
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub205:42
vishhmm , ..^ that needs an update from "in Karmic" to "since Karmic"05:42
Myrtti!grub ~= /in Karmic/since Karmic/05:44
ubottuNothing changed there05:44
Myrtti!grub2 ~= /in Karmic/since Karmic/05:44
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti05:44
h00kMyrtti: he decided to quit, thanks for stopping by, though!05:45
Myrttiyeah, I had a word with him before he did05:45
h00kMyrtti: ah, yeah, he did say someone squealed.05:46
Myrttiseveral people, in fact05:46
h00kI'm not surprised, a lot of us were trying in the chan, at least.05:46
vishMyrtti: thanks05:48
h00kMyrtti: I randomly hit your site today making my rounds and didn't see any update in the past few months05:49
Myrttih00k: time/health/work issues05:50
h00kMyrtti: I understand, I hope all is okay05:51
jussi01m4v: rww: just read back on scroll back. its in the roadmap that we will have a queue for factoids that have been requested, so that nothing slips through the cracks. Im hoping that is allows us to notify you when its been processed also.06:36
rwwjussi01: ah, awesome :)06:37
jussi01If you want to help with coding stuff for the new issue tracker etc, have a chat to Pici and have a look at this: https://edge.launchpad.net/bantrackertwo06:38
jussi01Id really like to encourage people to help out, as Pici could do with all the help he can get.06:39
* jussi01 prods at rww... :D06:50
rwwjussi01: I'll look into it :)07:26
=== remix_auei is now known as remix_tj
rwwI'm poking at nhand1er's Operator Guide draft. There isn't an equivalent to /msg chanserv QUIET for bans, is there? One would only use /mode +b?08:20
ubot4Factoid 'q' not found08:20
bazhangor in chanserv.py m still works08:21
rwwbazhang: I know. I meant is there a ChanServ command to ban a user, like there's a ChanServ command to quiet one.08:21
bazhangrww, yep +b08:21
bazhang /mode #channel +b nick/ident/etc08:24
rwwbleh, I am bad at explaining myself :)08:25
rwwAlright. For quiets, one can do /mode +q whatever or /msg chanserv quiet #channel whatever. For bans, one can do /mode +b whatever; is there also a /msg chanserv something command for bans?08:25
rwwNo problem. I probably should have asked in #freenode, now that I think of it :)08:28
bazhangtoo many trolls in -ot at the moment :/08:28
rwwisn't there always :(08:28
jussi01rww: there isnt one for bans iirc and even if there is, we really prefer the op uses the /mode +b because then the bot can record who did it.08:33
rwwjussi01: makes sense. I was going to add it for completeness, since /msg chanserv quiet is on that guide already08:34
rwwbut this way I don't have to, because it doesn't exist, so yay.08:34
jussi01rww: "/msg chanserv help" is awesome :P08:49
m4vjussi01: I thought bt2 was meant to replace bt, is for factoids as well?10:16
jussi01m4v: no, but it should have a factoid queue in it. its part of the whole "Issue Tracker" idea.10:43
=== remix_tj is now known as remix_auei
IdleOneanybody got an easy way for me to figure out what type of RAM I have in my system?11:58
gordIdleOne, open it and look at it?12:21
IdleOnegord: yeah, thought that is what would end up happening12:21
IdleOneok well I guess I will have to pull it out and look12:21
gordIdleOne, maybe you can cat something in proc but i'v just always looked at it12:21
IdleOnewish hardinfo package would give that info :/12:22
IdleOneguess it can't12:22
IdleOnetells you practically everything else12:22
k1llshw should give some info12:22
IdleOnek1l: nothing that leads me to figure it out12:27
IdleOnebut I am googling mother board12:27
erUSULIdleOne: dmidecode or lshw12:27
erUSULIdleOne: this is not the support channel btw ;)12:27
IdleOneerUSUL: yes I know12:28
IdleOnebut you folks are so helpful :)12:28
IdleOneerUSUL: dmidecode was the answer btw, thanks :)12:28
k1lIdleOne: you can have a look at the bios at startup. maybe it will tell you smth. more12:28
IdleOneType: SDRAM12:28
erUSULIdleOne: i know you know hence the ;).12:32
IdleOneerUSUL: had I asked in #ubuntu you would of told me #hardware :P12:33
erUSULIdleOne: no; i look much more clever to everyone pointing out obscure tools like dmidecode ;P12:33
jpdsdmidecode doesn't know about DDR3.13:59
erUSULjpds: well it only decodes the dmi data of the mobo BIOS afaik. So i'd say it is more a bios's fault in that case14:29
jpdserUSUL: No, it's dmidecode's; I've read the source.14:29
erUSULjpds: i stand corrected14:30
jpds(lshw trunk picks up DDR3 fine).14:30
guntbertmaco: are you there?15:11
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
macoguntbert: yes15:12
macoguntbert: but i'm doing some homework/kde stuff right now15:12
maco(yes, i've found a way to make kde count as homework)15:13
guntbertmaco: could you try to tell yolanda in ubuntu not to talk random chatter in spanish?15:13
guntbertif it doesn't keep you too much :-)15:13
guntbertmaco: or wait - she quit already -sorry to disturb you15:15
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:10
ubot2In ubot2, CyL said: !offtopic is <reply> Olá, este é um canal de cunho técnico para sanar dúvidas do GNU/Linux Ubuntu. Se o seu assunto não possui cunho técnico, por favor entre no ##ubuntu-br16:27
erUSULlooks like it exist ... but it chlashes with freenode policy; doesn't it?16:30
MyrttiCanal Social e NAO OFICIAL da comunidade16:33
nhainesI thought ## channels were free-for-all.16:34
Myrttinhaines: Ubuntu has a claim on the name, so ## isn't kosher16:35
nhainesMyrtti: works for me.16:35
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=== guntbert is now known as whoelse
=== whoelse is now known as guntbert
m4vthose users with weird nicks (the ones that start with a number) what are they?23:16
Tm_Tm4v: victims of nick collision or similar, they couldn't use the nick they chose so server gave them random id instead23:19
Tm_Twell, not necessarily random but...23:19
m4vthere are a lot of collisions in #ubuntu23:19
m4vTm_T: ty23:20
Tm_Tm4v: I have seen only one person23:20
m4vI mean, every day I look at #ubuntu there's one or two of those nicks23:21
Tm_Tand I suspect he has nick protection on and doesn't remember to identify himself -> cannot keep the nick23:21
m4vno, I have a couple of those in #kubuntu-es, if they have nick protection the nick changes to Guest23:21
Tm_Toh, right23:22
Tm_Twell, similar23:23
Tm_Tgood night all23:52

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