cmeiklejohn | hi there | 00:34 |
ddecator_ | hey | 00:34 |
cmeiklejohn | I'm just wondering if you could help me figure out how to proceed triaging this bug: | 00:35 |
cmeiklejohn | | 00:35 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 545268 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Context menu's "Synchronize on Ubuntu One" appears to do nothing (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 00:35 |
cmeiklejohn | I can't seem to reproduce the problem -- just wondering what someones thoughts on how to proceed was? | 00:36 |
ddecator_ | i'm not very familiar with ubuntu one, so i'm not of much help =\ | 00:38 |
ddecator_ | i could try to reproduce it if you want though | 00:39 |
cmeiklejohn | That'd be great, if you could. | 00:42 |
cmeiklejohn | If that doesn't work, I suppose I should just mail ubuntu-bugs? | 00:42 |
cmeiklejohn | The user reporting the bugs been very responsive, so I'm just trying to help him get the issue resolved. | 00:42 |
haferjoshua | Hello everyone | 00:43 |
cmeiklejohn | Hello | 00:43 |
haferjoshua | I just joined the BugSquad last week and was wondering what I should do to start out | 00:43 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: i'll give it a shot here in a sec | 00:44 |
ddecator_ | haferjoshua: is there a certain package you're interested in? | 00:44 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: thanks | 00:44 |
haferjoshua | ddecator: not really any one in particular | 00:45 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: it didn't do anything, i'll keep my eye on and see if it shows up | 00:46 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: ok -- sounds good. It took a few minutes for it to show up for me on | 00:47 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: thanks for your help | 00:47 |
ddecator_ | haferjoshua: well, you could look at untriaged bugs and find some you are comfortable with working on ( | 00:48 |
ddecator_ | haferjoshua: and we're always here if you have questions =) | 00:48 |
haferjoshua | ddecator: thank you, i'll look into that and see what i can find | 00:49 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: nothing yet, and the client doesn't seem to be working right. when i click "Ubuntu One" in the Preferences menu, my system gets busy for a little bit, but then nothing happens... | 00:52 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: that's weird -- it seemed to work fine for me. | 00:53 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: on lucid? | 00:53 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: yes | 00:53 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: 32 or 64-bit? | 00:53 |
cmeiklejohn | hrm. | 00:53 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: 64-bit. | 00:54 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: same here... | 00:54 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: I had selected to share my Documents folder, and it appeared under the user defined folders on | 00:54 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: i selected a folder inside of Documents, nothing too big in there and i'm on a fast connection so it doesn't seem like it would take very long | 00:55 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: anything useful in your .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log? | 00:56 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: it -looks- like it may not be detecting my network connection | 00:58 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: mine is similar to the one on the report though | 01:00 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: can you try u1sdtool -s | 01:01 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: I'm wondering if the problem occurs only when you are not connected to ubuntu one initially. | 01:01 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: and if you are already connected, it works. | 01:01 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: says "Not user with network" again, and it just says that it's ready to connect | 01:02 |
ddecator_ | is_connected and is_online are both false | 01:02 |
ddecator_ | but so is is_error | 01:02 |
cmeiklejohn | hm, ok | 01:06 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: can you try u1sdtool -c | 01:06 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: ...should that have given some output? | 01:07 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: no, try running the status again -- -s | 01:08 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: sees my network now | 01:08 |
cmeiklejohn | ah. interesting. | 01:08 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: let's see if that gets uploaded now. | 01:08 |
ddecator_ | twice, haha | 01:09 |
ddecator_ | i'll let you know in a minute | 01:09 |
zus | ddecator, hey hows it going? | 01:11 |
ddecator_ | zus: good, how are you? | 01:11 |
zus | great, great been a while since ive been in here, | 01:11 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: it uploaded, let me check for the emblems | 01:12 |
ddecator_ | zus: yah, i haven't heard from you in a while, haha | 01:12 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: they all have the syncing emblem | 01:12 |
cmeiklejohn | nice, very nice. | 01:12 |
ddecator_ | yes it is, now all of my papers will be backed up, haha | 01:13 |
cmeiklejohn | ddecator_: bonus. thanks for all of the help, i really appreciate it. | 01:14 |
ddecator_ | cmeiklejohn: no problem, wish i knew more on how to debug u1, haha | 01:15 |
zus | alright on Kubuntu KDE4.4 i am trying to open up kpackagekit and import a key i've downloaded to my desktop as per the winehq site....after navigating to the import key it gives me..."the process for the file protocol died unexpectedly" | 01:16 |
ddecator_ | what version of ubuntu? | 01:16 |
zus | oh 9.10 sorry for got | 01:16 |
cmeiklejohn | /clear | 01:17 |
cmeiklejohn | err, fail. | 01:17 |
ddecator_ | i'm on gnome so i can't really help there | 01:18 |
zus | kubuntu dont have a bug channel do they? | 01:19 |
yofel | zus: well, #kubuntu-bugs exists, but it's pretty vacant, I'll try it here (kde 4.4.1 lucid) | 01:19 |
yofel | zus: a) which key? b) do you mean the import key dialog of software-properties? | 01:20 |
zus | hey yofel thanks | 01:20 |
yofel | and winehq uses a ppa for karmic don't they? | 01:21 |
zus | scott richies key down mid page-ish after you get the ppa.. | 01:21 |
yofel | zus: it says '9.04 and earlier' there | 01:22 |
zus | ha my bad, didnt realize that....but i never got a chance to even import it. though.. | 01:23 |
yofel | zus: karmic should import it by itself once you add the ppa to the software-sources, or do you get a gpg untrusted error? | 01:23 |
zus | (saving me from myself, but i dont think y pc is that intuitive. lol) the process died unexpectedly | 01:24 |
yofel | ok, let me see | 01:25 |
ddecator_ | i believe in karmic they added the wine-1.2 package | 01:25 |
ddecator_ | for the latest dev build | 01:25 |
yofel | ddecator_: not really, wine1.2 on karmic is 1.1.31, current is 1.1.41 | 01:26 |
ddecator_ | hm, odd | 01:26 |
yofel | they don't update the package in karmic, but wine1.2 is much more recent than wine | 01:27 |
zus | one sec ggot to do something here brb | 01:28 |
yofel | zus: ok... if I click on the .gpg file here in dolphin it opens the file in kgpg and import it | 01:28 |
yofel | *imports | 01:28 |
zus | im back.... | 01:30 |
zus | yofel, a lil dialog box opens for me and lets me look at the details thats bout it | 01:31 |
yofel | hm..., nope, KGpg opens and tells me that it importet the key of scott richie here | 01:31 |
yofel | *imported | 01:31 |
zus | since it's 9.04 and before i dont need it, but its still a question on why it died unexpectedly.. | 01:32 |
yofel | indeed | 01:32 |
mccolgan | I found a bug that needs to be turned into wishlist: bug #546761 | 01:33 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 546761 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Slow to start up, but provides no visual feedback. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 01:33 |
zus | yofel, is your KGp on? i had mine turrned off.. | 01:34 |
yofel | mine's on | 01:34 |
zus | yofel, i just turned mine on, lets try again | 01:34 |
zus | it imported alright.... since i dont need the key i never learn how to remove the keys.... | 01:36 |
zus | brb | 01:36 |
zus | got it | 01:36 |
mccolgan | yofel, could you put wishlist status on bug #546761 please? | 01:38 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 546761 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Slow to start up, but provides no visual feedback. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 01:38 |
yofel | looking... | 01:39 |
zus | im back | 01:42 |
yofel | mccolgan: done | 01:44 |
mccolgan | yofel: thanks! :D | 01:44 |
zus | on kubuntu i noticed sometimes when i open the menu and go to applications and move up the help button sticks to the cursor as if i was going to drag it out... is that just me (9.10 kubuntu KDE4.4 | 01:47 |
yofel | haven't seen that yet, but I had other cases where the left mouse button seemed stuck | 01:51 |
zus | yofel, im alright on the mouse left button only the menu gui sometimes gives me trouble. | 01:57 |
yofel | bug 510914 | 02:22 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 510914 in phonon-backends (Ubuntu) ""apt-get install quassel-client-qt4" still pulls in kde (affects: 4)" [Low,Fix released] | 02:22 |
cmeiklejohn | hi | 02:25 |
hggdh | a nice exercice in patience: running Evolution under Valgrind... | 02:34 |
maco | jhgeek!@ | 02:34 |
maco | er | 02:34 |
maco | hggdh: eek! | 02:34 |
hggdh | maco: yeah... sucks. started half an hour ago, and it's been eating one core and -- now -- about 1G of mem | 02:35 |
nigelb | hggdh, nice. | 02:36 |
maco | i ran choqok in valgrind to see if the leaks were my imagination, overnight. it used like 500mb of memory instead of the 30-when-it-starts or 150-when-it-runs-a-while | 02:36 |
nigelb | maco, oops choqok has memory leaks? | 02:37 |
maco | hahahaha read the last comment | 02:37 |
ubot4 | KDE bug 166071 in general "Half the words in KTouch are not real words, are incomplete, or are misspelled" [Normal,New] | 02:37 |
hggdh | heh. but I am afraid of letting it run the whole night -- I might get in tomorrow and find my system is trashing | 02:37 |
nigelb | lololol | 02:38 |
maco | nigelb: yes. i *think* whats happening is that it assumes youll never have more than X dents visible (where X is user configurable).. however if theyre not marked as read you could have 50+X dents! and then after you mark as read on next update it goes back down to X dents, but it doesnt free those other 50 dents, it just forgets about them | 02:38 |
maco | (at least, most logical explanation i can come up with for where it could possibly lose memory. havent worked out the code yet though) | 02:39 |
nigelb | okay, choqok runs the whole night for me and I have 267 dents now | 02:39 |
hggdh | scandal? | 02:41 |
nigelb | I hope not | 02:44 |
* bcurtiswx_laptop lol's at kde bug comments | 02:51 | |
kermiac_ | bug 550836 | 05:47 |
ubot4 | kermiac_: Bug 550836 on is private | 05:47 |
ddecator_ | ... | 05:49 |
vish | kermiac_: you reported the bug? | 05:49 |
ddecator_ | it won't let me view it o.o | 05:50 |
vish | ddecator: seems it has /no/ subscribers.. other than the reporter | 05:50 |
ddecator_ | huh | 05:50 |
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac | ||
kermiac | vish: ddecator_ sorry, I was still at work & got called away | 07:39 |
ddecator_ | kermiac: np | 07:39 |
kermiac | I was wondering what team should be subscribed to gnome-control-centre bugs - well it's actually gnome-appearance-properties | 07:42 |
kermiac | btw - it's not private any more. It was reported from a stock standard VM, so no private info is in the coredump | 07:42 |
ddecator_ | huh, that's an interesting bug | 07:43 |
kermiac | I've reproduced it on 3 diff lucid installs... the screencast shows how to reproduce | 07:44 |
ddecator_ | yah, i just noticed the screencast, haha, very nice | 07:44 |
kermiac | :) | 07:44 |
ddecator_ | no idea who or what team would be assigned that kind of bug though | 07:45 |
kermiac | i know desktop team looks after gnome-control-centre but I don't know where there workflow is... it's ok, I'll keep looking :) | 07:46 |
ddecator_ | that reminds me that i have some bugmail to respond to though, haha | 07:47 |
kermiac | haha... have fun ddecator_ :) | 07:48 |
ddecator_ | kermiac: thanks mate, you too =) | 07:48 |
=== jack111 is now known as jack11 | ||
ddecator_ | hey BUGabundo_remote =) | 08:54 |
* BUGabundo_remote is pumped up :P | 08:55 | |
ddecator_ | any particular reason? | 08:55 |
BUGabundo_remote | last day work, before 1,5 week vacation | 08:56 |
ddecator_ | very nice =D | 08:57 |
bbordwell | GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet, this just applies to updates right? I am safe to update? | 08:57 |
bbordwell | the first updates should be upgrades | 08:58 |
damien_ | Hi, can someone please set LP: #327773 as Won't fix (as agreed by original poster)? | 09:14 |
yofel | bug 327773 | 09:22 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 327773 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Unable to send with hotmail (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Won't fix] | 09:22 |
damien_ | Thank you Charlie :) | 09:24 |
porthose | :) | 09:24 |
AlanBell | Hi all | 09:25 |
AlanBell | | 09:26 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 304702 in rhino (Debian) (and 3 other projects) "E4X not work with rhino (heat: 10)" [Unknown,Fix released] | 09:26 |
AlanBell | says a sync request is required to get 1.7R2-4 from Debian unstable | 09:26 |
AlanBell | !info rhino lucid | 09:26 |
ubot4 | AlanBell: rhino (source: rhino): JavaScript engine written in Java. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7R2-3 (lucid), package size 713 kB, installed size 868 kB | 09:26 |
AlanBell | seems to be still required, can someone help me put the request in please? | 09:27 |
Daviey | AlanBell: bug #552426 | 09:31 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 552426 in rhino (Ubuntu) "Sync rhino 1.7R2-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] | 09:31 |
bbordwell | AlanBell, in case you are not watching the other channel still, | 09:34 |
AlanBell | I was making coffee :-) | 09:37 |
AlanBell | yes, I see the sync request process, I will have a go with the requestsync tool | 09:38 |
AlanBell | can I use Karmic to request a sync in Lucid? | 09:39 |
Daviey | AlanBell: yes | 09:39 |
AlanBell | so something like "requestsync --lp -s -d testing rhino lucid" | 09:41 |
Daviey | AlanBell: you don't need -s | 09:43 |
AlanBell | and there is a dupe :-) | 09:43 |
Daviey | AlanBell: you also want to sync that package from unstable | 09:43 |
AlanBell | bug 552426 | 09:43 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 552426 in rhino (Ubuntu) "Sync rhino 1.7R2-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 09:43 |
AlanBell | so it would have been something like "requestsync --lp -d unstable rhino lucid" | 09:44 |
Daviey | AlanBell: looks good. | 09:44 |
Daviey | AlanBell: fancy filing the MIR? | 09:45 |
AlanBell | gosh that looks complicated | 09:46 |
Daviey | it's not that bad tbh.. just lots of text | 09:47 |
Daviey | AlanBell: Are you doing it? | 09:55 |
AlanBell | reading the process at the moment | 09:55 |
Daviey | ok | 09:56 |
AlanBell | this is the package right? | 09:57 |
Daviey | yes, and ooo | 09:58 |
Daviey | notice it's multiverse. | 09:58 |
AlanBell | looks like universe to me | 09:58 |
AlanBell | err I see | 09:58 |
AlanBell | component multiverse on the package, but publishing component universe | 09:59 |
AlanBell | is that bad? | 09:59 |
AlanBell | | 10:00 |
Daviey | AlanBell: I'm looking :) | 10:01 |
Daviey | AlanBell: it used to build from a binary, hence multiverse; but now it doesn't | 10:02 |
Daviey | so it was downgraded from multiverse to universe, so the world is happy again | 10:02 |
AlanBell | yay | 10:03 |
AlanBell | I don't think I know many of the answers to the MIR questions | 10:05 |
Daviey | AlanBell: Do what you can, you can always edit the bug description once it's there | 10:13 |
rye | hi, apport ubuntu-bugpatterns question - is it possible to set the key to regular expression (i.e. if we were not educated enough and attached the log files as ".home.neku1..cache.ubuntuone.log.oauth.login.log"), so that's what the key now? | 10:57 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | so much for 13:00 end to read-only mode | 14:33 |
the-dude | do I need to file a bug if debian has a more recent version of a package? | 14:33 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | the-dude: | 14:35 |
the-dude | bcurtiswx_laptop: ah ok thanks :) | 14:36 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | np | 14:37 |
hggdh | morning all | 14:48 |
* bcurtiswx_laptop pours a cup of java | 14:48 | |
hggdh | <yawn/> | 14:48 |
* hggdh gets a cups of this fabulously good Brazilian coffee | 14:49 | |
hggdh | :-) | 14:49 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | actually im more truly like... | 14:49 |
hggdh | gotcha | 14:49 |
* bcurtiswx_laptop boils some water for a good cup of green tea | 14:49 | |
hggdh | ugh! | 14:49 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | can't stand coffee. love tea. | 14:50 |
hggdh | in some ways, coffee is a kind of tea that does not use leaves | 14:50 |
hggdh | or, OTOH, tea is a kind of coffee that does not use seeds | 14:51 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | not exactly. i don't see people shoving coffee beans in their cups and then pouring boiling water on them :P | 14:51 |
hggdh | heh | 14:51 |
hggdh | lack of imagination and comformism, it's their problem | 14:52 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | lol | 14:53 |
baptistemm | hi there | 15:12 |
baptistemm | someone is able to reproduce 552140 | 15:12 |
baptistemm | bug 552140 | 15:13 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 552140 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "bluetooth-applet crashed when laptop's connectivity switch was turned off: bluetooth-applet assert failure: *** glibc detected *** bluetooth-applet: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x081443c0 *** (affects: 13) (dups: 5) (heat: 224)" [Undecided,New] | 15:13 |
baptistemm | I would like a valgrind log | 15:13 |
hggdh | baptistemm: probably the easiest way is to add a comment on the bug, asking for it | 15:15 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | hggdh: they did, i think hes just asking to see of someone can reproduce it | 15:15 |
hggdh | oh, OK. Sorry | 15:16 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | baptistemm: since you've requested the information, your hope is that the reporter can provide the logs, since they have had the bug. The bug still should get the steps to reproduce the issue, and since you've requested information you should change the status to incomplete | 15:17 |
the-dude | does reportbug work for reporting ubuntu bugs? | 15:20 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | hmm, empathy does something weird that i don't understand | 15:22 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | "thekorn - the-dude - " just appeared as a line in my chat window | 15:22 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | <shrugs> | 15:23 |
thekorn | w00t? | 15:24 |
bcurtiswx_laptop | i don't understand what that line means | 15:24 |
thekorn | me neither | 15:25 |
* bcurtiswx_laptop is asking telepathy people | 15:25 | |
bcurtiswx_laptop | ddecator: welcome to -mentorship ;) | 15:32 |
=== uaa is now known as damascene | ||
damascene | hello, any one knows how to install guest session. it's not there by default and I don | 15:55 |
damascene | 't know why | 15:55 |
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] | ||
qense | pedro_: Shall I add a notice to the UbuntuBugDay wiki page that "If you really like working on Nautilus we suggest you to take a look at the [[Nautilus adoption team]]. This group of people watches after the Nautilus bugs." or something similar. | 16:23 |
pedro_ | qense, sure, feel free to do it | 16:23 |
qense | ok! | 16:23 |
arand | Bug #549799 has gone away, but no one knows what fixed it, invalidate? | 16:39 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 549799 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "[LUCID] update-notifier no longer shows update icon even with auto_launch=false (affects: 5) (heat: 36)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:39 |
yofel | arand: if it just vanished invalidate | 16:43 |
BUGabundo_remote | arand: was it ever valid? | 16:50 |
BUGabundo_remote | didn't we kill that _option_ back in karmic ? | 16:50 |
arand | yofel: Is there a default response for that btw, I can't find any in | 16:51 |
arand | BUGabundo_remote: BUGabundo_remote hacking gconf worked, and wasn't for a while, so yes it was valid. | 16:51 |
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ | ||
yofel | arand: not that I know of, I usually cut something together depending on the situation. Just make sure someone confirms that it works again | 16:57 |
arand | yofel: There are severl confirms, I just said something like "policy is to set it invalid if we don't know what fixed, feel free to re-open" | 16:58 |
yofel | sounds good to me | 17:00 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
joaopinto | hi | 17:12 |
joaopinto | how much time does the "Extra debug information will be added to the bug report automatically." action usually take ? | 17:12 |
joaopinto | ops, it's ready :) | 17:13 |
BUGabundo_remote | joaopinto: | 17:19 |
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck | ||
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_ | ||
nigelb | kees, would you have time to update the lp-gm-scripts PPA? (anytime is fine btw, just asked bryce, he's busy, and brian's on vacation) | 18:22 |
kees | nigelb: i didn't even know there was one :) i can do it but my system is currently hosed, so i have to solve that first | 18:25 |
nigelb | kees, ah, lol, take your time :) (even end of week or next is fine) | 18:25 |
nigelb | just someone has to do it at some point | 18:26 |
nigelb | and you're admin of the gm-dev-launchpad team :D | 18:26 |
nigelb | qense, ping :) | 18:35 |
qense | nigelb: yes? | 18:35 |
nigelb | qense, I need a significant help from your awesome python-fu | 18:36 |
nigelb | qense, can you join me in creating an application to review patches? | 18:36 |
qense | nigelb: My awesome python-fu? :P Yes, I can help, but I can't promise that I'll have a lot of time. Not that I don't have time, it's just that I don't have very much. :) | 18:38 |
nigelb | qense, my problem is I have time and very little knowledge :D | 18:38 |
qense | nigelb: Ah, well, I would be glad to help you and the project. | 18:38 |
qense | First step: name | 18:38 |
qense | mergimus? | 18:38 |
qense | Was that the one? | 18:39 |
nigelb | oh yes | 18:39 |
nigelb | | 18:39 |
nigelb | oh yuck, didn't change that | 18:39 |
qense | ok, did you already create something, e.g. with Quickly? | 18:39 |
nigelb | I'm just setting up LP | 18:39 |
qense | ah | 18:39 |
nigelb | need to start quickly soon | 18:40 |
qense | First we need to list the features. What should you be able to do with the app? Just viewing and reviewing? | 18:40 |
qense | Where do you select where you want to see the patches from? | 18:41 |
nigelb | yeah. I'm changing it a bit from what jono had in mind | 18:41 |
qense | nigelb: You did know that 'mergimus' is Latin for 'we bring smth down/into ruins' or 'we submerge smth'? | 18:42 |
nigelb | mostly it should be tracking the different statuses, like patch-forwarded-upstream, patch-accepted-upstream, patch needs work | 18:42 |
nigelb | qense, No! | 18:42 |
qense | nigelb: Those statuses are maintained in LP, I assume? | 18:42 |
nigelb | yes, with tags | 18:43 |
qense | not in +patches? | 18:43 |
nigelb | no | 18:43 |
nigelb | its part of a new workflow for reviewers team that I had made | 18:43 |
qense | ah | 18:43 |
qense | nigelb: Do you have any ideas for the interface? | 18:45 |
nigelb | qense, I have a rough one.. is there an app to help me do it? | 18:46 |
nigelb | (or do I take a pick of the paper I was drawing on?) | 18:46 |
qense | nigelb: Most people seem to use either Inkscape or their hands. | 18:46 |
qense | e.g. the Memenu mock-ups were all drawn by hand | 18:46 |
qense | We should use the Software Centre breadcrumbs that Jono put in his mock-up! ;) | 18:47 |
nigelb | I'll draw by hand and take a photo of it | 18:47 |
qense | no scanner? | 18:48 |
qense | a photo will probably do | 18:48 |
nigelb | no scanner | 18:48 |
qense | maybe you should try the GIMP trick for whiteboards they talked about on Planet GNOME after the hackfest in Londen | 18:48 |
nigelb | mairin? | 18:48 |
qense | I think | 18:49 |
nigelb | lemme check that out | 18:50 |
qense | So you open the app, we get presented with a list of places (projects and/or packages) where we can review the patches of, or select multiple. That brings us to a list of patches with their statuses after their names. You can then press review with a patch selected and the magic will unfold like Jono said. | 18:50 |
qense | When done you press the EXECUTE button. | 18:50 |
qense | Is that what you wanted to see? | 18:50 |
nigelb | ok, lets go to #ubuntu-reviews, what i wanted is a bit different | 18:50 |
qense | ok | 18:51 |
qense | I'm in -reviews now | 18:51 |
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe | ||
=== plars is now known as plars-away | ||
badcel_ | hi, i think i found a bug in empathy / telepathy-idle: not all users are shown in the userlist of the irc channel, can someone assist me in checking the bug? | 20:05 |
yofel | badcel_: did you check if this was already reported? sounds familiar somehow | 20:06 |
badcel_ | yofel: not really, the search in launchpad is a bit confusing | 20:08 |
badcel_ | where do i have to check it? in empathy / telepathy / telepathy-idle? | 20:08 |
badcel_ | globally? | 20:08 |
yofel | badcel_: start here | 20:09 |
badcel_ | how did you come to this page? | 20:09 |
badcel_ | yofel: Your list does not seem to include the bug, just searching for irc brought up a rather short short list which is not containing the bug | 20:13 |
yofel | hm, I'm not an expert with empathy as I don't use it, maybe wait for someone else to help you, most people here are busy | 20:14 |
yofel | something unrelated, (Error ID: OOPS-1551EB1288) | 20:15 |
ubot4 | | 20:15 |
=== ubuntujenkisn1 is now known as ubuntujenkins | ||
BUGabundo | bRoas | 22:02 |
bencrisford | hggdh: do you know who moderates the ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list | 22:47 |
hggdh | bencrisford: usually bdmurray, why? | 22:58 |
bencrisford | hggdh: i posted a message to the list about a collaborative bugday between edubuntu and ubuntu | 22:59 |
bencrisford | but it turns out im not a member on my new email address | 22:59 |
bencrisford | so it needs to be moderated | 22:59 |
bencrisford | i tried messaging bdmurray but i got an auto response saying he was on holiday..? | 22:59 |
bencrisford | im just a bit worried that the message wont get seen... | 22:59 |
bencrisford | i have now joined the list on my email | 23:00 |
bencrisford | but if i post again, the original might get approved and there will be 2 :S | 23:00 |
hggdh | bencrisford: Brian is on vacation | 23:01 |
hggdh | email it to me, and I will forward it to the list (I do not have moderation rights there) | 23:01 |
hggdh | hggdh2 at ubuntu dot com | 23:01 |
hggdh | oh | 23:02 |
hggdh | did not read to the end ;-) | 23:02 |
hggdh | bencrisford: just re-email it | 23:02 |
bencrisford | hggdh: ok | 23:04 |
bencrisford | done | 23:05 |
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