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duanedesigno had NoScript blocking Google Analytics. This resulted in the blue info circle not being visible in webUI04:39
duanedesigni could still put the mouse where it was supposed to be and the tooltip would come up. Will test it a bit more in the morning04:41
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TeTeTon Lucid my ubuntuone contacts don't show up in evolution anymore. Where to check?10:05
duanedesignhello TeTeT10:06
TeTeThi duanedesign10:07
duanedesignare there any other symptoms. like evolution taking lots of cpu when you try and access Contacts?10:09
TeTeTduanedesign: yes, the evolution-data-server goes up to 100% at times10:10
duanedesignTeTeT: aha10:10
duanedesignTeTeT: ok. me and rye  were just discussing this, lets see..there it is bug 54861110:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548611 in evolution-couchdb "Evolution Data Server consumes 100% CPU if desktopcouch was autostarted" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54861110:12
ryerodrigo_, ^10:12
duanedesignrye: i gguess the question now is why desktopcouch is not starting?10:13
ryeduanedesign, desktopcouch _is_ starting, but e-d-s does not believe that and starts consuming all the CPU10:13
duanedesignor why its not starting before evolution opens10:14
duanedesignohhh, i see10:14
TeTeTI can see desktop-couch running with ps10:15
ryeTeTeT, yup, could you please try to shut down evolution completely now - evolution --force-shutdown10:15
TeTeTrye: done10:15
ryeTeTeT, and then start it again and switch to addressbook view. In case you see your contacts now, and e-d-s does not consume all your CPU then this is confirmed10:15
TeTeTrye: it now sees my u1 contacts10:16
ryeduanedesign, something is wrong with clients accessing desktopcouch when it is autostarted10:16
ryeI wonder whether only glib are affected or python ... no, python ones are not10:20
comzoneHi. Does some one know if the service Ubuntu one use encryption on there filesystem?10:40
Chipacacomzone: your data is not stored encrypted, no10:51
comzoneoh, hoped that ;-) Thaks10:54
EmryWill newer versions of Ubuntu One be backported? :)11:13
PaulGitvds: ping11:27
vdsPaulGit: pong11:27
PaulGitvds: Morning! Just wandering if you have had a chance to look at the contact sync duplication issue? More than happy to do more testing if required.11:28
vdsPaulGit: sorry I don't have news for you I had to work on an urgent problem we had11:28
PaulGitvds: No problem.  Just thought I would ask! :)11:29
vdsPaulGit: it's on the top of my list, if there will be no other emergency I'll take a look today11:30
PaulGitvds: Great! :)11:31
ChipacaEmry: they are11:45
EmryChipaca, Cool.  Do they plan to add commands to do things such as rescanning the repo and things like that? ^_^11:45
ChipacaEmry: they always have11:46
* Emry THINKS his install is working at the moment. :)11:46
ChipacaEmry: the u1sdtool has had that ability since its inception11:46
* Chipaca wonders why he's speaking in 3rd person11:46
EmryIs the documentation for that someplace intuitive to find? :)11:47
EmryI ask in that way because I haven'11:47
ChipacaEmry: u1sdtool is a commandline tool that lets you tinker with a lot of stuff for which we haven't got a usable gui11:47
ChipacaEmry: 'man u1sdtool'?11:47
EmryI ask in that way because I haven't actually seen it yet, and knowing where to find it is important.11:47
EmryChipaca, :P That makes sense, but I didn't know that u1sdtool was an existing application.11:48
ChipacaEmry: to get the 'backports', you need to be using one of our ppas11:48
ChipacaEmry: but u1sdtool has been there forever. It's grown features along the way, of course11:49
EmryIn this one instance,  given the nature of the product (i.e. it is actually a product/service), people not knowing where the tools are or what the tools are could be concidered a bug.11:49
EmryChipaca, Thanks for the info.  O.o I think I shoulod say now that I am not being argumentative. :) I am greatful for you pointing me to the program.  :) I just wanted to give some input as well.11:50
EmryI think I should follow the links in the  channel topic and see what all is there. ^_^11:50
EmryI realise that the product is still basically in beta (And I am still a subscriber anyway! :P), so I am not one to wig out if things don't do exactly what I think they should do. ^_^11:52
ChipacaEmry: we'd still like to know what you think it should do; maybe we think it's ok like it is :)11:54
EmryAlso... Dumb question, but what does PPA mean?11:54
EmryAnd another comment.  Given the nature of Ubuntu (i.e. geared towards the average user, not just the experts) a manpage for man ubuntuone might be a good thing. :)11:57
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.12:00
EmryI will go read that real quick. :P12:13
EmrySo, to find out about the PPA's for ubuntuone, would I go to launchpad.net/ubutnuone?12:15
ryeEmry, I believe this is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/beta12:21
Emry:P Now to decide if I should play with beta... ^____^12:22
ryeEmry, alternatively, you can upgrade to Lucid and there will be beta all around you :)12:24
EmryI am thinking of doing that on my laptop. hehehe. :P12:24
EmryI have noticed that since ATI went open source, things got much better on the graphic support side of things. ^^;;12:25
duanedesignEmry: if you upgrade to the beta the first thing you will probablly notice is there is no more applet12:26
Emryduanedesign, Did they do away with the applet in Lucid, or is it still in the works?12:27
duanedesignEmry: yes they did away with it, ratger it is replaced by the preferences window accesible with the 'Me Menu'12:28
duanedesignEmry: In Karmic you can access it with System > Preferences > Ubuntu one12:28
Emryduanedesign, Ah, they made it a core part of the system then.  I think I heard that they were going to do that. ^_^12:28
ryeduanedesign, Emry, yes, applet is missing and it does not auto-start syncing, for now12:34
ChipacaEmry: not a core part of the system. But integrated via the hooks the system has for that.12:36
EmryOverall, I like the direction that Ubuntu is going.  The extra interaces that they are adding in will make it more comfortable for the less experienced users. :P12:37
EmryI know some people complain that it is becoming more like Windows or more like Mac, but I think that is a good thing in many ways ^^12:37
Emry:P Oh, what is the status on the Music store? ^_^12:38
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duanedesignEmry: it is working in Lucid. I think they 'fliiped the switch' last Monday.12:55
Emryduanedesign, Cool.  :) I should go find the URL for the web page. :)13:03
EmryOne of the main reasons I still have a windows install is iTunes, and music is half of that. ^_^13:04
duanedesignEmry: the music selection is very nice in the U1MS13:05
EmryYeah, I heard they partnered with one of the clearing houses.  :)13:06
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Emryrebooting into a real OS13:41
allenapI'm having problems with the U1MS. In fact, with U1 in general now. I bought an album yesterday, two tracks synced okay, then no more.14:24
allenapI went into the U1 preferences. There were 4 or 5 entries for the same machine in the devices tab. I removed all of them!14:25
allenapHit a few promising buttons (Connect, Restart, ...), but nothing.14:26
allenapNext I tried killing all desktopcouch and u1 processes, removing all settings in my home directory, then restarting, but nothing seems to work quite right.14:27
allenapIn the u1 settings, on the first tab, it showed no details of my account.14:27
allenapThe purchase does appear in one.ubuntu.com, so I know it's there.14:28
ryeallenap, hi, I joined right before you said "Next I tried killing all desktopcouch and u1 processes" - I believe filesync is not working for you, right?14:28
allenaprye: Hi. I wrote "I'm having problems with the U1MS. In fact, with U1 in general now. I bought an album yesterday, two tracks synced okay, then no more.  I went into the U1 preferences. There were 4 or 5 entries for the same machine in the devices tab. I removed all of them! Hit a few promising buttons (Connect, Restart, ...), but nothing." before what you've seen already.14:30
ryeallenap, ok, I believe you have a token in gnome-keyring now that ... what does u1sdtool --status say?14:31
ryeallenap, if that's auth_failed then you will need to open Applications / Accessories /Passwords and Encryption Keys (seahorse) and remove "UbuntuOne Token for https://ubuntuone.com"14:32
allenaprye: Ah ha, okay, I suspected something like that; that's why I purged everything.14:33
ryeafter that "Connect" should trigger reconnection to the service, you will get your browser opened to add the machine to the account.14:33
janimofiles, tomboy notes and apps usinf counchdb are 3 tehnologically different ways of syncing right?14:34
janimoso couchdb is not needed at all for file and tomboy syncing IIUC14:35
ryeallenap, before you restore it to a working condition, could you please pastebin the contents of your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log* - these files will contain names of your files that are being synced, let me know if this is an issue?14:35
ryejanimo, files syncing do not depend on couchdb, UbuntuOne servers implement snowy protocol that is used by tomboy to sync the notes (until it learns how to write notes to couchdb directly)14:36
allenaprye: I purged everything comprehensively enough that I don't have them any more, sorry. I've already deleted the token too, so it's not going to be easy to replicate.14:36
janimorye, thanks, that's what I understood14:36
janimorye: so integrating tomboy with desktopcouch is planned, and considered a better way of doing things?14:37
ryeallenap, ok, that's fine, after you remove the token - try to use ubuntuone-preferences to reconnect14:37
janimois the current tomboy REST API matched by what desktopcouch can provide already?14:38
ryejanimo, hm, I am afraid that I cannot find any proof that this was discussed (re - tomboy to couchdb) :-/14:39
ryejanimo, the server-side, one.ubuntu.com/notes/ provides tomboy REST API, desktopcouch is pretty much a framework that wraps couchdb so that it can be started per-user and python libraries to access couchdb without much hassle14:41
janimowhat I did not understand is that as it is now done (or planned) with bookmarks and contacts, will notes  also be a counchdb-backed cross-application data14:42
janimoor will it stay REST aPI only14:43
janimoas there seems to be at least some overlap (in functionality if not techincally) between desktopcocuh replication and tomboy REST API14:43
allenaprye: Okay, it's connected, and the Account tab of Ubuntu One Preferences makes sense. The Devices tab has two entries for the same machine, one above the Limit Bandwidth Usage area and the Disconnect and Restart buttons, and one below, both with Remove buttons. Also, syncdaemon.log shows that it's been running for 10 minutes but there's no sign of my files, only the default shared files.14:48
ryeallenap, does u1sdtool --waiting-meta show any items?14:49
allenaprye: ListDir(...) then about 20 lines of Query.14:50
ryeallenap, u1sdtool --waiting-meta | wc -l  should show the number of lines in the output - that should be gradually decreasing, is that the case for you?14:51
allenaprye: Yep, it's down to 14 Query lines.14:53
beunojanimo, contacts, notes and bookmarks are all couchdb-backed14:53
janimotomboy notes? are you sure?14:53
janimois tomboy not using a direct connection to u1 without any couchcb?14:53
janimono dependence on or couchdb related code in tomboy14:53
ryebeuno, I believe janimo was talking that having tomboy notes syncing via separate protocol (and then being stored in couchdb) is more complex that it needs to be14:54
janimorye, where are they stored in couchdb?14:54
janimoon the U1 servers? or at the user?14:54
ryejanimo, http://blog.rtg.in.ua/2010/02/ubuntu-one-internals-notes.html14:54
janimorye, thanks, I'll read it14:55
ryehm, is there lucid countdown thing? My 9.10 image is a bit outdated14:56
ryejanimo, you are welcome!14:56
janimorye: ok, I have missed this details so far. Notes come back from U1 to the user's local couchdb.15:10
ryejanimo, unless bug #542993 is encountered15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542993 in ubuntuone-servers "CouchDB replication is broken: Server responds "function_clause" error" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54299315:11
janimoI can see the benefit of that, but makes me wonder if there's any reason not to do this directly, apart from the fact that the REST API code was already written in tomboy and was the easiest route15:11
autarchI bought an album at the music store, then I attempted to move the files to a differnet directory15:27
autarchthat worked, but one of the tracks seems to be missing, and I can't figure out how to re-download the music15:28
autarchthe store says its tranferring my u1 storage, but it's been saying that for days15:28
jcastroautarch: go to #u1msbeta please!15:30
jcastroI have the same problem15:30
EmryIs there a support channel for the music store?15:45
allenaprye: I forgot to say thanks earlier, so thanks :) It's working now. It eventually took about 1h20m to download everything, which is a little slow I guess for ~360MB, but it's done anyway and Rhythmbox knows about everything too.16:01
ryeallenap, bug #53127316:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531273 in ubuntuone-client "sync takes ages: 28 minutes for 1457 objects" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53127316:02
ryethough it should have somehow different title, that's not sync, that's the amount of time between startup and its being READY for sync16:03
allenaprye: I've marked myself as affected and subscribed. Cheers.16:05
ryeallenap, thanks!16:06
duanedesignEmry: #u1msbeta16:18
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splashotehey, u1 tells me i'm using 64.3% of my space but all folders are empty when i check my files online (and on my pc, too) bug?16:52
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czajkowskirye: ping18:54
ryeczajkowski, pong18:54
czajkowskirye: back having the issue of syncing tomeboy notes and U118:54
czajkowskiis that still an issue?18:54
ryeczajkowski, searching IRC logs to recall...18:56
czajkowskithe error message is blank when it says see below for details so not really helpful as you can imagein :)18:57
ryeczajkowski, ok, the last time you reported we were experiencing server outage which has been fixed since then, so I believe there is something else18:58
rye#ubuntuone.txt:Mar 23 15:35:10 <czajkowski>    rye: tomboy notes working fine now with synchronisation18:58
ryeczajkowski, ok, in case something broke, I am all ears18:59
ryeczajkowski, could you please try launching tomboy from the terminal with --debug18:59
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czajkowskirye: can I send you a pm with screen capture please19:00
czajkowskirye: launches no issue19:01
czajkowskiTomboy is already running.  Exiting...19:01
ryeczajkowski, ok, could you please quit it completely (i.e. the applet)19:01
ryeczajkowski, and then restart tomboy from the terminal with --debug19:02
czajkowskirye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/406112/19:03
ryeczajkowski, ok, now try to sync19:03
czajkowskinope same thing saying synchronization failed : failed to synchronize, could not snychrnoize notes check the deails below and tray again19:04
czajkowskibut there is nothing in the deatails below19:04
ryeczajkowski, could you please select everything that is printed to the terminal?19:06
ryeczajkowski, and pastebinit19:06
ryeczajkowski, the "details" widget in tomboy is not helpful in case of problems for some reason19:06
czajkowskirye: aye not really at all helpful19:07
ryeczajkowski, 404 not found19:08
ryeczajkowski, ok, that brings us to bug...19:08
ryebug #45917519:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459175 in ubuntuone-client "oauth-login.log sometimes doesn't contain timestamps" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45917519:08
ryeczajkowski, ok, in order to make it work we'll need to remove the tokens and re-register the machine19:09
czajkowskirye: I'm running lucid19:10
ryeczajkowski, yup, I already know - the tomboy debug is not that verbose, and it became so in Lucid :-)19:10
czajkowskishall be logging a but against tomboy19:11
ryeczajkowski, ok, first of all, in order to make sure we do not lose anything - could you please create a backup of ~/.local/share/tomboy ?19:11
czajkowskirye: just gimmie 2 mins19:13
ryetomboy losing auth... hm... maybe it does not renew the access tokens or something like this?..19:13
czajkowskirye: ok done19:15
ryeczajkowski, ok, great. Now could you please visit your https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines page and remove association from Tomboy19:16
ryeI believe it is titled as 'None"19:16
ryein case you did not change the description during registration19:16
czajkowskiso remove this machine19:17
ryeczajkowski, now please go to tomboy synchronization page and remove association (Clear, i believe)19:18
czajkowskirye: where is that ??19:18
ryeczajkowski, after that re-connect with Tomboy Web and the notes will start syncing. However they will start conflicting19:19
ryeczajkowski, Tomboy Preferences, Synchronization tab19:19
czajkowskinope I cant remove association as there is nothing to assocaite with19:21
czajkowskiservice: tomboy web server one.ubuntu.com/notes19:21
czajkowskiother area underneath connected.19:21
czajkowskirye: that worked19:22
* rye needs to learn how oauth works after initial pairing...19:23
czajkowskirye: thanks for the help19:24
ryeczajkowski, thanks for the report. By the way, when was the last time you synced your notes?19:24
czajkowskigood question about a week ago19:25
czajkowskihmm where do I re add this machine, I can see remove my other machine but not add this one19:26
ryeczajkowski, when you re-register tomboy it adds the machine record19:29
czajkowskihmm ok19:30
czajkowskirye: are you going to UDS?19:30
ryeczajkowski, that is being decided now by belgium embassy :)19:31
czajkowskiwell if I get going I owe you a pint!19:31
ryeczajkowski, erm... have the notes actually synced?19:34
czajkowskirye: no19:37
ryeczajkowski, did the browser open to add your computer?19:38
czajkowskidoing it now19:39
czajkowskicould have been my connection19:39
czajkowskiall new tomboy notes are in the U119:39
gmbHi. I can't seem to get ubuntuone-preferences to work on my newly upgraded-to-lucid machine. It appears to be working (i.e. spinner shows up) and then nothing happens. Can anyone help me debug it?19:43
gmb(This means that I can't auth the machine with U1, as far as I can tell, which is highly irritating)19:43
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ryegmb, spinner?20:09
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gmbrye, Sorry, mouse cursor changes to a spinner - usually an indication that something's going on - and then it changes back again. If I run ubuntuone-preferences from a terminal it waits for a while with no output and then exits, still with no output.20:16
ryegmb, nessita ^ is that what you are experiencing?20:17
ryesorry, i have to reboot, please ping me once I return20:17
nessitarye: nopes, it takes some time to appear, but it appears eventually20:17
dobeydoh, he shouldn't have quit20:25
ryegmb, ping20:25
dobeyrye: he /quit20:27
dobeyrye: on both networks :)20:27
dobeyyay i think my computer is actually going to boot again20:27
ryehm, ubuntuone-preferences wait for syncdaemon to start here... hm... in nightly20:27
ryedobey, http://dilbert.com/fast/2010-03-29/ :)20:28
dobeyor maybe not :(20:28
dobeynot sure if it's actually doing anything or not20:29
centohi to all :)20:37
centosome problem in ubuntuone on lucid?20:37
centoi can't use notification, i need to start ubuntuone manually, and so on20:38
centosomebody know somethink? :)20:38
ryecento, at the moment no notifications are present and no automatic startup is performed20:42
centorye, why? some new stuff for lucid?20:43
centoi need to start it manually, and i can't see "start client" in nautilus, i need to go in the preferences manually20:44
dobeyi don't think he means notifications in the notify-osd sense20:44
centoits not very comfortable :)20:44
ryecento, the applet was removed along with connect button20:44
dobeythe connect button isn't removed. it's just moved20:45
centomoved in ubuntuonepreferences20:45
centoi think its not very usefull20:45
dobeyautomatic start up and connect will happen again soon (in the next few days)20:45
centoahhh ok20:45
centoi wait :)20:46
centoi want remove dropbox20:46
centoand use ubuntuone20:46
centobut in this moment, its not the same20:46
centoim using lucid20:46
centosome information page about ubuntuone in lucid exist?20:47
centoi'd like to know future plan about it20:47
dobeyi don't think there's a single page like that20:52
ryejoshuahoover1, ^20:54
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jemarkubuntu one gives 100% CPU usage and doesn't start anymore22:35
dobeyyou know, it is hard to help you when you join and say something and then quit :(22:48
mkarnickihahah true22:49
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