
Invisrchey anyone here00:07
mkarnickiyeah, me :D00:14
mkarnickibut i was also waiting for 'somebody' - it's rather silent here00:14
mkarnickiso i'm idleing to see any discussions :)00:15
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awolfsonlool, Hi. I followed instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Ports and created a full system emulation environment. What is the command to boot from created hda disk15:33
loolawolfson: Did it install a kernel?16:15
loolawolfson: Easiest: drop -initrd and add root=/dev/sda or sda1 do your -append16:16
awolfsonInstallation finished, but how can I check?16:16
loolawolfson: Most correct: write a script which loop-mounts the disk, copies the installed kernel and initrd out of it into the host, umounts, and boots this16:16
awolfsonlool, how boot command looks like, I did not find it in that wiki16:17
loolawolfson: e.g. qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 256 -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel vmlinuz -hda sda.qcow2 -append "mem=256M root=/dev/sda1"16:18
loolawolfson: What's missing from the landscape here is a means to abstract this away from the user; that mean could be a wrapper script as I mention earlier, but you can try the above approach which should work but wont allow you to use an initrd for instance16:19
awolfson qemu-system-arm -boot -M versatilepb -m 256 -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel EXTRACTED_KERNEL -initrd EXTRACTED_INITRD -hda sda.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1 mem=256M"16:20
awolfsonlool, is it correct?16:20
loolawolfson: That looks correct, yes; if you're using an initrd you can also use a more clever root=16:21
loolawolfson: For instance, one can use UUIDs in root= for initrd boots, so you could use a fixed string referencing your root fs without mentionning the hardware device (sda)16:21
loolawolfson: If you develop such a script, or want help developing one, I'm happy to assist16:21
loolOne way to mount partitioned devices is with losetup + kpartx16:22
loolawolfson: There's also one completely different approach which is related to kexec, but that's another story16:22
awolfsonlool, how about GUI wrappers around QEMU - are they any good?16:22
loolawolfson: But first, you should test with the manual command-line16:22
loolawolfson: GUI is another topic; the way I'd propose to solve the GUI problem is by integrating the boot script into libvirt; libvirt allows you to define new types of virtual machines (e.g. "QEMU ARM machine") and how to boot them16:23
loolawolfson: So we could add a libvirt config for this, and use the libvirt GUI tools (virt-viewer)16:23
awolfsonlool, Unfortuntely I don't know anything about libvirt :(16:24
loolawolfson: So to recap, what I'd do if I were you now: a) test manually16:24
loolb) automate extraction16:24
loolc) look into libvirt integration16:24
loolthat's by increasing order of complexity16:24
loolawolfson: It's ok, libvirt is what we use for all Ubuntu vms and containers stuff, it's well documented and in use in e.g. UEC16:25
loolawolfson: But libvirt is quite high level still; first make sure things work for you   :-)16:25
awolfsonlool, OK give me couple of hours, I need to finish something and will give a,b,c a try16:26
loolawolfson: Great; ttyl16:27
awolfsonlool, One more question - do I need "-boot" in the command?16:27
loolawolfson: No16:29
loolawolfson: it starts the kernel when you pass -kernel16:29
loolawolfson: -boot is for e.g. when you have a memory holder where the emulated BIOS can read your boot device i16:30
awolfsonlool, System boots up to the login: prompt. I created user ubuntu, passwd ubuntu user. It accepts it but just ends up with new login prompt16:53
awolfsonlool, I tried to loop mount sda.qcow2 but was not able to. fdisk -l sda.qcow2 reports no partition table. I guess it is normal16:54
loolawolfson: Oh right, you're using a .qcow2, that's a bit more complex16:55
loolawolfson: I didn't think of that when advising loop mounting16:55
loolawolfson: So what's the error when you're logging in with ubuntu/ubuntu?16:56
loolawolfson: Concerning loop-mounting, there are two ways: either use qemu-nbd (which will serve your QEMU disk image files -- whatever the format -- as nbd devices you can mount), or convert your image to raw (with qemu-img for instance016:57
awolfsonlool, there is no error it just goes back to login: after printing welcome message16:57
loolawolfson: Problem of raw images is that they take a lot of space16:57
loolawolfson: Something must be failing then16:57
loolawolfson: You could pass "init=/bin/sh" on the -append line and debug from there16:58
awolfsonI can boot in single user mode by adding single to -append16:58
loolawolfson: e.g. you could run "su - ubuntu" or check the system log from the shell it spawns16:58
awolfsonI tried it but there was nothing special in the log16:58
loolawolfson: Did you check auth.log?16:59
loolawolfson: You could try su - ubuntu, or even running a getty16:59
awolfsonlool, authentication failure for user ubuntu :(17:01
loolawolfson: Are you sure you didn't mistype the password?17:01
loolawolfson: Try changing it17:01
lool(perhaps you mistyped it during install that is)17:01
awolfsonlool, I tried misstype the passwd - i am getting error message in that case. I am adduser from the root shell now17:02
awolfsonlool, I added ubuntu1 passwd ubuntu1 from the root shell - it goes to the login loop again17:04
awolfsonlool, You just install it like it is instructed in a wiki page and it worked? Right?17:04
loolawolfson: I didn't actually try a full install, but that should work yes17:05
loolawolfson: if it doesn't it's a bug, but it might not be trivial to debug remotely17:05
loolawolfson: So if it says authentication failure, it sounds like a PAM-level issue; you could dive into PAM debug options17:06
awolfsonlool, BTW among other things, however unlikely - this is a network install - may be something wrong in initrd image17:06
awolfsonlool, I will return to it in couple of hours. I have single user console so it is probably not specifc to QEMU at that point17:07
loolawolfson: If all else fails, upload your .qcow2 somewhere and I could take a look17:09
awolfsonlool, also I found how to mount qcow2 image (So far did not work for me) so may be I shall start from extracting initrd and kernel?17:10
awolfsonlool, qcow2 is 1.1G I could enable remote desktop on my laptop if necessary17:11
loolawolfson: As you wish, but I'm at a customer site today and tomorrow, then hotel, then on leave17:12
loolso hard for me to stay on line17:12
* lool disappears17:12
awolfsonlool, OK i brb17:12
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