
bencrisfordanyobody around?10:29
bencrisfordhighvoltage: hello?10:56
Tm_Tthere's always bodies around11:09
bencrisfordTm_T: :)11:13
=== Guest35943 is now known as joerg
joergis there a solution for regulating internet access for students?15:45
joergthe proprietary solution we have can do two things: you can (as a teacher) turn on and off the internet in a particular room15:45
joergand you can give network access codes to students which are valid for a certain amount of time15:46
bencrisfordjoerg: hmm, do you mean is there a solution that comes with edubuntu?15:50
joergI am just asking edubuntu people15:51
joergbecause they might know if there is anything :P15:51
bencrisfordjoerg: oh, ok :)15:51
joergI'm developing this portal / intranet solution for schools15:53
joergand I prefer to integrate existing solutions than making something new15:53
bencrisfordjoerg: by regulating internet access, do you mean the amount students use it, or what they use it for15:56
bencrisfordi.e. do you mean to stop them going on things like online games, or stop them using the internet too much?15:56
joergI just described what I mean, didn't I?15:58
bencrisfordjoerg: yes you did, but i didnt fully understand, sorry :S, i get confused easily :/15:58
joergturn on and off the internet15:59
bencrisfordok, i see :)15:59
joergthat doesn't mean filter things like online games :P15:59
bencrisfordno, it doesnt :P, i understand now ;)15:59
bencrisfordjoerg: i think that alot of tools that filter websites, also allow you to turn off and on the internet as you describe16:03
bencrisfordbut i dont know if any exist that just turn on/off the internet16:03
bencrisfordhighvoltage: did you get my email?17:05
highvoltagebencrisford: I did indeed!17:10
highvoltagebencrisford: yes, feel free to add items17:10
bencrisfordhighvoltage: ah ok great17:12
bencrisfordthere is a meeting this coming wednesday correct?17:12
bencrisfordam i correct?*17:13
highvoltagebencrisford: that is correct17:15
joerg_and is there some open source room booking solution?17:29
joerg_or resource booking in general?17:29
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=== Guest85874 is now known as nixternal
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i think i have fixed my first edubug since i re-installed ubuntu :D18:37
highvoltagebencrisford: which one is that?19:17
bencrisfordhighvoltage: its a typo in the kdeedu control file, but im getting errors when i debuild...19:21
bencrisfordi was gona start out with a really really simple bug, but this is being quite troublesome :(19:22
bencrisfordim getting these errors - http://pastebin.com/PQc1FwFk19:22
bencrisfordits looking for patchsys-quilt.mk but i dont have it19:23
bencrisfordeven though i have cbds installed19:23
bencrisfordhighvoltage: any ideas?19:23
highvoltagedid you do an apt-get build-dep kdeedu?19:23
bencrisfordi dont think so....19:24
bencrisfordis that the problem highvoltage ?19:24
highvoltageit could be, you might be missing a build dependency.19:24
bencrisfordhighvoltage: this is the first bug fix ive done completely solo19:24
bencrisfordbefore i had laserjock helping me out19:25
bencrisfordno way....19:28
bencrisfordnixternal fixed it an hour ago19:29
highvoltageheh :)19:29
bencrisfordi should have assigned it to myself straight away, but i wanted to make sure i could do it19:29
bencrisfordthat sucks :P19:29
highvoltagewhich one was that btw?19:29
nixternalbencrisford: ahh damn, I am sorry dude...I saw the email for the typo and just fixed it19:30
highvoltageoh right, yes19:30
bencrisfordnixternal: haha, its fine, the main thing is that its fixed19:30
bencrisfordand anyway, i got the educational value19:30
bencrisfordhighvoltage: btw, getting the build deps worked, i got a gpg error, but i guess thats unrelated19:31
bencrisfordso ty ;)19:31
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, that's normal if you don't have your gpg key set up and defined19:32
bencrisfordi set up a new one for my new installation today19:32
bencrisfordi couldnt remember the passphrase for my old one [embarrassed face], so i intend to find a way of de-activating it19:33
bencrisfordhighvoltage: how do i define my new one?19:34
highvoltagebencrisford: getting you a link...19:35
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i did everything i did last time i think19:36
bencrisfordits on my lp..  in my .bashrc19:36
highvoltagebencrisford: ah so you have DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME in your .bashrc?19:36
bencrisfordhighvoltage: no... :/19:37
highvoltagethen when you do the build command add -kyouremailaddress@blah.com19:37
highvoltagebencrisford: ok, add the following to your .bashrc:19:37
highvoltageexport DEBEMAIL="your.email@host.com"19:37
highvoltageexport DEBFULLNAME="First Last"19:37
bencrisfordexport GPGKEY=(key) - i have that line in there19:37
bencrisforddo i need that last one?19:37
highvoltageit's useful to have it there, the other devscripts such as dch and others use it too19:38
highvoltagebut it's not strictly necessary19:38
bencrisfordok, i think its all sorted19:39
bencrisfordat the bottom of my .bashrc i have:19:39
bencrisfordexport DEBEMAIL="bencrisford@blahblahblahh..."19:39
bencrisfordexport DEBFULLNAME="Ben Crisford"19:39
highvoltageok, then you'll either have to end your terminal session and start a new one or resource bash, or just paste that in your current terminal19:39
bencrisfordend terminal session?  u mean just close and open terminal?19:40
bencrisfordand source ~/.bashrc ?19:42
highvoltageyep, when you open a new one it would have been sourced already19:44
bencrisfordoh ok19:45
bencrisfordhighvoltage: if i apt-get source kdeedu again, will that overwrite my changes?19:45
highvoltagebencrisford: I believe so19:48
bencrisfordok ty19:48
bencrisfordhighvoltage: on my backup files i found a poster i made for edubuntu a few months ago20:17
bencrisfordthe poster is pretty useless, but the slogan-catchphrase thing i think is pretty neat20:18
bencrisford"Learn to love, and Love to Learn, with Edubuntu..."20:18
highvoltagebencrisford: cool!20:35
bencrisfordhighvoltage: is there a marketing team or anything for edubuntu?  because if not i think thats a major issue to be addressed20:48
bencrisfordwe cant get new contributors if no-one knows how much we need them20:48
highvoltagebencrisford: there was an advocacy team ons for that but it's been dead for a long time20:50
highvoltagebencrisford: it could do with revival20:50
bencrisfordhighvoltage: shall i add it to the agenda for wednesday?20:50
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, if you have a proposal or idea :)20:51
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i added a couple of marketing suggestions ;)20:55
bencrisforddiscussion about a team, or re-structuring old one, and maybe joint projects with other teams like the students team20:56
bencrisfordi think there are possibilities there that could be explored20:56
bencrisfordhighvoltage: in lucid, qcad doesnt appear in any menus21:50
bencrisfordand needs to be run from terminal unless you manually add it to the menu21:50
bencrisfordwhat would i change in order to fix this?21:50
bencrisfordis it debian/qcad.menu21:56
highvoltagebencrisford: sounds right21:56
bencrisfordthere is a bit in there saying section="Applications/Science/Engineering"21:56
highvoltagebencrisford: it probably doesn't get copied to the right directory or there's a problem somewhere in the .desktop file21:56
bencrisfordhighvoltage: but could it just be that it wants to be found in the science>engineering section21:57
bencrisfordwhich doesnt exist..21:57
bencrisfordat least by default anyway21:57
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highvoltagebencrisford: I think it would go into the most top-level section available21:58
bencrisfordscience is not a default menu21:59
highvoltagewe have science21:59
bencrisfordhighvoltage: we do but it is also a normal ubuntu package21:59
bencrisfordand i cant see it in science21:59
bencrisfordwhich means you are correct about it being a .desktop file?21:59
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i think i may have found something...22:03
bencrisfordhttp://pastebin.com/F43MWXzr - that is the contents of the desktop file22:04
bencrisfordmy gedit highlets the "Graphics" in red22:05
bencrisfordwhat does this mean?22:05
bencrisfordnixternal: dont suppose you happen to know what the red highlighting shown here means? - http://i44.tinypic.com/5vvyfs.png22:25
bencrisfordhighvoltage: did you see my screenie?22:33
bencrisfordthen "Graphics" is highlighted red, no-one seems to know what that means, but surely it suggests an error22:34
bencrisfordchanging it to "Accessories" gets rid of the highlighting22:34
bencrisfordbut reentering graphics makes it come22:34
bencrisfordanyway, i need to go, later ;)22:35
nixternalbencrisford: for gedit no, for vim that would mean either it is misspelled, or that Graphics isn't a valid category22:35
bencrisfordnixternal: ah ok22:35
bencrisfordas i said to highvoltage, Accessories does not get this highlighting22:36
bencrisfordso it could be that in .desktop files Graphics has a different id?22:36
bencrisfordim off for the night though22:37
highvoltagebencrisford: no idea, you'll probably find it in the rules for the gedit highlights22:37
highvoltageok, goodnight!22:37
bencrisfordhighvoltage: geser suggested checking the .desktop specifications22:37
bencrisfordi will do tommorrow22:37
bencrisfordnight all22:38

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