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rawkasaurDoes anyone know where the config for devicekit/synaptics touchpads are stored?02:40
psusihrm..... the man page for mke2fs says that -E lazy_itable_init defaults to 1 if not specified, but it doesn't....03:10
psusiit also doesn't seem to set the lazy_bg flag when enabled, which it should...03:11
skydromecan you echo $? of the 2nd to last command?03:39
ebroderHmm...if I want to get the new release of openafs into Lucid, how hard do I have to work to convince myself that it's just bugfixes?03:49
ebroderIn all honesty, new openafs releases tend to do a *lot* for stability, so it would definitely be nice to have. I guess I'll see if I can pull an FFe together03:57
lifelessstart with the ffe03:57
lifelessand make the case in that03:58
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jdong"I *swear* they're just bugfixes"04:16
jdongsomeone needs to invent a launchpad tag for that :)04:16
micahgjdong: it's called regression-update ;)04:21
RAOFmicahg: Any joy on gjs? :(04:25
micahgRAOF: ugh, that's what I wanted to do this weekend....04:25
micahgRAOF: I'll take a look tonight04:26
micahgRAOF: I think I know what it is, the question is how easy will it be to fix04:26
micahgRAOF: know anything about gnome-chemistry-utils?04:28
RAOFIf you don't have time, feel free to hand that potato on to someone else :)04:28
RAOFI know nothing about gnome-chemistry-utils.04:28
RAOFI don't even know what sort of chemical utils gnome *could* provide :)04:29
micahgRAOF: I'm having trouble with it trying to verify a DTD on sourceforge at build time04:30
lifelessmicahg: you can'ty04:30
lifelessmicahg: no internets when building04:30
micahglifeless: I know that :)  Somehow it wasn't doing it before with the same code04:30
micahgnow it wants to04:30
RAOFI've seen that happen to a number of packages, but I can't remember the fix.04:32
lifelessgenerally a mismatch04:33
lifelessthere is a local dtd04:33
lifelessin the dtd path04:33
lifelessbut the package upgrades to a newer dtd04:34
lifelesswhich isn't yet available locally for reference04:34
micahglifeless: does that mean I have to have the DTDs updated?04:34
lifelessassuming my memory is right04:35
lifelesscheck the diff between the last time the package built and your problem copy04:35
lifelessif it doesn't change the xml ref anywhere, then check the packages it depends on04:35
micahglifeless: would you know offhand which package: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/405453/04:36
lifelessif its a docbook DTD docbook-xml looks promising04:38
lifelessotherwise - no idea04:40
micahglifeless: k, I'll take a look, thanks04:40
lifelessI'm going from 10 year old memories of working with xml stuff in cygwin04:40
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pittiGood morning07:03
RAOFpitti: Good afternoon :)07:03
micahggood late night :)07:11
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xnoxGood early Morning =)07:52
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dholbachgood morning08:28
cjwatsonskydrome: no, the shell only stores one; but you can assign $? to some other variable and check that later08:29
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mdzcjwatson, was it you who confirmed you had seen the thrashing during apparmor upgrades as well?09:46
ionI have been encountering the problem, too, in case you need information about it.09:48
ionmdz: Looking at IRC logs, he seems to have encountered bug #458299 indeed.09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458299 in linux "apparmor_parser: page allocation failure. order:5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45829909:50
mdzion, thanks!09:50
mdzI've never seen that error, but if it's using up a lot of kernel memory, it could very well have the same root cause09:50
cjwatsonmdz: yes09:56
t3rm1n4lhow to download from lp using bzr09:57
t3rm1n4lfrom this link09:57
t3rm1n4lis ubuntuone client source code open ?10:00
mdzt3rm1n4l, I think that corresponds to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client-kde but I'm only guessing10:00
t3rm1n4lno its just a connector10:01
t3rm1n4lactual dbus service and daemon is some other package10:01
mdzt3rm1n4l, ask apachelogger, I guess10:04
t3rm1n4li got the repo10:07
directhexi wonder how brave i feel over upgrading this office PC to lucid. everything's always so much more painful on the mac than the other systems when it comes to upgrades.10:14
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xnoxdirecthex, my Macbook refuses to upgrade to Snow Leopard. It tells me "can't install on this volume"10:26
xnoxsilly thing =)10:26
* xnox is to lazy to back up Lucid & reinstall just to upgrade to Snow Leopard10:26
directhexi can't expense an upgrade to macos, and never boot the thing into fringe OSes anyway10:28
xnoxdirecthex, well thanks to MacOS I was introduced to UNIX for the first time =) and that's why it now runs lucid and I have @ubuntu.com email address ;-) so can't complain it was a saviour for me =)10:36
pittijames_w, lifeless: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/NewUpstream doesn't really say how to do a new upstream release; is that the correct command to use: bzr mu --version 1.6.0 -v ../gvfs_1.6.0.orig.tar.gz ? Will that do pristine-tar etc.?10:38
pittiit seems to work fine, anyway; I'll add that to the wiki page once I get your "that's ok"10:43
pittisuperm1: nautilus-cd-burner has been obsolete for quite some time; would you mind dropping the recommends from dell-recovery?11:07
pittisuperm1: (should be brasero)11:07
pittiseb128: ^ FYI11:07
seb128pitti, thanks11:09
directhexoh, looks like i can't upgrade... hash sum mismatch11:23
directhexnaughty repo.11:24
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juliankmvo: I just attached a merge directive to bug #548623 - feel free to pull it in the ubuntu branch & upload it.12:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548623 in python-apt "Attribute 'FindFile' of the 'apt_pkg.Configuration' object is deprecated" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54862312:33
directhexhm, weird upgrade failure today: keyboard/mouse have stopped responding12:34
davmor2directhex: you mean you're not using psychic links like the rest of use ;)12:38
directhexdavmor2, wireless mice use psychic power, right?12:38
directhexsigh, i wish xorg.0.log was timestamped12:39
davmor2directhex: no that would be psycho power, similar but slightly more dangerous :D12:39
mvojuliank: thanks12:41
mvojuliank: much appreciated!12:41
juliankmvo: Did you base aptdaemon 0.11+bzr342-0ubuntu1 on the 0.2.x branch?12:43
mvojuliank: yes12:45
mvojuliank: it should probably be a 0.20.x branch ideally12:45
mvojuliank: because we use 0.11 currently12:46
lamonthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/405960/ <-- against what do I file that bug?12:51
lamontboring repetition that / has errors12:52
lamont'twould be nice to get a shell so I could, you know, do what it tells me to.12:52
lamontwould that be mountall, or something else?13:00
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directhexthat was actually less painful an upgrade than i expected. loss of input devices notwithstanding13:18
juliankmvo: Just ported aptdaemon to the new API.13:39
pittilamont: mountall seems not entirely wrong at least13:41
mvojuliank: cool! trunk/ ? glatzor will love this13:42
juliankmvo: 0.2.X.13:42
* mvo nods13:44
mvojuliank: python-apt uploaded13:48
lamontpitti: ta13:48
juliankmvo: Great.13:48
directhex0% [Working]*** glibc detected *** aptitude: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001fd8dc0 ***13:59
mvodirecthex: bug #517797 maybe?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517797 in apt "apt does not time out during initial update" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51779714:04
mvodirecthex: eh, sorry14:04
mvodirecthex: wrong bug number14:04
directhexi guessed14:04
directhexannoyingly, apport won't report it14:04
sladenzul: those bugs are with vmbuilder in lucid and with the branches on Launchpad14:16
sladenzul: vmbuilder is completely shagged14:16
zulsladen: k...ill let soren now14:16
sladenzul: any idea what timezone soren is on?14:23
zulsladen: central european14:23
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james_wpitti: yeah, that wiki page is misnamed, I intend to move the existing one to "NewPackage" or something and explain how to merge a new upstream on there. You got it right though.14:59
pittijames_w: ah, thanks for confirming14:59
Riddelltedg: ping15:01
tedgGood morning Riddell15:01
Riddelltedg: I have a patch from agateau to update the namespace for status notifiers from org.freedesktop to org.kde, I believe this need coordinated with you15:02
tedgRiddell: Yeah, I think we've already released it on the GNOME side.  So it should be good.15:02
Riddellgroovy, I'll do that with kde 4.4.2 then15:03
tedgRiddell: Great!  Thanks.15:03
superm1pitti, i had left it as an alternative so the deb could be installed on old versions of ubuntu and still functional.  will it cause archive problems to leave it in place?15:04
pittisuperm1: oh, I see; no, that's fine15:09
caeeehi, where can I find the patch from ubuntu packages linux-source-2.6.24-26 to linux-source.2.6.24-2715:10
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qensepitti: You're maintaining the work-item overviews, right?15:20
pittiqense: yes15:20
qensepitti: I think I have found a bug in the QA one.15:20
qensepitti: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-qa.html says that jeremyfoshee has two open tasks and no closed, but on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-lucid-bug-handling you can see he has DONE three.15:21
pittiqense: "canonical-qa" reports are obsolete15:23
pittiwe use canonical-platform-qa now15:23
qensepitti: ah, that explains15:23
qensepitti: thanks15:23
pittibut I was asked to keep the canonical-qa ones around for a while15:23
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nigelbso is there something that keeps ALL developers busy after release and before UDS?  I'm planning for a patch review day then15:44
nigelbexpected date is May 5th, but if its bound to be a busy day, I'll have to make adjustments, so can people let me know your comments?15:44
LaserJockI thought that was "party 'til you're so drunk you rm -rf / yourself" time :-)15:45
micahgnigelb: core devs are usually trying to get the toolchain for next release in I think...15:45
nigelbLaserJock, can't do that in ubuntu anymore, its patched (test at your own risk though)15:46
nigelbmicahg, oww15:46
nigelbmicahg, but well, the targets are mostly MOTU plus hoping-to-be-MOTU15:46
nigelbif core-devs can give 1 hour of their time, I'd be happy :)15:47
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juliankmvo: I Just filed Bug #550934 with a merge directive15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550934 in software-center "Please merge software-center 1.1.21debian2 from Debian incoming (brings python-apt 0.8 API support)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55093415:55
juliankThere are no new features in it; so it should probably be OK.15:57
james_wdoko__: can you confirm binary or source in bug 549320 please?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549320 in ironpython "removal of the ironpython binary package in lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54932015:58
james_wit sounds like the title is wrong15:58
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jdstrandkirkland: fyi, the md/ext4 bug we talked about is bug #54361716:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 543617 in linux "very slow filesystem I/O" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54361716:23
doko__james_w: binary package only16:30
kirklandjdstrand: thx16:30
pittisbeattie: any chance you could give the karmic-proposed devicekit-disks a try? (bug 445852); that's pretty urgent, to avoid even more HD damage16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445852 in devicekit-disks "devkit-disks-probe-ata-smart causes HSM Violations on SSD, and potential hardware death" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44585216:31
pittisbeattie: i. e. the disk utility shouldn't show smart data any more, but automount etc. should still work16:31
james_wdoko__: eh? If the binary is built from dlr-languages we don't need to remove it16:32
sbeattiepitti: reading.16:32
doko__james_w: hmm, yes, I meant source :/ don't trust me, do the right thing ...16:33
james_wdoko__: ok, great, thanks16:33
pittisbeattie: don't bother reading the entire bug, though :) I'm happy to give you a summary if you need one16:33
sbeattiepitti: note that I don't have any ssds16:33
pittisbeattie: you don't need one; I think the main point of verification here is that the package still by and large works16:34
pittisbeattie: if you get an usb stick automounted, that should be sufficient16:34
pittisbeattie: the only change is disabling the smart prober in the udev rules (a text format), no code changes16:34
pittisbeattie: so we just need a quick check for "misbuilt/toolchain bug" etc.16:34
sbeattiepitti: okay. I'll get it done today.16:34
pittisbeattie: I. e. this is a quick stopgap workaround until we have a real fix16:35
bigonjames_w: for bug 549234 I have upload rights to universe actually16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549234 in hellanzb "Please sync hellanzb (0.13-6) from debian unstable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54923416:36
pittisbeattie: thanks, appreciated16:36
james_wbigon: well you didn't state that it should be synced so I missed it16:36
bigonoh I only changed the subject16:37
geserjames_w: bug #550262 updated16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550262 in db4.2 "Remove db4.2 from lucid" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55026216:37
james_wthanks genii16:39
barrydoes anybody know if it's possible to get more information out of the installer when a step like grub-install fails?16:43
james_wbarry: there's /var/log/installer IIRC that might help16:44
barryjames_w: ah, i found /var/log/syslog16:48
freepitti: ping16:49
jussi01pitti: ping16:51
jussi01free: hehe, he's a wanted man :)16:51
freejussi01: yeah.. :)16:52
pittifree, jussi01: contentless pong (please just ask the question, don't ping)16:52
freepitti: oh fine16:52
jussi01pitti:  could you take a look at the ircc thing here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/irc-council-lucid-plans and let me know where we went wrong that it says 0% here: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-community.html ?16:52
freepitti: so, upgrading from hardy to lucid doesn't seem to restart the old dbus service, so applications relying on dbus won't quite work before rebooting16:53
freepitti: is that expected or is it a bug?16:53
pittifree: after an upgrade, pretty much nothing will work16:54
pittiyou absolutely need to reboot after an upgrade16:54
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freepitti: I've tried to manually kill the old dbus and start the new and it worked though16:54
pittiit's expected, yes; we can't restart the system d-bus easily, and even less so the session ones16:54
freepitti: I see16:54
freepitti: the problem is that with the landscape-client we'd need a working dbus enviroment before and after the dist-upgrade16:55
freepitti: so I guess it would be very bad if we implemented some hackish workaround like the manual one above (killing the old dbus and starting the new one)16:56
pittijussi01: ah, the problem is that you arne't in the canonical community team, so your WIs won't appear there16:56
pittifree: that's the system d-bus, right?16:56
freepitti: rright16:56
pittifree: so, until hardy, stopping the system dbus would tear down your entire system16:56
pittifree: it doesn't do that any more in lucid, since we switched X.org from hal to udev16:57
freepitti: so that means the desktop would crash?16:57
pittiso I guess the desktop would survive it16:57
freepitti: anyway you wouldn't recommend it at all?16:57
pittibut it's still not been tested at all, and changing that at this point of the release cycle is too brittle IMHO16:57
freepitti: agreed16:57
pittifree: no, I wouldn't; there's much more than this which doesn't work after a system upgrade, I'm afraid; you do need a reboot16:58
james_wfree: what about dbus doesn't work after the upgrade?16:58
james_wfree: it should still be working, just the old version16:58
pittifree: but what does actually break?16:58
freepitti: alright, thannks for explaining16:58
freepitti, james_w: https://pastebin.canonical.com/29788/16:59
pittijussi01: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/all.html#jussi01 has your's, FYI16:59
freeI'm not very familiar with the dbus internals, but starting the newly installed dbus from lucid makes it work16:59
freenote that we're starting a different process17:00
freenot the old one which was connected to dbus *before* the ugprade17:00
james_wwell, "Failed: Success" is odd to start with17:00
freejames_w: yeah :/17:00
pittifree: right, that moved to /lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper17:00
pittibut the old d-bus would still try the old path17:01
pittias a workaround we could ship a symlink in lucid (which we could drop in lucid+1)17:01
freejames_w: I believe that comes from d-bus itself though, it's the exception text17:01
james_wyes, it's calling strerror(0) apparently17:01
jussi01pitti: ok, but why the 0% on there on the one I mentioned?17:02
freepitti: I'm gonna try to put the symlink manually as a start17:02
pittijussi01: it's just counting the WIs for people in that team17:03
pittifree: testing with the symlink is highly appreciated; if that works, I'm fine with adding that as an upgrade workaround17:03
pittifree: thanks for catching!17:03
* pitti -> dinner, bbl17:03
freepitti: and thanks for the hint!17:03
jussi01pitti: ahh, thanks17:05
ejatanyone know why this happen http://paste.ubuntu.com/406057/ ?17:10
chrisccoulsonejat, your file system has gone read only17:11
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* barry -> lunch17:37
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peciskkenvandine, ping?18:22
kenvandinepecisk, pong18:22
peciskkenvandine, take a change on patch? :)18:22
kenvandinepecisk, i haven't had a chance to try it yet... sorry18:22
kenvandinebeen chasing a pretty nasty bug in gwibber :/18:23
cndcjwatson: do you know how the initramfs is generated?18:25
amitkcnd: hehe, that's like asking Darwin if he knew about Biology18:26
cndamitk: just checking18:27
peciskkenvandine, will take a look later today? :)18:27
cndI need to figure out how to get a script into the initramfs18:27
kenvandinepecisk, yeah, will do :)18:27
peciskkenvandine, thanks. Keep rocking :)18:28
amitkcnd: putting it in /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts doesn't help?18:28
amitkand regenerating the initramfs, ofcourse18:28
cndamitk: I think the proper place is in /etc/initramfs-tools/hooks18:28
cndbut I can't seem to get stuff to get put in the initramfs when I invoke update-initramfs -k `uname -r` -u18:29
amitkcnd: then I'm out of ideas18:30
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lamontasac/ogra: buttercup/cushaw/gourd are online now, the remainder are probably post-8 april.  turning down kandis/korlan to start the migration19:17
cjwatsoncnd: if you're producing a package, the script that actually runs in the initramfs goes somewhere under /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/ depending on when it should run, and you normally also want a script in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/ that copies the relevant files in19:57
cndcjwatson: I figured my issue out, and I realized I didn't need to muck with changing anything in the initramfs19:58
cndthanks though19:58
cndcjwatson: however, I do have another issue if you have some time to help?19:58
cjwatsoncnd: I'm about to get pulled away to watch TV with the family, but you can leave a message and either somebody will beat me to it or I'll answer when I get back19:59
cndcjwatson: simple non-kernel package maintenance: We need to add a special modprobe.d file and script to be run when vga16fb tries to load20:00
cndI figured I'd stuff it into module-init-tools, since that's where the other modprobe.d stuff is20:00
cjwatsoncnd: I strongly, strongly advise discussing it with Keybuk first20:01
cndI'm not too familiar with the dev process outside of the ubuntu kernel, so I wanted to confirm that I should check the source out from lp, and then upload my changes to my own branch, and create a review for the branches?20:01
cjwatsonthat stuff is all very delicate and it's easy to compromise boot time20:01
cndcjwatson: agreed, though I'm trying to figure out the best way to show what I'm thinking20:01
cjwatsonsure, the process you describe is reasonable; the best branch to use depends on the circumstances of course20:02
cndyeah, ok20:02
cndcjwatson: thanks20:02
cjwatson(it's also perfectly fine to send ordinary patches if you want, though of course branches have the opportunity to be merged more smoothly)20:02
cndcjwatson: I'm partially curious to know how the foundations team usually works20:03
cndis it through lp branches and merge requests?20:03
cndor through patches?20:03
cjwatsoncnd: we're flexible20:09
cndcjwatson: cool20:10
cjwatsoncnd: the growing preference is to use bzr; we're not quite there yet across the board20:10
cndI think I prefer bzr+lp too20:10
cjwatsoncnd: mostly it's a question of having bzr imports of all the packages we work on, which is a big job - mostly there but not quite20:13
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arandcjwatson: What is the status of swap-onf-file atm? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-karmic-swapfile is old, still valid? Is hibernation-to-file the current blocker?20:21
jdstrandmvo: hi! so, I am running into bug #502641 (or a variant of it) but I have an up to date apt (
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502641 in apt "[Lucid] apt-get source always selects highest available version instead of the specified one" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50264120:47
mvojdstrand: thanks, could you add some details to the bugreport or create a new one? with sources.list and what exactly you run?20:49
jdstrandmvo: ok, I tried to file a bug and there were a bunch that looked the same, so I thought I'd ask. I'll file a new one and give it to you. thanks20:49
mvojdstrand: thanks, I know that its still not 100% where it was, but I would appreciate a good report to reproduce it20:54
cjwatsonarand: I think the status is documented in the spec; I don't know any more than that.  It's still valid though and I'd like us to do it at some point, so please don't close it out or anything like that21:05
arandcjwatson: Ah, cool, I was just wondering if there were any news in general, or a new bp or so.21:07
jdstrandmvo: bug #55117821:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551178 in apt "apt-get source pkg=version downloads the wrong version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55117821:09
jdstrandmvo: I attached both kees' sources.list and mine (we both are seeing this)21:10
mvojdstrand: thanks, that looks good, I hope I can reproduce it, you use file:// urls that I don't have access to21:12
jdstrandmvo: well, kees uses file://. I use a local debmirror21:12
jdstrandmvo: via http21:13
mvojdstrand: ok21:13
jdstrandmvo: I also use sources.list.d, and I put all mine in a tar.gz21:14
jdstrand(as an attachment in the bug)21:14
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mvojdstrand: thanks, I milestoned it21:16
jdstrandmvo: thanks! :)21:16
mvojdstrand: thanks for reporting :)21:18
jdstrandsure thing :)21:18
cjwatsonjbebel: you were right about it being partman-base's fault, but I was right that it was coincident with moving to parted 2.x rather than due to the alignment change. :-)21:35
Laneycjwatson: hey, the ubuntu-mono ML was deleted from the other team now, should be good to go21:35
cjwatsonLaney: excellent, that worked, pending confirmation21:36
Laneycjwatson: done it. Could you run that script now to subscribe the team to all of the packages? (do you want a link again?)21:37
cjwatsonLaney: link me please, yes21:38
Laneyok, one sec21:39
amanda1nice svhool21:40
Laneycjwatson: http://pastebin.com/NuNw7qGm21:40
dutchiehey folks, just looking at fixing bug 523822 in the "right" way. ought I use something in debian/patches, or should I just change the file in the main bit. (I've branched lp:ubuntu/<package>)21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523822 in software-center "software-center crashed with TypeError in __init__()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52382221:56
dutchiewhere <package> = aptdaemon21:56
dutchiehmm, looks like it may make more sense to file a bug on aptdaemon21:59
cjwatsondutchie: use whatever patching method is already in use in the package you're working on22:01
jbebelcjwatson, Good to know.  I'm glad you were able to reproduce it.22:03
dutchiecjwatson: it seems to be fixed in upstream aptdaemon22:05
dutchiealso, I'm enormously unfamiliar with patching systems22:05
cjwatsonjbebel: I actually didn't directly, but I'm close to certain that my fix will cover it given what I now understand of the problem22:05
cjwatsonjbebel: also, I've just done a successful end-to-end test of automatic LVM+encryption partitioning with my change22:06
jbebelExcellent.  I look forward to testing it as well.22:06
cjwatsonwell, successful modulo some text being spat out at boot time that shouldn't be, but I'm going to declare that Not My Problem for today22:08
* cjwatson wonders if we should silence the LVM fd leak warnings for lucid release22:08
jbebelIt would make it less frightening.22:10
cjwatsonLaney: done, seemed to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/406184/22:11
Laneycjwatson: thanks a lot, +packagebugs looks good now22:12
Laneythat script might be useful for you in the future for other similar teams22:12
cjwatsonyeah, I'll keep it lying around22:12
sebnerLaney: cjwatson : \o/22:14
cjwatsonslangasek: cryptsetup's passphrase prompt is displayed as "Enter passphrase: :********" in the plymouth details plugin, which isn't too pretty.  Is that a bug in cryptsetup or plymouth or both?22:17
slangasekcjwatson: I thought those LVM fd leak warnings *were* silenced once upon a time, and have since regressed22:17
slangasekcjwatson: "isn't too pretty" - the double colon?22:17
cjwatsonwell, I fixed the fd leak warning induced by cryptsetup, at any rate22:18
slangasekI think that's a plymouth bug22:18
cjwatsonso the interface is meant to involve passing a string terminated by ": "?22:18
slangasekIMHO the presence or absence of a trailing colon should be up to the caller22:19
slangasekand in this case, certainly, I think it's a bug to have :*** with no space after the colon that details.so is appending22:19
dutchiedoes "bzr push lp:~jshholland/ubuntu/aptdaemon/fix-beginn" look right for pushing a fix to lp:ubuntu/aptdaemon?22:19
cjwatsonslangasek: well, yes ...22:19
cjwatsondutchie: lp:~jshholland/ubuntu/lucid/aptdaemon/fix-beginn22:19
dutchieok, thanks22:19
slangasekcjwatson: for comparison, the ubuntu-logo theme does not append a colon there, and I think we still want it22:20
slangasekcjwatson: but I'm happy to be persuaded that I have no sense of aesthetics instead :)22:20
cjwatsonnote that lp:ubuntu/aptdaemon is an alias for lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/aptdaemon/lucid - the fully-qualified pattern is lp:~OWNER/DISTRIBUTION/SERIES/PACKAGE/BRANCHNAME22:20
cjwatsonslangasek: I don't care either way22:20
dutchieOK, pushed. Will it end up being reviewed, or do I need to subscribe someone or do a merge request?22:21
cjwatsondutchie: you'll need to file a merge request if you want anyone to see it; nobody is automatically told about new branches22:21
Laneydo you need to subscribe sponsors to merge requests?22:21
* Laney has never done it from that side22:22
Laneyah, you request a review from them22:22
cjwatsonthe merge request UI asks you for a reviewer22:22
dutchieis this even if I committed with --fixes?22:23
Laneythat just links it to the bug report22:23
Laneyyou need to ask for sponsorship too22:23
cjwatsonlinking it to the bug report will cause mail to be sent22:23
cjwatsonso explicitly asking isn't quite so required, but it doesn't hurt to get your change onto the organised sponsorship list anyway22:24
dutchieso file a merge request?22:24
LaneyI guess it depends who will read that mail22:25
Laneybut yes, that's safe22:25
sebnerLaney: you uploaded mono yourself?22:37
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
sebnerLaney: cool :)22:39
Laneyhopefully we can sync again soon22:40
Laneywould have done this time, but with ries (ftpmaster) being down, ...22:40
sebnerLaney: yeah, I heard it might be back tomorrow22:41
Laneystarts getting close to freeze time22:41
slangasekLaney: yay, thanks for the mismatch-cleaning upload :)22:42
Laneyno worries22:42
=== donny is now known as hdon
jdstrandkees: fyi, the hard lockup when doing lvm snapshotting bug is bug #55126423:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551264 in linux "lvm dies while snapshoting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55126423:11
keesjdstrand: okay, cool.23:12
cjwatsonmarjo: any chance http://people.canonical.com/~marjomercado/isotestingbugs.html could be updated?23:34

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