
Keybukslangasek: tell me about it00:00
Keybukstatus should exit non-zero if the job isn't running00:01
KeybukI think my notes say that it should even exit non-zero if job is starting or stopping - but different non-zero to "not running at all"00:02
CaesarKeybuk: excellent, you've saved me an email00:02
CaesarCan you fix it for Lucid?00:03
Keybukif slangasek lets me ;P00:03
Keybukoh, I see - it got lost in the move to using D-Bus Properties00:04
CaesarKeybuk: I thought service had a few exit 0's in places as well00:05
slangasekKeybuk: perfectly fine00:06
slangasekKeybuk: now, can you tell me why plymouth now falls on its face in the initramfs looking for /proc/cmdline, when it didn't before? :)00:06
slangasekhmm; maybe that's not the reason it's falling over00:10
slangasekapparently break=bottom is too late to test, because /proc has already been unmounted again by that point :P00:10
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jbebelcjwatson, using the previous installer (the one that actually supports hard drives), we're now failing to set up encryption when the crypto partman method is used.  Is that known?  I don't find a bug for it.00:11
jbebelPartitions get created, but there's no LUKS header.00:12
slangasekjbebel: is that the bug that was in the beta1 release notes about LVM+encryption?00:12
jbebelThat's a different bug, I think.  We were seeing that one, and this is substantially different.00:13
slangasekKeybuk: aha, got it - --attach-to-session doesn't work without /dev/pts :P00:13
jbebelwith the release notes bug, partitioning, LUKS, LVM, and the root filesystem were setup, just swap wasn't created.  now, we aren't even making it past LUKS.00:14
slangasekhmm, ok00:14
Keybukslangasek: which is why I patched initramfs-tools to mount it ;-)00:18
slangasekKeybuk: ah, but without a versioned dep00:18
Keybukit doesn't break it00:18
slangasekright, I'll grab that then00:18
Keybukit just means you get console splurge00:18
Keybuk(the parent exits 69, but it seems that the child carries on regardless)00:19
snow_quickly can be used for C/C++ ?00:19
slangasekKeybuk: actually, after plymouth fails to start in the initramfs, it *also* fails to start in the root fs; haven't diagnosed that yet to see if it's the same cause00:19
slangasekand since I was testing post-initramfs passphrase prompting at the time, I had a right mess00:20
slangasekthe post-initramfs failures may just be unhappiness with my /usr-as-separate-partition00:22
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slangasekKeybuk: ah, and after upgrading initramfs-tools, can't reproduce the failure of the plymouth job post-initramfs. <shrug>01:12
slangasekso I guess things are working :)01:12
slangasekKeybuk: congratulations, your vga16fb renderer has been reported as a bug. :-)01:31
Keybuk"My $1,000 nVidia card should be able to do more than 16 colors" ?01:31
slangasekthough it would be nice to have a crisper logo on vga16fb, that's certainly not the renderer's fault01:33
Keybukright, Design were supposed to have furnished us with one long ago01:33
Keybukwe made them aware of the need for it from the very beginning01:33
jjardonHello, could be automake 1.11 upgraded to 1.11.1 ? Automake 1.11 are known to be suffering from critical security issues02:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 526035 in automake1.11 "Upgrade package version to 1.11.1" [Undecided,Fix released]02:09
jjardonthe request is for karmic, lucid already have the 1.11.1 version02:10
jjardonshould I file a new bug?02:10
slangasekjjardon: given that the justification for an update in karmic is a security issue, you should talk to the Ubuntu Security Team, who are already subscribed to the bug; I've added a new bug task for karmic on that bug02:14
jjardonslangasek, thanks a lot02:15
ionLe sigh, an apparmor update broke the system again.02:30
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_minervaanyone who would be interested in mentoring "truely system wide proxy" for gsoc07:19
_minervaanyone who would be interested in mentoring "truely system wide proxy" project for gsoc !!07:26
RAOF_minerva: It's either Friday evening or Saturday for everyone now; it's not a good time for finding people online :)07:33
_minervaRAOF: k thanks anyway07:40
jdstrandion: can you file a bug?11:11
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ionjdstrand: Bug #45829911:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458299 in linux "apparmor_parser: page allocation failure. order:5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45829911:23
jdstrandion: thanks11:23
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dholbachArneGoetje: what's going to happen to the branches in Bug #46318 - I'll try to get them from the sponsors' list13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 46318 in tutos2 "Change dependency from postgresql to postgresql-client" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4631813:29
yofelhey, are there any amd64 builds of UNR planned for lucid? (or lucid+1)13:42
sistpotygilir: just looking at bug #523433. how about deferring that to lucid + 1 and then making a backport for lucid?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523433 in ubuntu "[need-packaging] [FFe] pcmanfm2" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52343313:43
Kalidarnyeah it'd be good if were amd64 builds because the new N450 atom processor is 64bit13:43
Kalidarnit's in the MSI Wind series atm http://www.msi.com/index.php?func=prodpage2&maincat_no=135&cat2_no=582 other vendors will follow13:44
kklimondawhat are the benefits of amd64 on netbooks anyway?13:44
Kalidarni would have figured it was worthwhile if the chip supported it.13:45
Kalidarnhttp://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=42503 :P13:46
tjaaltonslangasek: plymouth-set-default-theme went missing in the last plymouth upload, was that intentional?13:54
Tm_Tthere seems to be plenty of mess with plymouth nowadays13:55
gilirsistpoty, there is incompatible changes in pcmanfm2, if you use a backport version, you need also changes in others packages13:56
gilirsistpoty, it will also be less easy to switch for v1 to v2, as the backport will override the previous one automaticly if you are using backports13:57
tjaaltonslangasek: nevermind, seems like some theme packages have not migrated14:09
sistpotygilir: what needs to be changed in other packages? why would the backport override the previous one?14:13
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ari-tczewcan anybody review SRU? bug 42168414:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421684 in obexd "bluetooth send malformed files " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42168414:30
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otro_viajero7hello, how do I specify in my Makefile an "Input file with spaces.c" in gnu make?14:54
sistpotyotro_viajero7: escape the space with \   ... not too sure how well make handles spaces though (I think I read that there are limitations, but can't find it right now)15:00
otro_viajero7I tried that, but it does recognize it as two files15:01
sistpotyotro_viajero7: that works for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/402439/15:03
sistpotyotro_viajero7: however you won't be able to use $^ then, obviously15:04
otro_viajero7thanks sistpoty ;)15:11
gilirsistpoty, because for lucid +1, it will stay as pcmanfm, there is no need to keep a pcmanfm2 after lucid15:12
sistpotygilir: ah, I see, thanks15:13
peciskkenvandine, ping?15:51
MaximLevitskyI need to know exactly how compiz is started on ubuntu15:53
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bens_Ahoi.  Already talked to #virt about this, and no ideas.  Ubuntu 10.04 Beta or 9.10, most recent kvm/libvirt available for either.  Linux guests get ~20MBps disk throughput, windows xp guests get <3MBps at best.  Tested both guests with all possible img types, preallocated.17:23
bens_I can push >40MBps to the linux guests dev/shm, but only 20MB to disk.  the host disk is capable of 170MBps17:24
bens_the host disk is ext4 on lvm, on top of mdraid5 10 disks.17:24
bens_When I put the  guest image in /dev/shm instead, I get proper performance.17:24
bens_Can't find any reference to this problem on the intarwebs.17:25
bens_(p.s. install time for a tinyxp guest (<300MB) was >10 hours with the guest image on the raid.  <5  minutes on shm.17:26
ari-tczewshould do we update-maintainer in SRU?18:13
ScottKari-tczew: No.  Minimal diff.18:21
psusicjwatson, I am working on that libparted code and I'm not sure if it is throwing the correct type of warning because gparted seems to happily ignore it19:19
geserScottK: so we (Ubuntu) need to update the Maintainer when modifying packages in the development release, but can "skip" it in SRUs?19:24
ScottKgeser: That's my understanding.  SRU is supposed to be a minimal diff.  Changing maintainer isn't actually needed for the SRU, so I'd call it not minimal.19:25
ScottKI could certainly be wrong.19:25
geserI would have excepted that we need to update the maintainer in SRUs too (especially as it is risk-free). But I could be wrong too.19:27
geserI remember that we didn't do it for SRUs in some older release before we started to systematically update the Maintainer field.19:28
ari-tczewmen, please specify a consensus19:32
cjwatsonI must say, I19:35
cjwatson've generally updated Maintainer in SRUs19:35
cjwatsonbut I can see the argument for not doing so; I don19:36
cjwatson't think it matters either way19:36
ScottKClearly don't do it for a Dapper SRU.19:36
ScottKI'm not sure either.  I'm also not on the SRU team.19:36
cjwatson(sorry, ' is symbol-shift-m on the N900, while ctrl-m of course generates CR, and I keep missing)19:37
ari-tczewokay, but if I made update-maintainer on lucid for package from lucid-1 and older is it OK?19:39
ari-tczewmen, please answer, I don't have a lot of time19:42
* sistpoty thinks a change of the maintainer value doesn't effect the value of an SRU, so it's safe to do it19:42
ari-tczewsistpoty: but not necessary right?19:43
sistpotyari-tczew: if anything else is fine, changing maintainer or not can be done by the uploader, whatever the best practice is.19:43
cjwatsonari-tczew: nobody will argue if you omit the change; people might argue if you include the change19:43
cjwatsonso it seems clear that if you are in doubt then there is a safe option19:43
cjwatsonari-tczew: also, "men" sounds weird as a way to address a group like this (even leaving aside questions of sexism); I'd suggest not using that form19:44
sistpoty(might be lost in translation... good movie btw :))19:45
psusicjwatson, so have you any idea why gparted seems to happily ignore libparted warnings when it can't sync the partition table?  from your comments on bug #540940 I got the feeling you are more familiar with it than I19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540940 in parted "Regression: Unable to add a partition to a disk that has another partition in use" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54094019:45
ari-tczewcjwatson: okay, so s/men/dear developers19:46
cjwatsonpsusi: can't look today - but it could well just be catching the exception and ignoring it?19:46
cjwatsonpsusi: can't look today - but it could well just be catching the exception and ignoring it?19:47
cjwatsonpsusi: gparted didn't inspire much confidence in me when I last looked at it, though at least most of the partitioning logic is still left to libparted19:47
psusicjwatson, that's what it seems to do... but I'm wondering why... it seems it ignores the warning, then judges that everything seems ok, and continues19:47
cjwatsonI stopped using it in ubiquity for several good reasons :)19:48
cjwatsonanyway, got to put my daughter to bed, later19:48
psusiI'm also confused about extended partition handling... I swear that if you had primary slot 4 used for the extended partition, the kernel did not make a /dev/sda4, it just skipped straight to 5 and on for any logical partitions in the extended19:48
psusibut now it seems it makes /dev/sda4 with a size of 2... it maps the pseudo mbr and the next sector for some reason19:49
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ogra_cmpccjwatson, n900 ?19:53
ogra_cmpcwelcome to the club :)19:53
sistpotypsusi: yes, that's what I recall for extended partitions19:56
sistpotypsusi: actuall it still seems to be true for me with 2.6.32-16-generic #2519:57
psusisistpoty, you sure?  because for me I get a dev node for the extended partition of size 220:05
sistpotypsusi: that's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/402553/20:09
sistpotypsusi: so indeed, there seem to be devices for extended partions (not sure if that changed though), which contain the header as expected20:12
cjwatsonpsusi: it's certainly what I remember, although I don't know whether it's always been that way.  It seems moderately useful for things like installing a boot loader to the EBR20:13
sistpotypsusi: /dev/sda3 doesn't have size 2 though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/402556/20:14
cjwatsonnot maybe the most useful thing ever, but not useless either20:14
cjwatsonogra_cmpc: yeah, it's a pretty nice device20:15
cjwatsonbeen meaning to blog first impressions20:16
ogra_cmpcyep, i'm in love with it since i got mine20:16
sistpotyyep, makes inspecting a partion easier (and yes, I did write a program to look for partition header once, since I was an idiot who deleted a partition)20:16
cjwatsongetting a bit late possibly :)20:16
cjwatsonthe keyboard isn't quite perfect, and there are a few annoying bugs, but it beats the hell out of S6020:17
cjwatsonand it seems competitive with Android - haven't any direct iPhone experience so can't say there20:17
ogra_cmpcdefinately, to sad that maemo is dead though, imho it was a bad decision to drop it20:17
ogra_cmpcmeego simply will take a while to get into such a state20:18
cjwatsonI'm sort of reserving judgement until I see how meego turns out, though dropping the .deb format is a shame20:18
cjwatsonyeah, switching technologies is going to suck20:18
ogra_cmpcwell, we have omap images since today ... people can start proting to it ;)20:19
cjwatsonbut at least meego will work (to some extent) on the n900, so we won't have to get new devices20:19
cjwatsonI need to start developing for it in some way20:20
cjwatsonat the very least fix the annoying xterm enter bug20:20
cjwatsonanyway, OT I suppose :)20:20
ogra_cmpcoh, btw, ppc d-i didnt find anna after my upload it seems (/me didnt have time to debug that yet)20:20
cjwatsongrr, that might be a recurring buildd bug20:20
cjwatsonlamont fixed that ...20:20
cjwatsonis there a permission error on sources.list in the log?20:21
ogra_cmpci'll ping him on monday and will give it back (if no other upload happened)20:21
ogra_cmpchmm, i didnt notice one but i scrolled directly to the error msg20:22
cjwatsonif so, don't just give it back, it needs a launchpad-buildd (re)fix20:22
cjwatsonit was a consequence of upgrading the powerpc buildds to karmic20:22
lamontcjwatson: which buildd?20:24
lamontcjwatson: monday I plan to roll a new lp-buildd, there's some dogfood testing first, then we'll blat it to the world20:24
cjwatsonlamont: adare20:26
kusumcjwatson: Hello20:26
kusumcjwatson: Doest the code keep changing from new releases of Ubuntu ?20:27
lamontcjwatson: best way to find the umask of a running process?20:27
cjwatsonkusum: of course; which code in particular?20:27
kusumi am sorry20:28
lamontwhen one edits the init.d, one should restart the service.20:28
cjwatsonlamont: um, not sure, suppose it's somewhere in /proc but I can't check right now20:28
cjwatsonlamont: ah :) thanks20:28
kusumi forgot to mention partman-auto-loop code20:28
lamontno worries - process older than init.d20:28
lamontso adare is fixed20:28
lamontgiveback left as an exercise20:28
cjwatsonkusum: hasn't changed a huge amount, but sure, it's changed20:29
kusumcjwatson: what are .nsh files ?20:29
kusumi did not really find useful info about them20:29
cjwatsonsomething windowsy.  I don't write Windows code so I don't know20:30
kusumcjwatson: it is for ui code in windows ?20:30
sistpotylamont: btw, did you reschedule ghc6 on armel? I'm a bit worried if it does make any process, though Laney is certainly  more competent to tell this20:31
sistpotylamont: (it seems to not progress since a few days, but as I wrote, Laney is the better person to ask)20:32
cjwatsonkusum: I said I don't know :)20:32
lamontsistpoty: the jaboticaba build? yeah, I'm ignoring that on the grounds that it'll be interesting to see if it finishes before release20:34
lamontit's known/expected to not make progress.20:34
lamontOTOH, armel is keeping up just fine these days, so tying up jaboticaba to find out isn't really hurting anything.  ergo, meh.20:34
kusumcjwatson:  thanks for the information20:34
cjwatsonkusum: did you try googling for "windows nsh"?  links related to nsis should be relevant20:37
* lamont wanders off to break networking20:37
kusumcjwatson: i finally understood when i googled "compile nsh files"20:38
kusumi was thinking nsis was wrong link20:38
kusumgot it now :)20:38
slangasektjaalton: yes, it's intentional that it's gone missing, theme packages need to use update-alternatives now instead20:41
exobuzzi have made a useful bash script I call "ubuntu experience". you can run it from within gnome, to add that unique ubuntu touch to your desktop windows. http://pastebin.com/DafZTLuk20:41
exobuzz(Yes its a joke, forgive me. i couldnt help myself).20:44
kusumcjwatson: thank you20:50
cjwatsonkusum: you're welcome20:57
psusisistpoty, what does cat /sys/block/sda/sda3/size say?21:08
ari-tczewplease review SRU bug 26223521:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262235 in clutter "Does not work on 64bit properly" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26223521:09
sistpotypsusi: 221:11
sistpotypsusi: is that in blocks? then 2 would make perfect sense for an extended partition, I guess21:12
psusisistpoty, yea... I think so... what's it map the second sector for?21:12
psusiI and I swear the kernel used to just not map them.... if you only had a extended partition you got sda5 and that was it... no 1-4... seems odd to map the extended container21:13
sistpotypsusi: not too sure, I admit that I don't recall the format for an extended header, but I think that I recall that it was two blocks (which you really shouldn't take for granted)21:15
psusisistpoty, I noticed this because I had an error while testing my fix to parted... tried to create a logical partition starting at the start address of the extended+1... parted thinks it should work and tries, and the kernel rejects the addpart since it overlaps the second sector mapped by the extended partition21:15
psusisistpoty, I thought it was just another pseudo mbr so should only be 1 block21:15
sistpotypsusi: there must be documentation somewhere to prove that speculation (both yours and mine :))21:16
psusihrm... seems fdisk doesn't want to start the logical partition for 63 sectors into the extended21:18
sistpotypsusi: crap, thought that I might help you but reading the wiki article shows that I really don't recall any details, sorry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_partition)21:19
psusioh weird... if I turn off the dos compat flag, fdisk won't start the logical until sector 211121:20
psusihrm... yea, it should only be one sector21:24
psusithough due to customary cylinder alignment, typically has 62 unused sectors following it before the logical partition21:24
arandpsusi: When I dd my extended partition, I only get 1024b.21:24
arandpsusi: If it remember right.21:25
psusiarand, right... 2 sectors21:25
psusiI'm wondering first, why the extended has a dev node at all, I swear this did not used to be the case, and secondly, why it is 2 sectors long21:25
psusiwhen you put parted in sector mode it seems to think you can create the logical partition on the very next sector, but the kernel doesn't like it21:26
arandpsusi: I'm quite happy it has, since my main bootrecord is on there :)21:26
psusiwhat do you mean?21:26
psusiextended boot records are not bootable21:27
arandpsusi: I have my main mbr (vbr) residing in that 1024 space, yes.21:28
psusiarand, that doesn't make sense... by definition the mbr is sector 021:29
arandpsusi: Well, actually my proper mbr picks up which start key I press and delegate to either sda1 or sda4.21:29
psusiand sda4 is an extended partition?  weird... what boot loader is this?21:30
arandpsusi: The one on the mbr-proper is some Dell mediadirect thingy ref. http://digiwanderlust.blogspot.com/2008/04/dual-boot-boot-linux-using-dell-media.html, on the extended vbr I have a 466b grub bit I dd:d over from a logical partitions vbr (since grub2 wasn't happy about installing to the extended's bootrecord).21:34
psusihrm.... yea, and when I use parted to create several logical partitions, they start on the sector immediately following the ebr.... no second sector unused...21:35
psusiarand, ack... so you're using blocklists ;)21:37
stgraberjoin #hackus21:41
psusidamnit.... hw_sector_size and optimal_io_size in /sys/block/sdd/queue are not writable....21:44
psusinice to see that the kernel does not respect the hidden flag on gpt partitions21:53
cjwatsonpsusi: imo, none of this extended partition stuff should block your patch; if it's a problem, it isn't a new one22:06
psusicjohnston, agreed... just cleaning it up now... think I have it working pretty good now22:15
jbebelWhen might I expect linux 2.6.32-18.27 to get built/uploaded?22:31
jbebelassuming it allows us to test Lucid installs again.22:33
jbebelAlso, I suppose a new d-i will need to be built too.22:36
geserjbebel: the new linux debs are in the NEW queue and waiting on an archive admin looking at them. if they don't get a special treatment on this weekend, they should get accepted during the week (probably on monday)22:42
rawkasaurWhen 10.04 is released, is it recommended to do a fresh install, or will updating be enough?22:48
ScottKUpgrading should be fine.22:49
rawkasaurAlright, thanks.22:51
cjwatsonjbebel: um, didn't this morning's d-i build fix the missing modules already?22:54
jbebelcjwatson, it doesn't appear to have.22:54
cjwatsonwell, can't look now ...22:55
jbebelit's still using -17 and doesn't have sata modules.22:55
jbebelI was going to take a closer look at why drive encryption was failing, but without drives that's a bit more difficult.22:55
cjwatsonoh, for goodness' sake, I didn't realise they were going to bump abi and obviously ogra didn't check ...22:56
ogra_cmpcno, i didnt22:56
* cjwatson pulls out the laptop then22:57
ogra_cmpci would have noticed if the meta had hit ml laptop during the upgrade this morning but thats obviously still in new22:57
slangasekups, sorry; smb had mentioned there'd be NEW processing, didn't realize that hadn't been communicated22:57
ogra_cmpcsorry for that22:57
cjwatsonoh well, I'll sort it out now22:58
cjwatsonjbebel: thanks for the note22:58
jbebelcjwatson, np22:59
Sarvatthow about having a plymouth-i-want-a-pretty-boot package that forces plymouth into the initrd? :)23:00
cjwatsonI'll just upload d-i in advance, it can dep-wait or whatever if it likes23:00
jbebelcjwatson, do you think this new d-i and/or kernel has any chance of fixing drive encryption?  I haven't gotten far figuring out what's wrong yet.23:01
cjwatsonwell probably not23:01
cjwatsond-i's just the core, the initrd doesn't contain partitioning code23:01
jbebelI filed a bug with partman-auto-crypto, but I'm thinking that was the wrong place.23:01
slangasekSarvatt: does it need to be a package?  It's a one-line change to /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/23:02
cjwatsonjbebel: it'll do23:02
cjwatsonjbebel: I prefer not to waste time reassigning between packages until I've actually analysed it; any vaguely plausible installer package is fien23:03
jbebelfair enough.23:03
Sarvattjust thinking about user friendlyness for that change even though it is easy to do and it is a common complaint :) guess it'd be more appropriate for something like ubuntu-tweak23:04
cjwatsonjbebel: the race with swap creation is top of my list right now; if that doesn't turn out to fix your problem too, I'll look at it after that23:05
jbebelRight now we're not even making it to the swap creation step though.  I suspect you'll find the same thing.23:05
cjwatsonI just mean that I want to debug one thing at a time. :-)23:05
jbebelSure. :)23:06
cjwatsonraces in this sort of area sometimes have multiple consequences, so we'll see23:06
cjwatsonI kind of doubt that this is specific to swap creation, but I haven't narrowed it down yet23:06
Sarvattjust worked through a problem where someone wasnt getting a splash for almost 30 seconds into the boot with this fstab setup - http://pastebin.com/tYgACis9 would adding nobootwait to one of those partitions fix that?23:06
jbebelI can't even set up encrypted partitions manually anymore.23:06
cjwatsonSarvatt: many perfectly normal situations in lucid result in not having a splash for that sort of length of time; it may not be fixed for lucid23:07
cjwatsonI wouldn't advise mucking with fstab to try to influence that23:07
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cjwatsonthe problem is a conflict between boot performance and boot experience, that needs non-trivial work to resolve23:08
cjwatsonon hard disks, the most efficient way to boot is to run ureadahead to load everything, *and do nothing else while it's running*23:09
Sarvattyeah thats why I was suggesting maybe we should have a package people can install that puts plymouth in the initrd with OPTION=FRAMEBUFFER=Y without requiring manual editing23:09
cjwatsonany disk activity at all will spoil its seek pattern and ultimately slow things dodwn23:09
cjwatsonbut it turns out that getting the splash up before that involves bottlenecking on waiting for the graphics drivers to initialise23:09
cjwatsonSarvatt: I assumed you didn't understand the problem because you were talking about fiddling with fstab :-)23:10
cjwatsontherefore I thought an explanation might be worthwhile23:10
cjwatsonthough you were talking about efifb the other day so I assume you've looked into it ...23:11
ogra_cmpcSarvatt, did you actually make that user create a bootchart ?23:12
ogra_cmpcmight be an issue with dmraid or some such23:12
Sarvattah ok, it looked like it was waiting for everything in this guys custom fstab to be ready before continuing because / was ready pretty early into the boot which is why I asked that. it wasn't loading gpu modules until after everything was mounted because they weren't in the initrd and packing in plymouth fixed that23:16
cjwatsonI might be wrong, but I don't think it should wait for filesystems to be up23:18
cjwatsonplymouth starts on starting mountall, and plymouth-splash starts on started plymouth and (your primary graphics device appeared, or other stuff)23:19
cjwatsonI'm not actually sure what forces ureadahead to be serialised ahead of that, although my understanding is that it is23:21
slangasekthe usual problems we see are 1) ureadahead takes so long that the user is sitting at a blank screen for 30s or more before mountall actually starts mounting anything, or 2) the single-partition SSD install is so fast that gdm is ready to start as soon as udev has announced the video device23:23
slangasekcjwatson: actually, I don't think anything *does* force it to be serialized; I think we may have just found a bug23:23
slangasekit may be a bug we don't currently hit because upstart always walks /etc/init in the same order23:24
slangasekbut I don't think we're meant to rely on that23:24
cjwatsonreverse alphabetical order? :)23:28
jbebelcjwatson, I could be wrong, but I think the end-of-disk gap for md is what broke crypto somehow.23:30
cjwatsonjbebel: seems odd, why would that make any difference?23:31
cjwatsonit gets a fractionally smaller container, that's all, surely?23:31
jbebelI agree, but it stopped working for us just about with that release of partman-base23:32
cjwatsonI think I'd rather analyse first23:32
jbebeloh... Hmm.  It might have been something else in 139.  I forgot that our mirrors got a bit behind.23:34
cjwatsonit would be good if you could attach syslog as well as partman23:34
cjwatsonjbebel: I fixed the bit about /boot landing at the end of the disk, BTW, I just haven't uploaded that yet23:35
jbebelAh.  Excellent!23:35
slangasekcjwatson: actually, since ureadahead itself doesn't block, /alphabetical/ order would be the one that gives better performance by starting plymouthd first instead of starting it while ureadahead is in the middle of running :)23:35
cjwatsonpartman-auto-lvm 33ubuntu3 will clear that up23:36
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cjwatsonslangasek: right, but I mean right now doesn't upstart block due to the 'expect fork' trick in ureadahead before it gets round to starting plymouth?23:36
slangasekcjwatson: oh, I don't know - I was going by the comment in the job, which says "Forks into the background both when reading from disk and [...]"23:37
slangasekmaybe this all works the way it's supposed to, but if so it's sorely underdocumented :)23:38
cjwatsonnih_dir_walk_scan sorts the list of filenames23:38
cjwatsonI imagine it then inserts them into a linked list such that the last one ends up run first, or something23:39
cjwatsonbut haven't bothered to check that23:39
* slangasek wonders if someone can decipher what's really going on in bug #541700, given that the submitter's statements are not credible :/ (aubergine screen with no ubuntu theme installed)23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541700 in plymouth "plymouth: blank/unanimated screen at boot (cat /proc/fb: 0 VGA16 VGA)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54170023:39
jbebelWe did get bitten by suddenly needing to include partman/confirm_nooverwrite in the preseed after 139.  That should probably be added to the example-preseed in the installation guide.23:40
cjwatsonoh, yeah, I meant to do that23:40
cjwatsonkickseed too23:41
cjwatsonI thought about that and everything and forgot.  Sorry23:41
jbebelIt's fine for us. I figured it out. :)23:41
jbebelI can file a bug to add it to the manual if that would help.23:42
cjwatsonno need, already committed a fix23:43
cjwatsonand upstream23:44
cjwatsonpartman-base 139ubuntu1 is even less likely to have caused this; the core changes there were minimal compared to 138ubuntu423:45
cjwatson138ubuntu3 and 138ubuntu4 were big changes23:45
cjwatsonin fact all the 138ubuntu* series23:46
jbebelMaybe our mirrors were more behind than I thought.23:48

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