
loki87network-manager tell me "Networkmanager disabled" what can i do ?00:00
loki87kubuntu 10.400:00
pepeeNonickname-, or try installing ndiswrapper00:02
pepeeis a better option00:02
Typos_Kingor try another wireless card00:03
Nonickname-sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper00:03
Nonickname-is it possible to update from 9.04 to 9.10 using a cd?00:05
Nonickname-I have 9.10 kubuntu on a cd00:05
pepeefind the option in the packet manager00:05
Nonickname-what do u mean00:05
pepee*search for that option00:06
pepeeNonickname-, try: sudo aptitude install firmware-iwlwifi00:06
Nonickname-brb wanna copy kubuntu on a cd from win700:07
pepeesudo rmmod iwlagn iwlcore lbm_cw_mac80211 lbm_cw_cfg8021100:07
pepeesudo modprobe iwlagn && iwconfig00:08
Nonickname-no wireless ex...00:08
Nonickname-be back in few..00:08
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billytwowillyHi, I know there is amarok for music, what do you guys use to manager your movie and audio book collection in linux though? I checked out tellico and it isn't quite there compared00:19
phoenix_can anyone suggest me a good frontend for qemu00:21
phoenix_can anyone suggest me a good frontend for qemu00:21
Nonickname-still there pepee?00:23
Nonickname-Ok, I have kubuntu cd in my cd-rom00:23
Nonickname-how can I update the 1 am using now?00:23
Typos_Kingbillytwowilly:   manage?00:24
phoenix_can anyone suggest me a good frontend for qemu00:25
Typos_KingNonickname-:   areyou installing 9.1?00:26
Nonickname-I am tryin to00:26
Nonickname-No am not..00:26
Nonickname-I wanna upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1000:26
Nonickname-using my cd.00:26
Nonickname-not online update00:26
Nonickname-is that possible00:26
FloodBotK3Nonickname-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
Typos_Kingwhy not a full install?00:27
billytwowillyTypos_King: as in download extra data fom IMDB and that sort of thing for my legally obtained, format shifted dvd rips.00:27
Typos_Kingwhat was the reason you ditched it? I forgot hehehe, with all the wifi 100 stuff00:27
pepeeNonickname-, you don't have to burn the cd image00:27
pepeeindeed, just mountng it is better00:27
Nonickname-well.. I have it on the cd00:28
Typos_Kingwhy not a full install?00:28
pepeebut it's slower00:28
Nonickname-thats ok00:28
Typos_Kingwhat was the reason you ditched it? I forgot hehehe, with all the wifi 100 stuff00:28
Nonickname-Typos_King: gave kernal errors00:28
Typos_Kingand what the heck happen? the driver never came through?00:28
pepeeNonickname-, btw are you in ubuntu?00:29
Typos_KingNonickname-:     either way, I'd suggest a full install, no an upgrade00:30
Nonickname-kubuntu now00:30
pepeeNonickname-, try again: iwconfig00:30
pepeejust to see if it works...00:30
Nonickname-its not00:30
Typos_Kingyou have some exotic hardware there :P00:30
pepeewell, where do you have the cd image?00:30
Nonickname-in my cd-rom00:31
pepeeTypos_King, N wireless is fairly new00:31
pepeeNonickname-, cd image...00:31
Nonickname-cd image00:31
pepeereally, is faster00:31
pepeethe .iso file00:31
Typos_Kingpepee:    I have an N wireless right now, with older than that kernel00:31
Nonickname-nevermind man.. does it work as a cd image?00:31
pepeerun the package manager00:32
pepeeadept, IIRC00:32
pepeeor synaptic00:32
Nonickname-am in the package manager00:33
pepeeheh, yeah, kpackagekit00:33
pepeehmm nah, let's try another method...00:34
pepeejust insert the cd00:34
pepeeI suppose it will automount00:34
Nonickname-open with dolphin?00:35
pepeeNonickname-, then ls /cdrom00:35
pepeeNonickname-, nope00:35
Nonickname-ok then00:35
pepeedo you see "cdromupgrade"?00:35
Nonickname-nothing happened in the terminal00:36
pepeeahh forgot something lol00:36
pepeereinsert the cd, open it with dolphin...00:36
pepeeand again, ls /cdrom00:38
Nonickname-k wait00:38
Nonickname-still.. nothing happened00:39
pepeemount | grep -i 'cd\|sr'00:39
pepeels /media/cdrom00:40
pepeedo you see "cdromupgrade"?00:41
Nonickname-cant see anything00:41
pepeeanyone knows where does jaunty mount the cd?00:42
pepeemount | grep -i 'cd\|sr' <- what do you see?00:42
Nonickname-/dev/sr0 on /media/Kubuntu 9.10 amd64 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=1000,utf8)00:43
pepeels /media/Kubuntu<press tab>00:43
pepee... "cdromupgrade"?00:43
muxoli've noticed after updated to 4.4.1, automatic spell checking doesn't work in kile/kwrite/kate. anyone else getting this?00:45
Nonickname-dists, isolinux, pics, preseed, ubuntu, casper, instal md5sum, pool readme, wubi.exe00:45
Typos_KingNonickname-:    what 's the aversion to a full install?00:45
pepeeNonickname-, ok...00:45
pepeewell, just search for "upgrade from cd" or something like that on the package manager00:46
muxolanybody with 4.4.1 wanna test it out?00:46
pepeekdesudo kpackagekit00:46
Nonickname-i have kpackagekit00:46
pepeemuxol, works for me00:47
Nonickname-pepee: what do i do00:47
Nonickname-u there pepee ?00:49
pepeewait, please00:49
pepeehow I hate graphical package managers...00:50
muxolthey're great for picking and choosing which updates to intall00:51
muxolsuppose you have 60 updates and you want to install only 50 of them. good luck in the terminal!00:52
pepeeNonickname-, sudo aptitude install update-manager-core00:53
pepeesudo do-release-upgrade00:53
Nonickname-is that from the cd?00:54
Nonickname-i wanna do it from cd00:55
Nonickname-i have slow connection00:55
pepeehmm I suppose it will ask you for a cd00:55
Nonickname-i guess its updating from the internet00:57
pepeecancel it00:57
pepeeNonickname-, could you cancel it?01:00
pepeefinally, my way of doing this...01:01
pepeesudo apt-cdrom add01:02
Nonickname-sudo do-release-upgrade01:02
Nonickname-E: Failed to mount the cdrom.01:03
pepeereinsert the cd01:03
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Nonickname-nevermind ;/01:05
Nonickname-i gotta go now01:05
Nonickname-thanks alot for ur help01:05
ncfi1013what is the best and simplest way to burn .avi files to dvd+r dl discs?01:22
pepeeheh, love linux01:29
pepeeonce you know how to manage it, it's sooo useful and easy01:30
pepee* GNU/Linux01:30
gotttoncfi1013: I open k3b and select to burn data dvd then select my .avi's then burn 'em slow01:30
James147ncfi1013: gottto: wont work if you need to play them on a dvd player that dosent support avi files though01:31
gotttoJames147: yep you're right there - the op didn't seem to want that I thought01:32
James147gottto: just making sure :0 last thing you want is to waste dvd on something that wont work01:32
sudokodedvd+rw plz01:33
ncfi1013james147: my dvd player supports avi playback01:34
James147ncfi1013: then burning the avi as a data disc in k3b might work01:34
ncfi1013ive tried that already. the only info i can find is how to burn a .iso to dvdr. i know how to do that. is burning .avi to double layer discs the same as burning them to single layer discs?01:37
James147ncfi1013: clicking the .iso in dolphin usually works :) or in k3b, tools -> burn image01:38
ncfi1013is burning .avi to double layer discs the same as burning them to single layer discs?01:39
James147ncfi1013: never used dual layer discs so i can't say, but I wouldent think it was any different01:39
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v1ttu_is there another multi messengar for kde besides kopete?02:05
coz_hey guys.. I dont have kubuntu installed  but was curious  if the icons in ccsm  are taken by onboard icons on kde  ie  oxygen or are they the same boring tango icons from gnome?02:13
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James147coz_: They are the oxygen icons02:14
coz_v1ttu_,  compizconfig-settings-manager02:14
coz_James147,  ah cool to knoe thankd :)02:14
v1ttu_i think they are the gnome icons if i remember02:14
coz_v1ttu_,  oo  I hope noe02:15
v1ttu_i think it does sowwie :'(02:15
James147coz_: sorry, miss read your question :s not sure02:15
coz_James147,  ah ok02:16
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zuskubuntu dont have gimp?03:52
mister_robotozus: no linux distro has everything included. you can always install the package afterward if you want it04:03
zusdomo arigato mister_roboto (couldnt resist sorry) thank you. i didnt think it that way, but i will get it. :)04:05
mister_robotozus: i believe gimp uses gnome libraries for the UI, and kubuntu comes with QT only by default and prefers QT packages. of course you can still install gnome-based packages and the supporting libraries will be installed as well.04:06
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mister_robotozus: i mean gtk when i said gnome04:08
zusmister_roboto,  is there a qt based gimp like program? to learn kubuntu im trying to not use as many gnome-based items...i found using gnome and downloading the kubuntu-desktop lagged me a bit than  a clean install04:08
mister_robotozus: sorry, i don't know. image manipulation isn't something i do much04:09
zusmister_roboto,  thank you again.04:09
navetzguys i acidently deleted the script /sbin/dhclient3, how do I get it back? what do I need to reinstall to get it?04:15
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rolf_hey anyone know how i can be on multiple server simultaneously with xchat04:17
zusrolf_ how did you do multiple servers assuming you figured it out04:27
phoenix_i want to install vlc v.1.0.5. in software management tool shows v.1.0.2 version only.04:28
zusi s there a preferred way to install multiple desktop environments? one over the other? or doesn't matter?04:29
zusrolf_ how did you do multiple servers assuming you figured it out04:30
rolf_./newserver irc.xxx.org04:31
rolf_i just installed ubuntu too04:31
rolf_bit hard in beginning04:32
zusrolf_, yeah im new myself, been on linux since 9.10 release but used ubuntu mostly, been on kubuntu a week now04:32
pepeeI have this issue when I try to run a gnome app (gupnp-universal-cp): http://pastebin.com/AzkEEScn04:33
zusphoenix_,  i dont use vlc offten only for when certain things dont run in dragon or m players04:34
zus./newserver irc2600net04:36
phoenix__zus: most of the media files requre vlc.so i definitly need vlc04:39
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zuswhats the offtopic channel?04:49
zuskubuntu-offtopic? right04:49
pepeeread the topic...04:51
navetzcan somone help me get my wireless working04:52
navetzhere is my error log04:52
pepeeuse dhclient04:53
pepee2010/03/28 23:23:16 :: No DHCPOFFERS received.04:53
pepeeit means that no router offered an IP for your machine (or something like that)04:54
zusi found it thanks though04:55
navetzpepee: humm i am using dhclient and dhcpcd, those are the errors from dhclient04:56
pepeeahh ok04:56
navetzpepee: also my router is working on this laptop that I am talking to you on currently04:56
navetzim not really sure what to try04:56
pepeehow near is your router?04:57
navetzpepee: in the room04:57
pepeeand what's the signal level/quality?04:57
navetzpepee: shows 94%04:57
pepeeare you using WEP, WPA, ...?04:58
navetzpepee: nope no encryption right now04:58
pepeeiwconfig <interface> ap <router_MAC_addr> key off essid <router_name> channel <channel>05:00
pepeesudo ^^05:01
pepeeand then sudo dhclient05:01
pepeeobviously, change all that is between <>05:01
pepeedid you do that ( iwconfig ... ) before running dhclient?05:02
pepeeohh, sudo dhclient <interface>05:02
navetzpepee: okay i will try that, i am not sure of the routers mac address so i need a min to find it05:03
pepeeiwlist wlan0 scan | grep <essid>05:03
pepeesudo ^^05:03
pepeeor just dl wicd...05:04
pepeeand then run wicd-client05:04
navetzpepee: I have wicd installed05:04
pepeedid you remove network-manager?05:05
pepeeah ok05:05
pepeewell, try what I've said05:05
navetzpepee: okay i will05:05
zushow do i use md5 to check if a down load of an iso is good? i am downloading kden live for the thumb drive but the time is bouncing from 1 hour to 2 hour to 30 minute to 11 minutes  not erratically but when it's making me wonder05:06
pepeemd5sum <file>.iso05:06
pepeeand the compare it to the one published in the website05:07
pepeenavetz, ?05:16
navetzpepee: sorry network got disconnected. I was testing some things05:17
navetzpepee: i had some stupid configs in /etc/network/interfaces that I think was breaking everything05:17
zuspepee,  do i type that in the terminal?05:18
navetzpepee: i managed to get the network working with knetworkmanager, wicd seems to be broken for me :(05:18
pepeezus, yep, replace <file> with the name or path+name of the .iso file05:18
zuspegs,  ty05:19
pepeenavetz, pastebin the interfaces file05:19
navetzpepee: auto lo05:20
navetziface lo inet loopback05:20
navetzit just contains those two lines now05:21
navetzi really want wicd working again05:21
zusone more other thing....i got a wireless mouse,,that has a thumb print reader...where is the proprietary drivers link in kmenu to see if i can get them to work the fingerprint reader05:21
pepeenavetz, aptitude purge wicd; aptitude install wicd05:22
navetzpepee: okay ill try it05:22
pepeenavetz, just download the package before uninstalling wicd05:23
pepeezus, know nothing about those things :(05:23
zecamilalguien habla español?05:32
pepeezecamil, yo05:32
zecamilcomo estas pepee05:32
pepeeaunque deberias ir a #kubuntu-es05:32
pepeeo en su defecto,  #ubuntu-es05:32
pepeepor nada05:33
uwe____guten morgen05:37
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zusanyone know if thumb readers with wireless mouse work in kubuntu?05:42
draikI know wireless (bluetooth) mice work05:45
draikWhat do you mean "thumb readers"05:45
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ErtheGood morning.  Running Kubuntu 9.10 and I have my screensaver in KDE entirely disabled, but every minute of inactivity the damned thing kicks in.06:13
ErtheAny ideas on how to avoid this?06:13
pepeekillall xscreensaver06:14
ErtheIt's KDE's screensaver, it has the widget layout I setup when I lock my PC06:15
pepeesearch for the power setting, there has to be some options for the screensaver06:18
ErtheYa, I've disabled all actions taken on inactivity in power management, the screensaver is disabled.06:18
ErtheI configured widgets to be displayed with the screensaver, but the screensaver is set to never kick in.06:18
ErtheQuite simply, it displays when I lock the desktop, that's it.06:19
pepeehmm sorry, no idea06:19
pepeeI had the same problem, I just solved it by killing xscreensaver06:20
pepeewell, not exactly the same....06:20
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zusamorok dont have any plug-ins?06:48
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:22
noaXess_netubuhave this grafic device: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Clarkdale Integrated Graphics Controller.. but screenis flickering.. any idea?08:22
noaXess_netubuthere is no xorg.conf.. seams that it will be configured over hal..08:22
gotttois that with the i3/i5/i7 cpus08:22
sudokodeyou don't need hal anymore, udev deprecated hal08:27
sudokodexorg starts with a default builtin xorg.conf and builds/changes that using udev and such08:28
noaXess_netubusudokode: so.. i see this in Xorg.0.log: Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0)08:30
sudokodeinstall the module08:30
noaXess_netubuso seams that the modulcan't be loaded an a defaulkt one will used08:30
sudokodeuhh, find it in your repo and install it08:30
sudokodeseems right08:31
sudokodethe default one is prolly vesa, which is utter fail for anything besides a fallback08:31
noaXess_netubuxserver-xorg-video-intel is allready installed..08:31
sudokodeis there for specifically the i810?08:31
noaXess_netubuxserver-xorg-video-intel - X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver08:32
sudokodelol, oh dear08:32
gotttonormally that comes with all the others - I use it here08:32
sudokodealright, try "updatedb && locate i810"08:33
noaXess_netububut my screen is flickering.. and in Xorg.0.log is a error that the modul i810 can't be found08:33
noaXess_netubuthe gracy thing is, that the screen is flickering also when kubuntu is loading.. so befor login screen08:33
noaXess_netubulocate i810: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405868/08:35
sudokode...go to a terminal and do "updatedb && locate i810"08:35
noaXess_netubusee above pastebin08:36
noaXess_netubuhere is log.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/405870/08:36
noaXess_netubuthe device: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405871/08:37
noaXess_netubusee this: Kernel driver in use: i91508:37
noaXess_netubuif i grep for that in Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405872/08:38
gotttowhat does   uname -r   produce?08:38
sudokodemaybe try it with an xorg.conf08:39
noaXess_netubuhere is the whole Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405873/08:39
noaXess_netubuuname -r: 2.6.31-21-generic08:40
sudokodeI installed the intel drivers over here, looks like there's no "i810" driver, but there is an i810 drm module and an intel driver08:40
noaXess_netubusudokode: so... configuring over xorg.conf?08:40
noaXess_netubugottto: 2.6.31-21-generic08:41
sudokodeXorg -configure08:41
noaXess_netubusudokode: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ...08:41
sudokodeno, just do Xorg -configure08:41
sudokodeshould give you an xorg.conf.new in /root08:41
noaXess_netubusudokode: with sudo?08:41
sudokodego ahead and pastebin that08:41
noaXess_netubusudokode: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405875/08:43
sudokodeah, it configured with the intel driver08:43
sudokodealright, cp that to /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
sudokodeand try startx08:44
sudokodesee how that works08:44
noaXess_netubusudokode: and now.. can i remove all the mouse, keyboard and monitor stuff?08:44
sudokodeyou can, yeah08:44
sudokodeexcept you have to add a server flag08:44
sudokodeto keep it from allowing empty input08:44
noaXess_netubusudokode: ok..rebooting08:45
sudokodeotherwise, if you don't use hal, it'll disable the mouse/keyboard08:45
noaXess_netubuflickering is allredy here. on kubuntu start logo with the progress bar.. :(08:45
sudokodepastebin the new log08:46
noaXess_netubuhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405876/08:47
noaXess_netubucan it be a kernel problem? cause it's flickering before grafic driver is loaded?08:48
sudokodehm, are you using a framebuffer console?08:49
noaXess_netubusudokode: ??08:50
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging08:51
sudokodelol, if you're using a framebuffer console, that could be what's flickering08:51
sudokodethe intel chipsets aren't exactly the best thing to run an fbcon on08:51
noaXess_netubusudokode: normal monitor...08:52
sudokodenot what I mean.. uhh08:52
sudokodeyou know where the grub conf is?08:53
noaXess_netubusudokode: /etc/default/grub08:53
sudokodeah, grub2..08:53
sudokodepastebin that08:53
noaXess_netubusudokode: http://paste.ubuntu.com/405879/08:54
sudokodehm, no framebuffer enabled08:55
noaXess_netubusudokode: default installation and update..08:55
sudokodewell if happens before kdm takes over, then I don't know what it is08:56
noaXess_netubuwhat about linux-backports-modules-karmic? canthat be a solution?08:56
sudokodecould be o.o08:57
sudokodeupdated gfx drivers?08:57
noaXess_netubusudokode: not that i know.. as i said.. just default installation and update..08:58
noaXess_netubuok.. same problem evenwith linux-backports-modules-karmic08:58
gotttonoaXess: sure it isn't the monitor - give it a smack on top09:01
noaXess_netubugottto: yes.. have tested another display..09:01
ubuntuHello Is anyone on here?09:11
noaXess_netubuyes.. you :)09:11
ubuntuLol Cool =D09:11
ubuntuo.o Im here for help09:11
ubuntuI'm running off of a LiveCD right now. but my problem is that when I try to boot up from the installation I have had installed for some time now just started giving a error on start up giving me a Fstab error and not booting in to the login screen09:14
ubuntuIs there away to fix this with out reinstalling Kubuntu?09:14
gotttowhat's the error?09:15
ubuntu"/etc/fstab or /etc/mtab can not mount /home UUID=06cb9937-572b-49ba-8adc-167397ac3e4c and swap  UUID=4a5513b6-de45-44f6-89b6-f375a01a604809:17
ubuntuAnything anyone?09:21
gotttocan you mount them from the livecd?09:22
ubuntuYes but only my /root09:23
ubuntubut not my /home09:23
ubuntuMy home partition doesn't seem to showup09:24
ubuntuAm I better off just doing a reinstall and see what happens?09:25
gotttosounds like a disk failure to me09:26
gottto /home was on another disk yes?09:26
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ubuntuThere on the same harddriver09:28
ubuntuI just have /home on its own partition09:28
Tm_Tit's disk failing or partition failing, both bad things to happen09:29
Tm_Thi Unksi09:29
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Unksihi Tm_T09:31
titan_arkhi, i was planning to reinstall my linux boot. i was once suggested to make separate partitions for /boot and/home etc. i do not remember how, could someone point me  to where i can fidn this info09:32
ubuntuWell I just ran the Kubuntu installer and it seems to see my home partition, going to go for an Install and see what happens xD09:33
paco_the_tacohey is anyone here?09:37
paco_the_tacohow do i adjust my proccessor frequency in kubuntu?09:38
gotttoI don't think ubuntu builds it's kernels to let you do that - they go conservative to cater for all types09:40
paco_the_tacowell it feels that its underclocking it to 1.8 GHz, and i'm overclocked to 3.0 ghz (Q6600)09:41
paco_the_tacoand a plasma widget says that its at 1.8 ghz, so there has to be a way for me to adjust it :|09:41
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paco_the_tacogottto http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3097230.009:44
paco_the_tacothat's basically my problem, although i don't have a laptop. lol09:44
gotttopaco_the_taco: go you have a file   /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq09:45
alakoooh, wrong window09:46
weeezesI just found out that all the apps that I use on mac can be found to Kubuntu too...09:46
gotttomac is unix based09:47
paco_the_tacogottto, it shows "2400000" which is 2.4 GHz, which is the default speed for my Q6600 proccessor, should i change it to "3000000", since i'm overclocked to 3.0 GHz atm?09:47
gotttopaco_the_taco: does   /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies   exist?09:48
weeezesgottto: yeah, I know, but I've never tought of it.09:48
paco_the_tacothey're just the default speeds gottto, 2400000 180000009:48
paco_the_tacoshort answer, yes it exists09:48
weeezesI just think that it's cool, I think I'm going to install 10.04 on this macbook when it's released :D09:48
gotttopaco_the_taco: then that's what you're limited to afaik09:49
paco_the_tacothats the thing though, when i boot into windows, i get 3.0 GHz09:49
gotttopaco_the_taco: you could try in #hardware maybe09:50
paco_the_tacoits +i (invite only)09:51
gotttopaco_the_taco: you could try in ##hardware maybe09:52
paco_the_taco+r grr, this is why i never liked KDE :|09:54
gotttopaco_the_taco: when the kernel was built conservative might have been chosen instead of userspace maybe - rebuild the kernel09:56
paco_the_tacooh well, thanks for trying gottto09:56
gotttopaco_the_taco: you can still up it to 24000000 or whatever09:57
bodksihi all, I have a feature request for PyQt4... (that the API file that is generated during the build be included in the package) now that PyDev (Python plugin for Eclipse) has introduced support for it. Anyone know the best place to make this feature request?09:58
lloowenHi all. Does anyone know where the xorg.conf file is in Kubuntu? I thought it was in /etc/X11/ but it's not there on my kubuntu install!!!10:23
gotttodoesn't come with one - read /var/log/Xorg.0.log lloowen10:24
lloowenOK thanks.10:25
gotttoyou can make one with   Xorg -configure   lloowen10:26
lloowenwill that create a default template conf file?10:27
lloowenFatal server error:10:28
lloowenServer is already active for display 010:28
lloowen        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock10:28
lloowen        and start again.   Will that mess up my current configuration if I unlock?10:28
FloodBotK3lloowen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
gotttolloowen: you need to   ctrl+alt+f   and   login and   sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop   to kill the X display10:30
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Guest19119is there any wysiwyg ide for web development similar to dreamweaver ?10:48
christopherhow do I increase the font size in KDE11:49
christopherI really need to know because the fonts are entirely too small11:50
PhilRodsystemsettings -> appearance -> fonts11:53
spirov92hi, I remember KDE had some tool for PGP, but I can't remember what it's called, anyone?12:16
tsimpsonspirov92: kgpg12:18
GNU\colossusis there no kubuntu daily livecd any more?12:31
GNU\colossusI'd expect it on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/12:32
cassperghosthow to know my kubuntu version12:36
gotttoopen file manager and click help-about12:37
FinnArildHi - I have installed Kubuntu on my media PC. After some updates it looses the widescreen settings (and I thought updates was for the better) - how can I get these widescreen settings back? I've been round google 50 times now and all I run into is the ways of doing it that don't help much.12:41
FinnArild... stuff like this really needs to work if you expect Linux to be a Windows alternative ...12:41
cassperghost@gottto, it show me KDE version12:42
gotttooops - sorry12:42
=== hazamonzo is now known as [-Haza-]
FinnArild... and I'm not that much of a beginner with Linux either ...12:43
GNU\colossusFinnArild: what graphics card have you got?12:43
FinnArildGNU\colossus: The machine is an Acer REVO with ION chipset12:44
GNU\colossusFinnArild: so you're using the nvidia binary driver?12:45
FinnArildGNU\colossus: yep12:45
FinnArildthe latest12:45
FinnArild... since it used to work before12:45
GNU\colossusFinnArild: great. so you're supposed to complain to them. this is NOTHING "Linux" (or your distro, or anyone else from the free software community) can do about it.12:45
GNU\colossusFinnArild: you may want to try running nvidia-settings - it MAY help.12:46
FinnArildDidn't I know that would be the answer ...12:46
GNU\colossuswell, it's the only truthful answer I can offer12:46
GNU\colossussad, but true12:46
GNU\colossusif a new video card driver on windows ruins your screen setup, are you going to complain to steve ballmer?12:47
FinnArildGNU\colossus: but I use the nvidia drivers that come with the Linux distribution12:47
FinnArildGNU\colossus: as it happens - I preffer a mac when I do other work :)12:47
GNU\colossusFinnArild: yeah well, they pack what they get, in case of binary drivers. the code is still the manufacturer's responsibility12:47
cassperghostok I have kubuntu 6.06 and I want to upgrade to 9.10 without lossing any data from my /home/ folder12:48
cassperghostis that possible?12:48
GNU\colossushave you tried clicking around in nvidia-settings yet? or generated a xorg.conf suitable for your setup? nvidia does offer tools for this.12:48
FinnArildGNU\colossus: ok - I guess *dang* is the word, then.12:48
FinnArildGNU\colossus: yes - I have done a lot of nvidia-settings :)12:48
GNU\colossuscassperghost: yes it is. it's especially easy if your /home directory resides on a filesystem of its own12:48
FinnArildGNU\colossus: I've been using Linux for 15 years - just mainly on servers.12:49
=== [-Haza-] is now known as hazamonzo
hazamonzoHey folks im having trouble mounting an old raid array. It was giving me problems a couple of days ago so i whipped out a spare HD and installed kubuntu 9.10 onto that. Before when i was using the live cd my raid was at least recognised (even though i couldn't mount it) but now its not . Before i go into more detail i was hoping there might be someone with raid experience here that might be able to spare a little time12:53
hazamonzo for me?12:53
GNU\colossushazamonzo: are your raid drivers loaded? (does /proc/mdstat exist?)12:55
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: that file does indeed exist with very little info within12:56
hazamonzono devices listed or anything12:56
GNU\colossushazamonzo: does your box have mdadm installed?12:57
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: No12:58
GNU\colossushazamonzo: be aware that your unprivileged user may not have it in his $PATH12:58
hazamonzoGNU\colossus:  Shall i apt-get install it?12:59
hazamonzoThat way if i don't have it then i shortly ill :)12:59
GNU\colossushazamonzo: yes, you should13:00
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Okay done. Looks like it wasn't installed13:00
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: But it is now13:00
GNU\colossushazamonzo: it's the userspace component you need to get md raid volumes up13:01
GNU\colossusrun `mdadm --detail --scan` now13:01
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: sudo i guess?13:02
GNU\colossusyep, as root, for sure13:02
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Okay thats done but no output at all13:03
GNU\colossushazamonzo: what does `fgrep Personalities /proc/mdstat` give you?13:04
hazamonzoPersonalities :13:04
hazamonzoEven though the mdstat file existed it contained very little information13:04
GNU\colossushazamonzo: you need to load the appropriate drivers then13:05
GNU\colossusmodprobe raid113:05
GNU\colossusfor example13:05
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Maybe i can give you a little more info since you know what your talking about?13:07
GNU\colossusjust shoot, if you feel like it13:07
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Cheers :) So i have these two sata drives that (used to) make up my OS raid array. I think that one HD was having issues and my OS would go into read only mode. I would usually fix this by restarting and being thrown into a recovery shell of sorts. From here i could run fsck and just agree with all the questions13:09
hazamonzothis would usually boot me back into my system13:09
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: This read only OS thing happened again a couple of days ago and when i went to restart i was not thrown into the same recovery shell. Instead i was in some other shell that did not know the fsck command13:10
GNU\colossusI see. you probably ended up in your initrd's minimal shell13:11
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: It seemed very basic. I botted up my live CD to have a look. Both the satadrives were being read and the raid was also being read (i could see the system files in /dev/mapper)13:11
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Yes that shell sounds familiar!13:12
hazamonzoso this /dev/mapper dir13:12
GNU\colossushazamonzo: are we talkingabout a "BIOS-level" RAID, or a Linux software (md) RAID?13:12
mocrahello, is there a programm like gparted on the kubuntu-live-cd?13:12
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Well i'll be honest im pretty new to raids. I defined my raid initially in my bios13:12
GNU\colossusmocra: you can just install qtparted (or gparted, if you feel like it) in your live session13:12
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: in fact... i guess that the only place i defined the raid eh? :)13:13
GNU\colossushazamonzo: OK, that explains why we don't see anything related to it - we were doing it wrong :) install the "dmraid" package via apt.13:13
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Ahh yes! dmraid also soundss very familiar. Ive been googling alot! :)13:14
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Looks like dmraid is already installed13:14
hazamonzo"dmraid is already the newest version."13:14
hazamonzobefore i installed kubuntu on a new single hard drive13:15
hazamonzoi could see files in /dev/mapper13:15
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I guess this helped me figure if the raids were being read at all13:15
hazamonzoeven though they were not being mounted during boot13:16
GNU\colossushazamonzo: I'm not familiar with dmraid that closely and haven't got it installed on any machin in my reach just now, but if you try to run it with "-h" as an argument, it should tell you how you're expected to activate your disks. it has, if memory serves, a "catchall"-method for starting array which works vry well.13:16
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I see. A pointer in the right direction is better than nothing at all! :) Gives me something to google too.13:17
mocraGNU\colossus, thank you13:18
GNU\colossusmocra: you're welcome13:18
hazamonzoIm also trying to gauge if i can recover data from this raid (would be great!) or just give up on it and break the array and salvage the single disk thats in perfect working order13:18
hazamonzoMight be way in over my head here :)13:21
FinnArildOk - getting somewhere with my widescreen issue now. But question: modeline calculator/generator shell command. I know it's there, just forgot what it was called. Anyone?13:26
GNU\colossusFinnArild: gtf, but there's a newer one for the new timing standard - I happened to forget its name though ;)13:27
FinnArildGNU\colossus: man -k helped me ...13:27
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Oh sweet thats a start. installing dmraid (something i guess used to be done automatically) has now places some files in my /dev/mapper dir13:27
hazamonzothis is what i had before so im getting somewhere13:27
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Now all i need to figure out is how to mount them. This was the tricky part13:28
GNU\colossusFinnArild: yup, that is it :)13:28
FinnArildI love man :)13:28
GNU\colossushazamonzo: shouldn't be too hard. `sudo mount -t auto -o ro /dev/mapper/yourfirstfile /mnt/`13:29
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I'll give it a bash!13:29
FinnArildGNU\colossus: when I added that new modeline - the selection disappeared from nvidia-settings.13:30
FinnArildChanged the modeline13:30
GNU\colossusFinnArild: I don't know what nvidia-settings does, but I managed to wrestle a 100% working wide-screen setup from "nvidia" by editing xorg.conf alone some months ago.13:32
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: 'mount: you must specify the filesystem type'13:32
GNU\colossushazamonzo: what filesystems were those?13:33
FinnArildGNU\colossus: then I should be able to as well. Good to know.13:33
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Im guessing ther default that kubuntu would format them to during installation13:34
hazamonzoThe first time i installed kubuntu on this old raid i let the formatting wizard "use the whole disk"13:34
GNU\colossusFinnArild: it involved some obscure options to not make the driver/card listen to the display's EDID, though. I don't have access to the config right now, as the DSL modem at that endpoint is broken...13:34
James147hazamonzo: then ext3 or 4 (dosent really mater which as you can mount either as the other)13:34
GNU\colossushazamonzo: you might want to try to `sudo fsck -f /dev/mapper/yourfile` first13:35
FinnArildGNU\colossus: yes, I think something like that is happening here, because without modelines at all, I still get 800x600 and 640x13:35
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Right13:35
James147hazamonzo: might be able to use the auto option as well (-t auto)13:35
hazamonzoJames147: Cool. I'll fsck first and then we can try to mount again :)13:35
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Looks like i have some errors like before (when my system went into read only and i restarted the fsck'ed)13:36
hazamonzo"fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks..."13:36
hazamonzoShall i just go ahead and fix all errors?13:36
GNU\colossushazamonzo: that's probably what you want. I figure the data on the array is not _that_ valuable to you, right?13:37
GNU\colossus(because you said you'd just dismantle the arrays if it won't work out recovering what's on them)13:37
FinnArildGNU\colossus: there acually were some EDID settings in there that turned it off. I turned them on, and now it works great!13:39
FinnArildexcept for extremely small dpi13:39
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Thats right. If i can get data from them that that would be awesome. If not then its okay13:39
GNU\colossushazamonzo: are you sure the drives are OK though? maybe run smartctl (extended offline test) or, better yet, badblocks in rw mode against the dive before installing anything else on them13:39
GNU\colossusFinnArild: glad it works for you. EDID is really nice, _if_ it works as intended :)13:40
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Well i know that one of the drives was having problems. I ran a extended smartmontools test on them13:40
hazamonzoand one of the drives was throwing errors13:40
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I showed these errors to a third party and was informed it was nothing to worry about...13:40
FinnArildGNU\colossus: weird that it was turned off ... but it might have something to do with my previous attempts13:41
GNU\colossushazamonzo: well, SMART isn't something you can really trust - it's an indiciation of things that MAY come, though.13:41
GNU\colossushazamonzo: I'd run badblocks in destructive mode against the drives though, before you continue using them13:41
GNU\colossus(after you salvaged your data, of course)13:42
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: My plan... is to recover what i can from the raid. then break the raid. throw away the bad disk (send it to the heart of the sun). then see if i can use the good disk as extra storage13:42
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Okay i will do those tests! :) I don't want this happening again if i can avoid it13:42
GNU\colossusyup. best of luck.13:43
FinnArildGNU\colossus: nof if you could just quickly point me to where to set DPI :)13:43
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Hey thanks for all your help so far! If i can just get this raid mounted so i can copy what files off it i can then i will be very happy13:44
GNU\colossusFinnArild: the X-server and driver should actually compute those by themselves. EDID odes not only carry freq/res, but also display dimensions.13:44
FinnArildGNU\colossus: ok - but X should also have a setting, not? Now my fonts are hardly readable13:45
GNU\colossusFinnArild: the appropraite video driver should have, yes13:45
GNU\colossusprobably "Option "ForceDPI" <something>"13:45
GNU\colossusnvidia's manpage should have that info13:45
FinnArildyeah ...13:48
GNU\colossusit's a shame nvidia is so slow at adopting randr-1.2 (or later)13:48
FinnArildthat's what I actually turned off13:48
GNU\colossusyou turned off enforcing dpi, and that made your modes work?13:48
FinnArildGNU\colossus: no - I turned off both, and that made my modes work. But now I made so dpi wasn't by edid and now I can edit it.13:50
GNU\colossusah I see13:50
FinnArildGNU\colossus: since this is a Mediacenter running on the TV I want quite extreme dpi values ...13:51
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I could kiss you!!13:51
FinnArildGNU\colossus: thanks for all your help13:51
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: I got the drive mounted! This is exactly what i needed. I can work of recovering what i can now.13:52
GNU\colossusyou're both very welcome :)13:52
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Thanks for all your help! If you're ever in Scotland, let me know in ##pentaho. I'll be sure yo buy you a beer!13:52
FinnArildextreme dpi's are maybe not smart ...13:52
GNU\colossusFinnArild: I'd try to work with the media center software you're using, to just scale font size appropriately13:53
GNU\colossushazamonzo: that's a nice offer, but I don't drink alcohol ;)13:53
FinnArildGNU\colossus: I'm just using Spotify and Firebird, mainly actually13:54
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Haggis? :)13:54
GNU\colossusif I happen to drop by there, I'll let you know though ;)13:54
GNU\colossushazamonzo: brrr! :D13:54
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: hehehe. Cheers :)13:54
FinnArildNow I'm gonna try getting that Linux spotify client13:55
FinnArild*grumble* Songbird, of course - has it's own interpretation of DPI :/13:58
GNU\colossusyeah, all the mozilla crap has13:59
GNU\colossusor, at least, had13:59
FinnArildIt's a really good media player, though14:01
FinnArild... maybe I can tweak the looks with css :)14:01
FinnArildOk - thanks for all help - gonna get some grub now.14:01
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shadeslayerzara: hey14:08
zarahello, i'm a beginner at java and have some questions related to  sql14:08
GNU\colossuszara: there are probably more appropriate channels for the questions you supposedly have on your mind14:09
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:10
zaramay i know the channels? i'm abeginner at irc too14:10
GNU\colossus/msg alis list *java*14:10
GNU\colossus/msg alis list *sql*14:10
zarathank you14:10
GNU\colossusprepare for a lot of output thouh14:10
zaraah, alright, thanks again14:11
kimoit's true Ubuntu is more Fast than Kubuntu14:27
vbgunz__I have a 5 button mouse. Is there a way to make my thumb and pinky buttons "alt-left' and 'alt-right" respectively without too much hacking?14:32
Nam3lesshey guys14:46
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Mark^Hey there..15:09
Mark^Ive downloaded Kubuntu 9.10, and while installing it from Wubi, it gave me Downloading Kubuntu-desktop.iso file..15:09
Mark^Whys that?15:10
Mark^I already downloaded the Kubuntu file which is 700MB.. why do I have to download it again?15:10
=== sudokode is now known as loserfish
macoMark^: it shouldnt need to download again... how are you running wubi?15:11
Mark^I inserted the CD, and installing it from windows715:11
robinking623why is my kde sometimes so slow15:11
Mark^Shall I make run it from boot menu?15:12
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James147Mark^: you cant run wubi from the boot menu, that will run the live cd15:12
Mark^Well.. I have the .iso file on my laptop.15:13
Mark^can I install it in anyway?15:13
Mark^I tried to boot it and it works fine..15:13
James147Mark^: you can install it the normal way if you want to... but that will partition your hard drive (and as with anything that touches partitions it could lose your data if your not careful - just a friendly warning)15:14
=== dobled is now known as DobleD
Mark^Well.. I have shrinked a partition, and made another new partition for Kubuntu..15:15
James147Mark^: wubi dosnt need a seperate partion (it install inti a file in windows) so if you already have a partition ready for kubuntu then try the normal installer15:16
Mark^How can I try the normal installer?15:16
Mark^I have a free partition of 20GB.15:16
James147Mark^: Careful when it comes to the partition bit, kubuntu 'can' be default erase your entire disk,15:17
Mark^How can I know its the exact partition am installing it from15:17
James147Mark^: just make sure you read the options carefully :015:18
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=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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Mark^Okay, how can I install it normally?15:18
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James147Mark^: It will tell you, just make sure you read and dont just click next15:18
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James147Mark^: boot from the CD, chose one of the first two options (I tend to boot to the live CD (the first option) and run the installer from there, it should be on the desktop)15:19
Mark^I dont want the live cd :(15:19
Mark^I have a slow limited connection..15:19
James147Mark^: then what do you have?15:19
Mark^I already downloaded Kubuntu 9.10 which is 700MB file..15:20
Mark^While installing it, it gave me Downloading file kubuntu-9.10-desktop.iso.15:20
Mark^Why should I download that file, which is like 900MB.. And I just downloaded this file?15:20
James147Mark^: Was that through wubi though? the normal installer (place cd into drive and reboot, might need to change bios options to boot from cd frist) can be done offlinme15:21
FinnArildAfter 10 minutes or so, my screen turns off. Is there any way to tweak the acpi settings so it never turns off the screen? I haven't found it ...15:21
Mark^Yeah it was done through Wubi..15:21
Mark^Okay, ill try to boot now.15:22
Mark^Just a sec..15:22
FinnArildnm - I think I figured15:26
geniiFinnArild: It's in settings of /etc/default/acpi-support15:26
=== betinho is now known as tumaix
robinking623why is my kde slower than gnome?15:36
hazamonzorobinking623: KDE looks fancy?15:37
robinking623hazamonzo: but I have 4G ram and pentium with 2 core15:37
hazamonzorobinking623: Is it noticably slow?15:38
GNU\colossusthe CPU isn't the only thing that matters15:38
robinking623hazamonzo: no, but a little bit15:38
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Hows you smartmontools knowledge?15:39
robinking623hazamonzo: maybe the Intel gl4 is the reason15:39
GNU\colossushazamonzo: most SMART attributes are vendor-specific (their implementation is). what do you want to know?15:39
FinnArildrobinking623: could be badly setup graphic drivers?15:40
robinking623FinnArild: I don't know15:40
GNU\colossusgraphics drivers are mostly autoconfigured nowadays.15:40
GNU\colossusrobinking623: what GPU have you got?15:40
robinking623GNU\colossus: intel .........15:40
hazamonzoWell i like to use the gsmart giu. Just having a look at the three disks that i have at the moment. 2 of them making up the old raid and the 3rd one being thr HD im using for a temp OS drive at the moment15:41
GNU\colossusrobinking623: which one?15:41
FinnArildNVIDIA drivers weren't set up when I installed Kubuntu15:41
FinnArild... last autumn ...15:41
robinking623GNU\colossus: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)15:41
GNU\colossusFinnArild: yeah, I mean "setup" like which acceleration architecture to use, and which operations to accel in hardware, etc.15:42
GNU\colossusrobinking623: I got a similar GPU (GMA X4500MHD) and it works really fine. what version of ubuntu are you on?15:42
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
robinking623GNU\colossus: kunbunt 91015:42
GNU\colossusrobinking623: have you tried the X-fixes (or even X-edgers) PPA for updated drivers?15:43
GNU\colossusthey might yield you a performance increase15:43
robinking623GNU\colossus: not yet15:43
robinking623GNU\colossus: but I will try15:43
GNU\colossusrobinking623: check https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/15:43
FinnArildWhy didn't they call them the X-files ... nerds nowadays - no humour!15:43
robinking623GNU\colossus: or I will use ubuntu-tweak15:44
robinking623GNU\colossus: that will be much easier15:44
GNU\colossusI don't know ubuntu-tweak15:45
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hazamonzoGNU\colossus: in fact im not too fussed with the results of the smart tests. It looks like (as i found out before) that one of the raid drives has errors (bad sectors or something) and so does the drive im using as a temp OS solution (old age)15:54
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Did you mention other tests i should do before whipping out and exchanging HDs?15:54
GNU\colossushazamonzo: badblocks. if you're going to ditch the drives in questions anway, there's probably little need to spend time with it, anyway15:54
hazamonzoGNU\colossus: Im hoping to keep on of the drive from the raid array as its not throwing smart errors. To be honest these drives are pretty damn new too. About 2 months old :s15:55
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
hazamonzoHey folks just a quick thought. Whats the best filesystem to format my external (1tb) drive to if i want to access it with kubuntu AND windows?16:35
Jaimie_hazamonzo, you can use NTFS with ntfswrite16:36
Jaimie_i believe there are ways you can mount ext2/3/4 fs in windows too16:36
XarverHi guys. I was playing with my ati card multiple monitor setup and decided I would turn it off. I turned it off, rebooted, and then sound stopped working. I'm guessing this is because the other monitor had speakers built in.... I tried switching pulse to alsa but still nothing.16:36
hazamonzoJaimie_: I see. It looks like the external HD is already formatted to NTFS but im having trouble writing data to it. I take it i have to install the ntfswrite driver / lib?16:37
Jaimie_sudo aptitude search ntfs16:37
Jaimie_it may be called ntfs fuse16:37
Jaimie_i cant remember the exact package name16:37
Jaimie_you'll find it :)16:38
jimmy51_hello all.  I just got a Flip Mino HD and can easily grab the MP4's off of it in Kubuntu.  Is there a simple way to make a playable DVD out of one of the MP4's (for grandma's home DVD player) ?16:39
snarkfishhi there16:41
hazamonzoJaimie_: hmm. looks like it might be something else thats stopping me from writing to the external HD16:41
snarkfishis there a way to access the persistant file on a usb live install drive, without having to boot up the live install16:41
hazamonzoa tail -f of the syslog.. "ar 29 16:40:55 hobbes kernel: [ 1968.134741] mount.ntfs-3g[3319]: segfault at 9c801d8 ip b77f4661 sp bfa28f70 error 4 in libntfs-3g.so.54.0.0[b77d4000+30000]"16:42
hazamonzoLooks like fun!16:42
snarkfishthanx i found it.16:46
Jaimie_hehe hazamonzo; thats beyond my ability16:46
Jaimie_can only tell you what worked for me "out of the box" so to speak16:47
hazamonzoJaimie_: No worries16:54
zoisshey guys. i upgraded my kde to sc 4.4.1 via backports and know i just realized that there is a problem with printing a certain PDF file via okular. this file is not corrupt and printing through lp ... works. however printing other PDFs works through okular.17:02
XarverHi guys. I was playing with my ati card multiple monitor setup and decided I would turn it off. I turned it off, rebooted, and then sound stopped working. I'm guessing this is because the other monitor had speakers built in.... I tried switching pulse to alsa but still nothing. I use Kubuntu 9.1017:20
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wizkoderhy everybody17:24
zusis settin up samba different in Kubuntu (i found how to for Ubuntu)17:26
James147zus: depends how your doing it :) via editing smb.conf then no its the same17:27
zusJames147,  is there a link in setting up samba for kubuntu so i cna share a folder (i've yet to make) with my brother who has winddows 717:30
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:31
shadeslayerzus: hold on theres a package for this17:31
evilzaНарод че со звуком моно сделать ?17:32
evilzaне робит(17:32
shadeslayerzus: http://kubuntuguide.org/Karmic#Samba_File_Sharing17:32
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:32
shadeslayergenii: im guessing you just had a shot of coffee17:33
evilzano speak17:33
geniishadeslayer: Just sat down to eat lunch actually... was running around with work and not near computer earlier17:33
zusgracias shadeslayer  and James14717:33
XarverHi guys. I was playing with my ati card multiple monitor setup and decided I would turn it off. I turned it off, rebooted, and then sound stopped working. I'm guessing this is because the other monitor had speakers built in.... I tried switching pulse to alsa but still nothing. I use Kubuntu 9.1017:37
hazamonzoHey folks. I have an external USB 1tb HD i need to format. Why might the format option in gparted be greyed out?17:41
James147hazamonzo: is it mounted?17:42
arch0njwhazamonzo: is the drive mounted?17:42
hazamonzohehe. It is yes17:42
arch0njwhazamonzo: bingo.  unmount it.  and... is it obvious that is the Prime Suspect issue? (-;17:43
arch0njwhazamonzo: you -might- need to restart gparted.  I have watched both gparted and qt-based partition editor not be aware of drive status changes.17:44
hazamonzoarch0njw: Ahh i see. I was under the impression that i would have to have the drive mounted to see it in gparted17:44
vandenoeverhi, my openoffice in 3.1 in karmic does not play avi files17:45
vandenoeverin ooimpress17:45
vandenoeveris there a package missing?17:45
James147hazamonzo: nop, you never want a filesystem mounted to format it :)17:45
hazamonzoandrunko: Hmm. okay the format option is available but not to format it to NTFS17:45
hazamonzoJames147: Noted! :D17:45
hazamonzoIm guessing since i want to be able to read this external HD in windows AND kubuntu i would opt for NTFS17:47
James147hazamonzo: try installing ntfsprogs17:49
hazamonzoJames147: Okay17:49
hazamonzoJames147: Worked. Thanks :)17:51
jimmy51_is there an easy way to make MP4 videos into DVD's in kubuntu?18:05
geniijimmy51_: devede is pretty good overall.18:05
genii!info devede18:06
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1518 kB, installed size 3560 kB18:06
zusis kdeartwork installed on default? i have kde4.4 and 9.10 can i install it?18:06
jimmy51_on a separate note, my taskbar and wallpaper just disappeared.  my apps are still running.  can i do something to get the desktop back without closing my apps and restarting KDE?18:07
geniizus: Not installed by default, but you should be able to install it, it's in the main repo18:07
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zusgenii thanks18:08
nopathhow to change screen resolution to something higher then 800X600 in Kubuntu?18:09
jimmy51_this is the third time this has happened.... i usually restart kdm to take care of it but then i lose my apps.18:09
geniijimmy51_: You can try:  alt-f2        then put: kwin --replace18:10
nopathok ty18:10
jimmy51_genii:  screen flashed, but still no taskbar or desktop18:11
jimmy51_ah... plasma-desktop got it back18:13
jimmy51_i guess plasma crashed for some reason18:13
jimmy51_thanks genii, devede looks like my wife could handle it18:17
Machtinhow can i stop vsfptd from running automatically on startup?18:17
jimmy51_kubuntu + flip mino hd + devede for the win18:18
zusis there a kden live channel?18:21
geniiMachtin: You want it to still be installed but you have to manually run it?18:21
Machtinlike with "start ftpd" and "stop ftpd"18:22
geniiMachtin: Use update-rc.d with the remove option on it's executable18:24
geniiMachtin: This is if it runs in standalone mode. If it runs from inetd/xinetd remove it's entries from the xinetd config file18:25
Machtingenii: okay, i'll see whether i can do that - thanks18:26
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pepeehi. samba daemon runs at startup in my machine, and I don't know what starts it. How do I prevent smbd starting?18:55
GNU\colossuspepee: your initscripts will probably do that. you have to remove the approprate one from your default runlevel.18:56
pepeehmm i already did it18:56
GNU\colossushow did you do it?18:56
pepeeupdate-rc.d -f smbd remove18:56
GNU\colossusthat should've taken care of it, UNLESS smbd is a dependency of another init-script that's still being started18:58
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jimmy51_+10 points to genii.  with a few clicks i have a DVD with some home video clips, a menu with a nice background and music, and it plays perfectly.19:24
lloowenAny ideas how I configure the xserver in kubuntu? There's no xorg.conf file.19:32
xenaxoncan I install easyphp on kubuntu?19:33
xenaxonor somekind of package apache/php/mysql19:33
Maharawhy not?19:33
Maharaxenaxon: of course you can19:34
alakoolloowen: try $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:34
lloowenOK thanks. I'm trying to locate where I would put this line of code. It would normally go in xorg.conf, but kubuntu does not like xorg.conf. "Section "ServerLayout"19:36
lloowen        Identifier      "Default Layout" screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 019:36
lloowen        Inputdevice     "VMware Keyboard"       "CoreKeyboard"19:36
lloowen        Inputdevice     "VMware Mouse"  "CorePointer"19:36
FloodBotK1lloowen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
Maharaxenaxon: you could try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel19:36
alakoolloowen: in your terminal19:37
Maharaxenaxon: also there are many tutorials on internets on how to install a LAMP stack19:37
xenaxoninternets :D19:37
Maharaxenaxon: http://tuxtweaks.com/2009/06/installing-lamp-on-ubuntu-jaunty-904/19:38
James147lloowen: kubuntu dosent have a xorg.conf... by default... but if you create one xserver will use that19:38
lloowenJames147:I tried that, but when I restarted my pc, xserver would not start!19:38
xenaxonI just want a local server19:38
xenaxonlike I used to have on windows XP19:39
James147lloowen: would indicate a problem with the xorg.conf file you created19:39
lloowenI used the command 'xorg -configure'19:39
Maharaxenaxon: that last link above just explains that19:39
James147lloowen: what are you trying to do by adding those lines to the conf?19:39
xenaxonok, thanks.19:39
xenaxonand how do I set firefox as the default browser19:40
Maharaxenaxon: you should redirect to the 9.10 version19:40
lloowenI have vmware server running on another pc, but when I run the vmware console I get conflicts with my mouse.19:40
Maharaxenaxon: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/how+to+make+Firefox+the+default+browser19:40
lloowenxenaxon: try this http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.10-karmic-koala-ispconfig-219:42
Maharaxenaxon: or System \ Preferences \ Preferred Applications.19:42
Maharalloowen: using Tasksel with apt-get install lamp-server^ is easier19:43
xenaxonI've set firefox default browser19:45
xenaxonand konkuqeror still fires up19:45
xenaxonwhen I click links19:45
xenaxonin here19:45
Maharago to KDE MENU and then System Settings : Default Applications and there it is19:47
MaharaI'm fairly new to KDE too19:47
Maharait works for me19:49
xenaxonguys, I don't understand the use of desktops if the programs show up on the taskbar anyway19:56
xenaxonthey show up on the taskbar of all desktops19:56
xenaxonso what's the usage of multiple desktops?19:56
rorkxenaxon: you can set them not to show up at the taskbars of all desktops19:57
unforgivenHello. I'm trying to change time witn Time and Date widget, but it's usless. When I push Apply button nothing happens. Could anybody help me?19:57
rorkxenaxon: otherwise it might be nice to have multiple windows setup a certain way on each desktop and switch easily between them19:58
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johannes_I installed netatalk to connect to afp shares I can see in dolphin (avahi is used here) when I click on it, nothing happens, what can I do?19:59
xenaxonok, I've fixed it thanks19:59
unforgivenI have just tried to run "kdesudo systemsettings" and change time whith the same result19:59
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rorkjust when I found out :P19:59
Maharaxenaxon: Some documentation, tutorials can help a lot, using a search engine is fairly easy and you can find useful information fast20:03
xenaxonok, thanks20:06
lloowenSo any ideas how to configure the xserver or add additional options to the xserver? My kubuntu does not like the use of xorg.conf :(20:06
xenaxonI've split my workarea to 6 desktops20:06
xenaxonMain, Programming, Design, Data Entry, "Tasks, Notes & Reminders" and Misc.20:07
xenaxongreat stuff in Kubuntu20:07
xenaxonI'm already loving it20:08
joviswhich irc client are you running now xenaxon20:08
TheVenerableZI'm not sure if this is a kubuntu or qt question, but is there a way to add qt 4.6 to the software sources in Ubuntu 9.10?20:22
lloowenHelp! Really need to know how to configure the xserver. Where do I do it if there is no xorg.conf?20:24
xenaxonjovis: I am running Quassel IRC20:29
Tm_TTheVenerableZ: use backports ppa20:30
Tm_TTheVenerableZ: see http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.420:30
James147lloowen: try "sudo Xorg -configure" may need to move the generated file after20:30
lloowenjames147: I move the file to /etc/X11? Where am I going to move it from?20:31
James147lloowen: yet it still crashed?20:32
TheVenerableZTm_T: sudo  add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports gives me this error:20:33
TheVenerableZError: could not find a distribution template20:33
James147lloowen: what graphics card do you have?20:34
lloowenI have no idea!20:34
lloowenSo kubuntu should work with the xorg.conf file?20:35
James147lloowen: should20:35
robinking623lloowen: you can not find your xorg.conf?20:36
robinking623lloowen: find20:36
lloowenApparently kubuntu does not use xorg.conf20:36
James147lloowen: use lspci to find what graphics card you have20:36
hazamonzoThis might be a silly question but... i have two identical hard drives plugged into my computer. sda and sdb. Can i assume that sda has been assigned as the first drive because its plugged into the first sata port on my motherboard?20:37
hazamonzo(i actually have a load of sata drived plugged in and i want to make sure im unplugging the correct one)20:37
James147lloowen: it dose use the xorg.conf, just dosent have to use it (and so dosn't use one be default) and its not a kubuntu thing, its a xserver thing20:37
lloowenjames147: I think it is this 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 020:37
lloowen00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)20:39
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James147lloowen: do you get any error message when you start x?20:49
lloowenjames147: The problem only happens when I restart my pc. Then I just get a black screen. Running the command 'xorg -configure' creates the file. I alter the lines that will enable my mouse to work in the vmware terminal, which incidentally works well. But I get a black screen when I re boot. I have to boot into safe mode and in root delete the xorg.conf file and then re-boot.20:52
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James147lloowen: weird :S don't know why it wont work only on a reboot20:53
zusdoes kde4.4 have missing packages for widgets? i can't use the facebook widget, was able to b4 with i upgraded to kde4.420:54
Hamraevening everyone.... i have an xsane problem. when i acquire preview, and select a certain area to be scanned, and scan, the scanned image turns out to be off than what i selected by about 2 cm.. any ideas?20:54
Hamraand even better, is there a sane channel i can ask in? mind you, an active one :P20:55
teo_guys, does someone here have a ftp server created with vsftpd21:08
zusalright the widget thing is just for funs however i need an image writter for kubuntu can some one please direct me to one please. i need to burn an usb.iso for  and a few cd's21:12
James147zus: k3b is a good cd/dvd burner think it can create images as well21:13
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zusJames147,  thanks ill try it, didnt think it would do it for usb though21:16
James147probally not, but any reason why you can't just copy files to a usb? (flash disk i presume)21:17
th3sk3ptichas anyone gotten vpn to work with knetworkmanager?21:18
zusmy brother wants to try kden live. so on thier site they have a live usb. i just need an image writter to write the .img to the usb21:18
James147zus: heh, i tend to just use the iso with usb-creator-kde (creates a live usb from an iso21:20
pepeeI have a problem with an app: http://pastebin.com/AzkEEScn . This happens after updating to kubuntu lucid21:20
pepeethis is the backtrace: http://pastebin.com/AwJjziG821:21
teo_guys, I have a noob question. can a user be created on kubuntu or ubuntu with the right to access only 1 folder21:21
James147teo_: yes21:21
teo_how do u do that? if it too much to say in words can u post a link?21:22
teo_the thing is that I have installed a ftp server on ubuntu (vsftpd) and I want to create a username (created within the system, not virtualised)21:23
teo_that user I want to be jailed to only 1 folder21:23
James147teo_: you just need to create a user (you can do it with out a home directory) and make sure they are write premisions to only that one drive (they will still be able to read/write to everything that has r/w set for everyone, no way around that)21:23
James147teo_: as long as nothing else has write premissions for everyone set then they cant write anywhere else21:24
James147teo_: keep in mind they will still be able to read everything that has read premisions ser for everone21:25
teo_yes I know what your are saying, thank you very much, I still have 1 more question though: how do I create a user without a home directory?21:26
teo_is there a program?21:26
teo_a command from terminal?21:26
James147the --no-create-home flag (or something similar... read the man page) for the adduser command - or use can use kuser (kde gui, has the option as well)21:27
teo_excelent. so I create this user without the home directory, that I use chown and set a certain folder to be his and to have full access to that folder21:28
teo_the ftp server will allow him acceess only to his folder and to the folders that can be accessed by everyone21:29
teo_but there will be none21:29
James147teo_: yes... but keep in mind the premision for other files...21:30
teo_thnak you vey much21:30
teo_yes yes, I know21:30
teo_I know about permissions, I am really noob with the groups of users on linux :d21:30
teo_still a noob, hope to learn :D21:30
mcsmurfhi, is there some page where I can all packages which get installed when installing the meta kubuntu-desktop package? especially I'm wondering if the plasma-widget-folderview package is included21:31
James147teo_: just warning :) last thing you want is someone accesing somehting they shouldent...21:31
James147teo_: groups are ways of getting a group oof users the same premisions, as you can set the premisions for groups on files... and one in that group has those premisions21:32
James147mcsmurf: you can use aptitude (sudo aptitude) search for the package (type / then the package name) when you ahve found it hit enter and it will show you its dependincys21:33
James147mcsmurf: or http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/kubuntu-desktop21:34
James147mcsmurf: but it might be included as a dependency of a dependency... which wont be shown21:35
mcsmurfJames147: yeah but on that page it does only show the deps of the meta package, the packages itself have yet other deps21:35
mcsmurfguess I want the full dependency tree :o21:35
James147mcsmurf: in apitude you can see the packages which depend on a package... maby you could work up from there21:37
mcsmurfI'll check21:38
James147aptitude sorry :P21:38
mcsmurf(I wonder because that one was not included when installing kubuntu-desktop, but it was included when using another method for installling kubuntu...)21:38
cassperghosthow to upgard from kubuntu 6.06 to 9.10 I don't like to loose data on my /home directory21:39
James147cassperghost: eek, thats old :p21:39
cassperghostJames147: yes it's old21:40
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James147cassperghost: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes <- suggests only upgrading one version at a time21:40
mcsmurfthis will take a lot of time21:41
mcsmurfyeah, I would also do it that way: one update at a time21:41
James147cassperghost: how sure if thats possible since some versions are now no longer supported21:41
James147not sure ^^21:41
mcsmurfas long as he finds a mirror...21:42
cassperghostJames147: thank you I'll try21:42
Hamraso...... no one with any sane/scanner knowledge?21:42
James147cassperghost: if you can i would back up the /home directory :)21:42
arch0njwcassperghost: if you are on 6.06 why not first upgrade to 8.04 -- which was another LTS release?21:43
arch0njwcassperghost: I know that LTS to LTS is -supposed- to be nicely supported.21:43
arch0njwYou could then wait a month and upgrade to 10.04 which is going to be another LTS release.21:43
James147cassperghost: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Dapper <-21:43
cassperghostarch0njw: how?21:43
arch0njwcassperghost: I think the link James147 just provided negates my suggestion21:45
James147arch0njw: :D21:45
cassperghostJames147: how to back up the /home directory?21:45
cassperghostarch0njw: thank you21:45
mcsmurfJames147: you meant "aptitude show plasma-widget-folderview" would show which packages depend on a package?21:46
mcsmurfcause I only see there which packages this one depends one21:46
James147cassperghost: there are many ways :) the simplest would be to copy it to a nother drive if you have one (rsync -avh source dest   is a good way to create back ups)21:46
James147mcsmurf: also teh link suggests a way to back up the entire drive21:47
cassperghostJames147: thank you I will try21:47
James147mcsmurf: might do, never used it... i tend to use "sudo aptitude" and do it interactivaly when i want to search packages and dependencysd :)21:48
mcsmurffound it :)  apt-cache showpkg plasma-widget-folderview21:50
pepeeheh, can't disable akonadi..21:56
pepeehow do I do that?21:56
mcsmurfKDE 4.3?21:59
szadekhello everybody , i have a problem with digital clock , it hasnt updated the time for summer time ........ but , in system settings » date and time , the time is correct , anyone have an idea of what is happening ? ( using kde 4.4.121:59
pepeemcsmurf, ^^21:59
mcsmurfakonadictl stop on console should work...disable permanently, not sure22:00
hazamonzoHey folks. How come i cannot find gsmartcontrol in the repository using the live CD?22:00
hazamonzoIs there a way to look in the latest rep using the live cd?22:00
pepeeeven if i set StartServer=false in ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc , akonadi starts mysql...22:01
James147hazamonzo: did you update before you checked?22:01
James147hazamonzo: (sudo aptitude update)....22:01
hazamonzoJames147: i did indeed mate :s22:02
mcsmurfpepee: do you already know http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/PIM/Akonadi#How_do_I_completely_disable_Akonadi_startup.3F ?22:03
hazamonzoJames147: Maybe not all the rep locations are enabled by defaul22:04
mcsmurf"like KOrganizer would use Akonadi indirectly through KResources, and therefore would start the Akonadi server when being started. "22:04
mcsmurfdo you use such a app?22:04
James147hazamonzo: probally...22:04
xenaxonhelp guys22:04
xenaxonmy sound is too low22:04
hazamonzoJames147: ive just ticked a couple more sources. See if i can see it then22:04
xenaxoncompared to how it is on windows22:04
xenaxonthe sound level is way too low on kubuntu compared to windows22:05
James147xenaxon: check 'all' the volume controls (not just the default one the shows when you click kmix)22:05
xenaxonI can barely hear it with my headphones on22:05
xenaxonhow to I check them22:05
James147xenaxon: click kmix, click show all mixers22:05
James147xenaxon: or just "mixers"22:06
xenaxonI did22:06
rmrfslashIs the network manager plasmoid still messed up?22:06
xenaxonand a window pops up22:06
rmrfslashi.e not working?22:06
xenaxonwith 2 levels22:06
xenaxonmaster and front22:06
James147xenaxon: both at max?22:06
xenaxonand I've set them both at max and it's still ridiculous compared to how it is on windows22:06
xenaxonI'm trying to watch a movie online and I can barely hear the voices22:07
James147xenaxon: if there are any other tabs try them, if not then settings -> configure cahnnels (not all are showen see if there is one there that might help)22:08
hazamonzoJames147: Aye. that was the issue22:09
pepeethis is funny: I'm tring to disable akonadi, and I don't want it to start mysql22:44
pepeewell, can't do it, nothing I've done stops akonadi22:45
HazamonzoHey folks. I thought that if we installed kubuntu AFTER windows then kubuntu would take care of the boot options?22:51
HazamonzoOr do i still need to reinstall my grub to overwrite crazy ass windows22:51
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:51
DarkwingDuckI dual boot installing kubuntu after windows and grub took care of it22:52
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: Its weird. i just installed kubuntu this minute. When i restarted windows booted up by default..22:52
arch0njw!language  | Hazamonzo22:52
ubottuHazamonzo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:52
Hazamonzoarch0njw: Whoops. Sorry :)22:53
arch0njw... even though I do agree with your assessment of Windows ;)22:53
Hazamonzoarch0njw: Heheh22:53
DarkwingDuckDid it give you a grub menu?22:53
HazamonzoSo what do you think guys? Is this weird or am i doing something wrong?22:53
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: Im afraid not22:53
HazamonzoIt just booted straight into windows22:53
DarkwingDucklog in with a LiveCD and fix grub...22:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:54
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: Im in the live CD as we speak ;)22:54
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: karmic = 9.10?22:54
arch0njwI hate that prospect.  I have heard bad things about the configurability of grub2.22:54
arch0njwKarmic: 9.1022:54
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: Yes.22:54
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:54
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 29th, 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 - Development Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:54
arch0njwWin and Ku are on the same drive, or different drives?22:55
pepeedone, not more akonadi nor korganizer nor kmail...22:55
Hazamonzosee even though im using 9.10 i have a weird feeling that its the old 1.7 grub... is that at all possible?22:55
Hazamonzoarch0njw: Different drives22:55
Hazamonzokubuntu is on sda22:55
Hazamonzoand wondows sdb22:55
arch0njwHazamonzo: are you sure they are hooked up right?  I do sep drives and you have to make sure they are in order.22:56
Hazamonzoarch0njw: arch0njw The boot order in BIOS?22:56
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD22:56
arch0njwHazamonzo: That is one way.22:56
arch0njwHazamonzo: if they are setup for cable select, and they are SATA, it is about what position they are on the bus.22:57
arch0njwHazamonzo: if your Win drive is first, that will boot first.  BUT, your BIOS should be overriding that.  cable-select hasn't been obeyed, to my knowledge, since IDE drives.22:57
arch0njwHazamonzo: same goes for the master/slave jumper22:57
Hazamonzoarch0njw: I see22:58
Hazamonzoim trying to remember. Since these are SATA drives they are jumperless22:58
HazamonzoAnd physically windows is plugged into sata port 122:58
arch0njwHazamonzo: okay.  This should be COMPLETELY controlled by the BIOS then.22:58
Hazamonzoand ubuntu into222:58
Hazamonzoother way round sorry22:59
arch0njwHazamonzo: unless your BIOS sucks ;)22:59
Hazamonzoarch0njw: I hope not. Its a pretty smart littlle motherboard22:59
arch0njwHazamonzo: alright.  So it sounds like you need to look at the boot order in your BIOS.  With most systems you can even intercept at boot time and choose a temporary boot order -- which might allow you to choose a diff internal drive to boot from.22:59
Hazamonzoarch0njw: Okay. I'll reboot and check the bios order. i did set it manually afterall23:00
arch0njwHazamonzo: if it is even a mediocre mobo, it should have boot order and priority settings.23:00
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: one way to do it is unplug the windows drive to get the serial number from that drive to set it up in BIOS23:00
Hazamonzoarch0njw: DarkwingDuck : okay guys. I think i have it23:00
xenaxon__guys, how do I switch from desktop to desktop23:00
xenaxon__using the keyboard23:00
Hazamonzoi can set the priority of drives23:01
arch0njwHazamonzo: DarkwingDuck has a good point.  Unless you know the identifiers the drives report to the BIOS it will be a pain.  I'm a nerd and remember those IDs ;)23:01
Hazamonzodone it many times so far)23:01
=== xenaxon__ is now known as xenaxon
xenaxonHow do I switch from desktop to desktop using the keyboard?23:01
Hazamonzoarch0njw: Ah but the drive are different sizes / makes23:01
Hazamonzofo its easy to identify them23:01
arch0njwHazamonzo: that helps LOTS23:01
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: makes that simple... I have three WD 1TB drives... Kinda sucks23:02
Hazamonzoxenaxon: ctrl+f123:02
xenaxonI used ctrl+tab to switch from 1 to 4, but for 5 and above it doesn't work23:02
Hazamonzof2, f3 ect23:02
xenaxonfrom 1 to 4 it works23:02
xenaxonbut I have 6 desktops23:02
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: heheh i know the pain man. up until about 3 hours ago i had two set of identical drives23:02
Hazamonzoin bios i see the pain you face23:03
xenaxon:((( I can't switch to desktop 5 using the keyboard23:03
DarkwingDuck:D I finally plugged one at a time and sticky-note the drives with the # on them and whats on them LOL23:03
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: lol23:03
Hazamonzoarch0njw: DarkwingDuck : okay. i'll doublecheck that the kubuntu drive is set to boot first23:04
Hazamonzoin bios23:04
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: Let us know23:04
HazamonzoHopefully next time im here i'll be in my actual OS and not the live CD :)23:04
HazamonzoCheers, brb23:04
xenaxondoes anyone know how to switch to the 6'th desktop?23:05
Hazamonzoxenaxon: does ctrl+f6 work?23:05
xenaxonctrl+f4 works for 423:05
xenaxonbut 5,6 not23:05
xenaxonI really need to switch from the keyboard since I want to be fast23:06
xenaxonand sometimes I only use keyboard23:06
xenaxonand it's a pain in the neck to take the hand off keyboard and on mouse23:06
lucituxenaxon: in systemsettings->desktop->multiple there is a tab about switching23:07
geniixenaxon: Rightclick on pager...Configure Virtual Desktops..."Switching" tab ... Bottom pane labelled "Action"23:07
geniixenaxon: The pager is the thing on the bar with the squares representing your desktops (usually 4 but can be any number)23:09
xenaxonok I clicked23:10
xenaxonthere's the number of desktops23:10
xenaxontheir names23:10
riccardoHi to all! Just a quick question about the issue related to NVIDIA cards and blinking of the screen. I now that is related to the change of power level... any news from Nvidia?23:10
xenaxonand that's all23:10
geniixenaxon: RIGHT click gets you a little menu: Configure Virtual Desktops...Add Virtual Desktop ...Remove Last Virtual Desktop ...Pager Settings...   etc23:12
Hazamonzoarch0njw: DarkwingDuck : :D23:12
HazamonzoYeah.. boot order in bios23:13
huatsDoes anyone can point me to a simple package that uses CMake ? I'd like to see a bit how it works23:13
arch0njwHazamonzo: WOO HOO!  :D23:13
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: yay!23:13
xenaxonIt says: Configure Desktops and Pager Settings23:13
HazamonzoI changed the boot order before i installed kubuntu.. im trying to remember why23:13
Hazamonzoor what i was thinking23:13
xenaxongenii: Configure Desktops and Pager Settings. that's all23:13
DarkwingDuckDoes grub1.97B (2) find the Windows install okay?23:13
HazamonzoThis could be the first time since ive been using kubuntu that i can switch OSs without pulling out SATA cables23:14
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: Yeah perfect23:14
Hazamonzoomg! this also means i can finally put the side back on my case23:14
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: +123:15
HazamonzoHehehe. Thanks foor the help guys. Its been a long day of evil hard drives issues23:15
HazamonzoStill alot to do to prepare my system for work tomorrow but its a start23:16
DarkwingDuckGlad we could be of some service Hazamonzo23:16
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: arch0njw : Cheers :)23:16
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: if you need any more help, we are here.23:16
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: Appreciated. if i remember correctly the only issue i will have later is getting flash to work with sound23:17
Hazamonzolast time i got it working it was from hacking about23:17
Hazamonzothen it just... worked23:17
Hazamonzobut thats pretty low priority at the moment23:17
geniixenaxon: What I have on right-click: http://i42.tinypic.com/516beg.png23:17
DarkwingDuckHazamonzo: Worked on install for me. Using Firefox23:18
HazamonzoDarkwingDuck: using firefox and... the link to the adobe website?23:18
Hazamonzoor did you go for the sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:18
DarkwingDuckthat one I think..23:19
xenaxongenii: I don't have the Configure Virtual Desktops23:19
xenaxonand also no Add/Remove23:19
lucitugoto systemsettings-desktop-multiple desktop-switching23:20
geniiamgarchIn9: Please stop spamming in here23:23
geniiamgarchIn9: Apologies, tab-fail on name "amanda1"23:23
joviswho's running konversation as an irc client?23:27
Hazamonzojovis: I do!23:27
Hazamonzowell did... need to reinstall it23:27
joviscool Hazamonzo, is there a way to disable join/quit messages?23:27
joviser join/leave/quit23:27
Hazamonzojovis: hmmm. That i do not know im afraid.. im sorry to say this but did you google it at all?23:28
jovisnah but i will23:28
Hazamonzoim sure it would be documented somewhere if it did23:28
jovisits not in the menus23:29
jovisi suppose i could get the source and rebuild it to my likings. thats what linux is all about amirite?23:29
Hazamonzojovis: lol. Go for it!23:32
jovisgrep "has joined this channel" `find . -name *.c`23:35
jovisits probably has joined this %s23:36
HazamonzoHey folks. Anyone happen to use multiple moniters with Karmic / NVidia?23:47
Hazamonzoi want to enable twinvoew with the second moniter23:47
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead23:47
Hazamonzoi can do this but when i try to save the settings it looks like the xorg.conf cannot be parsed23:47
Hazamonzojust to be sure i remember something like deleteing this xorg.conf file and rerunning the nvidia control panel23:47
gotttodoes xorg.conf exist?23:47
Hazamonzogottto: It does yes23:48
Hazamonzovery minimal info too23:48
gotttotry the links ubottu gave23:48
Hazamonzoim sure it was pretty straight forward23:48
James147Hazamonzo: Could try regenerating the xorg.conf (sudo nvidia-xconfig) then editing the conf with "kdesudo nvidia-settings"23:49
gotttoseems to be but I've never tried23:49
HazamonzoJames147: Aha. thats sounds familiar!23:49
TwisolCan I ask Wubi-related questions here, or is there another channel for that?23:52
James147you can try :)23:53
HazamonzoJames147: Once again, thanks :)23:53
James147Hazamonzo: Your welcome23:54
TwisolI installed Wubi on my laptop a while ago. It's been working fine until now... I unplugged it (battery is full) and the screen dimmed, as usual. But a moment later it just shut off. When I tried to boot back in, GRUB (grub4dos I believe, it was the third bootloader in the sequence) wouldn't load, and it spammed a page of the same short error before going to a GRUB prompt. (I never could catch what the error was)23:55
HazamonzoGuys. What would you recommend for daily backups? Keep, KBackup or rsync? i need to be able to schedule these backups23:56
HazamonzoAnd if i remember keep did not do this23:56
Hazamonzobut keep is simple to use23:56
TwisolI've tried everything I could think of to fix it. I used a LiveCD and tried to mount it, but it said it "can't mount ext3 filesystems".23:56
Hazamonzorsync can do this (since i can just crontab it) but its a little more complex23:56
TwisolI ran a chkdsk from Windows and rebooted, with no luck.23:56
TwisolI'm absolutely stumped. I have no idea why it even shut off, either.23:57
gotttoHazamonzo: you can use keep and cron maybe23:57
Hazamonzogottto: Hmm. i haven't looked into that23:57
* Hazamonzo googles23:57
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in a couple of minutes in #ubuntu-meeting23:58
James147Twisol: have you tryed recovery mode (can you even get to the grub prompt ?)23:59

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