
mozmckhow does one compile the lucid git kernel?02:52
mozmckin the karmic tree I could do this: skipabi=true skipmodule=true fdr binary-generic02:52
mozmckbut that doesn't work on the lucid tree02:52
crimsunmozmck: have you followed the wiki?03:28
crimsunAmp-Out caps: ofs=0x1f, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=003:51
crimsunAmp-In caps: ofs=0x0b, nsteps=0x1f, stepsize=0x05, mute=103:52
crimsunthat makes me a sad panda03:52
mozmckcrimsun: wiki where?  I've looked at several places04:03
mozmckI can't figure out how to compile one flavour.  if I do debian/rules binary it looks like it will compile all flavours04:04
mozmckhere's what it says there "fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic"04:07
mozmckthat's what I'm doing and it says there's no rule for that target04:08
crimsunI presume you've looked through debian.master/config/ ?04:09
mozmckyes.  I made a new flavour, but I've also tried just compiling the generic flavour with out changes04:10
mozmckhmm, just tried again with binary-generic and it's working...04:12
mozmckok, I ran debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig editconfig and didn't save any changes.  then fdr clean and fdr binary-generic and it tells me "No rule to make target"04:15
mozmckat the end of running kernelconfig it gave me 8 of these errors:04:16
mozmck./debian/scripts/misc/kernelconfig: line 150: /home/moses/Projects/kernel/ubuntu-lucid//scripts/misc/../config-check: No such file or directory04:16
mozmckcould that be the problem?04:16
mozmckit's there and executable04:18
mozmckis it possible the kernelconfig script is broken?04:43
crimsunpossibly, but I'm not looking closely. Slew of bugs on my plate.04:44
mozmckok, thanks.04:46
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Sarvattcnd: the two lines removed by the DPMS load detect fix exist in the current ubuntu-lucid source18:37
Sarvattlines 3666 and 3775 in drivers/gpu/drm/i915/intel_display.c18:37
Sarvattwhich is why I said the patch mistakenly got dropped somewhere along the line, it is not upstream yet even in 2.6.3418:40
Sarvattthats in reference to http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git;a=commit;h=7b56712ff524ee55e38afaee3954d125f56a6070 18:41
jonohey folks19:28
jonois the linux-image-2.6.34-020634rc1-generic_2.6.34-020634rc1_i386.deb package known to boot?19:29
jonoI installed it to test if a a bug still exists and it would not boot19:29
mrechope that won't happen with the latest git build here19:31
jonogoing to test againbrb19:32
mozmckanyone know why running kernelconfig editconfig with the lucid git breaks my build?19:36
Sarvattthe 2.6.34-rc1 mainline kernel doesn't boot here either19:41
* Sarvatt tries the latest daily, havent tried in a few weeks19:42
jonojust tried the .34 mainline and no luck19:43
mrecmainline or git?19:44
johanbrfor that matter, why do the latest daily builds have a -karmic suffix?19:47
Sarvattthe latest 2.6.34 mainline daily still fails to boot here, spits out a trace as soon as it starts and seems to be timer init related19:50
Sarvatti'm guessing the ones with -karmic are using the karmic config and the -lucid ones are using lucid's, and there hasnt been any lucid ones recently. they were all using karmic's config before19:51
Sarvattcorrection: there haven't been *any* lucid ones, the one there failed to build because it was trying to use apparmor19:53
jonomrec, mainline20:35
jonois there an actual PPA for the kernel?20:36
margaI asked this yesterday, but got no-reply.  I'm interested in a -generic-64bits kernel for the i386 arch (similar to -amd64 in the i386 arch in Debian).  I've seen that there is a -server flavor, which is only 64bits, but it's supposed to be "server oriented".  What does "server oriented" mean?20:39
mrecmy git kernel is still compiling..20:41
Sarvattmarga: ubuntu doesn't support a 64 bit kernel with 32 bit userspace at all as far as I know unlike debian, the server flavour doesn't exist for 32 bit and is just a transitional package to push people to one of the generic-pae kernels if they had it installed in 32 bit from an old release21:00
Sarvatti could be mistaken though21:00
mrecyou should be wrong21:01
mrecskype works without any problem here21:01
mrecand skype is 32bit21:01
mrecfile /usr/bin/skype21:01
mrec/usr/bin/skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped21:01
Sarvatti'm referring to using explicitly installing a 64 bit kernel in a 32 bit release21:05
mrecwell I tried using a 64bit kernel with 32bit environment it worked too21:06
mrec(I upgraded my system from a 32bit ubuntu to a 64bit ubuntu that way with some fiddling around with chroot and moving the root files)21:06
mrecdidn't have usb nor cd for a 64bit install cd back then21:07
Sarvattyeah you can get it working somewhat but a lot of things will be broken like dkms and its not something thats supported. http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/features/kernel has some description of whats different in -server over -generic21:11
mozmckanyone know why running kernelconfig editconfig makes it so running fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic (or any other flavour) says "No rule for target"?21:15
mozmckon lucid git21:16
margaSarvatt: is there a rationale behind that?21:41

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