[04:25] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from shazbotmcnasty) [08:21] In ubottu, febo said: My device is not listed there... the closest one is: Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_(Ralink_rt73_driver) [08:29] good morning [08:42] morning [09:30] topyli, jussi01, tsimpson, seveas found http://i.imgur.com/HL1ZR.jpg to be an appropriate thing to link -ot to. Could one of you have a word with him please [09:38] elky: I'm going to bring this up with the other ircc members, I doubt he'll listen to just one of us asking him to behave and I feel some sort of "official" action is required [09:39] imo, he's been stepping over the line a lot lately, and if he was anyone else something would have been done [09:39] which is not a valid excuse for nothing being done... [09:39] yeah, and i don't feel like invoking his fanclub right now [10:16] Tm_T: Tm_T... I found your new plasma theme... :D http://ivan.fomentgroup.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/ascii1.png [10:18] jussi01: believe or not, I've been designing something that kind [10:18] Tm_T: yeah, I beleive you.... [10:27] Peoples, If I may remind you all to contribute to the OP guide at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nhandler/OperatorGuide [10:28] We still have some empty categories [10:28] You all have wiki rights, so please, lets see some edits :) [10:32] "rule #1 Dont do like I do" [10:32] * Tm_T hides [10:59] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:59] FloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [10:59] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) === Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker === Seeker is now known as Seeker` [14:45] is the ban list full again? [14:48] nope, looks fine [14:55] oh, that reminds me [15:09] the webchat took in the order of minutes to sync so i could quit it, it's probably being hammered [15:25] martian called the ops in #ubuntu () [15:25] Nosferatu called the ops in #ubuntu () [15:49] is there an ubottu command that talks about some topic making someone uncomfortable? [15:49] !stop [15:49] NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. [15:49] hmm [15:50] perhaps there better ones, but that's the one I know [15:50] i searched the factoids db, didn't see anything [15:50] where do I recommend an ubottu edit? [15:51] just spout them to ubottu and they will be directed to here [15:51] Trek: or, discuss in -irc about 'em [15:51] *shrugs* so I could just go to -irc and bother them? [15:52] that works for me :P [17:08] is @lart broke [17:08] on ubottu [17:08] oh, it was removed...? [17:08] Trek: Just off I guess. [17:09] *shrugs* [17:09] i guess someone issued the command unload lart [17:09] !lart [17:09] LART has been disabled in this bot. [17:09] figures [17:09] i wonder who disabled it... [17:09] *shrugs* [17:09] o/ [17:10] *stares at jussi01 with a blank expression on his face* [17:10] er... [17:10] s/blank/neutral [17:10] Trek: is there an issue? [17:11] not really, just wondering why it was turned off, I kind of liked the larts it had [17:11] not that I like lartting [17:11] just that it had some good larts in its database [17:11] *goes off to find a copy of the Ubottu lart database* [17:11] Trek: #ubuntu-irc is a better place for this discussion [17:11] yah i know [17:11] i'm just talking is all :P [17:11] i'm leaving now anyways [18:04] Trek: what can I help you with? [18:04] i was going to ask whether Ubottu was lagging, it took a few minutes to respond to a PN [18:04] PM* [18:05] i chalked it up to high network congestion [18:05] sorry for dropping in [20:22] is anyone watching the #ubuntu channel for unruly peoples? [20:23] we could use an op to talk someone down [20:24] Trek called the ops in #ubuntu (nikolam_ is being unruly (in my opinion) in #ubuntu) [20:28] dealt with [20:32] anybody had problems with nikolam recently? [20:35] TheSheep: ^^ [20:35] TheSheep: in otherwords, yes [20:36] * jussi01 prods at mneptok [20:40] * jussi01 goes to bed [20:41] jussi01: sleep well [20:42] nikolam: yes? [20:42] nikolam: you were banned after repeated attempts to inform you of channel policies were met with "go away" [20:43] nikolam: this tells me you're not listening to the advice, will not follow the policies, and are dismissive of and unconcerned with the channel guidelines. [20:43] why am I on this channel? I am not op. [20:43] nikolam: i banned you from #ubuntu, and forwarded you here. [20:43] mneptok, I never kicked in LIFE from channel [20:44] And I was always polite. I was telling messages from bot are annoying. [20:44] nikolam: well, that just changed, due to your dismissive attitude. [20:44] And numerous people incuding you find that amusing. [20:44] 13:22 < nikolam_> mneptok, please GO AWAY [20:44] My attitude is> [20:44] 13:24 < nikolam_> mneptok, go away, with messages, will you [20:45] that is not polite. [20:45] Bots are annoying. I like people better. [20:45] And no, when someone spamming me with messages for no reaseon thta is not polite. [20:45] i am a person. and when i told you politely what the channel rules are, you told me to "go away" [20:46] I think channel rules are also do not spam people on channel and you are doing it. [20:46] Ok, I am stoping this conversation [20:46] as is your perogative. [20:46] You acted very much wrong [20:46] nikolam: trying to tell you how the channel runs is not spamming [20:47] And I have no reason to continue being stupid [20:47] Tm_T, well, when 7 people tryes to "help" you about thayt, including Bot messages, that is mostly that [20:47] all i did is ONCE changed nick i were not changing for Eons [20:48] ok, have a good nighs [20:48] night [20:48] nikolam: you could have replied, "OK, sorry. i did not know that nick changes for /away were not welcome. i will stop." and the discussion would have ended. [20:48] *sigh* [20:48] * TheSheep remarks upon the paradox of messaging someone who you think is a bot to go away [20:49] nikolam: do you wish to discuss this issue further? [20:50] yes and no. Not now . other time perhaps. [20:50] then please leave this channel until you are ready t talk about it. notice the /topic [20:51] I leaved it i think I mistakingly joined. Can I join on ubuntu now? [20:51] no. [20:51] reason? [20:52] because you are still dismissive of the rules, and do not see any problem with your behavior when people are trying to inform you of the rules. [20:52] I am not dismissive to the rules [20:52] And yes I find spamming about rules annoying after 2-3 years on channel [20:53] when someone tells you "this is the rule" the correct response is not "GO AWAY" [20:53] I did nothing wrong [20:53] When people spam you with messages and you actually do not know who is op, then it is. [20:53] /msg ChanServ access #ubuntu list [20:54] Maybe next time i should respond back with Pvt with that, i see [20:54] nikolam: the answer is never "go away" [20:54] 13:24 < Trek> !op | nikolam_ is being unruly (in my opinion) in #ubuntu [20:54] 13:24 < ubottu> nikolam_ is being unruly (in my opinion) in #ubuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [20:54] Tm_T, is that something wrong. I see maybe someone would think it about channel , i see [20:54] after that i said: [20:55] 13:24 < mneptok> nikolam_: this channel has a policy of discouraging nick changes for /away status. once again, please abide by channel policy. [20:55] * Amaranth shakes his fist at mneptok [20:55] to which you responded: [20:55] 13:24 < nikolam_> mneptok, go away, with messages, will you [20:55] mneptok, maaaan please i think it enough for one day [20:55] nikolam: so, if you had been reading carefully, you would have known that an op was informing you of the rules. [20:55] you simply wont let me on ubuntu and to end this [20:56] I think that sub-analyzing someones every move is ridiculous [20:56] I now understand your resoning [20:56] Still dont thing you are right to kick. ban me [20:57] you are entitled to your opinion. we are entitled to enforce channel policies. not only the /away nick change policy, but the CoC and the IRC Guidelines. [20:57] and thats it [20:57] please let me back on channel, if not, thats your choice [20:57] i dont want to talk all day about channel policies [20:57] and telling people to "GO AWAY" is not in line with either the CoC or IRC Guidelines [20:57] you are whong. [20:57] eod [20:58] nikolam, sorry to interfere, but it's not a right, it's a duty. it's easy to follow the rules and that's all [20:58] aww [21:01] please stop redirecting me here [21:01] I am not an op [21:19] stop trying to join a channel you're banned from and it won't happen. [21:21] mneptok: Remove the forward? [21:22] agreed, he knows the way here [21:23] go for it. i have to run a mission to the USPS. [21:23] anyone is welcome to adjust that ban of mine to remove the forward. [21:25] ya hear that, kurt? you're "whong"! [21:27] nikolam: if you stop trying to join channels you're banned from, you won't end up here [21:29] nikolam: also, the ban wont be removed until you have discussed about it to satisfaction [21:30] why +r #ubuntu? [21:34] nhandler: is the +r in #ubuntu on purpose? [21:35] No [22:40] hey how come I'm banned from offtopic? [22:40] last time I could go there and that was like a couple weeks back, I still had access before i logged off [22:41] Could someone help me? [22:59] @login [22:59] The operation succeeded. [22:59] @btlogin [22:59] nikolam_: hi [23:00] just a second cached [23:03] cached, your ip has been banned [23:09] cached, you were banned back when you were still called cyberbluntz [23:20] @mark cyberbluntz 's ip returning as 'cached', seemingly oblivious of reason to ban. no idea if same guy or different [23:20] The operation succeeded. [23:21] hrm. can you change those? i should have added the channel (-ot) [23:21] meh [23:22] @mark cyberbluntz #ubuntu-offtopic ip returning to -ops as 'cached', seemingly oblivious of reason to ban. no idea if same guy or different [23:22] The operation succeeded. [23:22] topyli: we need some tool for op stuff, similar what lernid is for meetings&stuff [23:22] topyli: where we can click easily those ban stuff [23:23] Tm_T, we have tools, thry're just not topyli-friendly enough [23:23] Tm_T, now you're talking [23:23] :) [23:23] I've been talking all the time? [23:23] * Tm_T hides [23:24] we have people like t simpson who absolutely rocks the bots and other tools, we'll be fine as long as we don't let them sleep [23:26] * genii breaks out the extra-caffeinated coffee [23:26] genii: meeting in 30 minutes [23:26] :) [23:27] Tm_T: in #u-meeting ? [23:27] * genii checks the fridge [23:28] genii: yes [23:28] OK [23:28] night-owls european team meeting [23:29] topyli: But I'm a North American! [23:32] genii, you're still welcome to any party i'm sure! [23:32] Hah, OK [23:36] someone might like to look #u if I'm not awake [23:38] I just banned "amanda1" from #k for hit-n-run URL spam some pages at www.mdhjakten.se > Just a heads up they may migrate to some other channels [23:39] he is in #u [23:39] thanks [23:41] bah