
seidoswhoa, I don't get it00:00
pedro3005seidos, yeah00:00
seidosI'll read it a few more times00:00
MadameTockCamus = Absurdism!00:00
pedro3005MadameTock, camus is cool man00:00
MadameTockpedro3005, very much so.00:01
pedro3005MadameTock, :D00:01
pedro3005MadameTock, it is hard to read, though. maybe I just suck at philosphy00:01
seidospedro3005, maybe philosophy is hard, like python00:02
MadameTockpedro3005, maybe I have read too much :p00:02
seidosMadameTock, are you the Oracle?00:02
tenachPhilosophy is harder than Python :P00:02
pedro3005seidos, it's a basic logic game. If we say everything is true, we are saying that a statement which conditions itself as false being true, thus a contradiction00:02
MadameTockseidos, I have been accused of such in the past :p00:02
pedro3005seidos, if we say all is false, our own affirmation is false.00:03
seidosMadameTock, tricky.  perhaps accusations are enough to make one the Oracle00:03
MadameTockCamus' whole point was that reality is beyond the grasp of human consciousness, but not beyond logic, wasn't it?00:04
pedro3005and if we nit-pick, that is, affirm that only ours or only ours affirmation and its opposite is true, we still need to affirm an infinite number of statements00:04
seidospedro3005, I don't get it.  I suck at philosophy worse than you :)00:04
MadameTockseidos, so I have heard. I guess that being the Oracle isn't so bad.00:04
seidosMadameTock, I like cookies00:05
pedro3005MadameTock, he indeed say (at least, I believe) that reality is beyond our grasp.00:05
pedro3005It is not the world that is absurd, nor human thought: the absurd arises when the human need to understand meets the unreasonableness of the world, when "my appetite for the absolute and for unity" meets "the impossibility of reducing this world to a rational and reasonable principle."00:05
MadameTockseidos, I'll have to beam some to you00:05
MadameTockAh ha!00:06
pedro3005MadameTock, he is then denying science00:06
seidosso camus is saying reality is logical?00:06
pedro3005seidos, I suppose so; and I would most definitely agree with him, if he is00:06
pedro3005MadameTock, isn't science all about reducing the world to rational principles?00:07
seidospedro3005, I'm not sure that I can affirm reality is logical00:07
seidoslife and death are illogical when seen together, are they not?00:07
tenach"Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is, in its broadest sense, any systematic knowledge-base or prescriptive practice that is capable of resulting in a prediction or predictable type of outcome. In this sense, science may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice."00:07
seidosor perhaps I'm missing the definition of logic00:07
tenachpedro3005, Depends on which science you are talking about.  There is a science for everything.00:08
pedro3005seidos, it's not illogical; it is absurd!00:08
seidosif everyone knew all the science that there was to know, would everything become predictable?00:08
MadameTockEverything is possibly logical00:08
tenachseidos, It would become unpredictable in x predictable ways :P00:09
MadameTockBut, we, as humans, cannot grasp that logic00:09
pedro3005seidos, you view it as illogical because " the absurd arises when the human need to understand meets the unreasonableness of the world"00:09
seidosif Everything is possibly logical then there really isn't any real hope in logic, ultimately00:09
seidosstill gotta' die00:09
seidosstill gotta suffer00:09
seidosthat's why Buddhism is so attractive00:09
MadameTockBut that does not take away existence!00:09
seidosit supposedly has the solution to suffering00:09
pedro3005tenach, ultimately, it boils down to establishing rational principles to explain the universe00:09
tenachpedro3005, and getting others to believe your word as fact.00:09
MadameTockCamus, even Sartre dismissed suicide as a viable option to escape existence00:10
pedro3005MadameTock, yes. and am yet to understand why00:10
seidosMadameTock, what about a natural death?00:10
pedro3005I am*00:10
MadameTockpedro3005, seidos, because existence of the mind, perhaps, does not stop00:10
pedro3005seidos, a natural death is ultimately random; it does not fit any purpose00:10
seidospedro3005, random?  if reality is indeed logical then it isn't random, a natural death is logical00:11
MadameTockAnd so therefore you are trapped in a loop of existence, until accepting absurdity.00:11
seidosbut when you accept absurdity you're not free from existence, you are just accepting of it00:11
pedro3005seidos, random in the sense of essentially unpredictable, undefined00:11
seidosit's kind of like Buddhism, except Buddhism proposes escape is possible by eliminating craving00:12
tenachseidos, and therefore, happy. xD00:12
tenach(in regard to accepting absurdity)00:12
pedro3005there is no force controlling it, therefore essentially random00:12
* seidos thinks he should meditate00:12
seidosit's kind of the same thing accepting the absurd and eliminating craving00:12
pedro3005MadameTock, did he really say that?00:13
seidospedro3005, there are all kinds of forces controlling it00:13
pedro3005seidos, well, yes. but it is ultimately random00:14
MadameTockpedro3005, that is how I understand it00:14
seidospedro3005, not understood doesn't necessarily mean it's random00:14
seidospedro3005, in fact, with enough knowledge random things become less random00:14
seidoswell maybe not the quantum stuff00:15
pedro3005seidos, I disagree00:15
seidosthat might truly be random by its nature00:15
seidosthis is the debate einstein had with bohr I think00:15
seidosdoes randomness truly exist?00:15
seidosEinstein believed in a deterministic Universe00:16
pedro3005seidos, if you know all the facts about the universe, you can exactly dictate the next instant; but not the one after it00:16
seidosI tend to lean towards that00:16
pedro3005randomness comes essentially with time00:16
pedro3005or else, every fact and every time line has been defined since the very first instance of existence00:16
seidospedro3005, but if you can dictate the next instant, couldn't you dictate the one after that ad infinitum?00:16
seidosI think we found the absurd00:17
seidosmaybe there is no answer to whether the Universe is random or deterministic00:17
pedro3005MadameTock, what do you think?00:17
seidosgood call, ask the Oracle00:18
seidosI mean ask MadameTock00:18
MadameTockMy thoughts on whether the world is random or deterministic?00:19
pedro3005MadameTock, yes, your thoughts on our last few messages00:19
MadameTockDeterministic would infer that the universe and indeed, existence, has parameters that are clearly defined.00:20
pedro3005seidos, duee00:21
pedro3005seidos, I think this is really the absurd00:21
MadameTockBut can we grasp the greater logic that is needed to define those parameters?00:21
MadameTockCan we create formulae for existence?00:21
pedro3005Randomness comes essentially with time, and we are trying to determine the exact instant of randomness; that is our hunger for the absolute and the unity00:22
MadameTockA stochastic model00:22
MadameTockRandomness is present,00:22
pedro3005MadameTock, if we theoretically could, would we be able to predict the future?00:22
MadameTockvariables are not described by unique values, but instead by probability distribution.00:23
MadameTockWithin reason. Within the probability parameters.00:23
bgs100Is it possible to predict the next state of a certain atom?00:24
MadameTockAh, specifics!00:24
MadameTockAre you in control? Are there outside forces?00:25
pedro3005bgs100, there is the heisenberg uncertainty principle00:25
MadameTockpedro3005, seidos, I break things down in to mathematical terms a lot, when I am discussing philosophy, because for me they are quite close. Stochastic models are often compared to Deterministic models.00:26
seidosnever heard of Stochastic models00:26
seidosMadameTock, is it possible for everyone to predict the future without some person ruining it for everybody through their hunger for power?00:27
seidosMadameTock, what are your thoughts on Buddhism?00:27
pedro3005Let's compare it to a tossed coin00:27
pedro3005It is not random; if you knew all the facts of the universe, you could calculate the side a tossed coin will fall00:28
MadameTockpedro3005, I do so often00:28
MadameTockseidos, I think that it is a valid system of belief00:28
pedro3005Are our actions (for instance) also essentially determinable? Meaning we would only need enough information to predict them?00:28
bgs100Can you predict the actions of a single bacterium?00:29
seidosMadameTock, Christianity?00:29
seidospedro3005, I think the answer is yes00:30
MadameTockbgs100, if the bacterium is known and understood.00:30
pedro3005seidos, yes? So every choice you ever made in your life, everything you ever did, was determined before it happened?00:31
MadameTockpedro3005, again, if we are known and understood completely. But, you see, I think that we operate on a Stochastic base.00:31
MadameTockseidos, that's a tough one. At it's base, I think that Christianity is quite similar to any other religion. Achieve higher thought and existence, escape the cycle.00:31
pedro3005I don't view it as valid00:32
pedro3005It's a mere escape route of the absurd00:32
MadameTockpedro3005, you see, similar. Not necessarily valid.00:32
MadameTockSo, this is what you guys talk about all day?00:34
pedro3005MadameTock, not at all00:34
tenachThis is a first that I've seen it, MadameTock00:34
pedro3005MadameTock, well me and seidos usually talk about it00:34
pedro3005not openly00:34
MadameTockGlad you've come out of the philosophical closet00:35
MadameTockI was going to say, I should have joined this channel long ago. :p00:35
pedro3005MadameTock, probably won't last. someone is bound to bitch about how this isn't support and demand us go elsewhere00:37
Bodsdapedro3005: this 'is' a support channel00:37
Bodsdahey tenach00:37
MadameTockUh ohs.00:37
tenachHello Bodsda00:38
MadameTockpedro3005, we're in trouble. :p00:38
BodsdaMadameTock: quite the opposite00:38
Bodsdatenach: how goes you?00:38
* bgs100 never knew there was a ##philosophy channel.00:38
tenachBodsda, I'm doing pretty good, MadameTock here just made a bunch of baked goodies. :)00:38
seidospedro3005, we can go to #ubuntu-beginners-team00:39
Bodsdatenach: sounds good to me - cookies make the world go round00:39
tenachIndeed they do, Bodsda00:39
Nose_PickI like making baked goods00:39
tenachHow about yourself?  How goes you?00:39
Nose_PickInfused with THC!00:40
pedro3005seidos, no way in hell!00:40
Bodsdatenach: not bad, went to the hospital today00:40
pedro3005Nose_Pick, :o00:40
tenachBodsda, good or bad visit?00:40
Bodsdatenach: I have pictures of my baby :)00:40
tenachBodsda, very good then, I see!00:40
Nose_PickGood vibes pedro00:40
Bodsdayeah, 13 weeks and 5 days00:40
Bodsdawell, 6 days now00:41
seidosNose_Pick, my experience with THC resulted in psychosis00:42
Bodsdatenach: just to check, have you signed the ubuntu CoC?00:42
tenachBodsda, several times, since I never remember how to recover a gpg key :(00:43
Bodsdaguys, sorry to be a downer, but can we keep that sort of discussion out of this channel please. If you want to discuss the affects of drugs, it can be done elsewhere or in PM00:43
Bodsdatenach: lol, good stuff00:43
pedro3005Nose_Pick, indeed00:44
pedro3005seidos, maybe that's why you're so crazy nowadays00:45
running_rabbit07Would leaving the CMOS jumper on clear while booting cause damage to a system?00:46
Bodsdatenach: just saving the wiki page, everything is in place for your nominatiosn at the next meeting00:46
seidospedro3005, there's no doubt in my mind that it was a mitigating factor.  THC affects the brain in mysterious ways00:46
pedro3005running_rabbit07, I suppose not.. that would be a huge designing flaw00:46
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: no, but the jumper is used to reset CMOS/BIOS settings00:46
pedro3005seidos, it's not permanent00:47
Bodsdaseidos: seriuosly, not in this channel00:47
running_rabbit07ok, there is a psycho posting for people to do that to get rid of root kits00:47
running_rabbit07in UF00:47
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: link please00:47
seidosBodsda, roger00:47
Bodsdathank you00:47
collinpGuys, could we please move general chatter to #ubuntu-beginners-team ?00:47
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: what was the name of the user who posted this?00:48
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: as these posts are so long, could you give me the post number, otherwise i'm gonna read the whole thread, which takes a while :)00:49
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: excellent, thank you00:50
tenachWeird, my gnome session logged me out after I walked away.00:50
Bodsdatenach: it was clearly lonely and trying to make a statement00:51
tenachBodsda, apparently so00:53
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: it doesnt seem that he is telling people to leave the jumper on, but he is saying that is what he did00:53
running_rabbit07I am sure if anyone sees it, they'll see my post below it and think twice before trying it. Thanks for looking at it.00:54
Bodsdarunning_rabbit07: I would be inclined to let the thread die. It does not seem to be very active and to be honest, I think his problems with booting a livecd were not related to this apparent rootkit.00:54
BodsdaThis is before mentioning that if you managed to write code to the bios/cmos you would have to flash it, and afaik a jumper reset would not clear this 'upgrade'00:55
pedro3005hello dronkot00:56
dronkotI have a question.00:56
pedro3005dronkot, what is it?00:57
dronkotI have Karmic Koala. And i tried to update to 10.04. I tried00:57
collinpUbuntu 10.04 is still pre-release software - it shouldn't show up as a release until it's release date.00:58
collinpos[Linux 2.6.32-16-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[1 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1.80GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.79GHz] mem[Physical: 1002.0MB, 30.3% free] disk[Total: 55.0GB, 44.1% free] video[nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200]] sound[ICH - Intel 82801BA-ICH2]00:59
collinp^ <3 that script00:59
seidoswhat kernel does karmic use?01:00
dronkotI have Karmic Koala. And i tried to update to 10.04. I tried use Synaptic software but it didn't recogniezed new stable version Ubuntu.01:00
pedro3005dronkot, 10.04 isn't out yet01:00
collinpdronkot: 10.04 isn't stable - it's still prelease/beta software.01:00
collinpIt hasen't been officially released yet.01:00
dronkotHow i can fix this or i need use different method to update Ubuntu to 10.0401:00
dronkotHow i can fix this or i need use different method to update Ubuntu to 10.04?01:00
collinp<pedro3005> dronkot, 10.04 isn't out yet01:00
collinp<collinp> dronkot: 10.04 isn't stable - it's still prelease/beta software.01:01
collinp<collinp> It hasen't been officially released yet.01:01
running_rabbit07If you are wanting to test it, then it is best to download and do a clean install. The upgrade will break your machine.01:01
collinprunning_rabbit07: ...not really, but it can cause conflicts.01:02
collinp(I upgraded when the toolchain was initially uploaded to the repositories - when the Lucid repos were first opened for upload)01:02
running_rabbit07to some that equals broken01:02
running_rabbit07same here01:02
running_rabbit07in a vbox01:02
collinpIf you don't want a busted system, don't run beta software.01:03
running_rabbit07very true01:03
collinpI don't care, since I can actually fix my system without very many problems.01:03
running_rabbit07I have it on my netbook, it purrs.01:03
dronkotOk i got it. Thanks you a lot.  Have somebody tried 10.04 unstaible release?01:03
Bodsdavirtual machines are useful01:03
collinpdronkot: I've been running it since they first announced it and opened the repositories for it for package upload.01:03
collinpIt's turning out nicely, but it still has problems.01:04
running_rabbit07the vbox finds some bugs but not the important ones01:04
dronkotCollinp do you like new version?01:05
BodsdaI despise one thing in Lucid01:05
Bodsdano gimp!01:05
Bodsdaone of the reasons is this - Since Windows doesn’t carry any powerful image editing software as default, so no need to provide that bulky software in Ubuntu as well01:06
Bodsdathat is disgraceful as far as I am concerned01:06
phillwdronkot: I've been running it as my 'main' install (production) since end of January -- I keep lots of backups, but it hasn't borked on me :-D01:06
running_rabbit07I use mtPaint, but it is MT of good tools01:06
collinpBodsda: GIMP - and it's dependencies - are huge, and most people wont' use most of the features it provides.01:06
swoodyBodsda: is the Lucid image still going to be the same size?01:07
Bodsdacollinp: so ditch gnome for the same rason, use a lightweight WM01:07
tenachI hope 10.04 is a bit smaller01:07
swoodyI wonder what they're going to fill that space with :/01:07
collinpAnd we should probably move this discussion to #ubuntu-beginners-team ;)01:07
Bodsdaswoody: probably01:07
dronkotBodsda: You are right i agree with. Ubuntu users need this powerfull image editor!!!11801:08
tenachYou can alwasy install it after you install Ubuntu. :)01:08
collinp"sudo apt-get install gimp" - problem solved.01:08
Bodsdaeven if they don't, not installing because windows doesnt have an equivalent is pathetic. Since when does ubuntu model its OS as a Windows replacement. - anyway, enough about gimp01:08
collinpNo need to include it by default, you can easily install it if you want it, and it'll save a ton of install disk space.01:09
BodsdaI still think there are other things that waste space, OOo, Gnome, Games, Nautilus, Synaptic, rhythmbox - all of these are replaced on my system asap01:10
Bodsdareplaced or removed01:10
tenachI started using ubuntu-minimal to install it on my machines.01:11
tenachor ubuntu server01:11
collinp<collinp> And we should probably move this discussion to #ubuntu-beginners-team ;)01:11
collinpAnd I'll brb - gotta reboot.01:12
Bodsdanight guys01:12
Nose_Pickdoes anybody know how to stop root password being changed with the sudo command?01:33
seidosNose_Pick, not typing the command?01:39
BodsdaI would not have thought this is possible Nose_Pick - you could remove peoples ability to sudo but im unsure about disabling changing of passwords01:42
Nose_PickBut if you where say ssh into a server01:49
Nose_PickThere would be no way too01:50
Nose_Picksudo passwd root01:50
Nose_Pickand change01:50
Nose_Pickthanks bodsda01:51
BodsdaNose_Pick: actually, depending on the account that you are ssh'ing too, you could change the root passwd01:56
BodsdaNose_Pick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/407346/01:58
Bodsdaim off for the night this time01:58
* Bodsda is afk01:58
=== mohi1 is now known as mohi_away
=== bgs100 is now known as bgs000
pedro3005hello compiledkernel03:28
yvan300compiledkernel, i realised that your links no longer work!03:32
pedro3005yvan300, thank god03:32
yvan300pedro3005, that ain't a good thing!03:40
pedro3005yvan300, you liked that links?03:41
MadameTockpedro3005, XD04:13
pedro3005MadameTock, you ever seen them?04:13
pedro3005it's horrible04:13
MadameTockWhat what?04:13
pedro3005MadameTock, the compiledkernel stuff04:14
MadameTockHmm mm. I have not.04:14
pedro3005MadameTock, then don't04:14
MadameTockOkay, I'll try not to.04:14
ZachK_welcome david_vasta04:30
running_rabbit07there are 7 unanswered threads on the first page if anyone feels like donating a few minutes.04:34
running_rabbit07General Help04:34
ZachK_running_rabbit07: gonna just say and not do eh?04:35
ZachK_running_rabbit07: kidding04:35
running_rabbit07lol, I am trying04:35
ZachK_nice...there we go...04:38
running_rabbit07Some are beyond my skills to heel04:39
ZachK_running_rabbit07: i see04:40
ZachK_what's goin on?04:42
running_rabbit07is there any way to change the account name listed in the indicator on the top panel to a user's full name without changing the account name?04:44
nomnexDoes someone uses DjVu format? is it still actual? the doc I come across on the net is fairly old (~y2006)05:27
pedro3005nomnex, never used it05:27
nomnexanyone else how uses (used) it?05:28
nomnexpedro3005, seems to be a popular format, but not to me either, till this day05:29
pedro3005nomnex, what's it for?05:29
nomnexarchiving books with pictures or heavy graphics (same function as a .pdf but different)05:30
running_rabbit07nope, never tried it either05:31
nomnexI was wondering is DjVu was deprecated?05:31
nomnexokay folks, thanks for the feedback05:32
nomnexFIY http://djvu.sourceforge.net/05:32
Nose_PickDoes anyone know an irc chan that posts RSS feeds?06:11
tenachNose_Pick, what do you mean?06:30
Silver_Fox_Welcome back Akos09:14
=== Akos is now known as Guest43952
=== Guest43952 is now known as Go
=== Go is now known as Guest90330
=== Guest90330 is now known as Akos_
Akos_thx Silver_Fox_ (:09:23
Silver_Fox_Having trouble with IRC Akos_  ? :)09:23
Akos_Silver_Fox_: this nickserv thing is killing me, i can't auth to Akos, it sais it's not available atm09:24
Silver_Fox_Not seen that one before09:24
Akos_(10:22:49)[freenode] -!- Nick Akos is temporarily unavailable09:25
Silver_Fox_Akos_,   Have a look at this:  http://michielvwessem.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/irssi-freenode-nickname-temporarily-unavailable/09:26
Akos_okay,i'll hump nicks now, beware :P09:26
Akos_Silver_Fox_: thank you, i talked to a staffer in #freenode09:26
=== Akos_ is now known as go
=== go is now known as Akos
Akosthere we go (:09:26
* Silver_Fox_ bets you needed to release the nickname09:27
Akosyepp, that was it, release (:09:27
Silver_Fox_When is your next show Akos  ?09:28
AkosSilver_Fox_: i dunno, maybe on saturday .. ?09:28
Akosi always go online at random times, but you can listen to the shows on my blog, i always record them and post them as podcasts09:28
Silver_Fox_Oh,  okay,  that works :)09:29
* Silver_Fox_ kills ABT: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=32609:29
Silver_Fox_Hmm, daoes just posted09:30
Silver_Fox_Any plans for the day Akos  ?09:38
* Silver_Fox_ has seriously boring day ahead09:39
AkosSilver_Fox_: oh yeah, me too :P Not much, work and work ..09:42
Silver_Fox_Seen the google april 1st joke ?09:42
Silver_Fox_Akos ->  http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/landing/translateforanimals/tour.html09:43
Akoshaha, yeah, heard about it on twitter, although i didn't check it out, i can't open links on this pc09:44
Akosso you're going to the US eh? (:09:46
Silver_Fox_Yes,  I need a break09:46
Silver_Fox_3 weeks in the sun09:48
Akosouh wow, sun and heat (:09:48
Silver_Fox_Flying May 21st09:49
Silver_Fox_Next month!!!! Argh!!!09:49
AkosSilver_Fox_: I hope you'll enjoy it (:10:06
Akoshi ZachK_10:06
Silver_Fox_Thank you Akos10:06
ZachK_hi Akos10:07
ZachK_what's goin on ya'll?10:11
ZachK_freezeloud: welcome10:32
freezeloudZachK_: hi :)10:33
ZachK_freezeloud: and how are u today?10:33
freezeloudZachK_: quite well i thought10:40
ZachK_freezeloud: ok...10:40
freezeloudZachK_: i'm just at school... what about you10:42
ZachK_freezeloud: at home...no school for me...10:42
freezeloudZachK_: lucky you10:43
ZachK_freezeloud: what school highschool or college?10:43
freezeloudZachK_: college10:46
ZachK_freezeloud: cool10:46
freezeloudZachK_: yes, if i did not have to repeat last 3 years because of lack of interest in previous study10:49
ZachK_freezeloud: ouch10:49
freezeloudZachK_: btw. sorry, my english is not as well as i wish :)10:49
ZachK_freezeloud: it's fine10:50
freezeloudZachK_: and what you? work?10:52
ZachK_freezeloud: yup10:52
ZachK_freezeloud: as for Ubuntu speciality I do wiki work/forums10:52
freezeloudZachK_: wow, nice10:53
ZachK_freezeloud: my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZachK_10:54
ZachK_just for peeps10:54
freezeloudZachK_: ubuntu wiki and forums are greate help to anyone who use ubuntu. I spent a lot time there10:57
freezeloudZachK_: btw. are you using lucid beta or still karmic?10:58
ZachK_freezeloud: i use karmic but right now i'm running windows vista10:58
freezeloudZachK_: so you probably don't know anything about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/535640 - lucid on laptops log you out if you close lid... I can't get ridd of it...11:09
ZachK_freezeloud: nope...sorry11:14
freezeloudZachK_: no problem11:14
freezeloudZachK_: I'm just installing new intel-gpu-tools from ppa so will see, thanks for you time :)11:16
ZachK_freezeloud: ok11:16
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as iRock_
=== iRock_ is now known as running_rabbit07
=== Silver_Fox_ is now known as Fae
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as iRock_
=== iRock_ is now known as uRock
=== uRock is now known as running_rabbit07
drubinwhen are the votes for council supposed to be announced... or have they and I didn't get the mmeo19:33
drubinThe poll has been announced to end Tue Apr 06 23:59 UTC 201019:33
paultagdrubin: poke pokety poke poke poke22:24
drubinpaultag: ping bong22:26
paultagdrubin: :)22:26
drubinHow goes in the land of down under22:26
paultagdrubin: long thyme no chat :)22:26
paultagdrubin: not too bad, hows ZA these days?22:26
drubinhi smee222:27
drubinpaultag: same old same old hey.22:27
paultagdrubin: aye22:27
smee2can anyone suggest a good book for learning how to use the shell?22:27
drubinOO and the ubuntu-za website is gone22:27
paultagdrubin: why?22:27
drubinsmee2: what exactly do you want to do in the shell22:27
paultagsmee2: Humm. Not really. I can find you online manuals, though22:27
smee2learn how to write simple scripts i guess.  i'm pretty new.22:28
drubinsmee2: do you mean to make scripts or just learn which commands do what?22:28
drubinsmee2: Ah that answers my question22:28
smee2drubin: i did some tutorials that pretty much covered some basic commands, but i'd like to learn a little more.  but something that explains things well22:29
smee2paultag: online manuals would be great.  i just want something targeted to a newer user with basic programming skills22:29
smee2i saw a couple of books on amazon:22:30
smee2A Practical Guide to Linux(R) Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming 22:30
paultagsmee2: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/22:31
smee2Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours22:31
paultagsmee2: anything that says you can program in 24 hours is lying to you22:31
drubinsmee2: that one that paultag linked is decent22:31
paultagsmee2: I learned much of what I can do now from that22:31
paultagoh gee thanks drubin ;)22:31
smee2 drubin, paultag: would that be too advanced for a beginner?22:32
drubinsmee2: I don't think so22:32
paultagsmee2: no way22:32
smee2drubin, paultag:  ok.  when linux is concerned, i try to stay away from anything that says 'advanced'22:33
smee2drubin, paultag: thanks a lot.  i'll go get started on that now.22:34
paultagsmee2: :)22:34
paultagsmee2: let us know how it goes22:34
smee2sounds good.  thanks!22:34
drubinsmee2: also google for command line fu22:37
smee2drubin:  nice, thanks.  that looks pretty useful22:42
drubinsmee2: also trailing the forums can be cool.22:46
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