
jMylesI am tempted to chmod -R 750 * for a bunch of places, including /var, /etc, /home - is this a bad idea?00:01
hggdhgenerically, yes, it's bad00:01
hggdhfor example, ~/.ssh00:01
sorenjMyles: Yeah, don't do that.00:02
jMylesWell I created a new user and I'm surprised how much access they have00:02
jMylesI want them to only have access to ~00:02
jMylesfor example, they can read everything in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled - I do not want this00:03
jMylesHow about instead of 750, I go o=X ?00:07
orudie_how would I look up the cpu info ?00:12
Sam-I-Amorudie_: cat /proc/cpuinfo00:12
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Hypnozanyone know if I add /etc/event.d/ttyS0 so I can support a serial adapter, is there any way to apply that device without rebooting?00:18
qman__Hypnoz, sudo start ttyS000:41
Hypnozqman__: OH SNAP you da man!00:42
Hypnozqman__: was trying telinit q and telinit u, but I'm wondering if those only apply to the old init.d system, not event.d00:43
qman__yeah, all that stuff is gone away in ubuntu now00:43
Hypnozqman__: "start" and "stop" are for event.d I'd guess?00:43
qman__and 'service' is now in ubuntu by default, for the rest00:44
Hypnozlike the RH command, i can do service network restart?00:44
Hypnozmaybe some motivation to move up from 8.04 at some point00:45
Hypnozbut I'm kinda hesistant to dist-upgrade all my servers ... if it ain't broke don't fix it00:45
lullabudoi... just booted up an AIX machine.  this thing is like a haunted house.00:48
lullabudksh default, and the up arrow moves the cursor upwards on the screen00:48
lullabudhah... boy do I love gnu.00:48
Hypnozeek quick reimage00:49
lullabudif you can believe it, some of our customers actually still use AIX.00:49
twbAnd I bet service(8) ignores policy-rc.d(8) >:-/00:55
Psi-JackI'm considering trying out the Ubuntu-Server 10.4 beta1 for it's UEC. How reliable is that if anyone else by chance uses it yet?00:56
lullabudPsi-Jack: i'm running it in a vm to host mediawiki and do miscellaneous tasks and it's working fine for me.00:57
Psi-JackOh yeah? Cool. I know 10.4 is due to release by the end of next month, so I hoped it was reasonably stable at the moment with all the freezes.00:57
Psi-JackAnd 10.4 is the new LTS?00:58
lullabudPsi-Jack: yeah, LTS.00:58
Psi-JackWill be anyway. ;)00:58
lullabudPsi-Jack: it seems like a lot of the issues, as always, are tied to GUI apps, so if you go headless you're much less prone to problems.00:58
lullabudPsi-Jack: that being said, i just upgraded a gui install with zero problems.00:58
Psi-JackRight, and my server is headless. ;)00:58
Psi-JackI only plan to have GUI by UEC standpoints.00:59
Psi-JackWhich is totally web based as I understand.00:59
Psi-JackWeb/CLI that is.00:59
lullabudPsi-Jack: well, join us in #ubuntu+1 if you're taking the plunge00:59
lullabudPsi-Jack: beta2 comes out april 8th, so you may want to hold out another 2 weeks...01:00
lullabuder... week and a half01:00
Psi-JackI can always upgrade or dist-upgrade, no? ;)01:00
Psi-JackThese aren't live production servers anyway, just gathering ideas and trying out various options.01:01
Psi-JackOpenSUSE with it's Xen Hypervisor approach, which seems really nice.. Citrix XenServer, which is effing awesome, but limited. And now, UEC, which I don't like some of it's approaches, but until I actually try it, I can't knock it.01:01
fluvvellfor those in on the question re XDMCP, has anyone tried a simple ssh -X login with a gnome-session, and / or seen scripting to make that work well and automated for a client ?01:17
lullabudfluvvell: ssh -X/Y work fine, as does Xnest01:17
fluvvelllullabud, my understanding was that xnest uses tsclient  ?01:18
lullabudfluvvell: i think that's vice versa...01:18
Psi-JackIn the UEC, what is Walrus?01:18
fluvvelllullabud, I think i mean that the client machine logs in with tsclient.  I'd need to install xnest on the server. Prob I have is that we have virtualbox running with port 3389 in use and I haven't checked if I can do both at once01:23
lullabudfluvvell: no, that's not true.  tsclient is a client for logging in with various other methods, like MS RDP and such.  xnest basically is network redirected X sessions, just like ssh -Y but with a windowed desktop.01:24
lullabudfluvvell: you can get something similar if you ssh -Y and then run startx, but it's not in a window.  xnest nests the remote X session in a window so you don't end up with two docks, two of everything01:25
lullabudall overlapping each other...01:25
lullabudfluvvell: first google link validates most of that... - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsclient01:26
lullabud..that is, first google result for "tsclient"01:27
lullabudfluvvell: oh, so back to server vs client, you don't need to install xnest on the server, you have to have xnest on the client.01:30
fluvvelllullabud, yes - though the nail I'm trying to hit is to replace XDMCP. My user was working well in Jaunty, when upgraded to karmic the XDMCP support failed. So she only needs to show one desktop, that of the session on the server. I've gotten around the lack of a  server-locating utility in gdm by starting her client machine with kdm. But for some reason, (I suspect the version of xorg at this stage) there are no XDMCP servers showin01:31
lullabudoh, i see, i see...01:32
lullabudthen no, xnest is not what you need.01:32
fluvvellSry, that was a long post01:32
lullabudfluvvell: there are some conf files you can tweak, i forget which, that enable/disable xdmcp.  i think it's xorg.conf... might have some notes around somewhere....01:33
fluvvellno, but If I could think through the ssh /startx thing, I could probably work it out.01:33
fluvvelllullabud, yes. I've just been down to the site and I think the fact that he has the ATI commercial x server stuff installed, thats where the issues begin - that and possibly compiz01:33
lullabudhmm.  compiz, i don't know... never done that with xnest.01:34
fluvvellwhich i should disable, and start with a bog standard setup.01:34
fluvvelland the fact that its a cafe and its the lunch /2h period, I've skipped away to lick my wounds and think it out. :-)01:35
lullabudwell, they are surely moving away from xdmcp.  i hadn't used it in a long time, but looking now it's clear that they're doing away with it for some reason.01:37
lullabudthey say it's insecure, which i can't validate...01:37
lullabudperhaps they're moving to vnc or something...01:37
lullabudvnc has never been reliable for me in linux though, so it's disappointing to see xdmcp being dropped.01:38
lullabudthe xdmcp support on the 6.06 livecd saved my ass one time when i had to configure a solaris machine that had no monitor port.01:39
twbWhat's this about dropping XDMCP?01:39
lullabudtwb: eh, gnome is moving away from xdmcp01:40
lullabudtwb: it's no longer a login option to connect to a remote machine rather than the local...01:40
lullabudand it's missing from other places too01:40
twbFSVO gnome = gdm?01:40
twbFor Some Value Of01:40
lullabuduh... yeah, gdm-2.20 is now considered "legacy"01:41
lullabudand it's the last version (afaik) that supports xdmcp01:41
lullabudthe newer versions do not support it, and are default in 9.10 and 10.0401:41
twbAnnoying, but as long as Xorg (and xdm) continues to support it, I don't care too much.01:41
twbI wonder what the LTSP people had to say about it01:42
lullabudwell, that's part of my disappointment... i just did  "grep -ri xdmcp /etc/" and didn't find it in anything xorg related on 10.0401:42
fluvvellthere didn't seem to be much development going on in the ltsp crowd either01:43
fluvvellbut the XDMCP indifference is definitely at Gnome level rather than Ubuntu01:44
twbRFB is retarded compared to X11.01:45
fluvvelland it *is* insecure, but what with ssh or ssl surely there is a way to seal any cracks -01:45
twbIt's only when you get insane amounts of layered gradients, like in GTK2 or OpenOffice or xulrunner, that RFB actually starts being faster.01:45
twbOh, and bloody client-side font rending01:46
fluvvellRFB ?01:46
twbfluvvell: RFB is the protocol that VNC is a thin wrapper on top of.01:46
lullabudfluvvell: oh, well, it looks like it's dead simple to enable xdmcp server-side stuff in 10.04.  edit /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas, just change "disable" to "enable" and it works....01:47
lullabudi jsut tested it between OSX and 10.0401:47
fluvvelltwb, yeah I'm using vnc in a number of cases, and while it solves the immediate problem its not the answer to everything01:47
twblullabud: my last OS X host was a glorified X thin client ;-)01:47
twbfluvvell: RFB is a "lowest common denominator" protocol.01:47
lullabudtwb: yeah, but it was probably the thinnest client ever.01:48
lullabudfollowing after steve job's as the thinnest ceo ever....01:48
twblullabud: it was a 330MHz bondi blue running 10.2, acting as a remote head for a 3GHz workstation01:48
lullabudhey, g3's are still useful!01:49
lullabudnow i'm going to have to run out to the curb and get that one that's next to the trash can...01:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #552238 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55223803:31
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MaletorI just set up parted (from the expert install of the alternate CD) with a RAID1 with /boot on it and all three drives it mirrors have a bootable flag. And a RAID5 with a lvm on it that contains root filesystem and swap space. Will my kernel be able to find and mount the root filesystem at boot?04:17
twbTry it and see.04:17
MaletorI will. I am hoping for the best twb.04:17
MaletorFinishing install of base system now...04:18
twbAs you were told yesterday, this is the wrong channel for support for desktop ("desktop" and "alternate" CDs) installs.04:18
MaletorNobody knows what a LVM on that channel is...04:18
fluvvellthat doesn't surprise me04:18
twbWell, we *did* suggest you use the server install CD.04:19
MaletorRight, I will probably have to do that if this fails. Even if I do drop to command line to set up fstab and mdadm, how can I be sure what I am doing is right. I first started with gentoo and followed the docs and got help on IRC and that had a kernel panic where it couldn't find the root partition.04:20
twbMaletor: I can help you if you go to the debian-installer partition manager (d-i partmgr) step on the server install CD.04:23
twbAnd assuming a clean install.04:23
twbDoing it any other way is more effort than I can be bothered going to on your behalf.04:24
MaletorI may take you up on that offer twb. I'll let you know how this goes.04:24
sbeattieMaletor: it should be able to, though there's been some trouble in lucid booting off of lvm+raid.04:34
Maletorsbeattie: thanks, yes, i've heard lucid is very unstable from pretty much everybody04:35
twbUntil it's released, it is /by definition/ unstable.04:37
* sbeattie eyes his two lucid systems carefully. :-)04:37
qman__I installed karmic server on a raid 1 with LVM just yesterday04:37
qman__it was smart enough to figure it out04:37
twbThat's not the same as "buggy"04:37
qman__which surprised me greatly04:37
qman__since it's the first time that's ever happened for me04:37
fluvvellI wouldn't have said it was pretty unstable. but I don't have any of my raid machines running it.04:38
=== Maletor_ is now known as Maletor
Maletorhqman__: did you install from server?04:46
qman__Maletor, you could always install ubuntu server, then install the ubuntu-desktop package on top04:51
qman__of course the GUI is not supported here04:51
qman__but the install process would be04:52
MaletorHouston, we have lift off.04:52
MaletorLet me just verify the RAID and LVM and I will be ecstatic.04:52
qman__cat /proc/mdstat04:53
MaletorAnd what is the command 'dh -i' for where filesystems are mounted?04:54
qman__I usually use 'mount' to do that04:54
qman__and df -h to check filesystem usage04:55
MaletorYup, everything is working magically. This is fantastic.04:55
Maletorlvextend works too. This is sweet. Thank you everybody.04:58
twbOK, I have a host here with three rtl8169's in it.  mii-tool can't tell me which one is connected, because apparently the driver doesn't support that ioctl.05:00
twbHow can I non-destructively determine which NIC has a cable plugged in (so I can label the NICs with eth0 through eth2)?05:00
twbHmm, I suppose worst case is I can connect it to another host (instead of just a switch), and stick pings over a transiently-static configuration.05:01
qman__twb, mii-tool works for me on rtl8169s05:01
qman__those are what I mostly use, since they're a great way to go gigabit for about 15 bucks05:02
maxagazis there a way to check which computers are connected to samba ?05:07
qman__maxagaz, I'm sure it could be done with netstat, though there may be a higher level tool for it05:08
cmeiklejohnmaxagaz: smbstatus maybe?05:08
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eagles0513875hey guys im having issues with vi over ssh06:55
twbeagles0513875: expand.06:55
eagles0513875twb: basically work in vi then all of a sudden it feels like it freezes06:56
twbeagles0513875: you're hitting ^S.  Type ^Q to fix it.06:56
eagles0513875im not hitting annything06:56
eagles0513875this is while typeing lets say some programming in c++06:56
twbOK, what kind of line speed are we talking?06:56
eagles0513875server nic being gigabit06:57
eagles0513875and desktop im on gigabit as well06:57
eagles0513875what even stranger it only happens with vi06:57
twbOK, check the load average and the iowait on the remote host.06:57
eagles0513875atm i have no load on it06:58
eagles0513875im the only one who has access to it06:58
eagles0513875if i use nano this doesnt happen06:58
twbTalk to #vim, then.06:58
eagles0513875twb: could it be an issue with ssh06:59
eagles0513875cuz it seems from what i can tell by the ssh program im using it ends up one way the connection06:59
eagles0513875the server is getting input just not sending back output06:59
twbHow did you determine this?07:00
eagles0513875im using xshell ssh program on windows and it has arrows to show input to the remote machine and whats getting sent back out to said client07:00
twbJust because your client receives nothing doesn't mean the server isn't sending anything.07:02
twbIf you kicked out the cable, you'd see the same behaviour.07:02
eagles0513875i havent been anywhere near them07:02
twbAsk dmesg if the link has been bouncing lately07:03
qman__I get that kind of behavior when I have a poor wireless signal07:04
qman__moving my laptop to get a better signal fixes it07:04
qman__but, on a LAN07:04
qman__it would have to be bad cables or faulty hardware07:04
twbqman__: or something like NM playing silly-buggers07:04
qman__or some bizarre software issue07:04
twbAh, xshell apparently proprietary crap.07:08
eagles0513875twb: and qman__what doesnt make sense though is why does it only do this on vi and not anythign else like nano07:08
eagles0513875twb: i like it so i can consolidate all ssh connections into one program with multiple tabs07:08
twbI presume there are extraneous factors that prevent you simply running Ubuntu on your workstation07:11
eagles0513875twb: said desktop is windows said machine in question is nix07:11
eagles0513875bah got no help in vim07:12
eagles0513875random thought07:12
eagles0513875since im on 64bit ubuntu server should i install ia32libs to be save07:12
twbI think you're misdiagnosing the symptoms, and I'm still waiting for the results of the diagnostics I asked you for.07:12
eagles0513875twb: not showing anythign out of the ordinary in dmesg and syslog07:15
twbCan you reproduce the symptoms on demand?07:15
eagles0513875twb: i can reproducd them yes just have to work with vi for a few07:15
twbCan the server address your Windows desktop directly (i.e. no NAT)?07:16
eagles0513875im using static ips on both  and yes it can07:17
twbOn the server, run "mtr <workstation IP>", and hit d once.07:17
twbYou should see horizontal line(s) of "." crossing the screen.07:18
twbWhen there is no network, it'll print a ? instead of a .07:18
eagles0513875didnt do anything like that07:18
eagles0513875it just brought up an empty traceroute07:18
twbYou need to hit "d"07:19
eagles0513875i did07:19
eagles0513875i have some latency values07:19
twbeagles0513875: you should have at least one line in the table, starting with "1. <host name or ip>"07:20
eagles0513875going to take a few need to hook up my monitor directly to the server07:20
qman__twb, I get nothing of the sort doing that07:21
eagles0513875twb: if im doing it via ssh its not givine me an ip but latency values07:21
twbIt should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/406887/07:22
qman__yeah, it doesn't look like that07:22
eagles0513875im not getting anythign of that sort either07:22
twb...except with fewer entries, because there aren't any hops on your LAN07:22
qman__also, that's what page it opens to07:22
qman__but I don't get anything at all in the list07:22
eagles0513875me neither07:22
twbTry mtr
qman__that works as expected07:23
twbOr even "mtr" should have at least one entry07:23
qman__ah, working now07:24
twbI don't know why it isn't/wasn't working for you.07:25
eagles05138758.8.8.8 and lo device both have something for me07:25
qman__I don't either07:25
twbYou could try mtr -n <IP>, if it's a DNS issue07:25
qman__maybe something wrong with the client IP I was using07:25
eagles0513875when you say workstation ip do you mean teh host or destination07:25
eagles0513875taht you are on07:25
twbeagles0513875: AFAIK you have two hosts, a workstation (running xshell) and a server (running sshd and vim).07:25
twbOn the server, run "mtr -n <workstation's IP>'07:26
eagles0513875nothing still07:26
twbThen your network's totally buggered, and you need to make that work.07:27
twbeagles0513875: are you the network admin, there?07:28
eagles0513875its a small home network07:28
eagles0513875lol only one in this family who understands in computers07:28
eagles0513875wait a min07:29
eagles0513875could me having bind installed but not configured be the issue here07:29
eagles0513875at least to networking07:29
qman__not really07:29
eagles0513875cuz i tried to ping my current machine im on from server and it wasnt resolving07:29
qman__it would have an effect but by IP things should still work07:30
eagles0513875super high latency more like it07:30
qman__well, there you go07:30
eagles0513875found the answer07:30
qman__find out what's causing the latency and fix/replace it07:30
eagles0513875restarted networking07:30
eagles0513875and its fine07:30
eagles0513875so its a bug in networking somewhere in ubuntu server07:30
twbqman__: it wouldn't surprise me if he has an appliance router or switch, and it got confused after a power outage.07:31
eagles0513875no power outages here though twb07:31
eagles0513875im on a linksys07:31
qman__yeah, I've had that happen before, as well as them burn up07:31
twbStupid cheapo switches...07:31
eagles0513875qman__: think im goign to buy a new one cuz this one is starting to piss me off07:31
qman__I use a PC running ubuntu server with 4 NICs in it as my router07:32
twbReal Soon Now manglement will turf them and actually fix the wall points, so that we can just use the UPS-backed switch in the rack.07:32
qman__but I have a somewhat complex network07:32
twbOh yeah, and replace the battery in the UPS :-/07:32
qman__heh, yeah07:32
qman__UPS makes all the difference, even without power actually going out07:32
qman__everything just works happier07:33
* twb hits manglement with a trout07:33
* eagles0513875 tries vi again07:34
eagles0513875not happening again07:35
eagles0513875seems like its a bug in ubuntu networking07:36
maxagazcmeiklejohn, yes smbstatus!07:36
maxagazcmeiklejohn, thanks07:36
qman__eagles0513875, a hardware problem is far more likely07:37
eagles0513875qman__: this server is brand new07:37
eagles0513875qman__: as it only does this with vi and no other editor07:37
qman__cables, your linksys07:37
qman__that stuff does get flakey sometimes07:37
eagles0513875qman__: true07:37
eagles0513875qman__: after resetting networkign on ubuntu its fine and happy07:37
qman__could also be a problem with the NIC driver07:38
qman__or if you've got networkmanager running07:38
qman__which you shouldn't, networkmanager just causes problems07:38
eagles0513875trust me i know07:38
eagles0513875about nm07:38
eagles0513875im nothing but commandline on my server07:39
eagles0513875tbh kinda prefer it07:39
eagles0513875the nic's are both broadcom nics07:39
eagles0513875one is a pcie nic the other is a normal nic both gigabit07:39
qman__what do you mean by "normal"07:39
twbNM is a headless daemon.07:40
eagles0513875qman__: normal pci nic im guessing and the other uses the pcie bus07:41
eagles0513875it did it again07:41
eagles0513875froze or lost connection07:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #552360 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55236007:46
* eagles0513875 will have to try ssh via my macbook to soee if same issue with vi locking up occurs07:51
jeffesquivelwow... incredible how some people pay up to $3 700 for having RHEL pre-installed on their servers08:08
jeffesquivelI wonder if they come with something beside installation and upgrades08:08
_rubensupport probably08:12
jeffesquivel_ruben, right... forgot about that one, he he08:18
jeffesquivelsebsebseb_, hi09:17
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kaushalmodel name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5504  @ 2.00GHz09:27
kaushaldo i need to install amd64 or is there a x86_64 hardy image ?09:35
Jeeves_amd64 will do09:35
kaushalJeeves_: Thanks09:38
kaushalso there is only i386 and amd64 image only ?09:39
Jeeves_afaik, yes09:40
_rubenamd64 == x86_6409:44
_rubenas in: the amd64 install media install a x86_64 kernel09:45
alvinHow would you determine the ftp software on a server if you are sitting at the client. Is it even possible?11:39
nimrod10alvin, if you telnet to it, it should say the software and version11:39
alvinnimrod10: Thanks!11:39
alkisgHi, I want to restrict access to the nbdrootd service to local networks only. Is the following correct?11:43
alkisga) in hosts.deny, put: nbdrootd: ALL11:43
alkisgb) in hosts.allow, put: nbdrootd: 127., 10., 192.168., 172.16.-172.31.: keepalive11:43
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=== swift__ is now known as swift
obeahow to dpkg use wildcard character12:42
obeadpkg -l mysql* ?12:47
guntbertobea: never tried but *if* it works then you should put quotes around the pattern to hide the * from the shell12:50
obeayeah dpkg -l ¡®*mysql*'    thx!13:06
obea ;)13:06
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thefishcan anyone comment on mdadm using "raw" disks (/dev/sdx), or partitions (/dev/sdx1) and which is better and why?13:45
proppyHi, is it possible to setup an ubuntu entreprise cloud across multiple data center ?13:48
ttxproppy: it is possible to setup separate "clusters" (availability zones), but they will depend on the same "Cloud controller" front-end.13:49
proppyttx: is LAN connection required between all the "clusters", and the "controller" ?13:50
ttxproppy: yes. Otherwise you should install two separate "clouds"13:51
ttxwell, not LAN connection13:51
ttxcan be WAn13:51
ttxthe cluster controller and the cloud controller need to be able to talk to each other, but not necessarily on the same network.13:52
proppyone "cluster" = one "physical host" ?13:53
proppyone "cloud" = multiple "physical host" on the same network ?13:54
ttxno, a cluster is made of a cluster controller, a storage controller, and one or more node controller13:54
proppyoh ok, "node controller" = one "physical host"13:54
ttxnode controller is one physical host running lots of VMs, yes.13:55
proppyso we can have a "cluster" in house13:55
proppyanother in running on a dedicated server13:55
proppyand having them part of the same "cloud"13:55
proppygiven that each cluster controller is able to talk to the cloud controller13:56
proppyis it possible to provision image on multiple clusters ?13:56
alvinthefish: I have no idea, but the Debian installer uses partitions if you set up md devices during install14:02
thefishalvin: cheers, ubu does the same14:03
thefishbut ive set up raid6 here on raw devs14:03
thefishi cant think why that would be bad14:03
alvinthefish: I meant Ubuntu actually. Ubuntu uses the Debian installer. (unmodified?)14:03
alvinme neither. Go ahead14:03
thefishif mdadm scans /proc/partitions it sees both14:04
alvinIf I set up LVM, I also use raw devices. (Same for ZFS)14:04
proppyttx: thanks for all these informations14:04
thefishim going to stick to the debian method, im sure theres something they know that i dont14:04
thefishye ill be using lvm on top of this md14:04
ttxproppy: yes, the image registered in one "cloud" should be available to all "clusters"14:05
alvinFor ZFS, it is recommended to use raw devices, but I'm pretty sure the reason for that is not valid for mdadm.14:05
proppyttx: is there some kind of synchronisation available for the multiple storage controller, across the cloud14:10
proppyfor EBS-like storage14:11
ttxproppy: I think multiple SCs will sync, but I'm not exactly sure, sounds like a question for #eucalyptus14:11
proppyttx: yes, I will ask there, thanks a lot for your help14:11
ttxproppy: np14:11
obea¡° /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: uptrack is broken or not fully installed14:19
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== RoyK is now known as Guest19685
proppyHi, does uec support non-VT hardware throught Xen or Qemu/kqemu ?15:15
Omahnproppy: Kirkland should be able to give a conclusive answer but I believe the reponse will be no as UEC uses KVM.15:18
sherrthe fish: re: MD on top of raw partitions. According to Steven Ellis at Linux.conf.au 2010 :15:19
sherrThey are not so good - makes it harder to move disks to another system (backup/recovery). A single partition takes a very small amount of space and is more compatitible with the tools.15:20
sherrEven : thefish :-)15:20
thefishsherr: ok ta15:20
thefishsherr: same for lvm?15:20
sherrthefish: I use LVM over MD over partitions. Works well.15:21
thefishsherr: so just pv on eg /dev/md0 ?15:22
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RoyK^hi. solaris has a command, pstack, to see the stack from a coredump - any idea if linux has something similar? the pstack available in ubuntu doesn't show this15:27
sherrthefish: yes, that's right.15:27
thefishcool, thanks sherr - thats what ive usually done15:28
kirklandproppy: Omahn: well ....  i suppose it kinda does support non-accel QEMU, as UEC just runs "kvm", which by default, if no VT hardware is present, it just disables kvm-acceleration and runs in godawful-slow mode15:46
kirklandproppy: Omahn: as to the other points, upstream Eucalyptus supports Xen, I believe, but Xen in Ubuntu is universe-supported, and very much untested with UEC15:47
kirklandproppy: Omahn: and kqemu doesn't exist anymore, sorry.15:47
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
hggdhttx: a bit of PM?16:13
alvinWhy is this command not working?16:15
alvin$ sudo qemu-img -c -O qcow2 disk-raw.img disk.img16:15
alvinOh,... I know16:15
alvin(Sorry to bother. The 'convert' part was missing)16:16
ttxhggdh: just a sec16:21
ihernandezhello. i have a server that now is a NX server for several clients on the office16:26
ihernandeznow i want just to export /home with nfs and use some kind of Network Authentication for account16:26
ihernandezthe nfs export goes fine... but when it comes to the central network authentication thing i don't know really which tool plays what role. OpenLDAP, Kerberos...16:27
* zul dislikes dentists16:28
alvinihernandez: I'm also interested in that. Let us know if you find documentation that works with Ubuntu16:31
ihernandezalvin, i have been told by a user on #ubuntu that with ldap + nfs all users can login from all machines and have they data16:33
ihernandezthe nfs docs on ubuntu site are great, and they work pretty well16:33
alvinYes, they should.16:33
ivoksVMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderUserError: No such hypervisor. Available hypervisors: vmserver esxi xen kvm vbox vmw616:33
ivokswhere did qemu go in 10.04? :D16:33
ihernandezbut ldap docs are a nightmare16:33
ivokszul: ^^ ?16:33
ivoksihernandez: which ldap document is wrong?16:34
ivoksihernandez: which version of ubuntu are you using?16:34
OmahnI'm about to upload a debdiff that (hopefully) resolves an old issue in exim4 in hardy. Once I upload the debdiff should I subscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors to get someone to build the -proposed package?16:34
alvinThere is nothing to find about NFS4+kerberos, and there are bugs filed against the ldap documentation. ldap has split the packaging. For someone without experience, the whole ldap story is very confusing.16:35
ivoksldap ^^16:35
alvinlooks better than last time, thanks16:36
alvinI'll try them out in a few weeks16:36
ivoksthat's for karmic and newer16:36
proppyOmahn: kirkland: thanks for these informations16:38
ivokssoren: hi; isn't qemu supported in vmbuilder?16:38
sorenivoks: Just use kvm.16:39
ivokssoren: on machines that don't support kvm?16:40
sorenivoks: The image has no kvm-specific things in them.16:40
ivokssoren: that won't work16:40
ivokssoren: i get:16:40
sorenivoks: How do you figure that?16:40
ivokslibvir: Domain Config error : internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'16:40
ivoksso, image is built16:40
ivoksand vmbuilder dies on creating xml file16:41
ivoks  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/libvirt.py", line 1119, in defineXML16:41
ivoks    if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainDefineXML() failed', conn=self)16:41
ivokslibvirt.libvirtError: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'16:41
sorenAh, right, yes, if you try to use the libvirt stuff as well.16:41
soren...was that ever supported?16:41
ivoksi think it worked in 8.0416:41
ivoksi'm sure qemu, without kvm, worked in 8.04 trough libvirt16:42
sorenivoks: Feel free to file a bug.16:42
ivokssoren: ok :)16:42
sorenivoks: Oh, and it still does.16:42
sorenivoks: It's purely a VMBuilder issue.16:42
ivoksthat's obvious16:42
ihernandezivoks, 9.04 on server16:42
ihernandezivoks, 9.10 the last docs i checked. the docs are not either right or wrong. they are confusing.16:43
ivoksihernandez: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html16:44
ivoksihernandez: that's it :)16:44
ihernandezivoks, yes. it's damn confusing!16:46
ihernandezand as docs don't go further on what are you doing ... it's a mess16:46
RoyK^10.04 should be out soon...16:46
ivoksihernandez: book a course16:47
sherrihernandez: There are a few options available you e.g. OpenLDAP, LDAP-other, NIS etc.16:47
sherrihernandez: IRC is hard to do support/training on sometimes.16:48
sherrGoogle has lots and lots of resources on authentication. Some very well writen.16:48
ihernandezsherr, i did google a lot, of course.16:48
ihernandezsherr, but most points to the ubuntu documentations16:48
ihernandezi will have to read just NIS howto16:49
ihernandezand more general resources16:49
sherrihernandez: NIS is less recommended (and insecure) but fairly easy to set up.16:49
ihernandezas there is no straightforward howto to setup network authentication16:49
ihernandezsherr, yes. i know . that's the reason i'm trying to set ldap16:50
sherrihernandez: "setup network authentication" is a large book ... :-)16:50
sherrHave a look at Apache's Directory - seems to look good, has a GUI front-end etc.16:50
ihernandezi'm just complaining about... let's say... very common tasks requiring large books16:50
ihernandezi will :)16:50
ivoksihernandez: ubuntu training provides excellent courses16:50
ihernandezivoks, online?16:51
ivoksihernandez: there's ubuntu server course that will explain you everything16:51
ivoksihernandez: yes, even on line16:51
ihernandezsorry, wronk shortcut16:51
sherrihernandez: It's hard doing docs, support, training, etc. You have to search hard sometimes. But there are decent docs around. Sometimes in more than one document though ...16:52
ihernandezgo for lunch! be bacl!16:52
ihernandezback : )16:52
sherrhttp://directory.apache.org/ (it is Java however)16:53
\shsherr, the gui frontend is an eclipse plugin ;)16:54
ivoksyeah, and it rocks16:55
ttxivoks: I have two papercuts bugs left for you, just in case you can work on them16:55
ttx(or invalidate them if they are not simply-fixed papercuts)16:55
ivoksttx: sure; i'm finishing my work in UK today, so i'll have time starting tomorrow16:55
ttxbug 321091 and bug 55262216:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 321091 in server-papercuts "Bacula fails to install correctly if mysql wasn't installed before" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32109116:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 552622 in server-papercuts "Installing scsitools pulls in Tk and X" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55262216:56
ttxivoks: get up early while it's still wednesday somewhere :)16:56
ivokshuh? why?16:56
ivoksanother deadline? :D16:56
ttxhggdh: I'm ready now16:59
ttxivoks: beta2freeze :)16:59
RoAkSoAxivoks, we need to get the cluster packages too :)17:06
* ivoks will move to RedHat17:06
ivoksa lot less releases; more time to do some work :D17:07
ivoksok, so... i'll stay awake this night17:07
ivoksand try to get this all done17:07
mdeslaurzul: bug 55263617:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 552636 in bacula "bacula-server 5.0.1: package update should warn about required database update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55263617:08
RoAkSoAxi'll be back in an hour to start testing17:08
ivoksand i expect to see pacemaker in main, as a reward for all this work :D17:08
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
zulmdeslaur: thanks17:08
ivoksanother thing to work on17:08
ivokssometimes i feel like only packages that fall apart are those that i'm working on :/17:09
ivoksi'm a jinx17:09
RoAkSoAxivoks, haha pacemaker is now 1.0.817:09
uvirtbotNew bug: #552636 in bacula (main) "bacula-server 5.0.1: package update should warn about required database update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55263617:11
zulmdeslaur: ill take a look at it this afternoon/tomorrow17:30
Xbertis there anyway to update more than one installation/server at a time?17:34
RoyK^Xbert: landscape :þ17:35
Xbertanyway to do it without landscape17:35
RoyK^Xbert: I don't know any open source systems for it, though. if you find one, let me know :)17:35
Xbertatm I do it with and SSH script but its really messey and I have to enter the root password around 8 tmes17:36
RoyK^use ssh keys17:37
Xbertssh keys are only used to login not for sudo commands17:38
RoyK^visudo - set NOPASSWD17:38
Xbertit that safe?17:38
RoyK^or just sudo ./myscript17:38
RoyK^it's safe so long noone gets your password17:38
RoyK^but then, if someone gets your password, they can sudo in anyway17:39
XbertI cant sudo the script it does not pass sudo to the remote machine, that would just run the script  on my local machine with root priv17:40
RoyK^but again, if you leave your terminal open and you have NOPASSWD set, you have a problem17:40
Xbertthat what I mean having no sudo password is a bad idea on 8 servers17:40
RoyK^ssh server sudo /run/this/script.sh17:41
RoyK^but then, without NOPASSWD you'll have to type your password for each server17:41
Xbertthe problem is not really entering the password 8 time but I have to remember 8 password as each server has it own pasword17:41
XbertI guess landscape is the only way17:42
RoyK^erm - your user account has different passwords on each server?17:42
Xbertthe sudo users does17:42
RoyK^sudo uses your password, not the root password17:42
Xbertsudo uses the password of anyone in the sudo group17:42
RoyK^why don't you allow your own account sudo access?17:42
RoyK^that's the whole point of sudo17:42
RoyK^no common password17:42
XbertI do but I have 8 different passwords, one for each server17:43
XbertI cant have them the same incase I have to get the password to somewhere to do something for me17:43
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RoyK^using sudo correctly you never have to give your password away17:43
RoyK^just allow a user to do this and that as another user17:44
* RoyK^ NEVER gives his password away17:44
Xbertthen point is I cant have any passwords the same on any system as it is policy17:45
RoyK^why aren't you using a central password database?17:45
RoyK^like ldap or even nis?17:45
Xbertif i'm ill or something at least this way i can give someone 1 password then change it later, the worst they can do then is mess only 1 server up17:45
Xbertthey are 8 server for different companies17:46
Xbertthey all have different users17:46
XbertI admin them all17:46
RoyK^well, NOPASSWD won't hurt17:46
RoyK^or setup cron-apt or something and let the systems do the updates themselves17:47
XbertI can't have an account with no password, so a sudo with no password would loose me my job in about 10sec17:47
XbertI think when we do the upgrade to the OSs I'll have to change to a real enterprise linux17:48
RoyK^heh - you use ssh keys to get in and then nopasswd with sudo to login as root. nobody can get in unless they have your password for your computer17:49
Xbertyeah but if anyone see that I have an account with no password I'll get fired17:49
RoyK^or $150 per server per year for landscape17:49
RoyK^you can't do all with landscape, though17:49
RoyK^"real" enterprise linux?17:50
RoyK^like redhat?17:50
RoyK^ubuntu is just as "enterprise" as redhat is17:50
RoyK^and if you can afford redhat, you can afford landscape17:50
RoyK^it's not an account with no password17:50
Xbertubuntu server lacks many things redhat have17:50
RoyK^give me an example, please17:50
XbertI like ubuntu very much, but lately I've been think it just not enterpise ready17:50
Xbertwell push update17:51
Xbertthat would increase the cost of the servers17:51
alvinI'm with Xbert on that one. I like Ubuntu far more than RedHat, but RedHat is more stable (at least for the things I need)17:51
RoyK^it costs less than redhat and works well with our system with some 30 ubuntu boxes17:52
Xbertthe reason we use linux is cost17:52
Xbertyeah but we have redhat support already17:52
RoyK^Xbert: redhat costs more than a landscape subscribtion17:52
RoyK^per server17:52
RoyK^alvin: more stable ?????17:52
HypnozI think even if linux cost as much as windows, we'd still use linux17:52
Xbertbut that is another cost on top of that17:52
alvinRoyK^: Absolutey. Do you want examples?17:53
Xbertupstart for a start, that is so buggy17:53
alvingive me a moment. I have written them down17:53
alvinyes, upstart is the worst by far17:53
Xbertgrub 217:53
Xbertthat quite bad too17:53
RoyK^Xbert: redhat costs like $350 per server per year, landscape $150, and redhat alone doesn't allow for push updates, for that you need an extra product17:53
Xbertyeah but we have redhat support already, I look for away to no add more yearly cost17:54
RoyK^what's so bad about it?17:54
Xbertgrub 2 is a mess17:54
Xbertit fails to find kernals17:54
Xbertand is a nightmare to edit manually17:54
RoyK^for those 30 ubuntu machines we have, I haven't seen such problems. Is that just me?17:56
Xbertgrub 2 should not be called grub, it nothing like grub 1 so much so it shouldnt be a new app altogether17:56
RoyK^grub2 is not in use on ubuntu LTS17:56
RoyK^and you should use LTS on servers17:56
Xbertit included in server 9.10 and 10.417:57
sherrXbert: when you say "update", you mean configuration etc.?17:57
Xbertpackage update17:57
RoyK^9.10 is not LTS and 10.4 is in beta117:57
Xbertthey will not remove grub 2 from 10,417:57
Xbertnot now17:58
Xbertits a feature they market17:58
RoyK^9.10 also doesn't use grub217:58
RoyK^not on this server I just checked17:59
sherr9.10 does use grub2 - but only on new installs (no prev. grub)17:59
XbertI don't want to sound like i don't like ubuntu, I do, alot, its just ot not reasdy for servers, it as ready for the server as fedor is17:59
alvinRoyK^: I've written a post about it. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2009-December/003574.html Since then, we have taken Canonical support, and I will now start feeding them some of these problems. (Yes, grub2 is buggy. I have servers that sometimes can't find their root device, resulting in 80% failed boots. Other HDD and reinstall does not work. Older Ubuntu does.)17:59
RoyK^this one was upgraded17:59
sherrI have avoided grub2 yet - and am glad so far ...17:59
Xbertyes grub 2 is in server 9.1017:59
Xberti have it running right next to me17:59
Xbertand it will be in 10.4 server too18:00
RoyK^alvin: that's bad...18:00
Xbertwhich is a bad move18:00
RoyK^perhaps upgrading to 10.4 will have to wait18:00
ScottKLast I heard Grub 2 was only for new installs18:00
alvinIt's bug 36037818:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 360378 in linux "Gave up waiting for root device after upgrade then busybox console" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36037818:00
Xbertno idea why anyone thinks grub to is ready or any good tbh18:00
Xbertbrug 2 *18:01
Xberti don't know but yes i have new installs of 9.10 all running grub 218:01
sherr9.10 used grub2 if no previous grub was present ...18:02
Xberti upgraded my laptop to 9.10 and i think it still has 1 yes18:02
Xbertyeah that sounds right18:02
sherrDebian lets you choose 1 or 2.18:02
alvinIt's not on all servers. That would create an outrage. But I have the error on 4 different servers. I just keep rebooting as workaround.18:02
Xbertalvin, i have had the same problem 3 time on 1 system in 3 differnet reinstalls18:03
* ScottK didn't have any problems so far.18:03
Xberthehe, yeah i did the reboot dance for a while too18:03
alvinThen please add a 'me too' on Launchpad18:03
Xbertbut then after a kernal upgrade it never found the new kernal and I try for an hour to work out how to manually edit grub2 menu and gave up confused as hell18:04
qman__the jump to grub2 in 9.10 was premature, but hopefully they will round out the features for 10.0418:04
alvinThe cause of the bug is still unclear, but I'm using LVM on all servers. Could be a combination of grub2+lvm+something else. Anyway, it's nothing beyond a standard install.18:05
Xbertqman__, the bugs are still there in 10.4 beta 118:05
* alvin facepalm18:05
Xbertsomething like that normally get fixed before beta or never18:05
alvinIn that case, I really have to test the beta some of these days18:05
alvinI reported it (a duplicate) while Karmic was in RC18:06
Xbertalvin, I had it on both lvm and no lvm systems18:06
ScottKLack of pre-release testing is generally a problem for Ubuntu Server because server people are a lot less willing to run pre-release stuff than Desktop people in general.18:06
alvinOh, so it's not lvm then18:06
ScottKSo please test.18:06
RoyK^8.04 LTS works like a dream18:06
alvinThat could very well be correct18:06
XbertScottK, yeah i get that, I am running 10.4 at home for my servers OS18:06
Xbertbut I really cant see me staying with ubuntu server professionally for a few more years18:07
RoyK^alvin: and what other version will you be using than an LTS version for servers?18:07
RoyK^well, use windows18:07
RoyK^or just get lost18:07
RoyK^no need for more trolling18:07
Xbertso why get nasty?18:07
sherrRoyK^: please keep it civil18:07
XbertI'm not, Im expressing my feeling on the matter18:08
alvinRoyK^: Hey, hardy is LTS, but KVM guests kept crashing. At least that was fixed in Karmic. We had to move18:08
RoyK^Xbert: have you even tried 8.04 LTS?18:08
qman__I rather like karmic, I think it's a net gain18:08
qman__and if they can fix the bugs for 10.04 it'll be nice18:08
Xbertyeah I have been running ubuntu server for a few years and every version has show stopping bugs for a server18:08
alvinThat's a yes. Tested Hardy, Jaunty and Karmic for weeks. This involved a lot of bug triaging. I don't think I was being counter-productive.18:09
XbertI want newer version of samba on a updated OS, not messing with backports and manual installs18:09
sherrXbert: What about just removing Grub2 and installing Grub1? Testing that?18:10
XbertI cant risk the down time if it goes wrong, and I don't want to take anymore time setting up new servers and hacking on them out of the box18:11
qman__removing grub2 and installing grub1 on a fresh karmic install is more work than it should be, it's faster to install 9.04 and upgrade18:11
XbertI have to have a explainable install procedure, I cant link to some wiki page and say do this, hehe18:11
qman__I really think it should be an option in the installer18:12
qman__with grub2 as default18:12
RoyK^alvin: how does kvm scale, really?18:12
Xbertqman__,  yes i agree18:12
XbertI compare ubuntu server to fedora, it a testing ground atm18:12
alvinRoyK^: What do you mean by scale?18:13
qman__I really hate fedora18:13
XbertI hope it become more enterprise friendly soon18:13
* RoyK^ pats qman__ 18:13
qman__I'd use slackware or BSD over fedora any day18:13
Xbertqman__, i've never got it running correct on any install i tried, so ubuntu wins the desktop for sure18:13
RoyK^alvin: does it support guest smp? does it allow for failover to other hosts? how about overhead?18:14
alvinOh, it does support guest SMP, and live migration (but that last one is buggy and crashed libvirt. If I'm not mistaken, it's an apparmor thing)18:14
alvinWe want to use it for one physical server, and one spare. The server will run about 8 virtual machines. Now, I bring them down and migrate offline.18:15
sherrqman__: no room for hate here surely?18:15
qman__sherr, hate is probably too strong a word, but fedora has caused me so many problems18:15
sherrDisagreements of course :-)18:15
alvinKVM is evolving very fast18:15
qman__I refuse to use it on any of my stuff18:15
XbertI don't like fedora to use but they give a lot back to all upstream so I good its there18:15
sherrqman__: me too. A long time ago - but it is a very important dist.18:16
sbeattiealvin: did you file a bug on the live migration crashing libvirt?18:16
Xbertsherr, agreed18:16
alvinsbeattie: There is one18:16
RoyK^it's be nice to see a fancy gui fronting kvm18:17
sbeattiealvin: okay. jdstrand has been pretty good about trying to fix up any issues like that.18:17
Xberthas anyone even tried to edit a grub 2 menu?18:17
sherrXbert: I haven't - but reading, it appears straightforward18:18
alvinsbeattie: It's very well possible it's fixed. I just don't like testing those things on production machines. I'm currently preparing some test machines.18:18
sherrXbert: I don';t like config in /etc - prefer /boot18:18
qman__changing any grub2 configuration is a real trip18:18
XbertI'm confused to even why they changed from 1, I see no reason to change18:18
RoyK^sherr: does it really matter where the config lies?18:18
qman__it 'just works' a lot better than grub1 could18:18
qman__but you're SOL if you need something custom18:18
Xbertsherr, I'll have to re-read the doc on it, I was confused as hell18:19
sherrXbert: If I have >2 OS's to boot, I forget which one has the config for Grub. I have to boot into it to edit it or keep them sync'd?18:19
sherrI can more easily share /boot18:19
alvinsbeattie: Got it, bug 461528 it's fixed by jdstrand. Now I really have to try this again.18:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 461528 in libvirt "apparmor blocks migration" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46152818:19
XbertI just wanted to add some switch to the kernal, I could make the changes stay18:19
sherrMind you, maybe I am not the target audience and the plain fact is - Grub1 is unmaintained. Grub2 will get better.18:20
XbertI assumed the install that installed grub had the configs18:20
sbeattiealvin: cool, it'd be great when you get a chance (and test machines set up again) to give it a go again. Thanks!18:20
RoyK^sherr: heh - then better stay at grub1 until grub2 is fixed :D18:21
Xbertgrub 1 is unmaintained really?18:21
RoyK^perhaps it doesn't need much maintenance :)18:22
alvinNo, it says here it's in main18:22
Xbertwhy are they still updates being released for grub then?18:22
sherrXbert: I recall readng that it is not going to be developed further - no develpers want to work on it. Moved to Grub2.18:24
sherrMaybe still getting some updates e.g. security18:24
Xbertyeah I guess, grub 2 seems like a big jump for a distro at this point tho, but I guess the more uses it gets the better it gets, just never fast enough18:25
* RoyK^ is sceptical18:28
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
metalf8801can I become root after I open nano? because I forgot to type sudo nano I just typed nano18:49
_rubensafe the file in a place you do have write rights, then sudo mv it to the proper place18:50
metalf8801ok thank you I'll do that :)18:50
Caspadoes ubuntu server have gui18:53
metalf8801Caspa no18:53
metalf8801but you can add a web gui like landscape18:53
metalf8801or webmin which is free18:54
tyskasomeone know UEC well?18:54
metalf8801landscape isn't free18:54
metalf8801what is UEC?18:56
tyskaUbuntu Enterprise Cloud18:56
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.18:56
metalf8801ubottu your kidding :( when did that happen?18:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
qman__metalf8801, webmin has been unsupported since about 6.1018:57
qman__very long time18:57
metalf8801I have it running on Ubuntu server 9.0418:58
sherrmetalf8801: people here seem to point people to ebox18:58
sherrLooks quite good for web server config and admin (Ubuntu based I think)18:58
metalf8801I just had to add the webmin ppa18:58
metalf8801I guess I should give ebox another try or pay for landscape but sins I'm just using it at home right now its hard to justify the cost19:00
Xbertthere is a ppa for webmin?19:00
qman__I just use SSH19:00
qman__solves the problem19:00
Xberti just untared the tar and ran ./install.sh19:01
Xbertwebmin allow you to update from the GUI19:01
alvinlol @ubottu19:01
qman__sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y19:02
qman__pretty simple19:02
alvin(next, he'll tell you that XDMCp is unsupported as well, and that we should use some experimental form of RDP)19:03
qman__let's test that theory19:03
ubottuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it19:03
alvinLast revision 2007, but so farm so good. We're still safe.19:04
qman__interesting that it doesn't link to an ubuntu doc19:04
qman__pretty outdated19:04
qman__no way it'll work for current releases19:05
qman__everything has changed19:05
alvinActually, I was half serious. I'm using Kubuntu as clients, so I'm not affected, but Ubuntu has lost support for choosing an XDMCP session in GDM. There are other methods of course. XDMCP is still working and TLDP can even be clustered these days. (Another thing I really have to try)19:06
qman__ah, so it's a change in GDM19:07
alvinYes, not X19:07
qman__I remember trying to set it up back on 6.10, but XDMCP wasn't compiled with SSH support19:07
qman__in the package19:07
qman__I would have had to compile it myself19:07
alvinWhat I still like to find out is how we can send those nifty new X transparancy, wobbly, shiny bling over XDMCP19:08
qman__interesting thought19:08
alvinOh, I'm only using it the old-fashioned way. Enable it, connect. No need for addd security on a local network.19:08
qman__it would require client-side hardware acceleration to be worthwhile19:09
qman__but does XDMCP run the theme manager server side or client side?19:09
alvinOff course it would19:09
alvinWell, server side I think.19:09
alvinServer as in the traditional sense. Not in the X sense, because that's the other way around.19:09
qman__I have to turn that fancy stuff off anyway though19:10
qman__for some reason it always memory leaks19:10
alvinIntel card?19:10
qman__usually run out of RAM in two weeks19:11
alvinI'm faster. I only have to start Akonadi for that. Bam, instant out of memory19:11
qman__well, transparency is nice, but it's not worth having my desktop crash every 10-14 days19:12
alvinThat's thinking like a Linux user :-) with uptime of x days19:12
alvinEither I'm becoming old, or I have become more experienced finding bugs, or Ubuntu is too bleeding edge. I've been asking myself that question for about a year now.19:15
alvinFor the record, it's probably not Ubuntu.19:16
qman__I'm a bit old fashioned, don't know what I'm going to do about my desktop for 10.0419:17
qman__really don't like all this "2.0" UI mentality19:17
alvinIf only it where that simple. Upstart, grub2, Akonadi,... they all bring very interesting features and even solutions for long standing problems. It's only the instability that is very irritating. I'm beginning to feel like a Windows user.19:19
qman__at least those changes have good reason and improvements to come19:20
qman__I like the faster boot times upstart gives19:20
alvinYes, one day we'll be very happy with them19:20
alvinAlso, no troubles with ordering scripts. (And yet, that is the main problem of upstart now)19:21
jeffesquivelhi... anyone knows where I can find documentation to create a local Ubuntu One/Dropbox ?19:27
ScottKjeffesquivel: The Ubuntu One server code is not open source19:28
jeffesquivelScottK, I know...19:28
jeffesquivelScottK, I want to implement something like it using other tools19:28
jeffesquivelScottK, the thing is that I have several computers I would like to keep in sync, but they have a lot of files... it would be painful to do it through the Internet... I really prefer doing it on my LAN19:29
alvinA real-time rsync?19:29
jeffesquivelalvin, yeah, something like that19:29
jeffesquivelI read about unison19:29
jeffesquivelbut as far as I can tell it is not real-time either19:29
alvinTricky. It sounds like you could use a fileserver19:29
ScottKIt's not real time19:29
jeffesquivelalvin, yep, I do have a file server19:29
zroysch 2776 root      20   0  419m 102m  19m R   94  5.2  86:12.11 Xorg19:29
jeffesquivelalvin, let me explain19:29
zroyschfor what reason is Xorg using 94% cpu19:30
jeffesquivelalvin, I have several desktops and a laptop and a netbook19:30
alvinI'd say: Intel drivers, or those shiny effects we were talking about :-)19:30
jeffesquivelalvin, I would like to be able to work on any of them and, for example, download some music or some important document19:30
jeffesquivelalvin, and then, that info should be sync to the others once they are available19:30
jeffesquivelalvin, that way if I take the netbook or the laptop on the road19:31
jeffesquivelalvin, I still can get to my music and stuff (because I have a local copy)19:31
alvinAh, but there is an old method fot that. Maybe not perfect, but we'll get to that.19:31
jeffesquivelalvin, I know about VPN... but internet connection is not always possible or extremely slow19:31
alvinFor local use, you can use share /home on NFS. For the notebook, rsync (or unison - it is used for things like that)19:32
alvinI'm using dropbox for some things, and rsync for the rest. (And also shares /home at home)19:33
jeffesquivelalvin, hmm... yeah, what I would have to do is run rsync periodically... which is what I thought... but wanted to know if someone knew of a better way to do it (something that synced immediately, like dropbox, he he)19:33
jeffesquivelalvin, one other question... why do you prefer NFS over any of the other networked FS?19:34
alvinjeffesquivel: Simple. It's the default Unix/Linux method for sharing19:34
alvinLet's see what ubottu says about it. If it says 'samba' I'll scream.19:36
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:36
jeffesquivelalvin, ok... I've read that NFS can sometimes give you issues with lock files or something like that... (I remember reading "NFS safe" as a feature for some apps)... have you ever have any problem with something like it?19:36
alvinok, network file system. We're safe19:36
zroyschhow do i make Xorg stop using 99% CPU and sending my temps over 95C19:36
alvinOh, that's true. Especially when using databases (Akonadi...)19:36
alvinSamba has the same problems. For that reason, there's NFSv419:36
sherrjeffesquivel: Never used it but the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem might be worth a look :19:37
alvinYou can put your shared /home on an NFS server and use it with Kubuntu/akonadi19:37
dinger1986anyone have any suggestions for good solid external drives for backing up to?19:38
zroyschdinger1986: external drives are the same as internal drives, just with a case around them. are you asking what cases are good?19:39
dinger1986zroysch: yeh, need ones for backing up servers to19:40
zroyschdoes the server have no more room for drives or something19:40
dinger1986would it be better buying server drives and put them into an external case?19:40
zroyschI got a cheap solution from sans digital. its a 2 drive enclosure in raid119:41
dinger1986the server has space but its for doing backups to which can be taken offsite19:41
zroyschits usb, so kinda slow19:41
zroyschbut does the job19:41
dinger1986usb would be fine19:41
jeffesquivelsherr, seems interesting that tahoe-LAFS19:42
dinger1986any brand best?19:42
zroyschi dont use many external drives, but this sans digital has been working for 2-3yrs19:42
alvinYes, interesting indeed. But, how do you pronounce it :-)19:42
zroyschhas an interface that tells you when the drives/fans fail etc19:42
zroyschruns on windows, not sure about linux servers19:42
jeffesquivelalvin, sherr: have you considered a cluster filesystem? but first, let me check if that makes sense at all ;)19:43
dinger1986ok thats cool, only issue is im in the uk so will need to check if i can get it over here19:44
alvinTahoe-stuff looks interesting, but big. What's the speed of that stuff for local use?19:44
zroyschif not im sure you can find something comparable. i'd opt for a raid situation so you have 2 copies of the backup at all times, in case one of the drive fails.19:45
zroyschgood luck19:45
alvinI (well, a company I work for) wanted a spare system. We bought 2 SUN servers and 2 SANs. A commercial application (PresStore) is doing the sync. (not real-time) You can easily do things like that with open source I think.19:46
alvinIsn't a cluster file system over the top to keep a notebook in sync?19:47
jeffesquivelalvin, I don't know... may be... but still would like to at least research the possibility... :-)19:48
alvinjeffesquivel: If you do, post your story on Slashdot19:48
jeffesquiveljeffesquivel, he he... I haven't read /. for years now...19:49
alvinI have met people from a company that made backups by breaking RAID-1. break RAID, put disk away, put in new disk,... So, yes, you can use some technologies where it's not meant to be used.19:49
jeffesquivelalvin, actually, I was thinking something like that... I know there is a tool called like nrbd or something like that19:50
jeffesquivelalvin, that is supposed to behave as a "networked RAID 1"19:50
alvinI shouldn't be saying stuff like that...19:51
alvinI know that exists, but what's the performance?19:51
alvinI think for mirroring /home, you need quite a bit these days with all databases running in the background.19:51
alvinNepomuk, Akonadi, strigi,..19:52
jeffesquivelalvin, yeap, that's what I would research about... he he... it is probably not worth it19:52
alvinDatabases are troublesome for syncs19:52
jeffesquivelalvin, but may work for some other similar situation in the future...19:52
alvinEven normal files. I tried to sync kjots (a note taking application) by using Dropbox. This fails most of the time.19:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #551617 in apache2 (main) "/doc/  shows entire  /usr/share/doc, not apache doc" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55161719:53
jeffesquivelalvin, hmm... is kjots similar to tomboy ?19:53
jeffesquivelalvin, because I think you can sync you tomboy notes through Ubuntu One19:53
alvinMaybe, it stores 'books' in files. Each book can have pages19:53
alvinI've heard about that. Well, kjots will soon move to akonadi, so I wonder what will happen then.19:54
alvinI think we need to put those things centralised. Databases belong on a server.19:54
jeffesquivelalvin, yeap... in tomboy they are named "notebooks" and notebooks have notes19:55
jeffesquivelhe he19:55
ScottKThere is someone doing a KDE cloud project meant to link all those kinds of things together.  Not sure if it's working or not yet.19:55
jeffesquivelI can't believe no one has thought of doing a FLOSS Dropbox-like project19:57
jeffesquivelit is so useful... he he19:57
jeffesquivelor at least it would be so useful for me ;)19:57
alvinYou can also put your files in a git repo19:57
jeffesquivelalvin, never used git... it is something like subversion, right? let me STFW...19:58
alvinThere is a project that puts /etc in it. Also, to share between servers if I'm not mistaken19:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #552126 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.6.5-3 failed to install/upgrade: alamprotsess installed post-installation script tagastas lõpetamisel veakoodi 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55212620:02
jeffesquivelwow... didn't know the kernel team had stopped using bitkeeper20:04
alvinIt was big news20:04
jeffesquivelI remember the controversy because of it not being OSS...20:04
zimhi all. is there a quick way I can get sshd to email me when someone logs on. ie.  session opened for user20:04
* ScottK considers updating postfix to uninstall if you feed it an invalid hostname (the source of ^^^). If you aren't smart enough to use a proper hostname, you aren't smart enough to run postfix.20:04
jeffesquivelalvin, yeah... I was away from the news for quite sometime... he hehe20:04
jeffesquivelalvin, mostly working on non-linux related stuff...20:05
jeffesquivelalvin, do you know if Linus Torvalds created git because of the controversy of bitkeeper not being OSS or just because he felt they needed something better?20:11
marshallfunny, i was just about to ask about git on ubuntu20:11
alvinjeffesquivel: I don't think you missed much. He created it because something in the license of bitkeeper changed20:12
marshalli did apt-get install git, which installed gnuit and something else, but 'git' isn't found when i try to use it20:12
jeffesquivelalvin, I see...20:12
marshalli thought he created it it keep track of linux kernel development?20:12
alvinThat is its purpose20:12
marshallhow do i use it on ubuntu jaunty?20:13
alvinOff course, Linus made git better than everything he used before, so that's why it's so popular now20:13
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)20:13
alvingit is provided by git-core20:14
alvingnuit is something else (git is a virtual package that installs gnuit)20:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #371875 in kvm (main) "kvm 1:84+dfsg-0ubuntu11 lacking vde support (dup-of: 253230)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37187520:15
jeffesquivelalvin, hmm... but I don't think git is what I need... I actually don't care much about the version support of Dropbox (I have backups for that ;)... I mean is a nice feature, but I prefer the auto-sync better... he he20:18
alvinLet's ask ubottu20:21
HypnozHey I was playing with server redundancy with 2 nics, and ran into a weird issue. If anyone recognizes this pls let me know. http://dpaste.de/OowB/20:24
jeffesquivelHypnoz, you want redundancy in case of a switch failure?20:32
jeffesquivelHypnoz, hmm... then link aggregation is not an option... unless you have fancy switchs which can behave as one virtual switch20:33
jeffesquivelHypnoz, link aggregation is nicer because it also provides increased bandwidth... but both ethernet ports need to be on the same virtual switch20:34
Hypnozvirtual switch? not familiar with that20:34
jeffesquivelHypnoz, I know this doesn't addresses your current issue... but may be a better way to do what you want to do... he he20:35
jeffesquivelHypnoz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_aggregation20:35
Hypnozthis is for a new DC not in production yet, trying to set up some redundancy on a budget20:35
jeffesquivelHypnoz, specially http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_aggregation#Single_switch20:35
jeffesquivelHypnoz, IIRC, Linux supports link aggregation natively...20:36
HypnozI'll browse the article. Right now I have the server with two IP's both in the same subnet, and was going to put both IP's in the load balancer20:37
Hypnozso if one goes down, the LB sees that and takes that link down20:37
Hypnozbut LB is taking both links down sometimes, when only one link went away20:37
jeffesquivelHypnoz, is your LB a hardware device?20:39
ihernandezi'm hating ldap20:39
lamontScottK: heh20:40
Hypnozjeffesquivel: yeah an F520:41
jeffesquivelHypnoz, I have never used one of those20:43
jeffesquivelHypnoz, down here is difficult/expensive to get cool devices... we usually try to do as much as possible in software (with FLOSS, preferably ;) )20:44
Hypnozjeffesquivel: where is "down here"20:45
jeffesquivelHypnoz, Costa Rica20:45
Hypnozyeah I could see how it might cost more for network gear there than in california20:46
jeffesquivelHypnoz, yep20:46
jeffesquivelHypnoz, anyway... I think you can do what you want through link aggregation... basically you have to NICs that behave as one... you get twice the bandwidth and if one link fails the other is still used20:47
jeffesquivels/to NICs/two NICs/20:47
Hypnozjeffesquivel: ya I may look into virtual switch, and bond0 for my two eth adapters, it will be more inital config and learning, but sounds faster and more stable and redundant in the end20:48
jeffesquivelHypnoz, yes20:49
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
GhostFreemanHow do I ask ubottu a question?21:01
pwnguin/msg ?21:01
GhostFreemanWell, that was resourceful21:02
GhostFreemanAnyone here using zsh on Ubuntu Server? How would I go about installing and configuring it21:02
guntbert!askthebot | GhostFreeman21:02
ubottuGhostFreeman: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:02
=== guntbert is now known as whoelse
smosersoren, are you around ?21:10
sorensmoser: MAybe.21:10
smoserwhat does21:10
smoser        logging.debug("Preventing daemons from starting")21:10
smoser        self.prevent_daemons_starting()21:10
sorenAm I in troube?21:10
smoserdo ?21:10
sorenechoes some stuff to the debug log and calls a method?21:11
smoseras i understand all it does is put a script in /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d21:11
sorenNot anymore.21:11
smoserof the target21:11
sorenIt also diverts initctl nowadays.21:11
smoseroh. i am looking at 0.1121:11
sorenThen... uh... Yes, you're probably right.21:11
smoserbut am I right that it just puts that there, and then somehow things are supposed to run through that ?21:12
=== whoelse is now known as guntbert
sorenNot exactly.21:12
sorenpostinst scripts (well-behaved ones) call invoke-rc.d to start stuff.21:12
soren..invoke-rc.d respects policy-rd.d21:12
smoserso, i'm guessing then that apache and postgres aren't well behaved... or maybe osmehting else got them started.21:13
smoserin hardy21:13
=== endkill is now known as ubuntu-virt
=== ubuntu-virt is now known as endkill
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, hi... are you part of the HA Team?22:00
RoAkSoAxjeffesquivel, yes I am22:01
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, great... is there a specific channel for contributing to HA?22:02
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, I've been asked to give a conference about HA at the FLISOL (latin american install fest day) and may be I can create some documentation or something that may be useful...22:03
RoAkSoAxjeffesquivel, in ubuntu we usually idle at #ubuntu-ha, but if you are interested in contributing upstream you should check #linux-ha and #linux-cluster22:03
jeffesquivel(plus I will probably need some help from team members ;-) )22:03
RoAkSoAxjeffesquivel, i know what that Is and I've also gave conference in the flisol about HA :P22:03
RoAkSoAxlast year22:04
jeffesquiveldamn! I should really try to enter the obvious channel before asking and looking like a fool, he he ;-)22:04
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, really? is your material licensed under CC or similar? can I use it?22:05
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, I'm in Costa Rica, btw... where did you gave your conference?22:05
RoAkSoAxjeffesquivel, you sure can but i'll have to search for it since I don't really know where in all my files it is. Just drop me an email reminding me22:05
jeffesquivelRoAkSoAx, ok, thank you very much!22:07
RoAkSoAxjeffesquivel, no prob22:08
RoAkSoAxlamont, ping23:23
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jeffesquivelsherr, tahoe-lafs is already in ubuntu23:33
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ping?23:47
Rafael_can somebody help me with this comand, i get an error: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=xxxx,password=xxx //"D"/My Documents/Charts /home/rgotten/charts.windows23:49
jeffesquivelRafael_, can you log into that share with that username and password using smbclient?23:56
jeffesquivelRafael_, just in case... have you tried changing the order of the parameters as in the man page23:57
Rafael_jeffesquivel: i am new to all this and i was trying to create a mount point..my i ask you what you mean?23:57
jeffesquivelRafael_, ok... first try this:23:57
jeffesquivelsudo mount -t cifs //"D"/My Documents/Charts /home/rgotten/charts.windows  -o username=xxxx,password=xxx23:58
jeffesquivelRafael_, I think that is the correct order for the parameters... at least the official one23:58
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Rafael_jeffesquivel: ok let me try23:59

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