
lamont-rwx------ 1 buildd root    550354944 Mar 26 21:59 livecd.edubuntu-dvd-ltsp-20100326.1-i386.squashfs01:07
lamontand 1.111 uploaded01:11
stgraberlamont: yeah ! thanks01:16
lamontstgraber: well, it was sorta ex-post-facto, but yeah01:22
lamontcurrent (20100326.1) has the bits, 0327 is building now01:22
stgraberlamont: did you get that build log ? (20100327)02:20
stgraber02:11:17 ERROR 403: Forbidden.02:20
lamontstgraber: somehow, I had the impression this was tested02:24
stgraberwell, that's very weird as I believe that part succeeded in the past didn't it ?02:25
lamontthe image is created mode 600 by mksquashfs - dunno if that's a recent change, but I doubt it02:26
stgraberhmm, that might explain some things ... in a real LTSP environment the process accessing the image is running as root so it wouldn't be an issue.02:27
* stgraber quickly looks at ltsp-update-image for a call to chmod02:27
lamontI added a chmod 64402:27
lamontmeanwhile, I chmodded the image02:29
stgraberI really hope that's the last time I have to ping you to fix things I broke this week ;) ... would be great if Edubuntu started to build as it's supposed to so I can get it tested and then focus on all these other things remaining on my Ubuntu todolist ... (release is getting really close now)02:30
lamontyeah - if someone wants to tickle just the ISO build, it should work this time - rebuilding the livefs won't right now, it'll 403 again02:31
slangaseklaunching an ISO build02:33
stgraberslangasek: thanks02:33

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