
camelreefStorage Groups00:01
camelreefgoing to LP00:01
Davieysuperm1: oooo, mythplugins upstream jsut had a commit 5 mins ago, that was lucky :)00:02
superm1camelreef, ubuntu-bug mythvideo would be better00:02
superm1it will attach version info, logs etc00:02
camelreefwill comment with how-to reproduce00:08
Davieycamelreef: great!00:09
camelreefnearly 15 MB.... going to take some time00:09
camelreefwhile data is uploading.... I just upgraded my video for a GT220. Is .23 supporting DivX/XviD to such a card?00:23
camelreefthe GT220 has the proper feature set and can do it00:23
Davieycamelreef: I don't quite understand the question00:28
camelreefok, let me rephrase00:28
Davieymythtv can certainly play XviD, if that is what you mean?00:28
camelreef.22 could use VDPAU for MPEG1/2, VC-1 and H.264 - the NVIDIA cards did not have DivX at the time00:29
camelreefnor NVIDIA cards can hardware decode DivX too00:29
camelreefthrough VDPAU00:29
camelreefquestion: does MythTV .23 support that feature?00:30
camelreef*** Error: Network problem00:32
camelreefaaaarrgh !00:32
Davieycamelreef: I don't know tbh, i did notice 720p xvid playing smoother on 0.23 using vdpau .. but other than that - i don't know00:32
Davieyhmm, actually that was mkv00:32
DavieyI haven't tried xvid since upgrading, i don't think00:32
camelreefok, I'll open the accentuated chars bug tomorrow00:34
camelreefubuntu-bugs stopped at 99% on  a 500 from LP00:35
camelreefI need to go to bed00:35
camelreefttyl everyone00:37
pmceneryDaviey: I know that autofs will give you the same capability, and I use in on my laptop for example. There are however situations where a line in /etc/fstab is easier than setting up autofs, for dedicated fronetends for example.06:57
pmceneryI also support some servers which use a combination of autofs for home directories, and some static mounts. If someone decided that autofs is the _only_ way to do it, then they best start editing fstab(5). It'll be a whole lot shorter ;)07:00
woody440hi everybody :)07:58
woody440can anybody help me get digital tv tuner working on ubuntu 9.1007:59
woody440anybody here,i need some help??08:01
woody440hi anybody there?08:58
woody440need some help...08:59
camelreefGood morning from Scotland!09:22
camelreefI filed a bug on mythvideo regarding accentuated chars not being recognized, at least when using Storage Groups09:23
camelreeffiling a new one for mythtv-frontend and PULSEAUDIO:default sending white noise or nothing when seeking09:23
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #550096 in mythplugins (Ubuntu): “mythvideo doesn't support accentuated chars in directory names”09:29
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #550100 in mythtv (Ubuntu): “white noise or no sound after seeking when using PULSEAUDIO:default”09:29
woody440can anyone help me get my digital tv tuner working in ubuntu 9.10???09:39
camelreeftry me09:40
camelreefDaviey, your new build fixed the version mismatch I was experiencing yesterday, many thanks09:41
camelreefsuperm1, thanks to you too09:42
camelreefwoody440, try me09:42
woody440ok i have a usb dual digital tuner09:43
Zinn[www.digitalnow.com.au] DigitalNow09:43
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] DigitalNow Tiny Twin Dual Tuner - MythTV09:44
woody440i try and follow the instructions to Download and install the latest v4l-dvb drivers as documented on the v4l-dvb wiki but i get errors09:45
woody440i do not get the dvb directory created in the dev folder/directory?09:47
woody440any ideas????09:49
camelreefwoody440, first, for tuner issues the best place is not mythtv, but linux-media, letme find the link09:54
camelreefwoody440, you should not have to do anything in 9.10 to make that tuner work09:56
camelreefyour stick has been supported since 2.6.28 in kernel09:56
Zinn[www.linuxtv.org] DVB-T USB Devices - LinuxTVWiki09:56
woody440thats what it says but i have installed tvtime and it says no device is available.....?09:57
woody440i thought i would try this room and i am in v4l room too....09:58
camelreefwoody440, just download the firmware10:00
camelreefand move it to /lib/firmware10:00
camelreefthen remove the stick, and put it back in10:00
woody440i have the latest version of this device running chipset af9015......when i run lsusb | grep Afatech10:00
woody440 in the terminal it sees it...10:00
woody440ok i will try that thx10:01
camelreefdo a "dmesg | grep .fw"10:01
camelreefyou should see a line complaining about the missing file10:01
Zinn[www.otit.fi] Index of /~crope/v4l-dvb/af9015/af9015_firmware_cutter/firmware_files10:02
camelreefwoody440,  do you see the line complaining about the missing file?10:04
woody440no i am doing something wrong10:04
woody440i don't have to run as root ie sudo dsmeg | grep .fw?10:05
camelreefdmesg | grep -i dvb should also do it10:06
woody440do i have to be in any particular directory?10:07
camelreefwhat is it saying ? dmesg | grep -i dvb10:07
woody440sorry i am not very good at command line,i put in  and nothing happens just goes to the next line awaiting my next command???10:08
woody440i put it in10:08
camelreefwhat if you just type dmesg ?10:09
woody440the reply from dmesg is huge....10:09
camelreefdmesg | grep -i dvb10:10
camelreefthe | is not an L10:10
camelreefit is a pipe10:10
camelreefnormally 2 vertical dashes on the keyboard10:10
woody440ok and is there space between dmesg and |?10:11
woody440and | grep?10:11
camelreefjust do a copy/paste of the command from the chat to the terminal10:12
camelreefgetting somewhere ?10:12
woody440and grep and -i dvb10:12
woody440i am on two different computers so i can't copy and paste sorry....10:13
woody440,i am putting it in correctly  and nothing happens just goes to the next line awaiting my next command???10:14
camelreefreally ?10:15
woody440i do lsusb | grep Afatech10:15
camelreefyes, that shows you that the system knows there is something connected10:16
camelreefthat doesn;t mean that the driver is loaded10:16
woody440and it says bus 001 Device 004: ID 1b80:e402 Afatech10:16
woody440ok i need the driver?10:17
camelreefand 9.10 comes with it10:17
woody440i will try what u said10:17
camelreefyou normally just have to add the firmware file10:17
camelreefyou may have broken something when trying to compile the v4l-dvb drivers10:18
camelreefdmesg gives you the kernel messages, abot drivers and all10:18
camelreefit should tell you about the dvb stuff10:19
camelreefgrep -i dvb catches only lines from dmesg with the word "dvb" inside10:19
camelreefas dvb drivers usually contain that word in their messages10:20
camelreefyou have nothing10:20
camelreefit is not normal10:20
camelreeflet's check that you command line are OK10:20
camelreefdmesg | grep -i acpi10:20
camelreefdo you get a result or just the next prompt?10:21
woody440ok one second10:22
woody440what am i looking for there?i get alot of information from that one...10:23
camelreefok, you are getting lines, all containing the word "ACPI" in them10:23
camelreefmeaning that dmesg and grep are working10:23
woody440yes some say disabled some say enabled...10:24
camelreefnow, the worrying part is that the kernel is not giving anything about DVB10:24
camelreeflet's see why10:24
camelreefwhat have you done exactly since the install about dvb drivers ?10:24
camelreefit looks like you broke them bad10:25
woody440ok i tried to update the kernel?did not know what i was doing10:25
camelreefupdate the kernel ? how ?10:25
woody440yep maybe a fresh install would be best10:25
camelreeflet's not go too fast, fresh install is for windows :o)10:26
camelreefwhat did you do to upgrade the kernel?10:26
woody440hahaha ok i am only new too linux10:26
woody440i was trying to kernel compile10:27
camelreefusing what code coming from where ?10:27
camelreefcan you give me the result of10:28
camelreefuname -a10:28
woody440i have three links open that is the first one,i can't remember exactly what i did...??10:28
woody440it gives me...10:29
woody440Linux lex-desktop 2.6.31-20-generic #58 Ubuntu SMP Fri 12 05:23:09 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:30
camelreefit looks like an ubuntu kernel10:31
camelreeflet's see it it is the only one10:31
woody440no i have two ...10:32
camelreefhow many lines is this giving you?10:32
camelreefls -lah / | grep boot10:32
woody440well in the directory i have seen two folders...10:32
camelreefstick to the plan !10:32
woody440ls invalid o[ption10:34
camelreeftype it correctly10:34
woody440try ls help??10:34
camelreefls -lah / | grep boot10:34
woody440no such file in directory???that was ls help10:35
camelreefls -lah / | grep boot10:35
camelreefjust type it without typos10:35
woody440ok i am tryin....10:36
woody440i can't go on the computer with xchat either cause of my brothers firewall,then i could just copy and paste10:37
camelreefjust ype10:38
woody440ok got something10:38
camelreefhow many lines ?10:38
camelreef3 or 5 ?10:39
camelreefor more ?10:39
woody440shows two kernel numbers10:39
camelreefgive me those numbers10:39
woody4402.6.31-20 and 2.6.31-1410:40
woody440the lines look the same apart from the time and .old in the lines with the lower kernel10:41
camelreefyou have the kernel version from install time10:42
camelreefand the latest from an upgrade10:42
camelreefthis is good10:42
camelreefnow, just to make sure, we will reinstall the latest one10:42
woody440hey i really appreciate ur help...10:42
camelreefthat should put back things as they should be, including the original dvb drivers10:43
camelreefjust in case you did something that gor rid of them10:43
woody440ok how do we do that?10:43
camelreefbe ready for a longer command line!10:43
woody440ok give it10:43
camelreefsudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-2.6.31-20-generic10:44
camelreeftype it slowly, check for typos10:45
camelreefit will ask for your password10:45
camelreefthen reinstall10:45
camelreefhow is it looking ?10:47
woody440ok it is running10:47
camelreeftell me when it is done10:47
camelreefdone ?10:49
woody440ok it asked to reboot10:49
camelreefnot yet10:50
woody440unknown program is still running stopping it from rebooting should i reboot anyway10:50
camelreefnow type10:50
camelreeffind /lib/modules -name *9015*10:50
camelreefthis will search for the driver file10:50
camelreefthis should give you 2 lines ending with .ko, one for each kernel installed10:51
woody440yup ur right10:52
woody440two lines for each kernel10:52
woody440one line for each kernel version10:53
woody4402.6.30-14 and -2010:53
camelreefreboot the machine10:55
camelreeftell me when done10:55
woody440it is backup now10:58
camelreefback to the command line10:59
camelreefdmesg | grep -i dvb10:59
camelreeflet's see if we have some signs of dvb stuff11:00
camelreefso ?11:02
camelreefany result or just the next prompt?11:04
woody440i am sure i have typed it correctly11:06
camelreefand? nothing or just the next command prompt ?11:06
woody440i just got dc camelreef11:06
camelreefand? nothing or just the next command prompt ?11:07
woody440just lex@lex-desktop:-$ thats it11:07
camelreefis the stick in ?11:07
camelreefmaybe I should have started with that...11:07
woody440yep i will double check though11:07
woody440i have it pluged into a powered usb hub11:08
camelreefupplug it and plug it back11:08
camelreefunplug, wait 5s, then replug11:08
camelreefthen dmesg | grep -i dvb11:09
camelreefjust use the uparrow key to get the previous command11:09
camelreefhubs with TV sticks are not recommended, btw, hubs share USB capacity, TV sticks need plenty of bandwidth, expecially dual tuners11:10
camelreefwoody440, what gives ?11:10
aaron_liujhow to set up mythv11:10
camelreefaaron_liuj, how to make money, fast11:11
aaron_liujhow to set up backends11:11
aaron_liujit'show me no pnp11:12
camelreefwoody440, ?11:12
woody440ok i pulled it out and plugged into a different usb on pc11:13
woody440still same result11:13
camelreeflsmod | grep 901511:14
camelreefis the module loaded ?11:14
woody440would u recommend go without the usb hub straight into usb in pc?11:14
woody440ok i will run that first11:14
aaron_liuji cannot o login database11:14
camelreefI would recommend no hub for tv sticks11:14
woody440same result nothing next line $11:15
camelreeflet's see if the first kernel acts better11:16
aaron_liujwhat's the database i connect to11:17
camelreefyou will reboot, then, right after the BIOS stuff you will see a message with a 3s timer. At this time hit ESC. You will have a menu with your kernels. Chose the -14 version, not -20, and not the recovery option11:17
camelreefwhen all booted, back to the command line with dmesg | grep -i dvb11:18
camelreefI'll be back in 10-15mn11:18
aaron_liujhow to set up database configuration window 211:21
aaron_liujdatabase server :11:22
aaron_liujwhat ?11:22
aaron_liujdefault localhost11:22
aaron_liujdatabase name ?11:22
aaron_liuj2010-03-28 18:23:48.107 Driver error was [1/2002]:11:24
aaron_liujQMYSQL3: Unable to connect11:24
aaron_liujQSqlQuery::exec: database not open11:24
aaron_liuj2010-03-28 18:24:13.128 DB Error (KickDatabase):11:24
aaron_liujQuery was:11:24
aaron_liujSELECT NULL;11:24
aaron_liujNo error type from QSqlError?  Strange...11:25
aaron_liuj2010-03-28 18:24:13.178 Cannot login to database?11:25
aaron_liujwhat's wrong with me11:25
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin11:31
camelreefwoody440, back. Wat gives with -14 ?11:38
woody440ok same as 20 $11:39
camelreefis the stck plugged directly into the computer now ?11:39
camelreefif not, do that11:40
camelreefand dmesg | grep -i dvb11:40
woody440yep that is how it is directly plugged into usb in pc11:41
camelreefthis is more than weird, then11:41
camelreefok, you must have broken somethign massively wrong11:41
camelreefbeyong IRC help11:42
woody440ok camel thx for ur help11:42
camelreeffresh install11:42
camelreefand install the package linux-firmware-nonfree11:42
camelreefit will give you the firmware for your stick11:42
woody440oki much appreciated11:43
camelreefyou do not have to compile anything at all11:43
camelreefI have 10+ years of Linux experience and do not compile anything myself anymore, especially not kernels11:44
woody440ok so freshinstall then just the package linux-firmware-nonfree..... no updates11:44
camelreefdistros do a very good job for this these days11:44
camelreefdo the normal updates, of course11:44
camelreefUbuntu kernels come with the right driver for your stick, just add the firmware package11:45
woody440ok i follow the how to forge perfect desktop for ubuntu 9.10.....would u recommend this?11:45
camelreefnow you have already spent more time than it would have taken to do a fresh install, let's cut the losses :)11:45
camelreefyou want a mythtv system ?11:46
camelreefdedicated ?11:46
camelreefor a desktop that does mythtv as well?11:46
woody440i have about 1 months using linux i am not giving up till i get it working11:46
camelreefgood approach11:47
camelreefI am weary of those guides, they tend to be outdate and make you do stupid things without enough explanations11:47
camelreefjust do a normal install of Ubuntu without any extras11:48
woody440i have done two ubuntu 9.10 installs  one with mythtv as well and also a dedicated mythtv install11:48
camelreeftodays this is more than you need11:48
camelreefthe system you are on now, will it be dedicated ?11:48
woody440yep it is i need a break thx heaps for your help11:48
woody440i don't think so cause i still need to network to other pcs11:49
camelreefthen do a normal install, upgrade it, add the firmware, then install mythbuntu-control-center, then run it from System->Administration11:50
camelreefthat gives you a clean and nice way of doing the mythtv part11:50
woody440i would like a dedicated mythtv setup ,i will get there one day.... ok thx again maybe i will catch u again on here bye camel11:51
camelreefwoody440, http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu11:51
woody440i will check them out cheers11:52
ethicatorHi there, how do I install the mythtv 0.23 themes that are part of the competition?12:07
dewmananyone know of any good deals on a hd homerun?15:43
mrandIf there are no sales currently on New Egg or the like, you may be able to find it on ebay for a few dollars cheaper than new.15:57
dewmanmrand, thanks....I am looking for a new card. This ol frame grabber has got to go! =)16:05
dewmanI found a hauppauge media mvp for $50 bucks....I dont see it in the mythtv wiki....Is that thing supported?16:06
mranddewman: that isn't a tuner.   Looks like it is some sort of media player.  If it supports UPNP, then it would be able to browse the media on a myth system, as would many (most?) other media players.16:07
dewmanmrand, your right...I just found that.... opps...I was getting trigger happy16:08
dewmanmrand, I found a website that lets you generate rss feeds for all of craigslist. I found a whole bunch of good deals on capture cards....=)16:55
superdugOkay, so I'm running 10.04 beta mythbuntu amd-64.  Everything seems to be working wonderfully, except Watch recordings doesn't list shows that are currently recording.  I can watch currently recording shows if I go to liveTV and swap inputs17:18
mrandsuperdug: it works for me.  Perhaps there is a filter or setting?17:19
superdugmrand: hence the "ugh" I wasn't on the correct group view :-/17:21
superdugit works now :-)17:26
superdugI knew I had done something stupid17:26
superdugI gotta say though ... I've setup myth before from scratch and I've gotta say mythbuntu takes almost all of the pain of myth setup away17:34
superdugobviously mythbackendsetup is a bit of a challenge for those not familiar17:34
superdugbut thats the ONLY challenge17:35
mrandsuperdug: that's good to hear.  some remotes and, as you say, tuner, input, and channel config remain troublesome points.  As does audio for some people.  There is only so much that you can do beyond what mythtv-setup provides.  Upstream is planning to revamp mythtv-setup eventually.17:36
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
DavieyTecnoBrat: can you report a bug please.18:14
TecnoBratsure can18:15
=== Casper0082 is now known as Guest68544
tmkthey hey...18:27
tmktrecently took out my geforce 9600 and decided to give my on board ati a try(much quieter)18:27
tmktbut now..i have a purple line on the left hand side of my screen18:28
tmktany ideas how to get rid of it?18:28
rhpot1991tmkt: put the nvidia card back in :)18:38
tmktyeah...too loud18:42
tmkteither deal with loud fan of the nvidia18:42
tmktor figure out what is causing this 3-4 pixel wide purple line18:42
tmktguessing it has to do with modeline18:42
rhpot1991to be honest nvidia is well worth it, you can't run VDPAU on an ATI card18:43
tmktor perhaps the resolution should be 1366x768 and its doing 1360x768...not sure18:43
tmktyeah.the VDPAU is buggy though18:43
rhpot1991if you don't like the noise then you could invest in a silent card18:43
rhpot1991agree to disagree.18:43
tmktI just use High Quality setting with either card18:43
tmktwhen I use the VDPAU18:43
tmktand go to program guide18:43
tmktit doesn't scale the image on the program guide18:43
tmktit shows a cropped portion of the full window18:43
rhpot1991not sure about that18:44
rhpot1991tried the autobuilds to see if its fixed there?18:44
tmkteverytime i just the vdpau i get the same issue18:44
tmkti'm on the nightlies...just hard to convince myself to put the nvidia back in fover a purple line..the silence is nice18:44
tmktbut probably will going back to the nvidia if i can't find a solution to the purple line18:45
tmktand still can't figure out why i'm not getting 5.1 from my videos anymore..those suggestions you gave me on friday didn't seem to have any effect :(18:45
rhpot1991tmkt: I haven't run lucid on anything important yet so I'm not sure if thats an issue or not18:47
rhpot1991you could file a bug just in case18:47
=== toorima_ is now known as toorima
tmktyeah i might..not sure if i should file it against lucid or myth..not sure where the error lies18:48
tmktRecordings play 5.118:48
tmktall my handbrake dvd rips only play in dd2.0 unless i use vlc or mplayer18:49
tmktripped them all using ac3 passthrough..guess its a myth issue18:53
TecnoBratNote to self .. when making a patch .. do the diff in the right order19:15
=== _Metoer is now known as Metoer
superdugmrand: well I have one of those handheld logitech dinovo's ... so my remote sorta automatically works when the computer does :-)20:50
superdugmrand: also, I'm surprised ubuntu as a whole hasn't put something in the installer to ask "I see an onboard video card, a discreet graphics card, 3 DVI outs and an HDMI out, which one(s) do you want to use by default"20:51
superdugits hard to even find a home consumer computer with only one video card and only one port therein20:52
mrandsuperdug: speaking of Ubuntu in general, it's always compromise between trying to make semi-intelligent defaults vs. configurability and all the headaches that come with that - especially when you are possibly dealing with non-technical users that don't know what a video card/port is, or HDMI, or DVI.  Also, I strongly suspect that the majority of users really do only have one display option.  Most Dell, HP, and other computers only ha21:02
superdugmrand: right, but the second to last step of the installer has always had the Advanced... button seems that'd be a great place to put some of that stuff21:03
mrandsuperdug: sure would.... I'm sure the installer team would love to have some help! :-)21:04
superdugdistro related development21:04
superdugso not my thing anymore21:04
mrandIt's certainly different than single project related stuff.21:06
=== Guest68544 is now known as kc
DavieyAnyone here running up to date mythtv on lucid?23:58

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