
RAOFArgh.  Stupid C libs which use #defines as exported functions.02:37
RAOFPlease don't #define gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new () in your header, even if it *is* a one-liner.02:40
ajmitchthat sounds slightly dodgy02:49
RAOFIt works as long as you only care about C.02:49
ajmitchbut not if you care about trying to use an API in python02:49
RAOFRight.  In that case, or say, C#, it's a royal pain in the arso.02:50
RAOFParticularly if the one-liner it wraps depends on how gcc feels like laying out a union on this particular arch on this particular Monday.02:50
lifeless\o/ FAIL02:52
lifelessat least its easy to fix02:52
lifelessunlike deleting a symbol02:52
RAOFMmm, dolmades.03:26
TheMusoYum. I haven't had those for ages.03:41
RAOFNeither had I, until lunch time :)03:42
RAOF♪ OOOooooh, it's fun to charter an accountant and sail the wide accountanceee ♫06:06
RAOFlifeless: You can't tell me that you've never felt like breaking into song while dealing with banks!06:15
lifelessor rather, yes, I can tell you that.06:16
RAOFNot even the accountancyshanty?06:18
RAOFI shall have to tut in disbelief as I drink my tea, then.06:20
=== ara_ is now known as ara
Sebai need help07:18
Sebathere's somebody07:18
desrtSeba: it is usually best to "just ask", but probably even better to do so in #ubuntu07:20
Sebai need some opinions, please compare these themes, which one do you like more?    http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/3923/comparison.png07:22
Sebaand here another comparison of the same themes http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/4789/comparison2.png07:24
=== hyperair is now known as Guest93522
RAOFMan, I wish it wasn't so easy to kill gnome-keyring-daemon.07:52
lifelessRAOF: as in, by using it?07:56
RAOFlifeless: Yes.07:56
RAOFIn possibly slightly buggy ways, but just by using it.07:56
RAOFIn fact, by using it through libgnome-keyring, too.07:57
RAOFbzr shelve is the best thing since sliced bread.07:58
didrocksgood morning08:16
pittibonjour didrocks08:34
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti08:34
didrockspitti: how was your week-end?08:34
didrocksbaptistemm: salut ;)08:34
pittididrocks: pretty good! we've been to a trance/techno concert on Saturday night, with a famous DJ from Berlin ("Paul Kalkbrenner"), went for Bowling on Sunday, and some bicycling08:36
pittididrocks: and I finally managed to tidy up our cellar08:36
pittididrocks: how was your's?08:36
didrocksoh, trance/techno, sounds good ;)08:36
pittiwas a great party indeed08:36
pittiwith DST we slept until 11 on Sunday..08:37
didrocksyeah, I can imagine!08:37
didrockspitti: well, I was alone at home this week-end. I went out between two rains to take some fresh air and had a long walk in parks. Apart from that, I had some time to continue working on Quickly and playing Final Fantasy 13 :)08:37
pittioh, fortunately we still had some sun on the weekend08:38
pittididrocks: ah, some gaming again? nice08:38
pittiI don't find a lot of time for that these days unfortuantely08:38
* pitti plays Battle for Wesnoth every now and then08:38
didrockspitti: yeah, it was a long time I didn't play. But I can't resist to final fantasy :)08:39
didrocksahah, Battle for Wesnoth is good :)08:39
didrocks(for beta testing, of course ;))08:39
seb128hey didrocks & pitti, how are you?08:39
pittididrocks: FF> ah, that's Manga style?08:39
pittibonjour seb128! c'est bien, merci!08:39
didrockshey seb128! I'm fine thanks, ready for the week, and you?08:39
pittioh, gdm has finished building; /me -> gdm debugging, off IRC for a bit08:40
didrockspitti: not really Manga (well, the older one had super deformed persons with big head and small body), but it's no more the case since FF 1008:40
seb128didrocks, I'm good thanks, I can't say I'm ready for the week yet but maybe after coffee... :-)08:40
didrocks*coffee is loading*08:40
seb128I know what pitti means08:41
SebaI like BRuce Willis08:41
seb128the drawing etc08:41
seb128grabbing a cup of coffee, brb08:41
Sebai'm from argentina you know08:42
Sebahere it is 4:40 am08:42
SebaI personally knew Mark SHuttleworth}08:43
Sebawhy do people here are so bad, and wont even say a hello08:52
didrocksSeba: I said good morning when conntecting and you were already connected. Furthemore, not everyone is looking at IRC 100% all the time08:54
mvoseb128: remember when I said auto-login is not working on my parents box anymore? that was wrong and it works just fine. what caused the confusion was that the gnome-screensaver is now using lock_enabled=True by default (in karmic it was false)08:58
seb128mvo, oh ok, good09:00
mvoI reported a bug about the later, but I realize its difficult to fix, idealy it would not use the lock for auto-login systems09:00
seb128we need work to get autologin  to work as you would like it to be working09:02
seb128you still ie get to enter your keyring password right now09:02
seb128so autologin is not really nopassword login09:03
seb128didrocks, I'm starting on updates, let me know if you want to do some today09:03
seb128doing rhythmbox, gtksourceview, pygtksourceview now09:04
didrocksseb128: sure, I will. I'm just finishing some Monday cleanup first (probably will take still one hour) and then, jump into updates09:04
seb128I will do cleaning later09:04
seb128I got some 680 bug emails during weekend09:04
didrocksurgh :( Only 300 hundreds for me. still ok but well…09:05
mvoseb128: right, the keyring password for network-manager I noticed too, shall I file a bugreport on this or is it on the radar already?09:05
seb128mvo, it's not a bug?09:05
seb128and it's not n-m09:05
seb128you would get it for empathy if it was not there09:05
seb128or for whatever you will start using the keyring09:06
seb128you need a password to unlock the keyring09:06
seb128I discussed a bit with ted09:06
seb128but that's not for lucid09:07
mvoseb128: *shurg* I worked around it by using /etc/network/interfaces so that NM does not ask for it09:07
mvoseb128: I think its not a regression (or is it?) so we should be fine09:07
seb128you can use an empty keyring password too09:07
seb128no it's not09:07
* mvo nods09:07
seb128we got bugs about that since before hardy09:08
seb128it's better now, by then login into gdm was not unlocking the keyring for you09:08
seb128now it does if you use the same password for both09:08
* pitti uploads the n+1st keyboard layout fix09:09
seb128go pitti go!09:11
Sebaokay, then, good morning09:25
SebaI'm soy happy with my new netbook09:26
Sebayou see, it's no easy at here Argentina, to buy a netbook09:26
Sebaso dont just label me ""what a stupid thing to share with us09:26
Sebaso, this is an Asus eee PC 100ha09:27
Sebausing it right now09:27
SebaI have a question09:28
Sebawell I have to go09:29
mvoheh :) I noticed noticed something funny, I use a panel on top with window list applet on top (like most people I guess). now with the new arraow for minimize/maximize I was confused for a moment. the arrow points downwards, but I want to make the window go upwards into the window list09:33
mvoI guess it works well as a metapher if the windows goes to the bottom panel09:35
stefanlsdseb128: Doing some patch reviews, trying to work out why https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/enchant/+bug/474062 is marked as fixed in ubuntu?  Any pointers for me?  I've had a look and it doesnt seem that patch is fixed in lucid yet09:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 474062 in enchant "kmail crashes when composing message" [High,Fix committed]09:37
seb128stefanlsd, hey09:37
seb128stefanlsd, I think I forgot about this one, I add it to my queue09:38
stefanlsdseb128: cool. thanks, i can do it if you like and prep a sru for karmic09:39
seb128I don't really care about karmic right not to be honest, lucid is due soon and I don't see why people would stay on karmic09:39
seb128but feel free to work on that if you want09:40
stefanlsdseb128: yeah. sure. ok, will wait for you to fix lucid :)09:40
TeTeTi'm trying to build firefox from bzr, but fail, see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/405893/. Any advice? The branch lp:~mozillateam/firefox/awesome-browser-branding is not accessible at the moment09:51
seb128didrocks, doing gvfs libgnomekbd10:02
didrocksseb128: ok, will be available in 5 minutes if all is going well (crossing fingers)10:02
ronocpitti: g'd morning, no one else has reported that bug  (the incorrect mute icon at start up). This seems like a regression as I had this before but it was fixed when i changed the way I used the libindicate image api. I cannot reproduce it here and am uncertain where to go to from here. do you know of anyone else who has had similar issues ?10:04
pittironoc: it came up in the release meeting, but I'm not sure whether that all just originated from my testing10:05
pittironoc: so, from my POV it's fine to set this as "low" priority then10:05
=== vuntz_ is now known as vuntz
pittiif it doesn't affect a lot of systems10:05
ronocpitti, I'm going to spend the morning testing to see if I can catch any other 'oversights'- will keep an eye out for it though.10:06
pittironoc: don't waste too much time on it then; thanks for your efforts!10:07
ronocpitti: np as i said will test on 64bit later on to see again if it turns up ...10:07
didrocksseb128: doing nautilus-action and alacarte10:09
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks10:11
pittimvo: do you know which bit of code checks for new releases for VT logins? I just got a whole slew of python-apt "deprecated method" warnings when logging into a VT10:14
* pitti doens't see anything in /etc/profile.d10:14
mvopitti: I thought that is fixed now with the latest update-manager, but if not I can fix it10:15
pittiI just got it after a dist-upgrade, and rebooting10:16
mvo /usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release10:16
mvois the file10:16
pittimvo: I assume that there's a cache somewhere? it doesn't happen at each login10:16
mvopitti: yes, its cached for 24h10:16
pittimvo: how is that called during login?10:16
mvopitti: its in motd via /etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade10:16
mvocache is stamp=/var/lib/update-notifier/release-upgrade-available10:17
pittimvo: so it might actually be that motd was generated before the dist-upgrade (which then brought the fix)10:18
pittimvo: I'll watch this then; danke10:18
mvopitti: thanks10:18
pittimvo: other question, where is the "system wide" place for proxy now? /etc/environment?10:18
mvofwiw I can not reproduce it currently10:18
pittimvo: I don't see anything explicitly proxy related in /etc/cron.daily/apt10:19
mvopitti: yes, plus /etc/apt/apt.conf10:19
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:19
mvopitti: correct, it sets using the apt config plus environment10:19
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning; had a nice weekend?10:19
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - yeah, it was ok thanks10:19
chrisccoulsondid you have a good weekend too?10:19
pittichrisccoulson: yes, was fine; cleaned up the cellar, we went to a trance/techno concert, some bicycling, and bowling yesterday evening10:20
pittiI really sucked at bowling yesterday, though, but it was still fun10:20
pittinothign like the 170 points I beat seb128 with, or so :)10:21
* pitti hugs seb12810:21
* seb128 hugs pitti10:21
seb128hey chris10:21
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:21
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?10:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - you had quite a busy weekend then :)10:21
seb128quite good, thanks!10:22
seb128what about you?10:22
seb128GNOME 2.30 today!10:23
chrisccoulsonpitti - for bug 549552, the easiest way for me to fix it is to add another radio button in addition to "Solid" which says something like "Use theme settings" or something like that. i didn't do that though due to the UI freeze10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549552 in gnome-terminal "[lucid] solid colour BG is transparent" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54955210:23
seb128pitti, do you want to do gvfs 1.6?10:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i had quite a good weekend, but i didn't get much done10:23
seb128since you have the new bzr source checkout already handy ;-)10:23
pittichrisccoulson: oh, it's too hard to read the level from the theme and select the "transparent" option?10:23
pittiseb128: yes, I do10:24
seb128pitti, danke!10:24
pittiseb128: so I can try import-orig :)10:24
seb128let me know how it's working!10:24
pittiseb128: I'll also do gdu 2.30.110:25
chrisccoulsonpitti -the logic gets a lot more complicated then. eg, what happens if the user changes the transparency or background settings whilst it is defined in the theme? (how does it know where to get the settings from?)10:25
seb128pitti, thanks10:25
seb128doing nautilus10:25
pittichrisccoulson: if the user has transparency settings in his gconf, it should use that IMHO10:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - i already added a preference for using the theme settings, but i just coupled it to the solid radio button for the time being because i couldn't really modify the preferences dialog10:26
pittichrisccoulson: ah, I see what you mean -- if the user wants to "reset" to system/theme settings10:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's the issue10:26
pittichrisccoulson: please subscribe ubuntu-release and ubuntu-doc and ask for a new radio button then10:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks, will do10:26
pittichrisccoulson: but I wouldn't mind using the three that we have10:26
pittiit's not that complicated to set it to a visually appealing level, after all10:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i did some bug fixes in g-s-d and gnome-desktop at the weekend10:27
chrisccoulsonthey're in bzr if you feel like doing any sponsoring ;)10:27
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, nice, do you need sponsoring?10:27
seb128good, doing that now10:27
seb128did you fix any of the lucid crashers assigned to you?10:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet, but i'm going to look at those this week10:29
chrisccoulsonthere's only 1 isn't there?10:29
seb128I though 210:30
seb128but maybe it's the same listed twice in the list10:30
seb128ie once for the lucid task and once as a a normal bug10:31
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think that might be the case10:31
didrockshey chrisccoulson ;)10:32
chrisccoulsoni got the volume change event sounds working in  g-s-d now, but that was quite hacky to make it work10:32
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, how are you?10:33
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm fine, thanks. busy over the weekend, but ready for having a good busy week, you? ;)10:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good too thanks. i've got quite a busy week ahead as well this week10:34
didrocksseb128: doing glibmm and gtkmm (do not hesitate if you think I should do other things before)10:38
seb128didrocks, don't you need glib 2.24 for those?10:40
seb128I'm doing that locally now10:41
seb128didrocks, I would let the *mm stack on the side to after everything else to be honest10:41
seb128it's low priority to get in compared to other things10:41
didrocksseb128: ok, but I only see bug-buddy available now? oh gnome-color-manager just arrived too10:42
didrocksseb128: doing those so ^10:42
seb128lol ok10:42
seb128both are in universe10:42
seb128didrocks, I would focus on what we ship and use10:43
didrocksseb128: yeah, but do you see anything else I can do for now? :)10:43
seb128but your choice10:43
seb128didrocks, gnome-applets?10:43
seb128didrocks, ^10:43
didrocksseb128: oh, we are commited to zenity? never noticed it was in main :) ok, doing those 310:44
seb128didrocks, gtk-doc is depwait on highlight for month now10:44
seb128you can drop the build-depends on it, somebody just raised that issue some days ago there, the use is optional and has been turned on by debian10:46
didrocksseb128: ok, I will drop the b-d so, thanks for the notice10:47
Nghrm, I'm still missing message notifications. grey->white isn't eye-catching enough for IMs imho :/10:51
pittiseb128: want me to do glib2.0, too?10:51
mvoseb128, pitti: tracker was a recommends in hardy so for hardy->lucid upgrades people get a new tracker. do we care (we no longer install tracker by default). should update-manager do anything here?10:53
pittimvo: it's still in main, so I think we shouldn't do anythign special with it10:54
pittiif so, we'd rather should demote it10:54
* mvo nods10:54
mvomy feeling as well10:54
pittiso, that gvfs update was easy10:54
seb128it has been discussed with upstream previous week in a meeting about those tech for next cycle10:54
seb128we should demote tracker10:54
pittifine for me10:55
seb128we should demote deskbar-applet too10:55
mvofor lucid+110:55
seb128mvo, no, for now10:55
seb128the current version is so crappy they don't want users10:55
seb128ie they don't want people to run it10:55
mvoand tracker should be demoted too for lucid?10:56
seb128ok I'm not clear10:56
seb1280.6 is crap and is what we have now10:56
seb1280.7 is good10:56
seb128they don't want 0.6 used10:56
pitti-- lucid/main build deps on libtrackerclient-dev:10:56
seb128so they want us to demote the lucid one10:56
pittithat's it10:56
mvoseb128: and remove it on upgrades I presume?10:57
seb128mvo, that would be nice10:57
pittimvo: wouldn't that happen with universe demotion anyway?10:57
chrisccoulsonyes, please remove it on upgrades :)10:57
seb128well it's always the same issue10:57
seb128it's hard to know if people actually use it10:57
pitti-- lucid/main build deps on deskbar-applet:10:57
mvopitti: only if universe is not enabled. its the old problem that we do not know if the user cares for the app or not10:57
seb128but in most case it creates sluggish systems for no use10:57
pittiok, that should sort out itself then10:57
pittimvo: how does it currently compute the list of "obsolete" packages then?10:58
pittijust packages which disappeared entirely?10:58
mvopitti: it records the ones before the initial apt-get update10:58
mvopitti: and uses auto-remove information too10:58
mvopitti: but currently it will not auto-remove demotion unless universe is disabled10:59
pittiseb128: so, can totem's b-d be dropped easily?10:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yes10:59
pittiseb128: d- and tracker are just seeded on "dvd", so dropping is easy; want me to unseed?10:59
seb128pitti, yes, I will do that change10:59
seb128pitti, yes please10:59
pittiseb128: both unseeded11:01
pittiasac: any idea why we put "abrowser" onto the DVD?11:01
seb128pitti, danke11:01
pittiseb128: while we are at it, what about ekiga?11:02
pittiseb128: dvd also still has nautilus-cd-burner, I think that should go as well?11:02
seb128pitti, you can demote as far as I'm concerned11:02
seb128should maybe be cleaned from the archive too11:03
seb128since upstream deprecated it in favor of brasero a cycle ago and stopped any work on it too11:04
pittiseb128: n-c-b still has 4 rdepends11:04
pitti(in universe)11:04
seb128so demote for now11:04
pittiseb128: d-a, tracker, ekiga, n-c-b demoted and unseeded11:05
pittiwhich means that totem is now unbuildable11:06
seb128I will upload that one soon to fix that11:06
pittigreat, thanks11:06
pittimvo: would it be easy to remove nautilus-cd-burner on upgrades?11:08
pittiseb128: taking glib2.0 upgrade then, if that's alright?11:08
seb128pitti, sorry I'm already building it11:09
pittiah, even better11:10
* pitti -> back to RC bug fixing11:10
mvopitti: trivial11:10
pittimvo: can you, please?11:10
pittimvo: danke11:11
mvolets find a good solution for this in lucid+1, the current demote list is long and scary, auto-removing e.g. emacs22 without being sure that emacs23 gets installed is not good IMO11:11
mvosame for gcompris, some people may still use it or xsane11:11
pittimvo: ah, I remember that I had to remove this manually after the upgrade, indeed11:11
pittiemacs22 seems to be an easier problem, though (it's obsoleted by a new version emacs23, not just us saying "go back to universe")11:12
mvoright, the right action is pick emacs23 and remove 2211:13
mvopitti, seb128: nautilus-cd-burner and deskbar-applet are now removed11:15
* mvo goes for lunch11:15
seb128mvo, thank you!11:16
pittimvo: thanks11:17
pittiseb128: I'm actually pondering whether we shouldn't remove tracker as well11:18
pittithat wouldn't kill the database etc, so if you really want it you could reinstall it from universe11:18
seb128+1 from me11:18
pittimvo: ok, can you please do that as well, then?11:19
nigelbseb128, there is a bug about pitvi displaying version number in title.  planning on fix in lucid?11:27
seb128nigelb, don't know11:27
nigelbthere is a debdiff there as well, if you want it in, I'll just subscribe sponsors (chanced upon it during patch review)11:28
seb128right, do that11:28
nigelbthank you :)11:28
seb128I've still some 500 unread bug emails from weekend11:28
seb128and other priority that version numbers11:28
seb128but good to have in on the queue ;-)11:28
nigelbI was just doing patch review, thought I might ask you since its in main :)11:29
seb128right, subscribe sponsors11:29
nigelbhow nice, I have to redo debdiff11:30
nigelbthat debdiff was done some time earlier, prior to new version of pitivi in ubuntu11:30
tseliotpitti: as regards Jockey, can I add an optional argument in the kernel module handler? I would like to add something like module_alias=None so that if it's set to something other than None we can deal with cases like nvidia where we have "nvidia" as the alias and different module names such as nvidia_current, nvidia_$flavour11:45
tseliotpitti: without this, calling KernelModuleHandler.enabled() for nvidia won't work as it will look for nvidia_$flavour instead of nvidia11:49
tseliotand we need to make sure that 1) nvidia is loaded 2) the module alias corresponds to the right nvidia_$flavour. I've added a function in nvidia-common to deal with 2) but we still need to take care of 1)11:50
pittitseliot: hm, I thought we explicitly changed the handler to look for module nvidia_$version11:56
pittibefore, it just looked for "nvidia", which stopped working with the new alternatives based system11:56
pittitseliot: why do we need an "nvidia" alias?11:56
tseliotpitti: right but the point is that now it says that the driver is not enabled (lsmod | grep nvidia_current doesn't return anything)11:57
pittitseliot: uh, did the module names change recently?11:57
pittitseliot: on the sprint they were named like nvidia_96 etc., which is why I changed that in the first place11:57
tseliotpitti: I think we should do something like 1) check that nvidia is loaded 2) look up the alias and see what it points to11:57
pittiand since they are different packages, they should have different module names, too?11:57
tseliotno, the names are still nvidia_current, etc.11:58
pittitseliot: the modalias files also have per-version modules11:58
pittitseliot: hm, I still fail to understand the problem then, I'm afraid11:58
pittiit worked during the sprint, so something must have changed since then?11:58
tseliotI'll show you the output of jockey11:59
pittiand /proc/modules, too?11:59
tseliotpitti: here you go: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/405939/12:01
tseliotpitti: maybe I didn't mention the fact that we add a file in /etc/modprobe.d which does "alias nvidia nvidia-current"12:02
pittitseliot: hm, why do we need that?12:02
tseliot(among other things)12:02
pittihttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/405939/ is indeed "wrong"12:02
pittii. e. it would explain why the jockey handler is broken now12:03
tseliotpitti: because the x driver tries to load the "nvidia" kernel module12:03
tseliotnot nvidia_current, etc.12:03
pittitseliot: and we can't change that to use nvidia_$version?12:03
tseliotpitti: not with a closed driver, I guess12:04
pittioh, and jockey handler sets Driver "nvidia"12:04
pittimeh, why does /proc/modules care about aliases..12:04
pittitseliot: so, I really don't fancy introducing such hacks into the general KernelModuleHandler12:05
tseliotpitti: "modprobe --resolve-alias" allows you to "unmask" the alias12:05
pittiit's an nvidia package hack, so it ought to be in the nvidia handler12:05
pittitseliot: so, what should the canonical module name be? nvidia or nvidia_current?12:06
pittias long as X, jockey, kernel, etc. keep talking about different names, we'll always have some desync between them12:07
pittiif the versioned modules are handled by the alias system, then they should _only_ be handled there12:07
tseliotpitti: if you do something like modprobe --resolve-alias nvidia you will get nvidia_current (or whatever other flavour you're using)12:07
pittitseliot: can we just change the module name in data/handlers/nvidia.py to "nvidia", for all versions?12:07
pitti(and likewise the nvidia-$version-modaliases packages)12:08
pittitseliot: def enabled() already jumps through some hoops to check if the module is the current aliternative12:08
tseliotpitti: and would all of the drivers show up in Jockey? If so, I would just override enabled() in the nvidia handler12:09
pittitseliot: as in karmic, only those versions will appear which have a match in the modalias files12:10
pittitseliot: in karmic, all versions used "nvidia", too12:10
pittiso it would be much closer to what we had before12:10
pittitseliot: enabled() is already overrideen in the nvidia handler, for testing alternatives12:10
didrocksseb128: chrisccoulson:  doing g-p-m12:10
pittioh, is there a gpm 2.30 now?12:10
seb128didrocks, ok12:10
didrockspitti: yes, do you want to do it?12:11
seb128didrocks, you might want to let it to pitti or chrisccoulson they do it usually12:11
pittididrocks: I planned to, but I won't rip it out of your hands :)12:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it seems like we did most of the bugfixes between us for 2.30 ;)12:11
pittiI just didn't see it in versions.html12:11
pittiyes, this will be patch dropping party :)12:11
didrockspitti: you can do it if you want, there are still other things to do :)12:11
pittididrocks: as you wish12:12
pittididrocks: but this is probably the one which I'm still most familliar with12:12
didrockspitti: sure, it was only if you were busy ;)12:12
pittiok, doing that then12:12
didrocksseb128: doing evolution-mapi (I know this is in universe and I can't test it, but still a lot of company ask for it), nevertheless, if you have other suggestion, I'm happy to do them (evolution maybe?)12:14
didrocksseb128: sorry, not evolution mapi, evolution
didrocks(evolution mapi should be related to evolution 2.30.0 I guess)12:14
tseliotpitti: wouldn't it be easier to just return false if either of these conditions is false? 1) self._alternatives.resolve_module_alias('nvidia') == self.module   2) self.module_loaded('nvidia')12:14
seb128didrocks, right12:14
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure the new evo has anything new, I think that was a win32 buildfix compared to what we have12:15
pittitseliot: perhaps; you wrote the alternatives check in enabled(), so feel free to replace it :)12:15
seb128didrocks, you should perhaps get lunch12:15
seb128didrocks, you will have new tarball when coming back with some luck too ;-)12:15
tseliotpitti: ok, will do. Thanks12:15
pittitseliot: at this point, nvidia.py is pretty much your's anyway -- I can't test it, and you understand the alternatives system12:15
pittitseliot: grazie12:15
didrocksseb128: yeah, that's another solution :) Do you have the NEWS file on the gnome ftp ML? I have to download to see what's new in it12:16
didrocksseb128: only some tarball contains the "fixes/news:" description12:16
didrocks(on the ML)12:16
seb128didrocks, no, same here12:17
seb128well the NEWS is displayed in the same serie12:17
seb128ie 2.29.n to 2.29.x12:17
seb128but 2.30 is a new serie12:17
seb128so not a lot of NEWS there12:17
didrocksunderstood :)12:17
didrocksgoing to get some lunch now so12:18
mvopitti: tracker> done (only on hardy->lucid)12:23
pittimvo: sweet, thanks12:23
asacpitti: not sure. maybe some extension pulls it in?12:56
asaci z12:56
asaci think we cannot install abrowser in parallel12:56
asacwith ffox ... so it must be a bug12:56
seb128hey asac12:57
seb128asac, didn't you forget something?12:57
asachi ... dont ask too much. have to answer with one hand typing12:57
asaci have a few things12:58
seb128urg, what happened to the other hand now?12:58
asaccurretly on site of a customer12:58
seb128urg, what happened to the other hand now?12:58
seb128oh ok12:58
asacshoulder is bad :/12:58
asacanyway ... nmX is on my list13:00
didrocksseb128: doing anjuta13:07
seb128didrocks, thanks13:08
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128grrr at lucid13:23
seb128or rather xorg crashing on user switch13:24
pittiseb128: does it?13:30
pittiasac: no, it's explicitly seeded in "dvd"13:30
seb128pitti, quite often yes13:30
pittiseb128: I have used the guest session countless times recently13:30
seb128I get no screen back when I close the guest session quite often there13:31
kenvandineseb128, guest session was fine for me last week, i used it quite a few times thursday and friday13:32
kenvandinemaybe X driver bug?13:32
seb128right, I guess it's an intel driver issue13:33
seb128could be happening only when docked with lid close or something13:33
seb128which is what I'm using now13:33
kenvandineok, i am using intel but no dock13:33
kenvandineno external monitor13:34
pittiseb128: same for me, and it doesn't crash13:34
pittimight be 965 specific13:34
kenvandinei have a 965 box13:35
kenvandinei'll test it in a few13:35
didrocksseb128: doing devhelp13:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it seems that the LP user "ttp" has been trolling all weekend ;)13:59
chrisccoulson(i just noticed you commented on one of his bugs)13:59
chrisccoulsonhi sabotaged one of the app indicator wiki pages at some point14:00
chrisccoulsonseb128 - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators?action=diff&rev2=30&rev1=2914:02
chrisccoulsonhe's been bitching and moaning all weekend. it's clear that he will find some way to moan about any change we do ;)14:02
seb128let's ignore him14:02
seb128and maybe let jcastro knows too14:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, we should do14:03
chrisccoulsoni think jcastro is already aware of him14:03
chrisccoulsonhe kept reopening a transmission bug, so i just reassigned it to no source package in the end14:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - wow, 7 patches dropped in g-p-m! \o/14:04
pittichrisccoulson: yeah, we are pretty much back to the notify-osd/indicator stuff14:05
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty good!14:05
didrocksseb128: jumping on vinagre :)&14:09
seb128go didrocks go ;-)14:10
chrisccoulsoni'm missing out on all these updates ;)14:14
pittichrisccoulson: don't worry, you already hold the trophy of having the most RC bugs assigned platform-wide :)14:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i noticed that ;)14:16
seb128chrisccoulson, use the time to fix some rc bugs that will be a nice monday news for rickspencer if your count goes down ;-)14:16
chrisccoulsonoh, it seems a lot of them have been downgraded now14:17
seb128we did a review before weekend14:17
chrisccoulsonmy only remaining RC one is bug 52641114:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526411 in ubufox "In a fresh installation, firefox search engines are ordered alphabetically" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52641114:17
chrisccoulsonbut i've still got a fair few targetted bugs though14:18
seb128rick seems to be stressed by the number of rc bugs listed14:18
chrisccoulsonalthough the g-s-d upload closed one of those14:18
seb128so we cut through some14:18
seb128I told him to drop the gsd ones, they are not new and could be sru-ed later14:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm going to look at those ones this week14:19
chrisccoulsononce firefox 3.6.2 is uploaded14:19
pittichrisccoulson: the "firefox doesn't start" isn't RC any more?14:19
* pitti still have to run "firefox -safe-mode" every morning14:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - it is, but it's not assigned to me14:19
chrisccoulsonand the fix is in bzr14:20
chrisccoulsonit's just that firefox is blocked on NSS which is blocked because it seems to break things like evolution14:20
chrisccoulsonbut i think i've sorted that now14:20
chrisccoulsoni'm just waiting for asac to review the change when he has some time14:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - you can work around the firefox not starting issue btw by not using the addons in the archive ;)14:23
chrisccoulsonit's the sym-links in our packaging which breaks it14:23
pittiI know, but it's a good reminder :)14:23
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* didrocks welcomes back the Alt + 7 on azerty keyboard with metacity :)14:29
seb128where did that one got changed?14:30
didrocksseb128: in upstream git (http://git.gnome.org/browse/metacity/)14:31
seb128oh, k!14:31
didrocksfreeze code break granted and so on…14:31
* didrocks hugs vuntz14:31
seb128pitti, bug #55088714:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550887 in gdm "REGRESSION, doesn't switch to your chosen keyboard layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55088714:35
seb128don't throw yourself in the river or something...14:36
* seb128 hugs pitti14:36
pittiseb128: thanks, will look at it; please assign to me14:36
mptmvo, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/54289214:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 542892 in software-center "Still says "software catalogue needs updating" after updating it" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:36
pittiseb128: the river next to my house is by far not deep enough; I'd just get muddy :)14:36
seb128good ;-)14:37
jcastroseb128: chrisccoulson: yes, I am aware of that guy, he keeps reopening the rb bug14:38
seb128jcastro, ok14:39
seb128jcastro, how are you today btw? had a good week end? ;-)14:39
jcastroyeah, good jam, we got like over 12 hardware tests done!14:39
jcastroseb128: also, when a community person ran into that guy I asked him to ping me. So if someone is being troublesome about app indicators please feel free to send them my way14:40
jcastroI am making it my mission to educate people on app indicators14:40
seb128good to have you around there ;-)14:40
jcastroI gave a little talk about it this weekend14:41
didrockshey, jcastro is very patient :-)14:41
kklimondajcastro: heh, can I send all the angry mob your way? I' expecting to see quite a lot of them after the release :)14:41
jcastroand when you explain the entire thing it makes sense to most people14:41
jcastrokklimonda: send them all! I am subbed to a-i bugs so I see some of them already14:41
jcastroit's just people are used to the tray being their little minimize area.14:41
nigelbjcastro, I'll send the your way too! I see plenty on RB14:41
didrocksthe tooltip one seems to be very popular too14:42
nigelbdidrocks, I miss tooltip too :(14:42
didrocksnigelb: to be honest, apart from the battery one, I don't miss them :)14:42
seb128I got used to it quickly enough14:42
jcastrosabdfl is handling that one heh14:42
nigelbdidrocks, the battery one is the one I miss the most14:42
seb128clicking on a menu is easy enough14:42
jcastroI miss it on my laptop with the battery14:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i miss tooltips too. it's a shame not to have them now, especially with our tooltips looking so nice anyway14:43
seb128do you use the tooltip that much?14:43
didrocksseb128: it's more a question of interrupting what you do, but I guess that's because I don't use app indicator accelerators. I should learn them14:43
jcastrothe best battery was the icon a few years ago, it was really long so it was easy to estimate the percentage14:43
jcastrobut it took up a lot of room14:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i like to hover over the battery icon to see the percentage14:44
didrocksjcastro: yeah, you can't have everything :)14:44
seb128it's rather a being bored habit than the info being useful though no?14:44
chrisccoulsonpossibly ;)14:44
nigelbseb128, yeah, but we got used to it14:44
didrocksseb128: I guess so :)14:44
seb128I think they still want to improve the icons14:44
seb128I don't bother as long as the battery is not red there14:44
chrisccoulsoni miss not having the percentage charge remaining anywhere in the battery indicator14:45
seb128and I've an key to display battery infos in notify-osd too14:45
pittiif we could improve just one icon, I'd certainly pick the nm-applet one14:45
chrisccoulsonthe estimated time remaining is seriously inaccurate14:45
pittithe two arrows are so utterly bad14:45
didrocksseb128: I guess I have to take the habits to using this key. It's what make the most sense to me14:45
seb128chrisccoulson, seems a but14:45
chrisccoulson2 arrows?14:45
seb128the menu could have the (%%)14:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it was removed deliberately because the menu got too wide14:46
seb128rather than only the estimation14:46
pittikwwii: any chance that we could get a better icon for the "ethernet" state of network-manager?14:46
seb128on a new line?14:46
kklimondachrisccoulson: two arrows show up when you are using ethernet connection and this icon makes no sense :)14:46
mptmvo, http://sparkle.andymatuschak.org/14:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's what i think. perhaps that's harder to do though?14:46
didrocksoh, I don't have that key on my netbook. What a shame :/14:46
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, oh, i've never used the wireless on my laptop14:46
chrisccoulsoni meant i've never used the ethernet14:47
chrisccoulsonthat makes more sense ;)14:47
kklimondachrisccoulson: neither have I but when I launched the vm I got confused what this icon is14:47
seb128mvo, http://download.gnome.org/sources/vte/0.24 for you14:48
seb128mvo, I think you said you would do the update :-)14:48
seb128mvo, you can do g-t with it too if you want as a bonus14:49
kwwiipitti: you mean in the panel?14:49
pittikwwii: yes14:49
seb128didrocks, kenvandine: I'm looking at the empathy 2.30 update14:49
seb128kenvandine, or do you have time for it?14:49
kenvandinewoot... 2.30!14:50
seb128I think I could rather use the time to look at some of my bugs now14:50
kenvandineseb128, i can do it14:50
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:50
kwwiipitti: not sure if changing that icon is high enough priority against the stuff that still needs to get done for lucid14:50
seb128kenvandine, you might want to look to this notify-osd append change too14:50
kenvandineseb128, probably not until later this afternoon14:50
kenvandineseb128, did he update that patch again?14:50
didrocksseb128: doing gucharmap14:50
seb128kenvandine, the guy worked with upstream on it14:50
seb128kenvandine, yes14:50
seb128didrocks, thanks14:51
didrocksy/w :)14:51
kenvandineseb128, will do14:51
seb128kenvandine, ok, so maybe let didrocks do it if he's done with other updates14:51
seb128he seems to be on fire today :-)14:51
didrocksseb128: can do it :-)14:51
* seb128 hugs didrocks14:51
kenvandinedidrocks, got time?14:51
* didrocks hugs seb12814:51
* kenvandine is trying to figure out why gwibber pegs the CPU if using gnome keyring14:52
kenvandinewish there was more keyring docs14:52
seb128kenvandine, does it happen all the time?14:53
kenvandineand it is gwibber using the CPU14:53
kenvandinenot the keyring daemon14:53
seb128could be bug #53060 still14:53
kenvandineand the code is dirt simple... can't see why it happens14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 53060 in linux "HP Compaq nw9440 - hibernation problem" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5306014:53
seb128rather bug #53060514:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in libgnome-keyring "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060514:53
kenvandineoh... great14:54
kenvandine'll test that14:54
kenvandineseems so weird to me that gwibber would be what uses 100% of the CPU and not the keyring daemon14:55
seb128well it's the same for the gvfsd bug though so who knows14:56
kenvandineseb128, i'm testing the update14:57
kenvandinedidrocks, can you look at bug 476662 along with the empathy update?14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476662 in empathy "Notifications use append instead of replace" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47666214:57
didrockskenvandine: sure14:59
didrockskenvandine: I guess you have better knowledge than I on what's the good behavior (it seems to not being adressed in latest patch). I let you comment on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/476662/comments/19 and will upload without updating the patch if you don't mind15:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 476662 in empathy "Notifications use append instead of replace" [Low,Triaged]15:15
kenvandineseb128, libgnome-keyring0 2.29.4git20100322-0ubuntu3 didn't fix the gwibber CPU load problem15:26
kenvandinedidrocks, sure15:26
pittimvo: ah, I got control-center check for system/user gconf proxy diff working; when you close the capplet and setings differ, you get http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/proxy.png now15:27
seb128kenvandine, ok, could you get a stacktrace of the hang you get?15:27
kenvandineseb128, suggestions how?15:27
kenvandinethis is in python15:27
mvopitti: cool \o/15:27
kenvandinerun python in gdb?15:28
* kenvandine has never had success with that15:28
seb128kenvandine, use gdb --pid $(pidof gwibber)?15:28
kenvandinei'll try :)15:28
didrockspitti: sweet ;)15:28
seb128mvo, hey15:28
seb128mvo, did you read my vte ping before?15:28
mvoccheney: hi, I just got a "Component registries might be corrupt error" from ure15:29
mvoccheney: on a clean karmic test-install that I upgraded to lucid15:29
mvoseb128: no, sorry15:29
mvoseb128: aha, here it is15:29
mvompt: screenshot looks pretty sweet15:30
mvoccheney: can we do something like re-generate the files unconditionally or something? I can even add code to update-manager to work around it at the start/end of the upgrade, I just want to make this dialog go away15:31
seb128mvo, so you think you can do the update(s)?15:32
mvoseb128: yes15:32
seb128mvo, thanks15:32
mvoseb128: very uncool update, lots of patch failures15:35
seb128mvo, :-(15:35
seb128mvo, upstream did comment on some bugs saying patches were not required anymore iirc15:35
seb128did you read bug comments you got via email?15:36
hggdhwould gksu closing after the first wrong password a critical issue?15:45
hggdhthis is bug 54073215:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540732 in gksu "Incorrect password does not give error (dup-of: 298217)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54073215:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298217 in gksu "Password dialog gives up with no indication after one failed attempt" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29821715:46
seb128why should it?15:46
seb128I can see that being annoying if you do typos15:47
seb128but not really a security issue or an important bug15:47
=== soren_ is now known as soren
ccheneymvo: looking into it15:47
mvoccheney: thanks15:48
rickspencer3bug #53253115:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532531 in gdm "No way to come back if fast user switcher is activated accidentally" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53253115:49
hggdhseb128: no, not a security issue, just rather annoying (no feedback)15:49
seb128rickspencer3, hey15:49
rickspencer3pitti, how are we going to get that fixed?15:49
rickspencer3hi seb12815:49
pittihi rickspencer315:49
rickspencer3oh, and good morning ;)15:50
pittirickspencer3: hm, not sure yet15:50
pittiit could grow a "cancel" button?15:50
seb128rickspencer3, be nice to robert_ancell? ;-)15:50
rickspencer3seb128, was I being mean to robert_ancell?15:51
seb128rickspencer3, no, but he wrote this code so maybe he could fix it for us15:51
seb128rickspencer3, if we are nice enough15:51
rickspencer3in any case, it's on the release blocker list, so we should decide to fix it, or take it off the list15:51
didrockshey rickspencer3 :)15:51
rickspencer3hi didrocks15:51
pittiit's a slightly annoying thing indeed15:52
* rickspencer3 assigns to robert_ancell (nicely)15:52
seb128rickspencer3, not sure I follow you there, if it's on the list that's because we want to fix it, do you suggest it should be downgraded?15:52
rickspencer3seb128, I want to go from "want to fix it" to "have a plan for how to fix it"15:53
rickspencer3if we can make a plan to get it fixed, and we will release without fixing it, it should be downgraded15:53
rickspencer3currently we are implying that it will be fixed15:53
seb128rickspencer3, well plan is "people work as fast as they can on their list"15:53
seb128out of adding hours in the day or making them not sleep we don't have easy solution15:54
rickspencer3seb128, right15:54
seb128out of the saying we will come to it in order15:54
pittiwhere order == bug priority15:54
seb128or do you suggest it take over some other rc bug assigned now?15:54
rickspencer3seb128, we are in agreement15:54
rickspencer3my point is, if it's set to High, we are saying it is going to get fixed before we ship or fix other bugs that are not high15:55
rickspencer3however, if we are not going to fix it because it is too hard to fix ... it should not be set to High15:55
rickspencer3seb128, in any case, I'm taking care of it ;)15:55
seb128I sort of disagree about playing with settings this way though15:56
seb128it doesn't make sense to be15:56
seb128it's not by putting the bug under the carpet that it will be less annoying to users15:56
didrocksseb128: doing g-c-c15:57
seb128I prefer having an ambitious list which challenges us to try to get those issues solved15:57
seb128rather than just downgrading setting and claim everything is solid when it's not15:57
pittimvo: 50_ubuntu_systemwide_prefs.patch connects to the session d-bus, but doesn't actually use it; is this just redundant, or a nonobvious trick for something?15:57
rickspencer3seb128, if it's targetted to the release, and set to High, we have made a public commitment to fix it15:58
pittiwell, lucid/medium is still pretty high on the list15:58
pittibut wouldn't be a release blocker any more15:58
pittibut for example a nice SRU target15:58
rickspencer3or even get it fixed before we ship15:58
rickspencer3but our release blockers should only be bugs that block the release, or there is no point in that whole process15:59
seb128I think if we downgrade that one we can downgrade a bunch of others too16:00
seb128what should delay the release is installer not working16:00
seb128or things eating your disk16:00
seb128I would rate this one at the same level as ie the xorg crashers16:01
pittior things which we can't revert/change in an SRU any more16:01
pittistring changes, package version downgrades, etc.16:01
seb128you can lock youself out your session with no way to come back if you don't know vt switch16:01
pittihm, hang on, do we even need to change the UI?16:02
seb128I'm still not clear if things like xorg crashers are medium or high then16:02
seb128pitti, no16:02
pittiif you have that thing, clicking on your user should just get you back and tear down the greeter16:02
seb128pitti, we need to make cancel work and send you back to the userlist16:02
seb128rather than loop on 'entering password' for the selecter username16:02
pittioh, that's even something else then16:03
pittiwhat I mean is16:03
pitti- select change user16:03
pitti- select myself (which has the green check mark)16:03
pitti- greeter is still running16:03
seb128the bug there is about that issue:16:03
pittiseb128: the cancel button works fine for me16:04
seb128* select an username in the session indicator16:04
pittiit gets me back to the user list16:04
seb128* get a gdm greater with only that user selected16:04
pittiseb128: oh, that, sorry16:04
seb128* try to cancel16:04
seb128you can't16:04
seb128if you don't know the password for that user you are screwed16:04
pittiseb128: "get a gdm greater with only that user selected" -> that doesn't currently work, right?16:05
pittijust to be on the same page16:05
pittiseb128: but we also need to fix the dangling greeters16:05
pittifor each time you switch to an existing user session you keep an X server and a greeter16:05
seb128you confuse me16:06
seb128I boot my mini16:06
seb128which has several account16:06
seb128log into one16:06
seb128click the session menu there16:06
seb128select and another user in the list16:06
seb128directly the name for this one16:06
seb128not the "switch from ..."16:06
pitti^ what do you mean with that?16:06
pittiah, right16:06
pittiyes, I'm still following16:06
seb128it sends you to gdm16:06
pittibut to the user list, not to the password entry16:07
seb128where you have to enter the password for the user you selected before16:07
pittinot here16:07
pittiI get the user list16:07
seb128so maybe ted fixed it in indicator-session recently16:07
seb128when I did set it as rc I had the issue I described16:07
seb128let me try on the mini16:08
seb128I don't want to crash my box16:08
seb128and user switch crash it half the time recently16:08
ccheneymvo: as I understand it if you experience this bug you have to reinstall the packages16:08
ccheneymvo: at least from reading about the bug reports16:09
ccheneymvo: its also why debian added the part to keep OOo from running during upgrades, afaict16:09
rickspencer3pitti, fyi : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Scratch/ReleaseBugs2010032016:11
pittioh, now with clickable bugs16:11
rickspencer3tseliot, I see kdm/plymouth work is no longer on your list! congrats, and thanks16:11
seb128pitti, I still get it there but I didn't upgrade the mini since thursday so let me try that before16:12
tseliotrickspencer3: :-)16:12
rickspencer3pitti, oops, you can refresh, I deleted some dupes16:12
seb128pitti, it sends me to a gdm screen with the user I picked selected and the password prompt16:12
pittirickspencer3: oh, *phew*; I got scared about tseliot's list :)16:12
pittiseb128: hm, perhaps it got confused because I previously did "login as another user" and that greeter still stayed around16:13
seb128rickspencer3, I uploaded a fix for the gvfs one assigned to martin btw16:13
didrocksseb128: confirmed here16:13
seb128pitti, can't you boot the mini or something to try?16:13
pittiwell, I'm trying on my laptop16:13
pittiwith packages from ~ 3 hours ago16:13
tseliotpitti: I'll squash a few more bugs soon ;)16:13
pittiseb128: booting mini now16:14
seb128rickspencer3, the yelp one can be downgraded16:14
seb128rickspencer3, the f-spot one listed is the same that then one assigned to RAOF16:14
rickspencer3seb128, it's fix released now anyway16:14
seb128rickspencer3, gthumb can be dropped from this list, it's in universe16:15
seb128rickspencer3, and the gtk one seems medium rather16:15
rickspencer3oh, thatis in there 3 times16:15
seb128it's annoying but an RC is no way16:15
pittirickspencer3: hm, when was this page created? it doesn't have bug 55088716:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550887 in gdm "REGRESSION, doesn't switch to your chosen keyboard layout" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55088716:16
seb128rickspencer3, enigmail is universe too16:16
rickspencer3pitti, the page was generated like 8 hours ago16:16
pittirickspencer3: ah, ok16:16
rickspencer3(well, the data for it)16:16
seb128didrocks, doing g-s-d16:17
rickspencer3unfortunately "what bugs are assigned to people on this team" is not something that lp even remotely supports16:17
pittiseb128: ok, confirmed on the mini16:17
didrocksseb128: ok16:17
aboSamoorHi, The notification bubble blocks the mouse from interaction with the control under beneath. I want to assure that the behavior of the notifications bubble in intended and not a bug. I am running compiz.16:17
seb128pitti, oh good, I'm not crazy (yet) ;-)16:17
pittiseb128: well, it's still demonstrably broken on my laptop..16:17
seb128aboSamoor, known issue16:18
aboSamoorI am running LL 10.04 up to date16:18
pittiseb128: hm, I get X hangs on the mini on user switching16:18
seb128pitti, see ;-)16:18
aboSamoorseb128: may you point to me the bug report ;) ?16:18
seb128aboSamoor, sorry but I'm busy working and you can as well look to notify-osd bugs than me16:19
seb128aboSamoor, it takes like 1 minute, do google for notify-osd launchpad16:19
aboSamoorseb128: sure, I did not know the package, now it is easy. Sorry, for interrupting.16:20
seb128no worry16:20
pittiok, one more lucid targetted bug fixed. /me whistles happily16:20
didrockspitti: oh, you pushed g-c-c16:22
pittididrocks: bad?16:22
pittiI pulled before, there was nothing new16:22
didrockspitti: I was updating it in the meanwhile ;)16:23
didrockspitti: no pb, will try to merge16:23
pittididrocks: oh, sorry; can you bzr rebaes?16:23
pittirebase, too16:23
didrocksor rebase, let's being crazy and hope all will work :)16:23
pittididrocks: I just touched the 50ubuntu patch; please let me know if it doesn't apply any more16:23
didrockspitti: ok, let's have a try16:24
didrockspitti: it still applies, perfect :)16:25
didrocksI just rebuild once and test it to ensure anything is broken16:25
* tseliot fixed the issue with Jockey and nvidia and also improved the logic behind xorg driver detection :-)16:25
seb128ok, unclaiming the g-s-d upgrade for now16:27
Nafaitseliot: yay16:27
seb12816_use_synchronous_notifications.patch fails to apply16:27
seb128doing the *mm for now16:27
seb128let's get the easy ones out of the way16:27
rickspencer3dpm, could you please look at bug #549758 and advise?16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549758 in indicator-applet "No translations on launchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54975816:37
dpmrickspencer3, sure, looking...16:38
seb128it's correctly translated in french there16:43
dpmrickspencer3, indicator-applet is translatable in the Ubuntu source package at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+sources/indicator-applet , but not in the upstream LP project (https://translations.launchpad.net/indicator-applet). This simply means that the Ubuntu translation infrastructure and pool of translators is used, instead of having two separate points of translation (LP upstream and the Ubuntu distro).16:43
seb128I guess those guys just don't know they way around launchpad16:43
dpmrickspencer3, I agree with seb128. I can add the comment above to the bug, if that is enough16:44
rickspencer3dpm, whatever you can do to help them out there would be good16:44
dpmok, I'll comment on the bug16:44
didrockspitti: can I have a FFe please? (bug #550981) ;)17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550981 in quickly "[FFe] Quickly 0.3.90" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55098117:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you're having trouble with the notify-osd patch in g-s-d?17:09
seb128chrisccoulson, not especially, it just needs to be updates since upstream changed that code a bit17:09
seb128and I want to go through things easy to update first17:10
seb128so we can land those17:10
seb128I will come back later to that one if nobody beats me to it17:10
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i'll leave it with you for now then ;)17:10
seb128well I didn't do anything on it yet17:10
seb128so feel free to do the update if you want17:10
seb128or claim it for later today17:10
chrisccoulsoni'll wait until a bit later and see if anybody else has already done it17:11
ccheneymvo: hmm my testing of upgrading from karmic to lucid doesn't seem to work17:29
ccheneymvo: it appears to be blockig on telepathy-butterfly17:30
rickspencer3is anyone able to easily test default settings?17:46
rickspencer3I want to confirm that the "show user list" checkbox is on my default17:46
rickspencer3(was not for me after a dist-upgrade)17:46
pittinot on for me either, although gdm does display the user list17:50
rickspencer3thanks pitti17:51
rickspencer3so now we're debugging bugs that we added for this unnecessary feature17:51
rickspencer3pitti, do you suggest we fix this bug, or roll back the "feature"?17:54
didrocksI can maybe have a look as I should be the most familiar with the code17:55
pittirickspencer3: I'm okay with rolling back, but I'd let Robert decide (fix might be easier than rolling back)17:55
rickspencer3I'll assign to him17:55
rickspencer3this is *exactly* why I won't fixed this "bug", btw17:55
rickspencer3holy smokes, didrocks17:56
rickspencer3i just got quite the flood of bug mail from quickly17:56
rickspencer3Fix, Fix, Fix17:56
rickspencer3didrocks, nice!!17:56
didrocksrickspencer3: and when pitti will great the FFe, you will be more than spammed (60 bugs fixed) ;)17:57
rickspencer3looking forward to that17:59
* didrocks thinks he will be "quickly" be classified as spam on rickspencer3 evolution ;)17:59
pittididrocks: approved17:59
didrockspitti: sweet, I'll need some NEWing then. Thanks!18:00
didrocks(for new bin package)18:00
pittiI need to mentally disconnect from IRC today, though18:00
rickspencer3bye pitti!18:00
pittiI need to do an over-urgent tzdata update for all releases18:01
pittiand then go to Taekwondo18:01
didrockspitti: enjoy your evening :)18:01
* pitti curses governments out there changing time zones and DST rules with such short notice18:01
seb128pitti, good luck and have fun to taekwondo18:02
* seb128 is away for swimming soon too18:03
didrocksseb128: enjoy your evening too ;)18:03
rickspencer3bye guyes18:04
rickspencer3thanks for everything today!18:04
rickspencer3Lucid is looking good18:04
didrocksrickspencer3: Quickly pushed :)18:04
seb128didrocks, thanks, I will be back after sport anyway18:04
seb128we will still get quite some tarballs for GNOME 2.30 tonight18:04
seb128speaking of which we got a bunch18:05
seb128doing totem ones and nautilus-sendto18:05
seb128then sport and I will have a look to what is still to do later on18:06
didrocksseb128: I'll be out for a couple of hours (seeing my editors), and then, will be back :)18:06
seb128didrocks, have fun, see you later or tomorrow18:07
seb128didrocks, no need to come back doing work tonight, that can wait tomorrow18:07
didrocksseb128: thanks, same for you18:07
didrocksseb128: ok, I will do what remains to do for tomorrow :)18:07
rodrigo__kenvandine, ping18:15
kenvandinerodrigo__, pong18:17
rodrigo__kenvandine, preparing a new evo-couchdb release/package for you to upload, ok?18:17
kenvandineping me when ready18:17
rodrigo__kenvandine, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/lucid/evolution-couchdb/0-4-4-release/+merge/2238518:23
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
bencrisfordhey, i'm working on bug #536975 in qcad, and i think that the problem lies in the qcad.desktop file, but im not entirely sure what is wrong with it18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536975 in qcad "Qcad menu entry lacks a category in lucid 10.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53697518:48
bencrisfordit looks right to me compared to the sample file on the gnome library - http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/menustructure-desktopentry.html.en18:48
bencrisfordbut gedit highlights the word "Graphics" bright red as shown here - http://i44.tinypic.com/5vvyfs.png18:48
bencrisfordthe whole file is visible through that image18:49
bladernr_Hey all, can anyone clue me in as to what package handles the "Default Application" popups that fire when a USB device is connected?  Nautilus was suggested on a different channel... just wanted to clarify19:06
baptistemmwow, what happened, I have thunar installed ...19:13
chrisccoulsonyay, i can commit to gnome from my laptop now \o/19:57
bencrisfordchrisccoulson: :)19:59
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, ok, i tried your FF cairo patch now. the only difference was that the patch i tested first had a conditional #include in cairo-ft-font.c, and also missed the hunk in config/system-headers20:29
chrisccoulsonbut, it seems to have done the trick ;)20:29
chrisccoulsoni've got nice fonts again \o/20:29
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: Yay!20:30
chrisccoulsonpitti, asac ^^^20:30
chrisccoulsonthank you mdeslaur :)20:30
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: welcome!20:30
mvoccheney: telepahty-butterfly> please mail me your dpkg-status file and then just remove telepathy-butterlfy20:37
ccheneymvo: yea working on getting the log atm20:38
ccheneymvo: weird it looks like it is going to work this time20:38
ccheneymvo: maybe my mirror was a bit stale earlier or something20:38
ccheneymvo: seems to be doing it now, earlier it failed in the same way twice20:39
mvoccheney: ok20:40
* ccheney is really glad he has an approx mirror :)20:43
mvoccheney: you don't actually need to test the upgrade. the code that causes the message is  in ure.preinst.in (rev 1022.10.502)20:45
mvoccheney: the interessting question is why we haven't seen it earlier20:45
mvoit appears to be part of bzr since mid february20:46
zygamvo: hi20:46
ccheneymvo: the second message is actually an error or some sort20:47
ccheneymvo: we didn't see it until i got something newer than karmic into lucid20:47
ccheneymvo: debian didn't figure out there was a corruption problem until after karmic was done20:47
mvoccheney: ok20:47
ccheneymvo: i can drop the warning but from the bug reports i saw it is warning about a real issue, maybe we should convert it into a release notes item for Ubuntu instead?20:48
ccheneyapparently the only way to fix it is to do a reinstall of the openoffice.org packages20:48
mvohey zyga20:49
ccheneynot everyone is affected but for those who are the results can end up being they can't get OOo to run at all20:49
zygamvo: hey, feel free to consider me your backup engineer for apt if you need one and I'm not buried with other work20:49
mvoccheney: I assume we can just run the script that are run on (re)install intead? no need to unpack the deb again?20:49
mvozyga: cool!20:50
ccheneymvo: doesn't reinstall force a rm then inst (eg all parts of the scripts are run)?20:50
ccheneymvo: is that something that would need to be done in update manager? i'm not sure how i would do that inside the packages themselves20:51
mvoccheney: it would be good to know what command exactly are required, I have no clue about OOo. its definitely something that u-m can take care of but ideally we would fix it inside the package (if that is possible) to help people who do not use u-m20:53
mvoccheney: is there some background information (maybe from rene) on what exactly is the problem and what neeeds to be run from the scripts to fix it?20:53
ccheneymvo: i think it would require running the remove_extension / add_extension again, etc20:54
ccheneymvo: i'll check with rene to make sure i know what is going on20:55
mvoccheney: please do - I'm really interessted to get this fixed for beta-220:56
ccheneymvo: ok just asked him will see what he says, i saw reference to some sort of bad regcomp binary, not sure if that was the only issue or not20:57
ccheneymvo: does --reinstall just rerun the scripts or unpack again also?20:57
mvo--reinstall will do the full dance, unpack too20:57
ccheneymvo: er i guess maybe remove then unpack also is what i was meaning to ask20:58
ccheneymvo: does it remove old files first?20:58
* ccheney is trying to determine if the old corrupt rdb is removed or just gets rewritten on a --reinstal20:58
mvoit removes the files from a package and run the maintainer scripts as if its a upgrade IIRC20:59
mvobut I'm sure the files inside the deb itself are not the problem20:59
mvoI wonder why rene did not add fixup code20:59
ccheneyi'll ask him also to see if he thinks just running the remove/add extension scripts would be enough to likely fix it20:59
mvowas it only in experimental ?20:59
ccheneyit affected testing also20:59
mvoso its in debians best interesst to fix this too21:01
ccheneywell it never made it into stable so anyone running -14 or earlier probably has long since upgraded21:01
ccheneytesting is up to 3.2.0-4 already21:01
ccheneyok i see the corrupted message as i expected21:11
ccheneynow going to see if i see the other weird message21:11
ccheneyyea saw that too, will have to see if i can determine why21:12
kenvandineseb128, i am pretty sure gwibber is affected by the same keyring bug as gvfs... but i can't get a good stacktrace from it21:25
kenvandinei get these nasty errors from python-gdb when i try to get anything of any use21:26
bratscheHey seb12821:26
kenvandine  File "/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/python2.6-gdb.py", line 271, in __repr__21:26
kenvandine    for arg, val in self.attrdict.iteritems()])21:26
seb128you could wait to see if it's fixed once the other one is closed21:26
kenvandinean endless supply of those21:26
seb128bratsche, hey21:27
seb128bratsche, I've seen your gnome-panel change21:27
seb128bratsche, thanks for working on that bug21:27
bratscheseb128: Sorry, it seems like the merge request is really b0rked so I just posted the patch on the bug report.21:27
seb128bratsche, oh, ok, thanks21:27
bratscheseb128: Also design team wants check/radio buttons to look different in menus so I posted a patch for the murrine engine here:21:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 546263 in ayatana-ubuntu "Checkmark and radio items in menus have ugly frames" [Undecided,In progress]21:28
seb128bratsche, ok21:28
bratscheseb128: Not sure if that's something kwwii will push or if you do, so just mentioning it.21:28
seb128bratsche, has the change been approved as it is now?21:28
seb128bratsche, kwwii doesn't have upload rights to ubuntu so I will sponsor it21:29
mvoseb128: vte update mostly done, currently breaks on -Werror, I will just comment that out21:29
seb128mvo, ok thanks21:29
seb128mvo, grrrrrr at upstream using Werror in tarballs21:29
mvoI put what I have in bzr and continue tomorrow21:29
mvoseb128: :)21:29
* mvo hugs seb12821:29
mvoit takes *ages* to build21:29
* seb128 hugs mvo21:29
seb128mvo, ok21:29
* mvo waves21:32
bratscheseb128: Yeah, kwwii tested it and said it was exactly what they wanted.  It only affects checks and radios that are in menus, and it uses text[NORMAL] for the color so it shouldn't have any adverse effect on other themes.21:33
bratscheseb128: However, this does affect any theme that uses the murrine engine.  There wasn't a way to do it only for Ambiance and Radiance.21:33
seb128bratsche, ok, usual way, upload and see wait for the users complains ;-)21:34
bratscheseb128: I posted an update to the gnome-panel patch.  There was one other place that I didn't add a g_object_weak_ref() to, and I added it now.21:52
bratscheThat's in panel_menu_bar_setup_tooltip()21:53
chrisccoulsongood evening everyone22:22
bratscheHey chrisccoulson22:23
chrisccoulsonhey bratsche, how are you?22:25
kklimondahey chrisccoulson, how was your day? :)22:32
chrisccoulsonit was ok thanks, still haven't finished yet though ;)22:33
chrisccoulsonhow are you?22:33
bratschechrisccoulson: Not bad, thanks.  How's it going?22:33
chrisccoulsonbratsche, yeah, good thanks22:33
kklimondachrisccoulson: is my application still on your radar? :)22:34
TheMusoGood morning.22:34
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, it is. do you know when the next DMB meeting is?22:34
chrisccoulson(just so i know how urgent it is) ;)22:34
gobi131How t connect internet in ubuntu 9.1022:35
kklimondachrisccoulson: it's every two weeks afair22:35
chrisccoulsongobi131, try #ubuntu22:36
kklimondabut when.. hmm..22:36
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, yeah, i can't remember when the last one was22:36
gobi131How to connect internet in ubuntu 9.1022:36
kklimondachrisccoulson: tomorrow? ;)22:36
kklimondachrisccoulson: so I guess I'm aiming for the next one22:36
chrisccoulsonoh, you won't make that one then, they need time to review your application22:36
chrisccoulsonso, yes, 2 weeks time then22:36
RAOFMornin' all.22:39
kklimondachrisccoulson: any idea how many endorsments should I get for PPU rights? It's not like I've worked on transmission with that many people. maybe pitti can comment on how often did I ask if it's right to upload ;)22:39
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, yeah, i'm not sure about that. i'll ask pitti in the morning too22:39
chrisccoulsoni suppose i should work on my application for core-dev this week22:39
kklimondachrisccoulson: sweet :)22:39
chrisccoulsoni'll have to borrow seb128 to comment on that then ;)22:40
kklimondaheh, I should really start fixing bugs - It's not like I have any application to write and I have this urge to write code ;)22:41
seb128chrisccoulson, on what?22:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i was just talking about applying for main upload rights ;)22:42
seb128hello chrisccoulson22:42
seb128oh, good22:42
gobi131How to connect internet in #ubuntu 9.1022:42
seb128do it!22:42
seb128gobi131, try #ubuntu22:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - kklimonda is applying for PPU rights for transmission too, and was wondering how many endorsements he needs for that. do you have any idea?22:43
chrisccoulsonit's mainly me who has sponsored his work ;)22:43
seb1281 or 2 should be enough22:43
kklimondachrisccoulson: can I get info about what Fx tab is using cpu somehow?22:51
kklimondaI blame flash on that (and on rising memory) but I'd like to close only affected page :)22:52
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i don't think there is any way to do that22:53
chrisccoulsonyou can do it in chromium though ;)22:53
kklimondaI think I'm going to switch soon - I don't even use adblock anymore..22:53
* Nafai <3 chromium22:54
kklimondaI'd love to use Epiphany but it's oversimplified - especially tabs management..22:54
* Tm_T <3 Konqueror22:55
* Tm_T hides22:55
kklimondaheh, I give KDE4 a chance every 6 months or so and so far I still can't get used to it.22:56
RAOFWhich is a bit of a pity, 'cause Qt is pretty shiny in many ways.22:56
kklimondawe should rewrite GNOME in Qt!22:58
kklimondanow I guess it's time for me to hide ;)22:58
robert_ancellpitti, seb128, is gnome-color-manager considered part of GNOME, i.e. can I just upload the latest version?23:03
robert_ancellkklimonda, I just read your last comment.  Interesting discussion in the logs?23:04
exobuzzkklimonda, qt is the better toolkit imho23:04
exobuzzkklimonda, id be up for a new qt based window manager that isnt the new kde for sure23:05
kklimondarobert_ancell: not really :)23:05
robert_ancellkklimonda, just stirring the pot then :)23:06
exobuzzim not sure i like the new button placement on windows23:09
seb128robert_ancell, hi, yes23:10
robert_ancellseb128, sweet23:10
exobuzzi decided to improve the ubuntu window button layout somewhat. i call it the "ubuntu experience" http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/ubuntu-experience.sh - you can have great fun running it from "watch" every 2 seconds or so :-)23:11
kklimondaexobuzz: this is (1) wrong channel to discuss button layout and (2) not really the right way to make your case23:13
seb128robert_ancell, I don't think it counts as GNOME exception but I grant it23:13
seb128robert_ancell, I'm delegated to grant universe desktop exceptions23:13
seb128robert_ancell, btw did you see the gdm bug rickspencer3 comment on about the switch user issue?23:14
exobuzzkklimonda, well, perhaps true, but I still think it's funny23:14
robert_ancellseb128, not yet23:14
rickspencer3seb128, I'm about to have a call with robert_ancell to discuss ;)23:14
seb128rickspencer3, ok23:15
arandrobert_ancell: Hia, was noticing that stellarium, fretsonfire and moovida are quite unusable without 3D support. Stellarium I think might be motivated a bit by it's sheer awesomeness, but a media center shouldn't really need 3D right? And for fretsonfire... well the 3D it has isn't really the most exciting, suggestion is armagetronad instead, which runs quite ok, both on nouveau & virtualbox as far as I've tested.23:23
arandrobert_ancell: This regarding featured applications, by the way...23:24

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