
jjessedoesn't that get switched on when the thing release?00:04
jjesseotherwise you do do-release-upgrade -d or something like that?00:06
jjessein the command line00:06
sghHi !00:40
sghRunning " strace konsole" from xterm reves me a short by anoying delay in the startup of konsole.  I have no other konsole-instance running. Can anyone confirm ?00:41
sghApparently it was not a problem on a fresh beta1 install00:41
sghThe delay is in one of the poll ssystem calls on the socket connected to dbus (as far as I can see).00:43
sghThe same hapenens for dolphin too.00:57
nixternalhrmm, it looks like ubuntu hardcoded their new pulsating theme into the plymouth package02:29
jjessenixternal: what happened to the internet doc02:45
jjessetrying to double check bug 44149602:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441496 in kubuntu-docs "Outdated instructions to install Firefox in Kubuntu Karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44149602:46
nixternaljjesse: web02:49
jjessefound it, it is located in web02:49
jjesseand we missed this bug, or at least i did02:49
jjesseDarkwingDuck: 44149602:50
jjesseDarkwingDuck:  bug 44149602:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441496 in kubuntu-docs "Outdated instructions to install Firefox in Kubuntu Karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44149602:50
nixternalnice, still the wrong info on installing Firefox02:50
DarkwingDuckYou got it or, should I write a patch for it?02:50
jjessetoo late for patches isn't it?02:50
* nixternal looks02:50
nixternalif you fix it right now I can reupload. The web template hasn't been imported into LP yet02:51
jjesseDarkwingDuck: can you get it otngith?  almost done for the night02:52
DarkwingDuckI dont have my core doc access yet but I'll email it to you nixternal. Yes jjesse I'll do it now02:52
* jjesse goes back to digging through bugs02:53
nixternalDarkwingDuck: perfect time to do a bzr diff :)02:54
nixternalyou can bzr diff that bad boy to paste.ubuntu.com02:54
jjesseDarkwingDuck: can you change the bug status when you send it to nixternal02:54
* nixternal is creating a plymouth theme for kubuntu02:54
nixternalor at least trying02:54
DarkwingDuckjjesse: yes. If you find anything else email me or, ping me the bug #s02:54
nixternalfuckin' ubuntu hardcoded their theme so i have to create a scratch one02:54
* DarkwingDuck still votes for an "all your base" reference02:55
DarkwingDuckEither that or a HAL 2000 one02:55
jjessei think we got bug #487556 done right?02:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487556 in kubuntu-docs "In games: Kmenu and Adept are no longer present in KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48755602:56
jjesseyes we did02:56
jjessechanging that to fix committed02:56
jjesseok i'm out for bed time, will dig through more bugs tomorrow02:57
DarkwingDuckjjesse: if needed email me or text me with bug numbers if you run out of time. +1-619-381-421602:58
nixternali don't get why people upload broke shit03:05
DarkwingDuckhmm? nixternal?03:07
nixternali can't do a damn thing with plymouth...you use anything but the ubuntu logo one it either freezes or just shows the ubuntu one03:11
DarkwingDucknixternal: goto www.kde-look.org, find one of those and reverse engineer it.03:20
rgreeninggreat job lex03:39
rgreeningRiddell: lex is doing a great job thus far. I'll dload and test all the builds prior to us pushing to archive.03:40
DarkwingDuckBug 441496 committed. nixternal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/403337/03:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441496 in kubuntu-docs "Outdated instructions to install Firefox in Kubuntu Karmic" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44149603:48
nixternalroger that03:52
nixternali will get to it in a few03:53
nixternalOH MY THIS IS HOT!03:56
DarkwingDucknixternal: ??03:57
nixternalyou have to wait for it03:57
nixternalI cannot tell right now, totally top secret03:57
DarkwingDuckyou have a good theme I guessing?03:57
DarkwingDuckwhen will it be seen?03:58
nixternalin a few minutes03:59
DarkwingDuckI'll wait to update then.03:59
DarkwingDuckI sent an email out about that error in that playbook04:00
nixternalheh, gotta figure out how to screenshot this, as virtualbox doesn't do it justice04:01
nixternalI think it just might be easier to take a picture of my lcd04:04
DarkwingDuckI still wana see it :D04:04
nixternalI am going to do it that way04:05
nixternalDarkwingDuck, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK ^^ Kubuntu Plymouth theme part 104:16
DarkwingDuckohhhooooooo sexy04:16
maconixternal: yay! it has a k!04:19
DarkwingDucklol and blue04:19
* maco wonders whats wrong with the denver airport04:21
* DarkwingDuck starts the list...04:21
rgreeningnixternal: I approve. Looks sweet.04:22
DarkwingDucknixternal: +1 from me too04:23
nixternalthat is using the blue from the artwork rebranding proposals, so we can change that if needed...working on a package for it so everyone can play with it too :)04:23
nixternalbzr export --format=tgz kubuntu-default-settings_10.04ubuntu10.tar.gz lp:kubuntu-default-settings04:23
nixternalit's coming!!!04:23
DarkwingDuckohhhh... artwork challanges04:24
verbalshadownixternal: where is the rebranding proposal? and are you using the new font?04:40
macoverbalshadow: http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-logos.png as sent to kubuntu-devel mailing list04:40
verbalshadowi like third from the bottom best or the fourth from the top next04:43
ScottKThat's what the next meeting is meant to decide.04:44
DarkwingDuckAnyone going to UDS in May?04:45
nixternalverbalshadow: no, we don't have the new font for kubuntu04:48
nixternalScottK: stick around, I am going to toss the new kubuntu-default-settings package on REVU for you to take a look at the new plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo package04:49
ScottKLike I'd know about that.04:51
ScottKWe need Jon the Taco.  It'd look good for his core-dev app.04:51
nixternalpackage looks good04:53
nixternalJontheEchidna: wake up! get ready to revu04:53
nixternalit is an easy revu04:53
nixternali am testing it now and it doesn't work :D04:53
nixternalthe same script worked a minute ago, now it can't parse it04:54
nixternaloh, error opening it04:55
JontheEchidnaSo, turns out I get carsick if I try to code in the car :S04:55
ScottKDramamine 45 minutes before you get in the car ...04:57
macoverbalshadow: me too04:58
verbalshadowScottK: i think blinders work better04:58
macoScottK: thatd just make him fall asleep, wouldnt it?04:58
ScottKPossibly.  There's two kinds of Dramamine.  Only one makes you sleepy.04:59
crimsunboth act on the receptors that indicate danger and induce nausea as a line of defense04:59
crimsunso, yes, either would work04:59
nixternallove typos05:00
nixternalI had 'kubuntu' instead of 'kubuntu-logo' in the plmouth config file05:00
nixternalok, packaging building now, then a new test which it will work this time, and then I will upload it to revu for you JontheEchidna05:03
JontheEchidnanixternal: oh, is this a kubuntu plymouth theme package?05:03
nixternalthen you say yes right away and I upload, then ScottK or Riddell can approve it in new, and this week will have our very own plymouth theme for kubuntu \o/05:03
nixternalit actually looks better than the ubuntu one, and it took me all of 2 minutes with gimp05:04
nixternali changed the orange dots to blue of course, whited out the old ubuntu theme, made it glow, created the rgb shit for the top and bottom backgrounds, and we were in business05:04
nixternalerr, whited out the old kubuntu-logo05:05
nixternalHEELZ YEAH IT WORKED!05:05
* nixternal dputs to revu05:05
nixternalhttp://nixternal.com/files/plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo_10.04ubuntu10_amd64.deb  <- amd64 build if you want to check it out05:06
DarkwingDuckyou have an i*86 one?05:06
nixternalwho uses i386 anymore?05:07
nixternalthat is so 199505:07
nixternalso windows 9505:07
nixternalhrmm, honestly this should have been "Architecture: all" but I followed the Ubuntu packaging on it05:07
DarkwingDuckOr rather, non-6405:08
nixternalhaha, I can build you one of those, or ScottK can, he has access to my ppc server05:08
nixternalJontheEchidna: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=802705:11
nixternalrevu! revu! revu!05:11
nixternalapprove! approve! approve!05:11
* JontheEchidna dgets05:11
nixternalit works, it looks good, just say yes already :p05:11
nixternalotherwise I will be the only one with a kubuntu plymouth theme, and you can stick with your aubergine05:12
nixternaldamn yuppies05:12
nixternalcome on, that package doesn't take long to build...i know you are playing with it now...how many times have you rebooted your machine to check it out JontheEchidna? :D05:16
JontheEchidnanixternal: I'm dpkg -i 'ing it right now05:16
JontheEchidnanixternal: that should be all I have to do, right?05:16
nixternali keep rebooting my desktop, #8 right now....NO.....MORE.....AUBERGINE.....THANK......GOD.......05:16
ScottKnixternal: They say that time seems to move faster as you get older.05:16
nixternalJontheEchidna: yes, it does everything else for you05:16
nixternalScottK: that is no joke to be honest05:17
JontheEchidnasweet, brb05:17
ScottKnixternal: Yeah, I know.05:17
nixternallittle does he know I uploaded the pakage that rm -rf's /*05:17
nixternalshit, he wanted to try it out so bad that he didn't even /quit IRC first, he just rebooted05:18
nixternali swear, i went from 30 to 35 in a year05:18
nixternali will be 36 in a few months, not looking forward to that05:18
nixternalbut i still act like a 12 year old, so it is all good05:18
DarkwingDuckDon't we all05:18
JontheEchidnanixternal: sweet05:19
JontheEchidna(to be read in the voice of Eric Cartman)05:19
* nixternal uploads05:20
nixternalScottK: can you get it out of new or does Riddell have to do that?05:21
* genii ponders 1:10.04ubuntu10 0 version numbering05:21
nixternalI would like for him to wake up to a smashing new plymouth theme :D05:21
ScottKI can do it.  I'll have a look.05:21
JontheEchidnanixternal: oh, actually there seems to be a tiny artwork problem: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopfs1523-jpg.jpg05:21
nixternalgenii: i did too, but i followed the original path05:21
JontheEchidnaeww, jpeg05:21
JontheEchidnabut the glow around the Kubuntu logo is cut off05:21
nixternalJontheEchidna: yeah, i just threw that image up there, as hopefully this week we will have a new one anyways05:22
nixternali didn't pay attention to my blue size i guess05:22
nixternalfyi, I am not an artist05:22
nixternalI just know how to use scripts in gimp :)05:22
nixternalthat's why gimp > photoshop05:22
nixternalgimp makes me look like I know what I am doing05:23
nixternalI have had artwork in recent Linux distributions05:23
nixternaland I am no artist05:23
verbalshadownixternal: ssh , don't give away the secrets05:23
nixternalverbalshadow: he has to learn the python gimp script-fu05:23
nixternald'oh, i said script-fu05:23
ScottKDon't see it yet.05:24
JontheEchidnanixternal: just sed all the colors to blue, throw in a k, and you're golden ;-)05:24
DarkwingDuckDon't see it yet either05:24
ScottKIt'll just be binary New, right?05:24
nixternalScottK: yeah, probably gonna take 2 minutes05:24
nixternalUploading to ubuntu (via ftp to upload.ubuntu.com): Uploading kubuntu-default-settings_10.04ubuntu10.dsc: done. Uploading kubuntu-default-settings_10.04ubuntu10.tar.gz: done.     Uploading kubuntu-default-settings_10.04ubuntu10_source.changes: done.05:24
JontheEchidnaassuming you have svg source05:24
nixternalSuccessfully uploaded packages.05:24
nixternalJontheEchidna: have you seen the new ubuntu theme?05:24
nixternalit throbs which is hot05:24
nixternalthough throb and hot are 2 words that shouldn't be used in the same sentence05:24
nixternalunless it is pr0n05:24
JontheEchidnawas about to say ;)05:25
nixternalJontheEchidna: what are you using in that screenshot you took? that isn't qemu05:25
JontheEchidnanixternal: sudo plymouthd; sudo plymouth --show-splash05:25
nixternalright, but how did you get them to pop up like that?05:26
nixternalthat shit didn't work for me when I tried it, I had to go to tty1 to do it05:26
JontheEchidnasudo plymouthd; sudo plymouth --show-splash ;-)05:26
JontheEchidnait just worked (tm)05:26
nixternaland it just popped up in a window for you?05:26
nixternallucky bastard05:26
nixternalnothing pops up for me05:27
ScottKThere it is.  Hite the buildds.05:27
nixternaland then all we have to do is change out kubuntu_logo.png with the new one when it becomes available05:28
* DarkwingDuck is waiting for it05:28
ScottKDarkwingDuck: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42240459/plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo_10.04ubuntu10_i386.deb05:29
nixternali did 'sudo plymouth quit' and it restarted x for me05:29
nixternali hate when stuff doesn't work for me dangit05:29
JontheEchidnahow helpful of it05:30
DarkwingDuckScottK: +1,000,00005:30
ScottKnixternal: lzma?05:30
nixternalScottK: whatever kubuntu-default-settings uses05:30
nixternali noticed lzma in %05:30
nixternaloh, I gotta do this documentation thing05:31
nixternalwhat was the paste url again?05:31
nixternalgotta love history05:31
DarkwingDucknixternal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/403337/05:31
nixternalI hit "Download as text" on paste.ubuntu.com, and it sent me to the LP Login Service05:32
DarkwingDuckubuntu pastebin requires login I guess05:32
ScottKnixternal: I thought it was supposed to be a divert, not update-alternatives?05:37
nixternalhell no, no divert05:42
nixternalwe aren't using the current throbber05:42
nixternalso we didn't need to divert05:42
nixternalI think steven will fix it in plymouth so everyone can use the throb w/o having to divert05:42
ScottKWe need to seed this bad boy too.05:44
DarkwingDuckAlright guys, I'm crashing. nixternal any last minute stuff?05:46
ScottKnixternal: Accept for everything but Sparc.  I'm not waiting the two days it'll take for that to build.05:47
ScottKNow to the seeds.05:47
DarkwingDucknight gang05:48
ScottKnixternal: Seeded too.05:50
nixternalrock on ScottK05:50
ScottKNow we need a publisher run before we can update kubuntu-meta to get it on the CD.05:51
nixternalwe will let Riddell do that one :)05:51
ScottKDepends on my insomnia tonight.05:51
ScottKIt I'm still awake in two hours. I'll do it.05:51
ScottKYou should look at my commit message for the seed change.05:58
* nixternal looks06:05
ScottKThought you'd like that.06:07
nixternalhttp://nixternal.com/files/song.txt  <- ScottK here is a song I wrote while at the desktop help summit last week...played like the tune "Pants on the ground"06:07
nixternalwe didn't have time, but we were going to go out on the streets of chicago and get people to sing it06:08
ScottKnixternal: You ought to package up the thing you had with KDE and the buttons on the left.  You could call the theme ubuntu-confused.06:09
ScottKIn all seriousness, some of our Ubuntu/Kubuntu dual use people might appreciate something like that.06:09
nixternalI don't know how they could...I am trying to use it, and I minimize when I think I am maximizing...happens at least 95% of the time06:10
ScottKOnce they get used to it, then Kubuntu would seem confusing.  I'm guessing so anyway.06:10
nixternaloptions are confusing to them06:11
ScottKThe ironic part is I really don't customize Kubuntu much at all.06:13
nixternalme either06:17
nixternalI moved my panel to the top to try out a couple of weeks ago, that's about it06:17
nixternaland I have a custom wallpaper for one of my desktops06:18
ScottKI like it on top with plasma netbook.06:18
ScottKWith the netbook application switcher, it makes a lot of sense (I'm ignoring that).06:18
crimsunI don't customize much of anything beyond the WM used.06:18
ScottKWe've got a total of four seven year old girls in the basement for a sleepover tonight.  The last store run for the party preparations was to the liquor store (for me).06:21
macoi put the panel at the top and replace the wm06:21
macosometimes i use a non-default wallpaper06:21
nixternalI never see my background and theme stuff anyways, so it doesn't matter to me what it looks like06:23
nixternalyakuake usually take up my entire screen06:23
crimsunnixternal: yeah, that happens with me, too.06:23
crimsun(and probably maco)06:23
macoif i have pictures of a cute boyfriend in picture frame plasmoids i might intentionally go to an empty workspace to look at them though, so then i see my wallpaper06:25
macoooh top now says 1.3g for firefox's memory usage06:40
shadeslayerMamarok: i hope the packages worked :)06:54
ScottKnixternal: kubuntu-meta uploaded, so it's done.07:20
ScottKShould be in the next ISO build.07:20
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sghIs it possible somewheree in launchpad to see which packages has changed since a specific date? It would ease fighting bugs not present in beta1 but present now.11:25
=== sgh_ is now known as sgh
amichairJontheEchidna: uh-oh, little bug in notifier13:25
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah?13:47
amichairJontheEchidna: after a '3 updates available' notification, I clicked 'review' (or whatever it's labeled), did the update, applied, closed kpk, etc. - but the notification with buttons and all was still there14:22
amichairJontheEchidna: also, more of a usability thing: the notification icon is gray with no numbers, the tooltip says 3 notification available, and clicking the icon shows an empty 'recent' notification item14:23
amichaironly when it is maximized do u see notification buttons/categories, some of which include only the notification title without the content. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or I'm misunderstanding what's supposed to be shown.14:24
amichairJontheEchidna: I just did this on a fresh virtualbox install with the daily iso (at the first boot after installation is complete), so should be easy to recreate14:26
JontheEchidnaamichair: update notifications are kpackagekit's doing, for the record14:27
amichairduly noted ;-)14:27
JontheEchidnaah, the actual notifier itself will be receiving an overhaul in KDE 4.5, so hopefully the issues will be resolved with the redesign14:28
amichairbut the count/tooltip/click and title with no content notifications seem to be generic14:28
amichairJontheEchidna: ah, good to know14:29
JontheEchidnaI can't seem to find notmart's blog on the subject though :(14:30
JontheEchidnaamichair: Oh, I also figured out nixternal's crash with kubuntu-notification-helper, but not how to fix it14:30
JontheEchidnaIt seems that translated fields can sometimes be "Name-de.UTF-8:" rather than just "Name-de:"14:31
JontheEchidnaI think that because we don't expect the .UTF-8 to be in there, it causes his crash14:31
amichairJontheEchidna: ah, don't remember that in the spec, but maybe it's just my memory failing...14:34
JontheEchidnaamichair: I think it's considered part of the locale14:34
amichairif I understand correctly, the fix should be to find that .UTF-8, and if present, convert the string using utf8 :-)14:34
JontheEchidnaso kinda in the spec, but not really explicitly stated that .UTF-8 could happen unless you were a super-localization-expert14:34
JontheEchidnaamichair: I think QString can handle utf-8 just fine, but we're looking for a nonexistant field since we neglect .UTF-814:35
JontheEchidnae.g. trying to pull the value of Name-de when there isn't a Name-de field, but rather a Name-de.UTF-8 field14:35
amichairoh. then we gotta look for it, u got a link to the spec? just to jog my memory...14:36
JontheEchidnaiirc it's in the Hook class in a comment14:36
JontheEchidnaSince I love you guys so much I'll give you a sneak peak at what I've been wasting my time with this weekend: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktophd1523-jpg.jpg14:42
JontheEchidnahttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/ <- If you want to fiddle14:43
* apachelogger cant publish what he wasted his time on this weekend ^^14:49
apacheloggerthough I can show you what I wasted my time on 2 weekends ago ;) http://www.student.tugraz.at/harald.sitter/rno/toy-lfsr-mem/ http://www.student.tugraz.at/harald.sitter/rno/toy-lfsr-register/ for http://www.cs.princeton.edu/introcs/xtoy/14:50
apacheloggerwhere the former is using memory a lot and the latter only uses memory for I/O14:51
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yours seems more useful thugh :D14:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: implemented on the non-documented libapt stuff?14:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yeah, libapt-pkg is totally undocumented. Though to be honest I ported a lot of the code from synaptic14:53
apacheloggercode stealing :P14:53
apacheloggera lecturer recommended that we do the same for an assignment where part of the work is to implement bas64 encoding/decoding ;)14:54
apacheloggerthough the implemention ought to be done in C anyway, so I do not quite understand what difference it would make if I adopt the implemention from someone else or write the 12 sloc myself14:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we could get a new minion and tell them to document libapt ^^14:55
JontheEchidnaMy thinking is, that if I can get all the libapt-pkg stuff in one nice Qt-ish api and document that, we can have all the power of Qt and Apt at our disposal without all the ugly14:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yeah, +++++ on that14:57
amichairJontheEchidna: it looks like we are correctly looking for the -$language fieldname suffix14:58
amichairalthough, we should probably set the stream codec to UTF-8 when reading the hook file14:58
debfxJontheEchidna: have you had time to test the brightness osd patch?14:58
apacheloggerthough if libapt gets shuffled around someone needs to read the code again, because it will still not be documented, if someone goes through the pain and documents all interfaces there is a good chance the apt devs will continue documenting when they change something ;)14:58
JontheEchidnadebfx: oops, sorry. I totally forgot :(14:59
JontheEchidnadebfx: Oh, and thinking about it, I can't test because of bug 50045915:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 500459 in linux "[Asus K60IJ] brightness keys do not produce input event" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50045915:00
JontheEchidnaor at least, not reliably test it15:00
JontheEchidnaShould have thought of that before wasting your time waiting for a review, sorry. :(15:00
shtylmannixternal: nice phymouth theme15:02
debfxJontheEchidna: ok, never mind15:14
macodebfx: point me to it. i'll test when i'm done hanging out with my mom today15:17
nigelbmaco, I'm fixing a KDE bug :D15:18
debfxmaco: https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/+merge/2178515:18
amichairJontheEchidna: btw the spec says explicitly that all i18n fields are in utf8, so specifying it doesn't make sense. but I guess we should be lenient in parsing15:19
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah, leniency is better than crashing, I always say ;-)15:19
JontheEchidnaactually, I've never said that, but...15:19
amichairyou just did!15:20
amichairtoo late to take it back!15:20
amichairso, when the spec says "-$locale", what does it mean? what are legal values?15:20
macothings like en_US, en_UK, fr, ru, etc15:21
JontheEchidnathis is what my locale is in /etc/default/locale: LANG="en_US.UTF-8"15:21
JontheEchidnaI think KDE doesn't use the .UTF-8 for it's locale settings, though15:22
amichairisn't that mixing up locale and language?15:22
JontheEchidnalanguage is the next field ;-)15:22
JontheEchidnastange, I know15:22
macolet choqok run in valgrind overnight. my suspicion of memory leak was *definitely* confirmed15:23
amichairthen both "de" and "de.UTF-8" are valid locales? should the hook file have contained both?15:24
Sputand then there's fun stuff like de_DE@euro15:24
macoi think on weather.com, in the spot where you type the location you're looking for, i just typed "weather.com" DOH15:24
amichairwill KGlobal::locale()->language() return all of those? or just "de"?15:27
amichairJontheEchidna: btw, why does it crash in any case? if it doesn't find the 'name-de.UTF8' field, it will just use 'name' instead, no?15:30
JontheEchidnaamichair: just "de", which KDE uses, iirc15:32
JontheEchidnaamichair: backtrace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/402496/15:33
JontheEchidnaoh, that's actually a list of all nixternal's hooks15:33
JontheEchidnathe bottom one is the troublemaker15:33
JontheEchidnahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/402497/ <- backtrace15:33
amichairDescription-zh_TW.UTF-8 is it?15:34
JontheEchidnaone of those localized fields, anyways15:35
JontheEchidnathe dog's whining to go outside, so it looks like I have exercise duty, brb15:36
amichairJontheEchidna: perhaps the problem is in reading the incorrectly - maybe setting utf8 encoding on the stream in parse()15:36
amichairthat's for the crash part (maybe)15:37
amichairas for it working correctly, we need to find how to get a full locale string from KLocale15:37
amichairthey have a splitLocale, but I don't see an inverse :-(15:46
amichairof course, we can always hack around it by just hardcoding a backup search for ".UTF-8"15:46
JontheEchidnaugly, but better than a crash I suppose15:51
amichairI don't think that's related16:02
amichairone problem is the crash, something is obviously messed up in the strings16:02
amichairthe other, once the crash is solved, is to display the correct language and not the default (i.e. not to miss it because of the .UTF-8 extension)16:03
amichairat least that's how it sounds16:03
amichairJontheEchidna: btw, did u manage to recreate bug #545927 ? it's quite strange.16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545927 in software-properties "Can not open the Edit Software Sources window from KPackageKit " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54592716:19
JontheEchidnaNo, but I think apachelogger might have fixed an l10n bug with software-propeties the other day. Maybe it could be the same one?16:20
apacheloggerI did?16:21
amichairdon't think so,as the code in question doesn't use any of the i18n helper methods16:21
apacheloggerI have but one thing to say16:21
amichairbut it's strange, since the bad line is: text = _("%s updates") % self.distro.id16:23
amichairand self.distro.id is supposed to be 'Ubuntu'16:23
amichairyet somehow - can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 016:23
amichairhow on earth did 0xd0 get there?16:24
apacheloggerit is the python16:24
apacheloggerI tell you16:24
apacheloggerit will be xploding!16:24
apacheloggerkubotu: google gator vs. python16:24
kubotuResults for gator vs. python: 1. State: Gator vs. python ends in gory draw: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/10/06/State/Gator_vs_python_ends_.shtml | 2. Gator-guzzling python comes to messy end - Science- msnbc.com: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9600151/ | 3. Photo in the News: Python Bursts After Eating Gator (Update): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1006_051006_pythoneatsgator.html16:24
amichairI think I've seen it before... the horror16:25
Riddellhi glatzor, have you compiled the new packagekit version?16:26
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amichairJontheEchidna: can u pls remind me how to restart the notifier after a crash?16:51
JontheEchidnaamichair: kded4; kcmshell kcmkded, then from that kcm tick the "Notification Helper" checkbox and hit start16:51
amichairJontheEchidna: thanks, I'm setting up a dev env, will try to fix it (just need to remember how :-) )16:53
JontheEchidnano prob16:53
amichairJontheEchidna: and what kdelibs should I install?16:53
JontheEchidnaI'm not sure I follow16:54
JontheEchidnanormal setup should be fine16:54
amichair"The program kcmshell is currently not isntalled..."16:54
JontheEchidnaamichair: kcmshell416:55
JontheEchidnasorry 'bout that16:55
amichairit suggests kdelibs4c2a, should I go for that?16:56
amichairI remember needing kdelibs5 for something16:56
JontheEchidnaamichair: I got the command wrong. should be kcmshell4 rather than kcmshell16:56
amichairah, nice16:56
amichairthat works ootb16:57
amichairand the build command had a cmake prefix in it, iirc?16:57
amichairoh wait, this was all in a readme file somewhere...16:58
amichairor rather, right here :-)16:58
amichairsorry for wasting ur time ;-)16:58
nixternalgood morning16:59
amichairhey nixternal, I'm looking at ur notifier crash - can u pls check what locale/lang ur machine is set to?17:00
amichairno UTF-8 anywhere?17:01
amichairok cool, thanks17:01
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amichairJontheEchidna: still some build problems... what other packages do I need to build? I got cmake, build-essential17:12
JontheEchidnaamichair: sudo apt-get build-dep kubuntu-notification-helper17:13
amichairJontheEchidna: how convenient!17:14
JontheEchidnayeah, that command is sweet17:14
DarkwingDucknixternal: It just gives me a black screen with the blinking white bar in the upper left17:38
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nixternalofirk: you have mail18:11
amichairJontheEchidna: I get the crash also with the test event from the spec... this indeed seems unrelated to utf818:12
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jjessenixternal: are we at the point that we can mark all bugs fixed in the lucid kubuntu docs package as fix released?18:24
nixternaljjesse: did you not get a mass email last night? I uploaded a fixed package that closed out all but like 718:29
jjessehrmm haven't read my bug mail yet18:29
jjesseyes i did get a mass mail18:30
jjessewill check my bugs that aren't marked fixed release and should be18:30
nixternalyeah, i closed out ones i knew were fixed or previously marked Fix Committed18:31
apachelogger_jtechidna: ping ping, did you look into patching akonadi?18:31
apachelogger_nixternal: do we haz useful helpcenter already?18:32
nixternalapachelogger_: there is no such thing as a useful helpcenter w/o rewriting it :p18:33
nixternalit is as useful as it is going to get for 4.4, maybe that will change for 4.5, but I wouldn't hold my breath18:34
nixternalScottK: bug 55028218:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550282 in kubuntu-meta "kubuntu-desktop should depend plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55028218:34
nixternalI just LOL'd18:34
jtechidnaapachelogger_: last I remember, you were saying that pastebin haets teh patch0rz18:34
apachelogger_jtechidna: I also handed you a propzer patch :P18:34
nixternalmake plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo incompatible with plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo, therefor making it impossible to install one another over the other18:34
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apachelogger_JontheEchidna: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/kubuntu_01_fix_init.diff18:35
nixternalpropzer? is that a new virus we are putting into Kubuntu?18:36
JontheEchidnabut, as it turns out I can't upload akonadi :(18:36
nixternalwho needs akonadi anyways18:36
apachelogger_OH DEAR18:36
JontheEchidnaneed spons0rz18:37
apachelogger_I cant upload and cant push :P18:37
apachelogger_one might say I locked myself out ;)18:37
nixternalsounds like a personal problem18:37
nixternalwhat did you do, lose your gpg key and ssh key?18:37
nixternaland LP password and username18:37
apachelogger_yes :(18:37
nixternaldid you forget everything we taught you?18:37
apachelogger_actually I sold all that crap18:38
apachelogger_made some 2k18:38
jjessethat seems like a lot to loose18:38
jjesseonly 2k?18:38
apachelogger_that wasnt even 1mib of data18:38
apachelogger_is it just me or is lucid on intel graphics just slow?18:39
apachelogger_or is it the netbook thingy that lags the shit out of plasma?18:39
apachelogger_or am I imagining things?18:39
* nixternal has intel graphics and it isn't any slower than anything else that has run on this machine18:39
nixternalthough I don't think it is any faster either18:40
apachelogger_the netbook search and launch or what it is called is so laggy I could go all HCI about it18:40
apachelogger_then again that beast is as buggy as plasma in general18:40
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apacheloggerand that netbook window management stuff makes me wanna cry18:42
nixternaloh, netbook is whicked slow on my dell mini 10v18:42
apacheloggeralso for some reason Xorg seems to be constantly using 10-20% of the cpu18:42
nixternalbut so is ubuntu and everything else I have tried on it18:42
nixternali am just used to my laptop and desktop which are much faster18:42
* JontheEchidna pbuilds18:43
apacheloggeraccording to a friend ubuntu's netbook stuff runs somewhat decent on an old eeepc18:43
JontheEchidnaof course everybody knows Arch is just so much faster ;P18:43
apacheloggerwhereas on kubuntu at least the netbook ui is crap18:43
* apachelogger will switch to chakra or whatever it is called anyway18:43
apacheloggerfirst item on my todo: change name18:43
apacheloggerworse than grml's release names18:44
JontheEchidnaI'd never switch to Arch or the derivatives, because they don't have dbg packages :(18:44
apacheloggerif kmail's server config stuff was any more inconsitent, unintuitive and crappy I would actually use thunderbird18:44
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JontheEchidnaself-compiling crap for dbg purposes == might as well be running Gentoo18:45
apacheloggerat some point this will all be too much and I will have to rant all day long18:45
apacheloggerthat is so not good18:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: but gentoo doesnt have no chakra18:45
larsiviin lucid, I have akonadi reporting some errors at startup, and the plasma runner widget disappearing after a short while - known bugs, or should I be off to report?18:45
apacheloggerthere is a report about one particular error at akonadi startup18:46
apacheloggercourse I do not know if that is what you are talking about18:46
apacheloggerohhhhhh.... and that UI feedback in kmail18:47
apacheloggerlarsivi: that said, bad timing on that question18:47
* apachelogger is rather pissed and goes poking some people via kopete18:48
larsiviapachelogger: bad timing for you to answer? :)18:48
larsiviapachelogger: did ubuntu fix kde translations yet? ;)18:49
apacheloggerin the name of darth vader!!!!!18:50
apacheloggerthat window management in the netbook plasma freaks me out18:50
apacheloggerand that DDoS on freenode too18:50
apacheloggercan we please switch somewhere else?18:50
jjessei think netbook plasma takes a lot to get used to18:50
apacheloggerlarsivi: dunno, I am going to chakra18:51
apacheloggerjjesse: no18:51
apacheloggerIT IS BROKEN18:51
apacheloggerthe bar jumps around like a mad rabbit18:51
apacheloggerby default doesnt even fit the screen18:51
apacheloggerimpossible to use without desktop effects18:52
apacheloggerthe usage paradigm itself makes totally sense, yes takes getting used to, but makes sense18:52
apacheloggerbut the implementation is just broken from what I see18:52
JontheEchidnaCould somebody sponsor http://jmthomas.toniox.org/akonadi_1.3.1-0ubuntu2.dsc ?18:53
apacheloggerScottK: can we please not label the netbook thingy stable?18:54
apacheloggeroh my18:56
apacheloggerDie Anwendung »dget« ist momentan nicht installiert.  Sie können es durch folgende Eingabe installieren:18:56
apachelogger_die_ anwendung -> _es_ installieren18:56
apacheloggerthat is so wrong18:57
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can we please do something about all that crappyness? :'(18:59
apacheloggerthis is way too depressing18:59
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: no sprechen sie deustche :(19:00
apacheloggernot just that crappyness19:01
apacheloggerthe crappyness all over the place19:01
apacheloggerthe broken pim19:01
apacheloggerthe borken desktop19:01
apacheloggerthe broken translations19:01
apacheloggerthe broken network19:01
Squtapachelogger: if you think pim in 4.4 is broken, try trunk :P19:01
apacheloggerthe broken akonadi19:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that akonadi stuff needs more change btw\19:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the called script is currently in mysql-server-5.119:02
JontheEchidnaoh... bleh19:02
apacheloggerso in the long run the stuff needs to be split out into the -core package and in the short akonadi should at least depend on mysql-server-5.119:03
apacheloggerSqut: the more brokenness the more akonadi the sooner it gets better, right?19:03
apacheloggerat least that was what I got told some time ago19:03
apacheloggerdidnt quite work out ;)19:03
* Squt fails to parse that sentence19:03
=== Squt is now known as Sput
* Sput too19:03
apacheloggermore akonadi implied less kaddressbook it seems19:04
Sputwell, for me (as a trunk users) it mains less kmail19:04
Sputor, none19:04
apacheloggerSput: then at least you do not have to poke around in its horrible config dialogs19:04
Sputhm, those are a problem?19:04
Sputthe IMAP configuration is more or less usable19:05
Sputnow, if it'd work too, that'd be great19:05
apachelogger5000 buttons from which none is selfexplaining19:05
verbalshadowI worry about the different db being used in kde19:05
apacheloggerthen you go and configure smtp19:05
apachelogger1. you cant configure a name, yet it is showing up in the list19:05
apachelogger2. buttons are all different19:05
apachelogger3. password does nto get autoremembered (imap does - the fuck?)19:05
Sputit's all very broken19:06
apacheloggerwell, if only it was improving :(19:07
Sputthere's tons of commits in kdepim, but it doesn't seem to get better19:07
Sputnow there's talk of not making it in time for 4.519:08
Sputso why the hell did they merge it into master already, if it's not nearly usable...19:08
apacheloggerif kmail was not crashing I could now read mails19:09
Sputyou could?19:09
Sputah, 4.4 :)19:10
apacheloggerconsidering Kubuntu releases this in one month...19:10
Sputand then users have to stick with it for, what, 2 years?19:12
ScottK<apachelogger> ScottK: can we please not label the netbook thingy stable? <--- What does this mean?19:13
apacheloggerScottK: that I do not think it is stable enough to call it stable19:14
ScottKIt's pretty stable for me.19:14
apacheloggerif stable == not crashy then yes19:14
nixternalit is stable here as well19:14
ScottKapachelogger: Then what do you mean?19:15
nixternalwhat crashes are you getting?19:15
apacheloggerScottK: usable19:15
nixternalI can fire up and test really quick19:15
ScottKapachelogger: Oh.  I find it quite usable.  I'm considering switching my laptop to it when I upgrade it to Lucid.19:15
ScottKIt's somewhat different, but that's not by accident.19:16
ScottKThere are some issues that could make it better, but it's pretty much what they set out to create.19:17
ScottKJontheEchidna fixed one of the really annoying ones last week.19:17
neversfeldeare there translations for the netbook edition?19:20
ScottKneversfelde: Should be translated the same as desktop.19:21
ScottK(in Lucid)19:21
ScottKKarmic, it won't be.19:21
nixternalnetbook just crashed on me :)19:21
neversfeldemhh, it is all english here19:21
DarkwingDuckstill having trouble with the plymouth theme19:22
nixternalwow, the openDesktop widget actually works...I just found a shitload of people in my area19:25
nixternalexcept nothing shows up in the friends thing19:25
nixternaland messages is just insane, it takes up way to much space19:26
* DarkwingDuck yells at his laptop19:26
nixternali will laugh if your laptops opens up the cdrom tray and smacks you across the face19:27
amichairJontheEchidna: fixed the crash, is there an open bug in lp to mention in changelog?19:28
JontheEchidnaamichair: nope, no LP bug19:31
ScottKapachelogger: According to notmart my biggest netbook usability bug (the panel jumping around when windows change due to the app switcher changing size) is fixed in trunk and he's going to backport it to 4.4.19:34
ScottKI'll cherry pick that one when I see it.19:34
jjesseScottK: how different is kubuntu netbook edition vs the netbook reference platform or whatever it is called?19:34
ScottKjjesse: The reference is based on KDE trunk, not 4.4.  Within that limitation very little.19:35
Tm_TScottK: I see this decision being more of writing up things we already know, not changing anything ( -meeting)19:39
ScottKCould be.19:39
Tm_TScottK: I understand, we should get more of folks around here to get active in ircteam19:41
Tm_Tlike, yourself19:41
ScottKNot really interested.19:41
ScottKI've got plenty of other ways to volunteer my time.19:41
neversfeldenow netbook edition is german, seems that you have to switch system language and not only add german in systemsettings19:42
Tm_Tthen some others19:42
Tm_TI don't remember to mention everything here too, unfortunately19:43
Tm_TI actually expect channel maintainers to be in the ML, because there's all the important discussion is19:44
jjessehow much work is involved in the ircteam?  if not a lot i guess i could do it?19:52
Tm_Tjjesse: it's matter of following ML and stuff and react if there's something that touches us19:53
Tm_Tjjesse: I'm too "in" to notice what interests others19:53
jjesseTm_T: if we need more kubunut members i gues i can give it a try for awhile19:53
Tm_Tjjesse: just join the ML, it's not very busy, that should do it mostly19:54
jjesseTm_T: ok will do, linky?19:54
Tm_Tummm, was it ubuntu-irc@ ... one moment have to dig some browser19:54
Tm_Tjjesse: also #ubuntu-irc19:56
Tm_Tjjesse: archives are worth reading19:59
jjesseok thanks20:00
Tm_Tjjesse: if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask20:04
jjesseTm_T: i won't, joined mailing list, joined channel20:04
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Tm_Tjjesse: thanks (:20:05
nixternaloi oi20:06
ofirknixternal: I got it, thanks20:19
sgh_Hi! Can nyone confirm that "strace -T -e poll konsole" includes a 800 ms delay in one of the poll system-calls20:27
ScottKsgh_: Using Karmic, the most I got was 0.301916.20:29
sgh_ScottK: Yeah .... I'm talking latest lucid. It was ok in beta1 but now with current updates is has suddenly rised.20:30
neversfeldeI do not know, what I did there, but the highest is 0.935320 here20:33
sgh_neversfelde: that is quite long I think.20:34
neversfeldesgh_: I'll paste the rest of the output20:34
sgh_neversfelde: my output is here : http://pastebin.com/R2CN3zWR20:35
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neversfeldesgh: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/13820:36
neversfeldelooks quite similiar20:36
=== ubuntu_ is now known as apacheloggerTwo
sghneversfelde: exactly20:36
apacheloggerTwoI almost didnt find the # on a german keyboard layout :D20:36
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: ping20:36
sghneversfelde: I have tried the same on a somewhat faster pc, and it did not make much difference.20:37
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: pong20:37
sghneversfelde: I will create a trace of beta120:37
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: I am on latest netbook live - started ubiquity - it is now at first page doing absoluely nothign cpu usage going from 30 to 40 %20:38
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: thats unfortunate :(20:38
shtylmanI will look into that20:38
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: can I debug this somehow20:38
apacheloggerTwowhile i am here20:38
apacheloggerTwowith my german kbd layout ÖD20:39
apacheloggerTwo:D even20:39
shtylmanfirst page being?20:39
shtylmanthe intro pagae with language selection?20:39
shtylmanyou could check /var/log/installer/debug20:40
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: I could swtch through and see how that changes the situation20:40
shtylmanand see if there is anything that looks like an error20:40
apacheloggerTwoScottK, nixternal: btw, dell inspiron mini getting between 15 and 20 % cpu usage from x :(20:40
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: only qt ibus stuff20:41
apacheloggerTwosomeone should look into that too :/20:41
shtylmanna..I think that is ok20:41
shtylmanI will need to profile the installer again... see where it is spending its time20:42
shtylmandoes it progress past the first page at all?20:42
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: yep it is progressing to timzone selection20:43
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: btw, I find the time zone selection confusing if there is only one20:44
shtylmanso beside the cpu the install goes fine?20:44
ScottKHe didn't get to the user question yet.20:44
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: only one?20:44
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: yeah, just very slow, probably because of the usage20:44
shtylmanI see20:44
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: selecing country austria20:44
apacheloggerTwoaustria only got one zone20:44
apacheloggerTwoso time zone selection offers austria20:44
shtylmanI wonder if that bug exists in the gtk installer20:45
shtylmanis austria supposed to only have one zone?20:45
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: switching from timezone to keyboard took quite a bit20:45
shtylmanI see20:45
apacheloggerTwoin general UI is incredibly unresponsive20:46
apacheloggerTwotakes long enough for the UI to notice that I moved the mouse ontop of a botton, so that I notice the UI doesnt notice20:46
shtylmanI thought we had fixed this ... but apparently another problem has surfaced...20:46
apacheloggerTwoif that makes any sense ÖD20:46
apacheloggerTwowell, in general everything takes very long20:46
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: not as bad as with the beta1 image though20:47
sghneversfelde: this is from a beta1 on another pc. http://pastebin.com/P1diegiy20:47
apacheloggerTwothere are some weird translations around20:47
neversfeldesgh: I have no idea about this20:47
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: k... I will have to check that out... as I knew it .. the cpu stuff was good.. but I guess not20:48
shtylmanwe might have another runaway loop somewhere20:48
sghneversfelde: Me neither20:48
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: does the kde ui share 100% strings with the gtk one20:48
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: yea20:48
shtylmanexcept in like 1 or 2 strings20:48
shtylmanbut otherwise, yea20:48
apacheloggerTwowhen quitting it asks me whether I want to quit20:48
sghneversfelde: the same thin happenens also for dolphin and systemsettings.20:48
apacheloggerTwothe button that probablz is supposed to state that I really want to20:49
apacheloggerTwois the question again20:49
apacheloggerTwosensible kbd layout :D20:50
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: at start I get placeholders in the strings20:51
shtylmanahh yes20:51
apacheloggerTwomaybe UI showing should be delayed or something20:51
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: that is a bug... I need to fix that20:51
apacheloggerTwolooks weird :D20:51
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: bug: 54020220:52
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: http://imagebin.ca/upload.php20:53
apacheloggerTwodespite it being german ... I doubt a button with a question mark doesnt give the right hint20:53
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: left most button says "Quit installation?"20:54
shtylmanI think you pasted the wrong link :)20:54
shtylmanbut yea... I get what you mean20:54
shtylmanthats a bug against the translation20:54
shtylmannot sure if the english version has a ? as well20:55
shtylmanbut that would be a bug there too imho20:55
apacheloggerTwoif only I could switch to english20:56
apacheloggerTwoI can ^^20:56
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: also that dialog does not look like a kdialog, while I do think it should be a kdialog for consistency reasons :)20:57
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: k.. I will try to see if I can make it a kdialog :)20:57
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: that question mark business is a bug in english too20:57
shtylmanyea... I figured20:57
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: can you file a bug fir the should be kdialog thing :) will give me a reason to change the ui20:59
shtylmanthis late in the cycle20:59
apacheloggerTwoif launchpad would let me login :/20:59
shtylmanand go ahead and assign it to me :)20:59
shtylmanhaha nice20:59
apacheloggerTwoah, third time is a charm :D21:00
amichairJontheEchidna: there's a Reese's peanut butter cup waiting for u at lp:~amichai2/kubuntu-notification-helper/fixes21:02
apparlehas the bootscreen been modified in kubuntu21:04
apparleImean lucid21:04
apacheloggerTwoScottK: dont know if that is related to the resize bug, which btw is a showstopper, but at least on first start stuff in the panel is overlapping21:05
amichairapparle: yes, and it's still not finished21:05
apacheloggerTwoScottK: new desktop files do not get added to the search & start thingy21:05
apparleamichair: is it there in beta21:06
apacheloggerTwoalso it does not update shown desktop files21:06
ScottKapachelogger: They do on restart.21:06
apacheloggerTwowhich for example means that after running the firefox installer the entry will still say browser installer et all21:06
amichairapacheloggerTwo: I'm not sure, but if you're seeing 'ubuntu', or text-mode stuff, etc. - then yes.21:06
amichairapparle: I'm not sure, but if you're seeing 'ubuntu', or text-mode stuff, etc. - then yes.21:07
amichairapacheloggerTwo: (sorry, someone took ur autocomplete prefix :-P)21:07
apacheloggerTwoas mad as sparta :P21:07
apacheloggerTwoamichair: happens to me all the time though ;)21:08
apacheloggerTwoso no worries21:08
apparleamichair: I have not tried beta yet.... but I was asking becoz in the old one... the computer used to take about 15 sec more to boot if the "quiet splash" was not removed in the grub21:08
ScottKapachelogger: You can join #plasma-netbook and give feedback direct to upstream.21:08
amichairapacheloggerTwo: yeah, like that apacheloggerOne dude... what's up with him?21:08
apacheloggerTwoScottK: wanna compile a list first21:08
apacheloggerTwoactually one should conduct a HE on that thing :P21:09
apacheloggerTwoits small things, but they make it very diffcult to use21:10
apacheloggerTwolike that not updating of desktop files21:10
apacheloggerTwothat is a major issue to regular folks I imagine21:10
* amichair wonders how much of his long KNR preview usability rant was fixed since then...21:11
macoapacheloggerTwo: conduct a HE?21:12
apacheloggerTwoa heuristic evaluation21:13
apacheloggerTwoI suppose that is the fancy name one uses ^^21:13
apacheloggerTwoamichair: might be worth revisiting and poking upstream with that too21:13
amichairapacheloggerTwo: sure thing. I opened bugs in kde for everything, but poking never hurts. unless it's with an icepick.21:14
JontheEchidnaamichair: :D21:15
apacheloggerTwoshtylman: bug 550466 and bug 55047221:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550466 in ubiquity "Misleading string in quit dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55046621:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550472 in ubiquity "KDE UI: quit dialog should be a KDialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55047221:17
ScottKJontheEchidna: Any idea how plasma-desktop updates for new desktop files?21:17
ScottKMaybe you could push the for netbook like you did the startup thing?21:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: like when you install new plasmoids?21:17
apacheloggerTwoJontheEchidna: no in the menu21:17
apacheloggerTwoI think the search and start thingy would need to attach to a signal emitted by ksycoca or something21:18
shtylmanapacheloggerTwo: thanks21:18
JontheEchidnadunno. My previous fix was made because I just so happened to have implemented a Plasma::Wallpaper and knew how that sorta thing works21:18
apacheloggerTwoScottK: do you want a different plasmoid setup?21:18
apacheloggerTwoScottK: also, the netbook image came up with focus on the plasmoids and not the starter21:19
ScottKapachelogger: I didn't look at it lately.21:19
apacheloggerTwoso I had to search for the installer :)21:19
ScottKI thought that got fixed.21:20
* ScottK looks at shtylman.21:20
apacheloggerTwowell, IMHO we should just stick an installer plasmoid on the page21:20
apacheloggerTwoprobably also looks better than focuson the starter :)21:20
ScottKBefore it was in favorites on the search and launch page.21:21
apacheloggerTwoit still is21:21
ScottKIt's supposed to start on search and launch now.21:21
apacheloggerTwothat doesnt happen21:21
ScottKSo if it does, that should be fine.21:21
ScottKOK.  That's the thing to fix then.21:21
* ScottK thought Riddell told him that was done.21:21
apacheloggerTwoI would still opt for throwing it on the plasmoid screen and leave the focus there ;)21:22
apacheloggerTwouh, there is a problem21:22
apacheloggerTwoScottK: I cant shutdown or reboot :S .. the appropriate widget is overlapped by the clock21:23
* apacheloggerTwo is locked in ^^21:23
ScottKTouching the power button should do it.21:23
amichairJontheEchidna: as for bug #545927, if u figure out how to recreate it, I'd be happy to fix.21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545927 in software-properties "Can not open the Edit Software Sources window from KPackageKit " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54592721:24
sghRiddell: Where can I get  kdelibs5_4.4.1-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb21:31
apacheloggerScottK: like in the old days :)21:32
apacheloggeramichair: just install russian and run sp in russian21:33
ryanakcargreening: Is 4.4.2 done or do you still have things that need doing?21:33
apacheloggeramichair: that should get you there I suppose21:33
apacheloggeroh we are already at 4.4.2?21:33
amichairapachelogger: that's what I've been trying to do... first got a few ubiquity crashes, not languages don't install (freezes) :-(21:34
sghRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/550000 is problably related to the build dependency bum in ubuntu2. ubuntu1 does not have the slowdown.21:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 550000 in kdebase "konsole/systemsettings/dolphin starts up slowly" [Undecided,New]21:34
apacheloggeramichair: you dont have lucid yet?21:34
amichairapachelogger: my desktop is running servers and stuff, so I try to keep it stable and minimize restarts etc. I do the dirtier dev work on virtualbox.21:35
apacheloggeramichair: well if you have a lucid vm then just install the russian lang packs ;)21:36
amichairbut I can't get a lucid to install with languages. neither from ubiquity (crash) nor system settings (freeze).21:36
apacheloggersgh: the change from ubuntu1 to ubuntu2 was reverted in ubuntu3 so ubuntu3 == ubuntu121:38
apacheloggeramichair: you know what I always do in situations like this?21:38
apacheloggerpython-- :P21:38
apacheloggerkubotu: karma python21:38
kubotukarma for python: -121:39
apacheloggernow that is not that bad21:39
apacheloggerkubotu: karma c21:39
kubotukarma for c: 23821:39
apachelogger<3 c21:39
Tm_Tkubotu: karma tm_t21:39
kubotutm_t has neutral karma21:39
apacheloggeroh that reminds me on back in the days in #amarok ^^21:39
* apachelogger did worry a lot less back then :(21:39
Tm_Tno more -300 or anything ):21:39
Tm_Tapachelogger: me too, too much * these days21:40
* apachelogger opens a bottle of wine21:40
sghapachelogger: does not seem like is based on /usr/share/doc/kdelibs5/changelog.Debian.gz21:40
apacheloggersgh: why is that reported against kdebase if the bug is in kdelibs? :P21:41
apacheloggeroh damn, forgot to check something on the live image -.-21:42
sghapachelogger: oh year ..... will change that. I know more now than when I reported the bug ..... thanks for noticing.21:42
apacheloggerneversfelde: ping21:43
neversfeldeapachelogger: pong21:43
apacheloggerneversfelde: KDE 4.4.2 is up?21:43
sghapachelogger: do you know how to change the "affects" to kdelibs5 ?21:43
apacheloggersgh: alraedy did ... you would change to kde4libs21:44
apacheloggerthere is a button left of the bar that shows the package21:44
apacheloggerwell, not in my konqueror21:44
apacheloggerBUT IN THEORY ^^21:44
sghapachelogger: heh heh .....21:44
neversfeldeapachelogger: no, it is not finished, yet. kdegraphics, kdeedu and kdemultimedia missing. kdebindings FTBFS. lex79 knows more, I think21:44
apacheloggerneversfelde: well, I cant help, but please prevent whoever uploads 4.4.2 to lucid does not upload l10n21:45
apacheloggerI am going to roll the l10n packages from the new packaging branch I created21:46
sghapachelogger: the button is there.... but invisible .... :D21:46
neversfeldeapachelogger: just returned from a vacation, so I am not up to date, but I think rgreening coordinates this release21:46
apacheloggersgh: well, see, it is there, you just didn't see it :P21:47
apacheloggernot konqueror's fault :P21:47
apacheloggersgh: I do not see how the presented changes could cause such a problem21:47
apacheloggerrgreening: pingy21:47
sghapachelogger: no nut upgrading kdelibs on the livecd makes the problem appear21:48
apacheloggerno nut upgrading?21:48
sghapachelogger: also downgrading to kdelibs5 4.4.1 ubuntu1 makes the problem go away on my local installation. I'm missing kdelibs5_4.4.1-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb to be sure .21:48
apacheloggersgh: so the problem could also be in ubuntu3?21:49
sghapachelogger: sorry .... Upgrading to kdelibs5 4.4.1 ubuntu321:49
apacheloggerthat is something to work with21:49
neversfeldeapachelogger: I mentioned it here [22:45:46] <apachelogger> neversfelde: well, I cant help, but please prevent whoever uploads 4.4.2 to lucid does not upload l10n21:49
neversfelde[22:46:02] <apachelogger> I am going to roll the l10n packages from the new packaging branch I created21:49
apacheloggeralso those changes look much more like hey could cause this21:49
sghapachelogger: the problem is definetly in ubuntu3. It is not in ubuntu1. Now I need a ubuntu2 deb to try out,21:50
apacheloggersgh: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.4.1-0ubuntu2/+build/155500121:50
apacheloggerat the bottom you can find the ubuntu2 debs21:50
amichairthe website looks messed up on a small screen (e.g. vm) - and that's what the release notes on ubiquity's welcome page points to21:50
sghapachelogger: thanks .... will try it out.21:50
apacheloggerneversfelde: thx21:51
ryanakcaamichair: as in http://www.kubuntu.org ?21:51
amichairryanakca: I believe so. the hammer gets wrapped over, and the content remains off the screen to the right (but one can't scroll it either). In konqueror, at least.21:52
sghapachelogger: ubuntu2 has the issue too. So it must be the libdbusmenu change in ubuntu2 that messed it up.21:52
apacheloggerI really dont see how :(21:53
sghapachelogger: how do I find the bzr branch for kde4libs ?21:53
apacheloggerkonsole/systemsettings/dolphin should not use the dbus class21:53
apacheloggersgh: lp:~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu21:53
sghapachelogger: thanks...21:53
sghapachelogger: how does it relate to lp:ubuntu/kde4libs ?21:54
apacheloggersgh: that is the merged branch, we work on packaging-only branch21:54
apacheloggerso the kubuntu-members only contains the debian dir21:54
amichairryanakca: I noticed this when popping a livecd image into a fresh virtualbox, opening ubiquity from the desktop, and clicking 'release notes'. the default appearance makes for a bad impression.21:55
ryanakcaamichair: OK21:55
sghapachelogger: ok ...21:56
=== crimsun_ is now known as crimsun
rgreeningping apachelogger22:05
apacheloggerrgreening: you are coordinating 4.4.2 packaging?22:05
rgreeningapachelogger: ya, and Riddell told me about the translation stuff for you22:05
apacheloggerok :)22:05
apacheloggerthx :)22:05
rgreeningnp. Ill make sure its left for ya :P22:06
* apachelogger needs to get some karma ;) ;) ;)22:06
apacheloggermeh, linkedin doesnt like my isp22:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you'll look into those mysql packaging changes for akonadi?22:08
DarkwingDuckARRRG. Every friggen tutorial out there for tablets is for gnome.22:08
apachelogger...if I had a tablet... :P22:10
* apachelogger thinks we should switch off apport in dev cycles22:11
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: I'm logging everything that I'm doing and *hopfully* build an installer for KDE for all of this stuff I'm doing.22:12
DarkwingDuckIt's kinda annoying doing everything from scratch22:12
DarkwingDucknot to mention I'm not a programmer just a doc guy and I'm slightly confused on the backend of all of this... But I'm learning by smashing my head into walls till I figure it out22:14
DarkwingDuckkcm tablet is ok for setting up the tablet settings but, for buttons on the screen and the rotation is buggering22:15
macoany kaddressbook users who use lucid around?22:19
macoever have where clicking on a name in your address book doesnt display its info in the far-right pane and double clicking it shows all blank--even though the .vcf associated with address book is full of info and it is displaying the name/image in the list just fine (but not in the edit view)?22:20
sghapachelogger: hmm ... bzr bd fails to get tarball "Trying to run get-orig-source rule failed". Any hints ?22:32
apacheloggersgh: the branch probably already expects 4.4.222:33
apacheloggerso you need to roll back to a the last revision featuring 4.4.122:34
sghapachelogger: ok .... how do I checkout a specific version with bzr ?22:35
apacheloggerbzr help checkout ;)22:35
sghapachelogger: heh heh rtfm ...22:35
apacheloggersgh: well, I dont know either, so either I go read bzr help checkout or you do it :P22:36
apacheloggerso yes22:36
sgh:D ....22:37
sghapachelogger: damn .... I don't get how it figures out it hass to fetch 4.4.222:42
apacheloggersgh: via the changelog22:42
sghapachelogger: realy . .... thanks ... knifty.22:43
DarkwingDuckNote to self... plasma-netbook HATES screen rotation22:44
* apachelogger takes Nightrose for a dance23:12
* Nightrose dances through the channel with apachelogger23:13
neversfelderock it23:13
apacheloggerNightrose: dont you also think that this channel is way too unsocial?23:13
apacheloggerway too much focused on producitivy23:14
apacheloggerno fun at all23:14
Nightrosewe need some lounge chairs23:14
Nightroseand drinks23:14
Nightroseand music23:14
apacheloggerkubotu: quit23:14
apacheloggerkubotu: hi23:15
apacheloggerkubotu: order lounge chairs23:15
apacheloggerkubotu: order drinks23:15
apacheloggerkubotu: order music23:15
* apachelogger thinks that the whole order plugin needs to be done in assembly language ;)23:15
kubotusup, apachelogger :)23:15
* kubotu slides lounge chairs down the bar to apachelogger23:15
* kubotu slides drinks down the bar to apachelogger23:15
* kubotu slides music down the bar to apachelogger23:15
apacheloggerneversfelde: how was vacation btw?23:15
neversfeldeapachelogger: Stau everywhere :)23:16
apacheloggeruh :D23:16
apacheloggerwhere did you go?23:16
neversfeldeapachelogger: I visited my parents in Holstein23:16
apacheloggeroh, quite the distance23:17
apacheloggerneversfelde: I hope you enjoyed the visit :)23:18
* Riddell puts himself into a lounge chair23:18
neversfeldeapachelogger: the dog ate my Kubuntu CD, otherwise it was nice :)23:18
apacheloggernothing is more important than a well rested dev ... hence I am so useless ;)23:18
apacheloggerneversfelde: lol :D23:18
apacheloggerone might assume that if all fails we can still opt to sell Kubuntu as dog food :P23:19
apacheloggerRiddell: hai!23:19
Riddellapachelogger: hailte23:19
neversfeldehe would also eat Fedora and Suse I suppose23:20
apacheloggerwell, they do not know that, do they? ;)23:20
neversfeldetime to sleep, gn823:21
apacheloggernini neversfelde23:21
* apachelogger needs to go to some social interaction lecture ^^23:23
apacheloggerRiddell: how is life in the north?23:23
apacheloggerNightrose: I suppose we also need candle light23:24
RiddellI am now a qualified Advanced Whitewater Safety and Rescue person23:24
Riddellif you get stuck in a waterfall, I'm here to help23:24
shtylmannice :)23:24
* apachelogger must google that23:24
NightroseRiddell: !!!23:25
Nightrosesounds exciting :D23:25
Nightroseapachelogger: yes - candles are a must23:25
apacheloggerRiddell: cool, congrats23:25
nixternalwe need a qualified "Kick the design team in the ass already on the font" person23:25
Riddellexciting, but cold, rivers are mostly snowmelt currently and swimming in them is not warm23:25
nixternalyeah, if you were to fall in the water today around here, I will call for help23:26
apacheloggerbrrr, cold rivers23:26
apacheloggerno saving for me, I'll stay inside and dance with Nightrose ^^23:27
Nightrosegood choice i must say ;-)23:27
* apachelogger notes that Nightrose is always the right choice :)23:27
Nightroseawwww :D23:27
apacheloggerwell, you know, nixternal doesn't like me enough to dance with me, and Riddell must save people stuck in a waterfall, so the only option left is Nightrose23:31
apacheloggersad but true :P23:31
apacheloggermaybe shtylman could bribed, since I have reported two bugs today23:32
* apachelogger never gets beyond one report/day usuallay ;)23:32
* claydoh would offer to dance with apachelogger but does not want to embarass him with claydoh's awful moves23:36
claydohie he hasn't got any23:36
nixternalapachelogger: you're right, I don't like you, I wuv you23:37
apacheloggerif quassel had kde emoticon support I would make a heart using <3 now, but it does not :P23:38
apacheloggerSput: thanks for nothing :P23:38
* apachelogger lets Nightrose rest a bit and takes claydoh to teach him some moves23:38
claydohlast time I busted a move was 1985, no joke23:39
apacheloggerclaydoh: how come?23:39
claydohI suck, and I just never could get into it - extreme shyness and missing self-confidence23:40
claydohnowadays it is my shear girth that keeps me from making a fool of myself :)23:41
claydohand I married a non-dancer as well :)23:41
apacheloggerclaydoh: that explains it then :)23:42
* apachelogger is also not very good at dancing23:42
apacheloggerbut it is fun :D23:42
apacheloggerkubotu: translate en de girth23:42
kubotuworldlingo failed to provide a translation23:42
claydohgirth = width, or thickness23:43
claydohie im a fatty :)23:43
apacheloggerah :)23:44
apacheloggerthat is no excuse :P23:44
claydohno, it isn't most of the time. my mother was quite big, and was a great dancer23:44
apacheloggerthat said, I am now down 40 kg in 14 months23:47
apacheloggergeorge michael got a new lover!23:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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