
markitpenguin42: well, there is a bug even if works as you suggested, no? shoudl work even with empty drivers00:00
penguin42markit: Agreed00:01
penguin42markit: Run ubuntu-bug ubiquity to report it as is, and then if that fdisk fixes it then add a comment to the bug00:01
markitpenguin42: do you have to be registered as "ubuntu user" somewhere to file a bug?00:02
penguin42markit: You need to register an account on launchpad.net00:02
markitok, I've created a partition in /dev/sda, but the problem is the same00:04
penguin42markit: OK, only suggestion I've got then is to try the alternate CD - it's obviously an installer bug not a kernel bug00:04
markit(btw, I'm using kubuntu amd64)00:05
markitpenguin42: alternate does have a different installer?00:05
penguin42markit: Yeh, it's a text mode installer00:05
markiturgh, so we have an installer for gnome, one for kde, and both use the same textmode installer?00:05
markitat least the installer should be "desktop environment" independant, OMHO00:06
markitbut probably is not easy :)00:06
penguin42markit: I've not tried a kubuntu install disk so I don't know; the 'ubuntu' install disk has a gui installer; the 'alternate' disk has a text based installer that's much more flexible00:07
arabicadoes it matter?00:17
arabicainstallation by cli or gui00:19
markitpenguin42: I've disconnected sdb, left sda1 and now does never reach the step when shoudl list devices/partitions00:19
markitthe mouse cursor just runs forever00:19
penguin42arabica: The installer on the alternate disks (which is text based) has been around a lot longer, has more features and stuff and generally seems to break less00:20
markitI'm going to install a ltsp server for a school... do you think is a suicide use 10.04?00:22
markithate have to upgrade in a month's time00:22
arabicathis is like in debian i think00:22
arabicayou cant go back00:23
arabicayou got a one-way ticket00:23
markitarabica: I've not yet installed 10.0400:23
arabicame either00:24
arabicai just come here and listen people's moans00:24
arabicalisten to00:25
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
markitok, that's enough for today, sleep time :) 1.30am here00:27
markitpenguin42: thanks for the help, bye00:27
alexalexI have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=905732700:28
alexalexand also have no idea how to change uin to 100100:28
alexalexremoved plymouth to no effect tho00:28
alexalexcan any1 help?00:29
penguin42alexalex: So 9.10 works OK?00:35
alexalexno i dont have it anymore00:35
alexalexwriting from a netbook00:36
alexalextrying to figure how to create a new user atm00:36
penguin42from a command line? useradd00:36
Berzerkercan anyone recommend a decent screenshot taking program?00:37
ChipacaBerzerker: I have heard both great and terrible things of shutter00:37
yofeldoesn't gnome have a decent one?00:37
BerzerkerI want to take an area screenshot00:37
alexalexok new user didnt help00:38
Berzerkeryofel: it does. thanks00:38
alexalexsame reloading of gdm00:38
penguin42alexalex: What graphics card?00:38
SalmonSamBerzerker, shutter00:38
alexalexmight it be an issue if I have low free space? card is intel00:39
* yofel likes ksnapshot, but that's KDE00:39
penguin42alexalex: Hmm Intels normally don't have too bad a crashing problem for X on simple stuff at least00:39
penguin42alexalex: so if you are logged in on a command line just try startx00:40
alexalexI know I had it all good since alpha100:40
BerzerkerGnome-screenshot works great00:40
Berzerkeryofel: thanks00:40
alexalexdidnt work00:40
penguin42Berzerker: Pressing the print screen button does that00:40
Berzerkerpenguin42: yeah but it just takes a whole monitor screenshot, I just wanted a specific area00:40
penguin42ah ok00:40
alexalexBerzerker: use gimp to cut what u need00:41
alexalexor try combinations like alt+prntscrn it should do a window00:41
Berzerkeralexalex: taking an area picture (gnome-screenshot does this) is SO much easier00:41
Berzerkeralexalex: Applications > Accessories > Take a screenshot00:41
alexalexok yeah if u have X working thats right ;(00:42
alexalexpenguin42: so any ideas?00:42
alexalexwhats that 1001 thing?00:42
penguin42what 1001 thing?00:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 494394 in gdm "Cannot login with gdm after upgrading to lucid" [Low,New]00:42
alexalexhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/494394/comments/1 in fact00:42
penguin42alexalex: What is your uid?00:43
yofelpenguin42: I guess he means UID=1001 with new user00:43
SalmonSamBerzerker, I would highly suggest shutter , it lets you take screenshots via selection , window , full screen and lets you edit them with a simple editing tool all in one application00:44
alexalexno idea00:44
alexalexhowd I find out?00:44
penguin42alexalex: id00:44
SalmonSamyou can also upload them to imageshack in 2 clicks00:44
penguin42alexalex: So I don't think you have the same problem as the other guy00:44
penguin42alexalex: He seemed to have a problem with a uid that was much lower than the range ubuntu uses for normal users00:45
alexalexok so where do I look next?00:45
alexalexbesides karmic ;(00:45
penguin42alexalex: Anyway, just remind me again, at what stage exactly does it die? And are you a gnome or kde user?00:45
alexalexgdm loaded with no graphics btw00:45
penguin42no graphics?00:45
alexalexI mean not themed00:46
penguin42at all?00:46
alexalexlike gtk2.0 or what is it00:46
penguin42hmm that can't be a conincidence00:46
alexalexgtk theme was reset00:46
alexalexand btw it also whined about power manager defaults00:46
penguin42when did you do this upgrade exactly?00:46
alexalexso I removed pm00:46
alexalexso I enter pw in gdm and it thinks for a while then restarts00:47
penguin42was this an upgrade or a fresh install? And if it was an upgrade when did you do it?00:47
alexalexim on lucid since alpha100:47
alexalexwas a fresh install00:47
alexalexupdated with aptitude today00:48
penguin42ahhh - so it was fine and just broke today?00:48
penguin42ahhhh - see title00:48
penguin42I bet you're seeing a problem with the gnome 2.30 packages that are just going in00:48
alexalexwell it happened like 8 hours ago00:48
penguin42that message has been there for about a day or two00:48
alexalex :(00:49
macoalexalex: langauge00:49
cefI heard there was an issue with apt randomly crashing at some point. anyone got any pointers? has this been fixed?00:49
alexalexwell thanks, how long do I wait now?00:49
penguin42alexalex: Somehow I would have thought someone would have organised the system so a major update like that went out in one go; it doesn't sound like Rocket science00:49
alexalexyeah me2, opensource sux lol00:50
alexalexand I hope maco is a bot :)00:50
yofelalexalex: maco's not a bot00:50
alexalexthen I hope hes a dude00:50
yofelalexalex: and such things just happen on devel releases, the packages that get uploaded get into the repos as soon as they're built00:51
penguin42alexalex: so my guess is either you try doing an update again and hope what ever broke got fixed, or you go hunt what failed00:51
macoalexalex: you're 0 for 200:51
yofelif they depend on things that aren't built yet it will break00:51
alexalexanyway, 1-2 days doesnt sound right00:51
penguin42yofel: Sounds like there needs to be a build/release/order dependency there00:51
alexalexI mean is there an end to this process that is to be seen?00:51
yofelalexalex: well, some things fail, and also we got a bunch of other packages uploaded at the same time too (like KDE 4.4.2)00:52
penguin42alexalex: You could grab a beta1 iso and take all the gnome/gtk packages back to the version on that00:52
yofelpenguin42: well, the dependency system will make sure the dependencies are right, and might remove necessary stuff if it's the only way to update other things00:52
alexalexmaco: sorry, dear, didnt mean to offend your cute ears00:52
macognome 2.30 is a LOT of packages. it takes us at least 3 days to package kde releases, and i'm pretty sure gnome involves more source packages00:52
macoalexalex: please dont be patronising00:53
yofelalexalex: did it remove ubuntu-desktop?00:53
yofeland maco's right there00:53
penguin42yofel: But if the system is stupid enough to auto release things that it hasn't built the dependencies for then surely the build process should prioritise dependencies00:53
alexalexyeah Im in the process but 60kbps doesnt get u there in time, 1hr to go :(00:53
alexalexno idea about desktop, how do I check?00:53
alexalexand what about patronizing? its the internets, dont be so serious00:54
yofelpenguin42: well, not really, it prioritises build dependencies but not run-time deps, otherwise things get build in the order they're uploaded00:54
penguin42alexalex: This channel seems to be somewhat heavy about language; sorry that's the way it is00:54
penguin42yofel: Yeh I'm saying that needs fixing00:54
alexalexokok Ill behave00:55
yofelnot this channel really, all ubuntu channels need to abide to the coc00:55
macoalexalex: guidelines are in /topic if you're curious00:55
alexalexmaco: no Im not, but thanks :)00:55
alexalexmaco: or is your photo there just to make it all worthwhile?00:56
yofelpenguin42: maybe, but it can be too that a package just fails to build and pulls down the rest if it's missing00:56
yofelpenguin42: happens too if amd64 packages are out but -common packages aren't yet built on i38600:56
penguin42yofel: And I'm saying if a dependent package fails to build then it should stop the rest uploading00:56
alexalexI wish there was a popup informing of a large update, got 2 homeworks due in 5 hrs :(00:56
elkyalexalex, we have guidelines. Please abide by them.00:57
yofelpenguin42: ok, that might need improvement, dunno if there's a bug against soyuz about  that00:57
yofelpenguin42: that's the code name of the launchpads package management system00:57
penguin42ah ok00:58
yofelbuilders, archive, ppas, ...00:58
penguin42yofel: It doesn't seem reasonable for anything to automatically put a detectably broken package into the repo unless someone forces it00:58
crimsunthat's precisely the issue; it isn't automatically detectable00:59
penguin42crimsun: Explain?  If it has a dependency on something that's not in the repo?00:59
yofel'detectably broken' is hard to say. Take the case with -common packages. The amd64 package will build just fine, but it would have to test-install them to detect that the i386 packages didn't yet build00:59
alexalexSome topics are controversial and often end in fighting. Some examples of touchy subjects are war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide.00:59
alexalexdid u mean that?00:59
penguin42yofel: I don't see why a test install is needed, everything is in the control files01:00
alexalexnever seen a female that would be touched by gender talk near a PC but ok :)01:01
penguin42yofel: It's just it's pretty useless us putting a comment in our /title when only a fraction of the beta testers come here - we shouldn't have to do it01:01
penguin42(unless something accidentally got broken - and that's OK)01:01
crimsunhow are you supposed to detect that said package actually installs when it's on a completely different arch?01:01
penguin42crimsun: I'm not suggesting detecting installability - just that it's dependencies are met by things in the repo01:02
alexalexso is there a way to get an estimate of the time it will take for 2.30 to be uploaded?01:02
crimsunneither piuparts nor autopkg-test are run after build01:02
alexalexI have an ntfs system behind that is broken so Im not that free to reinstall01:02
crimsunpenguin42: that requires hard-coding versioned depends, which may not be the correct thing.01:02
Gran_GerHI there! Do you know if the released version of Ubuntu 10.04 will can read and write the home partition at live mode?01:02
yofelpenguin42: it's the job of apt/dpkg to do that, but neither apt nor dpkg will know how a  stable system is supposed to look like01:03
penguin42crimsun: Sorry, I don't understand that - I'm only talking about using the same dependency info that is already there01:03
yofelpenguin42: that's why dist-upgrade is to be used with caution01:03
crimsunpenguin42: the only dependency info that's used comes from the control file01:03
penguin42crimsun: And that's all I'm talking about using01:03
crimsunpenguin42: ...and adding versioned-dependencies isn't the right way to go every time.01:04
penguin42crimsun: Can you explain what you mean here by versioned-dependencies?01:04
penguin42you just mean normal dependencies with minimum versions?01:04
crimsunpenguin42: correct01:04
penguin42crimsun: OK, I'm just saying rely on the places where that's already there - I'm not talking about adding anything01:05
penguin42or are you saying that won't protect against breakage usefully?01:06
macoalexalex: what do you mean "a female that would be touched by gender talk near a pc"?01:07
alexalexmaco: I cant answer you - if I did, Id break the passage from the coc that I cited :)01:08
penguin42crimsun: All I'm saying is that if there is a package that is built and already has a dependency on another package that isn't uploaded, hold off uploading it until the other one has01:08
crimsunpenguin42: I don't have sufficient info to say the latter definitively01:08
crimsunpenguin42: does the last "uploading" refer to uploading or building?01:09
crimsunbecause there is no reason to block uploads01:09
macocrimsun: i think penguin42 means dont move it from the buildd to the repo til its dependency is satisfiable01:10
yofelhm, blocking the moving of built packages from launchpad to the archive...01:10
penguin42crimsun: Building is already sorted with build-dependencies01:10
alexalexI agree with penguin, even ff3.7 works here and ubuntu is now broken :(01:10
yofelthat might be unexpectedly complicated tough if you need to check that for every binary package...01:10
penguin42crimsun: OK, take a step back - what caused you to but the 'packages are in-flux' message in - what are the breakage cases you are worried about and alex possibly hit?01:10
penguin42(of course alexalex could have just hit some random other problem that's nothing to do with this)01:11
BUGabundonighty night guys. see you tomorrow01:11
alexalexwell digging that way gdm was definitely among the updated packages01:11
thiebaudetc BUGabundo01:12
alexalexI guess I can check the version of other ones if u show me how01:12
yofelwell, like my case here, If I want to update libgtk2.0-bin it wants to remove 46 packages (eog, brasero, ...)01:12
yofeloh wait01:12
yofelthat's even more complicated (reverse-depends)01:12
crimsunpenguin42: there have been several instances over the past few days where using dist-upgrade will forcibly remove rather important parts of the GNOME desktop, causing someone to utter alarm bells when s/he logs out and back in01:13
penguin42crimsun: OK, why - what is it about the packaging that causes that?01:13
crimsunthere have also been packaging bugs that contributed to it01:13
penguin42yofel: OK, so you put an upload rule in 'packages don't get uploaded if they stop ubuntu-desktop being installable'01:13
crimsunpenguin42: that's kinda bad. How are you going to do that for the buildd chroots?01:14
penguin42crimsun: OK, packaging bugs are fine - they happen any time and it's OK to hit those during beta; but it's more ordering in big updates I'm saying sounds fixable01:14
penguin42can you explain why that breaks buildd chroots?01:14
yofelpenguin42: well, like in the gtk case: it's not that the dependencies aren't fulfilled, they are, but eog etc. depend on an older version of libgtk and first need to be rebuilt so you can update libgtk, but you'll only know what to rebuild once libgtk is built and published01:15
crimsunpenguin42: chroots need to have access to the latest built packages regardless whether they're published publicly and/or break ubuntu-desktop01:16
yofelnow I'm confused myself01:16
yofeloh, crimsuns right there, which is actually the main  issue here I guess01:16
penguin42yofel: Are you sure they're dependent on older ones - stuff should move forward01:17
yofelpenguin42: I think I was wrong there01:17
penguin42crimsun: OK; I'm only really worried about what gets published in the indexes that apt picks up01:17
alexalexu guys might like this one: Methodology is like sex. It is better demonstrated than discussed, though often better anticipated than experienced01:17
alexalexso what are the implications?01:17
yofelpenguin42: but happens in other cases sometimes (I remember libboost to be one of them)01:18
SalmonSamwhere has irc gone from empathy in ubuntu 10.04?01:18
crimsunalexalex: see -offtopic?01:18
macocould piuparts figure in here somewhere?01:18
macoor just gratuitous checking of rdepends?01:18
crimsunmaco: of course; I stated as much sixteen minutes ago01:18
macocrimsun: sorry my irc client was freaking out at that time01:19
yofelpenguin42: the builders and we use the same indexes01:19
yofelpenguin42: as the buildds just fetch the packages they need with apt01:19
alexalexcrimsun: its not offtopic, I just asked for some methodology to be demonstrated here by telling me how long do I wait for a working 2.30 :)01:19
crimsunit's just that there's lag between the buildd indices and the ones that we hit :-)01:19
yofelalexalex: as you might have guessed from our discussion we have absolutely no idea01:20
macoalexalex: til apt-get dist-upgrade stops asking to do silly things01:20
penguin42crimsun: I'm just saying let the indices slip then until they're in a sane state01:20
macoalexalex: just check daily or twice daily or whatever and once it seems sane, go ahead01:20
macothats how the rest of us do it....01:20
yofelpenguin42: and when are the buildds then supposed to link stuff against the newer packages if they don't get them?01:20
crimsunpenguin42: what's the line in the sand; installability of foo-desktop?01:20
penguin42crimsun: I'm good with that - or a list of similar canary packages01:21
penguin42yofel: I'm saying let the buildd use the latest indices, just don't release broken indicies01:21
alexalexmaco: I didnt use dist, I installed fresh alpha1 like last fall or smth, and yesterday it didnt ask anything silly, just plain update01:22
penguin42crimsun: The set of canaries for an alpha/beta would be pretty small, but probably stronger for release01:22
macoalexalex: it didnt say it was going to remove any packages during the upgrade?01:22
penguin42alexalex: Try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  it might sort enough out for you01:22
elkyalexalex, really, stop being an ass. sex jokes /are/ offtopic for support channels.01:22
yofelpenguin42: the buildds use exactly the same indices as everyone else, we don't have seperate ones for them, that would be unecessary waste of admin time01:22
penguin42yofel: Bzzt - no admin time, I'm talking scriptable; just version the indices (if they aren't already?!)01:23
alexalexmaco: well its straightforward to check altho Im almost sure it didnt01:23
yofelpenguin42: version them??? as in a  new version once a package is built or what?01:23
alexalexelky: now that was really timely, right after maco started to take me seriously :)01:24
penguin42yofel: As in check the indices into a git/bzr/whatever whenever they get updated, let buildd use the latest but only release the one to the outside world if it meets the check01:24
elkyalexalex you don't get any further warnings.01:24
yofelpenguin42: that seems quite complicated to me right now as you need to take every architecture and even architecture-independent dependencies into account01:25
xfactHello everyone and good morning (IST)01:27
penguin42yofel: Each architectures index is separate isn't it?01:27
xfactI have one question01:27
penguin42xfact: Ask it01:27
xfactThat is: Is the boot problem after running some update is still happening?01:27
yofelpenguin42: well, but architecture independent packages that are used by all architectures are built on i38601:28
penguin42xfact: There was a problem a few weeks ago like that which has got fixed, but there are many problems01:28
xfactBecause  it's very important for me to upgrade to Lucid, but last time for that boot corruption I had to came back in Karmic01:28
yofelpenguin42: like documentation packages, you don't need seperate ones  for i386, arme, ...01:28
penguin42yofel: OK, it's OK to put the debs in the pool, but as long as the index for 386 doesn't get updated until the 386 set of packages is installable that's fine01:29
yofelpenguin42: ok, and how do you take into account the fact that some amd64 packages depend on a i386 package?01:29
xfactAll minor problems can be handled, except some major problems which makes Lucid inaccessible01:29
penguin42yofel: You just don't release the new amd64 index until you can satisfy the canary rule on the amd64 index byitself01:30
penguin42xfact: You may still hit major problems with lucid, it's still a beta, some things are still changing01:31
alexalexIll have beta1 iso in 20 mins, can I downgrade the packages with it without formatting the file system?01:31
xfactpenguin42, Ok thanks for your suggestions/warning01:31
penguin42alexalex: Probably if you push it a bit01:31
xfactsee you soon after (possibly) upgrade01:32
yofelpenguin42: well, feel free to file a whishlist bug against launchpad for this, but I think they have more important stuff to fix right now01:32
penguin42yofel: Wishlists never happen01:32
alexalexpenguin42: that sounds sexist :) well in which direction do I push it? like removing repos, leaving only the cd?01:32
penguin42alexalex: the cd is safest I'd say01:33
danopiaHAHAAHAH i knew my upgrade wuold epically fail!01:33
danopiathis is almost pictureworthy01:33
alexalexdanopia: :) feel for ya01:33
danopiaalexalex, i abcked upt the wubi disk iamge first01:33
danopiabacked up*01:33
alexalexpenguin42: what do I write to apt to upgrade then?01:34
penguin42yofel: Actually my nearly oldest launchpad wishlist bug is close to 5 years old :-)  Admittedly not very important01:35
danopiayofel, the one thing i forgot was that i'm using a messed up wubi where GRUb can only read the original kernel/initrd01:36
alexalexpenguin42: Im sorry I missed your msg if u answered, there was smth like pin or whatever to choose the version, but theremust be an easier way to downgrade to specific repo version right>01:36
danopiaso i'm booting the 10.04 system with the 9.10 kernel01:36
elkyalexalex, plan to behave like an adult now, rather than baiting like a troll?01:36
penguin42alexalex: I'd add the cdrom to the sources.list (there should be a commented out example) and then just try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and see what happens01:36
crimsundoes anyone have a ThinkPad using AD1981 HDA? Please ping me; I have a tentative patch for jack sensing.01:38
alexalexelky: are you serious? weve already settled this stuff when you came 20 mins later reminding me about that. Im sensitive too, what if Im gonna cry?01:38
alexalexpenguin42: thx01:38
elkyalexalex, yes, I am serious. Prefixing everything with "that's sexist" to bait people is really stupid01:39
alexalexare you saying you are discriminating against stupid people? like it interfered with the communication01:40
* maco headdesks01:41
penguin42heck, according to launchpad there aren't any bugs filed against it01:44
penguin42ah, they're all against 'launchpad-project'01:45
=== Stik is now known as Bugless_Bitch
Gaming4JCHmm is it a bug in "Take Screenshot" that won't let me save as ".jpg"? When I name the file "screenshot.jpg" it is a corrupt ".png" still.01:47
penguin42well it should never be a corrupt anything01:48
penguin42if it's corrupt it's a bug; are you sure it's not actually a jpeg named .png somehow?01:48
penguin42(or the other way)01:48
Gaming4JCWell, if I save it as ".png" it works as a proper png. It's just a png not properly named.01:48
Gaming4JCI think it should at least give a prompt saying "cannot save as .jpg"01:49
Gaming4JCSince it only saves as .png anyway01:49
penguin42Gaming4JC: It just saved it a sa jpeg for me by naming it screenshot.jpg01:50
Gaming4JCpenguin42: Interesting... I'll run it from terminal to see what's gone wrong01:50
DanaGhmm, if I want to usb-cd boot, and yet have data "persist", how do I do that?01:50
* penguin42 notes somewhat off topic that the meshlab package is excellent01:51
DanaGJust making a casper-rw volume didn't work.01:52
Gaming4JCpenguin42: Still not working for me, but nothing from terminal readout either. :s Eye of Gnome Says "Error interpreting JPEG file (Not a JPEG).01:53
penguin42Gaming4JC: Curious01:53
penguin42Gaming4JC: Woah - actually01:53
penguin42Gaming4JC: I was wrong, it's still a png file01:54
Gaming4JCpenguin42: Ah, it's not just me! :)01:54
penguin42Gaming4JC: File it as a bug, however I would point out that you're expecting it to change format based on the filename - I know somethings do that, but it never said it did!01:54
Gaming4JCpenguin42: I thought it did on an older version of ubuntu... though maybe I never noticed. I open all my files with GIMP and now that's gone. :P01:55
* Gaming4JC goes to file a bug...01:55
penguin42Gaming4JC: There's nothing stopping you bringing the GIMP out of the repository when you need him01:55
Gaming4JCtrue 'nough.01:56
Gaming4JCjust he's kinda bloaty in file size ...01:56
Gaming4JCAny way we could tell Connical to sell DVDs of the online repo? :D01:58
Gaming4JCThat'd save loadssss of downloading, especially in network installs.01:58
macoGaming4JC: there are vendors who do so01:59
Gaming4JCmaco: I saw some like LinuxCD, but they are insanely old.01:59
Gaming4JCmaco: Any idea of some updated ones that would support Lucid?01:59
macoGaming4JC: lucid? no, not til it's released. during devel the repos are too much of a moving target02:00
IdleOneI believe system76 sells cd/dvds02:00
macoi'd expect them to pop up online not long after release though02:00
FFForeverhow can I reverse scp a file?02:00
FFForeveralso is there any web designers/developers in here?02:00
Gaming4JCOk, yah I understand this is still in development - but the site I'm talking about still hasn't gotten Karmic. :P02:00
Gaming4JCSo I hope they get some newer stuff...02:01
IdleOneGaming4JC: sounds like a site issue02:01
FFForeveranyone know what would cause firefox to render localhost differently then another domain? (same exact code/images/css/js/etc)02:01
DanaGFFForever: reverse scp? scp is pretty easy: scp <source file> <dest file>02:01
DanaGwhere it can be scp localfile server:/path02:01
DanaGor scp server:/path localfile02:01
Gaming4JCIdleOne: probably right, I'll check out system76. :)02:01
FFForeverDanaG, thanks02:02
shiznebitdoes anyone know why skype can't use my webcams microphone on beta1 ?02:03
FFForeverDanaG, any idea about my rendering issue?02:03
DanaGBeats me.02:03
FFForeverDanaG, how can I reinstall firefox?02:04
FFForeverI also tried disabling all of my plugins no dice =\02:04
danopia15 PPA i386 builders are free02:08
danopiacan't they give those some of hte packages from the 4 main i386 builders?02:09
danopiathey have a 1000-build queue :P02:09
danopia3 mail*02:09
=== Bugless_Bitch is now known as Stik
NinoScriptToday I downloaded an update, and a special driver I had loaded for my multitouch trackpad became unloaded!02:17
NinoScriptI checked this file: "/lib/udev/rules.d/66-xorg-synaptics.rules" and it changed :S, I loaded this driver with this line: 'ENV{x11_driver}="multitouch"'02:19
NinoScriptdo you know where should I put that line now?02:19
yofelNinoScript: I'm not sure how udev loading works, but maybe try to put it into a seperate 67-<something>.rules file?02:21
NinoScriptyofel, Ok, I'll try that… but that <something> should be a specific something? or just anything that I want to name it?02:22
yofelI think you can name it as you want, the number is to make sure it get's loaded at the right time (in this case after 66-xorg-synaptics.rules)02:23
Gaming4JCWhere should I report a website not loading properly in Firefox? Help>>Report Bug? ...02:26
yofelGaming4JC: it does load in another browser?02:26
Gaming4JCBecause "Compose Mail" In Yahoo Mail is totally unusable. :P02:26
Gaming4JCyofel: Yes.02:26
yofelGaming4JC: ok, then yes, use Help>Report Bug in Firefox02:27
Gaming4JCyofel: And it worked in 3.5. Ok thanks.02:27
dodddummyhow do you enable an account?  i added one but it tells me it's disabled and when i click enable and go through that set of dialogs the account is still disabled.02:28
etzerdyofel: what's new?02:28
glaucoushi.  I just upgraded without seeing this topic (I came here to see what's up).  will I have to reinstall lucid?02:31
yofeletzerd: not much right now, need to go to bed finally.02:32
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
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dodddummyi figured it out!  it's impossible to add a new user via the Users and Groups gui.02:37
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glaucousthis sucks :(02:46
robert__my screen flickers every few minutes02:49
robert__is this bad? can the screen break?02:49
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=== Caeser is now known as IdleOne
nishanthcan someone help me install GDL ?02:52
nishanthhello someone here?02:53
robert__is this bad? can the screen break?02:53
Dr_WillisWhats gdl?02:53
Dr_Willisis it in the repos? or what exactly?02:54
nishanthwell it is a linux alternative for IDL02:54
Dr_Willismeans very little to me. :)02:55
nishanthit is a programming language used in astronomy and physics02:55
Dr_Willisso... is it in the repos? or what exactly? what have you done to even find this for linux?02:55
Dr_Willis!find gnutdatalanguage02:55
ubottuPackage/file gnutdatalanguage does not exist in lucid02:56
nishanthmaybe this link will be helpful02:56
Dr_WillisIf its in the repos - you use the package manager tools to install it.02:56
nishanthhow do i do it?02:56
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever
nishanththe package manager gives me this error02:56
Dr_Willisfire up the package manager.. search for  gnudatalanguage, click instal normally...02:56
nishanthError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libhdf5-serial-1.8.3|libhdf5-1.8.302:56
Dr_Willisnow we are getting to the actual problem...02:56
nishanthoh it is the package installer not manager02:57
Dr_Williscould be the packages are getting rebuilt and are out of sync,  update the package listing, upgrade the system, try again.02:57
Dr_Willisinstaller/manager - basically the same thing..02:57
nishanthtry what again02:58
nishanthi tries using synaptic to find GDL but coudn't02:58
Dr_Willisupdate the package listing, upgrade the system. try installing it again02:58
Dr_Willisthe term is  gnudatalanguage , not 'gdl'02:59
bjsnider!info libhdf5-serial-1.8.302:59
ubottuPackage libhdf5-serial-1.8.3 does not exist in lucid02:59
bjsnider!info libhdf5-serial02:59
ubottuPackage libhdf5-serial does not exist in lucid02:59
Dr_Willisso it seems that stuff is a work in progress02:59
bjsnider!info libhdf502:59
ubottuPackage libhdf5 does not exist in lucid02:59
bjsnider!info libhdf5-1.8.302:59
ubottuPackage libhdf5-1.8.3 does not exist in lucid02:59
Dr_Willistry installing it in a few hrs. or tomorrow. its may be those other libs are not uptodate in the repos yet.02:59
nishanthso is it possible to get gnudatalanguage installed anytime soon?03:00
Dr_Willisyou could always use the source03:01
nishanthwhat is thai?03:01
Dr_Willisor it might get updated and beinstallable in a hr, or tomorrow.. or so on03:01
Dr_Willissource? the actual source code you compile03:01
Dr_Willis!info gnudatalanguage03:02
ubottugnudatalanguage (source: gnudatalanguage): Free IDL compatible incremental compiler. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9~rc1-1.1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 1953 kB, installed size 6892 kB03:02
Dr_WillisYou are asking how to install a compiler and you dont know what 'source code' is ?03:02
nishanthi am very new to linux. i use it mainly to do my research. i am having trouble keeping up with lot of jargans03:02
glaucousDr_Willis, I upgraded about ten minutes ago and my lucid is now unusable.  will I be able to fix it once the packages are stable again, or do I have to reinstall?03:03
Dr_Willisglaucous:  tgeres always tyhe live cd/chroot tricks03:03
Dr_Williswork time for me.03:03
Dr_Willisbye all03:03
glaucouswhat is the chroot trick?03:03
glaucousok, bye03:03
glaucousI'll search some more03:03
nishanthanyone else know how to install gnudatalanguage?03:04
NathanBdotSo what does "plymouth" do?03:04
nameinerdoes anybody know where I can set the hdd apm value for when my laptop is on battery power03:04
arandglaucous: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8068512&postcount=10 has a fairly good guide.03:04
arandNathanBdot: replace xsplash, as far as I know, and provide the ubuntu logo on boot.03:05
glaucousthanks, arand03:05
glaucousis there any way to do that from karmic?03:05
NathanBdotarand, Ah ok.  My install keeps saying something like "Can't connect to plymouth" at the beginning. Then sometimes it'll go to TTY1 and other times it will go to the normal ubuntu login screen03:06
Berzerkerdid export PATH change karmic -> lucid?03:07
BerzerkerI can't get it to recognize a command03:07
NathanBdotSo plymouth wouldn't be the reason that nVidia won't give my HDMI LCD more than 640x480 resolution, right? arand03:07
nishanthNathanBdot : i had this issue earlier. i think it had something to do with your graphics03:08
arandNathanBdot: plymouth is on of the major troublemakers in Lucid, look for relevant bugs, and if they don't already exist report them.03:08
NathanBdotnishanth, oh. i spoke to soon...03:08
bjsnider!info libhdf503:08
ubottuPackage libhdf5 does not exist in lucid03:08
nishanthi think maybe it can be fixed by using the right driver03:08
bjsnider!info hdf503:09
ubottuPackage hdf5 does not exist in lucid03:09
robert__my screen flickers every few minutes03:09
robert__is this bad? can the screen break?03:09
arandNathanBdot: I don't think it would keep affecting the video and such once you're past the boot stage, but I'm not 100% on that03:09
NathanBdotarand, I'm not sure how to report this kind of bug other than "this is what I'm running: XYZ and this is what's happening: XYZ"03:09
NathanBdot...and i don't actually know what I'm running (i built it a couple years ago..)03:10
bjsnider!info libhdf5-serial-1.8.403:10
ubottulibhdf5-serial-1.8.4 (source: hdf5): Hierarchical Data Format 5 (HDF5) - runtime files - serial version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.4-5 (lucid), package size 1129 kB, installed size 4652 kB03:10
NathanBdotarand, my feeling is that it's not plymouth because 9.10 had the same problems (which is why I'm trying Lucid)03:11
BerzerkerDAMN IT03:11
BerzerkerI can't SBF03:11
Berzerkeroh wow03:11
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:11
NathanBdotBerzerker, You can't Send Burritos Flying?03:11
Berzerkerwrong channel03:11
BerzerkerNathanBdot: haha no, like I said, wrong channel03:12
NathanBdotBerzerker, ...i was joking...03:12
BerzerkerNathanBdot: I know, hence the haha03:12
arandNathanBdot: Well, probably not in that case then.03:12
bjsnidernishanth, gnudatalanguage needs to be rebuilt against the newer libhdf5-serial-dev package03:12
bjsniderit cannot be installed now safely03:13
nishanthbjsnider: ok will it ever be possible03:13
bjsniderof course03:13
bjsniderthe rebuild will certainly happen before lucid is finalized03:13
nishanthhow can i know when this will be ready?03:13
bjsnideryou could file a bug right now if you want03:14
nishanthtell me how i can do that?03:14
NathanBdotWell.  Since I see lots of new "faces" here maybe y'all can help.  I have a dual screen setup and the "current" version of nVidia drivers.03:14
NathanBdotMy first screen is fine (via VGA) and my second screen can only get up to 640x480 (via HDMI).  Why won't it realize that the video is going through HDMI and must be shown as HD?03:14
bjsniderwell, let's see. something along the lines of "ubuntu-bug gnudatalanguage" should do it03:15
NathanBdotIt won't give any options above 640x48003:15
bjsniderNathanBdot, unplug the hdmi cable. open a console. type "dmesg". note the result. plug the cable in. type dmesg again and note the changes03:16
DanaGargh, drm-next kernel on my netbook gives a kernel panic really early on.03:16
NathanBdotbjsnider, It's too long to see any changes.... is there a way to have it printed to a file and then compare the two files?03:19
bjsniderNathanBdot, it probably says the EDID chip is broken03:19
NathanBdotis there a way to search through it?03:19
bjsnideryou're looking at the last few lines03:19
bjsniderthe end is the last few lines03:19
bjsniderthe most recent material is at the end03:20
nishanthmy laptop has an intel i5 processor.  which architecture should i be using?03:20
nishanthamd64 or i386?03:20
nishanthso wat is i386 for?03:21
nishanthi thought it is for intel processors03:21
bjsnideramd wrote the em64t instructions intel chips use that allow 32-bit code to run on their 64-bit processors, so it's called amd6403:21
NathanBdotbjsnider, it doesn't mention EDID at all.  I copied it to gedit and ran a search to find "edid" and it came up w/ nothing.03:22
bjsniderok, what are the last few lines?03:22
bjsniderdo you understand what i mean by the last few lines?03:22
NathanBdotbjsnider, uh... i'm native in English... "few" usually means 3 to 4.  Here's the last 70ish though: http://pastebin.com/jvSm3dg103:25
bjsniderNathanBdot, dmesg|tail03:27
NathanBdotbjsnider, ok... do you want me to send you the output or are you just teaching me how to get the "last few lines"? :)03:29
NathanBdotthe output is exactly the same as the last few lines on my paste03:29
NathanBdotcoz_, hey there.  ...still trying to fix my screen setup.03:29
bjsniderthat makes no sense at all, but whatever03:30
Blue1wow it sounds like someone give my sound card some valium03:30
NathanBdotbjsnider, what do you mean "it makes no sense"?03:32
coz_NathanBdot,  oh man  thats not good...no one in #nvidia answered you?03:32
NathanBdotcoz_, that channel is dead. no one helps there.03:32
NathanBdotbjsnider, so... is that all you can do for me then?03:37
NathanBdotcoz_, i'm trying again... so far, not one person is saying anything.  even off topic.03:38
coz_NathanBdot,  yeah this one is definityly puzzling03:39
randomusrdoes anyone here use aMSN?03:44
randomusrI'm using it on 64 10.04 and the fonts are tiny03:45
robert__my screen flickers every few minutes03:53
robert__is this bad? can the screen break?03:53
NathanBdotrobert__, I believe it's bad for CRT; not sure about LCD03:54
robert__NathanBdot, whatc crt?03:54
robert__oh cathode ray tube03:57
NathanBdotHow do I restart X?  Can I do it w/o logging out/in?03:57
robert__wow, pretty much sounds as if testing a beta or using an os with certain bugs can wreck your hardware03:57
Nucleus<Nucleus> I did buy a mini netbook " Toshiba NB 200-134, it camed with windows7, i've deleted the windows7 and i did install Ubuntu 9.10. The problem is that when i restart it tooks more then 20 min to start the system. The only thing i can do to the system start is pressing " Enter " a few times. I've tried to see videos on youtube but there is no sound coming out from the computer. The only sound i listen is when i connect the headphones.03:57
randomusrwhat's a cathode ray tube? is it a deadly weapon for an evil plot?03:57
NathanBdotrobert__, ya, the really old monitors.03:58
NathanBdotrandomusr, haha03:58
robert__NathanBdot, mine is an lcd. so i'm fine right?03:58
randomusrgot him03:58
NucleusCan anyone help me with this problem ? The mini netbook is completly new, it has 2 days03:58
NathanBdotrobert__, I think so. The newer the better.03:58
RPG-MasterWhy didn't the beta come with Empathy?03:59
NathanBdotHow do I restart nVidiaX?  Can I do it w/o logging out/in?03:59
robert__NathanBdot, oh ok thanks. maybe beta should be recommended for lcd/plasma screens only lol03:59
NathanBdotRPG-Master, Mine came with Empathy.03:59
robert__it did03:59
NathanBdotrobert__, haha03:59
robert__but i prefer pidgin anyhow03:59
robert__i don't really like empathy, don't know what the devs were thinkin04:00
NathanBdoti can't stand Empathy or Pidgin anymore.04:00
randomusrI love my dual flatscreen lcd's with active matrix lmao04:00
robert__NathanBdot, what you use?04:00
randomusrjust call me crash0veride04:00
NathanBdotWell, I'm a recent ubuntu convert.  Before, I was on Vista (and I still use it) and I used Digsby.  Digsby seriously tops everything.04:00
virtualdrandomusr: flatscreen? are there any non-flat lcd's?04:00
randomusroh yea, the round ones04:01
NathanBdot...except it needs IRC and Linux support. robert__04:01
robert__whats digsby?04:01
virtualdi've never seen those :)04:01
randomusrthey're the next big thing04:01
l3lackwoodrww thanks04:01
NathanBdotrandomusr, haha04:01
NathanBdotSo no one knows how to restart nVidia X?04:02
DanaGI used to like my Trinitron CRT -- had awesome color.04:02
randomusrand omg this is the year of linux on the desktop. Why? because if my 18 yo niece is using it, t will hit big on facebook04:02
robert__NathanBdot, does video chat work in digsby?04:02
DanaGBut then the convergence went bad.04:02
randomusrthen I can be the local linux expert and profit04:03
randomusrok kidding aside04:03
NathanBdotrobert__, yep.04:03
robert__there will always be plenty of linux users to keep it goin, thats pretty much all i care about that issue04:03
robert__NathanBdot, its not available for Linux04:04
NathanBdotYa, i said that ;)04:04
NathanBdotBe right back!  I have to restart the computer...04:04
DanaGAnd then the whole world's convergence went bad. =þ04:04
randomusrmakes me wonder how many desktop users actually contribute financially to their distro of choice04:04
DanaGAnd then I realized that my polycarbonate glasses lenses were causing horrid chromatic aberration.04:04
DanaGGot regular plastic lenses next time.04:05
randomusrlol @ DanaG04:05
robert__randomusr, i contribute by using alpha/beta releases and reporting bugs04:05
robert__just because its free to us doesn't mean its wrong to not contribute though04:05
crimsunI would argue that it is Wrong.04:06
randomusrmm true, but it helps the developers continue their work...04:06
DanaGUnfortunately, the CRT's convergence is still bad. :(04:06
crimsunparticularly if whining is all one does.04:06
randomusrright crimsun04:07
robert__whats crt?04:07
randomusrthis broke and that broke, please help me fix it using your own time and money04:07
robert__lots of stuff broke? lol04:07
DanaGrobert__: please use google. =þ04:08
DanaGCathode Ray Tube.04:08
DanaGThe old style monitors.04:08
randomusrrobert_: please use "let me google that for you"04:08
randomusrwhat the04:10
robert__DanaG, do all the time :) yahoo more now though, since its on the home page now04:11
l3lackwoodHello all! Is running update manager the same as reloading packages in synaptic and applying all updates?04:13
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Yup, for installing upstates yes04:14
l3lackwoodmaybe he saw on google to try on irc like i did?04:14
johnnyCbadChanServ: I love you04:17
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad thanks! so if I keep doing either now till release day ill have the same as lucid versioin update?04:17
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Unless something breaks in-between then pretty much yeah04:18
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Update manager needs an hourly option. Linux Mint's runs every bloody 5 mins!04:19
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad  yeah the (cough) same thing besides whatever I screwed up since 8.0404:19
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: I'd keep all your music, downloads etc. on a seperate partition just in case, can't be too sure with beta versions04:20
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad I assume all the broken packages will work themselves out as they all get updated for Lucid?04:20
Croghaving problems with login and passwords using lucid.. any help would be appreciated04:20
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Well, sometimes fixes take a while to be released, be sure to report the bug and check for duplicates, the comments often have a fix04:21
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad home is seperate partition with everything on it is that bad? should they be not used for install partitions?04:22
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: I didn't have a broken package yet, except some bizarre one where mythbuntu-default-settings got downloaded, and I don't use mythbuntu04:22
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad been enjoying being a part of that, it's gratifying to see them fixed04:22
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Makes you feel ubuntu is awesome and you did a little bit to help :)04:23
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Home on seperate partition should be fine, hopefully04:24
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad EEEPC 1000 pretty common rig, and "certified" hardware fixes should be easy and already well documented problem bug report so I don't have to retype just learn04:25
johnnyCbadl3lackwood: Lucky you :) I'm off to bed now, if you wanna ask anything else feel free to drop me a line and I'll get back to you eventually. Also consider joining your local LoCo team's mailing list for support :)04:27
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad been pushing it hard on everyone since 7.04 first time trying alpha on more than a live cd, curious how updates synched with daily builds and beta, and final relase.  it's an awseome way to enjoy a computer04:28
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad thanks, I also put it on everything I can find to give away as fun, thanks for the help. just ask the question here?04:29
l3lackwoodjohnnyCbad LoCo Team04:30
ZykoticK9Is Epidermis working for changing the GDM theme for anyone?04:30
sixzhey -- someone in here using the 'dark theme' (i.e., your screen looks like this: http://s.linux-mag.com/i/articles/7740/lucid-desktop-ambiance.jpg ) with google chrome please do me a favor: choose 'Use GTK+ Theme' in Appearance in the preferences of chrome, and then take a screenshot of the browser04:32
NathanBdotHey all!04:45
NathanBdotis coz_ still here?04:45
NathanBdot:( guess not.04:46
sixzI see we're all a big family here huh04:47
NathanBdotHey how do I check to see if I'm running Compiz?04:47
NathanBdotGot it. Thanks anyways :)04:52
NathanBdotHey how do I enable dragging windows between workspaces?04:58
NathanBdotI currently can't.04:58
MatthewH12Quick question (yes ive googled), anyone gotten GMA500 to work with 10.04?04:58
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, between workspaces or separate X screens?  As between workspaces "should" work out of the box.  The later won't work at all.04:59
ZykoticK9MatthewH12, don't know is it was you, but someone posted the same question on LP (I have no idea obviously)05:00
ZykoticK9MatthewH12, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/10614705:01
NathanBdotZykoticK9, Workspaces.  Ya, one every other computer I've installed Ubuntu on, it *has* worked out of the box, but for some reason, it's not working on mine.05:01
ZykoticK9NathanBdot, i have no idea man sorry - it's working fine on my system05:02
NathanBdotZykoticK9, :( ok thanks anyways05:02
MatthewH12Yeah i figured since Mandriva supported it (Verified) out of the box, that Ubuntu would as well, as im not a fan of RPM Distros :)05:02
NathanBdotOk... "Appearance Preferences" just froze on me... how do i force it to quit?05:08
NathanBdotAlright i'm off bye! :)05:10
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
alex_mayorgais gnome 2.30 upload still ongoing?05:34
ZykoticK9alex_mayorga, seems that way - i'm still only getting Partial Upgrade as an option05:35
alex_mayorgaZykoticK9: so better hold of from updating, right?05:36
ZykoticK9alex_mayorga, afraid so05:36
Zenkerheay holstein r u here?05:39
t3chkommiehello yall05:43
t3chkommieanyone know the work around to get 3d windows working on lucid?05:43
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, what gfx card are you using?05:44
t3chkommiea crappy intell gma 4500hd i think.05:44
t3chkommiethe option seems to be missing in compiz settings manager.05:45
lotiaanyone having issues with the login message in a shell indicating incorret number of packages can be updated (141) in my case and that a system reboot is required immediatly after rebooting post update?05:45
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, in CCSM i have "3D windows" under Effects -- are you using Simple-ccsm?05:46
t3chkommiezykotick9 no simple here. im using the main ccsm.05:46
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, it's there on mine - sorry don't have any other suggestion.05:46
t3chkommieunder effects i only have 7 options. non being 3d windows.05:47
t3chkommiehm, wonder if i should try to reinstall it?05:47
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, i have 17 options under Effects ?!05:47
t3chkommiewow, that seems strange. are you running lucid?05:47
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, of course05:48
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, are you SURE it's CCSM and not simple?05:48
t3chkommiesystem > pref > compizconfig settings manager05:49
t3chkommiezykotick9 my desktop cube is enabled, and i have wobbly windows... just not 3d05:49
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, do you have "compiz-fusion-plugins-extra" installed?  don't know if that makes the difference?05:49
t3chkommiei dont think ihave that installed let me check.05:50
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, "apt-cache policy compiz-fusion-plugins-extra" from terminal will tell you05:50
nightsjammiesI've just managed to get Ultraedit to work in WINE.. o.O05:50
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, sorry OT but what does "o.O" mean?  I see it all the time.05:50
nightsjammiesHmm..hold on.05:51
t3chkommieyup, dont have the extras yet.05:51
nightsjammiesDamn. It's just a smily05:51
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, ah - thanks05:51
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, i don't even know if that's will fix it - but worth a shot for sure05:52
nightsjammiessomething like that.05:52
nightsjammiesKind of a 'Huh', emoticon.05:52
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, lol - i would not have pictured that from the smiley :)05:52
screen-xJust for the timestamp05:53
t3chkommiezykotick9 thanks. im going to try it now!05:53
nightsjammiesRaised eyebrow, etc.05:53
nightsjammiesThere's a bunch of ways to do it, that's just how I do it.05:53
nightsjammiesOr... \m/-_-\m/05:53
nightsjammiesA guy rocking out :D05:53
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, i see it used a lot - since this is a quite channel thought i'd ask and finally find out, so thanks05:53
nightsjammiesOf course, anytime :)05:54
t3chkommiezykotick9: that did it. thanks. youre a genius!05:54
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, hardly... lol - glad you got it working - 3d windows is a cool effect05:54
t3chkommiezykotick9: yes sir. i love the way you can trick out ubuntu exactly they way i want it :)05:55
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, yes linux is certainly for customizing!05:55
nightsjammiesZykoticK9: Here's some more: http://techrageo.us/images/yahoosmileys/yahoosmileysnormal_.jpg05:57
nightsjammiesWait, you managed to get 3d windows to work?05:57
nightsjammiesI still haven't figured that out.05:57
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, if you're refering to the compiz setting just add compiz-fusion-plugins-extra05:58
cefso, did someone break libvirt-bin or kvm in lucid? none of my VM's start anymore. can't see much in the way of errors in logs except it spawning too fast05:59
nightsjammiesOkay. So will that allow me to enable the cube effect?05:59
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, oh sorry i figured you had compiz working already - you need compiz working, then add ccsm then configure to your hearts content06:00
nightsjammiesI do have compiz.06:00
* t3chkommie loves compiz!06:01
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, install ccsm to get all the effect then06:01
nightsjammiesYup, I've got simple-ccsm installed.06:01
t3chkommiei dont think simple will work jightsjammies06:01
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, ummm, sorry man i've never played with simple06:02
nightsjammieshmm, how do I get ccsm?06:02
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager06:02
nightsjammiesI already have that as well.06:03
nightsjammiesI've enabled the desktop cube and 3d windows..06:04
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, if you're looking for the spinning cube you also need "rotate cube" enabled06:04
t3chkommienights: does youre cube rotate and junk?06:04
nightsjammiesI've just enabled that, but so far, I've only got two sides.06:05
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, to add sides - right click the desktop switcher in Gnome panel / Preferences - then increase the number of Columns06:05
nightsjammiesWorkplace switcher?06:06
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, yup06:06
nightsjammiesOkay, awesome. So is there a way to add a top and bottom?06:07
t3chkommiei think its in your cube settings under appearence06:07
t3chkommielemme look.06:07
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, not as usable workspaces no (i saw on Win7 they have that), you can put wallpaper's on it though [perhaps t3chkommie has an answer]06:08
t3chkommieunder cube > apperance tab you want to change the "cap"06:08
t3chkommieya i dont think there is a way to get a desktop on it. but you can change the color, or picture of whatever you want. i like plated steel.06:09
nightsjammiesWait, so how am I supposed to change the cap?06:09
t3chkommienights: yes.06:10
t3chkommieif you dont like the caps you can morph youre cube into a sphere, i think that does away with the caps.06:10
t3chkommieyou can also mess arrround with the "rows" of desktops see if that does anything.06:10
nightsjammiesHmm, still not working for me. Dang it.06:11
nightsjammiesMeh, I'll mess with it later.06:11
nightsjammiesThank you though :)06:11
t3chkommieno worries. good luck06:12
ZykoticK9check my transparent ubuntu caps http://imagebin.org/9115206:12
nightsjammiesWow, that's just...badass, ZykoticK906:13
t3chkommiezykotic: brilliant, love the dock and the cylanders :)06:13
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, thanks man - i like it06:13
nightsjammiesYeah, how'd you do that?06:13
t3chkommieare those just transparent pngs you made?06:13
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, all ccsm man06:13
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, i didn't make them but that's what they are06:13
t3chkommieright on.06:13
t3chkommiei have to say i love the new UI for empathy on lucid.06:14
t3chkommielook REAL nice.06:14
t3chkommiei like the "speech bubbles" that you see in aim and the iphone IM software.06:14
t3chkommiezykotic: how do you like conky?06:15
ZykoticK9uploaded the cap to http://imagebin.org/9115306:16
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, actually i'm an old gkrellm guy - but conky is ok, hard to configure though06:17
t3chkommieamen to that, im not a fan of configureing it. i havnt tried gkrellm yet. how is it?06:17
t3chkommiei installed sensor-applet and just have my graphs in the main menu.06:18
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, it's ok if you add the "invisible" theme that makes it transparent - but it's seriously old by todays standards06:18
t3chkommieya ive been having some trouble latly with "old" software, i hope 10.04 dosnt break it completly.06:19
Raydiationwhen will beta 2 be released`06:23
Raydiationwill it contain gnome 2.30?06:23
ZykoticK9Raydiation, 8 days from today - yes to 2.3 (see topic)06:24
bbordwellRaydiation, Lucid is already at 2.3006:24
ZykoticK9bbordwell, or at least mostly 2.3006:24
bbordwellZykoticK9, haha yes good point.06:24
Raydiationhow stable is it?06:25
bbordwellRaydiation, I have only had one major problem since beta106:25
Raydiationmaybe i upgrade tomorrow from 9.1006:25
ZykoticK9Raydiation, that depends on MANY factors - i've personally had very good luck since alpha206:25
Raydiationbbordwell: fixed?06:25
* t3chkommie doing just fine after upgrading. but had to clean install some things didnt carry over nicely.06:26
bbordwellRaydiation, yes06:26
Raydiationkk ty06:26
ZykoticK9Raydiation, be sure to check the topic of this channel before upgrading!06:26
Raydiationill do a clean install06:26
bbordwellit was a system breaking problem that got fixed in about 2 hours06:26
ZykoticK9Raydiation, wait until after the Gnome 2.30 is cleared up or things will break06:26
bbordwell+1 ^^^06:26
RaydiationZykoticK9: when will that roughly be?06:27
ZykoticK9Raydiation, "not long now" < don't know man...06:27
Raydiationty gnite^^06:28
t3chkommiewhats diff about 2.30?06:28
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, not much really you're currently using the pre-2.30 packages as we speak - it's just they are adding the final versions to the repo now06:30
t3chkommieok, better textures? or what? i like how KDE looks, but man, i can/t leave gnome, too foreign.06:31
nightsjammiesIs it possible to install 10.04 onto a usb stick?06:31
t3chkommiei got one ;)06:31
nightsjammiesCool. What'd you use?06:31
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, i really don't know what changes are in 2.30 myself - i'm sure there is a change log somewhere06:31
t3chkommiei acutally used unibootin on windows.06:31
nightsjammiesBecause usually I go through eeebuntu, and then just upgrade.06:31
nightsjammiesAh, okay.06:31
t3chkommiethanks zykotic.06:32
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, glad to help06:32
bbordwellt3chkommie, It is very similar looking, nautilus has tabs now though. That was not in 2.28 right?06:32
t3chkommienights: do you have a netbook?06:32
ZykoticK9bbordwell, actually even Karmic's nautilus had tabs06:32
bbordwellahh i thought that was new. there is something with nautilus that is new but i do not know what06:33
nightsjammiesNot right now, but I used to. I just got used to going through the eee install, I guess. I'd like to get away from that though.06:33
bbordwellZykoticK9, ahh in nautilus press F306:33
nightsjammiesI don't like the way that ktorrent is layed out though. I like the old layout.06:33
ZykoticK9bbordwell, that's awesome.  Thanks man!06:34
t3chkommienightjsmmird: definatly ... with uniboot in, you point it to youre dwlned iso and done. it formats your usb tho, so back up fiurst.06:34
ZykoticK9bbordwell, i didn't even know i wanted that feature - but i love it06:34
bbordwellZykoticK9, great for dragging and dropping files06:35
t3chkommiei dont think i have ever used nautilus. im a cli fan. gotta keep sharp for my server ;)06:35
ZykoticK9bbordwell, that's WAY better then adding tabs (which i thought i'd love but never actually use)06:35
nightsjammiescommand line?06:36
t3chkommiecommand line interface06:36
nightsjammiesah, amazing what happens when I actually use my brain, eh :D06:36
t3chkommiethe brain, amazing thing it is.06:36
t3chkommieanyone have experience using jinzora?06:37
nightsjammiesI've never even heard of that..06:38
t3chkommiedang, zykotic? bbordwell?06:38
ZykoticK9nightsjammies, http://en.jinzora.com/ - i'd never heard of it either06:38
bbordwellnever even heard of it06:38
nightsjammiesYeah, I just looked it up. Looks interesting..06:39
t3chkommiewell, if you like streaming media and stuff, give it a shot, i really like it. it just has some qwerks in it i havnt figured out yet.06:39
t3chkommiedid anyone else have a hard time getting the beta iso to load as a VM06:42
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nightsjammiesI have a laptop and an itouch. Probably wouldn't do me much good..06:42
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, what virtualization software are you using06:42
Blue1nightsjammies: I am currently d/l the netbook remix -- but I do NOT use a vm06:42
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, in that case - no i didn't06:42
t3chkommiehm, i could get the slplash screen, and that was it. but i could boot of my flashdrive with the same iso no problem. wonder if i have a messed up settings.06:43
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, are you using OSE or PUEL version?06:43
t3chkommienights: i have jinzora running on my server at home and i strem my music from whereever, that way i dont have to load 100 bg of music my desktop, laptop etc.06:44
t3chkommieim using ose06:44
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, ya me too?06:44
t3chkommieproblems with windows host and ubuntu 9.10 host.06:44
nightsjammiesHmm..I have no server.06:44
Blue1t3chkommie: dual boot?06:44
t3chkommienights: bummer  i got a cheap $40 rackmount server secound hand and thats what i got running.06:45
t3chkommiebleul: im duel booted now..06:45
Blue1t3chkommie: my netbook is dual boot - I have never successfully recovered linux if I do a windows re-install06:45
t3chkommiebluel: i think thats cus when windows is reinsalled it reformtats, or it reinstalls its loader. :( grub would be overwritten.06:46
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, if you're interested in an alternative to Jinzora check out ampache, it's in the repo and can stream audio/video as well06:47
t3chkommiezykotic: no way! can it encode flash?06:47
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, encode flash - what does that mean?06:47
nightsjammiest3chkommie: what kind of netbook do you have?06:48
t3chkommiemy server takes an mp3, wraps it up in a vlf file and sends it to my browser. and through flash player i listen to my music just with a browser front end. no need to media player or anything else... its like pandora radio.06:49
t3chkommie... at least thats how i think it works.06:49
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, ya it does that as well.  Just wanted to point it out to you, in case you could fix the issues with jinzora06:49
t3chkommieright on, ill have to look into that, since i know going from server 8.04 to 10.04 is going to break stuf :)06:51
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, that's going to be a big jump - i read today that "lts to lts" upgrades aren't going to be available from day 1 of 10.04, that they are staggered back or something06:53
t3chkommiewell then i guess thats more insentive to use what i got from the reppos :)06:53
ZykoticK9t3chkommie, wish i could remember now where i read that - but read a lot of 10.04 articles today, so even browser through my history would be a huge task06:54
thebwtanyone haveing sound issues? My sound is coming out real quiet. When I bosot it above %100 it gets distorted. Seems like there is something turning it down.06:57
thebwtthat is, something turning it down before it gets to PA06:58
Blue1thebwt: yes, my sound is very scratch sometimes06:58
Blue1thebwt: i have to jiggle the digital volume to get it to work  seems to have a problem with every new track06:58
thebwtand messing with balance at all sets output to 0%.. searching launchpad to see if there is a bug.07:00
cozziemotohey guys..is the sound preferences dialog gone for now after updates?07:03
thebwtcozziemoto: not gone, but I am having sounds issues now.07:03
thebwtI haven't rebooted07:03
cozziemotothebwt,  ok here no sound preferences dialog....they must be working on it07:03
ZykoticK9cozziemoto, if you left click on the volume control in panel - don't you get Sound Preferences?07:04
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  no it doesnt open and there is no menu item under preferences now either07:04
ZykoticK9cozziemoto, did you just upgrade?07:04
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  no this is a clean install07:04
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  but i have been keeping up with the updates07:05
AbortDdoes anyone use vonage softphone on ubuntu?07:05
ZykoticK9cozziemoto, don't know then - cause i have sound preferences in both spots - but as the topic says Gnome is in flux right now07:05
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  yeah its no biggie...I assumed they are working on it :)07:05
ZykoticK9cozziemoto, i'm sure they are as well :)07:06
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  yep  I just come here when issues arrise to be sure it wasnt something I did :)07:06
ZykoticK9cozziemoto, lol - well with development it can be hard to tell sometime ;)07:07
cozziemotoZykoticK9,  absolutely :)07:07
thebwtyea.. not a good time to reboot... just lost widnow borders07:11
thebwtah got them back with fusion icon07:11
thebwtk, the phone will have to do for pandora tonight it seems.07:13
Berzerkerwhy is my monitor turning off07:14
BerzerkerI told it to never turn off07:14
thebwtin power manager or in screensaver07:14
nightsjammiesIt's mah birfday, it's mah birfday...07:14
Berzerkerthebwt: power manager07:14
nightsjammiesSorry, random thought there :)07:14
thebwtBerzerker: might look at screensaver, I think it defaults to "blank screen" after a few menutes07:15
Berzerkerthebwt: thanks07:16
thebwtBerzerker: np, let me know if that fixes it.07:16
Berzerkerthebwt: I'll let you know in 5+ minutes :P07:17
nightsjammiesNight ya'all.07:19
DanaGnice: http://theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/03/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html07:23
DamasceneI've seem to broken my evolution install07:29
DamasceneI've reinstalled it but it seem not working. it all started after removing unstable evolution07:30
DamasceneI've seem to broken my evolution install08:01
DamasceneI've reinstalled it but it seem not working. it all started after removing unstable evolution08:01
mortalis the gnome upload complete?08:15
ionte_Hi. With kernel 2.6.32-17 and -18 my harddrives has been swapped (/dev/sda <-> /dev/sdb). I had an entry for /dev/sda1 in fstab, which is an ext4 partition. /dev/sdb1 is an NTFS partition. While booting the system says it must check filesystems and that it cannot mount the partition, and then it halts.08:16
ionte_I've booted with -16 and changed my fstab, but it must be a bug that you cannot even boot if an (unimportant) file system can't be mounted (it was mounted as /mnt/datA)08:17
Berzerkerionte_: yup, happened to me also08:21
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal08:41
ZykoticK9almoxarife, you can use "/msg ubottu !puregnome" to get bot messages privately08:43
Kevin`hey, is there anyone here that works on the ubuntu bugs? there's a 5 minute fix available for something that has been bothering me for a while08:44
almoxarifeZykoticK9: it worked, I saw that in #ubuntu, I wanted to verify the pckgs were the same in lucid08:44
ZykoticK9almoxarife, i doubt that's a Lucid specific factoid - this channel has all the regular #ubuntu ones, plus some extras08:45
JohnFluxHi all08:52
JohnFluxI just installed nvidia-current via the jockey-kde  and it gave the error:08:52
JohnFlux2010-04-01 16:49:40,112 ERROR: update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/lib32/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 because associated file /usr/lib32/nvidia-current/vdpau/libvdpau_nvidia.so.1 (of link group gl_conf) doesn't exist.08:53
JohnFluxhopefully it worked anyway, but someone here might care about this08:53
Berzerker+1 to the vote that ubuntu is the best evar.08:55
thebwtBerzerker: so taht fixed your issue?08:55
DASPRiDwe already are in #ubuntu+1, so uhm... ;P08:55
Berzerkerthebwt: lol uh..I guess08:56
BerzerkerI haven't really been off the pc that much to test it08:57
JohnFluxwoot, the drivers worked anyway08:57
almoxarifesynaptic touchpad tap not working again, was broke then fixed, now broke again, fix avail?08:58
_polto_I updated my macbook pro to Lucid and the keyboard stop working in Xorg. In the console mode it is working. I do not fully understand how the keyboard is supposed to work in X now.09:20
Damasceneany one having problem with evolution?09:23
Damascenethe data server seems to differnt version than evolution09:23
AscavasaionI was referred here by #ubuntu... they are soiling their pants because I asked a 10.4 question in there hehe09:24
titan_arkhi, i recently upgraded to the lucid, beta. I would like to know how can i set up updates like the stable releases, because in the software sources i dont see any packages selected09:25
BerzerkerAscavasaion: they like to keep it separate, and it's 10.0409:25
ibqnwhat gnome version lucid beta1 has?09:25
Berzerkertitan_ark: lucid itself is not a stable release.09:26
Berzerkertitan_ark: you're not going to get stable releases of packages with an unstable version of an OS09:26
AscavasaionBerzerker, hehe poor things.09:26
ibqn2.28.x? and 2.30 is planned for release?09:26
titan_arkBerzerker, yes, i am aware. i was meaning like other stable releases09:26
Berzerkerif there are updates, they'll show up09:26
Berzerkerif you recently upgraded, you're probably up-to-date09:26
thebwt2.30 is being uploaded right now, as per the channel topic09:28
titan_arkBerzerker, okay. thanks. i was doubtful because in the "software sources" i did not see any of the ppas as checked09:28
Damascene:S gnome being updated09:28
thebwttitan_ark: the lucid stuff isn't from a ppa.09:29
thebwtyou're set, so when the stable release comes, you'll be stable09:29
titan_arkthebwt, aha okay. pardon my ignorance, I am a linux noob09:29
thebwtdon't sweat it09:30
AscavasaionOn 9.04 when I inserted a CD it was automatically mounted and an icon placed on the desktop.  With 10.04 it does not.  any ideas how I can get it to do that again?09:30
titan_arki just wanted to jump to the beta and contribute by reporting any bugs09:30
thebwtAscavasaion: it works for me09:30
Ascavasaionthebwt, hmmm09:30
thebwtAscavasaion: can you right click on your desktop?09:31
Ascavasaionthebwt, Yes.09:31
titan_arkthebwt, any idea as to why does my laptop do an /fsck everytime i boot?09:32
thebwtAscavasaion: strange... not sure what's up, may wait till teh gnome 2.30 update is done09:32
thebwttitan_ark: no idea, I'm not to savvy with the foundations stuff09:33
Ascavasaionthebwt, Nods.09:34
titan_arkthebwt, okay. i dint know whom or where to point it out. also my install crashed after i had to do forced reboots thrice cos the screen would hang if i left it unattended long.09:34
titan_arkthe mouse cursor moved but i could not recover the screen and had to force reboot always09:34
_polto_there is no more xserver-xorg-input-keyboard package in Lucid ?09:37
_polto_how to enable keyboard in X ? it works in the console, but in Xorg even the virtual keyboard exit.09:38
bbordwellI feel that this bug is ready to be marked as triaged with an importance of low, could a member of BC please do so? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/54722509:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 547225 in evince "Evince fails to properly display this "type" of pdf" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:49
Damascenedo you have clue when the updateing ban will be lefted?09:49
bbordwellsorry wrong channel09:49
SandGorgonis kubuntu 10.04 beta on KDE 4.4.2 ?09:49
taneliupgrade from hardy rebooted and now stuck at "init: ureadahead-other main process (912) terminated with status 4"10:08
tanelihow do I go about debugging this10:09
znejktoday after upgrade my sound dissapeared10:13
znejkand the sound settings doesnt seem to find my soundcard10:14
DASPRiDznejk, that's just an april's fool10:14
znejkcould they pls unfool it then10:14
znejkit only appears empty10:15
znejkand i have dubble processes of everything10:17
znejkcant be good10:17
bbordwellznejk, Have you tried to just reboot again?10:18
znejkjupp twice10:19
znejkit couldnt be that i poked some around in grub?10:19
znejkhow could that possible affect the sound?10:19
bbordwellznejk, grub should not have any effect on sound. You should try out a live cd and see if your sound works10:20
znejkit will im sure10:20
znejkit worked this morning before i updated10:20
bbordwellznejk, oh i thought you just upgraded from karmic10:21
znejkoh, no been running lucid for a while :)10:21
znejkits so strange, cant even choose sound card in sound properties, its empty10:22
bbordwellznejk, if you do the command "lspci" does your sound card show up?10:22
znejk00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)10:23
znejkmust be it10:23
bbordwellznejk, nice thats the same as mine.....mine works :)10:23
znejkwith the latest upgrades?10:24
bbordwelllet me double chack10:24
znejku mean i have broken something myfelf :)10:24
bbordwellyup it is working updated about an hour ago10:25
znejkmby i found the problem10:26
znejksomethings been really strange when using the users-admin program10:26
znejknow it seems to have changed user priveligies10:26
znejkok, lol its fixed10:30
dodddummyznejk, yeah. i tried adding a user it was really wierd.10:30
znejkwell I remember also doing that this morning10:30
znejkbut it works much better if i use sudo users-admin in a terminal i noticed :)10:31
znejkall user commands work10:31
dodddummyznejk, by fixed do you mean it's ok to upgrade?10:31
dodddummyznejk, i was able to create the account just not activate it.10:31
znejki can change settings and add users and activate them10:33
znejkand now i have sound!10:34
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dodddummyznejk, what did you do?10:34
Guest45357hello. does anyone have huge cpu usage while the gwibber service is running in 10.4?10:34
znejkallowed my user to use the soundcard10:35
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znejkim still having quite big problems with empathy since this morning10:35
znejkeach time i start it after reboot i have to go to settings->account and inactivate and activate otherwise they wont connect10:37
znejkand then i have to restart empathy10:37
lucidLynxznejk: i assume u reinstalled the package already?10:40
malegriahi everyone10:44
malegriai'm encountering a little problem : gnome doesn't start, instead of that a failsafe xterm session is opened10:44
Ian_Cornecheck the bottom at the gdm login screen10:45
Ian_Corneyou can see which session you're starting10:45
Ian_Cornemorning BUGabundo10:45
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htrejhi use kubuntu lucid and firefox, however i don't see the integration that list the preferred programs for opening files on kde, why?10:46
malegriaIan_Corne, the thing is I accidentally activated the automatic login, so i don't even see gdm10:46
BUGa_vacationsahh that's better10:46
htrejhi updated from karmic, no fresh install10:46
Ian_Cornemalegria: if you can, run gdmsetup10:47
malegriaIan_Corne, ah, i'll have to close xchat for that10:48
malegriamalegria, i'll close xchat and launch ircii10:48
malegriaIan_Corne, i'll be back in a bit, thank you for your help10:48
malegriahi again10:50
malegriaIan_Corne : hmm, gdmsetup will launch itself, but i can't unlock the root mode10:51
malegriaIan_Corne : when i click on 'unlock' the window stays all gray10:51
malegriaIan_Corne : i could launch gnome-session, but then i won't be able to lauch a terminal10:52
malegriai'll try10:52
malegriano i can't do anything10:54
malegriamust be a problem caused by the gnome update10:54
malegriaanyone around ?10:55
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znejk_just wanted to say that im surfing on lucid through my iphone 3gs modem10:58
znejk_works like a charm10:59
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Ian_Cornemalegria: apt-get install ssh and ssh -Y to your machine11:09
Ian_Corneand run gdmsetup?11:09
danopiaweird, after the epic fail after my upgrade, the machine suspended itself and when i woke it up it looks like it's working well11:23
danopiabut there's no window manager?11:23
Damascenewhen we can upgrade?11:24
danopiawell i got one back11:25
boymeetsworldDamascene, Upgrade to 10.04?11:26
malegriaIan_Corne : i disabled automatic login by editing the conf file11:26
malegriai'll try and restart11:26
DamasceneI'm already on Lucid11:26
Damasceneboymeetsworld, read the topic11:26
boymeetsworldDamascene,  You asked "when we can upgrad?"11:26
boymeetsworldDamascene,  *upgrade11:27
Damascene| GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet.11:27
danopia"Your system encountered a serious kernel problem" guess taht's because i booted a 10.04 system with a 9.10 kernel :P11:27
boymeetsworldDamascene,  Well excuse me, I just joined...wanted to help.11:27
Damascenenp boymeetsworld that happens to me too :)11:28
malegriaso know gdm does show up, but when i click on my user name it automatically launches xterm failsafe, without asking me my password11:30
[diablo]afternoon all... guys, anyone lost Empathy atm?11:32
[diablo]mines vanished11:32
danopiaok i'll give you this, when i hit reboot on my 10.04 and looked away for 5 seconds it was booting windows already by the time i looked back11:35
danopiaso it's defaintely faster11:35
malegriamy question may sound stupid11:39
malegriabut how do i choose which session i want in GDM ? my defaults to xterm failsafe and i can't find the menu that allows me to change it back to gnome11:40
penguin42malegria: Put in your username in gdm, once you've put the username in the menu should appear at the bottom11:41
malegriapenguin42 : if i click on my main username, it goes directly to xterm without asking my password. I created another user to try. When i click on that, it does ask for the password but i can't find a menu that shows the different sessions. I have language and keyboard selection, and accessibility, but that's all11:43
[diablo]sorry guys, but has anyone lost Empathy atm?11:48
malegria i've lost everything11:49
DamasceneTopic | GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet. |11:50
malegriacan anyone please help me ? why can't i launch gnome at all ?11:51
Dr_Willistheres been breakage in the auto launchign of gnome and kde.11:53
Dr_Willisuse the 'xterm' session in gdm and try 'gnome-session'11:53
[diablo]Damascene, should it be safe to upgrade later today do you think?11:54
DamasceneI don't acctuly know. I'm waiting just like you11:56
Dr_Willisif all else fails.. you wait a while and update/upgrade from the console11:56
[diablo]ah ok, thank you Damascene11:56
Damascenenp [diablo]11:57
malegriaDr_Willis : gnome-session only shows the desktop, but i can't do anything. Thanks for your help, i'll just have to wait11:58
Dr_Willisclarify what you mean. by 'cant do'11:59
Damascenemalegria, can you launch any thing with Alt+F212:00
malegriaalt F2 does not work12:01
malegriathere is no menu12:02
malegriai can't create a launcher12:02
malegriathe only thing i can do is move the mouse around12:02
Dr_Willismake a new user - see if it works for them12:02
Dr_Willisso you have icons and a panel and cant click on them?12:02
malegriaI tried, but with the new user i can't launch gnome. There is no list of the different sessions in gdm, it automatically goes to xterm12:03
Damascenethey should have blocked the update12:04
malegriai have nothing (no icons, since my desktop is empty anyway) and no panel12:04
Dr_WillisUpdates are constantly rolling out hr by hr from what i gather. Theres no 'heres todays updates....'   and a pause..12:04
Dr_Willisso gnome-session launches/starts what exactly then?12:05
Dr_Williswhat if you launch 'nautilus' from the terminal?12:05
malegriait doesn't do much. It changes the wallpaper, and launches metacity, that's all12:05
malegriaI'll try launching metacity12:06
malegriai'll be back12:06
Dr_Willisno error messages?12:06
Dr_Willisupdated, rebooted.. it worked..12:11
malegriahi again12:11
malegriaso, when i launch gnome-session i do get errors12:11
malegriasorry i can't cut & paste, since i'm ussing tty, but it says it can't open gnome-panel, and that there's a polkit erro12:12
Dr_WillisI just Updated and upgraded and rebooted one of my machines.. it goes to gnome with no issues12:13
Dr_Williscould be theres some fix's allready out12:13
malegriaand i can't use the terminal to launch anything since gnome-session is being run12:13
malegriai've got the latest updates installed12:14
malegrialooks like i'm going to reinstall everything again12:14
Dr_WillisI doubt if that will fix anything.. but who can tell12:15
Dr_Williscould be that the updates have not gotten to whatever repos you are using12:16
malegriai thought of that, so i changed my sources.list to use the main repo12:16
cordenguys cannot change root password????12:22
cordenany reason why?12:22
Dr_Willisroot has no password.. so you want to set one?12:23
cordenoic, yah12:23
c_korncan someone with the nvidia drivers from the repository confirm that gnome-appearence-properties outputs this ? (gnome-appearance-properties:4189): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_display_sync: assertion `GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed12:23
Dr_Williswhy do you want to? use 'sudo' as needed - no need for a root password12:23
cordenfor security reason12:24
avuno password is as secure as no password :)12:24
Dr_Willisc_korn:  i see the messages here - but its not critical that i can tell.. the tool runs12:24
Davieycorden: you know a fresh install has the root password disabled..as in you cannot login to root via password12:24
Davieyso if you set a password, some would argue it's less secure.12:24
cordenhow come authentication failure when accessing su12:25
Dr_Willisif you want a root password.. then set a root password12:25
Davieycorden: don't use su :)12:25
Dr_Williscorden:  you DONT use su. use 'sudo' as needed12:25
Dr_Willistheres some cases you use su.. but not to get root access12:25
avuI don't know anything su does that sudo doesn't12:25
DavieyDr_Willis: What use case would you use su?12:26
cordeni'm just following the compile/install of gambas ;)12:26
cordensu -c "make install"12:26
Dr_Willisthat is wrong for ubuntu12:26
Dr_Willissudo make install12:26
avuDr_Willis, so you don't know either? :)12:26
Dr_Willisavu:  about what?12:26
Daviey < Daviey> Dr_Willis: What use case would you use su?12:27
avuDr_Willis, about cases where you have to use su12:27
Dr_WillisDaviey:  you can change to other users  - other then root with su12:27
c_kornDr_Willis: thanks. can you also confirm that this window freezes when you change the compiz effects from none to normal and click on "keep settings" : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/42660591/screenshot_001.png12:27
DavieyDr_Willis: dave@sabre:~$ sudo -u anne -s12:27
Daviey[sudo] password for dave:12:27
Dr_WillisDaviey:  like if you wanted to run 'vncserver' from rc.local as user 'billgates'12:27
avuDr_Willis, sudo -u billgates vncserver12:27
Dr_Willissudo can do it also. see12:27
Dr_Willisso not much need for su these days12:28
avuyou were the one that suggested otherwise.. :)12:28
Dr_Willisim not sure that sudo can switch to a different user12:28
avuwhich is why we asked12:28
avuDr_Willis, it can12:28
DavieyDr_Willis: see above ^^12:28
SandGorgonhmm.. there is a bug tracking issues for older nvidia chipsets with lucid. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/nvidia-settings/+bug/53919612:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 539196 in nvidia-settings "nvidia-settings X display configuration window doesn't work on nvidia-173 and nvidia-96" [High,In progress]12:28
Dr_Willissudo in rc.local may ask for a password.. vs su.  not sure about that.12:29
avuDr_Willis, no, it won't12:29
Dr_Willisactually rc.local is ran as root.. so it is allready sudo'd12:29
Davieycorden: Are you doing this on lucid?12:29
avuDr_Willis, root can use sudo without needing a password12:29
DavieyANY user can use sudo without using a password12:29
Dr_Willisif you are root you alrleady sudo'd so you are sudo sudo  ing. :)12:29
cordenyah Daviey12:29
avuDaviey, not with the default sudoers12:29
avuDr_Willis, that doesn't make any sense. there's no such thing as "being sudo'd"12:30
Dr_Willissudo -s12:30
Dr_Willis is my definition of that term :)12:30
avuyeah, that gives you a rootshell. and if root wanted to act as a different user, he'd use sudo too12:30
DavieyDr_Willis: rc.local is run as root, not "sudo'd"12:30
Dr_Willisyep. Ive seen some guides that mistakently do sudo in rc.local12:31
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Dr_Willisabout the only thinb ive ever set up in rclocal as a a different user is to spawn a vnc session12:31
Dr_Willisthats been ages ago.12:31
Dr_WillisHmm. I seem to get a lot of 'pop up dialog' lately that are appearing Under the parent windows.  ANyone else been seeing this?12:33
Dr_Willismakes the program seem like its hung.. when in fact its asking a question12:33
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BUGa_vacationswhere are our friendly DO devs?12:49
BUGa_vacationsneed to debug it12:49
BUGa_vacationsits using 100% cpu12:49
Bittarmannigelb, I'd guess he means gnome-do12:51
Dr_WillisHmm.. alt-1 stopped workin for me in weechat to get to the diff channels12:51
nigelbBittarman, ah12:51
Dr_Willisso has alt-ctrl-f1  - i wokder if i broke my alt-key :)12:52
Dr_Willisright alt works.. left dosent.12:52
Dr_Willisthat is odd. left alt dosent work in gnome now. but it is working in the console12:58
coz_oo let me check on the other machine12:59
Dr_Willisit was working earlier today befor i updated/rebooted12:59
coz_ah oh updating now and will reboot to see13:00
coz_Dr_Willis, it seems to be working here sorry I couldnt confirm this13:02
Dr_WillisI got kde on the other machines.. so cant verify if its a gnome issue or not13:04
coz_Dr_Willis,  oh ... I have gnome here on the one install.. just updated and left alt is working...ah oh let me see if right alt is :)13:04
coz_yeah that works too :)13:04
Dr_WillisHmm - seems to work in kde...13:06
glaucouspackage upgrades should be atomic.  my system is hosed :(13:06
Dr_Willisatomic = blown into little bits?13:06
glaucousright now?  yes13:06
Dr_Willisor glowing from fallout.13:06
Dr_Willisor causing mutant ants to run about the room13:07
Dr_WillisIjust updated 3 machines.. no issues here. other then my alt-key13:07
JediMasterhey guys, I've got lucid running on two machines, works fine on my little intel atom/nvidia ion based system but on my larger desktop everything seems to work ok but plymouth starts in an awfully low resolution (something like 640x480 in 16 colours) on my 1080p monitor with nvidia GTX260, is there a boot option to force it to a higher res/colour depth?13:07
glaucousDr_Willis, just in case (doubtful) you don't know how I'm using the word atomic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomicity_%28database_systems%2913:08
glaucousI get the login screen, but when I log in, all I have is a terminal in the top left corner. nothing else13:08
glaucousdoes anyone know how I might get my system back without reinstalling?13:10
reubencan one of the packagers undepend everything from plymouth? it's no longer uninstallable, which was my workaround for #55204613:11
Dr_Willisim on theconsole.. so cant read the wiki. :)13:11
Dr_Willisi did get my ctrl key qworking.. odd.. somehow some settings got changed in the gnome keyboard sewttings13:11
Dr_Willisthats  been several times now ive had settings get changed/vanish in the beta testing13:12
penguin42Dr_Willis: I guess something has bound it as a hotkey for something13:12
reubendr_willis - re your suggestion in #ubuntu, plymouth seems to start even with the /etc/init.d scripts renamed. looks like upstart(?) is using the executable directly13:14
reubeni shall now rename that13:14
Dr_Willisreuben:  its not in init.d its in /etc/init13:16
reubendr_willis: really? i only saw conf files in there...let me get back to the console and check again13:17
Dr_Willisthose conf files are the ones that get ran13:17
reubendr_willis: orly?!13:17
Dr_WillisUpstart fundamentals13:18
Dr_Willisthe ines in  init.d are links back TO the files/scripts   in other places13:18
mikeconceptsHas Empathy been broken for several days or is it just me? What I must do to get Empathy to connect is click on chat accounts and uncheck the Enabled checkbox and then recheck in order to connect to all accounts.13:18
reubenplymouth.conf is the only one that i need to rename?13:18
Dr_Willisstuff from /etc/init and /etc/rc2.d get ran13:18
avisis it safe to do a sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade this morning ?13:18
avishi Dr_Willis13:19
Dr_Willisreuben:  i renamed them all to whatever.DONTRUN13:19
penguin42avis: People still seem to be having weirdo gnome issues13:19
Dr_Willisavis:  i have on 3 machines with no issues.. others have had less luck13:19
avisi wont take my chances then13:19
Dr_Willisavis:  bah/13:19
Dr_WillisLive a little13:19
avisok.  here's to hoping nothing breaks : )  ugh :)13:20
Dr_Willisinstall icewm - just in case. :)13:20
Dr_WillisNo gnome issues here.. l;ets see if my kde issue gets fixed now on box #313:20
Dr_WillisHmm. Nope - kde still wont start the initial plasma-desktop13:21
reubendr_willis - now it's in some kind of loop. "skipping mounting /proc/bus/usb since plymouth is not available"13:22
reubenhow's that for a faux dependency13:22
yofelreuben: that means mountall can't mount usbfs13:23
Dr_Willissomeone had a similer usb issue yesterday i saw13:23
yofelI think that's known to be broken13:23
yofelwhat it means with the error is it can't tell plymouth to ask you if you want to skip or open a maint. shell13:24
yofelso it skips it13:24
yofelwith plymouth you should get a message like 'waiting for <mountpoint> [SM]'13:24
Dr_WillisIf i apt-get remove plymouth. it only asks  to remove 2 other plymouth related packages.. not a lot more like you suggested earlier reuben13:25
reubenhave you updated this morning dr_willis?13:25
yofelhuh? it cryptsetup depended on it once13:25
reubeni.e within the last 60 mins13:26
reubenyofel: is there a way to tell mountall to ignore whether plymouth is there?13:26
Dr_Willisreuben:  twice in the last hr..13:26
reubendr_willis - huh, very strange13:26
yofelreuben: it does ignore it, that message should be non-fatal13:26
Dr_Willisreuben:  on 3 machines now.13:26
Dr_WillisNo plymouth issues on any of them13:26
reubenyofel: it looped on that error message 3657 times and then gave up13:27
yofelDr_Willis: I do have a similiar issue with nfs here13:27
Dr_Willisgot a KDE issue on the netbook however13:27
reubendr_willis: i've had the "plymouth prevents boot" issue (552046) for a couple of days. i only put plymouth back this morning to test the new version for steve13:28
yofelreuben: can you then add noauto to any usbfs lines you have in your fstab?13:28
reubenyofel - will do13:28
yofelthat will prevent it from auto-mounting it13:29
Dr_Willisare there any usbfs lines in fstab at all? you could comment them out13:30
penguin42mine doesn't have  ausbfs entry13:30
reubenyofel - done, rebooting to try13:30
reubendr_willis - there was one...what is a usbfs anyway? an external?13:31
yofelthat's what I would like to know too... I have no such line here either on all my machines13:32
penguin42reuben: usbfs was a special/fake filesystem for accessing usb devices in a pretty raw way13:32
Drakesoncould someone please file this bug report against the package xkb-data:13:36
Drakesongrep -R "^[[:space:]]*include.*;" /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols13:36
Drakesonit should not return anything yet it does.  the "include" lines should not be semicolon trailed.13:37
yofelyep, gives a few lines in  in,sy,ir and lk13:39
Drakesonlaunchpad doesn't let me file a report for some reason :(13:40
Dr_WillisUSB filesystem13:41
yofelDrakeson: what error does LP/Apport give?13:42
Drakesonthe http referer error. I refuse to enable it for obvious reasons.13:43
yofeloh, well, LP needs referers I think13:43
yofelDrakeson: you could ask in #launchpad if they know how to work around it13:43
Drakesonyofel: thanks13:44
Drakesonwill do13:44
reubenyofel: woohoo, now i bumped into 484677 / 522197 ... going to start commenting out lines from my fstab13:48
yofelbug 484677 bug 52219713:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484677 in ureadahead "init: ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4 (dup-of: 522197)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48467713:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522197 in upstart "init: shouldn't log a warning/error when a job fails with a status in "normal exit"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52219713:49
yofelah that one, I think pretty much everyone gets that13:49
reubenyofel - one of the comments in there suggests commenting out a bad path in fstab allows it to boot (the ureadahead msg is the last one in my frozen boot console)13:50
reubeni do have a strange mount issue that i hadn13:50
reubent diagnosed yet13:51
reubenit wasn't preventing boot yesterday, but nautilus was freezing when i tried to click to the path13:51
yofelpropably, moutnall handles  bad fstab lines VERY bad13:51
reubenhmmm, something is still freezing the boot. the last thing to initialize is lircd, which i don't think is causing any issues13:55
yofeltried to add --debug to the kernel grub line? that should tell you what upstart is doing on boot (and where it stops)13:56
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JoshuaLubuntu doesnt recognize my usb keyboard..13:59
[Xiru]I'm using lucid and gwibber and desktopcouch services are using 100%. Is there a know workarround?13:59
reubenjoshua - same issue. try an older kernel13:59
fabio333get rid of desktopcouch14:00
LucidLynx[Xiru]: killall gwibber-service or completely remove gwibber any other options?14:00
JoshuaLreuben, ok14:00
[Xiru]I have no other options than kill the processes?14:01
reubenyofel - is there a way to increase the scrollback on the kernel? the last line in there is :Ignored event 1 (0) for process 3387" but i can't see what that process is...not in the scroll buffer14:01
reubenbleh ... kernel/console14:01
DSpairI'm hoping someone here might be able to help me. I'm trying to compile qcairo on Lucid, and the autoconf script is not finding FreeType even though it is installed. Any suggestions?14:01
yofelreuben: no idea, it has been a long time since I tried to mess around with framebuffers14:03
yofelhave to go now anyway, bbl14:03
penguin42DSpair: Try installing libfreetype6-dev14:03
DSpairpenguin42: Already installed.14:04
reubenyofel - it's still working anyway. new wall of text just appeared...seems to be in /com/ubuntu/Upstart/jobs/ureadahead_2dother14:04
penguin42hmm curious14:04
penguin42DSpair: There will be a config.log to see what test it ran14:04
DSpairpenguin42: Good usggestion, I should have thought of that!14:05
DSpairIs there a keyboard shortcut to go to EOF in vim?14:05
penguin42DSpair: G14:06
DSpairpenguin42: Awesome.14:07
reubenhmm, seems like others are having similar issues to what i14:07
reubenm getting... e.g. bug 54553614:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545536 in ubuntu "Not able to boot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54553614:08
reubenah nice, ctrl alt del gives it the kick that it needs14:08
reubeni wonder what it was blocked on14:09
DSpairLooks like it wants pkg-config. And if that fails, it looks for freetype-config (which is present).14:09
DSpairpenguin42: OK, here's what appears to be happening. The autogen.sh looks for the freetype version using pkg-config. When I run pkg-config manually for libfreetype, there is no output. Where would I look to see if the proper .pc file for freetype is installed?14:14
penguin42DSpair: So I seem to have a freetype2 in /usr/lib/pkgconfig14:16
LucidLynxanyone else got a big glitch in the monitor refresh rate14:18
Dr_WillisLucidLynx:  not seen any issuez.. im on 3 machines - all lcd's14:18
LucidLynxDr_Willis: what are your GPU's and are you using compiz?14:19
Dr_Willisnvidia x2, intel. and  compiz on one.14:19
LucidLynxcompiz on the nvidia?14:20
LucidLynxDr_Willis: well im having a serious issue but dont know how to fix it. got everything properly installed. proprietary drivers nvidia and proper resolution and refresh rate but the screen randomly turns black for half a second every 20 minutes or so14:21
Dr_Willissounds like screensaver. or powersaver kicking in14:22
LucidLynxDr_Willis: 20 minutes is a bit much maybe 10 - 15.. no screensaver already deactivated14:24
Dr_Willischeck the powersaver settings also14:24
Dr_Willispower controll or whatever its called14:24
Dr_Willisthat dosent sound liek a refersh rate issue to me.14:24
Dr_Willisit does it when you are using the pc however? or just letting it sit?14:25
LucidLynxDr_Willis: randomly. when im using it or when its playing music as it is. i have no energy savers or screen savers configured and it still happens14:26
mebitekhello. i have a intel i5 430m. which kernel is the right choice?14:27
mebitekactually on ubuntu lucid kernel 2.6.32-19 cpu temperature, turboboost, suspend and hibernate do not work. some tips?14:27
mebitekwith current daily mainline kernel 2.6.34 - cpu temp works... but i cannot suspend / hibernate.14:28
LucidLynxmebitek: i got conky running with cpu temperature :)14:29
mebitekwich kind of cpu LucidLynx14:29
LucidLynxcore 2 duo cpu 1.55Ghz14:30
LucidLynxcore 2 duo cpu 1.66*Ghz14:30
mebiteki have i5 processor14:30
mebiteknot core2duo14:30
mebitekit is cpu family 6 and model name = 3714:31
LucidLynxmebitek: try install conky see if it reads temp14:32
mebiteki've conky. no temp in this 2.6.32-19 kernel. i got temperature if i install mainline kernel at 31.03.201014:33
LucidLynxmebitek: okay14:34
mebitekLucidLynx: what about i5 support?14:34
LucidLynx[52859.016780] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0000 180c 004b004a 0000f394 00000000 0000000b14:45
LucidLynxanyone know if this causes my screen to glitch black for half a sec randomly?14:46
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LucidLynx[52859.016780] NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 6, PE0000 180c 004b004a 0000f394 00000000 0000000b14:51
Dr_WillisLucidLynx:  try a diffrent window manager, or try just the xterm session.. see if it still does it then.14:51
LucidLynxwill do brb14:51
Damascenewe can't update yet?14:54
Dr_Willisive updated 3 machines with no real issues14:56
Dr_Willisbut i only am using gnome on 1 of them14:56
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LucidLynxDr_Willis: no i dont think it happens in Xterm14:57
reubenis apport behaving strangely for anybody else? it's reporting crashes for apps that are still open and working properly15:00
Volkodavif I move folders potentially with virus to another folder or partition can the rest of the drive get infected ?15:05
Volkodavor should I zip or tar them first  ?15:06
faganWow IRC is after getting a lot better in empathy15:12
faganIt was useless in karmic15:12
dolmen"GNOME 2.30 being uploaded. Packages are in-flux, so don't upgrade yet.". Too late. My system is currently inconsistent.15:12
reubenhmm, this is a strange one...video playback is offcolor. mplayer, totem, vlc and miro have the issue (people have blue heads). avidemux shows correct colors15:18
dolmenIs LaunchPad login down?15:19
AscavasaionI am using a notebook with an English UK keyboard, and I reside in SA.  I am running 10.04 and I cannot figure out how to get the language sorted out because the spelling auto correct that say checks the text I am chatting here in XChat is giving errors on so many words.  I think it is using the South African  dictionary with less words.  any advice please?15:21
patdk-wkturn off autocorrect?15:22
patdk-wkxchat/edit/preferences/spell checking15:22
yellabsis sound broken , that you know of, ubuntu 10.04 29 march version15:24
Ascavasaionpatdk-wk, I like the auto spell check... I want to change the default language.15:24
yellabsdownloading 1 april veriosn now, hope its fixed...15:24
yellabssoon i need to rol out 60 pc' s with ubuntu15:24
BUGa_vacationsyellabs: how can you know the precise date15:25
LucidLynxsound works fine seems to be missing the volume manager in the panel though15:25
BUGa_vacationsand why aren't you up to date?15:25
BUGa_vacationsyellabs: why download? just zsync it15:25
BUGa_vacationssave servers load and bw15:26
yellabsi am working at some other things in between , hmm, zsync15:26
BUGa_vacationsyellabs: you are rolling *60* production PCs with a BETA OS?15:26
BUGa_vacationswith tons of updates, UI changes daily ?15:26
LucidLynxBUGa_vacations: lol15:26
yellabsi hope its stable soon,15:26
* BUGa_vacations head desks15:26
BUGa_vacationsyellabs: yeah, on 30 of april15:27
BUGa_vacationsdolmen: yes, zsync15:27
BUGa_vacationsnot a typo15:27
yellabswould you recommend rollin them out with 8.04.3?15:27
Ascavasaionso, one cannot change the dictionary in 10.04???15:27
BUGa_vacationsyellabs: 9.10 ? and upgade in a few months15:31
toogreen_i upgraded from 9.10 amd64 to 10.04... Everything went smoothly, just one thing tho, the splash screen at the start and shutdown/reboot, is in some odd resolution like 640x480 and low-color mode.. any ideas?15:31
BUGa_vacationscssh X machines and do $ sudo do-release-upgrade15:31
LucidLynxanyone know what the compizconfig channel is15:32
BUGa_vacationstoogreen_: nvidia right?15:32
toogreen_BUGa_vacations, yup, 9800GT15:32
LucidLynxanyone know what the compizconfig channel is15:32
ZykoticK9toogreen_, are you using a VGA= line in your grub?  As it's not supported in newer kernels.  There is an alternative mind you, I don't personally know what it is though.15:32
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:33
LucidLynxthank you15:33
toogreen_ZykoticK9, not sure, which grub file do i need to check/edit to find out?15:33
ZykoticK9toogreen_, as BUGa_vacations notes - Plymouth only recently started to support Nvidia proprietary driver and only in Low resolution.15:33
ZykoticK9toogreen_, cat /etc/default/grub15:34
BUGa_vacationsZykoticK9: I know15:34
ZykoticK9BUGa_vacations, yes i know you know - was just pointing this fact out to toogreen :)15:34
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toogreen_ZykoticK9, just checked that file, i see this "#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" but as u can see it is commented15:35
ZykoticK9toogreen_, that is the new version of VGA= yes, but changing it isn't going to fix plymouth15:35
toogreen_i read something about "quiet splash" on the forums... i see it in there too...15:36
toogreen_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"15:36
toogreen_does this have anything to do with it as well?15:36
ZykoticK9toogreen_, NO - you aren't going to be able to change the plymouth resolution - period/end of story.15:36
toogreen_ZykoticK9, ok so i just need to wait then? Hope this can be fixed before release... :-\15:37
ZykoticK9toogreen_, it's a lot better then i though it would be already - previous us Nvidia users had text plymouth - now we have graphics (in low resolution)15:38
BUGa_vacationsZykoticK9: I particurally like $ sudo aptitude purge plymouth15:38
ZykoticK9toogreen_, if you don't like the low resolution graphics BUGa_vacations suggestion above will remove Plymouth all together for you15:39
toogreen_ZykoticK9, nah, i like it.. just hope it can look nicer soon at startup/shutdown :-P15:40
BUGa_vacationsI miss running nouveau15:40
ZykoticK9BUGa_vacations, on one of my VM's i removed "quiet splash" to see the text underneath but I think the idea of having a clean non-text bootup is a step in the right direction (for general Ubuntu adoption that is)15:41
Ian_Corneha, an update tries to drag plymouth back in15:41
Ian_Cornetime to give it another go i guess15:41
jraxxoI've got a problem with my pc.... I installed kubuntu 10.04 beta and it won't recognize my realtek (RTL-8111C) adapter even though i have installed the official driver from realtek. any advice?15:41
BUGa_vacationsZykoticK9: I do like the splash15:41
BUGa_vacationsI just don't like it not working as expected15:42
BUGa_vacationsto have a TTY blinking15:42
robbit10Is Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, Beta 1 stable enough to run on my PC? (the only one i have)15:42
BUGa_vacationsand then 0.5 secs of splash is lame15:42
toogreen_is there a key trigger to switch to text mode while plymouth loads? Just in case you want to see the text/debug?15:42
BUGa_vacationsrobbit10: if you don't know how to fix probs, then NO15:42
BUGa_vacationsand beta is already very old15:42
ZykoticK9toogreen_, removing "quiet splash" will show the text instead15:42
robbit10BUGa_vacations: Well, i do know how, but i'm not looking forward to fixing sudden breakages.15:43
reubenian_corne  - do you have bug 553285 ? not everybody is seeing that...perhaps it's only on some servers15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553285 in plymouth "Package dependencies are too strong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55328515:43
BUGa_vacationsrobbit10: I do recommend everyone to do some testing in early stages15:44
ZykoticK9BUGa_vacations, i'm assuming your nic is different from the regular as you are on vacation?  if so, enjoy your vacation - and what are you doing in IRC man?15:44
BUGa_vacationsbut if you don't plan to file bugs, face breakage, etc, then NO, don't run this on your system15:44
BUGa_vacationsZykoticK9: :D15:45
ZykoticK9robbit10, if you see the channel topic - there are still serious "breakages" in Lucid still15:45
Ian_Cornereuben: well I still had plymouth-x11 installed I think15:45
Ian_CorneHmm, I didn't15:46
Ian_Cornereuben: I have it15:47
Ian_CorneNow i'm afraid to reboot..15:47
Ian_CorneMy boot hangs when plymouth is on the system..15:47
robbit10ZykoticK9: You mean GNOME being uploaded? And, Ah, yes, English is not my mother language.. How should I say "breakage" in English?15:47
Ian_CorneAfter this operation, 5,255MB disk space will be freed.15:48
Ian_Corne966 packages :=)15:49
reubenian_corne yeah, i was getting that yesterday with 0.8.1-2 ... with 0.8.1-3 plymouth doesn't freeze my boot, but i did run into another boot issue...bug 545536, i believe. alt ctrl del once, when it freezes, gets you past that problem15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545536 in ubuntu "Not able to boot" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54553615:49
Ian_CorneOk, will check15:49
reubenthat's a pretty vague bug, but...15:50
ZykoticK9robbit10, you used "breakages" correctly!  I just put it in quotes, to note that there are different issues involved :)15:51
Ian_Corneok managed to boot15:52
Ian_Corneicorne@unicorne:~$ apt-cache policy plymouth-x1115:52
Ian_Corneplymouth-x11: Installed: (none)15:52
Ian_CorneI guess it was plymouth-x11 breaking boot?15:52
reubendid you have to alt-ctrl-del, or did it boot without help?15:52
Ian_Cornewithout help15:53
Ian_Cornei'll install -x11 now15:53
Ian_Corneto see15:53
Ian_Cornebecause this one looks alot less nice15:53
Ian_Corneit boots15:58
Ian_Cornebut it's uglier with -x1115:58
Ian_Corneaha, it was with plymouth-ubuntu-theme-text that it works16:01
Ian_Cornetrying with logo now16:01
AscavasaionIs there no way to change dictionary language from South African to  British?16:04
HaffeIn what application?16:04
BUGa_vacationsyou guys seen kernel.org page today?16:05
ZykoticK9BUGa_vacations, is that the same as flying a flag upside down?  are they in distress :)16:06
AscavasaionHaffe, Across the whole platform.  the auto correct used in Mozilla and XChat for example.16:09
Ian_Corneok it the logo theme that's crashing it reuben16:10
twagercannot get a cube in compiz only a three sided figure..Anyone got a cube running ok ?16:13
Ian_Cornetwager: have you tried changing your workspaces to 4x1?16:14
redtwager: a cube requires atleast four faces - so 4 virtual desktops :)16:14
twagerYes but no joy16:14
Ian_Corne4 in a row16:14
Ian_Corneyou can define them 4 in a collum, which doesn't work16:14
redyou can do 2x4 for two cubes aswell16:15
markl_anyone here interested in trying to make an un-jailbroken iPod or iPhone work out of the box on Lucid?16:15
Ian_Cornewell, 3x3 didn't give me 3 trisided thingies16:15
markl_i am getting a weird error and i am curious if i'm the only one16:15
markl_rhythmbox or gtkpod, i don't care16:17
ZykoticK9markl_, i certainly can't help - but perhaps posting the "weird error" in the channel will increase the odds someone can answer16:17
markl_when i run gtkpod on the terminal and try to sync, it does this: http://snipt.org/IWn16:18
markl_#gtkpod peeps are baffled16:18
markl_starting rhythmbox from a terminal gives this:16:18
markl_Device 0 (VID=05ac and PID=1294) is UNKNOWN.16:18
markl_Please report this VID/PID and the device model to the libmtp development team16:18
OxymoronAnyone else got problem with getting localhost working recently?16:22
Oxymoronapache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory16:22
reubenian_corne ... interesting,. will try and confirm. btw you might add another comment in that same bug...steve believes the deps to be correct16:23
Ian_Cornewell they are16:24
Ian_Corneif it's not optional16:24
Ian_Corneand plymouth is not bound to the logo theme16:25
Ian_Corneso nothing breaks I think16:25
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AscavasaionWOW, so one cannot change dictionaries in Gnome... Not a good thing.16:26
aboSamoorgwibber-service eats CPU, is that known ?16:30
BUGa_vacationsand me thinking it ate a LOT LOT LOT of cpu16:31
BUGa_vacationslucklly it only a cpu16:31
lenawhere does gnome save the default keyboard layout settings? gnome-keyboard-properties doesn't seem to save them correct. it always loads wrong settings, also different per user.16:33
OxymoronCould someone explain to me whats wrong with this line : LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so? Apache2 says its invalid syntax? :S16:36
DexterLBtime for lucidbeta1 clean install16:36
DexterLBwish me luck16:36
hanasakianyone know how to generate a new PEM for dovecot ssl?   it says bad CA for the cert that comes with and also for the self signed I made16:37
DexterLBthe "package flux" in the topic doesn't refer to clean installs, right?16:37
moetunesisn't it "in-flux"16:40
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AscavasaionaboSamoor, My gwibber dies all the time.16:43
Ascavasaionlena, I agree... and you cannot change the dictionary/language either.16:43
aboSamoorAscavasaion: I am sceptic if it is up to LTS release quality16:44
AscavasaionaboSamoor, I do not know... but I cannot even change my default language.16:48
* deanus thinks people mistake LTS for stability..16:50
deanuswell at least theyve got longer to fix it :)16:50
BUGa_vacationsdeanus: +116:50
deanusthis version does seem riddled with problems more than others were16:51
freaky[t]upgrading from 9.10 made me unable to login at gdm anymore16:51
lenaI tried removing ~/.gconf and ~/.gnome2 directories, but after login gnome sets the keyboard to US layout. I can remove that, set my language right, but after another login gnome restores it to US.16:51
deanuswell, a month still yet... fingers keeping crossed16:51
lenathe funny thing is that happens only for one out of 5 users.16:52
Ascavasaionlena, Exactly the problem I am having.16:52
Ian_Cornelena: make sure all you . folders are writeable16:52
Ian_Corneand owned by you16:52
lenai'm quite sure they are, but i check it again16:53
CardinalFangThis may be a hardware question.  Does anyone have an idea why the same background image would have such different colors on different LCDs?  http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4060/4482021486_e7178a86fd_b.jpg16:58
moetuneswow that sort of diff would have to be lcd settings I would think16:59
patdk-wkCardinalFang, all kinds of reasons :)17:00
patdk-wkexpecially if your using dvi/dsplayport/hdmi17:00
CardinalFangmoetunes, There are no settings external on either.  The large has a singe button, for power.17:01
CardinalFangpatdk-wk, Yes, the large is fed with dual-line DVI.17:01
patdk-wkya, you have alot of settings you have to adjust17:01
patdk-wkwell, with everything, except vga, the monitor does the sampling for the dac17:01
patdk-wkso that can affect it17:02
AscavasaionCardinalFang, no idea... but I really like your monitor :)17:02
moetunesCardinalFang: ones pink - the other purple - it has to be the screens afaik...17:02
patdk-wkbut normally it's the default settings for the monitor17:02
patdk-wkyours is probably set more for tv viewing friendly setting17:02
patdk-wkand the laptop isn't17:02
AscavasaionCardinalFang, IBM thinkpad?  I have an old T4217:02
CardinalFangpatdk-wk, Hrm, I recall no settings anywhere.17:02
moetunesblacks are more pronounced on the lappy too17:02
patdk-wkCardinalFang, they are all over the monitor, I have several of them17:02
cirwinHey, I can't boot the Daily LiveCD at all. How can I debug this in a meaningful way?17:02
CardinalFangAscavasaion, yes, IB^WLenovo.  X30117:03
patdk-wkon my monitor (dell lcd's)17:03
patdk-wkit has the color mode, standard, multimedia, game, warm, cool, custom17:03
patdk-wkmost of them give you temps, like 9500, 6500, custom17:03
Ascavasaionbye bye17:03
Ascavasaionsupper time.17:03
CardinalFangpatdk-wk, okay, I'm wrong.  There are three buttons.  power toggle.  brightness up, brightness down.17:03
ZykoticK9cirwin, is this a daily from today or yesterday?17:04
patdk-wkCardinalFang, what model?17:04
cirwinZykoticK9, yesterday. I was trying it last night.17:04
cirwinZykoticK9, Nouveau has caused boot hangs for me all along, but I couldn't get it to work yesterday with "nomodeset" either17:05
ZykoticK9cirwin, you kinda chose a bad day for daily (due to the Gnome update, mentioned in channel Topic) - what happens when you boot it?17:05
cirwinZykoticK9, with nomodeset I get a plymoth bootsplash, then it just sits there. I can't switch to another VTY or anything. Had to hold the power button17:06
JohnTedhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso ... can I do disk encryption with that release? like on the alternative install. Or do I need the alternative install?17:06
lenawell .gvfs/ isn't writeable, also immune to chmod 700 .gvfs/17:06
cirwinZykoticK9, without nomodeset (so using nouveau kms) I just get a blank screen with a blinking cursor, no disc activity. I have to hard reset there as well17:06
ZykoticK9cirwin, sorry man I got nothing to suggest for you... best of luck man.17:06
CardinalFangboot, remove "splash quiet" ?17:07
reubencirwin - try ctrl alt del once when the bootsplash is frozen17:08
reubencirwin - something is blocking boot for me too17:08
reubenctrl alt del gets me past whatever it is17:08
ZykoticK9cirwin, you could try to disable acpi - by adding acpi=off to your grub, something to try/test anyways17:08
cirwinreuben, I did, didn't work17:08
lenaIan_Corne, besides .gvfs/ is owned by the right user and writeable, but .gvfs seems to be a virtual filesystem and not be modifiable by chmod :-(17:09
reubencirwin - might also be plymouth itself. you can't uninstall it now because of deps, but try renaming /etc/init/plymouth*.conf to /etc/init/plymouth*.conf_noboot17:09
cirwinreuben, I'm using the livecd.17:09
reubenah, oh well17:10
cirwinreuben, Last time I tried to install it it messed up my disk due to a bug with parted/gptsync17:10
CardinalFangcirwin, start it up.  remove "splash quiet" from the boot arguments17:10
cirwinreuben, I had a chroot image that I tried out occassionally, but it seems to fail now on dpkg configuring dbus, so it's stuck mid-upgrade17:10
cirwinCardinalFang, sorry, it took me a minute to figure out how to do that in isolinux17:13
cirwinCardinalFang, normal boot hangs with a message from nouveau "PRAMIN flush timeout". No further progress or disk activity.17:14
cirwinMy keyboard doesn't have a dedicated delete key, but Fn+backspace sends delete. CTRL+ALT+Fn+Backspace doesn't work, but this might just mean that usbhid (or whatever does the special keyboard handling) isn't loaded yet.17:15
reubencirwin - do you have any choices of kernel on the livecd? (probably not). the most recent kernel doesn't work with my usb keyboard during boot17:16
cirwinreuben, It doesn't seem to. It seems to boot referencing the kernel and initrd symlinks, so I don't know what specific kernel it is booting17:18
CardinalFangcirwin, Hrm, I bet you should disable loading the nouveau module.17:18
CardinalFangI'm sure there's a way.17:18
cirwinCardinalFang, I'm trying this time with nomodeset specified. It's mid-boot right now17:19
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
Administer_Hello, as of my last upgrade my networking has stopped working. May i get some assistance in bringing it back up?17:24
illyumeI realize things are in flux and all and not all working properly since Lucid's still in the beta phase... but... should the panel be all locked down? I'm finding all the options for moving things around / locking and unlocking things to the panel are all greyed out.17:24
ZykoticK9illyume, i'm certainly able to move things around?17:25
illyumeI'm using the netbook remix version, which may be part of it.17:25
ZykoticK9illyume, ahhh - ya don't know about NBE17:26
ZykoticK9illyume, remix is renamed Edition in 10.0417:26
illyumeOh, okay.17:26
illyumeAt any rate... anything on the panel I right-click, the options for "remove from panel" "move" and "lock to panel" are all greyed out and unusable.17:26
* illyume also makes mental note to refer to it as Netbook Edition from now on. :P17:27
BUGa_vacations 1447    491.4M     2.0G        25544K                       13% bash17:28
ZykoticK9illyume, just checked in my NBE VM - all locked as well...17:29
illyumeThat's interesting...17:29
illyumeAnother problem I'm running into, and this one's kinda confounding: I've normally set up my netbook to have a 512MB swap partition, and a ~3.3GB partition for / on the main drive in my netbook (it's 4GB total space), and then a partition for /home on a SD card I have plugged into it.17:29
illyumeWhich has worked well for me in the past, with 9.10 and all. However, when I tried to set up 10.04 the same way... it'll format and install and everything properly... but for some reason, it hangs up on trying to mount /home when booting up.17:30
illyumeGoing back in with a livedisk, I can mount both drives just fine and see all the files on them... and the /etc/fstab file looks to be set up properly... it just won't load on startup, which means I can't run my computer with that setup.17:31
illyumeI've now instead put everything onto the main drive, with only a 225MB swap partition, and it works fine... but it feels really cramped.17:31
cirwinCardinalFang, with nomodeset specified, and without quiet & splash, it makes it further. It gets to "ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4". But I have no VTYs or X.17:32
illyumeI get that message a lot too. I wasn't quite sure what it meant >.>17:32
cirwinureadahead termination I believe being the end of the regular boot sequence.17:32
CardinalFangcirwin, Hrm.  Well, you're well into userspace then.17:32
robin0800illyume: its a bug17:33
CardinalFangcirwin, Now, add  init=/bin/sh  in place of "quiet slash".  Tell us when you have a shell.17:33
reubenCardinalFang - that's the same issue that i can circumvent with a ctrl alt del, fwiw17:34
BlaWizi played urban terror(poor performance) while system monitoring was running, when i quit i saw that CPU was running at 100% capacity. does this mean taht the cpu is the problem? (ubuntu10.04)17:35
BlaWizi had no problem with urban on ubuntu 9.04 (same machine)17:35
BlaWizhave installed nvidia restricted driver17:36
cirwinCardinalFang, I am in sh. oddly enough I have no actual prompt, but commands work and output properly.17:39
CardinalFangTry "screen" if you have it installed17:40
cirwinscreen is not on the livecd17:41
Administer_As of my last upgrade my networking has stopped working. May i get some assistance in bringing it back up?17:41
CardinalFangcirwin, I may have nisunderstood.  Are you trying to recover a system, or only try the CD?17:41
cirwinCardinalFang, I'm trying to use the livecd. Ideally I want to install so I can have a lucid partition to test with. I haven't been able to successfully use lucid yet17:42
cirwinCardinalFang, Mostly due to nouveau it seems17:42
CardinalFangAh.  Then I can't help.  Try the Alternative CD or server CD instead.17:43
Berzerkerso in grub, the 10 second timer just shows a blank screen, how can I make it show the kernel list while its counting down like it used to?17:43
cirwinCardinalFang, Well I'd like to be sure that after installing with the alternate cd that I could actually get a useable system :p17:43
CardinalFang10 seconds?!17:43
Berzerkeryes 10 seconds (which is what I set it to)17:44
DamasceneI'm getting, evolution-shell-Message: Killing old version of evolution-data-server...17:44
CardinalFangOh.  Well, while you're screwing around in the settings, tweak the one that shows the list.  I don't know what it is.17:44
ninjaianybody else have their boot screen disappear after updating the first time?17:44
Damasceneand evolution opens without folders17:44
ninjaiI get grub, choose ubuntu, then blank screen....... then login.17:45
reubencirwin - if you have older kernels sitting around, i'm fairly sure the alt-ctrl-del workaround will work for you once you install.  not guaranteed of course. :) ... can you do an install via virtualbox to see?17:45
Administer_ninjai, i also have experienced that problem17:45
CardinalFangreuben, he has no installation. He's just booting a CD.17:46
reubenCardinalFang - right, but once he does install then he'll be able to use an older kernel and his usb keyboard should thus work during boot. theoretically17:46
BUGa_vacationsOh F*** LOLOLOL http://acidcow.com/fun/8608-acid-picdump-165-pics.html17:46
cirwinreuben, I've used lucid in KVM, and typically the C+A+D works to trigger init 6. My issue is trying to use it on my actual hardware.17:46
BUGa_vacationswatch the 1st pic17:47
BUGa_vacationswrong window17:47
cirwinreuben, My usb keyboard worked with init=/bin/sh, including the fn+backspace workaround.17:48
reubencirwin - weird. do the alt sysrq commands work when the boot is frozen?17:49
cirwinreuben, so I don't think the keyboard is something to worry about. It's the hanging during boot that is my more urgent concern.17:49
cirwinreuben, I don't have a sysrq key17:49
cirwinreuben, It's a laptop17:50
keen_hi sorry for asking this question, you maybe have heard it a lot of times : i managed to restore the buttons to the right side (by using gconf-editor) but the icon of the program is missing on the window  (that makes them look strange)17:50
keen_is there a way to change this? please^^17:50
cirwinkeen_, I believe showing the icon is theme-specific.17:51
keen_ah ok17:52
keen_ok yes your right with the blue theme it seems to work17:54
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toogreen_ahem. I'm having some dependency problems :-(  update-manager: Depends: update-manager-core (=1:0.133.8) but 1:0.133.9 is to be installed17:55
toogreen_any idea?17:57
yofeltoogreen_: wait a an hour or 2 and try again17:57
toogreen_yofel, oh i see.. so they're just updating the servers with new packages?17:57
yofelwell, we get new packages most of the time, but now witch beta2 near it's more than usualy17:58
* Oxymoron hate dpkg, when uninstalling it breakes package dependecies and interupt itself xD Even if some programmer screwed up in dependecies or anything in removal process it should brute force uninstallation anyway.17:59
GuyFromHellCan I get someone to try to run a program for me, i want to figure out if this program is failing because of the gtk versions in lucid. http://gist.github.com/35207617:59
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abhinav!topic | toogreen_17:59
ubottutoogreen_: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:59
yofelOxymoron: usually a bad idea, if you *KNOW* what you're doing you can use several --force flags yourself18:00
toogreen_abhinav, ooops. right, i should've read that! thx18:00
abhinavtoogreen_: they are uploading gnome-2.30 .. better to wait before downloading18:00
Oxymoronyofel: Which flag to use to brute force totally? :D This doesnt work: dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq package18:00
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toogreen_abhinav, ok that's cool.. but I haven't broke anything on my system while I was trying to update did I?18:01
GuyFromHells/gtk versions/things/18:01
abhinavtoogreen_: did you upgrade ?18:01
abhinavtoogreen_: or only update ?18:01
yofelOxymoron: err, can you tell me what exactly went wrong? pastebin?18:01
Oxymoronyofel: Even if "pre-removal-skript" get error code it should continue anyway and do all procedures.18:01
toogreen_abhinav, nah i was just updating, but my update-manager is gone now, heheh18:01
abhinavtoogreen_: ok .. you mean the earlier version is also not there ?18:02
yofelOxymoron: NO, depending on the error it could make things much worse18:02
toogreen_abhinav, i just hope i can put it back when everything is back18:02
Oxymoronyofel: Well my freaking Konsole is in swedish? Maybe you understand anyway?18:02
abhinavtoogreen_: yeah shouldn't be problem in a while .. there's always a way to get it working :)18:02
yofelOxymoron: run it with 'LANG=C dpkg...'18:02
toogreen_abhinav, i dunno, it just says that when i try to install it:  update-manager: Depends: update-manager-core (=1:0.133.8) but 1:0.133.9 is to be installed18:03
toogreen_abhinav, ok cool then, i'll just wait and cross my fingers18:03
* penguin42 iggles at Oxymoron's bug18:03
Oxymoronyofel: http://pastebin.com/wxCx71Gm18:03
abhinavtoogreen_: that's perfectly fine. It did not do any changes yet, it just tried to upgrade but had dependency problems. One things are stable, run apt-get update again and things should work without any issues18:03
Oxymoronpenguin42: Giggle against apache2, zend and php5 packages that didnt remove when I uninstalled them CORRECTLY :D18:03
Oxymoronyofel: LANG=C ? :P18:04
penguin42Oxymoron: Oh it's the Swedish Konsole that's the funny one18:04
Oxymoronpenguin42: Haha, why so? :D18:04
penguin42Oxymoron: Well assuming you're not Swedish it's one of the most obscure bugs I've seen for a while18:05
* ZykoticK9 isn't seeing partial upgrade in Update Manager right now :)18:05
Oxymoronpenguin42: I am swedish? :D18:05
yofelOxymoron: LANG=C should make the output english, 'sudo LANG=C dpkg ...' actually18:06
toogreen_abhinav, I just tried again, i removed update-manager-core then tried to reinstall update-manager alone, which re-installed both. Problem solved :-D18:06
toogreen_thanks for the help all18:06
Oxymoronyofel: Alright english version here http://pastebin.com/YUSmB0Rc18:06
Oxymoronyofel: And what does C stand for? :D Why not lang=en-US? :D18:07
yofelOxymoron: C comes from c-programming I think. Generally means the untranslated string as it exists in the application code18:08
yofelwhich should be english in most cases18:08
Oxymoronyofel: Alright ... lol on that xD Anyway, I think I know the main problem, when I upgraded apache2 my Zend Studio repository doesnt downloaded new php5 packages which broke my LAMP ... The repository was inactivated due upgrade to Lucid xD18:10
yofeloh WAIT...18:10
yofelthat was the directory we removed when we fixed your grub issue...18:11
yofelOxymoron: ^18:11
metatagghello! I can't get compiz running18:11
Oxymoronyofel: Hahahahahahahahaha :D18:12
Oxymoronyofel: Awesome ...18:12
yofelOxymoron: you still have your backup of /usr/local/ do you?18:12
metataggit says :18:12
metataggcompiz (core) - Fatal: glXCreateContext failed18:12
metataggcompiz (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 018:12
metataggcompiz (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :0.018:12
metataggwhen i run compiz --replace18:12
Oxymoronyofel: I am not sure, maybe somewhere I have xD I though think I removed it because it worked with grub later on :P18:12
yofelmetatagg: which graphics card and driver?18:12
metataggyofel: Ati radeon 4870, proprietary from ATI webpage18:13
cirwinCardinalFang, reuben: I removed "quiet splash" set nomodeset and xforcevesa. This time it booted right up into X18:13
Oxymoronyofel: Or the easy way, just install the thing from Zend once again ...18:13
yofelurgh neither do I have an ATI card nor do I think that installing non-repos driver is a good idea18:14
salty-horsehey. is there a way for the icons in the indicator applet to not be so spacious? There's a big empty gap between the two icons I currently have18:14
CardinalFangcirwin, congrats.18:14
metataggyofel: so... how do I get rid of it? :)18:14
metataggyofel: not the card, the driver ;)18:15
yofelmetatagg: no idea, we have some ATI users in here, please wait for them18:15
Administer_No one here can help with my network problem eh? Can you all suggest another channel?18:15
yofelOxymoron: hm yeah, try to reinstall the app and remove it again, fact stays that a package should *never* install anything in /usr/local grr...18:16
metataggyofel: awesome, thanks!18:16
alienkid10how do I change the buttons back to the positions like in 9.10?18:16
CardinalFangAdminister_, No one is going to commit to helping, so don't ask for that.  Just ask a real question.18:16
yofelAdminister_: what did stop working? wireless or wired? karmic->lucid upgrade or regular updates?18:17
Oxymoronyofel: Do you know if its possible to do like sudo apt-get install -f | pastebinit and get all future output to console before its finished? :P18:17
Oxymoronyofel: Its really annoying it doesnt work :P Or if its possible to paste from clipboard into pastebinit18:17
Administer_Ok, after last upgrade and i rebooted my networking stoped working all together wireless and ethernet. Lucid upgrade btw18:17
yofelOxymoron: wait, you mean like it didn't use pastebinit to paste the errors?18:18
apparleCan someone please help me with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/47546618:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 475466 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RC410] detects AGP on a PCIE card" [Undecided,Fix released]18:18
prayiiis there a working ATI driver for lucid yet?18:18
Oxymoronyofel: yes ;)18:18
metataggprayii: I'm waiting for the same answer.. :)18:19
apparleprayii: which card.... does it support latest version of fglrx or not?18:19
yofelOxymoron: try to redirect stderr output to stdout with '<command> 2>&1 | pastebinit'18:19
prayiiapparle: I believe so.. I don't own it yet. Waiting on purchasing until I can comfirm it will work18:20
prayiistupid Dell puttin in the ATI instead of Nvidia now in their new XPS machines18:20
Oxymoronyofel: Thats more complicated then do it myself and paste on pastebin.com :D18:20
penguin42prayii: The HD4xxx series cards work with the open source driver, I don't think the commercial driver has landed yet for Lucid, and you'll need the commercial one for the HD5xxxx series or for funky features on the others18:21
Oxymoronyofel: If it isnt easy then its not worth the effort :D18:21
yofelOxymoron: the redirec is the '2>&1' part, where 2 is stderr and 1 is stdout18:21
prayiipenguin42: the open source driver doesn't play well with Compiz right?18:21
Oxymoroncommand | pastebinit would be good or like clipboard-lastpost | pastebinit18:21
penguin42prayii: I've not tried it18:21
penguin42prayii: But I'm sure the closed source one will land any time soon18:22
prayiipenguin42: tyvm! =D18:22
yofelOxymoron: yes, but the fact stays that the pipe only forwards stdout output, you need to redirect the errors from stderr to stdout so they actually get to pastebinit18:22
metataggpenguin42: i've got a 4870, and i think i got the atidriver from their webpage, how do i use the open source one?18:22
Oxymoronyofel: Yes, noticed ;) I must say it quite ironic it doesnt work because I fixed another problem before and then have to install to uninstall it :D18:24
penguin42metatagg: If you uninstall the closed source one it should default to the open source one18:25
metataggpenguin42: thanks! I'll see how it turns out...18:25
yofelOxymoron: I'm sorry about that, but it's the policy to never install packaged software in /usr/local, so I didn't expect anything to break there18:25
penguin42a local directory for local software18:27
Oxymoronyofel: Its alright, its my fault everything anyway as usual :D It always is something I change that pay back l later on :D18:28
* Oxymoron is pissed that wine doesnt run so he cant get keygenerator for Zend Studio because when he reinstalled the last key disappeared xD Woho18:29
Oxymoronchown it is then xD18:31
OxymoronOh yeah, now Spotify works again <318:32
Oxymoronyofel: One question, if user of one folder or file is root and my oxymoron account have access to group root, why isnt it possible to access root files/dirs then? :S18:34
penguin42Oxymoron: Groups don't give you perms over a user18:35
yofelOxymoron: what are the group permissions on that folder?18:35
Oxymoronyofel: It was root that was owner and only owner was able to change anything?18:36
Oxymoronpenguin42: How to get perms over a user then?18:36
penguin42Oxymoron: The rules (simplified) are if the file is owned by a given user and you are that user then you have the user permissions for the file, or failing that if you have the same group as that file then you have it's group permissions or failing that you have the other permissions of the file18:36
yofelOxymoron: then only root can change it, you would have to give it group permissions to change it yourself18:37
Oxymoronpenguin42: On my account I want to access my root files sometimes18:37
penguin42Oxymoron: What group are those files in?18:38
Oxymoronyofel: Yes I did chown now, but it doesnt make sense keep me protected from editing files on my own computer except inside core files so no hacker can access it.18:38
Oxymoronpenguin42: root18:38
penguin42Oxymoron: ls -l that file18:38
* Oxymoron says that he used: "sudo chown -hvR oxymoron:oxymoron /home/oxymoron/", want full permissions of my own freaking home-folder :D18:38
penguin42Oxymoron: What's creating files as root in there?18:39
yofelok, your home folder should always be you:you18:39
yofelexept you run an app as root that creates files in there18:39
Oxymoronpenguin42: I dont really know actually, something ...18:39
penguin42Oxymoron: That's the real question18:40
Birdhead776sum1 pleease help me im new n my friend refered me to this site18:40
penguin42Birdhead776: How can we help?18:40
Birdhead776i got a touch pro 2 that i know nuthing about lol18:40
Oxymoronpenguin42: Well I odnt really care right now, I just want to fix it but next time IF it would happen again I will hunt that app down and kill it if its create root files in my home folder :D18:41
penguin42Birdhead776: Well that's nice - now we only help on Ubuntu Lucid issues here18:41
Birdhead776ok so where do i go18:41
deanusactivated fglrx from hardware drivers but it wont boot, and comes up with the "X in low res" option screen.. I can select restart X and it will then bring on the desktop but the module isnt loaded as CCC wont run.18:42
OxymoronBtw, which packages is it that do Gnome apps like Zend Studio to be KDE Oxygen style instead?18:42
penguin42Birdhead776: Sorry, not sure where phone stuff like that is done18:42
Birdhead776ty sorry18:43
prayiiWas there a specific reason Lucid is changing file size readings to a base 10 system?18:44
penguin42prayii: People have been arguing about it for years18:44
horsieIf I try to connect to my Windows server.  I go "Places->Connect to Server".  I enter my information.  It eventually fails, but the gvfsd-smb process jumps to 100% CPU, and never goes down.  Known issue?18:45
mixrinhello, is there any builds of libXft, cairo and freetype with ClearType patches?18:45
penguin42prayii: The original reason for using powers of 2 in RAM sizes doesn't necessarily make sense from the dimensions of hard disks and certainly it's not technically correct from a units point of view, so the pedants would rather get it correct18:45
prayiipenguin42: So it was just a lets-go type of thing. Not a "X is why we had to change it" type of thing?18:45
prayiipenguin42: ahhh. I see18:45
prayiipenguin42: you have been a lot of help today. +118:46
* penguin42 tries to be18:46
penguin42(although arguably for Flash powers of 2 make sense again!)18:46
jaysonsantosHi guys, is anyone able to uptade to latest ubuntuone version in lucid ? It is missing some dependences for me.18:51
Oxymoronyofel: Ahaha awesome it wasnt Zend Studio we removed it was Zend Server :O18:51
DexterLBthe livecd freezes. What can I do?18:51
DexterLBI'm on x8618:52
penguin42DexterLB: At what point does it freeze?18:52
DexterLBwell, the point the VM is to be started I think18:53
DexterLBI am now booting with nomodreset18:53
penguin42if you're using a real CD I'd try another burn18:53
DexterLBI did18:54
DexterLBI burned the daily one now18:54
DexterLBbut on dvd as it doesn't fit on a cd18:54
DexterLBand it freezes on the same point18:54
DexterLBand, it also froze with nomodreset, again this point18:55
penguin42DexterLB: What's your hardware?18:55
DexterLBintel core 2 duo 2.6Ghz 32bit, 4Gb DDR2, NV GF 8, MSI motherboard, DVD+RW18:56
OxymoronGah I am going berserk on dpkg soon :S COuld someone help me force to remove zend-gui-pe? xD18:57
DexterLBshould I try the alternate CD?18:57
DexterLBand if yes where do I download it from18:57
penguin42DexterLB: That should work, if anything the most likely problem is the Nvidia graphics, but I wouldn't expect a hang, I'd just expect no 3d18:58
Damasceneevoltuion: 2.28.3-0ubuntu8 0 ,but evoltuion data server:
Damascenewhat is the problem?18:58
penguin42Damascene: Broken package probably, it should sort itself out in time19:00
Damascenethank you, I was waiting form morning19:01
yofelOxymoron: you could try to create the folders it complains about by hand, or edit the /var/lib/dpkg/info/<pkgname>.prerm script to not check for them19:03
linuxrevolutionHi people19:04
Oxymoronyofel: Its not possible to create them by hand because its like hundreds of them to create and I dont evne know which needed :P19:04
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, people where mentioning problems with keyboard layout earlier - not sure if they found a solution or not.  good luck.19:04
linuxrevolutionwhat's this problem: http://imagebin.ca/view/Et2pAHH.html19:04
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: hehehe19:05
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: So that's a bad luck!19:05
yofelOxymoron: ok, then edit the script that gives the error here (pre-remove and post-inst) to not look for them19:05
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, i'm not sure -- just wanted to point out that others are having problems with layouts as well19:05
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: why I have not xorg.conf in X11 ??19:06
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, by default it isn't there - what gfx card are you using?19:06
penguin42linuxrevolution: In a lot of configs they aren't needed any more - it just figures it out on the fly19:06
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: intel19:06
Oxymoronyofel: How to do that if package name is zend-gui-ce? should i edit that /var/lib thing?19:06
linuxrevolutionpenguin42: aha I got it19:07
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, if you want to create an xorg.conf see non-nvidia instructions at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file19:07
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: thank you very much19:07
Oxymoronyofel: If I have map list of files and folders, is it possible to create them all someway in one command?19:07
glaucousI need help getting my sound to work.  I suspect a package is not installed (a recent upgrade removed ubuntu-desktop) but beyond that I need my hand held.  sound worked before that famous upgrade19:07
penguin42linuxrevolution: Most Intel users don't need it; I've got it on <---- that machine because it doesn't autodetect my external monitor19:08
yofelOxymoron: go to /var/lib/dpkg/info/ and edit the zend-gui-ci.prerm and .postinst that give the errors so they don't try to delete the missing files19:08
linuxrevolutionpenguin42: yes you are right19:08
yofelOxymoron: no idea abou that19:09
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: about Key layout I have to wait ya?19:09
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, i'm really not sure - it wasn't me with the issue, didn't pay close attention19:10
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: you don't have this problem? are you using beta 1 ?19:10
Oxymoronyofel: Ah there we have it, I removed that rm -r /****** line so it doesnt try to remove files that doesnt exist. But why cant it continue if it try to remove file that doesnt exist? :S19:10
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: it happened after an update19:11
ZykoticK9linuxrevolution, i'm using an up-to-date Lucid yes, but I use US keyboard layout - so it wasn't an issue for me to switch it19:11
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: oh ya! I see19:12
yofelOxymoron: because dpkg scripts are made so that they fail if something goes wrong, to prevent that the script itself has to appen '|| exit 0' to every command it runs. Not a dpkg problem19:12
Oxymoronyofel: I guess its good its not officially how to do that with prerm :P So basicly its Zends fault that does a crappy delete files hooker? :D Or who does create the *.prerm?19:13
linuxrevolutionZykoticK9: penguin42: thanks and bye19:14
glaucouswhat is the basic package to install if I want sound?19:14
yofelglaucous: can you install ubuntu-desktop again?19:15
yofelI'm not sure how sound in gnome works, but make sure you have pulseaudio installed19:15
glaucousyofel, I installed ubuntu-desktop from a chroot in karmic, which is how I got gnome-panel and gnome-session back.  but no sound :(19:16
glaucousyofel, pulseaudio is already installed19:17
Oxymoronyofel: Ah finally it works <3 Had to do heavy shit to make it work again :D19:20
Oxymoronyofel: one good hting though, because of this problem appeared it also solved my wine problem I had that no app started :D19:21
gnubieglaucous,   out of habit I add my user to the pulse and pulse-access groups19:21
glaucousgnubie, let me try that (might take a while, I'm a dunce at system administration)19:21
yofelthat shouldn't be needed now that pulse doesn't run as a system service19:21
glaucousbtw, it only stopped working after a dist-upgrade yesterday19:22
yofelyou had to do that long ago, but if you're not part of those groups you wouldn't have had sound earlier if they're required19:22
glaucousI won't pursue that then19:22
zekoZekoon one of my machines pulseaudio does not start on gdm login, no idea why (the problem started after upgrade to lucid). On another it works fine, also after same upgrade.19:23
reubenhm, my usb keys are not being recognized by the system. nothing in /var/log/messages, or /etc/mtab, no recognition from nautilus etc.19:23
yofelreuben: dmesg?19:23
Oxymoronyofel: Nom atter what, thanks for everything really. I Think all things on my computer works as expected now :) When I install Lucid Stable and I see it work good I will turn off all updates one half year to next release :P19:24
reubenyofel - bleh, yeah...messages in there19:24
* Oxymoron wonders why Firefox block .exe files in GNU/LInux? :D Those arent dangerous?19:25
JohnTedWhere can I get a list of features in 10.04 that are new compared to 9.10?19:25
yofelJohnTed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/TechnicalOverview19:26
reubenyofel - huh, weird. it claims that it mounted on /dev/sdk1, /dev/sdk2...but that does not exist19:26
JohnTedthanks yofel19:26
yofelreuben: hm, I have issues here that KDE doesn't recognise my usb drives, and have heard the same for gnome, but i can mount them fine by hand19:27
reubenyofel - when i try by hand i get "mount: special device /dev/sdk1 does not exist"  ... i'll see if there's a bug open on it19:27
glaucousis there perhaps a kernel mod thing I have to do for pulseaudio?  virtualbox wanted me to modsomething vboxdrv19:28
arandHmm, seems like the buttons on left are final now (but re-arranged): Bug #532633 (and sabdfl claims no 1/4)19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532633 in metacity "[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53263319:28
JohnTedI wanted to install ubuntu+1 with full disk encryption, usually I need to install with the alternative install disc to accomplish this. Is there an alternative install disk for lucid, or not until the 29th?19:28
almoxarifeam I the only one with a broke touch pad, the tap is out, again.19:28
glaucousalmoxarife, my tap works19:29
glaucousbut my sound doesn't :)19:29
almoxarifemy tap stopped working, then there was an update and it worked again, and now its not working again19:30
arandJohnTed: Seems like none today but last daily is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20100331/ ther's also laternate for the old beta119:30
almoxarifeglaucous: does sound work with ear plugs?19:30
glaucousalmoxarife, no19:31
yofelJohnTed: also see the known issues on the feature page, we had some issues with encryption in beta119:31
almoxarifeglaucous: is your issue card specific?19:33
abhinavdoes anyone know if the packages are out-of-flux and stable now ?19:33
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away
glaucousalmoxarife, I don't think so, sound worked before yesterday when I did a dist-upgrade which removed gnome-session and gnome-panel and who knows what else19:36
reubenyofel - fwiw i filed bug 553481 on the usb issue19:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553481 in mountmanager "USB keys do not automount, cannot be manually mounted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55348119:36
guntbertglaucous: why on earth did you run a dist-upgrade?19:39
glaucousguntbert, I thought that's what I was supposed to do when some packages were being held back19:40
JohnTedThat will be populated probably within the next day or so?19:40
guntbertglaucous: thats nearly as unfortunate as clicking on "partial upgrade" in update manager - I only use aptitude safe-upgrade in normal circumstances19:41
glaucousguntbert, what do these options exist for then?19:42
glaucousand how do I get my sound back?19:42
guntbertglaucous: to both questions: I don't know - sorry  -- as for the sound: if it worked in lucid already there is a good chance it will again19:44
prayiiglaucous: so you had sound working in Lucid then ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it broke?19:45
glaucousguntbert, correct19:45
glaucousguntbert, yesterday19:45
prayiido you remember which packages updated?19:46
alex_mayorgaanyone else with broken java applets?19:46
glaucousprayii, a bunch.  update manager doesn't pop up automatically and it had been a while since I last remembered to run it19:46
prayiiglaucous: thats a bummer. have you tried reinstalling lucid?19:47
prayiii know its not an awesome solution.19:47
glaucousprayii, not yet, but it looks like I might have to19:48
prayiiglaucous: sorry I couldn't help much. Not an ubuntu master. Hope you don't have to reinstall much.19:49
almoxarifeglaucous: do you have gnome alsa mixer?19:50
glaucousalmoxarife, no it is not installed19:51
prayii^^ why didnt I think of that19:51
almoxarifeglaucous: how about alsamixer?19:51
glaucousalmoxarife, and yet I have the sound preferences dialog19:51
almoxarifeglaucous: how about alsamixer?19:51
almoxarifeglaucous: on a terminal try 'alsamixer'19:52
Oxymoronyofel: Do you happen to be good with udev as well? I have this in my udev rules ""19:52
Oxymoron# FireWire (deprecated dv1394 and video1394 drivers)19:52
OxymoronKERNEL=="dv1394-[0-9]*",        NAME="dv1394/%n", GROUP="video"19:52
OxymoronKERNEL=="video1394-[0-9]*",     NAME="video1394/%n", GROUP="video"19:52
glaucousif I put "alsa" in synaptic's quick search, I have installed: alsa-base, alsa-utils, bluez-alsa, gstreamer0.10-alsa, lib32asound2, libasound2, libasound2-plugins, linux-sound-base19:53
almoxarifeglaucous: on a terminal try 'alsamixer'19:53
Oxymoronyofel: First of all, is it possible to remove? Then afterwards I saw one /dev/raw1394, one /dev/video1394 and one /dev/dv1394? :S Isnt v4l confused then? :D I am trying to get my DV cam work in Skype ...19:53
glaucousalmoxarife, I get a console mixer19:53
almoxarifeglaucous: look at 'speaker', is the number greater than zero?19:54
glaucousalmoxarife, there are a bunch of numbers19:54
almoxarifeglaucous: look at 'speaker', is the number greater than zero?19:54
glaucousalmoxarife, the numbers immediately above speaker are "100<>100"19:55
glaucousbut up top, it says: Item: Speaker [dB gain: 0.00, 0.00]19:55
almoxarifeglaucous: if nothing is playing I would expect that, I think, I can check19:56
yofelOxymoron: nope, I don't  know much about udev19:57
z0mbiehey guys, I cant seem to get nvidia-current drivers (or any for that matter) working on my desktop install of beta1 from last night19:57
glaucousalmoxarife, I have rhythmbox playing, hoping to hear it19:57
yofelz0mbie: nvidia-current is installed? lsmod shows nvidia not nouveau?19:58
z0mbieEvery time I restart x it kicks saying that it cant find the driver.  If I try to find the driver using the Hardware Drivers menu option the only one showing up is nvidia 173 (which doesnt work either)19:58
Unksiz0mbie: for me, on a mbp, those drivers fail on the internal monitor but work with external, due to incorrect EDID read.. no idea if thats a case with you but worth checking^19:58
z0mbiewell its for my desktop which only has a single card19:59
Oxymoronyofel: Its strange, I got it half working before by using dv4l-start instead of v4l package that Skype uses by default.19:59
Unksiif the nvidia drivers are correctly enabled, that is19:59
z0mbieI had that type of issue with my laptop previously though19:59
Oxymoronyofel: Kino and dvgrab gives response and found my cam and show the image as well.19:59
yofelz0mbie: what card do you have? 'lscpid | grep VGA' ?19:59
almoxarifefor those with tap issues, seems that something recent brings the touchpad default to no tap19:59
z0mbieyofel nvidia-current is installed20:00
almoxarifehere it did anyway20:00
yofelz0mbie: err... lspci | grep VGA20:00
z0mbieyofel nothing20:00
z0mbieyofel spoke too soon, sorry lower case20:00
gnomefreakoh thank god20:01
* gnomefreak got scared that it found nothing20:01
z0mbie01:00.0 VGA compatible controller nVidia Corp G9220:01
z0mbiesorry jumping back and forth between laptop and desktop so its a little tricky20:01
=== peter__ is now known as LucidLynx
LucidLynxhi how do i change login background in this release20:02
abhinavanyone knows when packages will not be in-flux so that I can upgrade ? yofel ?20:02
z0mbiei was able one time to get 173 working enough that compiz started but ran like crap and quickly crashed20:02
penguin42abhinav: They've been like that for a couple of days, so I'm guessing relatively soon - but I don't know20:03
CosmiChaoshow to change the plymouth boot-logo? i already managed to make the text based logo dissappear...but... the uglyish that i thought of was NOT the text at all but the violet-color .... and the graphic-logo is still violet. i cant really tell you how much i hate that color without swearing20:03
abhinavpenguin42: ok .. thanks20:03
CosmiChaosplease help20:03
yofelz0mbie: I don't know what 'G92' is supposed to be, how old is that card?20:04
z0mbieits a geforce 8800 GT20:04
z0mbieabout 2 years20:04
reubenCosmiChaos - search for plymouth in synaptic. there are a bunch of plymouth-theme packages20:04
CosmiChaosim not a fancy little girl that would like to be happy with that crap20:04
yofelah, nvidia-current should work then...20:04
UnksiCosmiChaos: easiest way is to remove plymouth with apt-get .p20:04
reubenUnksi - no longer an option20:04
z0mbieyea its still a relatively current card20:04
Unksioh :/20:04
yofelz0mbie: does lsmod list the nvidia modules20:04
LucidLynxhi how do i change login background in this release20:04
CosmiChaosreuben, i know of them i have them installed, but how to switch since the sbin command simply dissappeared20:04
CosmiChaosits gone20:05
yofelz0mbie: or does it list nouveau?20:05
CosmiChaosi used to to it with: sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --list20:05
patdk-wkna, ou have to use install-alternates or whatever it is20:05
glaucousalmoxarife, whatever the hell, a reboot fixed my audio :(  I thought linux was above rebooting like that.  oh well.  I have sound now20:05
CosmiChaosbut lucid wont find that comman20:05
reubenCosmiChaos - haven't done this (only just got plymouth to even work) ... do you have /bin/plymouth ?20:06
gnomefreakLucidLynx: no need to repeat your self. You should look at System>admin.>login (something) but IIRC you cant20:06
z0mbieyofel pastebin.com/KE8cUPwr20:06
CosmiChaosyes but sudo plymouth --help shows nothing according theming the graphics or choose the path or anything like that :) crazy ubuntu team20:06
z0mbieI dont believe I see either listed20:06
gnomefreakCosmiChaos: i filied a bug on that if i understand you i am checking the bug in a minute20:07
BerzerkerI like workspaces, but is there a way to stick an application to a certain workspace? or if there are any other equivalents for it?20:07
robin0800hope this is not true ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56420:07
yofelz0mbie: what happens if you run 'sudo modprobe nvidia'20:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 532633 in metacity "[Master] Window Control buttons: position/order/alignment" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:07
z0mbieyofel hmm module nvidia_current not found20:08
Berzerkerrobin0800: why? I like them on the left.20:08
z0mbieyofel sounds like a problem to me...20:09
CosmiChaosgnomefreak, the bug indeed is eye-salty20:09
yofelz0mbie: it is, mom20:09
gnomefreaksomeone closed it give me a minute im going to read it20:09
yofelz0mbie: go to the dkms folder with 'cd /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/updates/dkms/' and check if nvidia-current.ko is there20:10
CosmiChaosi cant believe it does anybody really thinks RGB 255/0/255 is a good default color?20:10
gnomefreakCosmiChaos: bug 55172220:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 551722 in plymouth "No way to change Plymouth theme back to the original theme" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55172220:10
DanaGargh, why the heck is the ubuntu netbook panel locked down?20:12
Drakesonwith a 32bit kernel, is it possible to chroot (e.g. schroot) to a 64bit directory?20:12
yofelDrakeson: no20:12
reubenaha, see scott's comment...the first item in /usr/share/doc/plymouth/README.Debian tells you how to change themes, maybe20:12
z0mbieyofel, nope.  I dont see it  "/lib/modules/2.6.32-19-generic-pae/updates/dkms20:13
yofelz0mbie: ok, the driver didn't build right, try to reinstall nvidia-current20:13
Drakesonyofel: thanks. you just saved me a lot of time :)20:13
yofelDrakeson: the other way is possible but not this20:13
z0mbieyofel just tried.  I will completely remove and try again20:14
yofelCosmiChaos: the default way to change the plymouth theme should be a alternatives selection20:14
DanaGAnd how the heck do I unlock my panel?20:14
penguin42DanaG: You mean to move stuff?20:15
DanaGOr to add stuff.20:15
gnomefreakreuben: CosmiChaos its in the first section im trying in in a few20:15
penguin42DanaG: I think it's alt-middle to move stuff; you should be able to add stuff20:15
DanaGThe normal way is disabled (grayed out).20:15
Berzerkeris compiz not supposed to completely work with lucid?20:15
z0mbieyofel - just completely reinstalled and it still isnt there20:15
BerzerkerI can't get a lot of the desktop effects working20:15
Berzerkerlike the cube and switching in the cube, etc.20:15
yofelz0mbie: did you try it in a terminal? do you get any dkms errors?20:15
DrakesonBerzerker: video card problem?20:16
Berzerkerno the drivers are installed correctly (I have 2 GTX 260s running in SLI, everything's working fine)20:16
yofelz0mbie: you *do* have the kernel headers installed, do you?20:16
penguin42Berzerker: Are you sure? I can't remember anyone who has had the Nvidia drivers working?20:17
=== JoshuaL_ is now known as JoshuaL
Berzerkerpenguin42: lol I definitely do, X Server settings open fine and save settings...any way to check?20:17
yofelpenguin42: nvidia is working just fine with KDE here20:17
reubenpenguin42: nvidia drivers working fine with gnome for me20:18
penguin42yofel: Oh OK, I hadn't realised it had caught up20:18
z0mbieyofel pastebin.com/WiU7TEvY20:18
DanaGugh, what the heck? gksu keeps echoing my password to the terminal!20:18
JoshuaLthere are 6 updates being kept back20:18
matumbahello, does anyone know how to mount a camera with write access? gvfs-info <location> says: "access::can-write: FALSE"20:18
JoshuaLanyone else having this issue?20:18
gnomefreakLucidLynx: update-alternatives may have a way to change log in screen20:18
DrakesonJoshuaL: "issue"?20:18
gnomefreakill be back in a few. reboot20:19
yofelz0mbie: as I said, do you have the kernel headers installed?20:19
guntbertJoshuaL: let them be kept back - probably tomorrow it will be smooth again20:19
JoshuaLand what package should i report of sleep mode fails?20:19
JoshuaLguntbert, ok :)20:19
z0mbieyofel - linux-headers-2.6.32-19-generic-pae is installed20:19
z0mbielinux-image-2.6.32-19-generic-pae is not however20:20
DanaGoh, I see... it's grabbing the -p I meant to pass to the gksu'd program.20:20
yofelz0mbie: err, what does 'uname -r' return for you?20:20
z0mbieyofel something different... 2.6.31-16-generic-pae20:21
yofelz0mbie: ok... why are you running the karmic kernel?20:21
z0mbieyofel - this was an in place update20:21
LucidLynxgnomefreak: how?20:22
yofelz0mbie: does update-grub show the newer ones? and make sure the new image is installed20:22
z0mbieyofel now it should20:23
z0mbieand I installed the new image20:23
z0mbielet me reboot and see what happens20:23
DanaGanyway, so my panels are forcibly locked down.20:24
DrakesonDanaG: as a last resort you can use gconftool or gconf-editor20:25
LucidLynxwhy did they remove the customize logon screen function20:26
bigjbIs there anyway back from having modified nsswitch.conf to use winbind when not logged in as root that doesnt involve been physically at the machine? :)20:26
DanaGwhat's really weird is that the "lockdown" keys are not set!20:27
DanaGSo by all means, the panel should be unlocked.20:27
* Drakeson remembers once he had to kill gconfd or logoff/login to get the panel use the modified settings. It was a bug related to hiding panel.20:29
z0mbieyofel - only 2.6.31-16 is showing up in the grub list.  I installed the image and headers for 2.6.32-19 and ran update-grub which said it recognized and updated grub lst20:29
yofelz0mbie: are you using grub1 or 2? there was a bug for legacy where update-grub failed to edit modified menu.lst files20:29
Drakesonz0mbie: can you try to edit the grub entry by hand at the boot, and point it to the new image?20:30
z0mbieyofel - let me check20:30
z0mbieyofel - grub 120:31
z0mbieI am installing grub 220:31
yofelz0mbie: then try to move/remove your menu.lst and run update-grub again20:31
Berzerkeranyone extensively use rhythmbox here?20:31
yofelz0mbie: you don't really have to I think20:31
yofel(install grub2)20:31
gnomefreakthe word "default" means something different to everyone i think :(20:32
yofelgnomefreak: what default?20:32
CosmiChaosim back20:32
gnomefreakDrakeson: maybe look at /msg ubottu grub220:33
gnomefreakyofel: plymouth default theme20:33
BusataBerzerker: I use rhytmbox all the time, but eh, shoot the question?20:33
yofelah, heh20:33
z0mbieyofel - that did it, I can now see the new kernels20:33
gnomefreakto me default in that case was the 1st theme used :(20:33
yofelz0mbie: ok, then please reboot into 2.6.3220:33
Drakesongnomefreak: what? me?20:33
ethana2I think the top panel is ignoring my theme settings..20:33
gnomefreakDrakeson: you were looking for editing grub2?20:33
BerzerkerBusata: I want to make a playlist default when I open it20:34
Drakesongnomefreak: no.20:34
gnomefreakoh sorry20:34
DanaGalso weird: when I try to change brightness in KDE, it starts flashing wildly and switching back and forth between two levels.20:34
Drakesonno worries :p20:34
ethana2oh, shouldn't have upgraded while packages were in flux20:34
Busataah, I don't use playlists I'm afraid20:34
Drakesonethana2: some themes set the color of the top bar separately20:34
ethana2Drakeson: :(20:35
ethana2I have some applets that obey my settings and some don't now20:35
ethana2so it looks really messed up..20:35
z0mbieyofel - looks like it installed the module into the kernel directory this time when reinstalled nvidia-current20:35
DanaGthere's my /sys/class/backlight20:35
Drakesonethana2: which theme?20:36
_Groo_hi/2 all20:36
_Groo_DanaG: hey DanaG are you he mantainer of the network-manager/modem-manager?20:36
ethana2see the top right: http://omploader.org/vNDBsMA20:36
LucidLynxhow do i change GDM?20:36
gnomefreak_Groo_: asac is IIRC20:36
_Groo_damn, hes not arou nd?20:37
gnomefreakLucidLynx: did you look at update-alternatives yet?20:37
Drakesonethana2: look into /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and look for "dark"20:37
gnomefreak_Groo_: he doesnt hang out in this channel but hes afk atm20:37
ethana2Drakeson: k20:37
_Groo_i found a pretty ugly bug in modem-manager.. actually i already told him the bug but i found a better workaround20:37
DanaGwow, ambience looks really ugly on windows with only a close button.20:37
LucidLynxgnomefreak: yes i did but got a list of options?20:37
Drakesongood news is that you can easily create/customize a new theme20:38
Busatais it safe to update yet btw?20:38
ethana2Drakeson: delete the two .png's?20:38
Drakesonoh no20:38
DanaGI stick with Human.20:38
ethana2modify the xml?20:38
CosmiChaosfound something that appeared to fix http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/lucid-lynx-offtopic/110/?highlight=plymouth middle of the page20:39
gnomefreakLucidLynx: ok maybe i should have given you the full command to look at but atm i dont have it. if you use sudo update-alternatives --all it will list everything that you can change using that command but you need to look for the correct one. If you dont know what something is dont change it20:39
Drakesonethana2: no, mkdir ~/.themes ; cp -R /usr/share/themes/Ambiance ~/.themes/my-ambiance20:39
Drakesonethana2: and then try to fix the gtkrc file in your ~/.themes/my-ambiance20:40
ethana2mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/ethan/.themes': File exists20:40
ethana2does that mean it went ahead with the other commands?20:40
guntbertBusata: not on production systems20:40
ethana2ok, done..20:41
CosmiChaoshttp://lh6.ggpht.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/S47Fu4uYWsI/AAAAAAAAAcY/9KExu6KAKpc/boot.png <-- lol that background simply sucks20:41
Busatawell, referring to the gnome 2.30 message, I'm in beta1 already , but don't want to break gnome :)20:41
LucidLynxgnomefreak: http://pastebin.org/130670 what should i do?20:41
z0mbieyofel - Thanks alot man! I finally have 3d graphics again! :)20:42
DanaGNot only is it ugly... it's also confusing.20:42
ethana2DanaG: what is?20:42
DanaGWhen booting, it looks like it's starting up and shutting down over and over.20:42
DanaGThe plymouth theme.20:42
DanaGWhen shutting down... it looks like it's starting up and shutting down over and over.20:42
ethana2It'd be cool to use the logo itself as a throbber20:42
ethana2have a rotational progress bar go around..20:42
DanaGadding red dots == booting; removing red dots == shutting down.20:42
Sioux-33hi i wanted to ask why lucid beta doesnt work on my laptop?!20:43
DanaGThat's the association I get.20:43
ethana2Sioux-33: Intel GMA 500?20:43
DanaGIt goes from 0% to 100% and back to 0%!20:43
Sioux-33dont know the laptop is msi gt72520:43
* ethana2 checks20:43
_Groo_anyone with a huawei 3g modem that can confirm this? network-manager only shows the 3g connection if you restart the modem-manager after insert the usb 3g modem?20:43
gnomefreakLucidLynx: that is not the one you want however you should use the one to not change it or use the # FOR THE ONE WITH TH * IN FRONT OF IT TO KEEP IT THE SAME. iTS BEST TO FIND THE ONE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR INSTEAD OF GOING THROUGH ALL OF THEM20:44
ethana2Sioux-33: what do you mean, "doesn't work"?20:44
gnomefreakLucidLynx: sorry for caps ::(20:45
Sioux-33<ethana2> the processor q9000 quad  core ati hd4850 graphic ddr2 4gb hd 500gb20:45
ethana2Sioux-33: ..does it not boot?20:45
gnomefreakLucidLynx: you may be better off using gconfig-editor and look for it. again not sure what one it is20:45
ethana2Sioux-33: what happens when you boot off the CD?20:45
Sioux-33<ethana2> yup but i have high cpu usage non stop 30 to 50% and i boot up from usb20:46
gnomefreakyofel: do you know off hand what is the correct place in either update-alternives or gconf to change login screen20:46
ethana2Sioux-33: could be a race condition in desktopcouchdb20:46
gnomefreakif so can you let LucidLynx know20:46
ethana2Sioux-33: open a system monitor window and pin it down, whatever it is, kill it20:46
ethana2Drakeson: what next?20:46
ethana2Drakeson: I'm just going to modify my system theme as root, I do that all the time20:46
ethana2I see "dark"20:47
Berzerkeranyone know of any good quake-style terminals?20:47
BittarmanBerzerker, for kde or gnome?20:47
Sioux-33<ethana2> there was few application like udevd then xorg then dbus or something few applications that used my cpu killing it doesnt help20:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 553386 in kubuntu-default-settings "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed]20:48
ethana2oh, finally found that thing that makes the terminal translucent without giving rgb to any other apps20:48
ethana2I can just comment these things out, right?20:48
BerzerkerBittarman: thanks, tilda works well20:50
Sioux-33<ethana2> there must be a better solution then killing applications some bug or something with xorg or udev or other i dont know i had the same problem with karmic and udev 6.1 after downgrade it to 6.0 cpu went staright to 2% dont know how to sort it out in beta lucid  i had in karmic20:50
ethana2Sioux-33: if you don't know what process it is, I don't know where you'd go from there20:52
LucidLynxgnomefreak: i dont get it20:52
ethana2whee, finally fixed my terminal20:52
* gnomefreak be back in a few LucidLynx look in gconf-editor and thjere should be a section for gdm screen20:52
gnomefreakill be back20:52
LucidLynxaye arnold :)20:53
Sioux-33<ethana2> i said there is few processes that use the cpu one is udevd then xorg dbus as far as i remeber and others all of them use from 2 to 5% of cpu non stop and the=ats in total give u around 40% non stop without touching even keyboard i cant just kill every running process20:54
t3chkommiehey zykotic!20:57
t3chkommieanyone have problem with beta comming out of "sleeP" on a laptop?20:57
Sioux-33<t3chkommie> my sleep non-stop21:00
vbundiAfter installing 10.04 on a windows 7 machine.. ubuntu still won't boot, I don't get a grub screen it just starts going straight into windows21:00
penguin42vbundi: How many disks have you got?21:01
LucidLynxgnomefreak: did it thanks for ur help21:01
vbundipenguin42: just 121:01
vbundipenguin42: physical that is21:01
penguin42vbundi: It doesn't present a grub screen these days; try holding down shift just as the BIOS is exiting and keep it held down, if Grub is there that should bring up a menu21:02
vbunditrying that now21:02
Sioux-33<LucidLynx> lucid listen to mE!!!! why dont u work on my laptop u useless whatever karmic is doing well and u are just ......!!!!21:03
vbundipenguin42: nope.. just tries going into Windows... durring installation, on the last page I hit the 'advanced' button and noticed that Grub is being installed to /dev/sda, is this correct?21:03
vbundias opposed to /dev/sda1 etc21:03
almoxarifevbundi: that a wubi install?21:04
penguin42vbundi: I'd think so21:04
vbundialmoxarife: install from USB drive created with ubuntu21:04
almoxarifevbundi: is the ubuntu on its own partion or is it a folder on the drive?21:05
vbundialmoxarife: on it's own partition, /dev/sda521:05
penguin42vbundi: Two thoughts; one that it's an extended partition - but I'd have hoped that would work, and 2) given it was installed off a usb stick I wonder if something got confused about what was sda during install, and maybe it thought that was the stick?21:06
vbundiwhen I run a live cd I can see that ubuntu is installed to the partition, but I can't install grub..21:06
nemoSo. Lucid still uses Evolution 2.28 ?21:07
vbundipenguin42: hmm interesting idea about the usb stick being /dev/sda...21:07
penguin42vbundi: It really shouldn't happen; was just a guess21:07
t3chkommievbundi: what did you use to load your stick with?21:08
nemolooks like they decided to keep 2.2821:08
nemothat sucks21:08
vbundipenguin42: yeah I haven't dual booted windows since before grub2 so I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it21:08
vbundit3chkommie: the Ubuntu utility 'usb startup disk creator'21:08
t3chkommievbundi: does youre machine boot to it fine?21:09
vbundit3chkommie: yes, it goes to live desktop or the install wizard no problem... the data is installed to /dev/sda5 too21:10
vbundiI'm guessing that grub is not being installed to the MBR.. and I'm a novice when it comes to grub/grub221:10
t3chkommievbundi: i would use gparted. get rid of youre privious swap and ext4 partitions, and re install from the ground up. that should load youre grub correclty21:11
t3chkommiei have done it a few times, and dont have anyproblems dualbooting with win21:12
Berzerkerok this makes no sense21:12
vbundialright, I'll try to delete the partitions with gparted and start over21:12
Berzerkerso I have a Logitech G15, installed G15Macro, everything recognizes the macros I set21:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 553386 in kubuntu-default-settings "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed]21:13
Berzerkereven Keyboard Shortcuts (for ex.: Switch to Workspace 1)21:13
Berzerkerexcept when I actually try to do it...it doesn't work21:13
t3chkommievbundi: grub 2 is very automized... not much customizatoin can be done with it now .21:13
penguin42t3chkommie: Oh it's still customisable21:13
BerzerkerI set G1 to ctrl+f5, hit G1 when setting the keyboard shortcut, it recognized Ctrl+F5, but when I actually try it, nothing happens21:13
penguin42t3chkommie: It's very modular21:13
vbundit3chkommie: yeah youd think that would make it 'easier'...21:13
vbundiit's like Xorg, without xorg config files... :P21:14
t3chkommiepenguin42, ive tried customizing mine cus i dont like seeing all the extra partitons from windows... but wond up really screwing thigs up.21:14
penguin42t3chkommie: There's some defaults in /etc/default/grub for simple things and you can add more fun in /etc/grub.d21:14
t3chkommiepenguin42. is there a way to change the dull text and background?21:15
Berzerkerbasically everything works except ACTUALLY trying to switch the workspace21:16
Berzerkerwhich makes -5 sense to me lol21:16
penguin42t3chkommie: Nor sure, haven't tried it - but I'd bet you can with one of those21:16
t3chkommieBerzerker: can you switch workspace by clicking on the desktop switcher?21:17
t3chkommiepenguin42. so should i ignore the "do not edit this file" ?21:17
Berzerkert3chkommie: yes the werid thing is21:17
Berzerkert3chkommie: I can switch work spaces by manually pressing the macro I set the G1 key to21:17
penguin42t3chkommie: You shouldn't edit the /boot/grub/grub.cfg, you should edit /etc/default/grub and add stuff to /etc/grub.d21:17
penguin42t3chkommie: Although I agree it seems a lot harder than good old grub121:18
vbundipenguin42: /dev/sda3 was an extended partition.. I think that might have been the issue21:18
Berzerkert3chkommie: and Keyboard Shortcuts recognizes the entire macro when I set it by pressing the G key, it's just that it doesn't actually work21:18
t3chkommiepenguin42, ah... that would make secne.21:18
gnomefreakit is alot harder to edit. editing the files is not a great idea unless you know what you are doing21:18
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:19
gnomefreakpenguin42: t3chkommie ^^^21:19
penguin42gnomefreak: The /etc/default/grub ain't too bad21:19
gnomefreakthat may help some21:19
t3chkommieberzerker:  sounds like its still a bug with the desktop stuff. i know there is one with the number if desktops. not sure if this is connected or not :S21:19
Berzerkert3chkommie: lol just really strange21:19
gnomefreakpenguin42: for maybe you and me but i dont know his ability21:19
penguin42gnomefreak: Relative to an old Grub1 config file21:20
t3chkommieok, updates done, gotta reboot. brb.21:20
gnomefreakpenguin42: i havent looked at it since november/december21:20
JoshuaLMy laptop does not go into sleep mode, it only shows a black screen and doesn't respond. how can i report this bug?21:21
gnomefreaki forgot the package that belongs under but once we figure it out you can use ubuntu-bug packagename  in the terminal21:22
gnomefreakim thinking dbus but i am fairly certain that is wrong21:23
penguin42pm-utils ?21:23
laumonierhow can i reconfigure my video settings???which command please? because my graphics bugs21:23
penguin42laumonier: What graphics card?21:24
laumonieri have radeon driver21:24
laumonierati mobilty x1700 exactly21:24
gnomefreakpenguin42: JoshuaL i know the bug has been reported ( or at least sometihing  close to it)21:25
JoshuaLgnomefreak, ah ok :)21:25
gnomefreaksomeone early in the week reported it but i dont recall reporter or package :(21:25
laumonieri have a problem when im watching a video after a little time the screen becomes full of lines which appears and desapears21:25
penguin42laumonier: I know the new version of frglx hadn't come out yet a few days ago - I don't know if it has yet; you could go to system->administration->hardware drivers   if it gets that far! If not I'd try removing all frglx packages21:26
laumonieryou mean that new frglx works now?21:26
penguin42I'm not sure it does eyt21:26
laumonierbecause as my video card is pretty old fglrx does not work with anymore21:27
* gnomefreak knows better than to assume something in devel cycle works21:28
vbundiagh! fresh install doesn't work.21:28
t3chkommievbundi. youre fresh install didnt take?21:28
t3chkommiehow is youre iso? did you checksum it?21:28
gnomefreaklaumonier: there should be a driver for your card but im no ATI person. hardware drivers menu entry should help you decide21:28
vbundit3chkommie: didn't work... yes iso is good21:29
JoshuaLbtw, what is the reason network-manager does not connect anymore before you login?21:29
gnomefreakJoshuaL: netbook?21:29
t3chkommievbundi: im sorry, im not sure what else will do. it seems like for somereason youre grub isnt taking....21:29
JoshuaLits pretty anoying to wait before it connects to a wireless netwrok after logging in21:29
JoshuaLgnomefreak, no, a hp laptop21:29
gnomefreakJoshuaL: or eee even21:29
gnomefreakJoshuaL: than not sure  sorry21:29
laumonieri havent anything in my driver hardware21:30
JoshuaLgnomefreak, what if i had a eee?21:30
vbundit3chkommie: yea no prob, thanks for the help so far... I'm going to try a few more things, I'll let you know how it works out21:30
t3chkommievbundi: how did you do the reinstall?21:30
vbundit3chkommie: USB drive21:30
gnomefreakJoshuaL: someone reported having issues with it but again i dont recall the work around ecept had to edit grub when starting up21:30
vbundit3chkommie: flash drive that is21:30
* David-T wonders why he keeps having weird problems with .postinst scripts not running and gconf schemas not being installed21:31
t3chkommieright, and you booted, said install. how did you choose to partiton it? did you say you all avaiable free space?21:31
JoshuaLgnomefreak, ah :(21:31
gnomefreakbe back reboot again :(21:31
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUG_vacations
JoshuaLat least these issues are reported :)21:31
vbundit3chkommie: 'largest free continuous space'21:31
t3chkommievbundi: interesting, thats exactly how i have done it.21:32
t3chkommievbundi: and i have reimaged my machine like 30 times in a 3 months.21:32
vbundit3chkommie:  that's how I've done it in the past hehe21:32
vbundit3chkommie:  ouch :P21:32
t3chkommievbundi: what kind of machine are you running and hdd?21:32
vbundit3chkommie:  dell precision m90 with a 100GB sata drive21:33
t3chkommievbundi: ok, do you have win7 already installed?21:33
vbundit3chkommie: yeah I feel filthy21:33
t3chkommievbundi lol. oh, are you trying to run x86 or 64 bit?21:34
vbundit3chkommie: x8621:34
t3chkommievbundi and you have a x86 iso right?21:34
vbundit3chkommie: yes...21:35
t3chkommievbundi: sorry i know, obvious... have a go at loading your usb with the same iso but use unibootin on youre windows side and see if that works.21:35
vbundit3chkommie: uni-what?21:36
t3chkommievbundi: unibootin. i think that is how its spelled. its a bootloader for iso's from windows partiotion. i have had the best luck with that.21:36
t3chkommievbundi: its free. easy to run and i think it loads isos the best. i have been hit and miss with other usb booting programs.21:37
vbundit3chkommie: I'm just gonna try it the old fashioned cd way first21:37
t3chkommievbundi: there ya go. i cant afford to keep up with the ammount of cd's i would use :p let me know how that goes.21:38
vbundit3chkommie: yeah about every 6 months I have a ton of new coasters to use21:38
t3chkommievbundi: ooooh coasters. i never thought of that. i just have a graveyard of a cd tower :p21:39
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vbundit3chkommie: thinking about making windchimes or something for the farmer's market21:40
t3chkommievbundi: lol awsome ideas!21:40
vbundiin fact, I did make a real windchime out of 5'25 HDD platters21:40
t3chkommievbundi: nice, i love the sound harddrive patters makes :)21:40
chazcoI have an eGalax touchscreen... any ideas how to enable it in Ubuntu 10.04 (it used to use the evtouch driver... is this the same)?21:41
t3chkommiechazco: sorry i have no experience with touchscreens. maybe someone else can help ya.21:42
vbundiwould it make it easier for me to install ubuntu if I created a partition for ubuntu durring the Windows 7 install?21:45
t3chkommievbundi: my experience says no. i would set up everything like a reg windows machine, then let ubuntu make and shift partitions.21:48
* EntityReborn agrees with this21:48
AbuMaiaI came upon instructions somewhere for moving the window close/resize buttons from the left to right by using gconf.  Is it possible to do the same in 9.10 to move them to the left, to get used to the positioning?  I've tried editing the apps/metacity/general/button_layout setting to be maximize,minimize,close:, but nothing happens21:55
gnomefreak!controls | AbuMaia21:56
ubottuAbuMaia: In Lucid you may notice that the window controls min/max/close is now on the left side. | For more information please see http://alturl.com/yvgv | To change it back to right side using a terminal please see http://alturl.com/x5d6.21:56
nemognomefreak: can't you do that w/ a theme off gnome-look?21:56
AbuMaianemo: I'd rather not change my theme if at all possible... besides, I thought the buttons would move no matter what theme was being used.21:57
nemocool. didn't realise it was so easy to toggle21:57
nemoAbuMaia: didja checkout gnomefreak's links like I did? :)21:58
AbuMaianemo:  yes I did, and it's pretty much exactly what I said I did, but nothing happened21:58
gnomefreaknemo: not sure but you dont need to install a theme just to change the buttons21:59
David-Tif you read the question you'll note AbuMaia is trying to do the opposite of what everyone else is asking, and is trying to change karmic to the new lucid style21:59
AbuMaiaexactly ^_^21:59
David-Ti'm not sure karmic supports the relevant option21:59
nemoDavid-T: uh. the links allow doing both21:59
nemoDavid-T: I just tried it in my karmic. worked fine.21:59
AbuMaiaDavid-T:  the option field is present in Karmic21:59
nemoDavid-T: was mildly entertaining but I switched it back.21:59
gnomefreakDavid-T: dont try to change Karmic to Lucids look22:00
David-Tgnomefreak: i'm not trying to...22:00
gnomefreaksorry damn wrong person22:00
AbuMaiaah, I think I know what the problem is.... duh me22:00
AbuMaiaI'm using Emerald22:01
* gnomefreak has a feeling Emerald is not hte issue22:01
AbuMaiathat was it22:03
AbuMaiai ran metacity --replace, and the buttons moved over22:04
AbuMaiasorry for the waste of time folks22:04
Han#join zoneminder22:10
douglasawh-workdoes anyone have an HP Compaq nc6400 that could confirm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/53935022:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 539350 in xorg "X does not behave properly with the -16 kernel in Lucid" [Undecided,Incomplete]22:16
alesanhi, next version of kubuntu will have the latest KDE?22:18
BUG_vacationsalesan: and that is ?22:18
alesanhow can I know?22:19
alesanis there a release date for next version of kubuntu?22:19
BUG_vacationscause as you should know, x/k/ubuntu releases are made to match gnome schedule22:19
BUG_vacationsand KDE is 4 months out of phase22:19
BUG_vacationsso we don't ever match their releases for stable releases22:19
vbundiI believe 10.04 is 4.4?22:19
BUG_vacationsthink so vbundi22:19
alesanBUG_vacations, that is interesting but it does not help me22:20
alesanI mean22:20
vbundiis there not a KDE PPA for kubuntu with more 'up-to-date' packages?22:20
BUG_vacationsalesan: but if you really *need* it, there's always kubuntu-ninjas PPA with very latest22:20
alesanI could not care less about when gnome has been released (was that today for 2.30?)22:20
BUG_vacationsvbundi: :p22:20
alesanwell it's not a need22:20
alesanit's an information I would like t ohave22:20
alesanI have quite some bugs in kubuntu 9.10 related to KDE and the task bar especially22:20
BUG_vacationsalesan: being a bit more assertive would help you a lot22:21
alesanis it correct to say that most likely kubuntu 10.4 will have KDE 4.4?22:21
vbundiwww.kubuntu.com --- 'KDE SC 4.4.2 packages available'22:21
BUG_vacationshave those bugs been posted to launchpad and upstream ?22:21
Tm_Talesan: already have22:21
alesanTm_T, explain22:21
Tm_Talesan: KDE 4.4 is already in Lucid22:22
alesanBUG_vacations, no, one has to test latest version, bugs about older versions are not accepted with ease22:22
alesanLucid is... 9.10?22:22
alesanI'm confused by those names :)22:22
alesanno it's 10.422:22
BUG_vacationslucid is 10.0422:22
BUG_vacationsas I said, due to release schedules we don't match KDE22:23
BUG_vacationsbut as , again I mentioned before, there's a PPA with the lastet bits22:23
sykehow do I get the mono-3.5 profile installed? I can't figure out which package will give me it22:23
sykeCruiseControl.NET no longer builds from source as of its latest version because of this problem22:24
BUG_vacationsIf you have a launchpad bug that adresses the problem, and its fixed upstream, you can get the fixed packaged from that PPA22:24
BUG_vacationssyke $ dpkg -S  mono-3.522:24
BUG_vacationsdpkg: *mono-3.5* not found.22:24
vbundit3chkommie: fresh install of Win7 + ubuntu, Grub does not install for some reason22:24
vbundiis anyone familiar with installing grub2 manually from a livecd?22:25
sykeBUG_vacations: in /usr/lib, there are mono directories from the .NET profiles it supports. /usr/lib/mono/2.0, for instance. I need to get /usr/lib/mono/3.5 in place so I can compile CruiseControl from source22:25
sykeI thought dlr-languages would do it, but that doesn't appear to be a regular package22:26
BUG_vacationssyke: beats me22:26
BUG_vacationsvbundi: a bit22:26
BUG_vacationswhat you need ?22:26
vbundiI need to install grub2 from a livecd22:26
vbundiI am trying to dualboot win7 and lucid22:27
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vbundiwhen I install Lucid after win7, I don't get grub, and the only thing that will boot is win722:27
swoodyvbundi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD :)22:30
swoodyhas worked for me a few times :)22:30
douglasawh-workhad someone walk in the door... to finish my thought from earlier... I've tried it on another model of HP with an ATI card and it has the same problem. It's a nx model rather than nc, but I don't have it in front of me. I think it's nc9 something with four digits22:31
BUG_vacationshey douglasawh-work22:32
douglasawh-workBUG_vacations: where are you vacationing?22:33
BUG_vacationshome right now22:33
BUG_vacationswill be doing some (more) shopping this weekend22:33
BUG_vacationsvisiting a few places,22:33
BUG_vacationsand  maybe a trip to Lisbon next week to gather with a few friends22:34
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Berzerkeris there anyway to change the login screen background/theme?22:39
mustelowhen I close my lid, I have it set to blank screen, but my internet disconnects. I'm not finding much in google, is this a known issue?+22:50
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jwhitleyI've run into trouble upgrading a HAL setup for my trackball to udev on Lucid.  I've got the config in place; it appears to load correctly via "udevadm test ...", and confirmed in /var/log/udev.  But x11_option settings never take hold, don't show via xinput list-props.  ideas?22:57
BUG_vacationsmustelo: never seen it22:58
BUG_vacationsplease file a bug22:58
mustelosigh, okay, thanks BUG_vacations22:58
nhasianany idea why my iphone 3G no longer mounts when i plug it in?23:01
BUG_vacationsjraxxo: hi23:07
jraxxoI've got a prob...23:07
jraxxowith my new kubuntu23:07
jraxxosometimes the sound won't work, even though the boot and shutdown sounds work every time oO23:07
jraxxoits quite strange...any advice?23:08
jraxxoaudiocard is an integrated RealTek ALC889A HQ audio...23:10
jraxxodoes anyone have an idea why this could be happening?23:12
DrakesonCan I complain about the default theme here?23:13
crimsunyou can, but I certainly will just /dev/null it :-)23:15
Drakesonopen System > Appearance look at the top left of the window. does the area around the close button look normal to you?23:16
crimsunjraxxo: do you have a pure Kubuntu install, or is pulseaudio also installed?23:16
DrakesonSomething has to be said about the "quality control" that has been put into the new themes. I hope the themes are not in freeze now.23:18
crimsunthis really isn't the proper avenue to get it fixed; use LP23:18
BUG_vacationsDrakeson: yes, UI team is testing it like that23:19
Drakesonwhere is the UI team channel?23:20
syddrafI am running Lucid and the network manager is not loading into the Notification Area, and there is no network access. my wireless card is added to /etc/network/interfaces (along with the loopback interface). Any tips on how I can rectify this issue?23:20
penguin42syddraf: if you do   ps -eaf|grep Network  does it show NetworkManager?23:21
Drakesonubottu: UI team23:23
syddrafI'll have to boot over to check. (only computer)  What would I do if it is/isn't there?23:23
ninjaiwhat is the best possible thing for me to do if ubuntu completely refuses to aknowledge that my key comination for adjusting monitor brightness is there?23:23
ninjaixev shows nothing23:24
crimsunninjai: see acpi debugging23:24
Drakesonsome keyboards don't report some key combinations (hardware problem)23:25
penguin42syddraf: you could try start network-manager if it isn't there, if it is there then it sounds like just the GUI that needs attacking23:25
ninjaidrakeson: its not a hardware problem though.  Works fine in windows, and even when the boot loader is loaded23:25
crimsunninjai: hmm, that sounds like gnome-settings-daemon23:26
syddrafi've tried start network-manager before and it doesnt work23:26
ninjaicrimsun: any way i can fix it?23:26
Drakesonninjai: try using the right keyboard layout in System > Keyboard > Layout23:27
BUG_vacationsDrakeson: the desin team as the worse name to pronouce23:28
ninjaidrakeson: what do you mean by "right" keyboard layout? I'm using US23:28
Drakesonninjai: sorry, I meant the right keyboard model actually23:28
dna42hi guys, is wlan on the eee 1005HA supported?23:29
ninjaidrakeson: model?23:29
joaopintobrightness key combinations are not related to the keyboard layout, the hotkeys for your kbd model must be properly setup23:29
Drakesonninjai: System > Keyboard > Layout > "Keyboard model"23:29
penguin42syddraf: OK, I think the thing to do is to figure out if it's running 1st, then try running nm-applet   that is the gui for it (if you're on Gnome)23:30
ninjaiDrakeson: what would I be changing it to? I dont want dvorak or anythin lol23:30
syddrafpenguin42: Ok. I'll go give that a shot.23:30
syddrafpenguin42: Thank you.23:31
penguin42syddraf: Thank me if you get it to work23:31
joaopintonick125, / Drakeson , special hotkeys are not defined at the basic keyboard  settings level23:31
joaopintonick125, please check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting23:32
Drakesonninjai: see what joaopinto says ^^^^^^^^^^23:32
joaopintoops, was for ninjai23:33
Drakesondoes debootstrap not work in an HFS+ partition?23:33
penguin42Drakeson: I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if the casedness of it broke it23:33
ninjaii've already been to that wiki :( no success23:33
ninjaii would also like to not that the brightness gnome panel applet doesnt work23:34
Drakesonpenguin42: I tried the case sensitive one, too23:34
Drakesonldconfig coredumps. chroot tells me there is no group id 0 .23:35
penguin42Drakeson: Can you describe the setup your trying to chroot a bit more please23:36
* Drakeson looks like a deer-in-headlight23:36
* penguin42 takes Drakeson's antlers23:37
Drakesonpenguin42: USB emulator in VirtualBox in OSX!23:38
ninjaijoaopinto & drakeson: I'll try a few of these when im off work in 1.5hrs23:38
penguin42Drakeson: Ooooohhhhk, so you're running virtualbox on OSX, fine, where does the USB emulator come in?23:38
dna42can someone show me a helpful page or smth. about that for getting wlan to run on a netbook?23:39
apparleWhen will the beta2 come out?23:39
penguin42dna42: It should just work; failing that check the system->administration->hardware drivers to see if it wants anything23:39
Drakesonpenguin42: trying to make an ubuntu USB disk.23:40
penguin42Drakeson: So explain, where is the chroot?23:41
Drakesonpenguin42: on the USB drive, (fs made with mkfs.hfsplus -s)23:42
Drakesonshould not matter23:42
arandapparle: schedule in topic ↑23:42
Drakesonand it works with ext423:42
syddrafpenguin42: http://pastebin.com/eN2B6Pvf23:42
penguin42Drakeson: Why are you making the USB drive hfs?23:43
JohnFluxHi all23:43
JohnFluxI upgraded last night, and now Firefox crashes continually23:43
JohnFluxdigg.com  in particular seems to make it crash, predictably23:43
penguin42syddraf: Well, it's good NetworkManager is running; do you have a panel? And a notification area?23:44
syddrafpenguin42: Yes. There are the standard two gnome panels and the Notification Area is on the top one.23:44
penguin42syddraf: Weird, nm-applet should bring it up in the notification area23:44
arandJohnFlux: search for bug if not present report it ;)23:44
Drakesonpenguin42: to make it accessible to both linux and OSX23:45
joaopintothe current flgrx driver is already compatible with the current Xorg version ?23:45
penguin42Drakeson: I'd make one partition on the USB drive for the OS and install that as normal and then a 2nd for any data you want to swap between the two23:46
JohnFluxarand: ah there's a new version this morning.  This seems to fix the specific crashes :)23:47
Drakesonpenguin42: I found that I *have* to do that since apparently debootstrap does not work on hfsplus.  One more thing that I want to eventually do is to be able to create an ubuntu chroot from within OSX (not from a live cd).23:48
dna42penguin42: dou you now the actual name of the networkmanager?23:48
dna42i have the strong feeling that it is not running23:48
penguin42dna42: NetworkManager does the work, nm-applet is the little panel thing23:48
dna42nm-applet is running23:49
dna42but i dont see a process that is called networkmanager or smth. like that23:49
dna42penguin42: im just not sure how it is called23:49
penguin42dna42: NetworkManager with the capital N and M23:50
Drakesondna42: ps aux | grep -i network | grep -i manager23:50
Drakesonif there is nothing then it is not running23:50
dna42Drakeson: thanks, found it23:51
myk_robinsonanyone have any info on the regression regarding screen brightness and intel graphics23:52
dna42so what could i do now? networkmanager runs, nm-applet runs and still no wifi on my eee23:52
LamoWhat happened to the services option in the menu i.e. so you could disable bluetooth etc.23:52
syddrafLooks like dna42 and I are having the same problem23:52
jdobrienhmm packages are still in flux :( I guess that's why ubuntuon-client-gnome AMD64 is still hosed23:54
penguin42(The 1000 v 1024 sizing is going to take years to get right - on the startup disk creator it's just created me a filesystem labelled as '4.1GB Filesystem' on a disk it's listing with 3.8GB capacity23:54
Drakesongrub-pc and grub-efi are mutually exclusive. is one a subset of the other?23:54
dna42syddraf: do you use the eeepc-tray?23:55
syddrafdna42: no, I have a dell, but the whole network-manager running but no internet thing sounds exactly like whats happening to me23:55
johnnyCbadpenguin42: Why was it set to 1000 in the first place?23:56
penguin42johnnyCbad: LONG story; after all that IS what the SI unit K is23:56
penguin42or M23:56
dna42syddraf:which gui do you use? (i use xfce)23:56
syddrafdna42: gnome23:56
dna42syddraf:clean install or upgrade?23:57
syddrafdna42: Think I might have done... one upgrade?23:57
myk_robinsonis there a file that I can edit for my GNome menu instead of using the menu editor?23:58
dna42syddraf: sorry, i meant if you istalled fresh from a cd or upgraded your 9.1023:58
syddrafdna42: fresh beta1 install23:58
dna42syddraf: i did an upgrade, so the type of installation cant be the fault also23:59

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