
nigelbakgraner, thank you (was asleep, just waking up :) )00:38
nhandlerakgraner: I got around to listening to you on FLOSS Weekly. It was an interesting episode00:44
akgranernhandler, thanks - well interesting means so many things :-)  I hope that is a good interesting00:45
nhandlerakgraner: Yep. It was a nice episode. I got a different sort of perspective about the women in the community. I'm still jealous that I don't qualify for any of these great prize packs you all are giving out ;)00:50
akgranernhandler, ;-P00:51
dholbachgood morning08:29
=== bekabug_ is now known as bekabug
Pendulumhypa7ia, maco: ping?23:02
hypa7iaPendulum: sup!23:05
Pendulumyou were interested in the AAC project, right?23:05
PendulumI'm asking for kinda 2 reasons23:06
hypa7iaremind me what it is?23:06
Pendulum(that got discussed at my membership meeting)23:06
* hypa7ia has a brain like a sieve these days23:06
hypa7iaoh right!23:06
hypa7iayes yes yes23:06
Pendulum1) we're getting closer to a point where we'll be looking for more people and I wanted to check to see who was still interested23:07
Pendulumand 2) I think I just volunteered to help resurrect the accessibility team and I wasn't sure if your interest was AAC specific, or general accessibility specific23:08
hypa7iai'm interested in accessibility in general23:10
PendulumI may poke you for stuff on that at some point23:13
PendulumI'm in a weird position where I was trying not to be interested in ubuntu accessibility (just because I *have to* be interested in accessibility everywhere else in my life) and then I started having too many fine motor problems so it became a priority23:13
Pendulumand I discovered that the team mostly didn't exist anymore and hadn't really done much in years23:14
Pendulumwhich I think needs to be fixed23:14
Pendulumso I'm going to do something about it23:14
hypa7iaPendulum: i'm happy to help where i can.  while it sucks that it has to be you taking it on, i'm glad you're feeling up to it :)23:22
Pendulumhypa7ia: nothing gets me energy like feeling like I can fix some marginalization ;)23:23
Pendulumor at least make things slightly easier for the next person23:23
Pendulumnot to mention that as far as I can tell all the wiki.ubuntu.com documentation for accessibility stuff is for 6.06 or earlier. which really should be fixed23:24
hypa7iawow, yeah23:25
PendulumI suspect it's a matter of that's where people have their stable set-ups23:26
Pendulumespecially as from mailing list stuff it sounds like gnome is removing some of the stuff that makes orca work so accessibility may be very broken for lucid or lucid+1 for people with visual impairments23:26
hypa7iaoh no :(23:28
hypa7iasucks that it's happening at lucid23:28
PendulumI know :(23:29
hypa7iawhich is also an LTS release23:29
IdleOnecan someone remind me the ubuntu translations team #?23:35
IdleOneGood evening btw :-)23:36
Pendulumhi IdleOne23:37
IdleOnethank you Pendulum :-)23:37
IdleOneand hello23:37
IdleOnePendulum: have you done much translation and would you suggest I translate an entire page of a wiki and then post or do a little at a time and have the page live?23:52
IdleOneright now I am not sure how I should procede :/23:53
IdleOnehaving the page live makes it ugly if not completely done23:53
IdleOnebut if I say work on one page how do I let other people know that I am working on it to avoid doubling of efforts23:54
* IdleOne took a big bite and now is trying to figure out how to chew and not spit it out :)23:55
IdleOneI guess I could put a place holder on the wiki page with info that it is being worked on by me and ask other users to do the same23:57
PendulumPendulum: I have done no translation work. I'm only fluent in English and as the only other language I know is French and there are many more much better French speakers than I, I'd rather just let them do it than need them to fix my mistakes ;)23:57
PendulumIdleOne: ^^23:57
IdleOnePendulum: well I was asking more about what you thought the best way to procede would be.23:57
Pendulumis this on the UW wiki?23:58
IdleOnebut yeah if you feel like jumping in and doing some translation of the UW-wiki.org that would be great :)23:58
IdleOneerr wiki-UW.org23:59
IdleOnebut yes23:59
Pendulumdo you care if other people work on the same page as long as there's no overlap in actual translation?23:59
* IdleOne failed at simplifying the wiki link :/23:59

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