
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
=== jamie is now known as Guest30417
=== Guest30417 is now known as JamieBennett
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
* nealmcb o/14:57
nealmcbmuch easier now that it is DST here :)15:00
ttxmathiaz, kirkland: ?15:00
mathiaz /o15:01
kirklandttx: right here15:01
ttxnealmcb: hey, long time no see15:01
ttxkirkland: good morning Texas !15:01
nealmcbttx indeed - nice to be here15:01
ttxso, zul is having a dentist appointment and will probably miss the start of this15:01
ttxand jib is in a plane to... Poland.15:01
ttxSo let's get started !15:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:02. The chair is ttx.15:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:02
ttxWelcome to the Ubuntu Server team meeting15:02
ttxAgenda is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting15:02
ttxToday's scribe is: mathiaz !15:02
ttx[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting15:02
ttxOnly one action, mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team15:03
mathiazttx: not done15:03
mathiazttx: replace cjwatson with persia15:03
ttxmathiaz: maybe we shouldn't have it as an ACTION todo before the next meeting ?15:03
mathiazttx: ok15:03
ttxif you think you won't have time to complete it by next week, I don't see the point :)15:04
ttxmathiaz: Keep it warm in your GTD ?15:04
mathiazttx: it is15:04
mathiazttx: just lots other stuff there as well15:04
ttx[TOPIC] Beta2 status15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Beta2 status15:04
ttxSo tomorrow, Beta2Freeze will be upon us15:05
ttxwhich means today is probably the last moment to get your non-exceptional fixes in15:05
ttxStarting tomorrow, they will require a BetaFreezeException.15:05
ttxRemaining beta2-targeted bugs:15:06
ttxbug 292971 (mathiaz)15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292971 in libnss-ldap "nscd leaking memory using libnss-ldap" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29297115:06
mathiazttx: that will probably require a BetaFreezeException15:06
ttxmathiaz: ack15:06
mathiazttx: as I don't plan to work on it before tomorrow15:06
mathiaz(tomorrow is the second MySQL bug zap day)15:07
ttxbug 493593 (zul)15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493593 in scgi "MIR for paste." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49359315:07
mathiazarg - s/tomorrow/today/15:07
ttxand bug 408402 (zul)15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408402 in facter "Main Inclusion Report for facter." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40840215:07
ttxThose are MIR bugs that still need to progress on some deps15:07
ttxA recent search turned out a few bugs milestoned to beta2 but not targeted to lucid15:08
ttxLP downtime prevented me from triaging them15:08
=== jamie is now known as JamieBennett
ttxI think at least one of them will fall into our plate:15:09
ttxbug 532733 (kirkland)15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53273315:09
kirklandttx: that probably won't be mine15:09
kirklandttx: that'll be lool or ogra15:09
kirklandttx: i'm happy to help them15:09
kirklandttx: but it's very specific to their use case15:09
ttxok, I'll ping you if there is anything left on that list that we need to care for before Freeze or Release15:10
ttxLooking at Beta2-targeted work items15:10
ttxon http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04-beta-2.html15:10
ttxI think all the work items that needed to be completed before the Freeze were done15:10
ttxwith maybe the exception of:15:11
ttxpuppet/uec-ec2: integrate upstream patches for testsuite15:11
ttxid-mgt-ref-env: apockage latest sssd15:11
mathiazttx: I may have time to do that15:11
mathiazttx: (ie puppet patches)15:11
mathiazttx: upstream closed all the bugs yesterday stating there is a patch available15:12
ttxmathiaz: ah, good news15:12
mathiazttx: if I don't get it done by beta2 freeze, I'll postpone it to final15:12
ttxmathiaz: package sssd -> postponed ?15:12
mathiazttx: as fixing the test suite is not beta2 critical15:12
mathiazttx: sssd yes - If I don't have the time to do it15:13
mathiazttx: today15:13
ttxOtherwise I think we are on track for Beta2, if you think you aren't, please shout now.15:13
ttxkirkland: note that I added a libvirt 0.7.7 compatibility test work item to the euca spec15:13
ttxto reflect the ongoing discussion with jdstrand15:13
kirklandttx: i'm meeting up with jdstrand on thursday to work on libvirt15:14
ttx(can be done post-Freeze)15:14
ttxkirkland: cool !15:14
kirklandttx: yeah, planning on spending a full day on libvirt15:14
ScottKNew for Beta 2 we now have RC2 of clamav 0.96.  Unless something major comes up this will be their last RC before they release, so if anyone cares about clamav, now's a good time for testing (packages for earlier releases in the ubuntu-clamav PPA).15:14
kirklandttx: if anyone else wants to help with libvirt testing this week, sync up with me and jdstrand ;-)15:14
ttxScottK: ack15:15
ttx[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)15:15
ttxhggdh: hi !15:15
hggdhhi, life is good. A question15:15
hggdhstress and stability tests for UEC -- mathiaz's tests are enough?15:16
hggdhIf so, I am done with B115:16
mathiazhggdh: do you mean the multi_config tests?15:16
ttxhggdh: I think so... unless kirkland or mathiaz have hidden tests up their sleeves15:16
mathiazhggdh: ie starting 20 instances and make sure they all work?15:16
hggdhmathiaz: I ran with 20, 40, 100, 30015:17
* kirkland high fives hggdh 15:17
* hggdh blushes15:17
mathiazhggdh: great - that should do it for stress/scalability tests15:17
kirklandhggdh: if you got 300 instances running, you've been me :-)15:17
mathiazhggdh: have you gone through all the topologies?15:17
hggdh2 to go through15:17
hggdhso I am (yet) not done15:18
ttxShould we plan to run the multi-network topology by hand ?15:18
mathiazhggdh: multi-network being one of them?15:18
mathiazttx: for the time being yes15:18
hggdhmathiaz: yes. multi-network is higjly hand-driven15:19
mathiazttx: I may be able to deploy it on the UEC test rig15:19
ttxkirkland: you managed to run a CC with 2 NICs on your setup ?15:19
kirklandttx: i have not15:19
ttxkirkland: I suggest you go and buy a USB Gb NIC15:20
ttxif that's the blocker15:20
kirklandttx: okay, so I should focus on testing multi-network at this point?15:20
ttxkirkland: I wouldn't say "focus", but having the ability to run that test would be good15:20
ttxkirkland: otherwise it sounds like I'm the only one to test that.15:21
kirklandttx: well, it's a time-consuming effort, so if it's something i need to work on, it will need to be my "focus"15:21
ttxkirkland: libvirt has more priority15:21
kirklandttx: i have the hardware to do so, I believe15:21
kirklandttx: okay, thanks, that's what I needed15:21
ttxhggdh: I had a question for you about Beta2 ISO testcases. Any way we can preview what you plan to have for beta2, so that we can fix testcases and report issues ?15:21
ttxhggdh: in particular, I mentioned having tests for UEC install topologies in the ISo tracker for amd6415:22
ttxhggdh: is that done, any way to preview it ?15:22
hggdhttx, no changes from what is already there, no time15:23
ttxhggdh: is the plan to change those before beta2 ?15:23
hggdhgot my hands full figuring out how uec runs15:23
ttxhggdh: do you need our help ?15:23
ttxhggdh: could someone else working on the tracker (ara ?) help ?15:24
hggdhright now I am finally -- I think -- getting it15:24
ttxhggdh: if the cases are created, I can certainly document them.15:24
hggdhttx will do them today. This is why I also asked if the stress tests were done for B115:24
ttxhggdh: keep me posted...15:25
ttxanything else for QA ?15:25
hggdhno, not right now15:25
ttx[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)15:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)15:25
ttxhggdh: thanks15:25
ttxjjohansen: hi15:25
jjohansenfixes for Bug #540378, Bug #527208 have gone into the beta2 kernel15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540378 in linux-ec2 "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#1 stuck for 66s! [swapper:0]" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54037815:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 527208 in linux-ec2 "ec2 instance fails boot, no console output on c1.xlarge" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52720815:26
ttxjjohansen: great ! any reason why the bugs are not marked fixed yet ? You need to upload them ?15:27
jjohansenno promise that it will fix all soft lockups as they are caused by a variety of things but they shouldn't happen near as often15:27
jjohansenttx: hrrm, I have to check into that, they were just sucked in yesterday15:27
ttxjjohansen: if they are in the pipe, I'm happy with it15:28
ttxanything else from/to kernel ?15:28
jjohansenI can't think of anything on my end15:29
ttxok, thanks !15:29
ttx[TOPIC] Server Papercuts status for beta215:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Papercuts status for beta215:29
ttxSo we are nearing the end of the Server papercuts effort15:29
ttxas a papercut is not a valid BetaFreezeException motivation15:29
ttxStatus at: https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/lucid-beta-215:30
ttxWe have 8 bugs fixed (the inprogress one will move to fixreleased as soon as LP unfreezes)15:30
ttx1 invalid, 2 left open15:30
ttxfeel free to try to fix the 2 last "confirmed" ones if you have the time15:31
ttxWe'll discuss at UDS-M how successful it was and if we should do it again, even on non-LTS cycles15:31
ttxI think it failed to motivate new contrributors, but still had a positive effect overrall15:32
ttxComments on that ?15:32
hggdhttx: we should discuss on UDS-M how to motivate them contributors15:33
kirklandttx: +1 for another discussion at UDS15:33
nijabattx: I take it we don't accept new papercuts now?15:33
ttxhggdh: yes. it's a more global "server community" discussion, I suspect15:33
kirklandttx: we clearly need to investigate how to motivate our community15:33
ttxnijaba: we won't consider any new ones15:33
nijabattx: thanks for confirming15:34
ttxnijaba: for lucid15:34
kirklandttx: i have a similar feeling about the bug-zapping effort15:34
ttxnijaba: nominating them could be useful if we decide to pursue the effort for M15:34
ttxgood transition !15:34
ttx[TOPIC] Bugzapping status (kirkland)15:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Bugzapping status (kirkland)15:34
kirklandttx: we really smoked eucalyptus, euca2ools, cloud-utils, and cloud-init bugs last week15:34
kirklandttx: was a really successful, focused week of bug fixing15:35
ttxso it was a "cloud" smoke15:35
kirklandttx: yeah, like Lost15:35
* kirkland is going to shave his head like John Locke15:35
ttxkirkland: did you have external contributors to this one ?15:35
kirklandttx: this week, as I said, I'm planning on spending at least all day Thursday on Libvirt15:35
kirklandttx: no :-(15:35
kirklandttx: but we did focus on euca* cloud* and we do have a better UEC because of the intense focus, I believe15:36
ttxmathiaz: did you get some external help on the bugday portion of the mysql bugzap ?15:36
mathiazttx: pedro and zul helped in triagging bugs15:36
* ttx remembers having two external people helping for the samba bugday part of the samba bugzapping15:37
ttxkirkland: do you plan to run something for week 23 ?15:38
ttx(next week)15:38
kirklandttx: i don't think so15:38
kirklandttx: unless you or someone else has a suggestion15:39
ttxkirkland: freezes are not the best moment to do so anyway15:39
kirklandttx: i just don't think it's generated the participation that we're hoping15:39
kirklandttx: though it has stabilized the packages we need to be stable15:39
kirklandttx: i think my time will be better spent crushing beta2 blockers15:39
kirklandttx: okay by you?15:39
ttxkirkland: yes, and catching the overlooked critical bug in a sea of bug reports15:40
ttx[TOPIC] Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)15:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)15:40
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html15:41
mathiaz^^ anything SRU worth on this list?15:41
* ttx wonders why the openldap upgrade bugs don't show up in the list15:42
mathiazttx: the list is generated on Sunday night IIRC15:42
ttxthat will be next week topic, then :)15:42
mathiazttx: yes15:43
ttxnothing from me, then ;)15:43
mathiazthere are two bugs nominated for karmic:15:43
mathiazbug 39219015:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392190 in vm-builder "vmbuilder fails silently when providing invalid hostname" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39219015:43
mathiazbug 50249015:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502490 in vm-builder "ec2-init overwrites user/vmbuilder provided /etc/apt/sources.list" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50249015:43
ttxfirst one needs to be fixed in Lucid first15:44
ttxsmoser: what's your opinion on the second one, any value in backporting as a karmic SRU ?15:44
smoseri could go either way.15:45
smoseri dont think its terribly, terribly important.15:45
smoseras there are many work arounds, like using sources.list.d15:45
mathiazok - I'll decline both bugs then15:45
ttxmathiaz: you're done ?15:46
ttx[TOPIC] Information about server survey (nijaba)15:46
MootBotNew Topic:  Information about server survey (nijaba)15:46
ttxnijaba: o/15:46
nijabattx: that was for the meeting that was cancelled15:46
ttxand it doesn't make sense anymore ?15:47
nijabasince that I guess you've seen my email in the ml15:47
ttxok :)15:47
ttxnijaba: so we rock more, right ?15:47
nijabait was juste to annoucne that the full results are available to anyone in the community that might need it15:47
nijabattx: we rock HARD15:47
ttxok, let's rock even harder15:48
ttx[TOPIC] Open Discussion15:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion15:49
hggdhttx: question: should I keep on testing UEC on daily?15:49
ttxhggdh: if that can be done at a lesser cost, that would be great to spot regressions15:49
ttxhggdh: if it's fully automated and doesn't require your constant attention, I'd say yes15:50
ScottKttx: I think we should have a session at UDS on what we want 12.04 to look like, so we have an idea of longer term stuff we need to start on now.15:50
hggdhI think *now* it is less cost, the most difficult was to understand the setup and UEC itself15:50
ttxScottK: that's a very good point.15:50
mathiazhggdh: note that daily are not always functional15:50
ttxDiscuss anything that would span multiple releases, as well as what needs to be done for the next 6 months15:51
ttxhggdh: what needs to be done is the post-milestone validation and the pre-milestone candidate testing. Anything else (like testing all dailies) is bonus points15:52
ttx(what needs to be done is tracked in the spec)15:52
ttxok, let's wrap up, if nobody else has any comment15:53
ttxAnnounce next meeting date and time : same time, same place, next week.15:54
ttxI gather DST makes this time slightly more convenient ?15:54
kirklandttx: more!15:54
mathiazmore would even be better15:55
ttxmathiaz: sleepy head15:55
Daviey15:00 UTC ++15:55
ttxTry to pay lots of beers to jib at UDS to make him change time15:56
ttxDaviey: ^15:56
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:56.15:56
Davieyttx: wilco :)15:56
ttxthanks everyone !15:56
* ttx gets busy updating his LP queue15:58
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* ara waves17:56
* davmor2 waves back17:57
* marjo waves17:57
* fader_ leans against the wall and tries to look nonchalant.17:58
* cyphermox waves17:58
* bladernr_ looks more nonchalant than fader17:58
* charlie-tca waves, too17:59
* sbeattie waves and then grabs coffee quick.17:59
davmor2fader_: that's the wall I just painted it's still wet17:59
marjo#startmeeting QA Team Meeting17:59
MootBotMeeting started at 11:59. The chair is marjo.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
fader_davmor2: That's just camouflage for me then18:00
marjohi folks18:00
marjo    * Introduce Mathieu Trudel (cyphermox)18:00
marjo    * SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:00
marjo    * Bug Day status -- pvillavi18:00
marjo#topic Introduce Mathieu Trudel18:01
cyphermoxthat's my cue?18:01
marjo[TOPIC] Introduce Mathieu Trudel18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Introduce Mathieu Trudel18:01
marjocyphermox yes18:01
cyphermoxso hi everyone! My name is Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre, and people usually just call me Matt18:01
sbeattiewelcome cyphermox!18:01
cyphermoxI've started at Canonical on Monday in hardware certification, working with Marc18:01
marjoMathieu joined Canonical this week as HW Certification Engineer18:02
fader_cyphermox: Welcome!18:02
aracyphermox, welcome!18:02
bladernr_cyphermox:  Welcome!18:02
charlie-tcacyphermox: welcome18:02
cyphermoxbefore that I've been doing lots of work on NetworkManager specifically, as well as on other projects in Ubuntu, a lot of them in universe (goal: joining the MOTU team), or in collaboration with jcastro18:03
marjocyphermox: welcome again18:03
davmor2cyphermox: welcome to the madhouse18:03
marjo[TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:03
cyphermoxI'm also the debian maintainer for acct, concordance, congruity, ethos, and hopefully soon emerillon :)18:03
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)18:03
sbeattieSRU Activity report for the past week (since 2010-03-24):18:04
sbeattie* karmic: 3 new packages in -proposed (devicekit-disks, linux, tzdata) and 6 packages pushed to -updates (devicekit-disks(twice), gst-plugins-bad0.10, linux-firmware-nonfree, rrdtool, tzdata)18:04
sbeattie* jaunty: 2 new packages in -proposed (linux-firmware, tzdata) and 1 package pushed to -updates (tzdata)18:04
sbeattie* intrepid: 1 new package in -proposed (tzdata) and 1 package pushed to -updates (tzdata)18:04
sbeattie* hardy: 2 new packages in -proposed (linux, tzdata) and 2 packages pushed to -updates (tzdata, zabbix)18:04
sbeattie* dapper: 1 new package in -proposed (langpack-locales) and 1 package pushed to -updates (langpack-locales)18:04
sbeattieThanks to MichaL, AlexR, Νίκος Αλεξανδρής, Rodrigo Campos, Rasmus, Michael Goetze, Soos Gergely, and Matthew L. Dailey for testing SRUs this week.18:04
sbeattieUnless there's any questions, that's all I've got on the SRU front.18:04
pedro_(sorry i'm having some connection problems... damn isp)18:04
marjopedro_ please watch your language!18:05
marjodarn isp18:05
marjosbeattie: thx18:06
marjo[TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pvillavi18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug Day status -- pvillavi18:06
marjosince pedro's having problems, let's get back to him later18:07
marjo[TOPIC] New topics for today?18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  New topics for today?18:07
marjoreminder: Lucid Beta 2 is next Thursday, 8 April18:08
cr3Checkbox 0.9.1 candidate has been up for update in Lucid for a while, hopefully will be uploaded today18:08
marjocr3: thx18:09
cr3hggdh: ^^^ that's the version that'll fix the problem detecting your hard drive18:09
marjofolks: any other topics for today?18:10
bladernr_cr3:  bug number?  I may have run into that myself this morning18:11
hggdhcr3: cool18:11
sbeattiecr3: are all the open lucid issues for checkbox addressed in 0.9.1?18:11
sbeattie(e.g. vbox lack of chassis info issue)18:12
cr3bladernr_: bug #54971418:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 549714 in checkbox "checkbox does not detect the hard drive" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54971418:12
bladernr_cr3:  thanks18:12
cr3sbeattie: yes, bug #537435 is also fixed in the above version18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537435 in checkbox "udev_resource crashed with KeyError in product()" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53743518:12
cr3sbeattie: once that's uploaded, I'll have another look over the pending bugs. I expect to have another version 0.9.2 after the weekend18:13
marjopedro_ are you up & reliable?18:13
pedro_marjo, yeah seems so18:14
sbeattiecr3: okay. I was having trouble running the qa-regression-testing stuff under checkbox, but I'm not sure I'm fully up to date with your tip.18:14
marjogo for it quick!18:14
pedro_so if you haven't talked about bug days we had one last week about Ubuntu Translations18:14
pedro_~50 bugs were triaged, thanks a lot to dpm, kamusin and qense for helping out that day!18:15
pedro_Tomorrow we're celebrating one based on Nautilus with an special focus on Samba issues so if you use nautilus for access any smb share please test and file bugs about it18:16
pedro_there's plenty of bugs to be triaged so if you want to help just join us tomorrow at #ubuntu-bugs18:16
pedro_that's all from here18:17
pedro_( am i still online? )18:17
marjopedro_ thx18:17
marjoany more new topics for today?18:18
marjoif not, i propose we adjourn the meeting18:18
marjogoing once18:18
marjogoing twice18:18
marjomeeting adjourned18:18
marjothx everyone!18:18
fader_Thanks all18:19
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:19.18:19
pedro_thanks and sorry again18:19
marjopedro_ no worries18:19
marjocr3: stuff happens18:19
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balto_hello everyone19:21
balto_nick rex19:29
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=== plars is now known as plars-away
highvoltagehi everyone20:01
bencrisfordfancy seeing you here :)20:01
* stgraber waves20:02
mgariepyhi everyone !20:02
bencrisfordmgariepy: hi! :)20:02
highvoltageagenda, as always is on https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda20:03
alkisgHi people20:03
stgraberon Revolution Linux's side, highvoltage did all the work this week ;) so you won't hear much from me at this meeting.20:04
highvoltageI'm just finishing a quick upload before I start (something I want to show you)20:04
highvoltagethis is what our ubiquity-slideshow will look like: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/files/edubuntu/ubiquity-slideshow/20:05
mhall119does anyone have a link to a Plymouth theme how-to?20:05
stgraberhighvoltage: Would be great if you or I could record that demo I made on Monday at the Stand up and upload that somewhere (youtube or similar)20:05
highvoltagethe ubuntu logos will be replaced by edubuntu logos once we ehave them20:05
highvoltagestgraber: good idea! noted20:05
ScottKWe got the official "K" for Kubuntu yesterday, so there's hope.20:05
stgraberScottK: yep, saw that last night, hoping to get the "E" and "d" soon ;)20:06
mhall119wait, is someone still making all the letters for the font?20:06
highvoltageScottK: I saw on planet ubuntu! and it did indeed give me hope :)20:06
mhall119wow, I thought it was done20:06
highvoltagemhall119: yep20:06
bencrisfordhighvoltage: i was working on some web buttons to advertise edubuntu..  i dont know if they're any good20:06
ScottKWhen they published, the only letters done were Ubunt.20:06
bencrisfordthey're .gifs in case thats a problem :/, the ubuntu ones are flash i think?20:07
Lnshighvoltage: the slideshow .. does it have controls to go back/forth?20:07
highvoltagebencrisford: upload them somewhere or paste them on a wiki page and send a link to the list! perhaps we or at least someone could use them!20:07
bencrisfordhighvoltage: already hav done ;) http://i42.tinypic.com/mctf28.gif20:07
highvoltageLns: nope, it just cycles through, it's possible to add back and forward buttons with javascript though20:07
Lnshighvoltage: i didn't know there was more than 1 slide until i went back to the page ;)20:07
highvoltagebencrisford: cool20:07
Lnslooks really nice though so far20:08
mhall119Lns: neither did I20:08
bencrisfordnor me20:08
Lnshmm, s/dark/gray matter ?20:08
highvoltageLns: ah right! I've been watching too many cosmology documentaries lately!20:08
highvoltageI'll change that20:08
Lnshahahaha =) nice20:08
mhall119it's all that LHC stuff20:09
highvoltagebesides that, our artwork is pretty much shaping up, we never made lots of concious decisions around artwork20:09
highvoltagebut where there was doubt I just used white with a red border (like in the radiance theme)20:09
highvoltageand green like we have in the trees20:10
highvoltagefor background colours (like in plymouth) I just picked it from the light colours on the wallpaper20:10
mhall119highvoltage: I need to learn how to make a plymouth theme, any good resources?20:10
highvoltageoverall I think our artwork will work ok and it kind of looks like it was designed to all look like that and fit together :)20:10
highvoltageI'll probably make an Edubuntu branding page like the Ubuntu one, then we can propose changes and improvements for the future on that as well20:11
highvoltagemhall119: the simplest is probably to grab the source package for the lubuntu or xubuntu plymouth themes and look what they did,20:11
mhall119is XSplash still used in 10.04?20:11
highvoltagemhall119: you don't have to compile the themes like with usplash, so they're quite self-explanatory20:12
highvoltagemhall119: unfortunately there's not much in terms of official docs for plymouth yet (as far as I know)20:12
mhall119thanks anyway20:12
highvoltagemhall119: no usplash is history20:12
mhall119but XSplash is still around, yes?20:12
stgraberxsplash is history as well20:13
highvoltageI uploaded a new artwork package that contains a script that will add "install LTSP" and "install Netbook interface" icons in the desktop, so that you could install that after the main installation if you want20:13
highvoltageI'm having some trouble with the ltsp part, a bug with installing ldm-server keeps byting me but it doesn't seem to affect anyone else20:13
highvoltageif anyone could download the next daily build and help figure that out, it would be great20:14
Lnshighvoltage: what's the issue?20:14
stgraberthat's hoping the next daily will actually build20:14
stgraberlast night's failed due to langpack and gnome being slightly broken20:14
highvoltageLns: well, the bug had something to do with inetd misbehavingI think, but it's been resolved, upon installation, it just hangs, and strace repeats the following about every second or so:20:15
highvoltagepselect6(25, [0 24], NULL, NULL, {1, 0}, {[], 8}) = 0 (Timeout)20:15
highvoltagewaitpid(8292, 0xbfa77bb0, WNOHANG)      = 020:15
Lnshighvoltage: alkisg and i both have had that issue. if you restart openbsd-inetd it'll keep installing ldm-server...so you're not alone :) it's in normal ubuntu as well20:16
highvoltage(and I'm not even sure what that means except for the opvious timeout and hang description)20:16
highvoltageLns: but it's been fixed recently?20:16
Lnshighvoltage: stgraber fixed it i think..? or thought he did20:16
Lnsi forget what the outcome was after i spoke about it in the chan20:16
highvoltagestgraber said that he fixed it... so he did :)20:17
highvoltagestgraber: could we ask that a new daily build could be triggered so that we can test if it currently breaks? or is it currently an ubuntu-wide problem?20:18
stgraberhighvoltage: ubuntu-wide20:19
stgraberhighvoltage: I had to wait until this morning (EDT) before I could install a standard ubuntu desktop20:19
stgraberand currently empathy is breaking on upgrade20:19
highvoltagestgraber: ouch. well at least that means it gets priority :)20:19
highvoltageI have nothing further for technical...20:20
highvoltagemgariepy: ooh, except that I just realised that we should mention the edubuntu menu editor in the installer slideshow, I'll add that to the next revision20:21
mgariepyok good ;) thanks.20:21
stgraberhighvoltage: Is sabayon mentioned ?20:22
highvoltagestgraber: it is indeed, it's mentioned in the administration slide20:22
highvoltagestgraber: that's where I plan to mention the menu editor as well20:22
stgraberI only briefly looking at the slideshow a day ago when actually installing edubuntu ;)20:22
Lnssabayon has come a very long way, i tested it out yesterday on 10.04 and it works damn well so far20:22
highvoltageif there's time I'll probably add one or two more slides, I think it would be nice to have a tux4kids slide as well20:22
highvoltageLns: yeah sbalneav put a lot of energy into it20:23
Lnsyes he did!20:23
highvoltagestgraber: heh, I guess very few people will actually ever look at the slideshow :)20:23
Lnshighvoltage: while you mention tux4kids, i'm on their list and they're having a lot of discussion regarding GSoC and mentors, contributors..if anyone is interested now would be the time to help those projects out20:24
stgraberhighvoltage: you'd be surprised. I guess most people installing it for the first time will read it.20:24
Lnsthere's a lot of improvement that could be made especially in the touch typing program. It's a great program, but it could use a lot of work for lessons, progress tracking, you know..school stuff that's needed20:24
highvoltagestgraber: cool :)20:24
highvoltageLns: that's been a request pretty much since the first edubuntu release, we should perhaps prioritise it for 10.10 and do a concerted effort to get some educators involved in that20:25
Lnsthat would be awesome20:26
Lnslinux still needs a quality touch typing program20:26
Lnsthat fits the standards of school requirements20:26
highvoltagebencrisford: you added marketing team to the agenda?20:26
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yes :) i did20:27
highvoltageI'd like to hear more about it since we don't really have a marketing team atm :)20:27
bencrisfordhighvoltage: so i just say my piece? :)20:28
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, it's an open meeting20:28
bencrisfordokey doke :)20:28
bencrisfordwell, edubuntu doesnt seem to have a marketing team, it has an advocacy team...20:29
bencrisfordbut that seems to have been dead for a long time20:29
bencrisfordi think that this is something that needs fixing fast20:29
bencrisfordits not just users that we need to find20:29
bencrisfordits contributors20:29
highvoltageindeed, with the eduntu revival of the last year or so we haven't put any effort into reviving that part yet20:29
bencrisfordif you goto http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs20:30
bencrisfordthere are over 300 i think20:30
bencrisfordsome of them date back to gutsy or earlier!20:30
highvoltagemostly because there are very few people who have time for that currently20:30
bencrisfordwe really need bug triagers and fixers20:30
Lnsyikes 72 alone for gimp..20:31
highvoltagebencrisford: so you're saying that we should do a campaign to gain more triagers and fixers?20:31
bencrisfordLns: but that is gimp in ubuntu as well..20:31
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yes, in the short term, in the long term marketing in general20:31
bencrisfordto get users20:31
highvoltageLns: yep, those bugs are in the packages which are common to ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/edubuntu/lubuntu/etc20:31
bencrisfordon the bug front, i was thinking we could send a message out to the bugs list asking everyone to try and triage x amount of bugs20:32
highvoltagebencrisford: I like that you want to focus one one specific part at first20:32
bencrisfordit would be sorted in no time20:32
mhall119has anyone from Edubuntu been interviewed for Ubuntu User of FCM yet?20:32
bencrisfordhighvoltage: well we need contributors in order to do more things.. :P20:32
highvoltagebencrisford: we had a bug day in February, I think more people would've participated if we could have built more hype around it20:32
bencrisfordhighvoltage: exactly, im sad i missed that :(20:33
bencrisfordbut i think its a bit worrying when theres bugs in gutsy packages that havent been looked at since they were reported!20:33
bencrisfordthere are nearly 150 pepole on #ubuntu-bugs at this one moment20:33
highvoltagebencrisford: perhaps if you have some time, would you be willing to co-host a bug day with sbalneav and also do the spread-the-word work for it?20:33
bencrisfordof all of them helped triage 2 bugs, then it would be sorted20:33
bencrisfordhighvoltage: sounds good, i have 2 weeks off starting tonight, im away for part of it, but im home for at least a week with nothing to do20:34
highvoltagebencrisford: hmm, yes perhaps you could pull #ubuntu-bugs in on our bug day too, we didn't try doing that before20:35
bencrisfordyeah :)20:35
mhall119they are asking for people to lead Open Week sessions, an edubuntu and/or ltsp session would be a good idea20:35
bencrisfordmhall119: this was another thing i was going to mention :)20:35
mhall119and we can probably talk akgraner or pendulum into running an interview with one of the Edubuntu leads20:36
bencrisfordsounds good20:36
highvoltagestgraber: I'm a bit fuzzy on the policy, after the beta2 release the archives will be open for bug fix uploads again right?20:36
stgraberuntil RC freeze yes20:37
stgraberyou should be able to upload between the 8th and the 15th20:37
stgraberthen we're frozzen for good20:37
highvoltagebencrisford: that then means that we can only do a bug day next week (Tuesday or Wednesday'ish). later than that and we probably wouldn't be able to upload any fixes any more20:38
mhall119highvoltage: we could for 10.1020:38
bencrisfordhighvoltage: im not sure im around wednesday20:38
highvoltagemhall119: indeed, I'm of course refering to 10.04 specifically20:38
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bencrisfordhighvoltage: monday/tuesday-ish sounds better to me20:39
highvoltagebencrisford: yep, it would also give little time to announce it20:39
highvoltagebencrisford: think about it and let us know tomorrow morning20:39
bencrisfordmonday im not home, but ill have my laptop...20:40
bencrisfordtuesday i think im home20:40
highvoltagebencrisford: a bug day early next week might do wonders giving edubuntu just that last bit of polish before release20:40
bencrisfordhighvoltage: yeah20:40
highvoltagebencrisford: "#20:41
highvoltage# Joint projects with other teams, ubuntu students perhaps? "20:41
highvoltageI think you added that one too?20:41
bencrisfordthat was something i was kind of planning when i was around in november20:41
bencrisfordim not sure its a good idea anymore with the students team20:41
mhall119highvoltage: did you see nali's email about cross-pollination?20:41
bencrisfordseems to be a bit dead, but with other teams it could be productive20:41
Lnsbencrisford: what do you mean 'joint projects' specifically?20:42
highvoltagemhall119: I have a bunch of e-mails marked as "looks interesting" which I plan to read later... and that's one of them :)20:42
mhall119highvoltage: it seems relevant to this20:43
bencrisfordLns: when i put it down i was thinking of marketing i think20:43
highvoltagemhall119: hmm, or at least I thought so, on what list was that?20:43
bencrisfordhaving the students team advertising a distro for students seemed a good idea at the time20:43
mhall119loco contacts I think20:43
bencrisfordbut like i say, the team seems inactive20:43
LnsI totally agree that collaborating and introducing ourselves to related educational projects is a must for our survival and prosperity20:44
bencrisfordi also used to have contact with the belgian loco, they used a poster i made for spreadubuntu a while back20:44
Lnsthere are tons of school projects we could look into, local for each one of us and national/international20:44
LnsI was just thinking this morning if there was something like a "Teachers for Open Source" collective20:45
highvoltageLns: the ideas are always there but when it comes to doing everyone usually dissappears :)20:45
Lnswe need to present ourselves to the ones who matter and have real influence in education20:45
Lnshighvoltage: I'm willing to start a group like this...I just need to research how to do it most effectively =)20:45
mhall119education is going to be hesitant until there is someone or something "officially" behind edubuntu20:45
highvoltageLns: awesome :)20:46
Lnsmhall119: catch 2220:46
bencrisfordhighvoltage: im not planning on disappearing :P20:46
mhall119Lns: I meant in terms of support20:46
highvoltageLns: well that also ties to some of what bencrisford and mhall119 said earlier so we basically already have a team there :)20:46
Lnsthe more grassroots involvement we have with education, the faster it will catch on20:46
Lnshighvoltage: the students for ubuntu?20:46
mhall119suppose I'm a school admin, and I want to roll out Edubuntu, whom should I contact?20:47
Lnsmhall119: that's a different idea i think20:47
highvoltageLns: well, you Lns mhall119 and bencrisford to begin with :)20:47
highvoltagemhall119: well, I thought that we made it reasonably clear that they wouldn't have to contact anyone if they'd want to roll it out20:47
mhall119highvoltage: ad-hoc collections of volunteers aren't reliable20:47
Lnswe need advocacy and enlightenment to educators, they aren't techies .. before they roll out edubuntu, them and their staffs are going to say "wtf is edubuntu?"20:48
bencrisfordwhat are we going to do about the lp advocacy team?  because it looks a bit neglected20:48
mhall119highvoltage: they don't have to, but they will want to, because they will have questions20:48
highvoltagemhall119: indeed, you have alternate suggestions?20:48
mhall119highvoltage: none that I like at the moment20:48
highvoltagemhall119: :)20:48
bencrisford31 applied members, applications dating back to 06...20:48
mhall119short of corronating someone here as "THE Edubuntu lead"20:48
Lnsmhall119: well they can call ME for one, my business is installing linux/ltsp/edubuntu networks in schools =)20:48
Lnsso is stgraber20:49
mhall119Lns: but neither of you are the "official" contacts for Edubuntu20:49
Lnsand can-o-spam in #ltsp among many others20:49
highvoltagemhall119: I know, and you're entirely right, but it's kind of hard to solve it on a global scale. even if we do have a single edubuntu contact, it's not going to solve the problem20:49
mhall119you're just two guys who do stuff with it, as far as schools are concerned20:49
Lnsmhall119: sure I am, I'm on the EC20:49
bencrisforddoes there need to be an official contact? if we encouraged people to seek support via irc, they could talk to any developer20:50
mhall119Lns: is the EC discussed in any Edubuntu literature aimed at schools?20:50
Lnsschools want someone they know, preferably someone local, that's trusted in their community.20:50
stgraberthe Edubuntu release contacts are highvoltage and myself. Official contact for Edubuntu matters is the EC. Though that's mostly for the development side of things.20:50
Lnsthe "official" thing isn't as much of an issue, or hasn't been for me at least.20:50
highvoltagemhall119: I understand where you're coming from on this, and I'm with you, but for the sake of taking it through, what would such a school typically contact such a representative of Edubuntu for?20:50
bencrisfordwell, not all edubuntu devs can be trusted in every local community Lns20:50
mhall119Lns: I agree, but even still they want to know that someone is piloting the ship20:50
highvoltagemhall119: I'd guess that most of them would want some kind of official support or perhaps even some form of real-life out-there meeting20:51
mhall119highvoltage: it's not even that they would contact anyone20:51
Lnsbencrisford: of course, that's where the bits of each community come in.20:51
mhall119but they would feel better about deploying if they knew who they should contact if they have a problem20:51
Lnsmhall119: of course.20:51
mhall119if that's an individual, or the EC, I don't think it matters20:52
bencrisfordi see this as all coming back to needing contributors..  if there was one of us in most national locos, that would make things alot easier20:52
Lnsyou need an expert with it, no matter if they're "official" or not.20:52
bencrisfordand for support people could go through locos20:52
mhall119Lns: no you don't, you just need someone to take up your issue and get your a resolution20:52
Lnswe need to start from the ground up and build a solid community-based foundation20:52
highvoltagewell, our canonical^W official contact address is the edubuntu-devel mailing list and for support the edubuntu-users list20:52
mhall119does the EC have it's own mailing list?20:53
Lnsdo schools call microsoft when they have problems with windows?20:53
mhall119Lns: they can20:53
Lnsbut they don't20:53
mhall119but they can, and that makes them feel safer about using Microsoft's products20:53
highvoltagemhall119: nope, we've never had a reason to have one20:53
bencrisfordLns: no, because msoft would just make things worse...20:53
Lnsmhall119: i disagree... they feel safe because "everyone uses it"20:53
mhall119Lns: that too, yes20:54
mhall119but look at the proprietary educations tools they use20:54
highvoltagemhall119: but even if we did, what difference would it make? imagine if everyone who ever wanted to install Ubuntu would want to talk to the CC about it first?20:54
mhall119more often, nobody else is using it20:54
Lnsmhall119: you're getting off point :)20:54
bencrisfordwould it be possible, so set up a moderated support team, and when somebody emailed the address, the emails were evenly distributed between members?20:54
mhall119highvoltage: individuals don't have to CYA20:54
mhall119school admins do20:54
mhall119I'm just saying, if we are going to market Edubuntu, it needs to have more behind it than an ad-hoc group of developers20:55
Lnsmhall119: agreed20:55
bencrisfordmhall119: which is why we are focusing on contributors first20:55
highvoltagemhall119: ok, I see20:55
mhall119bencrisford: yes, and I agree with that approach20:56
LnsIMHO a solid user/admin community behind it, especially with school involvement, is what we need.20:56
bencrisfordthere is no sense spending so much time on this, when there is a release in under a month, and everyone present here seems to be out entire following :P20:56
highvoltagemhall119: similar projects exist without it though, such as k12ltsp for example. I think "need" may be a strong word in that case, but besides that I agree20:56
bencrisfordwe need to focus on contributors leading up to release, we need to focus on marketing after the release, and then go on to QA20:56
mhall119highvoltage: maybe it's a strong word, but I don't see much rollout of k12ltsp either20:57
highvoltagewell, we're almost out of time. is there anything else we /need/ to discuss before taking it over to #edubuntu?20:57
Lnsmhall119: there's much more out there than you realize20:57
mhall119I have one20:57
mhall119I started https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/AppTemplate20:57
mhall119to create standardized wiki pages for each of Edubuntu's programs20:58
mhall119including games and admin tools20:58
Lns*applause* :) love that idea mhall11920:58
mhall119I'd like to get feedback on the template before I start using to to make actual pages20:58
mhall119then I'll probably pre-populate them with info from their respective packages20:59
mhall119I had originally intended to do this as part of UGJ, but things came up20:59
Lnsmhall119: i have a small list of apps, links to project pages and short descriptions at the bottom of http://blog2.logicalnetworking.net/?page_id=26921:00
mhall119highvoltage: where's the seed file for edubuntu 10.04?21:00
Lnsmaybe we can use info from that to populate the wiki pages21:00
mhall119Lns: probably, are those all in Edubuntu?21:01
highvoltagemhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/edubuntu.lucid21:01
Lnsmhall119: probably not default install, but they're available to install yes21:01
Lnserr, besides typingmaster21:01
mhall119Lns: I'm focusing only on the edubuntu packages for this21:01
Lnsmhall119: default install packages?21:02
mhall119or those in the edubuntu- metapackages21:02
mhall119I know people often ask what games edubuntu includes21:03
mhall119this way we can have them all on a list on the wiki, with links to more info on each one21:04
highvoltagefor 10.10 I guess we should also revisit our age groups and categories and perhaps have some new (additional) meta-packages if needed21:04
Lnswasn't there an exaustive list on edubuntu.org?21:04
highvoltageLns: not with all the details that mhall119 is after21:04
mhall119highvoltage: well I hope to collect age recommendations as part of this21:04
highvoltagemhall119: I installed Ubuntu in 2 prison environments before...21:05
highvoltagemhall119: and some of the primary school software turned out to be really useful for adults with really low literacy rates21:05
mhall119age isn't always going to be accurate to an individual21:06
highvoltagemhall119: so sometimes software that looks really suited for kids could be really useful for some kinds of adult basic education as well21:06
mhall119my son is 6, but he's intellectually above that21:06
Lnshighvoltage: of course but we've got to fit our own image of educational based ubuntu21:07
highvoltagewith you as a father, I can believe that :)21:07
mhall119but in that case, I know to look for 8-10 recommendations for him21:07
mhall119highvoltage: I wish I were as smart as him at 621:07
mhall119at any rate, I know it won't be accurate, but it will be reliable enough on average to be useful21:07
Lnsif we could get real world teachers/parents to give input on the programs, that would be most accurate21:07
highvoltagemhall119: *nod* just something I thought I'd mention to keep in mind perhaps21:08
mhall119Lns: that's why I included a User Comments section21:08
bencrisfordwhen different languages are used on tuxtype its effective for practising mfl i found21:08
bencrisfordits similar to the games we used to play in french at school :P21:08
highvoltagewe're 8 minutes over, shall we move to #edubuntu?21:08
mhall119so someone can say "I know this says it's for kids, but I installed it in a prison and it really worked well for the adults"21:08
bencrisfordhighvoltage: probably should, before we get told off21:08
highvoltagebencrisford: heh, doesn't seem like we're running over another meeting at least21:09
bencrisfordhighvoltage: no :P fortunately, but we should probably21:10
highvoltageok, meeting adjourned! Thanks everyone, next weekly meeting is same time and place.21:10
bencrisfordcant wait :) :P21:11
Lnshighvoltage: you forgot the *bong*21:11
* Lns likes hearing the *bong* at the end of meetings21:12
Lnshaha thx21:13

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