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Nafaigood morning16:10
jcastromorning Nafai!16:17
NafaiHow are you jcastro?16:19
jcastrogood, just a bad monday, heh16:19
doctormoivanka1: Mark has said that the left aligned buttons are that way for some future design considerations. Do you know what those are?17:31
jcastrojpetersen: ping18:31
jpetersenjcastro, yes18:31
jcastrodo you have the upstream bug for the g-s-d app indicator patch handy?18:31
jcastroor since it was only partially implemented did we not push that up?18:32
jpetersenjcastro, i am just looking18:32
ubot4Gnome bug 610867 in plugins "Support for application-indicators/StatusNotifierIcon" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]18:33
jpetersenjcastro, that was the patch which included the gnome keyboard patch18:34
jcastrojpetersen: ok18:35
jpetersenjcastro, I will attach the current patch (without the keyboard indicator) to that bug report18:35
jcastrojpetersen: as you finish up can you make sure all your patches are up to date?18:35
jcastroalso pinging the maintainers to try to get them accepted would help me out18:35
jpetersenjcastro, yes i will do18:36
jcastrojpetersen: also what do you think we should do as far as the strings thing hughsie brought up?18:37
jcastroI was thinking, the goal is to get the a-i work upstream, so if he doesn't want those changes we made to the strings maybe we could just drop those?18:37
jpetersenjcastro, one could just drop the strings for upstream, but there is the problem, that either the tooltip with the information is missing or the text in the menu items is really wide18:38
jpetersenjcastro, maybe mpt (who wrote https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerStatusMenu) can comment on it18:40
jcastrogood idea18:40
jcastrompt: ping18:40
jcastroNafai: for gnome-bt you might need to be persistant on getting the review through.18:43
jcastroNafai: but don't be so persistant that you annoy him, heh18:43
jcastrojpetersen: ok so if you could just due diligence each patch upstream as time allows before you finish off for good that would be great.18:44
jpetersenjcastro, yes I will do.18:46
jpetersenjcastro,  I will split up the patch for gnome-power-manager so that the string changes are in an extra patch18:46
lamalexoh man, tomboy needs a monochrome icon19:06
qenselamalex: isn't it there already>19:18
lamalexqense: not for me, no19:19
lamalexqense: http://lamalex.net/static/panel.png19:22
qenselamalex: neither here, btw19:33
qense\vish: Do you know anything about the Tomboy monochrome icon?19:34
mdc_laptop\vish, also, do you know anything about a pidgin m-c icon? (also, hi! :) )19:36
jcastro  I think the icon is done but it isn't using it yet?19:37
mdc_laptopjcastro, which one?19:37
qensejcastro: Tomboy isn't using the monochrome icon.19:39
qensejcastro: Could it be that the -panel suffix was added to the icon name in spite of Tomboy not having an Application Indicator?19:39
C10uDhey, you didn't fix the python icon issue with libappindicator -- and i even provided a patch for that :p you're not following jono's advices eheh19:39
jcastrolast time I saw the bug scroll by the icon was made but I don't think tomboy is using -panel yet?19:39
qenseC10uD: me?19:40
C10uDi'll release "emesene" without libappindicator support, too bad if i can get the new version in lucid :(19:40
C10uDqense, i guess it's not you, it's "ayatana" in general19:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 527061 in indicator-application "python bindings for libappindicator don't allow to change icon-theme-path (affects: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:40
qenseC10uD: where is the bug, I could take a look at th19:40
C10uDone month with attached patch19:40
qenseI'll look at the patch :)19:40
qenseC10uD: what advice, btw?19:41
jcastrowait what19:41
C10uDi've seen some blogposts about reviewing patches, etc. in planet :)19:41
jcastrotedg: can you check out that bug please?19:41
jcastroC10uD: dang, be louder next time, I can help get ted to look at things!19:41
jcastromaybe it's not too late19:41
C10uDi complained a bit sometime ago but no luck (noone seemed to know if it was a proper patch, even if it's a very few tested lines), seems like other python applications doesn't need it :P19:42
C10uDso there hasn't been much noise about this issue19:43
tedgI missed the second patch.  Sorry about that.19:43
tedgIt looks fine to me.19:43
C10uDtedg, 002 doens't workl19:43
tedgOh :(19:43
tedgHeh, looks fine :)19:43
tedgkenvandine: Do you know anything about adding this constructor in the Python bindings?19:44
tedgkenvandine: bug 52706119:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 527061 in indicator-application "python bindings for libappindicator don't allow to change icon-theme-path (affects: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52706119:44
kenvandinetedg, i do not19:44
qensetedg: you can't specify the same function multiple times but with a different number of arguments19:44
qenseyou'll have to add a fourth icon_path=None argument and check for that19:45
tedgqense: It looks to me like it's a new function.  "app_indicator_new_with_path"19:45
jcastrotedg: btw, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+patches19:45
jcastrotedg: +patches works for projects AND people/teams!19:45
qensetedg: isn't it specified as the constructor for the AppIndicator object?19:45
qensejcastro: and for source packages?19:46
jcastrotry it, I am pretty sure 19:46
tedgjcastro: And project groups!  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ayatana/+patches19:46
C10uDtedg, patch 002 adds another constructor, but seems like you can define multiple constructors with python bindings19:46
tedgqense: Ah, so you can't have two constructors.19:46
qensetedg: as far as I'm aware not19:46
C10uDwith 001 instead, you have a single constructors which accepts an optional argument -- i've tested it and it works both ways19:47
C10uDnot sure about other python applications using those bindings, but i don't see why they shouldn't break, if the c code is good19:47
qenseC10uD: I think 001 looks good indeed19:48
tedgHmm, what's another Python app using libappindicator... gtg?19:49
qensetedg: it shouldn't matter because the fourth argument is optional and there is this check in _set_property(): if (priv->icon_path != NULL) {19:49
kikohey there19:49
qenseso if it's NULL by default, which it is, it should work just fine19:49
qensehi kiko19:49
kikohey there19:49
kikoI'm otp so a bit lagged19:49
kikobut ask away19:49
tedgHey kiko  we're looking at bug 52706119:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 527061 in indicator-application "python bindings for libappindicator don't allow to change icon-theme-path (affects: 3)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52706119:50
tedgC10uD: Has a couple of patches there.  Seems that 001 works, but we don't know if it'll effect other Python apps.19:50
qenseI think it won't.19:50
tedg002 doesn't work, but we're not sure why.  It seems there can't be two constructors?19:50
qensetedg: by the way, are the Vala bindings going to make it into Lucid?19:58
tedgqense: I don't know.  Maybe.  I want to build them via GIR files.  It seems like the GIR packages probably won't make it, but that doesn't mean the vala files won't.  (we could just build the GIRs and discard them)20:00
jcastroqense: on a semi-related note20:12
jcastroI went to show off kde apps running in gnome with app indicators at the jam and it didn't work20:12
jcastrodo you happen to have any kde stuff installed to test?20:12
qenseno, but could you name a few?20:13
jcastroit worked last time I tested it20:13
jcastroI tried choqok and kmix20:13
qenseok, I'll test those20:13
tedgjcastro: We're adjusting...20:13
tedgWe had to change the names because the spec didn't get accepted by Freedesktop20:13
jcastrotedg: ah ok so you're aware it's broken then?20:13
tedgSo I think Riddel is going to apply the KDE patch shortly.20:13
tedgThe indicator-application went in already.20:13
jcastroeh when did this happen?20:14
jcastrothe non-accepted part?20:14
tedgjcastro: Eh, well, it's all committees, right?  So it got non-accepted by no one accepting it :)20:14
jcastrooh so it didn't get rejected it just got fizzled20:15
tedgjcastro: The KDE guys wouldn't sign off until someone "from GNOME" would sign off.20:15
* tedg should sign up to XDG list with his @gnome.org address20:15
qenseask jcastro to sign off! :P He's in the GNOME Board.20:16
jcastrono one has talked about it since January20:16
jcastrotedg: oh well, at least greg has proposed including "<3" in the spec20:19
jcastrothe icon spec I mean20:19
tedgHeh.  Important.20:19
tedgAnd they're brining up the icon names that I filled bugs on last year.20:20
jcastrook so for sure you guys are on this kde apps not working in gnome thing right?20:20
jcastrobecause it would be lame if that didn't work since that's like a major reason for doing this right?20:21
qensejcastro, tedg: I can confirm that Choqok doesn't use an AppInd in GNOME.20:27
qenseMaybe it is related to the DBus interface namechange: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)20:28
qenseMaybe KNotift still uses freedesktop20:28
tedgqense: Yeah, I think that's the case.20:31
qensetedg: Is someone working on that issue?20:31
tedgqense: agateau has submitted a patch, but I don't believe it's been uploaded yet.20:31
tedgqense: Riddle said he'd do it with the KDE 4.2.2 update20:31
qenseDoesn't Lucid provide 4.4?20:32
tedgHmm, I probably mean 4.4.2 :)20:32
doctormotedg: Is ian normally on IRC?20:45
tedgdoctormo: No, I don't see around a lot.20:48
tedgdoctormo: He's not on internal IRC either.  He's probably gone home.20:48
doctormoAh thanks ted.20:50
Nafaijcastro: I still haven't got feedback from hadess, so I'm going to email him directly asking for follow up due to my time frame21:19

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