
Sarvattdang, forcing it into the initrd gives me a high resolution text renderer splash now00:04
Sarvatthmm vga16fb doesn't load at all if i put all the gpu modules in the initrd actually00:24
Sarvattlol oops, KMS wiki page said to echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ....04:30
Sarvatthope noone actually did that :D04:30
Sarvattwhat to do about this sisimedia driver..06:00
Sarvatti've been working on it for awhile not but it's a pain in the butt. they patched the heck out of a *really* old sis release and it needs a ton of fixes for xserver 1.706:01
tjaaltonSarvatt: don't bother, it should be merged with sis06:43
tjaaltonsome distro has done that, but can't remember which one06:43
tjaaltonthey should push it upstream06:45
Sarvattand it doesnt work in cooker there either06:45
tjaaltonthough it doesn't matter who does the work, so go for it ;)06:46
Sarvatt#6  0x0816848c in RRScreenSizeSet (pScreen=0x8965720, width=1280, height=28864, mmWidth=169,  mmHeight=126) at ../../randr/rrscreen.c:18507:00
Sarvattthats some height07:00
Sarvattyeeeep bug 535640 happens on all generations for sure07:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535640 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] GPU lockup de05bf80bf83cd22541cb55f1a2ee99e (xorg crash when opening the laptop lid)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53564007:24
superm1and it's annoying as heck too :)07:24
Sarvattfix will be in *soon*07:24
Sarvattkernel team thought it was still applied but it wasn't07:25
superm1every time it's happened to me i've been stuck behind proxies and unable to upload a report, so i'm glad to hear it's more commo07:25
Sarvattyou can disable turning off the display in power management and not blank the screen with a screensaver for now to fix it07:26
superm1cool, thanks07:26
superm1there's one other big one i keep seeing on my intel boxes.  the bottom of the display turns all jittery whenever i type and gets worse as i type more.  if i vt switch or restart X it appears to go away for a bit though07:29
Sarvattthat one i just saw reported for the first time today07:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 549989 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] flicker on bottom third of screen" [Undecided,New]07:29
Sarvattdoes it only happen with gnome-terminal for you?07:30
superm1come to think of it, that's the only time i've ever noticed it07:30
superm1let me grab it and see if it's acting up right now07:30
Sarvattyeah i dont think thats a problem in intel, i only get something similar in gnome-terminal07:30
Sarvattmoving the mouse up to gnome panel clears it07:31
Sarvattit started when the CSD stuff was added to gtk+ but that was backed out and i still have it07:31
superm1of course it's stable right now07:32
superm1it's only when i'm doing important things that it likes to happen07:32
Sarvattyeah same here :D07:33
Sarvatti get it like once a week or so, but sometimes it gets real bad and i get it like 10 times in a day07:33
superm1it's usually hourly for me07:33
Sarvattit makes my whole screen black except for a sliver up at the panel and moving the cursor up to the panel fixes it. really weird07:34
superm1if i dont vt switch or log out / in i'm sure to get some kind of black out on the screen when it starts happening07:34
superm1i'll keep that in mind next time it happens to see if i'm as lucky07:34
Sarvattit usually happens when I pageup or pagedown in nano07:34
Sarvattwish i could figure that one out07:35
Sarvatthappens on 2.6.31-2.6.34, with or without compiz, and on intel 2.9.1 through 2.10.90307:36
Sarvattand only in gnome-terminal..07:36
Sarvattactually when the CSD stuff was in it happened in xchat too07:36
Sarvattscrolling up and down the screen there too07:36
superm1can't seem to induce it with a pg up/down here07:37
Sarvattasking in ubuntu-desktop if anyone has any idea where to start digging into it :)07:41
superm1lshw -c video corrupted it in a much more fun and colorful way07:49
Sarvattok on 945 the error state looks like this instead of the easily recognizable 965+ ones even though its the same bug - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/41715185/i915_error_state.txt07:57
Sarvatti just enabled screen blanking and such and I get that same error state, there goes another 50 intel bugs to be duped :)07:57
Sarvattwell thats what 915-945 look like i should say, not just 94507:58
Sarvattsuperm1: the lshw thing is fixed in 2.6.32-18 thats built just doesnt have a linux-meta yet08:25
Sarvattcan blacklist vga16fb to fix that for now too otherwise :D08:25
Sarvattshould be fixed I should say, I haven't tested it yet08:25
Sarvattsheesh the more I close intel bugs the more nouveau bugs go up08:28
Duke`I feel a little performance regression in latest mesa/dri/i94509:19
Duke`well, it's just glxgears, so maybe there is no real regression, but...09:19
Sarvattare you using a 2.6.32+ kernel?09:23
Duke`at glxgears, I experience a drop from 1200 to 900 fps09:31
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ubottuUbuntu bug 549318 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Xorg crashes when I switch to console" [Undecided,New]16:24
Sarvattis that even supposed to work?16:24
BUGabundoI had one of those Sarvatt16:30
BUGabundoseems fixed now16:30
* BUGabundo reads the bug details16:31
BUGabundook, not multicard nor multi monitor16:31
SarvattBUGabundo: still hitting any of your old bugs with the blob?17:48
Sarvattsuspend/resume working? can ya vt switch?17:48
BUGabundoSarvatt: all fine so far17:49
BUGabundosuspend works, TTYs too17:49
BUGabundoneed to test hibernate17:49
BUGabundohaven't in a while, last few times I tested it was broken.... and it takes SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO darn long, I rather not use it anymore17:49
Sarvattsweet, mind closing those bugs you had open? i asked in the bugs if it was still happening and marked incomplete but dont have them handy :D17:50
BUGabundowill have to search the email17:50
BUGabundowere those comments recent? 17:50
Sarvattyeah hibernate makes no sense to me anymore, not when a normal boot is faster..17:51
BUGabundoI'm up to date until last night17:51
BUGabundoSarvatt: there are two use cases for it:17:51
Sarvattoh i'll get it off your launchpad page17:51
BUGabundoone is where you really need to keep an work flow of open docs17:51
Sarvattit was when nvidia-current was updated last right after beta 117:51
BUGabundotwo when you want to turn of a machine to move around17:51
BUGabundono idea17:52
BUGabundohaven't correlated dates 17:52
Sarvattsession management in the text editor! :D17:52
Sarvattchrome/firefox remembering tabs, gedit and geany remembering docs open, thats all i need17:52
BUGabundokenvandine: FYI increasing gwibber timeout, seems to help me connect to brainbird.net (statusnet) without probs17:54
Sarvattoh sweet you have alot of bug reports that are fixed on your reported bug page :)17:54
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Sioux-33hi anyone here?18:16
BUGabundowe all ran cause of the splits18:17
Sioux-33hi, ubuntu 9.10 i updated kernel to version and mousse cursor is gone dont know what happen any ideas?18:17
SarvattSioux-33: usb mouse or touchpad? 18:23
Sarvattsudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit18:24
Sarvatt^ paste that in a terminal and paste the pastebin link it gives if you dont mind :)18:24
Sioux-33my dear <Sarvatt> u want me to use pastebin now? cos at the moment im using kernel and the mousse cursor is working fine. if u want me to boot up to then there will be diffucult to use anything cos of no moussse cursor so what do u want me to do?18:26
Sarvattdid you boot to the non working cursor situation last?18:27
Sarvattif so /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old will have the info in it18:27
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> one sec yes i booted  last let me see if i can find anything18:28
Sarvatt/var/log/dmesg.1 would be handy too18:31
Sarvattfor that one use 18:31
Sarvattzcat /var/log/dmesg.1.gz | pastebini18:31
Sarvattactually I would recommend filing a bug with ubuntu-bug linux after booting where you dont have the mouse working, you can press alt+f2 to run the command. do you have an external mouse you can use just to file it?18:33
Sioux-33nope i dont 18:33
Sioux-33u want me to zcat /var/log/dmesg.1.gz | pastebinit?18:33
Sioux-33i did zcat /var/log/dmesg.1.gz | pastebinit and then got http://pastebin.com thats all18:35
Sarvattdarn :(18:35
Sioux-33what do u want me to do?18:35
Sarvattthe karmic one must be messed up18:36
Sarvattwell, run ubuntu-bug linux and attach /var/log/dmesg.1.gz and /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old to it if you dont mind, that would be alot more helpful anyway18:36
Sarvattjust mention the touchpad doesn't work with 2.6.31-21 but does with 2.6.31-2018:37
Sioux-33it doesnt with generic it doesnt with pae it doesnt with pae18:38
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> can be that it doesnt work cos of graphic card for example? 18:40
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Sarvatti doubt it very much, it would be appreciated if you could file that bug though because thats a pretty nasty problem and that kernel is still in proposed so best to figure it out before it gets moved over to karmic-updates18:41
Sioux-33ok i will report a bug 18:42
Sarvattit will automatically fill in almost all of the info, only thing you need to mention is what kernels it works on and which it doesnt and attach those extra logs after if you dont mind18:42
Sarvatti'm guessing its going to be http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-karmic.git;a=commit;h=a36ea9e4ead28b3836ba4bd3abaab39fdf16f423 but wont know until I see the bug18:44
Sioux-33i type in the terminal ubuntu-bug and then what ? i should use ubuntu-bug something 18:46
BenHoltzI need help with ubuntu 10.04 w/integrated intel gfx so that i can use my flat screen TV via VGA. I have tried disabling kms with grub, and no luck. I tried setting it via the wiki suggestions and upon echoing to the i915-kms.conf get permission denied.  any ideas?18:46
SarvattBenHoltz: sudo -i first, then do the echo command18:47
BenHoltzSarvatt: I'll try that...  how can we add that to the wiki?18:48
BenHoltzSarvatt: Still no dice, after grub it goes out of sync.18:50
BenHoltzanyone have any clues/suggestions?18:55
BenHoltzI need help with ubuntu 10.04 w/integrated intel gfx so that i can use my flat screen TV via VGA. I have tried disabling kms with grub, and no luck. I tried setting it via the wiki suggestions and echoing to the i915-kms.conf with no luck .  any ideas?19:05
* BenHoltz wishes for some x expert to magically fall into the room19:14
jcristauwhy would you disable kms?19:14
BenHoltzthats what everyone suggested19:15
SarvattBenHoltz: file a bug with ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel, we dont even know what the problem is and its probably apparent in your logs19:16
jcristaui don't know who everyone is, and they're usually wrong anyway :)19:17
BenHoltzjcristau: I agree!19:18
BenHoltzSarvatt: via Help>Report a problem?19:18
Sarvattpress alt+f2 and type ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel19:18
BenHoltzSarvatt: 10-4.  Thanks!19:19
Sarvattbe more descriptive of what the problem is outside of it doesn't work if you can :)19:19
BenHoltzSarvatt: I will do so.19:20
Sarvattthanks, will get the email when it shows up and take a look, hopefully its just something easy19:21
* BenHoltz hopes!19:21
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> its done take look at it Bug #55039619:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550396 in linux "ubuntu 9.10 kernel and pae cursor bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55039619:24
Sarvattthanks Sioux-33, can you attach /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old to it too?19:25
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> how?19:26
Sarvattclick attach a file at the bottom and navigate to /var/log and pick Xorg.0.log.old19:28
BenHoltzSarvatt: submitted Bug #55040519:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550405 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Flatscreen TV goes out of range after grub with integrated intel gfx and a Sony Bravia 32' Flatscreen TV connected via VGA cable. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55040519:29
Sarvatthmm it is detecting your trackpad as a ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse19:29
SarvattSioux-33: looks like you booted with the non working touchpad setup this boot where you filed the bug?19:30
Sioux-33i booted pae19:30
Sioux-33and i attached the xorg old19:31
Sioux-33just now19:31
Sarvattthanks, you're booted to a working setup now right? can you also attach /var/log/dmesg and note its from a working setup as well? sorry to be a pain19:32
Sioux-33ok one sec19:32
Sarvatthuh, wait a sec, this could very well be a graphics problem..19:33
Sarvattyou dont have the proprietary drivers installed for the other kernels19:33
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> i use ati card ati hd 4850 and i installed ati catalyst in kernel so i should if i update kernel the same driver in
Sarvattdid you install it outside of the package manager system Sioux-33?19:35
Sarvattthats what it looks like19:35
Sarvattwhen you do that you need to update it manually every time you install a new kernel19:35
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> i updated kernel from synaptic and the driver was from ati website 19:36
Sioux-33so i should boot up and then install ati driver again?19:36
Sarvattyeah thats the problem here, its *really* not recommended to install it from the ati website by yourself because it doesn't automatically update when you update your kernel19:36
Sarvattyeah, that or uninstall it completely and install the ati driver through system - administration - hardware drivers19:37
Sarvatti'd really recommend the latter because that way you wont have to manually update it every time you install a new kernel19:37
Sioux-33the problem is that in synaptic is just open source driver for ati 19:37
Sioux-33so thats why i downloaded the one from ati web19:37
Sioux-33let me try boot up again to and install ati driver ok?19:38
Sarvattsynaptic isn't what you want, you should have the proprietary drivers available (they're called fglrx) when you go to system - preferences - hardware drivers19:38
Sarvattyou need to update it for every kernel, switching from generic to generic-pae counts as a new kernel too19:38
Sioux-33ok brb 3 min 19:39
Sarvattthat will quickly get old if you switch between generic and generic-pae alot and have karmic-proposed enabled :D19:40
SarvattBenHoltz: okie taking a look at yours..19:41
BenHoltzSarvatt: I appreciate your help. :)19:41
Sarvattwell first thing i noticed is we need to backport http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-intel/commit/?id=3d4b3f257fbbb69c6f236d9803abe54a90d7d434 to 2.9.1 (makes note)19:42
Sarvatt[   15.576747] [drm:drm_fill_in_dev] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module.19:46
Sarvatt[   15.576793] DRM: Fill_in_dev failed.19:46
BenHoltzalso found a similar message to that in the GdmLog.txt19:47
BenHoltzNo such file or Directory19:48
Sarvattok BenHoltz can you try removing your i915-kms.conf, then edit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and add these lines (in this order)19:49
Sarvattthen sudo update-initramfs -u after19:50
jcristauthat sounds wrong19:51
Sioux-33<Sarvatt> i dont know who u are but one thing im sure u are the best man:) i been asking on ubuntu forum then ubuntu channel ubuntu bugs no one know what happen with mousse cursor u should change your nick to albert einstein u are the best man tnx very much i updated driver in pae and everything is working fine 19:51
jcristaui915 should be loaded automatically, not from /etc/modules19:51
Sarvattjcristau: its loading agp then drm then intel_agp then i915 for him and intel_agp needs to be loaded before, trying to get this commit in the lucid kernel because alot of people are having this problem  - http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=1f7a6e372e9cb4d749f34c0738d832e6cadb407119:52
BenHoltzSarvatt: that is done. i'll give it a spin19:52
BenHoltzSarvatt: what do you need me to do now?19:53
Sarvattno worries Sioux-33, best to file a bug when you have problems like that because we really need to see logs :D19:54
jcristauSarvatt: right, i'm just saying drm and i915 don't need to be there19:54
Sarvattwell reboot and see if its any different, thats just one issue i noticed you having still checking over your logs19:54
jcristau(the debian kernel has all agp drivers builtin now for that sort of reason)19:55
Sarvattnot having any luck convincing the kernel guys of that here :D19:55
Sarvattgpu modules arent even getting put into the initrd at the moment, boot looks so ugly19:56
jcristau*shrug* gpu modules don't belong in the initrd19:56
BenHoltzSarvatt: still not working on the TV, but it loads on the dell monitor.19:57
SarvattBenHoltz: can you install pastebinit and dmesg | pastebinit now?19:59
BenHoltzSarvatt: sorry kinda a noob with the commands... 20:00
Sarvattsudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit20:01
Sarvattpaste that into a terminal20:01
Sarvattit'll give you a link to paste here20:01
BenHoltzsudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit  ok 1 sec20:02
Sarvattdo you have compiz enabled BenHoltz? does it work if you disable compiz?20:02
BenHoltzi belive it is enabled, i'll try disabling20:03
BenHoltzstill not working with compiz disabled.20:05
BenHoltzok so here's my feeling, i think its starting in a resolution/refresh rate my tv doesnt like...20:06
Sarvattoh its out of sync during boot even, sorry20:06
BenHoltzi just have no clue how to fix20:07
BenHoltzi should have been more clear. ;)20:07
BenHoltzwhen i start it with my monitor plugged in, then change the cords to have the tv plugged in it seems to now work, but when i have it start with the tv and plug it into the monitor it is waay huge on the monitor.20:09
Sarvatthmm what drm debug level is for mode set logging..20:09
jcristaudrm.debug=6 should work iirc20:10
SarvattBenHoltz: with the connector setup that is being screwy for you, try holding shift while booting, scrolling down to where you see quiet splash written and add drm.debug=0x04 to it, then do the dmesg | pastebinit again20:11
BenHoltzok 1 sec20:12
Sarvattor drm.debug=0x06 even, sorry :D20:13
BenHoltzno dice with holding shift it just reboots just past grub20:14
Sarvatt0x06 is DRM_DEBUG_KMS + DRM_DEBUG_DRIVER, driver has hotplug events but i think that might spam too much from the other things20:14
BenHoltzi'm just in a loop when i hold shift20:14
Sarvattoh? well do a sudo nano /etc/default/grub and add the drm.debug=0x06 after quiet splash and sudo update-grub after, just remove it after all of this20:15
BenHoltzok 1 min20:15
BenHoltzi could press esc to edit the grub?20:15
Sarvattif that works :D20:16
Sarvattyou using grub1 or something?20:16
BenHoltzi'll try that 1 sec20:16
BenHoltz??? how do i know?20:16
Sarvatthow did you edit grub before like you said in the bug? just do it the same way20:16
BenHoltzi pressed esc then e ten edited that way20:17
Sarvattyep just do that then20:17
BenHoltzadd it to the kernel line?20:17
BenHoltzok started up with fail.20:18
BenHoltznow going to go and get the patebin brb20:19
Sarvattwonder why mode sets dont show up in dmesg anymore, could swear they used to20:19
Sarvattit didnt take your extra option20:22
Sarvattno drm.debug there20:22
BenHoltzhmmm... i'll try adding it to the .cfg20:23
BenHoltzSarvatt: i dont see the quiet flash in /etc/default/grub20:26
BenHoltzwait i see it now20:26
BenHoltztrying again20:28
BenHoltzSarvatt: upon looking in grub before its loading it doesnt loook like it took, pastebining now20:32
BenHoltzok i think i might have done it right... lets see here. >_<20:37
Sarvattnope :(20:39
BenHoltzhow long does the dmesg stay?20:39
BenHoltzis it persistant through reboots?20:43
benholtz_brokenSarvatt: try this one http://pastebin.com/vpyHk10K20:47
BenHoltzit has stuff that was not befoee.. ;)20:49
BenHoltzSarvatt: any clues?21:01
BenHoltzjcristau: any ideas?21:04
* BenHoltz points gun @ self21:06
BenHoltzcan someone help me?21:11
BenHoltzok, i give up....21:27
Sarvattnone of those dmesg's had drm.debug set.. couldn't sit here all night :(22:15
Sarvattok so we need some *serious* testing of this xorg.conf.d stuff, tjaalton have you documented every change you've done somewhere? we should set up a wiki page about it to collaborate22:27
* Sarvatt tries to break things22:32
Sarvattok xorg.conf.d stuff installed on 5 machines, lets see how this works out.22:55
Sarvatttjaalton: 10-synaptics.conf isn't getting installed, xorg.conf.d is located at /usr/lib/X11/, and the old udev rules are still getting installed in those packages and not removed on upgrade23:21
Sarvattonly problems I've noticed so far23:22
jcristau2 is not a "problem"23:23
Sarvattyeah not really, I just thought it was supposed to be in /etc23:23
Sarvattother than that it's working like a charm. need to fix up the wacom udev rules and try that out23:26
jcristaui think it's a bad idea to have the default input config in /etc23:26
jcristaupeople can still tweak stuff in xorg.conf23:26
Sarvattwould be nice if you could add snippets in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ as well as the stock ones in /usr/lib/X1123:29
jcristauthat needs more code.23:29
jcristaubut, yes.23:29
Sarvattthis is a *heck* of a lot better than asking people to do udev rules though23:29
Sarvattevtouch probably actually works now! :D23:30
jcristauthat's why i'm telling people to use the gnome dialogs instead, not udev rules.23:30
Sarvattif we do pick this up i'll volunteer to go through and translate a ton of old fdi stuff into snippets23:43
jcristausigh.  you're shipping a ton of fdi stuff for x config?23:44
Sarvattmore like I'm trying to be helpful in any way I can, if its not wanted no sweat off my back :)23:47
jcristauheh ok23:48

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