
ari-tczewbdrung: nobody said that it will be easy00:00
bdrungari-tczew: i worked on it today (global jam in berlin) and it was not fun00:00
malev_hi there! where is the irc channel for asking about the junior mentoring?00:15
siddharthahello motu's00:16
bdrungmalev_: if you have technical question, you can ask them here.00:16
bdrunghi siddhartha00:16
siddharthai have a question..00:16
[LAG]REXmalev an I are searching the way to get a mentor!!00:16
siddharthaif theres a package that is not updated in the repository00:17
siddharthado i file a bug-report00:17
malev_bdrung, I guess. but I'm asking about the mentorshinp motu's program00:17
bdrungsiddhartha: yes00:18
siddhartham.. for membership i guess you send an email to..http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-motu-mentors00:18
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bdrungsiddhartha: mentorshinp not membership00:19
bdrungsiddhartha: we are in feature freeze - you have to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess to get an update into lucid00:19
bdrungmalev_, ZEROADRENALINE: there is probably no extra IRC channel for mentoring.00:29
siddharthaquestion: i was running a karmic installation.. i somehow managed to change change my release type to eeebuntu after adding some package repos.  Recently i added lucid repos. Is there any way to change the distribution release type ? lsb_release -a tells me im still running eeebuntu.00:34
siddharthahello, i have a question: i was running a karmic installation.. i somehow managed to change change my release type to eeebuntu after adding some package repos.  Recently i added lucid repos. Is there any way to change the distribution release type ? lsb_release -a tells me im still running eeebuntu.00:41
siddharthahello guys / gals , i was wondering if there was a way to be on two channels at once using irc00:46
siddharthajoin #ubuntu+100:51
siddharthajoin #ubuntu-motu00:51
AJ_hello everyone04:34
AJ_I have a question about debian packages04:34
AJ_I have a project which i need to package using debian04:35
AJ_deb packages requires a control file04:35
AJ_and it has a depends field04:35
AJ_how do i know the dependencies for my project04:35
AJ_is there a command line argument to get it04:36
AJ_i tried dpkg -S <file>04:36
AJ_and it lists like million of dependencies04:36
AJ_so i reckon there has to be another way04:36
AJ_can some one please help me04:36
lfaraone!helpme | AJ_04:44
ubottuAJ_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude04:44
lfaraoneAJ_: if you use debhelper, it'll automagically determine your dependancies if it's a C or Python application you package.04:45
gnomefreakdepends ont he project but i thought there is an upstream file that has a list at least one or 2 i looked at did04:47
ScottKAJ_: Normally upstream will include some documentation about what you need to build the package.04:47
AJ_Mine is a java application built using fmod04:54
AJ_so it has fmod shared library file04:54
AJ_how do i specify the java dependency04:55
AJ_my application requires java 1.504:55
ScottKYou might ask in #ubuntu-java then.04:57
AJ_Thanks Scott. First i need to figure out what should I put in the <depend> field of control file for debian package05:07
ScottKThey can probably help you with that05:13
Rashlesshi all!06:49
Rashlesshow to rename launchpad account if I already have ppa?06:50
Rashlessis there means to delete the ppa?06:50
ScottKRashless: Those are questions for #launchpad.06:51
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micahgjust to double check if a package with ubuntu changes needs a straight sync from debian and the ubuntu changes can be dropped, we jsut request a sync?07:27
ScottKYes, but you need to explain why it's ok to drop them.07:33
micahgScottK: ok, it looks like I'll need to actually make some changes, so it won't be a merge, but a sync, but good to know07:36
micahgmr_pouit: I think I'm going to request a sync of gnome-chemistry-utils from debian testing...the Ubuntu changes have been merged upstream...also, it builds fine with xulrunner-, but not with xulrunner-1.9.2, so we have to wait for to get into the archive...I'm uploading a test to the xul192 migration PPA, I'll file a bug and subscribe you if it works08:17
paissaddebconf sucks too much12:52
paissadpo-debconf & everything's related to it12:53
paissadthe documentation is bad & the tools complicated ...12:53
AnAntHello, is there a reason that python-multiprocessing is removed from Lucid ?13:34
wgrantAnAnt: It's included in python2.6 core.13:34
AnAntok, thanks13:34
AnAntwgrant: canto package needs to be modified then13:36
wgrantAnAnt: Please file a bug.13:37
wgrantEven better if you provide a patch and request sponsorship.13:37
AnAntwgrant: can I file a merge bug too (there's a new version that just got sponsored in Debian)13:37
wgrantAnAnt: If it contains no new features and you consider it safe and useufl.13:37
AnAntI see13:38
AnAntCan someone review/sponsor http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8017 ? It has been granted an FFe in LP #54367913:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543679 in ubuntu "Add a plymouth theme for sabily" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54367913:39
paissadguys, i created my debian/{config,templates,po/POTFILES.in,po/templates.pot} .. added dh_installdebconf in debian/rules ... but i have no config when i install the package via dpkg -i !!!!14:14
paissadi'm not prompted for any questions ^^14:14
paissadwhat should be the problem ?14:15
sistpotymr_pouit: in case I haven't asked you yet: would you be willing to act as ubuntu-release delegate for xubuntu together with cody again?14:27
mr_pouitsistpoty: yeah sure (you already asked me some weeks ago ;).14:29
sistpotymr_pouit: excellent thanks! (heh, then my list is not up to date *g*)14:29
sistpotyhighvoltage: did I ask you regarding edubuntu yet?14:31
RhondaBug #528957 is really nagging me and I really would appreciate if one could find the time to git bisect the SDL code and pin down the commit that did break it.  %-/15:20
RhondaBut I fear that this won't happen in time for the lucid release - though I guess it would be a good thing to push in through some proposed update.15:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528957 in wesnoth "mouse button clicks not detected in windowed mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52895715:21
RhondaMy uttermost greatful thanks will rest upon the person doing so.15:22
nigelbAny pointers to what one should be looking in the git?15:22
jdstrandsistpoty: re moin> sure thing! :)15:23
Rhondanigelb: Unfortunately not really. See the bugreport, try to reproduce it, and I would hope that git bisect should be able to help without too much look in the code. It at least seems to be related somehow to windowed/full size mode and mousehandling differences between the two.15:23
nigelbRhonda, I can try (and will probably fail), but I will try :)15:24
nigelbRhonda, did you mean git or svn?15:45
highvoltagehey sistpoty15:47
sistpotyhi highvoltage15:47
highvoltagesistpoty: you didn't ask me yet, at least not as far as I'm aware :)15:48
sistpotyhighvoltage: and would you be willing to act as release delegate again? :)15:48
sistpotyhi \sh15:48
highvoltagesistpoty: I haven't before, but yes, I would indeed. For Edubuntu stgraber and myself are release managers, are you talking about the universe part of it?15:49
highvoltage(sorry I'm missing some context)15:49
sistpotyhighvoltage: yes, universe: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2010-March/000040.html15:50
highvoltagesistpoty: yep, I confirm15:51
sistpotythanks highvoltage :)15:52
highvoltagemy pleasure15:52
\shbah..sitting in the office doing some strange software rollout during daylight...I should deal more with couchdb...15:52
Laneysistpoty: can you please take care of requesting the next lot of syncs for the transition?16:09
Laney(I'm at a conference)16:09
LaneyI test built these and they worked:16:10
Laneyhaskelldb-hdbc_0.13-1.dsc     hdbc-odbc_2.2.3.0-2.dsc        hdbc-sqlite3_2.3.0.0-2.dsc16:10
Laneyhaskell-unixutils_1.22-2.dsc  hdbc-postgresql_2.2.3.1-2.dsc  missingh_1.1.0.3-1.dsc16:10
Rhondanigelb: I only know of bisect in git, and I don't even know what upstream uses. If they use svn then git svn might be the way to go for investigation.16:28
nigelbRhonda, I checked out the upstream for the lib responsible for change16:29
nigelbthere about 2000 entries between release an now :x16:29
sistpotyLaney: sure, will do16:31
micahgwhat do we do when a package needs web access to build (i.e. it wants to pull down files)16:44
Laneyfix it to not need that16:44
zgregis it only me, or does the font rendering of firefox in lucid have problems?16:45
micahgzgreg: bug 51256116:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512561 in firefox "[MASTER] Firefox-3.6 doesn't respect font settings" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51256116:46
zgregit's as broken as in the "official" builds from mozilla.org it seems :/16:46
micahgLaney: I think that gnome-chemistry-utils is building some of its docs from URLs16:46
Laneyit can't do16:47
Laneythe buildds don't have internet access16:47
micahgLaney: should I add the files to the debian dir then?16:47
LaneyYou should rather talk to upstream16:48
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* sistpoty wonders if he should file FFe bugs for some haskell packages ... that would lead to an interesting conversation between me and myself :)17:29
iulianOne bug should be enough.17:31
sistpotyiulian: once I'm through with filing sync requests, I'll file one17:45
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micahgmr_pouit: are you around?18:12
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mr_pouitmicahg: yes18:25
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zgregouch - the sun java plugin is broken in lucid18:36
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micahgmr_pouit: how do you get around gnome-chemistry-utils wanting to look to sourceforge for dtd for the docs?18:37
ari-tczewjdong: ping18:38
jdongari-tczew: pong18:38
ari-tczewjdong: why I cannot use patchsystem in SRU?18:39
jdongari-tczew: SRU's are about introducing as few changes as possible to the package to get the problem fixed...18:40
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jdongthis discussion has been had on mailing lists and in #ubuntu-devel and the concensus among the developers is that patchsys'es should not be *added* to packages being SRU'ed18:40
jdongbut of course if a patchsys already exists, you should use it18:41
zgregI don't get really get with sun's jre/jdk was replaced by openjdk, it's still clearly not ready!18:41
gesermicahg: is the DTD perhaps already packaged?18:41
ari-tczewjdong: when discussion about patchsystems in SRU has been explained on IRC?18:41
jdongari-tczew: I think it was about a year ago18:42
sistpotyiulian: bug #55037518:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550375 in ubuntu "[FFe] haskell transition, next round" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55037518:42
ari-tczewjdong: year? please take a look @ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kadu/
jdongari-tczew: that looks like a package that already contains a patchsys, in which case it is proper to just add a patch to it.18:44
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jdongari-tczew: in the case of a package that didn't have a patchsys in the first place, it's not recommended to add a patchsys for the purpose of SRU18:45
mr_pouitmicahg: mmh, I don't know, it built fine on the buildds, so I don't think they is a problem with that18:46
ari-tczewjdong: this is sick for me! no using patchsystems messes package!18:46
jdongari-tczew: nobody likes directly patching in the diff.gz, but at the same time, adding a patchsys to the packaging doesn't meet the definition of "minimal change necessary" for SRU's18:47
jdongSRU changes donn't have to propagate and survive future releases, though, which avoids one of the problems of monolithic patching18:47
micahggeser: it's weird, the same checks are in the current version, but it doesn't break the current version18:48
sistpotyjdong: *I* like directly patching the .diff.gz :P18:48
jdongsistpoty: haha it later on can become a pain to figure out what patch came from where for what purpose, unless you're good at documenting too :)18:49
gesersistpoty: binary diffs?18:49
ari-tczewjdong: okay, I'll reupload bzr revision.18:49
sistpotyjdong: if you properly upstream your changes, it won't ;)18:49
jdongari-tczew: thank you18:49
sistpotygeser: haha18:49
ari-tczewjdong: I think that I could help you in clean up the bugs related to ~ubuntu-sru18:50
ari-tczewjdong: ... but how?! :> I think about access to unsubscribe SRU teams18:51
jdongari-tczew: I think the missing part of the procedure is to detach ubuntu-sru once verification-done.18:51
jdongari-tczew: access to unsubscribe is only available for SRU team members.18:51
ari-tczewjdong: so how can I help?18:52
jdongari-tczew: I'd start with mailing the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, cc'ing the SRU team members, about your concern that the related bugs display in launchpad isn't a satisfactory radar map for what SRU tasks remain needing attention.18:52
jdongand then as a group, we can come to a concensus what's a good fix for the problem18:52
jdongi'm only one piece of the larger SRU process and don't feel comfortable single-handedly doing any mass unsubscribing, etc18:53
micahgmr_pouit: well, for some reason it skipped validation before and I can't find a reason in the changelog or patches18:53
micahgmr_pouit: here's the build log, are you familiar with this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42258987/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.gnome-chemistry-utils_0.10.12-2~ffox36~lucid1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:55
bencrisfordhi everyone, ive fixed a v.simple typo-bug in the kdeedu package, and the debuild works ok, until it gets to a point, then it says it could not find the cbds/rules/1/patchsys-quilt.mk file18:56
bencrisfordthe full output it here: http://pastebin.com/PQc1FwFk18:56
ari-tczewjdong: what do you think about give me access to unsubscribing motu-sru && ubuntu-sru (indirectly by marking me as member)?18:57
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jdongari-tczew: that's not something I have the permission to do, or any influence upon the decision-making, but in my opinion it probably isn't feasible.18:58
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ari-tczewjdong: it's the question of trust in me, I wanna only help in clean up, not to be a member of SRU 4ever or something...19:03
paissadguys, i have my personal repository for .deb packages, but ... the problem is that the server is in a non debian like system, .... thus i cannot use dpkg-scanpackages or apt-ftparchive to put my packages in the repository .... what do you suggest me now ?19:03
azeempaissad: rsync from somewhere else?19:04
jdongari-tczew: again, it's the Ubuntu SRU *team*, no single member of the team should be doing sweeping changes like this without group concensus. Starting off an open discussion is the best way to get this process started.19:04
iuliansistpoty: Do you want me to take a look at it?19:05
sistpotyiulian: yes, I guess makes sense to have someone else then me ack it ;)19:05
paissadazeem, i don't think that rsync will work since the cache of the repository needs to be re-generated & many other stuffs19:05
iuliansistpoty: Alrighty.19:06
azeempaissad: which cache?19:06
sistpotythanks iulian19:06
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paissadazeem, http://dpaste.com/177050/19:07
azeempaissad: no idea then19:08
ari-tczewjdong: of course I'll wait for group decision19:09
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iuliansistpoty: Looks good.  I have just acked it.  Thanks for taking care of it.19:20
sistpotythanks iulian!19:20
iulianNo problem.19:22
bencrisfordi was working on a bug, which is now fixed, but i have made changed to some of the source files19:44
bencrisfordif i apt-get source <package> again, will that overwrite my changes?19:45
jpdsbencrisford: Maybe you should use the packages bazaar branch?19:53
bencrisfordjpds: why is this?19:58
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psusijdong, say, were you interested in the e2defrag project?  I've got a bzr repo, project, and maintainer group set up on lp for it now... and a ppa with a usable build20:53
johan_I know I'm very late but anyway: is it still possible to add a new package to universe (using revu or debian import)21:29
gesernot really, only with a exception for which you need a good rationale now21:39
johan_ok, that's what I expected - then I know I should not waste time on adding it to revu/...21:41
johan_since it will be synced from debian anyway in lucid+121:42
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ari-tczewjdong: ping22:04
bencrisfordhttp://pastebin.com/F43MWXzr - thats the .desktop file for qcad, and qcad doesnt appear in any menus unless you manually add it22:12
bencrisfordwhen i open it in gedit22:12
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bencrisfordthe "Graphics" is highlighted bright red22:12
bencrisfordcould someone please tell me what that means?22:12
bencrisfordit is highlighted red, like the TODOs are highlighted yellow22:13
bencrisfordand im wondering if thats the reason id does not show up in menus22:13
micahgbencrisford: Does it work with a semicolon after Graphics?22:14
bencrisfordmicahg: i havent tried that yet, 1 second22:15
bencrisfordi havent tested it, but i dont think it will work22:15
bencrisfordthe "Graphics" is still the red colour22:15
micahgI don't know about gedit22:16
bencrisfordmicahg: http://i44.tinypic.com/5vvyfs.png thats how it shows graphics22:17
psusiumm... how do you get the gnome calculator to convert a number to hex? ;)22:28
psusiit seems to do hex to dec... but I can't see how to make it go the other way and there does not seem to be an invert button like there is in the windows calc22:29
bencrisfordpsusi: hmm, it works on arch's gnome calculator22:31
psusibencrisford, what works?  I don't see a button to do it22:31
arandpsusi: There's always, preferences>change to hex view22:31
bencrisfordpsusi: i seem to remember that the arch gnome calc did this operation in a similar way to windows22:32
psusiahh, there we go... they buried it in preferences ;)22:32
psusiused to the radio kobs in sci mode to toggle back and forth22:32
geserbencrisford: check the .desktop specification if Graphics is (still) a valid Category name22:36
bencrisfordgeser: thanks, im planning on trying that tommorrow22:37
bencrisfordim off for the night now though22:37
bencrisfordsee y'all later ;)22:37
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