[07:59] good morning [15:09] wow... these people are awesome: http://blog.fablab.af/ [15:10] helping to rebuild afghanistan by helping people to set up a big wireless lan [15:13] wow impressive [15:14] I like it how they teach people to build reflectors from stuff that's readily available [15:14] I read a german article about it, that's how I found out [15:14] pretty cool alright [15:15] dholbach: myself and Pendulum were talking and we think it'd be good to have a short meeting sometime to focus the group on what has been done and what needs to be. [15:15] yeah [15:15] good few of the items from the blueprint are done I thikn [15:15] *think [15:15] but nothing's checked off [15:16] might be good to come up with small tasks that still need doing [15:16] so if we invite more people in they can directly get their hands dirty [15:16] also, it'd be good to figure out what we want to do with the cycle for lucid+1 and start getting that set up [15:16] yeah [15:16] definitely [15:17] also, I kinda feel like we might want to consider having more regular meetings [15:17] I can say that the packaging efforts were too ambitious [15:17] unfortunately [15:17] Pendulum: +1 [15:17] because we haven't really met since like November [15:17] yeah [15:17] and that's part of why we don't know what has and hasn't been done [15:17] *nods* [15:18] so perhaps Pendulum and I can work on an agenda and get some feedback [15:18] and then we can have a meeting and even if we meet up once a month for a half hour on channel we can start to regroup I think [15:19] sounds good to me