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armin76asac: whats the status of db-4.8 failure with thumb2?18:44
armin76did you fix it?18:44
NCommanderarmin76: it appears to be fixed20:34
nosse1What is the best approach for debugging Ubuntu startup issues? upstart starts, but hangs somewhere during boot. "--verbose" doesn't reveal anything20:37
nosse1I suspect some missing kernel feature. The kernel is cross compiled because I don't have a running target system running yet.20:38
NCommandernosse1: what SoC?20:38
* prpplague wants to play with AM351720:39
nosse1I am capable of injecting "init=/bin/bash" and thus start upstart manually from the prompt, but it doesn't help20:39
nosse1How do you guys do the initial bringup of Ubuntu on some target?20:46
nosse1JTAG debugger?20:46
armin76Martyn: got audio working on the tegra?20:47
rsalvetinosse1: what do you mean initial? boot loader? kernel?20:47
nosse1I've got boot loader and I've got a (cross compiled) kernel, so that's fine.20:48
nosse1The thing is I've created a rootstock image which I'm trying to boot on (or perhaps more correctly "root" on)20:48
rsalveticool, so I guess that you can work to the other steps just booting the kernel and debugging by uart connection20:49
Martynarmin76 : No, since it's not relevant to using ARM as a server20:49
nosse1But I can't build a kernel natively for the target as I don't have a target system running with Ubuntu20:49
MartynI'm even working on disabling video, and getting back the 64MB that steals20:49
rsalvetinosse1: so, are you able to mount the filesystem and start the init stuff?20:49
Martynarmin76 : What Im dissapointed in, though, is that the tegra2 PCIe suffers from a deadlock20:49
nosse1Yes. It hangs sometime after upstart and before terminal login20:49
Martynarmin76 : So I can't use the PCIe interface20:49
rsalvetinosse1: oh, ok, so you basically need to debug the upstart scripts20:50
armin76Martyn: why as a server? don't like it for tablet/smartbook?20:50
rsalvetinosse1: are you able to fully boot and get the terminal, at least once?20:50
nosse1rsalveti: Yes. And I've tried to use "init=/sbin/init --verbose" in the kernel params. But it doesn't reveal anything useful20:51
nosse1rsalveti: Using "init=/bin/bash" gives me a working console, yes20:52
Martynarmin76 : Smooth-stone is making a Server-on-Chip out of the arm cortex A9 .. we use other C-C9 based platforms to test our theories before our own chip tapes out20:52
rsalvetinosse1: oh, so you can try the initscripts by hand, until you identify what's actually breaking your system20:52
rsalvetimaybe running upstart with strace20:53
rsalvetiif you have it available20:53
nosse1I can get strace. Because qemu lets med download any app to my system using apt-get20:53
rsalvetiwith strace you can see easily what initscript is breaking your system20:54
rsalvetithen you can try to remove it and move on, until you can get a working environment to be able to debug it further20:54
rsalvetilet me check if you can debug upstart in a different way, since verbose is not helping you20:55
nosse1I do have a suspicion that its some feature missing from the kernel, since the kernel is not build natively in ubuntu-land. But I do need to get the system up and running natively before I can build native packages :D20:57
rsalvetiyeah, verbose shows almost nothing :-)20:57
nosse1I'll certainly try the strace20:58
rsalvetinosse1: sure :-) you can try to use qemu or scratchbox20:58
rsalvetibut scratchbox is more a scarebox than anything else20:58
nosse1well, I did. qemu crashes on lucid and the network is somewhat broken, #54835320:59
rsalvetinosse1: if you have a cross compiler set up on your host, you can try to build the kernel with most of the features as built-int, then you'll probably be able to boot it fine20:59
rsalvetinosse1: are you able to mount the rootfs without any problem?20:59
nosse1Yes. Both via SD or NFS. Both are viable and stable21:00
rsalvetioh, so yeah, probably a bug when trying to set something at your hardware21:00
rsalvetias it's hanging21:00
rsalvetilet me check the bug21:00
nosse1I had a really hard afternoon not understanding why I couldn't get ssh login to my qemu target system21:01
nosse1My strategy has been to make a rootstock ubuntu-minimal, and then use qemu to access apt-get for everything else I need for my physical target21:02
nosse1qemu does work, it's just that I'm stuck with 80x24 console21:03
nosse1I hoped I could use qemu to compile the native kernel for the real target, but gcc dies with internal compiler error, so I didn't feel the urge to go down that road.21:04
rsalvetinosse1: hm, it seems to be really a bug in qemu itself21:05
rsalvetiouch, internal compiler error :-)21:05
nosse1Yeah, I didn't know where to stick the bug rootstock or qemu. ogra wanted me to post it on rootstock so there it is21:05
rsalvetinosse1: you could try to use qemu with this rootfs but getting inside it using chroot21:05
nosse1How do I do that? I mean, I am now using a ext2 image file which is passed to qemu21:06
rsalvetinosse1: you could mount that as a loop device21:07
rsalvetiregister the arm emulator using binfmt21:07
rsalvetiand get inside using chroot21:07
nosse1When mounting the real target I use loop device, and then mount it using NFS21:07
rsalvetinosse1: similar with scratchbox and what we did with mamona (openembedded based distro)21:08
rsalvetithat was our sdk, basically21:08
nosse1But when i start qemu i do get the lucid image as root. I'm sorry I don't see why I need chroot, that's all21:08
rsalvetinosse1: oh, chroot is basically to get inside the lucid enviroment and use the native binaries, that will then be emulated by qemu21:09
rsalvetiit's not a full emulation solution21:09
rsalvetiyou'll just emulate what you execute inside chroot21:09
rsalvetiso once you get inside chroot, you can use the native arm compiler, if needed21:09
rsalvetithe chroot is just to limit the compiler and linker enviroment, so it can find the arm libraries and so on21:09
nosse1Ah. You are not running a full system emulator; only a bin-per-bin emulation. This is new to me. Do you have any links to how-tos?21:10
rsalvetidifferent from a full emulation solution, you can get inside the distro with chroot instead of ssh21:10
rsalvetisure, let me try some links with what we worked on at mamona21:10
rsalvetican change the scripts and post something regarding this later when I get home :-)21:11
nosse1What timezone are you in?21:11
rsalvetinosse1: brazil, utc-321:11
nosse1Ah. Because it's getting late PM here, so I'll have to leave for the evening. I will go at it tomorrow morning21:12
rsalvetithis is the script we created to get inside the chroot enviroment: http://dev.openbossa.org/mamona/gitweb?p=tools.git;a=blob;f=mamona-installer/scripts/mamona-chroot.in21:13
nosse1Eh. Norway, CET-1 i forgot21:13
rsalvetibasically it mounts the proc, dev and pts, if needed21:13
rsalvetinosse1: oh, ok, so you can check it tomorrow21:13
rsalvetijust ping me, will test it later21:13
nosse1thanks, really appreciate it21:13
rsalvetithis is the one that has most of the interesting functions21:14
rsalvetithe binfmt_register is the one that we register inside the kernel that we want it to use the qemu in case you're running an arm binary21:14
rsalvetinosse1: will change it to fit in a more generic way so we can easily use it in any rootfs21:15
rsalvetihopefully qemu will work fine with gcc and so on21:15
rsalvetiand you're then able to built whatever you need21:15
nosse1The ultimate goal it to make the real target work :D21:16
rsalvetinosse1: yeah, sure :-)21:16
rsalvetinosse1: what board are you trying to use with ubuntu?21:16
nosse1Well now we're using the TI AM3517-EVM kit21:17
nosse1But we're developing some products that will have the same SoC21:17
rsalvetioh, cool21:17
nosse1And I'm exploring the possibility to use Ubuntu behind the scenes21:17
nosse1It's going to be a end-user product, where the user will never see Ubuntu directly21:18
rsalvetinice, for sure ubuntu seems to be a good target as the os for this board21:18
nosse1But I hoped Ubuntu could ease up the system maintenance part of this project.21:18
rsalvetinosse1: oh, got it21:19
nosse1So that we can focus on our Qt based app21:19
rsalvetinosse1: so you basically need the platform up and running and then you'll customize the UI stack21:19
rsalvetinosse1: are you runnint Qt with X11? or directly at the framebuffer?21:19
nosse1And if lucid fits (mostly) out of the box, then I'd be very happy21:19
rsalvetinice, too bad it's so hard to get development kits here in brazil :-(21:20
nosse1We are exploring if X11 or fb gives the best perforamce. TI has Open GL accel on both21:20
rsalvetinosse1: sure, and I guess that the X11 omapfb driver is running quite well21:20
rsalvetiI think it's supporting EXA, DRI2 and etc21:20
rsalvetiI would say that X11 is better, if you have all these hardware acceleration implemented as a video driver21:21
nosse1I does have issues on some kinds of objects, but we're evaluating as we speak21:21
rsalvetinosse1: the opengl is always a problem :-(21:21
rsalvetithe n900 is always facing many many issues with the opengl stack21:22
rsalvetiby imagination21:22
nosse1Well. gfx acceleration is critical for the app. The product is solely a 5.7" screen with touch, nothing more21:22
rsalvetinosse1: oh, got it, it's just one single application as the window manager and composite manager?21:23
rsalvetinosse1: qt does that very well if you use the opengles backend21:23
rsalvetiand nokia is improving the support a lot, to use it for the next devices21:23
nosse1one single app. Or more precise: we can make it that way21:23
nosse1Yes, and since "Trolltech" is here in norway, support isnt far away21:24
rsalvetinosse1: oh, true :-) I know a couple of people from the new qt-software, they are very accessible21:25
rsalvetiqt will be the future for new UI concepts and products21:25
nosse1Yes, I agree. With SoC CPUs being as powerful as they are, Qt has become very available21:26
nosse1Ah. But this has been a productive conversation. Unfortunately I have to leave for the evening. I'll leave my irc open in case you want to post any more urls.21:27
nosse1I'll be back in the morning. Thank you very much21:27
rsalvetinosse1: sure, np :-)21:27
rsalvetitalk to you tomorrow21:27
NCommandernosse1: sorry, I had to go AFK, but you usually need a proper initramfs to boot an ubuntu based system as of lucid21:28
nosse1now, that interesting. Because the rootstock image does not have a initramfs installed. And it is no problem to start qemu-system-arm without one21:29
rsalvetiguess you don't need it if you're just builting everything in21:30
NCommandernosse1: I can't say for sure, but things break if you don't have one21:30
MartynNCommander : Heh .. I do pretty good without one :)21:30
NCommanderrsalveti: not due to kernel modules21:30
nosse1Unless, there's a initramfs inside the zImage referenced from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch21:30
MartynNCommander : But then again, I've gotten used to creating non-initramfs based dists for testing @ Smooth-Stone ... since I'm only using base + server21:31
NCommanderMartyn: that's probably it, since desktop now is trying to use plymouth and mountall voodoo21:31
MartynNCommander : The trick is to have -everything- you need compiled into the kernel at boot too.21:31
rsalvetiyeah, but if you build a kernel without any module, you're free to go without initramfs21:31
Martynrsalveti: No, you're not21:31
Martynrsalveti : On desktop -- there are /scripts/ running in the initramfs that you can't get away with.21:31
Martynrsalveti: They need to be copied out of initramfs and put in the main rootFS if you want to do away with the initramfs21:32
nosse1How come the rootstock image works without a kernel nor initrd image installed?21:32
NCommanderMartyn: even with the server, you *really* should be using an initramfs21:32
rsalvetioh, sure, because of the desktop scripts21:32
MartynNCommander : Can't .. not enough RAM21:32
NCommanderMartyn: how little RAM are we talking?!, we used an initramfs on NSLU221:32
MartynNCommander : Not with LUCID you didn't :)21:33
Martynyou try to get lucid working on lslu2 .. go on :)21:33
NCommanderMartyn: *cough*, ok, when we supportred NSLU21:33
NCommanderMartyn: I just need a new SoC and a steady hand :-)21:33
MartynNCommander : <512MB ram at this point, means lucid initramfs won't work21:33
NCommanderMartyn: should work just fine21:33
Martynyou simply won't get enough ramdisk21:33
NCommanderMartyn: Dove Y0 only booted with 364MiB21:33
NCommanderMartyn: and I know we've managed to boot as far down as 128MiB before21:34
MartynNCommander : I've tried booting desktop (twice) on a non-published multicore A9 platform with only 256M .. failure21:34
MartynI haven't tried limiting the tegra2 to 384M though .. would be worth an experiment.21:34
nosse1Since the rootstock image works without the initrd image, I'd bet that given a kernel with enough statically built resources, that you don't need the initrd for the initial bootup.21:34
armin76ubuntu failure? :D21:35
Martynnosse1 : Under karmic, sure.21:35
NCommanderMartyn: tegra2? Damn, you get fun hardware21:35
MartynNCommander : I always get fun hardware, you know that.21:35
rsalvetiyeah, I wish I had one of those in my hands21:35
Martynand the tegra2 250 is a nice chip :)21:35
Martynit's the second chip we've gotten in-house that even comes CLOSE to what our server chip will finally be like21:35
armin76Martyn: without neon :)21:35
nosse1Martyn: But lucid rootstock image _does_ work without. I'm using it here...21:36
Martynand the second one to clock >GHz21:36
NCommanderMartyn: I do have a 1Ghz snapdragon (in my phone)21:36
MartynNCommander : Not multicore though, and that's the big difference21:36
NCommanderMartyn: wait, multicore >Ghz?!?!@?!?!?!@#$21:36
Martynlinux gets -really- snappy when you have a second core to offload tasks on21:36
* NCommander stares21:36
MartynNCommander : What did you think the tegra2 is?   It's DUAL core, 1.0->1.2 GHz21:37
NCommanderMartyn: I thought tegra was single core SoC; I've never seen one in person21:37
Martynand (unpublished chip under NDA) is TRI core, 1.2 GHz :)21:37
Martyntegra was .. tegra2 is dual21:37
NCommanderMartyn: *drooooooooooooool*21:37
rsalvetiyeah, it's a increadible hardware, missing just neon21:37
NCommanderrsalveti: we don't have any plans to use NEON in Ubuntu ATM21:37
NCommanderPretty much the Cortex A8/A9 are the only chips that suppor tNEON and ARMv721:38
Martyn( Small paste-flood )21:38
NCommanderAND thumb221:38
MartynProcessor: ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)21:38
Martynprocessor: 021:38
MartynBogoMIPS: 1998.8421:38
Martynprocessor: 121:38
MartynBogoMIPS: 1998.8421:38
NCommanderMartyn: O_O;;;;;;;;;;21:38
rsalvetiNCommander: oh, ok21:38
NCommanderMartyn: I want some to put in our datacenter21:38
rsalvetiit could be useful for multimedia, but yeah, not all hardware supports it21:38
MartynFeatures: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee vfpv3 vfpv3d16 neon21:38
armin76NCommander: I HAVE ONE!21:38
Martynand no, I'm not telling who produced that chio :)21:38
rsalvetiman hahaha21:39
NCommanderMartyn: I will tell you BogoMIPS aren't 100% accurate21:39
Martynbut that last entry makes ALL the difference to science apps :)21:39
armin76Martyn: hows that you have neon?21:39
NCommanderMartyn: my Dove board reportds 400 BogoMIPS, but its 600/800Mhz core21:39
MartynNCommander : this is definitely hardware clocked at 1.1 GHz :)  I checked with a scope :)21:39
NCommanderMartyn: indeed, I need to poke Marvell and ask21:39
Martynarmin76 : That's not a tegra or tegra221:39
nosse1My AM3517 (500MHz) shows 500 BogoMIPS21:40
* NCommander thinks we're running at 800Mhz, but isn't 100% sure21:40
Martynarmin76 : Thats (unpublishable manufacturer) making a chip for (some device coming out in December) with three cores21:40
armin76Martyn: ah...21:40
Martynthe tegra2 reports :21:40
MartynFeatures: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee vfpv3 vfpv3d1621:40
MartynCPU implementer: 0x4121:40
MartynCPU architecture: 721:40
armin76Hostname: tegra200 - OS: Linux 2.6.29-arm2/armv7l - Distro: Gentoo 1.12.13 - CPU: ARMv7 rev 0 (v7l) - Processes: 73 - Uptime: 15h 3m - Users: 1 - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 30.18MB/629.16MB (4.80%) - Disk Usage: 1.57GB/7.66GB (20.46%)21:40
* armin76 laughs at NCommander 21:41
NCommanderarmin76: I've been 0wned21:41
MartynLinux tegra2 2.6.29-arm2 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 26 15:33:45 CDT 2010 armv7l GNU/Linux21:41
NCommanderarmin76: I'll come back and surpass you soon21:41
armin76Linux tegra200 2.6.29-arm2 #4 SMP PREEMPT Sat Mar 27 10:46:32 GMT 2010 armv7l ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l) Tegra generic GNU/Linux21:41
* NCommander has seem some amazing hardware in the pipe21:41
armin76NCommander: from who?21:42
MartynNCommander : But you'll never TOUCH what I've got in the pipe :)21:42
MartynNCommander : At least, not until and unless you get better connections that direct-from-ARM :)21:42
* nosse1 thinks ARM soon catches up with IA CPUs21:42
Martynnosse1 : No, I think IA32 will still be ahead in raw performance for a while21:42
armin76Martyn: how much ram do you have?21:42
nosse1Martyn: As well as the Atom product line?21:43
Martynnosse1 : Getting 28nm foundries is one thing, and also there's a long way to go before arm supports things like 40 bit memory space, a /good/ floating point unit, and there are a lot of changes needed to get close to some of the base performance the IA32 gets with it's CISC architecture for some kinds of math21:43
armin76binutils took 9m to build, vs 4m on a dual core atom 33021:44
Martynarmin76 : On tegra2 -- 1GB, 128 megs of which is taken by video and there are other issues : MemTotal:         644024 kB21:44
armin76compared to the 30m it took on the efika mx21:44
nosse1We considered atom in our product, but the hw cost and complexity is much higher than any ARM system21:44
armin76Martyn: same as me then :)21:44
Martynarmin76: On ( unpublished platform ) we have 3196 MB of ram available, and a full 2M of L2 cache21:45
armin76Martyn: the difference is that i run a better distro than you *g*21:45
Martynit's much more powerful21:45
Martynand it uses DDR3 ram21:45
armin76sounds fun, thats the server thing?21:45
Martynarmin76 : I'm on lucid half the time, karmic the other half...21:45
Martynarmin76 : That's our chip (smooth-stone) which will probably be available at the end of the year21:46
armin76what will be it useful for?21:46
rsalvetiman, you got so much ram!21:46
Martynarmin76: Data center .. it's a -server- chip, not a tablet chip21:46
Martynarmin76 : It's meant to bring ARM to the server market, where people are huring for power21:46
Martynyou can stick 10 of our chips in a cluster where you can only run one core2quad21:47
rsalvetiMartyn: cool, didn't think that arm would head to server side so quickly :-)21:47
Martynso with our chip, you get 40 cores for the same power as one quad-core intel chip21:47
nosse1I'm coming here with my newly aquired Audi (which I'm proud of), and then you guys are swining Ferraris and Bugatties... *sigh* I can't compete21:47
rsalvetihahaha, same feeling21:48
Martynalthough generation 1 chips from us will suffer from a memory limitation (only 3.5 GB of accesible memory per chip .. that's a limitation of the Cortex A9)21:48
armin76rsalveti: i got 3G on a marvell board! :)21:48
Martynbut that won't matter ...21:48
armin76Martyn: but that server, what would it be used for, for example? webpages?21:48
rsalvetiarmin76: cool :-)21:49
armin76rsalveti: Hostname: ganesha - OS: Linux 2.6.31-01335-g86d7101/armv5tel - Distro: Gentoo 2.0.1 - CPU: Feroceon rev 0 (v5l) - Processes: 78 - Uptime: 158d 19h 19m - Users: 2 - Load Average: 1.25 - Memory Usage: 286.34MB/3042.39MB (9.41%) - Disk Usage: 5.40GB/20.73GB (26.06%)21:49
rsalvetiargh! haha :-)21:50
rsalvetiI just have a sheevaplug! and that's a very old hardware comparing to these21:50
Martynarmin76 : Think  .. hadoop cluster with 8196 cores, 8 TB of RAM, 64TB of SSD storage....21:51
rsalvetibut at work I can play with a more interesting board, the ste u8500 :-)21:51
MartynAll in .. say .. half a rack?21:51
rsalvetiMartyn: hahaha, man, that's something :D21:51
Martynmaybe a full rack if you want it to run nice and cool?21:51
MartynYeah .. that's what we're after, and we're at least a full year ahead of anyone else.21:52
armin76i see21:55
=== JaMa|Off is now known as JaMa
Sarvattlool or NCommander - incase you didn't see my message in #ubuntu-x i fixed up xserver-xorg-video-dove to work with xserver 1.7+ and brought in all the fbdev changes since it was forked incase its useful: http://sarvatt.com/downloads/patches/xserver-xorg-video-dove.diff22:36
samuel_Sayaghello, can I load xfce on the beagle did someone tried it ?23:07
=== JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzzz
rcn-eesamuel_Sayag, yes.. and it's more responsive then gnome..23:47

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