
jussi01Do we currently have a leader?09:37
ScottLjussi01, my answer would be, "effectively, no."11:57
jussi01ScottL: thats what I thought...14:02
jussi01can haz leader pls kthxbai14:02
rlameirogood morning14:03
rlameirodoes anyone had the same thing? after install, ubuntustudio didnft installed either network manager either wicd?14:03
jussi01rlameiro: thats right. 14:11
jussi01rlameiro: everyone should have that.14:11
jussi01iirc, its available for install on the DVD, but not installed by default.14:11
rlameiroshould i file a bug on thet?14:11
jussi01Its intentional14:11
jussi01Ubuntustudio machines are meant to be offline.14:12
rlameirojussi01: i understand that if you want to use it for music production, but what about multimedia performances14:13
rlameirothere are alot of things that need networking14:13
jussi01rlameiro: thats why it is on the dvd. 14:13
rlameirofor example puredata using netsen/netreceive14:13
jussi01So you dont have to somehow get online with out it.14:14
rlameiroor for example OSC14:14
jussi01rlameiro: yes, I dont doubt there are applications that need it.14:14
rlameiroi dont have a problem installing it, it is easy, and i have done it for  past releases, but it should be friendlyer for the firstcomers14:15
jussi01rlameiro: the normal usecase doesnt need it.14:16
rlameirojussi01: ok, so what would be the normal use cas?14:16
rlameirois it an Audio Production unit?14:17
scott-worklol jussi01 "can haz.."14:55
scott-workrlameiro: I wasn't part of the decision making on this but this is how I view it14:57
scott-workusing the assumption that it was installed by default first14:57
scott-workit makes it a no-brainer for people who need wifi, but it might make someone unaware about it recording audio to loose audio (which is lost forever)14:58
rlameirowell, i really dont think that the majority of the useres use ubuntustudio in a sandbox14:58
rlameiroa lot of people use it on their laptops14:58
jussi01rlameiro: thats not the feedback we received.14:58
scott-workin the other case (not installed by default) people who need it can always install it from disc and the audio recording guy will not miss audio, so if weighing consequences this seems a prudent solution right now14:59
rlameiromaybe we should try to have some kind of info retrieval , to have an idea of how many users exist, and what they use the system for14:59
jussi01rlameiro: would be nice........ 15:00
scott-worki have too considered using Studio on a laptop, but it was to be used as portable recording for jamming with the band15:00
rlameiroas I said before, i dont have a problem with it, i can installit myself easily.15:00
rlameiroscott-work: i used ubuntustudio as my primary computer15:00
rlameiroand it performs very well15:00
rlameirowhen i need to do intensive audio i just go to the panel and disconnect wireless networking15:01
rlameiroit is much easier15:01
rlameirobu that is me15:01
rlameiroi dont make "studio" work often15:02
rlameiromaybe this come in the idea some of had before, to add different choice to ubuntustudio15:02
rlameirolike multimedia or Unimedia packages15:03
rlameirothings like pd-extended, arduino, processing etc15:03
rlameirobut anyway, maybe the best solution is to make a PDF file and put it on the desktop when you first boot15:04
scott-workif the dev and community base for ubuntu studio was bigger then that would be fantastic (different flavours of studio), but currently i fear we are on the precipice of falling apart15:04
rlameiroand inform the users that they can install networking making this and setting audio preferences like that etc15:04
rlameirocan it be done for this release?15:05
rlameiroor the feature freeze doesnt allow it?15:05
rlameiroscott-work: what would be needed to the ubuntustudio stay afloat?15:08
rlameiromore devs? what kind of devs?15:09
rlameiroI can try to recruit some people15:09
scott-workrlameiro: my thought is that additional knowledgeable devs are needed, specifically:15:43
scott-worksomeone who knows how ISOs are made and can troubleshoot when things aren't built correclty (uninstalable binaries, etc)15:43
scott-worksomeone who udnerstands themes and how they are created (including metacity and murrine engine)15:43
scott-worksomeoen to give the project a direction (stochastic and I did that somewhat with a push for lv2 packages for lucid)15:44
scott-worksomeone as a community liaison to communicate with the community15:44
scott-workdocument lead to help create what the community needs to use and help us15:44
rlameirowell, i cant design good, lol 15:45
rlameirobut I can help on making some help files15:45
rlameiroand be on the forums and IRC15:45
scott-workalso a testing lead who knowlegably understand what tests are needed and can community to the community (and other devs) what to do and how to document it15:45
scott-workrlameiro: showing a presence on the forums and IRC is as important as well and thank you for doing it :)15:46
rlameiromaybe we should push some call for help15:46
rlameiroI could try to get into some podcast for them to ask for help15:47
rlameiromaybe opensource musicians podcast15:47
rlameiroor linux outlaws?15:47
rlameirowhat do you think about the idea?15:47
rlameiroand maybe we need also some webdesign help15:48
scott-workthose suggestions echo what I have been thinking (although I forgot about OSM) but I was hoping we could be organized about it though15:49
scott-worki have other suggestions as well but I wanted to clearly organized them and then present them to others15:50
rlameiroI can speak directly with the OSM host15:50
rlameiroand one of the OSM host speak regularly with the linuxoutlaws host15:50
scott-workyes, i heard your podcast interview with them :)    hopefully, other interviews can be scheduled with other podcasts as well15:51
rlameiroi am in the moment in #ubuntu-artwork to see if someone is interested in making art for US15:51
scott-worknew artwork for lucid may be too late at this point, but we can always use it later though15:55
rlameiroscott-work: I think one problem for ubuntustudio is the release schedule15:57
rlameirois to fast, so i think internally people should aim maybe for feature in yearly basis15:57
rlameirolike making an intremediate release and a big realease15:58
rlameirolike art work , themes and other things ike that15:58
rlameiromakingnew themes every 6 months for ubuntustudio is difficult with a small artwork team15:59
scott-workthere had been disucssion about limited new artwork for just new releases or something similar (i wasn't part of that either, i've just read IRC chatter about it)16:02
rlameiroso it is not new16:02
rlameiroyea, LTS versoins should have a new version indeed16:02
scott-worksorry English is my native language and speak (or type it) so poorly sometimes in haste16:03
scott-workdiscussion had been to limit new artwork or themes to LTS versions only16:03
scott-workthat is what I believe16:03
rlameiroI like that idea16:06
rlameirowell we should try to work to have it at least for the next release16:06
rlameiroand then concentrate on new features and correcting problems16:07
rlameiroI am thinking in making a kind of ubuntustudio Config panel16:07
rlameirosomething with ubuntustudio controls + another things16:08
rlameiromaybe using the script that  archlinux has for audio16:08
rlameirowith some preconfigured things16:08
rlameirolike networking yes/no16:08
rlameirokernel RT16:08
rlameirosoftware outside ubunturepos etc16:09
rlameiroIt will be made in python16:09
rlameirobut for now, what i think is more pressing for the community side of the thing is have a more dynamic website16:10
rlameiromaybe with showcase, screencast16:10
rlameirohow tos16:10
rlameiroi know most of this thing does exist, but arent on the ubuntustudio webpage16:10
scott-workabsolutely, screencasts and how tos are good ideas16:10
rlameiroit would help if it was16:11
scott-worki thought about an online jukebox to feature studio made audio16:11
rlameiroso maybe we need desperatly a web designer/scripter ASAP16:11
rlameiropackager cant do all the work16:11
scott-workvery true16:12
rlameiroi am very bad on that, i am strgling to make my own drupal website16:12
scott-workheh, done that same and stalled16:12
rlameirobut i think that ultimately the problem relyes on the ubuntustudio exposure16:12
rlameiroeven for canonical16:13
rlameiroif exist more exposure, maybe they wil assign someone of the team to help16:13
scott-worki'm hoping to evelate ubuntu studio's "presence"16:16
rlameirowho is in charge of the webpage at the moment?16:17
scott-workhopefully this will increase community use and support (testing, bug reporting, transitioning to developers)16:17
scott-workcory was and I think stochastic is sort-of at the moment16:17
scott-workstochastic was supposed to set up a meeting for those interesting including detrate who expressed interest and had been working on a few things16:18
scott-workbut it hasn't happened lately, stochastic hasn't been very involved lately16:18
scott-workre: python and ubuntustudio config panel - i like the idea of adding functionality to ubuntustudio-controls and some of your ideas i think should be addressed16:19
scott-workperhaps a rewrite of the UI and addition of functionality is in order16:20
scott-worki would suggest, however, to incorporate it into the ubuntustudio-controls package as it is already in the archives16:20
rlameirowell, i will try to make some knd of mock up of the ui for people review16:20
rlameiroyes of course16:20
rlameiroi will be ubuntustudio controls, it has no logic otherwise16:21
rlameirothere is a package a ppa etc16:21
scott-workrlameiro: can you come up with a list of functions or features you think should be included in ubuntustudio-controls (wireless, etc) in addition to it's present functions?16:38
rlameiroin PDF?16:39
rlameiroscott-work: or in some wiki?16:39
scott-workyou might also look at this to see if it generates any ideas as well    http://www.sandgreen.dk/index.php?side=python_uat16:40
rlameiroscott-work: I also speaked with the Opensourcemusicinas podcast for some caal for help16:41
scott-worki would like to use this list so gather other's thoughts and ideas as well so I would suggest mailing the -dev list16:41
rlameirothey will squeeze it into some next podcast16:41
scott-workit would frustrating to work in isolation and complete it only to have someone say, "oh, you should have added this really awesome feature also!"16:42
rlameiroof course16:42
rlameiroI think i saw somewhere on the forums some app for setting ausio optionsoptions 16:49
rlameiroi am not sure if it was this or not16:49
rlameiroi will need to digg it up16:49
scott-workrlameiro: i also want you to be aware that some of your suggestions may be rejected for reasons that you may not agree with, but we have to work within the collective group16:54
rlameiroscott-work: I am no a pro coder16:54
rlameirofar from that16:54
rlameiroand i will accept the different views of everyone16:55
scott-workit's not the coding, there are politics involved as well, just like getting JACK into the main was a laborious process when most Studio involved people thought it should have been a given16:55
rlameiroyeap, that was a hard one17:01
scott-workbut I am encouraged by and support your enthusiasm.  I look forward to reading your suggestions and seeing what the group will offer by way of suggestions, moderations or criticisms17:02
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scott-workI couldn't get jack-beat to work in lucid alpha3 and beta1, will someone else try as well before I file a bug?  I tried the -testers mail list but no one has replied (and I don't think they will)18:01
rlameiroscott-work: https://files.one.ubuntu.com/q19pn6SnQ8W3SuEIVr2QfA18:28
scott-workheh, i'm at work, rlameiro, using windows, i'll get that when I get home18:29
rlameiroget this one18:29
rlameirothe other is a inkscape SVG18:29
rlameirowhere can i put this to the other to see?18:30
rlameiroand comment?18:30
rlameirois it there some blueprints on ubuntustudio controls?18:30
scott-workbut posting to the -dev mail list is still a really good idea to make people informed about it, they will not check here without nofitication18:32
scott-workrlameiro: this page has a good guide for UI under 1)    https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-controls/+spec/intrepid-ui-redesign18:37
scott-workmaybe divide the UI for new users and experienced/advanced users (even just visually and not with an 'advanced' button that shows more options)18:38
scott-workbut if we had a list of features or options then we could see about categorizing them18:38
rlameirothe idea is to have a list of general settings on the left and then the real setting on the right18:39
rlameiroit coiuld be implemented on the right18:39
rlameiromaybe like the VLC settingss18:39
rlameiromail sended to the mailing list18:52
rlameirothis is maybe a mater to the dev mailing listvonly isnt it?18:52
rlameiroif not i can post it also to the user list18:52
scott-worki'd suggest we hit the -dev group first for sanity then maybe later send a prototype to the -user list for suggestions maybe18:53
rexiumhey troy_s21:31
troy_sGreets rexium21:31
rexiumLots, I'm going to graduate in June :)21:32
rexiumtroy_s: what's new with you?21:32
troy_srexium: Congrats on the graduation!21:32
troy_srexium: I have a photoshoot for ex-Skinny Puppy types.21:32
* rexium googles Skinny Puppy21:33
troy_srexium: C'mon.21:33
troy_srexium: If you know NIN you should know Skinny Puppy21:33
rexiumtroy_s: lol, you think too highly of me21:33
rexiumI'll check them out21:33
rexiumbut that's really cool21:34
rexiumtroy_s: i've been super out of touch with ubuntu studio, have you been involved at all?21:35
troy_srexium: Never really been involved with studio.21:35
rexiumtroy_s: ever want to take on art direction ;)21:46
troy_srexium: It's a helluva lot of work.21:50
troy_srexium: And my time has been horrible.21:51
rexiumtroy_s: good busy I hope :)21:51
troy_srexium: Yes and no.21:51
scott-worktroy_s: wow, i used to listen to skinny puppy in '86 or '8722:04
scott-workvivasect or something like that was the album22:05
scott-worktroy_s: i'm still working my way through the index you suggested, it's bloody amazing, it all makes sense but it's stuff that i've never been concious of before22:08
troy_sscott-work: Glad to hear it.22:08
troy_sscott-work: And yes... Skinny Puppy's roots go deep. The band I am shooting is Willhelm's offshoot with ties to Chemlab / Ministry / etc.22:09
troy_sscott-work: So you finding JK's index good reading? Have you started in on Visual Literacy yet? The latter is likely right what you were looking for and the exercises are very interesting.22:10
scott-worktroy_s: i've look at it a bit, poked into different parts, it's equally fascinating to "cheat" and look at other people's answers (I have the edition with other's work in it apparently)22:14
troy_sscott-work: I think the point that is missed is that it is really entirely about language. 1) Art and design is language 2) Art and design is ever shifting. The language changes depending on context / culture etc. Just as we didn't have LOL or Google a few years ago, so too it is with A&D.22:15
troy_sscott-work: So when the chumps in our culture say things like "everyone" and such it is really unfortunate. Rather like cooking food for everyone or writing a book or even just saying 'hello'. The simplicity of the desire is met with the complexity of reality.22:16
scott-worktroy_s: hmm, that put's a different perspective on what i'm reading, but it's too much for me at this point - like asking a blind man what colors he sees at his first glimpse at the world22:16
scott-worktroy_s: i'll have to finish reading then go back and review it with that in mind, right now I'm just understand and trying to appreciate the mundane aspects of it22:17
scott-worki'm an a&d challenged , heh22:17
scott-worktroy_s:  here's something I created for something I'm working on        http://imagebin.org/9078722:21
scott-worktroy_s: I meant the ubuntu studio symbol in the upper right22:23
troy_sscott-work: If there were one overarching thing that I could say about Ubuntu it (not not relevant) would be to avoid the typeface at all costs. It always has been one of the most homebrew nasty things out there. Nearly _any_ choice other than it would elevate work immediately.22:24
troy_sscott-work: Utterly frightening how pervasive it ended up.22:24
scott-worktroy_s: lol, i can do that!  it's also my first foray into Inkscape which is bleeding awesome!  I've dropped GIMP now.22:25
troy_srexium: Check out my LinkedIn connects.23:03
troy_srexium: You will laugh.23:03

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