
wgrantHow is the discussion about community committers/reviewers going?00:07
mwhudsonit's petered out00:09
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thumpermwhudson: had lunch yet?01:22
mwhudsonthumper: no01:22
thumperyou should grab something to eat, then we can talk about reviews :)01:23
mwhudsonthumper: just finished with kiko01:38
mwhudsonthumper: so yeah, i need to eat, and then we should talk01:51
* mwhudson lunches01:55
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mwhudsonhuh, x has gone odd and i need to restart anyway so...02:20
mwhudsoni've managed to uninstall gnome-panel somehow :/02:35
thumpermwhudson: ping03:15
mwhudsonthumper: pong03:17
mwhudson(sorry, no notifications with no panel!)03:17
thumpermwhudson: when do you want to do a call?03:17
mwhudsonthumper: now is good03:18
wgrantI pushed a couple of new revs to a branch 12 minutes ago... still awaiting scanning.05:16
wgrantIt's scanned now.05:24
wgrantJust took ages.05:24
wgrantNot quite 2006-ages, but getting close.05:24
wgrantPart of that could be slave lag too, I guess.05:24
spmslave lag? as in DB? shouldn't be that bad!05:25
wgrantI'd hope not.05:25
lifelessthumper: mwhudson: have you guys seen beanstalkd ?06:00
mwhudsonlifeless: no06:04
StevenKBah, registering an MP just gave me a timeout error06:44
mwhudsonStevenK: the branch was probably still being scanned06:45
lifelessmwhudson: apparently designed 'to make websites faster by doing slow tasks asynchronously'06:45
lifelesshttp://flapjack-project.com/ references it06:46
mwhudsonStevenK: wait a minute or so and resubmit06:46
mwhudsonlifeless: on the face of it, that sentence doesn't make sense :)06:46
mwhudsonbut i guess i know what they're driving at06:46
StevenKmwhudson: Aye, will do06:46
lifelessi paraphrased an equally not-quite-sane quote06:46
lifelessanyhow, might be worth a gander06:47
mwhudsonlifeless: it seems a bit like gearman, maybe?06:47
lifelessmaybe, more lightweight and message bussy I think06:47
StevenKmwhudson: Worked, thanks06:47
mwhudsonStevenK: np, it's just another reason to kill the branchrevision table...06:48
mwhudsonlifeless: it does have a "simple enough to possibly work" sort of feel to it06:50
lifelessauxesis told me about it a year or so back06:51
lifelessand I blanked on it when the whole reinvent wheels was going on06:51
lifelessjust got reminded, so - saying;)06:51
adeuringgood morning08:01
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thumperlifeless: I don't understand what beanstalked is09:17
wgrantnoodles775: So, apart from the state thing, how does the proposal look?09:18
noodles775wgrant: It looks great so far... I usually find some things come out in the wash, hence putting together the schema change. But it allows everything we discussed earlier (common shared data, shared data for package builds etc.)09:25
noodles775wgrant: I'll create a WIP mp when it's ready and add you to it to get your feedback/thoughts.09:26
wgrantnoodles775: Great, thanks.09:26
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad will be down/in read-only from 11:00 UTC until 13:00 UTC for a code update | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.03 | PQM is in RC mode | Release manager: deryck | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
wgrantnoodles775: http://people.ubuntu.com/~wgrant/launchpad/buildfarm/new-build-model-again.png <- now with fewer missing attributes, more compliant names, and proper lp.* division10:27
noodles775wgrant: thanks.10:27
wgrantThe layout seems quite a bit busier, but it is hopefully more accurate.10:28
wgrantHm, early release?10:29
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noodles775wgrant: how do you feel about s/job/build_farm_job so we don't have confusion over the job table?10:36
wgrantnoodles775: Good point.10:36
noodles775wgrant: also, am I right that there's a bunch of stuff missing atm? (like IBuild.package_upload -> PackageBuild?, IBuild.can_be_retried/rescored -> BuildFarmJob?)10:42
noodles775I'll do an initial change, and then check for missing fields in the new schema, probably easier.10:42
noodles775erm, forget the last two... properties.10:43
noodles775actually, forget I spoke at all :)10:44
wgrantYeah, all properties.10:44
wgrantThey should probably be included, but that would get very big.10:44
noodles775Yeah, we can include them when updating the iface/model code.10:44
wgrantYay, Sphinx.11:09
* wgrant loves Sphinx.11:09
wgrantEvening jtv!11:23
jtvhi wgrant!  Sorry to have been ignoring you... half a world of travel plus tonsilitis.11:23
jtvBut I suggest you visit Thailand someday and we'll fix that.  I'll personally guarantee that you have a good time.  :)11:23
wgrantEw, tonsilitis.11:23
jtv(I'm gushing a bit because of the "oh btw I fixed the bugs" thing :-)11:24
* wgrant is still not quite over the Wellington whooping cough.11:24
wgrantYeah, it likes to stick around for a couple of months.11:24
jtvyes, it sort of contradicted for me the whole theory that January is midsummer on that hemisphere...11:24
jtvSo, what were the remaining bugs?11:25
wgrantSo, yeah, template builds and uploads work with a couple of my branches. 'tis encouraging.11:25
* wgrant digs up the branches.11:25
wgranthttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-549340-fix-buildqueue-destruction <- this one has been rejected, but should be resolved by noodles' model redesign.11:26
wgrantAnd the last three revs on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/get-translations-jobs-working11:26
* jtv looks11:27
jtv1BTW thanks for unifying the slaveStatus... for our use case it was painfully obvious that something like that was needed, but I just didn't have enough overview to be sure about the other use-cases.11:28
jtv1okay I shouldn't have touched that cable...11:28
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jtvbit awkward here with a main machine that won't boot and a router that throws up packet storms... means I had to plug the iffy wall cable straight into my laptop.11:29
wgrantYeah, that slaveStatus branch should be landed right after PQM opens.11:30
wgrantThen I'll get the others in soon after, although things won't work completely until the modle rework.11:32
wgrantSo we might actually have three working build farm jobs in 10.04... maybe.11:32
jtvWe're certainly hoping we can manage that.11:33
jtvBy the model rework you mean the simplification with build attempts etc. that you sketched out two weeks or so ago?11:33
wgrantNo attempts any more. I believe noodles is currently attempting to realise something like http://people.ubuntu.com/~wgrant/launchpad/buildfarm/new-build-model-again.png11:34
noodles775jtv: yep, I'll have a WIP MP with a very early schema change in a few mins.11:35
jtvnoodles775: meanwhile, we've been talking about replacing getName/verifySlaveBuildID with a single generateSlaveCookie method that produces a hashed cookie.  Verification consists of re-generating it and seeing that it matches what the slave says.11:35
wgrantjtv: I've another branch which rips the slave build ID out of everywhere except rescueBuilderIfLost, so you will be able to completely replace it without breaking anything else.11:36
noodles775jtv: yeah I saw. Is that related to wgrant's branch that removes the builder dependency on ...11:36
jtvit gets better and better :)11:36
noodles775wgrant, jtv, bigjools: If you want to take an early look, grab the branch from https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/db-build-generalisation-db-changes/+merge/22527 before LP goes down in 10mins :)11:48
bigjoolsgood call :)11:48
* wgrant grabs.11:48
jtvnoodles775: thanks11:48
noodles775There are a lot of notes/todos in there, but it'll give you a chance to let me know if it's heading in the right direction.11:49
wgrantI think they might've turned off the cron jobs off already.11:49
noodles775OK, I'll paste a diff.11:49
jtvthat'd make sense, let things quiet down.11:49
wgrantThere's no mirrored copy of the branch, nor diff. :(11:49
bigjoolsbranching failed11:50
noodles775wgrant, jtv, bigjools: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/406980/11:50
wgrantnoodles775: Thanks.11:50
wgrantI was thinking that it was rather simple. But of course there's no non-binary job data, so it can be...11:53
noodles775wgrant: Yeah, if we don't have to populate with any future SPRBuild data, it will be convenient.11:54
wgrantnoodles775: I'd like to make BFJ.virtualized NOT NULL while we're at it.11:57
jtvnoodles775: what's the stuff with the sequence for?11:58
wgrantVirtualisation is very much something that you can't care about here.11:58
wgrantEr, can't *not* care about.11:58
noodles775jtv: It's just because I created the tables using CREATE TABLE blah AS (as I think it's a bit more readable, enabling the table creation based on existing data/types etc.)11:59
noodles775But the only way I could see to have a primary key as the first column using this method was to explicitly create the sequence.11:59
jtvnoodles775: that's true... the other way to do it would be a conventional CREATE TABLE followed by INSERT INTO11:59
noodles775(adding a primary key afterwards works fine, but it ends at the end of the table).12:00
noodles775jtv: Yeah, I guess I thought the advantage of inheriting all the column defs from the existing tables was nice... but maybe it's not worth it?12:00
noodles775It's really just the value+type.12:01
jtvnoodles775: it's not going to be all that important (barring mistakes), but personally I prefer to have all the constraints and indexes in there from the start.  Also makes it easier to catch little things like fixed-size columns following text columns.12:02
noodles775jtv: yep. OK, I'll switch it over.12:03
noodles775jtv1: yep. OK, I'll switch it over.12:03
jtv1cool, thanks for accommodating my OCD.  :)12:05
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jtvCan anyone (esp. Registry I guess) shed some light on this shortlist exception?  OOPS-1550O249712:10
wgrantnoodles775: I wondered about build_warnings. I guess we should just drop it.12:19
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noodles775wgrant: yeah, i can only see it in the schema.13:12
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wgrantnoodles775: Are you going to leave buildduration in the model as an abstraction? We'll hopefully be able to fill it in properly soon.13:19
noodles775wgrant: as a property on the model, sure, but I'm not sure why we'd want to fill it in (ie. for it to be a db column?).13:23
noodles775Or that's what you meant?13:24
wgrantnoodles775: It has been thought for a while that we should eventually retrieve the real duration from the slave.13:24
noodles775wgrant: ah I see. Well, I'm guessing rather than "We'll be using it real soon", we'll just have to add it later then ;)13:25
wgrantnoodles775: Yep, just leave it as a property for now.13:26
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sinzuiI just saw an interesting test failure in ec2. object-milestones failed because the test data used 2010-04-01 and 2010-04-02 and the test is verifying those dates...but the UI shows the dates as "in 22 hours" as the moment counts down.13:46
sinzuijpds: you can ignore the error in the test, there is nothing for you to do.13:46
jpdssinzui: I figured so. :)13:47
wgrantWe are in the future now.13:47
sinzuiWe were promised jet packs in the future, where is mine?13:50
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad will be down/in read-only from 11:00 UTC until 14:00 UTC for a code update | Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.03 | PQM is in RC mode | Release manager: deryck | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
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deryckanother hour on release time, for those who missed the channel change or the chatter on #launchpad14:05
kfogeladeuring: did you have a chance to review my bug #538219 branch before LP went read-only?  (I'm having trouble reaching the branch right now, or I'd just look.)14:11
adeuringkfogel: sorry -- I missed completely your review request (14:12
kfogeladeuring: np, just when you have a chance (and lp is back) take a look14:13
adeuringkfogel: to avoid such a mess in the future, please ping me on IRC and I'll do the review ASP14:13
kfogeladeuring: I think it's a pretty small change.  I didn't refactor some duplicated in the tests because it didn't seem worth it yet.14:13
kfogeladeuring: oh, you were definitely asleep when I made the MP :-)14:13
adeuringkfogel: well, oh, right, that was around midnight my time... But anyway, somehow I do not notice the review requests in my inbox properly...14:14
kfogeladeuring: it's really no mess, don't worry.  Considering that the next release is a month away, it's okay if there's a day delay in reviewing this change!  (I just wish I'd finished it sooner.)14:15
noodles775wgrant: around? I keep finding my self saying, BuildFarmJob, PackageJob, BinaryPackageJob, insteada of PackageBuild, BinaryPackageBuild.14:25
noodles775I'm keen for the Build ending, but wondering if we shoud update BuildFarmJob to SomethingFarmBuild?14:25
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leonardrflacoste, before we can put launchpadlib 1.5.8 into lucid (that's the one that uses web service 1.0 by default)14:43
leonardrwe need to port all the packages that use launchpadlib to api version 1.014:43
leonardrjamesw identified 9 such packages14:43
leonardrpitti ported apport yesterday14:44
leonardrsome of these probably don't need to be ported, but we need to at least check14:44
flacosteoh shit14:44
flacostethat's a lot of work :-/14:44
flacostewhen the beta2 is coming out in a week14:44
leonardri'm happy to help but we need to coordinate with the owners of those packages14:44
leonardrthe porting is easy (assuming these apps have unit tests)14:45
leonardrthe coordination is a time sink14:45
james_wwe don't really have owners of packages in Ubuntu14:47
james_wI can help you make the changes easily14:47
leonardrok, that makes things look better14:48
leonardrflacoste, gary, should i go for it? (gary: this would mean putting off the launchpadlib pagetest thing)14:49
leonardrgary: or i can finish the pagetest branch first14:49
flacosteleonardr, gary_poster: since that item has a Due date, i think it makes sense to push that forward first14:49
gary_posterleonardr: Yeah, I'm +1 on working on that14:50
flacostegary_poster, leonardr: especially if it means we don't need to support the /beta webservice for 5 years!14:50
leonardrall right14:50
gary_posterright :-)14:50
leonardrjames_w, do you have time?14:50
leonardrif not i can send you recommendations via email14:50
james_wright now?14:50
leonardrjames_w: i'm going to start right now, but like i said, if you're not free, you can come in late14:51
james_wI'll be with you in 2014:51
leonardrall right14:52
james_wleonardr: ok, I'll take bzr-builddeb obviously, and ubuntu-qa-tools15:00
leonardrjames_w: there don't seem to be any changes necessary to ubuntu-qa-tools, but look it over to double check15:00
james_woh, ok15:00
james_wshould we make it explicit anyway?15:01
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 4 of 10.03 | PQM is in RC mode | Release manager: deryck | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
james_wleonardr: are we changing the constructor call to make it explicit, or just allowing them to pick up the default?15:21
leonardrjames_w: allowing them to pick up the default15:21
leonardri'm concerned about 1) uses of named operations not present in 1.015:21
leonardr2) explicit references to "beta"15:21
james_wI agree that ubuntu-qa-tools is fine, bughugger is done15:21
leonardrbecause of 2) i just realized that ubuntu-qa-tools is not fine15:22
james_wbzr-builddeb is fine15:22
leonardrall right15:22
james_wbzr-pqm is broken15:22
leonardrthere are several calls to launchpad.load() which include a "beta" url15:22
james_wwhat should they use there?15:25
james_wlp.load(SERVICE_ROOT + "bugs/" ...15:25
james_wor does it need the version in there too?15:25
leonardrthe version does need to be in there15:28
leonardrlet me try to find a better solution15:28
james_wurg, we would have to use lp._root_uri15:29
leonardrbut, that's better than having a hard-coded version15:30
james_wwould be great if lp.load could interpret a relative URL as being relative to the service root15:30
gary_posterderyck, did you decide on a "consider opening up PQM" time?15:32
leonardrjames_w: yeah, that's bug 52477515:32
mupBug #524775: Launchpad.load doesn't like relative urls <launchpadlib :New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/524775>15:32
deryckgary_poster, thinking about that now actually.15:32
leonardrjames_w: i could fix that easily, but releasing a launchpadlib would be a bit of a pain. do you think it's worth it?15:32
james_wwe can just use lp._root_uri +15:33
gary_posterhow much of a pain leonardr?  and is this the only app that does this?15:34
leonardrgary: no, it's all over15:34
leonardrlifeless even put a special hack into lptools/launchpad.py to fix bug 52477515:34
mupBug #524775: Launchpad.load doesn't like relative urls <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <launchpadlib :Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/524775>15:34
gary_posterjames_w, leonardr, how tight is time?15:35
gary_posterand how long will this take?15:35
leonardrgary: james_w and i agree it's not worth it right now15:35
leonardrwe'll just use _root_uri15:35
gary_poster...don't like it, but ok.15:36
james_wwe can take a list of the ones we do it to and followup with a correct fix once it is fixed in lplib15:36
gary_postermight as well dump that info in the bug report, once you have it15:37
leonardrjames_w: my proposed changes to ubuntu-qa-tools15:42
leonardrgary: so far all the changes are "now it has to support multiple versions" changes, not 1.0-specific changes15:42
james_wmy bughugger change: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/bughugger/fix-api-usage/+merge/2253615:43
gary_posterleonardr: good, and not surprising15:43
james_wleonardr: looks good to me15:43
leonardrapport was the only app that actually used those features15:43
leonardrjames_w: i'm pushing a branch15:43
james_wbzr-pqm: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/bzr-pqm/fix-service-roots/+merge/2254015:44
leonardrjames_w, taking a look at yours15:46
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leonardrjames_w: i have a bad feeling about the get_bazaar_host calls in bzr-pqm16:06
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leonardreh, i guess theres' tests for it, they'l'l fail if something's wrong16:07
leonardrjames_w: i'm pretty sure quickly doesn't need any changes16:09
leonardrlptools does need changes, working on them now16:10
* leonardr does not look forward to searching for "1.0" in 5 years when we're trying to deprecate 1.016:27
leonardrperhaps we should give the api versions ubuntu release-like names that do not conflict with ubuntu release names16:28
james_wlptools looks good to me16:31
leonardri don't see any problems with groundcontrol, i'm confirming with doctormo16:31
leonardrjames_w: the only one i don't have information for is bzr_builddeb. what does that look like?16:33
james_wI'll fix it16:33
james_wit's got an lp.load16:33
leonardrall right16:33
leonardrconfirmed that the lp.load is the only problem16:35
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abentleybigjools, re: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407124/ can self.can_copy_to_context_ppa ever evaluate false in this loop?16:45
abentleybigjools, (and if so, would you really want to present it as a potential copy target to the user?)16:47
bigjoolsabentley: it could do in some weird situations16:47
abentleybigjools, so in those situations, it would make sense as a copy target?16:48
bigjoolsno, it doesn't16:48
bigjoolsthat's what the loop's doing isn't it?16:48
abentleybigjools, the loop says it will be included as a possible target if the user can't upload to it.16:48
abentleyIf it evaluates false, the and expression is false, and so it will be included in the list of terms.16:49
jtv1sinzui: thanks for the help with the shortlist issue.  I now remember it was adeuring who came across before, and I reviewed the branch myself.  Is anyone fixing it or shall I?16:49
bigjoolsabentley: ah no it's excluding the context  PPA16:50
jtv1abentley: hi!  Did you claim a review for me and not get around to finishing it?16:50
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abentleyjtv, oh, maybe.16:50
bigjoolsabentley: it's just doing it in a very odd way16:50
jtvabentley: hope "maybe" is not your vote on the MP.  ;-)16:51
abentleyjtv, yes, I forgot about that.  Sorry.  I'll do it next.16:52
jtvabentley: cool, thanks.  I wasn't going to force you, but would be grateful.16:52
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
abentleybigjools, if the context ppa is included in self.ppas_for_user, and self.can_copy_to_context_ppa evaluates False, the context PPA will be included in the list of target PPAs.16:53
bigjoolsabentley: yeah that's what I mean by that code being weird!16:55
abentleybigjools, because the "and" expression will evaluate False, which means we won't continue.16:55
bigjoolsabentley: I've no idea why the first condition is there16:56
abentleybigjools, my guess is that the context PPA should be excluded all the time.  But "required" should only be set False if both conditions are true.16:57
bigjoolsabentley: the archive in question is not always a PPA16:57
bigjoolsit can be a copy archive16:57
bigjoolswhich uses the PPA views/templates16:58
bigjoolsI think that's why it's there16:58
abentleybigjools, The context may not be a PPA or the "ppa" variable may not be a PPA?16:58
bigjoolsabentley: potentially both but the context usually16:59
bigjoolsthe ppa variable is 99% a ppa17:00
bigjoolsunless there's a bug somewhere17:00
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abentleybigjools, that suggests that 1% of the time, getPPAsForUser will return archives that are not PPAs.  Is that what you mean?17:07
abentleybigjools, and if so, how to I force it to give me only ppas?17:07
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bigjoolsabentley: it can happen if the user owns a non-PPA archive.  This is very rare.17:08
bigjoolsabentley: actually let me check the code again17:08
abentleybigjools, but in both selects, it's requiring the ArchivePurpose==PPA.17:09
bigjoolsabentley: yes it does, my mistake, I was making a stupid assumption17:09
abentleybigjools, so let's rewind.  I said "bigjools, my guess is that the context PPA should be excluded all the time.  But "required" should only be set False if both conditions are true."17:11
abentleybigjools, do you agree with that now?17:11
* jml afk17:15
bigjoolsabentley: I agree17:17
abentleybigjools, cool.  I'll tweak that as I refactor it, then.17:18
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bigjoolsabentley: thanks - are you making a vocabulary out of it?17:19
abentleybigjools, I'll at least extract a function that turns a list of archives into a SimpleVocabulary.17:20
abentleybigjools, haven't made vocabularies before, so it's a bit new.17:21
abentleyBecause my context won't be an archive, I don't think the copy packages page can share an archive with the request-a-build page.17:22
abentleyBecause my context won't be an archive, I don't think the copy packages page can share *a vocabulary* with the request-a-build page.17:23
bigjoolsthe vocab is dependent on the user17:23
abentleybigjools, but the vocab on the copy packages page is also dependent on the context ppa, and this won't be true for my case.17:24
bigjoolsthat is true17:25
bigjoolsbut it's a bit of a hack17:25
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abentleybigjools, I haven't seen the UI, but it seems like another option would be to include the context PPA in the vocabulary, and select it using the "initial_values".17:27
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sinzui_join #launchpad17:40
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jmlg'night all18:42
james_wleonardr: oops _root_uri isn't going to work: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/ubuntu-qa-tools/fix-api-usage/+merge/2254118:48
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leonardrjames_w: we can convert that uri to a string easily enough18:56
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sinzuigary_poster, ping19:36
gary_postersinzui: on call pong you later?19:36
sinzuigary_poster, sure. barry and I want to know if there is a python 2.6 list of issues19:36
gary_posterno; that's my next task tho19:39
barrygary_poster, sinzui that's the #1 thing holding up my work on integrating lp w/ mm3 (which requires py2.6)19:41
gary_posterbarry: it will be tackled this cycle19:42
barrygary_poster: fab19:42
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leonardrjames_w: any progress on bzr-builddeb? that's the only one i don't know about20:02
james_wleonardr: nope, I've been working on other things.20:03
james_wit's an easy job though20:03
leonardrjames_w: i'll take a look if you want20:03
james_wno, it's fine20:03
leonardrall right, just let me know when you've got something so i can send another email20:03
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kfogelsinzui: not sure if this is something you can answer, but the definition of lib/lp/bugs/browser/bugcomment.py:BugComment.can_be_shown() puzzles me and I'd like to ask someone about it.  I expected it to contain code determining if getUtility(ILaunchBag).user can view this comment or not -- but instead, it's just about bugwatches.20:46
kfogelsinzui: Is there some other method that does what I expected can_be_shown() to do?  I don't see any... (this is all for bug #546943, by the way).20:47
mupBug #546943: Hidden bug comments still have a direct link/page that is visible <easy> <spam> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by kfogel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/546943>20:47
sinzuikfogel, the rule may be vestigial. we hid imported bug comments for many months20:48
kfogelsinzui: I guess I'm looking for the condition that says "this comment is hidden", in the way meant by bug #546943.  I thought this method was it, but it looks like not.20:49
mupBug #546943: Hidden bug comments still have a direct link/page that is visible <easy> <spam> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by kfogel> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/546943>20:49
kfogeloh, maybe self.visible20:49
sinzuikfogel, .hidden means private. that is how we remove spam20:50
kfogelsinzui: i.e., it's nothing to do with authn perms that might differ by user -- "hidden" in this context means "hidden from everyone"20:50
sinzuikfogel, admins need to see them, maybe chr too20:50
kfogelsinzui: hmm, this prop might be on IMessage instead20:51
* kfogel pokes around more20:51
sinzuican_be_shown is from comment imports. .visible is from spam control. In this case losas need to see them so that they can find what needs to be reenabled20:52
sinzuikfogel, is the comment view guarded by a security checker? one that asks of the comment is .hidden and decides if the user can see it?20:53
kfogelsinzui: yes -- that was how I got to can_be_shown() in the first place20:53
* sinzui thinks the comment and the link to it should have the same security rule.20:53
kfogelsinzui: i.e., lib/lp/bugs/templates/bugtask-index.pt20:53
sinzuiokay. I think I see20:53
kfogelsinzui: although bugcomment-index.pt also has that rule, ...20:54
kfogelbut I think that may be a red herring20:54
sinzuiWe need up update the security rule on the view to do something like return user.is_admin or context.hidden20:55
sinzuiwe want the link to reuse the rule20:55
kfogelsinzui: thaht would be the clean fix, absolutely20:56
kfogelsinzui: I started my journey by trying to find out what the rule ought to be :-)20:56
kfogelsinzui:  which is how I ended up here in the Emerald City20:56
kfogelmwhudson: morning21:02
kfogelsinzui: I think I've got it now; thanks for the help.21:03
kfogelsinzui: hmm.  I'm trying to test this on launchpad.dev now.  Do you have any idea *how* the admins set a comment as hidden?21:08
kfogelI don't see any UI for it.21:08
sinzuikfogel, there is no ui :(21:10
kfogelsinzui: db tweak?21:10
sinzuithey use an api script21:10
kfogelsinzui: ok, on it, thx21:10
sinzuiI was thinking that we could provide an form for anything that provides IMessage that allows the admin to edit or hide the message.21:11
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sinzuione day we will support this: /bugs/1/message/2/+edit21:12
mupBug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share <iso-testing> <ubuntu> <Clubdistro:Invalid> <Computer Science Ubuntu:Invalid by compscibuntu-bugs> <EasyPeasy Overview:Invalid by ramvi> <Ichthux:Invalid by raphink> <JAK LINUX:Invalid> <OpenOffice:Invalid by lh-maviya> <Tabuntu:Invalid by tinarussell> <Tivion:Invalid by shakaran> <Ubuntu:In Progress by sabdfl> <ubuntu-express (Ubuntu):Invalid by jahyire2006> <Ubuntu Jaunty:In Progress> <ubuntu-expre21:12
kfogelsinzui: mup bit you :-)21:12
sinzuimup is a luser21:12
kfogelmthaddon: ping21:12
kfogelmthaddon: Do you have the script that admins use to set a bug comment as "not visible"?  I'd like to see that script, if you do.21:13
sinzuiI want re re-enable bug expiration and expire it21:13
kfogellosas, see above question I addressed to mthaddon21:14
kfogelsinzui: Victory!  I think: I used psql to set the 'visible' boolean column to False for a comment I just added; now when I'm logged in as Foo Bar (i.e., launchpad.dev admin user), I still see that comment on the bug's page, but it's highlighted yellow now.  Do you know if this is the expected behavior?21:20
kfogelah, yes, and as anon user, I cannot see the comment.21:21
sinzuiI do not know about a highlight rule21:23
sinzuiI think gmb implemented the hid bug feature21:23
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kfogelsinzui: that helps.  I'm pretty sure what I'm seeing is the intended behavior, though (I mean, modulo the bug I'm trying to fix)21:28
wgrantHmm. Does anyone know if the PPA download counts script is running yet?21:30
thumperI've started getting: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/lazr/uri/__init__.py:19: UserWarning: Module launchpadlib was already imported from /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/launchpadlib/__init__.py, but /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6 is being added to sys.path21:50
thumperwhen I use bzr21:50
thumperanyone seen this?21:51
thumperor know how to fix it?21:51
mwhudsoni see it21:54
james_wleonardr: lptools, ubuntu-qa-tools, bughugger and bzr-pqm all fixed in Ubuntu, bzr-builddeb will uploaded tomorrow22:01
leonardrgreat, i'll send an update22:07
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kfogelsinzui: wouldn't mind a little Captain Obvious, if you have a sec: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407277/22:48
kfogelI'm pretty sure I've got some kind of wrong-type-of-object issue going on, but so far haven't been able to determine how to get to the object I need.22:48
wgrantkfogel: That's a fake BugComment.22:51
wgrantThe real object is BugMessage. BugComment is a browser-specific wrapper.22:51
wgrantAnd it probably doesn't expose .visible yet.22:51
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wgrantHm, but it looks like it is. Odd.22:53
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kfogelwgrant: looks like it is what?22:53
wgrantOh, it's just not in IBugComment.22:53
wgrantkfogel: .visible is on BugComment, but not IBugComment.22:53
kfogelwgrant: you'd think I'd have all these laysers straight by now, but noooooooo.22:54
wgrantSo it's accessible internally, but not externally.22:54
kfogelI wonder if exposing it is the right approach.22:54
kfogelWhat I really want is for the comment to 404 if visited via direct URL (e.g., bugs/54/comments/37)22:54
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wgrantRight, I was about to ask why you were doing it this way.22:54
kfogelright now, the effect that code would have (if it were working) would be to show a bug comment page, but with an empty space where the comment text should be22:55
kfogelwgrant: I'm not persuaded I should be doing it this way.22:55
kfogelwgrant: do you know a better way, a way to make the page pretend not to exist at all?22:55
wgrantkfogel: Change BugTaskNavigation.traverse_comments22:55
kfogelwgrant: ?  hmrm.  Let me look, bbiab22:56
wgrantAlthough you should probably 403 it instead.22:56
wgrantRather than denying its existence.22:56
wgrantBut I wonder how much other stuff that would break.22:56
kfogelwgrant:     def traverse_comments(self, name):22:56
kfogel        """Traverse to a comment by id."""22:56
kfogelwgrant: I have to admit, that's a mismatch between method name and documentation :-)22:56
wgrantkfogel: 'name' is a universal idiom.22:57
kfogelwgrant: it's the "traverse_comments" plural part that bugs me.  The method is named for its implementation strategy rather than its effect.  What it's really doing is taking you to a comment; how it gets there is its own business, IMHO.22:57
wgrantkfogel: Ah, right.22:58
kfogelwgrant: anyway, I'm going to try a patch based on your idea.22:59
wgrantkfogel: For an example of a similar 404 thing, check LaunchpadRootNavigation.traverse's person privacy handling.22:59
kfogelwgrant: thanks!22:59
wgrantBut I really think it would be better to just revoke launchpad.View for hidden comments and deal with fallout. That would be the proper solution.23:00
kfogelwgrant: how does one "revoke launchpad.View" ?23:00
wgrantkfogel: Alter the ViewBugMessage security adapter to return True only if the comment is visible or the user is an admin.23:02
kfogelwgrant: ooooh, btw, so far this patch has exactly the effect I wanted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407283/23:03
kfogelwgrant: trying your view-revokation method now23:03
wgrantkfogel: Except that patch makes it impossible to show again without DB access.23:03
kfogelwgrant: ??23:03
kfogelwgrant: (I mean, I still have to add the user == admin condition in there, but that's not related to your comment just now I think)23:04
wgrantkfogel: Ah, right, once you add the user == admin thing it will be fine.23:04
kfogelwgrant: toggling visibility of comments is done through DB at the moment, true, but the lack of UI for it is not related to this change.23:04
wgrantkfogel: Isn't there an API to do it?23:04
kfogelwgrant: that is, even if the admin could still see the comment, they'd still need to use the DB to change the visibility23:04
kfogelwgrant: nope, no UI yet23:05
kfogelwgrant: now, it's true that an admin will *see* the comment (it'll have a yellow background, too, to highlight that it's not visible to the rest of the world)23:05
wgrantkfogel: Admins may set visibility through the API with bug.setCommentVisibility.23:05
kfogelwgrant: sorry, I confused API with UI, yes.23:06
wgrantThough since it's on bug, not bug_message, it doesn't require the comment to be traversable.23:06
kfogelwgrant: yes they can do it via API -- but that would be true either way23:06
kfogelwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407285/  seems to have all the desired effects; care to have a look?23:09
kfogel(I guess there's a style question of whether those parens are really needed, but whatevs.)23:10
wgrantkfogel: That looks about right.23:10
kfogelwgrant: ok, now I'm going to learn about "bzr shelve" and try your other proposed way :-)23:10
wgrantExcept that this whole visibility thing is implemented by working around the Zope security machinery.23:10
* wgrant cannot live without shelve.23:10
kfogelwgrant: yeah... I have the feeling that if I had a wider/deeper picture of how Launchpad fits into Zope, I'd be more dissatisfied with this solution.  Ignorance truly is bliss sometimes.23:11
wgrantkfogel: Do you know what the status of checkwatches is? see #launchpad23:25
kfogelwgrant: btw, I don't think the LaunchpadRootNavigation.traverse() solution is actually better here.  It does 301 redirects, not 404s, and I think we actually want a 404 here (which my patch gets by simply returning None).  I guess I could do the "raise NotFound(self.context, name)" trick, but what's the advantage?23:33
wgrantkfogel: Right, the NotFound case is what I was thinking of. But it's not really comparable, since you can just return None from a normal traversal method and get the same effect.23:34
maxbFor some reason launchpadlib 1.5.6 is missing its bzr tag. Please could someone who is a member of ~lazr-developers add it:23:35
maxbbzr tag -d lp:launchpadlib -r revid:leonard.richardson@canonical.com-20100304202437-68ykm4fpbio8jdid 1.5.623:35
wgrant(I didn't actually look at the method first, sorry)23:35
maxbI've checked the branch against the tarball to verify the revision23:35
wgrantspm: How do I get the PPA log parser script set up?23:46
spmthis'd be similar ot the Q&D checks we did the other week?23:47
wgrantI don't think I know about those checks.23:48
spmwild stab in the dark guess that...23:48
wgrantI guess I'm not even sure if the prod config has been fixed yet. And Julian won't be around for several days.23:48
spmwgrant: in any event it's a two step. 1. it's in the code tree cronscripts/<file>.py 2. a request is made - RT is preferred cc'ing team lead/whome ever to get the nod that this is sane etc23:49
spmsome are part of a release cycle - code* are the most notable here - so they get added to the Production Status page as a special rollout request.23:49
spmsome are an *integral* part of ....23:50
wgrantspm: Do you know if there's an RT about it already?23:50
spmI don't - I'll check....23:51
wgrantJulian suggested that he would organise it last week, but I can't see LPS or RT or anything at all to check its status.23:54
thumperwoo.. just slammed my big branch into ec2 test23:59

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