
asacchrisccoulson: ^^... can you check and sponsor that?00:07
asacdid you remove the patch? i already had it removed locally when mering (so i could just commit that)00:07
asacchrisccoulson: curious. what was theissue on your side?00:08
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i will look at that00:08
chrisccoulsonasac - the issue on my side is that evolution doesn't validate any certificates, but that seems to be an evolution bug00:08
asacah. so th epatch didnt fix it?00:08
chrisccoulsonno, i just got myself a bit confused00:09
chrisccoulsonasac - evolution has it's own logic to search for the libnssckbi module, but it still gets the path incorrect and passes that to NSS00:09
chrisccoulsonbut that used to work in previous versions (NSS still found the module)00:10
chrisccoulsonevolution just needs to be fixed to pass the basename of the module to NSS rather than the full (incorrect) path00:11
asacinteresting appraoch ;)00:11
chrisccoulsonasac - would you take a different approach OOI?00:12
asaci copied an icon to /usr/share/icons/gnome/emblems00:12
asacand its not found00:12
asachow do i need to run update-icon-cache?00:12
asacwould have to check what it does to understand ;)00:13
chrisccoulsoni think you just run "update-icon-cache /path/to/foo"00:13
asacthat didnt work ;)00:16
asacalready tried that00:16
asacwith and without sudo00:16
asacheh. now it worked ... nice.00:19
ftaasac, the transition to -extra worked for me (trunk ppa)11:23
ftaooh, nice: http://chromium-status.appspot.com/status_viewer12:57
ftajust rewrote http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels/changes to make it more readable15:04
ftaBUGabundo, hi15:04
BUGabundoolá fta15:05
ejatfta : any plan to make chromium window button to be at left ? :p15:08
ftaejat, no plan that i know of, you have to re-add the window border15:09
ftathose things are not native gtk widgets15:09
ejatowh ok .. ..15:10
ejatforgot about it :15:10
ejatthanks ..15:10
* ejat unhide .. 15:11
ftaBUGabundo, you're running ch trunk right?15:37
ftaBUGabundo, could you please try chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra?15:37
BUGabundo 2993 270212      7      40115K 859.4M 107.3M 859.4M 107.3M   3% chromium-brows15:37
BUGabundotwo tabs :p15:38
ftaand go on youtube html515:38
BUGabundoI alredy have youtube set to html515:38
BUGabundolet me test it15:38
BUGabundoand vimeo too15:38
ftawith 0.5+svn20100326r42726+42573+42890-0ubuntu1~ucd2 please15:38
* BUGabundo restarts chromium15:38
BUGabundo *** 5.0.364.0~svn20100327r42891-0ubuntu1~ucd1 015:39
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.5+svn20100326r42726+42573+42890-0ubuntu1~ucd215:39
BUGabundoseems I'm a bit behind15:39
ftawhich process is that? (the 900MB)15:39
ftaplugin or what?15:39
BUGabundoflash, music stream15:39
BUGabundochecking for updates15:40
ftai almost no longer listen to music on ubuntu15:40
ftai own 2 squeezebox now15:40
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.5+svn20100326r42726+42573+42890-0ubuntu1~ucd215:40
BUGabundook fully upgraded15:41
BUGabundofta: fyi both sites work15:42
BUGabundochoosing html515:42
BUGabundoworks fien15:42
ftagood, thanks15:43
BUGabundoconfirms im using html515:43
ftawill upload to lucid soon15:43
BUGabundofta: http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/popular15:43
BUGabundoI use that for music15:43
BUGabundoI just with the stupid flash bug that doesn't allow you to interact with buttons was fixed15:44
ftathere's a workaroud iirc15:44
ftabut i don't have the problem here15:45
BUGabundoI can't change youtube volume15:47
BUGabundoeven on html515:47
ftaok, pushed to lucid15:55
ftai just need to update ch with the new beta now15:55
BUGabundohow many betas do those guys launch?15:56
ftai don't like the new font thing in ch/trunk.15:56
ftanot much: http://paste.ubuntu.com/402454/15:58
ftabut it could stay beta forever, if that's what you mean15:58
ftaBUGabundo, ^^16:05
BUGabundoI read it16:05
BUGabundostill a lot for "a" beta16:05
ftait's a continuous channel, not a milestone based release scheme16:07
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
fta3 hours left for the world hour..16:09
BUGabundoNM PPA still has dhclient broken?16:10
ftano idea16:14
BUGabundoit is16:15
ftahm, i wonder if i should migrate from lzma to xz16:20
BUGabundodon't know xz16:20
BUGabundoI don't know how asac allowed DHCP and NM ppa to be broken for so long16:30
dupondjeguys, is it a bug that when I quote a message, it only quotes a part ?19:22
dupondjenot the full email, but only the last reply for example19:23
dupondjein thunderbird that is :)19:23
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundofta: what the hell .... did fonts changed in chromium or something ??22:40
fta16:56: <fta> i don't like the new font thing in ch/trunk.22:40
BUGabundomissed it22:41
BUGabundoonly noticed it now, that I expanded bookmarks22:41
mahfouzBUGabundo, don't worry about the fonts, get yourself the new borg clock instead: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BorgClock?content=12224123:10

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