
thumpersinzui: timelines?01:22
thumpersinzui: as in project and person timelines?01:22
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sinzuibac: ping13:57
bachi sinzui13:58
sinzuispm tested my cache-country-mirrors fix. The fix revealed another problem that was also a known bug. This is my permission fix: https://pastebin.canonical.com/29899/13:59
bacsinzui: were the permissions wrong on the orginal file or did shutil.move not copy them properly?14:00
sinzuiThe original file I assume since this is a bug that was already reported14:00
sinzuiThe dir mask was correct though14:01
bacah, ok.  r=bac14:01
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=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: -|| queue: [-] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
bacsinzui: it doesn't look like you pushed your changes to the auto-yui branch15:31
sinzuibac: pushed15:32
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Can you take a look at my branch please? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/dynamic-batch-size-bug-546085/+merge/2253815:38
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EdwinGrubbsallenap: sure15:38
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allenapjml: I can review your ssh-key-auth branch. As far as I can tell, only the first 156 lines are worth reviewing; the rest are sampledata changes. Does that sound right?16:43
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jmlallenap, uhhh, no.17:13
jmlallenap, it's actually about 4200 lines of relevant diff. It needs to be re-proposed to have the correct merging though.17:13
jmlallenap, and I'm convinced that I can do it with fewer lines of diff by being smart about renaming17:13
jmlallenap, thank you very much for the offer though.17:14
* jml takes it off the list17:14
allenapjml: Okay, cool :)17:14
allenapThanks EdwinGrubbs :)17:16
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abentleyjtv, I'm almost inclined to think makeCurrentUpstream and makeCurrentUbuntu should be the same function with different parameters.17:36
jtvabentley: yes, they are probably going to become wrappers for the same meta-function17:37
jtvBut we'll see what shape it takes before we try to get clever.17:37
abentleyjtv, you could use storm.locals rather than storm.store, which would simplify future imports a bit.  What do you think?17:38
jtvabentley: oh, is storm.store obsolescent?17:38
abentleyjtv, no, but storm.locals is meant to provide access to everything you need.17:39
jtvabentley: I didn't know—why and how is that?17:39
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abentleyjtv, "why" is to simplify imports; most everything a Storm client needs can be imported from there.  I assume for "how", they just import from the relevant modules and list things in __all__.17:41
abentleyjtv, r=me either way.17:43
jtvabentley: then sure, I'm pushing the change now.17:43
jtvabentley: thanks!17:43
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leonardrsalgado, can you review the incremental diff of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/launchpadlib-pagetests-take-2/+merge/22444 ? it's all oauth stuff21:07
salgadoleonardr, is that r10609?21:10
salgadoiow, how do I get the incremental diff?21:10
leonardrsalgado: i pasted it in the mp21:10
salgadooh, the pastebin21:11
salgado+    return context21:13
leonardrsalgado: the function wasn't returning its result21:13
salgadoleonardr, I suppose that's fixing an oversight from a previous revision?21:14
salgadook, looks good to me21:14
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: Edwin || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Are you still around to do an sort-of-emergency review? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/debbugs-should-not-sync-comments-bug-552725/+merge/2256621:20
EdwinGrubbsallenap: sure, I can do that.21:21
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Actually, can you hold on that; I've realised I've made a mistake.21:23
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Actually, it's okay. Sorry for the confusion.21:25
EdwinGrubbsallenap: your test says that debbugs supports back-linking, but the implements() doesn't contain ISupportsBackLinking.21:42
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Ah, yes, you're right; I just counted three interfaces. Wow, you're thorough :)21:42
EdwinGrubbsallenap: you just need to set the module docstring in the test file. r=me21:47
allenapEdwinGrubbs: Thanks!21:48
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