
RobWI think I may have a firewall issue00:27
RobWTrying to figure out how.. I've completely somewhat *disabled* iptables00:27
RobWby allowing all connections to try and troubleshoot it..00:27
RobWI have a ventrilo server running in daemon mode on 3784, in vent I can see the server is available, yet when I try to connect it hangs on 'contacting server'00:28
RobWIf anyone has any ideas it'd be appreciated00:29
RobWforgot to set it up as TCP not UDP :>00:33
Appetitehow can i empty the trash bin as root? a few files in there require root access to delete, and i dont know the mount point of trash :p01:03
psycho_oreoshmm I can only think of a nasty hack, using gksu and thunar01:05
Appetiteany way that works :p01:05
psycho_oreosthink that idea would work :p you just get a lovely message saying that running as root is dangerous, yadda yadda yadda01:05
Appetiteeither trash via root isn't working, or it still hasn't loaded yet..01:06
Appetiteyeah its not working01:06
Appetiteno loading icon/mouse and  says 0 items in trash01:06
psycho_oreosno loading icon/mouse?01:07
Appetitei mean there is  no loading icon, and the mouse doesn't having the loading icon thing attached01:07
Appetitebasically i mean its done loading, yet its empty01:08
psycho_oreoslol dunno, I hardly use trash bin to be honest.. and like you said before there's no exact location mentioned where is trash.. the other way is to check via lsof and trace to the possible location01:09
psycho_oreosother than that I dunno why you delete stuff that belongs to root :)01:09
Appetiteit didn't belong to root, it was just in /usr/local/ and i hadn't changed permissions properly before deleting01:10
psycho_oreosand so you can't move the data out of the trash bin?01:10
Appetitehm i can try01:11
Appetiteis there a way to disable trash bin? i.e. - delete immidiately?01:11
psycho_oreosuse CLI like I do lol01:11
Appetiteseems i can't move them either01:15
Appetitetheres no documentation as to the mount point of trash? O,o01:16
psycho_oreosnot that I'm aware of but nothing that lsof can't resolve for this instance01:20
psycho_oreosits a CLI tool01:21
Appetite see that, but how do i use it ?01:21
psycho_oreosI'd probably have thunar open/running and have it displaying Trash contents (not root's trash but whatever the one you have stuff you want to delete) and then make lsof grep the various open files by thunar01:22
psycho_oreosthen there's another option I just thought of as well, strace01:23
Appetitelsof | grep 'trash'01:23
Appetitelsof | grep 'some item in trash' ?01:23
psycho_oreosin case grep thunar would probably be more appropriate01:23
Appetitehm k its running, sec01:24
Appetiteall points returned are /usr/lib/thunar*01:26
Appetitethunar* is thunar then something01:26
psycho_oreosprobably need to do strace then01:27
Appetitesame type thing? or different usage?01:27
psycho_oreosthere's a way to make strace point to the pid of the program and in which case thunar01:28
Appetiteah k01:28
Appetitehm how can i find the pid of thunar?01:29
Appetitepgrep 'thunar' is returning nothing01:29
psycho_oreosit might be listed as Thunar instead of thunar01:29
Appetiteay. lol01:30
Appetiteis the trash mount point :p01:31
psycho_oreoswell there you go01:32
Appetitehm. well01:32
Appetite /home/user/.local/share/Trash/info/ contains .trashinfo files01:33
Appetiteyet when i delete them01:33
Appetitethey reapper01:33
psycho_oreosyou probably need root perms01:33
psycho_oreos.trashinfo is probably autocreated by xfce :p01:34
Appetitewoops well they're gone now01:34
PingJockycan anyone confirm that there is no mono in xubuntu?02:50
m1ke_lhow can i replace xfwm with compiz?03:32
m1ke_li've replaced xfwm -daemon in xinitrc with compiz --repalce but each boot loads xfwm instead03:32
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
problematicsadhello,  the list given to me is network / multimedia / games etc -  But i know some installed programs are in other sections like "education" which doesnt appear  on "start menu of xubuntu"04:17
problematicsadwhat am i supposed to do to manipulate this default list, i have been trying to find how for 40 mins and i have no clue04:17
problematicsadany help will be appreciated.04:19
RobWrenice -20 is a higher priority than renice 20, right04:52
gotttofrom the man page you need a + value e.g renice +1 etc04:57
RobWIn 'top' is there a way to view if a process is running on both CPUs or just a single?04:58
RobWI looked @ taskset, its affinity mask is at 304:58
gotttoafaik top doesn't show how apps are threaded04:59
RobWso 0x00000003 = proc 0/104:59
RobWI guess I can just use that then04:59
Balsaqgood morning Lords of the Qode...05:06
Mariehi all07:12
Mariecan anyone help me to install xbuntu-desktop on genome 9.1007:12
bazhangsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:13
Mariedoesn't work07:13
bazhangsure it does07:13
bazhangcheck for typos07:14
Mariejust a minute07:14
Mariethak you bazhang07:14
Marieit works07:14
bazhangyou're welcome07:14
psycho_oreosany of you have random hangs with pidgin?07:16
bazhanguse xchat for irc07:17
psycho_oreosevery so often I see pidgin lagging (this doesn't happen frequently, like maybe 1 per day) the CPU usage is high and I had to kill it07:17
psycho_oreosyeah I'm actually using pidgin for msn mainly07:17
Mariewhich one is the best display manger07:17
Mariesuggestion guys07:17
psycho_oreosMarie, that's kinda like asking which car is the best07:17
Mariei have got kde and now xubuntu07:18
Mariei want to try if anything is best than these07:18
bazhangMarie, try one of the -offtopic channels, or #ubuntu-bots07:18
psycho_oreosthere is no `best', each one is built for different people07:18
Mariethank you07:19
Robert__what will the new xubuntu theme look like?08:27
lucas_hello guys09:57
lucas_i need help again :P09:57
lucas_i have no sound on my xubuntu10:00
_Techie_can you be more precise, have you tried anything?10:04
lucas_i only tried lshw -C sound10:04
_Techie_have you checked in your sound options to see if your soundcard is being detected?10:05
lucas_wait ill check10:06
_Techie_also check that its not muted10:06
lucas_yes its recognized10:07
lucas_as an oss mixer10:07
lucas_but not muted10:08
_Techie_have you chhecked its not muted?10:08
lucas_no, its not muted...10:08
lucas_wait i have two choice of sound card10:08
lucas_ill pick the other one...10:08
_Techie_in a terminal can you please run the command alsamixer and check that PCM is un muted10:08
Sysiisn't xfce-mixer frontend for alsamixer?10:09
lucas_no nothing is muted10:09
lucas_hello sysi :D10:11
lucas_i dont have soud on my youtube vids10:11
lucas_nothing is muted10:11
lucas_do you guys want to know my soundcard specs ?10:13
lucas_i fixed it10:21
lucas_heres the tip10:21
lucas_reboot without ANYTHIING connected to your computer ^^10:21
lucas_strange, but working10:21
_Techie_Sysi, in response to your earlier question about xfce-mixer being a frontend to alsamixer, yes it is but i believe there may be some options that dont exist in xfce-mixer10:37
Sysicould be10:47
_Techie_anyway, im gonna head to bed... cant be bothered figuring out whats causing the memory where my cursor is cached to play up10:51
_Techie_night Sysi10:51
mnemochi, anyone experiencing problems with thunar's file browser in 10.04? in just opened one can select files and open the context menu on them just fine, but if you select another directory the files list becomes untouchable13:42
bazhangmnemoc, #ubuntu+1 for lucid support13:44
mnemocbut that's for gnome users13:44
bazhangno its for everyone, kubuntu xubuntu etc13:44
mnemocand there is no xubuntu+1 channel :(13:44
mnemocgoing to ask there, thanks13:45
mr_pouitbug 52011813:50
mr_pouithmpf, no bot13:50
mr_pouitmnemoc: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/52011813:50
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mnemocmr_pouit: thanks14:05
JengistHow you doing?15:16
JengistMany people on here or is it better to look for help on #ubuntu?15:17
Sysialways worth a try, depending a bit about problem15:19
Jengistsuper low level stuff really. not xubuntu specific. video stuff15:22
JengistI'm just using Xubunu and #Ubuntu is so busy15:22
Jengistnot transcoding15:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
bazhanghere is a bit more quiet15:23
Jengistsorry man. anyway, just did an install and after selecting an OS in the grub screen, the display fades through a bunch of different colours15:23
Jengistbut doesn't actually boot15:24
charlie-tcaTry editing the line in the grub menu, removing splash and quiet15:25
JengistI'll give at a go right now15:25
charlie-tcaThen you can see if there are any error messages showing up15:25
Jengistso, delete all of "set quiet=1"?15:27
Jengistor set it to 0?15:27
charlie-tcawhere is that?15:27
charlie-tcaIn the grub screen, select the os, then hit 'e' to edit15:28
Jengistit's what comes up when I hit "e" to edit commands in the grub screen15:28
charlie-tcashould be the second or third line, hilight it, at the end of the line should be "quiet splash"15:28
Jengistshit! now I see. sorry man. gimme a sec15:28
charlie-tcaremove them15:28
charlie-tcathen read the lines at the bottom that tell how to boot, some are hit enter, some are Ctrl+b,15:29
Jengisthow do I save the edit?15:30
charlie-tcawhat's it say at the bottom?15:31
charlie-tcasomething to boot15:31
charlie-tcathis is a one time edit, for this boot. If it works, you will edit grub in the default install15:31
Jengistsome stuff flashed by while I was looking at the IRC and now the screen is slowly fading through purple.15:35
charlie-tcaokay, good15:35
Jengistit's settled on a split screen. purple on the left and black on the right15:35
charlie-tcathat is usually bad, at that point15:35
Jengistyep. looks bad15:36
charlie-tcaTry switching to a TTy, first try try Ctrl+Alt+F715:36
charlie-tcathen try Ctrl+Alt+F2, then Alt+F715:36
charlie-tcaThen try Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+k15:37
JengistThe fits one started some fan activity. the others did nothing15:37
charlie-tcamight be not ready to show gdm yet. The boots are a bit slower in lucid15:37
charlie-tcaOther menu items do boot?15:38
Jengistdidn't try memtest. should I?15:39
charlie-tcaDo you have any other os in the menu?15:39
Jengistnope. just a plain xubuntu install15:39
charlie-tcaYou could try recovery menu, then continue15:39
Jengistjust gave it a go15:40
charlie-tcaOr, better yet, recovery menu, select "fix broken packages", then continue15:40
Jengistsame thing again. green takes over the screen slowly then fades to purple15:40
charlie-tcathat's normal15:41
charlie-tcathat is part of plymouth or xsplash15:41
JengistOK so back to grub, recovery mode right?15:41
charlie-tcaIs this an NVidia video ?15:42
Jengistno idea what the video is. ahould I find out before proceeding?15:43
Jengistwell, I'm in the command edit area for recovery mode15:43
charlie-tcashould be a menu there?15:44
charlie-tcaselect fix broken packages15:44
Jengisthang on… I selected recovery mode and hit "e". no menu after that15:44
charlie-tcano, there won't be. for recovery menu, you just let it boot15:45
charlie-tcaYou have two systems there, right?15:46
Jengistbut when I try to boot in recovery, the screen just fades though some colours and then everything stops15:46
Jengist2 systems. yep15:46
charlie-tcaIf the recovery menu doesn't come up, then start again. remove quiet splash from the first entry15:46
charlie-tcaThen ssh in and see if the system is working15:46
Jengistremove quiet splash from the non-recovery mode OS right? recovery mode doesn't have those commands15:47
Jengistnah. no good. so how do I ssh in?15:49
charlie-tcain a terminal, ssh USER_NAME@IP of broken system15:50
charlie-tcaor ssh USER_NAME_IN_BROKEN_SYSTEM@hostname of broken system15:50
Jengistwell, both machines are plugged into the one router here so same IP right?15:51
Jengisthow do I get the IP?15:52
running_rabbit07are you using 192168.1.0?15:52
running_rabbit07ifconfig in a terminal15:52
running_rabbit07or netstat -r15:52
charlie-tcarunning_rabbit07: can't boot the machine15:52
running_rabbit07what about the one you are on15:53
charlie-tcawell, actually, can't get to gdm in the broken system15:53
charlie-tcaJengist: running_rabbit07 is right, netstart -r should tell you something15:53
running_rabbit07once you find what ip the system you are on is, we can find the network address and then the IP of the other machine15:55
running_rabbit07turn on the other machine and run nmap
running_rabbit07run the command from the working machine15:56
JengistStarting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-03-28 00:56 JST15:56
JengistNote: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -PN15:56
JengistNmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.73 seconds15:56
running_rabbit07did you turn the power on to the other machine first? If so it isn't booting far enough to use ssh15:57
JengistI never turned it off15:58
running_rabbit07it isn't booting far enough then15:58
Jengistyeah, just some fan noise right now15:58
running_rabbit07can you boot a LiveCD on it?15:59
running_rabbit07I just signed to see you were trying to ssh, I missed what was said before then, what happened?16:00
running_rabbit07to get where you are now?16:00
Jengistback now. hey man.16:01
Jengistjust did a plain xubuntu install16:01
running_rabbit07dual boot?16:01
Jengistgets to the grub menu but after selecting an OS, display just fades through a bunch of colours16:02
Jengistno. just linux16:02
running_rabbit07which version Karmic or Lucid?16:02
running_rabbit07the install didn't show any errors?16:03
running_rabbit07have you tried testing the CD when you first booted it?16:03
Jengistyes and the CD tested good16:04
running_rabbit07I don't know what else to try other than reatempting an install, anyone else have any ideas?16:06
charlie-tcaboot the live cd, get the debugging/bug report information from the broken system, and file a bug16:07
Jengista reinstall would have been my next step IF anything at all had seemed to go wrong with the installation process. I'll give it another go though16:07
JengistOK charlie16:07
charlie-tcaMight try another install using the alternate cd, if you are up to it16:07
JengistI AM using the alternate CD16:08
charlie-tcaoh, sorry16:08
JengistI'm up for it though16:08
charlie-tcaJust most people do with the desktop cd, and it screws the installs up, on some systems16:09
Jengistdude, I was expecting the headaches to be coming later. when I get it working, I want to try and switch the system to Japanese16:09
PlanetaryIf i edit a file in xubuntu what do I do? I did: sudo mousepad, edit teh text, save, then do I need to reboot? I didn't notice a change, but I didnt reboot. I changed my ati driver from vesa to radeon.16:10
charlie-tcayup, Planetary. You must reboot to change the video driver16:11
charlie-tcabut just changing it in mousepad won't really do it16:11
Jengistgonna go with charlie's idea of grabbing the debug info using the liveCD. thanks guys. spot ya later.16:11
charlie-tcaI don't think, anyway. Maybe it will16:11
charlie-tcagood luck, Jengist16:12
Jengistcheers mate16:12
Planetarycharlie-tca: why? I need to change a printer file and a driver file. I am helping someone. editing files is something im not familiar with. any help?16:12
charlie-tcaNormally, you install the hardware driver using Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers16:13
charlie-tcabut you will need to restart to change the driver, either way16:14
Planetaryyeah, this is an old ati radeon 7500. I dont want 3d just a fast 2d driver. hardware driver I dont think finds any. way back in 7.04 there was an easy graphic to change it. I wonder if i can install that frontend to change the driver like in 7.0416:25
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
PlanetaryI am running off of the live cd (9.04). it has windows xp on there only. Where can I find the 'my documents folder'. /media has nothing18:05
charlie-tcayou will need to mount the windows folders18:06
Planetaryits been a while where do i go to do that18:09
Planetaryim searching also18:09
Planetaryis this it  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/18:10
charlie-tcalooks right18:22
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302
lucas_hey sysi19:28
lucas_how are you19:28
Sysipretty well19:29
lucas_i finally had my sound working19:29
Sysithat's great19:29
lucas_the thing is you have to reboot without  nothing connected19:30
=== tuvok302Lappy is now known as tuvok302

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