
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF - you didn't spend any time looking at the gjs build failure did you?00:11
RAOFchrisccoulson: I did, but then punted it to michag00:12
chrisccoulsonheh, it looks like it's been punted to me now then ;)00:12
chrisccoulsoni just wanted to make sure i wasn't duplicating effort there00:12
RAOFRight.  I'll describe what I know for you then.00:13
RAOFIt seems there's probably two bugs; 1) gjs just plain segfaults in mozjs on armel whenever you ask it to do anything.00:13
chrisccoulsonthe bug i was looking at was the test-suite failure due to a leaked object00:14
RAOF2) the behavioural ABI for mozjs on i386 seems to have changed when the JIT is enabled - it seems that at least one finaliser isn't called when you destroy the context.00:14
RAOFRight.  That's the second one.00:14
RAOFThat can be worked-around by just disabling the JIT on i386; the armel one needs something more.00:14
chrisccoulsonok, i'll spend some time trying to figure that out00:14
RAOFWe could also just disable the test-suite; I'm not sure how critical the leak is for i38600:15
chrisccoulsoni'd rather not disable JIT on i386 if i can avoid it, as it could be a real problem00:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not surehow big a problem it is really :-/00:15
RAOFArmel isn't a simple matter of disabling jit, sadly :/00:16
RAOF(Otherwise I would have uploaded packages that just disable the jit on armel & i386)00:16
dutchielooks like it's built alright00:19
humphreybcgah... compiz + cursors00:20
* dutchie pushes to LP00:21
rickspencer3kenvandine, back around yet?00:25
humphreybccompiz will ONLY let me use compiz mega-large black cursor00:33
=== almaisan-zzz is now known as almaisan
=== almaisan is now known as almaisan-zzz
=== BalSak1 is now known as multi-x
multi-xhi guys. in the upcoming 10.04 lynx, any idea if the gdm will upport multiseat-X, and if not, if it will be possible under KDE?00:43
* RAOF is unsure what you mean by “multiseat X”00:43
multi-xRAOF: using a single machine with multiple seats via multiple video cards, USB keyboards & mice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX00:44
multi-xit's (apparrently) been a standard feature of X for a very long time, up to gdm 2.20, but got bloken under the recent 2.28 rewrite00:45
RAOFAh.  That version of multiseat.00:46
RAOFI don't know; try it with a livecd?00:46
multi-xbeen doing some work on it recently for implementation in schools, offices & home (with kids). especially now that desktop virtualization is becoming a reality, I can remote-X/NZ/VNC/RDP to a destop in a VM00:47
multi-xRAOF: ???? don't understand what you mean by liveCD. it's an extremely complex setup, initially, so I'll loose all settings between reboots00:48
multi-xwell, let me then rather ask: what version of gdm is rolling out with 10.04?00:48
humphreybcwhere are pointer themes stored?00:49
multi-xRAOF: thanks00:49
RAOFYou could do it with a liveusb, where settings can be stored.00:49
RAOFI think you'll also be fighting ConsoleKit, unless you've already worked that out.00:50
multi-xRAOF: yip. it may actually be an asset in this case, though00:55
chrisccoulsonwe don't have multiseat support in consolekit in ubuntu00:59
chrisccoulsonthere is a lot of work happening in separate branches of GDM and consolekit to support true multi-seat01:00
multi-xchrisccoulson: thanks for that. could you please elaborate?01:01
chrisccoulsonwell, the multi-seat branch of consolekit is here: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ConsoleKit/commit/?h=multi-seat01:02
chrisccoulsonand i think the gdm work is here too: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gdm/tree/daemon?h=multi-stack01:02
chrisccoulsonoops, sorry, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gdm/commit/?h=multi-stack01:02
multi-xchrisccoulson: what does that exactly mean? my (poor) understanding of konsolekit is a way of abstracting the user from the system, similar to what was done with PulseAudio, so that the user can use services on a server without actually being present. (client/server). this may be an oversimplfication, but seems compatible with milti-seat01:04
chrisccoulsonconsolekit is for primarily for tracking sessions01:05
chrisccoulsonbut currently, it only supports one local seat (which all local users are added to)01:05
chrisccoulsonbut with multi-seat, you will be able to define multiple seats and assign hardware to those01:06
multi-xso, future/beta implementations of consolekit would be very well-suited to multi-seat, and ease the setup & config thereof?01:06
chrisccoulsonthat is my understanding of how multi-seat will work anyway ;)01:06
multi-xit was pretty difficult to get it working in the first place. any help is appreciated....01:07
dutchiecan someone review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jshholland/ubuntu/lucid/poppler/backport-anti-alias/+merge/22511 please?01:15
chrisccoulsondutchie, wasn't seb128 reviewing that?01:17
dutchiehe seems to have gone to bed01:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, you would be better off asking him to have a look at it tomorrow01:18
dutchieshall I subscribe him to the merge proposal?01:19
chrisccoulsonyou might be better off just pinging him tomorrow. i'm not sure we use the lp:ubuntu branch for the poppler packaging01:20
multi-xthanks guys. will keep an eye out for gdm+consolekit+multiseat01:26
LaserJockkenvandine: when you get back give me a ping02:29
ccheneykwwii: any idea about the status of the OOo splash change?04:09
ccheneyrickspencer3: ping, you happen to be around?04:18
rickspencer3ccheney, 'sup?04:21
rickspencer3RAOF, thanks for fixing the * bug in f-spot04:24
rickspencer3I love that turn around!04:25
ccheneyrickspencer3: i haven't heard anything back from the art team about the new splash, but we already got the logo a while back and i had sent it to ken, any idea what i should do?04:25
rickspencer3ccheney, what specifically is blocking you?04:26
rickspencer3and does the logo contain the new wording?04:26
ccheneythe logo's are just the oracle logo itself it has to be combined with the artwork from ubuntu art team to produce the final product04:26
ccheneyso right now all i have is the oracle logo and haven't heard anything back from the art team yet04:27
rickspencer3ccheney, was there not some legalize that need to be refined as well?04:27
* ccheney double checks04:27
rickspencer3ccheney, in any case, can you please send an email to kwii reminding him that you need this?04:28
rickspencer3and cc ivanka and I?04:28
ccheneythere are a few minor changes to the copyright file and update in the wiki to do, but the main blocker is the artwork04:28
ccheneyok will do04:28
rickspencer3ccheney, I'll ask about the wording right now04:28
ccheneyonce we get the artwork from the art team we have to show it to oracle to get approval but that shouldn't take too long, might miss apr 1 though (2 days from now)04:29
ccheneyrickspencer3: ok sent04:34
rickspencer3thanks ccheney04:34
rickspencer3I also asked Amanda about the wording04:34
rickspencer3I'll keep you posted04:35
ccheneyrickspencer3: ok thanks04:35
rickspencer3wow, I installed UNE fresh from the daily today, and now have 109M of updates!04:35
ccheneyrickspencer3: if we get the images and oracle/amanda approval by sunday it should be ok assuming its processed during the freeze04:36
rickspencer3ccheney, it depends where the hold up is04:36
ccheneyit takes about 2 days to build on arm, but the arm buildds have been apparently having issues and couldn't build the last upload :-\04:36
rickspencer3If they got us the stuff by April 1, I feel duty bound to do as promised04:37
ccheneythe last upload arm couldn't build wasn't materially different from the previous one that did work afaict04:37
rickspencer3ccheney, is a rebuild actually required to replace artwork?04:38
rickspencer3that seems rather, uh, old fashioned04:38
ccheneyyea, well its part of the build process for the filename to use which currently has sun in it and also the fact that the artwork itself is in the openoffice.org source instead of in a separate theme package, etc04:40
ccheneyalso they are planning on changing up the color and location of the progress bar which requires a code patch04:41
ccheneyits a very minor patch but is more than just replacing the graphic for that part04:41
rickspencer3thank goodness I'm getting the new aislerot04:51
rickspencer3RAOF, I see you also liked bug #536925 yesterday !05:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 536925 in gnome-rdp "gnome-keyring-sharp uses deprecated socket interface; apps cannot use keyring" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53692505:00
rickspencer3bryceh, are you around?05:18
Sarvattrickspencer3: guessing you have a problem after the updates? tjaalton just uploaded the evdev and synaptics packages to fix it if so05:23
rickspencer3Sarvatt, a slight problem, yes05:24
rickspencer3the touchpad is sensitive in the button area on my dell mini 10v again05:24
rickspencer3it is quite enraging05:24
rickspencer3Sarvatt, is this the regression you are mentioning? I just did a fresh install of UNE daily today, so wasn't an update05:25
tjaaltonbut "working", so it's not the same issue :)05:25
rickspencer3tjaalton, yes05:25
rickspencer3if by "working" you mean make me want to throttle the person who created such a diabolic device05:25
rickspencer3but in fact, it does point the mouse and such05:25
tjaaltonI'm afraid that people upgrading to the new xserver will be disappointed until -evdev/synaptics are released05:26
tjaaltonbut I need someone to shove those past the build queue05:26
rickspencer3anyway, I assigned a bug to tseltiot05:26
rickspencer3tjaalton, oh? will there be breakages on touchpads tomorrow?05:26
Sarvattrickspencer3: http://sarvatt.com/downloads/xorg.conf.d/ has the steps to fix it if you need the fix ASAP05:26
tjaaltonrickspencer3: well that's what Sarvatt suggests, though we took measures to get around that..05:27
rickspencer3I'm confused (which is normal)05:27
tjaaltonthe new xserver with xorg.conf.d/inputclass backports05:27
rickspencer3I'm thought tseliot patched the synaptics driver for this sensitiviy in the button area usability nightmare05:28
rickspencer3like a 6 months ago05:28
rickspencer3Sarvatt, but thanks for the xorg.conf files05:28
rickspencer3I'll use those if it comes down to it05:28
tjaaltonshould just work with the input drivers exporting 'x11_driver' from the udev rules (included a patch for that in the xserver), but apparently doesn't05:28
rickspencer3JumpyCursorThreshold - lolz05:29
Sarvatttjaalton: ah actually I believe it may be working for him but the quirks for his model aren't05:29
tjaaltonSarvatt: but I don't think he's got the new xserver yet05:30
rickspencer3thanks gents05:31
rickspencer3gots to run05:31
Sarvattrickspencer3: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:33
Sarvattrickspencer3: ah nevermind, you need both the udev rule and the xorg.conf.d snippet for the quirk to work which you dont have yet, hopefully it'll be built soon05:34
RAOFrickspencer3: I can reproduce the “Save as” freeze, too, but it looks like the problem's in GTK# rather than f-spot.  Freezing is a pretty obnoxious behaviour for a save dialog!05:38
rickspencer3RAOF, can you seed the dialog with a name to at least mitigate the bug a tiny bit?06:08
RAOFrickspencer3: I *do* seed the dialog with a name - are you additionally not seeing a default filename?06:09
rickspencer3RAOF, correct06:09
rickspencer3RAOF, http://imgur.com/LFvxv06:11
rickspencer3Sarvatt, fwiw, here's bug #55231706:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552317 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "touchpad on dell mini10v pretty much unusable" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55231706:13
rickspencer3you can reassign, comment, etc... as you like06:14
Sarvattrickspencer3: thanks, it's definitely just the quirk not getting applied and the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics with the fix just finished building - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/1.2.2-1ubuntu1/+build/159357706:23
rickspencer3thanks Sarvatt, looking forward to getting that tomorrow06:24
Sarvattyou can just run this in a terminal to fix it until the upgrade is there by the way - synclient JumpyCursorThreshold=90 AreaBottomEdge=410006:26
rickspencer3thanks Sarvatt06:30
* rickspencer3 copies and pastes06:30
RAOFOh, dear.  That's actually a GTK+ bug.06:56
RAOFThat *will* hit people.06:56
RAOFOver the head, with swords.06:56
pittiGood morning07:07
RAOFpitti: Good morning07:08
pittihey RAOF, how are you?07:28
RAOFGood.  Yourself?07:29
RAOFI've been having fun finding bugs that go all the way down the stack :)07:30
pittiRAOF: yeah, just saw the save as dialog bug..07:43
pittiweird that  this hasn't been noticed much earlier07:43
RAOFYeah.  I would have thought that *someone* would complain loudly that they accidentally hit “save” without a filename and it froze the program without saving.07:45
pittiRAOF: reproduces perfectly in gedit07:50
RAOFAnd in the trivial test program.07:52
RAOF(I trust :))07:52
didrocksgood morning08:13
kenvandinegood morning didrocks08:26
* kenvandine goes to get some sleep, good night :)08:26
didrockshave a good night kenvandine!08:26
mvonight kenvandine08:28
kenvandinehey aquarius08:35
* kenvandine really goes to crash now08:36
aquariushey kenvandine08:37
seb128hello there08:40
pittibonjour seb12808:40
seb128hello pitti08:40
seb128how are you?08:41
pittiI'm pretty good, thanks; you?08:42
pittitrying to finish off the db4.7 deprecation08:42
pittiseb128: btw, gnome-panel amd64 binaries still aren't published, which caused some FTBFS; I asked #soyuz, and they sorted it out (they think)08:44
seb128pitti, I'm great thanks08:44
pittiso we need to wait for the publisher to finish08:44
pittithen we can give back stuff08:44
pittididrocks: ^ FYI (if you saw amd64 FTBFS)08:44
seb128I tried to give some builds back yesterday08:44
seb128armel is wracked08:44
didrockshey seb128, pitti08:44
didrockspitti: thanks for the notice :)08:44
seb128salut didrocks08:44
pittiseb128: hm, ok, they are still investigating08:45
seb128didrocks, did you start on any update today?08:45
didrocksseb128: not yet, still finishing triaging email, I'll then (almost finished)08:45
seb128I'm doing gnome-desktop and libgnome-keyring now08:45
seb128didrocks, bug #55213208:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552132 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55213208:48
seb128could you investigate?08:49
seb128it started recently08:49
seb128not sure if that's the update or your changes08:49
baptistemmOla !08:49
seb128but since you are not one who touch it ;-)08:49
seb128salut baptistemm08:49
didrocksseb128: yeah, that's on what I am in fact :)08:49
baptistemmare the retracers down ?08:52
=== almaisan-zzz is now known as al-maisan
pittiseb128: gnome-panel should be good now08:53
* pitti gives back gdm08:53
seb128baptistemm, they keep going up and down why?08:54
seb128pitti, I'm looking to gnome-menus caching issues08:56
seb128pitti, not sure why you filtered non displayed items out08:56
pittiseb128: well, that was the point of it?08:56
seb128pitti, it's what create bug #54230008:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542300 in gnome-menus "Missing Menu Entries - Lucid Beta 1" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54230008:56
pittignome-menus filters them out anyway?08:57
seb128pitti, those are usually listed as hidden in editor08:57
seb128and you can check those08:57
seb128ie enabling by clicking08:57
pittiand without the pre-filtering, the cache would get twice as big, and become useless08:57
seb128but with your cache not seeing those at all you can't do that now08:57
seb128well NoDisplay means not displayed by default08:58
seb128the editors should still list those are not displayed08:58
seb128pitti, quite some users enable the gnome-control-center item in the system menu this way for example08:59
pittiseb128: the bug description of that is very weird, though; the caching certainly doesn't cause _all_ of those to go away; most people have the capplets/system tools, etc?08:59
seb128well as you commented08:59
seb128it filter out all the NoDisplay=true08:59
seb128they are not in the cache08:59
seb128so they don't exist for the editors08:59
seb128but they should09:00
seb128lot of users tweak their menus and active things we don't display by default09:00
pittiok, so some of them should appear (like "control center"), and some others shouldn't (like apport, gdebi, etc.)09:00
seb128I don't think you should change the spec semantic with your cache09:01
pittican we make a difference between "do not ever show this" (gdebi/apport which are mime links) and "we just hide it by default"?09:01
seb128things with no categories would not be listed09:01
seb128well, I don't understand why you want to change the semantic09:01
seb128the cache should do what we had before but in a faster way09:02
pittiah, ok; so NoDisplay=True should be in the cache, but not empty categories and non-matching OnlyShowIn, right?09:02
seb128I'm not sure about that and the sideeffect that can have09:02
seb128I think we should just list all entries installed09:02
seb128the way it works without cache09:02
pittioh, we shouldn't change the semantic _in_ the caching patch09:02
seb128to avoid breaking softwares relying on that behaviour09:02
pittiI was just pointing out that there are desktop files which should not EVER be shown09:02
seb128but gnome-menus take care of that09:03
pittiI get tons of bugs "I enabled the apport.desktop and clicking on it doesn't work"09:03
pittiI regularly close them with "don't do that"09:03
seb128I don't think we should duplicate that work by tweaking what goes in the cache or not09:03
pittiyes, as I said, it's not the cache patch which should enforce that09:03
seb128well then fix gnome-menus or the desktop entry you use09:03
seb128it does right now though09:03
seb128it's all the09:03
pittibut if we can mark those differently, then the cache doesn't need to even contain the ones which aren't ever displayed09:04
pittiand my question was if there's a flag to mark them differently09:04
seb128    if de.getNoDisplay() or de.getHidden():09:04
seb128        return09:04
pittie. g. /usr/share/applications/apport-gtk-mime.desktop currently uses NoDisplay=true09:04
pittiwhich apparently isn't strong enough09:05
seb128but it should be the cache enforcing that policy09:05
pitti(should "not")?09:05
seb128it means gnome-menus with and without cache doesn't behave the same09:05
seb128yes sorry09:05
pittiyes, we agree09:05
seb128should *not*09:05
seb128can I drop those filters in the cache code then for lucid?09:05
pittiseb128: yes, I guess we have to09:06
pittiseb128: well, I don't know about "Hidden"09:06
pittibut certainly getNoDisplay()09:06
seb128I would drop everything09:06
seb128reading the cache should be the same than reading the directory content09:07
seb128then we can fix issues like the apport one as they should09:07
seb128ie by updating the desktop or fixing gnome-menus code09:07
pittiok, seems that the spec itself doesn't really support that :(09:07
seb128no it doesn't09:07
seb128we might be able to hack around by having no categories I think09:07
seb128see gnome-theme-installer.desktop09:08
pittiseb128: we don't use "Hidden" in /usr/share/applications/ anyway, so you can as well drop the check09:08
seb128Hidden means hidden from menus and mimetypes too09:08
seb128ie that's equivalent of not installed09:09
seb128there is no point to do that in system entries09:09
seb128that's good to delete some from the user config though09:09
seb128pitti, ok, doing that, thanks09:09
seb128pitti, but see gnome-theme-installer.desktop for your apport bug09:09
pittiah, changing it to "Categories=GNOME;GTK;" works indeed09:11
pittii. e. it doesn't appear any more in alacarte09:11
pittiseb128: thanks!09:11
* pitti commits09:11
seb128pitti, you're welcome09:11
seb128pitti, thanks for taking the time to clarify that with me there ;-)09:11
seb128didrocks, yet another bug eating the dust thanks to you ;-)09:17
* seb128 hugs didrocks09:17
seb128thanks for fixing that crasher09:17
* didrocks hugs seb128, was my fault :)09:18
* didrocks gives back glade, gnome-menus, gnome-utils on amd64 and back on update09:19
pittinice, libdb4.7 is 653 kB; which will now drop from the CDs09:27
pitti20% of a langpack :)09:28
seb128how much do we need to get an extra one back?09:28
seb128ie are those the first 20%?09:28
pittihaven't checked yet09:28
seb128or do we have like 80% space now09:28
pittiCD builds were broken in the last couple of days09:28
seb128I guess the GNOME 2.30 uploads don't help there09:29
TheMusopitti: If  you are working seeds atm, could you cut a langpack or two from powerpc? The desktop CD is oversized.09:29
didrocksseb128: taking seahorse and seahorse-plugins09:29
TheMusoOtherwise I can take care of it myself.09:30
seb128didrocks, thanks09:30
pittiTheMuso: I'm not, it's all your's09:30
pittiTheMuso: I just did some libdb4.7 -> 4.8 migration09:30
TheMusooh ok09:30
pittiseb128: investigating apport retracer crashes now09:32
seb128pitti, thanks09:32
pittiseb128: the amd64 one stumbled over a broken bug report again (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/551044)09:32
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/551044)09:32
pitti-> oopses09:32
seb128pitti, do you have an opinion on when to turn apport off?09:32
seb128same for the lpi "report a bug"09:32
pittiseb128: apport> right after the release candidate, traditionally09:33
pittilpi> can we do a test drive (package in ubuntu-desktop with that disabled)?09:33
pittiand then disable it aronud that time as well?09:33
seb128pitti, well it's easy, it's one line to comment in lpi09:34
pittiseb128: what do you think? you want to do it later?09:34
pittierm, eralier?09:34
seb128no, that seems fine09:35
pittiseb128: right, but we did the apport disabling a lot of times now09:35
pittiseb128: I'm slightly worried that disabling the menu entry has some side effects09:35
seb128you want me to upload that before beta2?09:35
pittilike apps trying to change the menus after calling lpi, etc.09:35
pittiseb128: to the PPA? not that time critical, but I guess it would be good to do it soon09:36
seb128I've no concern about not having bugs for annoying issues09:36
seb128we have enough bugs sent our way menu item or not09:36
seb128I will upload to the ubuntu-desktop ppa today09:36
* pitti hugs seb128, merci!09:36
* seb128 hugs pitti09:37
seb128de rien!09:37
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
TheMusohrm only en is on powerpc desktop CD. Have to cut something else, and I think part of openoffice is what it may have to be.09:49
pittiTheMuso: any idea why powerpc is so big?09:51
pittidoes it have that much extra packages?09:51
TheMusopitti: No it doesn't, but it doesn't help that one of the kernels is huge, the kernel in questino being powerpc64-smp.09:51
baptistemmseb128, this is just someone opened a bug yesterday, and the retrace is not yet done10:03
seb128baptistemm, ok, it might take a while10:03
baptistemmand it seems to be a reproductible crasher I'm interested to have10:03
seb128do you have the bug number?10:04
baptistemmbug 55195510:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551955 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth-applet assert failure: *** glibc detected *** bluetooth-applet: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x08870470 ***" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55195510:08
seb128retracing will not be useful10:10
seb128double free requires a valgrind log10:10
TheMusohrm livefs is not the latest anyway, so will wait for tomorrow to see where things stand.10:11
baptistemmseb128, okay10:11
didrocksre, I'm striking with any no more keyboard on gdm and gnome session after upgrade + reboot. On my right TTY now10:13
seb128ot nice10:13
didrocksno, it's not :( I'm looking at the bunch of update I had this morning to see what's in fault10:14
didrocksgdm is already out of this :)10:14
seb128I would tend to blame tjaalton10:14
tjaaltonwhat now? :)10:15
seb128there was quite some xorg updates10:15
seb128tjaalton, some update from today broke xorg keyboard for didrocks10:15
seb128tjaalton, I would think it's due to some of your uploads ;-)10:15
tjaaltondidrocks: pastebin Xorg.0.log10:15
seb128but I'm random blaming there10:15
tjaaltonseb128: Sarvatt saw the same, but I couldn't reproduce it10:16
seb128so feel free to ignore me :p10:16
tjaaltonthings should be fine with the new evdev10:16
* seb128 doesn't update10:16
didrockstjaalton: I'm trying to downgrade xserver-xorg-input-evdev, reboot in progress10:16
tjaaltondidrocks: which arch?10:16
didrockstjaalton: i38610:16
tjaaltonso you got a new evdev? then things should definitely work10:17
didrocksok, it's back10:17
popeyseb128: I note you updated tomboy to 1.2.0. Did you take into account the new files that are deployed in tomboy 1.2.0 that aren't in previous releases?10:18
didrocksone sec, finishing booting :)10:18
seb128popey, which?10:18
popeyseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/406951/10:18
tseliotMacSlow: ping10:19
seb128poningru, do you have any issue?10:19
seb128popey, ^10:19
seb128popey, going backward is usually not a good thing10:19
seb128popey, try rather to tell us what doesn't work than trying to guess what is broken10:19
didrockstjaalton: so, the guilty version for me was 1:2.3.2-5ubuntu1, installing back 1:2.3.2-3ubuntu2 works10:19
seb128popey, and yes the new files are installed10:19
tjaaltondidrocks: you need to install xserver-xorg-core10:20
popeyseb128: ok. i'm not saying something doesn't work, i just couldn't see the difference in the debian/rules, sorry to have bothered you10:20
didrockstjaalton: ok, trying upgrading ok and installing it10:20
seb128tjaalton, you should use breaks in those cases10:20
tjaaltondidrocks: no guarantees about partial upgrades :)10:20
seb128tjaalton, or versioned depends10:20
tjaaltontoo ugly10:20
seb128tjaalton, wrong reply10:20
dutchieseb128: did you see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/248355/comments/46?10:20
seb128tjaalton, ? it has been made for those cases10:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 248355 in poppler "Evince doesn't anti-alias graphics" [Low,Fix committed]10:20
seb128dutchie, yes, did you see the comment from james_w?10:21
dutchiethat's the comment10:21
tjaaltonseb128: well, too late anyway10:21
dutchieI don't see the what Makefile.in problem is10:21
didrockstseliot: xserver-xorg-core is already installed here10:21
tjaaltonthe xserver was uploaded first just for this reason10:21
tjaaltondidrocks: which version10:21
didrockstjaalton: 2:
tjaaltonuh oh10:22
didrockstseliot: sorry, wrong hl (dummy weechat ;))10:22
tseliotaah, ok10:22
tjaaltonyeah if you use edgers you're busted10:22
didrockstjaalton: ok, I had to use it at some point because of nvidia10:22
didrockstjaalton: removing it now :)10:22
didrockstjaalton: that's why I was surprized, I hadn't a "partial upgrade"10:23
seb128dutchie, what is not clear there?10:23
tjaaltondidrocks: yeah, glad that you didn't have the real version ;)10:24
dutchieseb128: isn't the Makefile.in file just generated from the .am? it builds fine for me10:25
seb128dutchie, not it's not10:25
seb128dutchie, you need to run automake for this10:25
didrockstjaalton: glade too that not everybody will break so (just those using edgers for some reason at one point on lucid, like "no more nvidia driver for new xorg" ;)). I removed it for a while and even didn't remember that I still can have some piece from it :/10:26
seb128dutchie, which it's not done on the build servers since it's not in the build-depends10:26
seb128dutchie, I will fix that one10:26
* didrocks dist-upgrade again and reboot10:26
seb128dutchie, could you tag the patch as indicated though?10:26
seb128dutchie, I know how to do the automake update10:26
seb128dutchie, cool, thanks a lot for your work there10:26
tjaaltondidrocks: yeah edgers is a double-edged sword..10:26
dutchieand pushed10:27
milanbvdoes anybody know whether there's a plan to suggest users coming from Karmic to add the notification applet to get the sound icon?10:27
didrockstjaalton: yeah, but it was that or can't test compiz at the start of lucid cycle and I had to test it… so :) What could be good is when you removed a ppa to be able to see "list all remaining components from this ppa" (I just removed nvidia-* related package)10:27
milanbvseems gnome-volume-control-applet is disabled10:27
tjaaltondidrocks: there's a ppa-purge script somewhere10:28
chrisccoulsonhello everyone10:28
seb128hey chris10:28
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:28
chrisccoulsonhmmm, is desktop-couch a little bit CPU-heavy for anybody else today?10:28
seb128indicator-sound is used in lucid10:28
didrockstjaalton: oh? interesting. I'll have a look then. Thanks :) confirming it's ok now10:28
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:28
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you>10:28
milanbvdidrocks: ppa purge is at https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive10:28
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks10:28
milanbvhi chrisccoulson!10:29
chrisccoulsonhi milanbv10:29
tjaaltondidrocks: excellent, thanks10:29
seb128chrisccoulson, good, thank you, what about you?10:29
didrocksmilanbv: thanks. I'll give it a look10:29
didrockstjaalton: thanks for helping on this :)10:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - good thanks, but a little tired. i stayed up quite late building mozilla updates10:29
seb128iz bug #53060510:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060510:30
MacSlowtseliot, pong10:30
seb128chrisccoulson, the cpu use is bug #53060510:30
MacSlowtseliot, sorry... was on a very long conf-call10:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks10:30
seb128chrisccoulson, np10:30
milanbvanyone about the sound icon migration? ^10:30
seb128I replied10:31
seb128indicator-sound is used in lucid10:31
seb128the indicator-applet is in the default configuration10:31
tjaaltondidrocks: np, the updates need to go fine so any issues like this are critical ;)10:31
seb128it's set on upgrades too10:31
=== almaisan-zzz is now known as almaisan
tseliotMacSlow: let's use pm and the canonical freenode10:31
milanbvseb128: sorry, i missed it in the greetings ;-)10:32
seb128seems indicator-sound doesn't get installed for some users though10:32
milanbvbut you say it should have been added automatically to the panel?10:32
seb128those likely use apt-get to upgrade10:32
seb128and not upgrade-manager10:32
milanbvno, I didn't ;-)10:32
seb128the recommends are not enforced10:32
seb128there is a bug open on apt about that I think10:32
milanbvI've just checked with a test user that I had in Karmic10:32
seb128well indicator are autolaunched10:32
seb128you have on indicator-applet10:33
seb128it used to have only the message icon10:33
milanbvbut they aren't launched, they are an applet10:33
seb128they are not10:33
seb128they are indicators10:33
seb128the indicator-applet is part of the default config10:33
seb128if you remove it nothing we can do10:33
milanbvyeah, but the *indicator* applet is missing!10:33
seb128you removed it10:33
seb128you probably decided you don't like it10:33
milanbvI mean: I created a standard account for testing purposes in Karmic10:33
seb128or don't use it10:33
milanbvand now the applet isn't there10:34
seb128no way10:34
milanbv(I don't really care personally, it's just that a bug was reported and my test account seems to confirm)10:34
seb128we would have noticed if karmic was buggy this way10:34
milanbvwell, there's bug 55222110:34
seb128how did you test?10:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552221 in gnome-media "volume icon is missing" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55222110:34
seb128those bugs are usually indicator-sound not installed10:34
milanbvtest? I had created that account, which I hadn't modified10:35
seb128which as said before is an apt issue10:35
seb128recommends are not installed on dist-upgrade in some cases10:35
milanbvand I simply started the session now I'm in Lucid10:35
seb128is indicator-sound installed?10:35
milanbvsimply adding the indicator applet fixed the bug10:35
seb128I don't understand10:35
seb128indicator-applet is in the default gnome-panel config10:35
seb128since before karmic10:35
seb128we did zillion of installs and nobody got it not there10:35
milanbvhmm, if I'm the only problematic case, forget it10:36
seb128it has only the message thing in karmic10:36
milanbvlet's see what the reporter says10:36
seb128the same containiner is used for the sound one now10:36
seb128well try a guest session10:36
seb128or adding an user on karmic10:36
seb128I would be interested if the default config is buggy10:36
milanbvI can't go back to Karmic now10:36
seb128because we tested that a lot and it never came as buggy10:37
seb128what usually happens is that users don't like the message indicator10:37
seb128because it changes the way im notification work10:37
milanbvyeah, maybe he removed it when going to Karmic, and now he needs it10:37
seb128so they drop it from their config in karmic10:37
milanbvshouldn't we enforce adding indicator applet to the panel again?10:37
seb128we do now10:37
milanbvbecause now they really need it10:37
seb128we didn't before beta1 though10:37
milanbvso I close the bug10:37
seb128not sure when he upgraded10:38
milanbvhe came too early :-)10:38
seb128either that or this apt bug10:38
seb128you can look to open apt bug10:38
seb128quite some users didn't get indicator-sound installed10:38
seb128it's only a recommends from indicator-applet or something10:38
seb128we should perhaps had it as a direct ubuntu-desktop recommends10:38
seb128since apt seems to handle transitionnal recommends in a buggy way10:39
seb128I will check that with mvo10:39
seb128chrisccoulson, btw the gnome-desktop might fix those weird display error on undocking10:39
milanbvmight be nice10:40
seb128chrisccoulson, there is a "ignore errors" change there10:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, that's good. i made sure i got a backtrace and xtrace log of g-s-d when i undocked last night so i can investigate the crasher at some point when i get some spare time, without disrupting my workflow too much10:41
seb128was that a crash?10:42
seb128or a badmatch or something?10:42
chrisccoulsoni get a crash when i dock / undock, which seems to be related to the Fn+F8 crash that people see as well10:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it's the crash on badmatch error10:43
seb128the gnome-desktop change I mention was a badmatch g-s-d crash too10:43
seb128so it might be the same one10:43
chrisccoulsonoh, that would be good10:43
seb128see that bug10:44
ubottuGnome bug 599914 in libgnome-desktop "settings daemon locked up when attaching new monitor" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that's the same issue10:45
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure the fix is the right thing to do10:45
seb128well see federico comment on the bug10:46
seb128but meanwhile if it doesn't crash that's better than nothing10:46
chrisccoulsonsetting the monitor size fails because g-s-d's knowledge of the screen configuration is out of date10:46
chrisccoulson(ie, it has already changed some configuration but has not processed the events back from the server to update all the client-side values)10:47
chrisccoulsonso setting the screen size to a value it *thinks* is ok fails10:47
chrisccoulsoni'll dig in to that a bit more though and comment on the upstream bug10:48
seb128so we should make sure it does the event handling first and then the update?10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, possibly. but i need to look at that again to refresh my memory, just to be sure i've got it right10:48
seb128in any case buggy better than crashy10:48
seb128especially when themes don't reapply when g-s-d restart10:49
chrisccoulsonyeah, it would definately be nice for g-s-d not to crash10:51
didrocksseb128: doing the pango & sabayon update. What to do with other components that are just released as "2.28.1/2", do you think we should update them if there is no 2.30 release for them?11:57
seb128didrocks, no pango11:58
seb128didrocks, I'm lunching, let's talk about that in a bit11:58
seb128didrocks, I need to look at pango11:58
didrocksseb128: sure, enjoy :)11:58
seb128there was only on unstable version11:58
seb128and we didn't use it since it was not a clear schedule11:58
seb128I need to check if we want to update or not11:58
didrocksseb128: go go go to your lunch, we can talk about that later ;)11:58
seb128other components, only translation changes I would wait on debian11:59
seb128but if we are done with everything we can do some11:59
didrocksunderstood, I can switch on other things more important TBH :)11:59
seb128be back in a bit11:59
pittiok, LP is down now12:02
pittiperfect time for lunch and some errands12:03
=== almaisan is now known as almaisan-afk
seb128doh, I forgot about that today12:09
seb128why do they need to do update on middle of work days12:09
chrisccoulsonbah, now is not a good time for LP to be down12:11
chrisccoulsoni can't even grab the bzr branches i need to work12:12
seb128same here12:12
seb128didrocks, you are lunching now?12:12
didrocksseb128: not yet, I'm testing the new daily iso to see if I still don't have scolling with my touchpad12:13
didrocks(and I haven't :/)12:13
seb128didrocks, do you have any opinion on the pango update?12:13
seb128do you want to look at it, do it?12:13
didrocksseb128: also, I saw the new installer (no more syslinux question for booting live or install). I have to try if that doesn't impact my UNE session12:13
seb128what did they do with it?12:14
didrocksseb128: TBH, I only saw the update on the ftp. I didn't look at the NEWS file12:14
seb128no way to install without running the desktop now?12:14
seb128didrocks, ok, I will look at it if you want12:14
seb128didrocks, I'm back from lunch and launchpad is down12:14
seb128so I'm blocked on other tasks12:14
didrocksseb128: now, you directly start ubiquity in install mode with a first question "do you want to try it/install it" and select the language12:14
didrocksseb128: ok, thanks :)12:14
seb128oh, k12:15
didrocksseb128: it's nice, I'm just afraid that it doesn't respect session value in custom.conf :)12:15
didrocksok, usb key ready, let's have a try12:15
seb128good luck12:15
didrocksok rock! it works :)12:22
didrocksI think people will just be surprized if they have an nvidia card, start with -elf, and then, install the "recommended driver", the nvidia blob will activate 3D and the launcher will look different :)12:23
didrocksbut at least, that means the launcher is working12:23
didrocksok, let's make a break now. I'm not fancy of speading the whole day to have scrolling on my touchpad working again. Will do that after beta12:25
seb128didrocks, enjoy the break12:26
didrocksseb128: thanks  :)12:26
=== almaisan-afk is now known as al-maisan
nessitahello everyone. I was wondering if this is the proper channel to ask about an issue I'm having on a lucid install, with latest updates: network seems extremely slow since last weekend.12:37
davmor2pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/544994 launchpad is down so I've pasted it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/407010/ for now and will add to lp when it's back up12:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 544994 in libgphoto2 "Fugi FinePix S5800 is showning up as a media player and not a camera" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:41
seb128pitti, do you think we still need the keyring cleaning change?13:04
seb128brb session restart13:05
pittiseb128: yes, we still need it; we just introduced it last week, so I think we need to keep it until at least after beta-2, for people upgrading from b113:23
pittidavmor2: thanks; I'll just wait until LP is back, to see the full bug and be able to answer, etc.13:24
chrisccoulsonmy laptop feels painfully slow today :-/13:24
MDC1mvo, any chance to fix this before lucid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/549959 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/update-manager/+bug/54993613:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 549959 in update-manager "[PATCH] Respect buttons_have_icons setting (dup-of: 150677)" [Undecided,New]13:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 150677 in update-manager "Update Manager does not respect gtk-button-images setting" [Low,Triaged]13:24
seb128pitti, ok, I will update it then, thanks13:25
pittiseb128: it doesn't apply any more?13:25
pittiit just added a single function call into existing code13:25
seb128pitti, the g_debug lines break things which source the command line output13:25
seb128some KDE users do that13:26
seb128we got a bug about it13:26
seb128I will just drop the g_debug13:26
pittiseb128: ah, that's fine13:27
pittiseb128: I just added that while developing the patch and kept it because it seemed harmless13:27
seb128right i didn't think it would break things either13:27
seb128quick update anyway no worry13:27
mvoMDC1: thanks, I check it out13:28
MDC1mvo, i plan to fix the other buttons with icons if you think the solution is ok13:29
seb128hey mvo13:29
mvohey seb12813:37
seb128dpm, hey13:49
seb128dpm, could you look at bug #549008?13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549008 in gnome-desktop "GNOME information error" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54900813:49
seb128dpm, it's a polish translation issue13:49
dpmheya seb128, looking...13:49
seb128dpm, the code should probably deal with those errors better but it means the string is broken in the translation13:50
seb128            # Translators: %(name)s and %(value)s should not be translated:13:54
seb128            # it's a way to identify a string, so just handle them like %s13:54
seb128dpm, they probably didn't follow that13:54
seb128dpm, but upstream translation seems ok13:54
seb128so maybe it has been changed on launchpad13:54
dpmok, I get it, let me see if I can locate the string in LP...13:54
seb128dpm, it's msgid "%(name)s: %(value)s"13:55
seb128I think13:55
seb128or a variant13:55
dpmhmm, cannot make searches on LP while on read-only mode :/13:56
dpmok, I'll find the link to the translation and I'll ping the Polish translations when LP is back13:57
seb128dpm, thank you13:58
dpmno worries, thanks for the heads up13:58
chrisccoulsoncome back please launchpad :)14:16
seb128chrisccoulson, the update is going to take an extra hour now...14:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks14:19
chrisccoulsonthats not good though :(14:20
* pedro_ kicks lp14:20
chrisccoulsonpedro_ - you make it take 10 minutes longer now for kicking it :P14:22
* Tm_T hugs LP14:22
chrisccoulsonlp doesn't accept hugs in read only mode though14:23
pedro_chrisccoulson, noo! :'(14:24
dholbachmy xkb config is broken14:27
dholbach I just did an upgrade14:27
dholbach and restarted14:27
dholbach maybe now I find out why alt-1 doesn't work :-D14:27
didrocksdholbach: you can do that… or still answer in the gsoc list :)14:29
* didrocks hugs dholbach14:29
dholbachdidrocks: eh?14:29
dholbachdidrocks: reply to what?14:30
didrocksdholbach: the thread about "how can i become a mentor/student in google groups"14:30
Zdraseb128, Did you know that indicator patch for rhythmbox is changing behaviour of rhythmbox's status icon?14:31
dholbachdidrocks: sorry I didn't check out the google groups stuff yet14:31
Zdraseb128, dunno what happens if I have the indicator applet, but without it, middle click on the status icon doesn't play/pause anymore, right click doesn't show the rb window (it popups its menu instead)14:31
dholbachdidrocks: what does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Students and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2010/Mentors not answer?14:31
didrocksdholbach: they answer everything, just people don't read it before posting…14:32
dholbachoh yeah14:32
seb128Zdra, yes, the indicator fallback is to add the same menu to an icon rather than an indicator14:32
dholbachnothing new14:32
seb128Zdra, getting the old code back is a buildtime option14:32
dholbachthat's why I sent a "this is what you need to do" mail every week14:32
Zdraseb128, which means if I want to show rb window, I have to click on status icon, then select "show rhythmbox" from the menu. And when the window is open to minimize to tray I cannot click the status icon anymore, I have to close the window14:32
Zdraseb128, IMO if indicator applet is not in the panel, it should fallback to upstream behaviour14:33
Zdrawhich is consistent with empathy14:33
seb128right, patches are welcome14:33
Zdrasigh :(14:33
seb128we will not have time to rewrite fallback code for lucid14:33
seb128we have a zillion bugs to fix14:34
Zdradon't write indicator code if you are unable to do it properly14:34
seb128it's done properly14:34
* Zdra is sick of that indicator in ubuntu14:34
seb128you just don't want to use the indicator14:34
seb128which is a different usecase14:34
seb128we could have no fallback at all14:34
seb128I agree the fallback is suboptimal14:34
seb128but the idea is that people would try to use indicators14:35
seb128because they are nice14:35
seb128we spent our efforts have a nice default experience14:35
Zdraseb128, people are complaining UPSTREAM because they don't see new empathy messages, because of indicator14:35
seb128rather than trying to optimize fallback code14:35
Zdrathat indicator should have been dropped, clearly14:36
seb128the fallback in empathy is not buggy that I know14:36
seb128that's not constructive comment14:36
seb128the indicator works fine for many users14:36
seb128that's not because some get confused and can't change an option that we should stop doing changes14:36
seb128I've work to do, going back to that14:37
* cassidy read lot of negative comments about Empathy which are actually because of this patch :(14:37
seb128cassidy, specific issues?14:37
seb128or just the icon change not being obvious enough14:37
cassidyseb128, the usual things, the indicator isn't clear enough and people miss they have received messages14:38
seb128the other issue is that really read rants from geeks and vocal minorities usually14:38
seb128cassidy, the icon changed yesterday14:38
seb128it should be noticable now14:38
seb128it was not before14:38
cassidyah good14:38
Zdraseb128, note that ubuntu changed rb's icon when not playing, but not the icond when playing, which makes the style totally inconsistent14:40
Zdraseb128, sorry to complain against you, surely it's not your personal fault ;)14:41
pittiwell, to be honest, they are right14:41
Zdrajust that you are maintainer of the package, afaik14:41
pittithe indicator is NOT clear enough14:41
Zdraseb128, canonical's own user testing proved indicator is not clear14:41
seb128Zdra, styles are consistent there, what icon theme do you use?14:42
Zdrafor empathy at least14:42
seb128pitti, Zdra: I agree it's not clear enough14:42
seb128the green icon should be a bit better14:42
seb128I would still like flashing better14:42
seb128but not my decision *shrug*14:42
pittiyeah, design team thing14:42
pittiseb128: we'll get green?14:42
vuntzgreen is openSUSE!14:43
seb128pitti, it's in since yesterday14:43
seb128pitti, you use outdated software :p14:43
pittiseb128: no, nobody pinged me on jabber today yet :)14:44
pittiooh! green!14:44
seb128oh come on launchpad enough being down now I've work to do14:46
Zdraseb128, Hm, don't know which icon theme I'm using since gnome-appearance-properties crash at startup now :(14:46
ZdraI think I have ubuntu's theme14:46
seb128Zdra, it has been fixed today14:46
seb128the crash14:46
seb128upgrade gnome-control-center14:47
Zdrajust made the upgrade karmic->lucid today14:47
seb128yeah, things change quickly14:47
seb128didrocks fixed it this morning14:47
seb128you probably didn't get the update14:47
Zdraseb128, ah, probably related to the fact that capplets-data can't be installed14:47
seb128using amd64?14:48
didrockscapplets-data can't be installed ?14:48
Zdraseb128, yes14:48
didrocksah, make sense :)14:48
seb128yeah, it's because i386 built first14:48
seb128and the binaries are out of sync on amd6414:48
ZdraI'll wait then :)14:48
seb128should be fixed in the next hours14:48
pittioh, LP seems to be back14:52
seb128pitti, \o/14:54
* didrocks bzr pull14:56
seb128dpm, hey again14:56
seb128dpm, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/55235814:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 552358 in gnome-keyring "Typo in the seahorse dialog on Lucid : Unlock Login Keyring" [Low,Triaged]14:56
dpmlooking... :)14:56
seb128dpm, do you think it's worth breaking translations?14:56
seb128"Enter Password for to unlock your login keyring"14:56
seb128I want to fix that string14:56
Zdraseb128, also it seems that the volume applet disappeared... when adding the indicator applet I get it together with the incidator thing... so I guess it's also yet-another-ubuntu-patch?14:57
Zdrasame for bluetooth icon14:57
seb128Zdra, no, it's just that we use an indicator for it14:57
seb128you can run gnome-volume-control-applet14:58
seb128we just turn the autostart desktop file off by default14:58
seb128it's still there14:58
Zdraseb128, it's not in the list of applets I can add anymore14:58
seb128you can edit it in the session capplet14:58
seb128or run it by hand14:58
dpmseb128, could it be fixed by patching the sources and all those msgid's in the translations?14:58
Zdraany reason to remove from the list?14:58
seb128yes because we use an indicator14:58
seb128and it would mean having 2 mixers14:58
Zdrais that a reason to not let users add it back if they wanyt?14:58
seb128if you decide to remove the indicator you can add the applet too14:59
seb128they can14:59
seb128just check it in the session capplet14:59
Zdraseb128, I can't add the volume applet from the UI at least14:59
seb128Zdra, go to the session capplet14:59
seb128it should be listed as unticked14:59
seb128tick it14:59
seb128we probably did hide it to not confuse users15:00
seb128you should use indicators really, they are nice ;-)15:00
seb128well see we build a desktop using indicators15:00
seb128so we optimize for the default experience15:00
seb128not for the fallback case for people who don't want to use what we do15:00
seb128I'm not sure why you don't just add the indicator15:01
seb128and change the empathy option to not use it15:01
Zdrawhy should I do that?15:01
seb128sound, bluetooth are as nice as the notification icons15:01
seb128you would avoid all those issues15:01
Zdrasound is just replacing a vertical bar by an horizontal15:02
seb128if you strongly disagree with the distro direction install an another distro...15:02
seb128well indicators are consistent15:02
Zdrabluetooth is the exact same menu afaik15:02
seb128you can move between those with the keyboard15:02
seb128or without closing the menu15:02
seb128right that's the idea15:02
seb128having notification area done right15:02
Zdraseb128, sadly, I really consider moving to another distro because of that15:02
seb128you will also get KDE software rendered in gtk15:02
seb128dpm, *shrug*, I guess we could but I'm already overworked and I don't fancy spending an hour on that15:03
Zdraseb128, what's the point in indicator if it's already known to be dead with gnome-shell?15:03
seb128Zdra, is it?15:04
seb128Zdra, there was some running discussion about what will be done with gnome-shell15:04
seb128and it didn't seem there was a decision yet15:04
Zdraanyway... thanks for your answers :)15:04
seb128you're welcome15:04
dpmseb128 I understand, let me think for a sec...15:04
milanbvZdra: I think indicators are likely to work better in the future with GNOME Shell than notification icons15:05
milanbvbecause the shell will easily be able to render the menus the way it wants, and integrate them to the messaging bar15:05
rickspencer3good morning all15:06
chrisccoulsonhey rickspencer315:07
seb128hello rickspencer315:07
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson, seb12815:07
pittihey rickspencer315:07
seb128rickspencer3, how are you?15:08
didrockshey rickspencer315:09
seb128dpm, let me have a try to sed the po to change this string15:10
seb128dpm, the msgid need to be changed right?15:11
dpmthen when building the translations they will not be marked as fuzzy15:11
dutchieseb128: got onto merging the poppler thing yet?15:12
dutchie(I can see you're busy though)15:12
seb128dutchie, no, launchpad was down for 3 hours15:13
seb128there was no way to bzr pull anything15:13
rickspencer3I'm doing ok15:13
dutchieyeah, pain that15:13
seb128I'm quite annoying15:13
rickspencer3seb128, didrocks, chris, how's it going today?15:13
seb128I didn't remember they announced that a week ago15:13
seb128rickspencer3, out of the fact that I forgot that launchpad was down for 2 hours15:13
seb128which turned to be 315:13
seb128and I didn't fetch things I needed before15:13
seb128good ;-)15:13
baptistemmif someone is able to reproduce bug 552140 thanks for providing a valgrind log15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552140 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth-applet crashed when laptop's connectivity switch was turned off: bluetooth-applet assert failure: *** glibc detected *** bluetooth-applet: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x081443c0 ***" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55214015:13
didrocksrickspencer3: good LP down enabled me to do other things :)15:13
rickspencer3didrocks, like go outside?15:15
dpmseb128, if you see it's going to take you too much time, do you want me to quickly ask on the translators list? TBH, I'm undecided on this one as well. It's not a very visible string, if I understand it correctly, and it has a good chance to be fixed upstream, since it is clearly a typo. I think it might be ok to fix it, even if temporarily breaking translations. But of course, if it can be handled transparently, even better15:16
mvoseb128: fyi https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=614469 (the vte problem)15:16
ubottuGnome bug 614469 in VteTerminal "Does no longer compile with -DX_DISPLAY_MISSING" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:16
seb128dpm, I will have a short try, if that works great otherwise I will upload with the break and let you know15:16
didrocksrickspencer3: not really, like finishing my last WI :)15:16
seb128mvo, thanks15:17
dpmseb128, ok, sure, thanks for the heads up15:17
mvoseb128: I could move it outside the ifdef block, but it will most likely crash then in the frambuffer mode15:17
mvoseb128: so I will just wait for upstream for now, I don't think its super ugent, the NEW file looks like there is nothing earth shaking15:17
seb128mvo, so what do you recommand doing? skip the update for lucid?15:17
seb128mvo, ok15:17
seb128mvo, works for me, I pinged you because you said git had some pretty cool changes15:18
mvoseb128: lets see how fast upstream responds15:18
mvoseb128: right, git head, but the 0.24.x branch is medium interessting15:18
seb128mvo, I though the changes were in the current version15:19
mvoseb128: not AFAICS15:20
seb128mvo, ok, cool15:21
LaserJockkenvandine: pingaloo15:24
kenvandineLaserJock, pong15:24
LaserJockkenvandine: so yesterday I did something wrong and now gwibber won't take *any* accounts15:24
kenvandineLaserJock, i have a fix for that in the works :)15:24
LaserJockah, sweet15:24
LaserJockand here I thought I was going mad or something :-)15:25
kenvandinein disabling the keyring support that we added (to work around the keyring bug for now), account adding is a little busted :/15:25
kenvandinefix will be ready in a few15:25
LaserJockok, np, thanks15:26
* rickspencer3 grabs Dell mini touchpad, throttles it, throws it to the ground, kicks it15:26
didrocksrickspencer3: "touchpad for human being"15:31
Zdraseb128, a more constructive issue: if I get an incoming call, the accept/reject dialog steal the focus and taping enter reject the call15:40
LaserJockrickspencer3: there must be some research on the computing equivalent of "road rage"15:40
Zdraseb128, this is using indicator "better user experience"15:41
seb128Zdra, no, that was a try to workaround the fact that users don't notice calls15:41
seb128Zdra, not sure why the focus stealing prevention is not working15:41
Zdrabecause focus stealing prevention never worked15:42
Zdrathat's why empathy blink the status icon15:42
seb128well blinking icon is not really the best experience either15:42
seb128we should try and fix those focus issues15:42
rickspencer3seb128, Zdra I thought there was some time stamp thing to keep this from happening15:42
rickspencer3seb128, this happened to me when you called me yesterday15:42
Zdraseb128, if the user can see the incoming msg notification, they can see the same for incoming call, tbh15:42
seb128there is15:42
seb128rickspencer3, I would have to check with kenvandine how he did the change15:43
rickspencer3I'll log a bug15:43
mvoseb128: upstream replied!15:43
seb128mvo, waouh!15:43
Zdrarickspencer3, seriously that never worked, it was not working 15years ago and it is still not working now15:43
mvoseb128: the reply is "patch?"15:43
Zdrausing metacity here15:43
seb128mvo, :-(15:43
mvosuch is life15:43
rickspencer3Zdra, understood. note that I am not driving this, just responding15:43
seb128mvo, not your week15:43
rickspencer3I thought it was fine before15:43
seb128it's fine if the client side does what it should15:44
seb128ie set the correct timestamp15:44
Zdrarickspencer3, sure, thanks :)15:44
Zdrarickspencer3, you are filling a bug or should I do?15:44
rickspencer3Zdra, I am doing it right now15:44
seb128buggy cases are due to clients not setting a timestamp when they open something15:44
rickspencer3logging against indicator-messages15:44
seb128rickspencer3, I think it's empathy15:44
seb128but check with kenvandine15:44
asacpitti: what can we do in jockey to detect hardware ... is that constrainted to PCI etc. or can we add arbitrary scripts/binaries that do the detection etc.?15:45
seb128mvo, did you manage to get a better reply about openoffice issues?15:46
kenvandinerickspencer3, it didn't raise the accept/reject dialog when you got the call?15:46
rickspencer3kenvandine, it did15:46
rickspencer3while I was typing15:46
mvoseb128: sort of, I have a better idea now and added it to the bug15:46
rickspencer3which then rejected the call15:46
kenvandineright... :)15:46
rickspencer3I think we should probably back out the change15:46
kenvandinecan't win...15:46
mvoseb128: I will ask rene about it again tonight I think15:46
rickspencer3and try again in Lucid + 115:47
seb128mvo, ok15:47
mvoseb128: and then hopefully we know whats going on with OOo15:47
rickspencer3right, that's Zdra's point15:47
pittiasac: it normally uses modaliases, but handlers can do anything to decide whether they are "available" (i. e. do hw detection)15:47
seb128well you can win15:47
mvoseb128: but releeasing it like this is unacceptable15:47
seb128just set the correct timestamp15:47
rickspencer3try as you might, you can't raise a dialog without causing such issues15:47
seb128but at default of doing that go back to change the icon15:47
rickspencer3anyway, it's too late to keep chasing this15:47
rickspencer3imo we should back out that change, and focus on fixing bugs15:47
rickspencer3seb128, thoughts?15:47
rickspencer3pitti, thoughts?15:48
seb128if fixing it is adding one parameter to a call and we can try that today I would do it15:48
seb128otherwise back out15:48
pittirickspencer3: sorry, didn't follow; reading scrollback15:48
rickspencer3pitti, nm15:48
Zdranote that some users have focus to the mouse, in that case timestamp can't help15:48
kenvandineseb128, setting the correct timestamp, that would still just raise it right?15:48
rickspencer3well, I am interested in your feedback pitti, but I think you may have other work to do ;)15:49
seb128kenvandine, not if you have a key event with a timestamp newer than the receive event15:49
seb128kenvandine, ie update-manager doesn't still your focus when autoopening15:49
pittirickspencer3: when should I start reading? i. e. what's the topic?15:49
seb128or pidgin dialogs15:49
seb128pitti, empathy calls dialog steal focus15:49
pittiI wish they would..15:50
seb128pitti, try to fix it or go back to use the indicator15:50
pittido they?15:50
seb128pitti, they do15:50
kenvandinepitti, they do now :)15:50
rickspencer3they steal focus, and if you are typing, your key clicks reject the call15:50
seb128pitti, which means you refuse the call if you are typing15:50
kenvandineas of a couple weeks ago i think15:50
seb128without noticing15:50
kenvandineif you hit enter...15:50
seb128dpm, ok, I think I got it, sorry was sidetracked15:50
pittiseb128: hm, didn't we solve that problem ages ago in compiz?15:50
rickspencer3well if it's been a couple of weeks and is still not working ... I think we should roll it back15:50
rickspencer3don't throw good money after bad15:50
pittirickspencer3: but yes, my default answer would be to go back to indicators15:51
asacpitti: handlers are triggered how? udev? or can we run than once on startup?15:51
seb128dpm, uploading that to lucid, if you could check that the gnome-keyring update looks fine to you when it lands15:51
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pittiasac: (1) on first run after installation, (2) whenever you open jockey, (3) when you plug in a device which needs firmware15:51
kenvandinei am happy to back that out, but we should discuss this at UDS and come up with some good in between15:51
seb128works for me15:52
asacpitti: plug in device is detected through udev i guess?15:52
pittiseb128: ok, I updated the retracers with new .debs which should fix a couple of crashes; retracers crashed due to LP being down anyway, restarting now15:52
kenvandineseb128, ok, will do today15:52
asacpitti: is there a good example handler i could look at?15:53
pittiasac: update-notifier listens for "firmware" uevents, and invokes jockey if firmware is missing, yes; but its' a rather narrow special case15:53
pittiasac: what do you want to do?15:53
asacpitti: basically on arm we have bunch of firmware like things to enable all the hardware15:53
asacwould love to use jockey to get this automatically done15:53
seb128pitti, \o/15:54
pittiasac: /usr/share/jockey/handlers/dvb_usb_firmware.py does that for DVB USB sticks15:54
seb128kenvandine, thanks for getting the update for the notification in btw15:54
pittiasac: and update-notifer listens for those15:54
seb128good contributor work15:54
asacpitti: this would be general hardware, video, but also gstreamer codecs at some point15:54
asacpitti: thanks. will check that15:55
pittiasac: gstreamer codecs won't trigger a firmware event, though15:55
pitti 4812 martin    20   0  106m  17m 4920 S   99  0.9  48:13.23 desktopcouch-se15:55
asacpitti: well. thats the point; most hardware is neither pci nur USB15:55
asacon arm15:55
pittikenvandine: ^ any idea what this is doing? I haven't ever used desktopcouch15:55
pittiand it has eaten 100% cpu for 45 mins now apparently15:55
kenvandinethat is the keyring bug15:56
asacpitti: what is a firmware event?15:56
pittiasac: missing firmware isn't related to any particular bus; the kmod just needs to request it15:56
asace.g. where does that come from?15:56
pittiasac: the kernel module15:56
kenvandinebug 53060515:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060515:56
asacwell. for us its probably not only firmware, but also full kernel modeules15:56
pittikenvandine: ah, thanks; can I just kill that?15:56
pittikenvandine: uh, it uses gvfsd-smb?15:56
kenvandinepitti, yeah...15:56
kenvandinethe bug is in libgnome-keyring15:57
pittikenvandine: oh, I think I accidentally clicked "news accounts" in the me-menu15:57
pittiit didn't work, though15:57
pittibut some 20 s later, gwibber popped up15:57
pittiso I guess it worked after all, somehow15:57
Zdrakenvandine, why is indicator applet showing random contacts in its menu?15:57
pittiwell, that's what it says in German15:57
kenvandineZdra, random contacts?15:58
pittiwhich is "News accounts"15:58
kenvandinedo they go away after a few seconds?15:58
Zdrakenvandine, I sometimes get some contacts there that I never chatted with15:58
kenvandineZdra, login events showup for like 10s i think15:58
kenvandinewith no timestamp15:58
Zdrakenvandine, it's not new msg, just seeing its avatar/name and clicking on it starts chat15:58
pittithe thing which should be "Microblogging accounts"15:58
Zdrakenvandine, ah, login/logout15:58
Zdrakenvandine, probably that15:58
kenvandinepitti, ah... yeah "broadcast accounts"15:58
kenvandineZdra, yup15:58
kenvandinenext cycle it should say something like "connected" next to the name15:59
pittikenvandine: "broadcast" seems to be too confusing for translators then :)15:59
kenvandinepitti, agreed... i didn't pick the terms :)15:59
LaserJockit's confusing for native-English speakers too15:59
Zdrakenvandine, tbh it's just totally useless, since there is no visual effect to show that event15:59
Zdrakenvandine, I don't have that menu open all the time16:00
kenvandineZdra, yeah, i know16:00
kenvandineZdra, i think that gets disabled if you have notify for login events disabled in empathy16:00
Zdrakenvandine, no16:00
kenvandineok, i can't remember exactly what the spec says16:01
Zdrakenvandine, I was about to say that it would make a bit of sense if that option was enabled, but it is not here16:01
ZdraHm, scrolling on the rb indicator applet does not change its volume :(16:02
dpmseb128, thanks, I'll do! (re: gnome-keyring)16:02
seb128Zdra, you can do the same on the mixer next to it16:03
seb128which works16:03
Zdrawell, it's really minor regression from upstream, but changing volume only for that app is useful16:03
ZdraI use that sometimes when listening to podcast or voip call, to have the music in background and still can hear the voice16:04
ccheneyrickspencer3: got the images from ken and forwarded them on for approval, cc'd you as well16:12
rickspencer3ccheney, great16:12
rickspencer3and do you need any new wording, etc... for them?16:12
ccheneyrickspencer3: the about dialog already has the new wording in it, i think the other wording is just changes in copyright file, etc16:16
rickspencer3ccheney, ook16:16
rickspencer3Amanda is getting that new stuff asap16:16
ccheneyrickspencer3: ah just checked just changing Sun Microsystems to Oracle and updating the wiki page to refer to Oracle16:16
ccheneyrickspencer3: ok16:16
rickspencer3kenvandine, by the way bug #55257716:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552577 in indicator-messages "Empathy Calls bring up an answer/reject dialog that steel focus and causes users to reject calls accidentally (focus stealing)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55257716:27
rickspencer3ccheney, just make the change when you are ready and think the time is correct16:27
kenvandinerickspencer3, thx16:27
ccheneyrickspencer3: ok16:31
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kwwiimvo: hey, do you know where /usr/share/pixmaps/usb-creator-gtk.png comes from? I have a better icon for ubiquity and don16:46
kwwiidon#t know who to give it to16:46
seb128james_w, there?16:48
james_whi seb12816:49
seb128james_w, hey16:49
seb128james_w, I've a small bzr issue, do you have a minute to help me on it?16:49
james_wMais oui16:50
seb128james_w, so16:50
seb128bzr get lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound16:50
seb128wget http://edge.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/0.2/0.2.2/+download/indicator-sound-0.2.2.tar.gz16:50
seb128cd indicator-sound16:50
seb128bzr merge-upstream --version 0.2.2 ../indicator-sound-0.2.2.tar.gz lp:indicator-sound16:50
seb128james_w, that gives me one file conflct16:50
seb128I don't understand why16:51
james_wwhich file?16:51
seb128Text conflict in src/indicator-sound.c16:51
james_wok, let me look16:51
james_wand you know that you don't need the wget?16:51
seb128no I don't16:51
seb128I can specific the http url in the bzr command?16:52
seb128good to know16:52
james_wseb128: good question16:54
james_wI don't know off the top of my head16:55
james_wit's a bug somewhere16:55
james_wyou can resolve for "MERGE SOURCE" and I'll file a bug about it16:56
seb128james_w, what do you mean for "MERGE SOURCE"16:56
seb128I usually cp the tarball .c16:56
seb128and bzr resolve src/indicator-sound.c16:56
james_wbzr resolve --take-other src/indicator-sound.c16:57
james_wshould do it16:57
seb128oh, nice, thanks16:57
james_wotherwise edit the file and delete the stuff between <<<< TREE and ==== and all the conflict lines16:57
seb128right, it's just easier to copy the tarball version than to edit the file and risk having it wrong ;-)16:57
seb128ie no thinker16:58
seb128copy and resolve ;-)16:58
james_wexcept if there are other changes in the file you want to keep :-)16:58
seb128that's not the case there16:58
seb128we should have 0 change16:58
seb128thanks anyway16:58
seb128I know how to sort it16:58
seb128I was just wondering if I'm doing something wrong again or not16:59
james_wnope, pretty sure it's a bug, but it's more than 30 seconds to diagnose it16:59
pittiseb128: waah waah python-support -- I already removed all the old *.pyc files from the chroots, seems that still wasn't enough; I'll deal with that after dinner16:59
seb128pitti, :-(17:00
seb128pitti, enjoy!17:00
seb128james_w, ok, good, no hurry, do you want me to keep the bzr in a broken state or can I just do my update?17:00
james_wnope, go for it17:00
james_wit's a version control system, we can grab the old version!17:00
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didrocksgrrr, the forbid enable user to use autologin if using encrypted dir is not as easy as I first thought :/17:23
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pittirickspencer3: hm, we missed our call?17:30
rickspencer3pitti, yes, but am on another call17:30
rickspencer3pitti, if it's time for you to go home, we can resched17:31
pittiheh, I'm at home all the time :)17:31
pittirickspencer3: I'm here for another hour before I need to leave17:31
pittirickspencer3: not much on my list, just OEM rotation (would appreciate a quick discussion)17:31
rickspencer3let's see17:31
rickspencer3dst is kicking my schedule's but17:31
pittibut I'm fine with calling tomorrow too, if that suits you better17:31
rickspencer3pitti, I'd like to do today if it works out17:32
didrockspitti: do you have any idea if we should finally postpone the gdmsetup autologin for encrypted user stuff? I have the code, the issue is that you have to read a file which is /home/$USER/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt to know the mount point. As gdmsetup isn't runned as root, we're blocked there :/17:33
pittididrocks: why do you need to know the mount point?17:34
didrocksso, the filtering code should be put in the server side, the issue with that is that we already connect to dbus signals that are used in various place, and so, we will have to create new signals…17:34
pittididrocks: oh, if the user that is logged in automatically isn't the one you are running gdmsetup as?17:34
didrockspitti: right17:35
didrockspitti: also, some user like you only have a subdir mounted, this file contains the path17:35
pittididrocks: what happens if you have an encrypted home and try to autologin17:36
pittididrocks: if gdm just falls back to the user list, it's good enough, I think17:36
didrockspitti: you get an horrible "can't read Xauthority file" and you're stuck17:36
pittididrocks: yes, let's not wrestle with the backend/dbus any more17:36
didrocksnot back into gdm17:36
didrocks(let me try again, it's been a long time, one sec)17:36
pittididrocks: can we hide the autologin thing if the user who calls gdmsetup has an ~/.ecryptfs/Private.sig?17:37
pittididrocks: (please ask kirkland for which file to test for)17:37
humphreybcseb128: ping17:37
pittididrocks: it wouldn't be perfect, but probably avoid the majority of cases17:38
didrockspitti: I talked with him and he told me to test ~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt17:38
pittihm, I don't have taht17:38
pittididrocks: but yes, fine with me17:38
seb128humphreybc, pong17:38
didrockspitti: the issue is that if you are foo, launching gdmsetup, and bar is using autologin, you can't access to ~bar/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt17:38
seb128humphreybc, I was about to go, what's up there?17:38
didrockspitti: so, you don't know if he has or not an encrypted dir17:39
pittididrocks: yes, understood17:39
humphreybcseb128: sorry, just wondering what's the story with our friendly evince anti aliasing bug?17:39
pittididrocks: but if foo == bar (which will be the case in most home setups), it'd work17:39
pittididrocks: thus the "not perfect, but cover a majority of cases"17:39
seb128humphreybc, you are really pushy on this one, aren't you?17:39
didrockspitti: ok, just tested again with an encrypted dir + autologin: you got 3 horrible error message and then, stuck with the wallpaper and nothing else17:40
pittididrocks: i. e. we get 80% of the effect with 5% of the effort17:40
seb128humphreybc, I just uploaded a few minutes ago now17:40
humphreybcseb128: yep ;)17:40
seb128humphreybc, I need to go sorry17:40
humphreybcokay, thanks for your help!17:40
didrockspitti: right, foo == bar works (I was just going to push my changes before seeing this cornercase)17:40
pittididrocks: let's call that "good enough" then, shall we?17:41
seb128humphreybc, thank you for the work on the bug17:41
humphreybcdon't thank me, thank dutchie :)17:41
didrockspitti: ok, I can close my WI now and push this patch so :)17:41
didrockspitti: maybe I shall just put a comment into my code about that case17:41
didrocksfor further debugging and reading17:41
seb128I've to go now, see you later17:41
pittididrocks: for lucid+1, gdm should probably just refuse to accept the new setting if the new user has that file17:41
pittididrocks: i. e. no need to add new signals, etc.17:41
didrockspitti: yeah, seems logical, but too late in the cycle to touch that now17:42
didrockslet's do it that way so17:42
* pitti hugs didrocks, cheers17:42
* didrocks hugs pitti17:43
didrocksI was afraid it will become for 1 hour of work to 10 more :)17:43
didrocks(btw, the bug is really horrible, you have to reboot, press shift to get to grub, recovery mode and edit /etc/gdm/custom.conf)17:44
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didrockswell, time to enjoy a little bit of sun :)18:11
didrockssee you tomorrow everyone18:11
kenvandinehave fun didrocks18:15
didrocksthanks :) have a good evening kenvandine18:15
pittigood night everyone!18:34
chrisccoulsongood night pitti18:35
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rickspencer3kenvandine, hi18:44
kenvandinerickspencer3, hey18:45
rickspencer3kenvandine, dx and OLS uploads tomorrow?18:45
kenvandinedx yes... OLS today/tomorrow18:46
rickspencer3kenvandine, okay, especially for Dx, please look at their code closely18:46
rickspencer3to ensure that no freezes are violated, etc...18:46
rickspencer3so check for string changes, UI, changes etc...18:46
rickspencer3and if you find them, flag them for me and dbarth18:47
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine18:47
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rickspencer3kenvandine, gwibber client started up quicky and without issue on start up for me, first time ever!18:59
jcastroyes I just noticed the start up time today too19:07
jcastrowell done!19:07
kklimondaups, that was weird19:10
nigelbcan someone please sponsor bug 314885 before the beta freeze? (its a main package and falls smack in desktop team territory :D)19:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314885 in pitivi "Don't show version number in titlebar" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31488519:36
duanedesignwhile building a new upstream source I get some warnings in the build log that look like its trying to write gconf settings? http://paste.ubuntu.com/401850/19:42
jcastrokenvandine: I am starting to get 100% desktopcouch cpu right after I log in20:02
zygaintel drivers got crazy again20:05
zygaI got a video of that happening20:05
mdc_laptopmvo_, thanks :)20:07
kenvandinejcastro, yeah known bug in the keyring20:18
kenvandinejcastro, bug 53060520:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530605 in ubuntuone-client "gvfs-mount doesn't always work. gvfsd-smb starts using 100% cpu." [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53060520:18
jcastroI was suspecting that20:19
* kenvandine really hopes someone figures that out soon :/20:23
kenvandinemy poor laptop is getting hot20:24
jcastrowe're blaming dobey for this one right?20:24
* dobey blames gnome-keyring people for mucking with threading inside the library20:25
kenvandinenot dobey *this time* :)20:25
mvo_mdc_laptop: thank you!20:25
kenvandinedobey, you worked around it though..20:26
dobeykenvandine: in ubuntuone-client, yes :)20:26
kenvandinei am aftaid to try to do that in gwibber20:26
dobeyi don't know where it's failing exactly in gwibber20:26
kenvandinefunny thing though... when desktopcouch has the CPU pegged, gwibber doesn't20:26
kenvandinewe only have like 2 lines that access the keyring20:27
dobeywell you can't have 2 apps using 100% cpu20:27
kenvandinein the service anyway20:27
jcastroI am waiting for each of them to take a core20:27
dobeythey can both use 50% though20:27
kenvandinedobey, bug gwibber-service is nearly idle most of the time when dc has it pegged20:27
dobeykenvandine: url me to the code that calls keyring in gwibber20:29
kenvandinedobey, one sec20:29
kenvandinedobey, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gwibber-committers/gwibber/2.30/annotate/head%3A/gwibber/microblog/dispatcher.py20:31
kenvandinearound line 5320:31
dobeyok, i see the problem :)20:39
kenvandinedobey, awesome.... how can i fix?20:40
kenvandineand can you find the problem in desktopcouch ?20:40
dobeyone second, i have a branch to fix gwib :)20:42
kenvandinedobey is my hero20:42
dobeylp can be slow sometimes20:46
seb128rickspencer3, pitti: bug #51955320:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 519553 in indicator-applet "Right click menu could confuse users, leading to accidental removal of panel applet" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51955320:48
seb128I think that's an issue but I'm not sure what we should do about it20:48
dobeykenvandine: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/gwibber/gwibber-keyring-unthreaded/+merge/2256220:51
kenvandinedobey, want to see if you can fix desktopcouch too?20:51
dobeyi don't know if someone already did or not20:51
seb128is that fixing the cpu use issue?20:52
kenvandineseb128, i'll tell you in a few20:52
dobeyseb128: yes. the problem is that it's threadlocking because gnome-keyring now does weird thread stuff in the library20:52
dobeyseb128: i fixed the lockups in ubuntuone, by switching the code to not run the keyring calls from threads20:53
dobeyseb128: at least, my debugging points at that as the problem. my fixes in ubuntuone-client solved it there. it was blocking me from getting any work done on u1 after updating on monday :(20:56
seb128it started recently for you?20:56
seb128or did you just upgrade recently to lucid?20:56
dobeyit started recently for me20:57
dobeyit started after i managed to get rebooted on monday20:58
dobeyit was only one of many problems i had20:58
seb128k weird20:59
seb128we have the cpu use issue on gvfs for weeks20:59
dobeylike, one of the kernel updates apparently caused my hard disks to be reordered20:59
dobeyso sda became sdb and vice-versa20:59
dobeywhich caused the boot to get stuck at the "checking filesystems" screen20:59
baptistemmpitti, for bluetooth I see there is a patch for disable hal, did you tried to just disable hal plugin sin main.conf ?21:00
kenvandinedobey, indeed that fixed it... but now there is a gtk import in the service... which ryan is very opposed to :/21:01
kenvandineseb128, the patch you uploaded on monday made it worse for ubuntuone-client and desktopcouch21:02
seb128well, it's a good workaround for lucid until stef look to gnome-keyring21:02
seb128oh ok21:02
seb128I'm fine dropping that one21:02
kenvandinegwibber was the same with and without the patch21:02
kenvandinewhich is weird21:02
seb128it was a try to see if that fixed the issue21:02
seb128but it doesn't21:02
dobeykenvandine: hmm21:02
kenvandinedobey, scratch that... your branch didn't fix it21:03
seb128kenvandine, I will drop the change now21:03
kenvandinejust sometimes it takes longer to see the load21:03
dobeykenvandine: well you can fix libgnome-keyring0 to not rely on the glib main loop, and be thread safe21:03
kenvandineseb128, ok21:03
kenvandinedobey, gwibber-service is now using 100% of one processor when the logs says it should be idea21:04
dobeyperhaps there is another location that needs fixed?21:04
kenvandinenot in the service21:05
dobeywell the issue is that the keyring is being called in a thread that's not the glib main loop21:07
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
kenvandineseb128, can you please sponsor lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gwibber/ubuntu21:55
seb128kenvandine, ok22:00
kenvandineseb128, thx22:04
* kenvandine heads out22:04
RAOFMorning all.22:35
chrisccoulsonhey RAOF22:39
TheMusoMorning all.22:40
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i can't customize my mouse cursor any more :-/22:41
Sarvattchrisccoulson: yay compiz :)22:45
RAOFC'mon, evolution.  Filter that mail.  You can do it!22:46
chrisccoulsonSarvatt - yeah, i just noticed it works with metacity22:46
chrisccoulsoni wonder what has broken that then :-/22:46
Sarvattbeen broken here for years22:46
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it worked here until today22:47
RAOFWorked for me until last night.22:47
chrisccoulsonso, i'm not the only person who has this issue appear recently?22:47
chrisccoulsonthat's ok then :)22:48
Sarvattit doesn't work for me right now, but I first noticed it didn't work under compiz in intrepid so I don't usually try and didn't notice if it did :D22:50
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #45964722:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459647 in gnome-control-center "Cannot change mouse cursor theme when compiz is enabled" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45964722:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks. so, it doesn't look like it's a new issue then :-/22:55
Sarvattchrisccoulson: maybe try booting alpha 3 or beta 1 and see if it really works there? looks like there was *some* change in the behavior in the past few days worth of updates at any rate judging by that bug report's responses23:00
Sarvatthmm yeah my wife just said yesterdays updates (3 days worth) changed it so the oxygen cursor is used instead of DMZ (White) that was working before and she can't change it23:07
* bryceh waves to RAOF23:19
brycehRAOF, btw just posted a biggish update to -intel23:19
NafaiHi aussie friends!23:20
RAOFNafai: Good morning.  Or evening.  Or day!23:20
RAOFbryceh: Good morning :)23:20
NafaiRAOF: Afternoon here, :)  4:21 PM23:21

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