
dobeykenvandine: around?00:05
* dobey needs to find a main uploader00:09
TheMusodobey: What needs uploading?00:12
dobeyTheMuso: i'm about to roll ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client releases, and since the freeze deadline is in 45 min, i was looking for someone that can actually do the upload (since i don't have the privs yet)00:14
TheMusodobey: Sure, give me bzr repo URLs in order of upload and I can do them.00:14
dobeyTheMuso: will do as soon as i get them pushed :)00:14
TheMusoand/or tarballs, I don't know how you guys do releases.00:14
dobeyTheMuso: i usually update a package branch with the release, and push00:15
TheMusodobey: ok00:15
* dobey grabs a coke and gets the releases done00:15
dobeyTheMuso: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntuone-storage-protocol/trunk/+merge/22581 first one :)00:46
TheMusodobey: ok00:46
TheMusodobey: let me know when client is ready, test building storage-protocol now.00:53
dobeyTheMuso: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntuone-client/trunk/+merge/2258200:53
dobeyTheMuso: good timing :)00:54
TheMusook will get on that once storage-protocol is done.00:54
dobeyTheMuso: great. you are a savior! :)00:55
TheMusodobey: np00:56
TheMusodobey: storage-protocol uploaded.01:00
TheMusoTest building client now.01:01
RAOFStupid fridge.  Why doesn't it have a cow in there so I'd never run out of milk for coffee?01:03
TheMusoRAOF: lol01:04
TheMusodobey: client uploaded.01:04
dobeyTheMuso: great! thanks so much!01:05
TheMusodobey: You're welcome.01:05
chrisccoulsonRAOF - this is why i drink coffee without milk ;)01:38
RAOFBut you need an espresso machine to make that work properly, and my brother hasn't bought mine yet :)01:39
kenvandineRAOF, have you seen bug 533435 ?04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 533435 in f-spot "f-spot hangs after exporting pictures to local folder" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53343504:00
RAOFkenvandine: I had not.  Thanks for raising it.04:03
kenvandineit is driving my wife nuts... which in turn makes her bug me :)04:06
kenvandineit is weird that i can't make it fail on my laptop04:07
RAOFArgh.  F-Spot is still a rich source of five vitamins and crashes.04:12
RAOFHoly race condition, Batman!04:26
kenvandineRAOF, i guess you found it :)04:27
RAOFNo, but I have managed to reproduce it once, outside the debugger.04:28
RAOFGAH!  Stop killing f-spot, X.04:28
RAOFHurray for GTK's thread-unsafety!06:22
RAOFkenvandine: You say your wife's laptop reliably hangs?  It's much more difficult for me to reproduce the problem, but I think I've got a fix; can you test?06:40
AmaranthRAOF: I've yet to see a toolkit you can use from multiple threads06:43
lifelessAmaranth: GDI, sadly.06:44
AmaranthWow, that's pretty cool actually06:44
AmaranthNot even Cocoa allows it06:44
pittiGood morning07:19
RAOFGood morning.07:20
* pitti -> doctor appointment, back in ~ 1 hour07:46
didrocksgood morning08:17
didrockssalut baptistemm08:42
seb128hey hey desktopers08:43
didrockshey seb128 ;) how you are before your week-end?08:52
didrocks(I'm updating metacity btw)08:52
seb128hello didrocks08:53
seb128good thank you08:53
baptistemmwe have a candidate to fix for ubuntu release in gnome-bluetooth08:53
didrocksI'm good too, early evening are great sometimes!08:53
didrocksbaptistemm: candidate=you or a patch? :)08:54
seb128baptistemm, candidate?08:54
seb128didrocks, ;-)08:54
seb128didrocks, while doing the update could you look to the default nworkspace?08:54
seb128it still seems to be 208:54
baptistemmduring the night I had a lot of dup on the bug I reported yesterday (double-free problem)08:54
seb128I though you said you would change that when you looked at it before08:54
didrocksseb128: oh really? I was thinking I fixed that a while ago…08:54
seb128baptistemm, did you get a fix or just a bug?08:55
seb128didrocks, seems not in current lucid guest session08:55
seb128but my install might be screwed08:55
seb128I'm upgrading this box for years08:55
didrocksseb128: ok, let me have a look at that08:55
baptistemmseb128, I reported upŝtream, and I'm trying to ping hadess, but my time is limited08:56
seb128baptistemm, did you get a valgrind log?08:57
seb128what is the bug number?08:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 552140 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth-applet crashed when laptop's connectivity switch was turned off: bluetooth-applet assert failure: *** glibc detected *** bluetooth-applet: double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x081443c0 ***" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:57
baptistemmit didn't exist in 2.29.x so a git bisect can help I guess09:00
seb128baptistemm, neither of you had gnome-bluetooth-dbgsym install those logs are useless09:00
* pitti waves to France09:00
seb128baptistemm, I will have a look to the issue now09:00
seb128pitti, hello!09:01
baptistemmseb128, you have a bluetooth adapter09:01
baptistemmhello pitti09:01
seb128baptistemm, I've a laptop with bluetooth09:01
pittiam I the only one who deleted 200 spam mails from LP debian bug imports today?09:01
seb128pitti, yes09:01
seb128pitti, I had like 350 of those09:01
dholbachhey guys09:01
seb128oh, dholbach having issues again09:02
seb128hey dholbach09:02
seb128dholbach, why do you join only when you have a bug? :p09:02
pittiseb128: so, "no" :)09:02
* pitti hugs dholbach09:02
dholbachI just removed almost everything out of my ~, and have "alt+1" issues again09:02
baptistemmseb128, so true :)09:02
dholbachthis sucks :)09:02
* dholbach hugs you all back09:02
dholbachseb128: because I'm in too many channels already09:02
* seb128 hugs dholbach09:02
seb128slangasek froze one day earlier that I though09:03
baptistemmI guess bluez 4.63 won't make it for lucid09:03
seb128likely not09:04
dholbachI just removed all the dot files and directories out of ~, logged into a session, alt+1 does not work09:06
dholbachW E I R D09:06
didrockshey pitti ;)09:07
seb128dholbach, is it working in the guest session?09:08
didrocksdholbach: :/09:08
dholbachseb128: yes09:09
seb128dholbach, do you have the same keyboard layout active in both sessions too09:09
dholbachseb128: I'd think so - I removed all the dot files09:10
seb128can you check?09:10
dholbachhow do I check it?09:10
seb128pitti, ^09:12
seb128you can look to the keyboard capplet09:12
seb128it should have the current layout selected09:12
pittigconftool -g /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts09:15
pittiyou can compare that in both sessions09:15
pittithat's the gnome configuration09:15
pittixprop -root|grep XKB09:15
pitti^ and that's the actual, real, REAL configuration that the X server uses (and which g-s-d sets)09:15
dholbachseb128: these are exactly the same09:16
dholbachgconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd09:16
dholbachxprop -root|grep XKB09:16
seb128pitti, so you decided to write buggy apport code to be able to close a zillion bug?09:16
seb128pitti, cheater!09:16
* seb128 hugs pitti09:16
pittiisn't it a great plan? :-)09:16
seb128dholbach, so I don't know09:16
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
seb128it's not the keyboard09:17
pittiseb128: see what damage 3 hours LP downtime can do! :-)09:17
seb128it's not the user config09:17
seb128pitti, hehe09:17
dholbachso I probably should create a new user :-(09:17
pittiseb128: but don't worry, I'm still faaar behind you09:17
dholbachthis is SO weird09:17
seb128dholbach, it does it in several softwares09:17
pittialso, the keyboard layout doesn't really affect individual keys09:17
dholbachseb128: hm?09:17
seb128usually I would tell you assigned the shortcut to an entry by error using it while the entry was selected09:18
pittiif z/ö/`/etc. are fine, then the kbd layout is correct09:18
seb128but if it happens it differents applications it's not likely the issue09:18
dpmhey seb128, I looked at the gnome-keyring string change and looks good! It got handled transparently without translator intervention -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gnome-keyring/+pots/gnome-keyring/fr/16/+translate Thanks a lot!09:18
seb128dpm, hello, oh good, thanks for checking!09:18
seb128bug #553037 shrug09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 553037 in gnome-panel "no options to stop the strange behaviour of wanda fish on april 1st" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55303709:20
dpmno worries :)09:22
mptmvo, sorry for the silly question, but: I was testing the pathbar-atk branch and software-center crashed with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". Is it useful to attach the core dump anywhere, and if so, where do I find it?09:26
mptI don't see a "core" file either in the same folder or in my home folder09:27
mvompt: oh. it it crashed locally only apport will not pick it up. you can run it inside gdb. I was using the branch too and it does not crash for me. is this reproducable?09:30
mptyes it is09:31
mvompt: what do you have to do to trigger it?09:32
mptmvo, I press Shift Tab several times while a department icon is focused in the lobby screen09:32
mptI guess that's probably a bug in trunk rather than a bug in the branch09:32
mptI'll see if I can do it in the packaged version09:33
mvosmells like webkit09:33
dholbachseb128, pitti: I just created a new user, it happens there too ;-)09:33
seb128it's weird it doesn't happen in the guest session09:34
dholbachjust ctrl-alt-t, ctrl-shift-t, alt+1 to reproduce09:34
seb128in any software?09:36
seb128well I can't try there09:36
seb128I use alt-N for workspace changes so they don't work for tabs change09:37
dholbachok, I fixed it now by having 'de' as only keyboard layout and not 'de' and 'ir'09:37
* dholbach reproduces09:38
dholbachadding 'ir' again sparks the "give me the output of xprop and kbd info please because something is broken" dialogue09:38
seb128dholbach, see it was a keyboard issue09:44
dholbachkeyboard issue?09:44
dholbachyou mean the alt+1 issue was triggered by a keyboard layout configuration?09:46
dholbachseb128: ^09:46
seb128<dholbach> ok, I fixed it now by having 'de' as only keyboard layout and not 'de' and 'ir'09:46
seb128you said no?09:46
dholbacheh? I'm not sure I understand :)09:46
dholbachit looks like like the alt+1 issue was triggered by a keyboard layout configuration09:47
dholbachon which package would I file the bug?09:47
seb128right, that's what I meant09:47
seb128"layout issue"09:47
seb128rather than "keyboard issue"09:47
seb128ie the keyboard layout09:47
seb128not a GNOME option or config09:47
dholbachseb128: which package do you suggest I file a bug on?09:48
seb128talk to pitti09:49
dholbachhello pitti :)09:49
seb128I guess xkeyboard-config09:49
seb128but I'm not sure it's a bug09:49
seb128having multiple layouts with non latin ones needs tricks09:49
seb128to be able to use both alphabets09:50
pittiI still don't understand this, though09:50
pittiif you configure "de" it works, and if you configure "de,ir" and actually use de, it doesn't work?09:50
pittixkeyboard-config might be a good starting point, yes; but you can't have two layouts active anyway09:50
dholbachI'm just figuring out a minimal test-case, but it looks like "new user, some latin keyboard layout, add 'ir' layout, log in again, alt+1 hosed, even if you use the other latin layout"09:50
dholbachI'm just confirming it with a uk keyboard09:51
pittiso, it'd be libxklavier or xkeyboard-config, I don't know, I'm afraid09:51
mptmvo, caught it, bug 55312609:57
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/553126)09:57
mvompt: thanks I check it out once LP is back09:58
dholbachmaybe it's language-selector :)09:59
dholbachright now it doesn't let me "install / remove languages"09:59
dholbachthe button is all greyed out09:59
dholbachah nevermind, I'm not an admin user10:00
seb128dholbach, bug #518306 is somewhat similar10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518306 in gnome-settings-daemon "Some keyboard shortcuts stop working after reboot when using non-qwerty layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51830610:07
seb128baptistemm, I see the bluetooth bug I will fix it now10:08
mvompt: I think I made some pretty good progress in the a11y area for the listview too, but orca now gets really on my nerves ;) I can't hear "slash" anymore10:21
dholbachthanks seb12810:21
mptmvo, haha10:21
mptmvo, we need a nice non-robotic female voice10:22
mptbut those are expensive to make10:22
mvompt: absolutely!10:26
dholbachpitti: actually I think it's when you have two different layouts configured (now it's de,uk and it doesn't work)10:26
dholbachbut I'll shut up now10:26
dholbachI know how to workaround the issue10:27
seb128tjaalton, speaking of keyboard do you know if evdev is known to be broken in vms or something10:28
seb128seems vmware users have no input working on gdm in current lucid...10:28
seb128pitti, I've uploaded a gnome-bluetooth one liner change to drop a leak fix we added which has been fixed in the new version too, leading to double free and crash10:29
pittiseb128: thanks; will look at the queue later on10:29
seb128pitti, I would appreciate if you could accept it10:29
pittiit's not that it's any urgent, with the current buildd backlog..10:29
pittihey, we have an amd64 builder again10:32
mvompt: re bug #433104 - that appears to be working just fine for me now, when I navigate in the main category view I get read the right section names10:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433104 in webkit "Ubuntu Software Center "Get Software" screen contents not read in Orca" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43310410:33
tjaaltonseb128: not aware of that, it should work10:35
didrocksseb128: so, fixed the number of ws by default (the issue was in compiz) and integrated in new metacity bug #535088 (which needs too a compiz rebuild then for compiz-gnome). But not sure how we can upload that with the freeze…10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 535088 in metacity "Metacity bug when using background for buttons" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53508810:42
seb128didrocks, just upload10:43
seb128things go in the queue10:43
seb128they will be reviewed there10:43
didrocksseb128: yeah, but there is no bug targeted to beta, so if it's not accepted, we will still have 2 ws10:43
seb128it will be accepted after beta210:44
seb128if it's not before10:44
seb128just upload10:44
seb128I don't see the issue10:44
seb128or do you mean it should be a beta2 blocker?10:44
didrocksseb128: not sure about changing from 2 to 4 ws by default can be seen like "things changed at last time"10:45
tjaaltonseb128: is there a bug about it?10:45
didrocksbut apart from the Alt + 7 issue fixed in the new metacity release, nothing important10:45
seb128didrocks, compiz is already defaulting to the correct value10:45
seb128didrocks, so it's not really a config change10:46
seb128it's fixing the non default wm to use the same config10:46
didrocksseb128: hum? I launched a live and there is 2 ws with compiz (and it's this one which doesn't have the right default value, metacity is ok)10:46
didrocksbut when you switch back from compiz to metacity, it rewrites the compiz value (2)10:47
seb128tjaalton, bug #548891 seems to be one10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 548891 in gdm "keyboard input broken at gnome login prompt after package updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54889110:47
seb128didrocks, weird, guest sessions have the right value there10:47
seb128using compiz10:47
didrocksthat's weird, not what I saw in today's live. Well, don't bother, I'll just upload10:47
pittiseb128: bug 471044 seems a bit weird to me, do you know what's going on there? the fix has been merged into lp:~ubuntu-desktop/dbusmenu/ubuntu, but that branch is now retired in favor of lp:ubuntu/libdbusmenu, but that doesn't have any uncommitted stuff10:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 471044 in dbusmenu "Dropdown menu disappears on update" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47104410:48
seb128pitti, it has been fixed weeks ago?10:48
seb128or not10:48
seb128I though it had, I didn't see it for a while10:48
pittihm, it's "fix commited" upstream and "triaged" in ubuntu10:49
seb128pitti, well it will be fixed in today tarball10:49
seb128I would not bother10:49
tjaaltonseb128: ok, not caused by the backport anyway, since it's that old10:49
pittiseb128: ok, fine; I'm just reviewing all beta-2 milestoned bugs which are desktop-ish, since today is essentially the last day to land changes10:50
seb128pitti, I guess kenvandine merged to the wrong location10:50
seb128pitti, you can merge it to lp:ubuntu... if you want and upload I guess10:51
seb128pitti, or do you want me to do that?10:51
pittiseb128: depends, if you have time?10:51
seb128pitti, I have and I get the issue often10:51
seb128doing that now10:51
* pitti hugs seb128, thanks10:52
seb128I confused with an another bug from the title before when I said I though it was fixed10:52
pittiso the old branch was pushed as lp:ubuntu/dbusmenu, to keep the history?10:52
pittithe auto-imports cannot be merged to10:52
seb128it's all a mess this bzr workflow change10:53
pittiseb128: if my suspicions are right and lp:ubuntu/dbusmenu didn't preserve history, please revive the original branch again10:54
pittiwe absolutely want to be able to merge from trunk10:54
seb128grrrrr hate bzr10:55
seb128why does it has to be so complicated10:55
pittiwhat are you trying to do?10:55
seb128just commenting on such issues10:55
seb128like history not being right10:55
pittiwell, it's the auto-imports which create that mess :/10:55
pittithey totally ignored existing history10:55
seb128not being able to backport from trunk10:55
pittiso we should not use the auto-imports for branches where that matters10:56
seb128how do we do that?10:56
seb128can I overwrite lp:ubuntu...?10:56
seb128ie bzr push --overwrite there?10:56
pittiinstead, the right thing to do would be to push lp:~ubuntu-desktop/libdbusmenu/ubuntu to lp:ubuntu/libdusmenu10:56
pitti(it doesn't work, please don't)10:56
pittiseb128: just ignore the auto-import branch10:56
seb128it's all a mess10:56
seb128I though we wanted to move to the canonical location10:56
pittiseb128: please revert ken's change of disabling the original branch, and just use that one10:57
pittiseb128: yes, for things like gvfs it works fine10:57
pittibut not for stuff that we have upstream in bzr10:57
seb128take gvfs10:57
pittifor those, lp:ubuntu/* is absolutely useless10:57
seb128does it mean we can't merge from upstream bzr imports now?10:57
pittiseb128: I don't know10:57
seb128not that I do that now or know if there is a bzr gvfs import10:58
pittihaven't tried that yet10:58
pittieventually that's the idea, of course10:58
seb128but I though that would be one of the nice things we would be able to do10:58
seb128but I can see that failing the same way10:58
seb128anyway thanks10:58
seb128I'm switching back to the ubuntu-desktop vcs10:58
seb128pitti, we will not get the firefox changes in beta2?11:03
seb128I see you changed the milestone on this search bug11:04
pittiseb128: we'll get the "doesn't start with some extensions" and the cairo patch11:04
pittiseb128: but the ubufox one won't make it, I'm afraid11:04
seb128oh good11:04
seb128that's ok11:04
seb128I just saw chrisccoulson pinging asac for uploads yesterday11:04
seb128I was wondering if we missed the freeze limit now11:04
pittiI'll sponsor xulrunner now, etc.11:04
seb128could that we stop blocking on asac ;-)11:05
chrisccoulsoni need to apply for core-dev11:06
seb128chrisccoulson, use the freeze time for that ;-)11:07
chrisccoulsoni will do ;)11:07
seb128pitti, so for those lp:~ubuntu-desktop should bzr merge-upstream from tarball or bzr merge lp: for new versions?11:10
seb128ie dbusmenu11:10
pittiseb128: I'd use bzr merge ../trunk, as usual11:10
pittimerge-upstream from a tar would break the history, I think11:11
pittiand we don't need pristine-tar etc.11:11
baptistemmseb128, where was located the problem?11:14
seb128baptistemm, we backported the git leak fix and didn't drop it11:14
seb128the change was not failing to apply but creating a double g_free11:15
seb128how to I bzr merge r<nn> or a tag version?11:18
seb128where r<nn> is not only that revision11:18
seb128but trunk as it was at the nn revision11:18
seb128ie bzr merge --tag <version> doesn't work11:19
seb128ok, let's bzr pull -r<nn>11:20
seb128hum, doesn't work either to downgrade11:20
didrocksseb128: I don't understand, bzr merge -r<upstreamrev> … doesn't work?11:22
pittiseb128: bzr merge -r 1234 ../trunk should merge up to trunk's r123411:22
seb128didrocks, it will merge only upstreamrev11:22
seb128didrocks, ie that one commit11:22
pittino, that would be -c11:22
didrocksright, -c11:22
seb128sorry guys11:22
seb128I clearly lack sleep or coffee11:23
seb128good that the work week end today ;-)11:23
seb128didrocks, pitti: thanks11:23
* pitti hugs seb12811:23
seb128still interested to know if I can specify a tag11:23
seb128which avoid looking for what revision match the tag11:23
pittiseb128: bzr merge -r tag:foo ?11:23
* seb128 hugs pitti11:23
didrockspitti was quicker than I :)11:24
pittiseb128: bzr help revisionspec FYI11:24
pittiit's quite flexible11:24
pittidate:yesterday, last:2 (pre-last), tag:foo, etc.11:25
didrocksstill hard to remember all the bzr doc (read it twice the last 2 years), only use -r rev -r tag and last :)11:26
pittidear openjdk, please finish building; love, pitti11:26
seb128lp:~ubuntu-desktop/dbusmenu/ubuntu restored with current lucid11:27
seb128I did --overwrite the previous change though11:27
seb128so if anybody has a checkout please pull --overwrite it now11:27
seb128kenvandine, ^11:27
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I thought you wanted to close this, because it's not relevant any more? (bug 447431)11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447431 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon dies with BadMatch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44743111:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, there was probably 2 bugs11:36
chrisccoulsoni closed one of them yesterday11:36
seb128pitti, btw I can confirm the rhythmbox grabbing cameras bug there11:37
seb128pitti, I can look at it today if you want11:37
pittiseb128: I pinged teuf about it yesterday, but didn't get a response11:37
pittiI'm wondering what RB is looking for11:37
pittiit should check ID_MEDIA_PLAYER and /dev/libmtp-* devlinks11:38
dholbachwhere does _XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) come from? :)11:38
pittidholbach: libxklavier11:38
pittiit's the original layout that the X server has, before it sets its own11:38
dholbachand where does it have its data from? I can't seem to get 'ir' out of it11:38
pittidholbach: it's originally from /etc/default/console-setup11:39
pittidholbach: it gets it through udev11:39
dholbachok, so XKBLAYOUT in there is still set11:40
dholbachto "de,ir"11:40
dholbachI guess I shouldn't modify the file by hand? :)11:40
pittidholbach: you can11:41
dholbachseems that editing the keyboard preferences and using gnome-language-selector didn't update it11:41
dholbachnot sure which other "user tool" would be able to change this11:41
seb128pitti, ok, dbusmenu change confirmed to work, bzr fixed and update on its way to lucid11:41
pittiseb128: does libdbusmenu actually need valac to build?11:42
didrocksall vala softwares needs valac as a build-dep, no?11:42
seb128pitti, I don't think so11:42
pittididrocks: no, usually the release tarballs ship the pregenerated C source11:43
didrocks(at least, that what I had to add with all soft where dx was upstream)11:43
didrockspitti: dx team doesn't :)11:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks - most people distribute generated C code11:43
didrocksok, understood :)11:43
chrisccoulsonsome packages shipping bindings might use it for finding out where to install the bindings11:43
pittiseb128: that's currently creating confusion in component-mismatches11:43
chrisccoulsonbut you can just hard-code the folder11:43
seb128pitti, how so?11:44
seb128pitti, in fact it does11:44
pittiseb128: vala source is in universe, valac binary in main, and libdbusmenu is the only thing which b-deps on it11:44
seb128vapigen is used for the gir bindings11:44
pittiseb128: ok, so we need to put vala into main then?11:44
seb128I though we agreed on that by then11:45
seb128mars 04 19:50:02 <seb128>pitti, ted added vala bindings to libdbusmenu etc11:45
seb128mars 04 19:51:19 <pitti>seb128: I wouldn't mind having vala in main11:45
seb128pitti, I can check again with ted later if you want11:45
pittiok, tanks11:45
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
* didrocks is wondering how seb128 can check so quickly in his IRC logs… xchat has something for that?11:47
chrisccoulsondidrocks - perhaps he just recalls the conversation from memory ;)11:48
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, or it's a fake! :-)11:48
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I already bumped xulrunner, but it will only build in 5 hours on amd6411:55
pittiamd64 buildds still grinding on openjdk and now grabbed linux11:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's ok, firefox doesn't need that to build anyway11:57
pittioh, goodo11:57
pittichrisccoulson: so can I downgrade the build prio? I thought you needed it to build11:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - firefox doesn't need it, but some other things are waiting on it11:57
pittiok, slightly downgraded11:58
seb128didrocks, grep is your friend for that11:58
seb128didrocks, I remember where it happened and around when11:58
pittilet's build some small stuff first, like update-manager (which makes amd64 uninstallable right now)11:58
seb128I just had to grep for vala11:58
didrocksseb128: yep, but it was really a fast grep and location, hence the though on having some magical features in xchat :)11:59
* pitti usually just greps in ~/.weechat/logs12:00
seb128didrocks, no, as pitti12:00
seb128just grep in the dir12:00
seb128anyway lunch12:00
* seb128 is hungry12:00
didrockspitti: oh, btw, I don't really like the way weechat organize the logs (one file for chan, no way to split that in yy/mm)12:01
didrocksseb128: enjoy12:01
pittilunch, good idea!12:02
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm getting hungry too12:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, firefox is uploaded now12:15
pittichrisccoulson: oh, you can do that yourself?12:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, but i'm not really meant to be able to12:50
chrisccoulsonapparently it is a mistake that it's in the ubuntu-desktop package set12:50
pittichrisccoulson: ok, so now bzr is open for the cairo fix?12:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - it is12:52
chrisccoulsoni will push that this afternoon12:52
pittichrisccoulson: I'll set the build prio of firefox to a low value then, so that the newer version can be built ealier12:52
seb128chrisccoulson, didn't fix the startup notification? :-(12:58
seb128it's quite noticable with an easy patch commited upstream too12:58
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. the branch had been tagged for release for some time, and i can't really go back and edit the branch history12:59
chrisccoulsonbut these fixes will come in another update12:59
seb128before lucid?12:59
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, before lucid12:59
seb128ok good12:59
seb128thanks ;-)12:59
seb128that bug is annoying me12:59
seb128it breaks focus too12:59
seb128if you click on the launcher and start typing it doesn't go to firefox13:00
kenvandineseb128, ok13:14
seb128kenvandine, hey, sorry about that, seems we need to undo the change we did13:15
seb128ie switch back to team vcs13:15
* chrisccoulson wonders why some users edit the titles and descriptions of bugs that have been closed for ages13:15
kenvandineseb128, yeah... no problem13:16
* seb128 stopped wondering why users do all the crazy things they do in launchpad13:17
asacseb128: can you stop complaining please. chris said he can upload firefox13:19
pittiseb128: in case you want to learn about gvfs vs. udisks, I just replied to bug 493290 (and assigned from gvfs to dk-disks); it doesn't look like a gvfs issue to me13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493290 in devicekit-disks "does not detect DVD-RW file system" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49329013:20
pittikenvandine: good mornign13:20
seb128asac, sorry, I got a bit frustrated by the delays we got recently on some changes13:20
asacseb128: well. i dont have much sponsoring from chris on my list13:20
nigelbTheMuso, do you want me to assign bug 534190 to you? (you said you'd be fixing it in the bug report13:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 534190 in speech-dispatcher "module (config.py) in python-speechd breaks python's help system" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53419013:20
asacseb128: also i am travelling this whole week13:20
asacso please stop saying such things13:20
seb128asac, the frustration came from this nm-applet upload which takes over 10 days to go in13:21
seb128asac, but ignore me13:21
kenvandinehey pitti13:21
seb128asac, it has been a long week13:21
asacseb128: i dont see the problem with nm-applet ... really.13:21
seb128asac, I was sitting with dx asking every day and nobody uploading something ready on the other side13:21
seb128asac, without knowing those team practice to know if we should just upload or not13:22
asacseb128: there are clearly other bugs than the nm-applet issue13:23
seb128sorry just vanted other teams pressure through13:24
seb128it was not your fault13:25
asacno problem13:25
nigelbmpt, are we getting this bug fix in? bug 43688713:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436887 in indicator-session "Log out, shutdown and reboot confirmation alerts don't follow GNOME HIG" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43688713:38
nigelb(its assigned to you)13:39
mptnigelb, I had not seen that, thanks13:41
nigelbmpt, I was just doing patch review when I came across it :)13:42
chrisccoulsonright, i'm away for a few minutes, i need to go and take the battery out of my car and find my charger14:02
seb128pitti, I just uploaded libgnome-keyring to unscrew vcs use error which leaded to revert the new version changes in the diff.gz14:05
seb128pitti, I would appreciate if you can accept it ;-)14:05
pittiwill look14:05
seb128pitti, the diff looks quite some change14:06
seb128pitti, but the diff snapshot we had before the screwup - new upload is 0 code change14:06
seb128only documentation14:06
pittiseb128: cool, thanks14:07
seb128hey tedg14:10
tedgGood morning seb12814:10
seb128tedg, we are reverting vcs changes for indicators14:11
seb128going back to what we had before using the ubuntu-desktop workflow14:11
tedgseb128: VCS?  Oh, okay.14:11
seb128the change to lp:ubuntu meant we could merge from trunk14:11
seb128which sucks14:11
tedgseb128: My understanding is as long as we add the tarball branch we can ask james_w to make those the official packaging branches.14:11
seb128what to you mean by "tarball" there?14:12
tedgSo then they'll be lp:ubuntu and merge from trunk.14:12
tedgThe branch that has the upstream* tags on it.14:12
seb128k, so what we have no in ubuntu-desktop?14:12
seb128can't type today14:13
tedgYes, take what we have now and add that branch.14:13
seb128tedg, btw good work on the dbusmenu refresh fix, it works great14:13
tedgHeh /me was wondering why this issue came up ;)14:13
james_wtedg is correct14:14
tedgGood, I'm glad.  There are a couple there.  I'm excited about the indicator-messages one as well.14:14
seb128I don't really get what we need to do to what he have now14:14
seb128we do merge from trunk14:14
seb128so the bzr we use should have the upstream tags no?14:14
tedgjames_w: Can we just add the tarball branch?  Or are there other things as well?14:15
seb128how do you add this one and where?14:15
tedgseb128: We'll have to add it, which will add all the auto* file as well.14:15
tedgseb128: Then we should be able to merge that into the packaging branch.14:15
james_wthe first problem is that the ~ubuntu-desktop branches don't even have the full source14:18
seb128didrocks, I was wondering if you used glade 3.7 on purpose or not ;-)14:18
seb128james_w, they do for dx things14:19
james_wseb128: oh, ok14:19
james_wseb128: didrocks has dealt with this for some netbook packages, he can tell you what it is like to do that14:19
seb128james_w, the one there is on ~ubuntu-desktop/libdbusmenu/ubuntu14:19
seb128james_w, ok thanks14:20
aquariusmvo, are you around today? :)14:20
seb128libdusmenu -> dbusmenu14:20
didrocksseb128: I used that, it got some interesting features that I thought we should use. But vuntz told me that they will go with 3.6.x and apparently, there is some issues with complicated .ui file (I do not see any issue, but mine are probably too easy)14:20
seb128it's confusing to have upstream name != ubuntu_source14:20
james_wseb128: I can certainly help14:20
tedgjames_w: So I think it's something like this -- bzr branch trunk ; tar -x tarball ; bzr add ; bzr commit ; bzr tag upstream ?14:20
seb128didrocks, ok14:21
james_wtedg: nope, then you miss out on the magic14:21
seb128james_w, I think everybody is busy enough with lucid + weekend soon14:21
james_wyou have to use "bzr merge-upstream"14:21
seb128james_w, I will bother you after lucid or at uds14:21
seb128james_w, but thanks ;-)14:21
tedgjames_w: I couldn't get merge-upstream to work unless it had the previous version.  I was curious how to bootstrap that.14:22
seb128I broke libgnome-keyring imports I think14:22
seb128but not sure how14:22
james_wtedg: yeah, that's the trick. You just have to fool it.14:22
seb128ie lp:ubuntu/libgnome-keyring doesn't get updated now14:22
tedgjames_w: Do you have docs on fooling it?  (it is April Fools Day after all) ;)14:24
james_wtedg: no, you just set a tag, but I've forgotten the specifics right now, so I was hoping didrocks would remember ;-)14:25
seb128<james_w>bzr tag upstream-0.1.1 -r tag:indicator-sound-0.1.114:27
seb128james_w, ^ that's what you made me do for indicator-sound by then14:27
james_wif you are doing a new release you can do that14:28
tedgOh, that's easier than what I had thought you'd have to do!14:29
tedgseb128: So what's your thoughts, I can convert that way.  Or just wait and we'll do a massive convert at UDS?14:30
seb128well if that works feel free to do it14:31
glatzormvo, hello, I released 0.20 of aptdaemon today14:31
seb128I just don't want to waste efforts on workflow changes or have other people wasting efforts on those now14:31
tedgseb128: Let me try.  If it's that easy, I'll do it.  Otherwise we can postpone.14:32
seb128seems good14:32
seb128tedg, we are frozen already for beta2 btw14:32
seb128tedg, and weekend starts tonight there14:32
seb128tedg, in other words, if you don't roll tarballs too late it would be nice ;-)14:32
tedgseb128: Sure, oh, is Friday a holiday?14:33
seb128not sure if you plan updates for today14:33
seb128tedg, yeah, eastern14:33
seb128not everywhere14:33
tedgYes, just making all those fixes into tidy tarballs.14:33
tedgWill do.14:33
seb128but I've been told that uk and de have it too14:33
seb128in fr we don't officially14:33
seb128it's just the old german area which has tomorrow14:34
tedgAh, interesting.  I'm surprised that France wouldn't and everywhere else would.14:34
tedgCan't you guys schedule a protest or something? ;)14:35
mvoglatzor: nice14:37
mvoglatzor: you decided to call it EnableComponent instead of enabledistrocomponent?14:38
rickspencer3kenvandine, I left Gwibber running over night, no undue CPU load at all from desktopcouch14:42
kenvandinerickspencer3, i wonder why it doesn't hit you14:42
rickspencer3I think this is a question that may be worth answering14:42
rickspencer3maybe I should try to create a new user, and do something there that repros the spike14:42
kenvandineeven without gwibber running, just making desktopcouch starts makes it immediately peg my CPU14:43
rickspencer3kenvandine, if you start desktopcouch from iPython, does that peg the CPU?14:43
kenvandinehaven't tried that... but using dbus-send it does14:43
rickspencer3can you show me the command, I'll try in a fresh user and see if I get the spike14:44
kenvandineone sec14:44
rickspencer3kenvandine, it's really nice that Gwibber opens now14:44
seb128I don't get this cpu use issue here either14:45
rickspencer3seb128, it's really bumming some people out14:45
rickspencer3any news from upstream on it?14:45
seb128I'm about to test a workaround though14:45
seb128but since I don't get the bug it's not easy14:45
seb128trying to figure how to trigger it using gvfs14:46
kenvandinedbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.desktopcouch.CouchDB --type=method_call / org.desktopcouch.CouchDB.getPort14:46
kenvandinerickspencer3, ^^14:46
kenvandineseb128, just run that command and watch desktopcouch eat your CPU :)14:46
seb128it doesn't14:46
seb128I just tried14:46
kenvandineseb128, humm14:50
* kenvandine looks in seahorse14:50
LaserJockkenvandine: is the keyring still acting up?14:51
kenvandineLaserJock, yeah14:54
kenvandineseb128, ok... weird14:54
kenvandinei deleted the keyring entries for desktop couch14:54
kenvandineand started dc again... no load14:54
kenvandineit didn't recreate the keys14:54
kenvandineso somehow now desktopcouch is working without using the keyring... which is weird14:55
* kenvandine starts gwibber14:55
rickspencer3well, that was a painful journey14:56
rickspencer3kenvandine, seb128 fwiw, I was not able to repro the CPU pegging on a different user account14:56
rickspencer3I also couldn't switch back to my main account14:56
seb128what happened when you tried?14:56
kenvandineok... now gwibber-service has my CPU pegged14:57
kenvandinedamn... ok... killed desktopcouch again and hit it with dbus-send and now desktopcouch has it pegged again14:59
seb128kenvandine, what arch do you use?15:00
seb128kenvandine, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/gnome_keyring.debdiff15:02
seb128kenvandine, can you try to get the current lucid source, just got accepted recently so you might need to get it from launchpad15:03
seb128kenvandine, use this change15:03
seb128build your deb15:03
seb128restart your session15:03
seb128and tell me how it works for you15:03
kenvandineseb128, not in bzr?15:03
seb128kenvandine, I hate bzr15:03
seb128we use lp:ubuntu... for this one15:03
seb128but the autoimport stopped importing15:04
seb128I think that's because I commited something by hand15:04
Keybukseb128: who looks after the emacs23 packages?15:04
seb128I dunno how to undo15:04
seb128Keybuk, I don't know15:04
seb128kenvandine, I tried to bzr merge-upstream but it refuses to do so because the previous version was not tagged15:04
seb128kenvandine, short story, will be faster to apt-get source and apply the debdiff15:05
kenvandineis that the latest?15:05
kenvandinecan't be15:05
seb128kenvandine, libgnome-keyring15:06
seb128that's a different source15:06
seb128sorry the debdiff name was not clear15:06
kenvandineyeah... was keying off the debdiff file name :)15:06
didrocksLaserJock: what do you thing about bug #429882 ? I mean, it can be really easily fixed, but I'm unsure we should put the network area in the folder view. (it's accessible by nautilus and people can still add as a nautilus bookmark to see it there)15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429882 in netbook-remix-launcher "Unr is missing the networking section from places" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42988215:08
kenvandineseb128, humm... this patch looks hopeful :-D15:09
LaserJockdidrocks: I'm a little concerned about having lots of "sections" in n-l15:13
didrocksLaserJock: the idea was to add it to the folder view, but yeah, I think we shouldn't add the network one15:13
LaserJockfor instance, there are oddities in scrolling/keyboard movement15:13
LaserJockI mean different sections within the same category15:13
* kenvandine resists the urge to comment on how well this is going so far15:14
didrocksLaserJock: oh ok, this will be in the same section as it's only one item. But I just wanted another point of view before telling we won't fix this15:14
LaserJockdidrocks: let me look at the bug report real quick so I know what exactly it's doing15:15
kenvandinedamn... there goes the CPU15:16
LaserJockdidrocks: hmm, if the point is "Connect to server" I think that maybe should be handled elsewhere15:16
LaserJockdidrocks: if they want say network shares to show up then I could imagine putting that in "Volumes"15:16
didrocksLaserJock: well, I was more thinking about "network" as you have in the GNOME menu. but I'm really unsure that we should add it15:17
LaserJockbut "Connect to server" is mixing "Files and Folders" with applications15:17
kenvandineseb128, this is interesting15:17
didrocksLaserJock: in any case, it's in the nautilus sidebar and people can add a nautilus bookmark, so…15:17
kenvandineso desktopcouch does start couchdb... but the service they start via dbus service activation is crashing now with this error15:18
kenvandineERROR:gkr-operation.c:169:gkr_operation_set_result: assertion failed: ((int) res != INCOMPLETE)15:18
LaserJockdidrocks: oh, so do they want an actual "Network" button, not the contents of that nautilus view?15:18
seb128kenvandine, but still using extra cpu?15:19
kenvandinedesktopcouch wasn't15:19
kenvandinebut gwibber was15:19
seb128I'm wondering if that could be another bug in gwibber15:19
didrocksLaserJock: I guess that was what is involved in the bug report15:19
seb128not handling some error as it should15:19
seb128I think I will get the keyring change in lucid15:19
seb128just to see if it works on other bugs15:19
seb128hate hate intel15:20
seb128I had to undock my laptop, there is no way to get the external screen working after user switch15:20
kenvandineseb128, if i comment out the one line that calls the keyring it doesn't do this15:20
seb128so the change doesn't solve the issue for you15:21
seb128but adds a crash15:21
kenvandinewell... this might be another problem in dc15:21
kenvandinei killed dc again and gwibber15:21
kenvandineand ran /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service manually15:22
kenvandineand it started up properly then15:22
kenvandineand it isn't pegging the CPU15:22
LaserJockdidrocks: here's my thought. I think it's inconsistent to all allow adding/editing of network shares from n-l but I think the shares should show up15:22
seb128ok let me get the change in lucid15:22
kenvandinei think it might be crashing because it was already running15:22
seb128we need extra feedback on it15:22
didrocksLaserJock: we agree so :)15:22
LaserJockdidrocks: great :-)15:23
didrocksLaserJock: thanks for your opinion on this :)15:23
kenvandineseb128, also... just for info, gwibber-service uses python mulitiprocessing15:24
kenvandinewhich i know nothing about15:25
kenvandineand i am sure that is why dobey's work around didn't work15:25
LaserJockdidrocks: it might make sense to at some point have some sort of "actions" applet for UNE where things like "Connect to server" might live15:25
LaserJockdidrocks: but it seems to me that n-l itself should stay pretty passive, not a complete UNE control panel15:26
rickspencer3seb128, kenvandine are you guys expecting icon updates today?15:26
didrocksLaserJock: well, "network" item can be discussed. "connect to a server" is a nogo for me :)15:27
seb128rickspencer3, I'm not but I'm not active in those changes just doing sponsoring15:27
seb128rickspencer3, ask kwwii?15:27
seb128rickspencer3, any particular issue?15:27
dobeykenvandine: my workaround probably didn't work exactly, because gwibber-service isn't using gtk+, but only the glib main loop15:27
rickspencer3seb128, yes15:27
rickspencer3apparantly there's an updated ubuntu logo that breaks in a bunch of places15:28
dobeykenvandine: i don't think pygobject has a main thread mutex to lock on though, so you have to do more work to get it right15:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 553307 in software-center ""Provided by Ubuntu" icon is invisible (white on white)" [High,New]15:28
didrocksrickspencer3: yeah, this is related to adding "ubuntu-distributor" logo to ubuntu-mono15:29
* kenvandine -> lunch15:30
rickspencer3so, kenvandine, didrocks, seb128 please stop uploading changes from the design team for the time being15:30
kenvandinerickspencer3, ack15:30
seb128pitti, I uploaded a potential workaround for keyring cpu issue, if you want to review15:30
rickspencer3kenvandine, I'll assign that invisible icon bug to you15:30
didrocksrickspencer3: just to be honest, I asked to get an ubuntu-distributor logo in the current theme to fix bug #54417715:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544177 in go-home-applet "Icon doesn't match new theme and branding in Lucid" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54417715:32
rickspencer3didrocks, well, we need a fix that doesn't cause other bugs15:32
didrocksrickspencer3: I agree, but we need a fix that doesn't ask to break something working for years too (kwwii was suggesting adding a new logo name, and patching go-home-applet. This will mean that we will break UNE was all non default theme)15:33
rickspencer3didrocks, why does there need to be a white logo to fix bug #544177?15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544177 in go-home-applet "Icon doesn't match new theme and branding in Lucid" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54417715:34
didrocksrickspencer3: because the based theme was the previous ubuntu logo as there is no distributor-logo in the current theme. So, go-home-applet had the 3 colors logo. Not matching the one we get in GNOME15:36
pittirickspencer3: ¡ƃuıuɹoɯ pooƃ15:37
rickspencer3Hi pitti15:37
chrisccoulsondo we have a new starter today?15:41
* pitti waves to Nafai15:44
* chrisccoulson waves to Nafai (our new compiz maintainer) too15:44
james_wkenvandine: gwibber uses multiprocessing and dbus?15:45
james_wah, it's gnome-keyring the issue is with, ignore me15:46
NafaiGood morning!15:56
Nafaiuh, compiz maintainer?15:56
pittiNafai: it's a long-standing tradition15:58
Nafaiah, pass the buck to the new guy? :)15:58
ftagrr, reinstalling a main desktop is painful, so much gnome/app prefs lost. is there a tool to import everything from another dir/disk?15:58
rickspencer3Hi Nafai15:59
rickspencer3welcome aboard!15:59
rickspencer3Nafai, did you get your "new starter tasks" mail?15:59
NafaiI got the email about setting up my accounts and I'm replying right now15:59
ccheneyrickspencer3: did you file the bug you mentioned last night?16:02
rickspencer3ccheney, not yet16:02
ccheneyrickspencer3: i couldn't seem to reproduce major lag in impress with current OOo on my machine but maybe will be able to with your information :)16:02
ccheneyotherwise my machin emay just be too fast, not really sure16:03
rickspencer3Nafai, ok, ping me when you those done16:06
didrockshey Nafai, welcome ;)16:13
Nafaididrocks: Thanks!16:13
rickspencer3seb128, it looks like kwwii is going to have some icon changes to upload today16:16
rickspencer3seb128, any chance these changes can get taken for beta 2? or too late?16:16
seb128rickspencer3, not my call, I will sponsor what is ready16:17
rickspencer3seb128, ok16:17
seb128rickspencer3, then pitti or slangasek approve uploads16:17
rickspencer3seb128, ack16:18
seb128pitti, lpi change uploaded to the ubuntu-desktop ppa btw16:23
pittiseb128: thanks! let's run with that version for a couple of days, and see whether it has issues16:26
seb128pitti, thanks for letting gnome-keyring through16:27
kenvandinewelcome aboard Nafai!16:28
pittiseb128: no worries, thanks for fixing!16:28
kenvandinepitti, we should have uploads for the music store plugin and libu1... but we don't know where rodrigo is and aquarius is waiting on a aptdaemon fix from mvo before releasing a tarball for the rb plugin16:29
pittikenvandine: is that absolutely critical for beta-2?16:30
kenvandineaquarius, ^^16:30
pittikenvandine: (note that anything which doesn't go in today will be pretty much "out" for b2)16:30
seb128pitti, we will have a round of dx updates too16:30
kenvandinepitti, yeah..  i wanted to get this in yesterday or first thing today16:31
seb128pitti, I would feel better having all those changes now and tested through beta216:31
seb128pitti, rather than having those landing and needing being tested between beta2 and lucid freeze which is just next to it16:31
pittiseb128: yes, I agree; just pointing out..16:31
kenvandinepitti, i don't know how critical they are... but there is like 2 weeks of bug fixes there16:32
kenvandinewould like to get them in16:32
seb128ie 2 weeks of changes16:32
seb128yeah, we should have those in to get them tested16:32
kenvandineseb128, right16:32
kenvandineaquarius, any eta?16:32
aquariuspitti, kenvandine, yes. The fix that mvo's working on to aptdaemon is because we've had to shift from using the mp3 codec in universe to the mp3 codec in the partner repo16:33
ccheneyhmm xulrunner-dev is no longer in main, what replaces it, anyone happen to know?16:33
dobeypitti: hi!16:34
aquariusthere are a few other bugfixes too, like not giving everyone non-English two libraries in Rhythmbox, and libubuntuone has a number of fixes for segfaults and other bugs that affect quite a few people.16:34
pittihi dobey16:34
pittiaquarius: there has been an aptdaemon upload today, was that fix in?16:34
dobeypitti: don't know if should bug you or slangasek (i think he's supposed to poke me today about a couple of string changes we wanted to get in), but there are apparently a couple of fixes we need to make to ubuntuone-client from the release/upload last night, today. do you think we could get that in today?16:35
aquariuspitti, no; mvo is working on that fix right now. ( mvo do please correct me if I'm wrong and the fix is in, but I'm 99% sure it isn't )16:36
pittirickspencer3, kenvandine: us Europeans have Good Friday off; would either of you be able to sit in the release team meeting tomorrow, to answer questions? I'll update the release status page now16:36
kenvandinepitti, sure16:36
rickspencer3I think kenvandine will need to be there for all the dx/ols changes16:36
rickspencer3I can lurk as well, just in case16:36
pittidobey: please just get anything uploaded to the queue ASAP; in freeze times, the release team just regularly reviews the queue and approves stuff that's suitable for the freeze16:37
dobeypitti: ok, thanks. :)16:37
mvoaquarius: I just commited it to bzr, glatzor is the hero of the day. I do a final test and then upload16:38
aquariuswoah, cool16:38
mvoaquarius: actually glatzor is more than just the hero of the day, probably the month :)16:39
aquariusmvo, what do I need to do? then I can be working on that while the upload's happening :)16:39
mvoaquarius: nothing really, it will just inherit the privs, you could test it before the upload, bzr cobzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aptdaemon-developers/aptdaemon/ubuntu-lucid/16:39
mvoaquarius: and then bzr-buildpackage16:40
aquariusmvo, it'll just *work*? sweet.16:40
seb128mvo, knowing the month starts today that's about the same there ;-)16:40
Nafaibrb, restarting zip16:40
Nafaibip, even16:40
mvoseb128: heh :)16:40
mvoseb128: nitpicker :P16:41
MacSlowhey Nafai16:43
ccheneyanyone know why xulrunner-dev which is a meta package for the current xulrunner-1.9.2-dev package got moved into universe recently? it is causing pain for the OOo build16:43
* ccheney isn't sure its point to exist at all if it is stuck in universe with xulrunner-1.9.2-dev being in main16:44
mvoaquarius: I upload now, it works well for me16:44
pittichrisccoulson: so bug 447431 is actually something different then, and still an issue?16:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447431 in gnome-desktop "gnome-settings-daemon dies with BadMatch" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44743116:46
ccheneyit looks like it might have got put in universe by mistake as the source package is relatively new16:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, that's the same issue16:50
pittichrisccoulson: would you mind closing it with an explanation?16:51
chrisccoulsonthe crash should be fixed, but i'm not convinced yet that the fix is really correct16:51
NafaiHi MacSlow, got your email, I'll test again tonight16:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, can do16:51
pittichrisccoulson: or perhaps s/close/wontfix for lucid, and prioritize down16:51
pittias you see fit16:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i was just thinking that16:51
pittichrisccoulson: thanks!16:51
MacSlowNafai, I'm also on it... and believe the issue is inconsistency between image_hint and icon-parameter16:51
chrisccoulsoni'll probably just bump the priority down and leave it open for lucid for now, as any other issues i find might be SRU-able anyway16:52
* Nafai nods16:52
Nafaisounds likely16:52
MacSlowNafai, and it's stupid we've to fight bugs like this :)16:52
zygagood afternoon16:52
rickspencer3Nafai, https://edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/+mugshots16:53
NafaiYay, I need to get the right size image16:54
pittikenvandine: do you happen to know the current status of bug 530541 ?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 530541 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch-service crashed with RuntimeError in run_couchdb()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53054116:54
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, apparently when you demoted xulrunner-1.9.1 yesterday, the xulrunner-dev binary built by 1.9.2 also got demoted16:55
zygamvo: hi16:55
zygamvo: please tell me I can help you today16:56
kenvandinepitti, i am hoping the patches i uploaded for dc yesterday fix that16:56
kenvandineamong a bunch of other bugs16:56
kenvandinebut need to do a call for testing16:56
pittikenvandine: oh, thanks! Mind updating the bug with that, and set to "fix committed" perhaps?16:56
LaserJockkenvandine: so what *should* work right now?16:56
pittichrisccoulson: argh, bl**** LP; re-promoted16:56
pittichrisccoulson: will be in main again in 60 mins (after publisher ran)16:57
kenvandineyeah, on my todo list for today is to go through those bugs and ask people affected to test with 0.6.3-0ubuntu316:57
kenvandineLaserJock, we think so, yes16:57
LaserJockkenvandine: we think what? :-)16:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks16:57
kenvandineoh... missed part of your question16:57
kenvandineLaserJock, the desktopcouch startup problems16:58
mvozyga: oh, hello! nice. I have a nice little problem: lp:~mvo/software-center/improve-html is about improving the package description -> html converter16:58
kenvandinethat led to a ton of different types of crashes16:58
mvozyga: the current one generates really messy html16:58
LaserJockpitti: doko uploaded something yesterday or today that specifically changed deps to deal with demotion16:58
mvozyga: its a bit tricky to get right for the lists (like in p7zip or totem)16:58
zygamvo:  let me check this first16:58
zygaok, just a sec16:58
mvozyga: but it should not really be very hard (especially for you :)16:58
mvozyga: only if you enjoy working on this of course16:59
LaserJockpitti: openjdk-6 6b18~pre4-1ubuntu1 , just FYI16:59
zygamvo: exactly so16:59
pittiLaserJock: hm?16:59
zygamvo: any lp#?16:59
LaserJockpitti: the demotion of xulrunner-dev16:59
mvozyga: its important to get clean html so that we get proper tab ordering for accessiblity, without it webkit and orca are not happy, but in that branch its possible to just <tab> through the page and orca will happily read it16:59
pittiLaserJock: that wasn't deliberate16:59
zygamvo: how about using tab-index property?17:00
zygaIt's standard html AFAIK17:00
mvozyga: lp is bug #45532017:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455320 in software-center "Package information page not accessible " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45532017:00
zygamvo: thanks, checking the code now17:00
LaserJockpitti: I know, I'm saying doko uploaded a new openjdk changing the deps to deal with the demotion17:00
mvozyga: great, thanks :)17:01
* mvo hugs zyga17:01
pittiLaserJock: right; that can probably be reverted17:01
zygamvo: could you please remind me how to bootstrap local software-center?17:01
zygathe thing you said to me last time when I tried to rewrite the backend17:01
LaserJockpitti: I just thought I'd point that out, I don't know if there were others17:01
* pitti has the RC bug status updated now (on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus); awesome job, folks!17:02
pittirickspencer3, kenvandine ^ for the release meeting tomorrow17:02
zygamvo: oh, it works out-of-the-box, cool17:02
rickspencer3thanks pitti17:02
rickspencer3pitti, I noticed that chrisccoulson's RC list is quite reduced!17:03
kenvandinethx pitti17:03
pittirickspencer3: I'd appreciate if you could update the Kubuntu status on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus17:03
mvozyga: nowdays it should just work and pick all the stuff from your local checkout17:03
pittirickspencer3: do you have a list for today?17:03
zygamvo: lovely, it just did :-)17:03
mvozyga: just make sure you have PYTHONPATH=. ./software-center17:03
mvozyga: :)17:03
rickspencer3pitti, I could make it quickly17:03
rickspencer3hold on17:03
didrockspitti: it would be good if you can take a look at UNE components. I have just released and uploaded them. Some are for the new branding and other fixes some bugs that it would be nice to user to be able to test last version (go-home-applet, clutk, liblauncher-0.1, netbook-launcher)17:11
rickspencer3pitti, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Scratch/ReleaseBugs2010040117:12
seb128rickspencer3, the second one is fixed I think17:12
nigelbokay, so whose the UNE person?  there is a cheese apport hook waiting for upload17:12
seb128not sure there is any f-spot change required17:12
rickspencer3pitti, oops, forgot to use the code with the clickable bug #s17:12
seb128rickspencer3, the third one is really a desktop team rc? gthumb is universe17:13
rickspencer3that's what the query says17:13
didrocksnigelb: cheese isn't really related to UNE, but I can have a look :)17:13
rickspencer3I'll take it off17:13
nigelbdidrocks, thanks.  I thought it was in UNE by default.  anyway bug 54209117:14
seb128rickspencer3, right, the question was rather "should it be lowered?"17:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542091 in cheese "Add apport hook for cheese" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54209117:14
rickspencer3I am particularly concerned about bug #55021817:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550218 in xorg-server "xserver crashes when closing application using clutter" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55021817:14
didrocksnigelb: yeah, it is, but it's not an UNE specific component :) Let me look17:14
rickspencer3seb128, the gthumb bug has already been lowered, since the cron job for the report ran17:15
seb128rickspencer3, I just nothing while reading my emails, pitti was faster again there ;-)17:16
* seb128 hugs pitti17:16
* pitti hugs you back17:21
chrisccoulsoni'm sure something recently has made disk I/O performance really suck17:25
pittididrocks: your liblauncher-0.1 upload apparently killed the previous changelog from 0.1.9-0ubuntu1?17:27
pittididrocks: mind fixing that and reupload?17:27
pitti(it looks fine otherwise)17:27
didrockspitti: oh? really. Strange, I used my packaging branch, maybe not up to date. I'm fixing that now17:31
didrockspitti: you have an national holiday tomorrow as well? (/me will feel lonely on the chan tomorrow :/)17:32
pittididrocks: yes, Good Friday17:32
didrocksseb128 too, because… you know, lorraine isn't in France for everything apparently :p17:33
LaserJockdidrocks: you don't get a holiday?17:35
didrocksLaserJock: not in France, we only have Monday17:35
LaserJockwhat's Monday?17:36
* seb128 slaps didrocks17:36
didrocksseb128: it's just a shame!17:36
* didrocks hugs seb12817:36
* seb128 hugs didrocks17:36
LaserJockwe don't get anything here in the US :(17:36
kenvandinedidrocks, my grandparents were from lorraine17:36
pittiwe have Friday and Monday off17:36
LaserJockwhat is the Monday holiday called?17:37
NafaiSo do I start getting email every time a bug is filed under the desktop team?17:37
pittididrocks: I'm rejecting the current liblauncher-0.1 uplaod for now, FYI17:38
pittiLaserJock: "Easter Monday" ..17:38
LaserJockpitti: wow, crazy17:38
pittiNafai: if you mean canonical-desktop-team, no :)17:38
didrockspitti: new one just uploaded17:38
pittiNafai: some bugs are assigned to that (the ones which we want to fix for lucid and don't have an immediate assignee), but it's not much17:38
didrockspitti: thanks :)17:38
ccheneydidrocks: the non-religious countries should adopt those as national easter bunny days :)17:39
Nafaipitti: Ah, okay17:39
kenvandinedidrocks, actually they were from Alsace-Lorraine, and they lived there when the borders kept changing17:39
didrocksccheney: heh17:39
didrockskenvandine: oh, so close to seb128's home :)17:39
ccheneyluckily all my family lives close by so i don't have to travel to see them :)17:40
baptistemmso #ubuntu-desktop for french and used-bo-be-french mafia kenvandine17:41
LaserJockhmm, my name is French/French-Canadian, does that count? :-)17:41
didrocksLaserJock \o/17:42
baptistemm« Once you entered here, you're french »17:42
* didrocks is sure we can turn #ubuntu-desktop into French speaking :)17:42
Nafaioh no17:42
zygamvo: "softwarecenter/view/appdetailsview.py" line 63017:42
NafaiMy wife is taking French at university.  I have a hard time understanding anything she says. :)17:42
didrocksNafai: you will have now UDS for training you :)17:43
zygamvo: SI units17:43
Nafaididrocks: yay17:44
pittididrocks: much better, thanks17:44
didrockspitti: sorry for the overlook17:45
didrockspitti: and thanks for accepting them17:45
* didrocks hugs pitti17:45
pittidinner time for me as well18:00
didrockspitti: enjoy18:01
pittiI'll probably do some quick IRC/email catch up tomorrow18:01
pittibut for now, Happy Easter everyone!18:01
* pitti stops early, don't feel too well18:01
desrtpitti: hope you have a relaxing weekend18:03
NafaiSee you pitti18:03
didrockspitti: enjoy your week-end18:04
seb128pitti, thank, you too!18:05
chrisccoulsonooh, we have a stable tracker release now18:08
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, I saw that too :)18:08
chrisccoulsoni will get that uploaded to the tracker PPA later on tonight18:09
nigelbdidrocks, this looks better? http://pastebin.com/QVGYMSpC18:15
didrocksnigelb: so, you relaunch cheese without closing the other one? seems ok. I'll have to check and run it as well (the debug one should be closed if it's not a crash)18:17
didrocksnigelb: I'll have a look tomorrow. In any case, we are in beta2 freeze and won't get that published before a week18:18
nigelbdidrocks, I ask user to close cheese if its already open and also to close cheese after it completely loads18:18
nigelbI thought apport hooks get in at any point18:18
nigelbdidrocks, if you're okay with what it is now, let me know, I'll get a new debdiff ready18:18
didrocksnigelb: not during freeze, I guess  :)18:19
nigelbah :)18:19
didrocksnigelb: yeah, I'm ok with the change, can you do a debdiff with that, I will test that tomorrow18:19
didrocksnigelb: (put it into the bug report and subscribe me to it please)18:19
nigelbthanks, will get debdiff ready in a few :)18:19
didrocksnigelb: awesome, thanks!18:20
salty-horsehey. Is there a proper place such as a mailing list or irc channel to discuss the indicator-applet project?18:20
nigelbsalty-horse, ayatana18:20
didrockssalty-horse: #ayatana18:20
Nafaibbiab, getting lunch18:44
mvozyga: line 630? that is the last line in the file for me18:51
zygamvo: you are right, that's line 35719:06
zygamvo: I'm sorry for the mistake and delay, kids were going crazy :-)19:06
zygamvo: it's about ubuntu units policy19:06
zygaI'll hook my system to my dedicated display and get back to you soon19:07
aquariusmvo, is the aptdaemon new version going to get in? kenvandine and I have put together the music store stuff which depends on it...19:16
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mvoaquarius: it depend on someone from the release team to review and accept19:29
aquariusmvo, yep, that's what I thought, I just didn't want to miss it if that'd already happened :)19:29
aquariuskenvandine, ^19:29
kenvandinewe'll prepare the rb plugin and libu1 and get  them uploaded and figure out getting them all approved :)19:30
kenvandineaquarius, well done... this latest music store plugin is much faster... and the progress bar makes me feel better :)19:39
aquariushooray :)19:42
kenvandineit really is snappy19:43
kenvandinenavigating is awesome now19:43
mvompt: is  lp:~mpt/software-center/bug-553307 good to merge?19:43
* zyga has just purchased ladytron album on ubuntu music store, cool19:50
kenvandineaquarius, and impressive... downloads happened almost immediately :)19:51
* kenvandine hopes we can get this in beta-2 :)19:51
zygakenvandine: did you have to do anything for the downloads to show up in your u1 folder?19:52
kenvandinenope, you shouldn't need to19:52
kenvandinethey go to ~/.ubuntuone/...19:53
kenvandine~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One19:53
zygaI see that19:53
zygathe folder has the directory structure of the album I have19:53
zygabut nothing's inside yet19:53
kenvandineah, it's syncing then19:53
kenvandinemy directories appeared almost immediately19:53
zygainside the store website it's also stuck (no progress as far as I can see yet)19:53
kenvandineok, i think that means it hasn't finished downloading to u119:54
aquariuszyga, we currently are working on some server issues, which are almost certainly causing your problem. My apologies for that; we're going as fast as we can to ge tthem fixed.19:54
zygaaquarius: no problem, I'm not a real end user19:54
zygaaquarius: is there a way to troubleshoot the issue for end uses though?19:55
kenvandinei guess i was lucky :)19:55
aquariuszyga, there isn't, at the moment; the problem is purely on the server.19:55
kenvandinemy downloads have frequently taken much longer :)19:55
zygamy u1sdtool --waiting-content list is not empty though, good19:56
zygaorca is impossible to use on a netbook screen, what a shame20:25
vishseb128: hi.. humanity ready for update > https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release20:31
zygamvo: ping20:32
zygamvo: I'm running this software center via orca20:32
zygamvo: the 'install/remove' button has wrong a10y strings - it's always install regardless of the actual text20:33
zygamvo: my question is, what are the wksub_xxx methods in appdetailsview20:33
zygaI suspect they get substituted in the webkit view20:33
mvozyga: yes20:36
mvozyga: correct20:36
seb128vish, ok20:37
vishseb128: the changes are the ones kwwii requested [just mentioning in case you were wondering] .. thanks :)20:37
seb128he told me about those20:38
seb128but thanks20:38
seb128great work btw ;-)20:38
vishthanks.. well , they mentioned it only at the last moment and we split the icons and got them done , probably a new record ;)20:39
zygamvo: I'll check how orca sounds in each package you mentioned but I'm not really sure I understand the "Bug" there20:40
zygabut I'll dig around20:40
mvozyga: the orca bit is mostly fine (the button is not, no idea why)20:41
mvozyga: its the code that takes the pkg description and makes it html20:41
zygamvo: I think I know why, I just need to verify and figure out how to fix it20:41
mvozyga: for some packages like p7zip the description looks rather ugly20:41
zygamvo: let me switch the package and se20:41
mvozyga: so a better parser in wksub_description (iirc) is needed20:41
mvozyga: totem is another one that is mostly correct, but if you look at the html you see that it does not get the multiline "* foo" -> <li></li> bit correct20:42
zygamvo: got it20:42
zygamvo: I'll fix this, should not be too hard20:42
mvolooking forward to it :)20:43
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
seb128kenvandine, you should upload with correct depends20:58
seb128the ubuntuone changes20:58
kenvandinewhat do you mean?20:58
seb128you seem to be waiting on mvo upload to be in lucid20:59
kenvandineoh... no i am not :)20:59
kenvandinewaiting for you :)20:59
seb128oh ok20:59
kenvandinei needed a sponsor :)20:59
kenvandinelp:ubuntu/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store and lp:ubuntu/libubuntuone20:59
seb128ok, will do that after artwork changes20:59
kenvandinethis is a nice upgrade...21:00
mvoseb128: uploaded already21:00
kenvandinethe store is much nicer now21:00
mvoseb128: *ages* ago ;)21:00
seb128mvo, right, but did it get accepted?21:00
kenvandinespeedy even... at least for me21:00
mvoseb128: thats a different story…21:00
kenvandineseb128, we have tested it with the pending version of aptdaemon21:01
seb128ok, all good21:01
seb128ignore me then21:01
seb128I'm just catching up on scrollback21:01
kenvandinecan't ever ignore seb12821:01
istazseb128: hey21:08
seb128istaz, hello21:08
istazseb128: I think I found and fixed the issue for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/papyon/+bug/34323321:08
seb128how are you?21:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 343233 in pymsn "telepathy-butterfly crashed with ValueError in parse()" [Unknown,Confirmed]21:08
seb128oh, nice21:08
istazfine and you?21:08
seb128I'm good thanks21:09
istazseb128: apparently u-foka can reproduce the bug so maybe we could put the patch in the package so he could retry?21:09
istazseb128: the patch is right here http://git.collabora.co.uk/?p=user/olethanh/papyon.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/fix_2255321:09
seb128yeah, I was going to do that21:09
seb128do you think you could just add the diff on launchpad?21:10
seb128just for tracking purpose so it lands in my mailbox21:10
seb128I'm dealing with some other changes for beta2 now but I will make sure to look at that in a bit21:10
istazseb128: git format-patch is ok or do you want a real diff?21:11
seb128doesn't matter21:11
seb128it's just so I get that in my emailbox21:12
seb128whatever is easier for you21:12
seb128thanks a lot!21:16
rickspencer3seb128, pitti, kenvandine you guys still around?21:20
seb128rickspencer3, I am21:21
rickspencer3I wanted to check in before folks left for holidays21:21
rickspencer3I think seb128 and pitti are gone until Tuesday now21:21
rickspencer3seb128, how's the new theme upload going?21:21
rickspencer3other than that, I hear U1 is having some troubles, and there might be a work around for the key ring 100% bug21:22
rickspencer3any other issues to watch?21:22
Nafairickspencer3: btw, I'm just trying to go through the stuff listed on first day tasks right now21:23
rickspencer3Nafai, ok, let's do a call in a bit though21:23
Nafaisure thing21:23
seb128rickspencer3, themes uploaded21:23
seb128rickspencer3, u1 updates uploaded21:23
rickspencer3double coolio21:24
seb128it's up to slangasek now21:24
NafaiI have to make a quick phone call and then I'm available whenever fits your schedule21:24
seb128gnome-keyring I uploaded a workaround today21:24
rickspencer3seb128, right, any feedback yet?21:24
seb128but I'm not sure how it works since I don't get the issue21:24
seb128rickspencer3, I didn't have time to check my emails yet since I'm back from sport and dinner, looking21:24
seb128I started with sponsoring for themes etc21:25
rickspencer3seb128, I withdraw the question, I'm curious, but it's not pressing21:25
rickspencer3seb128, anything we should watch out for or do for you while you are on holiday?21:25
seb128rickspencer3, no that's fine21:26
seb128I will check emails etc I think21:26
seb128I'm not travelling or anything21:26
rickspencer3on to beta 2!21:26
rickspencer3have a great time off seb12821:26
seb128rickspencer3, the feedback says the gvfs cpu use seems to be fixed now21:27
seb128the desktopcouch not21:27
rickspencer3that is bad news indeed21:27
seb128the desktopcouch issue might be a different bug21:27
kenvandineand gwibber is still a problem21:27
rickspencer3but we can go ahead with beta 221:27
seb128rickspencer3, well, it's something21:27
rickspencer3we made progress21:27
seb128we got gvfs mounts fixed21:27
seb128that's better than nothing21:27
kenvandineseb128, i removed the desktopcouch keys from my keyring and the load went down21:27
rickspencer3and gvfs is less optional than gwibber ;)21:28
kenvandinedesktopcouch doesn't add them again unless the bookmark and config file get deleted21:28
kenvandineif i delete those files and run desktopcouch again, the load goes up again21:28
kenvandineafter the keys exist in the keyring21:28
seb128you might have a different issue21:28
kenvandinethe presence of the keys in the keyring causes it for some reason21:29
seb128could you get a debug stracktrace of it while using cpu?21:29
kenvandineand... i wonder why it tries to access that when it does need to21:29
rickspencer3kenvandine, is "it" desktop couch or gwibber?21:29
kenvandinei can try, but there is a bug in python-gdb that made it nearly impossible to get anything useful :/21:29
kenvandineseb128, it uses the keyring to get values needed to create the bookmark file21:30
seb128gdb -> dbg?21:30
kenvandineapparently it really only needs that to write those files out21:30
kenvandineyeah, sorry21:31
kenvandinei get some nested recursion mess21:31
kenvandinethere is a bug filed for it already, others had gotten traces though21:31
kenvandinerickspencer3, it happens independent of using gwibber at all21:32
rickspencer3so it's desktopcouch21:32
kenvandinei think desktopcouch and gwibber suffer from the exact same problem21:32
kenvandinenot one or the other21:32
seb128kenvandine, you don't need python-dbg there21:32
seb128the dbg variant has some special refcounting code21:32
kenvandinehow do i get it to not trigger that?21:32
seb128you can rebuild what interest you with no stripping21:33
seb128use python21:33
seb128not python-dbg21:33
rickspencer3so you could write a python app that just uses desktopcouch a bit to say, put in a value or get a value, and that test app would peg the CPU?21:33
seb128or install dbgsym21:33
seb128dbgsym are debug version of normal builds21:33
chrisccoulsonheh, i seem to be taking up a lot of builder time at the moment21:33
seb128the dbg builds are special python version built with refcounting debug options21:33
kenvandinerickspencer3, deleting ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html21:33
kenvandinekilling desktopcouch-service beam.smp21:33
kenvandineand starting it again with dbus-send21:34
ftakenvandine, chrisccoulson: xchat crashes on shutdown (dbus_connection_dispatch()), i assume it's the app notification plugin.. known?21:34
chrisccoulsonfta - no, i don't know about that21:35
kenvandinefta, not that i know of21:35
kenvandineseb128, so install python-gnomekeyring-dbgsym?21:35
fta100% reproducible21:35
chrisccoulsonyeah, it could be indicator or keyring21:35
kenvandinedoes xchat use the keyring?21:35
dobeyseb128: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/lucid/ubuntuone-client/trunk/+merge/22658 <- care to sponsor this into the queue?21:35
kenvandinedoubt that is it21:35
seb128kenvandine, yes21:37
kenvandineand how should i get the trace?21:38
kenvandinei was running it in gdb before21:38
seb128dobey, ok, putting that on the list of sponsoring I'm doing21:38
seb128kenvandine, gdb --pid PID21:38
seb128where PID is the pid of what uses cpu21:38
seb128and bt21:38
kenvandineah... i did that21:38
dobeyseb128: much thanks. you are a hero :)21:38
kenvandinethat is where i get the nested recursion stuff21:38
zygamvo: I have something, it's not really pretty but it seems to do a better job than before21:38
kenvandinecan i just remove python-gdb?21:38
mvozyga: cool, in a brnach?21:39
seb128kenvandine, yes21:39
zygamvo: nope, I'll push it somewhere,21:39
mvozyga: cool, thanks21:39
ftakenvandine, chrisccoulson: i see bug 550959 549972 (close enough)21:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/550959)21:41
fta bug 55095921:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range (https://launchpad.net/bugs/550959)21:41
chrisccoulsonfta - they're still private21:41
chrisccoulsonbut i can see them21:41
ftame too21:42
chrisccoulsonright, bbiab, just moving in to the lounge for the rest of the night21:43
zygamvo: lp:~zkrynicki/software-center/improve-html21:44
zygamvo: (still pushing)21:44
zygamvo: ready21:45
zygamvo: have a look, it's not really pretty as I said21:47
zygamvo: package descriptions _should_ have a HTML version nowdays21:47
mvozyga: the code or the output? the output looks much better21:47
zygamvo: the output21:47
james_wdobey: wasn't -client uploaded last night?21:56
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
NafaiI wish Evolution had better filtering :(22:13
kenvandineseb128, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/407755/22:14
kenvandineanything in that you find useful?22:14
kenvandineseb128, only weird thing i see is this22:14
kenvandine    (None, '%s.__bootstrap(): thread started', '%s.__bootstrap(): registering trace hook', '%s.__bootstrap(): registering profile hook', '%s.__bootstrap(): raised SystemExit', '%s.__bootstrap(): unhandled exception', 'Exception in thread %s:\n%s\n', 'Exception in thread ', ' (most likely raised during interpreter shutdown):', 'Traceback (most recent call last):', '  File "%s", line %s, in %s', '%s: %s', '%s.__bootstrap(): nor22:14
kenvandinemal return')22:14
kenvandineinterpreter didn't shutdown...22:15
kenvandineseb128, and nothing that points to the keyring, but i have confirmed if i change my passwd to plain text in couch it doesn't peg the CPU22:16
seb128I guess the same code doesn't have the same on karmic?22:17
seb128the workaround might not enough22:19
seb128I guess somebody will need to debug gnome-keyring22:19
kenvandinewould need to backport some stuff22:19
kenvandineso it looks like the threads aren't terminating cleanly22:19
seb128the stacktrace is weird though22:21
seb128there is no keyring code there22:21
seb128but curl one22:21
seb128I'm not convinced you are having a keyring issue22:21
seb128or not the same one gvfs etc have22:21
kenvandinei tried using plain text passwords again just a couple hours ago... load never went up22:22
kenvandinevery weird22:22
kenvandineyou would think there would be plenty of keyring stuff in here22:22
seb128keyring works fine in quite some desktop components22:23
seb128ie empathy22:23
seb128or seahorse22:23
kenvandineit would call the keyring in each thread before any of that network stuff22:23
seb128I don't know enough about python-keyring and curl though22:23
kenvandinethe curl calls22:23
seb128could be python-keyring being buggy22:24
seb128I'm not sure many things use it22:24
kenvandineyeah, which desktopcouch uses too22:24
kenvandinewell... i need to run, will debug more later22:24
kenvandineseb128, have a great weekend!22:24
seb128thanks, you too22:24
seb128I think somebody from the desktopcouch team will need to debug that issue22:24
seb128somebody knowing well python and good at debugging22:25
seb128I doubt we will get your specific issue fixed by upstream for lucid22:25
seb128or you need to fallback to txt storage for lucid22:25
TomJaegeranyone care to comment on bug #532641 ?22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532641 in metacity "window controls don't scale up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53264122:56
dobeyjames_w: yes. this upload fixes some rather important problems from the upload last night though.23:03
dobeyjames_w: brown bag release and all :)23:03
seb128dobey, uploaded23:03
dobeythanks :)23:04

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