
amichairJontheEchidna: another Reese's piece at lp:~amichai2/software-properties/fixes00:45
JontheEchidnaI don't have commit rights to that repo :(00:46
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: bleh, I suppose. I'll file a bug tomorrow00:46
amichairJontheEchidna: before we trouble apachelogger or Riddell to merge it, is there anything else needing peanut butter goodness in software-props-kde?00:49
* apachelogger falls off chair due to highlight overload00:49
apacheloggerI cannot merge00:50
apacheloggersome ebay buyer bought my gpg, ssh keys and launchpad login :P00:50
* amichair passes a Reese's piece to apachelogger to help stabalize his blood sugar levels00:50
* apachelogger cant do no work anymore00:50
voriancool, for how much apachelogger?00:50
apacheloggernever sold so little data for so much money ^^00:50
JontheEchidnaouch, sucks00:51
konqi_akisomeone highlight my name please00:55
nixternalkonqi_aki: hello00:55
vorianwow, he must be scared of nixternal00:57
amichairJontheEchidna: i don't see any other spk bugs to work on at the moment... is there anything I should do with this branch? or will someone pick it up via the lp magic links?00:57
JontheEchidnaamichair: I can't think of anything, should be good to ping Riddell00:58
RiddellI'm about to sleep00:58
Riddelle-mail me and I can do it in the morning00:58
Riddellhow about 23:00UTC tomorrow for meeting?00:59
* apachelogger is good with everything00:59
* apachelogger is also kinda drunk01:00
amichairI'm off to bed too...01:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I did not know nixternal was thtat scary :(01:00
amichairJontheEchidna: thanks again for helping me help u :-)01:00
jjessenixternal is very scary01:00
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: lol, you should see his picture on nixternal.com01:00
jjesseespecially if you meet him in person01:00
JontheEchidnaamichair: you're welcome. Thanks for the bugfixes01:01
apacheloggerI shall never ever go to UDS!01:01
vorianheh, I saw nixternals brother on "the marraige ref"01:01
* apachelogger doesnt wanna be scared of nixternal01:01
jjesseapachelogger: don't wory i don't think nixternal is allowed outside of the US01:02
vorianthe dude looked just like nixternal with a mustache01:02
apacheloggeroh, fortunately :D01:02
* apachelogger still cant attend UDS :(01:02
amichairJontheEchidna: my pleasure :-)01:02
apacheloggergot midterm exams that very week unfortunately01:02
apacheloggerbut some UDS I will attend01:02
apacheloggerI promise :/01:02
JontheEchidnaI'll go if I can get sponsored. School gets out a week before UDS01:03
vorianI don't think i'll be getting a sponsorship this time :P01:04
vorianor ever again01:04
* apachelogger cant got to akademy either since that is exaclty when major exams are -.-01:05
JontheEchidnaanyways, bbl01:05
apacheloggervorian: you could join me in switiching to chakra or whatever it is called, then we both dont get sponsorship :)01:05
vorianwhoooo hooo!01:06
voriansounds like a plan01:06
apacheloggeroh and we could get drunk at the same time and come up with some more sensible name01:06
vorianohhh, arch :x01:09
* vorian had to google that one01:09
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 1 released! | Feature Freeze, fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 | String freeze in effect - change a GUI item without nixternal's approval and lose a finger! | Meeting Monday 23:00UTC
voriansee, that's why people are scared of nixternal 8-)01:12
konqi_akiarch ftw!01:14
voriantopic change01:14
nixternalkonqi_aki: you tell um!01:14
nixternalcan't figure out that damn channel monitor at all01:14
nixternaland don't ban konqi_aki. that is me using Aki IRC client01:15
vorianwhat was that01:15
nixternalI am writing documentation for Aki01:15
nixternaltrying to figure out this channel buffer, but I can't01:15
nixternalguess I am to stupid to figure out simplicity01:15
vorianthat's what started the whole "scared of nixternal" stuff01:15
vorianis there a reason you have to use '/quote stats p' in quassel?01:19
* apachelogger is tres funny01:30
apacheloggerkubotu: google aki irc02:04
kubotuResults for aki irc: 1. Aki: http://www.akiirc.org/ | 2. AkiIRC Python Bindings | Aki: http://akiirc.org/node/3 | 3. Aki IRC Client | Get Aki IRC Client at SourceForge.net: http://sourceforge.net/projects/aki/02:04
nixternalfork me, git is a pain in the ass02:12
nixternalDarkwingDuck: lucky you, the meeting is tomorrow at 18:00 for us02:18
jjessekubuntu meeting>02:18
nixternaljjesse: yes02:43
* nixternal goes for pie and tv02:43
jjessemmm i like pie03:13
* apachelogger falls off chair again03:15
apacheloggeroh my emperor!03:16
apachelogger4:16 am03:16
apacheloggerI  am a truely mad robotor03:16
apacheloggerthat reminds me on the song sad robot03:17
DarkwingDucknixternal: I saw that. thank god it's not wed03:48
DarkwingDuckhmmm, strange04:07
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DarkwingDuckJust because I want to know the details I'm going to see what apport says about this kernal crash04:08
DarkwingDuckwhy does this sound like a virus more then a crash?04:09
DarkwingDuckhmm, Okay, gonna reboot and see if my kernal records a crash04:15
DarkwingDuckwoah... This is getting fun04:21
DarkwingDuckOkay, this just got really interesting04:21
DarkwingDuckAny kernal guys in here?04:31
JontheEchidnaYou'd probably have more luck for kernel dudes in #ubuntu-devel04:42
DarkwingDuckNope. Not bothering patching it myself. Bug report off to kernal.org04:44
DarkwingDuckalright I'm crashing04:46
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: zomg, an apt-pkg header that has documentation!!1!105:09
JontheEchidnarun for the hills!05:09
JontheEchidna^and dantii ran :P05:10
JontheEchidna(he implemented the aptcc PackageKit backend with apt-pkg, he's probably scared too)05:11
JontheEchidnasleepy times now05:12
nixternalok, I have my metal jamming, now I need work to do05:19
nixternalonly 23:1905:20
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Sputapachelogger: just use your compose key with <3 and you get a nice ♥07:07
agateauRiddell: ping08:44
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amichairRiddell: could you please merge the bugfix in the latest revision at lp:~amichai2/software-properties/fixes ?09:41
bodksihi all, I have a feature request for PyQt4... (that the API file that is generated during the build be included in the package) now that PyDev (Python plugin for Eclipse) has introduced support for it. Anyone know the best place to make this feature request?10:03
bodksi(or that it is somehow available without downloading sources and building PyQt4 from scratch :) )10:04
freinhardbodksi: i'd suggest to file a bug on launchpad against pyqt410:10
bodksiOK thanks, I thought it might serve to annoy if i filed it as a bug... but if thats the best way to request features then I'll do that :)10:11
Mamarokhm, any idea why I have no sound in youTube on lucid? all flash and codecs installed, this came up in the last few days10:24
Tm_TMamarok: pa?10:24
MamarokTm_T: well, I don't use it, default is the sound card10:25
Mamarokand it worked before10:25
Tm_TMamarok: doublecheck you don't have it running10:26
jussi01PA is evil and sneaky like that10:26
Mamarokwhy oh why can't we just get rid of that crap?10:28
jussi01Mamarok: was it the issue?10:30
jussi01Motorola droid10:31
jussi01wrong window :)10:31
Mamarokjussi01: I have no sound in browsers anymore, regardless if it is Konqueror, Firefox or Chromium10:31
Riddellagateau: you pinged?10:31
agateauRiddell: I did10:31
Mamarokwhy isn't there a nice button allowing to just kill PA when needed?10:32
agateauRiddell: just wanted to know what was the status with the latest patches I sent your way10:32
Riddellagateau: I have "agateau amarok, ksni, kdebase-workspace dbusmenu patches" written at the top of my todo today10:35
agateauRiddell: sounds good :)10:35
Riddellalong with a note to coordinate it with ted10:35
agateauRiddell: perfect then10:35
agateauRiddell: thanks10:35
larsivieh, Apport KDE crashed on me, segfault in Python - Apport refused to let me report it because there was no stacktrace11:43
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Trouble_Hey guys, is 4.4.2 in ninjas ready for testing on Karmic?12:16
RiddellTrouble_: yes please12:19
Trouble_Riddell: Cool, I'll install it now, but gotta pop out, but I'll have a play and update the wiki later12:20
Trouble_or at least update the wiki if it installs correctly  :)12:21
larsiviwhich process is responsible for the plasma runner widget?13:16
freinhardthere is no more sun jre in lucid?13:17
larsiviit seems to stop working after the first use (or alternatively a little while)13:17
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freinhardkrunner's calculator got really slow lately...13:19
larsivinothing I do seems to bring up the krunner at all13:20
larsivimaybe it is related to virtuoso-t crashing? although I don't know if it crashed this time since apport crashed ...13:22
nigelbwhat are the qt development packages?13:28
nigelbI started to fix what sounded like a small bug13:28
nigelbnow, I end up having to get deep into it :(13:28
Riddellhow do you mean development packages?13:29
nigelbupstream asked if I had them13:29
nigelbI hit this error during compilation http://pastebin.com/UUdDbnLU13:29
Riddelllibqt4-dev is it13:30
nigelbum, lemme try with that one13:30
nigelbI'm so lost in kde13:30
apacheloggerSput: yeah but using KDE emoticons would be way more consitent in a KDE env13:38
apacheloggeralso it looks way better with colors ^^13:39
apacheloggergood morning everyone :)13:39
apacheloggerbtw ;)13:39
Riddellhappy Monday apachelogger13:40
shadeslayerMamarok: ping13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: thanks, to you too :)13:41
shadeslayernigelb: btw you can install kde-devel,its a meta package for dev libs which help in compiling most kde apps13:43
nigelbshadeslayer, I'm just fixing a *particular* bug13:43
macoi didnt knw about that13:43
shadeslayermaco: :D13:43
shadeslayernigelb: um.. ok :)13:44
* nigelb wonders how I got dragged into kde anyway13:45
* maco thinks that's her fault13:46
nigelbnah, someone came in on bugs channel asking how to link kde bug tracker13:46
nigelband now here I am :D13:46
shadeslayernigelb: hehe.. theres a super natural force that attracts all users to KDE :)13:46
nigelbshadeslayer, that was a supernatural force attracting to all things easy.  I was bored :D13:47
nigelbthe only bug assigned to be is ftbs, and I was tired of hunting around13:47
shadeslayernigelb: which one?13:48
nigelbmaco, though you advertising it at every momment may have something to do with it :D13:48
shadeslayeri have some spare time....13:48
nigelbshadeslayer, vlc13:48
Riddell"digiKam 1.2.0 released" where's lure when you need him?13:48
shadeslayernigelb: :)13:48
shadeslayernigelb: so whats the exact error? and please link the bug report as well :)13:49
nigelbshadeslayer, the last time, I didn't have enough space13:49
nigelbI just fixed *that* part13:49
* apachelogger runs doxygen13:51
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Mamarokshadeslayer: pong14:35
Mamaroksorry,m was afk14:35
Mamarokshadeslayer: could you remind me your PPA, please?14:36
shadeslayerMamarok: lp.net/~rohangarg14:38
shadeslayerMamarok: its in the playground.. ill move it to kde extra as well so you can use that too14:38
Mamarokshadeslayer: just FYI, lp.net doesn't resolve to launchpad.net...14:39
shadeslayeri was attending a TEDx confrence so i couldnt be here around the last few days :)14:39
shadeslayerMamarok: i know :)14:39
shadeslayerMamarok: i thought that youll just replace it yourself :P14:39
Mamarokshadeslayer: lazy you :)14:39
Mamarokyou were at a TEDx conference physically?14:39
shadeslayerMamarok: yes14:39
Mamaroklucky you!14:40
shadeslayerMamarok: i know.. there were only a few seats left :P14:40
Mamarokso either you are full of money or full of luck14:40
shadeslayerMamarok: the latter :D14:40
shadeslayerMamarok: some last minute cancelations and we were in :)14:41
shadeslayerMamarok: packages copied14:42
Mamarokright, on another note: how can I get my sound back fro flash in lucid? It stopped working the other day14:42
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm.. well is this with just one browser or all of them>14:43
Mamarokall of them, else I wouldn't have asked14:43
shadeslayerMamarok: oh btw the father of the Intel Atom was there too,he gave me his card when i mentioned the magic words 'Ubuntu' , 'Kubuntu' and 'Packager' :p14:44
Mamarokshadeslayer: the question was not specifically for you, so don't worry too much, I bet some PA stuff broke it14:44
shadeslayerMamarok: im refering to Pankaj Kedia :)14:44
shadeslayerMamarok: oh np14:44
Mamarokshadeslayer: you should have mentioned KDE specifically :)14:45
shadeslayerMamarok: hehe14:45
shadeslayerMamarok: well he said that theyre working on moblin and i said that i wanted to join intel and that ill probably contact him when i have enough experience14:45
Mamaroknot moblin, MeeGo14:46
Mamarokmoblin is the past14:46
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah thats the one14:46
shadeslayerMamarok: http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-img00122-20100327-1859-jpg.jpg14:48
shadeslayera bit blurry,but im the one in the middle14:49
Mamarokpics in the dark rarely turn out very sharp14:50
shadeslayerBut as you can see theres a TEDx board behind us.. the confrence was in a auditorium just behind the board14:50
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
apacheloggerMamarok: lol :D14:51
Mamarokapachelogger: lol?14:51
apacheloggerMamarok: pics in the dark rarely turn out very sharp14:52
shadeslayer_Mamarok: oh and btw you need to set the volume as high in the flash settings14:52
apacheloggergot a nice sound to it14:52
apacheloggermost awesome actually14:52
apacheloggeror maybe I am still drunk *shrug*14:52
shadeslayer_Mamarok: if that doesnt do it .. idk :P14:52
Mamarokshadeslayer_: I tried that, doesn't change14:52
shadeslayer_^^ my knowledge of flash ends there14:58
shadeslayer_Mamarok: one more thing can be done,try removing the .adobe folder in ~14:58
Mamarokhm, I have a suspicion: I tried to check if Nickelback were as bad as everybody told they were, maybe they broke the flash sound...14:59
shadeslayer_Mamarok: hahaha....14:59
shadeslayer_Mamarok: oh btw do the kraft packages work?15:00
shadeslayer_i didnt have the time to check15:00
* Mamarok checks now15:01
shadeslayer_Mamarok: thanks :)15:01
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
Mamarokshadeslayer: it opens up correctly, them I get this: http://pastebin.com/b2eTc53015:06
Mamaroknot sure this is package related, though15:06
Mamarokand dragotin is rearely online15:07
shadeslayerMamarok: um..i think this is related to ibus15:07
shadeslayerMamarok: QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /home/myriam/.config/ibus/bus15:07
shadeslayerMamarok: do you have ibus installed?15:08
Mamarokno, apparently not, it should be made a dependency for the package, then15:08
shadeslayerhmm... ok ill look into this.. :)15:09
Mamarokshadeslayer: not ibus related15:10
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm15:11
Mamarokshadeslayer: looks more like a database problem15:13
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah... Qsql.. ive not heard of such a package15:13
Mamarokshadeslayer: I choose the default SQlite, but it looks for MySQL15:14
shadeslayerMamarok: ah try libqt4-sql15:14
Mamarokthat is already installed, but the package name is libqt4-sql-sqlite15:15
shadeslayerMamarok: well i guess we will have to talk to upstream about this...15:16
shadeslayeror if somebody else can help...15:16
Mamarokshadeslayer: do you have dragotin's mail address? I don't know if he often uses IRC15:16
shadeslayerMamarok: nope..15:16
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shadeslayerMamarok: ive sent him a mail... lets see15:20
Mamarokshadeslayer: thanks a lot :)15:26
shadeslayerMamarok: oh no problem.. lets hope he replies and we can get it working15:26
Mamarokoh, he sure will :)15:27
Mamarokhe is interested himself in getting this done15:27
Riddellagateau: does org.ayatana.dbusmenu.xml need to be installed?15:27
agateauRiddell: don't think so15:27
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shtylmanI am UTC retarded... how many hours until the meeting?15:46
Riddell7 and 10 minutes15:47
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shtylmanRiddell: thanks :)15:48
shtylmanRiddell: also... can bug: #389658 be closed as won't fix?15:48
Riddellbug 38965815:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389658 in kubuntu-default-settings "KDE menu button should have a Kubuntu Logo" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38965815:48
shtylmanthe paper cuts aspect of it I mean15:48
Riddellshtylman: we should add back the icon we had in kde4libs so people can chose it if they want to15:49
shtylmanRiddell: I agree... do we not have that now?15:49
Riddellshtylman: it seems to have disappeared at some point15:49
Riddellwant to add it back?15:49
shtylmanRiddell: sure... for lucid?15:50
Riddellinto bzr15:50
shtylmanmaybe add the new logo once we decide?15:50
shtylmansince that will happen today I assume?15:50
rgreeningRiddell: looks like everything is uploaded to PPA/BZR. I'll start reviewing BZR to ensure it all looks good for upload to archives.15:52
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Riddellshtylman: hmm, good point15:55
Riddellrgreening: I'm worried that I can't install packages in karmic15:55
Riddellis it using polkit instead of policykit?15:56
rgreeningRiddell: ?15:56
rgreeningIm on lucid, so I can test backports atm15:56
apacheloggerRiddell, shtylman: I would put the icon into kubuntu-default-settings really15:56
apacheloggerotherwise maintenance is a PITA15:56
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rgreeninglex: ping16:07
Riddellkoffice 2.1.2 tars are up16:22
rgreeningRiddell: Im started on cleaning up the bzrs to make sure they match (like removing obsolete patches from both bzr and the PPA package)16:24
shtylmanubuntu slideshow is looking spiffy16:26
* shtylman feels that the kubuntu one needs to be prettier now :)16:26
rgreeningshtylman: do we have a slideshow now?16:30
* rgreening would be impressed :P16:30
shtylmanrgreening: yea... we have a slideshow16:33
shtylmandidn't we have one for karmic? I don't recall such things anymore :)16:33
rgreeningnot that I recall16:42
rgreeningcould be wrong tho16:42
jussi01hrm, is anyone else having this: when quassel is maximised and the updates notifier pops up, then you click "not now" and quassel disappears to system tray? (on lucid)16:47
Riddellrgreening: maybe we should upload qt now17:01
Riddelllex79: that ok? ^^17:01
rgreeningRiddell: sounds like a plan. give it time to build before we upload kde 4.4.217:01
Riddellrgreening: can you make the .diff.gz .dsc and .changes for me to sign and upload?17:02
macoSput: quassel client question... is there a limit to how much scrollback itll store locally in memory beyond which point it requests from the server? i'm wondering because after a day or two of running quassel can be using quite a lot of memory. kinda guessing it starts out with X lines scrollback locally then over time as scrollback grows, doesnt trim the old stuff and say "well if i need it later, i'll ask the server"17:02
rgreeningRiddell: sure.. give me a few minutes to grab and generate17:03
Riddell"few minutes" you'll be lucky :)17:03
rgreeningya. but you get my meaning.. ill di it and fwd as soon as possible :P17:03
macoSput: at least, it doesnt seem to be requesting from the server anything that happened since it was opened, even if that was a long while ago17:06
macoSput: http://imagebin.ca/view/NQnZ9Wjt.html  <-- "top" from a few days ago (i started looking at choqok to figure out what it's doing too)17:08
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* nixternal is working on koffice-2.1.2 and koffice-l10n-2.1.217:23
DarkwingDuckmorning nixternal17:23
nixternalalmost noon isn't it :)17:23
nixternalmornin' to you as well17:23
DarkwingDuckrace is on. lol17:24
nixternalwhat race?17:24
nixternaloh, got rained out yesterday?17:24
nixternalmartinsville right?17:24
DarkwingDuckmartinsville got rained out yesterday17:24
DarkwingDucksunny rt now17:24
nixternalyeah, I watched the interviews and it looked cold...didn't see the track but you could hear the dryers on it17:25
DarkwingDuckgotta fix my wiki17:25
nixternalI am excited, we will be in the 70s this week...that means i will be out riding the hell out of my bikes17:25
nixternalriding a bike when it is freezing or below freezing is not fun17:26
DarkwingDucknope. not at all17:26
DarkwingDuckoh, nixternal... thanks17:26
nixternalyour welcome btw :p17:26
nixternali see you can now commit to the repos17:27
DarkwingDuckMatthew added me to the core-doc team17:27
nixternaljust one thing....DON'T COMMIT!17:27
DarkwingDuckrofl. just in time eh? yeah i know17:27
nixternalduring a freeze, if it really needs to be committed, it is probably safer to let me commit, as they won't yell at me as loud17:28
DarkwingDuckwe are done for this cycle right? everything in translations17:28
nixternalthe people are back out working on the transformer that sits behind our house...if they blow the power, i will personally go out there and handle them17:30
nixternalyeah, it is all about the translations now17:30
DarkwingDuckokay... brb17:30
rgreeningRiddell: I see some lintian errs from qt build. can you look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/406065/17:31
Riddellrgreening: nothing to worry about there that I can see17:32
rgreeningRiddell: ok17:32
Riddellchanging those would just get us out of sync with debian for no gain17:32
rgreeningnp. want me to upload the dsc to ktown?17:33
rgreeningRiddell: ^17:33
Riddellrgreening: ktown not the best place if you have somewhere else17:34
Riddellbut anywhere is good17:34
lex79rgreening: why you signed qt package with your name? lol17:34
shadeslayernixternal: can i file a bug for inserting a new package in kubuntu?17:35
shadeslayeror is it too late?17:35
nixternalto late17:35
rgreeninglex79: updating for Riddell to upload (as per Riddell) and as per I reviewed it (being coord for the release). You still get cred :P17:35
shadeslayernixternal: meh.. ok ill file one anyways,maybe itll get included in backports17:35
shadeslayernixternal: ive basically built a new version of a kraft in my PPA... upgraded it from 0.2 to 0.4b217:36
lex79rgreening: you should use debuild -S -sa -kyour_email to generate dsc17:36
shadeslayerapparently it runs fine here,but mamarok had a problem with the package17:36
debfxRiddell: have you had a chance to test the brightness osd patch?17:37
Riddelldebfx: oh sorry that's still on my todo17:38
dpmnixternal, thanks for the heads up on kubuntu-docs. The only missing part was me accepting the "Needs Review" templates. It was a bit of a hectic weekend, so I only came to it this morning, but they are all ok now. I've got one question, though. There is a template in https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kubuntu-docs/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=pot which conflicts with another one (docs/about17:38
dpm/po/about.pot) I think the docs/about... is already the correct one, and I shuld get rid of that template in the queue. Is that correct?17:38
rgreeninglex79: Yeah, prob could have done that for qt, as there were no changes17:38
Riddellshadeslayer: you can request a feature freeze exception17:38
rgreeningmy bad17:38
shadeslayerRiddell: well just so that you know that the original version in the repo uses KDE 3 libs i think17:39
shadeslayerand its my understanding that were trying to remove as many KDE 3 apps as possible right17:40
rgreeningRiddell: the files are on ktown under qt4-x11. feel free to delete when done with them17:40
rgreeningRiddell: we need to get some secure space for hosting.. any thoughts?17:41
Riddellrgreening: why secure?  people.ubuntu.com would work17:41
Riddellglatzor: hi17:41
rgreeningRiddell: cool. how do I get that?17:41
Riddellrgreening: I don't know but I believe it's available to anyone with membership17:42
nixternaldamn koffice-l10n package will not build, FTBFS because of docbook entities17:45
nixternalrgreening: ssh lp_id@people.ubuntu.com17:45
nixternaluse your ssh password that is on lp17:45
Riddellnixternal: which one?17:45
RiddellI mean what version17:46
nixternalRiddell: 2.1.217:46
Riddellnixternal: are you doing koffice too?17:46
rgreeningnixternal: cool. ty17:46
nixternalRiddell: yes17:46
nixternalrgreening: then it will be http://people.ubuntu.com/~lp_id17:46
nixternalrgreening: actually, I don't think you can ssh to it, just sftp to it maybe17:47
Riddellnixternal: ping cyrille in #koffice17:47
nixternaltrying something really quick then I will do so17:47
nixternaland that didn't work17:48
Riddellrgreening: did you upload the wrong thing?  qt4-x11_4.6.2-0ubuntu3~ppa2.diff.gz has "ppa" in it17:49
rgreeningRiddell: ah. prob. let me look again17:50
rgreeningRiddell: yeah, cp/paste wrong .. uploaded now.17:51
nixternaldpm: thanks! got all of the email this morning about all of the templates being in :)17:54
dpmcool (well, apart from the spam bit ;) )17:55
nixternaldpm: ahh dang, so a .desktop.in pot file is conflicting with a docbook one17:55
nixternalok, I will have to rename the desktop one and reupload17:55
dpmnixternal, hmm, I think we can sort this out without a reupload, I'll just try to rename the template in LP differently. Let me just try, give me a sec17:56
nixternaldpm: groovy17:59
nixternalotherwise I can do a quick upload17:59
* hunger grumbles that the udevadm divert was left in place after the latest update of lucid. Broke the boot.18:01
Riddellrgreening: uploaded qt18:06
rgreeningRiddell: I have people.ubuntu.com/~roderick-greening setup, so I can use that moving forward for uploads. Thanks.18:07
dpmnixternal, ok, should be ok now -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kubuntu-docs/+translations I've named it kubuntu-docs-about-desktop. If the name is ok for you, then we're all set, if not, just tell me which template name you'd prefer and I'll change it straight away18:08
nixternaldpm: rock on!18:08
nixternalthat name is good, I will know what it is (I hope)18:09
nixternali am glad you cleaned out the old templates...i didnt' know about that and when i went to do translations a couple of releases ago, i was importing old templates and was confused as all hell :)18:09
nixternalnow I will work up a script that will take the LP tarball when I go for it, and do everything for me18:10
nixternalthat way there I can have my monkeys, errr minions, errr jjesse and DarkwingDuck do translation imports too :)18:10
dpmthe ubuntu-docs sources have got scripts for that as well. You might already know them, but in case you don't, perhaps you can use some of them for kubuntu-docs. In any case, if you've got any questions and I can be of any help, just give me a shout18:12
nixternalyeah, i used it in the past, but it needs to be reworked to work for kubuntu a bit better18:12
nixternalto use it, i have to install gnome-doc-tools, which doesn't sound right for kubuntu-docs :)18:12
DarkwingDuckstill not getting a splash screen on startup18:25
DarkwingDucknixternal: ping18:25
nixternalone minute18:26
nixternalDarkwingDuck: go for it18:26
DarkwingDucknixternal: after tonights meeting we need to take some steps to ensure we don't duplicate this bug on the kubuntu side. bug: 55105818:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 551058 in ubuntu-docs "New Ubuntu logo not in documentation" [Undecided,New]18:28
geniiDarkwingDuck: Here either, plymouth seems broken for me. I do see maybe 1/4 second flash of it *just* before NVidia logo but very oversize18:28
DarkwingDuckgenii: Only time I get it is when I scan drives18:28
DarkwingDuckHowever, shutdown it works fine18:28
jjessenixternal: if i knew/understand the whole translation import process i would be more then willing to use them18:29
nixternalDarkwingDuck: that is why i removed anything witht he kubuntu logo out of the docs18:29
DarkwingDucknixternal: I thought you had but, wasn't 100% sure18:29
DarkwingDuckso I thought I'd mention it18:29
jjesseDarkwingDuck nixternal maybe we should do a planning meaning for whatever Kubuntu M is and we can do it via my conference bridge so we can actually talk18:29
DarkwingDuckAm willing to call... nixternal and I both are on VZW18:30
jjessei'm on VZW as well, nixternal has my cell # if i recall correctly18:30
jjesseplus on the droid it is super simple to setup a conference call18:30
DarkwingDuckjjesse: you have the Motorola Droid?18:31
jjesseDarkwingDuck:  yup18:31
DarkwingDuckIts a wonderful phone eh?18:31
jjesselove it18:31
DarkwingDuckLOVE the phone18:31
DarkwingDuckI upgraded from the Tour to it... I still have a Storm laying around my place18:31
DarkwingDuckjjesse: Your on CST right?18:32
nixternaljjesse: that works18:32
DarkwingDuckjjesse nixternal just let me know what time you want to do this call.18:32
nixternali will never let google have my data! they are evil! I am going with an iPhone :p18:33
nixternalno time soon, or at least today....i am up to my neck in upstream shit right now18:33
DarkwingDuckeeeewww AT&T???18:33
DarkwingDuckWell, meeting is at 2300UTC18:33
DarkwingDuckthat is what... 1800 CST for us?18:33
jjesse1700 EDT18:36
jjesse1900 EDT18:36
jjesse :)18:36
DarkwingDuckSo yeah, thats 1800 CST :P18:37
freinhardchanging the timezone in digital clock doesn't work. kde or kubuntu issue?18:45
DarkwingDuckIt worked for me...18:47
freinhardthe apply button is greyed, ok isn't. the dialog says i will be asked to authenticate, i wasn't.18:49
shadeslayerRiddell: ping18:56
shadeslayerRiddell: how do i go about filing a feature freeze exception18:56
lex79shadeslayer: open a bug in launchpad18:57
shadeslayerlex79: ok and?18:58
neversfeldeRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/amarok/ubuntu18:58
shadeslayerlex79: oh and one more thing,can you test out kraft from https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/kde-extra18:58
neversfeldesorry, I should have posted here, that I am working on amarok18:58
shadeslayerlex79: it apparently runs fine on my machine but not on Mamarok18:59
shadeslayers/Mamarok/Mamarok's Machine18:59
lex79shadeslayer: is it a beta 2 version? I don't think we want beta2 applications in archive, too late19:05
shadeslayerlex79: yeah its a beta 2 version19:05
shadeslayerlex79: hmm.. can they go in backports?19:06
lex79nope for now19:07
lex79maybe when final version will be released19:08
shadeslayerlex79: hmm... btw do they run fine on your machine? ( the packages i mean )19:09
lex79shadeslayer: it works, yes19:12
shadeslayerlex79: ah thanks for the feedback.... weird that it didnt work on Mamaroks machine19:13
nixternalkoffice will have to wait...they need to repackage l10n and koffice tarballs thanks to me :D19:16
DarkwingDuckgenii: did you file a bug for the plymouth boot splash problem?19:33
nixternalwhat is the problem?19:33
DarkwingDuckgenii and I dont have a splash image on boot. We do for shutdown19:34
DarkwingDuckFigured you were busy so I would pester you with a bug :P19:35
nixternaldid you have the ubuntu one on boot previously?19:35
nixternaltry this:19:35
nixternalsudo update-initramfs -u19:35
nixternalfor some reason, it seems it didn't update for you all, which I don't understand why it didn't19:36
geniinixternal: Already updated my initramfs when I dupgraded kernel to -18 ( for nvidia dkms)19:36
nixternalwhat shows now when you boot up? the ubuntu one19:36
DarkwingDuckdunno... hang on and I'll let ya know19:37
geniinixternal: For me, I get blinking cursor only then a flash of whichever one is currently on (In this case the kubuntu amd64 deb you had) then my NVidia logo comes on, then kde splash, etc19:37
DarkwingDucknixternal: Nope. Black screen with a blinking white curser line in the upper left still19:41
DarkwingDuckHowever, when I shutdown it shows up quite pretty like19:42
DarkwingDucktaunting me... :P19:42
geniiI also on shutdown see whichever logo is set. But the size during both boot and shutdown is extremely huge (to the point of pixellation)19:43
geniiDarkwingDuck: You have nvidia card?19:43
DarkwingDuckand I don't get anything... INTEL video drivers19:43
DarkwingDuckThis is strange...19:44
DarkwingDuckI'm removing the ubuntu theme packages and reinstalling the kubuntu ones and see if that tricks something19:46
geniiDarkwingDuck: This may be something related to bug 50671719:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506717 in plymouth "[Lucid] plymouth does not display when using nvidia drivers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50671719:49
DarkwingDuckpossibly... But, then it would also apply to intel drivers19:50
macofreinhard: the digital clock's timezone setting thing is fine for me. you sure you dont mean the system settings one? cuz that one's broken just like you described on my machine19:50
freinhardmaco: well i can add different timezones to the digital clock and since i get to the configuration of the systemwide timezone i didn't make a difference there.19:51
freinhard*since i get there from the same menue...19:52
macofreinhard: huh?19:52
jussi01Can someone with Quassel test this for me?19:53
jussi01when quassel is maximised and the updates notifier pops up, then you click "not now" and quassel disappears to system tray? (on lucid)19:53
macofreinhard: right clicking the clock applet and going to its settings, i just get checkboxes to pick what goes in the dropdown, then choose one from the dropdown. there's no "apply" button at all. just ok/cancel19:53
freinhardmaco: you get to the configuration of the systemwide timezone trough the digital clock menue19:53
macofreinhard: you do?  how?19:53
freinharddigital clock->right click->adjust date and time19:54
freinhardthen switch to timezone19:54
geniiDarkwingDuck: Postings 23-27, 63   indicate nvidia is not the only affected19:54
macoi went to the clock's "digital clock settings" in the right click menu19:54
macook yeah that thing you're seeing is the same thing as what's in systemsettings19:55
macoit's just another way to reach it19:55
macoyes, i see the kcm module for timezones being broken19:55
freinhardthat's another story. the widget is stupid enough to show timezones twice.19:55
DarkwingDuckgenii: Yeah, I see that... I might try purging plymouth, reinstall and reboot to see what happens.19:55
macofreinhard: huh??19:55
macoits not being stupid actually...19:55
macoyou can set the clock itself to show a different timezone than your system time19:55
freinhardmaco: it is, let me explain it19:55
macoi have 3 clock applets. one shows local, one shows GMT, one shows berlin19:56
DarkwingDuckgenii: Because, the problem occured only after the new theme19:56
macoso the one youre clicking is for system time. the one in the digital clock settings is for *that specific applet*19:56
freinhardmaco: here's what you do: add some timezones including your own in the digital clock timezones settings. then use your mousewheel on the clock to switch the displayed time to another timezone. then move your mouse a gain over the clock and see that the tooltip shows your local timezone twice19:57
freinhardi call that stupid ;)19:57
macowait you mean put "local" AND the actual name for your local timezone *both* into the applet's settings?19:58
freinharderm no19:58
freinhardgive me a minute19:59
DarkwingDuckgenii: I'm giving this a shot... BRB19:59
macoi had no idea you could mousewheel over the applet19:59
* genii makes more coffee20:01
freinhardmaco: http://imagebin.ca/view/3qMiRm.html20:02
freinhardfirst and last timezone: sydney20:02
freinharddoesn't make any sense at all20:02
DarkwingDuck*grumbles* nada20:09
DarkwingDucknixternal: I didn't change that?20:10
geniiDarkwingDuck: I'm going to try changing my framebuffer. Back in a bit20:12
Riddellneversfelde: what's that about amarok?20:13
neversfeldeRiddell: amarok crashes, when it's info applet is enabled. The patch fixes that and markey suggested to use it on the amarok packager list a while ago20:15
macofreeflying: huh. mine looks nothing like that20:18
markeyneversfelde: yes, using that patch would be good20:18
markeyit's safe, and really fixes this issue for good20:18
neversfeldeyes, it fixes it for lucid. I'll test it for karmic later.20:19
nixternalDarkwingDuck: it wasn't in the desktop.xml file20:20
nixternalso since it was just a package name, i went ahead changed, it, updated the pot file, and created a new package20:20
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
macofreeflying: er not you20:21
macooh hrmph. freinhard left. well my clock doesnt look funny like his:  http://imagebin.ca/view/xTVIZ7w3.html20:21
geniiDarkwingDuck, nixternal: No dice on the framebuffer change, as far as getting the plymouth logo. I took a pic of what it does look like for the brief moment it is seen during boot/shutdown http://i40.tinypic.com/20gck7o.jpg20:32
nixternalgenii: I have no idea why it isn't working for you and DarkwingDuck...the only difference between it and the ubuntu theme is I changed 2 rgb values (TopBackgroundColor and BottomBackgroundColor) and changed the ubuntu_logo.png to a kubuntu_logo.png which is the same exact format20:37
nixternalgenii: so you do at least get an image at boot or not at all?20:38
nixternalor was that pic snapped at shutdown? because you said "during boot/shutdown"20:38
geniinixternal: I get it just at the last moment of booting just before my NVidia logo pops up, and then lust briefly again for another 1/4-1/2 second during shutdown... at the size which you see both times. That particular pic was at shutdown but at both times it appears the same20:39
nixternalanyone else see a pixbuf error prior to KDM starting? I keep seeing this pixbuf error on a black screen before the kdm image loads, however I can see the mouse cursor at that time20:40
nixternali think any issues you are seeing are either related to plymouth or nvidia drivers....the theme isn't the issue, i am fairly positive on that20:40
JontheEchidnaNope, works fine here with Intel20:41
nixternalw00t, koffice-l10n built \o/20:41
nixternalJontheEchidna: yeah, same here20:41
geniinixternal: Yes, I think I'll do some more poking around20:41
Riddellnixternal: new tar?20:41
nixternalthat's why I think it is the nvidia stuff, because they both are plagued by the nvidia logo on startup :D20:41
nixternalRiddell: yup :) for l10n and koffice20:41
nixternalbuilding koffice now, first build, where I can do a proper list-missing, then fix that up, then do a pbuilder-build so I can test, and then clean everything up, build one more time, test and commit20:42
nixternali try not to upload broken stuff...i think the only thing i upload broken is kubuntu-docs after importing translations...though this time around I have a test bed of other kubuntu installs with various languages (fr, de, zh_CN)20:43
keffie_jayxhello all, I have just updated my netbook to lucid and I notice lack of window borders when windows are maximized, Is this a feature or a bug?20:47
keffie_jayxthis is netbook-plasma20:48
rgreeningRiddell: there's a new digikam 1.2.0 out. Will we be able to update or is it too late? Prob too late... but I guess we can put in updates20:48
nixternalkeffie_jayx: feature20:49
nixternalmaximizing the amount of screen realestate as possible20:49
keffie_jayxnixternal:  thanks. I was thinking something had gone wrong with the window border20:49
nixternalif it is maximized, why the need for a window border right? :)20:50
nixternalonce you unmaximize it, then you get the window border20:50
keffie_jayxnixternal: right. cool thing then. I am currently trying stuff after an update, a reporting some bugs20:51
keffie_jayxthanks again20:51
DarkwingDucknixternal: that's strange... It works perfect for shutdown but not startup... Its almost as if something turned off a graphic bootloader or something.21:05
nixternalyeah, probably called nvidia21:07
DarkwingDuckI'm running an intel vid on my thinkpad though21:08
nixternalwell, I still blame nvidia21:09
DarkwingDuckwhere is plymouth installed at?21:10
nixternalinteresting, usually doing / first doesn't work, but it did for me21:10
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
DarkwingDuckis there a plymouth theme switcher?21:15
lex79Can we put oxygen color scheme in Lucid instead of keeping our colors? bug 55111721:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551117 in kubuntu-default-settings "Oxygen Color Scheme by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55111721:15
nixternalDarkwingDuck: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth21:17
DarkwingDuckokay, brb, lemme try that... there are two choices for kubutnu-logo21:18
DarkwingDuckan auto and a manual21:19
nixternalRiddell: is it safe to upload koffice-l10n prior to koffice?21:20
nixternalI will wait, as I need a few more hours more than likely, and I don't know if I can dedicate a few more hours straight, would be cutting it close as I am planning on going out this evening21:20
rgreeningRiddell: Uploaded newly fixed kdelib5 to PPA. After it builds, I'll then retry kdebase-workspace, which depends on the changes in kdelibs5.21:24
rgreeningIll check back later on it.21:24
DarkwingDucknixternal: okay, it's not plymouth.21:30
DarkwingDuckFor soem reason It's not loading any bootsplash21:30
DarkwingDuckthe defualt ubuntu one doesn't work anymore21:30
DarkwingDuckOr rather, it's not your plymouth theme21:31
geniiDarkwingDuck: I got mine working finally21:44
neversfeldeMeeting in 2 hours?22:00
ryanakcaneversfelde: Aye22:00
neversfeldethat's late :)22:00
DarkwingDuckgenii: how?22:03
ryanakcanixternal: update-alternatives vs. plymouth-set-default-theme ?22:04
ScottKnixternal: The plymouth theme works fine here (also Intel).22:15
nixternalryanakca: where is plymouth-set-default-theme? it was removed iirc for update-alternatives22:18
danttiJontheEchidna: :D It can now save PPD options :D take a look when you can22:19
danttiJontheEchidna: in regard of changing settings it only misses selecting a different driver (I think I'll do that tomorrow)22:21
nixternal16:15:02 [@     root] yahoo - Message from unknown handle manishmotwani:22:21
nixternal16:15:02 [@     root] You work for Canonical, right?22:21
nixternalLOL, gotta love bitlbee22:21
JontheEchidnanixternal: did you see the guy on your blog commenting about the atrocity of an unfinished font not having a K?22:22
JontheEchidnaI lol'd22:22
nixternalubnt isn't even finished yet22:23
JontheEchidnadantti: Know anything about that weird character next to "and" in the sidebar?22:23
danttiJontheEchidna: hmm that was supposed to be a '\n'22:24
JontheEchidnadantti: I think that the sidebar code handles that automagically22:24
danttias it's too wide22:24
danttiit get's pretty wide22:25
JontheEchidnaOh, it's new in KDE 4.422:25
danttiunless there is some hidden option I didn't find..22:25
danttior 4.4 :P22:25
JontheEchidnaThough, doesn't policies imply allowed users?22:25
danttimaybe that's why you see that char...22:25
danttiJontheEchidna: what do you mean?22:26
JontheEchidnaI thought policies were where you could define who can do what22:26
JontheEchidnawhich is the same as allowed users22:26
JontheEchidnaam I confusing the two?22:26
danttiwell policies at localhost:631, defines just the users that can/can't print22:27
danttia no22:27
danttithe policies are something like printer behavior22:28
danttilike what to do when it can't print...22:28
JontheEchidnaooh, ok22:28
danttion error retry job22:28
danttimaybe we can find a less confusing naming22:28
JontheEchidnaJust a bit confused, because the PolKit config modules is called "System Policies" in trunk22:28
danttiyup :)22:28
danttik, got to go now... cya22:34
nixternaldamn, no changes to the packaging except for ripping out a patch for koffice22:45
nixternali love it when it just works22:45
rgreeningwhen is the meeting? now or 1 hr?23:07
apachelogger\o/ windows xp sp2 :D23:08
apacheloggerScottK: I was thinking... maybe we could deploy KDE updates in form of service packs?23:09
rgreeningty. UTC drives me nuts with DST23:09
rgreeningWe should book in GMT no DST23:09
DarkwingDuckrgreening: Yeah, Know. LOL23:09
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Service packs? That lazy? :P23:10
Tm_Tmonday patches23:11
apacheloggerwell, we cant push it via the repos23:11
apacheloggerso maybe service packs would be a good approach23:11
ScottKapachelogger: We mostly need to get upstream to sign up for a policy of bug fix only in third digit updates.23:12
ScottKI think we can get it pushed through then.23:12
apacheloggerwell, until that :)23:12
* apachelogger is getting the midnight hunger23:13
crimsuncrzy-rse mtg times23:16
huatsDoes anyone can point me to a simple package that uses CMake ? I'd like to see a bit how it works23:17
nixternalhuats: python or c++?23:17
huatsc++ nixternal23:18
nixternalsimple...lets see23:18
ScottKAny KDE package.23:18
ScottKAlthough those aren't typically "simple".23:18
nixternalhuats: partitionmanager is fairly simple23:19
huatsnixternal, actually I give a lesson tomorrow on debian packaging and I know some of my students will ask me about packaging a C++ application that uses CMake :)23:19
huatsnixternal, ok I'll check that one then !23:19
apacheloggerI was attacked by spiders23:21
apacheloggerbut I managed to escape23:21
* DarkwingDuck raises an eyebrow23:22
apacheloggerand now I am in posession of23:22
apacheloggerpop corn!23:22
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: Do you sleep?23:22
* apachelogger invites Nightrose to sit next to him at the meeting, so that he may share23:22
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: barely23:22
DarkwingDuckInsomniatic visions are not good :P23:22
Nightroseoh dear23:22
* apachelogger thinks Nightrose is not prepared ^^23:23
apacheloggerI have an agenda item23:24
* Tm_T huggles Nightrose and apachelogger23:24
* apachelogger rehuggles Tm_T23:24
* Nightrose listens to http://buytaert.net/milow-born-in-the-eighties23:24
Nightrosebeautiful song23:24
Tm_TNightrose: oh and that one rant in identi.ca, made me wonder why bother to post that poorly articulated stuff...23:24
NightroseTm_T: not just you...23:25
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: what does ICO mean?23:25
Nightrosethe guy's a bit strange23:25
Nightrosewell a bit...23:25
Tm_Tglad I'm not23:25
Tm_T...a bit23:25
* apachelogger almost wanted to identica rant about how smb is broken in kde 4.4.0 :P23:26
neversfeldewhere is the meeting agenda?23:28
JontheEchidna\o/ http://simplest-image-hosting.net/i0-plasma-desktopik1544-jpg.jpg23:29
JontheEchidnawhen I am too lazy to make a gui for things, I crap it out with kDebug() :P23:30
apacheloggerkubotu: google kubuntu wiki meetings23:30
kubotuResults for kubuntu wiki meetings: 1. Desktop Team 20090623 meeting minutes: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com/msg02067.html | 2. Print Page - Lucid Release Schedule, Plans, KDE 4.4: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=3108103.0 | 3. Re: Kubuntu meeting in ~2 hours (#ubuntu-meeting) - msg#02316 ...: http://osdir.com/ml/ubuntu-users/2010-01/msg02316.html23:30
apacheloggerneversfelde: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings23:30
neversfeldeapachelogger: thanks23:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: hehe, cool23:31
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: also kdebug++23:31
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: the "actually make this apt implementation install stuff" is going to be the harder part, as long as I want to have PolicyKit integration so apps using it can be run as a normal user23:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how so?23:33
JontheEchidnagotta pass things between processes, iirc.23:34
JontheEchidnaalso, I'll have to look at another api. Though if I conquered apt-pkg I guess it won't be too hard23:34
JontheEchidnausing apt-pkg means using crazy pointer-fu23:35
Tm_Tpointy fingers!23:36
JontheEchidnapkgCache::VerIterator ver = (*m_depCache)[*m_packageIter].CandidateVerIter(*m_depCache);23:37
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: ICO is a naval term sorry... it means "In Care Of"23:37
apacheloggerah :)23:37
* apachelogger notes that shtylman doesnt have a wiki page and will have to get grilled a lot for that :P23:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: at least there aint is no ** ;)23:38
DarkwingDucknixternal: Velvet purple always works for weddings...23:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: After that bit of pointer madness, we then get the file list from that version iterator, make a pkgRecords::Parser out of that, then do a lookupon the parser for the version maintainer23:38
neversfeldeapachelogger: mhh https://wiki.kubuntu.org/RomanShtylman23:38
shtylmanapachelogger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RomanShtylman23:38
neversfeldejust read it23:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the first dereferenceis not necessary btw23:38
huatsnixternal, where is defined the install target in the partitionmanager package ?23:39
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so m_packageIter->CandidateIterVer?23:39
huatsI have a simple helloworld here that fails to build because of that :(23:39
apacheloggershtylman: your lp thingy ... erm page ... should link there I suppsoe :)23:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: m_depCache[*m_packageIter]->CandidateVerIter(*m_depCache);23:40
apacheloggerpossibley put the stuff before the -> into bracets23:40
apacheloggeror maybe I am already to drunk to parse pointers ^^23:41
ScottKapachelogger: Isn't that supposed to help?23:41
apacheloggernot past ballmer peak ^^23:41
ScottKAh, true.23:43
lex79JontheEchidna: any thoughts on this? bug 55111723:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551117 in kubuntu-default-settings "Oxygen Color Scheme by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55111723:45
JontheEchidnalex79: I remember that we had a custom setting in there in the past, but since the whole dir structure got moved around I've not been able to find it. But I do know it's still lingering around somewhere23:46
apacheloggerprobably in kdeglobals23:46
apacheloggerwe did not have a proper colors profile for that23:46
apacheloggerwhich I wanted to fix at some point ^^23:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, lex79: my two cents: I never liked our brighter version, I am scared it will give me eye cancer or something23:47
apacheloggerway too bright IMHO23:47
apacheloggeroxygen is just right23:47
JontheEchidnaespecially on LCD's that have less contrast capabilites23:47
JontheEchidnao,r I should say, lower-quality contrast capabilities23:48
JontheEchidnatoo bight23:48
nixternalhuats: you pass -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX= to tell it where to install23:48
lex79apachelogger: ok, who wants fix that? :D23:48
* apachelogger points at lex79 :P23:48
nixternalmore than likely there is a dh --with-kde in debian/rules, and that tells it '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`'23:48
* lex79 points to JontheEchidna :P23:48
huatsnixternal, ok23:49
apacheloggeraustria radio only features crap -.-23:49
nixternalumm, i might be leaving dangit23:49
huatsthis was something I have removed to strip down to the essential :)23:49
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: this is the closest I found in kdeglobals:23:50
apacheloggerthat is it23:50
JontheEchidnathe whole colorscheme?23:50
apacheloggerwe only changed the main color23:50
JontheEchidnathe blues looked a bit different, I thought23:50
apacheloggerthat is probably why we did not create a whole scheme23:50
* apachelogger beings to remember :D23:50
lex79you should remove that to fix23:50
JontheEchidnaI'll put it on the agenda for this meeting, since it's an artwork meeting anyways23:51
lex79sounds good23:51
rgreeningI cant change my password on my system. I get "system error" and an exit code of 10. THe man page does not show exit codes beyond 5!!?!?!23:53
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: kubuntu-ppa/experimental?23:56
apacheloggerkubotu: google kubuntu wiki kubuntu ppas experimental23:56
kubotuResults for kubuntu wiki kubuntu ppas experimental: 1. News | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news | 2. KDE 4.2 Beta 2 | Kubuntu: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2-beta-2 | 3. Kubuntu - Konversation: http://konversation.kde.org/wiki/Kubuntu23:56
apacheloggergoogle is quite the horrible search engine23:57
DarkwingDuckBut, that's where I would do right? I can find it23:57
apacheloggerhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs#Kubuntu Experimental23:57
DarkwingDuck#ubuntu-meeting right?23:57
apacheloggerlooks like it23:57
DarkwingDuckThanks apachelogger23:58
DarkwingDuckfor the experimental ppa link23:58
Riddell** meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting23:58
* apachelogger is wondering if we have quorum at all23:58
apacheloggerkubotu: topic learn23:58
apacheloggerkubotu: topic set Kubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting23:59
=== kubotu changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Meeting in #ubuntu-meeting

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