
yofelnavetz: where are you now?21:43
NandouSarvatt: "blacklist=nouveau" didnt do the job, It21:43
=== Redhammer_the_Ol is now known as Cuppa-Chino
Cuppa-Chinohooray it did not work21:43
NandouIt's still stuck21:43
navetzyofel: i am trying to add nameserver to the route.conf right now21:44
DanaGer, note to self: don't do dpkg-buildpackage while upgrading a package's build-deps.21:44
NandouSarvatt: But I receive the message [drm] nouveau 0000:02:00: PRAMIN flush timeout" wich I didnt receive with nomodeset21:44
Cuppa-Chinodanag were you trying for the fgrlx ?21:45
navetzDanaG, yofel, it worked I have internet :)21:45
DanaGI got mine working -- had to purge and reinstall the two fglrx packages.21:45
Nandoueither the blacklist=nouveau doesn't really work or I don't put it at the right place!21:45
yofelnavetz: :) then aptitude should work now21:45
DanaGnow I'm building an updated xorg with the don't-do-the-stupid-readback-from-video-ram patch.21:45
Cuppa-Chinodanag which card ?21:45
Cuppa-Chinoand which manufacturer of the card21:45
DanaGMobility FireGL V5700 (HD3650, RV635).21:46
navetzyofel: alright, ill do safe-upgrade, sounds like the right thing?21:46
Cuppa-Chinok, I keep getting segfaults ? did you have those ?21:46
yofelnavetz: for now yes21:47
SarvattNandou: did you add it just after quiet splash?21:47
Nandou[...]initrd.lz blacklist=nouveau21:47
Nandouthat's how I added it21:47
NandouI removed the quiet splash --21:48
bsmith093does anyone know how to fix a update error involving the partition suddenly becoming a read only drive21:48
penguin42bsmith093: Is it still in that state?21:48
penguin42bsmith093: Do a dmesg and look at the errors it should show the errors that led up to that happening21:49
bsmith093i am running jaunty off a live cd the lucid system is unbootable21:49
penguin42oh, so you've rebooted ? What happened before that21:49
bsmith093i was updating it said something about ia32 i think21:50
bsmith093and then it said the system was readonly21:50
bsmith093and dpkg configure -a was no help21:50
bsmith093should i just install with todays build21:51
penguin42bsmith093: That's not good, if the filesystem went read-only it normally means there was an IO error or filesystem corruption on the drive being written to21:51
bsmith093i rebooted and it hung on a fsck21:51
bsmith093saying filesystem corrupted21:51
bsmith093but i checked it with gparted in the jaunty cd i have and it didnt say anything about errors21:52
penguin42bsmith093: Does smart show any errors? (smartctl -a )21:52
bsmith093how do i check now21:52
bsmith093im not running that partition21:52
penguin42bsmith093: From your CD do smartctl -a /dev/sda (if /dev/sda is your hard drive)21:53
NandouSarvatt: The "[drm] nouveau PRAMIN flush timeout error mesage does not show up at the same place thought, without blacklist=nouveau it happen right after the usb, with blacklist=nouveau it happen after the b43-phy0 ERROR21:53
oxymoronSarvatt: Hmm, I couldnt find quiet splash when pressed e and edited commandline for boot kernel, but I tried blacklist=nouveau and same error still. I am not sure it is nouveau, plymouth or nvidia at all.21:54
Nandouoxymoron: are you also trying to boot a macbook?21:54
oxymoronNandou: No, a normal PC ;)21:54
Nandouoxymoron: yeah... I miss my old dell right now21:55
oxymoronNandou: Hehe :P Why so?21:55
Nandouoxymoron: cant's even boot from USB with thoses expansives piece of crap21:55
bsmith093so what output of smartctl do u want to know21:56
penguin42bsmith093: What does it say in the 'SMART Error Log' or 'SMART Self-test log structure'21:56
oxymoronNandou: Hahahaham lol xD Thats the price you have to pay for Apples products, software incompatibilities like Itunes or in your case cant boot from USB sticks :P21:57
penguin42bsmith093: Or just pastebin the whole thing21:57
bsmith093smart error log version 121:57
bsmith093no errors logged21:57
bsmith093and under log structure is a bunch of completeed without error21:58
penguin42bsmith093: OK, that's good - it means the drive thinks it's probably OK (unless any of the numbers have gone above threshold) - but that should mean the reason it went read-only wasn't a failing drive21:58
bsmith093so should i just burn todays build21:58
bsmith093and reinstall21:58
penguin42bsmith093: So you can fsck the fielsystem that's there, hope it fixes enough to then try and fight with whatever mess it's left or reinstall - it's safest to reinstall if you can21:59
penguin42bsmith093: who knows what mess it's left it in - but it would be good to know why it went read-only - keep a look out for anything odd21:59
bsmith093oh um under type there are a lot of old age and prefail21:59
bsmith093this system is only 2 years old22:00
penguin42bsmith093: As long as there isn't anything in the 'WHEN_FAILED' field you're OK22:00
bsmith093should i be worried22:00
bsmith093ok thanx22:00
bsmith093btw where can i get the latest build22:00
oxymoronNandou: Do you have any ideas how to boot Lucid, or do you have to wait until 8 april for next beta?22:00
penguin42bsmith093: Watch for 'reallocated_sector_ct' or similar that should always be 0 (or low if it loses the occasional one)22:01
Nandouoxymoron: I'm running in the same problem as you with the nouveau driver22:01
bsmith093reallocated sector ct is 20022:01
oxymoronNandou: It feels like I have tried everything and I will NOT remove all my apps and settings for a clean install of a beta that maybe not work anyway :P22:01
penguin42bsmith093: Hmm - can you put the whole thing into a pastebin?22:02
bsmith093sure how22:02
penguin42(you have 6 mins - because then I go and watch Heroes!)22:02
Nandouoxymoron: I'm trying the liveCD to install lucid ..22:02
oxymoronNandou: Its really strange, it just freeze and I have tried remove nouveau, plymouth, different things.22:02
guntbert!pastebin | bsmith09322:02
ubottubsmith093: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:02
oxymoronNandou: I wanted to upgrade my karmic to lucid ... to solve problems in karmic and got other errors instead xD22:03
Nandouoxymoron: but in your case cant you just add blacklist=nouveau in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file?22:03
Nandouoxymoron: "blacklist nouveau" in fact... no "="22:03
bsmith093here http://paste.ubuntu.com/402599/22:04
bsmith093thats really cool btw22:04
bsmith093keeps people from pastebombing22:04
oxymoronNandou: Yeah I could try that one, I havent tied that I am not that skilled yet but soon I will understand more and more :P22:05
bsmith093penguin42 http://paste.ubuntu.com/402599/22:05
Nandouoxymoron: Do you want to try?22:05
penguin42bsmith093: Yeh I think that's fine - the 'raw_value' for the reallocated are zero - that's a happy drive22:06
bsmith093ok then'22:06
bsmith093so its not going to up and die anytime soon22:06
oxymoronNandou: Yes sure, I have two backup ways anyhow, for the moment I use LiveCD but I also have a parallell partition if my stable on *** up sort of speak, which it has xD Its quite annoying grub2 overwrite them depending on which one I used update-grub last on xD22:06
penguin42bsmith093: Well, it's currently happy - what it does the millisecond after you put critical data on it is anyones guess :-)22:07
bsmith093good point22:07
bsmith093so anyway whats the link for the most recent build of lucid22:07
Nandouoxymoron: But you are trying to boot your installed system, not just a liveCD right?22:07
oxymoronNandou: Exactly what does modprobe and blacklist do? If I blacklist nouveau, does that mean the module doesnt load on kernel init?22:07
penguin42bsmith093: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:07
oxymoronNandou: yes of course22:08
Nandouoxymoron: well, I tryed blacklist=nouveau on my own computer and it look like it's being loaded anyhow22:08
Nandouoxymoron: that's why I think it would be better in your case to blacklist using the blacklist.conf file22:09
oxymoronNandou: Strange, well I try that and see if it helps someway. But even if it do, what should I do once I get inside? :D22:09
Nandouoxymoron: you mean?? with ubuntu?22:09
oxymoronNandou: When I suceed to boot into Kubuntu Lucid Beta1 I mean ;)22:10
oxymoronNandou: Hmm I wonder if it is any difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu in bootup22:10
gringochapinHi all, we discussed it some in the #ubuntu-locoteams chan, but I thought I'd ask in here.  Any ideas on why hardware testing through the GNome "system testing" util is failing when trying to submit results?22:10
Nandouoxymoron: You want to know how to setup the drivers or just how to use ubuntu?22:11
oxymoronNandou: I know how to use ubuntu ... lol. I mean if I get inside should I update, change some settings or anything? :P22:11
brainproxyupgraded my netbook to the beta, installed gvim and noticed there's no icon for it that got added to the main apps menu22:12
brainproxyeasy way to add that?22:12
* oxymoron is brb22:13
yofelgringochapin: try asking in #ubuntu-testing22:13
Nandouoxymoron: I don't know! If you have a nvidia card you might want to find another nvidia driver for your video card..22:13
gringochapinWill do.22:13
Nandouoxymoron: wireless... etc..22:13
gringochapinyofel: thanks.22:13
randomusrupdates broke some things22:14
randomusrFlash player is funky, my twn key doesn't work, and moving between windows is crap at best22:15
randomusrwhat happened?22:15
yofelbrainproxy: do you have 'vim-gui-common' installed?22:15
ddelonyHow is battery life on an EEE PC with 10.04 compared with the last version?22:16
brainproxyyofel: i installed gvim22:17
brainproxyfrom cmd line22:17
brainproxythen undid that22:17
brainproxyand did it through the gui software panel22:17
brainproxyyes, the pkg you named is installed22:18
yofelbrainproxy: what I mean is, dpkg -S tells me: vim-gui-common: /usr/share/applications/gvim.desktop22:18
yofelthat should be the menu entry22:18
randomusrdoes anyone know why recent updates would break any functionality on 10.04?22:19
yofelrandomusr: it's beta (ok, sry) when did you update the last time?22:19
randomusrfriday morning or last night22:20
randomusrvery recent anyway22:20
randomusryofel, is there a way to remove the latest updates?22:21
yofelnope (well you could check the dpkg log to find the package names and hope that you still have the old .deb files /var/cache/apt/archives)22:22
mozmck2how do you set up IRC in empathy?  I can't find it at all in lucid22:22
arandmozmck2: setup another account first, then IRC, (stupid, indeed)22:25
mozmck2yuck, I don't have another account to setup22:26
mozmck2I hate all the social networking stuff on the internet22:26
KDeskhi, how is the lucid stability, specialy with KDE?22:26
arandmozmck2: And empathy isn't really meant for IRC at all.22:27
NandouOn a MacBookPro5,3 , I can't boot the liveCD to install ubuntu lucid lynx, I receive the message : "[drm] nouveau 0000:02:00.0: PRAMIN flush timeout". With the option "blacklist=nouveau" the boot process is being interrupted by the same error message but it's not happening at the same place, without blacklist it happen right after the USB detection and with blacklist it happen after : "init: unreadahead-other main p22:28
=== bbigras_ is now known as bbigras
Nandouwhile reading I found the option rdblacklist wich I thought could solve my problem but it didnt and I'm still stuck at that point22:29
oxymoronNandou: I reached success now, it was something like set gfxpayload and quiet splash was removed in kernel command line xD22:30
oxymoronNandou: But I got the plymouth video thing, really awesome except that it doesnt finish the preloader and continue to my desktop xD22:31
arandoxymoron: mind sharing steps&syntax for gfxpayload?22:32
oxymoronarand: set gfxpayload = keep, that line I removed ... because it were inside in grub and kernel boot. But you go into grub, highlight your kernel, press e key on keyboard and then you can edit the command for boot kernel, there no gfxpayload should be as it were for me and quiet splash must be added. Not sure if it was only for me, but it aint work before thats for sure22:34
mozmck2arand: then pidgin is still *way* better than empathy :)22:35
* oxymoron will brb and try to boot again with nvidia and nouveau turned on.22:36
ddecatorcan someone please ping me a sec? i'm trying to test something22:36
yofelddecator: ping22:37
ddecatoryofel: thanks...didn't work =\22:37
monkey_dustwhat does /etc/network/interfaces look like, for static IP addrz22:43
monkey_dustwhat does /etc/network/interfaces look like, for static IP address, without network manager -- google did not show working solutions - hints & tips?22:43
yofelmonkey_dust: here's what I have here http://paste.ubuntu.com/402589/22:43
monkey_dustyofel, specifically for wireless -- eth0 works22:44
yofeloh, don't you need wpa_supplicant for that too?22:45
monkey_dustidd, i read that, but is it mandatory or optional?22:45
yofeldon't know, sry22:46
monkey_dustdon't be, nor do i22:47
yofelIf I'm not mistaken wpa_supplicant is used to connect to the AP22:48
DanaGwpa_supplicant handles encryption stuff.22:48
* oxymoron wants to know what to do if plymouth and almost everything work but the loadbar freeze after awhile and goes really really slow and doesnt continue to my desktop afterwards?22:50
arandOdd Bug #549919 , anyone for confirming/defirming?22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549919 in gnome-panel "active items in window list miscoloured by overlaps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54991922:51
Blue11arand: are you using an nvidia card?22:52
arandBlue11: Indeed I am, driver related?22:53
Blue11arand: I've heard ther are problems with the nvidia drivers for lucid -- I am using the stock ati driver on this machine22:53
arandBlue11: However this was seen in a virualbox...22:54
* Blue11 is not smart enough to run virtualbox22:54
arandBlue11: Would be great if you could test on ATI, to see if it is driver-related then ;)22:54
Blue11arand: yeah that's too advanced for me...22:55
arandBlue11: easiest way to get an active window is to start a download in FF and unfocus as it completes.22:55
Blue11arand: no idea what you mean by "unfocus"22:56
arands/item/window\ list\ item/22:56
arandBlue11: click another window as to not have the download window in the foreground/as the currently active window.22:57
Blue11I;ve had no issues with that...22:57
arandBlue11: And you've tried?22:58
Blue11arand: not recently but i can22:58
Blue11arand: yah no problems22:59
arandBlue11: no half-colouring seen?22:59
Blue11arand: no23:00
DanaGargh, fglrx keeps causing "X server caught in a loop"23:00
Blue11what is a plymouth theme?23:00
arandBlue11: Hmm, mind adding a comment on the bug noting that, and that you have an ATI card?23:01
Blue11yeah let me scroll up and see if I can find the link23:01
arandBlue11: Aw, you didn't look at the nice video I made :(23:02
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
Blue11i dont know what an ogv file is23:03
trevorHey, I was just wondering what version of lucid lynx is currently available. I heard that it was goign to be released in April, but that there are betas available or something?23:05
arandBlue11: ogg video, should be playable from ubuntu straight out...23:05
Blue11i can try no guar. I have the codecs for it.23:05
arand!topic | trevor23:05
ubottutrevor: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic23:05
trevorOk thanks.23:06
arandtrevor: Sorry I was guessing that command would actually print the topic... rather than be accusing.23:07
trevorOh no problem.23:07
trevorI'm excited to try out lucid lynx. I'm wondering if upgrading from Koala would be a good move, because I had problems with wireless when I first installed it, and would like to avoid that.23:08
trevorI'm also excited to see the new look. I heard that not much was changing, but the "human" focus on orange was going to be changed.23:08
arandBut yea, first beta, second to come on23:08
arandApril 8th23:08
oxymorontrevor: I would NOT recommen upgrade from Karmic ;)23:11
oxymoronnot yet anyway23:11
brianhermanhow come whenever I do apt-get upgrade lucid23:12
trevorYa I"ll probably just do a fresh install and deal with it.23:12
brianhermansomething breaks23:12
trevorThat's always safest.23:12
BUGabundobrianherman: welcome to DEVEL23:12
brianhermanso dont do that23:13
* BUGabundo checks for updates23:13
arandBUGabundo: What video driver are you on for Lucid?23:14
BUGabundonvidia blob23:15
arandBUGabundo: And do you see Bug #549919 ?23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549919 in gnome-panel "active items in window list miscoloured by overlaps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54991923:15
DanaGargh, damnit... I updated packages, and it FORCIBLY changed my button settings.... AGAIN.23:16
DanaGI had already changed them back to the way I wanted them.23:16
arandI have it in both vbox and with nouveau afik.23:16
DanaGah, had to reapply Human theme to fix it.23:17
penguin42anyone got any idea how ubuntu-bug knows which web browser to use? It's trying to use one I removed23:18
BUGabundoDanaG: yeah I get that sometimes23:18
penguin42x-www-browser is working, so it's not that23:18
brianhermanmy sound is broken in lucid i have a macbook pro 4,123:18
DanaGAt least now it's per-theme.23:18
penguin42ah - preferrred applications23:18
arandpenguin42: and the preferred application is set properly in gnome?23:18
penguin42arand: Interest really that x-www-browser doesn't use that23:19
BUGabundobrianherman: $ ubuntu-bug alsa-base23:19
BUGabundoand ping crimsun in #ubuntu-audio-help23:20
lontrai am curious if anyone gets flicker of X occasionally with the intel driver and whether they know how i can fix plymouth so that it displays a theme? it worked when i install beta123:21
oxymoronHow da heck do you remove a package that try to use /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme when it should be deleted from dpkg? xD23:23
oxymoronLike this: "/var/lib/dpkg/info/lubuntu-plymouth-theme.postrm: 34: /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme: not found"23:23
ZykoticK9oxymoron, plymouth-set-default-theme is currently broken!  was working a day or so ago, but not after most recent updates23:23
yofeloxymoron: oh, we had that yesterday... 'sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-sefault-theme'23:23
ZykoticK9yofel, is that all you need to do to fix it?  wow, thats easy - thank you.23:24
yofelZykoticK9: that file should be empty, an empty executable file will be handled by the shell as an app returning exit code 023:25
oxymoronyofel: That file doesnt even exist? :P23:25
ZykoticK9oxymoron, yofel doesn't exist on my system either23:25
yofeloxymoron: oh, then 'touch <file>' first ^^23:25
oxymoronZykoticK9: Yes, but how to remove that package lubuntu-theme?23:25
ZykoticK9oxymoron, i have no idea sorry23:26
brianhermancan i go back to ubuntu-9.10 alsa23:26
ZykoticK9yofel, should we really create an empty file and make it executable?  is that going to help?23:26
yofelZykoticK9: that file will simply return true when executed, it won't break anything23:27
oxymoronyofel: Thanks for your typo, I created wrong file because I copied yours xD23:27
yofeloxymoron: sry ^^23:27
oxymoronyofel: Its alright, just had to say it :P23:28
oxymoronyofel: Btw, that fixed it, thank you :)23:28
DanaGinteresting... if I run furmark in wine, then trying to drag the window around will result in horrid lag and loopyness.23:29
oxymoronyofel: Awesome hack to create the file so it try to use it but actually dont :P23:29
yofeloxymoron: welcome to the world  of devel testing :P23:32
oxymoronyofel: Hehe thank you :) Actually I am used to devel test, but yes this kind of testing is new to me :P23:33
trevorHey, I have heard a lot of people talking about the new look of ubuntu lucid lynx being really cool, and based on light, but all I have seen is a sort of purple background in videos and screen shots. Is the purple look the one they are talking about?23:33
oxymoronyofel: Before I felt cool just to use apt-get and now I can use dpkg and make much more advanced stuff :P23:33
ZykoticK9yofel, ok just to be clear - creating that file will solve some plymouth related issue, but won't actually let "sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --list" work correct?23:33
yofelZykoticK9: no, as that file will do exactly nothing23:34
yofelthat hack is only good to get dpkg working again23:34
ZykoticK9yofel, ya ok - i didn't understand how a blank executable was going to do anything (but in the proper context i get it) thanks23:34
almoxarifeanyone having issues with the weather/temp showing on the clock on the panel??23:37
ZykoticK9almoxarife, isn't work at all for me23:37
almoxarifeZykoticK9: was working before23:37
almoxarifeseems like it stopped after the last update23:38
ZykoticK9almoxarife, i wouldn't know, just tried a day or so ago - and it hasn't worked for me23:38
FFForeverwhat is the difference from 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 and 4 -rw-r--r-- 1?23:39
almoxarifeanyone else having samba issues?23:39
penguin42FFForever: if that's with an ls -ls then the 8 is a file that's about twice the size of the one with the 423:39
gatlinhas anyone else had trouble with booting on amd64? I tried the live CD of Lucid Beta 1 (and the latest daily as of yesterday) and I cannot get past the splash screen.  Nothing will happen for 5 hours (as far as I checked)23:41
Ian_CorneI'm running 64 bit atm gatlin23:41
Ian_Corneinstalled with the beta 1 iso23:41
Ian_Corneati card23:41
Ian_Corneintel cpu23:42
gatlinah, it's an ECS mobo (I know ...) with an nvidia chipset and an nvidia graphics card (Athlon 64 x2 4200+)23:42
gatlinthe parens meant CPU, not typing clearly23:42
histogatlin: No problems here23:44
histogatlin: can you boot in recovery mode?23:44
gatlinI am away from the machine at the moment unfortunately, I was mainly checking to see if there was some known bug on certain architectures.  I saw similar complaints with Kubuntu Lucid beta if my skimming of launchpad was correct23:46
bjsnidergatlin, nforce chipset?23:53
gatlinI don't believe so23:56
bjsnider"... with an nvidia chipset ..."23:57
bjsniderwhat did you mean by that?23:57
gatlinaccording to all the literature on the mobo it's all essentially nvidia parts23:57
bjsnidernforce is what they call their chipset23:58
gatlinoh, alright.  Well, then, yes :)23:58
bjsniderit is often problematic on linux23:58
bjsniderwhen choosing linux hardware, go all intel if possible23:58
gatlin9.10 works pretty well23:58

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