
=== mOOey is now known as m00se
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ToStItOsAnybody know where I can get a Alternate CD or DVD for 9.04?04:36
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal04:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:37
gotttoToStItOs: that should get you started04:38
ToStItOsWhats the difference between the actual disc and upgrading via Synaptic04:38
ToStItOsis it faster on the disc04:40
gotttothe alternate isn't a livecd but a text based installer - upgrading usually works fine (with the normal caveats)04:40
ToStItOsThe reason I ask is I have dial up and upgrading is such a pain because of the speed04:41
gotttowith a new install you have the base but still need to d/load your fav apps04:41
gotttoit'll save a few 100 mbs tho04:42
ToStItOsa fresh install you mean?04:42
ToStItOsI have the live cd for 9.04 I just hate to do that04:43
gotttogo the upgrade route then - I still use dapper and don't see the need to upgrade just cause there's a new version04:44
ToStItOsWhat I am trying to do is get to 9.10 for hardware compatibility reasons04:44
gotttowell there's only the two options then... :)04:45
ToStItOsI might just go the upgrade route just the downloads take forever : (04:45
gotttoyou can still use the os while upgrading - it's just that your net would be slow or useless04:46
gotttoit would be nice to have an option in the upgrader to limit the d/load speed04:47
ToStItOsWell I have a wired network a windows box and Ubuntu box04:47
gotttolike in torrents04:47
ToStItOsyeah it would04:47
evolvas someone who is interested in using a Linux operating system, but with no experience, is there anything I should look out for when investing in in a laptop or desktop when taking into consideration compatability04:48
evolvwhat resources would I have available to check that out?04:48
ToStItOsI have run into a short problem when I was trying to upgrade. I received a message saying something about a partial upgrade04:49
evolvXubuntu was something I wanted to use, but when installing it on my laptop, I encountered a number of issues I couldn't easily resolve04:49
ToStItOsevolv modem support but if using high speed most likely not a issue04:49
gotttoevolv: what I do is not get the absolute newest hardware - someone has to write the drivers and that takes time04:49
gotttother's a site - linux for laptops or similar - where you can check compatabilty04:50
evolvdo you have the site on hand?04:50
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:51
evolvthanks :D04:51
gotttoit was a guess :)04:51
evolvexcellent guess04:51
evolvI figured learning Linux would've been a good career move, it's kind of too late now because my hardware isn't compatible04:51
ToStItOswell I'll see what I can do about my upgrade04:52
gotttoevolv: I use it on pent2s to dual cores04:53
ToStItOsIt may not be a problem but what is bothering me is the message about a partial upgrade04:53
gotttowhere's that from?04:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:54
gotttoToStItOs: can you paste it?04:54
ToStItOsWhen I ran the upgrade a few times it didn't finish04:54
ToStItOslet me see hold on04:54
ToStItOsThis is the text box message I receive "Not all Updates can be installed run a partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible04:57
ToStItOsCan I just bypass this and try to run the upgrade again04:58
gotttothat isn't taking you to the newest version of xubuntu but d/loading the latest version of apps for the present one04:58
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:59
gotttotry sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:59
ToStItOsthe package manager gives me the option too05:00
ToStItOsI'll just run it again05:00
ToStItOsI really do appreciate your help05:01
ToStItOsthanks a lot05:02
ToStItOssee you later05:03
gotttoto upgrade to the next version is   sudo apt-get install update-manager-core05:03
gotttosudo do-release-upgrade05:03
ToStItOslet me try that05:03
ToStItOswhat will these sudo commands do05:06
ToStItOswill it upgrade to 9.0405:06
gotttoget you the latest stable xubuntu05:06
gotttono 9.1005:06
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91005:06
gotttowhat version are you on?05:07
ToStItOsI thought I couldn't upgrade from 8.1005:07
gotttoI thought 9.04 - it takes you one stepat  a time05:07
ToStItOsto 9.1005:07
gotttoyou can't - I made an assumption05:08
gotttoit will take you to 9.0405:08
ToStItOsThats what I have 8.1005:08
ToStItOsXubuntu intrepid05:08
gottto8.10 + 1 = 9.0405:08
gotttoto get to 9.10 will be 2 upgrades05:09
ToStItOsso I need 9.0405:09
ToStItOsI know05:09
ToStItOsshould I cancel the upgrades I am running for 9.10?05:10
gotttoyou can't be doing an upgrade to 9.10 - if you used those commands I wrote you're going to 9.0405:11
ToStItOsI'll run Synaptic05:11
ToStItOsthats fine I want 9.04 should I start it again05:12
gotttoit's your choice ultimately05:13
ToStItOsor are there other commands to hit in the terminal05:13
gotttono same commands05:14
ToStItOsThe commands you gave me that upgrades me to the next stable version which in my case is 9.04 correct?05:14
ToStItOsok so that will upgrade me to 9.04 right05:16
gotttosudo apt-get install update-manager-core05:17
ToStItOsok good05:18
gotttosudo do-release-upgrade05:18
ToStItOsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:18
ToStItOsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:18
gotttois synaptic open?05:19
ToStItOsI closed it05:19
gotttoworks now?05:19
ToStItOswait its doing someting05:20
gotttoshould be getting headers05:20
ToStItOsSynaptic won't stop running05:25
gotttoin terminal   ps aux | grep apt   and look at the pid of synaptic then   kill -9 "pid"05:26
gotttopid is a 4 digit number05:26
ToStItOsoperation not permitted05:30
gotttoerr kill -n 9 "pid" sorry05:32
gotttoand use sudo...05:32
ToStItOsI got it working05:33
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ToStItOsTraceback (most recent call last):05:35
ToStItOs  File "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade", line 5, in <module>05:35
ToStItOs    import apt05:35
ToStItOsImportError: No module named apt05:35
gotttobugger me - did you install the update-manager-core ?05:35
ToStItOsIt said it was the latest one05:36
ToStItOsnow what05:36
gotttoall I can suggest is05:37
gotttoto update + upgrade and05:37
gotttoI've never seen that happen - I'll have a google05:38
ToStItOsI closed the terminal while it was downloading05:38
gotttoctrl+c is a better way05:40
gotttothat error is from a python script that is the do-release-upgrade app05:41
ToStItOsSo what do I need to do05:41
gotttoapt module should've been d/load as a dep of update-manager-core05:42
ToStItOscan we fix it05:42
gotttoupdate + upgrade and install the update-manager-core05:42
ToStItOssudo command?05:43
gotttosudo apt-get update05:43
gotttosuado apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install update-manager-core05:43
ToStItOsits upgrading now05:44
ToStItOsbut the upgrade is gonna take forever05:45
gotttothe joys of dialup :)05:45
ToStItOsyeah joy05:45
ToStItOsmore like torture05:46
gotttoubuntu.com recommends updating and upgrading before the distubution upgrade05:46
ToStItOsyeah I know so once this is done then what do I need to do05:47
gotttosudo do-release-upgrade05:47
gotttoonce the manger core is installed - it should need to have some deps d/loaded05:48
ToStItOsall I did was sudo apt-get upgrade05:48
gotttoshould've updated first - so it could find what was missing05:49
gotttobut wait till it finishes now05:49
ToStItOsi did05:49
gotttothen sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade05:50
ToStItOsok gotcha now05:50
gotttohopefully the update picked up on the missing dep05:50
gotttoand manager core has the apt module05:51
ToStItOsso the manager core then do release05:51
ToStItOsafter all this is done I should be at 9.0405:51
gotttoyou will be - that's what all this does :)05:52
ToStItOssaved me a headache and a lot of head scratching05:53
gotttotook me a while to learn the ropes -- and I'm still learning...05:53
ToStItOssame here When I had my last computer I was a internal dial up modem that was a pain05:54
ToStItOsif you don't mind me asking where are you from05:57
gotttoI'm in Australia - Brisbane05:57
gotttoyou're in texas right?05:58
ToStItOsok well there is a city named after me05:58
ToStItOstake a wild guess05:58
gotttothere's a brisbane in canada as well05:58
ToStItOsno Mississippi05:58
gotttoHouston1.level3.net shows on your ip address05:59
gotttoso I thought05:59
ToStItOslet me give you a riddle in Australia there is a small city with a unique name and it ends with a n05:59
ToStItOsno Mississippi06:00
gotttoI give up :)06:00
ToStItOsip address are misleading at times06:00
gotttothey are that06:00
ToStItOsThe city is Darwin which is my name06:01
evolvyour name is Darwin?06:01
evolvI'm a fan of Charles Darwin's work :D06:02
evolvled me to what I do now06:02
ToStItOsuh huh06:02
ToStItOsoh really my father gave me that name06:03
ToStItOsI guess I am sort unique06:03
evolvto have a last name as a first name?06:04
ToStItOsjust the name in general not many people in my State have that name06:05
evolvI want to name my first born Claudius06:06
evolvif things work out with my current girlfriend, I will not realize my dream06:06
ToStItOsThats a good name06:07
gotttoshe doesn't like claudius?06:07
evolvbut she has no roman ancestry06:08
evolvso that might explain it06:08
ToStItOswell that sucks06:08
evolvto be fair, she doesn't want kids with Indian names06:09
ToStItOspicky picky06:10
evolvIndian names are kind of ridiculous06:11
ToStItOsyeah you have a point there06:11
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RobertZaccourwill there be a new theme in lucid?08:57
bazhangshould be. #ubuntu+1 for lucid support/discussion08:57
hexdump_has anybody here ever tried using mod_bw or mod_cband with apache and had success?11:07
hexdump_I'm running into problems constantly11:07
hexdump_nm I think I just had version errors I dunno11:13
tachiro1now i guess i just have to assassinate who took my original name13:46
gotttoI'm for hire at a reasonable feee :)13:46
tachiro1well i gotta double check, they may be uhh13:47
tachiro1i swear, ubuntu is great and all, and i see all these things that by design make me wish i started using it years ago, but jumping in without a real knowledge foundation, is CRAZY13:49
tachiro1just dancing around complex terminal commands to pull off the stupidest stuff, like changing my mouse polling rate13:50
gotttomost start with a dual boot so they can go back to windows when things get hard...13:50
tachiro1well in this case.. mother board blew out13:50
tachiro1thank you blackout from 2-3 weeks ago13:51
gotttothey do suck13:51
tachiro1i do love nautilus though13:52
gotttoin xubuntu - what's wrong with thunar?13:52
tachiro1ok before i continue, lol signing in here i had no idea what Xubuntu was referring to, i figured it was just to indicate all ...ubuntu distros13:53
tachiro1but i think i'm using karmic koala13:54
Sysido you know how much there are ubuntu related channels? :)13:54
tachiro1nope lol13:54
gotttoheh - ther's #ubuntu, #kubuntu and many others as well13:54
tachiro1yeaa those are the two i spotted... stumbling through the how-to to get in here lol14:00
tachiro1i've heard of kubuntu before14:00
tachiro1dunno what the basic diff is though14:01
tachiro1so how many nuubs get on here with issues everyday?14:13
tachiro1i figured i'd be fighting to get a word in here, looking at all the people logged in14:14
tachiro1btw anyone heard about some new business plan that i think certain movie companies are initiating?14:20
tachiro1using lawsuits against individuals who pirate movies as a source of revenue14:21
tachiro1see, here's another mystery, i'll need to double check with another OS on this laptop to see if the problem persists, but would i be the only person that has issues with sound in ubuntu? it seems like the strength of certain frequencies keep fluctuating14:57
tachiro1so it sounds like someone is wiggling the volume knob when i'm playing music14:58
Balsaqtesting testin17:20
tachiro1i really need to fix this everyday mouse lag, it's unacceptable17:42
tachiro1anyone know how to change mouse polling rate?17:43
charlie-tcaApplications -> Settings -> Mouse ?17:45
tachiro1eh, tried that, nothing there that seems like it'll significantly affect the response time17:47
tachiro1imagine this, you clicking around and then the mouse stops picking up every move, so if you just zigzag the mouse in place, the cursor eventually ends up off screen from the lag17:49
tachiro1this'll happen for 5-6 second intervals17:49
tachiro1then back to normal17:49
tachiro1then a minute later same seizure again17:49
tachiro1sometimes less than a minute in between17:49
charlie-tcahow much memory?17:50
tachiro1one moment17:50
charlie-tcaI have seen that in low memory configurations17:51
charlie-tcaSeems to be the databases updating and causing the freeze to happen. Sometimes killing the "gam_server" makes it behave, but that slows down the drive updates, too.17:52
tachiro1well this is an older dell laptop17:54
tachiro1i think i got a 256 and a 512 in here17:54
tachiro1but isn't there a way to give the mouse more priority over other processes?17:55
tachiro1i got no clue if there's an individual process in charge of the mouse17:56
charlie-tcaThere probably is a way. Might try #ubuntu on that. It should use the same processes17:58
tachiro1don't tell me i'm in the wrong place17:59
tachiro1am i?17:59
tachiro1here we go17:59
charlie-tcaNo, it is just that they have more people there18:00
tachiro1lol oh ok18:00
tachiro1cuz i'm using karmic now18:00
tachiro1<looking at channel name>18:01
tachiro1wait a minute is Xubuntu somethign else like Kubuntu?18:01
charlie-tcaxubuntu is based on ubuntu18:01
charlie-tcaand we use some of their processes and applications18:01
charlie-tcaThey are both based on gtk18:01
charlie-tcaKubuntu is based on kde, which changes things much more18:02
tachiro1so is there a basic difference between the two? like, the reason why it was made into it's own thing?18:02
charlie-tcayes, gnome desktop in ubuntu is more resource hungry than xfce in Xubuntu18:04
charlie-tcaWe use some of the same applications, but stay away from the gnome-specific apps and try to use lightweight applications specifically18:06
charlie-tcaWe don't change the underlying hardware driver stuff18:06
tachiro1so what's the trade off then?18:11
tachiro1hmm, so what about like.. learning curve18:12
charlie-tcaTakes about 3.5GB to install Ubuntu, 1.5GB to install Xubuntu. Takes about 512MB memory to run Gnome desktop; takes about 256MB to run xfce18:12
charlie-tcalearning curve is there, just like anything else.18:13
charlie-tcaYou had to learn gnome and openoffice and the rest of the apps in Ubuntu.18:15
charlie-tcaNow you learn different applications. Not too big a curve, actually.18:15
charlie-tcaAbiword instead of OpenOffice Writer is almost the same, but doesn't need as much memory and drive space. Gnumeric instead of OO spreadsheet is the same18:16
charlie-tcaYou have an older laptop there. It may not even run Ubuntu anymore. It will run Xubuntu.18:17
tachiro1lol ohhhh ok18:18
tachiro1lol i might not have mouse laggeh issues either if i was using that18:19
tachiro1ok bookmarking thought18:19
* charlie-tca thinks also that Xubuntu is really the best thing going, too.18:19
charlie-tcayou might not, if it runs18:20
charlie-tcaI run Xubuntu on a p2, 400MHz system, a P4 1.5GHz system, and an athlon 64bit 2.2GHz system18:21
charlie-tcaI don't see the mouse lag, though18:22
charlie-tcaI wonder if you need to shut off the touchpad buttons to fix that?18:26
charlie-tcaOr, rather, that thingy in the middle of the keyboard18:26
tachiro1oh the nub thing18:27
tachiro1y'know what? i think i'll try that18:27
tachiro1cuz i'm using a usb keyboard too18:27
charlie-tcaThat's the one! I don't actually have a laptop, myself18:27
tachiro1nah i'm fuckin stuck with this until i can get a new mobo (possibly a new case too) thanks to a black out a couple weeks ago18:35
charlie-tcahmm, sorry. Wish I could be more help. Feel free to ask here every couple of hours, though. Someone else might be able to help out.18:36
tachiro1well in actuality i got a whole bunch of shit to look up now, and a whole bunch of memory saving ideas to try out18:40
tachiro1lol looks like help to me18:40
Myrttimind your language, we aim to be a channel suited for all...18:43
tachiro1it took me a second to figure out what you were referring to lol18:50
tachiro1ok no prob18:50
tachiro1hey doesn't ubotto have some sort of censor thingy?18:52
Myrttiwhat do you mean?18:59
tachiro1i know it's IRC but i go to a paintball chat room called pbreview where there's a bot that detects profanity and auto-replaces it with w/e the moderators choose19:01
tachiro1just watching other people talk is just hilarious19:02
tachiro1it'll be like "after all these years, i can't believe i stepped in dog [Subway! Eat Fresh! *chomp*] walking home today"19:04
Myrttino, nothing like that here19:08
hexdump_hi all, I have a question maybe one of you experts in there could help me with it20:13
hexdump_I'm trying to use sed to remove blackslashes or forward slashes in my html file20:13
hexdump_I figured out how to remove leters, but I run into errors when trying to remove shashes20:14
naainayou need to escape them20:15
naaina$ echo "/" | sed "s/\//test/g"20:15
hexdump_naaina:  ok thanks I'll give it a shot20:16
hexdump_naaina:  I'm actually trying to remove a string like ///var/www20:17
hexdump_so it would me $ echo "///var/www" | sed "s/\//test/g"20:17
hexdump_naaina:  test would be my document correct?20:18
naainadon't understand it20:19
naainawhat exactly do you want to do?20:19
Sysiah, regular expressions ♥20:19
hexdump_I need to remove a string of text such as "///var/www"20:19
Sysiinvented for clean-language ubuntu channels :p20:19
hexdump_reason it is like "///var/www" is because I've already used sed to remove //file:/var/www20:20
naainaso, you want to make //file:/var/www to /var/www?20:20
hexdump_naaina:  the only thing is I don't want to delete all instances of "/"20:20
hexdump_naaina:  give me just one sec k20:22
hexdump_naaina:  actually the only characters left for me to delete is this "///" no quotes20:23
hexdump_I'm sorry just "//" two slashes20:24
naaina//file:/var/www -> //20:25
hexdump_naaina:  sorry bud, I just had to take a phone call20:33
hexdump_naaina:  on the two slashes "//" are remaining20:33
naaina.... i really can't understand the question. what do you want to achieve? gimme an example for source text and say what the result should be.20:34
hexdump_naaina:  ok here is the rundown.  I used a program that generates an html file output and lists the given directories/files.  I'm using it for my website to speed up the process.20:36
hexdump_the problem is that when I generate the html file it lists the local files and not an online url, so I need to remove the file://var/www/ portion of the entire directory20:37
hexdump_I need to remove that section so that ppl will be able to download files with the correct web directory20:38
naainacat index.html | sed "s/file:\/\/var\/www\//g"20:38
naainaor this one (if you want to replace directly in the file):20:39
naainased -i "s/file:\/\/var\/www\//g" index.html20:39
hexdump_ok then how to I save the new file20:39
hexdump_ah okay20:39
hexdump_so cat index.html | sed blah first20:39
hexdump_then sed -i "s blah20:39
naainaif you want to output it on the console20:39
naainayou use ONLY the second one20:40
naainaif you want to repalce directly in the file20:40
hexdump_naaina:  gotchat hence cat right.  cool, thanks I'll give this a shot and give let you know what happens.20:42
hexdump_naaina:  sed 's/apple$/windows/g' document.txt > new.file20:46
hexdump_slow-motion:  eh how are ya20:46
hexdump_naaina:  yeah then of course the prob with special characters came along.  Anyway, I'll let you be, thanks again for the great support.20:47
naainais a string / line end in regex (the "language" sed uses)20:47
naainayou have to escape it too.20:47
hexdump_naaina:  fantastic man worked out perfectly21:01
naainaregular expressions (regex) are a very mightly tool for string replacing21:04
naainayou should read some stuff about it. there are fantastic things possible with it.21:04
hexdump_naaina:  it worked, I had to modify it slightly, but this is what worked sudo sed -i "s/\/\///g"  networking.htm21:05
hexdump_naaina:  this program is really powerful.  I have some books on this program.  I think I might check it out soon as I'm done with my site21:06
hexdump_ah damn, I don't want to ask you this again, but I don't think google can find exactly what I'm looking for.21:11
hexdump_naaina:  gimmie a sec, I might be back.  let me read up first I don't want to immediately ask again.21:11
hexdump_naaina:  If it gets too tough, and I can't find what I'm looking for I might have to come back.21:12
naainajust ask your question ;)21:16
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hexdump_naaina:  I can only seem deletion of characters on a like this:  first 10 lines .doc or something21:45
hexdump_naaina:  I need to only delete the second instance of the same characters on each of those lines but I can't find out how in any documents.21:46
naainaonly once per line?21:50
hexdump_naaina:  see here is the prob, reason why it seems tought for me...21:50
hexdump_naaina:  first instance of .chm or .pdf is in the hyperlink and the second is in the description itself.  this is on maybe like every other line or something.21:51
hexdump_naaina:  I must delete only the second instance of the .chm or .pdf extension on those lines21:51
hexdump_naaina:  see now I was thinking if there was a possibility to remove say .chm next to the text </a> but I'm not sure how to accomplish that.21:52
hexdump_naaina:  brb in just a sec21:52
hexdump_naaina:  okie I'm back22:00
hexdump_naaina:  I have 2 instances of the same *.pdf or *.chm per line22:05
hexdump_naaina:  rather every other line or so.22:05
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naainaand you want to remove the second one? :)22:18
hexdump_naaina:  sorry I was helping somebody with samba22:33
hexdump_naaina:  ues I need to remove the second instance of each *.chm or *.pdf on each line.  the *.chm or *.pdf is located in the description field, and I need to remove those.22:33
hexdump_naaina:  yeah that's right brb22:42
hexdump_naaina:  you there bro?22:48
naainayes yes. paste a line here where both entries occur22:49
hexdump_I'm going to pastebin it22:52
hexdump_naaina:  here you go http://pastebin.com/5Si9gLpa22:57
naainaand you want to replace the 2nd one?23:02
naainaok. only the extension.... i see23:02
naainaone second pls23:02
naainased -i "s/\.[a-z]\{3\}//gi" yourhtmlfile.html23:04
naainased -i "s/\.[a-z]\{3\}<\/a>/<\/a>/gi" yourhtmlfile.html23:05
naainathis one is better23:05
hexdump_sorry I'm back23:09
hexdump_naaina:  sed 's|\(<a class="file" href=.*>\).*/\(.*\)\.[^<]*\(</a>\)|\1\2\3|' oldfile.htm > newfile.htm23:12
hexdump_naaina:  craziness getting access denied from sed 's|\(<a class="file" href=.*>\).*/\(.*\)\.[^<]*\(</a>\)|\1\2\3|' programming.htm > programming.htm23:34
schlaftierhexdump_: use sed -i for in-place editing23:41
hexdump_ah okie23:42
hexdump_let me give er a shot23:42
hexdump_schlaftier:  thanks bud23:42
hexdump_schlaftier:  still permission denied23:43
schlaftierthe problem with shell redirection is that it tries to open and empty the > file before reading from it23:43
hexdump_ah ha got it23:43
hexdump_permissions problem23:43
schlaftierhexdump_: sorry, gotta go, can't help you with the permissions issue. But keep sed -i in mind23:43
schlaftierhexdump_: good luck :)23:44
hexdump_schlaftier:  np you helped me.  I found out what was wrong tho.  it was a permissions problem23:44
schlaftierhexdump_: alright, glad you solved it. You're welcome23:44
schlaftierhave a nice day, bye everyone23:45
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