
slangasekcjwatson: hmm, could also use build score bumps for language-pack{-gnome,}-de{,-base}00:03
Caesarslangasek: the gssd upstart job, did it ever respect RPCSECGSSOPTS from /etc/default/nfs-common?00:08
CaesarSorry, RPCGSSDOPTS00:09
slangasekCaesar: it did, but I noticed that /etc/default/nfs-common didn't set this as a template, and I ran into bug #545673 that can be worked around by making sure to use exec directly instead of 'script [...] exec'00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545673 in upstart "'expect fork'+'respawn'+script+ENOENT => start/running w/o PID" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54567300:11
slangasekCaesar: since the recommendation from upstart upstream is to not source files in /etc/default anyway, I would recommend you apply your tunings directly to the upstart job00:12
Caesarslangasek: argh00:13
CaesarThat seems so gross00:13
CaesarOkay, so today in Hardy, we tweak RPCGSSDOPTS in /etc/default/nfs-common00:13
CaesarNice, easy to parse and manage file00:13
CaesarYou/Scott are saying the new "right" way is to munge the upstart job instead?00:14
slangasekScott says that00:14
slangasekI remain mute on the subject of whether it's right :-)00:14
CaesarI think a little bit of pushback is warranted00:14
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
lifelessare upstart jobs 'config files'00:15
slangasekwell, quite aside from whether it's right, I can't see another way to not hit that bug with /usr-as-separate-partition + NFS-mounted-at-boot00:15
slangaseklifeless: so are init scripts, but nobody wants to have to edit them00:15
lifelessslangasek: yeah00:16
Caesarslangasek: I'm still trying to get my head around this bug you're talking about00:16
slangasekCaesar: so what happens is that when you use 'script', upstart launches a shell to execute the specified script; which means when rpc.gssd fails to start because /usr isn't mounted yet, the exact nature of the failure is masked from upstart00:17
slangasekif upstart knew it was execve()->ENOENT, it would handle it gracefully00:18
CaesarCan it not handle a non-zero return code from a script fragment?00:18
slangasekin general, yes00:19
slangasekin this case, something goes Screwy00:19
slangasekI haven't looked to see /why/ it goes screwy, though00:19
CaesarOh Upstart, please don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory00:19
Caesarslangasek: I'm sorry, I have conscientious objections to modifying init scripts and upstart jobs fall into the same category00:21
CaesarIsn't this why $DEITY invented /etc/default in the first place?00:21
* Caesar goes and reads the FHS and Debian Policy00:21
slangasekFWIW, I think that /etc/default is an annoying indirection; I don't know if I'd go so far as Keybuk has and conclude that upstart's declarative syntax is sufficiently friendly to remove the need for them00:23
slangasekbut there are certainly many other /etc/default/ files that I expect to become obsolete besides this one00:23
slangasek(including, thankfully, all of the START=no ones)00:23
Caesarslangasek: what is wrong with Debian Policy 9.3.2 though?00:24
CaesarThe issue that this tries to address is still there00:24
Caesar(third-last paragraph specifically)00:25
slangasek"Often there are some variables in the `init.d' scripts whose values control the behavior of the scripts" - sure; except that in this case, the only reason to *have* it as a variable, instead of in-line in the upstart job, is *because* of that file00:26
Caesar" As the scripts themselves are frequently conffiles, modifying them requires that the administrator merge in their changes each time the package is upgraded and the conffile changes"00:26
CaesarUpstart jobs are conffiles, right?00:26
CaesarI think the point is that SUSv3 sh format files are more manageable than upstart job files00:27
slangasekgiven that the next bit says "files in /etc/default may be conffiles", the only justification for having it as a separate file is that it's easier to hand-merge a default file than an upstart job00:27
slangasek... than an initscript, I mean00:28
CaesarSo out of curiosity, if this was managed by debconf, how would that be managed?00:28
slangasekit's also easier to hand-merge an upstart job than to hand-merge an initscript; the question is whether it's easy enough00:28
slangasekif it were managed by debconf, wherever you store it can't be a conffile00:29
CaesarRight, so that might be /etc/default/foo00:29
CaesarSo we're right back where we started again00:29
slangasekso you get to pick between sourcing /etc/default and managing that, or having an upstart job that's not a conffile and managing that00:29
CaesarMeanwhile, we have an unmanageable rpc.gssd00:30
satwellThe advantage of /etc/default is that in most cases changes do not need to be merged.00:30
satwellWhereas changes to an upstart job do need to be merged.00:30
cjwatsonthe reason /etc/default was introduced (I was there, I remember) was that merging init script changes was often really scary and difficult00:31
slangasekis it not sufficient to do 's/^\(exec rpc.gssd\).*/\1 myopts/' ?00:31
satwellUpstart jobs need some way to be configured, and directly editing the upstart jobs sounds pretty burdensome.00:31
Caesarslangasek: no, that would work00:32
slangasekif we have the upstart job *right*, merges will be very infrequent00:32
cjwatsonslangasek: German language packs rescored00:32
slangasekcjwatson: ta00:32
Caesarslangasek: so far it's changed a bit during Lucid's development00:35
CaesarI think we're going to just have to hold our noses and ship our own Upstart job with Puppet00:35
CaesarIt makes me sad, because we're going to have notice when the upstart job changes upstream00:35
slangasekI'm sorry for that, but if I change it back then the upstart bug makes it impossible for me to dogfood it because the rpc.gssd upstart job will zombify on my system00:38
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satwellIt seems like the ideal solution would be for upstart to be able to read env variables out of /etc/default and pass them on exec lines.00:39
Caesarslangasek: isn't the right solution to fix the Upstart bug?00:39
CaesarYou're kind of papering over it00:40
cjwatsonpapering over bugs is often what happens shortly before release!00:40
slangasekupstart should be fixed; I don't think that's going to happen in time for lucid00:40
cjwatsonanyone here who's never papered over a bug to get a release out, raise your hand00:41
=== almaisan is now known as almaisan-zzz
slangasekI expect upstart's ptrace handling is implicated here, which Keybuk has just today made warding signs against changing for lcid00:41
Caesarcjwatson: heh00:42
CaesarWhat's better ettiquette for a sync request? A new bug number or tack it onto the bug that's intended to be fixed by the sync request?00:45
slangasekthe latter, IMHO00:45
CaesarBut requestsync isn't geared towards doing that is it?00:46
CaesarI'll try to figure out what bits I need to twiddle from a previous sync request00:47
slangasekdoing whatever you find easier is fine :)  but it should only require subscribing ubuntu-sponsors00:47
CaesarI really need to pull my finger out and go for Ubuntu Membership again00:48
Caesarslangasek: so I guess retitle the bug report as part of doing the latter?00:50
slangasekCaesar: I would do so, yes00:51
slangasek(and add the usual information about why to overwrite any Ubuntu delta, etc)00:52
CaesarFortunately there is no delta00:52
CaesarMan, Launchpad is cool01:12
LaserJocksweet, 10GB on dropbox for free01:38
nixternaltell me now!01:41
LaserJockthey bumped up the max referrel reward to 10gb01:42
LaserJockapparently I already had enough, so I just looked and I had 10GB01:42
LaserJockso for a 2GB plan that's pretty kickin'01:43
nixternalI had 2.5 from referrals, but it went back to 201:43
nixternalnow it says 2.25GB01:43
LaserJocknixternal: did you put it on twitter/identi.ca?01:43
LaserJockthat's what really shot mine up01:43
nixternalshould I?01:43
nixternalhere we go!!!01:43
happyaronjcastro: ping02:07
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cody-somervilleIt seems Whenever apparmour gets updated, my computer stats crawling to a stop.02:16
lifelessthere was some discussion of kernel memory pressure from apparmour02:18
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jdongcody-somerville: there's a bug on that02:28
jdongbug 45829902:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458299 in linux "apparmor_parser: page allocation failure. order:5" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45829902:28
psusiam I crazy for thinking that the kernel should... you know... actually HIDE partitions with the hidden flag?02:43
jdongpsusi: PSHHHHHHH next you'll say that movie rentals should be non-DRM'ed and based on the O_IPINKYSWEAR bit in the metadata...02:50
psusiI'm crazy for thinking that the hidden flag should actually do something?02:50
ajmitchlike PDFs?02:50
psusior that in general, the kernel should pay attention to any of the fields in the partition table besides start and length?02:51
jdongajmitch: haha pretty much. Aren't there actually "cryptographically" enforced ones though?02:51
jdongor is that a even more proprietary format?02:51
ajmitchno idea :)02:51
* psusi throws jdong a copy of the e2defrag package to play with02:52
jdonghahahaha *takes snapshot*02:52
jdongis it ureadahead-aware yet?02:52
psusijdong, I fed it a list transformed from ureadahead's list to prioritize the defragging and it did help, but only so much... it still does not want to move the blocks out of the block group the inode is in, and it doesn't do inode relocation02:53
jdongpsusi: oh :(02:53
jdongpsusi: I think one of the most useful optimizations is going to be the ability to say "move this list of files such that they're close to each other"02:53
psusijdong, it also still does not do extents and uninit_bg02:53
jdonglol isn't that the default creation mode for ext4 in Ubuntu since Karmic?02:54
ionIt seems the lucid kernel lacks the configuration to load DSDT from initramfs.02:54
stgraberion: that's since karmic ... had to boot a jaunty system to test a DSDT fix :(02:55
psusijdong, yes... and extents also seem to REALLY minimize fragmentation anyhow02:57
psusithough I did find that the man page states that lazy_bg_init defaults to on, but it does not... when you specify it the mkfs really goes much faster ;)02:58
jdongpsusi: it's not file level fgramentation that worries me these days. it's more "logical" fragmentation between groups of related files for tasks.02:58
jdongpsusi: which is one reason I find Windows (XP, Vista, 7)'s idea of "prefetch packs" to be pretty brilliant02:58
joshuahhello everyone, I'm trying to use groundcontrol to check out a project and I get "please enter account details". even if I enter them, I still get that. does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?02:58
psusijdong, right02:58
jdongpsusi: where they attach a machine learning self-training algorithm to the launch of each executable02:59
psusiyea... would be nice if ureadahead could do that.... pack it into one file then tell the kernel to stuff that into the cache for the files it came from02:59
jdongof course right now they seem to be hitting the not-enough-cache-to-be-awesome barrier02:59
jdongyeah, indeed02:59
jdongif there's a way to have ureadahead generate separate packs for bootup, login, starting openoffice, etc03:00
psusidon't they also have something where they can put the pack files on a usb memory stick for fast reading during boot?03:00
jdongand not just during boot03:00
jdonglaunching programs in general03:00
psusiI've been wondering that myself lately... would be nice to at least have a different pack for boot and one for login03:00
jdongthe Prefetch folder in C:\Windows is full of ureadahead-style strategy files for what blocks are used in what order to start various .EXEs03:00
jdongand then, their idle defragger "merges" these packs together and picks the most optimal way to reorder things on disk03:01
jdongso not only is there ureadhead-style smart reading order per app launch, but ProcessIdleTasks()'s defragger actually repositions stuff on disk03:01
jdongand 3rd party defraggers like PerfectDisk read the same Prefetch files and applies a "smarter" layout algorithm for even better (claimed) performance03:02
jdongit's such an impressively designed system on paper, I'm slightly surprised it isn't the case that we praise Windows for their IO performance...03:02
jdongwhen reading and talking about this, it kinda does sound like doubleplusuber-readahead :)03:03
psusireminds me of when NT had zero copy async io and TransmitFile and Linus poo-pooed the idea of adding sendfile() to the kernel03:03
Aquinamust be a long time ago03:04
psusiI found an old copy of dd I modified years ago to use O_DIRECT aio with 16 simultanious requests... tried it on my new ssd and actually exceeded the mfr throughput specs ;)03:04
psusiI've been playing around with gpt partitions lately and it's upsetting me that it goes to all the trouble of designating really unique type codes for partitions, and explicitly defines a hidden flag, and the kernel pays attention to none of it03:07
AquinaYou like that hidden flag-thing, huh?03:08
psusiwell, if they bothered designing the fields in there, they ought to be used03:08
psusiI mean if an OEM puts a hidden rescue partition on the disk, it shouldn't show up on the user's desktop for them to go gee, what are all these files?03:10
AquinaWell... I dislike that hidden rescue stuff. Reminds me about computers from the supermarket with included M$ OEM CS and a super-duper hidden volume with lot of crap on it (drivers, recovery stuff, etc.).03:12
lifelesspsusi: the hidden field was important in DOS03:13
lifelesspsusi: its not anymore03:13
joshuahhas anyone here used ground control? I can't seem to get it to log in for me03:13
Aquinano, sry03:13
lifelesspsusi: in DOS it was critical to be able to boot parallel installs, because of the brain dead lack of abstraction layers DOS used (C: rather than mount points)03:13
psusilifeless, yea... because nobody respects it... so why did they bother putting it in GPT?  where it is explicitly defined as such, rather than just the high bit of the type that one os decided would be used to hide partitions?03:13
psusifor that matter, why use big GUIDs to type the partitions if that information is also totally ignored?03:14
lifelessmicrosoft have a hammer in their APIs03:15
lifelessand to them, everything looks like a nail.03:15
psusigpt doesn't have anythign to do with microsoft03:15
psusiyea.. Intel and Apple seem to be the main ones behind it03:16
psusiseems a case of "not invented here" to decide to ignore the fields just because someone else designed them03:17
lifelessNIH would be doing our own disklabel03:17
psusiwith msdos partitions it was kind of understandable because there never was any real good design specified, it just kind of grew organically, but with gpt this is not the case03:17
psusifor that matter, why the hell did the linux community bother defining msdos partition tags for raid and lvm when they aren't used?  same goes for swap03:19
lifelessanyhow, it was intel + ms03:19
lifelessuefi consortium03:19
lifelessapple is a late comer to it, they just skipped DOS disklabel support entirely in their intel machines03:20
lifelesspsusi: swap label is used03:20
psusilifeless, by what?  swapon works just fine if the partition is not marked as swap03:20
lifelessdepends how you define 'used' I guess03:21
lifelessanyhow, lunch tmie03:21
cody-somervilleodd. my selected search engine keeps defaulting back to yahoo!.03:26
psusioh well, at least I managed to get parted fixed so it can manipulate other partitions on a disk that has one mounted again03:27
AquinaWhat do you put under /usr/local/sbin (instead of /usr/local/bin)? I can't decide where to put some of my self-written applications.03:30
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psusiAquina, sbin is for system management/maintainance apps03:31
psusii.e. things that the super user would want to run03:32
cody-somervilleOn some setups, users don't even have sbin in their path.03:32
Aquinaman hier and no toher resource mentiones this explicitly though.03:33
Aquinabut maybe I just had better deduced it from the other /sbin dirs03:34
psusiman hier seems to specify that sbin is for system administration03:35
cody-somervilleAquina, Do your scripts require to be executed as root?03:35
psusialthough the entry for /usr/sbin seems wrong... looks like it was duplicated from /sbin since it says contains programs needed to mount /usr03:35
Aquinasome, cody03:39
AquinaI'm seperating the system related (which also require root previleges) to /usr/local/sbin03:40
AquinaThese are not only scripts however. :-)03:40
AquinaYes I also noticed that mistake. You can find it on everal websites. *rofl*03:41
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=== manjo_ is now known as manjo
kirklandslangasek: around?  i have a few questions about /etc/init/mounted-varrun.conf04:03
kirklandslangasek: i think this file is causing Bug #55056104:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550561 in base-files "/etc/motd contains duplicate welcome/documentation blurbs on lucid" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55056104:03
kirklandslangasek: i think /var/run/motd should be cleanly generated by pam_motd now04:04
kirklandslangasek: i don't think it needs to be seeded by this upstart script04:04
kirklandslangasek: hmm, well, maybe not causing that bug upon closer inspection04:05
kirklandslangasek: actually let me take a different approach ...04:06
kirklandkeybuk: wanna improve bootspeed ever so slightly?  :-)  you can gut the motd parts of /etc/init/mounted-varrun.conf04:06
tjaaltoncan someone bump the build priority on xserver-xorg-input-evdev & -synaptics?05:18
slangasekdoko__: being able to cross-compile a package is a feature; please respect the feature freeze06:06
NCommanderSilly question, if I have a package in restricted (or multiverse) that makes free binaries and non-free binaries, can those binaries be placed in main/universe?07:06
pittiGood morning07:07
StevenKNCommander: No07:10
NCommanderStevenK: ugh, so I need to split this into multiple source packages :-/07:11
lifelessNCommander: how would a single package make both free and nonfree binaries07:20
NCommanderlifeless: I have an Xorg driver for a vendor, it builds once with free source only (MIT), and again with free source+embedded binary blob for full functionality07:21
NCommanderlifeless: I was wondering if I need two source packages, or one.07:21
lifelesswhat card?07:22
NCommanderlifeless: ARM SoC, not public yet07:22
lifelessah kk07:22
NCommanderlifeless: I'd just do the embedded binary blob, but I rather have the FOSS driver for the image, then the blob for full acceleration if the user is willing to taint there system07:22
pittitjaalton, bryceh: does either of you have time for bug 539473? (revert the introduction of libutempter); I can take it if you are too busy07:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539473 in libutempter "libutempter needed as xterm build-dependency" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53947307:23
lifelesstwo packages07:23
NCommanderlifeless: Its a unique situation, hence why I asked.07:23
NCommanderlifeless: *grumble*. I'm still talking with the vendor on how we can improve the design07:23
lifelessstep 1, don't do a binary blob:)07:25
RAOFStep 1 is surprisingly hard, judging by the profusion of binary blobs.07:25
tjaaltonpitti: i can take it07:30
pittitjaalton: thanks07:30
lifelessThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:32
lifeless  bzr-builddeb: Depends: dpkg-dev but it is not going to be installed07:32
lifeless                Depends: devscripts but it is not going to be installed07:32
lifelessthats apt-get install bzr-builddeb reading from the dc archive07:32
lifelessany thoughts on why ?07:32
lifelessjames_w: ^07:32
tjaaltonpitti: would it be ok to merge xterm 256 as well? here's the upstream changelog http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.log.html#xterm_25607:57
pittitjaalton: looks fine, yes07:58
tjaaltonpitti: ok, thanks07:58
dholbachgood morning08:02
nobutopitti: Could you take a look at this bug? it seems change you made cause regression.08:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 531155 in gedit "gedit schemas is not registered during live session" [Low,Invalid]08:07
pittinobuto: it's on my list to look at08:08
nobutopitti: I  feel relieved. thank you.08:09
kenvandinegood morning pitti08:12
pittihey kenvandine; late for you..08:12
pittislangasek: what do you think about building openldap against db4.8? (it's one of the last two packages in main still using 4.7)08:16
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\shhmm..empathy is gone after last update on lucid somehow08:54
faleI was looking into firefox package, and I haven't seen the point in which is setted the default homepage... Am I looking into the right package'08:57
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad will be down/in read-only from 11:00 UTC until 13:00 UTC for a code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://w
mthaddonLaunchpad down/in read-only 11:00 UTC - 13:00 UTC for a code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs10:25
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/in read-only 11:00 UTC - 13:00 UTC for a code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/He
mthaddonlet's try that again...10:27
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/read-only 11:00 - 13:00 UTC for code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWith
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/read-only 11:00-13:00UTC for code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBug
mthaddonand final time...10:27
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/readonly 11:00-13:00UTC for code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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lifelesspersia: ping11:44
ScottKpitti: Would you please rescore kdepimlibs on sparc (the only arch it's not built on)?  It would avoid some other build failures is a few hours if you would.11:54
pittiScottK: done11:55
ScottKpitti: Thanks.11:55
=== almaisan is now known as almaisan-afk
* Keybuk has a sudden epiphany with the mountall prompt issue12:13
Keybukvery much of the "the answer's not in the box, it's in the band" variety12:13
Keybukhad been trying to work out how to deal with more important prompts replacing less important ones12:14
Keybukhow to make sure that if we were bored waiting for /porn, and bored waiting for /warez12:14
Keybukand /porn showed up, we'd replace the message with one about /warez12:14
Keybukbut if an fsck failed in the meantime, etc.12:14
Keybukhad thought of a complicated message list, which needed continuous grooming, etc.12:14
Keybukthen realised much easier way12:14
Keybukjust have, on each mount point, a state variable12:15
Keybukafter changing that, call a function to "update plymouth"12:15
Keybukthat picks the most important message from the list of mounts and shows that one (if not already the one showing)12:15
ionI was thinking of dumping all prompts asynchronously to plymouth with priority as an integer and letting it handle them. :-P12:17
Keybukthat'd require rather more logic at the other end12:17
ionIt already needs to handle multiple simultaneous prompts, doesn’t it?12:17
Keybukit does, but by blocking them12:18
Keybukwhich is the exact behaviour we need to avoid in mountall12:18
* amitk wonders if Keybug is talking about bug 52766612:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527666 in mountall "multiple LVM volumes not mounted in Lucid" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52766612:22
Keybukamitk: I'm talking about a known issue with mountall12:23
Keybukit may or may not be the cause of may of the apparent "bugs"12:23
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sladenKeybuk: fonts tend to be up your street;  any idea which package the new 'Ubuntu' (not Title) font is in12:37
Keybuksladen: is it packaged yet?12:37
sladenKeybuk: this was I was wondering... if not, where do I file visual kerning issues?12:38
Keybukwith dalton maag I guess ;)12:39
Keybukthough how can you have kerning issues if you don't have the font? :p12:39
sladenKeybuk: I have *eyes*.  The spacing between the 'u' and the 'b' is too wide in and the spacing between 'k' and 'u' too narrow12:40
sladenKeybuk: it's the same as looking at a boot screen and going "that's slipping down"!12:40
Keybukin the logos?  they may be still using unfinished versions, etc.12:41
Keybukthat's an artwork issue12:41
Keybuktalk to the art team12:41
Keybuk(the font is certainly going to be released aiui, it's just still not finished and such things are being tweaked every day)12:41
Keybukthough, if you ask me, the logo is slipping to the right, not down :p12:44
KeybukI wish LP would invest the time into giving themselves the ability to do Live Rollouts12:53
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cjwatsonbdmurray: could we have a page like http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-foundations-assigned-bug-tasks.html, except for milestones?  In particular I'd like something like LP's milestone view but that shows assignees as well.  I started trying to produce this, but it looks like you might already have the infrastructure to do this nicely.13:25
pittiRiddell, lex79: do you know why KDE dropped the kdesu wrapping for mounting internal drives in the first place? with the recent hal, the policy is very open, and every user/script (including non-admins) can now mess with internal disks13:29
Riddellpitti: that was always a patch we added, and we still add it people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu_06_user_disk_mounting.diff13:34
pittiRiddell: so that broke somehow?13:34
Riddellthat or hal broke, I've not looked into the issue13:35
pittihal didn't change since karmic13:35
Riddellpitti: except that 10_nonpolkit-mount-policy.patch was added?13:39
pittiRiddell: no, that's been there since jaunty or so13:40
pittihal has never allowed any user to mount internal disks, until yesterday13:40
Riddellpitti: let's wait and see what lex says then13:44
=== deryck changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/readonly 11:00-14:00UTC for code update | Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
deryckhaving to add an hour to downtime for LP.  sorry.13:54
deryckI know :(13:54
pittideryck: good luck!13:54
cjwatsonfoundations team: is it worth holding our meeting today, given that we're all going to be "LP was down and I'm still catching up"?13:55
Keybukcjwatson: I'm happy to skip it13:56
seb128deryck, I guess there is no way to bzr pull things during downtime?13:57
seb128having launchpad down for 3 hours during work hours sucks13:58
ttxseb128: especially on the last day before Freeze13:59
deryckseb128, yes, it does suck.  and no, I saw reports this morning that bzr pull did not work, though I thought that was some of the point of read only mode for us.13:59
lamontmvo: how come is it that everytime update-manager gets upgraded, I get to re-remove a conffile? (update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade).  If I removed a conffile, it should remain removed.13:59
lamontor is that by design?13:59
* cjwatson is keeping an informal upload queue log in a text file so that he can remember what to commit/upload when LP comes back14:00
pittilamont: hm, it's a symlink, not a real conffile; that might be it?14:01
* seb128 can't bzr pull so hard to know on what to work14:01
seb128or rather annoying to apt-get source to then copy things over14:01
* pitti is catching up with email14:01
seb128I should reply to bugs using the email interface ;-)14:01
pittiseb128: that works fine indeed14:02
ttxjdstrand, mdeslaur: about bug 537978, there is a regression in debian recent "feature" allowing DHCP to change any hostname in lease renewal. I was pondering if it should not just be reverted, I wonder about security implications... The previous design was limiting the hostname change-by-DHCP to only if it wasn't previously set, which is quite safer.14:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537978 in dhcp3 "Lucid dhclient can't set hostname" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53797814:02
ttx"Feature" was introduced in debian bug 50880414:02
ubottuDebian bug 508804 in dhcp3-client "dhclient-script does not set new hostname" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/50880414:02
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james_wlifeless: usually not the package you are trying to install's fault. Try installing devscripts explicitly and repeat until you get a better reason than "not going to be installed".14:05
mdeslaurttx: let me take a look, hold on14:10
mdeslaurttx: agreed. Dhcp should not change hostname if it is set locally14:12
mdeslaurttx: please revert to non-broken pre-lucid behaviour14:12
ttxmdeslaur: will do. I won't ask you to comment on that bug... :)14:13
mdeslaurttx: sure, hold on14:13
mdeslaurttx: let me just check the debian bug first14:13
ttxmdeslaur: because you can't :)14:13
mdeslaurttx: I can't what?14:14
mdeslaurttx: hold on a sec, it seems the fix was actually for a bug14:14
msetimI have installed ubuntu 10.04 64 bits. It was working fine when I closed my laptop entering in suspend mode and when I opened my laptop he show me the window to type my password, but after first updates it doesn't show window to type my user password and get me back to GDM to start a fresh gnome login =/14:14
mdeslaurttx: the current script doesn't write to /etc/hostname anywhere, right?14:15
ttxmdeslaur: no it doesn't14:15
msetimthe suspend mode continues working, the issue is when ubuntu come back to work (opened laptop)14:15
mdeslaurttx: yeah, the fix is wrong, I would go back to pre-lucid14:16
ttxmdeslaur: ack14:17
mdeslaurttx: actually...what's old_host_name?14:17
mdeslaurttx: is it the name the dhcp server _previously_ returned?14:18
ttxmdeslaur: I'm not exactly sure. We could honor it for example is /etc/hostname is still empty/missing.14:19
mdeslaurttx: if old_host_name is the previous name returned by dhcp, I like your suggestion in comment #314:20
primes2hmsetim: This is not the right channel. Would you like to join testing team and test your laptop. Have a look here. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Laptop14:20
ttxmdeslaur: I'd add a check on /etc/hostname to only switch if hostname is not set by config.14:21
ttxbecause old_host_name is controlled by the DHCP server14:21
ttxotherwise you're back to enabling the DHCP server to change your hostname if it knows it.14:22
mdeslaurttx: right14:22
msetimprimes2h, thanks ;)14:24
mdeslaurttx: ok, so if /etc/hostname is set, never change, or else honor dhcp hostname.14:25
mdeslaurttx: makes sense?14:25
primes2hmsetim: np. :-)14:25
ttxmdeslaur: yes14:25
mdeslaurttx: cool14:25
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
FeasibilityStudyI am trying to build a .deb, and I keep getting this error: http://pastebin.com/MbytmVSa14:33
FeasibilityStudycan anyone help14:33
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: mind posting your rules file?14:36
FeasibilityStudyone sec.14:39
FeasibilityStudyNow after messing around a bit with the spaces/tabs, I got it to go past that part.  Now it is stuck at build saying no rule to target14:41
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: I'd recomment using dh7 with overrides. Less to break imho, give me a sec14:46
cjwatsonyou don't even need overrides for any of that14:47
cjwatsonrules.tiny and an install file should do fine14:48
sebnercjwatson: FeasibilityStudy http://pastebin.com/VBcFELkW14:48
sebnercjwatson: hehehehehee14:48
cjwatsonbut if you do use an override target, fix the bizarre indentation.  a single tab is all you need14:50
sebnercjwatson: I blame pastebin14:50
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: should do: http://pastebin.com/dsjNUyQQ14:50
FeasibilityStudygetting an error about a file already existing14:55
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: so you do have a buildsystem?14:55
FeasibilityStudyI think so.  I believe I installed all of that.14:56
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: nah, just put the second mkdir under the first one. though it seems you could delete it as well14:58
FeasibilityStudyhmm I still get the error14:59
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: then delete the second mkdir15:04
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Lucid Beta 1 released! | Archive: Feature Freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-karmic | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
FeasibilityStudystill get error15:06
FeasibilityStudymust be something wrong with the spaces/tabs somehow15:06
sebnerFeasibilityStudy: that would be another error, paste it again15:08
cjwatson46. mkdir -­p /home/chrono/Desktop/Development/PyPass/dist/sandbox/pypass-1.0/debian/pypass15:09
cjwatsonyou have two different kinds of hyphens in there15:09
cjwatsonthis is all more work than you need, anyway15:09
cjwatsonyou could just put this in debian/install:15:10
cjwatsonpypass usr/local15:10
cjwatsoner, sorry15:10
cjwatsonpypass.py usr/local15:10
cjwatsondata usr/local/pypass15:10
cjwatson(why are you installing files to /usr/local, anyway?  programs would go in /usr/local/bin)15:10
* sebner agrees with cjwatson 15:10
psusiKeybuk: it looks like the sys5 compat scripts conflict with upstart in runlevel 1.. it's trying to killall, and upstart keeps restarting tasks that rc kills15:17
Keybukpsusi: yes, long known bug15:20
Keybukreally the bug is that the sysv scripts use killall there at all15:20
psusiKeybuk: seems like upstart should handle the killall no?15:20
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: what do you mean I have two different kind of hyphens in there?15:21
Keybukpsusi: there should be no "killall" when entering runlevel 115:21
hggdhttx: I did not preview anything else from what is already there, did not have time15:22
psusiKeybuk: why not?  we need to make sure that everything is shut down15:22
Keybukno you don't15:23
Keybuksingle user mode != no processes running15:23
psusithat's kind of the point isn't it?  yea... not no processes, but no processes that aren't set to run in single user mode15:23
Keybukit isn't the point15:23
Keybukthe point is that only one user is logged in, and additional users cannot log in15:24
Keybuknot that there is nothing running15:24
psusiyea... and if other users left background jobs running, then should not be running once switched to single user mode15:24
Keybukwhy not?15:25
KeybukI don't see anything in the sysv spec about htat15:25
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: your paste shows "mkdir -­p"15:25
Keybuk(and you could argue the same for any change of runlevel)15:25
Keybukaccording to sysv, if you runlevel 3 within X, your login session should be logged out, etc.15:25
psusithe whole point of single user mode is to make sure that no normal user stuff is running so the admin can perform system maintainence... do things like remount the root ro....15:25
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: I don't know if it's visible in your font, but that's  hyphen soft-hyphen p15:26
cjwatsonyou need to remove the soft-hyphen or it won't work15:26
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: must be the font I am using..15:26
cjwatsonthe font would influence how it's displayed for you, but the stray character is certainly there15:26
psusiof user background jobs are not killed, he can't do that15:27
cjwatsonand that's the cause of the error you're seeing15:27
Keybukpsusi: no it isn't ;) not according to the spec15:27
psusibadly written spec the ;)15:27
KeybukI would agree15:28
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: probably because I copied a template from a .pdf file tutorial and it didnt translate15:28
Keybukthis is why Upstart doesn't *do* SysV by itself15:28
FeasibilityStudybut I am at a loss of what to do now..15:28
Keybukpsusi: arguably the sysvinit script should omit pids managed by Upstart, like the shutdown ones15:29
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: remove the character immediately before "p" in that mkdir line.  It should read "mkdir -p".15:29
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: I don't know how to be any clearer than this - sorry15:29
psusiKeybuk: the killall would not be needed if say, when the getty upstart job spawns a user shell, upstart keeps track of this and makes sure it's dead when the getty job is stopped15:29
psusiimho that's really the right way to do it15:29
Keybukupstart does do that15:30
Keybukbut it allows processes to escape15:30
psusiwhat do you mean?15:31
FeasibilityStudybut I am copying what sebner pasted verbatim15:31
FeasibilityStudywhat he suggested I put in rules..15:31
psusiif a user logs into a gnome desktop and spawns a background job, then you stop gdm, does that background process get killed?15:31
psusididn't think so... that's the problem that killall was put there to fix15:32
cndslangasek: I'm trying to figure out how plymouth logging works, shouldn't there be a /var/log/boot.log file?15:32
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: I'm afraid you aren't.  I just rechecked sebner's version and it does not match yours.15:32
cndby default15:32
FeasibilityStudythis is odd..I am using nano and I can only see that -- if I move the cursor over it, then it appears15:33
lamontpitti: what have you done to me?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/407086/15:33
* lamont remembers fondly when gnome would actually come up when he logged in.15:33
lamontit seems like only yesterday15:33
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: wait, sebner's version is a bit broken, but in a different way15:33
pittilamont: the guest session isn't supposed to have access to other people's home directories; even less so if that person is as important as lamont!15:34
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: OK, look.  DELETE that override_dh_auto_install paragraph entirely.  ADD a debian/install file that contains two lines, as follows:15:34
cjwatsonpypass.py usr/local15:34
cjwatsondata usr/local/pypass15:34
lamontpitti: I logged in as ME15:34
FeasibilityStudyOk I got the hyphen thing fixed..now the error is cp: cannot stat `data/': No such file or directory15:34
lamontpitti: so WTF am I guest?15:34
pittilamont: hm, apparently with using /usr/share/xsessions/guest-restricted.desktop ?15:34
sebnercjwatson: what was broken?15:34
cjwatsonwell, that's a matter for you, if you don't have a data/ directory in your package then you shouldn't be trying to copy it :-)15:34
pittilamont: what does "Session" say in ~/.dmrc ?15:34
cjwatsonsebner: you had some stray soft hyphens15:34
lamontpitti: interesting... I dist-upgraded, rebooted, and then logged in.15:35
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: what should my rules file contain?15:35
cjwatsonsebner: visible in w3m, not in firefox15:35
sebnercjwatson: grml, I just copied from him in the first place15:35
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: it should be a copy of /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny15:35
lamontwith a leading blank line15:35
pittithat looks fine15:36
pittilamont: $ echo $GDMSESSION15:36
lamont+mix 303 : grep lamont /etc/passwd15:36
lamont+mix 304 : id lamont15:36
lamontuid=2501(lamont) gid=850(mmj) groups=850(mmj),2502(desktop)...15:36
lamontpitti: totally not logged in15:36
lamontlogin works just fine, and then blank screen, still with the gdm background15:36
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: do you recommend /usr/local/bin instead of /usr/local?15:36
lamontlogging in on a tty? no problem15:36
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: yes15:36
lamontso I'm gonna bet that GDMSESSION=null15:36
pittilamont: you see the gdm screen?15:37
lamontpitti: I wonder if it has anything to do with the login not being in /etc/passwd?15:37
pittilamont: what does it say when you select your user and look at the "session" picker at the bottom?15:37
pittilamont: perhaps15:37
lamontgdm screen (with user pretty faces turned off), click on 'login' (or whatever), type in my name and password, just like all the times before15:37
pittibut it should use pam15:37
lamontpitti: adding to my fun was that I left my laptop in town last night, so I'm now about 30 minutes from my computer with the issue15:38
pittilamont: right, but if you type your name, you should see a keyboard, loclae, and session selector, while the password input line is shown15:38
lamont and all that jazz.  (ssh'ed into the machine)15:38
cjwatsonmvo: so is dropping files in /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/ still the way to make notifications appear?15:38
lamontah, buttons. yeah... I can't see 13 miles through walls, though15:39
pittilamont: that was just a typo correction from the previous sentence15:39
pittilamont: can you check /var/cache/gdm/martin/dmrc15:39
pittisorry, /var/cache/gdm/lamont/dmrc15:39
mvocjwatson: yes, but it will only show them after /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-was-run got touched (that happens when apt finishes)15:39
Keybukerr, wtf15:40
lamontpitti: identical to the above15:40
Keybukgcc just "optimised" my code to be in the wrong order15:40
mvocjwatson: or on the next reboot of course (if you do it from the installer)15:40
cjwatsondpkg-run-stamp?  ok15:40
lamontKeybuk: clearly you haven't informed gcc adequately15:40
cjwatsonmvo: didn't see it on the next reboot, which is why I asked :)15:40
Keybuklamont: err, wtf?15:40
pittilamont: hmm; when's the next time you can log into gdm on that thing?15:41
Keybukmnt->error = ERROR_NONE;15:41
Keybukplymouth_update (FALSE);15:41
Keybukaccording to gdb, it did those two statements in the *opposite* order15:41
pittigdb with -O2 screws up ordering all over, though15:41
lamontpitti: now that I have my laptop, I suppose I could run back home, otherwise it'll be around 2400 UTC15:41
pittiwhen stepping through, it appears to run almost all statements twice15:41
pittilamont: hm, tomorrow then?15:42
lamontKeybuk: gcc vs gdb is always lost on optimized code - gotta look at the actual assembly to see wtf is up15:42
Keybuklamont: I did15:42
lamontpitti: sure - I'll be back online about 1100 UTC15:42
lamontKeybuk: ew15:42
pittilamont: sounds fine15:42
lamontpitti: meanwhile, I miss my desktop. :-p15:42
pittilamont: I thought you aren't sitting on it anyway?15:43
lamontyeah, but it still  eats at me15:43
psusiKeybuk: wow... so you checked the asm and it actually made the call before the ld?  that's messed up15:43
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psusithat violates the sequence point rule15:44
psusiplymout_update is actually a function right?  not a macro?15:44
lamonthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/407093/ <-- pitti the upgrade that killed it, and since15:45
pittilamont: erm, you removed gnome-session?15:45
mdeslaurlamont: you removed a bunch of required packages!15:45
pittithat's doomed to fail15:45
lamontwell, that'd do it15:45
lamontI didn't remove them... ghome-update did15:45
pittilamont: yes, it'll totally not work without gnome-session15:45
lamonter, dist-upgrade did15:45
pittiDDTT ;) use upgrade and hold back, not remove15:46
cjwatsonmvo: definitely not showing it - how should I go about debugging it?  can I kill update-notifier and then run it under strace or something?15:46
lamont  ubuntu-desktop: Depends: gnome-applets but it is not going to be installed15:46
lamont                  Depends: gnome-control-center but it is not going to be installed15:46
lamont                  Depends: gnome-panel but it is not going to be installed15:46
lamont                  Depends: gnome-session but it is not going to be installed15:46
lamont                  Depends: indicator-applet-session but it is not going to be installed15:46
pittilamont: amd64?15:46
pittilamont: there was a soyuz bug which didn't publish gnome-panel and others for half a dsy15:46
pittithis caused a lot of FTBFS :(15:47
lamontand nothing in /topic here to warn me that I'd be dead if I upgraded?15:47
mdeslaurlamont: you see, it's your own fault :)15:47
lamontnote to self.  do not sleep through the dist-upgrade15:47
Keybuklamont: the great big THE FOLLOWING PACKAGES WILL BE REMOVED is the warning ;-)15:47
mvocjwatson: it has a --debug-hooks switch  that will print out some output, if you could paste that15:48
lamontKeybuk: at least it didn't give me the opportunity to type Yes, do as I say!15:48
* lamont goes to find a corner to sit in15:49
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kirklandslangasek: could you have a look at (my fixes for) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/55056115:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 550561 in base-files "FFe: /etc/motd contains duplicate welcome/documentation blurbs on lucid" [Low,In progress]15:51
cjwatsonmvo: I think it was user error, sorry15:52
mvocjwatson: no worries15:52
apwi just did a clean install using 'todays' live-CD and it seemed to be using the network ... downloading several sets of files.  would i expect that, and does it work without the network present?15:53
cjwatsonapw: language support files; and it should do, modulo bugs15:55
apwcjwatson, will try it without the network next time ... thanks15:55
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apwcjwatson, on a different note, its looking pretty professional15:59
cjwatsonlool,doko__,mvo,slangasek,james_w: I didn't have time to send out a mail, but I'm cancelling the foundations meeting this week - LP downtime put the Europeans out of kilter in their work days, and everyone should be working on beta-2 bugs15:59
cjwatsonapw: the new slideshow is very nice16:00
apwshame the little minimise icon is a bit crap16:00
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ttxasac, ogra: about bug 532733, should one of you be assigned to it, or do you need qemu-kvm maintainer to help / be assigned to it ?16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273316:04
asacttx: help much appreciated16:05
asacttx: we are kind of lost how to debug this. we suspect its either kernel or qemu enging having a thumb2 bug (though thats rather unlikely how late this happs imo)16:06
ttxasac: you can ping kirkland if that can be of any help. I'm not sure I understand where the problem lies either16:06
ttxbut having a high/beta2-targeted bug without assignee sounds wrong :)16:06
asacttx: oh yeah. pleas assign to kirkland ;)16:06
ttxasac: well, I don't think he can really fix it as it stands16:07
asacttx: but he can ask for more info etc.16:07
asacor probably has upstream contacts that might be able to16:07
james_wcjwatson: ACK16:07
FeasibilityStudyArgh..this drives me crazy..http://pastebin.com/VpHYmvtG16:07
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: if you don't have a data directory, why were you trying to install it?16:08
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: where is the original source that you're trying to package?16:08
FeasibilityStudyin the directory I am in16:09
cjwatsonnot on the Internet anywhere so we can look?16:09
ttxkirkland: ^ I'll let you comment on that, and assign yourself to it if you think it's the best way to fix this bug16:09
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: No I wrote it16:09
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: so, you were trying to install a 'data' directory.  Where is it?16:10
kirklandttx: i can forward the bug to upstream qemu, and ask if anyone has ideas16:10
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: you told me to add data to /debian/install16:10
ttxkirkland: sounds good.16:10
kirklandttx: it would probably take me a lot of time to dig deep into the arm emulation code and actually develop a fix16:10
kirklandttx: which, at this point, it looks to me like some strange issue in the arm emulation code16:11
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: your original rules paste was http://pastebin.com/632TzTrA, and it contained 'cp -r data/ $(CURDIR)/debian/pypass/usr/local/pypass'16:11
kirklandasac: is that what it looks like to you?16:11
FeasibilityStudydata usr/local/bin16:11
FeasibilityStudyis what you said to add to install16:11
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: all I did was copy that over; I'm not telepathic and can't tell what your package looks like16:11
cjwatson*no I didn't* - I said 'data usr/local/pypass' which was a *direct translation* of what was in your original rules file16:11
cjwatsonif you don't have a data directory, just remove that line from debian/install - I don't know why you had that cp -r there to begin with, in that case?16:12
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: because some tutorial said to..16:13
rbellamyI need some guidance on linking some c code to a "library support file"16:14
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: that tutorial was no doubt describing how things would work for the application it was dealing with.  You're supposed to adapt these things to meet your particular requirements16:14
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: in that case, just remove that line from debian/install16:14
rbellamythe policy manual for library support files states that they should be placed in a subdirectory of the primary library (e.g. /usr/lib/somedir)16:14
FeasibilityStudycjwatson I did16:14
rbellamywhen I link to that file, and compile, everything works fine16:15
rbellamybut then when I try to execute, I get a "cannot open shared object file", since ldconfig doesn't traverse the subdirectories16:16
rbellamyso, now to my question:16:16
asackirkland: i would think it has to do with IO in the emulation code. yes16:16
asacsome deadlock16:16
asackirkland: please get it upstream ... thats the least we can do16:16
rbellamywhat is the accepted solution for linking only to a support file when then executing?16:16
kirklandasac: i'll email upstream today16:17
asackirkland: thanks. please CC me and ogra16:17
asackirkland: and lool16:18
kirklandasac: you bet, i'm drafting the email now16:18
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: any idea why i get this: http://pastebin.com/Jp7irZeq16:18
kirklandasac: oh, couple of questions for you ...16:19
FeasibilityStudyI mean I know it is not a directory, but why is it wanting it to be a dir?16:19
kirklandasac: so this is in a chroot?  or is there a backing disk?16:19
cjwatsonrbellamy: normally, you'd use -rpath16:19
kirklandasac: ah, i see a backing disk, root or qcow216:20
rbellamycjwatson: I thought I was.... I'll have to review the build settings. No wonder I was confused. :)16:20
kirklandasac: okay, are the disks scsi emulated, or virtio?16:20
asackirkland: its a disk. raw16:20
asacdisc image raw i am told16:20
asacmakes sense?16:21
kirklandasac: first thing upstream is going to ask is if you tried virtio, as that's what they recommend in almost all cases16:21
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: side-effect of how dh_usrlocal works - while I can recommend a fix, the more immediately urgent question, I think, is whether you have a good reason to install into /usr/local/ (or any of its subdirectories) at all?16:21
kirklandasac: can you get me the *full* qemu-system-arm command line used (running in ps -ef) when this happens?16:21
asackirkland: ogra will put that command line in bug16:21
asackirkland: we dont know what virtio means ;)16:22
kirklandasac: i see something at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch16:22
asackirkland: yes. wait. we paste you the definitly command line in bug16:22
rbellamycjwatson: dude, that was exactly my problem. Thanks for the pointer.16:22
kirklandasac: can you try this:16:22
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: probably not.  Where would you recommend I install?  The program does not need root..Keep in mind I am not installing this for ME..I am just wanting to package it, mainly to leanr how to.16:22
kirklandasac: sorry, looks like this is what you're running:16:22
kirklandqemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel ./vmlinuz -hda arm-rootfs.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M devtmpfs.mount=0 rw"16:22
kirklandasac: ogra_cmpc: can you confirm?16:22
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: it would be more normal to install into usr/bin16:22
FeasibilityStudyok, would that fix this error?16:23
asackirkland: ok its RootfsFromScratch command line really16:23
asackirkland: ogra_cmpc has no internet and cannot chat till next week16:23
asaci am proxying16:23
cjwatsonif you absolutely have to install files into /usr/local for some reason, http://paste.ubuntu.com/407112/ would make it work16:23
cjwatsonbut I'd recommend just installing to /usr/bin instead16:23
kirklandasac: sorry, i don't know what RootfsFromScratch means16:24
asackirkland: ogra here, follow the instructions on rootfs from scratch to build an ubuntu-minimal setup (use --notarball to get a qemi16:24
asacu image)16:24
apwcjwatson, this install is at 95% and is slowly flashing my HDD, any idea what phase that is?  it could do with a message16:25
FeasibilityStudyhowever, it failed to pick up my GPG key..But I didn't use the -k flag.16:25
asackirkland: its a wikipage16:25
kirklandasac: url?16:25
kirklandogra_cmpc: hiya, are you around?16:25
asackirkland: its a http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch16:25
FeasibilityStudycjwatson: If one has one's own PPA is it necessary to sign the package when building the .deb, or does uploading it to the PPA do that for you?16:25
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: that's OK, you can just run debsign by hand afterwards if you like16:25
asackirkland: as asac said, i cant get my machine online from here16:26
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: you have to sign it before upload - the PPA system doesn't (and shouldn't!) have your personal key16:26
asac<-- ogra16:26
FeasibilityStudybecause when i created my PPA it created a new GPG key for me.  So I figured it would be redundant to sign it with my personal key.16:26
asacogra_cmpc is my idling machine at home16:26
kirklandasac: :-D16:26
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: no, that's not the same16:26
kirklandasac: so no human-ogra here right now then?  :-)16:27
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: that's the GPG key that signs the archive so that your PPA's users can trust that somebody evil on their network isn't substituting a different package16:27
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: it's not the GPG key that the archive uses to ensure that the upload really came from you16:27
cjwatsonthe latter is the one you use when you run debsign (or debuild -k)16:27
asackirkland: on the wiki, follow the first reciepe under 'building a root filesystem image instead of a tarball'16:27
asackirkland: then boot that as described under 'Using a qemu image with full emulation'16:28
asackirkland: in the booted VM do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook^16:29
asacand watch it hang somewhere16:29
kirklandasac: how long does that take?16:29
kirklandasac: the hang16:29
ninjaiis there anybody that's able to help me with the brightness keys on my laptop not working in lucid beta 1?16:29
asacquite a while depending how speedy your host machine is16:29
asackirkland: its relatively fast if yu have a local mirror of ports16:30
ScottKninjai: You want #ubuntu+1 for that.16:31
slangasekpitti: openldap> I'm not current on the db compatibility stuff with openldap, that should be checked with upstream before any change16:31
kirklandasac: okay, stay tuned ... i'm putting this together now16:31
asackirkland: it usually hangs at unpacking iputils-something or at iso-codes16:31
slangasekcnd_mini: there *should* be a /var/log/boot.log file - that didn't work in the past, it does work now16:31
slangasekcnd_mini: at least, I have one here16:31
asackirkland: the package seems to vary for different people but is individually reproducable for them then16:32
slangasekkirkland: 550561> from the bug description, it doesn't look to me like anything that needs an FFe - it's just a bugfix?16:32
kirklandasac: okay, i'll try to reproduce it with scsi emulation first16:32
kirklandslangasek: see the debdiff... there's a bit of other cleanup in there, but I definitely feel it's a bugfix;  just looking for a second opinion since it's such a fundamental package16:33
kirklandslangasek: and I've tested it thoroughly here16:33
kirklandasac: and then i'll try with virtio ;-)16:33
asackirkland: the call rootstock uses to trigger it is similar to whats on teh wiki, lool suggested to try -disk instead and play with some cacing options, which i didnt manage to test yet due to traveling16:34
* asac .... ogra hands the laptop back to asac16:34
kirklandah, asac was ogra :-)16:35
* asac reads if bought something ;)16:35
asacogra said he stated that initially16:35
kirklandasac: sorry, i missed it16:35
asacheh ... all fine ;)16:35
mdzI assume I'm not the only one getting spammed with ancient bug comments since the LP rollout?16:36
slangasekkirkland: ok; I can look at this in ~1h16:36
kirklandslangasek: perfect; i'm sure that qemu-system-arm will consume me until then :-)16:36
kirklandasac/ogra: okay, just clarifying ....  I'm following the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch16:37
apwcjwatson, this install just completed ... and ejected the CD, and puked sr0 errors ... and stopped16:37
kirklandasac: where do i get armel-rootfs-200904151837.tgz16:38
kirkland from?16:38
cjwatsonapw: I doubt that has anything to do with network connectivity16:38
apwcjwatson, no ... i suspect not :)16:38
cjwatsonthe general idea is that casper's meant to read everything it'll need into page cache before ejecting the CD16:39
cjwatsonit may have missed something16:39
apwcjwatson, this machine is likely memory 'lacking'16:39
cjwatsonmdz: I figure I'm going to be getting it for roughly the rest of time16:39
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cjwatsonmdz: though I suppose there's a chance that it'll remind me of some things I should have closed but didn't16:39
mdzcjwatson, I've got 20 so far, and it's only on bug 707616:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 7076 in mozilla "Overriding built-in certificate leading to error -8182 (DoS), especially exploitable by email" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/707616:40
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mdzonly 500,000 to go16:40
mdzcjwatson, #launchpad is just happy it's working ;-)16:41
slangasekpitti: should your latest edit to /ReleaseProcess say 'release' instead of 'beta'?16:41
kirklandasac: doh, i think rootstock is creating that for me....16:42
pittislangasek: erm yes, sorry; fixed16:42
pittislangasek: (I replied to dpm's mail about coordination, for the context)16:42
cjwatsonmdz: I must admit that I am rather looking forward to having useful comment aggregation in LP16:43
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dpmpitti, ah, yeah, thanks for that16:43
cjwatsonCaesar: bug 546405: are there multiple LUKS containers here, or just one?  (i.e. multiple passphrase prompts or just one?)16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546405 in partman-crypto "Can't preseed encryption passphrase" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54640516:44
kirklandasac: hmm, okay ... so rootstock created qemu-armel-201003311032.img for me16:45
cjwatsonmarjo: your lists of ISO testing bugs don't appear to filter out duplicates, e.g. bug 54153916:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 541539 in oem-config "[Lucid] after oem-config runs, X appears to hang, instead of restarting and launching KDM (dup-of: 540938)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54153916:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540938 in ubiquity "oem-config-kde does not log out after setup" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54093816:45
kirklandasac: and now i'm running "qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel ./vmlinuz -hda qemu-armel-201003311032.img -append "root=/dev/sda mem=384M devtmpfs.mount=0 rw"16:46
kirklandasac: kernel panics though16:46
cjwatsonmarjo: (filter out, or consider the dup target instead, or whatever)16:46
kirklandasac: does not like the root filesystem16:46
marjocjwatson: ack16:46
marjocjwatson: will try to fix by Friday morning16:47
kirklandasac: nevermind, owned by root16:47
cjwatsonmarjo: thanks16:47
FeasibilityStudycjwatson can you give me a quick rundown of how to sign a .deb once it has already been created?  Do I need to sign the .deb itself or just the .dsc? or Both?16:48
zulpitti: ping about #493593 can you approve python-formencode. I have updated the bug with the required info16:51
keesFeasibilityStudy: for uploading? you need to sign the source.changes file (debs aren't signed)16:52
pittizul: I'm just looking at it incidentally16:52
zulpitti: ah good...because ttx was bugging me about it incidentally ;)16:53
FeasibilityStudykees: ok clearsign, detached sign or what?16:53
ttxttx is bugging everyone on beta2 targeted bugs :P16:53
jibelmvo, hey, when you have a minute could you review apt fix for bug 130289. Thanks.16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 130289 in gnome-terminal "Encode any ":", "@" or "/" within the user and password field in proxy settings." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13028916:54
keesFeasibilityStudy: "debsign foo_*source.changes"16:54
dpmhey mvo, when you've got some time, do you think you could look at bug 552542? It seems that the ddtp translations in Chinese and Japanese have some breakage16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552542 in ubuntu-translations "DDTP translation strings breakage in Japanese / Traditional Chinese(Taiwanese) / Simplified Chinese" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55254216:54
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lamontasac: btw, the first 3 of 8 armel buildds are the new boards16:57
FeasibilityStudyargh, getting an error that secret key cannot be found..I know it exists16:57
lamontStevenK: and cushaw fixed.16:58
cjwatsonFeasibilityStudy: as a simpler alternative to what kees said, you can just run debsign in the source directory16:58
cjwatsonthere are options to debsign to set the signing key id ...16:58
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FeasibilityStudyOK I had to pass the -k flag to make it work.17:02
FeasibilityStudyand enter key ID...17:02
kirklandasac: well i'm having a hell of a time getting a network connection inside of this vm17:03
kirklandasac: doesn't seem to have enough of a kernel (or modules) to see an emulated network device17:04
kirklandasac: okay, i'm rebuilding my image with a bigger seed17:04
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zulpitti: thanks17:29
* lamont stabs at dch deciding that I must be doing an NMU17:37
mvo_jibel: thanks, patch is fine, I merge it today or tomorrow17:41
mvo_dpm: I check i tou17:41
dpmthanks mvo_!17:42
mvo_dpm: oh, a line breaks issue17:42
jibelmvo: donkult merged it into debian. It would be better to merge this one.17:43
mvo_dpm: I milestoned it17:45
mvo_jibel: yeah, I noticed. its very similar, I will merge his version (there is also some other bugfixes I need to merge from him today)17:45
* mvo_ hugs jibel for the fix17:45
jibelmvo_, and gnome team merged the terminal fix \o/17:46
dpmmvo_, thanks!17:47
Caesarcjwatson: just the one17:48
jibelmvo_, any objection to replace synaptic's own proxy settings and use gconf settings instead ?17:49
zygahello everyone17:50
mvo_jibel: well, it runs as root17:52
mvo_jibel: how would it get the users settings?17:52
mvo_jibel: cool :)17:52
mvo_(g-t fix merge)17:54
jibelmvo_, the 'apply system wide' applies settings to root too. If a user is able to run synaptic as root he's able to apply network settings too.17:55
mvo_jibel: right, that is fine, but debian does not carry that patch so we still need a way to set it when that is not available17:56
mvo_jibel: but in general I like the idea, ideally it would go upstream, but its not currently (the apply-system-wide)17:56
cjwatsonCaesar: cool, that makes the bug tractable17:58
cjwatsonCaesar: (otherwise I'd have to invent some way to have different preseedable passphrases for different partitions and argh)17:58
jibelmvo_, btw I noticed that apt.postinst doesn't set the proxy auth string. Is it a desired behavior ?18:01
zygaKeybuk: hi, kiko asked me to check with you what kind of bootchart solution we're using for lucid18:01
cjwatsonRiddell: I'm confused about what to do about bug 386099.  Is it plasma-netbook-appletsrc or plasma-netbook-applicationrc (the bug trail mentions both) and what's the difference between them?  What happens if such a file already exists?  What should it contain?  I don't think I'm in a position to answer any of these questions at the moment18:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386099 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Netbook OEM install does not create a 'prepare for shipping' icon" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38609918:01
Keybukzyga: it's called "bootchart"18:01
zygaKeybuk: right but there are maaaany versions18:02
zygaKeybuk: I just want to confirm we're using the c+python one18:02
cjwatsonRiddell: I can see what casper is doing, but that relies on a file in the kubuntu-netbook-default-settings package18:02
Keybukzyga: since we wrote large parts of it, yes ;-)18:02
Keybukthough there are at least two variants of the C version <g>18:02
zygaKeybuk:  ok that's all I needed, thans18:02
cjwatson(which BTW seems like a very weird way for ubiquity to deliver a desktop file)18:02
zygaKeybuk: right, apparently there is another one that looks quite promising18:02
Keybukthe two C versions are known, colloquially, as the "Keybuk version" and the "mmeeks version"18:03
zygaKeybuk: meego one18:03
kirklandasac: ogra: around?18:03
KeybukI don't know which one is in M{oblin,aemo,eego}18:03
zygaKeybuk: http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-developer-tools/bootchart/trees/master18:03
Keybukthat might be an, as yet, undiscovered third18:03
zygaKeybuk: custom version rewritten from scratch18:03
KeybukIntel rewrite something from scratch18:03
KeybukI wonder if it's as amazing as their piece of crap readahead rewrite? :p18:03
zygabut it seems to be quite good actually, better than what we have18:04
Keybukwhy better?18:04
zygaless cpu/mem required18:04
zygaon-the-fly graph18:04
zygano python dependency18:04
mvo_jibel: well, sort of. its a bit dangerous as the password is in cleartext18:04
zygapure c18:04
KeybukI quite like the fact the graphing is done in python18:05
Keybukit's a better language for it18:05
Keybukin summary, no we're not using that version18:05
zygaKeybuk: the architecture is different - we have to keep the data18:05
Keybukwe're using the Ubuntu version of bootchart18:05
Keybukand actively contributing to a "one true version" of bootchart project being led by mmeeks18:05
zygaKeybuk: they're just graphing the data in svg which seems less IO constrained18:05
Keybukyes, it's amazing how often you want to keep that data18:05
zygaKeybuk: each time?18:06
Keybukand how often you don't want to generate svg on the machine you're trying to boot profile18:06
Keybuk(I don't at all)18:06
zygaKeybuk: well it's certainly an argument but their version has some merits18:06
Keybukbut that's not the conversation you started with :p18:06
zygaright :D18:06
Keybukwe're not using that version18:06
zygano flame required18:06
KeybukI first learned about that version 30 seconds ago <g>18:06
Keybukoh, I'm not flaming18:06
zyganeither am I18:06
asackirkland: just quick18:06
kirklandasac: okay, i have a small rootstock image running in arm qemu, with networking18:07
zygaKeybuk: for some rationale (I'm sure you are interested) you can read their readme file: http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-developer-tools/bootchart/blobs/master/README18:07
kirklandasac: and now I'm going to try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook, right?18:07
Keybukzyga: already read through it18:08
Caesarcjwatson: heh, yeah that sounds like no fun18:08
CaesarWe're not doing anything particularly crazy on the encryption front18:08
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asackirkland: yes. that works18:09
asackirkland: it will hang sooner or later18:09
kirklandasac: okay, taking a snapshot of my disk, then trying it18:10
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kirklandasac: how much longer are you and/or ogra going to be around today?18:10
asackirkland: i will be here for another 20 minutes ... then we are heading for dinner18:11
zygamvo_: hi, is there any chance you can run that script (update-alternatives) on the repo today?18:11
kirklandasac: okay, i probably won't have anything by then, but check in with me if you come back online later18:11
davmor2pitti: do you need a copy of the udev log with RB fired up too so you can compare them?18:11
nigelbbryceh, if you've got some time, can you update the lp-gm-scripts PPA? (bdmurray had merged a branch of mine in)18:12
mvo_asac: oh, the problem with apt-get is actually a qemu bug?18:12
kirklandasac: oh, another thing ... i see these are running with 256M of memory18:12
asacmvo_: we dont know18:12
kirklandasac: is that enough?  especially if there's no swap ....18:12
cjwatsonKeybuk: so in the process of working through bug 548954, I noticed that upstart doesn't pass INIT_VERBOSE through to jobs, so the stuff in /lib/init/vars.sh to detect it doesn't work.  Is there a way for a job to ask that particular named variables from pid 1's environment be exported to it, or should I just have /lib/init/vars.sh parse /proc/cmdline for INIT_VERBOSE as well as everything else?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548954 in ubuntu-meta "Ubuntu servers should display information during boot by default" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54895418:12
mvo_zyga: not today, maybe tomorrow, but I'm swamped a bit currently18:12
slangasekpitti: hmm, I don't seem to have said mail from dpm18:12
Keybukcjwatson: by design ;-)18:12
zygamvo_: ok, I'll ask again on Friday, maybe you'll have some more time then, thanks18:13
slangasekcjwatson: do you want weekly reports to you this week again?18:13
cjwatsonI assumed that defaulting to a clean environment was by design, certainly18:13
cjwatsonslangasek: might as well18:13
Keybukcjwatson: add "env INIT_VERBOSE" to rc.conf18:13
cjwatsonKeybuk: perfect, thanks.  Want a documentation patch for that? :-)18:13
Keybukdocumentation patch?18:13
cjwatson       env KEY=VALUE18:14
cjwatson              Defines a default environment variable, the value of which may be overriden by the event or command that starts the job.18:14
Keybukoh, I never documented you could use without the value18:14
cjwatsonperhaps 'env KEY[=VALUE]'18:14
Keybukplease :p18:14
kirklandmvo_: do you have any idea how much MEM an apt-get install of ubuntu-netbook might take?18:14
kirklandmvo_: seems like some of that operation might be memory-intensive?18:14
Keybukcjwatson: where does INIT_VERBOSE come from?18:15
zygahmm is dying intel graphics a common treat on 10.04?18:15
cjwatsonKeybuk: I'm assuming the kernel command line18:16
cjwatsonor /etc/default/rcS, although it isn't documented there - it seems like a command-line override for VERBOSE18:16
cjwatsoni.e. quiet + INIT_VERBOSE = you get init script output but not vast piles of kernel output18:17
kirklandzyga: what do you mean by that?18:17
kirklandzyga: i've noted a couple of weird things with my intel graphics in my Thinkpad; wondered if my hardware might be going bad18:18
cjwatsonwhich I think is the combination the server team is after; VERBOSE=yes in /etc/default/rcS would work too and I haven't yet decided which would make more sense from an installer POV18:18
brycehnigelb, sorry kind of tied up with other stuff at the moment18:18
zygakirkland: I just ran daily upgrades and my screen got corrupted for a moment (90% black with some junk at the top)18:18
zygathis happens quite often, I'm not sure it's related to updates18:18
zygasometimes it lasts18:18
nigelbbryceh, any time you get time is fine too :)18:18
zygaso if it happens again I can take a photo18:18
brycehnigelb, why don't you ask brian to set you up with access to update the ppa?18:18
zygausually alt-tabbing fixes it18:18
zygakirkland: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)18:19
nigelbbryceh, brian's on vacation.  I forgot to remind to update earlier.18:19
kirklandzyga: hrm, mine looks like a glitch in the Matrix18:21
brycehnigelb, ah, ok well hang on for a bit18:23
zygakirkland: so you seen this too?18:23
kirklandbryceh: i just heard zyga say that he's had some odd issues with intel graphics... i've seen a couple of things too, that i was chalking up to hardware possibly going bad18:23
nigelbbryceh, I just asked kees too since you were busy, so if either of you get the time :)18:23
brycehnigelb, ok great.  Yeah I've not actually updated the ppa so dunno if there's any extra steps to do there18:24
kirklandbryceh: the two things ... 1) sometimes (maybe 1 in 20) times I open my laptop lid, the screen is so dark I can barely see it (like way darker than minimum contrast)18:24
brycehkirkland, lp#?18:24
kirklandbryceh: and 2) about 3 times in the last two weeks, I've had a "glitch" in the Matrix, where for 1/10th of a second, the screen "glitches", like turning on old tv on, and then it's fine18:25
kirklandbryceh: i'm not sure it's a bug; think my hardware might be going bad, but i just happened to see zyga asking about Intel graphics issues, and it piqued my curiosity18:25
zygabryceh: I'm sure it's a bug18:26
Riddellcjwatson: bug 386099 wants a plasma-netbook-appletsrc like the "moved_plasma-netbook-appletsrc" one which is used to put ubiquity there, however that needs some changes now because of changes in the default layout18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386099 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Netbook OEM install does not create a 'prepare for shipping' icon" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38609918:26
zygasorry, kirkland18:26
zygaI dual boot with 9.0418:26
zyganever ever on 9.0418:26
Riddellcjwatson: I can get it sorted, where's the code that gets run before login for the oem user?18:26
cjwatsonRiddell: do you mean bin/oem-config-firstboot?  I think your original suggestion of making the change in scripts/install.py was better though18:31
brycehkirkland, yeah dunno, but there's plenty of bug reports about lid issues and glitches so could well be software18:33
brycehkirkland, you know the drill... file bug reports, we'll get to them when we have time18:34
kirklandbryceh: will do18:34
kirklandbryceh: thanks18:34
Riddellcjwatson: that looks like it, I'll fix it up18:35
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kirklandasac: okay, i *think* i'm seeing the hang unpacking firefox-gnome-support18:53
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lex79pitti: if I understand, since the nonpolkit-mount-policy patch was in hal from jaunty, this means the patch in kdebase is broken, right?19:19
lex79we have to fix the patch in kdebase...19:19
lex79ehrm, in kdelibs, not in kdebase19:22
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cjwatsonRiddell: cool, thanks19:52
Riddellcjwatson: I might move /usr/share/applications/kde/oem-config-prepare-kde.desktop to /usr/share/applications/kde4/oem-config-prepare-kde.desktop, in the kde/ directory it gets marked as being a KDE 3 app which looks bad19:54
cjwatsonok by me19:55
lex79doko__: this patch in Qt http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/qt/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/90_ia64_opts.diff is obsolete since seems you fix the bug also in gcc ?19:55
doko__lex79: yes, afaik ScottK did want to remove it19:56
lex79doko__: ok, to fix this ftbs https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.6.2-0ubuntu3 should we drop the patch then?19:57
doko__lex79: enoclue, that is a different one. please investigate19:59
lex79oh, ok20:00
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kirklandslangasek: any chance to look at the motd change?  i'd like to upload it before the freeze goes into effect20:13
slangasekkirkland: looking now20:15
slangasekkirkland: which part of this corrects the double-printing of motd.tail?20:22
kirklandslangasek: the postinst.in part20:23
kirklandslangasek: the part that moves the generated motd.tail out of the way20:24
slangasekkirkland: so it's not "double-printing of motd.tail", it's "double-displaying of the information we were writing to /etc/motd.tail"?20:24
kirklandslangasek: that's linguistically more correct, yes20:25
slangasekkirkland: looks good to me20:28
kirklandslangasek: thanks man20:28
sorenI've used mk-sbuild to build an sbuild chroot. When I build a package in there, it gets "Distribution: lucid-amd64" in the binary .changes file. Does anyone know off the top of their head where it gets that value?20:28
soren(I launch sbuild like so: sbuild -d lucid-amd64 blahblahblah.dsc)20:28
geserI remember reading a discussion about a similar problem, let my try to find it.20:30
sorenIs it passed as an environment variable or something?20:30
sorenIt seems I can do -d lucid instead and it works it out anyway.20:30
geserIIRC this is also the solution20:31
* soren scratches head a little bit20:33
gesersoren: see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2010/03/msg00600.html20:34
PenguinCan anyone give me a link to a guide on updating deb packages?20:39
sorengeser: Awesome. Thanks for the link!20:45
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mvo_jibel: apt fix is commited, I upload in a little bit21:03
akgranerhey all - we have a guy in the NC channel who switched to Lucid - he did updates today - and rebooted like it said - now he is in a loop that keeps taking him to his logon screen - I can't help him - but can you all or point me in the right direction to I can tell him?21:03
akgranerHi all - magedragon25 just joined - he is the one from the NC channel - thanks in advance to whomever :-)21:08
slangasekakgraner, magedragon25: this is probably bug #516520, which seems to have regressed in the past few days; I've confirmed that it appears to be a gdm bug, but need the desktop team for further triaging21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516520 in gdm "lucid lynx - login screen stuck in a loop - SYSTEM BROKEN" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51652021:11
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slangasekchrisccoulson, seb128: either of you still around and have any insight there? ^^21:11
seb128I'm around, let me have a look to the bug21:12
magedragon25that bug says he could get into console from safe mode....my recovery console won't even come up21:12
akgranerslangasek, is there a way he can fix his system or is it a complete reinstall?  and slangasek thank you for looking into the question for us :-)21:13
slangasekmagedragon25: recovery console may be a whole 'nother kettle of fish right now.  When you get to the login screen, can you hit Ctrl+Alt+F1?  This should take you to a console login prompt; afterwards you can use Alt+F7 to switch back to GDM21:13
seb128slangasek, doesn't seem a gdm issue there21:14
magedragon25I will have to reboot, i have only one pc and i had to log into win7 to get here for help21:14
seb128it seems that the session or xorg crash and they got back to gdm then21:14
cjwatsonsystems are always recoverable without reinstalling; it's just a question of how much effort you want to go to. :-)21:14
slangasekseb128: the log says 'conversation failed', which implies that the application-supplied conversation function returned a failure21:14
seb128seems another bug which collect different issues21:14
seb128some comments say startx doesn't work21:15
slangasekseb128: sorry - to be clear, I'm reading from the bottom of the bug rather than from the top.  The bug was originally opened for a separate issue :/21:15
seb128ok, let me look at it this way too21:15
magedragon25be back shortly if it doesn't work21:15
slangasekakgraner: I hope he also comes back if it *does* work, because I have more questions and would like to debug this in realtime with him :)21:16
seb128slangasek, gdm didn't really change in the recent weeks21:16
seb128out of xkb layout changes from pitti21:16
seb128and gdmsetup21:16
seb128but neither of those should impact on login21:16
akgranerslangasek, let me tell him21:16
seb128are you sure it's not something in the pam stack which changed?21:16
slangasekseb128: no, I'm not sure; but the 'conversation failed' comes from the application side.  If it's a PAM stack bug, I have a guess where it is, but I need someone who can reproduce the bug to help me narrow it down21:18
akgranerslangasek, I sent him a message21:18
seb128slangasek, it doesn't help that the bug collect different issues21:19
seb128that one seems one and I've no clue about it21:19
seb128some other comments looks like users dist-upgraded while things were not installable and removed things required21:19
seb128ie gnome-session21:19
seb128which leads to GNOME not starting21:19
seb128but it's weird, as said gdm didn't change out of xkb and gdmsetup recently21:20
slangasekone thing that *did* change recently was the winbind package getting pam-auth-update integration on March 19th; but I don't have any explanation for how that would cause the error shown21:22
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magedragon25I was able to get into console, but startx didn't work21:29
magedragon25I also switched to gdm, but it just went to my login21:30
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magedragon25slangasek: I am back, I got into console but startx didn't work, it gave me an error about no such process, and switching to gdm just goes to my login21:34
slangasekmagedragon25: hi - what do you mean, "goes to your login"?21:36
slangasekyou mean it takes you back to the login screen (which is what I would expect)?21:37
slangasekdo you have the exact error message from startx?21:37
slangasekdo you know if you have the 'winbind' package installed on this system?21:37
magedragon25there was no number just said no such process, I assume it's installed if it should be....unfortunately I have to switch back and forth on the same pc21:39
slangasekmagedragon25: winbind is only supposed to be installed if you want to use it; I ask because I'm trying to determine if it's linked in some way to the problems users are reporting21:42
magedragon25then no, i don't have it21:43
slangaseka very troubling bug21:45
magedragon25slangasek: unfortunately, i am gonna have to bail for now. I have to get ready for my college class tonight. it's a redhat class, and being as i am ahead of everyone else, I might be able to get back on, and have my laptop setup next to me21:45
slangasekmagedragon25: ok - the next step for troubleshooting this is going to be to try to log in, then switch with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and examine /var/log/auth.log21:46
magedragon25ok....I have class at 6pm est, so between 6 and 7, I will know if I can get back on21:47
CaesarThis whole amd64 builder being way behind the i386 one really bites21:55
mathiazmvo_: hi!22:02
mathiazmvo_: is it possible to add some code to update-manager to modify a conffile?22:03
slangasekwhy is the package not taking care of it directly?22:03
mathiazslangasek: the use case is an upgrade of mysql from 5.0 to 5.122:03
mvo_mathiaz: what is the use case? it can do that, but as slangasek says, doing it in the package has the benefit that apt-get users are also happy22:03
mathiazslangasek: the skip-bdb option is no longer recognized by 5.122:04
mathiazslangasek: if skip-bdb is in /etc/mysql.my.cnf 5.1 fails to start and the package upgrade fails22:04
mvo_jibel: thanks for lp:~jibel/synaptic/bug.292267 ! rock on!22:04
mathiazslangasek: however /etc/mysql/my.cnf is a conffile22:04
mathiazslangasek: and the debian policy states that maintainer scripts should not modify conffiles22:05
slangasekmathiaz: update-manager shouldn't do it either; if you're going to violate policy, best to do it local to the problem ;)22:05
jibelmvo_, thanks for merging !22:06
mathiazslangasek: ok - there is an item about skip-bdb in the NEWS file22:06
mathiazslangasek: however users don't seem to read it :/22:06
mathiazslangasek: which causes a lot of package upgrade to fail22:07
chrisccoulsonslangasek / seb128 - sorry, just got back from dinner22:07
slangasekmathiaz: so what policy really says is "local changes must be preserved during upgrade", and "if you're managing a configuration file in the maintainer scripts, it must not be a conffile".  This appears to be a case where an option which is not present in either the old or new version of the default conffile is no longer supported, correct?22:07
chrisccoulsondid you figure out the issue? (i've not read all the scrollback yet)22:08
slangasekmathiaz: I think it's reasonable for the maintainer script to remove the unsupported option on upgrade (in the preinst), making a backup copy of the file, and (optionally) throw a debconf note that this has been done22:08
* ScottK notes debconf is for questions, not notes.22:09
slangasekdebconf isn't appropriate for *unconditional* notes; for conditional ones, I think it's suitable, more suitable than anything else22:09
mathiazslangasek: well - skip-bdb is in the default hardy my.cnf file22:10
mathiazslangasek: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/hardy/mysql-dfsg-5.0/hardy/annotate/head%3A/debian/additions/my.cnf22:10
mathiazslangasek: so on upgrade from hardy to lucid, the skip-bdb option needs to be removed/commented22:10
sorenScottK: Well, the debconf protocol has a "note" type.22:10
slangaseksoren: the "note" type is deprecated22:11
slangasek(however, "error" is not)22:11
sorenslangasek: Where does it say that?22:11
sorenslangasek: I'm not questioning it, I'm just wondering where I could have found out on my own.22:11
ScottKSince it affects the default config file, it will affect ~everyone.22:11
slangaseksoren: in the words of Joey Hess on debian-devel a number of years ago; if it doesn't say this in the manpage, that's a bug22:12
sorenslangasek: It doesn't.22:12
cjwatsonit sort of half does22:12
sorenslangasek: (in debconf-devel(7) at least)22:12
cjwatson"It's best to use these only for warning about very serious problems, and the error datatype is often more suitable."22:12
sorencjwatson: Fair point.22:12
cjwatsonI think there do exist situations where "note" is appropriate, but they're rare22:12
slangasekmathiaz: so this affects only users that 1) have modified the conffile, and 2) choose "keep my version"?  is that a common case?22:13
sorenIt's the default, isn't it?22:13
soren2) in the case of 1), I mean.22:13
slangasekthe default is that the conffile hasn't been modified22:14
mathiazslangasek: hm - good point. I don't think so22:14
sorenslangasek: Assuming it's been modified.22:14
mathiazslangasek: most of the reports/comments I saw were desktop users installing mysql22:14
slangasekmathiaz: interesting - why would a desktop user edit this file? :)22:14
ScottKInquisitiveness in beyond their experience base?22:15
slangasekmathiaz: so I think the best way out is mysql-common to have a preinst that checks whether /etc/mysql/my.cnf has been modified (there are copy-waste maintainer script snippets for this, I ca dig one up if you need it); if so, look for skip-bdb; if found, make a backup and sed it out of the file and (if you decide to) send a debconf error message about the change22:16
highvoltagesheesh, I missed almost all of #ubuntu-devel today!22:16
mathiazslangasek: ok - I'll think about it22:16
sorenScottK: Tomato, tomato?22:17
ScottKSomething like that22:17
slangasekmathiaz: in the unmodified conffile case, dpkg will already handle the update smoothly.  in the modified conffile case, the user is going to get a conffile prompt no matter what we do.  so in both cases, we're free of skip-bdb, without inconveniencing users with the dreaded "what do you mean, 'local version'?  I don't know what that file is!" exerience22:18
mathiazslangasek: do you have an example package that checks whether a conffile has been modified?22:23
slangasekmathiaz: acpi-support preinst22:24
mvo_jibel: I'm playing with the ~jibel/synaptic/jibel branch but when I search for "apt" I get it rankend relatively low (its not on the first page. the current ubuntu version ranks it higher (also still not on top)22:29
jibelmvo_, hm, I'll check that tomorrow.22:37
mvo_jibel: cool, thanks.22:37
zygaintel gfx drivers crashed/froze my system just now, apport didn't pick it up, is there anything I can look for to trace this?22:39
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lex79doko__: is there a way to testbuild a package on ia64? in local, maybe with pbuilder? or is there any ppa where I can upload a package to see if build?23:01
lifelessjames_w: I think its recovered now; it was in a vm - a littly tricky to get to manually23:07
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bdrung_kirkland: ping23:50
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