
xenaxonhello, can someone recommend me a good php editor00:13
xenaxonphp dk00:13
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html00:14
xenaxonnot SERVER00:15
xenaxonI already have the server00:15
Typos_King.. php00:16
keffie_jayxis there any good app to record my dektop in kde?00:17
James147!info kdenlive | keffie_jayx00:18
ubottukeffie_jayx: kdenlive (source: kdenlive): a non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.5-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1000 kB, installed size 2780 kB00:18
James147^^ seen alot of people asking that latly :S00:18
Typos_Kingkeffie_jayx: http://elantux.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/recordmydesktopscreenshot.jpg00:19
keffie_jayxJames147: kde 4.4.2 rocking and not many screencasts00:19
keffie_jayxTypos_King: does it have any gtk dependencies?00:19
Typos_Kingkeffie_jayx: yes00:19
Typos_Kingthere are 2 versions, recordmydesktop and recordmydesktop-gtk  which I think is just the front end you see  on that shot00:20
Typos_Kingxenaxon:   Geany may do, jEdit is another..... I use quanta which is a web IDE, does php files too00:21
BluesKajxenaxon, php-eclipse00:21
Typos_Kingxenaxon: http://www.linuxsoft.cz/screenshot_img/160-a.jpg    <--- quanta plus00:22
xenaxonI have eclipse00:22
xenaxonbut it's for Java00:22
xenaxonI want it for php00:22
lubsewhat is the cmd to upload a file via ssh?00:22
xenaxonhow do I uninstall eclipse?00:22
xenaxonhow do you uninstall something00:23
Typos_Kinglubse:    dunno, I'd assume 'put'00:23
xenaxonin kuubu00:23
BluesKajxenaxon, interesting, have you done any linux searches for php editors ?00:23
xenaxonI installed eclipse00:23
xenaxonbut how do I uninstsall it00:23
xenaxonI installed the one for java00:23
xenaxonand I need php00:24
Typos_Kingsudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME;00:24
James147xenaxon: sudo aptitude remove eclipse    but eclipse is plugin basied so i dont see why both cant work off the same version00:24
Typos_Kingif you dunno the package name, you can use autocomplete in apt-get too00:24
Typos_Kingeclip<tab><tab> ..00:24
BluesKajdepends how it was installed , xenaxon , with a package manager or from open source00:25
xenaxonJames147: already uninstalled it00:25
xenaxonbut I don't want the java one00:25
xenaxondon't need it00:25
xenaxonok, so now I've downloaded eclipse for php. how do I install it?00:26
xenaxonit's tar.gz00:26
xenaxonshould I just dearchive?00:27
Typos_Kingunzip it :P00:27
Typos_Kingthere would be a README file00:27
lucitulubse: scp is the ssh equiv of cp00:27
xenaxonok, done00:27
BluesKajxenaxon, tar -xvzf filname.tar.gz00:27
xenaxonI've unarchived it00:27
xenaxonhow do you install it00:28
Typos_Kingthere would be a README file00:29
Typos_Kingthey should start naming those README_NOW_FOR_REAL_WE_MEAN_IT_REALLY00:29
xenaxonit's the java eclipse again00:29
Typos_Kingyou mean, you could have used it with eclipse? hehe00:30
xenaxonI got the php eclipse00:31
xenaxonand the java eclipse is still installed00:31
xenaxonand I just removed it with apt-get remove00:31
BluesKajthe java part is probly just a oplugin00:32
xenaxonI know00:32
xenaxonbut I don't want it or need it and also I don't know how to add the php plugin individuall00:32
BluesKajfind the php plugin00:32
xenaxonI deleted eclipse00:32
xenaxonit's uninstalling00:32
Typos_Kingxenaxon:  "the fault dear Brutus, is not in the stars, is in us, we are the underlines" -- julius ceasar, shakespeare00:33
Typos_Kingunderlings rather00:33
* Typos_King slaps self00:33
Typos_Kingxenaxon:  "the fault dear Brutus, is not in the stars, is in us, we are the underlings" -- julius ceasar, shakespeare00:33
Typos_Kingbetter hehehe00:33
xenaxonbut eclipse is still uninstalled00:33
xenaxonwhen I click the bin00:34
Typos_Kingwhy not use quanta?00:34
xenaxonit says: A java runtime bla bla or JDK is required00:34
Typos_Kingwhy not use quanta?00:35
xenaxonwhat is a quanta00:36
xenaxonI want eclipse I'm used to it from wingows00:36
Typos_Kinghow big is the .gz file you just got?00:37
xenaxonok, here we go00:37
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Typos_Kingis running now/00:37
Typos_King? rather00:37
xenaxonit's gonna take an hour to download 450 mb00:37
Typos_King450mbs.. hehe that's .... heee00:38
xenaxonI think it's defected00:38
xenaxonit's not working00:38
Typos_Kingfor an editor that's 450mbs, it better cook breakfast too00:38
Typos_Kinghow big is the .gz file you just got?00:40
xenaxon138 MB00:40
xenaxonbut it says it needs the JDK00:40
xenaxonJava Development Kit00:40
xenaxonin order to work00:40
xenaxonand I have no idea how to install anything on kubrutu00:41
xenaxonhow do you install a program in kubuntu?00:41
James147xenaxon: there are many different ways to...00:41
James147xenaxon: the easiest way is to use packagemanagment00:42
xenaxonI just unpacked an archive00:42
xenaxonand I want that program installed00:42
James147xenaxon: got a feeling the eclipse is one of those "unpack and run" types00:42
xenaxonit is00:42
James147xenaxon: thus to install you need to move it where you want to keep it00:42
Typos_Kingxenaxon:     138mbs wouldn't need eclipse itself00:42
xenaxonbut It says it needs the JDK00:42
xenaxonhow do I install a JDK00:42
James147xenaxon: sudo aptitude install java6-jdk00:43
Typos_Kingso, install java dev... really?..... no just jvm?00:43
xenaxonJames147, did that00:44
xenaxonand eclipse still asks for it00:44
James147xenaxon: you many need to specify where it is installed...00:45
xenaxonspecify to eclipse00:45
xenaxonor specify where to install jdk00:45
xenaxonA Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)00:45
xenaxonmust be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine00:45
xenaxonwas found after searching the following locations:00:45
xenaxonjava in your current PATH00:45
FloodBotK3xenaxon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
James147xenaxon: tell eclipse where java is00:45
xenaxonand how do I do that00:46
James147xenaxon: whats the output of java -version?00:46
xenaxonit outputs 6-7 lines00:47
xenaxonThe program Java can be found in the following packages:00:47
Typos_Kingit needs the jvm00:47
James147xenaxon: indicating it is installed? or you need to isntall it?00:47
Typos_Kingnot sure on the jdk00:47
xenaxonxenaxon@xenaxon-laptop:~$ java -version00:48
xenaxonThe program 'java' can be found in the following packages:00:48
xenaxon * gcj-4.4-jre-headless00:48
xenaxon * openjdk-6-jre-headless00:48
xenaxon * cacao00:48
xenaxon * gij-4.300:48
FloodBotK3xenaxon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
James147xenaxon: please use the pastbin :)00:48
James147xenaxon: but that output sounds like java isent on your path :S00:49
xenaxoneclipse is not installed00:50
xenaxonwait up my batery is low00:50
xenaxoneclipse is just unpacked00:51
xenaxonbut normally it should work unpacked00:51
xenaxonon windows I only had to install the JDK and then unpack eclipse00:51
xenaxonand it would work00:51
Typos_Kingsame here00:52
James147xenaxon: sorry, damed eclipse crashed my computer.... again.... why cant i run eclipse + virtualbox at the same time... eclipse shouldnt need 1/2 my ram :S00:52
xenaxonI know00:53
xenaxonwish I knew some other editor00:53
xenaxona simple editor00:53
xenaxonwith autocomplete. that's all I need00:53
James147_xenaxon: grr, and why dose it store the syntax highliting `with` the workspace :(00:53
Typos_Kingahem, quanta00:54
xenaxonI'm not very proeficient in eclipse anyway00:54
Typos_Kingor... SciTE00:54
xenaxondoes quanta have this:00:54
xenaxonproject folder navigator00:55
Typos_Kingis a web IDe00:55
James147_xenaxon: i suggest quanta..00:55
Typos_Kingand uses a QT'ed Scintilla libraries, so-called QScintilla, which is what many intelli-sense editors use00:56
xenaxonI'm downloading quanta00:56
xenaxonis it faster than eclipse?00:56
Typos_Kingbig time faster, it doenst use java for one :P00:56
xenaxonwow, it says it will also install like 3000000 plugins00:56
James147_xenaxon: would hope so, eclipse is a bloated app :S way too much stuff in it00:56
xenaxonI hate eclipse for being slow00:56
xenaxondo I still need JDK?00:57
James147_xenaxon: not if you dont want to develop java00:57
xenaxonI don't00:57
xenaxonhow do I destroy it00:57
Typos_Kingit does projects, it also does teaming stuff, I've used it with Kbear over an ftp session to edit files too, ctrl-s and sends the file over00:57
Typos_Kingyou can also add/customize your own toolbar if you wish with your own icons, I have a few00:58
xenaxonok, here goes quanta00:58
xenaxonfirst impression: great!01:02
xenaxonbut it's missing some of the features of eclipse.01:03
Typos_Kingwell, is not eclipse01:05
Typos_Kingso, yeah, a hamburger will have missing features a hotdog have too, doesn't mean it won't fill you up :P01:05
xenaxonit's good anyway01:06
xenaxonI can work with it01:06
islingtonyeah! basket 2.0 beta is awesome01:08
xenaxonTypos_King: Is there anyway of setting quanta to automatically upload files via ftp01:08
xenaxonupon save!01:08
Typos_KingI've done with kbear01:09
Typos_Kingbut i think it may be doable to set quanta to do it on its own01:09
Typos_Kingif you want to give a shot to kbear heheh01:09
Typos_Kingthat'll do that, open the ftp session in Kbear, right-click the file -> open with > quanta, and from quanta ctrl-s sends it over01:10
xenaxonkbear is a ftp client01:11
Typos_Kinghave you checked if quanta has an ftp plugin around?01:12
James147cant dolphin be used to ftp?01:12
Typos_Kingdunno, i think it has01:12
Typos_KingI use krusader.. heheh, it has an ftp facility01:13
James147it lists the protocal :S01:13
xenaxonIt doesn't I think01:14
James147xenaxon: you sure?01:17
xenaxonno. not even dolphin has ftp01:17
James147xenaxon: dosent ftp://sever work?01:18
xenaxonftp://server ?01:18
James147xenaxon: dont have acces to a ftp server to test01:18
James147in teh address bar...01:18
James147just click the address bar and type ftp://  to use it :)01:18
James147with the address ^^01:19
xenaxonyes. works01:19
xenaxonI've logged in to my host01:19
Typos_Kingcan you right-click a file and say -> open with > quanta?01:19
Typos_Kingin dolphin01:19
xenaxononly with kate01:20
Typos_Kinglaunch Konqueror :), and get into ....  kon.... one sec01:21
xenaxonit works01:21
Typos_Kingfor quanta?01:22
Typos_Kinganyhow, the MIME settings are usually set up in Konqueror settings01:22
xenaxonbut I don't want to save it directly anyway01:22
xenaxonI want to develop offline01:22
Typos_Kingif quanta or some app you want added/removed is there, you can do so in konqueror settings01:22
xenaxonI don't want to disturb my site visitors01:22
James147Typos_King: xenaxon: or by system settings -> advanced -> file associations01:23
James147or alt+f2 "File Ass..."01:24
sabayondweebMy nic issue is fixed, cure was to shut down 3 computers, unplug the quest modem for several min..   reboot....wired is working fine now    Thank's guys and gals.   :)01:24
Typos_Kingxenaxon:    well.... you can do a Save As in quanta, and save it to .... local... if you want to use your remove server resources, I'd say make a copy/mirror of your files to a restricted folder and use that, so the ones on the site aren't disturbed01:24
Typos_Kingif you need to just do plain php stuff and markup, I'd say you don't need the ftp session, you can do that with a webserver on http://localhost01:25
xenaxonwait, I think you didn't understand01:26
xenaxonright now, I have this situation: I have a live website(it's serving online) and I want to develop offline, and only update the real website when the feature is complete and tested.01:27
xenaxonI have setup apache/mysql/php/phpmyadmin on localhost01:27
xenaxonand I've also setup vhosts: www.sitename.lh01:28
Typos_Kingxenaxon   then make a mirror/copy of it on the remote server, for your to modify01:28
Typos_Kingand login to that folder01:28
xenaxonI was hoping that quanta could just update all files on the server that are different from the files on localhost01:29
xenaxonor something like that01:29
xenaxonbut it's ok. I'll just send them manually01:30
James147xenaxon: fyi  if your web server supports it I would use the sftp protocal instead, its like ftp but uses ssh to encrypt it01:30
James147xenaxon: ftp i think sends everything in clear text, easier to get hold of they stuff your transfing... but its just a suggestion01:31
xenaxonoh, no worry01:32
xenaxonno one knows my ip01:32
James147xenaxon: http://www.wise-ftp.com/know-how/ftp_and_sftp.htm  <-01:32
xenaxonit's impossible to get hold of the conexion I tnink01:32
zusso after all day crashing i finally found this....and after 12 or more times i get throught he updates, now when it says start game it still crashes....http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=16051   how can i get runes of magic to play?01:34
zusbtw no one in #whinehq isnt saying anything thought id come here.01:35
xenaxonfrom my opinion wine sucks, I couldn't get anything I used on wingows to work on kubruntu01:35
zusim begining toagree xenaxon  nothing i needed to run worked01:36
xenaxonwinamp worked for 1 second01:36
Typos_Kingis just an emulator   FYI, not a virtual environment01:36
Typos_Kingmaybe you need a virtual environment or something01:36
xenaxonthen It crashed and I needed to kill wine to get rid of the window01:36
genii<cough cough> Wine Is Not an Emulator01:37
xenaxonlike I'd know what an emulator is01:37
zusnot that you can take youtube for gospel but... i've seen tutorials on install i found something on winehq but still nada.....how do i remove runes of magic and wine completely ?01:37
xenaxonzus, haha that's the same question I asked after 10 minutes of trying wine out01:38
xenaxonhow do I kill the application and delete wine01:38
xenaxonI couldn't kill the wine app window01:38
xenaxonit was a pain01:38
James147genii: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ/#head-8b4fbbe473bd0d51d936bcf298f5b7f0e8d25f2e  <-  :)01:38
xenaxonwine sucks big time01:39
zusya know being a new guy i figure it was end user and i tried everythign ive read and some file moving i got it from not even updateing to where you would click to enter the game so im not completely hopeless  HAHA01:39
* genii hands James147 a cookie01:40
xenaxonthank you all for all of your help01:43
xenaxonjames147:thanks for help01:44
zusJames147,  thanks for the wine thing im actually there on another tab...looking on how to get this working lol...i dont want to give up since i got it to at leat knock on the games door... but geesh.. glad im not an angry guy01:46
* zus snickers01:47
James147zus: wine is quite complex, and is still in development so has alot of rough edges, takes a while to figure out how to get it to behave :)01:48
James147zus: I am still not fully sure how to get most things to work in wine :S not that i need many things to01:48
xenaxonI only needed 1 damn thing: Macromedia Fireworks01:49
xenaxonand it failed miserably01:50
zusi just wanted at least one game...01:50
xenaxonhehe. I was a game addict in the past. used to play 16 hours per day01:51
xenaxonI got over it anyway01:51
zusi have to but wanted to look at rom,  and not just from 20 second  look at what i can do videos01:52
zusin the end, i learned wine for me is thumbs down. no offense to anyone. you know?01:53
Typos_Kingother folks have been able to have several games rolling, sooo01:54
Typos_Kingcan't say, I've used it but just for the browser for testing01:54
James147xenaxon: could never stand dota :S01:54
xenaxonI was a maniac of dota01:54
xenaxonplayed it non-stop01:54
xenaxonI had no social life whatsoever01:54
xenaxondota was my life01:55
xenaxongood times!01:55
zusi had no social life wich is how i got into pc gaming, most my ps2 games were two players  ha01:55
zuswas amussing to hit start on 2nd controller and  clean house in mortal comebat tohugh01:56
xenaxonMK times = I can see myself01:57
xenaxonplaying hercules and MK01:57
xenaxonat 11 years old01:57
xenaxonat an ilegal net-cafe, running in the back room of a local shop01:57
xenaxonthat's how I first laid my hands on a computer01:59
xenaxonwell, anyway. lesson: DO NOT PLAY GAMES, more than 1 hour per day.02:05
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poyntzis it normal that when i've opened PDF files on a kubuntu partition, if I try to open them on a Windows partition they won't open?02:39
poyntzbut if I got back to Kubuntu, they still will open02:39
poyntzis there an IRC channel for okular? I think it's ruining my PDF docs02:44
James147poyntz: you can try #kde02:46
poyntzthanks James14702:46
xenaxonJames147: why can't dolphin see .htaccess files?02:50
James147xenaxon: umm... just .htaccess  or any file starting with a .?02:51
James147xenaxon: files that start with a . are hidden, to view them in dolphin press alt+.    or via the menus (show hidden files)02:52
xenaxonanything with .02:52
James147xenaxon: then see my prevoius comment ^^02:53
James147xenaxon: :D02:53
xenaxonyou're fast!02:53
James147xenaxon: I have been though alot of what you are going through :)02:54
xenaxongreat to know some else is also having trouble02:54
xenaxonI mean... you know what I meant.02:54
James147xenaxon: linux has a steep learning curve if you want to get to know it :) but worth it in the end :D02:55
xenaxonI like it over windows, because it's faster02:56
James147xenaxon: once you begin to under stand some of the basics more things become clearer :)02:56
James147xenaxon: and more powerful... if you know what your doing02:56
xenaxonand the best feature yet is multiple-desktops. that's PRICELESS02:56
xenaxonand way faster than any windows alternative02:57
James147xenaxon: saw ndivia do it once in their drivers for windows...02:57
xenaxonI tried them, nothing's as fast switching as the desktops on kubuntu02:58
xenaxonIt saves me probably seconds per each switch02:58
xenaxonand also helps me organise everything: programing/design/tasks/misc02:58
James147xenaxon: because windows isen't built for it where as most linux de's have it as stadard02:59
xenaxonI think the desktops save me at least 1 hour per day03:00
James147xenaxon: yup, you find alot of things on linux are easier to do for programmers :) since its them who built it for them selves03:00
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mbeleintel drivers03:02
mbelesorry Im new never used this b403:02
James147!Hello | mbele03:03
ubottumbele: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:03
James147!ask | mbele03:03
ubottumbele: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:03
James147mbele: Welcome :)03:03
mbelethank you03:04
mbelewell its a long question03:04
mbelehow to enable desktop effects with a intel 82845g video card03:05
zusmy kmail is still asking me for a password even though i click remember password. when i send email anyone know how i can stop this?03:05
James147mbele: see-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305870#7  <- for more info03:09
mbeleJAMES 147 if this works Ill let yall know asap THANK YOU!03:12
mbelejust outta curiousity why do they do that if it was working on the last distro?03:12
James147mbele: regressions... sometimes they change something that makes older stuff break03:13
mbelebut the old addage "if it aint broke".... LOL03:14
mbeleIm workin on it right now03:14
James147mbele: possibally that the xorg.conf file is no longer generated by default and xserver dosnt detect all the settings correctly for your card03:14
mbeleso Ill post what happens as soon as I got somethin03:15
James147mbele: they could be adding new features, optimising code... just because it works dosent mean it works well :)03:15
James147mbele: more info, found a bug report :) ->https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/296833/03:16
mbeleyea I got really low ram but had desktop cube working GREAT in 8.04gnome  then switched to 9.10kde and is much smoother I can tell im close to a fix03:17
mbelemuch better documented in kde than gnome it seems03:17
mbelehmmm this is going to take some time03:38
sex_weezlAnyone fucking here?03:59
sex_weezlYou'd better fucking answer me cuntz.04:00
James147pfft :(04:00
zusJames147,  well i gave up on the game how do i remove  wine completely i couldnt find it in the faq. (from command line please)04:01
James147zus: sudo aptitude purge wine && rm -r ~/.wine04:02
James147zus: your repos will still be there, but thats not a big problem :)04:03
James147zus: just less hassel if you ever change your mind in the future04:03
zuswhat where i add in 3rd party ppa? in there?04:03
James147zus: the above wont remove the ppa, not sure on a safe way of doing that from terminal, not entirly sure how ppas are added by kpackagekit (or add-apt-repositity)04:05
zus hehe i wont change my mind. ill fire up my windows tower b4 i do wine again04:05
James147zus: :) the ppas wont hurt your system but you can easly remove them through kpackagekit04:05
zusleast i wont see it in kmenu.... im glad i gave linux 5 months that was enough of a bad time to turn anyone away04:05
ubuntuhow to repair corrupted file system ext404:06
zusthe wine channel was  80% ghost town04:06
James147zus: it is, buyt wine is evolving quite quickly, a new version every 2 weeks or so04:07
zusif i try anything on running windows anything on linux ill do virtualbox...just would have been nice to at least play one game  aside form frets on fire wich was removed a few months back04:08
James147!games | zus04:09
ubottuzus: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:09
zusim more frustrated than angry or mad...you know. computers is a labor of love04:09
phoenix__grub takes a long time to load. is there a way to speed up04:11
James147phoenix__: define long04:12
phoenix__James147: 30 seconds04:12
James147phoenix__: count down timers? or just loading?04:13
phoenix__James147: just loading04:13
phoenix__James147: takes 30 sec to load the menu04:13
James147phoenix__: eek04:14
James147phoenix__: from power on, or after bios window disapears?04:14
phoenix__James147: after bios window04:14
James147phoenix__: :) grub 1 or 2?04:15
phoenix__grub 204:15
James147phoenix__: not that I know what to do with anyof that info :)04:15
phoenix__James147: ok04:16
James147phoenix__: could try: sudo update-grub04:16
zusi noticed that myself but i still boot up faster than windows. when i first tried linux 9.4 it was way fast. i even added a 128mb boot partition hoping it would be faster...but all in all im faster than when i was  on windows. so im happy04:16
James147phoenix__: other then that I can only suggest reinstalling grub :S but careful with doing that, if you dont reinstall it before you reboot you wont be able to boot :)04:17
phoenix__James147: ok, i will try my best04:18
James147zus: my eeepc boots in about 26 secs, and kde takes about 29 secs to log in :S04:18
zusjust for knowledge how do i get these 7 second boot times people rave about?04:18
James147zus: and my desktop takes about 20 secs from button press to the "beep" never mine actually loading anything :S04:18
James147zus: think its with small fast netbooks (things that are designed to be low power and quick to load) and with a solid state hard drive04:19
zusi have to admit though my brothers win 7 latop did boot faster than mine. however i think he just booted from sleep cuz he jsut opened his screen where i had to log in and wait for the silly icons to fade in and fade into desktop hehehe04:20
James147zus: I think solid state drive makes a bit of difference :)04:20
James147zus: probally, my eee takes less then a sec to wake up though,04:20
zusi cant find any best buys sold  out wal mart has a spot but it's always empty on the shelf04:21
James147zus: although, tends to go back to sleep again 30 secs later :D04:21
zusi cant stop my desktop from going to a black screen after a few minutes of inactivity04:21
James147zus: i ordered mine online :S04:22
zusi even turned off power conservation.04:22
James147zus: define "turned off"04:22
zusif i want my screen save then it after an 2 hour or more...04:22
zusi unchecked the boxes in settings and still does it04:22
zusyou ever watched the it crowd?04:23
James147zus: not sure whatyou mean04:23
James147zus: it crowd yes :)04:23
zusi get a grin when i read you say: define "such and such" hahaha moss is best04:24
James147zus: anyway, what boxes did you unckeck to do waht?04:25
OxDeadC0dezus have you checked the power management settings in your bios configuration?04:25
zusmenu>system settings>advanced>power management: unchecked  enabled display power management....04:26
James147zus: for all profiles?04:26
zusOxDeadC0de,  no unless they got changed from my ubuntu -to kubuntu install04:26
James147zus: or at least the one you use :)04:26
zusJames147, aye im only user.04:26
James147zus:  i mean the power profiles "powersave, preformance" etc04:27
zuswith ubuntu i had it for like 5 hours then ss came on...but nothng turned off or sleep or hibernateed04:27
zusJames147,  no they werent all off, but i clicked them off ill get back to you tomorrow if its fixed.04:29
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James147zus: might try checking "Let powerdevil manage screen powersaving"04:31
James147zus: its can't turn off the screen powersaving if its no managing it :)04:31
James147zus: although I am not entily sure waht that option dose04:32
zusjust for good measure,... i prefer to manually turn off my monitor, and when im not in my house the pc is turned off completly but when im about i iike  on.04:33
James147zus: either way, test all the options see what they do :)04:34
zusi got a question on desktop wall papers and stuff,  can i install linux mint kde window themes and stuff? and i notice since updating to kde4.4 facebook widget is broken.04:36
James147zus: if its a kde4 theme then I would think so (www.kde-look.org)04:38
James147zus: broken how?04:39
zussec ill tell you now04:39
James147zus: seems to work for me (kde 4.4.2) although I can't log in, but that is probally me not remembering ym passsword04:40
zus" could not open the facebook package required for the facebook widget... thats what i get when i drag the widget form the top part of the panel on the bottom. it opens up when i click the cashew up top right corner04:41
James147zus: yep, works for me :)04:42
James147zus: what kde version?04:42
zuslet me see, i thinkits 4.4.2 as well04:43
zusJames147,  no 4.4.1 im sorry04:44
James147try reinstalling plasma-widget-facebook and updating04:44
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zusis there a command for that? ow do i do it?04:46
James147zus: sudo aptitude reinstall <package>04:46
James147zus: man aptitude   or man apt-get    if you want a reminder of how to install/remoge/purge/search/etc for packages :)04:47
James147zus: ^^04:50
James147zus: what do you mean?04:51
zuscouldnt i use the kdeblog for facebook? the one thing ubnder desktop?04:51
zusnothing changed its still the same04:51
James147zus: try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade   should bring your desktop up to kde 4.4.2 (will need to log out and back in after)04:52
zusalright its doing its thing...04:55
zusbrb...i hope this works my confort is that maybe lucid being an lts will have somethings fixed that i had trouble with... fingers crossed04:56
James147zus: well, i need to go to sleep... will help you tomorrow if you still have problems :)05:01
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zusthat worked! thank james14705:11
Whisky_I had 3 lines to mount my windows partitions in /etc/fstab now when I try to reboot upon booting my display goes hay wire and I can't do anything and when I try to boot in recovery mode when the recovery menu opens I can't access anything and it says it failed to load devices (the one's I had in fstab)05:40
kaitosanyone know how to fix this: http://www.siue.edu/~brpritc/konsole_cutoff.png the end of some of the filenames are getting cut off06:02
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chi_Wow, ubuntu chat.06:05
moetuneskaitos: never seen that before...06:06
lorbritohi i want to stop cron but these happen cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 1118: Resource temporarily unavailable06:06
tofehi everyone06:07
chi_Hey tofe.06:07
tofewhat time is it now?06:08
moetuneslorbrito: try this fix - http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/misc/33971-cron-job-error.html06:08
chi_Depends on where you are, I guess.06:09
tofewere are you?06:09
chi_But it's always peanutbutterjelly time.06:10
tofenice to meet you :)06:10
moetunesguys there is #kubuntu-offtopic for chit-chat :)06:10
chi_Oops, okies.06:11
Whisky_I'm troubled with my new Kubuntu install. I can't get it to display properly because as soon as it bootsu up the login screen shows a mulititude of flashing rainbow colors. I can get into recovery mode and in shell but not graphically. Apparently some device nvumedia or something fails too when booting06:13
moetunesWhisky_: from the recovery mode you can read the Xorg log - done that?06:14
Whisky_moetunes: I don't know how to do that06:15
moetunescat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less   will let you do it06:15
tofeis there any one knows how to install longman dictionary in ubuntu 9.10??06:15
moetunesWhisky_: look for lines that start   EE06:15
Whisky_okay will do06:16
moetunestofe: does   apt-cache search longman   in konsole give an answer?06:18
petohi...why i cant hear music with amarok??...pls06:19
tofeI have bought a Longman dictionary, along with CD06:19
tofeCD is compatible with Linux OS06:20
tofeBut I could not install the program on CD06:20
moetunestofe: it looks like you just put the cd in and run it - http://greative.net/index.php/2010/01/dictionary-linux-longman-dictionary-contemporary-english/06:22
tofeI have tried the installation CD, but after installation I can not find the program06:24
navetzhow do I change my ttouchpad configs in kubuntu 9.1006:24
moetunestofe: found this install guide - http://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/10506:24
tofethanks moetunes i Tried to follow the steps in the link, but failed06:27
tofeBecause the dictionary that I have is different06:27
moetunestofe: k06:28
moetunesis there a setup.sh on the cd?06:28
tofeThe name of the dictionary that I have:longman dictionary contemporary english the living dictionary06:29
moetunesis there a setup.sh on the cd? tofe06:30
tofeyes there installation.sh06:30
moetunestofe: try in konsole to change directory to the cd e.g cd /media/cdrom006:31
moetunestofe: type in konsole   cd /media/cdrom006:32
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:33
tofeWhat next?06:34
moetunestofe: type   ls | grep install06:35
moetunesdoes the installation.sh show?06:35
tofeNothing happens06:36
moetunestofe: you need to be in the folder that file is in - do you know the path to the file06:36
tofepath is /media/cdrom0/linux06:37
moetunestofe: type cd ./linux06:38
moetunestofe: then type   sudo installation.sh06:39
moetunesthe suspense is killing me....06:41
tofei type cd ./linux06:41
tofeNo such file or directory06:41
moetunestofe: then type   sudo installation.sh06:41
moetunestofe: type in konsole   cd /media/cdrom0/linux   then06:42
tofesudo: installation.sh: command not found06:42
moetunestofe: type in konsole   cd /media/cdrom0/linux   then06:43
moetunesand then    ls06:43
moetunesor try   find /media -name installation.sh06:43
tofethen  cd /media/cdrom0/linux$06:43
moetunestofe: what does   ls   return?06:44
tofe /media: is a directory06:45
tofeI'm sorry does not work06:46
lorbrito i want to stop cron but these happen cron: can't lock /var/run/crond.pid, otherpid may be 1118: Resource temporarily unavailable06:46
lorbritoif i kill that pid06:47
lorbritoit start again06:47
moetunestofe: if the file is in /media/cdrom0/linux then you can type   /media/cdrom0/linux/installation.sh   and it shoul;d run06:47
tofeits run now :)06:48
tofethey Say :please enter the path in which to create the symblic links06:50
tofeis it ok here : /use/local/bin06:50
moetunestofe: sounds fine06:51
moetuneslorbrito: are trying to do something that needs root priveleges? sudo something?06:51
tofeerror : no write permission to /use/local/bin06:51
moetunestofe: try   sudo /media/cdrom0/linux/installation.sh06:52
lorbritoyes i did it with sudo06:53
moetuneslorbrito: how are you gonna enter your password in a cronlob?06:54
lorbritosudo cron stop06:55
moetuneslorbrito: as your user set a cronjob with   crontab -e   - man cron explains it06:55
lorbritoi do that06:55
moetunesand that gives the error?06:56
tofesorry , I finished the installation, but I can not find a program06:59
moetunestofe: it will be in /usr/local/bin - ends in e5 iirc07:04
moetunestofe: try   /usr/local/ldoce5/ldoce507:05
tofe /usr/local/ldoce5/ldoce5: No such file or directory07:06
moetunestofe: best I can suggesy is somewhere in /usr/local - as it was installing it should have been showing output in konsole07:08
tofemoetunes : Sorry I did not find, thank you for your keenness and I will try later07:18
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tofesee you again :) I wish you a happy day07:21
moetunesyou too tofe :)07:21
poyntzwhen I print .okular files it prints a blank page and then quits. how can I fix this?07:29
moetunesI thought okular was an app?07:32
poyntzokular is an app. but it can be used to export .okular files, which are PDF's with XML formatted annotations07:36
palobrecan anyone tell me how to set wine's display refresh rate to 60Hz ???08:36
moetunessomeone in #winehq might be able to08:36
palobreok i try08:37
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poyntzWhen I try to print a PDF/.okular file using Okular (KDE 4.3.5) it prints a blank page and then cuts out.08:57
poyntzHow can I solve this issue?08:57
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SardaHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:33
moetunesSarda: not funny09:34
moetunesgenii: slap Sarda pls09:34
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MirianHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:37
MyaHey kids, try this command: rm -rfv /*09:39
moetunesthnx Tm_T09:46
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SandGorgonis kubuntu 10.04 beta on KDE 4.4.2 ?09:48
moetuneshi kuljeet09:48
kuljeetmay i know you name please09:49
moetunesSandGorgon: I don't know #ubuntu+1 will tho :)09:49
SandGorgonmoetunes, oh ok..09:49
rwwSandGorgon: yes, it is.09:49
moetuneskuljeet: it is moetunes09:50
SandGorgonrww, thanks...09:50
kuljeetwhere you are09:50
moetunesdidn't know that...09:50
moetuneskuljeet: for chit-chat you need to go to #kubuntu-offtopic this is for os troubles - see the topic at the top of the page pls :)09:51
kuljeetok i am sory to disturb you09:52
moetuneskuljeet: it's not a problem - just the rules :)09:52
kuljeetok one thing i want to know that i am not able to configure my webcame with this os09:53
moetunestis might help09:53
moetunes!webcam | kuljeet09:54
ubottukuljeet: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:54
moetuneskuljeet: best I can do I don't use a webcam09:54
moetunessomeone else might hto...09:54
kuljeeti am new   with this os09:55
moetuneskuljeet: it takes some learning but do it one step at a time and it will be fine09:56
kuljeetalright moetunes thanks for you help  i hope i will see you again very soon09:57
moetuneskuljeet: :) luck09:58
moetunesfery: was that test ?09:58
can__selam gençler10:45
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Torchhmm. installed kde 4.4.2 yesterday. today i notice openoffice org does not have any icons anymore in the toolbars. anyone else seeing this?12:27
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robinking623my plasma of kde 4.4 is crashed12:59
robinking623what should I do?12:59
Torchrobinking623: alt+f2, then type "plasma-desktop" and hit return13:03
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robinking623Torch: no, it does not work13:03
robinking623Torch: that is the point. the plasma can not be started13:04
robinking623Torch: kubuntu 910 + ppa with kde 4.4#13:04
Torchrobinking623: does the problem persist after a reboot?13:05
lubsehow to activate the win (super) key?13:06
moetuneswhat about removing al the files that start with plasma in ~/.config/kde?13:06
robinking623Torch: yes13:07
Torchmoetunes: kde doesn't use any config files there.13:07
Torchrobinking623: try creating a new user and see if plasma can start for that user.13:07
moetunes~/.local is it?13:07
Torchmoetunes: no ;-) not really.13:08
Torchmoetunes: kde4-config --localprefix is the command to get the config path.13:08
Torchmoetunes: for kubuntu, it's $HOME/.kde13:08
robinking623Torch: I have already delete ~/.kde13:08
Torchmoetunes: $HOME/.local is freedesktop.org stuff13:08
robinking623Torch: it does not work13:08
Torchrobinking623: i still suggest trying a new user, just to make sure it's not any setting13:09
Torchlubse: activate it for what?13:10
lubseso I can make keyboard shortcuts with it13:10
Torchlubse: that should work out of the box (i don't have these keys, i can't tell)13:10
robinking623Torch: it works13:15
robinking623Torch: I just switched to tty1. and then sudo apt-get upgrade13:15
* robinking623 XD13:15
frans_my kde just froze, just black screen, can't do sticky keys, except alt-tab which only show amarok in small windows. can't return to desktop, have to ctrl-alt-del . . . what should i do ?13:20
antonio_aki no se abla español13:21
frans_sorry can't speak espagnol13:21
Tm_T!es | antonio_13:22
ubottuantonio_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:22
moetunesfrans_: anything in the log? - /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:23
frans_ok, i'll try to open the log from gnome ... pls wait13:24
moetunesfrans_: ctrl+alt+f2 then login and   cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less - up and down arrows to browse13:25
lubseTorch: where can I bind "minimize all windows"?13:26
Torchlubse: you probably have the "show desktop" plasmoid already in your panel. right click it and open its settings. assign a shortcut in the settings dialog.13:27
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lubsecan I edit my right click menu?13:32
lubseI wish to add a button "open with VIM"13:32
kubuntu-kucat /var/log/Xorg.0.log only shows 'many modelines" . . .13:37
kubuntu-kuctrl-alt-f2 send me to terminal . . .13:37
kubuntu-kudid you say cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less ? that failed too . . .13:38
kubuntu-kuhallo moetunes, are u still there ?13:39
moetunesyep kubuntu-ku13:39
kubuntu-kuany other suggestions ? still can't open my kubuntu . . .13:40
moetunesctrl+alt+f2 is meanrt to send you to a cli - you have X prob - try ls /var/log/| grep X13:41
moetunescan't believe there is no Xorg.0.log13:41
kubuntu-kuls /var/log/| grep x ok ?13:42
moetunescap x13:42
moetunescapital for the x13:42
kubuntu-kuthere is Xorg.0.log , of course, but, it only shows many lines of " modelines "13:42
moetunesx is diff in linux to X13:43
kubuntu-kuok, i'll try that13:43
andreimehello, what should i install to have mandelbrot and marble 3d globe options in kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.4.2 as desktop wallpapers ?13:43
moetuneskubuntu-ku: look for lines that start EE13:44
kubuntu-kuyes, there is Xorg.0 till 5 and failsave . . .13:44
llutzkubuntu-ku: grep EE  /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:44
kubuntu-kuno lines that start with EE13:44
Torchlubse: you can. it's done on a mimetype basis. right click the type of tile you want to have that entry for and choose properties. then click on the little wrench-button.13:45
kubuntu-kuok grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:45
Torchlubse: you'll get a dialog that allows you to set the application to open the file type with13:45
moetuneskubuntu-ku: you have nvidia card yes?13:45
kubuntu-ku(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.13:46
kubuntu-ku(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER13:46
kubuntu-ku(EE) Failed to load module "i810" (module does not exist, 0)13:46
kubuntu-kuwhat the hell does that mean ?13:46
kubuntu-kumy vga card, i'll have to check that first13:47
andreimehello, what should i install to have mandelbrot and marble 3d globe options in kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.4.2 as desktop wallpapers ?13:47
moetunesit can't find a standard module13:47
lubseTorch: yes, but I don't want to open .* files with vim13:47
lubseI just want to have the option13:47
lubse(not open by default, but have the option there in right click menu)13:47
moetuneskubuntu-ku:  it can't find a standard module - it is intel graphics13:48
moetuneskubuntu-ku: updated recentluy?13:48
fabio333<kubuntu-ku>: modinfo i81013:48
Torchlubse: still the same. just don't set it as the topmost entry. you'll get the others in the open-with submenu.13:49
moetunesor recently even...13:49
kubuntu-kumodinfo i81013:49
kubuntu-kufilename:       /lib/modules/2.6.31-20-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/i810/i810.ko13:49
kubuntu-kulicense:        GPL and additional rights13:49
kubuntu-kudescription:    Intel i81013:49
kubuntu-kuauthor:         VA Linux Systems Inc.13:49
FloodBotK2kubuntu-ku: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
kubuntu-kusrcversion:     8FB34D924397C860CA6DC4913:49
* Torch notes there's a difference between kernel- and x-org-modules.13:49
moetunesupdate bies again I believe13:49
kubuntu-kusorry, please forgive me . . .13:50
Torchalso, if gnome is running and kde is not, it won't help much to diagnose X-org errors.13:51
moetuneskubuntu-ku: there's no black marks recorded here :)13:52
moetunesso the modules there but X can't find it...13:52
moetuneskubuntu-ku: is it a new system - i3/i5/i7?13:53
kubuntu-kuwhat is black mark ? how do i check i3 5 or 7 ?13:54
kubuntu-kumy modinfo is already sent to pastebin ...13:54
fabio333Torch, indeed that module should be in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers13:55
kubuntu-ku# 40754413:55
moetuneskubuntu-ku: the black mark was an attempt at humor - i3/i5/i7 are the newest intel cpus and there graphics might not yet be supported13:55
fabio333i wish i had a core i713:55
moetunes4 cores = lots of wasted power most of the time imo13:56
fabio333moetunes>: what about video editing or gta4?13:56
moetunesfabio333: do you encode 24/7 or even close to that?13:57
fabio333moetunes>: indeed never because my pc sucks (it takes forever to encode in x264)13:57
moetunesif the comp is up 4 cores are working :)13:58
kubuntu-kuif it's not supporte, then, you mean, i've to uninstall kde ? can't i update or something ?14:00
moetunesso back to whee we were - kubuntu-ku what does   lspci   say your card is?14:00
moetunestime for a nw keyboard her14:01
fabio333xserver-xorg-video-intel  supports intel i810...14:01
moetuneslooking for the chipset14:01
kubuntu-kulspci said "ICH7 Family" etc14:01
kubuntu-kuDisplay controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G3114:02
fabio333lspci | grep -i vga14:03
moetuneskubuntu-ku: do you have an earlier kernel still installed to boot into?14:03
kubuntu-ku # 40755114:04
Torchkubuntu-ku: just one simple question. did i get this right -- gnome works? kde does not?14:05
moetuneskubuntu-ku: try the earlier kernel as a short term fix pls - we'll still be here14:05
kubuntu-kuyep, gnome works, just kde black out and froze . . . xde is fine too14:06
moetunesgood question Torch14:06
moetuneskubuntu-ku: disregard previous14:06
Torchkubuntu-ku: then your xorg is fine.14:06
fabio333kwin composite?14:07
kubuntu-kuhow to try earlier kernel ? last time, i just download from help.ubuntu.com . . .14:07
Torchkubuntu-ku: don't do that.14:07
Torchkubuntu-ku: it won't help you14:07
Torchkubuntu-ku: your kde install and/or settings are broken.14:08
moetunesa boot into gnome and a paste of the Xorg log would be good14:08
Torchmoetunes: xorg.log has nothing to do with this.14:08
Torchmoetunes: /var/log/Xorg.?.log logs the server startup process14:09
kubuntu-kuis it because i set up screensaver ? but, it didn't ask for a password . . .14:09
moetuneskubuntu-ku: Torch knows more about this14:10
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kubuntu-kui'mnow on gnome, but then, what to do to repair my kde ?14:11
Torchkubuntu-ku: did kde ever work for you on this install?14:11
kubuntu-kui installed it this morning, and fine . . .14:12
Torchkubuntu-ku: so then you did something that broke it ;-) now, what could that have been?14:13
kubuntu-kui thought my screensaver, but, my son thought it was because he entered a wrong password into kdewallet . . .14:14
Torchkubuntu-ku: it's certainly not kwallet.14:14
Torchkubuntu-ku: and probably not the screen saver either. what exactly happens when you try to log in to kde?14:15
lubseDoes anyone know how to get sound working in flash? (youtube)?14:16
kubuntu-kui can login, then, it automatically ran amarok, on a small windows ( sound is good ), but, everything else is black. can't use sticky keys like ctrl-alt-up etc . . .14:17
lubseI have kubuntu version 9.1014:17
kubuntu-kuonly ctrl-alt-del to logout . . . and nothing else . . .14:17
Torchkubuntu-ku: there is a hidden folder in your home dir called ".kde". delete that folder from gnome. then try to log in to kde again.14:18
Torchkubuntu-ku: you may need to set gnome's file manager to show hidden folders and files first to  be able to see it.14:18
kubuntu-kuok, i'm trying that . .14:19
kubuntu-kuhi, Torch, Moetunes, et aliis  . . . you are correct !!! just delete /home/kde ... and now i'm back on my kde . . . You are great guys, thank you very very much !!!14:24
moetunesthank Torch he/she knew14:24
kubuntu-kucould u explain what's actually gone wrong, Torch ?14:25
Torchkubuntu-ku: not really. it sounds plasma couldn't start successfully, but to diagnose the real reason you'd need a lot more information.14:26
kubuntu-kui've to thank u too moetunes, u're very responsive14:26
kubuntu-kuok, tnx Torch . . .14:26
moetuneskubuntu-ku: I just remember being new to linux :)14:26
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moetuneskubuntu-ku: a good thank you goes a long way :)14:28
jimmy51_What's the default package mgr for ubuntu 9.10?  i run kubuntu and use kpackageit.14:29
jimmy51_is it still synaptic?14:30
moetunesjimmy51_: yep14:32
jimmy51_thanks.  you run linux on a few workstations and suddenly you're the local linux support source14:33
moetunesgoogle is your friend jimmy51_  :)14:33
moetunesor here14:34
millunhi, what theme to use for KDE4 to look like Windows XP14:34
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:34
Torchmillun: suggested starting point is kde-look.org in this case ;-)14:35
millunthere are some but i don't know which one to pick14:35
Torchmillun: why don't you just try them out one after another?14:35
milluni thought someone could point me at the best one :)14:36
Torchmillun: well, there are comments and ratings on kde-look.org14:36
millunyeah, some even get like > "50% good" :)14:37
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kubuntu-kuit's a sincere thank, indeed, moetune . . .14:41
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moetunesmillun: it's all relative - you have to explore to find what fits14:42
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moetuneskubuntu-ku: frans thnx :)14:44
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piuzzac'è nessuno???14:51
genii!it | piuzza14:52
ubottupiuzza: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:52
michael___ i have quanta plus, how can i upload file on my webserver using ssh protocol?14:53
moetunesmichael___: that is an question that is limited in the scope of userd it is relevant to - there might be a quanta channel...15:06
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:08
michael___how can i install fish kio slave?15:14
moetunesanythimg in synaptic?15:16
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:16
llutzmichael___: use sftp://15:17
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mfraz74OK, just upgraded from KDE 4.3.2 to 4.4.2 and all is well except that I can't get Kontact to do anything. It just locks up after starting16:05
oriolis there somebody here ?16:13
orioli'd like to know where can i fin kmule16:13
oriolbecause it is not in synaptic16:13
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mfraz74anyone able to help me?16:20
moetunesmfraz74: you just go right ahead and state your prob in these sort of chat rooms :) - someone will eventually answer if they know16:25
mfraz74OK, just upgraded from KDE 4.3.2 to 4.4.2 and all is well except that I can't get Kontact to do anything. It just locks up after starting16:25
moetunesmfraz74: in those situations I start the prog from konsole - that way any errors are printed out for me to see16:27
mfraz74is there somewhere where i can paste it?16:28
moetunesdrag the konsole to the side first so you can click on it and use ctrl+c to kill the app16:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:28
moetunesmfraz74: looks like an old config is messing with things there16:30
mfraz74i've renamed kontactrc, but still nothing16:31
moetunesmfraz74: Connecting to deprecated signal is line 1 - maybe more is needed - I don't use 4.4 so... maybe someone else will pipe up16:33
OxymoronCould someone explain to me whats wrong with this line : LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so? Apache2 says its invalid syntax? :S16:36
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\How do i trace the host IP by what command and how do i check my own IP not the mordem PLEASE16:48
Ahmed\Hello ?16:52
j_HI all16:55
j_I've been wondering if it's possible to link kwallet's master password to my login password16:55
j_having to type 2 passwords one mere seconds after another is driving me nuts16:55
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:56
moetunesmaybe Torch knows16:56
Ahmed\Hello /16:57
Ahmed\ANy one here16:57
oriolthe program amulñe didn0t start in kubuntu16:57
orioli don't know what happened16:57
Ahmed\How do i trace the host IP by what command and how do i check my own IP not the mordem PLEASE16:57
orioli think i will try another16:58
oriolimule or xmule16:58
moetunesoriol: start it in konsole so you can see any errors16:58
j_no password isn't an option - I believe that that will cause my other passwords (for instance the one for my gmail account) to be stored unencrypted16:58
oriolThere is an instance of aMule already running16:59
oriol(lock file: /home/oriol/.aMule/muleLock)Raising current running instance.16:59
Peace-pkill amuel17:00
Peace-pkill amule17:00
moetunesoriol: try in konsole   kill -n 15 `pidof amuel`17:01
j_if anyone knows for sure that linking kwallet's password to my login password is not possible I'll submit a bugreport for it on kde's upstream bugtracker17:02
Torchj_: not yet possible. the kwallet maintainer is working on it.17:02
Torchj_: you can set an empty kwallet password to avoid having to type it. that is, of course, horribly insecure.17:03
moetunesthnx Torch17:03
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j_Torch: thanks for the info. Do you have any idea if the work'll be ready for KDE SC 4.5.0?17:22
Torchj_: i have no details, but the author is rather busy with work related stuff  right now so i would not hold my breath17:26
j_Torch: too bad. Do you perhaps have a website where I can read up on the current status?17:28
Torchj_: afraid not.17:28
j_Torch: ok, thanks anyway17:29
steveyhi, can anyone help me with getting sound to work on Flash applications in Firefox? I've tried several suggestions on the internet, but they're all several years out of date. I'm using Kubuntu 9.1017:45
James147stevey: have you tryed purging and reinstalling it? some people have found that to work17:46
steveyhow do I go about that?17:46
James147stevey: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla    <- maby a bit over the top but should work17:48
James147stevey: then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:48
steveynope, still nothing17:51
James147stevey: you will ahve to restart all your browsers :)17:51
steveyyeah, I did that17:51
steveyalthough FF was still open while I ran the commands, does that matter?17:51
James147stevey: shouldn't17:51
steveywas the first command supposed to give any feedback?17:52
James147stevey: try closing all other sound applications and test it again...17:52
James147stevey: should say something17:54
steveyyeah, looked better this time17:54
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steveynope, nothing still17:55
steveyI can hear sound when you send messages and amorok is working17:55
steveyamarok even17:56
James147stevey: are you using 32 or 64 bit ?17:57
steveyI'm testing on youtube17:57
steveyto see if sound is working17:57
James147stevey: purge it again and try this: http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/18:00
steveyam I executing flashplayer.so?18:02
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James147stevey: yup18:04
steveygives me segmentation fault18:04
steveyoh sudo?18:04
steveynope, still seg fault18:05
James147what is seg faulting?18:05
steveysudo ./libflashplayer.so18:05
steveySegmentation fault18:05
steveyis what I'm getting18:06
James147stevey: :) thats trying to run the lib as root :s not what you want18:06
steveyok, well doesn't work without sudo either18:06
steveydoes exactly the same18:06
James147you want to move it to .mozilla/plugins  and then restart firefox18:06
steveyoh .mozilla in ~18:07
James147stevey: in ~/18:08
steveyextensions? or should I make a folder plugins?18:08
James147make the plugins folder if it dosnt exist18:08
steveyok, try it now?18:10
James147stevey: yes18:10
stevey:( still nothing18:10
mkristaI hate to ask..but :) I lost my multiple desktop switcher that used to sit on my taskbar and I can't fig out how to get it back!! I did the desktop settings etc. ever renamed my .kde dir to .kde_old to see if something was wacked out there. I must be missing something anybody know?18:10
Peace-mkrista: add widget to dock18:11
Peace-mkrista: pager18:11
James147mkrista: add widget -> pager18:11
mkristaPager ok18:12
James147mkrista: although would have thourght renaming .kde would bring it back :S18:12
mkristapager worked !!!! I love you18:12
mkristaya I thought the renamed .KDE would work also hehe18:13
James147stevey: try logging out and back in :S not sure what else to do18:13
mkristaThanks so much Peace18:13
James147stevey: sometimes flash dosnt close when everything has stoped useing it18:13
steveyok, brb if it doesn't work18:14
steveybye and thanks if it does :)18:14
stevey:( still doesn't work18:16
steveyI purged the flash, tried to run libflashplayer.so got a seg fault, logged out and back in, but can still see flash (and not hear it)18:18
steveyshould I be able to see flash if it's been purged?18:18
James147stevey: no... and you should need to run libflashplayer.so, did you place it in the plugins directory?18:19
steveyI did that too18:19
steveyyeah, so I should be able to see flash18:19
steveyand hear it18:19
James147stevey: should..18:20
steveyit's bloody annoying, I've spent all day trying to get it to work18:20
James147stevey: have you see or hear it now?18:20
steveyno, well not a few minutes ago18:20
colesThe dependencies for the KDE 4.4.2 en_GB localisation in the backports ppa are broken18:21
steveyI get no sound when watching this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5ht18zGzhM&playnext_from=TL&videos=2bj1XP7pih0&feature=grec18:21
stevey(or any other)18:21
steveyI'm assuming that video has sound in it18:22
colesit should depend on language-pack-kde-en rather than language-pack-kde-enGB18:22
steveyI'd normally just give up and watch videos on Windows, but I'm trying to watch tutorials for stuff that only really works on linux18:24
James147stevey: sorry, not sure what else to do... flash in 64bit has been a pain for a while although I thourght it had mostly been fixed :S18:24
steveyon another note, any idea why my wireless isn't working. It worked the evening I installed linux. I woke up in the morning and it wouldn't connect. Hasn't connected ever since18:25
stevey(I'm connected via ethernet atm)18:25
James147stevey: useing knetworkmanager?18:25
steveyI can see the wireless networks18:25
steveyjust can't connect18:25
Peace-stevey: in the most of cases you have to rename your $HOME/.kde18:26
James147stevey: try installing wicd and useing that instead, network-manager has a few problems18:26
Peace-maybe upgrading kde you can get some problems18:26
steveyKDE control  module18:26
steveyKPackageKit won't let me18:27
steveyA package dependency could not be found.18:27
steveyMore information is available in the detailed report.18:27
steveyRemove the package plasma-widget-networkmanagement before18:28
steveyshould I do that?18:28
James147stevey: from cli do "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade"18:28
steveythat looked better18:29
steveyso now I need to configure that?18:29
James147stevey: now try installing wicd (sudo aptitude install wicd)18:30
James147stevey: agree with its suggestions :)18:31
steveyI add myself into the netdev group?18:31
James147stevey: yes18:32
steveynot sure if it added me18:32
steveyI couldn't figure out how to check the box18:32
James147stevey: you can do it manually through kuser if you need to18:33
steveyI have a wicd network manager in my applications now though18:33
steveyshould I disconnect ethernet before setting up wireless?18:34
James147stevey: shouldnt need to18:34
steveyI have a hex string for the key, do I want WEP? I think it says WEP/WPA on the router18:36
steveyWEP (Hex[0-9A-F])18:37
James147stevey: wicd should beable to detect which you need but most likly18:37
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steveydidn't connect18:42
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steveyoh I give up, back to Windows it is18:49
steveythanks for the help, even though it didn't help. I have a habit of finding problems where no one else does.18:49
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capcomsomebody here that uses umtsmon on a amd64 architecture or knows where to get a deb package from? i only could find i386 debs18:58
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arch0njwcapcom: if you -really need to- you can force the architecture.  I've gotten things to work that way before.19:27
arch0njwcapcom: dpkg -i --force-architecture somePackage.deb19:28
arch0njwcapcom: I have done this in the past and the worst I have had to do is uninstall the package.  You want to make sure you have the 32bit libraries installed though.19:28
=== ubuntu is now known as Ahmed\
Ahmed\WHY on terminal ipconfig doesn't work ? @_@19:37
Tm_Tyou mean ifconfig ?19:38
Ahmed\i mean for checking up the IP from my ISP not the local :)19:38
Ahmed\well to be honest i dont really know if its IP ir IF config :) i am new here19:38
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Ahmed\Yes yes its IF sorry :$19:39
James147Ahmed\: http://www.whatsmyip.org/ :)19:39
Ahmed\no no, i mean19:39
Ahmed\THANK GOODNESS James you are here19:39
Ahmed\I usually use ip-address.com19:40
Ahmed\but i mean19:40
Ahmed\isn't any OTHER way ?19:40
James147Ahmed\: not sure of a way to do it on terminal, ifconfig dose what its ment to and gets the local ip19:40
Ahmed\yes right i did get it HUH19:40
Ahmed\Thanks :)19:41
Ahmed\James can't i set my NAME for like a username, can't i make it ?19:42
nbndshi ! is there a special channel for kubuntu 10.4 beta?19:49
James147nbnds: #ubuntu+119:50
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weecolthat's for all ubuntu derived release schedules?19:55
weecoledu- k- and othwerwise buntu19:56
James147weecol: #ubuntu+1 is for all lucid versions19:57
weecoli think that was kind of what i ment19:57
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dhrystoneHello. I'm brand new to Kubuntu 9.10 (installed it about 5 minutes ago), and need assistance adding a Windows shared drive/folder. Can someone assist?20:13
James147dhrystone: should be able to access it in dolphin (file manager) by going to Network->samba shares->"your workspace"->"computername"...20:14
dhrystonejames147 - I found the shared folder. To add it to my desktop as a shortcut, do I just click/drag it?20:16
James147dhrystone: cant directly draw it to the desktop :S, you can add it to "Places" by dragging it to the menu on the side20:18
dhrystoneThanks man, I managed to get it added. Right-clicked and selected "Add to Places." Working on adding the printer now.20:19
apparleguys I somehow messed up my system20:19
apparlewhile I was installing a package... I forgot to check the diskspace20:20
apparleand it is now zero...... I booted at command line and deleted some data... but I am unable to login to kde now20:20
weecoland the package manager tried to install it anyway20:20
James147dhrystone: you can add it to your desktop if you want to by adding the widget (right click -> add widget  on your desktop) called "Quick access" and then configuring it to point to the share20:20
apparleweecol: I was using apt-get20:20
geniiapparle: sudo apt-get clean            can make some room usually20:20
dhrystoneThanks again!20:21
apparlegenii: I have made some room20:21
apparlebut now I cannot login.... when I login, the screen flashes and I am again at the login screen20:21
James147apparle: can you run apt-get again?20:21
apparlegenii: although I can login into command line using Ctrl+Alt+F120:22
apparleJames147: yes I can20:22
James147apparle: sudo aptitude install -f   will attempt to fix broken or half installed packages (dont know the apt-get equlivent)20:22
apparleJames147: why... I tried purging the concerned packages and reinstalling them20:22
apparleJames147: nothing happens it says everything is alright20:23
James147apparle: could try renaming .kde??20:23
apparleJames147: I renamed .kde to .kdeold20:24
apparlestill same20:24
apparleI have installed the package kdenetwork-dbg, and the dependencies coming with it...20:24
apparleif it concerns20:24
apparleI mean... the system messed up while installing that package20:25
apparlecomeon guys.. plz help I don't know what to do... and I need to get it up and running... I am on a live CD now20:27
weecoldoes your disk share with tmp20:28
James147apparle: Only thing i can think of is trying a new user, reinstalling kdenetwork and kdenetwork-dbg  or try installing kubuntu-desktop (or kde-minimal or kde-full) sorry, not really siure what else to do20:28
apparleweecol: disk share with tmp means? I have everything in one ext4 partition and a swap partition20:28
James147apparle: or at the worstcase, purging kde and reinstalling it :S20:29
apparleJames147: how to add new user through CLI20:30
James147apparle: man adduser :)20:30
James147apparle: sudo adduser USERNAME i think20:31
Ahmed\James, What was that command for checking up the running applications (which are connected to the internet)20:34
Ahmed\ Configuring citadel-server its asking me to write for the citadel server, what should i type ?20:36
deepeshhello room20:39
deepeshWhere's everybody??20:39
deepeshhi finn KIAze20:39
James147!hi | deepesh20:40
ubottudeepesh: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:40
deepeshhi james20:40
deepeshhow are u??20:40
mudassarhello I have just installed kubuntu 9.10, please tell me how to use Firefox installer to easily install it20:40
deepeshhi mudassar20:41
mudassardeepesh: his deepesh20:41
Ahmed\kubuntu 9.10 ?? @_@ WHats that20:41
deepeshcheck the K Menu in the internet section.......The installer link is available there20:41
mudassardeepesh: I went there but it says the selected packages are already installed20:42
mudassarbut firefox is not installed20:42
deepeshthen shut down and restart the system.....20:42
deepeshi installed it this afternoon20:42
deepeshfaced the same prob.....20:42
mudassarthen ?20:43
mudassarit should make the life easier20:43
Ahmed\deepesh: get a new PC :P20:43
Ahmed\that at least support Gnome20:43
deepeshOnce you restart the system....focus on to installing debugging files20:43
deepeshbut ahmed i used the previous version of Kubuntu........it worked well then....20:44
deepeshin fact I am having a problem of identifying my drives.....20:44
mudassarwhat should i do ?20:44
deepeshcant see them altogether.........20:44
Ahmed\Well can you see them on Gnome ? properly ? because on Xubuntu i have the same thing :)20:45
deepeshahmed.......try restarting the system and carrying out the same thing which you tried earlier......20:45
Ahmed\No well i have no problem, i would rather stick to Gnome until Lucid comes up out :)20:45
deepeshAnd ahmed....how do i see them on gnome......i am not too good with comp.......20:45
Ahmed\ohh...So you only see / this drive ? root ?20:46
deepeshsorry the restarting comment was meant for mudassar......20:46
deepeshyes i see the root folder20:46
deepeshbut nothing in the folder.......20:46
deepeshmeaning no drives....20:46
Ahmed\Okay well :) do you have 2 HDD ?20:46
deepeshno....I got a single HDD but have partitioned it with FAT 32 just as i was installing Kubuntu 9.1020:47
James147mudassar: try installing firefox through kpackagekit (or a packagemanager of your choise)20:47
mudassarjames147: packagekit only shows the installer of firefox20:48
Ahmed\have you install Kubuntu ONLY ? or on ubuntu's Gnome you have downloaded and install Kubuntu ? cause these are two different things20:48
deepeshNo i have installed only Kubuntu 9.10....received a CD....20:49
James147mudassar: then try running "sudo aptitude install firefox" from terminal20:49
James147deepesh: can you not see the drives in dolphin? (usually in teh places menu)20:49
Ahmed\Well strange, you got two issues ? firefox and  unable to see or mount drives20:49
deepeshno james.......unable to see the drives.....20:50
James147deepesh: are they already mounted?20:50
Ahmed\James i'm having an issue on kubuntu i mean i can't see my song's thumbnals on pictures of videos but i can see on GNome properly :) WHY not on dolphin ?20:50
deepeshno james......20:50
deepeshthe only drive i can see is the SD1....where Kubuntu is installed.....20:51
mudassarjames147: It says "No candidate version found for firefox"20:51
Ahmed\mudassar: try df -h20:51
James147deepesh: can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?20:51
Ahmed\if you can see anything ?20:51
James147mudassar: try it with firefox-3.520:51
mudassarjames147: not worked20:52
deepeshhow do u do that james......will definitely help.....20:52
James147!pastebin | deepesh20:52
ubottudeepesh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:52
James147mudassar: what version of kubuntu are you useing?20:54
Ahmed\i mean KDE's version dude20:54
Ahmed\4.3 or 4.420:54
deepeshjames...can you guide me how to pastebin the output?? meaning....i have opened the page...but dont know what to do next.....20:55
James147hmm, try this: sudo aptitude purge firefox firefox-3.5 firefox-3.0 firefox-3.1 kubuntu-firefox-installer && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox20:55
mudassarhow to know the kde version ?20:55
James147mudassar: ^^20:55
LeeJunFanAhmed\: you need to install mplayerthumbs to see video thumbnails.20:55
Ahmed\umm from dolphin click on about KDE20:56
Ahmed\ohh lee.. can i install it from being on Gnome ?20:56
LeeJunFanyeah. It'll be there when you get back to KDE.20:56
Ahmed\okay i have installed :)20:56
Ahmed\Thanks dude20:56
James147deepesh: to copy from konsole click and drag over the text and tehn alt+shift+c to copy (or rightclick and click copy)20:57
mudassarKDE 4.3.220:57
James147deepesh: past it on the link ubottu gave type your user name (or something) click submit then paste the link to taht page here20:58
Kyran_Behey, I've got quite the geeky question20:58
LeeJunFanAhmed\: np. There's also an option in dolphin under settings->preview that you may have to checkmark the video previews, should have (mplayerthumbs) next to it.20:58
Kyran_BeI don't have any virtual consoles running on tty1 to 620:58
Kyran_Bejust a blinking cursor20:58
deepeshall right.....opened konsole terminal but its blank20:58
Kyran_Bebut I do have 6 getty processes running20:58
Kyran_Beand sudo start tty1 also says the terminal is running20:58
Kyran_Beit's been like this since I upgraded to karmic, does anyone have any ideas?20:59
mudassarJames147: Party for you :) it worked perfectly20:59
Ahmed\and how about images ? i mean on desktop i can but in a folder i can't since upgrade to 4.4 KDE :)20:59
LeeJunFanAhmed\: that might be under the same preview settings. I've never had a problem with images.20:59
Ahmed\umm okay :)21:00
deepeshi typed sudo fdisk 1 on it....and now it asks for a password....when i try to type in my admin password..nothing gets typed on the screen....21:00
James147deepesh: sudo fdisk -l  < that a lower case L21:01
James147deepesh: press Ctrl+c to cancel that command21:01
deepeshok.....pressing control c......21:01
James147deepesh: sudo will ask for your password when you run it ^^ it should be the password you login with21:02
James147deepesh: can you also pastebin the output of "df -l"21:03
deepeshyes james.....it does ask for a password but nothing gets typed on the screen....meaning everything gets frozen.......even when i used lower case L21:03
James147deepesh: on the terminal no password is shown, ust type it and press enter21:04
deepeshok......will try again21:04
otswimhow can i detect my windows partition on dolphin? before i always had my windows partition and i would just click on it to mount it; but now it's not there, maybe i can manuall mount it? or tell dolphin to refresh?21:05
deepeshnow it shows fdisk-l not found21:06
James147deepesh: space between the k and -  : sudo fdisk  -l21:07
deepeshok....trying once again.....21:07
James147otswim: is the partition mounted?21:08
deepeshgot through this time........21:08
deepeshpasting it in the pastebin section.....on the site...21:08
James147deepesh:  :) now pastebin the output along with the out put of "df -l"21:09
deepeshok......will do that.....what is the command for copying from the terminal??21:09
deepeshhow silly of me....just figured out.....21:09
otswimJames147: no :( but i was able to mount it manually21:10
jp__hi all21:11
James147otswim: dolphin usually just shows you things that arnt already mounted or that are mounted in /media/21:11
deepeshyes james.....i pasted them in the pastebin......21:12
otswimJames147: yes but my windows partition wasn't mounted, and dolphin didn't see it21:13
James147deepesh: paste the link here :)21:13
otswimJames147: now i've manually mounted it in /media and dolphin still doesn't see it21:13
James147otswim: hmm21:13
deepeshhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/407730/                            thats the link James21:13
James147deepesh: can you rerun the first command with -l  not -1  :)21:14
James147deepesh: but i take it the drive you want to access is /dev/sda6? mounted at /windows?21:15
James147deepesh: or sda7 at /dos21:15
deepeshi used lower case L as u advised........should I use Capital "i"??21:15
James147otswim: you can add it to fstab to auto mount on boot and place a link in dolphin as a workaround21:16
deepeshyes...thats correct.....21:16
James147deepesh: sudo fdisk -1  <- thats whats in teh pastebin... its a 1 not an l (L)21:16
deepeshunable to see any of those drives.....21:16
FremenBluehey you guys21:17
James147deepesh: do teh drives auto mount at boot?21:17
FremenBlueim trying to compile mesa from xorg-edgers, and i patched it for a game i like to play. except when i debuild it fails21:17
FremenBlueanyone experienced; please help?21:18
deepeshno.....when i boot.....they dont......21:18
James147deepesh: they look mounted... did you mount them manually?21:18
deepeshi never did anything.....21:19
James147deepesh: in dolphin try to navagate to /windows  or /dos21:19
deepeshyes....i tried it in Dolphin.......21:20
deepeshlet me try it once again.....21:20
deepeshi have pasted the link again.........21:20
otswimJames147: yes, thanks21:21
deepeshboth the folders show zero files........./dos & /windows.....21:21
James147deepesh: can you pastebin teh output of "mount"21:21
deepeshok....pasting the output of mount21:22
deepeshhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/407736/                     output of mount21:23
James147otswim: :) also rightclick on places -> show all entrys21:23
otswimJames147: i don't have that :o21:24
otswimjust add entry21:24
James147deepesh: they are mounted... and looing at df -l again i can see they have 32 k-blocks used space :S - that indicates they they are mounted, but empty21:25
deepeshyes...i had formatted them....this morning........21:25
James147otswim: show all entrys showed my windows partition when i unmounted it :)21:26
James147deepesh: then you have acess to them...21:27
James147deepesh: everything seems fine21:27
deepeshthen how do i access them??21:27
deepeshis there a command line or something that i can use??21:28
James147deepesh: just go to /windows or /dos  ... if you place files in either then they will end up on the partitions21:28
deepeshok.......let me check.....21:28
James147deepesh: linux dosent have "drives" like windows dose (c: d: etc) instead all drives are "mounted" somewhere in teh fiel system21:28
deepeshoh i see.......let me check....just a moment21:29
James147deepesh: and if you write to the location they are mounted the files get writen to that drive21:29
James147deepesh: deepeshif you unmount them then the fiels should disapear21:30
James147files ^^21:30
James147deepesh: you can add the location to dolphin if you wish, other wise they seem to be working21:30
deepeshallright.........i think I got the hang of it....actually in the earlier version that i used they used to show up as "media"....so i was searching for the media icon....21:32
deepeshbut i think i get your point.....21:32
deepeshsaving the files in /dos & /windows should save them there.....21:32
James147deepesh: they still should, thats where kde auto mounts them, but it looks like they have been mounted at boot or manually to those locations21:32
deepeshwhile partitioning I had selected the mounting options and I had specified the /dos & /windows as these were the only 2 options available.....21:33
James147deepesh: if kubuntu dosent know where to mount a drive it usual pick /media/DEVICENAME or /media/disk-#   but if something else mounts them then they can go anywhere :)21:34
James147deepesh: then they get auto mounted at boot :)21:34
deepeshwell james....that solves a big problem .......>Thank you so much for your help james......appreciate that......21:35
James147deepesh: /dos and /windows are the default locations the installer choises for fat and ntfs i think, but you dont ahve to use them, you can type a path to where ever you link in the installer, it will create it when it installs :021:35
deepeshanother problem that i face is that the portable HDD that i have doesnt get detected even if i plug it in manually or restart the system with the portable HDD in....21:36
deepeshBTW is the /dos and /windows option safe.......???21:36
James147deepesh: you can change the location they get mounted to by creating the folder they will be place in where you want it and then changing the mount points in /etc/fstab  to the location of the folders you created, then unmount them and remount them or reboot :)21:37
James147deepesh: dont see why the arnt safe21:37
James147deepesh: if you plug in the protable HDD and run: sudo fdisk -l   again i might be able to help21:38
deepeshok....will do it right away.....21:38
deepeshJames it has been plugged in all the while......21:39
James147deepesh: its been powered up as well?21:39
deepeshThe light indicator has been on......all the while....21:40
James147unplug it and plug it power it down (if it has external power) plug it back in and power it up then run the command again21:40
deepeshok....will do that.....21:40
James147unplug and power it down ^^21:40
deepeshits not externally powered....i unplugged it and plugged it back .......21:41
deepeshgoing to the terminal21:41
deepeshhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/407741/               here is the link21:42
James147deepesh: phew, detected it this time :)21:43
James147deepesh: dose it show in dolphin?21:43
deepeshlet me see21:43
FremenBluehello, i added the xorg-edgers PPA, and when i try to "apt-get source" i get the source from the official ubuntu, when i need the bleeding edge mesa, what am i doing wrong?21:44
James147FeasibilityStudy: take it you have run sudo apt-get update?21:45
deepeshcant find it in Dolphin21:45
James147deepesh: not in the places side bar?21:46
deepeshnot in places sidebar21:46
James147deepesh: what about the device notifier widget on the panel? (may need to change its settings to display all devices)21:47
deepeshlet me try......21:47
deepeshthere is no option available for setting21:48
deepeshthere is only one option...."none"21:49
James147deepesh: are you running kde 4.3.x?21:49
deepeshi think so21:50
James147deepesh: they made it better in 4.4.x :)21:50
James147deepesh: not sure why its not showing up though :S... you could try upgrading to 4.4.2,21:51
deepeshhow do i come to know whether I am actually using 4.3 or 4.421:51
James147deepesh: any kde app -> Help -> about kde21:51
deepeshits KDE 4.3.221:52
James147deepesh: I would advise upgrading to 4.4.2 :)21:53
deepeshcan it be directly downloaded??21:53
James147deepesh:  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.4.221:53
apparlehi guys.... I seem to have messed up the system, disk space was filled up with installing the package kdenetwork-dbg and its dependencies and the sytem crashed. I rebooted and am unable to login to kde. If I press Ctrl+Alt+F1 then I can login to command line. I emptied some space, purged the package and its dependencies, reinstalled them, tried renaming the .kde folder to .kdeold but I am still unable to login21:58
apparleAlso when I tried using adduser, I got some erro like could not obtain lock to some passwd etc21:59
deepeshgot it james.....21:59
deepeshthank you very much.......21:59
Typos_Kingapparle:    define 'crashed'21:59
deepeshthanks to you i have learnt a lot of new things about Kubuntu system22:00
apparleTypos_King: I am looking for the defination of recovery :D22:00
deepeshwill download and try what u told me.....22:00
Typos_Kingapparle:    so long you can define 'crashed'22:00
deepeshthank you so much james.........22:00
Typos_Kingwe may know better if we know :)22:00
James147deepesh: your welcome22:01
deepeshcan you please pass me ur email ID ??22:01
James147deepesh: for waht reason?22:02
deepeshso that i may let you know after I have installed KDE 4.4.222:03
deepeshare u always available here..??22:03
James147deepesh: will most likly be here :)22:03
James147deepesh: if not later then tomorrow22:03
deepeshOh i see.........do u work for Kubuntu??22:04
James147can anyone else access mail.google.com or .co.uk?22:04
kaddihi, I'm having issues with VI. Somehow when I press up or down it just prints A or B instead of moving the cursor.22:04
kaddianyone knows how to resolve this?22:04
James147deepesh: no, just like helping out :D22:04
James147kaddi: press esc and try :)22:05
deepeshHats off to you james.....thanks a lot....will try tomorrow over here.......22:05
James147kaddi: or if you want to move while in edit mode install vim-full22:05
kaddiI tried moving .vim but that didnt help. (i restarted the command line after moving the folder)22:05
deepesham logging out now......22:05
kaddithere's no package that'll match vim-full :s Do you have the exact name?22:06
James147kaddi: or possibally install vim22:06
kaddion it22:06
Typos_Kingkaddi:     press Esc, I assume  you're in some editing mode while that happens22:06
henkkalol my first time on irc program22:06
Typos_KingEsc to exit that edit mode22:06
kaddihi henkka22:07
henkkayo kaddi22:07
James147kaddi: think vim-tiny is installed by default, its missing alot of nice things in it, like moving in edit mode and backspace not updating the display :)22:07
Typos_Kinghenkka:  yo wasssop henkka da man in da h00dz, wassop gee22:07
kaddiJames147: lol, yes, installing vim fixed a lot. :p Not used to that vim-tiny thingie, very weird.. I was suspecting a broken config :p22:08
henkkaI fail at joining my friends irc channel...22:08
James147kaddi: no, vim-tiny installs a smaller not so good version of vi22:09
James147kaddi: dont know why its installed by default ofver vim22:09
James147kaddi: also Kate -> Settings -> Configure Kate -> Editing -> Vi input mode :D22:10
kaddinice :D22:10
Typos_Kingediting vi  input?22:12
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=== henkka_ is now known as henkka
henkkahmm how do i change the nick..22:13
Ahmed\henkka: on your left22:13
Typos_King /nick NEWNICK22:13
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Henzehnice yhx22:14
Henzehuhh whats this "away nickname" ?22:14
Typos_Kingstatus on the nick, as in letting other folks know, that you may not be at the keyboard at the moment, maybe fixing up a sandwhich or taking a shower or.... shopping around22:16
HenzehWhen will this message occur then22:18
Typos_Kingwhenever you set it22:22
Typos_Kingyou can set it manually with /away REASONHERE or you can have your irc client set it with a timing22:22
Typos_Kingand such, I barely ever use it22:22
Typos_Kingusually if I'd be away-from-keyboard I set my nick on Typos_King-afk22:22
Typos_Kingso folks know22:23
Henzehhow do i set it with a timing then?22:23
Typos_Kingdunno, is up to the UI in your irc22:23
Henzehumm btw can i join any possible quakenet channel on some irc program? im a complete noob at this.22:24
Typos_Kingwell,, yeah22:28
kaddiHenzeh: yes, you can set up differnet networks in your irc program normally22:28
Typos_Kingwith most irc clients these days, you can open unlimited networks and in each network unlimited channels, so22:29
Henzehso is quakenet a network eh? and a different 'chat room' is a channel i guess...22:30
xrandrwhat is the application that shows the K Panel and kicker? It is no longer starting when KDE starts22:31
James147xrandr: plasma-desktop22:32
James147xrandr: or plasma-netbook for netbook edition22:33
Henzehumm is it possible to get the list of all the current and active quakenet channels?22:33
medhi all channel's people22:34
Henzehhello med22:34
medwhere are you from henzel ?22:35
medups sorry henzeh22:35
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:35
xrandrit keeps crashing22:36
xrandrInvalid D-BUS interface name 'org.kde.plasma-desktop.PlasmaApp' found while parsing introspection22:36
Tm_T!fi | Henzeh moi22:36
ubottuHenzeh moi: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)22:36
xrandrhow can I fix that/22:36
Henzehthank you ubottu22:36
millunhi, i'm looking for a vista theme but i am afraid to use vista r7 transformation pack22:37
James147xrandr: try running: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install -f    from konsole22:37
Tm_Tmillun: I think you can get Windows Vista support in ##windows22:37
James147!ubottu | Henzeh22:37
ubottuHenzeh: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots22:37
medbetter in ubuntu and kubuntu than windows22:38
millunno, i am looking for a kde vista theme22:38
Henzehubottu is some kind of automatic bot helper thingy?22:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:38
HenzehI see :D22:38
Tm_Tmillun: ah, then I don't know, sorry (:22:38
xrandrJames147:  trying...22:38
xrandrit's stuck at 99% Receiving Headers22:39
James147xrandr: wait a bit22:39
Henzehuhh so dudes how can i join a quakenet channel? i have no idea! :(22:39
James147xrandr: have you added any ppas?22:39
xrandrprobably a few :D22:40
James147xrandr: it finished yet?22:40
xrandryeh its going22:40
James147xrandr: it trying to install programs?22:41
xrandrits installing and fixing some dependencies22:41
James147xrandr: good :) plasma-desktop will probally work after then22:41
xrandrprobably need to reboot22:42
xrandrJames147: nope...didnt do it22:48
James147xrandr: its only plasma-desktop that wont start?22:49
xrandrno background image, no panels22:49
James147xrandr: do you have kubuntu-netbook-default-settings installed?22:49
James147opps close the wrong window :S22:50
avihayanyone here uses a newer version then 9.10? I was wondering if kaffein is starting to get it's missing features back22:51
xrandrno idont22:51
xrandrbut i dont have a netbook22:51
James147xrandr: just checking, had problesm with plasma-desktop starting on my netbook because that was installed22:52
loicil y a t'il quelqu'un qui parle francais içi?.22:55
Tm_T!fr | loic22:55
ubottuloic: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois22:55
James147xrandr: hmm, you could try renaming .kde to see if that helps22:56
loicthnks ty i go on! bye22:56
joeuser2oooanglais? not german?22:57
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joeuser2oooic. thought the installation assistant would beam me to a german channel... anyway, np.22:59
Machtinany suggestions on a development environment for linux for C?23:00
Machtingraphical with fast compile/test-button or so :D23:01
joeuser2oooc coders use vim or emacs --- not?23:04
James147Machtin: qt-creator or kdevelop they are more c++ but should be able to do c as well23:08
James147Machtin: kdevelop4 is still in development so is a little unstable23:08
Machtinthat's okay i guess23:09
James147anyone know what file goggle chrome stores its passwords in?23:17
* genii puts on his internet goggles23:19
geniiJames147: Something about it here http://www.chromeplugins.org/google/chrome-tools/chromepassworddecryptor-google-chrome-password-recovery-tool-7953.html23:20
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James147genii: seen a few of them, but they are windows programs, and I dont want to decrpt the passwords I just want to back them up, but not the entire profile23:22
Hulkwhats the command to tell Tar not to include other folders above the path?23:23
* genii flexes his google-fu23:23
geniiJames147: http://superuser.com/questions/79821/chrome-passwords-data23:24
geniiHulk just use it on the dir name23:24
genii(instead of with dirname/    and recursing or so)23:24
Hulkgenii, it save the folder home/user/ also23:25
James147genii: found that location my self, but there are alot of files in there :)23:25
Hulkgenii, i just want it to save the last folder ABC only  /home/user/ABC23:26
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Hazel-how can i install the nvidia driver in kubuntu 9.10?23:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:41
siri1hi all..i m using ubuntu9.10 in gnome desktop, i want to get kde desktop, my main intention is to compile and run src code of kdegame, the only source is internet with some slow23:44
MaranathaI have this issue when trying to play youtube videos in full screen "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"23:45
Hazel-thanks genii23:45
FremenBluesomone help?23:45
James147siri1: you can easly install kde on ubuntu by installing kubuntu-desktop  kde-full or kde-minimal or if you jsut want teh games then kdegames :)23:46
James147!help | FremenBlue23:46
ubottuFremenBlue: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:46
FremenBlue!twat james14723:47
siri1James147: last time installed kubuntu-desktop but after that i got strucked in loading itself after booting, someone said its due to lost of session manager, i didnt want to face such a problem again!23:48
James147FremenBlue: ^^ how can we help if we dont know what the problem is23:49
siri1James147: i want to install the minimal kde , how?23:51
James147siri1: sudo aptitude install kde-minimal23:51
FremenBluejames147 i installed the Xorg-edgers PPA, then upgraded, and theres a bug in the mesa, for which a patch has been released. idk what im doing though, so what do i do with the patch?23:52
siri1James147: can i get the working kdelibes from this??23:52
FremenBluefremenblue hi23:52
FremenBluefremenblue: hi23:52
James147siri1: would think so... but I think its what kubuntu-desktop installs...23:53
MaranathaI have this issue when trying to play youtube videos in full screen "The following plug-in has crashed: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"23:53
siri1James147: you mean to install kubuntu-desktop or kde-minimal?23:54
James147siri1: either i think would work, kubuntu-desktop if you want the entire kubntu or kde-minimal if you just want a minamal kde instalation23:56
siri1James147: ok thank you :)23:57
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