
kfogelspm: (and concluding with the doc that ties all the threads in this channel together: http://svn.red-bean.com/repos/main/3bits/utf8_xml.txt)00:07
lamontwgrant: around?03:40
wgrantlamont: Indeed.03:40
lamontdid bigjools dump the lp-buildd faceplant on you?03:41
lamontgimme a minute and I'll pastebin it03:41
wgrantHe emailed me about it, but he private-pastebinned it, so I can't see it.03:41
wgrant(I replied as such, but I doubt I'll get a response until next week)03:41
lamontactually, I did that - sorrty03:42
wgrantOK, so, firstly... WTF.03:45
wgrantSecondly: WTF03:45
wgrantThirdly: Did you not run 'debian/rules package' again?03:46
wgrantIt looks like you have a pre-Wellington buildd-slave.tac, but a post-Wellington debian.py03:46
lamontoh hrm...03:48
lamontI did it both ways03:48
lamontI think03:48
wgrantWhat does your buildd-slave.tac have in the way of registerBuilder calls?03:48
wgrantOne or four?03:48
lamontwell, i did it both ways, that one is probably the 59 with 56's launchpad-files03:49
wgrantThat explains this failure.03:49
lamontwe really need to break lp-buildd into it's on bzr tree03:49
wgrantHow does it fail the other way?03:49
lamontwell, it failed the other way too03:49
wgrantWe're about to, yes.03:49
wgrantIt fails the same way the other way?03:50
lamont        exceptions.OSError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/buildd/build-1361010-2804267'03:51
wgrantAh, well, that one is obvious.03:51
lamontwe should handle that case better03:51
wgrantThere's a bug for thatâ„¢03:51
wgrantBut it may become less relevant when we change the suffix soon.03:51
lamontlet me push another true-59 pile and see how that does03:51
wgrantI noticed that 59 probably needs a config migrator.03:52
wgrantAlso, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/get-translations-jobs-working/+merge/22584 has a fix to get translations jobs working.03:52
lamontah - we have a new set of hardware coming on for the non-package-build buildds - my primary motivator for this roll is getting it so that karmic and later twisted works03:53
wgrantThe armels are already Karmic, right?03:53
lamontold armels are karmic, new and shiny armels are lucid03:54
lamontclose enough and didn't see much point to leaving them on karmic03:55
wgrantlamont: Nothing later than 56 is in prod, right?03:55
lamontthough ferraz et al have 59-ish03:56
wgrantRight, but they are not production.03:56
wgrantThey are SLOW.03:56
wgrantAnyway, rolling 59 without the config migration sounds like a recipe for disaster later on.03:57
wgrantOh, that's in abort()03:58
wgrantThat's well known.03:58
lamontafk for a few03:58
wgrantWhy was an abort attempted?03:58
wgrant(I had a fix for that, but I think it has probably been lost somewhere)03:59
lamontmeh.  could be stale state04:02
wgrantA restart should fix it.04:02
lamontshould is the relative term04:06
lamontjust finishing up a stop, scan for timeout fail, start round04:06
* lamont watches the log04:07
lamont2010/04/01 04:08 +0100 [-] Iterating with success flag 0 against stage CLEANUP04:09
lamontwe can maybe haz win04:09
lamontback in a couple04:09
wgrant(the abort thing has always been problematic; it's not new)04:09
lamontwgrant: so yeah, uploaded and happy.  Is there more that needs to land before I roll 59 out to production?04:28
lamontthat is, do you want to do a config migrator for it? (can I have it in the next 8 hours?)04:28
lamontI'd prefer to roll the buildds at the start of my workday (while london is still online, etc), and not on a friday04:29
wgrantlamont: The config migrator is a trivial appending one... so I can have it to you in a few minutes.04:31
wgrantlamont: The buildd hunk of the branch I mentioned earlier is also relevant, though it's unclear when we'll start or using or whether further changes will be required.04:32
wgrantErrrr. s/or using/using it/04:32
lamonthttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lamont/launchpad/launchpad-buildd_59 <-- wgrant fwiw04:33
lamontseems twisted/hardy didn't like the --umask option04:33
wgrantI was about to ask about that.04:33
lamontso that's what the current 59 was built from, feel free to base off that and push to it if you want, or whatever04:34
wgrantYep, pulling that down now.04:34
lamontthe other question  is if you feel a need for heavy testing tonight, or if I can go crash for 6 hours before my start-of-day04:35
lamontI can purge-n-reinstall 56 on ferraz, and confirm that the upgrade to 59 makes for a working buildd, at least from a package building perspective (and will before rolling to production with 59)04:36
wgrantI know the binary and recipe slaves work for success cases and at least CHROOTWAIT. I haven't tested the other failure cases aggressively.04:36
lamontI also plan to poke bigjools about the translations thing to see how he wants to go with that for this week04:36
wgrantbigjools is flying tomorrow.04:37
wgrantHe probably won't be around.04:37
lamontmeh.  slacker04:37
lamontright.  will pester noodles then04:37
lamontthat would explain why he told me to poke noodles to land my changes04:37
lamontso yeah.. known bug fixes and such - email me the details and I'll see how much of it I'm comfortable with for the right-before-easter rollout, and how much wants to wait until next week04:38
* wgrant is just testing the migrator.04:39
lamontbut I should go crash now, if you don't need more04:39
wgrantYeah, I was wondering if this was part of a big break-everything-before-people-leave-for-four-days campaign.04:39
lamontit's a normal weekend in the US04:43
lamontas in I'm around both friday and monday04:43
wgrantOh. That's news to me.04:44
lamontpretty much the rest of the world takes a 4-day as a federal holiday04:44
lamontnot the US04:44
wgrantlamont: lp:~wgrant/launchpad/buildd-59-migrator pushing.04:48
wgrantIt works.04:48
lamontdiff looks cool here.  to sleep, perchance to dream, and will deal with all that in the morning04:54
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BlackZhas launchpad some problems with the login ? I can't login, I get "Invalid OpenID transaction"11:41
BlackZah, it's in read-only mode, thanks11:42
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obergix[work]is the login broken ? (Invalid OpenID transaction)12:13
BlackZobergix[work]: it's in read-only mode, I think it's normal atm12:15
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DavieyIs it known that the package "build status" page shows inconsistent "Started X seconds ago"?12:33
wgrantDaviey: Do you have an example build?12:40
Davieywgrant: not now, it's showing correctly.. but before the buildlog content is visable.. when refreshing for over a minute it jumped from 4 seconds, 14 seconds, 8 seconds12:44
wgrantDaviey: That sounds like it was failing to dispatch, so it was retrying repeatedly.12:45
wgrantDaviey: If you see it happening again, try to grab the build ID and builder name.12:45
Davieywgrant: well i just lurked on a build under /builders/* , and it didn't do that12:46
Davieywgrant: the one i noticed it on was https://edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.23/+build/1595942 , follow pressing rebuild after a dep wait issue.12:47
Davieyit's not really a major thing really.. just something odd :)12:47
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=== matsubara changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: matsubara | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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* pmatulis waves to mneptok 13:26
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lamonthttps://edge.launchpad.net/builders/molybdenum/+edit <-- why does that page seem to always time out??13:45
DrakesonI have a (the ?) http referer "problem", and strongly prefer not to enable http referer for all cases.  How can I file bug reports?13:46
Drakesonis there a workaround for firefox?13:46
spivDrakeson: i use the "RefControl" extension, it lets you specify policy per-site if want to13:48
Drakesondoes it allow you to "only send referer from within the same domain"?13:48
spivDrakeson: yeah13:49
spivDrakeson: that's actually the policy I use, I don't have any per-site overrides13:49
spiv(it's the "3rd Party requests only", IIRC)13:49
DrakesonI wish it was the default behaviour. Currently I have network.http.sendRefererHeader set to 0, and I don't know how to find the documentation for the variables in about:config.13:51
matsubaralamont, do you have an oops id?13:52
spivDrakeson: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.http.sendRefererHeader13:52
matsubaralamont, I see you're already talking to soyuz guys. ignore me :-)13:52
spivDrakeson: (and in general <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_About:config_Entries>, which is the first google hit for "about:config")13:54
lamontPlease try again13:55
lamontSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.13:55
lamontTry reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.13:55
lamontThanks for your patience.13:55
Drakesonspiv: thanks13:55
Byt|EeeI have a question in setting up my own instance of launchpad... I'm erroring out with error 1 after trying to do make schema, it was getting permissions issues on deletion and never got to creating the database "launchpad-dev"14:44
Byt|EeeI cannot find a resolution on the answers page, is there a way to solve this issue to allow make schema to continue and complete?14:45
matsubaraByt|Eee, can you copy and paste the output? use pastebin.ubuntu.com please14:53
Byt|EeeThat is the error out section and return to command line, matsubara15:01
matsubaraByt|Eee, did you run make with a different user than you're running make schema with?15:03
Byt|Eeematsubara: No, I have simply provided my suso password with every entry so far for super-user access. I have always been logged in as lpuser.15:06
Byt|Eeeah, sudo I meant.15:06
Damascenehello, is it here were  should I report of someone abuse in lauchpad bugs?15:06
matsubaraDamascene, what's up?15:07
matsubaraByt|Eee, what's the output for ls -alh /var/tmp/ ?15:07
Damascenethis man https://bugs.launchpad.net/vte/+bug/263822/comments/1715:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 263822 in vte "RTL (right to left) support in terminal (BiDi)" [Low,Triaged]15:08
Damasceneif I select my15:08
Damascenelocation to Jerusalem the settings of the calendar should act accordingly15:08
Damascene(In Israel the rest days are Friday which is a half workday and Shabbat15:08
Damascenewhich is a full nonworking day)15:08
Damascenehe ignore the international law and claiming the ownership of jerusalem on launchpad15:09
Damascenehe couldn't chose any other cities that have less sensitve improtant to Muslims15:11
matsubaraDamascene, I fail to see how his comment is abusive15:13
Damascenedo you know what is jerusalem?15:13
matsubaraand it seems to me he's giving an example for the settings he's using at his computer. not trying to be offensive or anything like that15:14
Damascenethis bug is important to muslim and arabs and thos people disagree on that point too much15:15
Byt|Eeematsubara, Sorry it takes so long, I'm running remotes and VNCs everywhere for this. ls output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407588/15:16
Damascenehis word is absolutely abusive to muslims and arabs15:16
Damasceneand he is using lauchpad to promote his idea15:17
matsubaraByt|Eee, you can safely remove /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev from there. sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev15:18
matsubaraByt|Eee, then try again15:18
Byt|Eeematsubara, Thank you for your help, hopefully that will solve my issue.15:19
matsubaraByt|Eee, all right. let me know if you need further help15:19
Damascenedo I expect to get any help here or I should respond to him directly?15:20
matsubaraDamascene, I don't think we can help. he's not being abusive at all in the sense that we need to censor his coments15:22
matsubaracomments, even15:22
matsubaraDamascene, in any case, I think you can talk him and sort it out, but from my understanding of it, he's actually trying to help making the settings work for both hebrew and arab languages15:23
Damascenewhat if England invaded paris for 100 year. England decided to call pairs an England city. an English man comes to Launchpad stating that he expect to see English software installed when he chose pairs as a city. why he couldn't chose London for his example15:27
Damasceneit's too clear.15:27
Byt|Eeematsubara, Thank you again, it completed schema and is running fine now.15:31
Damasceneoh right, he can't change his post. and you don't want. one way to solve the issue15:33
matsubaraDamascene, I think you're overreacting, he clearly states that depending on the language setting, the rest of the applications should behave accordingly. Using your example, both english and french would be installed by default and according to the language set, if you choose Paris, you'd get settings accoridng to the language set by the user.15:33
matsubaraDamascene, I understand that's a sensitive topic for you but he's trying to address the use case for both arab, hebrew and persian languages. not making a statement that he owns Jerusalem or anything like that.15:35
matsubaraDamascene, in any case, what do you want us to do? to censor his post? I don't have the power to do that but I can escalate if you want15:36
Damasceneso you are suggesting to do nothing at all or to state that Arab calender should be installed too if he chose Jerusalem?15:37
Damasceneyes please, escalate it.15:37
matsubaraDamascene, I'd have to ask you to file a question here: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and let me know the URL and I can ask the admins if this should be removed or not15:37
Damascenehis move is really sensitve.15:38
matsubaraDamascene, I don't know enough about this piece of software but it's seems sensible to me, if I have arab as my system language, to get a arab calendar. if i have hebrew as my system language I'd get a hebrew calendar, and if I have english I get the gregorian calendar.15:39
matsubaraDamascene, and I think that's exactly what Yaron is suggesting15:40
Damascenematsubara, what the question would be about15:40
Damascene"is it allowed to someone to use launchpad to promote his idea in a sensitive subject"?15:41
matsubaraDamascene, explain that you feel someone is abusing LP bugs just like you did here on IRC. it doesn't really need to be a question15:41
matsubaraDamascene, sounds good15:42
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Damascenematsubara-lunch, https://launchpad.net/~sh-yaron16:03
Damasceneplease tell me after you forwared it to the admins16:04
micahgmatsubara-lunch: I think the bohrium builder is stuck16:32
UrsinhaDamascene, you can subscribe to the question, I guess16:34
Damascenewhat do you mean Ursinha? I'm the one who reported that16:35
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pytherI need to submit a bug for conkyForecast how can I do this?16:56
pytherThis is the only link Ican find https://code.launchpad.net/~m-buck/+junk/conkyforecast16:56
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deuxpiHi everyone! I have a problem reassigning bug to a different project16:58
matsubarahey micahg, what's the URL?16:59
matsubaraDamascene, I'll let you know through the question itself. thanks for filing it16:59
Damasceneok, thanks magcius17:00
mok0deuxpi: you have to add the project to "Also affects project"17:00
micahgmatsubara: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/bohrium  It's a 5-10 minute build17:00
mok0deuxpi: and then set the bug to "Invalid" in the first project17:00
deuxpimicahg: I can't make the project appear by searching for it17:01
matsubaradeuxpi, do you know the name of the project?17:01
deuxpimicahg: If I search for ubuntu-mono, I get a few packages, but not lp:ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono17:02
matsubaradeuxpi, what's the bug/17:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 552558 in humanity "Simplifying the GTG monochrome icon" [Undecided,New]17:02
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matsubaradeuxpi, so, the bug is really on a ubuntu package?17:05
matsubaradeuxpi, if you're certaing the bug is on a ubuntu package, you should mark the task as invalid on humanity and then click the "Also affects distribution" link. Choose ubuntu and then the ubuntu package.17:07
matsubaradeuxpi, if you're not certain, I'd suggest you to join #ubuntu-bugs and ask for help on how to triage it appropriately17:07
matsubaramicahg, checking that. hang on17:09
deuxpimatsubara: Ok, if I understand correctly, unless I specity that it affects Ubuntu, I don't get ubuntu packages from the list.17:10
matsubaradeuxpi, exactly17:11
deuxpiI'll remember that :) thanks!17:11
matsubaradeuxpi, you can change projects though. do you know the upstream project for the ubuntu-mono package?17:12
deuxpiI think it's maintained by Ubuntu17:12
deuxpimatsubara: it's a Ubuntu-specific derivative of Humanity17:13
matsubaradeuxpi, right. so in that case I think the correct thing to do is to mark the humanity bug task as invalid and open a new bug task for ubuntu package17:14
deuxpimatsubara: done. thanks again!17:16
matsubaradeuxpi, np17:16
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matsubarahey pyther, apparently there's no package for that conkyforecast code17:18
matsubaraLP doesn't support bug reports against branches17:18
matsubarapyther, my suggestion is to try and contact the author using LP17:19
pythermatsubara: ok thanks!17:22
matsubarapyther, np17:22
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mneptokpmatulis: heya!18:21
pmatulismneptok: just waking up?  :)18:21
mneptokpmatulis: yeah. was awake until 3am dealing with EU colleagues and issues.18:23
mneptokthe MySQL User Conference is in a week, and i've been buried.18:23
pmatulismneptok: fun stuff, where will it be held?18:23
mneptokSanta Clara. the wasteland of Silicon Valley.18:24
NicholasHaleHello, what e-mail address should I contact to request permission to be able to assign questions to certain people on Launchpad Answers?18:39
matsubaraNicholasHale, for what project ?18:40
NicholasHalematsubara: Launchpad itself18:41
matsubaraNicholasHale, so you want to help triage launchpad itself questions?18:42
NicholasHalematsubara: Yes18:42
matsubaraNicholasHale, cool. I guess I can add you to the team that takes care of that. what's your launchpad user id?18:44
matsubaraNicholasHale, I'll make sure that's ok first and then add you or let you know what's up with your request. I guess there's no problem but I'll ask around first18:45
danopiai'm not sure if this is normal but ghc has been building on arm for 20 days now <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ghc6/6.12.1-12/+build/1526050>19:34
zygadanopia: in qemu or native?19:39
danopiano idea19:39
danopiai don't run the bot, i just noticed it on hte build queue19:39
maxbLast build took 42 hours20:13
maxbSo 20 days suggests a problem I suppose20:13
maxbbuildd 12526 0.0 2.3 14344 11124 ? S Mar11 0:46 /usr/bin/make -r --no-print-directory -f ghc.mk all20:18
maxbbuildd 16422 0.0 0.0 1340 204 ? R Mar11 0:02 sh debian/watcher.sh 12485 /build/buildd/ghc6-6.12.1 /build/buildd/ghc6-6.12.1/build-stamp ghc\|gcc20:18
maxb^ the current last two lines showing in the build output display, so someone can check back if it's changed at all in a few hours20:18
matsubaralamont, can you check the builder please ^?20:19
lamontwhich builder?20:19
lamontoh, ghc6-armel?20:20
lamontyeah.  that one's special20:20
lamontI'm purposely ignoring it to see if it finishes building before release20:20
lamontwe're kind of betting "not"20:20
lamontif too many more people ask about it,  I'll just hide the buildd from the UI20:21
matsubaradanopia, ^20:21
matsubaraall right. I'll let you know. thanks lamont20:21
lamontthe buildd in question is slated to be turned off and yanked out of the rack late next week or early the week after20:22
danopiawhy is that build special20:23
lamontdanopia: it's FTBFS pretty much everywhere, there was some question of whether it was "just really really really really slow" or "dead"20:25
lamontit seems to make progress, just not very fast20:25
lamontI'm in the process of turning up another 5 armel buildds, and shutting down all the old ones (need newer hardware to build lucid properly), so it's not a build I've been worrying about much20:25
lamontdanopia: that there are lots  of builds queued up is a global issue atm, armel has actually been keeping up quite handily, with only 6-8 buildds20:27
lamontdanopia: jaboticaba and 5 other buildds are sitting on manual so I can do some work on them once they finish their current build.  somewhere in there I'll have to make a decision about jaboticaba and how much longer I get to ignore it20:28
cody-somervilleWhats the fastest way to subscribe a single team to 64 different branches?20:38
matsubaracody-somerville, I think by using the API20:58
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cjwatsonCan anyone help me get ec2test running?  I had it running just earlier today, but now it explodes on me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407760/22:25
mwhudsoncjwatson: ugh!22:26
mwhudsoni can only suggest "try again" ?22:26
cjwatsonI did, twice :-(22:27
cjwatsonthe only thing I'm aware of changing is pushing another revision to the branch under test22:28
james_wdid the ec2 instance change, perhaps to an ubuntu AMI based one?22:30
james_wcjwatson: you can run with -d and step through until it has started the machine if you want to poke at it22:30
salgado-afkcjwatson, just pull from devel and it will be fixed22:31
salgado-afkI'll send an email about it in a bit, need to go afk now22:31
cjwatsonsalgado-afk: ah - thanks22:32
cjwatsonsalgado-afk: thanks, sorted22:45
mwhudsonstrange failure mode!22:50
wgrantlamont: Morning. How's the buildd stuff going?22:55
lamontwgrant: 5 buildds to quiesce and upgrade23:05
lamontmy launchpad-buildd_59 branch.23:05
wgrantlamont: Only five?23:05
wgrantOr are the rest already done?23:05
lamontI expect that next week, we'll do it again for the next round of fixes23:05
lamont5 left23:05
lamontourd buttercup hooker jaboticaba vernadsky23:05
lamontgourd, that is23:06
lamontmind you, those machines have been building the same package for at least 9 hours23:06
lamontand jaboticaba will eventually come down to a race between me upgrading it and turning it off23:07
wgrantHm, I haven't heard of buttercup before.23:07
lamontStarted 21 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes, 30.3 seconds  ago.23:07
wgrantMust be armel.23:07
lamontgourd and buttercup are armel23:07
lamontso the list above is armel, armel, ia64, armel, i38623:07
wgrantYeah, I noticed gourd a day or two ago.23:07
lamontacorn will show up once someone sorts out the network cable in the DC23:08
wgrantlamont: No catastrophic failures yet?23:09
lamontchugging along quite happily, other than a little muppetry on my part23:09
lamontsome of the ppas don't have ubuntu-minimal installed, and 59 kinda lacks an actual Depend: on the minimal-but-not-actually-Essential lsb-release23:10
wgrantYeah, I saw that last commit.23:10
wgrantnon-virt i386 is looking pretty sad at the moment.23:10
lamontnah - it was much closer to 1000 earlier today23:11
wgrantAh. It was about the same as it is now when I last checked about 12 hours ago.23:11
lamontyeah - those long private builds are a bitch23:12
lamontOTOH, even hppa has a build going now....23:12
lamontthanks again for the help last night23:14
wgrantNo problem. Thanks for getting the new code out there now. It's good to know it works for the critical things before we need it for the new stuff.23:16
lamontwgrant: true that.  and for bonus points, you can presume that rev 59 has been deployed.23:19
wgrantlamont: Not quite.23:20
wgrantAlthough I guess all except jaboticaba should be done soon.23:20
lamontOn the downside, the hardy version is 59~0.IS.8.04, and it'd be totally bonus if upgrading to 0.61 (I kinda ate 0.60)... didn't reapply the 59 upgrade to config23:20
* wgrant assumes, and prepares the first hack-removal branch.23:20
lamontand jaboticaba will be done or dead23:20
wgrantlamont: It finds the old version by splitting on ~ and taking the first bit.23:21
wgrantSo that version is fine.23:21
lamontah, cool23:23
xnoxWhat determines killing a branch import? cause new gcc import almost managed to finish only to be killed while it was working normally23:33
xnoxeg. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42056577/vcs-imports-gcc-trunk-log.txt23:33
xnoxit just needed a few more hours to finish ;-)23:34
wgrantxnox: I believe that Launchpad 10.03 introduces incremental bzr-svn imports.23:35
wgrantThis means that it will import 1000 revisions at a time, so a failure like that will cause minimal loss.23:36
wgrantAnd it's less likely to fail on small increments.23:36
dauerbaustelleI want to report a bug on launchpad.net23:36
dauerbaustellebut it's telling me to enable referrers23:36
dauerbaustelleI WONT. is there no way reporting bugs on launchpad with referers disabled?23:37
wgrantNot at the moment.23:37
xnoxdauerbaustelle, add GPG key and use email interface with signed emails23:38
dauerbaustellewell then I won't report any bugs anymore, sad23:38
xnoxit is intermediate protection from spam and account hijacking as far as I know.23:39
wgrantIt will hopefully change soon.23:39
wgrantIt was the most practical solution at the time.23:40
dauerbaustellelots of spam or what?23:40
lifelessso, I haven't heard an explanation for the logic here23:40
lifelesswgrant: do you know the theory ?23:40
wgrantCSRF protection.23:41
wgrantIt's unrelated to spam.23:41
lifelessand how does referer help ?23:42
dauerbaustellewhat's about generating a token and passing it via POSt oder so23:42
dauerbaustelle*POST or so23:42
wgrantdauerbaustelle: That is the correct solution. But it is a massive task on such a huge webapp.23:42
wgrantSo it would not have been implementable quickly.23:42
dauerbaustelleI don't this but I think you know better than me. :D23:43
wgrantlifeless: Forms cannot forge Referers. They can force omission, but not mangling.23:43
wgrant(and XHR has non-braindead security)23:43
wgrantdauerbaustelle: Launchpad has hundreds of forms, many external applications that use its forms, and lots of JavaScript that would probably also need to be changed.23:44
wgrantIt is not a small task.23:44
dauerbaustelleoh well23:48

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