
shtylmanI can't change my timezone...00:12
yofelOxymoron: dunno what it was, but If I remove ibus here kaffeine and dragon still work fine. . .00:13
macoshtylman: in systemsettings? yeah someone else was complaining about that the other day. i can reproduce00:19
Oxymoronyofel: Well I dont know, maybe some config error somewhere I dont know00:26
nixternalAWESOME! That's all I have to say about today's weather, the road, my bike, and of course me!01:08
Riddellbah, snow here01:08
macoRiddell: your silly country doesnt know it's spring, eh?01:09
Riddellseems not, humph01:09
macocrimsun: what?01:10
crimsunI'm harumphing about the ambiguity there01:10
maco"it's" is the one i mean01:11
maconot "its"01:11
crimsunyes, I know01:11
crimsunI'm not implying that *you* were incorrect; I'm implying that it's a shame that the use there can be ambiguous01:11
macogood thing it's text then01:11
Riddellshtylman: ubiquity is complex these days01:20
shtylmanRiddell: indeed it is :)01:21
shtylmangonna hopefully tackle some bugs tonight01:21
Riddellshtylman: I was looking at bug 54020201:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540202 in ubiquity "kubuntu ubiquity shows ${RELEASE} briefly at start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54020201:22
shtylmanahh yea.. that good one01:22
Riddellin ubi-language.py the gtk side has a bit where it hides all the widgets01:22
shtylmanwhat has to be done (basically) is hide the widget01:22
Riddellthen in on_language_selection_changed it shows them again01:22
Riddellbut it doesn't show say the alpha warning widget01:23
shtylmanbut... there is a problem with that.. I think01:23
Riddelland I don't understand why not01:23
shtylmanhaha .. when you do show again it doesn't?01:23
shtylmanhow are you hiding the widgets? just the top level one right?01:23
Riddell            for w in self.page.get_children():01:24
Riddell                w.show()01:24
Riddellthat's what the gtk side does01:24
shtylmanyou don't need to do that tho01:24
Riddellbut I don't understand why that doesn't then show the alpha warning which we want to keep hidden01:24
shtylmanits sufficient to hide the parent widget01:24
shtylmanit may not be a child of the right thing?01:24
Riddelljust using self.page.hide() doesn't seem to do much01:28
shtylmanRiddell: k.. ill check into it :)01:35
Riddellshtylman: seems like the gtk side only adds the widgets if they're needed, whereas on the kde side all the widgets are always there01:35
shtylmandon't see why they can't be there01:36
Riddellwell something must be stopping them being shown at on_language_selection_changed01:37
Riddellshtylman: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/DIFF02:07
Riddellthat seems to do it02:07
Riddellcould you test and commit?02:07
shtylmanRiddell: indeed I will02:07
shtylmanmy vm is updating at the moment02:08
Riddellhi promulo, here is good02:08
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
promuloRiddell: well, I want to make the proposal, do you have some suggestions/documentation/requirements/etc that I have to cover?02:11
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Riddellpromulo: in the first instance https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidFileSharing02:18
Riddellpromulo: so fixing up the SMB stuff first02:18
Riddellthen making a decent webdav file sharing method through KDE02:19
promuloRiddell: ok... I'll take a look02:21
promulodo you prefer that I send the early proposal to you before submit it or want to give the feedback already in Melange?02:23
Riddellpromulo: make a wiki page under https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GSoC/2010 and ping me here02:25
ScottKryanakca: What's up with libqinfinity and kobby?  It looks like there was a beta4 back in December that's not packaged.02:27
ScottKrgreening: Have you been following kobby?02:37
rgreeningnope. not sure the current status. whats debian got?02:38
ScottKSame as us02:42
* ScottK kicks ryanakca again.02:42
ScottKThere's a beta4 needs to get done.02:42
ScottKThey both need rebuilding due to libinfinote getting updated, may as well move to the newer beta I'd think.02:43
rgreeningIf I get some time and ryanakca doesnt get to it first, though I am tied up today/tomorrow...02:43
ScottKIt'll likely need an FFe, but should be easy enough to get.02:44
ScottKRiddell: If you're still awake: workspace failed because your 106 changes didn't apply.03:12
rgreeningthe package is Riddled with failure03:15
ScottKRiddell: Easily fixable.03:20
ScottKSo it's my turn for one of those.  Wrong -p option.03:20
ryanakcaScottK: Those in -qt-kde told me not to until upstream ported Kobby/libqinfinity from infinoted-0.3 to infinoted-0.4.03:26
ScottKryanakca: Well we've already got infinote-0.4 in Lucid, so we either need to get it working with that or removed.03:27
ryanakcargreening: I have it all packaged in the kde-extras SVN iirc.03:27
ryanakcaScottK: OK, I'll take a look at libqinfinity/kobby with that. Do you need it before this time tomorrow?03:28
ScottKryanakca: No, but the sooner the better.03:29
ryanakcaScottK: OK. I'll do it when I get back from school tomorrow. Good night03:29
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.03:30
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Freeze | Feature Freeze, fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 | String freeze in effect - change a GUI item without nixternal's approval and lose a finger! | Welcome DarkwingDuck and shtylman to the family \o/
shtylmanRiddell: doing the loop is wrong03:44
shtylmancause then all the widgets get shown03:45
shtylmanand we don't want that03:45
shtylmancause there are oem widgets and whatnot03:45
shtylmanI will investigate why the alpha text isn't showing03:45
ScottKDo we need the alpha text anymore?03:46
shtylmanthat might also be true.. maybe the text isn't actually supposed to be displayed?03:46
ScottKI think it is, but it may be a bug we don't care about until Lucid +1 at this point.  I don't recall when it gets dropped.03:47
shtylmanRiddell: nvm... I have the fix.. slight modification to your patch, I just make a list of the widgets I have hidden so that showing is a simpler loop03:57
* ScottK larts lex79 for losing the 4.4.1-0ubuntu7 kdebase-workspace upload with all the plymouth integration fixes in it.05:22
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ tseliot's stuff needs to get readdeed to workspace.05:23
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help lart'05:52
JontheEchidna~lart lex7905:52
* kubotu smacks lex79 in the face with a burlap sack full of broken glass05:52
JontheEchidnaa bit harsh05:52
ScottKCan't sleep, so I'm fixing.05:53
ScottKUploaded.  Good night.06:04
promuloRiddell: ping06:29
jussi01nixternal: I challenge you to make us a new plymouth theme with this in mind :D  http://is.gd/b9k4A08:23
apachelogger_april 1st again09:33
Sputyeah, which means that it's as usual worth hopping over to http://xkcd.com/09:34
apachelogger_I am so almighty, I could build mysql on my router's cpu09:34
apachelogger_and I got a nice and cosy _09:34
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger____
apachelogger____Sput: fancy09:36
* apachelogger____ has a mysql source tarball09:37
apachelogger____now for diffing and building :/09:37
Sputapachelogger____: and you can do fun stuff in the shell too09:37
markeyhello apachelogger____, I wanted to tell you something09:39
markey(not sure what)09:39
markeyjust tell09:39
markeymaybe: a good morning to you ;)09:40
* apachelogger____ hugs markey and kisses him on the cheek09:40
* apachelogger____ blushes09:40
* apachelogger____ turns up the volume09:41
apachelogger____kubotu: np09:41
kubotuapachelogger____ doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to: lastfm user <username>09:41
apachelogger____kubotu: np apachelogger09:41
kubotuapachelogger listened to "Full Throttle" by The Prodigy [Music For The Jilted Generation, 2007] 10 minutes ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/5JMejXFzgKVVE5zyCrf42V] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more09:41
* apachelogger____ gives up and continues poking mysql09:42
Sputkubotu: np Sput4209:49
kubotuSput42 listened to "Weltfremd" by Reaper [Hell Starts With An H, 2007] 8 minutes ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/7hyshvROqbA9yXIcvT8Plg] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Sput42 for more09:49
Quintasansup? how's April Fools?09:50
QuintasanI wonder09:50
Quintasankubotu: np Quintasan09:50
kubotuQuintasan listened to "Yuukyuu no Tsubasa" by Nakajima Yumiko 12 hours ago; -- see http://www.last.fm/user/Quintasan for more09:50
apachelogger____Riddell: I think we should add a reboot trigger to kdelibs510:03
Quintasanapachelogger____:  \o10:03
apachelogger____or at least add some magic that adds the trigger for source version changes10:03
Quintasannice nick :O10:03
apachelogger____or at least add a new trigger type that ask to relogin10:04
apachelogger____Quintasan: thanks, it doesnt seem to go away10:04
* Quintasan is almost done with koffice10:04
* apachelogger____ has working akonadi startup \\o/10:05
apachelogger____well, except for dbus issues10:05
apachelogger____but at least the server now starts without going bonkers about missing tables10:06
* ghostcube hugs his N90010:15
apachelogger____does kubuntu run on the n900 yet?10:22
* apachelogger____ will make his router run kubuntu 10:23
=== ghostcube_maemo_ is now known as ghostcube_maemo
Riddellapachelogger____: why a reboot triger?10:54
apachelogger____Riddell: because otherwise the users are in danger of running into issues that were triggered by incompability from say a 4.3 kdelibs and a 4.4 konqueror10:55
apachelogger____because they forgot to relogin10:55
apachelogger____or they didnt know to begin with10:55
apachelogger____by issuing the reboot notification we can at least make them aware that a reboot is of need10:56
Riddellapachelogger____: so a reboot on upgrading to a new minor KDE version?10:57
apachelogger____Riddell: it is saves I think10:58
apachelogger____upgrade 4.4.0 => 4.4.1 notify10:58
apachelogger____upgrade 4.4.0-0ubuntu1 => 4.4.0-0ubuntu2 no notifciation10:58
Riddellso KDE point releases11:00
Riddellbut they /should/ be compatible11:01
apachelogger____that does not mean that a bugfix in a kded module makes some other component behave oddly11:01
apachelogger____Also, in general a restart after any kind of KDE source version update is a good idea IMHO11:02
apachelogger____And be it only so that all bugfixes become available to the user.11:02
* apachelogger____ notes that only doing it for minor KDE versions also makes the implementation a bit more complicate ;)11:03
Riddellif you have an implementation then go for it11:04
apachelogger____I need to do one first, but I have an idea on how to archive it ;)11:05
* apachelogger____ is wondering why the workspace branch is that large11:12
apachelogger____hm, ok, that idea was limited in scope -.-11:20
freeflyingRiddell: any chance to sync package from sid now?11:25
Riddellfreeflying: not until after beta11:34
freeflyingRiddell: #53895211:36
apachelogger____Riddell: should freeze should be broken in favor of getting working akonadi?11:41
* apachelogger____ has serious langauge problems11:41
Riddellapachelogger____: if you have a working tested solution which isn't too complicated that would be lovely11:42
apachelogger____highly depends on the defintion of complicated :S11:42
apachelogger____mysql requires some file movement from -server to -server-core11:42
apachelogger____-server-core in consequence replaces the old -server11:43
apachelogger____akonadi requires new -server-core and requires a couple of lines patch11:43
apachelogger____the akonadi part is really the less invasive part here11:43
jussi01apachelogger____: how much other stuff does that break? (if any)11:48
apachelogger____none I shall hope11:48
apachelogger____of course there is no telling what miracles mysql got stashed away just to annoy me even more11:49
jussi01apachelogger____: so other programs that rely on -server? (are there any?) etc11:49
apachelogger____I bet if mysql ate a gator it would also explod11:49
* jussi01 hugs apachelogger____11:49
apachelogger____jussi01: mysql-server depends on mysql-server-core11:49
apachelogger____so that should not cause any trouble11:50
jussi01theres a heck of a lot of rdepends on -server...11:51
apachelogger____This makes me think that if there should be any problems they would be reported rather quickly11:52
apachelogger____IMHO this is more of an advantage than anything else11:52
=== effie_jayx is now known as keffie_jayx
jussi01thats true.11:53
jussi01apachelogger____: perhaps worth dropping the affected packages in a PPA and having a few people test?11:53
jussi01apachelogger____: btw, did you get my pm earlier?11:54
* apachelogger____ would rather drop it in the archives and let a lot more people test ;)11:54
apachelogger____esp since mysql takes 3 billion years to build11:54
Tm_Tthis is just nuts, 16 hours and still building, nice blockers: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ross11:58
Tm_Tthe other ppc builder, not much better either: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/adare11:58
ScottKTm_T: All the buildds are pretty hammerred.12:02
jussi01oh and btw: http://dot.kde.org/2010/04/01/announcing-upcoming-release-new-customized-kde-software-compilations12:04
apachelogger____Tm_T: that sure is a kernel12:04
apachelogger____or maybe they are now rendering movies in soyuz *shrug*12:05
apachelogger____maybe it is an animated entertainment movie of the special sort *shrug*12:05
amichairwhat's mysql doing in a desktop?12:06
apachelogger____amichair: storing data :P12:07
apachelogger____that would be the use of a database I think12:07
* apachelogger____ notes that his cpu is exploding12:07
apachelogger____I shall write a letter to intel congratulating them on the stability of atom12:08
apachelogger____mysqlx2 + akonadix2 + kde-l10nx2...12:08
apachelogger____yet my netbook did not explode12:08
amichairapachelogger____: whacu up to?12:10
Tm_TScottK: yes but one private package taking soon whole day to build...12:11
* amichair places a cookie on apachelogger's tray ___12:12
apachelogger____amichair: world domination!!!!!12:21
apachelogger____amichair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mto2095euHQ12:21
amichairwow, quite the wakeup call12:22
amichairthink I'll start my day with something a bit more mellow12:23
apachelogger____even more mellow?12:23
amichairmaybe the sound of purring kittens12:24
apachelogger____I could have gne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sbxOlk-Z1E12:24
apachelogger____or better yet for the auto remix :P12:24
* apachelogger____ always gets scared when stress goes all in :/12:27
=== sebasje is now known as sebas
apachelogger____Riddell: uploaded mysql and akonadi12:28
* amichair is still in shock12:28
* apachelogger____ hands amichair a cup of tea12:29
Tm_TI really wonder what are those private sources blocking rest of kde coming to me12:29
* apachelogger____ zsyncs daily-live12:35
Riddelllex79: I see pitti has reverted the change to hal12:43
Riddellapachelogger____: no sign of mysql in unapproved12:45
apachelogger____ubuntu10 is already in12:46
apachelogger____the only thing better than building mysql on a netbook, is merging mysql on a netbook12:47
apachelogger____oh my12:49
Riddelluh oh12:49
apachelogger____yay 2 rejects12:50
apachelogger____as if touching 4 files - 2 rejects12:50
apachelogger____once that is done I will spend the rest of the day ranting the bugs out of the netbook thingy12:52
apachelogger____that window management is not broken it is delibaretely made to annoy me12:52
apachelogger____kubotu: np12:53
kubotuapachelogger____ doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to: lastfm user <username>12:53
apachelogger____kubotu: np apachelogger12:54
* apachelogger____ waits another 10 minutes until a source package gets spit out12:57
apachelogger____Riddell: mysql should now be in13:10
apachelogger____<3 bugs13:11
Riddellapachelogger____: have you shown the akonadi patch to upstream at all?13:12
apachelogger____Riddell: it is from upstream13:12
Riddelleven better13:12
apachelogger____ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug ftw!13:13
apachelogger____package does not exist ftw!13:13
* Riddell accepts akonadi and mysql and hugs apachelogger____ 13:14
apachelogger____Riddell: thanks13:16
apachelogger____rgreening: bug 55324313:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553243 in usb-creator "usb-creator-kde mostly broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55324313:17
rgreeningapachelogger____: its already fixed and evand needs to release the fix13:18
apachelogger____when is that happening?13:19
apachelogger____oh nice13:19
* apachelogger____ experiences bugs while reporting bugs13:19
agateauapachelogger____: be careful not to end up in an infinite bug loop!13:19
rgreeningapachelogger____: the bug actually cam about due to updates to pyqt and QVariant useage changes13:21
rgreeningso I had to change some of the QVariant calls in the kde frontend for usb creator13:22
* apachelogger____ feels urged to file a please-remove bug against python13:23
apachelogger____bug 55324813:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553248 in malone "can't confirm "I am affected by this bug" dialog" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55324813:23
apachelogger____if someone could confirm that13:23
apachelogger____rgreening: how do I create a stick now -.-13:24
* apachelogger____ installs unetbootin13:24
apachelogger____nice c++ware works13:25
rgreeningapachelogger____: well, you could pull the lp:usb-creator and update the frontend.py from kde dir to the system one :)13:27
rgreeningill poke ev to release13:27
apachelogger____oh dear13:27
* apachelogger____ falls over13:27
apachelogger____kubotu: identica dent !unetbootin is quite the nice app13:29
kubotuyou must identify using 'identica identify [username] [password]'13:29
=== apachelogger____ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerkubotu: identica dent !unetbootin is quite the nice app13:29
kubotustatus updated13:29
rgreeningapachelogger: ev indicated he would release a new rev today.13:33
rgreeninghe's working some other bugs as well for release13:33
Riddelldpm: language-pack-kde-engb gone?13:51
dpmRiddell, was there ever one? I think the -en one contains the en_GB translations too13:52
Riddellmm, it's a bug with apachelogger's script13:53
Riddellapachelogger: kde-l10n-engb -ptbr -zhcn -zhtw all broken13:53
Riddellthey should depend on language-pack-kde--en -br -zh13:53
dpmRiddell, that's correct except for the Chinese language packs, we split them into -zh-hans (Simplified Chinese) and -zh-hant (Traditional Chinese)13:59
Riddelloh yes13:59
Riddellapachelogger: they should depend on language-pack-kde-en -br -zh-hans and -zh-hant14:00
keffie_jayxapachelogger: video (intel graphics) on my netbook is slightly a bit better than in 9.1014:15
keffie_jayxbut still choppy with 5 apps and the composite enabled14:15
rgreeningScottK: did workspace get built after form yer upload last night.14:19
ScottKrgreening: Just i386 so far.14:19
rgreeningah. k14:20
ScottKkeffie_jayx: For a netbook, that's not too bad I don't think.14:20
keffie_jayxScottK: I don't either considering it is an integrated shared memory card14:20
agateauSput: ping14:21
keffie_jayxand video has improved, I lived the intel driver incident with this netbook and kubuntu. it has improved14:21
Riddellhmm, do we want smoke and ruby bindings in main?14:23
* Riddell puts in universe14:25
Tonio_Riddell: new plasma-widget-networkmanagement uploaded to kubuntu xperimental14:27
Tonio_and I hope I'll have a working fix for qt soon...14:27
Riddella working fix?14:27
rgreeninghey Tonio_. How are things14:27
Tonio_Riddell: for the drag n drop thing I'm tracking for over a year14:27
Tonio_rgreening: hey :14:27
Tonio_rgreening: fine :) I'm sick and stoped smocking14:28
Tonio_appart from that life goes on :)14:28
rgreeninggood for you14:28
Tonio_yup ;)14:28
* rgreening needs to kik that too14:28
Tonio_rgreening: I went with champix14:29
Tonio_rgreening: it's really impressive14:29
Tonio_there are quite a lot of little issues with it14:29
Tonio_but reguarding to tabacco, it's just unbelievable14:29
Tonio_I have absolutly no will to smoke14:29
Riddellrgreening: hmm, I can't format a usb disk in usb-creator and the disk seems to magically mount itself in /media/173B-662F14:31
Riddellok managed to unmount14:32
rgreeningRiddell: current ver is broken. There is a fix. evan will release today.  See lp: 55324314:33
rgreeningbug 55324314:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553243 in usb-creator "usb-creator-kde mostly broken" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55324314:33
rgreeningI fixed it the other day, just awaiting a release14:33
rgreeningits related to pyqt 4.7.1 and QVariant14:34
Riddellrgreening: I'm using the bzr version14:34
rgreeningoh... you built locally?14:34
rgreeningit works fine for me yesterday14:34
Tonio_Riddell: I supose it is too late now to switch the the networkmanager applet right ?14:36
RiddellTonio_: yes, unless there's some super compelling reason14:37
Tonio_Riddell: :'(14:37
Riddellrgreening: hmm, seems to be working now14:37
Riddellrgreening: I have some UI issues, would it help to moan here or should I file bugs?14:37
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
rgreeningboth :)14:38
rgreeningRiddell: a bug would help my karma and track the issue. But feel free to moan as much as you want :P14:38
apacheloggerI do hate my life most of the time14:39
* apachelogger just wrote down 3 pages of crappyness in default desktop14:39
apacheloggerRiddell: looking into14:39
apacheloggerRiddell: can you fix the packs?14:39
Riddellapachelogger: the kde-l10n-engb issue? I can do it manually easily enough, doing it with your script would probably take longer since I'd need to find my way around14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: also the script is mainly designed to process all packages, at once, so you would need to build all source packages again14:42
* apachelogger can fix the script easy enough14:42
=== nio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tonio_Riddell: I notice the "right click" bug on knetworkmanager is still there14:42
Tonio_Riddell: sure it's not a major one, but that's really ugly :(14:42
apacheloggerRiddell: zhcn needs to depend on -zh-hans and zhtw on -zh-hant?14:47
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Riddellapachelogger: right14:48
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407575/14:48
apacheloggerthat should be the changes necessary then14:48
Riddellnixternal: we're going to need to update the slideshow and the ubiquity icon for the new logo I think, is that bad for UI freeze?14:49
apacheloggeroh I think i fixed ca-valencia already14:49
apacheloggerother than that they should be wrong ^^14:49
Riddellapachelogger: looks good14:50
Riddellapachelogger: do you want me to fix them by hand then?14:50
apacheloggerRiddell: please, with 0ubuntu414:50
* apachelogger needs to implement subset processing to the script14:51
Tonio_Riddell: shoudln't we at least update the knetworkmanager package ?14:52
Tonio_Riddell: there are lots of fixes in it (vpn and so on)14:52
apacheloggerqbzr is broken too14:52
* Riddell tries his best to ignore the line which says "DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT CHANGING THIS FILE DIRECTLY! ! ! !"14:52
RiddellTonio_: I'd be nervous about that, network manager is so fragile.  it would need upstream approval and lots of testing14:53
apacheloggerRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-dev-tools/kde-l10n-common/revision/49?start_revid=49\14:53
Tonio_Riddell: I tend to agree, but it's not as if what we have now is mature and fully working....14:54
Tonio_Riddell: from my personal experience, latest svn snapshots are a *lot* better than the repo version14:54
RiddellTonio_: so ask upstream (hi sebas) and put out a call for testing on the mailing list14:55
ScottKRiddell: I think after beta 2 we should ask upstream.  My prediction is they'll say update.14:55
Tonio_Riddell: yup14:55
Riddellapachelogger: why 0ubuntu4 ?14:55
Riddellthe last version is 0ubuntu114:56
Tonio_Riddell: in the meantime I fixed the ppa packages so that we have a conflict for easy switch between knetworkmanager and the plasmoid14:56
apacheloggerRiddell: because we must follow the highest revision of branch, which is ubuntu314:56
pgquiles__Riddell: can you upload libmsn 4.1 from mentors.debian.net to lucid or is it too late? it would fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libmsn/+bug/42492514:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 424925 in libmsn "[karmic] MSN disconnects: "MSN: Error: Error code: 800 (Unknown error code)"" [Medium,Triaged]14:56
Tonio_and also the kded module to load manually (as everyone compained about) is now loaded by default14:56
apacheloggerRiddell: otherwise in case we need to deploy a fix for all packages some packages will be >ubuntu2 and others will not, causing a major headache14:56
apacheloggermaybe I should write a wikipage about the l10n stuff ^^14:57
Riddellpgquiles__: it'll need to wait until next week, we're in beta freeze this week.  I've tagged it so I know to look into it then14:59
apacheloggerbash gets messy way too easily :/14:59
pgquiles__Riddell: thanks15:00
Riddellgroovy, today's live image is in reasonable shape15:02
Riddellagateau, apachelogger: did you guys come to any conclusion on the indicator upgrade issue?15:02
* apachelogger pokes agateau15:02
QuintasanRiddell:  http://wklej.org/id/307902/ <-- where should I put it15:02
apacheloggermy suggestion technically works15:02
agateauRiddell: we came up with "I should try to create a .desktop file for indicatordisplay"15:03
apacheloggerthe details of converting an old widget to a new widget however need to be worked out15:03
agateauRiddell: so that the .js file can find it15:03
apacheloggeragateau: that works like a charm, see log form last night15:03
agateauRiddell: but haven't found the time to do so yet15:03
agateauapachelogger: oh great!15:03
apacheloggeragateau: I would however like to do the name migration via a seperate script15:03
agateauapachelogger: so will you carry on with this task?15:04
apacheloggerwhich proofs difficult because the plasma scripting api doesnt support adding widgets at a very specific position in the panel15:04
RiddellQuintasan: wv2 is shipped as part of koffice now?15:04
apacheloggeragateau: I was thinking you could add it to message-indicator :P15:04
apacheloggerI can sort the kds update sciript15:04
agateauapachelogger: the .desktop file you mean?15:04
apacheloggerbut that leaves those with an indicator on anther panel than the first one, out in the cold15:04
apacheloggeragateau: yep15:04
apacheloggeragateau: just readd the most recent one you had in displayindicator and change the library name to the new one, and add NoDisplay=true15:05
agateauapachelogger: can do15:05
apacheloggeragateau: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/03/31/%23kubuntu-devel.html15:06
apacheloggerI started rambling about the details at 20:0015:06
QuintasanRiddell: I guess so since it was built :P15:06
apacheloggerRiddell: have you done the fixes yet?15:06
* agateau reads15:06
apacheloggerRiddell: because I think I just made my script even more magical ;)15:07
Riddellapachelogger: I just uploaded kde-l10n-xx15:07
apacheloggerRiddell: we hvae -xx?15:07
apacheloggeras in xx the xx l10n that xx's every string? ^^15:08
Riddellit's the less hardcore version of kde-l10n-xxx15:08
Riddellwhere -xx is -engb and ther others we had issues with15:08
apacheloggerk, next time we just need to run the script with a list of packages to redo15:08
agateauapachelogger: I take it you have an indicatordisplay.desktop already ready somewhere on your disk :)15:09
RiddellQuintasan: let's ask in #koffice15:09
apacheloggeragateau: technically, but i just grabbed it of some random revision from bzr15:09
agateauwill grab latest one then15:10
agateauRiddell: you may want to wait for m-i widget 0.5.4 then15:10
apacheloggerdoes anyone know if dpkg-buildpackage -S will appropriately do -sd or -sa?15:10
Riddellagateau: we're in beta freeze now, so unless there's a very compelling reason the new libdbusmenu-qt and m-i will have to wait a week15:11
agateauRiddell: fine with me15:11
Riddellsomeone do the heimlich manoever on Tonio_15:11
Tonio_Riddell: that's the annoying ksnapshot bug :)15:12
Tonio_Riddell: it wouldn't get the "enter" key to get out of the window region mode....15:12
apacheloggeralways these excuses15:14
apacheloggerRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-dev-tools/kde-l10n-common/revision/5015:16
apacheloggernext time debian/build-l10n.sh be@latin en_GB ... will suffice15:17
apacheloggeror so I hope ^^15:17
Tonio_ScottK: http://toniox.org/temp/knm.png15:19
Tonio_ScottK: this is the knetworkmanager bug I'm talking about15:19
Tonio_ScottK:  nice isn't it ? :)15:19
RiddellTonio_: are you missing the kubuntu_03_no_dbusmenu.diff patch?15:20
Tonio_Riddell: hum eventually, indeed15:20
Tonio_Riddell: that's my knm package, witch differs from our upstream one15:21
Tonio_Riddell: I'll reupload on experimental with that patch15:21
Tonio_Riddell: thanks for the info :)15:21
agateauapachelogger: does this looks ok? http://pastebin.com/HLe4Bga915:22
apacheloggeragateau: yep15:23
* agateau commits15:23
Riddelldebfx: kmozillahelper uploaded, it'll probably wait in unapproved until after beta 215:25
Riddellshtylman: you didn't like my patch to bug 540202 ?15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540202 in ubiquity "kubuntu ubiquity shows ${RELEASE} briefly at start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54020215:34
shtylmanRiddell: I did... but I changed it a bit :) ... I felt that the second loop (to show the widgets again) could be done without going through all the children again15:36
agateauapachelogger: could you give a try to message-indicator trunk before I release a new version, to ensure it is ok for the karmic upgrade?15:37
QuintasanRiddell: I'm going out for few hours, I will upload it later when my sis is not at home cause she complains all the time :/15:38
QuintasanRiddell: I should upload it to Beta or Staging PPA?15:39
RiddellQuintasan: experimental in the first instance I think15:45
rgreeningScottK: is there something amiss with the workspace package? kdebase-workspace-bin seems missing. It was in4:4.4.2-0ubuntu2 but not 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu5? Or am I missing something?15:48
Riddellit's not compiled on amd64 I think15:49
ScottKIt's not15:49
Riddellbuildds are slacking15:49
RiddellQuintasan: oh and remember to commit to bzr15:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Riddell~identica dent ghostly presence on planet kde today16:00
kubotustatus updated16:00
nixternalRiddell: for the slideshow, that is not bad, go for it16:05
nixternalthe slideshow isn't documented and there aren't screenshots of it...i kind of figured it would change with the rebranding anyways16:05
Riddellnixternal: ubiquity icon?16:06
nixternalthat is fine as well16:07
rgreeningRiddell: though you were posting some bug reports for me on usb-creator?16:14
apacheloggereasy enough to solve16:18
apacheloggeragateau: http://pastebin.com/16:20
apacheloggeragateau: -X-Plasma-NotificationArea=true16:21
agateauapachelogger: ok16:21
apacheloggeragateau: apparently the systray list of plasmoids does not obey NoDisplay (which IMHO is a bug of its own, but removing that setting should prevent it from showing up16:21
agateauapachelogger: fix pushed16:23
apacheloggeragateau: should be good now :)16:28
agateauapachelogger: great16:28
* apachelogger is wondering what "Posteingang" is16:28
apacheloggerName=Incoming Message16:30
apacheloggerComment=Notification of new messages16:30
apacheloggerno clue how that plasmoid is different from message-indicator16:30
apacheloggeris it just me or is the plymouth thingy confusing?16:31
apacheloggerfirst fills the buttons underneath the icon as if it was indicating progress and then it starts over again16:32
apacheloggernixternal: cant we have such a circle progress indicator thingy?16:32
apacheloggerI recon it is used in loads of places across kde16:32
apacheloggermost importantly plasmoids ^^16:32
nixternalapachelogger: circle progress indicator for what?16:36
apacheloggernixternal: the plymouth splash screen16:36
apacheloggercurrently it has those weird buttons that become blue and then white and then blue and then white...16:37
nixternaloh...yeah, there is already a theme that has that type of indicator, and I looked at it...wouldn't be difficult to edit for us...the idea is there but the look was a bit lame I think16:37
apacheloggernixternal: ideally we would use the same indicator used in plasmoids16:38
apacheloggerRiddell: did you test today's live?16:38
nixternaloh, Plasma::BusyWidget?16:38
Riddellapachelogger: yes, i386, works fine16:38
apacheloggerI got a folderview that overlaps microblag again16:38
apacheloggernixternal: if that is what it is called ^^16:38
Riddellapachelogger: me too16:39
OxymoronCould someone explain to me whats wrong with this line : LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so? Apache2 says its invalid syntax? :S apachelogger maybe, because apache*? :D16:39
nixternalsomething I can look at...today I am doing work work, so I will be busy the entire day16:39
nixternalmaybe tonight if I get some spare time I can see what I can do16:39
RiddellOxymoron: we only do KDE here, try #ubuntu16:39
apacheloggerwell, that is post-beta-freeze stuff anyway16:39
Riddellnixternal: did you see keybuk's ping in #ubuntu-devel earlier?16:39
apacheloggerOxymoron: actually #ubuntu-server might be even better suited than #ubuntu16:39
OxymoronRiddell: Id ont use ubuntu :P But yes sure16:40
nixternalRiddell: yeah, that is just adding the plymouth-label to the depends16:40
nixternaleasy enough16:40
Riddellnixternal: do you know if it's needed for beta 2?  I presume so16:40
nixternalit isn't life threatening right now, unless something changed16:40
nixternalwell, there isn't a plymouth-label package yet16:40
Riddellguess we don't want it yet then :)16:41
ScottKNCommander: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/4:4.4.2-0ubuntu5/+build/1596357/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdebase-workspace_4:4.4.2-0ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:51
NCommanderScottK: ****, that looks like buildd instability16:52
NCommanderScottK: hit retry, if it does it again, I'll debug it in a local LP instance16:52
NCommanderScottK: we should have less flakely armel buildds soon16:52
* ScottK knocks wood.16:54
apacheloggeroh my16:56
apacheloggeragateau: is krandrtray ported to the dbus stuff?16:57
agateauapachelogger: if it's already using KStatusNotifierItem, there is nothing else to do16:57
agateauapachelogger: as long as it does not use custom menu items16:58
apacheloggeragateau: please give it a try16:58
apacheloggerfor me the submenus are off screen16:58
apacheloggershowing the main menu seems to do various redraws16:58
apacheloggeraka flickering16:58
apacheloggerimpossible to use16:58
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe plasma is just stupid?16:59
agateauapachelogger: mmm, same thing here :/16:59
* agateau hates dbusmenu16:59
apacheloggeragateau: also there is a broken icon in the amarok menu, dunno if that is related16:59
agateauapachelogger: most probably17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: for me it adds the widget on 1025x576 and left of the folderview there is enough space for it17:00
agateauapachelogger: which icon?17:00
apacheloggerthe one for lastfm favorite17:00
apacheloggeragateau: also, kopete menu keeps on failing to load on first tray ...17:01
apacheloggerit also exhibits those redraws17:01
* agateau opens the windoww17:01
agateauand jump17:01
apacheloggeragateau: something seems to be very off in the dbusmenu stuff :/17:01
agateauyes, it's broken by design17:01
* ScottK really didn't want to hear that.17:02
apacheloggerkubotu: order tea for everyone17:02
* kubotu is going to his secret storehouse to get tea for everyone - might take some time.17:02
* kubotu is back and slides tea down the bar to everyone17:02
agateauScottK: actually it's not really broken by design, it's just that it would have been so much simpler to stick to application-managed menus17:03
agateauand I am a bit fed up with this project lately17:03
apacheloggerScottK: btw, did you see my recent discovery about plasma-netbook being 300% more responsive with raster graphicssystem?17:03
ScottK"Painful by design"17:03
apacheloggersomething that should be looked into17:03
agateauScottK: that's a more accurate way to put it :)17:04
ScottKapachelogger: How much more memory due is use?17:04
apacheloggerdidnt check17:04
apacheloggernot that I noticed really17:04
ScottKThat was the arguement against it before.17:04
apacheloggerand I notice quickly17:04
ScottKCould you check?17:04
apacheloggeryou are responsible if I go mad and start ranting again!17:05
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll just do some logic shifting from so it only gets added on absolute > 1024x76817:05
apacheloggerI think it just fits on 768 height17:06
rgreeningnixternal, apachelogger: see my comment on bug 55338617:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553386 in kubuntu-default-settings "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55338617:07
rgreeningthat would be spiffy17:07
apacheloggerScottK: with raster 409 absolute (as per htop), without 39417:09
apacheloggerfor reference: amarok uses 585 ;)17:09
apacheloggerthe best thing about plasma-netbook is how it steals focus when started17:10
apacheloggermakes you wonder if the system is exploding because it lags so bad17:10
apacheloggerrgreening: that will proof difficult with 8bit color space17:11
apacheloggeras is available for poor nvidia users17:11
apacheloggerand who knows else17:11
rgreeningmeh.. they should use open driver hah17:11
ScottKMaybe nixternal could make a really snazzy one for KNR.  AFAIK, all the netbooks we target use Intel.17:12
Tonio_$ apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace-bin | grep Candidate                                                               (04-01 18:12)17:12
Tonio_  Candidate: 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu217:12
Tonio_tonio~kubuntu ~17:12
Tonio_$ apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace-data | grep Candidate                                                              (04-01 18:12)17:12
Tonio_  Candidate: 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu517:12
ScottKapachelogger: What's the magic incantation for starting with raster?  I'll test it this week and then see about switching.17:12
Tonio_how is this possible ? kde broken here17:12
ScottKTonio_: Not built on amd64 yet17:13
apacheloggerScottK: --graphicssystem raster17:13
ScottKRight.  Thanks.17:13
Tonio_ScottK: both are the same source package17:13
Tonio_ScottK: they shoudln't have a different versions right ?17:13
ScottKTonio_: one is arch all the other is arch any17:13
apacheloggerTonio_: arch: all comes from i38617:13
Tonio_oh I see...17:13
Tonio_it is the fourth time it breaks this way :)17:13
Tonio_maybe archives shouldn't publish a package unless they are all built17:14
Tonio_updating even removed kubuntu-desktop17:14
apacheloggerbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.17:15
apacheloggerwhy is that bzr always tells me how to do things instead of just freaking doing it17:15
ScottKTonio_: If you're running the development release, you have to pay attention.17:16
rgreeningTonio_: only if you dist-upgrade rather than just upgrade17:16
Tonio_ScottK: sure :)17:16
Tonio_ScottK: would the process be different for updates ?17:16
Tonio_ScottK: wouldn't it break the same way ?17:16
ScottKTonio_: That would also delay things by days due to really slow archs.17:16
ScottKTonio_: No, everything gets built in -proposed and then copied to -updates all at once after testing.17:16
ScottKSimilar for -security.17:17
Tonio_ScottK: right17:17
apacheloggerand then bzr gets all smart on me and autofills crap into the bzr ci log17:17
Tonio_ScottK: eventually backports can break, but that's another story17:17
ScottK-proposed can break this way, but, once again, if you run with -proposed enabled, you need to pay attention.17:17
ScottKYes.  It can.17:17
apacheloggerand of course it cant use my global set editor which would make it compliently integrate into a debian system17:17
apacheloggerno bzr must expect me to set EDITOR17:17
ScottKIf I'm doing a major backport like KDE, I try to do it when the buildds aren't slammed.17:17
apacheloggerso I end up holding down delete for 20 years so that crappy nano can delete the crappy crap bzr filled in17:18
apacheloggerthere you have it17:18
apacheloggerplasma-netbook made me grumpy again17:18
apacheloggeror maybe it is bzr17:18
ScottKapachelogger: That was bzr, not plasma-netbook17:18
apacheloggermaybe it was bzr all along17:18
apacheloggerFREAKING BZR17:18
apacheloggerGIT FTW!17:18
apacheloggernow that this is out of the way17:19
apacheloggerkubotu: np17:19
* ScottK mentions to apachelogger that bzr is written in Python, just for fun.17:19
apacheloggergood point17:19
apacheloggeras usual it's pythons fault17:19
apacheloggerI did mention that qbzr is broken, btw?17:19
ScottKYou did.17:19
ScottKPlease fix.17:19
apacheloggerI will report bug17:19
apacheloggerusing the superior python tool ubuntu-bug17:19
apacheloggerwhich btw is bugged itself17:19
apacheloggerand you cant do ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug :P17:20
apacheloggerwhich would actually be fun17:20
apacheloggerno fun for apachelogger it seems17:20
ScottKYou should file a bug about that17:20
nigelbapachelogger, ubuntu-bug apport :D17:21
apacheloggerthat is no fun17:21
apachelogger+ creepy, because apparenlty it expects me to find out which package the binary belongs to17:21
nigelbhaha, or ubuntu-bug pitti might work :D17:22
* apachelogger could indeed bug pitti a bit :P17:22
debfxRiddell: thanks again17:23
debfxRiddell: what about the brightness patch?17:23
apacheloggerScottK: bug 544928 alraedy reported17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544928 in qbzr "qlog fails with a special combination of PyQt4 and Qt" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54492817:24
* apachelogger marks affects me17:24
ScottKSounds like a job for NCommander.17:25
nigelbapachelogger, yeah, apport expects you to know the package.  at least for now.17:26
* apachelogger lost track of what he told Riddell and what not17:26
apacheloggerRiddell: possible fix for the widget overlapping pushed17:26
apacheloggerif you want to have it in before beta, feel free to upload17:27
ScottKnixternal and Riddell: The Plymouth upload that adds plymouth-label is waiting to be accepted: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42782408/plymouth_0.8.1-4_source.changes17:30
Tm_TI don't know what I should install but I don't get any logo in plymouth here17:31
apacheloggerplymouth-theme-kubuntu or something17:31
apacheloggeror maybe it is just broken for you17:31
ScottK"Why is this laptop so slow?", "Oh, yeah, compiling still."17:34
Tm_Tapachelogger: hmm, I thought I installed that kind of package, but didn't pull anything as dependency... have to look it again17:36
ScottKTm_T: If you have kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-netbook installed, you should get all you need.17:38
Tm_TScottK: I do have both ubuntu and kubuntu-desktop installed, no logo here17:44
ScottKI recall Keybuk saying that sometimes it doesn't show because the boot is too fast.17:44
Tm_TI can see text "ubuntu 10.04" for 5-15 seconds17:45
ScottKNo idea then17:45
Tm_TI wonder if not using grub has to do with it at all17:47
rgreeningRiddell: ev pushed up a new usb-creator package. Can you have a look and possibly push it through? We really need it for the beta as the current is horribly broken!17:48
ScottKrgreening: slanagasek is already looking at it.17:48
rgreeningawesome. ty ScottK17:48
macozomg check out xkcd.com (js required and totally worth it)17:49
Tm_Tmaco: it has irc too17:50
Tm_Tmaco: go west17:50
Tm_T...I won't spoil further17:50
lex79ScottK: sorry for missing plymouth patches17:53
ScottKlex79: It happens.  It's all fixed now.17:53
lex79ok, thanks17:53
* rgreening notes: as soons at it bloody builds for AMD17:53
ScottKTm_T: What arch are you on?17:54
Tm_TScottK: PowerPC (;17:54
ScottKTm_T: Ah.  That explains it.  You don't have the fixed -workspace yet.17:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKIt's only built on i386 so far.17:55
Tm_TScottK: oh, right, I still don't have half of KDE built yes17:55
Tm_Tbecause some private sources took builders for whole day17:55
* Tm_T shakes fist17:56
ScottKThat and we've had a bazillion uploads just before the beta freeze.17:56
ScottKLet's not mention we uploaded 4.4.2 two days ago and we're already up to kdebase-workspace 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu5.17:57
JontheEchidnakde svn 1110034 \o/17:58
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1110034&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1110034 | Implement sources.list fetching \o/ Will improve the example, so that it doesn't ask every startup. I'll also have to design ...17:58
lex79JontheEchidna: are you working on the backend for shaman?18:00
JontheEchidnalex79: I plan to use this library to implement a shaman backend, yes18:00
lex79great :)18:00
Mamarokdid somebody already build the new phonon-backend-vlc?18:41
Tm_TMamarok: just to find out it doesn't work well? (:18:43
MamarokTm_T: hm, markey did compiled it himself and it works like a charm, especially since the last changes made to Amarok18:43
Mamarokbut compiling seeems to be a bit of a hassle18:44
markey"like a charm" is maybe a bit strong ;)18:44
Tm_TMamarok: I think he already reverted the vlc fixes to make gstreamer work again18:44
Tm_Tmarkey: like always from you (;18:45
* Tm_T hides18:45
markeyit still has a good number of bugs, it'll take a while to polish the rough edges18:45
markeyplus the thing with Amarok and GStreamer, yeah18:45
markeyit's hard to make any changes without breaking some obscure buggy backend18:45
markeycause they are all buggy18:45
NCommanderIs Kubuntu known to be broken on latest lucid? :-/18:46
* NCommander can't sign in18:46
NCommanderor more that I sign in, and then nothing happens18:46
macoNCommander: if i claimed it was an april fools joke, would you believe me?18:47
NCommandermaco: ugh, so its known to be broken18:47
larsiviNCommander: that happened to me if I used an older kernel18:47
NCommanderGreat ...18:47
NCommanderlarsivi: I'm fairly sure I'm on the latest, although cryptsetup is busted on my system (user error)18:47
ScottKNCommander: What architecture are you running?18:47
macoNCommander: i havent logged out today so i dont know18:47
NCommanderScottK: amd6418:48
macobut as of yesterday on amd64 my system was working18:48
macoi last upgraded about 22 hours ago18:48
ScottKThere's some archive squeue going on.18:48
NCommanderScottK: that probably broke me18:48
larsiviNCommander: I have issues with knetworkmanager not talking with network-manager, so I went backwards in case it was a kernel issue - the one that failed to properly login was probably from karmic18:48
NCommanderScottK: what's the best way to get log messages out of KDE so I have SOME idea what broke18:49
ScottKBoot single user and run kdm from the shell?18:49
NCommanderScottK: KDM works, its when it tries to start  KDE it breaks18:49
ScottKHmmmm.  No idea.18:51
NCommanderScottK: yeah :-/18:51
apacheloggerMamarok: gitti is depending vlc 1.1 for which there aint is no package around18:51
Mamarokapachelogger: there ain't is? sad :(18:59
NCommanderScottK: so even failsafe appears broken19:01
NCommanderabout the only tihng that does work is twn :-/19:01
NCommanderScottK: *sigh* kdebase-workpace-bin got uninstalled19:03
ScottKRight, that'd be archive skew and you not paying attention when you updated.19:03
ScottK!lart NCommander19:03
Tm_TNCommander: why did you uninstall it?19:03
ScottK~lart NCommander19:04
* kubotu jabs a hot car lighter into NCommander's eye sockets19:04
NCommanderScottK: so I fail :-P19:04
* NCommander is properly larted 19:04
jussi01Hrm, is it too late for graphical fixes to get into lucid?19:16
jussi01Our flagship Qt sipphone... (qutecom) well its icon sucks.19:17
ScottKjussi01: It's in Universe, no problem.19:18
jussi01ScottK: ok, great. problem is the tray icon has a backgound.19:18
ScottKThere's also a newer one in Debian Sid.19:19
jussi01ooh, can we sync?19:19
ScottKAll the usual rules apply.19:19
apparleIs there a way in which how the internals of kopete are working.... I just get connection refused19:19
ScottKI didn't look to see what they changed.19:19
jussi01ScottK: ok, Ill look at it. Ill bug you or someone again cause I dont remember "all the usual rules"19:20
ScottKBug rgreening.  He needs stuff to do.19:20
ScottKHe needs to get back in shape.19:20
Tm_Tapparle: ?19:21
rgreeningScottK: true19:22
rgreeningScottK: I've been updating ubs-creator-kde all day... catching up with evans changes to the gtk one and such...19:23
apacheloggerthings to do19:23
apacheloggerthere is no transition from plymouth to kdm/ksplash whatsoever19:23
rgreeningat least its back and working agai9n... wasn't for a period of time..19:23
apacheloggerone gigantic black whole right there19:23
ScottKapachelogger: Unless you're on current i386 that's no suprise.19:24
apacheloggerI am on i38619:24
apacheloggeryet there is a whole19:24
ScottKBlame nixternal then.19:24
Tm_Tapparle: the traditional: run from konsole, and install -dbg packages if needed19:24
rgreening"in your bucker, dear 'logger, dear 'logger"19:24
rgreeningbucket even19:24
apacheloggernixternal: you mad robot you!!!!!!@Q@EW19:24
* apachelogger sings about lobbsters in a bucket19:25
apparleTm_T: ok... I have never done developement... a little new here... just wanted to see why I was getting the error19:25
Tm_Tapparle: (:19:25
apacheloggermay I say that the new gigantic kubuntu logo in kickoff is the ultimate break of artwork inconsitency?19:26
apparleTm_T: kopete doesn't have -dbg package19:26
ScottKSounds like you want to be running plasma-netbook.19:26
Tm_Tapparle: kdenetwork-dbg19:26
ScottKapparle: That's part of kdenetworking.  Use it's dbg.19:27
ScottKOr as Tm_T says ...19:27
apparleand once I have that .... should I just run program through konsole or anything else19:27
ScottKOMFG.  Now a giant notification for resart required too?19:31
apacheloggerrgreening: want bug 553478 ?19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553478 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings wasting space in kickoff" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55347819:31
ScottKWho fathered this abomination?19:31
apacheloggerthere always was that notification19:31
apacheloggerjust that it is now persitent19:31
apacheloggerthough I already talked to JontheEchidna about implementing a kstatusnotifieritem and getting rid of the persistency19:32
ScottKBut before I had the lovely icon I could click on.19:32
ScottKDear lord, let's take the one single dumbest change Ayatana ever thought up and port that to KDE.19:32
rgreeningapachelogger: re: that bug, I see the folder name as "Settings" and there is more in the folder for me than just the system settings.19:32
apacheloggerrgreening: STOCK :P19:33
apacheloggerget a live cd and use your working usb creator to create a usb to test with19:33
apacheloggerIIRC systemsettings was hidden via magic in kickoff or something19:33
apacheloggeror maybe I patched it away each release19:33
rgreeningi dont see it as a real issue19:34
apacheloggerbecause I defenitely did cleanup kickoff every release and every time I ran into a pointless listing of settings19:34
ScottKBecause you're smarter than upstream?19:34
apacheloggerI could work for microsoft actually19:34
ScottKThat's not what your dolphin preview patch said.19:34
Tm_TI thought you did19:35
ScottKNo, that's nixternal.19:35
apacheloggerI DID NOT DO NO PATCHING19:35
apacheloggerI am doctor19:35
apacheloggerno patcher :P19:35
apacheloggerrgreening: so, wanna fix it?19:35
ScottKOK, more precisely the debian/changelog entry for  removing a patch19:36
apacheloggerwe are not smater19:36
ScottKSigh.  So I click to X out the recent notifications thing and that doesn't just close that, it makes all the notifications vanish permenantly.19:36
apacheloggerI however am19:36
rgreeningfixing a problem, presumes a problem exists. I cannot visualize a problem therefore it does not exist. Fixed :)19:36
* rgreening ducks19:37
* apachelogger throws his justice cross fan stuff after rgreening19:37
apacheloggerkubotu: np19:37
kubotuapachelogger listened to "The Lightning Storm" by Flogging Molly 8 minutes ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/0VHs8z2GcRlblO1xn9BkPP] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more19:37
apacheloggerlast.fm is also of the out-of-day kind today19:37
apacheloggerwhere I look there is crappyness19:37
* apachelogger continues reporting bugs19:38
ScottKI get plymouth splash here just fine, FYI19:40
apacheloggerits not the splash19:40
apacheloggerit is the transition19:40
ScottKAlthough it does look like there's still an issue with spending time on the wrong VT.19:41
apacheloggermaybe it is also only on the live session19:41
apacheloggerrgreening: want bug 553482 ?19:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553482 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "knetworkmanager adds pointless menu entry" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55348219:41
rgreeningnope. still working on usb-creator-kde updates19:42
apacheloggerrgreening: well, in general if you want to nuke it within the next couple of days :P19:42
apacheloggerubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug19:43
apacheloggerdoes ubuntu-bug only like binary packages?19:43
apacheloggerbug 35981019:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359810 in apport "support filing bugs against source packages" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35981019:46
apacheloggerScottK: ^^ :D19:46
apacheloggerrgreening: so I shouldnt offer you bugs?19:48
apacheloggerbecause I got quite some ^^19:48
ScottKTm_T: Look at ross though.19:49
Tm_TScottK: ye, I'm staring the builders page (:19:49
apparleTm_T: ScottK after -dbg packages are installed..... should I start the application from konsole or is ther anything else I should I do19:50
Tm_TScottK: kernel built, now -workspace, maybe rest of the packages I'm waiting will come some day soon19:50
ScottKStart it from the console.19:50
rgreeningapachelogger: you can, but I may not get to them until Sunday++19:51
apacheloggeroh my god19:51
* apachelogger probably either19:51
apacheloggerrgreening: you can just take a look at the bugs assigned to me I guess19:52
* apachelogger assigning everything he considers fixworthy to himself anyway ;)19:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping ping ping20:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping ping ping ping ping ping ping20:08
JontheEchidnaJontheEchidna: pong20:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: earlier when I tried todays live neither konqueror nor amarok did recommend installation of restrited stuff20:08
apacheloggeris knh broken or are the patches?20:08
JontheEchidnaworks for me (tm) http://imagebin.ca/view/6I6dJ1.html20:09
apacheloggermaybe something in the live env is broken20:10
apacheloggerI also noticed that kwalletd was not found20:10
apacheloggermgraesslin: is there a particular reason the desktop switch OSD is not on by default?20:17
mgraesslinsome people don't like it20:18
geniiHeh, http://www.kernel.org guys have an April 1 sense of humour20:18
lex79seems I fixed this bug 52890720:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528907 in hal "unable to mount disks in dolphin / hal permission denied" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52890720:18
lex79I'm awesome apachelogger, I'm in front of the mirror20:18
apacheloggerdont be ludicrous20:18
apacheloggermgraesslin: how can one not like it? :D20:19
mgraesslinthere were in fact quite some complaints by users who didn't know that they had that option enabled and when you enabled it in Kubuntu ;-)20:19
mgraesslinI even added an option to not show the arrows due to the complaints20:20
apacheloggerwe had that enabled in kubuntu?20:20
* apachelogger just ignores complaints usually :P20:21
ScottKgenii: Look at the backscroll in #ubuntu-devel re: kernel.org20:21
geniiScottK: Heh, yeah20:22
mgraesslinit's one of the two changes to kwin default setting I am aware of and I use the same settings for both20:22
* apachelogger needs to look into this20:24
apacheloggerScottK: do you happen to know how the livecd stuff works?20:25
apacheloggerubiquity-casper is for post-installations tuff and casper itself for live session setup?20:25
ScottKapachelogger: Not really.  I've forgotten almost everything I had to learn to get netbook set up.20:25
ScottKI think shtylman or Riddell would be the best to ask.20:25
apacheloggershtylman: <apachelogger> ubiquity-casper is for post-installations tuff and casper itself for live session setup?20:26
lex79uhm, now I can mount but not umount, need working again20:26
shtylmanapachelogger: :( don't have a clue... I don't usually deal with the backend stuff20:26
apacheloggeri.e. where would one report a bug with the livecd setup itself20:26
* apachelogger noetes that ubuntu wiki is not much help ^^20:26
shtylmanwhat do you mean livecd setup itself?20:27
shtylmaniirc casper is what you want20:27
shtylmanbut of you are unsure... ask of #ubuntu-installer20:27
shtylmanthe guys there should know20:27
rgreeningnixternal, Riddell: the kubuntu branding logo in kickoff is WAY!!!! to big. It need to be much smaller IMO. Stands out way too much. It should be similar in size to what we had before, otherwise it looks like a swollen thumb20:32
apacheloggeror we switch the kde icon of kickoff :P20:34
apacheloggerthen it could make for some massive branding20:34
_Groo_hi/2 all20:35
_Groo_ive just build the package for koffice 2.2 beta 120:35
_Groo_it was a lot of work :P20:35
_Groo_how can i use lintian to check the root dir and tell me if i missed any files?20:35
lex79kubuntu branding logo should points to kubuntu.org instead of kde.org20:36
ScottK_Groo_: No, you need list-missing for that20:37
_Groo_hi ScottK20:38
_Groo_well how should i do? ill upload it to rev and my ppa tomorrow for review... you ppl could upstream it to debian too20:38
_Groo_they didnt do it already AFAIK20:39
apacheloggerif everyone could please mark the affects me too on bug 29035120:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290351 in casper "Kubuntu live CD's K menu incongrously titled "User ubuntu on ubuntu"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035120:39
_Groo_ScottK: how should i use list-missing?20:44
ScottK_Groo_: Depends on if you're using cdbs or debhelper.  First I'd try make -f debian/rules list-missing.20:47
ScottKIf that doesn't work, look at apachelogger's pbuilder hooks to see how they do it.20:47
_Groo_ScottK: im using include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/1/debian-qt-kde.mk20:48
apacheloggeryou need cdbs for list-missing and use it's utils.mk20:48
* apachelogger meant to port that somewhere else20:48
apacheloggeronto the todo!20:48
apacheloggermy system lags20:48
apacheloggerno clue why20:48
_Groo_ScottK: and using debuild -us -uc -nc20:48
Tm_Tapachelogger: clue of glue20:48
_Groo_ScottK: also i add to use a DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_krita := -- --ignore-missing-info20:49
_Groo_ScottK: becasue the stupid "cant find a deb for /usr/lib/libGL.so.1" is still there :P and it would break krita packaging20:49
ScottKI don't recall and I'm tied up with something else right now.20:49
apacheloggerTm_T: already marked the affects me too on bug 290351 ? ;)20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290351 in casper "Kubuntu live CD's K menu incongrously titled "User ubuntu on ubuntu"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035120:49
Tm_Tapachelogger: I would be lying then?20:50
apacheloggerTm_T: no one needs to know20:51
apacheloggerTm_T: you are not installing kubuntu?20:51
Tm_Tapachelogger: I don't have hardware to test with20:52
lex79bug 55353020:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553530 in kdebase-workspace "kubuntu branding logo in kickoff should points to www.kubuntu.org" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55353020:53
apacheloggerTm_T: you sure have installed kubuntu at some point ;)20:53
lex79if someone agree with that ^ I can do it20:53
Tm_Tapachelogger: from kubuntu live cd? yes, some years ago...20:53
apacheloggerlex79: I am tired of bugs reoccuring because of crap20:53
apacheloggerdunno what crap though20:53
apacheloggercrappy merge probably20:53
apachelogger<3 a good crappy merge20:53
apacheloggerTm_T: then you at least were affected20:53
apacheloggerRiddell: what is share/apps/desktoptheme/default/widgets/kubuntu-feisty-plain.svg.gz in kds good for?20:54
Tm_Tapachelogger: oh, you are right!20:55
Tm_Tapachelogger: memoraphilia20:56
Tm_Tor what it was20:56
_Groo_apachelogger: you guys help me upstream the koffice 2.2 packages then?20:57
_Groo_apachelogger: i just need a little help with missing files (if any), and finish the kexi packaging20:57
apacheloggerif only i was not pissed 24/7 because of some random crappyness20:58
apachelogger_Groo_: install cdbs20:58
apachelogger_Groo_: make -f /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk list-missing20:58
apacheloggerlex79: I have no idea how that was fixed last time, but I am pretty sure in karmic it was opening kubuntu.org20:59
_Groo_apachelogger: it wont compile right? only analize what i have, correct?20:59
apachelogger_Groo_: aight20:59
_Groo_apachelogger: i used dh_install --list-missing20:59
lex79maybe someone here has karmic...and can try21:00
_Groo_apachelogger: same thing?21:00
apacheloggerlist-missing is superior for various reasons21:01
apacheloggerScottK: do you have a karmic install around?21:01
lex79make a patch for kickoff is not a problem21:01
apacheloggerlex79: maybe it was a patch against the default desktop file21:01
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.21:01
apacheloggerindeed I find that very possible21:01
_Groo_apachelogger: running it now :)21:01
apacheloggerScottK: if you click the kubuntu|kde image in kickoff, does it open kubuntu.org or kde.org?21:02
lex79apachelogger: possible? what? a patch for kickoff or for desktop file?21:02
apacheloggerthe desktop file21:02
ScottKJust a moment, i have to switch to the new fangled one first.21:02
apacheloggerif we patched kickoff that would have made custom branding impossible21:02
apacheloggerwhich is something I wanted to avoid IIRC21:02
_Groo_apachelogger: another question, since koffice is biiiiiiiig can i make debuild only regenerate some packages, like kexi?21:02
ScottKapachelogger: kde.org21:03
apachelogger_Groo_: technically yes, practically I havent done this in 3000 years21:03
apachelogger_Groo_: make -f debian/rules kexi maybe *shrug*21:04
apacheloggerScottK: with default theme?21:04
_Groo_apachelogger: would be like, debuild binary krita (for ex?) or something more complex?21:04
apacheloggerScottK: plasma theme that is21:04
apachelogger_Groo_: defenitely not debuild21:04
ScottKUnless I changed it accidentally, yes.21:04
_Groo_apachelogger: wouldnt that recompile the source?21:04
apacheloggeryoud need to get dirty with make -f debian/rules for sure21:04
apachelogger_Groo_: yes21:04
_Groo_apachelogger: argh i always used debuild :P21:04
apachelogger_Groo_: you dont need that?21:04
_Groo_apachelogger: nope, i just need to regenerate the package..21:05
apacheloggerwell, technically it will only recompile what needs to be recompiled ;)21:05
apachelogger_Groo_: youll just need to remove some "marker files" in debian/ then21:05
_Groo_apachelogger:  i usually change the install files and do a debuild -us -uc -nc so it wont compile21:05
apacheloggerkexi.debhelper and the like21:05
apacheloggerthen you can run dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc21:05
apacheloggerand that should regenerate the package21:05
apacheloggerScottK: k, thx21:05
_Groo_apachelogger: hmm ok21:06
_Groo_apachelogger: gonna try that, thanks21:06
_Groo_apachelogger: ok, gonna cleanup the koffice and send to revu tomorrow... ill let you know in here21:07
_Groo_apachelogger: if all is a-ok, that package could go upstream to debian?21:07
apacheloggerto debian? highly doubtable21:08
apacheloggerI dont think they even ship koffice yet21:08
apacheloggerkoffice 2 that is21:08
apacheloggeralso, you dont need to poke me about reviewing it21:08
_Groo_apachelogger: unstable has 2.1.x i believe21:08
* apachelogger is on a netbook and surely wont review ko21:08
apacheloggermy head might explode21:08
_Groo_apachelogger: jontheechidna then?21:08
apachelogger_Groo_: or nixternal21:09
apacheloggerhe did the last ko packaging IIRC21:09
_Groo_apachelogger: k, ill hunt hem down21:09
_Groo_nixternal: ping?21:09
apacheloggerlex79: and i swear to god, that crap was working last I tested in karimc -.-21:10
apacheloggercurel world that is21:10
lex79iirc it's not working since karmic, but I can wrong21:10
apacheloggerah ah21:10
apacheloggerI REMEMBER21:11
apacheloggera bit21:11
apacheloggerthere was a setting I think21:11
apacheloggerof course I cant remember where ^^21:11
lex79apachelogger: in kubuntu-default-settings iirc, yes21:11
lex79apachelogger: look at kdebase-workspace/plasma/desktop/applets/kickoff/ui/brandingbutton.cpp21:13
apacheloggerstill downloading ^^21:13
lex79I can change kde.org to kubuntu.org, it's simple :)21:13
apacheloggerpatches are bad21:13
apacheloggerand evil21:14
apacheloggerand stupid21:14
apacheloggerand ugly21:14
* apachelogger did neglect his obligation in teaching the light it seems21:14
Tm_Twoohoo kdebase-workspace soon built!21:15
apacheloggerstill downloading21:15
Tm_T<3<3<3<3 https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/ross21:16
apacheloggerif kdebase-workspace was any bigger one wouldnt have to bother downloading, because by the time it finsished a new version is out21:16
Tm_Thahaha I love kde commit messages: "changed: code readability (to better)"21:17
_Groo_guys, koffice 2.2 beta 1 brings freoffice with it, isnt it the maemo thing? should i include it in the kword package, create a new package or what?21:18
_Groo_argh will have to use quilt too... some .desktop files have ugly multiple lines :P koffice is a bitch to do :P21:19
apacheloggerlex79: so21:24
apacheloggerlex79: we have the following options21:24
apacheloggera) patch the url21:24
apacheloggerb) set the homepage via metadata.desktop override in kds21:24
apacheloggerc) patch air's metadata.desktop to set the homepage21:25
apacheloggerlex79: looking at it from a consistency POV we should indeed go with a)21:25
lex79apachelogger: in kdebase-workspace?21:26
apacheloggerotherwise 3rd party themes without homepage set appropriately will still go to kde.org21:26
apacheloggerlex79: yes21:26
apacheloggerand considering kdeplasma-addons ships themes21:26
apacheloggerwe probably should go for the patch21:26
lex79so we should do what I said before? ^^21:26
lex79ok for me21:26
apacheloggerlex79: yes21:26
lex79I can do21:26
apacheloggerlex79: indeed I think I did that before21:26
apacheloggerfor the very same reasons21:26
apacheloggerwhich means screwed up merge indeed21:27
* apachelogger looks for proof21:27
lex79I have to finish the mount/umount crap before21:28
apacheloggerlex79: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/annotate/75/debian/patches/kubuntu_12_kubuntu_homepage.diff21:29
apacheloggerI knew it!21:29
apacheloggerlook at how superior that patch works around the problem21:29
apacheloggerif kubunhtu-default-settings you get a kubuntu.org branded url21:29
apacheloggerotherwise a kde.org branded one21:29
* apachelogger is so awesome and good looking it is unbelivable21:30
apacheloggerlex79: please just reuse that patch21:30
lex79apachelogger: awesome, ok21:30
* apachelogger checks where it went21:30
apacheloggerjr broke it21:32
apacheloggerand indeed it happened in a merge21:32
apacheloggerlex79: btw, did you already mark bug 290351 as affecting you? :P21:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290351 in casper "live session user and host should be called kubuntu on kubuntu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29035121:33
lex79apachelogger: yeah :)21:33
apacheloggergood boy ^^21:34
* apachelogger takes the kickoff link off his todo21:35
apacheloggerScottK: where would I report that plymouth->kdm transition issue and who would be best to fix that?21:35
ScottKapachelogger: Against kdebase-workspace and tseliot is your man.21:35
apacheloggeromg, bed time is approaching21:36
* apachelogger says good night and sends kisses to all you nice people21:48
lex79apachelogger: good nigh21:52
lex79ScottK: can you change kdebase -> kde4libs in bug 528907 ?21:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 528907 in hal "unable to mount disks in dolphin / hal permission denied" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52890721:57
Riddelldebfx: yo, brightness patch to kdebase-workspace works nice22:16
Riddelldebfx: although I see we already have a patch, does our current patch actually do anything?22:17
Riddelllex79: hi22:27
lex79Riddell: hi22:27
Riddellso there's a patch for kickoff link I should restore?22:27
Riddelland you fixed the hal issue?22:28
lex79Riddell: yes for hal issue, and I can restore the patch for kickoff22:28
lex79or if you want go ahead for kickoff, do it :)22:29
lex79Riddell: the patch is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/annotate/75/debian/patches/kubuntu_12_kubuntu_homepage.diff22:29
Riddellhmm, my bzr foo is failing me22:34
Riddellhow do I restore it?22:34
voriansorry, can't you just wget it?22:35
RiddellI can but that seems inelegant22:35
lex79Riddell: I think you have also change the patch a bit...22:35
lex79branding.svg -> branding.svgz22:36
Riddellbzr revert -r 75 debian/patches/kubuntu_12_kubuntu_homepage.diff22:36
Riddellthat's the one22:36
vorianmost of bzr is :P22:36
Riddelllex79: I think it's worth getting that hal fix into beta so I'll upload that22:47
Riddellhomepage link can wait until after22:47
Riddelllex79: kde4libs accepted, thanks for the hard work on that one line patch :)23:17
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Developer Channel | Support in #kubuntu | Beta 2 Freeze, UI Freeze, String Freeze, Feature Freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | milestoned bugs marked as kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/yjybcx9 only 10 left, squish them quick or they'll be gone!
Riddellapachelogger: you have a commit to k-d-s which looks like it should solve bug 526488 but doesn't mention that bug in the changelog and the bug says it's not solved23:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 526488 in kubuntu-default-settings "plasmoids overlap on startup" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52648823:37
Riddellwhat's the commit for if not for that bug?23:37
promuloRiddel: ping23:46
Riddellpromulo: hi23:55
Riddellpromulo: you had a wiki for me to look at?23:55
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