
=== cpg|brb is now known as cpg
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lontrahi i can't get ubuntu one to stop syncing with one of my folders. i click stop syncing w/ nautilus but it continues to attempt to sync and eats up my CPI03:27
lontras CPI/CPU03:27
lontraalso when i click stop syncing it crashes nautilus over and over again03:29
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zuslooking to put ubuntu one on kubuntu 9,10 got my accoutn from when i used gnome, ...06:58
zusif ubuntu one is pre installed in ubuntu, what about kubuntu?07:06
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zusall is well i found it07:27
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lontrano one here? this irc has 75 users?18:09
gmbHi. I've just upgraded to Lucid and I can't get ubuntuone-preferences to start. It seems to be starting and then appears to just give up the ghost. Can anyone give me any help debugging it?18:58
lontragmb: ha i can't get ubuntuone to stop and i'm on lucid :)19:12
gmblontra, Nice. Between us we should have a working UbuntuOne.19:12
lontragood luck19:13
mkarnickihi guys19:54
mkarnickii've got a question. how is the implementation of public link feature going?19:54
kklimondawell, it works for me19:57
kklimondaat least from web ui19:57
kklimondahaven't tried from nautilus recently19:58
mkarnickikklimonda: you're on lucid?19:58
mkarnickikklimonda: are you talking about sharing a folder, or the feature to share a single file publicly?19:59
kklimondamkarnicki: on lucid, public link19:59
mkarnickikklinmonda: sorry for a noob question, but where can i find a 'public link' option in the web gui?20:00
kklimondamkarnicki: when you click on a file the blue icon with i shows up20:00
kklimondayou can click on this icon20:01
mkarnickii kinda feel my U1 might have broken.. i'm on 9.10, installing lucid on a new laptop soon20:01
mkarnickikklimonda: interesting.. i can't see the blue icon20:01
mkarnickii only see the trash icon20:01
mkarnickikklimonda: is this feature available in the standard 2GB plan?20:03
mkarnickikklimonda: or is it some beta testing phase maybe?20:03
kklimondamkarnicki: I'm not sure but it should be - there is no indication that the feature is paid only20:03
kklimondanor have I heard anything about plans being different in anything but the amount of space20:04
mkarnickikklimonda: what browser are you using? i'm on chrome20:04
mkarnickii'll try that.20:04
mkarnickiops.. i guess there's a bug o_O firefox shows the icon, chrome doesn't20:06
mkarnickikklimonda: do you have chrome perhaps, to replicate that behaviour?20:06
kklimondanot right now but I remember that there have been a similar bug on launchpad in the past20:07
mkarnickithat's random.. now "My files" isn't even visible in chrome20:08
mkarnickii'll have a look at lp. thanks kklimonda20:08
mkarnickiat least i know the feature is implemented already. that what's important for me :)20:09
mkarnickikklimonda: interestingly, clearing cache helped. now i'll go what lp says about that. thanks for help20:17
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mkarnickiI guess - again ;) - this is the time when the channel calms down. But if there's anybody who wants to share ideas on U1 for Android client, feel free to leave comments at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/specs/UbuntuOneForAndroid22:33
JanCmkarnicki: syncing 2 GiB or more to your Android ?  :P22:39
mkarnickiJanC: note the 'discussion' section :) (even if - why not? for huge SD cards and wifi connection?)22:40
mkarnickiJanC: i suggest 3 modes of syncing, see the wiki :)22:40
kklimondamkarnicki: it would be awesome for syncing contacts and calendars(?)22:43
kklimondaugh, but not by running it on python there22:44
mkarnickikklimonda: contacts can be sync-ed with https://android-client.forge.funambol.org/22:44
mkarnickicalendars also (or the work is pending)22:44
mkarnickii've recently tried funambol whilst talking to beuno. it synced over 400 entries from my phone, to ubuntu cloud.22:45
kklimondaI don't really see a reason for file sync but that may be only me22:46
kklimondais this android client a U1 client?22:46
kklimondaor does it sync with evo directly using some scary protocol?22:46
mkarnickikklimonda: i'd love to have my pictures from android uploaded to my pc through U1 :)22:46
mkarnickiit will be u1 client :)22:46
mkarnickino, first feature to implement is file sync. evo contacts/calendar can be synced with funambol22:47
kklimondamkarnicki: I connect my phone to the computer and sync this way22:47
JanCcertainly make it possible to not sync anything over 3G (or only with express permission)22:47
mkarnickiJanC: sure, thanks. i'll note that.22:47
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mkarnickikklimonda: tru, I also do. but if i'm running out of space (2Gig is not that much if I take some pictures), i can upload them directly to U122:48
JanCmaybe even make it dependent on the used 3G provider (roaming can be a lot more expensive than your own 3G provider)22:48
* mkarnicki waits with the supper, finally some constructive conversation22:48
mkarnickiJanC: true. i only wrote about wifi/data link use cases, but i'll split data link to specifically 3G/2G/GPRS (wel.. that last one might be good only for some small data sync ;) )22:50
mkarnickikklimonda: partially the idea came to me when i heard of dropbox rolling out it's Android client22:50
JanChere in Belgium 3G (or any mobile data) is quite expensive  :-/22:50
mkarnickikklimonda: but U1 is superior to ubuntu in (at least) one thing: not only files, but settings/prefs (couchdb)22:51
mkarnickiJanC: i've got 500megs monthly subscription for.. $5 i think22:51
kklimondamkarnicki: it does come with a lot of the overhead though22:52
kklimondamkarnicki: my G1 have no 30MB of ram to launch desktopcouch ;)22:52
kklimondawhich reminds me that my friend has overclocked his droid to 1.3Ghz..22:53
kklimondamkarnicki: the client like that does make sense for sure - I'm just not the target audience :)22:53
mkarnickikklimonda: that might be the case, i was just about to inspect that. but couchdb can be run on Android (maybe newer models?), see Implementation->Useful links section https://wiki.ubuntu.com/specs/UbuntuOneForAndroid22:54
mkarnickikklimonda: @1.3Ghz - impressive :D22:54
mkarnickikklimonda: sure, i understand :)22:54
mkarnickistill, whatever you said is valuable for me :)22:55
kklimondamkarnicki: for sure newer models have much more ram to spare22:55
kklimondaI should try this funambol stuff - syncing is one of the last things that I use google for22:59
mkarnickii've got htc hero, but i cant find how much ram is free ;D23:05
mkarnickikklimonda: iPhone dropbox client accesses the files (by simply downloading them every time i think), in read only mode, if i'm not mistaken.23:07
mkarnickithis is a bit restrictive and.. dumb :)23:07
mkarnickiahh sorry.. it can cache the files for off-line viewing. and that's it. http://www.dropbox.com/iphoneapp23:10
kklimondawell, it can sync photos and videos - for most people it;s enough23:13
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mkarnickiyeah.. that's one of the fundamental needs i think, behind U1 for Android also :)23:18

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