
CaesarKeybuk: in an Upstart world, what's most appropriate for something like Puppet to use to manipulate services?00:21
Caesarservice, or invoke-rc.d?00:21
ionstart for starting, stop for stopping, status for querying status.00:22
ionOr alternatively initctl start, initctl stop, initctl status (which do the same thing).00:23
Caesarion: that won't help for a system that has hybrid Upstart and legacy init scripts00:24
CaesarBut yes, for a fully Upstart world, I can see that being the case00:24
CaesarOh nice, they seem to work with non-upstart jobs as well00:26
* Keybuk laughs at libnih on OBS01:30
Keybuk"It duplicates much of glib for no (really) good reason."01:30
Keybukthat's, seriously, the package description01:30
sadmac2^^ I love it when wikipedians find subtle ways to inject their opinion (see image)03:09
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corecode_i'm wondering what the correct way is to start upstart jobs from a debian postinst hook18:57
corecode_i'm using "start mytask", but that hangs18:57
ionLet dh_installinit handle it.18:58
corecode_i'm on maemo, there is no dh_installinit that can deal with upstart18:58
corecode_at least as far as i can tell18:59
ionI’d suggest cherrypicking the change from Ubuntu.18:59
corecode_not really under my control :/18:59
ionPatches attached to bug trackers tend to be effective.19:00
corecode_i wouldn't even know where to look19:01
corecode_so, until such a change is in place, how would i start an upstart job?19:01
ionUbuntu’s installinit adds ‘start JOB || :’ to postinst. The hang you’re encountering needs to be debugged, though. Probably an issue with some ‘start on’ relation blocking.19:06
corecode_oh meh.  there is a "dh_installupstart" which is undocumented19:09
corecode_i just have "start on startup"19:11
ionAnd there’s no other job that has e.g. ‘start on starting YOURJOB and SOMETHINGELSE’?19:15
corecode_i think it also got started19:15
corecode_just start never returned19:15
corecode_very strange.19:23
corecode_start is running19:24
corecode_so, it will start it19:41
corecode_just it won't return19:41
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