
thaperI am trying to start upstart from /init and it works but it runs in the foreground and i have no console ... any help is appreciated14:41
thaperexec upstart 314:41
thaperis the last command in /init14:42
thaperwell i do have a console but is controlled by upstart so it just has upstart messages if i use exec /sbin/init --debug 314:43
thaperlast command in /init is "exec /sbin/init --debug 314:44
thaperusing ubuntu 9.1014:45
thaperright .,.. so i get a console when i ssh into machine and "initctl start tty1". So, why doesnt that just start when i "exec /sbin/init 3" ?15:10
sadmac2thaper: what's in your tty job definition?15:12
thaper1 sec15:16
thaperexec /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty115:17
thaperstart on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]15:18
thaperstop on runlevel [!2345]15:18
thapernot in that order15:18
thaperi didnt change the tty job definition at all15:19
sadmac2which did you change?15:19
thapernone 15:20
thaperi didnt change any of them15:20
thaperI am just running "exec /sbin/init 3" from /init ... it is the last command15:21
thaperwhen i ssh into the machine ... "initctl list" shows all jobs "stop/waiting"15:22
thaperwhen i "initctl start tty1" a login prompt apears on the machine15:24
sadmac2idk what /init is15:24
sadmac2this is likely a distro-specific question, in which case it would be inappropriate for this channel anyway15:25
thaperit is just a script15:25
thaperthat runs a few commands that need to be run before /sbin/init15:26
thaperthe kernel jumps there before /sbin/init15:26
thaperso i start /sbin/init as the last command in /init15:26
sadmac2this likely has a lot to do with your distro's deployment of upstart and not upstart proper, and also doesn't sound like the right way of doing whatever it is you're trying to do.15:27
thaperhmmmmmm it works fine with the sysvinit...15:28
thaperit works with gentoo sysvuinit15:28
thaperi need to get this working because i want to run it on any distro that uses upstart15:29
thaperthank you fr your hep though15:29
thaperwhat is upstart proper ?15:30
thaperthat i would like to know15:30
thaperdo you have a link ?15:30
thaperthanks sadmac215:30
thaperwell i looked into the source and if upstart is not pid1 then telinit runs and then upstart becomes pid1 so there  should be no problem with starting /sbin/init from a script15:33
thaperwonder why it hangs though15:33
thaperthanks sadmac2 fixed with "start on startup" in tty1.conf16:13
Keybukmbiebl: are you going to Debconf?18:11
KeybukJanC: are you?18:11
mbieblKeybuk: probably not 18:12
=== sadmac2_ is now known as sadmac
sadmacbeen too long since I conference'd. Hopefully I'll make it to FUDCon F1418:30
sadmacKeybuk: wtf is tomcat?18:31
Keybukan F-1418:31
sadmacKeybuk: or a Java app server (*shudder*). What are you getting at?18:32
KeybukI'm just amused that Fedora release numbering now co-incides with US Air Force plane designations18:33
Keybukclearly F14 has to have some Top Gun inspired codename18:33
KeybukFedora 14 "Maverick" or something18:33
sadmacKeybuk: none of the clever ones like that seem to get through the naming process18:35
sadmacKeybuk: We really wanted 11's code name to be "goes to"18:35
mbieblKeybuk: I'm running a copy of the latest lucid bits on an older laptop19:03
mbieblAnd during boot I get those kernel messages19:04
mbieblDisk access is pretty slow 19:04
mbieblWhen I disable ureadahead it seems I can't reproduc these problems19:05
Keybukno idea on that one19:05
Keybukall ureadahead does is trace or read19:05
mbieblI'm not sure if it is really ureadahead or just some weird side effect19:06
mbieblBut I never see those problems on my Debian installation19:06
sadmacI hate disks19:07
mbieblI was scared pretty bad when I noticed that, thought my harddisk is dying19:07
mbieblKeybuk: just found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28589219:09
mbieblso it's most likely not an ureadahead bug :-)19:09
mbieblAnd I do have as SAMSUNG drive19:12
sadmaccscope may have the worst UI ever19:13
sadmacKeybuk: could I get your thoughts on nih_error's design? had some quick ideas for improvement and wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything important20:17
Keybuklet me know your thoughts first ;)20:20
Keybukthe only real aim I had was20:20
Keybuk- you shouldn't need to initialise an error to catch one20:20
Keybuk- you shouldn't need to pass something to a function to get an error back20:20
Keybuk- errors should be switch() able20:20
sadmacKeybuk: well, first there's your documentation assertion that you must check the return value of the function to determine if an error was raised.20:22
sadmacKeybuk: a design where you might "check" whether an error was raised introduces its own problems (or at least temptations to create them)20:22
sadmacKeybuk: I actually like a rather radical alternate assertion: Return value is UNDEFINED if an error was raised.20:23
Keybukthen you can't do20:24
Keybukif (! function_call (..))20:24
Keybuk  /* handle error */20:24
sadmacKeybuk: no, you're forced to do:20:25
sadmacfoo = function_call (..)20:25
sadmacif (got_error)20:25
sadmacKeybuk: but there's more evil I have in store20:25
sadmacKeybuk: I'd like to be able to do something like this:20:26
sadmacnihe_(function_call (...))20:26
sadmac /* go on ignoring errors */20:26
sadmacwhere nihe_ is a macro that would do:20:26
sadmac({ ret = function_call (..);20:27
sadmacif (got_error)20:27
sadmac    return /* return is undefined, so stuff something here to shut up GCC */20:27
sadmacret; })20:27
sadmacKeybuk: thereby giving us most of try/catch without any stack tricks whatsoever.20:28
sadmacKeybuk: nih_local still works, etc.20:28

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