
ubot4`Azelphur called the ops in #ubuntu-uk (Paraselene_)00:09
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Tm_Tit's saturday10:43
guntbertTm_T: everywhere aleready?10:45
Tm_Tnot everywhere, no, never is10:47
guntbertTm_T: well I'd say there is one hour when its saturday around the world - or am I completely mistaken10:50
jussi01saturday rocks :)10:50
Tm_Tguntbert: hmm, no, there's the nice little border in the middle of pacific10:55
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vishhmm , a bit of an offtopic question , but i'm not sure where to ask.. mails to rt[at]ubuntu.com  are handled by whom , or rather which channel can i contact them?12:29
jussi01vish: #canonical-sysadmin :)12:32
vishjussi01: thanks :)12:32
vishIdleOne: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEmail#I%20still%20need%20help! thats the mail id listed there..12:45
vishtwice i sent a mail a different person replied , so guessed it might be a team handling the mails..12:45
IdleOneit may very well be12:45
* vish has problems with the ubuntu mail id12:45
IdleOnea team that is12:45
IdleOnebut like jussi01 said ask in #canonical-sysadmin12:46
vishIdleOne: yup , i did join there :)12:46
vishbut maybe i'd get a response on a weekday12:46
jussi01vish: yeah, canonical is a bit slow on weekends.12:47
ubottuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.12:47
elkythat factoid'd been bugging me for ages and I think I just figured out that it's because it has half the world's comma population in it.13:54
jussi01!weekend | elky, better now? :D14:02
ubottuelky, better now? :D: It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.14:02
IdleOnecommas are in limited supply, please use, them with care. Thank you,14:03
Tm_Twhy, they, are, limited?14:04
* Tm_T hides14:04
IdleOneTm_T: back order14:04
ubottuPunctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter14:04
IdleOnethe International comma supply company can't keep up with demand14:04
* IdleOne adds ,,, to above statement14:05
jussi01elky: you can blame the other Aussie for that factoid ;)14:05
IdleOneexclamations!!! on the other hand are abundant, please use generously!!!!14:06
jussi01IdleOne: shhhh!14:06
IdleOnejussi01: :-(14:06
jussi01next youll be telling people to use enter more :P14:06
IdleOnenever w14:07
IdleOneould I do that!!!!!!!!!!!!14:07
IdleOnehaha I think elky's head is about to explode14:07
elkyTrolls, the lot of you.14:08
IdleOneWell time to go get ready for ubuntu-qc Global Jam. see you all later.14:08
IdleOnebtw r2mxr is setting up HD video stream with sound so you will probably see me there. will make sure we get the link posted so you all can watch :)14:10
bazhangguntbert, of course :)15:11
guntbertbazhang: ah, thats as well :)15:11
guntbertbazhang: just out of couriosity - your recent ban in #ubuntu was IP based - why did it remove linda but not laurita (they shae the same IP)15:13
bazhangguntbert, what's up?15:13
bazhangooh nice spot15:13
bazhangwell, when laurita quits she wont be able to join I guess15:13
guntbertbazhang: ah - did you kick one?15:14
bazhangguntbert, the one who was solicitiing15:15
bazhangerr soliciting15:15
guntbertbazhang: ok - got it - thx15:15
bazhangthanks for spot guntbert :)15:15
guntbertbazhang: you're welcome :-) - I saw them as trolling pair and so wondered...15:16
bazhangneed more caffeine here :)15:16
bazhangmore guadalinex kids I am guessing15:16
guntbertbazhang: :-)15:17
bazhangwow that's an annoying nick ^^15:18
guntbertbazhang: not only the nick :-(15:21
bazhangguntbert, good time for a coffee break :)15:21
guntbertbazhang: right you are :-)15:21
m4vI'm starting to think that there's a troll mimicking guadalinex kids15:40
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